staxel · 6 years
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asterbi · 5 years
so I finished sally face
I played through the entire game two days ago (i had already watched both jacksepticeye's and gloomgames' lets plays for the first four episodes) and yeah, I know I'm a week and a bit late late, but I have some thoughts
Also I’m so sorry for how long this is, I know no one cares but I just started rambling and I couldn’t stop
First of all, criticism:
I'm getting real fucking tired of "ooOOooOOOoo a native american myth so scary and otherworldly" like dude shut the fuck up that's disrespectful as
Also (and please correct me if I'm wrong) I'm like 99% sure that the native american myth in question isn't real which. is somehow even worse
He buried his gays (tbh I wasn't that annoyed at this one because 1) at least one of the gays lived and 2) he buried pretty much everyone else too but I feel like it had to be said)
Now. Let me preface this by saying I loved travis' redemption, which I'll get more into later. However, I really didn't like the fact that travis' character played into the whole 'homophobes are gay' thing, which is a uhhhh vaguely problematic trope
The ending was unsatisfying. I'll get more into it in a sec
Larry was one of my favourite characters, and I know he's a fan favourite too. Considering the fact that he is a main character and he's been given a lot of attention and development, having him disappear at the end without any explanation and barely a reunion or a goodbye was an asshole move.
I would have loved to see some more worldbuilding and lore, especially getting into what exactly the red eyes plague did, why the cult wanted to summon red eyes, how the whole replacement thing worked, what happened with charley, and what exactly the whole mother tree thing was with larry
Ash's extremely triggering and graphic suicide. I understand this is a horror game. I understand that this sort of thing is expected and normal in horror games. But showing players imagery like that without so much as a content warning? That's not okay.
Some of the characters were left really underdeveloped. Sal and larry were great, and ash saw a lot of development in the last episode, but todd, neil, and travis, who were given a fair bit of attention as well, were pretty 2d (not so much travis, but still)
And now for things I enjoyed:
The entire game
Despite everything I said earlier, this is still one of my favourite games, and I really really loved it
Sal was a f a n t a s t i c character. 0% toxic masculinity, 12/10. I love the fact that he was so kind and calm towards everyone, even those who were rude to him, but still knew where to draw the line and wasn't a total pushover. I especially love the fact that even though he likes feminine things and wears pigtails and whatnot, he is a cishet guy. While more lgbt+ representation (particularly trans people and wlw) would've been great, I also like that the game shows that you don't have to be lgbt in order to be gnc, especially since the gnc person is both a man, and the main character, which is really uncommon. Also disabled representation!! That's really fucking awesome
Larry was also brilliant!! Loves metal, loves art, has a criminal record, cries during sappy movies, does drugs and dabbles in illegal activities, wants to go to college, is openly and unapologetically affectionate towards his friends and unafraid to tell them he loves them
Ash was not one of my favourite characters but I really love how she developed from sceptic to believer and the way she changed and faced her own problems, and to some extent had her own story (although it did rely fairly heavily on sal’s, which was :/ but then again everyone’s story relied on sal’s)
Okay so back to travis - I loved his redemption arc so much, because he was a redeemable character. I see so many characters who get redemption arcs that absolutely do not deserve them, but travis was a good person born into a horrible situation, and I’m glad they explored homophobia and abuse (although I’m not happy about the homophobes are gay thing like I said) and made him a hero at the end. I’m also glad that we got foreshadowing that it would happen, and it didn’t come totally out of left field
Speaking of which, props to steve gabry for not pulling an endgame and just throwing things in for shock value. Sal coming back in ep 5 was hinted at, travis’ redemption was hinted at, and of course the events of the first four episodes were hinted at because they were memories. Even ash and neil’s involvement in fighting the cult despite being a sceptic and someone totally ignorant about it respectively made perfect sense, and though the parallel universes thing and larry’s reappearance was a surprise, it still sort of fits with how the lore of the game works
The different game styles in episode 5 were absolutely out of this world. All of them were fantastic (although fuck you 3d sal you were Not fun to play), and I thought that was a really cool interpretation of the parallel universes thing
The writing was consistently really good throughout the whole game, and it genuinely makes you so attached to all of the characters, which makes the ending all the more upsetting
This is more personal but I really loved like. The Aesthetic of the game? It was so grungy and out there, and little things like the necrolight guitar and the super gear boy just added to this whole vibe of teenagers-trying-to-do-good-in-a-messed-up-world and I can’t explain it but it was great
The game really didn’t shy away from any aspects of horror, but it also did it in a really well written way that creeped you out without relying on random jumpscares, which was awesome. I mean they had e v e r y t h i n g - mass cannibalism, demonic rituals, cults, prophecies, murder, human sacrifices, suicide, nudity but in the creepy way not the sexy way (the random gory scene in ep 5 where neil and maple were hanging naked and dead upside down really startled me because I just didn’t expect it from this game and it just freaked me out more), aliens, creepy puppets which reminded me of dhmis, the list goes on
The main part in episode 4 where larry and sal are working together in different dimensions?? Poetic, amazing, 12/10
Final opinions: I absolutely loved the characters, the story, the general aesthetic of the game, and the art style and writing. Episode 5 was probably my least favourite episode, because I found the ending really vague and unsatisfying, although I absolutely loved all the different game styles. I also found that a lot was left vague and unanswered, and not really in a good way???? Also the representation and stuff was great (especially disabled rep, because that’s rare), but there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way :/ Still, sally face is one of my favourite games, and I’m so sad that the series has come to an end :(
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I was tagged by @minaswaddles (thx =D)
✨ 5 things you’ll find in my bag ✨
✨ School books (whichever I need)
✨ Pencilcase
✨ Lunch
✨ Sketchbook
✨ Sunglasses or umbrella (depending on weather)
💎 5 things you’ll find in my room 💎
💎 Plushies
💎 Gaming nerd stuff
💎 Guitars and music shit
💎 A load of clothes
💎 ...tbh a load of shit just everywhere (I’m not always the tidiest)
🌻 5 of my favorite things 🌻
🌻 Do random stuff on my laptop or phone
🌻 Listening to or playing music
🌻 Cuddling my dog
🌻 Playing video games (Minecraft mainly)
🌻 Drawing
🌺 5 things I am into right now 🌺
🌺 Gloomgames and Kubzscouts videos
🌺 Pokemon go (ik I'm late)
🌺 Editing videos (long story)
🌺 Just being alone (this sounds sadder than it is... I’m just an introvert so I have always loved my alone time)
🌺 .............food?
🌹 5 things on my to do list 🌹
🌹 Learn Korean
🌹 Get back to school
🌹 Get as many electric type Pokemon on Pokemon go as I can
🌹 Finish playing Life is strange
🌹 Buy and play Life is strange: before the storm (the sequel...... or prequel depending on how u view it)
5 mutuals to tag
1. @wlwrising
2. @thewaltzy
3. @gaywheesa ( @naoscafe ) (they are the same person)
4. @...I don't talk to anyone else
5. @ when I said I'm an introvert I meant it...
you don’t have to if you don’t want to though
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noylesslol · 7 years
So I just watched GloomGames playing Sally Face ep2 and thought about “animating” a small part of it because I thought it would be funny :’D
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I love every single one of you all <3
The pictures under the cut
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gloomstudy · 7 years
11 questions tag!
tagged by @piiess, @hinatastudy​, @armcnia​, @eunoiastudy​, @milkyjournals​, and @gentlealienstudies. ahh so many people ;; thank you so much, you guys!!
all of my answers are under the cut!! :)
questions from piiess:
what is your most used social media besides tumblr? does youtube count? i’m on there pretty often.
favorite genre of music and song(s) recommendations from said genre? i’ve really been loving lo-fi music, and here are my recs!
the latest book you read? my aesthetics text book, lmao.
describe you clothing style. pretty much all neutral colors (grey, black, navy blue). also, comfort > everything else. lately, i’ve been wearing a loose t-shirt, a light jacket or hoodie, skinny jeans, and sneakers. very simple. :)
what is the weirdest dream you’ve had? i don’t remember what exactly happened, but i vividly remember that victor nikiforov from yoi was in it, and i felt oddly satisfied???
would you rather live in an apartment or a house? an apartment, as long as my neighbors aren’t too noisy.
your future goals. i hope to graduate successfully from college, become an audio engineer, and maybe compose/produce some original music! having a doggo to keep my company would be nice, too. :’)
coffee, tea, both or neither? tea~
all time favorite movie(s). here are my movie recs!
do you want to time-travel? if yes, where to? i’d love to go into the future to see what kinds of super cool technology exists. ^_^
dusk or dawn? dusk.
questions from hinatastudy:
what’s your favorite animal? giraffes!
do you read magazines? occasionally.
favorite youtubers? gloomgames, cloudyapples, bethany mota, ryan higa, jenn im, kina grannis, and a bunch of others!!
do you prefer writing in pen or pencil? pen.
pc or mac? / android/iphone?? pc and android!
do you prefer handwritten notes or typed out notes? handwritten when i’m studying, and typed when i’m in lecture.
favorite tv show? teen wolf!
favorite fictional character? kira yukimura from teen wolf. she deserved better!
if you could wake up and be fluent in another language what would it be? japanese.
do you like wearing hats? ehhh, not really, although i don’t mind wearing a beanie when the weather gets colder.
do you collect anything? if so, what? stationery, lol.
questions from armcnia:
best concert you’ve been to? seeing the san francisco symphony!
favorite dessert? ice cream. :’)
what do you like to cook/bake? i rarely cook/bake, oops ._.
what is the clumsiest thing you’ve done? tripping on myself, lmao.
proudest moment? getting into my dream school! ^_^
pineapple on pizza? HELL YEAH. (sorry to anyone who doesn’t like it.)
do you lose things easily? nope.
favorite word? mellifluous.
fictional character you relate to the most? kira yukimura from teen wolf.
what’s the best thing you own? uhhh...i honestly have no idea.
favorite time of year? transitioning from summer to fall, when the weather is not too hot and not too cold. :’)
questions from eunoiastudy:
what’s the object directly to your right? ikea 2018 catalog, which i haven’t flipped through yet.
what triggers the most nostalgia for you? drinking apple juice! i always feel like a little kid every time, hehe.
favorite fictional character? kira yukimura from teen wolf!
favorite color combo? lavender, ice blue, and blush pink! i also really like slate blue and light grey together, kinda like my mobile theme and desktop theme.
favorite place you’ve ever been? disneyland! i’ve only been there once, and i’d love to go again. 
what is your dream school? i’m already at my dream school: uc berkeley, also known as cal. go bears! :D
if you could live anywhere in the universe, where would you choose? the andromeda galaxy seems pretty cool. 
if you could travel to any point in time, where (when) would you go? the future to see what kinds of cool technology exists. ^_^
if you could immediately memorize all the contents of one book, which book would you choose? uhhh...idk, maybe some kind of encyclopedia, i guess?
what’s your favorite word? mellifluous.
would you rather erase your favorite book from the face of the earth, or erase your favorite movie from the face of the earth? oh gosh...i think i’d probably go with erasing my favorite book from the face of the earth since i don’t always have time to read for leisure anymore ;;
questions from milkyjournals:
what’s your favorite fruit? kiwi!
what’s your favorite stationery that you currently have? my tombow brush pens. :’)
what drink do you like to order at restaurants? depends on the restaurant, but since i usually go to chinese restaurants, i just like having the oolong tea that they give you for free, lol. 
do you play any instruments? if so, which ones? yes! i play the piano, violin, viola, cello, erhu, acoustic guitar, recorder, and harmonica. 
who’s your favorite music artist? ahhh i have too many, but i really like kina grannis!
what’s your favorite clothing item? my cal hoodie. it keeps me nice and warm. ^_^
do you have any pets? tell me about them! i don’t have any ;; but i used to have tropical fish, and they lasted for a pretty long time!
how was your day? it’s been pretty good so far! i started learning how to use Max MSP 7, and i’m having so much fun. i’m one step closer to becoming an audio engineer ahhh :D
favorite type of tea? if you’re a coffee person, favorite type of coffee? genmaicha (brown rice tea) and green tea are my top 2 favorites.
are you nostalgic? yeee sometimes.
what’s your favorite ice cream flavor? green tea!
questions from gentlealienstudies:
if you could learn any language which would you learn? aside from japanese, i’d love to learn korean!
if you could go back in time and change one thing what would you change? i wish hillary clinton or bernie sanders were our president...
do you believe in soulmates? ehhh kinda, but not really. whatever happens, happens, i guess.
favorite subject and why? music! it’s the one thing that i know i’m good at, and it’s my strongest subject. i’m also really passionate about it, so that’s why i study it in school! :)
describe your aesthetic? music, muted and neutral colors, the gentle pitter-patter of the rain falling on your window, cloudy skies, the occasional sunshine peeking out from the clouds, and a hint of fangirl. ^_^
what inspired you to get a studyblr? my lack of motivation in the middle of the spring 2017 semester, along with scrolling through other studyblrs, really sparked something in me, so i decided to start a studyblr, and i’m really glad that i did!!
night owl or morning bird? definitely a night owl.
what song have you had on repeat lately? “blood” - day6
do you have a bullet journal? yes!!
what do you listen to while studying? mostly lo-fi hip-hop and chill electronic.
favorite season and why? ahh i really love summer because there’s (usually) no school, but i also really like fall because the weather is not too hot and not too cold. also, my birthday is in the fall! :’)
asdfghjkl; i’m too lazy to come up with more questions lol. anyone is more than welcome to answer the same questions, though!! thank you again to these 6 lovely people for tagging me!! ^_^
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Answer all 100 questions!✨
Ayyyy okay! Thank you 😄1.Is a kiss considered cheating?Yes.2.Have you ever faked orgasm?Haven't we all at least once?!3.If you could have one superpower, what would it be?Travel through time.4.Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?Not likely.5.Tell us some funny drunk story.Oh god. I have so many. They're stories for another time because they're too long 😂6.Why are you no longer together with your ex?Things just didn't work out.7.If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Natural causes or like a quick death.8.What are your current goals?Honestly just to be healthier mentally and physically.9.Do you like someone?My girlfriend ☺️10.Who was the last person to disappoint you?Myself I think (OooOooOoO deep)11.Do you like your body?Mostly yes ☺️12.Can you keep a diet?God no.13.If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?Look after animals properly, they don't have a voice to tell you how they're feeling, they're so innocent, give them lots of love and care. Adopt don't shop.14.Do you work?Nope.15.If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?Pasta.16.Would you get a tattoo?I already have 12.17.Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?Food, tattoos, friends, family, girlfriend.18.Can you drive?Nah.19.When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?A day or two ago. 😊20.What was the last thing you cried for?My fuckin' hormones made me cry for no reason 😂😂21.Do you keep a journal?On and off yeah.22.Is life fun?It's pretty lit most of the time. 23.Is farting in front of people irrelevant?Depends on who it is.24.What’s your dream car?Convertible.25.Are grades in school important?God no.26.Describe your crush.My girlfriend @cobain-kurt27.What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?Looking for Alaska and basically any horror classics.28.What was your last lie?I don't generally lie to people so idk.29.Dumbest lie you ever told? One time when I was 8 I said "fucking bitch" and a friend tried to run to my house to tell my mam and I cried and wouldn't let them in my garden, then when I was like 11, I went to my mam crying and told her I lied about not saying bad words and she laughed at me and told me to go away 😂30.Is crying in front of people embarrassing?Only if it's someone I don't know well.31.Something you did and you are proud of?Uhm one time I ate 3 take aways in one day, I guess that's something right? 32.What’s your favourite cocktail?Purple Rain from TGI Fridays ❤️33.Something you are good at?HAHAHAHA. I don't really have a skill, I guess socialising? 34.Do you like small kids?If they're well behaved sure, if they're spoilt brats then ew g'way.35.How are you feeling right now?Im alright. Could be better, could be worse.36.What would you name your daughter/son?I've always like the name Sarah, I used to use that name in all the games I played as a kid, for a boy I like the names Ryan and Conor.37.What do you need to be happy?To surround myself in people who care about me.38.Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?Ah there's always at least one.39.What was the last gift you received?Food ❤️40.What was the last gift you gave?Also food 😂41.What was the last concert you went to?Avenged Sevenfold.42.Favourite place to shop at?H&m and Topshop.43.Who inspires you?My mam.44.How old were you when you first got drunk?15.45.How old were you when you first got high?16.46.How old were you when you first had sex?15.47.When was your first kiss?2013 at a Pierce The Veil concert.48.Something you want to do until the end of this year?Sesh and travel.49.Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?The choices I made made me happy and I wanted at the time, so nah.50.Post a selfie.I'll post one later.51.Who are you most comfortable around?My girlfriend and my close friends.52.Name one thing that terrifies you.Losing the people I care about.53.What kind of books do you read?Romance, mystery, supernatural kinda books.54.What would you tell your 12 year old self?M8 you is gay. Stop being so loud and annoying. You're gonna find good friends don't worry, don't be a push over.55.What is your favourite flower?Rose (cliche I know lmao)56.Any bad habits you have?I over think, talk a little too loudly without noticing, interrupting people while talking (I don't mean to I just get excited) I'm stubborn.57.What kind of people are you attracted to?Cocky, forward, confident kinda personality.58.What was the last thing you cried for?There was no reason for it, just hormones and over thinking.59.Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?Fish, squid, lamb, turkey.60.Are you in love?Yes.61.Something you find romantic?Just putting in an effort to show how much you love your parter is enough 😊 62.How long was your longest relationship? 2 years and 8 months.63.What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?Girls can be so nasty towards eachother, not much else tbh.64.What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? Sometimes they just can't take no for an answer, when they put their hands down their trousers ew, and when they're like "hmm lesbian? I can turn you" UGH.65.What are you saving money for?Tattoo.66.How would you describe your bad side?When I get angry I can switch off feelings completely and be really cold.67.Are you actually a good person? Why?I think so. I try my best to care for others.68.What are you living for?The people I love, mainly my cat.69.Have you ever done anything illegal?Yas.70.Do you like your body?Didn't I already answer this? 71.Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?Nope.72.Ever sent nudes?Yep.73.Have you ever cheated on someone?Nope.74.Favourite candy?ANY CANDY IS MY FAVOURITE CANDY. Probably red liquorice though.75.Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!Nope. 😂76.Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?Nah but I play PS4. I like Little Nightmare, Crash Bandicoot, Layers Of Fear, Mirrors Edge, Life Is Strange, Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain etc.77.Favourite TV series?I have too many omg. Black Mirror, OITNB, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, AHS.78.Are you religious? Does God exist? Nope and nopeee.79.What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?It's been a while since I've read, I don't remember.80.What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?It's g, people can choose eat what they want. 81.How long have you been on Tumblr?Like 2010.82.Do you like Chineese food?HELL YEAHHH!83.McDonalds or Subway?McDonalds.84.Vodka or whiskey?Whiskey. 85.Alcohol or drugs?Alcohol.86.Ever been out of your province/state/country?Yas.87.Meaning behind your blog name?It's lyrics from Escape The Fate - Situations (Emo I know, but I will never give up the URL heheheh)88.What are you scared of?Everyone I love leaving me, a painful death, dying young because of CF.89.Last time you were insulted?Ayyy I insult myself all the time 🤙🏻90.Most traumatic experience ?When a friend of mine had died and I never got to say goodbye to her properly, or even get to go to a funeral for closure.91.Perfect date idea? Literally anything, I'm happy as long as I'm with the person and having fun ^.^ 92.Favourite app on your phone?I don't have a favourite.93.What colour are the walls in your room?Cream94.Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? Yeah, GloomGames, Idubbbz, Jenna Marbles and her boyfriend Julien.95.Share your favourite quotes."I won't die defeated" "at some point you just gotta pull off the band-aid, and it hurts but then it's over and you're relieved" "I will love myself despite the ease with which I lean toward the opposite" "seize the day or die regretting the time you lost"96.What is the meaning of life?42.97.Do you like horror movies?YASSSSS!!!!98.Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Nope.99.Do you feel lucky or special in a way?I'm lucky to have such amazing people around me who care and look after me when I need it ❤️100.Can you keep a secret?Generally yas.
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shmowl · 7 years
Pass the happy along! When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and then send it to the last 10 people in your activity! 🌹🎈❤️
1) Anime
2) really good fanfiction
3) the best people surrounding you and making you feel loved
4) GloomGames 
5) songs that I relate to
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15 YouTubers I Love!
15 YouTubers I Love!
Jenna Marbles Jenna became a star for her comedic videos such as “How to Trick People Into Thinking You’re Good Looking,” which received 5.3 million views the week it was uploaded. I’ve mentioned Jenna before, but I love her so incredibly much. I love her humor and how she does Youtube to mainly entertain herself with funny stuff, that also end up being really entertaining to watch. She was one…
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placebomind · 7 years
Hearing about love makes me so happy. Lol if you google butterfly soup there's a link that come up to download it. You get to name your own price you pay for it. And there's a gamer who streams on YouTube that played through it and her YouTube name is "gloomgames."
same and i love talking about it!!! and thank you for all the asks!! 💗💗💗 oooh okay ill probably just watch it. thank you!
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burnedlegate · 7 years
Try the GloomGames lp of BTS. I love Kassie and she def chose the Gay option
ok, thanks! :)
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roman-but-not-lost · 7 years
Multiples of 4!
4. How old are you?--198. Do you marathon shows or watch a couple episodes at a time?--Typically I watch in spurts so I'd see, like, eight episodes, take a break and then continue. But I could finish an average season in about 3-4 days.12. Would you rather watch a movie or a tv show?--Depends on what it is, but I tend to like movies16. Favorite youtuber?--Oh crap! There're so many! Right now I'm really into GloomGames (She's freakin hilarious!)20. Dinos or dragons? --IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION?! DRAGONS ALL THE WAY, MAN! DRAGONS!24. Sexual orientation?--It's sort of a giant question mark at the moment, but I know I have the potential to fall for anyone regardless of their gender (as long as they're close to my age, obviously)28. Single or in a relationship?--I'm a single Pringle who doesn't know how to mingle.32. Most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you?--I went to the wrong class once and argued with the kid who was "sitting in my seat". Until the teacher came up to me and asked if everything was ok. That's when I realized... (Im Sure I have better, but it's the first thing that came to mind)36. Favorite Pokémon?--CHARIZARD! We've been through so much :,)40. Have you left your country/state?--I go used to go to Florida every couple years. Went to Texas last year. Oh! And I went to France a couple years back! It was so interesting! I got yelled at by a bathroom attendant... good times...44. Favorite princess?--oh shoot! Can I even choose?? As a kid, I loved Ariel because I wanted to live in the ocean. Now I think I'm torn between Mulan and Merida.48. Favorite Harry Potter character?--I've always loved Luna Lovegood. She's such a fish out of water but she doesn't give a damn about what anyone else thinks of her. She marches to the beat of her own drum. I can't help but admire that. :) 52. Last time you told someone you loved them?--Yesterday. My mom threatened to give me a hug attack if I didn't say I love her lol56. What color are your eyes?--They're the color of the sea after a storm..... jk, they're a bluish grey... sometimes greenish grey depending on the light.60. What do you look for in a relationship?--idk, I'd definitely need someone who's patient because it takes me a looooong time to open up about my feelings. Someone who's understanding and won't try to force me to do something I don't want to do. Having the same sense of humor is a plus lol64. Have you been to any concerts?--I've been to a couple68. Any big regrets?--I try not to have any regrets so I can't think of any big ones off the top of my head.72. First kiss story?--*clears throat* I confessed while we were watching anime (I know, romantic right?). She's all like "maybe we should kiss" and my awkward ass self is all like "kissing? Whaaaaaat?" Then she got a message saying she had to go home and we're both kinda disappointed. So we get into the car and she says "So, have you ever kissed anyone before?" And Im honest(ly awkward) So I stammer out something along the lines of "no, I have not." We drive to her house without saying much until I park in front of her house and THEN IT'S JUST QUIET. WE'RE STARING AT EACH OTHER. She grabs my face and I'm thinking "HOLY SHIT, THIS IS HAPPENING!" And she asks if she could kiss me because she wouldn't if I wasn't okay with it. My mind's just going "MAYDAY MAYDAY! FIGHT OR FLIGHT IS KICKING IN! I CAN SEE EVERY EQUATION!" Then our lips meet. It was short and sweet. Then she smiled and walked into her house leaving me dumbfounded cause WOW. There weren't any "fireworks" or "claps of thunder" or any of that other crap authors say about a first kiss. I'd describe it more as a butterfly after it lands on you. It was gentle and brief, but it left me with a feeling of wonder long after it was gone
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