#i absolutely LOVE intelligence based verbal abuse/humiliation
whumpzone · 1 year
maybe Col's old master brought down the newspaper from time to time, not to let Col read it or keep up-to-date with the world. just to do the crossword with him and make him realise what a brainless, useless piece of shit he really is. if he doesn't know such simple things how could he ever survive in the real world anyway?
but that's fine, because this is for humans, and Col isn't a human, is he? he's a simple minded little dog. in fact, he can kiss his Master's feet while he works. that's an activity more suited to his intelligence
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Submission about abuse
i don’t know if what i went through as teenager or even now counts as emotional or verbal abuse. my mom would indirectly call me stupid, talk down to me in a voice as if i have a fish for brains, and she calls me “manic” A LOT which is a word i have grown to strongly dislike. she still talks to me in a voice like im 2 years old or i have fish for brains. shes also threatened to put me in a mental hospital before and said “thats where the cr*zy people are.” shes implied that im stupid in ½.
in many different ways. i have both autism and ADHD. i think it also didnt help that my little sister has gotten labeled as “the smart one” in our family because of her perfect grades and because she does a lot, so i believe deep down i habor some resentment towards her. i don’t believe that im intelligent. im not saying that to be self deprecating thats honestly the facts. i also never felt properly emotionally nurtured throughout my whole life and im 24 now, so i go looking for 2/2
fulfillment in hurt/comfort fics and i find that i have ALWAYS done that. ive always daydreamed about someone comforting me or created fake scenarios in my head where i emotionally vent to either a fictional character or a favorite musician. i honestly can’t stop that and i do it every single day. spirtual people say i need to “forgive” her for being this way because one day she won’t be here or god will take her back and that just makes me feel horrible. but ive been on the fence if that 4/4.
counts as emotional or vebal abuse. 5/5.
Hi there, 
I'm so sorry to hear that your mom treats you like this. It's never okay to treat someone this way! 
There can be some overlap between emotional and verbal abuse, and verbal abuse can often be used to emotionally abuse someone, but there are some key differences. Emotional abuse is when the abuser uses emotion to manipulate and control someone. For instance, the abuser may intimidate or shame their victim. Other tactics used to emotionally abuse someone includes humiliation, criticism, and control. On the other hand, verbal abuse can occur by withholding (such as withholding thoughts, feelings, and emotions), countering in order to start arguments, and discounting by not allowing the victim to have the right to their own feelings (such as by making fun of the victim for crying after the abuser insults them). If you'd like more details about the differences between emotional and verbal abuse, feel free to take a look at this link. 
Based off of what I explained above, it sounds like your mom could be emotionally (manipulating you by making threats, for instance) and verbally abusive (putting you down, calling you manic and crazy, etc.), but know that this is abuse no matter which type of abuse it is! Your mom treats you horribly and is always cutting you down, which is definitely abusive. Know that you absolutely do not deserve to be treated this way, no matter what diagnoses you have or how good of grades your sister gets in school. This doesn't mean you deserve to be abused.
You mentioned resenting your sister and I think that makes a lot of sense. It sounds like the wai your mom treats you is related to your sister's behaviors and accomplishments, so it's understandable that you would feel this wai towards your sister. I think anyone in this situation would probably feel like this, so know that your feelings are totally valid. 
It also makes sense that you've been seeking out comfort from other sources since you haven't been getting that anywhere else. Many people who haven't gotten their emotional needs met throughout their life will likely end up seeking that out elsewhere. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with daydreaming about the emotional support you deserve, but it may be worth looking into other ways of getting these needs met if this is causing you distress. For instance, maybe you could try making friends who will be there for you emotionally in the ways your mom and other people in your life haven't been. 
While it's true that your mom will no longer be here one day, this doesn't mean that you're required to forgive your mom for abusing you. Nobody should ever be forced to forgive their abuser for any reason unless they truly want to. There's always this idea that children must love and forgive their parents no matter how poorly they were treated by them, but you don't have to do so unless you actually want to. You're entitled to whatever feelings you have toward your mom for the way she has treated you. 
With all of this being said, I'm wondering if there are any ways of getting away from your mom because you definitely don't deserve to keep living with her abuse tactics, assuming you live with her from the way it sounds. Is there anyone else you're able to stay with, such as friends or another family member? If not, do you know of any resources in your community that may be able to help you get out of this abusive situation? I just bring up these options because, as I said before, you don't deserve to be stuck with your mom any longer than you already have. 
Take care! 
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scriptautistic · 6 years
I don’t know if y’all have answered this before but what’s your opinion on the show The Good Doctor?
Hi, I want to be clear - we don’t really do reviews on this blog. We help writers write autistic characters more accurately. But! That doesn’t mean there aren’t some useful lessons on writing autistic characters from the show. In the future, a more useful question to ask is, “What mistakes or benefits does this show have in the way they’ve portrayed their autistic character(s)?” The more specific you can make your question, the easier answering it becomes. Let’s get into it.
The Good Doctor and its accuracy in portraying an autistic character:
I have seen all of season 1, and this show is paced well. If you plan on writing any shows, there’s something to be learned about making sure the pacing of the show is enjoyable. It has a nice balance of drama and resolution, and while there’s a couple of medical cases per episode, the characters’ personal plot arcs last much longer than an episode which keeps it from being stressful. This is a TV show though, and as usual story elements are exaggerated to enhance the viewer’s emotional responses… so the show is not without its drama. The Good Doctor has character arcs which last for several episodes at a time, and allow you to get to know a character. Most importantly, it allows us to see Shaun in a variety of contexts.
This show also has a deluge of very subtle messages about autistic people. There are a few intentional scripted explanations about Shaun being autistic yet competent, but the show is good at showing the messages about Shaun rather than clumsily preaching them. The show’s script uses a mix of person-first and identity-first language. People who like Shaun and dislike him have said he’s autistic, and similarly with saying he has autism. It seems like the show is written in a way that using both has a purpose, but I’m not exactly sure what that purpose is - perhaps to try to satisfy anyone who prefers either description?
Many people have problems with an allistic actor portraying an autistic character, and I won’t be getting into that argument or state my personal opinion, but the portrayal of accuracy in autistic characterization is very high. This is one of those rare shows which shows an autistic adult being competent in a job as well as navigating friendships and attraction to people. He is also shown as an autistic adult; he doesn’t think or act like a child.
Shaun’s strengths and struggles: My main contention with the show’s accuracy is the Savant Syndrome super powers Shaun (the main character) has, but I think that was in part a relic from the show being loosely adapted from a Korean drama of the same name. This could have a deleterious effect on the way the audience sees autistics’ skills and smarts - as something separate from autism. A more accurate way to describe Shaun’s skills would be his special interest has been in medical sciences and physiology for years, and he is a visual learner and can extrapolate spacial information from what he has learned about the layout of the body to understand medical problems on a deeper level. This is a set of skills and intelligence very related to autism instead of a separate thing stacked on top of it; he can hyperfocus and not get bored, makes abstract links between disparate pieces of information in order to reach a conclusion, can learn a system well based on visual patterns, etc. For him, these are very autistic traits. For another character, based on their learning style/preferences/personality the autistic traits can vary. Essentially, autism touches every way an autistic person experiences the world. The show makes this a clear message, at least.
While Shaun is excellent surgeon and very intelligent, he struggles with other things. This is very accurate for autistics; there may be some things autistics are very good at and/or have fun doing, but other activities can be difficult and distressing. For example, Shaun cannot drive because there is too much sensory information associated with driving. This is a very common experience, though not necessarily true to all autistics, and it doesn’t correlate with someone’s level of verbal communication. I know a non-verbal person who drives to her work every day, and a very verbal autistic who finds driving absolutely horrendous. At the end of the day, Shaun is very skilled but makes mistakes like anyone else, though his resolutions to problems are often unique, meaning he thinks “outside of the box,” or abstractly the way many autistics tend to. He follows rules yet is creative, something often unappreciated or overlooked in autistics’ portrayals.
Portrayal of sensory experience: Shaun dislikes eye contact and seems to pay attention to people by listening or looking at what they are talking about. His mannerisms and body postures seem to be geared around rhythmic gross motor movements and precise fine motor movements, navigating and interacting with his sensory environment. He also has a myriad of sensory problems, and the degree with which he struggles with them may vary on the situation. For example, he couldn’t deal with certain noises during the day, but he couldn’t sleep when the faucet wasn’t dripping because he wanted to have the familiarity of the dripping faucet. Autistic people have sensory preferences, meaning some people love certain sensory experiences others hate and vice versa. He also is visually very sensory-seeking and bought himself a high resolution flatscreen TV so he could watch it up close. This is something consistent with his character, since he thinks very visually. Shaun has a comfort item - a toy scalpel his younger brother got him and he carries it with him everywhere. This is similar to myself and a lot of other autistics, and it’s related to a loved one and a special interest.
He also struggled with being asked direct questions when he interacted with a character - Claire - up close and couldn’t answer them, but he had prepared for his interview and could respond to questions asked directly by strangers in that context earlier in front of a room full of people. Later, he can respond to Claire’s questions more easily, likely because he got to know her better. While it might seem counter-intuitive or poorly written for Shaun to have an inconsistent ability to answer questions, but the contexts in which he was asked certain questions were different, and he had different levels of preparation to be asked questions. 
Emotions: In one episode he had an ‘atypical’ (at least by allistic standards) reaction to seeing someone get shot in a store - he compartmentalized his distress and feelings of guilt to help the person and go about his job, then later lashed out after he had packed his emotions down. He also didn’t want people to know his emotions. Yet some allistics are like this as well.The show writers leave him room to be similar or dissimilar to allistics, depending on his preferences and personality. 
His facial expressions are so subtle, other characters may not catch them and be able to read his emotions. This contributes to the stereotype he is ‘robotic,’ but Shaun certainly does NOT emote flatly. His facial expression system is merely different from those around him. He is in pain/guilt a lot of the time and has been abused and bullied, so he learned to suppress his emotions rather than trying to deal with them because they can often be too much to handle. This is consistent with his character, yet doesn’t contribute to the idea that he doesn’t feel. Instead, he is portrayed as feeling a LOT: becoming attached to certain people quickly, feeling distressed if they are removed from his life either by dying or moving or cutting off contact. He often gets watery eyes but turns away to prevent people from seeing. It’s a choice of his to keep his emotions to himself; they’re his, as he asserts at one point.
Portrayal of Shaun’s history of abuse and bullying: Unfortunately, this portrayal is very accurate. Without spoiling too much of he plot, I will describe the types of abuse Shaun experiences. He was abused by his father verbally and likely physically, though the latter can be inferred. There is at least one scene showing this. His memories shown are mostly traumatic in nature - being kicked by classmates in the schoolyard, seeing death, and being pressured into take his pants off (though he  didn’t, this is sexual harassment and humiliation) then surrounded by classmates and mocked. Autistic people are often targets for abuse of all kinds, and Shaun’s lack of obvious emotional reaction to his memories of these instances shows how acclimated to his memories of these kinds of violations he has become. Yet when he realized someone pretending to be his “friend” and manipulating him for his money, he was stung.
Portrayal of sexuality and romance: Shaun is shown as straight in this show, and becomes very attached to someone who also is interested in him. He seems intimidated by sexual experiences, but not disinterested in them - a very different portrayal of autistic sexuality than usual, as most autistics are portrayed as asexual. It is made clear he is interested in romantic experiences, and is shown as attractive.
Interactions with another autistic: There is an episode in which Shaun has an autistic patient (portrayed by an up-and-coming autistic actor). There was a little bit of weird ‘autistic whisperer’ feeling shown when Shaun translated the patient’s distress and the reasoning behind it, which may happen if autistic people know each other well or have similar sensory problems, but one autistic person may or may not be able to simply understand and explain another autistic person’s experiences.
Yet there was something interesting about this other autistic character which is not often addressed in media: he had different struggles and strengths than Shaun, different ways of communicating, and different responses to stress. Shaun internalizes his stress until he explodes, but this character seemed very communicative of stress and pain.
Something else interesting was Shaun’s initial almost-dislike of this character. Something gooshy to do on the writers’ parts would be to have them instantly become best friends, but to Shaun, he was just another patient, and Shaun had never met another autistic person. This was another way to show Shaun’s dislike of himself on some level (I would say self-hatred but I’m not too quick to point to evidence of this because the audience sees into his emotions only through memories and seeing him in private moments). Shaun has been taught by those around him there is something wrong with him, and he expected to find this patient difficult based on others’ historical communication to him that he is annoying or difficult to be around. Unfortunately, this kind of internalization of negative self-perceptions is very common for autistic people.
By the end of that episode, Shaun had seemed to get over his ambivalent feelings toward this patient and chided the patients’ parents for giving the patient a kava root supplement, as it was the cause of the patients’ presenting health problems. Allistic parents of autistic kids are often quick to jump to any supposed ‘cure’ or ‘support’ for their kids to change their autistic-ness, and this episode was wonderful at showing how dangerous this is, as the patient was in a severe amount of pain and distress. The parents were also very quick to decide both their child and Shaun were incompetent because of autism, but Shaun’s surgical team members were very quick to advocate for him despite their distrust of his skills in the beginning of the show. This gets at the show’s core message, I think: Autistic people are capable and one should assume competence.
This show is also not inspiration porn, since the narrative focuses on Shaun as the main character and doesn’t objectify him - a big plus in narratives featuring autistics.
Overall message about autism: In one episode, a physically disabled patient considering surgery to try to walk again tells Shaun, “You understand; you’d jump at a cure for autism, wouldn’t you?” And Shaun avoids the question by saying, “There is no cure for autism.” Shaun then prompts the patient to realize his best attributes - patience, willing to help others, etc. were learned because he went through physical therapy, and the patient says the difference between his ‘cure’ to walk again - surgery - and Shaun’s autism is the lessons he learned from being in a wheelchair wouldn’t go away if he can walk again. Also within this conversation, the patient told Shaun his wife married him because she accepted him for who he was, and that someone who accepted Shaun could marry him. Shaun pointed out some of his own personal qualities which are there because he is autistic. I winced at the initial question but the following conversation relieved me. This show, so far, communicates autism is a part of Shaun, not something he carries around which keeps the real him locked up.
Hope this helps with writing autistic characters in the future, especially in the medium of a show, movie, or play wherein there is a visual element for the audience in acting.
 - Mod Siena
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deveharrington · 6 years
David, if true, you choosing this sh*t over your own children is unforgivable. Please, never call yourself a father until you first resolve whatever it is that is hurting you so badly.
Disclaimer: Here are theories, not facts, based on pieces of evidence. I’m connecting the dots here in interest of shedding light on the truth, on injustice and on the possibility that David is just straight up lying to his own fans about everything. Everything. 
David, the fact that you even considered choosing this sh*t over your own children is, I mean, there are no words. You are not a father right now. Do not say you are a father. You do not deserve your children, the greatest gifts you could have ever received. 
I cannot support Gillovny anymore, I cannot wish upon Gillian to waste anymore of herself on this empty husk of a “person”. The fact that David has prolonged this sh*t for this long is unforgivable. What could he possibly have to say for himself? David, what on earth is hurting you so badly that you will vindictively flaunt this sh*t in front of Gillian’s face while filming season 11 of The X-Files? What brought you to make passive aggressive comments towards her in interviews, speaking for her, demeaning her, diminishing her, putting words into her mouth when she is not there? 
Because Gillian Anderson herself is demonstrating that she has moved on, I will honour her and do the same. So, forget about Gillovny because the real tragedy here is no doubt the depth of loss for the family. 
David, why do you focus all of your destruction on the people who truly know you, see you, genuinely care about you, while you run away to pamper scammers, leeches, liars, masks, facades, and people you treat like objects? What is really the problem here?
David, you are not even Hank Moody. Even Hank Moody had more subtlety and reason in the way he pursued women (not that I agreed with him). And Hank Moody never portrayed the depth of self-loathing and misplaced anger you are displaying right now. Do you not see yourself? 
I will not even dare to imagine what kind of pain the family must be going through, and this is undoubtedly a loss of a person they once knew, a death, a void. Or maybe I should shut my mouth and not assume that I could ever hope to  know or explain what they are feeling. Of course, they know David better than anyone so, again, I will honour them and respect them by following their lead and moving on with myself. 
This post will elaborate on a timeline theorized by @iwantapenguin. 
To the fans who still pay attention to David in hopes of collecting their dues, consider that David may never give back to you what he owes you. But do not think you are so distant from him. Do not underestimate your own compassion, empathy and concern for him, for the “fake family” (not his real family, but the scammers) he surrounds himself with do not give a single sh*t about him. 
But please consider: What is so terrifying here is that all the evidence points to David’s anger towards social media and HIS OWN FANS actually being a product of having his absolutely unspeakably disgusting “secret” exposed. And even when he was exposed, even in this political climate, even if his kids would be implicated by the publicity, HE STILL CONTINUED AND CONTINUES TO THIS DAY. Consider this! Think about this!
Disclaimer: sensitive themes ahead. I will be speaking of the cycle of abuse, grooming, and related topics ahead. 
Thanks to any readers. 
1. David, you are not a father right now. Please do not refer to yourself as a father. And please, please do not implicate your family in your lies. 
The gag here is that it is not even much skin off Tim Daly’s back to raise your own kids for you. All he has to do is be himself and lead by example. Where the hell are you, David? Are you still, to this day, running from yourself?
You said that you started your horrible “music career” for your kids, to show them “grit” or whatever bullshit you were touting at that time. But why do you bring your “partner” on your tours instead of your own kids (which is unspeakably disgusting)? Why, until recently, have your kids never actually seen you perform live? Why do you make a mockery of the sanctity of terms such as  “family” and “children” by lying about them to leverage and justify your own shitty-ass, completely self-serving behaviours?
Was it too much to see your own kids surpass you in learning how to play a guitar? What the hell kind of father runs away from his own kids? Are you competitive with your own kids? Are you trying to compete with Tim Daly, or your own son, trying to show them what it means “to be a real man(child)?”
What is really wrong here, David? Are your kids starting to see you for who you truly are? Are they not living up to your expectations, or are they simply not giving in to your incessant need for control? Did you decide to run once you realized you could no longer manipulate them just like you manipulate everyone else you come into contact with?
2. So, what is really wrong here, David? Do you choose to hurt the people who care about you because this is easier than being dependable? Do you feel more powerful when you hurt others? Is everything about power? Even your pampering of the scammers and fakers? 
Consider this: when someone shows David genuine affection, he abuses it by playing a game of push and pull, and he does this because he is testing this affection. 
It is related to his constant and disingenuous self-deprecation: he cannot take even a simple compliment without twisting and abusing it to serve himself. David uses self-deprecation to pull the punch on everyone rightfully calling him out on his patheticness. He thinks, if he says it first, then he is in control and he creates the truth. 
Does David think that bringing genuine affection to its breaking point is also a form of control? As in, he will manipulate situations so that he ends up being the one to “dump” you (and he “dumped” his own children like an ex-girlfriend, remember this) but what he is really doing is trying to mask the depth of his insecurity and low self esteem. The self hatred here is off the charts. As soon as something real appears, it seems that David immediately reacts with, “I have nothing to give, I am not enough”, and that is the real truth underneath all of David’s many deflections, manipulations, masks, and verbal tactics. 
David, do you pamper the scammers because they provide “unconditional love”? Or do you prefer to be surrounded by them because they have no idea who you truly are? Or, would you simply prefer to buy the fake affection of others for the rest of your life (more predicability, less risk)? 
Again, Is it easier to get the attention of the people who care about you, not by being dependable, but by hurting them? 
Is this why you are constantly hurting Gillian? Because you would rather abuse her depth of affection for you, test it, push it and pull it, and you prefer to abuse it because it is easier than showing up for her? Do you hurt Gillian because you can see that she is rightfully acclaimed, praised, and respected and you know you are nothingness in comparison? Does hurting her give you the delusion that you are conquering her, communicating with her, surpassing her?
To see the extent to which you will hurt the genuine people in your life, your fans included, only speaks to the unfathomable pain you must be going through. There is something seriously wrong here if this type of behaviour is rewarding you, bringing you your own kind of sick validation in any way. 
3. Is it easier for you to rely on addictions than it is to rely on yourself? 
Addiction to stimulants, sex, dopamine, “The Honeymoon Phase” of a relationship, lying, cheating, secrecy, taboo, danger, extremes, delusions, obfuscating, shapeshifting, and so many more are being exhibited here. 
Abuse of the self, of identity, of integrity, of others, of trust, of power, of the truth, and so many more are being exhibited here. 
And yes, you ARE addicted to public humiliation, David. You need attention at all costs. You are addicted to attention and the only way you know how to get it (or do you just always choose the easiest method possible?) is by humiliating yourself. You humiliate yourself for this “partner” and they are your audience of choice. But are you so glib you cannot see that you put every idea in this “partner’s” head? That their affection is doled out according to a script you wrote? Or is this what you want? 
Just like you wield your self deprecation in, again, a sad attempt to beat us to the punch of rightfully calling you out on your own patheticness (because your need for control has controlled your life), you thought that stating your own fear loudly and clearly would pull the wool over our eyes. But everything, every single thing you have ever said eventually gets disproven somewhere down the line because you are a shapeshifter, manipulator, and scammer. You are a liar 100% of the time. 
The truth will always come to light, and it shows that, yes, you are addicted to public humiliation. It is not so straightforward or literal as those terms, because, for you, you must always overcomplicate and convolute everything you do and react to in order to make yourself feel unique, intelligent, complex. 
But I see you David. I see you being vindictive. And I see that you hide this truth, even from yourself, by focusing your aggression upon yourself. 
4. Abuse is a cycle.
I had no idea at all that David had a history of sexual abuse (his experiences with a 30 year old woman at age 16). I will actually apologize to him for not collecting all the facts beforehand. And this evidence explains so so much about the current situation, but sadly, the ideas are truly scary and sad to consider. 
Abuse manifests as a cycle if not properly addressed. David taking pride in his own abuse (most likely a psychological distortion done to to block his own trauma or shame) is the red flag factory. 
So, objectively, I will go forward through the lens of abuse as a cycle. Again, please know that these ideas are theories and not facts, and there is some sensitive material ahead:
When David met this “partner”, perhaps when he saw the innocence he also saw the potential for corruption. 
Abuse is not straightforward, and this is why David is not straightforward, in his image, in his actions, his beliefs, his reasonings, his every word. 
Consider (again, keep in mind abuse is not always literal or straightforward): He may be allowing this “partner” to ABUSE HIM in an attempt to re-live the previous abuse he experienced and he is convinced he takes pride in. But, in the bigger scheme of things, he is the one with complete control over this “partner”, though he will allow them to abuse him on a micro-level, but he only allows this for manipulation purposes.
When I say “abuse” what I am talking about here is he will skew the power balance between them. For example, he may take her lead on occasion, do what she suggests, what she says, to play with her mind and convince her this is an “equal” “partnership”. And he will construe these behaviours as their language of affection or some disgusting nonsense. And this, in turn, only cultivates more devotion from them. 
It takes two to tango. David will in turn abuse this “partner” for stimulation and whatever else. I now have no doubt now that there is no intimacy involved in this shituation. And yes, you can call me crazy for even considering there ever was.
Imagine: when he allows her to abuse him (tell him what to do, what to be, what to buy, what to think) he manipulates her into thinking he is being attentive or changing for her but what he is really experiencing is the sick pleasure of being abused (abuse of his own identity, his own integrity, his reputation, his beliefs etc.). But in this situation he still has control over the “partner” because at the end of the day he is the one with all the resources. 
Example: he will spoil her or follow her lead only to keep tabs and guilt trip her later with an, “I did this all for you” approach. Perhaps to trap her, force them to stay (I mean, one of David’s biggest fears at this point must also be this person leaving him, is this why he is isolating them in a train(wreck) in the middle of nowhere?).
David is so shitty at playing the game that he has to resort to cheating, playing dirty, and completely dominating the field. What a prize!
For so long I was trying to put this into words, but within the context of this discussion, I think what he wants is for her to abuse his identity and I think this is definitely related to his mid-life crisis. Consider: Why did David take a nosedive into LA Dave? When NY Dave is the David who interacts with his family? When Vancouver Dave is the David who is employed? Why LA Dave? Why this “partner”? Why this facade? Why this culture? 
I think it can be literally explained so simply, because David truly is so simple and shallow: he does not like what he sees in the mirror. This is why he likes this “partners” face, this is his way of looking in the mirror. Because when David himself looks in the mirror, he is not only shown a face he is disgusted by, but his own shallowness is put to the forefront. This is too much reality for David to handle at once, I suppose. 
Imagine: one of those wonderfully smutty X-Files fanfics on tumblr. And sorry to insult the sacred bond of Mulder and Scully by even associating them with David but here we go. 
Imagine a smutty X-Files fic where Mulder describes a person, I will not say it is Scully, just a person, and he describes his own face, his own body, his own voice, his own ideas, his own attitude, his own resources. Just try to imagine this, and try not to laugh. 
Did Mulder and Scully ever compromise each other? Wear masks in front of each other? Exploit each other? Violate each other’s privacy? Project their insecurities onto each other? Abuse each other? Lie to each other? Spoil/buy each other? etc. etc.? The answer is no, because a genuine relationship needs none of these things. 
5. To those who will inevitably say, “how dare you say these things about David! etc.” THAT’S what I’m saying!
What is so terrifying here is the fact that David can do these things behind the scenes, have these absolutely sick ideas in his head while he shows up to work with a smile and projects a completely different image. He will have his own absolutely disgusting intentions while he tells his OWN FAMILY that he is just going to the local smoothie shop or flying to Australia and no one is invited or  buying a caboose in the middle of nowhere without even involving his own family. Who the fuck does this? 
Again: What is so terrifying here is that all the evidence points to David’s anger towards social media and HIS OWN FANS actually being a product of having his absolutely unspeakably disgusting “secret” exposed. And even when he was exposed, even in this political climate, even if his kids would be implicated by the publicity, HE STILL CONTINUED AND CONTINUES TO THIS DAY. Consider this! Think about this! 
What is so terrifying here is that David sold a completely different image of himself and he continues to try to sell this image! All of those lies he told about old age, supporting women.. I mean, it is unfortunate that the loyal fans must feel shame and disgust for even believing him! 
Do not believe him anymore! DO NOT! 
Personally, this rubs me the wrong way so much that I cannot really fully express myself without destroying my keyboard. So, I will just post this: 
Jamie Lee Curtis on what really frightens her: 
Tumblr media
6. And feelings are not thoughts/thought processes. 
Consider: Gillovny. Feelings are not thoughts. Feelings will not do the work for you. Feelings are uncontrollable, actions are controllable. 
So the question then becomes, why does David always act so strangely in reaction to the obvious feelings he has towards Gillian? Why does he react so strangely, almost making the opposite of the correct decision with regards to Gillian?
Again, here is a hopeful little nugget: I see David as terrified of seeing the end of a genuine thing. This is why he will not even acknowledge a genuine compliment. This is why he will be “content” to “live” his “life” in a manufactured Hell with a parrot for a “partner”. This is why he will not even start anything with Gillian: he does not want it to end. 
And call me whatever you want, I see some of hs current actions, emotions, and expressions as a reaction to an “end” that occurred between him and Gillian (and she had every right to end things). Though it may be mainly an anger towards the fact that she ended his cash cow. Lmao. 
Right now I see a lot of deflection, passive aggressiveness, demeaning, diminishing towards her and only praise when it benefits him. 
Again, for someone with such a low self esteem, strange view of women, lack of personal accomplishment or beliefs, I could go on, etc. it probably gives David some backwards ego rush to be able to mistreat Gillian when he sees the amount of acclaim, attention, that she gets, as well as the reputation that people hold her to.
This is transparent and could just be easily labelled and subsequently ignored if only Gillian did not demonstrate that she seems to have uncontrollable feelings when it comes to David. I also think he knows and sees the effect he has on her and he abuses it. He abuses her affection by pushing and pulling, playing hot and cold, lying, fooling, obfuscating, doing everything to test this affection and never reciprocate or foster it into something greater. But again, it is because he is afraid to see the end. It's like he's just toying with it just like he toys with his own destiny. 
That’s what is so scary. With all celebrities being outed left and right with their stupid statements, we can't really know what they are thinking, planning, how they will take their next step, or how they process info. 
David has demonstrated nothing that shows he has any strength of anything other than his arms. Not even any strength in his legs. He has no strength of conviction, no depth of emotion, he has no beliefs, he has no identity. Even lacking one of these aspects would put someone at a disadvantage but he lacks all of them.  There is nothing there. I wonder, does David deliberately keep himself deficient underneath the surface in order to not take responsibility for the "things that happen to him out of his control" (a probable excuse he might give)?
6.5. If it is any small consolation, know that “badly” seems to be the way that David treats the people he actually cares about.
I think it goes beyond pushing them away, I think he adds the fact that he needs to come out on top in the end (and he manipulates the situation bring about the end on his own terms, and through his own means, his own actions. It is about control and ego.). 
So, him being vindictive towards Gillian, trying so hard to prove himself, could be seen as him trying to come out on top of their supposed “fight” they are having right now, and it is a manifestation of the insecurity David feels from being compared to Gillian. 
And more importantly, the vindictiveness towards his family: Could it all be as simple as he is feeling they replaced him with Tim Daly? Is it too hard for him to see his ex-wife being treated properly? Too hard to see his children becoming responsible by following Tim’s lead, and therefore David can no longer surpass his own kids in his mental competition with them because any responsible person automatically surpasses David?
And, again, I believe his real fear is not public humiliation (nice try, David. And how the hell were we supposed to believe that shit when we see your “dancing” and “singing” on tour. Could you at least try not to insult our intelligence with your crap lies?), his real fear is the end of something real. 
So know, if he keeps you around and pretends to be nice to you, it is because he wants something from you, and this “something” is definitely not your opinion. 
7. David is an abuser, an emotional manipulator, a psychological manipulator and a liar, of these facts I have no doubt. And he thrives on being abused himself, maybe because these are the only behaviours he is familiar with, it is his own language of communication. 
David is not a normal person, and when I say this, I'm not referring to his unearned "celebrity" (barely) status, but his extreme extreme extreme self centeredness (I hesitate to label him as a narcissist, but not out of any mercy, only for the sake of ethics since I am not qualified to do so. He undoubtedly portrays many many characteristics of classic narcissism, but to varying degrees, so just keep that in mind).
8. So, I don’t even know where to begin on trying to parse out what lies, manipulations, extortions, delusions, I could go on, etc. David has told his “partner” to trap them the way he has. To bring the shituation to this state, to have completely removed this “partner” of themselves, to have reduced them to nothing just like David is nothing, just to have them by his side in Hell. And at the end of all this, they are still “singing” acoustic love songs to him.
From a psychological perspective, to think of the brainwashing is nothing short of endlessly intriguing. 
But from a human perspective, this is honestly nothing short of devastating. 
Call me whatever you want, but when I realized what I realized here, I cried for this "partner”. Not for the foolish, shallow, glib, immature mean girl they have shown themselves to be (time and time again), but for the loss of potential, of identity, and of innocence. 
The value of potential (optimism, hope, ambition, drive), of identity (knowing how to act for yourself and no one else, and no, I don't consider “instagram Valley girl” to be an identity), and of innocence (curiosity, humility, also identity) are simply invaluable. There are no words to capture their value, these are the ingredients of life, of truth, of faith and of integrity. Without these, life is nothing, it is an illusion. 
What is so scary here is that David is showing that will not hesitate to steal these things from another person if it benefits him, even if this benefit is completely superfluous and absolutely morally wrong! What the fuck, David?
9. And there is no doubt of a failure here on the part of this “partner’s” parents, to allow this shituation to occur and be prolonged to this point. And I’m sorry but going by the evidence we have of the way this “partner” acts, I am guessing there were other failures of parenting that may have occurred. 
The failure here is that this “partner” did not know how to act when David started interacting with them. And no one protected them even when the corruption was brought to light.
David shows his pure narcissism, pure corruption here. He failed in being responsible. I can’t write anymore because, again, I will destroy my keyboard. Just know that my rage at this aspect of the situation is... indescribable. 
10. On the failed parenting, I’m sorry, but David seeking a level with a trashy girl like this is only illuminating the truth. Maybe her failed parenting reflects David’s own failed parenting: too laid-back, too “whatever is cool”, too “I don’t ask my kids for their opinion”, while still spoiling and inflating your children’s egos in the place of actual discipline or teaching life lessons. 
Another aspect of failed parenting: being fake to your own kids. 
So, maybe surrounding himself with a reflection of failed parenting makes him feel validated or at least not so alone. I know its a stretch, but I wanted to address why exactly David would want to be around someone like this... and you know what I mean. 
11. To re-iterate: Now that we know that there is no intimacy here, what is the pull for David? Every. Single. Time. I say it is her face but now... 
David wants to be led by this person. He loves LA and wanted to recreate the dynamic he had with Tea, with her being the one to call the shots in their relationship. 
Ok, bear with me, but how else can we explain all of his nonsensical new interests, which just so happen to be the interests of a 10 year old superficial valley girl?
Perhaps David is just that type to want someone else to take the lead, figure out the steps (just like Brad Davidson) because it is his nature. I suspect at this point that what’s happening is that his internal world is pure chaos, so that is why he looks to simplicity, literal cues, easiness etc. in the real world. 
Or? maybe he just wants to re-live a youth, even if it is not his own youth, not even his own ideas. Just consider... the absolute sadness of that situation for a bit. Imagine if you were so desperate for something you were willing to completely forsake your own identity, beliefs, interests, ambitions, ideas etc. just to pretend to be something you were not. Consider this as well in relation to the mid-life crisis, identity crisis, and David basically being a nothingness underneath his elaborate facade.
I see David as taking her lead on many occasions. I think this idea is so unfathomable we don’t even acknowledge it but the evidence shows the truth. Though, in the end, he is still the one with the ultimate control. Remember: he is doing what it takes to appeal to her, placate her, manipulate her. 
Perhaps he is so lost he is just trying to copy and paste an identity. 
11. So, what is it, David? Do you drag around your issues so you can have an excuse to fall back on when you get tired and bored of your own kids and decide to dump them like a non-compliant girlfriend? Is this why you bought a new property? Because you were getting bored, or were scared to get bored? Is this why you didn’t tell your family about the new property until after you bought it? In order to hurt them? Confuse them? Try to convince them you have some semblance of a life of your own? 
Do you not see yourself, David? 
12. The final point: In the end, David will always choose himself. AND, David ALWAYS CHOOSES WRONG!! 
Wrong David, you made the wrong choice!!!! WRONG WRONG WRONG 
Always wrong: 
Wrong clothes (can’t even match a shirt and pants properly Dave? These are simple decisions!!)
Wrong music (when will you set your talented bandmates free Dave? Since all you do is just nod and accept whatever they give you since all you really care about with the “tours” is being up on stage!!) 
Wrong people (where do I even begin? Do you just want shitty people around you on purpose? Feels better to sit with fellow filth?)
Wrong... you neglected your children... beyond wrong (BEYOND WRONG.)
The End! Thanks readers! :)
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moiraineswife · 7 years
Why do you hate Tyrion?
Oh, where do I begin :’)  You do not know what you have Unleashed, nonnie (this is all going to be book based, and I’ll probably forget some stuff, BUT THERE’S ENOUGH IN MY HEAD TO FUEL THE FIRES OF MY RAGE) 
Short version: 
He’s arrogant, selfish, self-obsessed, self-pitying, and utterly without conscience or morals, he’s deeply misogynistic, a rapist, a killer, and he refuses to acknowledge his own flaws and shortcomings. 
Long version: 
-Even as early as AGOT he’s doing things that benefit him, and only him, without a single thought/care towards the consequences (because it’s not as though he isn’t intelligent enough to figure them out) eg: arming the mountain clans of the Vale which causes untold destruction and pain for the locals when they return with the weapons and armour he gave them as the price for his own skin. 
-Tyrion’s POVs are incredibly well written and constructed. A reader is inclined to view him as he views himself: an essentially good creature, who tries hard, and is halted and punished by the world for things he can’t help. Which...is not entirely true. 
I think it’s easy to get sucked into Tyrion’s POV, and the way that he thinks and acts. For the first few books, we very rarely get anyone’s opinion on Tyrion/view of Tyrion save Tyrion himself. 
It’s easy to get caught up in his assumptions of prejudice that the world has against him (and it’s easy to understand why he has these, I don’t deny that, but I just can’t get over it) 
If you actually pay attention, Tyrion assumes that everyone treats him badly/dislikes him etc because he’s a dwarf and they’re therefore prejudiced against him. Undoubtedly some of them are, but some of them have seriously good reasons for disliking them. 
See: Sansa Stark, who’s had basically her entire family killed by his, but Tyrion just assumes she doesn’t want him as a husband/won’t confide in him because he’s ugly. Disclaimer: IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU BUDDY. 
Also see: small folk in King’s Landing, who are angry with him for clearing away their homes and livelihoods during preparations for war. Tyrion understands why Tyrion is doing what he’s doing: it’s a practical measure for the sake of the defence of the city but...The people whose homes he’s destroying don’t understand that. But he blames their hatred of him on their prejudice of him being a dwarf. 
This isn’t necessarily a surprising character trait, not given how he grew up (I would never try and argue that Tywin wasn’t abusive towards him...But that doesn’t give Tyrion the right to be abusive in turn) but it does fill him with a certain amount of self-pity, and it limits his ability to actually self-reflect and realise that, shockingly, not everything he does is perfect, and people can dislike him for seriously valid reasons: ie, he’s a little shit. 
-The way he treats women is, frankly, disgusting. 
His disgust at being outsmarted by Catelyn in AGOT comes from the fact that someone outsmarted him, but it’s more than that, it’s because she’s a woman. he even remarks on the fact that her scheme worked in a large part because she is a woman. 
The general language he uses to talk about women is...gross. He views most of them as sexual objects/tools for him/other men to use. His liking of Robert Baratheon because Cersei hated him sticks out in relation to this. Robert, who repeatedly emotionally, verbally, and physically abused his wife, humiliated her publicly, blamed her for his abuse of her, and raped her, makes Cersei reasonably despise him. Tyrion, instead of showing sympathy for his sister, decides he likes Robert, because hey, who cares if he’s raping an essentially defenceless woman, right? He’s pissing her off, too, A++++ bloke. 
He’s surprised, indignant, and irritated that even women are allowed to participate in the votes/discussions of the mountain clansmen, like, how dare. 
People rage against Cersei for her hatred of Tyrion but it’s....Not exactly unfounded. Ignoring her being a child who had just lost her mother, whose father was giving her no support, and was blaming her newborn brother, and the prophecy that made her fear that Tyrion would kill her. 
Tyrion has, in the books that we know of: poisoned Cersei, manipulated her, undermined her, schemed to take her children away from her without her knowledge or consent, threatened her children on more than one occasion, including threatening his eight year old nephew with beatings and rape if Cersei doesn’t do what he wants, would have gone through with whipping said eight year old nephew just to hurt her,fantasised about raping and killing Cersei,  to the point that this is his ‘terms’ for working with Dany when Illyrio makes the offer to him. So...yeah, Tyrion has reason to hate Cersei, but Cersei has just as much, if not more, reason to hate and mistrust Tyrion. 
He’s also raped a slave at Illyrio’s manse, fully aware that she’s a slave, fully aware that she does not want him to have sex with her, fully aware that she cannot say no to him, which is why he does it. And the way he treated the prostitute in, I believe, Volantis, forcing himself on her again, and using the fact that they didn’t have a common language and she didn’t understand him. 
His treatment of prostitutes in general is...gross af. He views them as objects without agency. He treats them like possessions: he’s bought them, he can do whatever he wants with them, they’re his now. And his self-pity over Tysha when he learns the truth about her is also...gross af. Like, this poor girl was gang-raped while he watched, and then raped her last, the man she loved and agreed to marry, and all he can think about is his poor self. Fuck that shit.  
Literally everything about the way that he treats Shae. An eighteen year old, lowborn prostitute, who was forced out of her father’s house because he abused her and raped her as a child, with absolutely no agency, power, or person to speak for her. 
Everything about their travesty of a relationship is an abomination from the get-go. Starting with Tyrion’s commands to her: that he’s not only hiring her for sex, but to essentially act as his partner. She’s to please him in bed whenever he wants, but she’s commanded to also laugh at his jokes, pour him wine, rub the ache out of his sore legs, mourn for him if he dies, etc, etc, etc. Like if you don’t understand that it’s fucked up of him to do that to another human being, regardless of how much gold he’s giving them, I don’t know what to say to you. 
Tywin flat out tells Tyrion not to take Shae to court with him. Tyrion takes her anyway, to spite his father, knowing full well that if they’re found out, he won’t be punished, but Shae will likely be killed for his disobedience. 
He’s incredibly controlling towards Shae throughout her time with him. He essentially locks her up in a manse “for her safety” he deliberately gives her ugly guards, so she won’t be ‘tempted’ by them, and only visits her when he wants to fuck her. He complains that she’s a child when she complains about this, and he’s paying her, why should she complain? Because Shae is not a human being with her own thoughts, feelings, and desires, clearly, she’s just a sex toy for lord Tyrion. He’s bought her, and paid for her, and can do what he likes with her. 
The way he treats Shae is a pretty good representation of how he sees/treats most prostitutes. Like an object. Like a thing that he’s bought and can use as he wishes. Shae is not a human being to him, she’s not a person, she’s a thing that he can fully possess and control because he’s paying her and it’s disgusting. 
Throughout their time together, Tyrion constantly dismisses her feelings/emotions, reminding himself that she’s “only a whore” that she doesn’t love him, and is in this only for his money. (And, reminder: Shae acting like his wife, telling him she loves him, wanting on him, and being only with him, is what he commanded her to do, and paid her to do, at the outset of this little arrangement) Yet he then kills her for being a prostitute and doing her job.
 Tywin hired her and she slept with him as she slept with Tyrion, because he was paying her, and she was only a whore doing her job. But when she wasn’t doing that for Tyrion, then she had to die. Nineteen years old, helpless, abused, used, and murdered by a cold, shallow, selfish little man who, again, wallows in self-pity and thinks only of himself in the face of another’s suffering. 
The entirety of ADWD is just...Tyrion at his worst/typical, without the illusions of being an excellent, poor unfortunate soul. He drinks, he uses whores, he rapes, he cheats, he manipulates, he lies, he kills, and generally does a whole host of Bad Shit with the sole aim of benefiting him, him, and only him. 
He’s an undoubtedly well-written character. He has, in many ways, a very sympathetic arc and narrative, especially with the way it’s written. But he has a huge host of problems and things that are..beyond redemption. And the way fandom moons over him, and fawns over him, and pities him, and forgives him for every little thing he’s ever done wrong because he’s just so hard done to, boils my blood as much as anything else. 
So, yeah, an abridged rant on: why I fucking hate Tyrion Lannister. 
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lisjonok · 7 years
Do the OC thing, all the things, for Baezil. :D
As soon as I saw you sent an ask I knew it’d be ALL THE THINGS for Baezil!!
Behind a cut because this got long (I can ramble).
1: What’s your OC’s biggest insecurity and how would they react if someone pointed it out to them?
Baezil's biggest insecurity is his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -- and, to a much lesser extent, his anxiety and paranoid tendencies. He's had a marked improvement in the past decade or so and currently only his spouse is aware that he has this issue and works with him on it.
It's absolutely not something that he likes getting out or being noticed or pointed out by anyone, however. If it is, Baezil goes sort of "silent angry" and partially shuts down or gets pretty short with the person. He'd end all current communication with them and either dismiss them or leave the scene, himself, as smoothly as possible.
This is a lot better than how he was perhaps fifteen to twenty years ago. Baezil was much more prone to emotional outbursts and low-key tantrums. He's worked very hard on his temper.
Unfortunately, it's rare that he'd stop and explain to the offender on what they did to upset him unless they're his spouse or other very close friends or family.
2: If your OC wants to buy a firearm, what it might be for?
Baezil has a rifle and a blaster. Both are for work. He wouldn't otherwise have a weapon.
3: Does your OC behave differently around different people, if so with whom and how?
Absolutely. In public and around most people he doesn't know, Baezil is very formal, damn reserved on personal opinions about anything aside from work, and refrains from showing too many emotions. A small, polite smile is the most one will get. He uses titles only and will correct anyone he doesn't consider a good friend, family, or spouse. He'll only discuss his work and literally nothing else. Baezil probably overcompensates with formalities and politeness because he finds social interaction to be confusing and frightening at the best of times. 100% plants.
Good friends and family get a considerably more relaxed and personable Baezil. He'll smile, will lightly laugh at jokes (even if he doesn't understand the joke, which is nearly always). He'll actually talk about himself/his family. If upset about something, Baezil will still be disinclined to express it and will either push that away temporarily or remove himself from a situation if it's too bad. Maybe, like, 80% plants.
And lastly, a Baezil only his spouse and children see (maybe just his spouse right now, as he had a slightly rocky relationship with his first daughter). He'll ask him to explain jokes to him; even if that "ruins the joke" Baezil would much rather just understand what it was. He relaxes and is much more open with expressing himself, both positively and negatively. Still a lot of plants.
4: Would your OC want to involve themselves in humanitarian work? If yes, then for what? If not, then why not?
Oh, definitely! In the broader sense, his botany project is all about making plant-based medicine and produce more accessable in a variety of difficult climates.
As for immediate relief, Baezil would lend his medical expertise to a situation if they were short on volunteers.
5: How would your OC generally react to someone being verbally abusive towards them for no apparent reason?
Honestly, he would do his best to remove himself from the situation and then agonisingly analyse it for hours or days afterwards to try and figure out how and when he offended the person.
If he can't leave, he'll get defensive and possibly a little aggressive until he can leave.
6: Does your OC have a realistic image of their own intelligence?
Baezil is pretty sure that he's a genius in the realm of botany. And that's it. He believes he's pretty damn inept just about everywhere else.
BTW, not a genius as in egotistical and always correct, but as in he's very knowledgeable and creative within that field, as well as someone who can make errors and is welcome to critique.
7: Does your OC have any irrational phobias?
Not really.
8: How is/was your OC’s relationship with their parents?
Frustrating at the best of times and antagonistic at the worst, mostly in terms of his father who was very controlling and bordering on abusive towards him. His father had recently apologised and they made amends, slowly working towards a better understanding and relationship.
His mother was significantly kinder and more open to Baezil exploring and expressing himself as he preferred but...she, too, didn't understand him too well. Trying to reign her son in always proved to be a fight and she rarely, if ever, spoke up for him when her husband picked on him. So, they both considered Baezil to be a difficult child who has outbursts and rebelled against everything ever.
9: Does your OC feel a pressure to achieve or are they content and calm with doing what they can at the moment?
That was literally all Baezil did until just recently. But, getting older, and marrying Thistles and finally settling down with a permanent home, have helped shift some of his desires from being purely a workaholic to calming down a bit and enjoying other things.
Being promoted to captain and given a science ship with a research team also helped.
10: Does your OC guard their emotions by being tough? If not how would they?
That was Baezil up until maybe his mid-30s. Now he just buries them pretty deep and only lets Thistles see them.
11: How would your OC react to hearing they’re adopted?
His parents would still be his parents since they raised him, obviously, but he would be a little relieved not to be biologically related to his father.
12: What is one of the most primary things your OC feels that is missing from their life?
It used to be family (with children, specifically), but given that he has Thistles now and they're planning children it's something he's excited for and not a thing he's missing.
13: What kind of situations does your OC avoid the most?
Most large social gatherings or events, especially if there are Sith present.
14: If your OC gets into a fight with their best friend, would they wait for their friend to make up with them, or would they try to make up with their friend?
Given that Baezil's best friend is also his husband, I think it'd be a race as to which one of them will make up first. But, Baezil's definitely not the type to wait for apologies; he'd go ahead and do that in nearly every situation because he never believes his reaction is the correct one.
(Honestly they got into a very mild argument once and Baezil apologised for getting upset)
15: Does your OC consider themselves a good person?
Generally, yes.
16: Is your OC good at giving others validation of their feelings and making them feel understood?
Baezil's pretty empathetic and understanding of people who get upset but he doesn't necessarily...understand why people may become upset or react in certain ways to things. He'd definitely try his best to give advice, but in the past this has always turned out to be pretty useless.
17: Does your OC suffer from any mental health issues?
He has diagnosed OCD, for which he had therapy and has worked very hard on making manageable. His anxiety and paranoia go hand in hand with that.
Baezil also suffered from depression for...probably the majority of his life. As that was brought on by outside elements, it's improved significantly in the past few years as those elements have either been resolved or are being resolved.
18: What kind of intrapersonal values does your OC have? (values about their self, what makes them feel like a valid person)
...Uh. He's still working on this.
19: What boosts your OC’s confidence the most?
When Thistles tells him he did a Good and when his botany experiments come back with good results.
20: Does your OC hurt others often unintentionally? If yes, how?
Baezil is always extremely worried that he'll hurt someone as he's definitely done so in the past, either with insensitive comments about aliens or just being very blunt in a situation that had apparently required a more gentle approach.
Hence, one of the many reasons he's very restrained in most social situations.
21: Does your OC hurt others often intentionally? If yes, how?
No... Okay, other than a few fights he intentionally picked in his youth, he doesn't.
22: How does your OC usually show affection? Are they openly romantic or more restricted with their affectionate emotions?
Baezil wants and tries to show affection more openly but he's: A) incredibly inexperienced and is, as a result of that, very shy and somewhat embarrassed, and B) worries that he'll do something Wrong that would hurt or upset his spouse somehow.
It's not all bad, though; he can give Thistles hugs and kisses without internally freaking out.
23: Does your OC tend to hide something about their personality/essence when meeting new people? If yes, what?
Refer to questions 1 and 3!
He absolutely does not, however, hide that he's a giant botanist nerd who cares about plants more than he cares about most people.
24: How would your OC react if they got humiliated by someone in a group of people?
Oof. He'd literally flip a table, yell at someone, and leave.
25: How would your OC process the grief caused by the death of a loved one?
Briefly: depression, reclusiveness, and alcohol.
For longer: work, work, work.
26: What is the most intense thing your OC has been battling with?
Honestly, probably trying to understand himself, his identity, and coming to terms with it.
27: Does your OC practise any kind of escapism? If yes, what kind?
Work. So much work. He's much better now, but he used to just work all of the time and would sometimes not even return home to sleep at night.
28: How would your OC react if a bully stole their lunch money in high school?
He would have tried to fight them. He would have also lost.
29: How does your OC behave in the face of a conflict?
Baezil sets out to try to resolve the conflict, taking any possible safe routes before getting more aggressive/
30: What makes your OC defensive quickest?
Saying his work is bad and not giving any evidence of it. Oh boy, would they be in for a lecture.
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dachosmin · 7 years
Nonconathon Letter
Dearest writer! Ten thousand blessings upon you and your house for writing for me! I adore all of these pairings and kinks and am pretty much guaranteed to love whatever you write. That said, I’ve provided a scenario or two to help you brainstorm, but if you get a different idea from the tags feel free to go for it!
In terms of general notes, I really like porn-as-character-study, and love when the emotional beats in porn are tied into the characters’ pre-existing issues and hangups.
Additionally, I would prefer non-downer endings. It doesn’t need to be super happy! It can be; I do love reading about noncon aftermaths, replete with rescues and and hurt comfort and affirmations and all that. But it’s fine if the fic ends with the victim still in peril, licking their wounds. As long as there’s some spark of hope, and it doesn’t end with the equivalent of “and then character A resigned themselves to a slow and painful death.”
General Yes Wants: bondage, begging, crying, drugs/alcohol, orgasm denial, dirty talk (forced or otherwise), verbal humiliation, tentacles, desk!sex, wall!sex, choking, forced arousal, whipping, boot!kink, hair-pulling, guilt/shame, knifeplay, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, pining.
General Do Not Wants: victim death, mindbreak, stockholm syndrome, permanent injury, hand/eye/teeth injury, public sex, underage, scat, bestiality.
Dresden Files
Lord Raith noncons Harry and Thomas, Lord Raith noncons Thomas
We know Lord Raith has slept with/fed on his children in the past in order to assert dominance over them. I’m fine with a younger, more innocent Thomas being subjected to this for the first time- perhaps rebellious and needing to be subdued by his father’s sex magic, or perhaps still reeling and horrified in the aftermath of his first kill. Or! Lord Raith calling in Thomas when he’s older in order to prove he’s still loyal, and Thomas has to go along with it in order to keep his dad from suspecting he’s not as docile as he appears. I imagine Lord Raith is very very powerful, and more than capable of turning Thomas on against his will. Does he completely overpower Thomas? Or toy with him and use just enough magic that Thomas can’t tell how much of this is his own attraction and how much is the vampire drugs.
And then if Harry’s in the mix the possibilities get even better. I have no idea how Harry gets into this mess- perhaps it’s an undercover thing gone wrong, and Lord Raith isn’t sure who he is? Perhaps Lord Raith has Harry kidnapped and brought to his bed specifically to hurt Thomas, who answers his father’s summons only to find Harry, drugged to the gills on vampire sex pheromones! And Harry isn’t really sure what’s going on but is so trusting of Thomas that he’s willing to follow his lead. And Thomas is frantically trying to act like Harry means nothing to him and is just another toy to feed on, and does his best to shield him from the worst of his father’s hunger while unable to refrain from feeding on him himself. All of the angst and shame and guilt, please!
Dresden Files
Nicodemus Archleone noncons Michael Carpenter
I would strongly prefer Michael “consent” to the sex- obviously it isn’t true consent, as he’d never actually want it, but I would like him to choose this instead of being dragged into it kicking or screaming. As for how that might happen- do the Fallen have one of the swords that they’re willing to trade for him? Or have they captured Harry/Molly/etc? Is he trying to save some other innocent? Maybe they’ve caught Michael and say they’ll let him go if he acts as a willing participant in a night of pleasure. Either way, I imagine he envisions this as another kind of battle, and he’s never backed away from fighting before.
It’s up to you how Nicodemus responds. He hates and fears Michael- maybe he wants to make the rape brutal and torture-y, see how much he can degrade Michael, how far he can push him before Michael cries or begs him to stop. Or maybe he takes a completely different approach? Maybe he wants to corrupt Michael, not break him? So he seeks to make it the most sinfully pleasurable sex Michael has ever had, tries to get Michael to enjoy it as much as possible and then shame him for giving into his lust.
Either way, there’s potential for lots of “what would your family and friends think to see you now?” type stuff, plus blasphemy (misuse of religious symbols! Stringing Michael up on a cross! Mockingly quoting scripture!) and mocking Michael for being all about love and forgiveness etc etc.
No matter how dark it gets, please have Michael uncorrupted at the end- even if he gives in and begs or cries and has his faith shaken during the rape itself, please follow it with some hint of self-forgiveness and faith in the aftermath, even if it doesn’t come immediately.
Rogue One
OMC noncons Cassian Andor
This request is 100% based on the fact that Cassian Andor suffers beautifully and is a delightful little ball of angst and guilt.
As for scenarios, there are so many options! Is Cassian ordered to seduce imperial operatives or go undercover as a prostitute? Perhaps some of his clients have darker tastes than he had planned for and he gets drugged/whipped/gangbanged etc. Or perhaps they realize he’s a rebel and they want to have a bit of fun with him before handing him over to Imperial Intelligence? Or perhaps Imperial Intelligence is interrogating him, and when traditional torture doesn’t work the interrogator decides to try out some slightly unorthodox methods? And even if they can’t get anything out of him, they take videos and pictures of him getting raped and begging and crying and then send it to the rebels as a way to break morale. Or maybe it’s the rebels that are nonconning him- an undercover mission where he’s posing as an Imperial and can’t break cover to tell them he’s on the same side as them? Or Rebel Intelligence testing him to see how well he can stand up to torture?
The Goblin Emperor
Eshevis Tethimar noncons Csevet Aisava
A classic for a reason! I would prefer this one to happen during the canon period rather than during Csevet’s courier days. As for the scenario… perhaps Csevet sneaks out to a marnis bar to take care of his, ah, needs, and happens upon Tethimar? And Tethimar is crooning all this poison in his ear about how he’ll tell everyone Csevet is a marnis whore if Csevet doesn’t service him. And even if Maia doesn’t care society will, and there will be all sorts of rumors about the emperor employing a marnis secretary, nod wink. Or perhaps he dispenses with the blackmail and just pulls Csevet into an alley, and Csevet is too drunk on metheglin to effectively fight back. Or any scenario where Csevet offers himself up to Tethimar to protect Maia is excellent too.
OMC noncons Deret Beshelar
Deret has such developed senses of duty and honor, I’d love to see a scenario where the two clash. He has a duty to protect Maia; what happens when he has to sacrifice himself in a way Elvish society deems most dishonorable in order to fulfill said duty? As for how this might come about… I don’t know, maybe the emperor is traveling and they’re waylaid by bandits? Airship pirates? Enemy soldiers? And Beshelar convinces them to rape him instead of Maia, since Maia is all fragile and no fun in bed but Beshelar! Beshelar is a proper soldier that can show them a good time (desperate Beshelar is a terrible liar). However it happens, I imagine the rapist would take great delight in chipping away at Beshelar’s rigid self-control. And hopefully Maia or Cala can comfort him a bit afterwards.
OMC noncons Deret Beshelar and Cala Athmaza
So, like the above but with Cala in the mix. I could see this being very interesting in terms of Beshelar’s honor™. Beshelar is canonically willing to sacrifice himself for Maia- it’s his job after all. But what happens when he has to watch Cala make the same sacrifice? What happens when he can’t save both of them? Would he shut down, or do everything in his power to take the brunt of the abuse? And Cala! How would Cala react to Beshelar’s astronomical levels of guilt and shame? How would he handle the rape itself?
Eshevis Tethimar noncons Cala Athmaza
Unlike the other pairings I have no preconceived notions of how this would play out, but I’m really, really curious to know what you think would happen!
The Hobbit
Thorin noncons Legolas, Thorin noncons Legolas and Thranduil, Thorin noncons Thranduil, Thranduil noncons Fili and Kili, Thranduil noncons Fili/Kili/Thorin, Thranduil noncons Kili,  Thranduil noncons Thorin
These pairings are all based on the semi-obsessive mutual hate between Thranduil and Thorin, and the idea that both of them would absolutely go after the other’s loved ones to get what they want.
Scenarios where Thranduil is the aggressor could take place while the dwarves are imprisoned in Mirkwood, or in a canon-divergent aftermath of the BoFA where Thorin/Fili/Kili all live. If set in Mirkwood, perhaps Thranduil offers the dwarves their freedom- for a price? Or maybe post-canon the two realms get into another war that the elves win, and Thranduil takes Thorin and his nephews as his personal slaves?
If Thranduil is nonconning Thorin, I’d love him reveling in Thorin’s unwilling submission. Ordering Thorin around, making him enjoy it despite himself, grinding all the dwarven pride underneath his heel- YES! Or if he’s nonconning Kili and/or Fili, doing it in a way that highlights how impotent Thorin is to help them- making him watch, drugging them in front of him, taking them somewhere where Thorin can hear the noises echoing off the rock walls of his cell? And if it’s all three of them, forcing Thorin to fuck them and making him enjoy it? Basically anything that ends with Thorin enraged and turned on despite himself would be most welcome.
As for instances where Thorin is the aggressor, I imagine his actions stem from his hatred of Thranduil’s treatment of his people and also his desire to see cracks in the elven-king’s perfect mask- either through raping Thranduil himself or taking apart his beloved only child and making Thranduil beg him to stop. Again, the latter would be great if either done in front of Thranduil or where he can hear the effects. Or make them perform together for Thorin’s amusement!
Shan Yu noncons Shang
Perhaps Shan Yu captures Shang while he’s couriering messages to his father on behalf of the army. Shan Yu interrogates him, which turns into noncon, and after Shang breaks down and gives up whatever information he’s carrying, Shan Yu sends him on to his father with semen trickling down his armor.
Or perhaps the war ends with a treaty, and one of the conditions is that Shang is given to Shan Yu as a concubine? And Shang complies with the treaty even though he’s absolutely horrified: he’ll do his duty, even if it means lying back and thinking of China in the bed of his enemy. Does Shan Yu like playing with his prey? Does it amuse him to make Shang enjoy his captivity despite himself? Or is he vengeful in bed, wanting to punish Shang for the avalanche incident? Or perhaps China is overrun by the Huns and Shang ends up as Shan-Yu’s slave rather than an honored concubine. I would love Shan Yu coming across Shang on the battlefield or in the ruins of the capitol with fighting that turns into rape to claim him as his slave.
Whatever route you go, feel free to dwell on Shang’s horror that he’s submitting to the man that killed his father and/or so many of his countrymen.
Teen Titans
Slade noncons Robin
So in the show, Slade blackmails Robin into becoming his apprentice. In his own words, “If you join me, if you swear to serve me, if you never speak to your friends again I will allow them to live. But if you disobey even the smallest request I will annihilate them, Robin- and I will make you watch. So, do we have a deal?”
So: this scenario- but with noncon!
Perhaps Slade wants to test the limits of Robin’s loyalty to see how far he’ll go. So Slade asks Robin to do all sorts of things in that cool, dispassionate voice and Robin grits his teeth and does as he’s told at first, because he knows his friends will die as he doesn’t. Of course Robin can’t help but mouth off, and then Slade has to punish him. Or maybe it’s punishment from the start; Robin chafes at being ordered around even when it’s fairly innocuous. Maybe he snaps at Slade one too many times and Slade has to put him in his place.
I would love if Slade is publicly possessive with Robin- beyond just making him wear his uniform perhaps there’s a collar involved, and Slade insists on lots of touching and PDA when they’re in public. Especially if he makes Robin pretend this is all consensual to the Titans- he chose to go to the dark side and is likewise choosing to be in a relationship with Slade. Maybe Slade records Robin pretending to enjoy sex as blackmail material and sends it to the Titans- or Batman.
Whatever you end up doing, lots of focus on Robin’s impotent rage at the situation plus his horror and guilt and shame at actually enjoying the things Slade is making him do.
Captive Prince
Damen and Nikandros noncon Laurent and Auguste, Damen noncons Laurent and Auguste
I’d prefer these pairings to take place in an AU where Laurent and Auguste are Damen’s slaves- perhaps Auguste was captured at Arles and Laurent was sent over as tribute later, perhaps Akielos conquered Vere and giving up the two princes as slaves was part of the peace treaty.
As for how the rape itself goes down, perhaps Damen (+ Nikandros) force the brothers to play together out of vindictiveness, having had friends that died in the war at Veretian hands. Or perhaps they’re just having fun with their two loveliest slaves and don’t give the incest part much thought. I’m all for collars/leashes in public, recreational drugging, and Laurent and Auguste tripping over themselves to protect each other- to the amusement of Damen (+Nikandros).
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