#i acquired one of these characters years after making the other (& subsequently forgetting about her (RIP))
scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 11
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WC: 2077
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: full on angst, discussions of emotional trauma, mild depictions of blood/gore, mentions of self h*rm & su*cide, mentions of child abuse, discussions of physical disabilities, institutionalization, some dialogue & plot canon to TV show, hurt/comfort
The rest of the conference went by much like the first day did. Both you and Laszlo bought a few books for your collections. An ease had settled over your conversations with the help of Sara and John's presence; you spoke more freely with each other. You tell yourself it is not because he's going soft on you or vice versa, but rather that you have found yourself in this imaginary bubble where you happen to get on well. It's inevitable that it will pop once you’re back at school and Laszlo will revert back to his usual callous state.
Laszlo. It still felt odd to think of him like that, rather than by his title. You couldn't lie, it gave you a sort of thrill. Even in your dreams you had only called him by his honorific. Thankfully you didn't have another dream after Friday. You couldn't escape the feeling that you'd said something incriminating in front of the man in question. So you chose to pretend it didn't happen.
Monday morning came and you headed to the train station. Once again he had secured a private cabin for the journey. This time you came prepared with a book since you had yet to replace your broken phone.
"Thank you again for inviting me to this, I really enjoyed myself. It was really nice of the department to foot my travel expenses, the hotel was really fancy. I may have helped myself to a mini-bottle or two," you joked.
"There is no need to worry about the department's finances; they were not involved."
You pause. He paid for you? Laszlo did say he would take care of the arrangements; but the four-star hotel, the private compartment train tickets, the admission to the conference, and every meal? Shit, that must have been a fortune, hundreds of dollars at least.
You don't know what to say, so you settle for an awkward "oh." A moment passes before you add "I appreciate that, um, I can pay you back. Might take some time but I can."
The professor is flippant in his reply. "There is no need, it was well spent for the research and knowledge acquired." He opens his book signaling the conversation is over.
You lick your lips. Fine then, I'll just consider it payment for emotional suffering and damages of the last eight weeks.
The first few hours of the journey were spent reading one of the new books you picked up at the convention. Occasionally you would peek over the pages at the professor. He was engrossed in his own selection; sometimes he would pause to write down a thought.
Around the seventh hour of your journey you had given up on reading anymore in favor of looking at the fields outside. The silence was comforting.
Laszlo had trouble concentrating on the book in his hand. He saw you as a conundrum. One minute you could be sociable and teasing with your comments, then next you were biting at his throat with your quick wit and fierce ideals. He decides that he wants to know what made you into who you are today. Now is as good a time as any.
His eyes on you cause a tingle up your spine but you ignore it. Laszlo breaks the silence; "may I ask a personal question?"
"You just did," you answer, still peering out of the large window. He huffed once, amused. At his following silence you face him. You raise your eyebrows to signal him to go on with his question. Curiosity grows at the thought of what he intends to ask.
"Twice now you have made implications of a traumatic past," he begins.
Bubble popped.
Interrupting, you snark "is this the part where you psychoanalyze me, doc? Because trust me, I've been through enough of that." You pick at the lint on your jeans.
Laszlo tries to choose his words more carefully the next time he speaks. "What I mean to say is, the first afternoon in the classroom where you defended that student you implied you had been witness to a trauma. You then displayed signs of anger and embarrassment before leaving prematurely. Yesterday you mentioned having entered a psychiatric facility. As an alienist I can't help but find myself curious about your experiences."
You slide your eyes to meet his from across the cabin. Your face is devoid of any emotion. "We all have our demons. Even you can't argue with that."
Your jaw clenches. Everyone had warned you. They all said he would try to worm his way into your head to figure you out. All the reviews, the gossip, everything. It was a big fat 'I told you so'. You give a pitiful laugh at the situation. "You know, everyone told me that you would pull this stunt."
He seems confused by your statement. "And what is that?"
"That you'd get inside my head and try to figure me all out or whatever. You already know I googled you beforehand, what everyone says about your methods. By now I assume you've done a little research yourself. I promise you there is nothing exciting here," you scoff and point to yourself.
"You would be correct in your assumption." You chew at your cheek as he starts. "I do know some of what happened in your past. Yet I also know that society likes to dilute the truth into something either more palatable, more entertaining, for people to consume greedily. What I want to know is what you have faced. How you have not allowed the experience to overcome you so much so that your humanity is erased like the characters I lecture on."
Eyes closing of their own volition you are thrown back in time to that night so many years ago. You didn't talk about it anymore. Bitsy knew of course, but that was the extent.
Laszlo waits. He knows this is likely to push you over the edge if your history with him means anything. Quite frankly, anyone would be tossed to their limit at his interrogation had they gone through what you had. John always told him that he needed to work on his bedside manner; that he had a habit of coming on too strong in his pursuit of learning the intricacies of the human mind. But your earlier comment about being sent to a so-called 'nuthouse' rubbed him the wrong way. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He needed to know. He needed to understand.
Laszlo can imagine the reprimand that he would receive from John and Sara for this. Just as he considers apologizing for his intrusion you open your eyes.
"She was fine. None of us suspected anything was wrong. I came home from having dinner with some… boy, and she had locked herself in the bathroom. She- she must have started over the sink and moved to sit on the side of the tub. She was hunched inside it when I got the door open. I pulled her out. Blood was… everywhere." Your voice is clinical as you explain.
"After, I shut down. So I checked myself into a psych ward a few days later when I couldn't get the feel of her blood off my hands. It's slippery, you know. And it smells. You wouldn't think so but it does." You clear your throat. "I did the therapy, took the meds they prescribed, all the standard treatments. Later I started watching true crime documentaries. I'd heard about exposure therapy so I figured the more I saw the gore, the less the image of my dead roommate would bother me. And it did help. The nightmares stopped after a while, I came back to school. I was better, just not the same.” You had watched the passing landscape as you explained. Turning to face him you speak again. “That's why those pictures didn't bother me. They weren't anything I hadn't seen before."
He contemplates you. The discovery and subsequent loss of your friend in this manner would no doubt cause lingering effects to your psyche. A stain that would forever remind you. "I offer my sincerest condolences. I do not presume to know what that would be like to experience, but I am glad you sought help afterwards. To make the choice to alleviate yourself of your own suffering where possible.”
As he says this he realizes that your anger towards the idea of being enslaved to unconscious impulse makes perfect sense. It explains why you focused so much energy on defending your belief in free will. That you have the power to choose how you carry your joy, your anger, your healing. It reminds him of how he held onto his own guilt and hurt, ignoring how it festered within him for so long. He feels as though he needs to share a piece of himself with you.
“I played piano as a child, quite well too. My mother hoped I would someday make a career of it. I vividly remember playing Mozart’s Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D Minor at a holiday party when I was seven years old. It was my favorite to play.... It requires two hands." You finally look at him. "My father...” He pauses to gather himself.
Now it is the doctor that cannot meet your eyes. As you listen you feel your confusion grow. How could he have been a talented pianist if he only had full use of his left hand? Unless..., the realization dawns on you just as he continues, his words slow.
“My father had two sides. One loving and the other brutal, the two often coexisting. It was something as trivial as putting me to bed, I recall... A game of tug of war. We were laughing…” He inhales a sharp breath. Already you can feel the tears begin to blur your vision. “I don't remember if he was drunk or if I said something that offended him. He must have pulled my arm behind my back.” Laszlo exhales shakily. “In small children, fractures can often affect…” he trails off, unable to finish. You can hear how he barely holds himself together.
Your heart aches for the broken man that sits in front of you. He never let on how much his arm bothered him, at least not within your presence. Suddenly you don’t see him as this rude, insufferable, obsessive man, but instead as someone that spends his life trying to protect himself. He projects his own anger and hurt so that he may, just for a minute, forget about his own demons. He wants to help others even when he feels he cannot bear to help himself.
But unlike you, he has to live with the physical reminder of his past every day of his life.
You stand and move to sit on his right side. Before allowing yourself to think too much of your actions, you place your hand atop his own, curling your fingers around his palm and squeezing delicately. You don’t bother wiping away the tears on your cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Laszlo;” the whisper is barely heard above the sound of the train. A second passes where you fear you have overstepped and offended him by touching the affected limb. When his thumb tightens against the backs of your fingers you know he is not. He holds you in place.
“You asked me how I kept my humanity. How does anyone really? We learn to take what we get and we carry it in a bag. Sometimes you have to drag the damn thing behind you. But eventually the weight gets less and less if you allow yourself to move forward, even if it’s still there with you all the time. I dealt with what happened years ago and it does still haunt me. It’s easier now than it was, but… I- I suppose I’ve learned from you too. Sitting in those lectures and hearing you talk. We can either let it haunt us for the rest of our lives… or we can accept it… and use the memory of our pain to help ourselves and others.”
“I’m not sure the choice is entirely in our hands.” His tone is mournful.
You turn to smile at him through your tears. His own eyes are bloodshot. “I disagree. If it weren’t, if we didn’t have the freedom to choose that, we’d all be murderers.”
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girlbossgertrude · 4 years
Through Gertrude and Agnes’s web bond, it is implied that the two both acquired traits of the other. We see this with Gertrude and her tendency towards fire and the Desolation. This would have to be mirrored in Agnes in some way, through beholding tendency and power. Though I do not think the tapes are of the Beholding, I think this fact is important to remember.
In MAG 162, the tapes that mysteriously came with the package that held the ritual statement both mention fire in the archives/burning down the archives. See here: “TIM: I mean it! We’ll burn this place to the ground!” and the whole scene with Gertrude getting angry at Gerry for burning cursed leighters in the archives. And, as I write this, I realize that fire is also mentioned in another extra tape in early season five (MAG 161); Jon yells at Tim for bringing a fire source in the archives in the Birthday Party scene! (ARCHIVIST: Alright, yes - thank you. I do hope you’re planning not to light those candles.) And, also in 161, Gertrude is literally planning down to burn down the archives and talks of fire, and her pyromaniac streak, caused by her bond to Agnes. (GERTRUDE: Paper burns well,...Petrol burns better. LEITNER: I always forget your pyromaniac streak. GERTRUDE: Mm. Remind me to tell you about Agnes sometime.)
In MAG 80, Leitner talks to the tapes like a specific person right before he gets killed. There is no one else in the room with him. “[SILENCE] LEITNER: I’m not sure you would have liked him, you know. He’s paranoid enough. But I don’t think he’s got the stomach for it [SILENCE].” Most assume he’s talking to Gertrude (I did), but that really doesn't make sense in the context of most tapes theories ™ . Gertrude is very much dead. Basically, it’s possible that he could be talking to Agnes here, especially in the context of the next point-
“REMIND ME TO TELL YOU ABOUT AGNES SOMETIME.” This line from MAG 161 has so much potential for foreshadowing. It could mean so very many things. But in this context, this implies Gertrude could have told him about Agnes listening behind the tapes? Though this doesn’t make sense in some possibilities of how Agnes is the tapes, it is important to note.
Agnes is very marked by the web and the tapes being associated with the web is highly, highly plausible. She has been affected and tied up in the web since birth! She burned spider webs in Jack Barnabus’s home, and obviously, she was anchored to Gertrude through the web’s ties for years, as well as living in Hill Top Road, AKA Web Supreme. Additionally, she’s killed multiple web avatars: Raymond Fielding, and Emma Harvey. Agnes is interconnected to Hill Top Road, and the crew is there right now, its incredibly plausible that she’s going to come up again. She already did, actually. It is mentioned in the 196 statement that Agnes was the one who opened up the dimensional rift incidentally- from burning down HTR, it caused the crack to open more. ([Raymond Fielding was] “immolated by the Chosen of the Ravening Burn. The house of the time was destroyed along with him, reduced to ashes, and with that the crack finally became… a gap. A hole around which time, dimension and reality began to bend, shudder and leak.”) This feels important.
Agnes Montague supposedly died in 2006, and then in MAG 139, which is taken sometime in 2006, Eugene Vanderstock tells Gertrude that Agnes has died, but- then in 2009-2011, Agnes and Gertrude met up, sometime after Sannikov Land to discuss the subsequent murder agaisnt Emma Harvey. So, she came back from the dead. Or, it’s a classic timeline mistake and I’m insane, of course. Two things that are important to note here: 1. It is important to remember that most desolation avatars had to “die” to become an avatar (I.E.: Jude setting herself on fire in front of her wife to become a avatar) while Agnes had been a true avatar from the get-go, so that could have been her “first death” like the others. 2. In some patreon extended version of the season 3 Q+A, Jonny Sims, when asked about timeline mistakes, says there is a “nexus of timeline discrepancies that is [a part of my] master plan.”
The recording of Gertrude’s death was one of, if not the first recorded times a tape turned on. That’s it, I just feel like that’s important.
The tapes are increasingly being confirmed as web, though so far it seems like web AND something else. “MARTIN: Wait. Wait… The tapes… ANNABELLE: A fine material to spin a web with, don't you think?” I think this confirms that the tapes are at least partly web, though what makes me think that they aren't fully web is what the two say after; Martin asks if it’s been Annabelle listening all along, and she says “Oh Martin. You have no idea who's listening, do you?” I know most choose to interpret this as wholly a fourth-wall break, and an implication that the tapes are us, the audience, but I am choosing to interpret it differently. I think, at times, there can be a character that acts as the audience, says what everyone's thinking and all that. I think that’s happened a lot in this podcast, and I think when Annabelle said that, I interpreted Martin as the audience here, and that Annabelle was telling us “Lol. You guys have NO idea who’s listening behind the tapes!” not that like. She was telling Martin you have no idea who's listening *points to us, the listeners, who are listening*. Also! I think it’s important to note that Annabelle said “who” and not “what”? I don’t know, I feel like that’s important for some reason, in a podcast of weird entities.
A new possibility: Agnes (or someone else but that's not what this post is about) communicating through previously recorded tapes, but being able to get her message across through them. What I mean is that at the end of 196, three different tapes click on, of Jon telling Martin specifically to listen. Someone could be manipulating the tapes to do this. I personally think Agnes doing this fits with her story well; as we’ve only ever heard her story told by other people, and additionally, the overarching theme of not choosing what she is, what she's becoming. Additionally, I feel like it is definitely a possibility that Gertrude could have bond Agnes to the tapes as she has a history of doing things like that, or their web bond could have caused it, as well.
The parallels between Jon and Agnes are incredibly obvious. One line parallel that stands out to me is Agnes to Jack Barnabus in MAG 67 Burning Desire: “She asked me if I had a destiny…[after he replies no] She looked at me, with the same sadness I’d seen on her face before. “That must be nice,” she said, and went back to staring into the sunset.” juxtaposed with Jon talking to Gerry in MAG 111 Family Business: “Sh-She never showed any...er, abilities, or talked about...I don’t know, destiny? Like she was...b-becoming something?” Truly, at the end of the day, Neither of them chose this life for themselves. Neither of them wanted to be Chosen, neither of them chose this life like other avatars did (ex: Jonah Magnus, Jude Perry). They could relate to each other, is what I’m saying. And Jon desperately needs someone to relate to right now. Additionally, the talk of burning down the archive throughout the seasons, specifically season five (see reason 2), and Jonah at one point calling the Archivist/Jon the “Archive” does not slip my mind.
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Between the Walls, Chapter 1: Roommates (Dream SMP fic)
I've noticed there's an unfortunate lack in Borrower AU content, and as that shit is my jam I'm putting forth the content I wish to see into the fandom XD
To quote my friend, "I do not control the hyperfixation"
Word count: 4497
Summary: At first retirement had sounded like an excellent idea. Make a house far away from everyone else, get some peace and quiet, no longer concern himself with the total garbage that was the local government. Nice things, relaxing things.… 
But then the scratching in the walls started happening.
Techno groaned as he flopped backwards into his chair, tired eyes staring into the glowing fireplace as he relaxed after his busy day. A day full of building, repairing the damage dealt by the creeper population, and…
A day spent trying to find any signs of his thief.
You see, Techno had assumed that retirement would be an excellent way to unwind from the massive amount of blood that had been shed after L’Manberg went up in smoke, as well as the aggravation he felt towards his sweet, innocent cows being slaughtered and his bunker being raided.
Raided and dismantled thanks to Phil stealing his bookshelves and in turn chunks of the wall.
It was scuffed, horribly scuffed, and left him with one option.
That, combined with the wanted posters Quackity had hung up demanding his capture and subsequent execution after what he had done. Honestly, talk about the biggest character arc for Quackity, going from fearing him to taking an active role in trying to end his life.
Too bad for him that Technoblade never dies.
But still, having to constantly deal with being attacked while no longer having a truly safe and secure base was troublesome, so he had sought out to make a new home far from L’Manberg and all other communities.
The isolation did not scare him, on the contrary he liked having a space all to his own with no worries about socialization or someone bothering him. Besides, Phil could always visit him if he wanted some company.
Fortunately, constructing his new home had taken relatively little time once he had found the best spot for it, and with some help from Phil, moving all the important resources and equally important fixtures of his home had taken even less time.
All in all, Techno had managed to acquire a new sanctuary away from all the plotting and scheming, although he had a feeling someone would try to mess with him at some point, and he had plenty of space to make a brand new vault. He had achieved peace and quiet, and was even in the process of planning on making a turtle farm. Surely all these positive developments would mean he was happy, right?
Well, he would be if it weren’t for the fact that there was a thief rummaging through his home.
It started with small things, like his chests becoming less and less organized over time. Yes, there were moments where he simply chucked whatever useless items were in his inventory into the nearest empty chest, but he would never clutter up chests containing important items, like potions and enchanted books.
So, finding several misplaced items as well as random blocks of dirt and stone, practically pebbles given their size, while also finding certain resources such as wood and leather missing was the first sign of something strange going on.
The next was the odd noises that seemed to come from the walls of his home. Faint scratches that would be inaudible to anyone but himself due to his heightened hearing. It reminded of a rat infestation, and he unconsciously shuddered.
Not due to fear or discomfort, but the sheer amount of work it would take to get rid of a pest infestation. At that point he might as well take his house apart and build elsewhere.
However, despite his suspicions and hypothesis, there was practically no evidence to support. There were, thankfully, no signs of rat activity, or activity from any other pests. No scratches, bite marks, signs of wood decaying, or anything like that. Other than the noise and the strangely messy organization of his chests, there was no sign of the thief.
And he had looked.
Intensely, as best he could. Logic and inductive reasoning had led him to this conclusion. There was a thief, so there had to be signs of this thief somewhere. A lack of footprints meant they must use pearls to get around. The fact that his rarer resources had not been stolen, his potions of strength and enchanted books, meant that his thief was either unconcerned with stealing things of value from him and just wanted to mess with him, or they were a cocky idiot.
… So it was either Ranboo or-
His ears perked up, cutting off his train of thought as he glanced over at the nearby wall. His eyes narrowed and he pushed himself up and out of his chair before striding over to the wall, cape swishing about behind him.
He pressed the side of his head against the wall, eyes closing as he tried to focus on where the sound was coming from. It was here! It had to be! There was something hidden in this very wall. The source of his annoyance, his thief.
Well, there was only one way to find out.
Techno readied his axe, and swung it down-
There are times where Tommy can’t stop himself from looking in the nearest reflective surface and asking how he managed to fuck things up this bad. It was painful to recall the steps that had led him to this outcome, the signs obvious but he had been too stupid and ignorant to pay them any mind.
Causing trouble was in his blood, something the local borrower community had reluctantly accepted over the years, helped by how eager he was to throw himself into dangerous situations. Something that should have been concerning to the adults who watched them, taught them how to borrow, how to gather items and even hunt in order to survive, but he had learned that lesson at a very, very young age.
The lesson that no one would step in to help him if he was in danger. That he was on his own and had to prove his worth in order to stay, constantly putting his life on the line for the slightest crumb of respect.
To hear someone say that he had done a good job, to be thanked for his hard work instead of always being brushed off and ignored.
Of course, his friendship with Tubbo helped to soothe that constant within him, dulling the sting of rejection while reminding him that there was one person who truly cared about him. One person who would always be there for him, would lift him up when he was down, and jump into any situation to protect him.
Orphans had to stick together, after all.
And it was a good thing they did end up working together as the duo balanced each other out perfectly. Tommy was far more outgoing and blunt, hotheaded being the best word to describe him. He was willing to do whatever he needed, always ready to speak up when he thought there was bullshit going on, and spoke his mind freely.
It was an ironic honesty, a trait that one assumed would help to attract friends but only aided in driving them away.
Meanwhile, Tubbo was much softer in some ways. Much more reserved than Tommy, he was more of a thinker and planner. Nowhere near as comfortable with spontaneous action as his friend, but he had the knowledge and skills to reign in those impulsive actions before things got dangerous.
They were the best of friends, pals to the very end.
Even though they would never see each other again.
And it was all his fault.
Tommy had ruined everything.
The plan had been simple, easy. All he wanted to do was mess up Mrs. Brigsburry’s house. Just a tiny touch of crime and freaking the old bat out.
She deserved so much worse because of that day. The pot that had been thrown at Tubbo and how much blood Tommy had seen running down the side of his face. The bitch’s shrieks and curses as she insulted them over and over again.
Swearing they both should have died with their parents-
How was he supposed to know he accidentally left one of her rags near the lit stove, the fire within causing the piece of fabric to ignite and in turn allowing the flames to spread to the rest of the house.
It was a good thing she lived on the edge of Borrowton, the fires thankfully only burning her home to the ground.
No one wanted to live near an asshole like her.
Tommy, who had been feeling proud of himself, quickly experienced true regret and fear once the meeting started. Shouts, demands, and insults had flown through the air, many of the people he had grown up with insisting that he be tossed out for what he had done, exiled from the only home he had ever known.
It had been terrifying to see how quickly everyone had turned against him, how they refused to give him the chance to defend himself or even explain why he had done what he did. Not even Tubbo had been able to protect him from the crowd’s wrath, his attempts at standing in front of Tommy and blocking him from sight thwarted when one of the adults grabbed his arm and dragged him elsewhere.
He would never be able to forget the haunting sight of Tubbo reaching for him, tears pouring from his eyes as he screamed his name over and over. It was the last time he had seen his friend, too.
And yet, this was not the worst part of his punishment.
He had been given an hour, one measly hour, to pack up everything he had ever owned before being forcefully exiled from Borrowton. The realization of what was happening had slammed into him all at once, leaving Tommy trembling and unable to move.
He was going to lose everything he had ever known, everything he had worked so hard to build, Tubbo-
He was going to lose his Tubbo.
And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
No amount of begging or pleading had stopped the adults who dragged him to his shoddy, shared home. He had groveled on his hands and knees, promising to change, to do better, to do whatever they wanted if they just let him stay.
Don’t take my Tubbo away. Don’t take him away. I need him, I need him-
The harsh sting of his cheek and the painful sensation of his neck snapping back from the force of the slap was enough to snap Tommy out of his trance. He blinked and looked around, feeling all the more disconnected from reality as he noticed the two bags that had been placed beside him.
One for food, and one for clothes and tools.
… He was really getting exiled, wasn’t he?
“You have no one to blame but yourself for this.” The adult beside him grumbled, dragging the stunned teen up to his feet and shoving him towards the door.
“Front gate. Now. And if I find you causing more trouble, you’ll be leaving with nothing but the clothes on your back.” The man sneered.
For a moment that spark of anger rose up in him, rage flowing through his veins and making his fists clench while he ground his teeth together. The urge to lash out, both physically and verbally, was strong, and yet…
As quickly as those feelings emerged, they faded, and Tommy was left feeling hollow and drained. What was the point in fighting back if all he did was get himself into more trouble. It was obvious they weren’t going to change their minds, he would be exiled no matter what, and if he did lash out-
Tubbo screaming his name as he was dragged away, snot and tears flowing down his face. Thrashing and struggling in a futile attempt to reach him.
… The risk, the damage he could do to his friend, was far greater than the satisfaction of breaking the man’s knobby nose. So, with extreme reluctance, Tommy left the house and made his way towards the front gate. The streets were surprisingly empty, he had expected to see a mob of people cheering while watching him leave, maybe even get the occasional bit of dirt thrown his way.
Treated like the trash they thought he was.
His send off lacked all formality. Only the usual guards of the gate were present, and even then they paid him no mind. He was simply shoved towards another borrower, a lady this time who, based on the immense amount of foliage covering her clothes, spent most of her life out in the wild.
God, how would he ever survive out there. Between the wild animals, the shitty weather, and the mobs that would wander the lands when darkness fell, he was doomed.
He had only ever known how to survive in his community, where you could barter for goods and depend on someone to help you. Now he wouldn’t have any of that. There would be no shelter, no safety in numbers-
No Tubbo.
Numb, Tommy was shoved towards the woman and quietly took note of the presence of the animal he could not see before. It was a fox, quite large compared to him and the other borrowers, and domesticated since it wasn’t ripping anyone apart.
… Or maybe it was just waiting until he got outside, then it would rip him to shreds. Wouldn’t want any blood splatters staining the inside of the gate.
He was so absolutely, royally fucked.
“C’mon, we gotta get moving.” The woman barked, grabbing his arm and pushing him towards the fox with little care for his comfort and the fact that she was adding more bruises to his arm. Tommy hissed in pain and rubbed the aching spot while glaring at her.
Everyone in this place was a fucking asshole.
“Alright, alright, chill the fuck out. I’m moving.” Tommy grumbled as, after a moment of hesitance, buried his hands in the animal’s warm fur and climbed up its side. A moment later, the woman jumped up to join him, taking a seat near the fox’s shoulders while Tommy struggled to pull his bags up as well.
Finally, once his meager supplies had joined him, it was time for them to set off. He had nearly been thrown off as the fox stood up, and when the animal sprinted out of the hidden tunnel and into the fading sunlight-
Well, it was a good thing he managed to grab hold of his bags before they were knocked off. He shuddered in the sudden, stinging breeze, and did his best to hunker down into the warm fur below him. He had no idea where they were going, no clue what far away biome he would be abandoned in, and quietly decided to not think about it further. The last thing he wanted to do was to start crying.
… Even if he had been ever since they first left the front gate.
He quickly rubbed at his face, trying to dry the lingering tears so there were less signs as to his degenerating mental state, and instead decided that it would be best to strike up a conversation, something that would help to distract him from what was going on.
Tubbo, Tubbo. He missed Tubbo. He wanted to see Tubbo again-
“Name’s Tommy!” He called out. “What’s yours?”
Silence was his answer.
“... Well fuck you too then.”
Much like the start of their journey, the rest of the trip was silent as the fox ran through various biomes, fields, and forests. On multiple occasions they stopped, the woman gathering some sort of herb every single time.
… Perhaps she was making drugs.
Tommy snorted to himself at the joke, mood lifting just the slightest bit before plummeting back to bedrock. God, he was tired. His body ached from sitting still for so long, as well as the general discomfort from the fox nimbly jumping from cliff to cliff, ducking around trees, and just being an agile shitbag. It was annoying and he hated it.
… Hated the fact that he was getting further and further away from his friend. Hated the fact that the fox could cover far more distance than he could ever hope of traversing on his own, and that the odds of him managing to reunite with Tubbo at some point were growing slimmer with every block they crossed.
Eventually they reached the coldest biome Tommy had experienced yet, ponds covered by ice and snow layering the ground. The snow seemed to muffle their surroundings, the only sounds coming from the snow crunching under the fox’s paws and the animal’s panting as it started to feel the strain of their journey.
And yet, for as desolate as this tundra seemed to be, Tommy spotted something in the distance. A structure that was definitely man made and appeared to be well taken care of, which meant there was someone living there.
Someone he could mooch off of and boost his chance at surviving his exile.
It had been a stroke of pure luck that he had managed to convince the borrower escorting him to change their route, practically begging her to take him to the lit house that was just barely visible through the snow.
The sounds of Tommy sniffling and sobbing since the start of their journey had probably helped to wear down her resolve to take him to wherever he was originally supposed to go.
In the end, she had agreed and directed the fox towards the house. It was interesting to see her previous confidence of navigating the cold tundra diminish the closer they got to their destination, as though she was unsettled by the house.
Strange, but then again she probably thought the same of him and how much of an idiot he was for getting kicked out of somewhere perfectly safe.
Safe aside from the prying eyes, the cruel words and harsh hands. His salvation was Tubbo and their whispered promises. They would leave one day, set out into the world and make their own home.
The moment they arrived at their destination, the woman wasted no time in metaphorically, and literally, kicking him off the fox. He dropped into the freezing snow, landing face first, and pushing himself up seconds later to cough out the chilly substance that had invaded his mouth.
The memory of Tubbo laughing as his snowball hit Tommy in the face, the other teen turning to the side and yelling about how “cold as shit” it was.
“Maybe you should try keeping your mouth shut for once.” Tubbo teased as Tommy, snow still stuck to parts of his face, flipped him off.
“Fuck you.”
Tubbo’s laughter rang out around them, and the teen kept laughing until his face was red and tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes.
… Damn, it was cold.
Trembling, he stood up just in time to dodge the bags that had been carelessly thrown his way, getting a concussion from one of his tools would definitely be a death sentence in this situation, and he promptly flipped the woman off.
“Oi! Watch where you’re throwing that shit!” He shouted before crouching down to inspect his supplies, quietly relieved that nothing seemed to have been damaged. “Fucking bitch...”
She just rolled her eyes in response to his insults and looked unimpressed as he grumbled, huffed, and got himself organized. No words were exchanged between the duo, no goodbyes or wishes for good luck, just the howling of the winds while the borrower made his way to his new home.
As Tommy had trudged through the too tall snow, he had been oblivious to the way the woman stared at the house, eyes wide with some sort of emotion. Was it fear? Not quite, it was more a combination of dread mixed with reverence, emotions fueled by her knowledge of the being who resided in this place. A whispered phrase floated through the air, much too quiet for him to have heard. It was a simple sentence that made her stance and understanding of the situation clear.
“Blood for the Blood God.”
Then she fled, leaving Tommy alone to deal with whatever fate he had stumbled into by breaking into the house.
And what a house it was.
All pretty and neatly designed, complete with various floors and tons of storage, and even some decorative flowers outside the windows, which meant Tommy had many things to rummage through. The roaring fireplace was an added bonus since the cold was one of the things he had been the most worried about.
Knowing those assholes, they had probably planned to abandon him somewhere in the tundra, leaving him alone and freezing in the cold…
Honestly, all things considered, this was a good place to settle down in. He had basically everything he needed, as well as access to some rarer resources too. It was ideal, practically perfect given how easy it would be to create small, unnoticeable entrances into each chest for him to use to snag items, but there was one downside to his new home.
His roommate.
He was tall, far taller than anyone Tommy had ever seen before, and he looked… weird. Like one of those pig monsters he had heard stories about back in Borrowton. Monsters from hell that craved gold and bloodshed. With his pig-like features, including a set of tusks that poked up from his lower jaw, he was a perfect match for those nightmarish beasts.
… But, they weren’t in hell, and this man seemed to be far less gold and bloodshed obsessed than the stories had said, even with the various scars the borrower had seen littering his body.
It was weird, he was weird, and the weirdness had only increased the more time Tommy spent in the house. Despite his regal attire, consisting of a flowing cape and golden crown, it was obvious that the pig-man was no prince or nobility. Plus there were those shitty reading glasses Tommy had seen him wearing once, stuck together with taping and looking like they were on the verge of breaking again. He was the strangest combination of loud-yet-awkward behaviour, something that the borrower actually related to quite a bit. His roommate was not “normal” and acted how he wanted, whenever he wanted, with little regard to how “improper”, “violent”, or “rude” he was.
Like Tommy…
He found it comforting to know that there was someone else more like him out there, someone else who was unlike everyone in Borrowton, someone else who would know what it felt like to be treated as an outcast, like he did not belong there or anywhere. Stuck in this new place, he did not feel as alone as he originally expected.  
He did not consider the possible problems this could cause in the future, of course. Tommy had never the best at planning ahead since that had been Tubbo’s specialty-  
But, the positives ended there as he realized that trying to survive in this relatively small, isolated house was going to be far more of a challenge then he had originally anticipated, with his roommate presenting the greatest obstacle to his success. Breaking in had been easy, actually situating himself and building a decent base within the walls of the house was downright impossible in these circumstances. At most he had managed to dig out a shitty hole close to the fireplace where he stashed all his stolen goods.
And even if he wanted to leave, it was impossible thanks to all the snow and how bloody cold this damn biome was!
So, here Tommy was, having essentially trapped himself with some creepy pig guy who owned too many weapons for comfort and was decked out like he was about to fight the whole damn world. Sure, his house was pretty nice, there was tons of food for him to steal and snack on, and the resources were plenty, but he would have rather had anyone else as a roommate in this situation.  
At least this guy was in retirement, or whatever that meant.
He let out an annoyed sigh, arms dropping as he allowed his axe to rest against the wooden floor of the passage he had been carving out. While most of the house was made out of concrete, Tommy had focused on carving passages through the wooden supports in order to have a network of tunnels he could easily move around in without being spotted. All in all, it was a good plan, even if it was a massive pain in the ass to make.
It was like every time he started making a tunnel, no matter what time of the day it was, that piggy dipshit would show up and start stalking the walls, looking for him!
… Granted, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to make boar-face all suspicious by messing with his chests, but Tommy needed the resources! And it was pretty funny hearing the surprised sounds the man would make echo through the house.
His trouble making nature might have been the cause for his exile, along with some other bullshit, but that did not mean he would try to suppress it, even if it would be better for him in the long run. That was like asking to stop breathing. It was just a part of him that could only be controlled and never truly stopped.
… He missed Tubbo. He missed him so much and the ache in his chest still had not faded, and he felt all hollow and empty, without purpose-
Unfortunately for the borrower, the world refused to give him a break as he spiraled, his negative emotions distracting him and preventing him from paying attention to his surroundings.
Like the footsteps that were slowly getting closer to his location.
Without warning, the wall beside him cracked and split open, and Tommy let out a terrified shriek. He jumped backwards, dropping his axe in the process as light spilled into the carved out passage.
The now exposed passage.
A passage that had been cracked open by a certain pig man who had clearly been awake instead of asleep like he had assumed. Brilliant red eyes met terrified blue, and Tommy swallowed nervously.
Of course, of fucking course! As if the world didn’t hate him enough as is! Now he had to deal with that pig shithead who’d been tormenting him for days with his stupidly good hearing, preventing him from making any progress in creating his new home.
And of course the second he tried to make a tunnel this bastard just had to appear and ruin everything!
On the plus side, he had not actually done anything yet, although Tommy was certain things would turn south soon based on the axe the man was holding. So, he would live for now, and his shocked state allowed the borrower to make the first move.
“How do,” Tommy greeted, tilting his head to the side and smirking. “You ugly motherfucker.”
If he was going down, he would go down swinging.
Technoblade, holding up a cup containing Tommy: So I found this, anyone wanna trade a book of mending for him- Tommy: *feral screaming intensifies*
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chillyravenart · 4 years
Thoughts on Seara Targaryen?
I've mentioned this briefly here but let me add a few more of my thoughts.
I feel like Saera is treated like some faultless feminist icon in the fandom (how surprising lmao) but let's be absolutely real here: she was a spoilt, headstrong princess who was never going to cave into societal/parental pressure. I’m personally not a fan at all but I want to list a few things about her personality and upbringing that may be of some use in understanding her better. Forgive my rambling in advance!
Princess Saera, three years younger, was a trial from the very start; tempestuous, demanding, disobedient. The first word she spoke was no, and she said it often and loudly. She refused to be weaned until past the age of four. Even as she ran about the castle, talking more than her siblings Vaegon and Daella combined, she wanted her mother’s milk, and raged and screamed whenever the queen dismissed another wetnurse. “Seven save us,” Alysanne whispered to the king one night, “when I look at her I see Aerea.” 
Not to forget, George loves hitting characters where it hurts and that's through their children. And George went in particularly hard with Jaehaerys and Alysanne's children. I absolutely adore the older bunch, Aemon, Baelon, Alyssa... but the younger bunch didn’t exactly speak to me the same way. I suppose with so many children, it was natural to have a few bad eggs, and Saera was one of them. Jaehaerys spoilt her as child and she grew up to be very bright but also had a cruel streak too. 
... and long before she was half-grown, Saera had learned the art of getting anything she wanted from her father: a kitten, a hound, a pony, a hawk, a horse (Jaehaerys did draw a firm line at the elephant). Queen Alysanne was far less gullible, however, and Septon Barth tells us that Saera’s sisters all misliked her to various degrees.
The border between innocent pranks, wanton mischief, and acts of malice is not always discerned by one so young, but there can be no doubt that the princess crossed it freely.
Septon Barth also commented on Saera’s disposition, and her hunger for the attention her older siblings received:
“She is the king’s daughter, and well aware of it. Servants see to her every need, though not always as quickly as she might like... If she were the king’s firstborn, or better still his only child, she would be well content. Instead she finds herself the ninthborn, with six living siblings who are older than her and even more adored.”
Saera pranked her sister Daella with cats and bees, dyed the KG cloaks pink, and would show up drunk to the sept for prayers. And since Saera had every whim granted to her, it's natural that she would want more from the world and succeeded in carving out her own kingdom across the Narrow Sea. I definitely don't think she would have been content with living a normal life in Westeros, married to some lord and running his house.
“She wants what she wants and she wants it now,” Grand Maester Elysar wrote of the princess in 69 AC, when she was only two. “Seven save us all when she is older. The Dragonkeepers had best lock up the dragons.” He had no notion how prophetic those words would be.
At fourteen, she told the king she meant to marry the Prince of Dorne, or perhaps the King Beyond the Wall, so she could be a queen “like Mother.”
By fifteen, Saera had other ideas however.
Why dream of distant monarchs when she could have as many squires, knights, and likely lords as she desired? Dozens danced attendance on her, but three soon emerged as favorites. Jonah Mooton was the heir to Maidenpool, Red Roy Connington was the fifteen-year-old Lord of Griffin’s Roost, and Braxton Beesbury, called Stinger, was a nineteen-year-old knight, the finest lance in the Reach...
And initially it was Queen Alysanne who voiced her dismay regarding Saera’s behaviour with her newly acquired suitors. “Saera is clever, but not wise” and she also criticised her choice of female companions as well as Beesbury/Stinger who was rumoured to have sired a bastard. However Jaehaerys brushed it off unconcerned that she would get up to any mischief at court with so many watching eyes. Unfortunately, he was wrong.
Then came the incident at the Blue Pearl with Tom Turnip, and her three favourite lordlings (including Stinger who later fought Jaehaerys in his trial by combat) which made matters worse. I highly doubt any other noble lord would have been ok with his daughter cavorting with household knights in a brothel- least of all a KING. When questioned about her actions, Saera really didn’t do herself any favours:
I could marry all three of them, why not? Why should I have just one husband? The Conqueror had two wives, and Maegor had six or eight.” She had gone too far. Jaehaerys rose to his feet and descended from the Iron Throne, his face a mask of rage. “You would compare yourself to Maegor? Is that who you aspire to be?”
After the horrors Jaehaerys and his siblings had endured under Maegor, it’s no wonder he was so shaken by her blase attitude. And again, Alysanne was able to soften his anger and reconcile him to forgive Saera, but she ran away that very night and tried to steal a dragon which sealed her fate.
Alysanne wept when she heard, for she knew her cause was hopeless. Jaehaerys was hard as stone. “Saera with a dragon,” was all he had to say. “Would she have taken Balerion as well, I wonder?”
One of my favourite aspects of this whole saga was Jaehaerys fighting Stinger for her honour, "This old man," just takes me out every single time. Forty-nine year old Jae, taking out nineteen year old Beesbury just reminds me too much of Daemon vs Aemond - WHY ARE FORTY-NINE YEAR OLD TARG MEN SO BADASS?
I also understand that Saera was a plot device to add filial conflict to Jaehaerys’ reign, after all a successful king doesn’t always make a successful father. Jaehaerys was the quintessential medieval monarch with a kingdom to run and keep in order after a very volatile period and Saera was a royal princess and expected to uphold those standards. As Grand Maester Elysar put it, “He was better with roads than with daughters.” I think Jaehaerys had his flaws for sure, but again, this is asoiaf and I really don’t understand how people expect paternal relationships to be as open and affectionate as they are today- seriously look at how fatherhood has evolved in the last fifty years alone and tell me a medieval king would have been braiding his daughter’s hair and having heart-to-hearts with her. He could have done more to understand her, but then we wouldn’t have this embittered storyline and everything would be hunky-dory. That’s not how GRRM works unfortunately.
I am certain Jaehaerys had loved her as a daughter, and her actions had caused him pain which had hardened his heart at the time. But it is also apparent later on that Jaehaerys was hit hard by this event and also mistook Alic*nt for Saera on his sickbed. I also feel heartbroken for Alysanne who lost so many of her children and felt Saera's loss very acutely too. She also became withdrawn and was clearly shaken by all the losses she had endured.
The years had taken their toll on him, and those who knew him well said that he was never the same after his daughter Saera had disgraced and then abandoned him. He had grown thinner, almost gaunt, and there was more grey than gold in his beard now, and in his hair.
The Old King sometimes mistook her for one of his daughters, calling her by their names; near the end, he grew certain she was his daughter Saera, returned to him from beyond the narrow sea.
Anyway I am glad Saera got to set up her own empire and lifestyle (Hot Girl Saera ™), she is arguably the first Targaryen entrepreneur of sorts too. She is most certainly not the feminist kween this fandom treats her as IMO, raise ya standards! Ultimately I wouldn't say I'm a fan mainly because her character didn’t appeal to me, particularly when I read Fire and Blood. Besides, Saera’s domain lies outside my circle of interest and I'm more concerned with what happens to subsequent characters in Westeros.
Hope that answered your question!
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 6, Part 2 of 2
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed)
[covers MDZS chapter 18 and a bit of chaps 56 and 66]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
Continued from Part 1:
Again, bless Big Bro Xichen for being such a diligent matchmaker for his little brother and suggesting the cold springs to Wei Ying. I think I just about freaked out the first time I saw the bathing scene: not having read the novel yet at the time, I was totally caught off guard by it and I just couldn’t believe what was happening. Of course now, in retrospect, it’s really pretty tame, considering they were supposed to be naked (BLESS the donghua for keeping that detail in). However, what the drama lacked in nudity it definitely more than made up for in character development and relationship building by adding the subsequent sequence in the cave. Aside from the cute marriage reference (kneeling and bowing before ancestor), ALL of Lan Zhan’s fears for Wei Ying were basically BORN in that cave, thanks to Lan Yi and Xue Chonghai’s backstories involving the yin metal (which was also an invention of the show since in the book it was only the Stygian Tiger Seal). He probably regarded their unfortunate fates as cautionary tales at first, but then as soon as he thought Wei Ying was treading their same path to darkness, their stories instantly became all too real possibilities for Wei Ying’s future.   Just thinking about how afraid Lan Zhan must’ve been for Wei Ying makes my heart hurt, and what makes things worse is that in the end, he shared a more similar fate with Xue Chonghai than Lan Yi. Even though she spent the rest of her life and beyond essentially imprisoned in the cave, at least her passing was a more peaceful one and the legacy she left behind was more respectable. Unlike Xue Chonghai, who basically died a villain, which is pretty much how the cultivation world viewed Wei Ying when he died. I can’t stop thinking about how much Lan Zhan probably tortured himself emotionally during the 16 years after Wei Ying’s death, no doubt ceaselessly blaming himself for not doing enough to save Wei Ying. The fact that he was already presented with these two examples of what could happen to those overpowered by the yin metals so early on in their relationship probably only served to further exacerbate his sense of guilt during that decade and half.  
Really, thank God Wei Ying came back. I sometimes think of the alternative and the notion is just so bleak to me that I actually start tearing up. In fact, I’m tearing up now since the thought is crossing my mind again. Damn, I need to talk about happier things pronto.
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I think if Wei Ying never came along, Lan Zhan probably would’ve happily spent the rest of this life as a bachelor since, according to his own words, he shuns physical contact with others and isn’t too keen on getting married anyway.  The funny thing is, I don’t really think of Lan Zhan as being gay in the traditional sense either because I simply can’t see him being attracted to anyone else other than Wei Ying.  He’s really just Wei Ying-sexual as far as I’m concerned. And it’s not because I’m just being a romantic, but it’s more like, I don’t see Lan Zhan as the type of person who would want to get close to anyone or even feels like he needs to be close to anyone. His familial relationships with his uncle and brother would’ve been sufficient for him; he probably considers social relationships with outsiders more of a nuisance. While he’s courteous enough to others when he needs to be, I think that’s due to upbringing rather than actual concern. And yet, despite Lan Zhan’s nature, Wei Ying still found a way to permanently wedge himself into his life and get close to him. I really appreciate the time and care the live action took to show us just how Wei Ying did that by creating events like their drunkapades from the night before and now their shared experience in the cave. In the novel it was definitely more subtle.  
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I mean, do I really need to say anything about this other than I love? Especially how the camera kept on focusing on the ribbon, as if they were worried we would forget about it if they cut away too soon. Of course it’s utterly sweet of Lan Zhan to so quickly and easily give up his ribbon to protect Wei Ying. He didn’t even think twice, despite how significant the ribbon is to him. I still don’t think this is the point where he fell in love yet, but at least he’s starting to care enough about the other man to not want him to perish by Chord Assassination.
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Wei Ying was definitely happy about it, look at that big smile.   
Meanwhile, other ships were launching
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I seriously cannot believe that Jin Zixuan still wanted to call off the wedding to Shijie after they shared THIS totally romantic moment. He was obviously a little smitten already, so what the hell was he thinking? Shijie is so beautiful and sweet and just awesome. Should’ve been love at first sight, and yet he still had the heart to try to dump her after this. Dumbass.
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I pretty much was on board with this ship as soon as Lan Yi mentioned Baoshan Sanren and their close relationship. Seeing them together only further reinforced my commitment. Of course I find it utterly sad that they didn’t have a happy ending together, though I do wonder why Baoshan Sanren didn’t try to seek out Lan Yi again afterwards. Was she just so disappointed in Lan Yi for not heeding her warning that she simply didn’t want to ever see her again? That’s equally heart-breaking. Or maybe, by the time she decided to turn back and help Lan Yi, it was already too late: her corporeal form had already dissipated because of the Yin metal and she was nothing but a spirit trapped in that cave. Perhaps that’s why Baoshan decided to become a hermit and wander the world alone. That’s somehow even worst. Truly, they are what Lan Zhan and Wei Ying could’ve been if Lan Zhan had given up on him as soon as he acquired his powers at the Burial Mounds. I wish we could get some kind of prequel for Lan Yi and Baoshan Sanren, like as a special, since there is definitely a moving love story to be found there, despite its sad ending. It would have to be created from nothing of course, since Lan Yi was little more than a quick name-drop in the novel. But since I love Lan Yi because she’s portrayed by Carman Lee and the actress who plays Baoshan Sanren (Liu Ting Yu) is also beautiful…
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…I wanted to see more of them. Especially during the more glorious times of their careers. Hell, a whole series can be made just centered around Lan Yi alone, and how she, as the first and only female sect leader in the Gusu Lan Sect, rose to her position and the many obstacles she had to face on the way up and even afterwards, before the whole Yin metal mess even came into her life. Of course Wei Ying and Lan Zhan wouldn’t be a part of the story at all, which is a shame but understandable, but I still wish we could have that series.
Questions I still Have (mostly nitpicky crap cuz I’m annoying that way)
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Is that a submarine I see on the bottom there?  Or maybe it’s just a bubble maker. But seriously, what pulled Lan Zhan and Wei Ying underwater? Was it just currents? Magic? Cuz it was shot like some kind of sea monster violently tugged them underneath.
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I honestly still don’t understand the geography of the cold springs. Can a mostly dry cave (save for a knee level pool) exist under the water like that? Especially when it looks to be on a lower level than the bottom of the spring? Feels…impossible. Is it all because of magic?
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Only that one bunny at the top got the protective Gusu Lan head ribbon; didn’t the other bunnies beneath it deserve the same protection? Poor things.   
Overall Episode Rating: 9 Lil Apples out of 10
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mysticsparklewings · 5 years
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Blue Java Bananya
Well here's something I wasn't planning on making at all! This year certainly started off with a bang!, and not a good one, what with my drawing tablet going kaput on me. But at the very least, thanks to my brother I have a temporary solution. He was able to get his hands on a Surface Pro 3 through work, and after acquiring a stylus I've been working on adapting to it for the time being. It's taking a lot of getting used to, but I'd rather have to get used to this than have nothing at all until next century when I can afford a more proper replacement. Anyway. That whole fiasco just depressed and stressed me out to no end, among other life things. For my birthday, I was gifted a DVD of Bananya, a show about, you guessed it--banana cats like the one I've drawn here. I watched the whole thing (about 40 minutes, the episodes are pretty short) in one sitting, and for that time I was able to forget about everything that was worrying me and just enjoy some cute fruit kitties and simple fun. No over-the-top, save-the-world plot, no complicated character dynamics, no overcoming past trauma, just fun and cute. I knew about Bananya for a while, as a couple of years ago I got my hands on a couple of plushies before I even knew the show existed; I just thought the concept of cat-bananas with velcro peels was adorable. It was only later when I was wondering where they originated from that I found out there was a show, and subsequently that the only way to watch the English dub was on the DVD. (No offense to anyone that prefers subs over dubs; I just have a really hard time splitting my attention between what's happening and who's saying what and trying to read the text. Plus I have a hard time sitting down and just watching a show and doing nothing else; dubbed makes it possible for me to do other things and not have to stare at the screen and hope I can read fast enough.) Since I had bananas on the brain after that and it's a really simple and cute art style, I decided to test out getting accustomed to the Surface Pro that I'd draw a little Bananya OC of sorts. In the show, the bananyas are named more so for the cat part of their appearance, usually, but I wanted mine to stand out a bit more and I'm pretty sure that if they aren't already that eventually, all the default cat-pattern names are going to be canonically taken. So I went and I looked up strange/different types of bananas and discovered the blue java or "ice cream" banana, which has a bluish tint to the peel when it's young, and because of it's vanilla taste and creamy texture, it's actually offered as a healthier alternative to ice cream in areas where it's more commonly found (hence the nickname). And now I really want to try one but I haven't the foggiest idea where I'd find them here in the states. My other option was a red/pink variety and the show already has at least 2 bananyas with pink peels and one with pink on her head, so I took the blue banana and ran with it. (Although upon further inspection, I think the newer bananya episodes they're currently working on that haven't been dubbed yet feature one with a blue banana peel so I may still not be completely unique here despite my efforts.) I went with more of a teal/greenish-blue as opposed to a more "true" blue, since even in pictures while the blue java is definitely blue compared to the average banana, it's not blue like a blue raspberry candy is blue. They're actually a pretty pastel kind of almost mint color-- And suddenly, as I'm typing this I think I better understand why vanilla Tootsie Rolls come in a blue wrapper...are they based on these bananas?? Does anybody know?? --*ahem* As I was saying... The bananas, from what I understand, also lose/fade that blue color as they mature. Which would explain why I couldn't seem to find a picture of a peeled Blue Java banana that had that same pastel-colored peel. But I went with it anyway. (This is a show about banana cats, I don't think we have to be 100% scientifically accurate here.) I also added some black spots to the cat part of my bananya, as I haven't seen a white-with-black-spots one in canon material and I have a bit of soft spot for black-and-white kitties in particular. And while I have had second thoughts that maybe her name should be "ice cream bananya" instead (for the reasons I went over earlier about the real bananas), I ultimately when with Blue Java Bannaya, as it very on-the-nose like the other bananya names, and in a way I think the "java" part fits with the black spots. But that's mostly just because java makes me think of "java chip frappucino" from Starbucks, which makes me think of chocolate chips, which are usually dark spots in cookies...see where I'm going with this? Though on the other hand, the black and white also kinda makes me think of Oreos, which would tie-in with the ice cream thing because usually Cookies n Cream ice cream is made with Oreos or knock-off Oreos, so I suppose it would've been equally fair to name her "Cookie Bananya" or something... Eh, for now, she stays as Blue Java. Or just "Java" for short. It was pretty straight forward to draw her, as I mentioned that the bananya style is pretty simple. Dare I say minimal? The main struggles I had boiled down to the learning curve with the Surface Pro and the new stylus. The pen pressure, maybe obviously, isn't as good as I'm used to, and the disparity between the tip of the pen and where the cursor actually is is different, and I think there's a little bit of lag when I'm drawing but that might be more to do with me having the stabilizer turned up a bit higher than normal in trying to compensate for the other issues. Still, I was at least able to manage for something as simple as this. I am admittedly horrified at the prospect of one of my usual, more complex digital drawings though...learning curves and baby steps... I'm not happy about the tablet situation, but at least the bananya is cute so I can focus on that instead. I do sincerely hope I'm very wrong about how long I'm going to be using this new set-up for though, because the way things are going it's going to be a very long time before I have the option of a better alternative... ____ Artwork/Character © me, MysticSparkleWings I do not own Bananya ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram
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History Behind the Story - Was Prince Albert Illegitimate?
Shocking revelations on this week’s episode of ITV’s Victoria seemed to suggest that Prince Albert might not have been his father’s son. 
Who was Albert’s mother? Could he have really been illegitimate? Read some of the evidence and decide for yourself.
Prince Albert’s mother, Princess Louise, was only sixteen when she married the 33-year-old Duke Ernest of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld in 1817. Louise was a great catch, not only was she young, vivacious, clever and beautiful, she was also the only child and heir of the wealthy Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg. Her husband, on the other hand, was a notorious womaniser and already had at least two illegitimate children. One of Ernest’s mistresses, Pauline Panam, (who was only fifteen when their affair began) later became a famous Parisian actress and publicly humiliated the the Duke and his family by publishing a kiss-and-tell memoir in 1824. Pauline and Ernest’s illegitimate son, also called Ernest, referred to himself as a Prince of Coburg until the day he died.
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Miniature of Duchess Louise, date unknown. (via flikr)
Louise quickly gave birth to two sons (Ernest in 1818 and Albert a year later) but Duke Ernest continued to be unfaithful. Louise, who was still just a teenager, was popular at court and had many admirers. In June 1820, one of her ladies-in-waiting accused Louise of having an affair herself, with one of the Duke’s friends, Count Alexander Solms. The rumours found their way back to her husband, who (in a case of textbook hypocrisy) was furious. Solms was banished from court and Duke Ernest launched a bogus investigation that went on for years. “You will laugh when you hear it,” wrote Louise to her childhood friend Augusta von Studnitz, ‘but it has made me cry’: 
If he [Ernest] had been sensible he would have laughed [...] but he took it seriously, and was angry with me. We talked about it and it all ended in tears... Now he watches me, which he has never done before... and he misconstrues everything.
By 1824 Ernest and Louise were separated and Louise exiled from Coburg. ‘You have dreadfully deceived me’ wrote Ernest to his estranged wife, 'I can affirm before God that you have had my heartfelt love [...] We shall hardly see each other again. May you not become so unhappy as you have made me.’ Two years later Ernest divorced her, naming the young army officer Lieutenant Alexander von Hanstein as her lover in the official divorce proceedings. Louise never officially confirmed nor denied the accusations, but she married von Hanstein almost immediately after the divorce was granted. Ernest married again too, this time to his own niece Duchess Marie of Württemberg.
The legitimacy of the children, Albert and Ernest, was never brought up in the divorce case. Louise’s affair was reported not to have begun until 1822 or 23, when Albert was already three years old. Duke Ernest, as the acknowledged father of both boys, was automatically awarded custody. Louise wrote:
Leaving my children was the hardest, most painful thing of all. They have whooping cough and said, “Mamma cries because she has got to go, now, when we are ill.” The poor lambs. God bless them.
She never saw her children again. Louise died in Paris in 1831, probably of uterine cancer, at age only thirty.
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Louise, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, with her sons, Albert (right) and Ernest, painted by  Ludwig Döll, c.1823-4. 
If Duke Ernest had seemingly never questioned Albert’s paternity, then where did the rumours come from? 
One explanation lies in the fact that Victoria and Albert introduced haemophilia, an inherited genetic disorder, into the royal families of Europe. There had been no recorded haemophiliacs in the British royal family before their son, Leopold, was born in 1853, and two of their daughters, Alice and Beatrice, were carriers of the gene. As a result there was speculation that the royal bloodline must somehow have been “tainted,” and both Albert and Victoria have been rumoured to be illegitimate. (We know now that in about a third cases haemophilia is caused by a spontaneous genetic mutation, and it seems likely that Victoria was unknowingly born a carrier).
Another source of the rumours was that Prince Albert seemed not to resemble either his father or brother in either looks or personality. While Ernest was dark-haired like his father, Albert was ‘lovely as an angel with his fair curls’. The boys’ tutor wrote that while Louise was still alive she had:
made no attempt to conceal that Prince Albert was her favourite child. He was handsome and bore a strong resemblance to herself [...]
Both Ernests - father and son - were notorious womanisers, while Albert was shy and generally disliked the company of women. In the early years of his marriage he had caused grave offence by failing to pay enough attention to the senior ladies at court. He was disgusted and horrified by his elder sons’ sexual escapades, writing to the Prince of Wales in 1861 that his behavior had ‘caused me the greatest pain I have yet felt in this life.’
But simply being different from his father does not necessarily make Prince Albert illegitimate. The most likely explanation (in my view) is that rumours about his paternity were stirred up by the xenophobic English press when Albert first emerged as a potential suitor for Victoria. Albert was the second son of a minor German Duke, while Victoria was Queen of England, the richest and most powerful woman in the world. The press lampooned Prince Albert as a gold-digger and they printed lewd jokes suggesting that all he had to offer Victoria was a sausage. 
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“Shutting up the Sausage Shop” - Prince Albert and his father are shown closing down the family sausage business because Albert has acquired England’s ‘splendid fortune’ by marrying Victoria. The whole Saxe-Coburg family will ‘skin the English for the rest of our days.’ Cartoon published 18th January 1840 in Cleave’s Penny Gazette. (British Library)
The press poked into Albert’s family background looking for dirt. They discovered that his stepmother was a Catholic and accused him of being one too. After Victoria and Albert became engaged she was forced to write to him asking for him to send ‘as soon as possible’:
a short History of the House of Saxe-Coburg, who our direct ancestors were, and what part they took in the Protestant, or rather Lutheran, religion [...] for a few stupid people here try to say you are a Catholic
What’s more, thanks to Pauline Panam, all of Europe knew about Albert’s father’s affairs and his parents’ divorce. It didn’t help that while in London for his brother’s wedding, Ernest had become seriously ill with syphilis and their father had very publicly tried to seduce half the ladies a court. In this climate, it is not surprising that people began to gossip (there was talk that Lord Melbourne had only okay-ed the match after he learned that Albert was not Duke Ernest’s biological son), and equally unsurprising that a humiliated Albert became sensitive about moral standards of behaviour.
Although the records of Ernest and Louise’s divorce suggest only one lover - Alexander von Hanstein - by the 1920s another possible father was being suggested. A 1915 biography of Pauline Panam entitled “A German Prince and his Victim” suggested that Louise may have had an affair with:
A certain Baron von Meyern, Chamberlain at the Court, a charming, handsome, and cultivated man, of Jewish extraction, much to her senior 
This rumour was subsequently repeated in an antisemitic pamphlet published in Berlin in 1921, which argued Prince Albert was ‘without contradiction [...] half Jew’ and that ‘since his time Jewish blood has been circulating in the blood of the English Royal Family.’ Lytton Strachey, who wrote one of the first biographies of Queen Victoria (also published in 1921), drew upon both of these sources and reignited the gossip about Prince Albert’s paternity. Strachey wrote: 
The ducal court was not noted for the strictness of its morals; the Duke was a man of gallantry, and it was rumoured that the Duchess followed her husband’s example. There were scandals: one of the Court Chamberlains, a charming and cultivated man of Jewish extraction, was talked of; at last there was a separation, followed by a divorce.
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Queen Victoria (seated) with Prince Albert (second from left) and King Leopold (right) in 1859. (Royal Collection)
Leopold, who was Duke Ernest’s younger brother, was not seriously suggested as potential lover until much later. When historians began examining Louise’s correspondence they discovered that she had been extraordinarily close to Leopold. In a letter to her friend Augusta, Louise had admitted she had a crush on him, writing naively:
Tell me quite frankly, which do you think the most handsome, him [Leopold] or Ernest? I shan’t tell anybody, and as I love them both - only in different ways - I shall not mind a bit what you say.
When Prince Albert was two, she wrote lovingly that:
Albert adores his uncle Leopold, he doesn’t leave him for a moment, looks at him tenderly, embraces him at every opportunity, and does not feel content except when they are together.
After she was exiled from the Coburg court Louise had asked to remembered to Leopold: ‘I should not like him to forget me completely,’ she wrote. 
Writing in the 1970s, historian David Duff conceded that it was ‘possible’ for ‘a man of Leopold’s character’ to have fathered a child with his brother’s wife. Leopold was in Coburg at Christmastime 1818, nine months before Albert’s birth the following August. He had just lost his own wife, Princess Charlotte, who had died in 1817 giving birth to their stillborn son. Perhaps Leopold and Louise did turn to each other for comfort. Or maybe the calculating and ambitious Leopold had grand plans to father another child who might one day share the English throne. After all, Leopold did always take a strong interest in his nephew, and was one of the chief architects behind his marriage with Victoria.
This is pure speculation of course, based entirely on circumstantial evidence. Most historians agree that it is unlikely that Prince Albert was illegitimate, and even less likely that Leopold was his biological father. But we can never know for sure. As David Duff writes:
It is difficult, if not impossible to prove that a young man and woman slept together a century and half ago. If they had so chosen it is probable that it could have remained their secret, and theirs alone [...] It is hardly likely that a neat confession would have been filed away for the benefit of some researcher much later in time.
So, what do you think? Was Prince Albert really illegitimate?
Further Reading:
Albert & Victoria by David Duff
Albert: Uncrowned King by Stanley Weintraub
Victoria and Albert by Hector Bolitho
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-real-saul-goodman-from-breaking-bad-and-better-call-saul-2/
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
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Whats up Dan this is for excuse for security legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is one of these neat dense topic I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it is it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry if you do not win it can be a catastrophe for the character good you have to win them see if he’s coming by means of on some thing or did he come by means of on a warrant final night in the phrases of Jesse Pinkman you do not want a crook legal professional you need a crook lawyer and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking bad’s rapid-speaking lovely scumbag of an lawyer final season on the actual warmness find a actual-existence Walter White so this year we questioned if there were any real-world counterparts to his attorney to when we asked around the the big apple authorized world about who was once the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most mighty criminal safety lawyer in the market everybody informed us one factor better call howard greenberg nobody is rather as outlandish as how it’s you just about wager but what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that obtained in trouble with the police and the way it was once the primary legal professional I concept of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i am calling call Reed how are you hello how are you to fulfill you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you already know a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so that is your crash pad my crash pad i am sorry to assert does no longer reside in a nail salon behind nail salon – oh correct Saul’s place of business yeah well that is my dwelling away from home 4 days every week many best victories had been crafted edited and tweaked on this area proper at the back of you is the subsequent one it’s a high-profile intercourse trafficking case and you realize i am working it up here so you may have by no means been put ready the place you need to shield an individual who’s certainly guilty it is it’s beside the point to me I choose they tell me however i don’t care i’m more petrified of the federal government than i’m of some individuals come again who I signify inform me about your daily so you get up at what time I stand up 5 six the very first thing I do is figure out I do not know if I look it but beneath this is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in court or or get to work if i am now not in courtroom so let’s talk about what you are gonna wear today i don’t suppose i will wait i don’t think i’m gonna wear this shirt however several suits putting check this up I mean which you could earn the proper to wear whatever that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved anyone can however but i’ve if i’m part to a jury the affect that if their ass was once in a sling they’d want me sitting subsequent to them i will do something the i need k ok yarn it hard work on this industry makes up for lots of sins excellent let’s go get them let’s go get him i’m no longer gonna let the government crucify my guys energy Greenberg’s record of court victories is rivaled best by means of the rap sheets of his consumers in his 25 years of observe Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic advocate for people accused of everything from murder to medicinal drugs to weapons to sex trafficking defending the likes of the so referred to as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a girl to have sex along with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang however much more than his shoppers its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom methods that have made him a darling of the nearby press nobody i know how to rely Dench money for more heritage on Howard’s higher-than-life reputation we reached out to a couple of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a first-hand account of what it can be like to watch him work are you able to tell me about a few of your first encounters with Howard um I keep in mind him when I first got here to the workplace I think the article I recall most about him is you never knew what was going to come out of his mouth and repeatedly it was once very individual to you like should you tried to argue a few case in entrance of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to all people there may be just about an endearing quality now when you seem again at it considering the fact that the he noticed was once hysterical when I began at legal support I started as a public defender and i simply do not forget coming to understand him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you understand it’s a crazy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court you already know he is uh he is now not effortless to mess he doesn’t look like a usual legal professional you know simply between just like the hair and the best way he moves and the best way he speaks he rather is aware of tips on how to push the envelope with quite a few a variety of folks however no longer force the road the place he would become getting himself into challenge there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that obtained plenty of insurance policy can you tell me somewhat bit about that it was once a case where two guys they were accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he was once giving summations and in it he was once pronouncing matters to the result that he would love to be like a ho working for them that if he made as a lot cash as them he would be doing it too that is kind of manner he rolls i’m telling you he does things that that lots of the relaxation of us would under no circumstances do like you’re go-inspecting a victim and in our robbery right and you’ll be able to say good it was once nighttime correct sure it was once dark in any respect right proper there were no streetlights have been there no the common method me feel it don’t ask a different query and then you simply sum up and say there isn’t no way that witness might have noticeable who robbed her on the grounds that it was once darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her possess mouth however what you do not ask the witnesses so that you couldn’t see the person who robbed you would you on the grounds that in case you ask that ultimate question it could actually simplest go wrong however Howard will ask the ideal question after which ask it 5 more approaches and 5 more times and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the lawyer we’ve got an appointment what are you in one more lawyer’s place of work ok something cost he costs you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you should you must look at my record before you rent someone and if his record is healthier than mine while you compare the two you must rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s unattainable however when are you gonna be here in 15 minutes okay good boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up ok over the direction of the years I’ve realized to improve an extraordinarily thick dermis with him he’s very blunt and direct and that’s what I think quite a few folks quite like about him is the truth that you recognize with him you’re now not gonna get the frills and the costume-up and the lollipops and the candy canes you are going to get the very easy facts and he particularly really fights for the usual excellent which is what I really supply to him he puts his coronary heart and soul into what he does in view that he is aware what it’s like if you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal government against you and your this one individual seeking to battle in your lifestyles so inform me what you are working on working for this vast intercourse trafficking case in ny County how long do you see this trial going on for perhaps three weeks 4 weeks you know normal we’re looking to turn selling prostitution into sex trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i’m going to give you one instance you tell me ok sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you give me one she’s a prostitute out of her own free will that is no longer intercourse trafficking nonetheless they invariably tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such thing as free will and no lady can come to be a hoe considering she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand per week that is intent any individual made her do it and were you aware that most times with John’s they simulate the act that is how stupid John’s are oh yeah obviously of course everybody is aware of they have got to be faking it no so i am speaking about faking having intercourse Wow they confirmed us how they do it well explain it you need to be for your stomach you need to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re on your stomach uh-huh and also you have got to get the schmeckel on your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i am not hurting that John snake they are getting some thing some thing when they may be now not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the real ultimate argument that was in the world referred to as jury selection that I intend to do if that’s the case okay I seem out at this room full of men and women and that i say to myself they are right here to be brainwashed by means of me repeat after me do okay you men and women are going to decide you persons are gonna come to a decision whether the defendant whether the defendant is a sex trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he is an innocent character being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether or not he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s proceed do any of you good persons see pink while you hear the phrases sex trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a bunch referred to as reasonable women any one here read Nicholas Kristof’s school he has an obsession with intercourse and the subject of sexual slavery and and persons being compelled to do matters against their will neither of which I must let you know applies on this case my door did I inform you the women if they are cold they are gonna be witnesses you get the inspiration and that is how it is going to go hi hi Kim i am Marie Greenberg tell your lovely to meet with me this is our dining room we now have many events right here how did you guys meet we met in court docket I used to be a court reporter k and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized help and we simply variety of like take to each other and it’s been that’s been some proper and the way long in the past is that that used to be 24 years ago Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you just helped type him oh come on is that what he mentioned yeah not ever lets me kind him I desire everyday lets me sort him he has a first-class eye but now not for himself so you absolutely met Howard in his situation of work yeah what do you think about his profession he does his job very well and he he is not prejudiced at all he just feels that every body should have a shot at being defended the correct manner does that bother you though if like somebody particularly is guilty and he is one of these talented lawyer that he will get them off after which they stroll free does it trouble me probably maybe 2 or 3 times it has however the opposite occasions no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my existence none of them I liked him he grew up very otherwise he’s now not indignant about that he’s grateful about that and i do not suppose many men and women can say that inform me a little bit bit about your upbringing you erased on the diminish East side it’s real we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally unwell my grandmother who raised me as a mothers and fathers and me my father was once very violent it was a every day incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly historic grandmother one time he snapped her forearm correct in front of my face but I was a child what might I you recognize what would I do to quite preserve him I imply look what would I do about I mean our youngsters do not even understand this after I left I acquired a full scholarship to Cornell university which I briskly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and realized alongside the way that her father was once a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s place of business exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the U.S. Of the usa versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was my spouse’s my then wife’s father the day prior to this’s arrests and fees disclose one other heroin operation run by means of Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a entrance for trafficking in enormous quantities of medications that case devolved within the public mind into some thing that was referred to as the Pizza connection case it became the longest federal trial up to that factor in the history of the USA of the united states but it surely was on that day with the dealers and the drug sniffing puppies crawling in all places me and the persons I cared about that I’ve to grow to be a criminal security lawyer I was enrolled in Fordham regulation college three months after graduating i am a employees legal professional on the legal help Society you know it’s tough for me to be politically right however at the legal help Society they emasculate lawyers why did they do this considering they are so involved about maintaining the file attempting the case for the appeal but lawyers who are attempting the case for the enchantment are gonna lose how do you are trying the case I are trying the case to win I left the legal aid website I did fulfill my commitment I went into private follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me how you can turn out to be a pleasant trial legal professional he wrote a sequence of books entitled attempting circumstances to win and i grew to be him does it offend you when people suggest that you’re like Saul due to the fact that he is a bit of of a sketchy persona in some ways as well as being quirky no by no means i don’t have to cheat to win ok I’ve received a method that seems to work and i can train any lawyer if the battle of the government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a few of Howard’s former clients about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was once charged with criminal possession of a weapon a charge carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal youngsters that the cop stated shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was facing seven seven to fifteen years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence after I was a teenager I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that a part of my life besides like that what i’m seeking to do is just discover a job you know have some kids you already know just a little ordinary existence I imply however seeing that of my previous historical past they they are attempting to border have you ever had any dealings with any legal professionals earlier towered is here first variety of your first guy he is hostile to Lloyd had cash to pay for my earlier legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a legal support and of path legal age they work with the method they get paid via you copping up I imply I was once lucky adequate to to be in a position to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence after I used to be at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior however he fought like I was like I was his son hiya good that is why I possess golf all how did you meet Felix originally how did he find you his squeeze gave me a name and informed me you desire a attorney whilst you first met him and what had been your first impressions of him did you feel this can be a good kid topic what I concept it was once surely prick I failed to like him haha okay k but I however I grew to like him ok k if he concept he was a surly prick than wise you would not want to represent him seeing that I if I take your cash you get all of me that is why and i want to win okay you’ve got iced coffee i don’t make it from dishwater does that occur rather a lot that you just increase a style of close personal relationship along with your consumers I simply Shutt subsequent yeah no it is now not that okay it’s now not a bit of private nevertheless it’s a love and affection for anybody whose life you saved so you have got mentioned that if any individual will pay you they have your loyalty i wonder I ran the provider for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my loved ones and i render service for cash that a guy threatened to kill me and that i received him acquitted and that’s just the way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you fear them you for the larger better system the mayor and i can not blame a guy who’s rotting in penitentiary for pronouncing some thing and the easiest goal is the lawyer ok come on after spending more time with Howard I developed a better figuring out of his belief that everybody deserved a zealous protection but a lot of his instances still quite bothered me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron again in 2011 Howard joined the safety workforce for some of the stunning murder circumstances in up to date new york historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight year historic boy attorney Howard Greenberg is able to be hated for his client even as looking to look after confessed baby killer levy Aaron to realise the morality of defending any individual who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics legal professional Nicole Hyland I suppose it can be main for men and women attorneys and to recognize that real-world ethics is just not the identical as authorized ethics there may be some overlap but there are numerous matters that legal professionals are obligated to do and anticipate it to try this rather don’t ought to do with morality a criminal lawyer goes to still look after a purchaser even if they comprehend the client is guilty and so i can think that in particular circumstances the place you have got a defendant who’s accused of particularly horrific crime the public could think there may be something immoral about that about staying silent whilst you understand your customer is guilty you realize men and women continuously say oh how can how will you guard those those responsible individuals and i have customers accused of horrible terrible disgusting horrible matters and that’s my job to guard anyone’s got to in the back of them you already know an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a crook security attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a client is entitled to zealous advocacy there probably whatever that mentioned or achieved that the external world could take offense to but that is a safeguard legal professional rightfully combating for his or her patron when Howard first received on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he made up our minds was going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a quite ultra-orthodox Hasidic neighborhood that his protection was going to be that possibly he used to be inbred and as a result that prompted him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who was once a big part of the Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn was quite up in fingers to close to blame the Jewish neighborhood for moves of this one man or woman he needs to shield LaVey Aaron he has each correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an whole group my group any individual’s community that’s now not what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a hard son of a bitch of the move I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst believe I heard any individual who I suppose like conceptually I failed due to the fact he took a plea and i am used to profitable circumstances but the legislation says the defendant makes that decision now not the legal professional I consider that had we tried that case he would had been found not responsible by rationale of madness on account that if he wasn’t loopy no person’s crazy you surely believe he used to be insane do not you chopped a little bit child into portions and put half of of it in the freezer and the other 1/2 in the rubbish you tell me oh thanks so much to a rock what do you feel would had been the nice end result he went to trial after which he and then what there used to be no just right end result he would have wound up within the loony bin for the leisure of his lifestyles correct had he long gone to trial would had been in from would have been terrific for me since the story would had been within the papers every day for three months every time in fine first-rate business for you exceptional publicity it’s anything like the levee or in case of large the cash got here three or is it with that extra like a profile factor I did that case totally free quite and the intent I did it without spending a dime used to be considering the fact that I had learn in the paper that the choose was given the protection attorneys a tough time has there ever been a factor where you’re up in courtroom where you think like probably you’re virtually crossing the road I simply keep on with the advocacy you already know so probably in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens men and women when you say the complaining witness got what he deserved that frightens folks do you think like to be a just right crook safeguard lawyer you have got to push boundaries as much as the road at the very at the naked minimum up to the lines in many instances over the road depending on the case and depending on the purpose are you ready your sight i’m loaded for undergo i’m in a position the rationale for my appearance here today as i am slated to begin a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win via the first three paragraphs of words that I utter to the jury it is beautiful reproduction it is a method that appears to work do you are gonna supply me a little bit of a taster of your opening argument yeah i’ll give you the whole thing yeah i am excited to listen to it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get at the back of a rock handled as a lectern yeah look there we go so i will begin with the with the steeple gesture of my arms after which and the following time i change a movement i’m going to shift the arms away from the body after which after I particularly get going i will you are stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally earlier than I get to whatever to do with the hand gestures when the choose it invitations me to get up and do that the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the reason for that is there is no extra concentration-getting factor you are able to do in a court docket then sit down definitely nonetheless that’s to assert freeze to the factor where i need men and women to be uncomfortable wondering what’s he waiting for then I upward push slowly and then I transfer briskly to the lectern simply think me relocating briskly to the lectern then I relish the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second and then I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else was once this fax pattern it was once no longer intercourse trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample used to be made of hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US forex to John’s and that’s historic John’s incidentally are among the dumbest folks going for walks the face of the earth the young ladies i’ll prove work this hos which is what they name themselves on account that they wanted to and if that appellation is just right adequate for them it can be just right adequate for you and it can be just right adequate of me and i will show that they came and went as they please i will prove that the words just for illustration i’ll kill you or their equivalents are protected free speech no matter how tough or soft the half-baked prosecution expert witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down any individual’s throat it is going to now not change the fact that with the aid of their own lights the women should not quote victims unquote you may also well as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated within the audience backing us up and cheering us on it is now not your job to render a verdict that tells them methods to are living their lives if they want to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand a week then so be it finally that’s a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and any person with a half of a brain is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come back a verdict of not responsible on each and every rely of intercourse trafficking it is the one fair suitable justified verdict the proof in the case will aid and pause i’m gonna appear at each and every any such men and women and then i’m gonna say and i consider we appreciate every different and that’s how it’s completed there’s no such thing as a useless case good day Felix smile you’re on candid digital camera all proper child you know i love you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not eat this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what variety of digital camera is this right how about a little flash
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The Curious Case of Real Life Ornamental Garden Hermits
In modern times if you want to show off extreme wealth, you may purchase expensive sports cars, buy a private jet, wear flashy jewelry, or, as boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. has been known to do, travel around carrying suitcases filled with sometimes millions of dollars in cash. Such extravagant displays of wealth are a trademark of the boxer with Mayweather reportedly having a standing arrangement with his bank to have huge sums of money in cash periodically delivered to his palatial home with the primary purpose being to facilitate flaunting his fabulous wealth, instead of using a card like mere plebeians.
Going back a few centuries in Britain, a popular way to achieve a similar effect was to simply hire a random person to live on your property, with their job generally being to cease bathing or grooming in any way and otherwise spend their days sitting around doing a whole lot of nothing but looking like a stereotypical hermit, all for the enjoyment of guests.
While it isn't fully clear exactly how the idea of the so-called Ornamental Hermit came about, author of The Hermit in the Garden, Dr. Gordon Campbell of the University of Leicester speculates, "The idea of keeping an ornamental hermit probably began in Tivoli to the east of Rome when the Emperor Hadrian had a villa. In his Villa, he had a little pond and in the middle of the pond, he had a little house for one where... he could retreat from the horrors of running the Roman Empire."
What does any of this have to do with 18th century Britain? In the 16th century, the villa was excavated and this little villa was discovered. Pope Pius IV then decided he too should have a similar little building in the Vatican gardens to use as a retreat. This was subsequently built, called the Casina Pio IV, helping to set the idea in popular landscape architecture.
This finally brings us to the 18th century. Around this time, famed landscape architect Lancelot "Capability" Brown, who designed nearly 200 parks, some of which are still around today, strongly pushed for getting rid of elaborately perfect, artificial looking gardens, and instead chose to design parks that looked as if the landscaping of the region was completely natural. Of course, everything was nonetheless still carefully planned out, with paths, streams, artificial lakes, and other landscaping carefully done to create an area that looked like something out of a classic painting.
As for structures, these included things like elaborate stone bridges and models of ancient temples, but also often including something much simpler- a hermitage style retreat. These could be proper buildings, but more commonly were things like hobbit-hole type underground homes. They also sometimes were made of stone, occasionally carefully constructed such that existing tree roots would appear to have grown around the stone, with moss placed to grow on it as well. Adding macabre elements was also common, such as using bones of animals as decoration, or even in some cases as floor or wall material.
Inside these structures would generally be placed various items like human skulls, books, hour glasses, etc. In the early going, some estate owners would actually use these structures as a retreat for themselves, to reconnect with nature and relax. But, eventually, somebody got the bright idea to take it a step further.
Instead of making it look like a hermit lived in the structure or using it as a retreat themselves, the estate owners started hiring actual people to live in their hermitages. These individuals would often be asked to dress like a stereotypical druid, though what the druids actually wore isn't precisely known. As noted, they would also sometimes be asked to grow long beards, allow their hair, toenails, and beard to grow indefinitely, etc. etc.
As you might imagine, finding someone interested in wiling away their years sitting around in squalor, and in some cases strictly forbidden from venturing into the outside world, wasn't exactly an easy thing, despite the fact that some land owners were offering a princely sum for an individual willing to do it.
For example, at Painshill Park, Charles Hamilton offered £700 (about a £1.2 million today) to anyone willing to live for seven years in the hermitage constructed in his garden. The specific ad Hamilton placed seeking such a hermit stated the person hired:
shall be provided with a Bible, optical glasses, a mat for his feet, a hassock for his pillow, an hourglass for timepiece, water for his beverage, and food from the house. He must wear a camlet robe, and never, under any circumstances, must he cut his hair, beard, or nails, stray beyond the limits of Mr. Hamilton's grounds, or exchange one word with the servant.
Unfortunately for Hamilton, after a mere few weeks of service, his first hired hermit was found hanging out at a nearby pub rather than sitting around contemplating his life.
In another case, one John Timbs of Lancashire offered 50 pounds per year to anyone willing to live in his underground hermitage. Not without creature comforts, however, this particular hobbit-hole apparently included a chamber organ, a bath, unlimited books of the hermit's request, and high quality food from Timbs' own table. Again, as was common, an interested applicant would have to agree not to cut "his hair, beard, toe-nails, or fingernails" for the duration.
In yet another case, the advert noted,
Wanted- Ornamental hermit to occupy natural cave dwelling under waterfall for seven years. The successful candidate shall be provided with Bible, water, spectacles, camlet robe, hourglass, and food from the house. No hair- nail, or beard trimming permitted. Sum offered 600 pounds.
There are also a few known instances of people attempting to volunteer their services as an Ornamental hermits, such as this ad that appeared in the January 11, 1810 edition of the London Courier:
A young man, who wishes to retire from the world and live as a hermit, in some convenient spot in England, is willing to engage with any nobleman or gentleman who may be desirous of having one. Any letter addressed to S. Laurence (post paid), to be left at Mr. Otton's No. 6 Coleman Lane, Plymouth, mentioning what gratuity will be given, and all other particulars, will be duly attended.
When a particular property owner could not find a suitable candidate, they often resorted to placing dummies or occasionally fully fledged automatons in the hermitages. For example, in the mid-18th century on Sir Samuel Hellier's Wodehouse estate's 18 acre gardens, he had a mechanical hermit constructed apparently capable of some form of human-like movement when manipulated by a hidden servant.
As for what the flesh and blood ornamental hermits would get up to, this varied based on the requirements of their benefactors. Some seem to have wished them to sit around and do nothing, speaking to no one, as in the aforementioned case of Charles Hamilton. Others only cared that they look the part, and otherwise when guests weren't around were free to socialize with other servants, take the occasional bath in the main house, etc. Still others would ask their hermits to entertain guests with poetry of their own making or otherwise impart the wisdom they were supposed to have acquired through spending their days mostly in solitude.
In at least one case, naturalist Gilbert White actually convinced his own brother, a minister by the name of Henry, to take up the post for a time on his estate in 1763, apparently much to the excitement of his various guests. For example, consider this account by one Catharine Battie upon meeting Henry,
in the middle of tea we had a visit from the old Hermit his appearance made me start he sat some with us & then went away after tea we went in to the Woods return’d to the Hermitage to see it by Lamp light it look’d sweetly indeed. Never shall I forget the happiness of this day ...
While this might seem an awful lot of excitement for meeting a quasi-homeless person, it should be remembered that this wasn't that far away from a time when walking was literally the world's most popular spectator sport. And we're not talking racing someone or walking around and seeing the sites. No- crowds of thousands would gather simply to watch someone walk around quite normally in circles for sometimes days on end, such as in 1809 when one Captain Robert Barclay Allardice famously walked 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours.
Going back to hermits, occasionally a given land owner would strike gold and find someone actually interested in living as a hermit. Arguably the two most famous of these being Stephen Duck and Father Francis.
As for Stephen, he was a poet who accepted a position as a resident hermit at Richmond Park, owned by King George II's wife, Queen Caroline. His hermitage was described in 1735 editions of The Gentleman's Magazine,
A subterranean building is by Her Majesty’s order carrying on in the Royal Gardens at Richmond which is to be called Merlin’s Cave adorned with Astronomical figures and characters. The figures Her Majesty has ordered for Merlin’s cave were placed there... 1. Merlin at a table with conjuring books and mathematical instruments, taken from the head of Mr Ernest, page to the Prince of Wales. 2. King Henry VIII’s Queen, and 3. Queen Elizabeth who came to Merlin for knowledge, the former from the face of Mrs Margaret Purcell and the latter from Miss Paget’s. 4. Minerva from Mrs Poyntz’s 5. Merlin’s secretary from Mr Kemp’s one of His Royal Highness the Duke’s gardeners. 6. A witch, from a tradesman’s wife at Richmond....
Her Majesty has ordered also a choice collection of English books to be placed therein; and appointed Mr Stephen Duck to be Cave and Library Keeper and his wife Necessary Woman there.
As for the outside, they state it was made of a
heap of stones, thrown into a very artful disorder, and curiously embellished with moss and shrubs, to represent rude nature. But I was strangely surpris’d to find the entrance of it barr’d with a range of costly gilt rails, which not only seemed to show an absurdity of taste, but created in me a melancholy reflection that luxury had found its way even into the Hermit’s Cell.
Fully embracing the role, Duck apparently grew a lengthy beard and otherwise spent his time reading books from the queen's library, writing poetry, and talking with the many hundreds of people each year who would seek him out at the elaborate hermitage. Unfortunately for Stephen, he ultimately had enough and decided in 1756 to kill himself by jumping into the River Thames and failing to bother to surface.
As for Father Francis, he lived in a cave at Hawkstone Park, belonging to one Sir Richard Hill. Francis spent his time contemplating life and attending to people who would come visit him to seek advice from him. Those wishing to see Father Francis, would, to quote a 1784 account,
pull a bell, and gain admittance. The hermit is generally in a sitting posture, with a table before him, on which is a skull, the emblem of mortality, an hour-glass, a book and a pair of spectacles. The venerable bare-footed Father, whose name is Francis (if awake) always rises up at the approach of strangers. He seems about 90 years of age, yet has all his sense to admiration. He is tolerably conversant, and far from being unpolite.
When Francis died after 14 years of service, a suitable replacement couldn't be found, so he was replaced by an automaton, with it noted by one visitor who saw the fake hermit:
The face is natural enough, the figure stiff and not well managed. The effect would be infinitely better if the door were placed at the angle of the wall and not opposite you. The passenger would then come upon St. [sic] Francis by surprise, whereas the ringing of the bell and door opening into a building quite dark within renders the effect less natural.
How the movement in this case was achieved was apparently to have a hidden worker manipulate the automaton each time someone entered to cause it to stand up. At that point, the worker would then manipulate the mouth using a string, while reading out various lines of poetry.
All good things must come to an end, however, and by the early 19th century, having an ornamental hermit on your estate was already falling out of fashion.
But let us never forget that the human drive to one-up our fellow denizens on our journey to the grave is so strong that for a brief period in history people actually took to, essentially, hiring a random squatter to come hang out on their property, just so they could show off the unkempt individual to guests.
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airoasis · 5 years
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
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The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
Whats up Dan this is for excuse for security legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is one of these neat dense topic I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it is it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry if you do not win it can be a catastrophe for the character good you have to win them see if he’s coming by means of on some thing or did he come by means of on a warrant final night in the phrases of Jesse Pinkman you do not want a crook legal professional you need a crook lawyer and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking bad’s rapid-speaking lovely scumbag of an lawyer final season on the actual warmness find a actual-existence Walter White so this year we questioned if there were any real-world counterparts to his attorney to when we asked around the the big apple authorized world about who was once the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most mighty criminal safety lawyer in the market everybody informed us one factor better call howard greenberg nobody is rather as outlandish as how it’s you just about wager but what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that obtained in trouble with the police and the way it was once the primary legal professional I concept of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i am calling call Reed how are you hello how are you to fulfill you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you already know a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so that is your crash pad my crash pad i am sorry to assert does no longer reside in a nail salon behind nail salon – oh correct Saul’s place of business yeah well that is my dwelling away from home 4 days every week many best victories had been crafted edited and tweaked on this area proper at the back of you is the subsequent one it’s a high-profile intercourse trafficking case and you realize i am working it up here so you may have by no means been put ready the place you need to shield an individual who’s certainly guilty it is it’s beside the point to me I choose they tell me however i don’t care i’m more petrified of the federal government than i’m of some individuals come again who I signify inform me about your daily so you get up at what time I stand up 5 six the very first thing I do is figure out I do not know if I look it but beneath this is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in court or or get to work if i am now not in courtroom so let’s talk about what you are gonna wear today i don’t suppose i will wait i don’t think i’m gonna wear this shirt however several suits putting check this up I mean which you could earn the proper to wear whatever that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved anyone can however but i’ve if i’m part to a jury the affect that if their ass was once in a sling they’d want me sitting subsequent to them i will do something the i need k ok yarn it hard work on this industry makes up for lots of sins excellent let’s go get them let’s go get him i’m no longer gonna let the government crucify my guys energy Greenberg’s record of court victories is rivaled best by means of the rap sheets of his consumers in his 25 years of observe Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic advocate for people accused of everything from murder to medicinal drugs to weapons to sex trafficking defending the likes of the so referred to as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a girl to have sex along with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang however much more than his shoppers its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom methods that have made him a darling of the nearby press nobody i know how to rely Dench money for more heritage on Howard’s higher-than-life reputation we reached out to a couple of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a first-hand account of what it can be like to watch him work are you able to tell me about a few of your first encounters with Howard um I keep in mind him when I first got here to the workplace I think the article I recall most about him is you never knew what was going to come out of his mouth and repeatedly it was once very individual to you like should you tried to argue a few case in entrance of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to all people there may be just about an endearing quality now when you seem again at it considering the fact that the he noticed was once hysterical when I began at legal support I started as a public defender and i simply do not forget coming to understand him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you understand it’s a crazy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court you already know he is uh he is now not effortless to mess he doesn’t look like a usual legal professional you know simply between just like the hair and the best way he moves and the best way he speaks he rather is aware of tips on how to push the envelope with quite a few a variety of folks however no longer force the road the place he would become getting himself into challenge there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that obtained plenty of insurance policy can you tell me somewhat bit about that it was once a case where two guys they were accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he was once giving summations and in it he was once pronouncing matters to the result that he would love to be like a ho working for them that if he made as a lot cash as them he would be doing it too that is kind of manner he rolls i’m telling you he does things that that lots of the relaxation of us would under no circumstances do like you’re go-inspecting a victim and in our robbery right and you’ll be able to say good it was once nighttime correct sure it was once dark in any respect right proper there were no streetlights have been there no the common method me feel it don’t ask a different query and then you simply sum up and say there isn’t no way that witness might have noticeable who robbed her on the grounds that it was once darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her possess mouth however what you do not ask the witnesses so that you couldn’t see the person who robbed you would you on the grounds that in case you ask that ultimate question it could actually simplest go wrong however Howard will ask the ideal question after which ask it 5 more approaches and 5 more times and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the lawyer we’ve got an appointment what are you in one more lawyer’s place of work ok something cost he costs you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you should you must look at my record before you rent someone and if his record is healthier than mine while you compare the two you must rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s unattainable however when are you gonna be here in 15 minutes okay good boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up ok over the direction of the years I’ve realized to improve an extraordinarily thick dermis with him he’s very blunt and direct and that’s what I think quite a few folks quite like about him is the truth that you recognize with him you’re now not gonna get the frills and the costume-up and the lollipops and the candy canes you are going to get the very easy facts and he particularly really fights for the usual excellent which is what I really supply to him he puts his coronary heart and soul into what he does in view that he is aware what it’s like if you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal government against you and your this one individual seeking to battle in your lifestyles so inform me what you are working on working for this vast intercourse trafficking case in ny County how long do you see this trial going on for perhaps three weeks 4 weeks you know normal we’re looking to turn selling prostitution into sex trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i’m going to give you one instance you tell me ok sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you give me one she’s a prostitute out of her own free will that is no longer intercourse trafficking nonetheless they invariably tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such thing as free will and no lady can come to be a hoe considering she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand per week that is intent any individual made her do it and were you aware that most times with John’s they simulate the act that is how stupid John’s are oh yeah obviously of course everybody is aware of they have got to be faking it no so i am speaking about faking having intercourse Wow they confirmed us how they do it well explain it you need to be for your stomach you need to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re on your stomach uh-huh and also you have got to get the schmeckel on your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i am not hurting that John snake they are getting some thing some thing when they may be now not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the real ultimate argument that was in the world referred to as jury selection that I intend to do if that’s the case okay I seem out at this room full of men and women and that i say to myself they are right here to be brainwashed by means of me repeat after me do okay you men and women are going to decide you persons are gonna come to a decision whether the defendant whether the defendant is a sex trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he is an innocent character being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether or not he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s proceed do any of you good persons see pink while you hear the phrases sex trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a bunch referred to as reasonable women any one here read Nicholas Kristof’s school he has an obsession with intercourse and the subject of sexual slavery and and persons being compelled to do matters against their will neither of which I must let you know applies on this case my door did I inform you the women if they are cold they are gonna be witnesses you get the inspiration and that is how it is going to go hi hi Kim i am Marie Greenberg tell your lovely to meet with me this is our dining room we now have many events right here how did you guys meet we met in court docket I used to be a court reporter k and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized help and we simply variety of like take to each other and it’s been that’s been some proper and the way long in the past is that that used to be 24 years ago Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you just helped type him oh come on is that what he mentioned yeah not ever lets me kind him I desire everyday lets me sort him he has a first-class eye but now not for himself so you absolutely met Howard in his situation of work yeah what do you think about his profession he does his job very well and he he is not prejudiced at all he just feels that every body should have a shot at being defended the correct manner does that bother you though if like somebody particularly is guilty and he is one of these talented lawyer that he will get them off after which they stroll free does it trouble me probably maybe 2 or 3 times it has however the opposite occasions no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my existence none of them I liked him he grew up very otherwise he’s now not indignant about that he’s grateful about that and i do not suppose many men and women can say that inform me a little bit bit about your upbringing you erased on the diminish East side it’s real we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally unwell my grandmother who raised me as a mothers and fathers and me my father was once very violent it was a every day incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly historic grandmother one time he snapped her forearm correct in front of my face but I was a child what might I you recognize what would I do to quite preserve him I imply look what would I do about I mean our youngsters do not even understand this after I left I acquired a full scholarship to Cornell university which I briskly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and realized alongside the way that her father was once a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s place of business exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the U.S. Of the usa versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was my spouse’s my then wife’s father the day prior to this’s arrests and fees disclose one other heroin operation run by means of Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a entrance for trafficking in enormous quantities of medications that case devolved within the public mind into some thing that was referred to as the Pizza connection case it became the longest federal trial up to that factor in the history of the USA of the united states but it surely was on that day with the dealers and the drug sniffing puppies crawling in all places me and the persons I cared about that I’ve to grow to be a criminal security lawyer I was enrolled in Fordham regulation college three months after graduating i am a employees legal professional on the legal help Society you know it’s tough for me to be politically right however at the legal help Society they emasculate lawyers why did they do this considering they are so involved about maintaining the file attempting the case for the appeal but lawyers who are attempting the case for the enchantment are gonna lose how do you are trying the case I are trying the case to win I left the legal aid website I did fulfill my commitment I went into private follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me how you can turn out to be a pleasant trial legal professional he wrote a sequence of books entitled attempting circumstances to win and i grew to be him does it offend you when people suggest that you’re like Saul due to the fact that he is a bit of of a sketchy persona in some ways as well as being quirky no by no means i don’t have to cheat to win ok I’ve received a method that seems to work and i can train any lawyer if the battle of the government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a few of Howard’s former clients about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was once charged with criminal possession of a weapon a charge carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal youngsters that the cop stated shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was facing seven seven to fifteen years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence after I was a teenager I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that a part of my life besides like that what i’m seeking to do is just discover a job you know have some kids you already know just a little ordinary existence I imply however seeing that of my previous historical past they they are attempting to border have you ever had any dealings with any legal professionals earlier towered is here first variety of your first guy he is hostile to Lloyd had cash to pay for my earlier legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a legal support and of path legal age they work with the method they get paid via you copping up I imply I was once lucky adequate to to be in a position to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence after I used to be at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior however he fought like I was like I was his son hiya good that is why I possess golf all how did you meet Felix originally how did he find you his squeeze gave me a name and informed me you desire a attorney whilst you first met him and what had been your first impressions of him did you feel this can be a good kid topic what I concept it was once surely prick I failed to like him haha okay k but I however I grew to like him ok k if he concept he was a surly prick than wise you would not want to represent him seeing that I if I take your cash you get all of me that is why and i want to win okay you’ve got iced coffee i don’t make it from dishwater does that occur rather a lot that you just increase a style of close personal relationship along with your consumers I simply Shutt subsequent yeah no it is now not that okay it’s now not a bit of private nevertheless it’s a love and affection for anybody whose life you saved so you have got mentioned that if any individual will pay you they have your loyalty i wonder I ran the provider for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my loved ones and i render service for cash that a guy threatened to kill me and that i received him acquitted and that’s just the way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you fear them you for the larger better system the mayor and i can not blame a guy who’s rotting in penitentiary for pronouncing some thing and the easiest goal is the lawyer ok come on after spending more time with Howard I developed a better figuring out of his belief that everybody deserved a zealous protection but a lot of his instances still quite bothered me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron again in 2011 Howard joined the safety workforce for some of the stunning murder circumstances in up to date new york historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight year historic boy attorney Howard Greenberg is able to be hated for his client even as looking to look after confessed baby killer levy Aaron to realise the morality of defending any individual who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics legal professional Nicole Hyland I suppose it can be main for men and women attorneys and to recognize that real-world ethics is just not the identical as authorized ethics there may be some overlap but there are numerous matters that legal professionals are obligated to do and anticipate it to try this rather don’t ought to do with morality a criminal lawyer goes to still look after a purchaser even if they comprehend the client is guilty and so i can think that in particular circumstances the place you have got a defendant who’s accused of particularly horrific crime the public could think there may be something immoral about that about staying silent whilst you understand your customer is guilty you realize men and women continuously say oh how can how will you guard those those responsible individuals and i have customers accused of horrible terrible disgusting horrible matters and that’s my job to guard anyone’s got to in the back of them you already know an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a crook security attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a client is entitled to zealous advocacy there probably whatever that mentioned or achieved that the external world could take offense to but that is a safeguard legal professional rightfully combating for his or her patron when Howard first received on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he made up our minds was going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a quite ultra-orthodox Hasidic neighborhood that his protection was going to be that possibly he used to be inbred and as a result that prompted him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who was once a big part of the Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn was quite up in fingers to close to blame the Jewish neighborhood for moves of this one man or woman he needs to shield LaVey Aaron he has each correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an whole group my group any individual’s community that’s now not what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a hard son of a bitch of the move I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst believe I heard any individual who I suppose like conceptually I failed due to the fact he took a plea and i am used to profitable circumstances but the legislation says the defendant makes that decision now not the legal professional I consider that had we tried that case he would had been found not responsible by rationale of madness on account that if he wasn’t loopy no person’s crazy you surely believe he used to be insane do not you chopped a little bit child into portions and put half of of it in the freezer and the other 1/2 in the rubbish you tell me oh thanks so much to a rock what do you feel would had been the nice end result he went to trial after which he and then what there used to be no just right end result he would have wound up within the loony bin for the leisure of his lifestyles correct had he long gone to trial would had been in from would have been terrific for me since the story would had been within the papers every day for three months every time in fine first-rate business for you exceptional publicity it’s anything like the levee or in case of large the cash got here three or is it with that extra like a profile factor I did that case totally free quite and the intent I did it without spending a dime used to be considering the fact that I had learn in the paper that the choose was given the protection attorneys a tough time has there ever been a factor where you’re up in courtroom where you think like probably you’re virtually crossing the road I simply keep on with the advocacy you already know so probably in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens men and women when you say the complaining witness got what he deserved that frightens folks do you think like to be a just right crook safeguard lawyer you have got to push boundaries as much as the road at the very at the naked minimum up to the lines in many instances over the road depending on the case and depending on the purpose are you ready your sight i’m loaded for undergo i’m in a position the rationale for my appearance here today as i am slated to begin a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win via the first three paragraphs of words that I utter to the jury it is beautiful reproduction it is a method that appears to work do you are gonna supply me a little bit of a taster of your opening argument yeah i’ll give you the whole thing yeah i am excited to listen to it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get at the back of a rock handled as a lectern yeah look there we go so i will begin with the with the steeple gesture of my arms after which and the following time i change a movement i’m going to shift the arms away from the body after which after I particularly get going i will you are stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally earlier than I get to whatever to do with the hand gestures when the choose it invitations me to get up and do that the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the reason for that is there is no extra concentration-getting factor you are able to do in a court docket then sit down definitely nonetheless that’s to assert freeze to the factor where i need men and women to be uncomfortable wondering what’s he waiting for then I upward push slowly and then I transfer briskly to the lectern simply think me relocating briskly to the lectern then I relish the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second and then I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else was once this fax pattern it was once no longer intercourse trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample used to be made of hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US forex to John’s and that’s historic John’s incidentally are among the dumbest folks going for walks the face of the earth the young ladies i’ll prove work this hos which is what they name themselves on account that they wanted to and if that appellation is just right adequate for them it can be just right adequate for you and it can be just right adequate of me and i will show that they came and went as they please i will prove that the words just for illustration i’ll kill you or their equivalents are protected free speech no matter how tough or soft the half-baked prosecution expert witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down any individual’s throat it is going to now not change the fact that with the aid of their own lights the women should not quote victims unquote you may also well as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated within the audience backing us up and cheering us on it is now not your job to render a verdict that tells them methods to are living their lives if they want to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand a week then so be it finally that’s a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and any person with a half of a brain is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come back a verdict of not responsible on each and every rely of intercourse trafficking it is the one fair suitable justified verdict the proof in the case will aid and pause i’m gonna appear at each and every any such men and women and then i’m gonna say and i consider we appreciate every different and that’s how it’s completed there’s no such thing as a useless case good day Felix smile you’re on candid digital camera all proper child you know i love you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not eat this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what variety of digital camera is this right how about a little flash
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skullssales · 5 years
Beautiful Gothic Jewellery By Wonderland MC | Avelina De Moray
What’s up each person welcome back to my channel! I am Avelina De Moray, & thank you for joining me! If you have not already guessed from brand new thumbmail, the video I will be doing for you today is a little bit haul on a jewellery corporation referred to as Wonderland MC. Now if you are part of the goth subculture or the alternative scene you have quite often seen these things floating around on facebook or Instagram the lovely lady that runs the manufacturer is on fireplace with collaborations!! Actually every influencer that i will think of has finished some variety of collabing image shoot for them including the butcher toddlers Black Friday and now me so simply to speak I’ve taken some relatively pleasant pics of the objects that she sent me and that i want to show you them at present so let’s get into it obviously the first one is the person who i’m carrying it’s like blingy but a little bit little bit of cruelty whilst whilst you can’t make a decision if you want to be a enormous Princess Pea which could aside be there so confidently this is focusing but it surely’s obtained a lovely silver pentagram and that is all crystal it is received some little droplets right here it is just normally beautiful it’s particularly busy so make certain when you are carrying it you pair it with whatever that’s rather simple thus why I chose an item that has a simple neckline and is of an exceptional material that is just a stunning pink velvet i tried to put on this a few times with objects that had prints on it and it simply it was too much it used to be too busy k the next item that form of fits this are these one for jewelry and i’ll get a detailed-up shot of them because on the front of them is a bit dangerous now if you’re no longer into carrying heavy rings these are for you I do get sensitive earlobes i’ll put them in for a image shoot however they’re certainly now not ones that I might put on all day simply as a result of the burden of them I seem to have very sensitive ears are you able to see the little bat my hair in the best way your pentagram with just a little baton it is just beautiful k the opposite objects i will film some footage of me carrying them however i’m simply going to exhibit you them maintain speaking about them and i’ll put up the pictures so you’ll find what they appear like these are cute as soon as I noticed them i’m like yeah this is for me so we now have obtained silver spikes inverted crosses and chunk me on it it is a wee little combo of all matters that i like now these are a lot lighter I could put on these all day daily look at that I’ve done it again it can be nonetheless acquired the clear plastic safety on the back I continually try this do you don’t forget when I bought those pentagram rings and i will them for like a good year and what is the announcing Oh bubbly after which anyone messaged me and mentioned for those who like spikes and vampires these rings okay yep now when I used to be us to head to the internet site and choose a number of objects I think i hope i am now not making this up that she was once transitioning right into a bilingual website so do you might have some memories of finding it a bit hard to navigate just in view that that it used to be in one more language but having said that I was once just watching on the pics I knew what I liked and all of it worked out first-rate when the 9mc actually have a substantial style of genres that they cater to she’s acquired some objects which are really darkish and a Colt II and then she goes more ethereal and delusion base and she or he’s a go-to steampunk part so I chose items that surely I appreciated but it surely’s totally valued at going to our websites and checking out the subcategories given that there may be simply so many and you’re sure to seek out something that you simply like so this subsequent one is a lovely necklace and i like the jewel on the front there it can be probably the most stunning blue color light blue colour and i like this since it molds to your body so it can be all sort of separate portions so while you put it on it sits particularly comfortable and i wish to put on this one as a excessive choker as i’m going to show you however the necklace is particularly long so you might put on it down cut back that’s how you need to wear it the following one I chose because of its simplicity is that this one here i am now not certain if she names her pieces for the reason that she with no trouble has so many I assume it might be hard to come up with names for all of them however i will to find the links if they’re still to be had to the ones that I chosen in case you wish to have to grab your self one of those and it is received this lovely little pointed die Monty stubby thing sort of like an arrow I just appreciated it it sits particularly good if i can show you i’ll exhibit put the pictures up nevertheless it just caught my eye it was once very specific to a number of the other stuff that she has on there and i will distantly each day once I was in Hollywood just lately now this next item i will exhibit you is not going to make any feel except I put it on but I saw it on anybody else and i’m like you realize what i’m now not a girl this is variety of Goldy bronze i’m no longer a Goldy bronze character however i will make an exception for this and that i did say that the lovely ona that I used to be going to put on this within the video clip that my band will movie for our duvet of this corrosion i’m still gonna try this it can be just taking POI oh yeah that’s fairly excellent and she despatched me the matching earrings as well so these are the same because the rings that i’m wearing they simply would not have the back on them in order that matches quite well i will show you some pictures of how that looks it is relatively interesting and which you could put the straps different approaches to sort of create your own seem however a bit of bit of warning once more this is relatively busy so simply wear it below some thing undeniable and easy so you aren’t getting too busy now leaving the exceptional for final this is by means of a ways my favourite piece he is kind of obtained a gypsy golf vibe to it it is so sparkly there is simply a lot detail in it and each time I seem at it I style of to find anything new i’m like wow I did not comprehend there’s slightly sigil of Lucifer with his little cash there is pentagrams the element of that is simply impeccable hook there’s even a goat see totally forgot the goat however I consider she makes these as one-of-a-style and i did first see Black Friday where strong my jaw drops I win it’s attractive and that i suppose that may be a rather fine touch as well the place you could comprehend that the piece that you’re ordering is real specific i am definite she also does make replicas if you noticed a picture of mine and fell in love with it i am certain she would make it for you – any such sinner message the element in this is once more it’s tremendous busy so I in my view would just pair it with an outfit that’s tremendous easy and make this be the announcement piece thank you so much for looking at i’m hoping you’ve gotten loved this video and probably seen some thing that you simply appreciated as well I continually enjoy introducing my viewers to new brands notably once they ask extra like myself they usually might no longer be finding out so please remark down under for those who like this video which used to be your favourite piece are you going to go to the website and buy anything else let me recognize what you bought for those who did please add me on Instagram if you haven’t already i am very energetic on that so if you want a glimpse of what i am doing on a day to day groundwork Instagram is the situation to be i’ll see you guys soon bye
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Source: https://skullssales.com/
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What Occurred To The Waltons After The Waltons Finished?
Patience is the condition from revealing a beneficial response also on a tough circumstance. The raised frequency from kid systems gives on its own to sensationalist media coverage; the most impressive solutions, such as dental implanting an integrated circuit under a child's skin, receive a disproportionate amount of media. ( HealthDay)-- A significant portion from parents who children possess food items allergies possess issues over the security of their youngster at institution, inning accordance with a research posted on the web May 12 in BMC Pediatric medicines.|Parents are actually regularly struggling with limitations on their children's tablets, smart phones, computer systems, and Televisions. And finally, I believe that the fully developed health professionals of little ones under age two could sometimes feel starved for a bit from interaction with various other miss. 2. Discover that the person could appear to be disregarding you, specifically due to the fact that eye get in touch with is commonly hard for folks with autism, yet they are actually possibly paying for more focus in comparison to you would ever before believe.|Studies present that the optimum age to learn a foreign language is actually when one is very younger. If parents require their decision on their kid, which goes against the instructor's tips or even aptitude test outcomes, at that point it mistakes. If 60 percent of disclosed misuse scenarios are actually incorrect, exactly what perform our company must do as parents to prevent this off taking place to our kids when they have youngsters of their own?|This is actually the cleaver function of the recalls of Shawn's youth at the starting point of most episodes. If you are actually coping with a STRANGE youngster, satisfy locate at least another person which is likewise dealing with a WEIRD little one or even has actually lived through that. Help and also understanding are really challenging to come through. The primary cause is actually that ODD youngsters are actually professionals of manipulation and also beauty.|Having a family pet is a large obligation given that you have to be sure this has every little thing that this requires, and also you should additionally possess opportunity to enjoy with that. Having said that, this's nothing at all compared with this guy that deals with about 300 kitties! Abandonment occurs when a mother physically, psychologically or even mentally removes herself from her youngsters. The mixed age amount classroom could be a perk to both the older kids as well as the younger little ones alike. B. To determine the EDD by Nagele's rule, incorporate 7 times to the first time from the final menstruation period and count back 3 months, modifying the year appropriately.|Children's primary teeth are actually an ever before modifying factor, sometimes being actually dropped for no evident reason. To start with, Cara wasn't expectant as a younger adolescent, therefore to bother with just what her parent's neighbors would certainly presume is absurd to me. She was actually 25 years of ages as well as opted to be located about who the father was actually therefore she could eliminate the baby.|Are you the moms and diet-you-blog.info dad of a child that is actually involved regarding the possible relationship between vaccines as well as autism? People which have experienced misuse, forget and also various other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) including dealing with residential violence during their youth go to much higher danger from mental disease throughout life.|When a family experiences a crash that beverages the entire neighborhood, there are actually times. He likewise pointed out that moms and dads like Laura, that was anxious concerning her boy's care, are commonly resolved smoothly and also compassionately by health care workers. I do have my ups as well as downs, but nowadays, I skip my spouse a lot more than any children I may have possessed.|Being looked at a conductor is actually not something to extol. The writer of the short article is a school expert in OnlineSchoolAdmissions as well as supplies free consultancy to moms and dads as well as institutions for swift as well as simple on the web institution admissions. Eventually if she feels that it was right that she be actually returned to her biological parents, at that point the DeBoers were actually without a doubt wrong to argue that this resided in her benefit to remain with them.|As summer unwind, children and also parents are preparing for the start of the academic year, however, for youngsters along with meals allergic reactions, visiting university for the first time can feature notable stress and also stress. That still may be a teacher-student negative match, but your child may be either on the sluggish edge of usual or dealing with a learning disability. Locate Parent Assets Some of the very best ways that modern technology can easily assist your youngster is actually through aiding you learn more concerning discovering.|If you are a moms and dad or a guardian you have to understand a handful of features of the Youngster Security Solutions and also the duties of CPS legal professionals. The Authorities have actually allowed the suggestion of the Sixth Central Pay Compensation to permit the railroad slaves to avail on their own from encashment of Leave behind on Average Pay up to 10 days at that time from use Passes for a maximum of 60 days in the whole entire career subject to the problem that subsequent encashment may certainly not be made just before a minimum time frame from two years has actually run out and also the vacation so encashed during the time of availing Railroad Passes should certainly not be taken off off the max volume of HLeave usually Pay encashable at that time of retirement life. However that doesn't follow that she would undergo her lifestyle thinking about the situation specifically the technique her moms and dads performed. The child's psychological health condition constituted a dependency, which, when paired along with his economical incapacity, was sufficient to require support beyond the age of age of consent. I understand the amount of this implies to moms and dads to be seen by their children and also grandchildren. The little one's remains were actually found in December along with confirmation that the emaciated continues to bes were actually Caylee coming several times after the preliminary breakthrough. At this stage, a newborn is able to view objects that are close to his eyes including his moms and dads' skins, recognize specific odors, move his head back and forth, smile and also bursts into tears to show his needs. The merely right you invite the abortion method resides in talking with the kid's mom regarding the method. He has mentioned that he absolutely certainly never will definitely alter his thoughts (as well as has to possess little ones), and he states that that if I never ever wish youngsters, I will force him in to the most awful day from his life (= leaving me). Poor handwriting, for example, often is a sign of a learning impairment, yet many gifted youngsters which have bad handwriting may only be actually assuming faster than their palms are acquiring it all adverse study. Therefore, if you are actually certainly not putting in the moment to perform research with your child, feeding, showering, reading, having that person to the bus stop, you go to a negative aspect in a protection instance. She kept Dan on a short chain, and when he journeyed along with his family to France, Betty actually caught her hubby deserting to call his girlfriend on the phone. When the child is actually still young, a single mama needs to teach the little one to regularly say I love you, whenever leaving behind the room or even entering it. As soon as the kid is actually used to squeezes and also embraces whenever they get in the space or leave behind your home, they 'd still carry out that method regardless of whether they grow up to become grownups. As the Trump management-- undaunted by a July 9 denial from its own proposal to obtain eliminate the 20-day limitation on family apprehension for migrants-- battles to extend as well as extend household detention, civils rights proponents are regarded that the expertises of moms and dads as well as little ones like Laura and Michael will certainly duplicate hundreds of times over. In the afternoon of a certain summer's day, after Pearl increased major sufficient to run approximately, she delighted herself with acquiring handfuls from wild blooms, and flinging all of them, one by one, at her mommy's chest; dancing up and down like a little bit of fairy whenever she attacked the scarlet character. If your little one possesses problem getting to rest you could make an effort giving up their day time snooze and also making certain that they engage in some kind of physical play in the day (the advised amount from exercising for little ones is an hour every day).
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extraupdate-blog · 7 years
The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent
New Post has been published on https://extraupdate.com/the-difference-between-being-smart-educated-and-intelligent/
The Difference Between Being Smart, Educated, and Intelligent
I’ve always been intrigued via the subject of intelligence. As an infant my mother would discuss with me as “clever,” however I fast observed that each one mother and father discuss with their youngsters as smart. In time I could find out that each one kid are not smart, just as all toddlers aren’t cute. If that were the case, we might have a global full of stunning, smart human beings – which we don’t.
Some people are clever; however no longer as clever as we assume, and others are smarter than they appear, which makes me wonder, how do we outline smart? What makes one character smarter than another? When do “avenue smarts” depend on more than “book smarts”? Can you be both smart and stupid? Is being clever more of a right away have an impact on of genetics, or one’s surroundings?
Smart acronym
What does it imply to be rather knowledgeable? What’s the distinction between being surprisingly educated and pretty sensible? Does being relatively knowledgeable routinely make you surprisingly wise? Can one be extraordinarily sensible without being particularly educated? Do IQs, in reality, imply some thing? What makes a person sensible? Why is wisdom typically associated with antique age?
My preference to are seeking for answers to these questions stimulated many hours of intense studies which covered the studying of 6 books, hundreds of studies files, and infinite hours on the Internet; which pales in evaluation to the life of studies and research that pioneers inside the fields of intelligence and schooling like Howard Gardner, Richard Sternberg, Linda S. Gottfredson, Thomas Sowell, Alfie Kohn, and Diane F. Halpern whose paintings is stated in this newsletter.
My intention became simple: Amass, synthesize, and gift information on what it way to be smart, knowledgeable and sensible so that it may be understood and utilized by everybody for their benefit.
There is mounting proof that the consumption of food it truly is excessive in iron both earlier than and in the course of being pregnant is critical to building the prenatal mind. Researchers have discovered a strong affiliation among low iron degrees in the course of pregnancy and diminished IQ. Foods wealthy in iron consist of lima beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, seafood, nuts, the dried end result, oatmeal, and fortified cereals.
Children with low iron fame in utero (inside the uterus) scored decrease on each takes a look at and had significantly decrease language potential, high-quality-motor competencies, and tractability than children with higher prenatal iron levels. In essence, right prenatal care is essential to the improvement of cognitive capabilities.
Cognitive capabilities are the basic intellectual abilities we use to assume, have a look at, and examine. They consist of an extensive type of mental procedures used to research sounds and photographs, recall records from reminiscence, make associations among exclusive pieces of facts, and keep awareness on particular responsibilities. They may be in my opinion identified and measured. Cognitive ability strength and efficiency correlates without delay with students’ ease of getting to know.
“IQ is a degree of the kid’s capacity to research and to live on in his or her environment. It predicts the ability for achievement in school and in ordinary lifestyles. Although a small however full-size percent of youngsters are identified with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) every yr, many more kids are exposed to alcohol at some stage in pregnancy who do not meet standards for FAS but revel in deficits in boom and cognitive characteristic,” stated Jennifer A. Willford, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Smart Definition
Paul D. Connor, medical director of the Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit and an assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington has this to mention approximately the challenge:
“There are a number of domain names of cognitive functioning that may be impaired even inside the face of a noticeably regular IQ, including educational success (especially arithmetic), adaptive functioning, and executive functions (the capacity to trouble solve and learn from experiences). Deficits in intellectual, success, adaptive, and executive functioning could make it tough to appropriately control the budget, feature independently without assistance, and recognize the outcomes of – or react as it should be too – errors.”
This is a key finding which speaks without delay to the (mental) definition of intelligence that is addressed later in this newsletter.
Studies have shown that the frequent exposure of the human fetus to ultrasound waves is associated with a lower in newborn frame weight, a boom within the frequency of left-handedness, and behind schedule speech.
Because ultrasound electricity is a high-frequency mechanical vibration, researchers hypothesized that it would have an impact on the migration of neurons in a growing fetus. Neurons in mammals multiply early in fetal improvement after which migrate to their very last locations. Any interference or disruption inside the method ought to bring about unusual brain characteristic.
Commercial businesses (which do ultrasounds for “souvenir” purposes) are now growing extra powerful ultrasound machines able to presenting popular 3-d and 4D pics. The procedure, however, lasts longer as they are attempting to make 30-minute films of the fetus in the uterus.
Smart car
The major circulate mag New Scientist suggested the subsequent: Ultrasound scans can prevent cells from dividing and cause them to dedicate suicide. Routine scans, that have let docs peek at fetuses and internal organs for the beyond 40 years, affect the everyday cellular cycle.
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The training field consists of various specializations that consist of simple education, early life schooling, administration, better education, secondary education and center faculty. Each of these specializations desires a selected instructional qualification and certification for turning into an instructor. For instance, it’s miles mandatory for instructors to get a license from the kingdom in which they’re teaching.
To start a career in teaching, you need to earn a bachelor’s degree in Education. The path structure of this on line diploma software includes making plans lessons, handling discipline associated problems, the psychology of learning and ensuring that students do not face any problem in knowledge principles. You can earn among $25,000 and $30,000 as a first-year trainer with a web bachelor’s degree in training.
Certified instructors can acquire promotions, as well as pay increases with the assist of online a grasp, ‘s in teaching diploma. Another desirable thing approximately this diploma software is that it gives teachers extra opportunities in personal schools and universities. Upon graduation, you can additionally join in a Ph.D. in training diploma application.
Schools Offering Online Education Degrees:
o Western Governors University: Regionally accepted by way of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Western Governors University gives Bachelor in Education, Masters in Teaching, Masters in Education, Higher Education, Secondary Education and Special Education.
Educated antonym
O Ashford University: Regionally permitted by way of the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Ashford University offers Associate, Bachelor and Master tiers in teaching. Some of the packages conducted by means of Ashford University are Bachelor in Education, Masters in Teaching, Masters in Education, Masters in Teaching, Higher Education, Early Childhood Education, Secondary Education and Elementary Education.
O Grand Canyon University: Accredited via The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, Grand Canyon University gives Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education in Secondary Education and Master of Education in Special Education.
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