#i actually feel like most of these will look like this 😭 HAHAH its my default blorbo state
dizzybizz · 2 months
Ok, for the ask, Gillion?
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RAGGHHHHH GILLIONNNNNN THE BEST THE GOAT HES PROBABLY MY FAV OF THE TRIO autism fish man himbo teal asexual many bromances short king was raised as a weapon
like,,,, whats not to love!!!!!!!
he has made me cry too, which is quite the achievement for any piece of media..
i love when he goes "DESTINY" and destinies all over the place
i love drawing him sooooo much 💖 superb little guy he is
i really adore all of his interactions w every character but damn him n edyn bro.... aughh. wAUGHJ..
john is good for him n he is good for john, love their MUTUAL bromance (sideeyes caspians wiki page) his and felipe's tragic doomed bromance 💔
mmhmhmhmhm i have some clips
this one is sooo autism it amkes me so happy
autism again but drunk this time
the noise he lets out rlly gets me help as soon as i finished writing this another gill one came in from @bat-luun... gill on the brain today everyone...
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1tarot1with1k1o · 7 months
Sorry If that is a uncomfortable question, you don't need to answer this if you don't want💗
Did you had a nose job? Sorry if it's rude if you actually haven't😭 I just know some ppl who have one and it looks exactly the same like in your pic. I am thinking about it too but did you had a good experience with this?
I am already embarrassed if it's not the case since people do exist that naturally look like this but its more common with ppl who had a nose job😅
It’s not uncomfortable at all for me to talk about it, don’t worry!
I did get a surgery for my nose. But also, it doesn’t look like that lmao, that’s thanks to the Instagram filter.
I AM considering of getting another nose job in order to make it look like THAT, because the first time it got sort of messed up.
I had to get operated because I had a deviated septum, and before the surgery, they asked me if I wanted to modify anything. I said, well sure, while I’m at it, if you could change the tip of my nose and make it more proportionate, then that would be great! I asked SPECIFICALLY to not change my nose bridge, but the surgeon actually went willy-nilly on it, and decided to make it much thinner. So now I’m stuck with basically the same weird shape as before the surgery, but a bit more uneven. Plus a lot more puffiness to deal with everyday, especially in the morning.
The surgery in itself was quite easy. I also have a really high pain tolerance so I had no pain at all. It was a bit uncomfortable for the first week because you have to keep the gauze inside your nose, so you can’t breathe or smell/taste anything basically. But aside from that, it was a very smooth process.
I’d say to just be careful about who you choose as a surgeon, and don’t rush into it. Make sure that you know exactly what you want and how you want it. Maybe even play with face filters/photoshop apps to see what shape is actually the most flattering for your face. There’s no “one nose fits all” haha. Also be ready to splurge a bit more if you need to. It’s better to spend more one time, than having to redo the surgery multiple times and still having to end up spending the original amount in the end to fix it.
If you want more details you can totally feel free to message me! I’ll try my best to share my experiences and thoughts on the matter. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed at all 🫶
I hope this helped you somehow? Hahah
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jayflrt · 2 years
omg this is such a late reply but yea my grad photos turned out pretty nice! my parents even bought me a flower bouquet with some really nice flowers hehe
i listened to arson! i think i like his daydream mixtape more over the arson album but i love the sound he's using this time! i think my fav bside is equal sign omgomg its so good. im excited for their other solo projs too! and also omg hoseok in lollapalooza was so cool! that clip of his reaction to the audience singing back during daydream is circulating my feed and its just such a cute clip. ALSO TXT IN LOLLAPALOOZA <3333
enha arent coming to my city but if they were i would've considered going! im alr going to a couple so idk if i could afford going to see enha too but my friend is gonna travel out of the city to see them so i told her to cheer double for me haha
yass omg i loved the cheers mv svt leaders are so <3333 it was a fun mv to watch too and pongpong part is actually taking over the kpop community and i love it. also im going to see svt live soon so 😭
the plan was originally to go to some nearby islands but then we checked the prices and it was so expensive 💀 so my parents decided to just go on their own when i resume school again in sept lmao. but also i got quite a lot of uni prep to do so we also decided to do the family trip another time
the potteries are pre-made! we just did the painting portion it was so fun. i painted some frogs on mine they looked super cute after im so happy with it. my friends and i discussed that we should take classes to actually make pottery some day and i can make a cute little bowl or wtv is the most beginner item lol
my birthday is at the end of august! so like in abt a little over 2 weeks from when i send this haha omg im gonna become an adult this is so sad im old </3
also im keeping up with diamond league and omg the chaos. when i saw ynwon broke up i was like <////3 but seeing how downbad won is still for yn i have hope haha
ANYWAYS HOW HAVE YOU BEEEEEEEN omg did you also hear abt tbz + 127 cb soon? and jaehyun solo!!! and bp girlies are finally coming back after 2 years 😭 im probably missing some other upcoming cbs but july was so packed with them im kinda in a daze rn lol
no worries 🌻 anon !! it’s always good to hear from you 🥰💗 also that’s so sweet of them :’) flowers on graduation is so touching like i don’t even like flowers but i was so happy when my parents got me some when i graduated 🤧
omg yes daydream was a cultural reset !! i still loveeee the hope world mixtape like baseline ?? hangsang ???? BLUE SIDE the whole artistry of that album was 💖💖 i do like that hobi switched up his vibe for this album it suits him rlly well !!! he’s so versatile 🫶🫶 omg equal side was my fav bside too :’)) and right ?? he’s such an amazing performer and rlly knows how to get a crowd excited !! when he said “u guys are fucking crazy” ahahahah😄 i rlly wanna see him perform one day omg 😭 TXT DID SO GOOD TOO i’m glad the crowd hyped them up so much
i don’t think i’m going either but we can fall back on tiktok and twitter to see what people upload 🥰 i’m so impressed they’re selling out HUGE arenas for their first ever world tour :o so so proud of them!!! 💘
HAHAH RIGHT hoshi literally blew them up over that (as he should!!) but i’m so sad they didn’t add it to the setlist for the tour :(( i thought they would since they added _world but ig not 🤧 but i still had an amazing time and loveddd everything about it and they’re just incredible performers 💝💝
omg your parents are vacationing without you ?? 😭 no way.. now it’s time to make your own extravagant plans without them just to spite them 🤭 but i feel you omg it’s hard to enjoy a vacation when there’s so much going on 🥲🥲 hope you get to go on your family vacation soon tho !!
FROGGY POT that’s so cute :’)) i’m glad you enjoyed it and hope you can paint some more sometime !! start an etsy business 🤩 omg your bday must be next week then right?? :o idk what day but i’ll try to wish you sometime next week then !! oh gosh welcome to adulthood it’s scary out here 😵‍💫 but yk you’re on the same boat as everyone else so we’re all suffering together
AHAHAH dw i can’t make a sad ending for this 🥲🥲 jungwon is way too down bad but .. y/n is too 😔 AHHH YES I HEARD OF BOTH COMEBACKS IM EXCITED !!!! jaehyuns solo teaser pictures dropped today omg have u seen them ?? he looks incredible 😭💖 i’ve honestly lowkey been experiencing svt tunnel vision but i think 127 comeback will have All my attention
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1d1195 · 3 months
HAHAH OMG I love that you tell your bf you’ve known Harry longer than him! I mean you’re not wrong?! And not 1D in your collage?! Honestly love that lol but aww omg it’s so cute that your classroom also has a bit of Harry too! I bet it’s adorable!
I love target too! I love spending there and it’s oddly relaxing for me even though in others stores I’m fighting for my life lol
Also HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW PICS OF HARRY?! He just looks so good 😭
Omg I use to LOVE Lizzie McGuire growing up and I would obsess over the Lizzie McGuire movie! And I was so down bad for Chad Michael Murray in Freaky Friday like he made my head spin as a child lol and I heard Noah on the radio the other day and I immediately thought of you! Also idk if you saw or anything but didn’t Noah cover Falling by Harry on an insta live??? I think I saw a clip of it??
I would say my music taste isn’t that broad or diverse soley bc once I find something I like I stick with it lol like the hyper fixating lasts a while lol or sometimes it’s just really obscure artists lol But I would say some of my faves would be Arctic Monkeys, Lana Del Rey, The Marias, Laufey, Lorde and lately I have been obsessed with the song Tell it to my Heart by Taylor Dayne! I probably have more but like I said it’s just all over the place! Oh and there are some other artists that I listen too in Spanish! And I often listen to instrumental/classical music lol ITS A LOT lol
The dentist is a scary place and plus who wants a stranger looking in your mouth like?! I don’t blame you! But yay be proud of your growth!!! Even being a little less scared and more okay going to the dentist is such a win!! Also I didn’t know that 🐱 anon was responsible for the inspo of MADE TO BE, NEIGHBORS AND LIEK ZIPPER?!?!? THQTS SO WILD?!? But honestly so cool! I love all those stories so much!
And I could NEVER mind bestie! Literally do whatever you please!
And I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner :( the universe HATES ME! Yesterday took my math final(that was something lol) and i had happened to get my period early :( AND I THINK IM GETTING SICK??😭 very sad honestly bc im not even done with all my exams :( ANWAYS the only plus side of yesterday was this hot guy who sat next to me and we got talking a bit 😌
i hope you’re okay! You know I always love talking with you!!!!
I literally have 4x6 photos of him on my wall at school and my students (who are INSANE and don't know who Harry is) at the beginning of the year are like "is that your bf?" and I usually tell them "in my head, yes" and point out the pics of my actual bf and they're like "he looks like Harry" and I'm "yeah, I have a type 🤭"
I would get married in the Starbucks at Target. That would be my ideal venue. For a honeymoon we would go to the clothing section.
I'll have to check out that song! and I totally know what you mean about diverse music tastes. I also stick to pretty much the same three things I really had to dig in the archives of my brain to get that info out for you.
Oh yes! 🐱 is my biggest Made to Be supporter! That's how I "met" her! I think she helped me continue the story--at least the last five parts minimum. Neighbors was entirely her premise and I just ran with it! One of the Zipper Extras I was totally stuck on and I think she had the idea of where I needed to go. She's a wealth of knowledge and help whenever I need it most 💕
I DID SEE THE PICS OF HIM. THIS version of him is the star of Ding 😊 He's delicious. So effortlessly beautiful I could scream. I'm glad you like the idea of Ding, I'm excited about it!
That's my bad bestie, we must have synced up via our telepathic connection. What a series of unlucky events on St. Patty's weekend no less. A math final, your period, and illness. You should get a lottery ticket, sounds like you'll hit it big. BUT A HOT GUY DO TELL MORE
I hope the rest of your finals go smoothly and I hope that you feel better ASAP. I'm doing alright. I need a mental health day. I'm spreading myself too thin but I don't think I'm going to get a real break until next next Friday the 29th 😭 but we'll see. Maybe I'm just being extra.
thanks for sending a message even when you're not feeling well. I hope the math final wasn't too bad, I would have given you all my good math vibes if I knew ahead of time but I'll do it retroactively just the same!
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elaichoi · 11 months
gasp 🔴 live viewing of soulmates au unfolding irl
yes in fact i am (confirmed)
to be fair i haven't been on tumblr that long i joined somewhere btwn jan-mar of this year and so i don't think ive experienced many of your themes (blog profile wise), but i remember stalking the tags and it was easy to spot what works were yours based on the header edit, it stands out and is v eyecatching among other stuffs in the tags ^_^
mhm i think your style is very deviantart fs hehe,,, NAUR FR they r the ogs i used to want to be them so bad. for reference i started getting into kpop around 2/2.5 gen,, i was an admin on a facebook snsd fanpage and posted like png shadow/swirl edits 😭😭😭 simple times
hell i'd love to! i don't think i'm mentally there i fr lack the creative capacity, its in very rare circumstances do i see something that i kind of envision and edit in my head and ill usually screenshot it to keep the idea there but i even more rarely ever jump into starting the edit.
yes it is! i still have and use it, it was the 'it' app for photo editors back then me thinks, kind of like the ae of photo editing... at least from my viewpoint on the ig fanpage editing scene. it was the hotter sister to picsart lmaoo
see soulmates au!! we couldve crossed paths but we didn't!! until now!! 😾
omg wait stop it cus i used to love reading imagines n shit on ig but im pretty sure i stopped because i felt like it wasn't a popular content type esp since its a photography platform. i browsed the tags for imagines n stuff but it was meh,, i only followed ONE imagines account 🥲
wait so to clarify, u also edited on ig alongside writing?? imagine if we crossed paths on the algorithm dats crazy 😭 you're the cool one i wish i could be skilled in both literature and art ?? i simply do not have enough brain cells for that ^_^
canva on phone is my enemy‼️ at least the last time i used the mobile app,, bc i now use it only on desktop, sometimes on ipad... cus u alr cannot see the layers i cannot be doing anything complex bc i will def tap on the wrong layer and thats annoying -_- the patience u have ㅠㅠ well assuming the app is still like that idk maybe it changed
HAHAH i used to draw before like pencil paper shit so i thought i could do it digitally....and after years of not drawing on pencil paper too 💀💀
u are so much more articulate than me goodbye thats embarrassing 4 me T_T
soulmate does exist <3 look at us being prime example!!
actually i think ive active with my account within the time frame as well, probably feb-march i think, but before that i didn't care about the account that much but like slowly started make headers im a tryhard ( only after i stopped obsessing tumblr themes bc i couldn't figure it out) ARE you fr?? like u could tell my works in the tags of my header?! dude that's so,,, that's like such a huge compliment that I've got something that makes someone go ah yes it's that same. author like it feels so fulfilling, YOURE REALLY BUTTERING ME UP ILYSM!!! thousand consentual kisses!!!!
YOURE SO COOL WTH YOU'VE BEEN HERE SINCE 2/2.5 GEN PLS THATS SO awesome ive been into kpop since mid 2017 so most of my groups like og ones were third gen but I listened to 2nd gens too and SNSD my beloved!!! genie was my introduction of kpop tbh and replay by shinee is what made me stay so i can say im a child of 2nd gens too lmao but holy shit I want YOUR PLAYLIST!!!!!!!! GIVE ME SONG RECS!
tbh i get you i only edit for my headers or blog too tbh like usually if there is no purpose you don't really feel like editing bc it's like what are you even gonna do with it? and you've said that you've always posted them so maybe the fact you don't have anywhere to showcase your art has you feeling like that too?
"hotter sister of picsart" this is so real bc all the hot editorson Instagram ( the western artists collage style specially) all used superimpose and thr fact they used to pay for it too.
bro like imagine if we did cross paths i think i was more active on ig during 2019-2021? imagine if we had ever crossed paths since we both worked on kpop lmao, okay but if you like posted your work under #kpopgfx im pretty sure i have came across at least once!
did kpop have imagine accounts? i knew a lot of dating door accounts tho lmao but then again i was stuck in wattpad, and that's all the delulu you need lmao.
lmao yeah i always wrote with my works, most of my edits were based on stuff i wrote basically like love stories based on songs, certain ideas (was BIG on mythologies and all the other things.) but really fr tho i wonder if I actually ever saw your work tho because i never had the guts to interact with other editors.
lmao im the same with canva but on laptop i for the life of me cant do that plus i just use it get pngs and other stuff also when i want to do masking lmao. i usually collect shit on there and then manipulate those on my own app.
bro that is insane that you used to actually drawing like as someone who can't draw a single straight line this is so cool to me i really wish i could draw tbh
articulate and me? lmao im literally all over the place but it's so sooo fun to talk to you!!
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tyonfs · 2 years
hehe i've been surprisingly good ^___^ i have been meeting with friends and cousins and thrifting >:) so im super happy!! :D omg please take ur time with the fic! get some good sleep in 😤 no pressure hehe we are also very excited for it!!!!! OMG HYUCK IS NEXT AHHHHH did you know that aside from nomin i've also been crushing on haechan lately WHAT IS IT ABOUT THAT (PERFECT) MAN 😤 im already excited i havent even read jeno's?!?!!!!!!!
im not holding up very well with sxf drought 😔 i dont think i can wait until october!!! HAHAHHAHA omg on that note i relate with green day's wake me up when september ends BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE OCTOBER RN ! !! anyways i already miss the forgers i've been Scouring tiktok for sxf edits im: desperate
oh no have you checked with your doctor for your pink eye?? my little sister also got pink eye recently but pls dont be like her because she always rubbed her eye???? 😭 so stubborn but i hope yours heals quickly!! AHHH what games have you been playing hehe? and is dear m good i havent seen it but i heard jaehyuns acting is really good :o what can he NOT do at this point
i’m glad you’ve been doing well !! <33 OMGG have you been finding anything nice while thrifting? :o i haven’t gone much but it sounds so fun !! :0
also i’ve been falling asleep so fast these days HAHHA but finally i can post 🤧 IM ACTUALLY VERY EXCITED TO WRITE HYUCKS LOLL IT WILL BE KINDA(??) SLOWBURN TBHHH but i feel like it’ll be def worth it >:)) plus hyuck is the most outta pocket so he needs his character development 🧘‍♀️ i’m glad hyuck’s been added to the crush list tho !! did you see that video of him vibing to baekhyun’s song it was so 😵‍💫😮‍💨
OMG ITS BEEN A HOT MINUTE SINCE IVE HEARD OF GREEN DAY BUT YOURE SO RIGHT god it feels so weird without waiting for those episodes to drop 😭 im glad the season’s longer but how do i waittttt D; this is why i hate watching shows while they’re ongoing LMAOAO I JUST PREFER BINGING ALL THE EPS WHEN ITS COMPLETED
but yes i think mine’s mostly all better by now !!! i think it was only bad the first few days and now it’s all good :oo HONESTLY SORT OF A BLOW TO MY EGO THAT I GOT IT HAHAH but that was also part of the reason i couldn’t even get my jeno fic done HAHAH every time i opened my laptop that eye would get all blurry LOLL but my vision is A-okay now 😎
also i was playing undertale but now my attention’s on omori !! i’m also playing animal crossing and pokémon >:)) and the new bts island game LOLL i need to catch up on genshin as well bc KAZUHAAAAA 🤩 hbu tho love ?? any games you’ve been into? :o
AHH YES I WAS SO SO PROUD OF JAEHYUN HE DID SO WELL !! ♡ i’ve only watched an episode and a half tbh but i saw clips of other scenes on tiktok and twitter and he looks so cool :‘)) i was waiting for the rest of the eps so i can watch the rest so maybe i’ll get to that soon !!
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creepweirdo · 3 years
hey emily! tumblr chaos is what we needed tbh i think without it these last few months would’ve been much harder for me. ive taken a look at that tgcf drive and i think it’ll help thanks so much!!! attempt number 4 at the book this weekend i think. and i am pretty sure there’s wlw. my friend who also liked cql/mdzs told me to read it for that reason. ooo lwj really did deserve better. i read that fic after you recommended it and ahhh my heart. i wish we’d had more of his point of view to see how
he coped in those years. i think my biggest deserves better is jyl who existed to make soup then die. that moment at phoenix mountain when she shredded zixun was amazing and i wanted more of that please. i gif sometimes but i’m also one for sitting back and observing so that’s all good. i hadn’t giffed for years until cql dragged me back in. i think like you i was waiting for a fandom to grab me and thankfully mdzs really did. my blog is still mostly multifandom though because i just like to
spam all of my interests. cap tho! i am so excited for the sambucky show (tho i ship sam steve because that whole ‘on your left’ thing was the most rom com part of all of the mcu) because its just two fools dragging each other. perfection. as for other famdoms im in, i was in shadowhunters when that was on (awful books, but i loved magnus bane) and the magicians. so basically i’m into hot people with magic ig? ok this is long so q’s - if you could change one thing about mdzs plot, what would it
be and why and for non-mdzs what animal would you most like to be and why? (omg 4 i talked a lot again) /your cc 💜
hi classified cultivator!!
OMG HAHAHA attempt number 4! hopefully you can get into it and enjoy it hahaha 😳😁 omg you read the fic!!! ahhhh 💔😭😭😭 i STILL haven’t been able to read anymore wangxian fic yet LMAO - i’ve been reading ,,,, xue yang and yi city fics 😔🧍🏼‍♀️
so so so true about wanting to see more of his pov! like, that fic is now canon to me bc there’s no way lan zhan would have been able to recover !! 😭 and omg yeah! jyl deserved soooo much better HAHAHA yes that scene!! remember how i read fanfic before watching anything canon? so i actually read that scene in a fic before watching the donghua and when it happened in the donghua i was like OMG ITS REAL!! hahaha. and then i lost my mind again seeing it happen in the live action. there were so many moments like that and they all made me laugh so much 💀 (another thing was the golden core transfer??? read it in a fic beforehand and was like wow this is a really dramatic plot point this fic writer has come up with, really unique and interesting HAHAH - and then i saw it in the live action LMAO)
HAHAHA omg there’s just something soooo unintentionally homoerotic about all the cap movies! they way that they repeatedly create the greatest love stories of the century lmaooo. hahaha the whole set up of sam and steve’s relationship in cap2 is so gay 💀 haha stucky was the first ship that really brought me into fandom but i’ve acquired some more taste now and yeah both samsteve and sambucky are ❤️ 
lmaooo shadow hunters! hahaha i only recently found out about all the drama and premise of those books - so funny. i never got into the show but i remember when it was REALLY popular on tumblr and when i saw gifs of it everywhere!
ahahha liking ‘hot people with magic’ - you’ve become self aware 😳💀
ooooo if i could change one thing about the plot 👁👁 (i’m answering in relation to the show bc i’m STILL on chapter 15 of the novel HAHAH)
this is such a HARD question bc now i want to change one thing that would ensure that none of the drama and death happens but then the story wouldn’t happen 😭 part of me wants to change jiang fengmian and madam yu’s relationship and the way that they “parented” - i have a feeling wwx and jiang cheng would have been wayyyy more well adjusted and all the antagonising wwx did in the cloud recesses wouldn’t have happened with the wen clan and then the war wouldn’t have happened etc. hopefully the tensions with the wen clan and the other major sects could have remained as a cold war ???? and everyone could have been able to live their nice and happy lives ❤️
i was going to say that maybe if wwx’s parents didn’t die but then wwx wouldn’t have gone to the cloud recesses’ lectures and met lan zhan :((((((( HOWEVER that could be a good AU ,,, adult lan zhan still being all repressed and gay and fuddy-duddy-like coming across rouge cultivator wwx and just losing his mind in the same way as he did as a teen 💀 it can be a fic that lives in my heart hahaha bc theres no way im confident enough to write mdzs fic. but yeah i’m going to go with my first answer??? even tho i’m kind of obsessed with the second now HAHAH.
LMAO honestly i would love to be a house cat - just lounging around all day, maybe laying in a patch of sunlight. that’s honestly my dream. my family has a pet dog and whenever i have to go to work i’m always so jealous of his lifestyle 💔 he wakes up early to eat food and then lays on the couch all day 😍 life GOALS HAHAHA.
what about you?? what would you change and what animal would you like to be 😁😁❤️
thank you for the questions!! i hope you’re having a good week! if you celebrate it, are you excited for christmas? i can’t believe it’s nearly 2021 😳
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jayflrt · 2 years
omggomog hi i literally dissappeared for like two weeks yk how i said being done with midterms meant i would have some free time andndjfajjsj THAT WAS A LIE i just had more assessments and evaluations come up 😭 now's it calmed a little but i still have a test this week so let's hope that goes well
BUT YES i miss interactions between idols sm i feel like that was such a 2nd and 3rd gen thing bc i rmb all kinds of interactions with groups then but then yea covid did probably impact that too but i feel like a bigger part is just to make knetz happy 😁😐
anyways i finally got my dress 😭👍 i actually picked it up yesterday and its like a silver blue gown this time with some minimalist detailing on it so i love it 🤧 i will honestly probably do rly simple makeup on my own bc i was never too big on makeup anyways but i'll def get nails and hair done! im not sure if;; im allowed to go to after parties bc it'll be late alr by the time it ends but many of my friends are going so i hope we can manage to have a good time at prom as well!
ALSO I READ THE SPIDER-JAKE FIC i was out one time waiting for someone and i was like "why not start reading smth" which was honestly a mistake bc i smiling at my phone like an idiot IT WAS SO CUTE I LOVED IT SO MUCH i was so absorbed by it that i was making facial expressions subconciously and my friend was like "are you ok" and in my head i was like ONLY IF YOU KNEW 😭 but yea the fic was so good i loved how you captured each moment so well AND THE KISS SCENES OMG i think my heart did flips thinking abt jake doing that. i also had the chance to finish reparations and honeslty hadnt laughed like that in a hot minute everything made no sense but perfect sense at the same time i rly want to know how you do that ☝️
anyways i'll be sure to come back often again i missed talking to you it honestly rly makes my day so i hope you're doing well alice 💓💓
- 🌻
HIHI 🌻 ANON !!! how have you been love ?? 💕 it’s been so long 🤧 HAHAH pls i’m glad you can take it easy now :’)) sometimes it’s like the assignments and workload never ends 😞 good luck on your test tho !! you got this <33
YEAHHH i feel like it’s partly to keep the dating rumors under wraps bc they always make the most random accusations (cough cough hyuck and ryujin 😭) and ofc social distancing for covid :’)) it must be awkward for idols who debuted during the pandemic bc it’s just very different with the social aspect
oh my gosh that’s so exciting !! 🤩🤩 silver blue sounds sooooo pretty omg you’re gonna look so elegant ☹️💗 and that sounds so fun !! you gotta doll yourself up once a year 💆‍♀️ i also got my hair and nails done for prom (and makeup too HAHAH) also tbh the only reason i went to after parties was because we all stayed in a hotel after the dance and most of the students were in that same hotel, so we could literally just walk a few doors down and see one LOLL
oh my gosh thank you for reading i’ll save you (again) 🥺🫶 omg and reading it in front of your friend HAHHA UR BRAVERY 😵‍💫 but it makes me so happy that you enjoyed it !!! and i’m glad you liked the kiss scene too bc i was trying to do justice for the classic upside down kiss scene 🤧💖 AHAHA REPARATIONS NOOOO at one point i was like wow this kinda has a plot somehow and it just ,, ran its course
omg i’m glad to see you drop by more !! and i missed you as well omg i’m so touched that it makes your day 🥺💕 im doing pretty well tho !! just swamped in work for today sobsob but i hope you have a great day/night love !! ♡
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