#i HATE studying for the sat i HATE linear equations and quadratic equations
cicadangel · 1 year
why is algebra ii genuinely harder than calculus what, i am going to break my head
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kurts-still-here · 3 years
Awkward Situations Hevans FanFiction Chapter 3/6: Study Date
Just some Heavns fluff, my favorite fluff 🥰🥰. Feel free to read and review on here, A03 or FanFiction.Net and have a great day/ night!!
Archive Of Our Own
FanFiction.Net (Chapter 3)
Everyone was over at Finn and Kurt’s house, hanging out in their backyard. Santana, Quinn and Brittany were lounging in the pool chairs, yelling at Puck, Finn, Mike or Tina whenever they splashed them. Rachel and Mercedes were in the grass with Blaine, Nick, Jeff and Sebastian talking about some Broadway musical while Artie talked with Thad and David about a rock band that the three of them listened to. Wes was sitting alone, shaking his head at something he was reading on his phone. Only two people were missing.
“Where are Kurt and Sam?” Santana asked, looking around for the two boys.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Finn shrugged, everyone stopping what they were doing to look for them.’’
“Together I assume?” Jeff said, raising his eyebrows.
“Of course they are,” Puck confirmed, hopping out of the pool and grabbing a towel. “And that’s why I’m going to find them,”
“I’ll come with you,” Finn said, hopping out as well. “And we should record again,”
“Totally,” Puck agreed, grabbing his phone. “Come on let’s go,”
Finn and Puck dried off some (Carol would’ve killed them both if they got water on her floor) and quietly slid open the screen door to creep inside. They heard talking coming from the kitchen and walked over to the doorway, taking turns peeking over the corner to see what they were doing.
Kurt and Sam were both sitting at the table, looking over a notebook and some textbooks. They were close together and were taking turns looking at each other, lovingly when they thought the other wasn’t looking.
“Okay so you have six x to the power of two minus seventeen x plus twelve equals zero. What type of equation is that?” Kurt asked, pointing to something in the textbook.
“Umm…” Sam said, writing something in his notebook. “Linear?”
“Try again,”
“Yes,” Kurt exclaimed. “And what number is a?”
“Yes again,”
“God, I never knew math could be so easy. I guess I just needed the right teacher,” Sam said, looking over at Kurt and nudging him in his shoulder.
“No, that was all you Sam,” Kurt told him, blushing. “You’re really smart,”
“Thanks. I’ve never been called smart before,”
“Well you are,”
“What have you never been called before?”
“I don’t know,” Kurt shrugged. “Why?”
“So I can call you that,”
“You don’t have to do that for me,”
“But I want to. You’re amazing and you just helped me big time. I would’ve probably failed that test I have if it wasn’t for you,”
“Well I’ve never been called amazing before so…”
“You’re amazing Kurt,”
“You’re smart Sam,”
They were really close now, almost kissing distance with their foreheads almost touching as they stared into each other’s eyes. It took everything in Puck and Finn to not laugh at the both of them. They were so into each other and everyone knew it but them, it was hilarious.
“Damnit, why does he have to be so cute?” Sam thought to himself. “I’m think I love him,”
“Why did he have to call me that?” Kurt thought to himself. “I think I love him,”
“JUST KISS ALREADY,” Finn and Puck both shouted, startling Sam and Kurt.
“Oh my- oh my god,” Kurt said, jumping back in his chair as Sam did as well. “What are you two doing?”
“You’re always doing that aren’t you?” Sam asked them, annoyed that they ruined the moment he was having with Kurt.
“Sure are,” Finn said. “Are you two dating yet?”
“No,” Kurt rolled his eyes. “Why would you ask?”
“You guys were about to kiss,” Puck pointed out. “And we didn’t want to keep watching you two just stare at each other like that so we intervened,”
“We weren’t going to kiss,” Sam said. “Right?” He asked Kurt.
“Right, we aren’t dating, we’re just friends,” Kurt said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“Just friends,” Sam reassured, mostly himself, sadly.
“Whatever, you guys love each other,” Finn mocked them while Puck made kissy faces at them.
“I hate you,” Kurt pouted.
“If you two aren’t in love then why are you always blushing at each other?” Puck asked.
“And what was the whole “Kurt you’re amazing” and “Sam you’re smart” stuff?”
“He is amazing,” Sam defended.
“And he’s smart,”
“And you’re both hot and nice and awesome so just date already,” Puck groaned.
“I’m leaving,” Kurt said, standing up and shaking his head. “Thanks a lot,” He hissed at Puck and Finn before pushing past them and going outside.
“Let me guess,” Sam said once Kurt left. “You were recording all of that?”
“Yep,” Finn told him. “Maybe once you see it you’ll man up and admit you’re in love with my brother,”
“I’m not- I’m not admitting anything. You guys are jerks,” Sam said, standing up and walking away from them to go outside.
“We just want to help you man,” Puck said as he and Finn followed after him. “Just get a pair and tell him,”
“I’m ignoring you,”
“You’ll get there dude,” Finn patted him on the shoulder as they walked outside.
“There he is,” Sebastian exclaimed. “Nice video Sam,”
Sam shot a dirty look at Puck and Finn who just shrugged in return as everyone else laughed together, all in a group surrounded by Artie’s phone. Everyone except Kurt who was sitting on one of the pool chairs, hiding his face in embarrassment.
“You’re smart Kurt,” Mercedes mocked him, making everyone laugh harder. “Sorry Sam, I love you but you’re way too whipped,”
“I’m not whipped,” Sam corrected them, taking off his shirt and walking over to the pool chairs. “It’s never going to happen, let it go,”
“Never,” Brittany said.
Finn and Puck joined the group who continued to rewatch the video over and over again and laughing while Sam and Kurt sat on opposite sides of the pool, Kurt reading a book and Sam tanning, both ignoring their friends. And thinking of each other, stealing glances at one another when the other wasn’t looking.
“I could totally ask him out if I wanted to,” Kurt told himself. “But he’s straight. But he doesn’t seem like it. But I’ve already been through this with him, I can’t fall for him again. But I’ve already fallen and now I’m in love. Well maybe not in love but I guess I’m crushing on him again and that’s creepy. He doesn’t even like me back, we’re just friends. But I still really like him. Dammit,”
“I could totally ask him out if I wanted to,” Sam told himself. “But he’s too out of my league, I would just embarrass myself. Which I already keep doing. But he’s so cute and sometimes I think he likes me too. Am I making it up? I mean we did fall asleep on each other and he did kiss my cheek under the mistletoe. But he kind of had to right, it wasn’t because he wanted to? But we were about to kiss again before Finn and Puck interrupted us right? No, I don’t think so. At least he thinks I’m smart. What if he thinks I’m cute like I think he is? This is so hard, I like him,”
“I love him,” They both thought, looking up and meeting each other's eyes before quickly looking back down. “I’m in love,”
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