beanghostprincess · 4 months
Every time I see Usopp on the screen I can't for the love of God concentrate because why does he look so white I be having strokes trying to understand Toei's thinking
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help girl ive imprinted on a doomed character again
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painisntn33ded · 10 months
guys i can't stop thinking about whether tattoos make you gain weight or not because there's extra ink in your skin now that wasn't there before, i think my ed is finally driving me insane 😭
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68spidey · 8 months
I am requesting everyone's power of good will!!!!
I'm looking at a truck to buy after months of searching for a new vehicle, it's a perfect fit but someone else had first dibs. He has until this weekend to decide if he wants it or not.. Keep your little fingers crossed that he decides to go for something else so I can buy it lol I really need a set of wheels.
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lunatic-pudge · 1 month
Good lord, what has become of me...
Why am I starting to simp for a homicidal computer?! A HOMICIDAL COMPUTER
I can't keep doing this, man. My hear me out list is already bad enough. And yet, here I am making it WORSE.
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cinnamon-flame · 10 months
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I drew these for mermay, but I never posted them in may so they were just abandoned in my drawings folder. But I actually quite like these so I'm posting them now!
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epickiya722 · 9 months
Between JJK and BNHA, I should just lay down... or write something happy... either way I need joy...
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quick-catton · 4 months
new barry sparring video ohhhh god
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walkingaline · 9 days
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What the actual FUCK! ❤💙❤💙
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r04sty · 3 months
*resisting the urge to make a new Stardew file* *resisting the urge to make a new Stardew file* *resisting the urge to make a new Stardew file* *resisting the urge
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ragnarokhound · 7 months
AND AND AND a vampire letting himself get bitten is I know you do not feed like me, but I would be that for you if you needed it. I know how it feels to be on the other side and I’m giving it to you oughhh AND THE MUZZLE???! Who is it protecting, really? Tim from getting ravaged or Jason’s conscience? Is it ensuring that he doesn’t hurt anyone or that he doesn’t touch anyone but Tim? Getting to the point where Jason is so deep he can’t pretend he doesn’t want to. That’s when the muzzle can come off -🐺🦇
"I know you do not feed like me, but I would be that for you if you needed it. I know how it feels to be on the other side and I’m giving it to you" - *softly sobbing into my pillow over this T_T OTL
"Is it ensuring that he doesn’t hurt anyone or that he doesn’t touch anyone but Tim?" - AND I'M UTTERLY RABID ABOUT *THIS* to the point that uh. I put off responding to you because I had to write this:
“I still don’t think we need it,” Tim complains, turning the key in the lock. It clicks shut with a small snik.
Jason doesn’t budge an inch. 
“Sorry, princess,” he says, his breath puffing warm past the cool metal bars against Tim’s neck. “Them’s the breaks. We agreed: if you don't bite, then neither do I.”
Tim feels his face heat. He huffs, settling back on Jason’s thighs and leaning back into the arm Jason has around his waist. He presses the key into Jason’s chest for him to take. 
The muzzle is big on him, a loose cage of steel and leather; reinforced in certain places with silver. When the transformation takes him, he’ll grow to fit it— which, by the way, was not an easy measurement to get.
“That’s not strictly true,” he says, thinking about how he’d been forced to wrestle Jason down to the ground to wrap the measuring tape around his big furry head. He’d needed to use teeth to do it.
They’d both been bloody and sweaty by the end of it, and Tim was finding fur in places he didn’t want to dwell on for the next month. But at least it meant the wolf was in a playful mood for the rest of the night, and not a murderous one. Some nights it took longer than others to make that transition.
Jason raises an eyebrow. He puts a heavy palm over the key, trapping Tim’s hand against his heart. 
“Oh? Please, enlighten me.”
Tim scowls, and he knows he must be practically scarlet from the lazy smirk sharpening Jason’s mouth, the smug glint in his eye. He loves to see Tim turn red. 
“Quit it,” Tim scolds. “You know what always ends up happening. We go out, and then you get fussy, and what else am I supposed to do? You always goad me into biting you.”
It’s true, too. Tim thought Jason was bad enough outside the full moon, but that’s nothing compared to the unleashed desires of the wolf. Jason continues to look smug, and Tim narrows his eyes.
“Every. Single. Time,” Tim can’t help but tease, sinking the fingers of his other hand into the scruff at Jason’s nape and watching his eyelids flutter. “You can’t help yourself. You need it.” 
Jason growls low in his throat, hand flexing over Tim’s. The moon hasn’t risen yet, but Tim swears his teeth have gone sharp.
“Shall we reevaluate, then?” Jason asks, voice low. He knows exactly what he’s doing. “How about this. The muzzle stays on—”
Jason pushes Tim’s hand to his own chest, then slides his hand with slow intent to flutter at Tim’s hips, digging into the meat of his thigh and pulling him flush to Jason’s core. Tim watches his lips move, hypnotized,  “—until you take it off.”
Tim wraps his fist around the metal, feeling the weight of it in his palm and all it implies— and meets Jason’s dark gaze with his own.
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cheesethunderstormz · 2 months
experiencing extreme levels of psychosis
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sga-owns-my-soul · 2 months
nothing will ever be funnier to me than starting a job and having a coworker twice your age say they don't want petty work place drama
and then they regularly start petty work place drama
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another-clive-blog · 6 months
Are you kidding me ? Autocorrect was already changing every Luke in Luke, but now I can't write clue without it getting changed to Clive ??
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plushiehamuko · 1 year
i'm the type of girl who will see two girls interact literally ONE time and then not let it go ever and act like that one interaction is sufficient evidence that they should get married
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Buf.... This episode was beautiful and so painful at the same time... Every week is more difficult and we are so close 😭😭
I'm gonna try to put some coherent order but it's difficult because too much pain.
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How many times do we need to be remembered of all the pain? All of them? Really?
(I know Wakui did the same in the manga, but we saw Manila Mikey dying like 3 times only this episode and Emma 2... Too much 😭)
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Another extra layer of pain, that apparently we needed, right liden films?
(sarcasm, we didn't 😭😭)
Izana seeing Shinichiro in Takemitchy... THIS IS SO NOT OKAY AT ALL! 😭😭😭
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Unhinged Takemitchy is gold I'll say it again and again and again!
(over and over... Arhrkfjrkf)
But for the first time... It was also painful. Maybe because I'm just a puddle of emotions for everything it's happening and it's coming, but... It breake me a lot more than hyped me to see him like this 😭
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(Of course, I enjoyed how scared was Kisaki and how Takemitchy punched him and say the "don't call me like that". It was gold)
Akkun being so precious and helping Takemichi, always the first in taking his example... The rest of Toman being so wholesome too, they are all so beautiful! 😭💜
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Chifuyu will always be the best boy ever 💜
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And then...HINA SAVED THE DAY! (We love you so much Hina!)
I started to cry in the moment Michi sees Mikey and didn't stopped until Draken is hyping up Toman.
All this was perfect. Beautiful and painful. Mikey's reaction when he finally understands... How quick he believes it, bc he knew something was off with Takemitchy.
The hug, how much Takemitchy deserved this moment with Mikey after everything he has done... Buf, uggly sobbing, for real.
(My MaiTake heart was screaming and in pain at the same time 😭)
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It broke me too the moment of "he's the same Mikey as always!", bc... He's not, of course he's not and I wish so much that Takemitchy could see it and Bonten never had to happened.... The same Mikey? Well, if you mean the same that would try to kill himself in front of you... Then yes, Takemitchy, the same 😭😭😭
We ended the episode with this. That it could be hyping if we didn't know. But we know. So just more pain.
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Do you mean going to take some hot coco together and bond, right? Right? No more fight when a freaking gun is still there, right? Family theraphy? Please?
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