#i actually missed the blood the first time i went in because I'm somewhat red/green colorblind and it's on mossy walls lol
mothmaniscool420 · 4 months
The fact that there's no gloom spawn in the totk Kakariko Village well is a crime as far as I'm concerned
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doux-ciel · 6 years
CURRENT WIP: Gift of life
Release date: January 1st 2019
Summary: Charlotte and Nathaniel have the perfect life, a beautiful house, great jobs and a beautiful daughter. But there was always something missing, another child. They wanted to conceive but they had some complications so they hire a young surrogate but as they soon find out things take a unexpected turn.
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Literally took me all day to find pics that I like to create this mood board...lowkey stil hate it
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After getting out of that unwanted conversation with the Ice skating coach Harmony; I walk over to the office where my bag and personal contents lay. As I’m taking off my socks I notice a red blister start to form on my right heel. I wince as I examine it, touching it lightly.
I haven’t skated in a couple months and boy was it showing, I knew my skates were a little tight but I didn’t think I needed to go out and buy a new pair.
Sighing, I place my now sore foot down on the cold tile floor. All of a sudden I hear my phone ringing. I don’t recognize the number but I answer anyways.
I immediately hear a woman's voice on the phone,“Hi this is Kim from Gifting Miracle’s I was wanting to speak with a Yesenia Cervantes?”
I was caught off guard, I didn’t think they would call this soon. It’s only been a couple days but I was happy the company called me back. I answer, “This is she”
Kim’s voice was bubbly, “Oh great, well I was calling to set up an appointment with you to meet?”
I was smiling so hard I thought my face would crack, I can’t wait to tell Nova that I booked an appointed to potentially be a surrogate and get the check that comes with it. I then tell her that next week on a Tuesday is ideal, since I only have a 12 p.m. lecture and I’m free for the rest of the day. While I hear her on the other end typing my information in the computer I realize; I don’t even know where these people are located. I then ask Kim, “Where are you all located?”
Kim clears her throat and says the address as if she memorized it off a script, “389 Riley Drive, its going to be the building on the end of the street” While trying to repeat the address in my head I was also trying to find piece of paper in the office but my eyes weren’t spotting anything. “Hold on I need to write that down” 
Kim says she will hold and I dig in my bag, grabbing a napkin from the pocket that holds all of my miscellaneous items. I then spot a pen on the desk I quickly grab it and ask her to repeat the address again. She happily does so; even though the napkin is somewhat damp I write the address down. Placing the napkin on the arm of the chair I’m sitting in. 
I quickly thank Kim for being so patient and we say our goodbyes. I hop out the chair, not even worrying about my sore foot; I start to do a little victory dance in the 10x15 space. Not even 3 seconds later I open my eyes and the napkin is gone. 
“Shit” I whisper to myself, as I’m scanning the ground to look for the slightly damp and now probably dirty napkin. I can’t wrap my brain on how I lost the napkin in 2.5 seconds but I have to find it. 
I’m on my hands and knees; I look out the office door only to see the feet of the various people walking by. Some of the students laughing at me and the mom’s/dad’s of the girls probably puzzled as to why I’m on the floor in the first place. 
My eyes now scanning the floor of the lobby, I spot it.
Not only is it underneath somebody’s feet, its underneath the feet of Natasia Monterro. I rise up from my prior position on the office floor, now walking with no shoes on to retrieve my napkin. 
Natasia bends down to pick up my napkin, her eyes narrow observing the piece of linen she slowly rises back up. I stand on the lobby carpet waiting, my eyes travel up and down her body examining her attire. A cream colored blouse, brown slacks and a nice shade of nude lipstick. My eyes focus on her hands, a bit blotchy; some discoloring in the skin but her nails look amazing. The polish is burgundy perfect for the fall weather we are experiencing.
She finally realizes I’m standing in front of her, Natasia’s brown eyes slightly puffy looking like from lack of sleep look down upon my petite frame. “Is this yours?”
“Yes” I nod.
She hands me the napkin, afterwards she brings out some hand sanitizer from her purse. Placing a few drops on her hands, her eyebrows knit together as she puts her left index finger just below her lips. “Serena?” She points to me.
“Its Yesenia” I remind her.
“Anyway! How was today”
I give her a tight lipped smile while focusing my eyes on my napkin reading over the address. I bring my free hand grabbing some hair; that was falling into my face tucking it behind my ear. “It was hectic but it was fun teaching the girls”
I hear her voice sightly, taking on a more silvery tone. While placing her hand on my left shoulder she says. “That must be an important address, you were running after it like it was an $100 dollar bill”
I slowly remove her hand from my shoulder, my eyes looking at hers while my voice is low. “Well it could be my ticket to freedom”
I slightly jump when her granddaughter Adalynn comes running from behind me and stops right near Natasia’s feet. “I found my gloves Grandma!” Adalynn’s cheeks are now a nice shade of red, while holding up her Elsa from Frozen gloves. 
She promptly grabs the 8 year olds hand,“Come on lets go.” Turning around to exit the building, she shifts her purse from her forearm to her shoulder while waving goodbye to all the other parents following right behind her. I see her open the back seat of a very expensive looking truck placing Adalynn on the right side. While another man with a suit on comes from the drivers seat, grabbing Adalynn’s bag and placing it on the other side of the truck. Swiftly moves to open the passengers side door to let Natasia in the truck, they drive away. 
“She definitely comes from money” I whisper to myself.
Just then I hear my best friend Nova call out to me. “Yesenia?” Why don’t you have on shoes?”
I laugh while peering down at my bare feet. “Don’t ask” I playfully roll my eyes as I run back to the office to grab my bag and follow her out the door to get into her Volkswagen beetle.
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After bringing Adalynn back to her parents home, I just couldn’t do anything for the rest of the day. So I told the help to leave me be and I would be in my piano room. I was just messing around with my piano, while playing I remember when I was 14 and just learning how to play. My own mother would want me to play in front of guests and of course every night after dinner. Even though I was no good, eventually I got better with practice of course and the right teacher. By the time I was 23 I was Playing with the Chicago symphony. 
Taking a deep breath I focus back on playing when someone interrupts me, opening the door. I throw my shoes at the body not realizing its my life partner Wallace. 
He is quick but the shoe hits him in the shoulder, he chuckles as he picks up the shoe. Wearing a grey turtleneck, some black slacks and only white socks he walks up to me bending down on one knee. Placing my house shoe on my right foot, I bend down kissing him softly on his cheek. “Wallace honey can you bring me some tea?”
Rising up his eyebrows raise, “What kind do you want?”
“Chamomile would be just fine.” I say while sliding to the right to get up from my piano bench. I saunter over to my cream colored velvet chaise I have sitting in front of one of my many 1920 arched ceiling to floor windows. Looking out into the outside world, seeing the different color leaves fall to the green grass. I remind myself later to tell my maid Jenny to tell the Gardner to come back tomorrow morning and get the leaves from my property. 
After a few minutes of waiting, I see Wallace out of the corner of my eye with a teacup in one hand and his tablet in the other. I grab the handle of the cup and bring my lips up the edge taking a slow sip. “How was your day?” I ask him while he sits at the edge of my feet.
“It was gruesome as usual, I'm actually getting sick of these people leaving us with the blood bath” He grumbles while looking down at his tablet. 
“Well that’s apart of your job, I saw what that girl wrote on the napkin it looks like she’s with the agency. Did you handle the other thing I told you about?”
He nods, pressing on his tablet he brings it closer to me. I reach over to the side table that holds my reading glasses placing them on my face; I begin to read the file he has made on Yesenia Cervantes. “Yeah, she went to juvie couple times here and there but since she graduated high school her record has been spotless. No drugs, she drinks a little other than that she seems like a damn good-”
“Wallace!” I gasp at his use of profanity. 
He quickly apologizes while taking the tablet away from me. “I mean she seems like an appropriate woman for the job.”
A/N: I hope you all are ready for this book as much as I am because when I tell you shit hits the fan real quick, I’m not playing!! Anyways stay tuned for 2019✨🖤👼🏻
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