#i actually thought i'd done away with those long ago
flightyalrighty · 4 months
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Infested will return on June 27th. --- Thank you to the following Ascended supporters: @chaogongoozles, @fiiresiidefrfr, @elizard4227, @grogar, Ezzoh, @susivoi, @calculuscacophony, Eros, @ivycorp, @summersdale @borrelia, @mizukiz, @sanicdetails, @combinegrunt-echo-1, Pica, @veeceear, @quackenburt, ItsmeMonarch, @memendoemori, @trans-girl-sonic, & savarsenic
Content Warnings | Store | Ko-Fi (Discord!) | Read On Comic Fury! DISCLAIMER: "Infested" is a horror comic ft. content not suitable for those under the age of 17.
A long-winded looking back on things below the cut:
The first few pages of Infested were uploaded to this blog on March 2nd, 2023 -- Over a whole year ago! I was so busy, too, that I completely missed its birthday (Sorry Infested). Looking even further back than that, the original story was was something I began writing on December 25th, 2022 (Merry Christmas).
It took two years to get to this point.
And hey, not to toot my own horn about it, but completing even one chapter of a webcomic is a big deal. Especially for me. My first webcomic, Fight/Flight, didn't get very far. I completed the prologue, started Chapter 1, and then had to drop it for a number of reasons (I didn't really agree with what baby-me had to say, politically, anymore).
This comic was born from a lot of intense feelings. The story, itself, too. Some good. Some bad.
I had been forced to move away from my hometown, and with that move, I lost the physical connection that I had to all of my friends. I lost the familiarity of a place I'd known for most of my life. I'm now stuck somewhere... Worse. It felt like a cage. Still does. Disconnected from the life I thought I would be living after college. I didn't have health insurance, either -- Got kicked off of it because of the move -- And as a result, I was off my antidepressants.
So there I was, at a pretty low point in my life. I miserable and lonely and every single day dragged on. And on. And on. And I felt so disappointed in myself. That disappointment became self-loathing, and it all kinda spiraled.
Have I mentioned that I'm a huge Sonic fan? I don't think I need to. I'd say it's pretty obvious. But for the sake of this story, I'll say it again: I'm a HUGE Sonic fan. I've been that way since 2003 with Sonic Heroes. The franchise has been in my life for over two decades. I had a monthly mail subscription to Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog was something that I truly loved more than any other piece of media. It brought me endless joy. Until I didn't.
I had dropped Sonic after Lost World was... Itself. I had already felt pretty irritated with the Meta Era, and Lost World was the final straw. The last bit of hope that the series could recover was snuffed out when Forces was released. It was over. I was done. If Sonic was truly that embarrassed by itself, if they had truly lost touch with what made the series so great, then I wouldn't waste my time any longer. I was so sure that I had to just... Grieve and move on. My beloved childhood game series was dead. Long live the king or whatever. I'd just bitterly read IDW Sonic and think about what could've been. I was lucky to have that comic, at least. Archie had been canceled, too, after all. I was lucky to have my scraps.
Then Sonic Frontiers came out. And it changed everything.
And my god, it was everything. It was everything to me. Flaws be damned, it was everything. To. Me. The spectacle. The serious tone. The vastly improved writing. Kellin Fucking Quinn. It was FUN! It was actually FUN to PLAY. He was back. I was back. Sonic pulled me by my hand out of the ocean of misery I'd fallen into, and he looked me in my eye and he said;
"Hey. You're gonna be alright."
Metaphorically speaking. Sonic The Hedgehog didn't actually literally speak to me -- And sure, okay, maybe it's a little dramatic to describe a game as this great Depression Annihilator but I'm dead serious when I say that, for that time, before I was able to get back on my meds, I was self-medicating with Sonic.
Sonic was all I was thinking about. I reread the Unleashed arc in Archie Sonic, which got me sorta realizing something, and which led to my post where I said something along the lines of "Sonic would hide a zombie bite."
Archie Sonic would, at least. Because he basically did do that in the Unleashed arc of that comic. He let that problem fester until it became an even bigger problem because, ironically, he didn't want to be a problem.
So one thing led to another. I thought more about Sonic becoming a zombie. Bada-bing, bada-boom, Infested was born.
I didn't expect it to get the attention that it did. I felt lucky when the first page I drew Rouge on (Page 6 I think?) blew up. The right people saw it at the right time. I'm extremely grateful for that.
I'm extremely grateful for all of you.
So yeah, one chapter. Woo! Here's to many more.
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darqx · 6 months
Snakes on a post
Another particularly long answer dump since i, once again, have a backlog of things to potentially answer |D
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Got jumpscared with my own old art for a hot minute there LAUGHS.
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(For those wondering, the naga doodle from here was attached to the ask)
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That is every other Royal that exists in the Nether and also at least some of the demons that challenged him for his Royal title lol.
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Believe me, no one was or is more surprised then me XD;
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So, the thing about where Rire's ichor manifests is that it kinda exists and doesn't exist at the same time. Meaning that his upper back is where the manifestation point is anchored, BUT it can still manifest with a bit of space in between it and his back hence why it will manifest over his clothes and not through them.
So if you touch where the manifestation point is sans the ichor, than you are just straight up touching his back. With the ichor, he still gets sensory input from the tentacles to his back but it's a lot more soft and muted esp the further away it gets from him. As you've seen implied though, he would feel a very sharp pain if a great deal of damage was done to the ichor where it clusters at the manifestation point, since he'd DEF be feeling that straight in his back lol.
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He is definitely a top and the only way he would bottom for anybody is if they somehow forced him to.
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Ah i knew i'd answered this a long time ago [finally found it]! Holy crosses (those that have been blessed) can also burn him but they would need to be in contact with him the entire time. Being a Royal he also has more of a tolerance to these than normal demons.
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Well, unless said person actually has the undeniable ability to make good on their words, Rire would just stand there rather genially with that little smile he sometimes has and let them finish.
And then he might use them as reverse suggestions for dealing with said person (why would you give him any ideas!!?)
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In BTD canon it is quite possible that they actually haven't in person. But we are using creative license here haha.
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Rire heals a lot faster than a human. Cain is not my character so I don't know how his stacks up.
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I've grouped these asks cos they kind of have similar answers - 360° (jk sorry sorry to the second q that is just a very common spelling mistake and I couldn't resist XD; )
Now, even though we mashed all the characs together in BTD, they all actually come from different storylines and so their canons outside the "BTD canon" may differ. This tends to bleed in. With this in mind:
The rules of Rire's canon (eg the concept of Battle Royales and how to become a Royal) don't apply to Cain. Anyway, they don't live in the same place either.
Cain is canonically the oldest and most OP character in BTD lol so yes he is stronger than Rire - you might've noticed, but Rire is never in the same drawing as Cain voluntarily. I play with this along with the "natural weakness" aspect - which I've also referred to as scissors-paper-rock rules XD Basically; demons beat humans, angels beat demons (purely because demons have weakness against holiness).
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It would (be insane) but I hope you are not looking at me to fulfil this :d
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Not really
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His coronation day is a public holiday in his sector so yes XD
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Aww thank you very much for your interest! ≧(´▽`)≦ It's really cool that some of you guys want to actually fund such a thing - I'd have thought you'd have enough of him killing you in BTD1 XD Unfortunately, I have no plans for a Rire game at the moment as I'm working on a webcomic which looks like it will take up all my free time (that being said, he will be in the webcomic at some point).
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Nope! Although i can kinda see why you might think that lol.
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Whatever that one is where he doesn't particularly care what someone else identifies as. It really makes no difference to him or how he will act.
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There are viruses in the Nether that if contracted could potentially kill you, yes. Part of being a Royal is becoming a lot more robust than normal Demons though. As for if/when Rire dies, I dunno maybe either in a Battle Royale somewhere thousands of years down the line or by old age (which is rare for a Royal but not impossible if you play your cards right).
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If you are asking if he has a heat/rut of some sort, he does not |D
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prettyboyjohnny · 7 months
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I wrote these out a long time ago but never posted them anywhere! Based on [x].
>Nancy's voicelines<
�� I could've copied the game subtitles, but I didn't 'cause they suck.
• I haven't played enough Johnny to know where some of these lines start and end. Please let me know if I've made any mistakes in that regard!
• I was gonna include tone indicators, but tone is subjective. No one wants me to mark the Feed Grandpa voice lines as "Flirty."
Encounter Start
Now look at this! Somebody's ready to fight!
This is gonna end... Very badly for you.
Yeah-ha-ha! Oh, that's it! Hit me...
Imma gut every single one of y'all! [Inhales, laughs under breath] Come on... Come on!
Exit interaction
Nobody leaves until I say so!
Ain't nobody leavin' just yet!
Got it.
Nobody's leavin' alive! Y'all not fast enough! ... Good try, though.
Feed Grandpa
Get your fill, old man.
It always tastes best when it's fresh, don't it?
Here you go, old man.
You're lookin' better already... Now help us!
Oh, you're thirsty today.
Victim found
HA HA! It's playtime!
Heh heh, it's playtime...
Hahahaha, I always find 'em!
You should know better than that! ... Come on out, now.
Hey there! [Laughs]
Well! Look who we got here! [Laughs]
Hit victim
Oh! Now I got ya!
Yeah! Take it! Take it!
It's better if you die right quick! Trust me!
This would be simpler if you would sit still!
Yeah! You gonna be leakin' after that hit.
Nobody escapes me.
How the hell did those kids find us? [Sighs] I should've been more careful.
If Grandpa was able, this would be over by now... I better go feed him.
Damn it, Johnny... Get your head straight! Come on, now!
I gotta fix this... Now!
Cook seen
I'd watch that tongue of yours, old man... It might go missin' one day.
I thought you knew how to run this household... THIS is a mess!
Damn it, old man! Put those ears of yours to use already!
Where are they?! How the hell did they get loose?! I can't fix this by myself, old man.
Stop barkin' orders at me! You ain't gonna like the results.
Hitchhiker seen
Surround the property with some of those traps already! This is getting outta hand fast!
You're one shifty little sumbitch... I'll give you that. [Laughs]
How you make those weird ass traps of yours, anyway?
Would you. Settle. The Hell. Down already. You're scattering all over the dang place. We gotta focus!
Grandpa is gonna tan our hides if we let them get away. Spread out!
Leatherface seen
That's it, boy... Go kill someone now.
Go on, put that saw to use, big boy! What're you waitin' on?
If I were you, I'd go and check out Grandpa. We're gonna need his help!
Let's go now, boy! Grandpa ain't gonna be too pleased if you let them escape.
Just get outta my way, boy... I'll show you how real killin's done.
Sissy seen
Are you gonna help me out, or just stand there lookin' pretty?
If it ain't askin' too much, before you go and run off again, would you mind helpin' me out?
Before you go runnin' off with those back-house hippies again... Can you PLEASE find these damn kids?!
Sissy, what the hell're you waitin' on? Get to it!
Sissy... Are you even listenin' to me? What's goin' on in that head of yours?! Damn!
Lose enemy first
Aww, you leavin' so soon?
It's alright, big boy's gonna be wearing your face soon enough... After I'm done with you, that is. [Laughs]
You know... I was actually kinda fond of that girl, I-I didn't really wanna hurt 'er... But, as they say... Family first, y'know?
You ever watch someone die? Oh... You ain't never quite the same after that, lemme tell ya.
Ohohoh, you can run all you want... It ain't gonna matter much longer.
Lose enemy sub
[Scoffs] You're all gurgle and no guts! I thought you were tougher than that!
I'm gonna find you... I will! I promise!
You wanna know how your friend died? I can show you!
L-Listen now! E-Everybody's time comes eventually!
The bad man's in me... And you gonna meet 'im real soon!
Lose enemy long
Your little friend put up a better fight than this... Come on... Make it interesting, will ya?!
They always try to hide... It's always the same game... [Laughs]
You folks don't know who you messin' with! Nobody ever gets away from me.
You're just delayin' the inevitable! YOU HEAR ME?
Come on out now, let's play.
I got plenty of space in the cold room for you.
Match start
It's time. [Chuckles] Seems they've got some fight in 'em after all.
I knew I should've handled this myself... I'll fix it.
That's what I get for taking it easy on them. Time for them to join that little friend of theirs.
See blood trail
Oh, this is gonna be easy.
Hey, you okay? You seem to have lost a bit of blood!
Now... let's see where you scurried off to.
You know... Bleedin' like that ain't gonna help your cause!
Don't bleed out on me yet! I need you awake!
See enemy first
Don't worry. I like it when they run.
Look, you're gonna want this to end fast. Trust me on that.
Well, don't run! I just wanna see how it feels.
There you are! [Chuckles] You kinda remind me of your little friend.
See enemy sub
This is pointless, you know. Quit stallin'.
Don't worry... I'll find ya.
[Growls] I'm gonna see your insides before this night's through!
Oh, you ain't gettin' away! I'm keepin' you.
Come on back, now.
Got something I wanna show you! [Laugh]
See family member
Well! Look who decided to lend a hand!
Check the doors and generator. We can't let them leave. You hear me?
Y'all need to start pullin' your weight around here. This is gettin' old!
Grandpa's gonna be in a fit if we let them escape. Start searchin'!
Would y'all... Help me already. PLEASE!
See trapped victim
We gotcha! [Laughs]
You ready to meet the bad man?
You got one!
Looks like you might be hurtin'. Might wanna be watchin' where you're steppin'.
See victim escape
Maybe I can still catch 'em. Yeah, down by the tracks.
Damn... They're free... For now.
This isn't gonna be good.
Damn it, Johnny! [Scoffs] ... The old man's gonna be riled up now.
Use ability blocked
Ain't no tracks here...
Nah... got nothin'.
Better wait a minute.
Not quite yet ... [Inhales] Almost ready.
Use ability
Time to play. Now... Where did you go?
I'll find ya. Don't you worry about that.
Go ahead and hide... It ain't gonna matter.
Where'd y'all run off to?
Use ability success
[Hums] ... There you are.
They always leave a trail. Always so careless. [Chuckles, inhales] ... This is too easy.
I'm on your tail now!
You're gonna look real nice... Next to that friend of yours!
That's it... Die for me!
This... Is only gonna hurt... For a minute!
You should've never came here lookin' for that girl!
You ain't gettin' away! I'm keepin' you!
[Last edited March 2024]
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Hi. Long time reader. Big fan! Hi!
I have a question. Would you ever consider doing a "7 days" drabble or something? I've always wondered how Mr and almost not quite Mrs Pack Leader both handled the 7 days from when Pretty found out about the awoo awoo, to when she returned home with more knowledge and acceptance?
Can I have your autograph? Big fan! Much respect! Wow!
you sent this ask on may 2023. it's been over a year. OVER A YEAR... i told you i'd consider it and i did ☝☝☝
it's probably not exactly the same as what you'd imagined and it's also been the first thing i wrote in a long while, but i hope it's entertaining and that you like it and that it doesn't suck~
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series. reading Alpha Dog before this one is highly recommended as it’s something that happens within that story). | Word Count: ~1.8k | Themes & Warnings: fantasy/supernatural AU · roomies idiots to ??? · there's like a smidge of angst but probably not enough for it to be taken into consideration · pre-relationship situations · this was barely proof-read oops
minors do not interact.
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‘I’m a werewolf… We’re all werewolves’
‘We’re all werewolves…’
‘We’re all werewolves…’
Everything you thought you knew about the world around you was completely obliterated a week ago. It wasn’t every day that one learnt that supernatural creatures lived among humans, so it was–quite understandably, in your opinion–an absolute shock when your roommate revealed to you that he and the rest of his friends were, in fact, werewolves.
Werewolves. As in, a half man, half wolf creature… You’d been unknowingly living among werewolves for four whole months and you’d convinced yourself that they wouldn’t have told you if you hadn’t literally seen one of them shift from his wolf form into his human one with your own two eyes.
You’d been trying to process this knowledge for a whole week. The first couple of days, you told yourself you had just imagined the whole thing, up to the conversation you had with your roommate right after the fact…
But then, the text messages started coming in.
> Yang Jeongin (neighbour): im sorry > i know i probably spooked you when i shifted > i couldnt control it honestly > i was too shocked > i shouldve done better > sorry
> Lee Minho (neighbour): hiya > just wanted to check in on you… > hope you’re well
> Bang Chris (roomie): hey… how’re you
You weren’t imagining those. They were very real. They stared at you from within your phone’s screen whenever you opened your messaging app, reminding you that the whole thing had actually happened.
When you started digesting the situation and accepted it had happened, you felt angry. 
They lied to you. Every single one of them had lied to you. They lied by omission, at least… It wasn’t like they ever said they were human, but you’d never really considered the fact that people needed to specify something like that.
You’d found yourself laying on your childhood bed, fuming at the thought of these people possibly laughing at your expense, maybe toying with you like you were somehow less than them. Like you were prey.
But after the initial fire of anger subsided, you just grew… confused.
Going online to research something could either go really well or really bad. The higher the number of the page in your search engine became, the more you started to wonder if these dark corners of the internet held any truth about the topic at all.
A website with ten year old graphics drawn in 8-bits exposed how werewolves lived among humans. It went in detail on their super-strength, their enhanced senses, and their innate desire to live in communes. All of which just sounded like someone was detailing lore for their next fantasy story.
There was no way for you to fact-check any of the articles and forums you found, no way of knowing what was real and what was simply made up by someone’s hyperactive imagination.
So it was towards day four of being away from your usual residence that you remembered a key detail. 
There was a person that was close with your neighbours, the childhood friend of one of them who you could now vividly recall telling you how ‘Being human kinda sucks sometimes. We can’t do shit’.
At the time, you thought she was just hyperbolising. There was no way you would’ve thought she was actually confirming to you that she was human and that she somehow knew of beings with greater abilities than her own. There was no way she didn’t know.
So you went to your recent chats and clicked on the one with the phone number that was still saved with the same name it had when your neighbour Minho had shared it with you. You really needed to update it, but that was seemingly insignificant at this time. With trembling fingers, you sent a message.
< You: you knew didn’t you?
It didn’t take long for the reply to come, signalled by the gentle vibration of your phone, bringing with it a knot that made its home in your throat.
> kittenkittykat🐱: Hi, how are you? I’m fine, thanks for asking LOL. > I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that, babes.
< You: about the guys and their… condition
You saw the ‘typing…’ message appear and disappear for a long minute, until the person on the other side finally replied.
> kittenkittykat🐱: What condition?
It annoyed you, you’d admit. She was acting aloof, there was no way she wasn’t. So you ignored the heavy feeling in your chest and decided to get to the point.
< You: the… furry one < c’mon, don’t act like you don’t know < there’s no way minho didn’t tell you about what happened the other day < hell, there’s no way you don’t know what the boys are < you’ve known minho for years
> kittenkittykat🐱: He did tell me. > I just wanted you to tell me you knew yourself. > And yes. I’ve always known. > I’ve known Minho since before he contracted lycanthropy.
< You: contracted? < are you saying he wasn’t always like this?
> kittenkittykat🐱: …Yes > You’re either born a werewolf or turned into one. > To be honest, I don’t think I’m comfortable disclosing Minho’s past in much detail without asking him first. > In any case, please don’t be mad at them. > Or me, for that matter… > It’s not just something you go around telling people that have no connection with the supernatural, you know?
You knew she was right. Deep within you, you knew. You kinda… understood. 
Before you could reply to that last message, she sent more.
> kittenkittykat🐱: Know that any questions you’ve got, you can ask me. > After so many years I think I might know a thing or two about the furry men… > And women. And, uh… people. > Furry people. Yes. > Anyway, I know of some resources online, too…
And resources online she shared…
Some of the dodgy websites you’d found hadn’t been too far off. Apparently werewolves did live in communes, more accurately referred to as packs, which aligned perfectly with the whole living situation your roommate and your neighbours had. When you moved in with Chris, you were surprised to see how close he was with his friends, you brushed it off as their apparent lack of toxic masculinity, but now you knew.
Now you knew…
But did you, really?
You figured the only way to get proper answers was to actually speak to them–to him, more specifically. After all, you lived with Chris. In the same flat. You were missing it terribly, your flat… and maybe you were even missing Chris.
But you weren’t ready to face him.
What would you tell him? How could you even approach the situation? 
Especially considering… Well, the very inconvenient crush you’d developed on your roommate… Your roommate that you now knew was a werewolf.
You hadn’t really entertained the thought of doing anything about said crush… You were convinced that it’d probably just complicate things, but all it took was a charming smile and the sight of dimples to make you want to risk it all.
It was a reaction that you now questioned.
He wasn’t human. On the off chance that you did risk it all, would you even want to be with someone like him? Or, more importantly, could his supernatural condition be somehow influencing you into believing you liked him? Was he literally charming you?
You figured you needed to know…
One of the forums your neighbour’s friend shared with you had this whole section dedicated to romancing a werewolf, explaining how their designation affected the whole process most of the time. This led you to another section where you learnt about those designations, about what an alpha, a beta, and an omega were. 
Alphas were usually the leaders of a pack, according to this site. Very protective, territorial, particularly stubborn… It definitely sounded like Chris to you. His friends looked up to him, and it took only one word said in a serious tone for them to do anything he asked them to do. 
This knowledge led you to many threads. ‘How to deal with a violent alpha?’ ‘Our alpha is forcing us to do things for her, how can we stop her?’ ‘Tips to take an alpha [in a fight] pt3’ ‘Tips to take an alpha [in every hole possible] pt5’
Some conversations were a bit too explicit for you to comfortably read them. Not because you were a prude, by any means, but because anything too explicit would make you think about your roommate a bit too much… You weren’t in the most appropriate mood to think about ‘An alpha’s preference in bed’ or ‘How to stretch for an alpha’s knot’ –whatever that was.
You were more in the mood to dig into all these threads related to violent, overly possessive and controlling alphas. You felt like you needed to know about this supposed inherent nature of your roommate’s.
These people didn’t particularly sound like Chris. Yeah, he wasn’t perfect, and anyone could tell he wanted to be the one in charge at all times, but he’d never given you the feeling that he was forcing anyone around him to do anything at all. 
Admittedly, you might’ve gotten a bit too invested in the topic. It started to worry you when all you could read was these horrible experiences people had with alphas–both in platonic and romantic settings. But eventually, you started seeing the opposite side. 
‘Our pack’s alpha is honestly great. They always make sure we’re okay with any decisions taken…’ ‘As an alpha, I can tell you that any alpha that tries to force you into anything is just toxic and abusive. We aren’t all like that…’ ‘I feel very cared for when I’m with my alpha…’ 
Those testimonials gave you a bit more hope. They reminded you that in this short time you’d spent living with Chris, he’d done nothing but made you feel comfortable. He was that type of person, it didn’t matter if he was a werewolf.
Crush aside, you liked Chris. He was a guy you felt you could trust; yes, he’d lied by omission, but if you thought about it with a clear mind, it was pretty obvious that he wouldn’t just outright tell you he wasn’t entirely human. He seemed genuine, but you needed to hear his side of the story with your own two ears, without the panic of suddenly seeing your younger neighbour’s body twist and turn in ways you never knew were possible.
So with that in mind, on day seven of you being away from the place you considered your home, and after reading many articles and comments from people online, you left the comfort of your childhood bed, gathered your belongings, and left your mother’s house.
You were determined to get answers. You needed the truth, directly from the wolf’s mouth. If knowing Chris was a werewolf meant he’d kick you out, then you wanted him to tell you. If knowing he was a werewolf meant you’d be able to perceive malice in Chris, you wanted to see it.
In all honesty, if Chris was as genuine as he seemed and if he wanted you around, you genuinely wanted to stay, lycanthropy and all.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2024. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
General Masterlist | WereRoomies Masterlist
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lucy90712 · 7 months
Brother’s best friend- Hector Fort
WC: 2.5k
One rule 'no dating my teammates'. 
One rule 'my sister is off limits'.
We each had one rule to follow but of course you always want what you can't have. I didn't mean to break the rule it really wasn't my intention but when Marc took me to one of his training sessions I was drawn to Hector straight away. Not only was he by far the most attractive guy there he was also really sweet to me and maybe a little flirty which only made me want him more. For a while I held back as my brothers words circled round my brain every time I thought about getting to know Hector better but eventually the attraction was too much to ignore it was like we were drawn to each other. 
It started out innocently we would just talk to each other while he had a break in training and I'd hang out with him when Marc invited him over. That innocence didn't last long though as when we finally exchanged numbers, without Marc's knowledge of course, all we did was flirt with each other which led to us arranging a secret date. I was nervous for the date as I want sure if we would have a real connection or if it's just easy for us to flirt with each other but we actually got on really well and there was definitely a connection there. We went on a few more dates before he asked me to be his girlfriend which was a good 6 months ago now. Over those 6 months we have only told a total of 3 people one of them was my best friend as I use going to see her as an excuse to see Hector and the other two are some of Hector and Marc's teammates as they caught us kissing after a game once. Everyone that knows is sworn to secrecy and so far they've kept that up because they know if Marc finds out they knew they'll be in trouble too. 
As much as it's been hard to hide things from Marc it's definitely worth it. Seeing as it's the one rule he set if he finds out he's definitely going to be mad at both me and Hector. He's a great brother but he's definitely over protective but I guess that comes with being my older brother even if it is just by a few minutes. There are times that I worry he'll find out without me even saying anything because he'll sense that I'm lying. They say twins always have a special connection which is definitely true for me and Marc but he's yet to figure out that I'm hiding something from him which is almost unheard of as I've never kept a secret from him for more than a week before. 
Recently it's become harder to hide everything as Hector and I want to spend more time together but that means I have to have more excuses to go out or sleep somewhere else and I can only think of so many. To try and help keep things under wraps Hector has been coming over more as he can hang out with Marc and then secretly break away to spend time with me. That's exactly what's happening today Hector wanted to see me so he made out like he wanted to spend time with my brother so he's coming over and I'll join them so I can be with Hector. 
Time seemed to really drag on but eventually I heard the front door and two voices downstairs which meant they were finally home. As much as I wanted to run down straight I couldn't as that would be weird and Marc would definitely ask questions so I waited a bit before grabbing my water bottle and heading downstairs. Like always my brother ignored my existence but Hector looked over and smiled so I smiled back and even kissed the air as my brother was far too focused on turning on the Xbox. Once I filled my water bottle I sat myself on the sofa next to Hector as there was still space next to him and he helpfully sat closest to the kitchen. 
"Oh hey I didn't know you were home" Marc said finally acknowledging my presence 
"You never do but I had homework to finish so I decided to stay in today and get it done" I said 
"Well you can join us if you want that's if you want to be beaten again" he laughed 
"Maybe I'll beat you this time I've been practicing" I said 
"Since when?" He asked 
"Oh while you're at training I've been practicing" I replied 
That was a lie I've been playing with Hector at his place but luckily I can think quickly and Marc still seems none the wiser. We all played fifa for a while and of course I didn't beat Marc but I definitely did better than I used to so Hector's coaching has really helped me out. I took a break from playing to make dinner for everyone but the boys kept playing after dinner. Eventually it got dark and time went on so Marc suggested that Hector stay over as it was late and they both had training in the morning. Sometimes it's just too easy this is exactly what I was hoping would happen and yet again my brother pulls through in helping me break the one rule he set for me which he does more than he knows. 
I left and got myself ready for bed then all I had to do was wait. My phone kept me entertained until my bedroom door opened slowly to reveal my lovely boyfriend who was trying to be as quiet as possible so that my brother wasn't alerted that he was here. Once he made it past all the squeaky floor boards and to the other side of my bed he hopped in and opened his arms for me. Of course I immediately attached myself to Hector and he wrapped his arms around me as tightly as he could. He peppered kisses all over my face before his lips finally met mine in a passionate kiss which I've been waiting for all day. 
"I've missed you" Hector said kissing me again 
"I've missed you too" I replied 
"You know maybe we should tell Marc we've been together for a while now and I hate not being able to see you as much as I want and having to sneak around is getting harder" I said 
"I would love to not have to hide things but I value my life too much you know he would kill me if he found out that we're together especially for as long as we have been" he said 
"I know but one day we have to say something we can't live like this forever" I pointed out 
"I know but let's leave it a bit longer if he hasn't found out when we've been together for a year we can tell him then" Hector reasoned 
"Fine but until then you better give me lots of love" I laughed 
"Don't you worry I will give you everything I've got to give" he smiled 
Hector and I stayed up longer than we probably should've but we just wanted to make the most of the time together. We had to wake up early too so that Hector could leave my room before Marc wakes up but spending the time together was definitely worth the lack of sleep. 
Marc didn't catch me and Hector when he stayed in my room the other night and last night I said I was staying with my best friend but really I spent the night at Hector's. We had a great time he set up candles and cooked dinner so we could have a romantic meal together which was really nice as we never get to do that because we can't go out together. I really enjoyed getting to spend a romantic evening with Hector as we don't get to spend much time together and we never really get to have proper dates unless Marc is away which isn't very often. Hector really stuck to his promise too as he made me feel so loved and definitely gave me everything he's got all night long. 
Sadly he had to leave for training quite early but he let me stay until I needed to leave for school and let me lock up with the spare key he gave me a little while back. As soon as I arrived at school people were giving me weird looks which I thought was odd but sometimes this happens when Marc does something good with the team as people know we are twins. It was only when I got the same look from my friends that I started to consider it was something to do with me that was garnering all this attention. To begin with they wouldn't tell me simply just giggling thinking that I was joking around but I wasn't I had no idea what was so funny.
"Seriously guys what's going on what have I done?" I asked 
"Have you seriously not noticed" one of my friends laughed 
"Noticed what?" I asked getting annoyed 
"The hickeys on your neck I mean they are everywhere and they don't exactly blend in" my best friend finally said 
"Shit I didn't notice I got ready really quickly this morning I didn't really pay any attention" I panicked 
"Is it really that bad?" I then asked 
"It's definitely bad you will want to try and cover them before you see your brother if you don't want him to kill you" another friend said 
"And Hector" my best friend added 
"Wait these are from Hector" one friend said 
"I thought you weren't allowed to date your brother's teammates" another added 
"First off yes Hector we've been dating for a while but we've been keeping it quiet clearly until now and second no I'm not supposed to date any of the boys in the team which is why Marc will kill us both if he finds out" I spiralled 
"Don't worry about it right now you should get home first just put some concealer on and keep it on until the bruises are gone" my best friend said trying to calm me down 
"You're right and remember no one say anything about Hector as you'll be on trial for being involved in our murders ok" I said 
They all promised me and we headed to our first class. In every class I sat with my hand covering my neck as I don't need anyone else wondering who seemingly assaulted my neck and I definitely don't want the teachers seeing. It was a long day with all the looks I was getting the boys teasing me asking who the lucky guy was as usually no one comes near me as they are all scared of Marc. Eventually though the end of the day came and I practically ran home to cover up the bruises which only seemed to get worse throughout the day. 
When I finally got a good look at myself in the mirror I could see what everyone was looking it was bad like really bad. As soon as I get the chance I'm definitely going to kill Hector for this as not only was it embarrassing to look like this at school I now I have to be really careful not to rub off the concealer I'll need on my neck for the next few days. Once I started applying makeup to my neck I realised that not even my best concealer was going to fix this. You could still see the deep purple marks under no matter how much I put on so in the end I just took it all off. I'd rather have Marc see the hickeys as they are than see my attempt to cover them as I know he'll be more suspicious if I'm trying to hide them. The only thing I did was put some cream on that will hopefully help the bruises go away a bit quicker. Seeing as there was nothing I could do I just had to wait to see what would happen when Marc came home. 
The front door opening and closing startled me as I wasn't expecting Marc to be home for another hour but in he came along with Hector. Marc barely walked a few steps in before he stopped and silence filled the room. He looked at me then my neck and I looked at him then at Hector who's jaw might as well have been on the floor he was that shocked looking at what he'd done. Then it happened Marc turned to Hector and saw his expression and suddenly the vibe in the room changed. I watched Marc as his hands balled up into fists and anger filled his eyes. I don't know how but he knew he finally figured it out. 
"Are you serious" Marc broke the silence 
"Have you seriously been fucking my sister behind my back" he pretty much screamed 
"What no why would you think that" Hector said clearly panicked 
"Well my sisters neck looks like a vampire attacked it and you had scratches all down your back this morning so unless this is a huge coincidence there is something going on here" Marc continued to scream 
"Ok fine I'll admit that I did that but it's not just sex I promise" Hector said 
"Yeah we've been together for over 6 months now we aren’t just fuck buddies we are actually together" I added 
"There was one rule for both of you and you broke it and then thought you could hide it from me how long did you plan to keep this a secret forever until you were married" Marc raged 
"I'll admit we should've told you sooner but we both knew we were breaking the rules and didn't want this to happen but I can say with full confidence that I love your sister I really do I would never dream of hurting her she's everything to me so I'm sorry we hid this but we just didn't want to anger you" Hector explained 
"Do you really love her?" Marc asked calming down slightly 
"I do she makes me so happy and I love her a lot" Hector said 
"Do you love him?" Marc asked me 
"Yeah he treats me well and he puts a smile on my face" I said 
"I guess if you two are happy together there's nothing I can do but no kissing in front of me or I will kill you both and if you ever hurt her bro I won't hesitate to beat your ass" Marc threatened 
"Understood" Hector said 
"Thank you for understanding we really are happy together I'm just sorry you had to find out this way" I said hugging Marc then going over to Hector 
Hector smiled at me and held my waist gently which actually put a small smile on Marc's face. I don't think it will be long before he comes to terms with our relationship and lets us be but for now I don't think I want to test that theory. 
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Bridget x Fem! Oc
In which a goddess falls for a mortal, a very pretty mortal.
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"What's up babes." Circe smirked, wrapping her arms around Bridget and pushing her face into the hair that covered her shoulder.
"Circe! Don't scare me like that!" Bridget giggled out, the redhead merely chuckled.
"What have you made this time?" The goddess looked down at the two trays she had in her hands, arching an eyebrow at the light purple cookies.
"Purple? Are you finally broadening your pink horizons?" She took her hands away from her, instead walking alongside her as she waited for an answer.
"It's for Megara! She's having a tea party and commissioned for these cookies, why?" She eventually asked, seeing Circe's mouth open a bit.
"If I knew you were coming, i'd have accepted the invitation."
"Oh, i'm not! She just commissioned for them." Bridget shrugged, continuing her way to Megara's dorm.
"Mh, all right then." She glared at Hook, where he was stood at the corner right where Bridget was heading didn't sit right with her.
He quickly scattered back to Uliana, probably to tell her to stop whatever she had planned this time or she'll be turned into an eel again.
"Would you like to go out for tea with me then?" She nearly turned Scylla into a sea monster right here and now when she noticed her eyeing Bridget, luckily for her she ran before Circe could think about what she'd look like.
"We can visit Driodius? I know you love him." She referred to the lion she had mysteriously found a few years back, weirdly named after the boy that had a crush on Bridget. Huh, so weird.
"Oh gosh that would be amazing! But..." She looked lost in thought, finally in front of Megara's door.
"What is it? If you don't want to go it's fine too, I won't force you to go my dearest."
"Could we maybe do something in town? Or in the dorms? I've heard that a few boys got lost in the woods and never came back a few weeks ago." She frowned, actually scared for her live when the person who made them disappear was right next to her, besides, they made a beautiful pack of wolves.
"Of course we can my love, we could make cupcakes? I've acquired the very rare, very wonderful and fabulous....." Circe trialed off to build up some tension, then held up a small back of pink feathers from behind her back.
"Fabulous pink flamingo feathers!" Bridget finished for her, squealing, nearly throwing the cookies on the floor in her excitement.
"Right... i'll take those so you can hug her." Megara took the trays from her fellow princess, Circe had knocked for her already, and Bridget launched herself onto Circe, encircling her neck with her arms and landing on her tip toes.
"Oh I love you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!" Circe smiled, wrapping her arms around her waist in response.
"Bye Megara." The princess of Thebe waved and closed the door, and Bridget let go of Circe, looking at the small back in wonder.
"They're so pretty, I don't know what I was expecting but this exceeds all of it! Oh my god I can't wait for tomorrow!"
"Okay, how can I help?"
"Sit there and look pretty." Bridget ignored, or didn't notice, how red Circe got, her golden eyes fixated on the Wonderlandian princess as she moved around in her pocket sized kitchen she had in her dorm.
"You know I have magic right? I can help."
"Shhh pretty girl, you already got me flaming feathers." She was definitely doing that on purpose.
"All right... just saying." Circe shrugged, getting comfortable on Bridget's bed and watching her bake.
"Wassup Circe, B." Ella walked in a bit later, Bridget nearly done with the batter, Circe sitting up on her knees when she saw the door open, ready to turn into literally any small animal.
"Hey Ella, she's in her little trance, so I would keep out of the kitchen or you'll maybe get killed." She winced as she recalled when she had a knife stabbed through her hand, though the attention she got from Bridget was enough to put her on a week-long high.
"Right... anyways, you looking forward go Merlin's class tomorrow? He is so confusing sometimes that I literally fall asleep." Circe groaned, falling back onto the bed, holding one of Bridget's pillows, resisting the urge to bury her face with it whilst Ella was looking, knowing she'll tease her about it.
"I love him but why is he so confusing!" She complained into the light pink pillow, even though she was completely content surrounded by all things Bridget.
"Right?! What does he mean when he says that the test'll be about 'everything in all chapters but the first half, then the first quarter of the book shall be of importance blah blah' just say the first 3 chapters, and then 6 through 9! Old bat." Ella rolled her eyes falling onto her back, resting her head on the small of Crice's back.
"Stop fantasising about her girl, she's literally desperate for human interaction, ask her out and give it a try, if you break up then that's it, no bad blood." Ella shrugged, yelping when Circe hit her with the pillow.
"No! Shut up man! She's too precious! I'll just freak out and never kiss her or something like that." Ella snorted, holding her hand in front of her mouth to hide her laugh.
"Yeah right, innocent Bridget, she's literally the least innocent person I know, honestly, how that amount of teenage hormones can fit into such a pink girl astounds me." Circe hit her again.
"Who are you." Circe stood tall behind Bridget, crossing her arms and glaring down at the two new students threateningly, gods know that she was a bad judge of character.
"I'm Chloe! Who are you?" Circle narrowed her eyes, her godly height really helped sometimes, the bright redhead glared right back at her, also crossing her arms.
"My name is Circe, daughter of Helios, what do you want from Bri- ouchiieee that hurts Princess." Circe doubled over when Bridget swatted at her stomach, pouting at the pinkette.
"Don't be so dramatic Circe, Chloe, Red, this godly goofball is Circe, if you see her trying to do something to Scylla you should probably step in, Circe, behave." Circe pouted and was about to continue to whine when Ella kicked her hard on the shins.
"God damn you Ella! I'll kick you back you little shit!" She shot back up, starting a staring competition with Ella.
"That's the best you can come up with?" Circe smirked down at Ella's weak rebuttal.
"Says the fatherless."
"I have a father!"
"He doesn't love you then!"
"How would you know that!"
"Cause I fucked him that's why!"
"Well fuck you you stupid-!"
"Okay girls, let's calm down a bit, we have cupcakes to hand out after all!" Bridget placed a hand on Circe's, who quickly intertwined them and sneakily kicked Ella, who glared at her.
"Will do mom." Ella sarcastically replied, but helped hand out cupcakes nonetheless.
The two newcomers, who had been in conversation with Bridget, looked at each other with high eyebrows.
"Help." Circe commanded, shoving trays into their hands, quickly following after Bridget once she grabbed her own again.
"What's that all about?" Red frowned.
"Oh! I'm pretty sure that Circe's whole story is that she always feels jealous and is never the one, so she turns men into animals etcetera, maybe your mom was the one that made her feel like that! Also, we should probably stop that from happening too, because she's going to go on a rampage soon because she realises that she'll never be the one ever again." Chloe finished her little info dump, Red staying quiet a bit to process that all.
"So not only will my mom turn into a maniac, she turns someone else into a maniac too! How wonderful."
"Bridget! Where are y-."
"What's wrong?" Bridget popped up besides Circe, who quickly picked her up and wrapped her arms around her.
"Princess, where were you?" She questioned into her neck, afraid she'd have lost her girl in the woods.
"Well, I saw a pretty pink flower, would you like to see?" Circe nodded into her neck, slowly letting her down, holding her hand as she led her to where she found the flower.
"How adorable, it's really pretty." Bridget hummed, staring at the flower.
"Are we sure we should be stalking a goddess?"
"Shut up Blue, they're walking again."
"Um, I wanted to surprise you, since we haven't gotten to go here much lately." Bridget grinned, sitting down on the white blanket, looking over the array of sweets and little sandwiches.
"You're too sweet, thank you so much Circe." She smiled up at her, Circe flushed red and looked away from her.
"Yeah. Of course." She coughed, sitting down and looking at Bridget with a small smile.
"This is so awkward."
"It wouldn't be if you just shut the fuck up!"
"Um, I have a question for you, if you don't mind me asking." Bridget hummed, looking at her with a tilt of her head.
"Um-I- uh, yeah, ahem, I would l-like to ask you to-." She got cut off by Bridget nearly jumping on top of her, tightly pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.
"You really could've asked earlier." Bridget said when she pulled away from the redhead, who was out of breath and looking at her with wide eyes.
"Right... earlier." Circe nodded, bridget smiled, looking down at her with her arms around her neck.
"We could've been doing this for so much longer." The pinkette smirked, ghosting her lips against Circe's, planting her knees on the ground besides Circe.
"We should probably leave now." Red whispered to Chloe, who quickly nodded, rushing away from the scene.
They ran into Ella on their way back, and took her back with them just to be sure she wouldn't find the two.
"You were right."
"Of course I was, about what?" Ella looked up at a flustered Circe from her book, placing it down to ask what was going on.
"About bridget, she's wild man." Ella shrugged, picking her book back up.
"Duh, honestly, she was staring at you a bit too much for it to be innocent, also the comments she made about your hands seemed a bit too explicit to me." Ella explained, Circe sitting down in front of her as she continued to read, the goddess slumped over on the table.
"She really did a number on you, didn't she?" Circe groaned, hiding away in her elbow.
"Hi honeybun!" Bridget appeared behind Circe, who shot up and craned her neck to look behind her with a smile.
"Hi princess." Bridget softly kissed her lips, pulling the chair back and plopping down on her lap.
"How was your night Bridget?" Ella smirked at Circe as she spoke, Bridget smiling at her.
"It was amazing! Circe's so nice to me..." she trialed off, placing another kiss on her lips.
"If you two are going to be like those disgusting couples, please do it somewhere else." Bridget giggled, and Circe rolled her eyes.
"Yeah sure, miss grumpy, we're not one of those couples."
"We'll go then! Bye Ella!"
"We apparently are, bye."
"Bye you two!"
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zweetpea · 4 months
Wisdom or Spuriousness Part 1 of 2
Warning: Swearing
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"This is not how I thought this would be going down. Let's review. Two weeks ago I got shot all the way to Sumeru desert and ended up at the feet of the Eremites. So far they've only kept me around as a servant."
"Get back to work and stop talking to yourself!" The Eremite leader said. He was one of those Stone Enchanters that summoned those geo alligators. You picked up the broom again and kept sweeping.
"Malakai! Give us the money you owe us." A Geochanter called out followed by a Hydrogunner.
"I still have a week you Fatui Bastards!" Malakai shouted at them. 
You held the broom firmly in your grip and charged at them. In the blink of an eye you were behind them, electricity pulsing through you.
"What just happened?" You shook. You held up the broom and blocked a few rocks the Geochanter threw at you. Your delusion glowed bright purple as the world slowed around you. You swung at the Hydrogunner several times, until he fell to the ground. "I don't know what I just did. Did I kill a man?"
"Viktor! Don't you Go dying on me!" The Geochanter cried. 
"Ivan... it's okay." Malakai swung at 'Ivan' and Ivan blocked. He swung his weapon around and Ivan kept backing up. You walked over to the Hydrogunner and looked over him. "You..." He hissed. "Stay away from My Ivan."
"What have I done." You whispered. You looked around and saw his gun. You grabbed it and pointed it at him. "This will heal you right? Right?!"
"With my delusion yes."
"Give it to me then, I'll heal you and then you and Ivan will go. Deal?"
"...Would you do that?"
"Because I don't want to be a killer, and I see value in people. I want you to pay it forward and forgive the eremites their debt." 
"...Okay." He hands over the delusion and you shot him with the gun. "Thank you." He stood up and threw Ivan over his shoulder. 
"Ivan, catch!" You threw the gun and delusion at him.
"What was that?" Malakai growled at you.
"Malakai! We'll take care of the debt!" Viktor shouted at you two. 
"...Get back to work.
Thank you for that." He whispered.
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After that The Eremites started to treat you better. They'd give you more rations, start to say please and thank you when they made demands of you, even gave you a few blankets to sleep on. But they still weren't giving you the Debauchery you were promised.
"I hope you guys know that our viewers are going to be very disappointed."
"How many times do we have to tell you?!" A floral ring-dancer picked you up by your collar and held you dangling several inches off the ground. "You are not a protagonist of some erotic romance novel!"
"I have humble beginnings! And of course it's not an Erotic Novel! I've only gotten dicked down by three people and that happens very sparsely!" You're dropped on your ass. "You know sometimes I wish I'd landed myself in a fanfic or an actual Erotic Romance Novel. I wish my life was more like the 50 shades series or the 365 days series." 
"Like Anyone would ever actually want to sleep with you."
Now your butt and your pride were bruised. "Fine! Don't believe me! ...I miss Dvalin."
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After a few more weeks of this Hell on earth a girl with hair resembling cat ears strolled up to the Eremites, along with a girl with dark purplish-blue hair. "Malakai! How are you?"
"Dehya! Coming home for the weekend huh?"
"Yeah. You aren't getting up to any trouble are you dumbass?"
"No! Of course not."
"Who is this?" Candace asked looking over at you.
"Hello. Um the Eremites kinda kidnapped me. But it's okay I get kidnapped like every nation I go to."
"That's... not good."
"Do you guys want them? They keep trying to flirt with everyone." Malakai asked.
"No-" "Sure." Candace cuts off Dehya. 
"What?!" Dehya exclaims.
"Come on Dehya. If they need help then I'm obligated to help them as long as they're in the Sumeru Desert. And If we don't take them with us then Cyno will definitely arrest them all."
"Yeah! I don't want that to happen."
"Are you really kidnapped?"
"Well I didn't really get a say but I don't want them to get in trouble. I was promised Debauchery though so I think the best way for me to get that would be going with you guys.
"Fine, whatever." Dehya grumbled. "But you better not try to get freaky with us okay?"
"Yes ma'am." You smiled and the women took you away.
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Upon your insistence the girls brought you back to Sumeru city instead of Aaru Village. 
"Thank you ladies." You bowed like a magician doing a trick would. "Until we meet again." You used your Electro powers to race up to the Akademiya and rush into the Grandsage's office.
"Who on earth are you?"
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moni-logues · 9 months
Kintsugi 15
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, non-idol!au, angst, smut, tiny bit of eventual fluff
Summary: In a fit of spiteful, post-break-up self-improvement, you sign up to a baking class. Yoongi, in a bid to appease his demanding girlfriend, signs up, too. Determined to make him your friend, you end up with more than you ever imagined.
Word count: 6.8k
Content: references to self-harm, description of self-harm scars, some chat about self-harm; oral sex (m. and f. receiving), fingering, protected sex
A/N: I said I'd make it clear, so let's do that: IT'S THE END! THE FINAL ONE!! THE LAST CHAPTER! IT'S DONE!!! IT'S FINISHED!!! NO MORE!!! NO MAS!!!! FINIT!!!!! 끝!!!! 끝!!!! 끝!!!!
I was so relieved to finish this yesterday and thought I would be glad more than anything to post this and finally (FINALLY!!!) bring the series to a close, but I honestly do also feel kind of sad it's over. We've been together over a year now, these characters and me; I've been actually writing them for a year but they first popped into my head 18 months ago. And now we're at the end.
Huge thank you to everyone who has beta'd for me, inc. for this chapter @quarter-life-crisis2 and @here2bbtstrash, @minttangerines, @blog-name-idk, and Amethyst
Thank you to everyone who has left comments and come along on this journey with me; it has meant SO much to me to have your investment in and enthusiasm for this story. It has made it so rewarding to tell and I hope you like their ending.
Without further ado...
Chapter Fourteen | Masterlist | Bonus Drabble 1
Chapter Fifteen - Spring
Chapter Fifteen - Spring 
You rested your head gently against the window, watching the people come and go. The cherry blossoms had fallen already, gathered in gutters and collected in corners. You were always sad to see them go, but this year, you felt like they had given you something. Summer, of course, as always: the heat, the sun, the long days, the blessed relief of an ice-cold drink and even colder air-conditioning. This year, the cherry blossoms had brought you something else. Truly like confetti, they had blown around you, whirled around you, celebrating your first week of From Now On.  
You didn’t say that you were getting ahead of yourself. Not this time. Because you weren’t that anxious about it, as much as that surprised you. You had all the anticipation of your first day at school with none of the nerves. The cherry blossoms had gone but they hadn’t left a hole; you couldn’t feel their absence because your life felt abundant. Last year, when you had watched them bloom and fall and fade away, you had been empty. All the joy they usually brought you couldn’t touch the sides of your despair. It hurt more to see them ushering in spring when you felt stranded alone in winter. But now you weren’t alone. Not even close. 
It was a fairly mild day, just the cool side of hot, and still. You had been impatient and got ready early, hence the sitting and staring. Yoongi wasn’t due for another five minutes, but you’d been there for twenty already. You imagined you might see him on his approach to your building and get to observe him, unnoticed. You wondered what he was doing right now – driving? In a taxi? On the subway? Was he already on his feet, close to you? Was he nervous? You thought he would be. His shyness recently reminded you of when you first met, those tentative overtures of friendship, the thrill you felt when he opened himself up to you. 
It was not unlike the thrill you felt now, waiting for him to pick you up for your very first date.  
When he was due in no less than two minutes, you stood and moved to your mirror. You had, initially, planned to wear something that you considered sexier – that is to say, more form-fitting, a little more scandalous, a dress that showed off a little more of what your mother gave you – and then you changed your mind. You didn’t need to do that, because Yoongi already knew. He had already seen what lay beneath and it was all for him now anyway. So you dressed a little more comfortably, in a dress with a little more give, a little more fabric and flounce. You looked cute; you wanted Yoongi to think you looked cute.  
Then, as you always did, you heard his footsteps. 
“Babe!” you cried, leaning out of your door to see him coming from the end of the corridor.  
But you almost didn’t manage to say anything at all because, whilst you had expected Yoongi, you hadn’t expected Yoongi in a suit, holding flowers. It stopped you short; you had been about to run out to him, jump into his arms, do something silly. Instead, you were flustered, grinning at him from your doorway, your heart going like the clappers and your blood roaring in your ears because god-fucking-damn, had he always been that handsome? 
“No!” he called back. “Go back inside! What are you doing?” 
What were you doing? Short-circuiting, a little. His hair was still long and you imagined it twisted between your fingers, soft and pullable; he was smiling, even as he scolded you, all his little teeth on display. You had always liked a man in a suit – you must have said it a thousand times – but you had not been prepared for how much you liked this man in a suit. You were going to have to get some kind of grip if you were going to make it through dinner.  
“I’m saying hello!” you called back, a little too loudly now that he was closer. “I was going to run out to meet you!” 
“Get back inside! I’m supposed to be picking you up! I need to knock on your door!” 
Truthfully, Yoongi would have loved to have you run out of your apartment and into his arms, even if he’d tumbled, you’d stumbled, you’d both fallen to the floor in a bumped, bruised heap. He’d have loved to have thrown all caution to the wind and run away with you. But all of that was still overwhelming, far too much good for a boy who still thought he was bad, and there was a process to be followed, procedure. He was clinging to that. Like a life raft.  
Yoongi had practised. In as much as you can practise speaking to a friend without actually speaking to them. He had forgotten, in all his anxiety about dating you, about being with you, being seen by you, that you were his friend. He’d had these feelings for you from the very beginning and they had never paralysed him like he felt they were now. He knew sex was not the (only) answer, that sooner or later, he was going to have to remember how to act around you. So he called each of his friends in turn to hang out with them, to remind himself, firstly, that he had them, that he was likable; secondly, that he enjoyed their company—he enjoyed company in general, more than he would ever let on; thirdly, that he could be good company: he got a laugh out of every one of them. That had to count for something.  
And he bought you flowers. Because they would provide a good distraction in case all of these remembrances fell out of his head the second he saw you. And because he wanted to, because that’s what you should do when you take someone out on a date. He knew you liked tulips and it was tulip season. It felt right. And it released a little of his impulse to shower you with things, to buy things for you and haemorrhage cash to make him seem worth it.  
For the longest time, money had been all he had. He had laughed out loud in his therapist’s office when he said that because, for the longest time, money was all he didn’t have. The not-having of money was the very thing that defined his life and set him on this path; it was the bedrock beneath the biggest of his life’s decisions. And then it became all he had. All he had to offer. He was still learning that maybe there were other things, too. 
You did as you were told and shut the door, palms pressed against it as you listened to your heart and tried to make it slow. Then you waited six seconds until you heard his first knock. 
“Oh my god, hi!” you exclaimed. “I had no idea you were here!” 
Yoongi pretended he wasn’t grinning and shot you a look. 
“Shut up,” he replied. “I bought you these.” 
Tulips. Your favourite flower. You didn't remember ever telling Yoongi that, but maybe he just knew. They were another reason that April was your favourite time of year. Seoul Forest was full of them, hundreds, thousands of them blanketing the banks. There was a rainbow of colour in every direction; tall heads on sturdy stems barely touched by breezes, swaying like a choir. It was like a pilgrimage; you went every year. Maybe this year, you would take Yoongi.   
“They’re beautiful, thank you.” 
You took them from him, not bothering to try to restrain your smile from splitting your face in half, and leant in to kiss him. Then you stopped. 
“Are we allowed to kiss?” you asked, one inch from his face. Then you moved away and started looking in cupboards for a vase you weren’t sure you owned.  
Yoongi looked confused.  
“Y’know, kissing on a first date?” 
He still looked confused. Then you remembered. You laughed. 
“Oh, of course, that’s right. You’re Mr Fucks on a First Date, aren’t you?” 
You expected him to be surprised; you hoped he would be a little flustered, hoped you would get to see that pink creep onto his cheeks in a way that was just too cute. Instead, he grinned and you felt your own cheeks heat. 
“Is that a promise?” he asked and your stomach swooped.  
You had found a vase, tipped flower food into it, and were gently arranging the stems. You abandoned them in favour of moving closer him, then a little closer, slowly closer, until your lips were almost on his.  
“Cheeky,” you muttered, eyes flicking down to his lips, amaranth pink and just a little pouty. You bit your own. 
Yoongi hummed. 
“So is that a yes?” 
“Only if you play your cards right.” 
You dragged your eyes up and slowly pressed a kiss to his mouth. His hands settled on your hips and you couldn’t stop yours from reaching up, tangling one in his hair, using the other to rake through the dark locks you hoped he never cut. It wasn’t exactly the kind of grip you needed to get, but every atom of your body was asking for more. It was intoxicating to be kissed by him. 
It was Yoongi who broke from you (you did not have the same level of restraint), his mouth lifting in a grin as he nodded his head slightly towards the counter, where your tulips stood in their vase. 
“Did I mention I got you flowers?” 
“You might need to tell me one more time.” 
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You weren’t nervous. Not at all. On the one hand, you felt like you should be, because it was Yoongi and this felt enormous. When you stood back and looked at it, it was huge. He was one of your two (2) friends in this world and you were ruining your friendship good and proper. You could still remember the sharp-toothed despair that wound around you like a strait-jacket after what happened with Sungbin; you remembered the suffocating heartbreak of San leaving you. You knew that it could happen here. There wasn’t a guarantee that Yoongi was The One, that you were The One for Yoongi. It should have scared you.  
But it didn’t. It was too hard to be anxious sitting across from him at dinner, as if you hadn’t sat and done this very thing with him dozens of times before. It was impossible to worry about whether or not he liked you when he looked at you like that, when he smiled in that way that you had always suspected was just for you. You knew he liked you because he was here. He had asked for this date and bought you flowers and he was laughing and teasing and being exactly the person you knew him to be. That didn’t make you nervous.  
Yoongi had picked the restaurant carefully. Not too fancy, not too quiet, not too busy, not too empty, not too casual. He had spent a great many hours trawling the internet for reviews and photos and listings. He wasn’t usually this obsessive, but so much about it all had felt out of his control and this was in it. So he was going to get it right. 
Sitting across from you, he knew he needn’t have bothered. Because he knew you didn’t really care. He wasn’t even sure, sometimes, if you knew what you were eating, because you barely stopped talking to shove it in. You spoke around the food in your mouth and whirled your chopsticks around as you gestured. You picked things off his plate and dropped pieces of your own food onto it. You had this way of creating a world around yourself, such that he forgot where he was; he forgot there was anyone else around, anything else to think about. And he realised he could have taken you anywhere and it would have been just exactly this good. Because it was you. 
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“Do you want to go for a drink or something? I looked up a couple of bars not far from here,” Yoongi said as he led you, your hand in his, from the restaurant. 
You leant up against him, shook your head and pouted. 
You shook your head again. 
Not that either. 
“Ok... Do you want to go home?” 
“Yes, please.” 
Yoongi seemed surprised and you saw his eyes dim and realised—too slowly, clumsily for too much wine—that you had not exactly said what you meant. 
“I want to go home with you, please,” you clarified, still pouting up at him. 
It took Yoongi a couple of seconds to recalibrate, then he smiled down at you with a twinkle in his eye. 
“Miss Fucks on a First Date, is it?” 
You punched him playfully in the arm and he didn’t bother to act like it hurt.  
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“Do you want a drink?” Yoongi offered as you slipped off your shoes inside his apartment. 
You shrugged. You would have one if he wanted, but you didn’t need one. You felt lush and warm and relaxed enough already. And truthfully, you were at home now, in the privacy of his apartment; you didn’t want to waste a minute with your mouth on anything that wasn’t him. 
You kissed him, soft at first, because you did want to fuck on your first date, but you weren’t an animal; you had some patience. Or, that’s what you thought as you pressed your lips against his, but the thought washed away like writing on the sand as soon as you tasted him. All your impatience, all your greed, all your excitement came rushing forward, into the fray, a tsunami of feeling, all good, all for him, all surging through you like a stampede. 
“I never,” you started, interrupting yourself with another kiss, one more. “I never want to stop kissing you.”  
“Then don’t.” 
You moaned into his mouth and pressed your body against his, suddenly too warm, hot, the fabric of your dress burning where it brushed your skin. You pushed Yoongi’s jacket off his shoulders and pulled at the knot of his tie. He laughed against your lips and pulled back. 
“You know you’re just making it tighter?” 
You whined and let him take over, deftly undoing the damage you’d done and loosening it properly, pulling it through the collar of his shirt and dropping it on the floor. You thought that was quite long enough to not be kissing, to not be held so tight against him, you could practically feel his heartbeat in your chest, but he held you back.  
When he started walking away from you, you rushed after him, grabbing his hand as he opened his bedroom door. 
“Cherry?” he called softly, padding over to the bed, where she was curled up on the pillow. “You have to get the fuck out of here, ok?”  
She ‘mrowed’ at him and rolled onto her back, exposing her exquisitely soft underbelly for strokes, purring when Yoongi put his hand on her. You thought to yourself that you would quite like to be the one purring under his touch, but had to accept that being jealous of a cat was insane, even for you.  
“Come on,” he said encouragingly, lifting her up and walking away from you yet again, taking her out to the living room and placing her on the sofa.  
“You mean you don’t even give her a free show?” you asked when he returned to the bedroom. 
Yoongi’s face flattened and he looked at you, pretending not to be amused.  
“Would you like to fuck in front of my cat?” 
You jumped up and skipped over to him with a giggle. 
“No, thank you!”  
You wrapped your arms around his neck and wasted no time reconnecting your mouths. Yoongi, now the cat was out of the room and the door firmly shut, seemed as impatient as you were, his hands sliding under the skirt of your dress and up, slipping beneath your underwear and squeezing at your backside. His mouth moved to your jaw and then your neck, sucking soft kisses into your skin, holding you firmly close to him. 
You were impatient because you wanted more, more, and even more of him and you wanted it now. But you also wanted each moment to last. Every time his lips met your skin, they felt softer; every time his tongue rolled over yours, he tasted sweeter; every time his hands squeezed, you felt your heart race a little faster. You wanted him immediately and you also wanted it to last forever. You couldn’t get enough of him. 
He moved his hands upwards, outside your dress, and made light work of the buttons at the back that had honestly taken you forever to do up by yourself. You hummed. 
“You’re good at that.” 
“Good with your fingers.” 
He chuckled and flicked you lightly with one hand whilst his other freed a button from its clasp.  
“Is that right?” 
“Shut up, you know what I meant.” 
“I know exactly what you meant.”  
You shivered, even in the warm room, in the bright light of the sun streaming in through the window, when he pulled your dress off and you let it pool on the floor. You didn’t have time to be self-conscious, even if you might have otherwise, because Yoongi was on you, pushing you towards the bed until you were flat on your back, his mouth exploring your body as if he’d forgotten every inch of it in the last week. He hooked his fingers around your underwear and tugged down; you shuffled in response, lifting your hips and wriggling out of it in a way that was less than dignified, and less than efficient, but you didn’t want Yoongi to move off you, didn’t want to sit and then stand so you could do the job properly.  
Naked, again, beneath Yoongi, fully-clothed, you held tight to his shirt collar and hoped he would let you know what he wanted. You wanted to let him lead. 
And lead he did. He pulled one of your hands to his shirt buttons and you experimentally popped one open. He led your hand to the next one. You worked your way to the bottom, pulling the ends from his trousers, kissing him: his cheek, his jaw, his neck. He wouldn’t look at you and you could see the red on his ears; if you pressed your hand against his chest, you could feel the thump of his heart like a hammer.  
“Baby,” you whispered as you slowly slid your hands under his shirt, his body warm against them, soft, not smooth.  
He gave no reply and you nudged him gently with your nose. 
“Baby, look at me.”  
It took seconds that felt like minutes before his eyes met yours. They were guarded, unsure, a little bit afraid. You kissed his lips and smiled. 
“We can stop here,” you reminded him but he shook his head.  
“Go on.” 
“Are you sure?” 
He nodded but his eyes were elsewhere again.  
You pushed your hands along his chest, around his shoulders, forcing the shirt to fall to the bed. You let your hands see him first, your lips still employed on his neck. He was soft and warm and the dip of his spine slightly damp with sweat. You felt them before you saw them, laddering down his arms, criss-crossing his chest, a handful near his hip that were rough and scabbed, still healing.  
It hadn’t occurred to you until that moment that you had never seen Yoongi in a T-shirt. That he always wore long sleeves. You hadn’t noticed. Now you knew why. 
Yoongi’s face was pink now, a little pained, uncomfortable. Embarrassed. Yoongi wanted to burst into flames and drown himself both at once. He didn’t dare open his eyes because he knew he’d not be able to see for tears. He was holding his breath, waiting for something he desperately didn’t want to happen, even though it always had. The shock, the disgust, the reluctance, the holding at arm’s length. 
You took his hand and kissed his palm, kissed the single, thick, raised scar on his wrist and all the smaller ones that followed. You turned him around, guiding him gently so he lay against the headboard, so you could kiss him all over, each and every one of them.  
“Babe,” you called to him, crawling up his body until you hovered over him, resting on your hands.  
Then you lowered yourself on top of him, skin to skin, and stroked through his hair. 
“Hey,” you tried again and Yoongi nodded slightly. 
“Yeah, I’m here.” 
“Are you ok?” 
He nodded again.  
“Gonna look at me and say that?”  
When he looked at you, it was a Yoongi you had never seen before. Shy and defeated and embarrassed and sad and there was something hurt in his eyes that almost made you angry – because no one was allowed to hurt him. That wasn’t supposed to happen.  
You kissed him once and then again and he cleared his throat lightly. 
“I’m fine.” 
“Are you?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Do you want to stop?” 
“Are you sure?” 
Some of the hesitation in his face left him then and he looked at you. 
“Have you changed your mind?”  
It was a little defensive, the barest hint of a challenge in his voice. 
“No,” you answered. “Why would I have changed my mind?”  
He looked away again, not answering, though you didn’t need him to. You both knew. But that would never have changed your mind. He could have been covered in slime or secretly a lizard-person and you’d have been just as soft for him as you were now.  
Though you were glad that he was neither.   
“It doesn’t bother me,” you continued. “Well, it does--” You noticed the clench of his jaw-- “because I know what it takes to do it...” You traced your finger lightly over the scars on his arm. “I know exactly how it feels and I hate that you know, too. I wish I could take it all away from you. So that bothers me. Because I don’t ever want you to feel like it’s something you have to do.  
“But-” you pushed yourself up a little, sitting on his lap and pressing your hands to his chest- “actually, also, they’re proof you’re still here, y’know?” Your hand circled his wrist and you pressed your thumb against the worst scar there. “You might not have been. Any one of these could have been the last one, right? But they weren’t. It’s like... every time you do it, it’s a little bit of effort towards staying alive because there’s something worse you could do but you’re not doing that. So it’s proof. Proof that you’re here and trying and you’ve been trying and I, for one, am very glad you are still here. More than glad.” 
He didn’t reply. You shrugged. 
“And you’ve seen mine. My body is not exactly unscathed.”  
“There’s nothing wrong with your body.” His voice was stronger, more like his own. 
“And there’s nothing wrong with yours.” 
Yoongi had to get out from underneath you, had to stop you looking at him, at least for a moment. He knew that it had to happen, that you had to know, but this was too much. Too much of what he didn’t want and not enough of what he did. He didn’t want to talk about it or think about it. His chest was tight and he felt unsteady and he so badly just wanted to get back to you: you, naked in this bed, with him. 
He sat up and his arms came around you and you relished the feeling of your skin on his, nothing but warmth between you. He kissed you, insistent this time, impatient again. He wanted you on his tongue, in his hands, enveloping him. He wanted to serve himself up on a plate for you, kneel and kiss your feet; he wanted to lose himself completely in the sound of you coming undone.  
You shuffled off him and fumbled at his belt, at his zip, pushing them to the floor. You barely noticed the skin there, that was really more scar than skin; you didn’t see the light lines and the dark ones, crossing and re-crossing, thickening, fading, all over. Because it didn’t matter to you. That he wasn’t fresh out of the box, perfect and unblemished. No one was. And you shared a pain; the pain that led to these blemishes, these marks, these scars, it was yours, too.  
So you didn’t see them as they were un-covered, as he stepped out of his clothes, as you took his cock in your hand. Hot and heavy, you pumped slowly, but Yoongi had other ideas.  
He lay you on the bed and spread your thighs, trailing kisses up one side and down the other. You shivered when his hot breath hit your core and again when his mouth met your lips, his tongue licking through your folds. The pleasure felt brand new as he drank you in and you felt the exact right amount of drunk.  
If you’d been sober, this would have been too quick; you’d have been too easy, too alert. It would all have been over too soon. But the alcohol blurred the edges, dulled your senses just enough to allow you to luxuriate in it: the soft, wet pad of his tongue brushing over your clit, then hard as it pushed inside you; the press of his kiss-plump lips, their seal as he sucked at your swollen bud. Like swimming through champagne, everything was fizzing and golden.  
The sun hit Yoongi’s head, so bright it made his black hair brown and it shone. You tangled a fist in it, pulling his mouth closer, tipping your hips and he flicked his eyes towards you. They were deep and glazed and only half-open, his tongue still pressed against you. You whined and rolled your hips, then did it again and he let you rut against his mouth until all your pleasure was coiling tight, down into a heavy ball in your core.  
Then he pulled back and shifted his weight, lifting a hand from your hip. 
“Good with my fingers, right?” he said, a lopsided grin on his face, mouth sticky and shining.  
You answer was punctuated with the slip of those fingers inside you, and your breath hitched by the curling of those fingers, the pressing of them against your front wall. Yoongi lowered himself again and put his mouth back around your clit, the suction hard and sure. You were squirming now, all your muscles tightening, everything drawing down, deep into your core before bursting forward in a wet rush of heat.  
You sighed as your limbs flopped against the mattress and your chest heaved. Yoongi wiped his mouth and knelt back, similarly breathless. He took a hand to his cock and squeezed lightly at the base, hissing slightly as he did.  
You slithered off the bed, to your knees, and tapped Yoongi’s knee, asking him to turn towards you, reaching for him, for his dark, heavy cock, your mouth growing wet at the mere thought of it.  
Yoongi looked hesitant. 
“You don’t have to,” he said. 
You tipped your head to the side and frowned. 
“But... I want to, though?” 
He hesitated a second longer and you thought he was going to say no, but he turned and you did nothing to hide your enthusiasm. You pressed a kiss to the tip and let your tongue lick at the pre-cum dripping from it. Yoongi grunted and you grinned because it had actually been a long time since you’d had this kind of fun. 
It had been a long time for Yoongi, too, since he’d had his dick in anyone’s mouth. He couldn’t even remember the last time. He’d forgotten the heat of it, the softness and strength of a tongue, the looking down at them looking up. It was frankly criminal, he thought, that you could be so cute with a cock in your mouth. It was every bit as good as he might have dreamt, as hot and wet as he might have imagined. You pushed forward and he could feel the back of your throat, see the tears sparkling in your eyes, caught on your lashes. 
He had to stop looking. He tipped his head back and studied the ceiling. He clenched his fists and tried to slow his breathing down because, god, it had been so long and it was you. It was you and you had kissed him all over and you were looking up at him with wet stars in your eyes and your mouth was doing all that to him and he closed his eyes. Then you moaned with the tip of his cock at the very back of your mouth and he almost lost all control. 
He swore, his throat tight, his thighs twitching. He placed a hand on your head and pushed back your hair, tugging ever so slightly to pull you off him. You wiped your mouth and grinned up at him; it was such a sweet, filthy gesture that he almost came again. 
“You ok?” you asked and Yoongi fell to his knees. He answered with a kiss, licking into your mouth, pulling you against him. 
“Yes,” he answered, mumbled against your lips. “Want to fuck you now.” 
“Yes, please.”  
And it was everything you had wanted. Everything you had forgotten sex could be. Yoongi held you close and fucked you slow and you kissed him and caressed him and the world could have fallen apart outside and you would neither have noticed nor cared.  
There was something tearing inside Yoongi and he didn’t know what to do about it. Because you were holding him tight, pulling him so close to you, kissing him and moaning into his mouth and no one had wanted him this close, this soft, this slow for a long time. Ever. He had tried to pace himself before, tried not to rush through it but it was a blur to him now, the frenzy and the nerves and the uncertainty of it all rendering it choppy and indistinct. Whereas this was full high-definition. This, you, the way you touched him and looked at him, the way you said his name... it was like a dream. Like something he never thought he would have. The luxury of your warm body so close to his; the indulgence of your lips against his and your eyes sparkling like you had never seen a sweeter sight than him. That you wanted him. That you wanted him and let him know it. That you wanted all of him, as you ran your hands down his arms, as you squeezed at his chest and pressed your hand against his back, pulling him closer.  
Because it wasn’t just physical. It wasn’t just the thrust of Yoongi’s hips, his cock buried deep in your wet cunt; it wasn’t just the slap and slick of damp skin and arousal; it wasn’t just the pleasure you felt in your core expanding outwards, the heat in your blood, and tingling in your toes. It was all-encompassing; it was everything. It was this person who knew you, all the bad bits as well as the good, knew you and saw you and held you like you were precious. It was feeling safe and cherished and valued. It was knowing that your feelings were reflected, returned, reciprocated. It was the sweetness of finding someone who lit you up and being able to light them up the same way.  
When you lay, side by side, spent and sated, you felt like you were glowing. You rolled onto your side, into Yoongi, as he rolled into you and you kissed him again, for the hundredth time or thousandth, it still wasn’t enough. 
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You slept soundly, without dreaming, without waking, until the sun was high in the sky again the following morning. You turned onto your back, throwing an arm behind you as you went, expecting it to hit Yoongi next to you.  
But he wasn’t there. You rubbed your face and pushed yourself into a seated position, assuming he was in the bathroom and would return momentarily.  
Then minutes passed and he was nowhere to be seen. You stood and scanned the floor for your underwear. Your dress was already picked up and placed over the back of a chair; Yoongi’s clothes, you could only assume, he had put in the laundry already. Your underwear was not hiding under your dress. You dropped to the floor and onto your hands and knees, to look down under the bed. 
“Aha, what?” 
You hit your hand on the bedframe as you quickly pulled it back and span to face Yoongi, standing in the door with an iced coffee in each hand and a paper bag hanging from his wrist. He looked at you with his eyebrows raised, bemused but charmed. 
You twirled your knickers on one finger.  
“Thought I’d lost them. They were under the bed.” 
Yoongi merely ‘ah’ed and nodded, placing breakfast on the dressing table and swapping his jeans for light pyjama trousers.  
“Did you bring me coffee?” you asked sweetly, knowing the answer. 
“And pastries.”  
You jumped to your feet and gratefully accepted his offerings, taking a long draw from the straw of a coffee so sweet and milky it might as well not be coffee anymore. 
“Do you know how much sugar is in those, by the way?” 
“Yep! That’s why they’re so delicious!” 
“They’ll kill you.” 
You shrugged. 
“Oh well. I died doing what I loved: drinking sugary coffee.” 
Yoongi chuckled and stepped forward until you were within arm's reach. You could feel his hesitation, so you took it from him, stepping into his body and offering him a kiss.  
“Thank you.”  
“Do you want to get back into bed?” 
You couldn’t imagine anything you wanted more.  
You could hear something out in the hall, something maybe like a cat’s purr, but also not a cat’s purr. Some sort of buzzing, intermittent enough that you told yourself you were imagining it at first. But it just kept coming. 
“Do you hear that?” you interrupted Yoongi to ask and you held your hand up for silence as you listened for it.  
A jarring, quiet kind of noise.  
“Sounds like a phone vibrating,” Yoongi offered.  
“Oh fuck!” 
You scrambled, ungracefully, out of bed, still in just your knickers, and found your phone, buzzing against your keys, half falling out of your bag.  
“Hi, baby!” you greeted, overly cheerful because you hadn’t checked the time and you were almost certain he was calling because you were late. 
You had planned to have brunch and a debrief. You had forgotten all about it. 
“When are you coming home? I’m bored.” 
You pulled your phone away from your ear and, upon noting the time, realised that you weren’t late at all. Not even close. 
“What do you want, Teddy? I’m seeing you later.” 
“I know, but I’m bored now and you’re a dirty, little stop-out.” 
“Entertain yourself! I’ll be home when I’m home. I'm not leaving now just because you’re bored.” 
He sighed dramatically at the other end of the line. 
“So I suppose it’s love, then, is it?” 
The word made your heart skip a beat and you didn’t turn around, just in case Yoongi was looking at you.  
“You sicken me.” 
“Fuck off. You’re happy for me.” 
“Yes, I am, babygirl. I’m very happy for you but I’m also very lonely and bored. Can’t you just come home a bit early? Yoongi will still be there tomorrow but I am fading away by the second.” 
“Dying from lack of attention?” 
“I’ll be home when I’m home, Teddybear. Try to make it until then.” 
“Alright, but you’ll be sorry when I'm gone.” 
“Extremely. Now leave me alone!” 
He heaved another dramatic sigh before hanging up and you skipped back to the bedroom. 
“Everything ok?” Yoongi asked as you settled back in his arms. 
“Teddy’s being needy.” 
“Do you need to go?” 
“Absolutely not!” You snuggled in tighter and pressed your lips to his chest. “Not until the very last minute, please.” 
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Love. You thought about the word when you left Yoongi’s apartment very late that morning. You wanted to say it then and there, tell him, but it felt like a lot. It felt like your usual Too Muchness coming back. You had only been on one date. It was a lot of pressure to put on a person and you didn’t want to pressure Yoongi. You didn’t want to push him. You didn’t want to take control and careen this fledging thing straight into a ravine.  
It felt natural. It felt easy. It felt like everything you had wanted. It felt so right that it was maddening to you that it had taken you so long to see it. But you also understood that that had to happen. The time it took you to see Yoongi like you did now was time you spent getting things wrong and hurting and healing the wrong way and then the right way and you knew that this, this happiness you had that made you glow, that made your steps feel light, it was a result of that time, that patience. So you didn’t want to rush. Didn't want to push. You would still love him tomorrow. And the day after that and the day after that and on and on and on. It could wait. 
Until six days later, when you were sitting on the subway on your way home from work and you snapped. You didn’t want it to wait. You wanted to tell him. And you knew you could. You could say it and he could not and you would survive that. You would understand. And it wouldn’t matter because you knew he was in this, knew he would get there if he wasn’t there already. You chided yourself for waiting at all, because love should never have to wait. Love should be shouted from the rooftops, shouldn’t it? 
So you got off at a different stop and changed lines and you walked as fast as you could to Yoongi’s building and you let yourself in. 
“Babe!” you cried as you hastily kicked off your shoes and rounded the corner into the kitchen, a little out of breath. 
“Are you ok?”  
Yoongi had his apron on, a knife in his hands, vegetables on the chopping board in front of him and it was so sweet, so domestic, a perfect vision of everything you wanted. He was looking at you with concern, as well he might, given you had just burst in, unannounced, in all kinds of a fluster. 
You nodded. 
“Yeah,” you panted. “I just had to tell you. I love you.” You moved closer to him; he put the knife down and wiped his hands on his apron and you held tight to it. “I love you. As in, I am in love with you. I love you so much. And I know, I know, it’s been no time at all and it’s too soon and it’s too quick and you don’t have to say it and I don’t want to put any pressure on but I just want to tell you. I have wanted to tell you and I wasn’t going to because- because all of the above! But I love you and I want you to know that I love you. I’m in love with you, Min Yoongi.”  
He blinked a little and then a bit more. 
He sounded surprised and you laughed because you were nervous and because you felt giddy and silly and so in fucking love. You tugged him closer with his apron and kissed him, firmly at first, then softer when he kissed you back and rested his hands on your hips.  
“I love you.” 
He said it quietly, his mouth still close enough to yours that you could feel his lips move with the words. You laughed again and kissed him again and whispered it back to him.  
“I love you.” 
Chapter Fourteen | Masterlist | Bonus Drabble 1
Taglist: @chimmisbae, @idkjustlovingbts @miriamxsworld, @tarahardcore, @simp47koreancrackheads, @xyahrinx, @olyd, @diorh0seokie, @thelilbutifulthings, @acquiescence804 
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andy-wm · 3 months
hey andy, loving your posts recently; was wondering what your take is on why jikook chose to film their trip and share it with fans instead of just traveling on their own? any thoughts?
Hey Anon, thanks for the ask and your kind words :)
I have a few thoughts on this actually!
After a conversation with my semi-ARMY, BTS loving, ride or die Jikooker (with caveats) bestie (yes, it's complicated but I fully support their right to choose a safe place in (or not in) this fandom that serves them as an individual 💜), I took a moment to think about how often Jimin and JK get to spend time together.
(Tldr: not often, so they take what they can get)
I think their choice to share their trips with us hinges around a few things -
Contracts, MS rules, group hiatus, ARMY, schedules, and (hopefully) themselves.
BTS renewed their contracts not too long ago and those contracts would have specified certain obligations and opportunities for each member, in line with the planned group hiatus and MS.
It looks like, with the new contracts, they all signed up for heaps of individual projects. Everyone seems to be doing at least one album, a live performance, a documentary, a guest appearance/collab, an episodic format media project, and perhaps some sort of idol-ajacent work like endorsements (or maybe in Joonie's case the MOMA docent recording.)
I assume this series is their combined episodic media project box being ticked.
Why would they choose this and not a series like Jinny's Kitchen, or Suchwita?
Working independently on their own projects for the previous year would have meant their schedules didn't necessarily align too often. Although I have no doubt they would have made time to see and support each other (Jimin going to Qatar as an example), it would have been hard to be apart when they're so used to being together.
Seeing that they had the option to take a sanctioned trip together as a couple best friends, it makes sense that they did that instead of filming a scripted /directed program in a studio with other random cast members and more schedules to try and work around.
In all honesty, the likelihood of them getting the chance to get away together on a personal trip would have been slim, i think. No time for that!
Assuming I'm right about the contracts, if they didn't take this opportunity, they would both have been involved in other projects to meet their obligations. More schedules, more time apart, more energy spent interacting with random strangers (we know they don't love that).
Three trips away together! What a boon!
And all they need to do is be themselves.
They have done so many similar projects - Now series, Bon Voyage, ITS, and even JK's GCFs... This is relatively easy for them. Plus it's a 'tried and trusted' format that ARMY loves.
And they're so used to having cameras around them, and they know the staff so well, that i don't think the presence of a film/support crew would have significantly detracted from the fun they had.
The time they spent together would have been a blessing, especially before they knew the were successful in the companion bid. And speaking of that, they could not have had these trips unless they were work-related due to MS regulations.
They still have this bizarre idea we might forget them. Hilarious, right?
We all know that the reasons they do these programs are first financial (keep those army dollars rolling in) and second, fan engagement.
Reality type shows are the best for an authentic connection to these guys, and we love that. We don't need much more than them being and doing and exisiting, for us to be happy.
Just quietly, I dont think Hybe really realise how easy we are. I'd watch jimin scroll on his phone and occasionally laugh, or yawn, or eat a snack, and I'd find it endearing and a worthwhile use of my time.
In summary, this series is a gift for us, and easy money for Hybe, its a win-win.
And if Jimin and JK have fun and get time together, its a win for everyone.
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
Azula's Strong Emotional Empathy Skills
Often times, people assume that Azula is bad at empathy, or at least emotional empathy. However, I would dispute that, and argue that her compassionate empathy skills in particular are actually extremely strong and off the chart, at least when it involves someone she cares about.
ATLA gives several examples of Azula showing off her empathy skills. The first comes in "The Crossroads of Destiny":
Azula: We've done it, Zuko. It's taken a hundred years, but the Fire Nation has conquered Ba Sing Se. Zuko: I betrayed Uncle. Azula: No, he betrayed you. [She stands up from the throne.] Zuko, when you return home, Father will welcome you as a war hero. Zuko: But I don't have the Avatar. What if Father doesn't restore my honor? Azula: He doesn't need to, Zuko. [She puts a hand on Zuko's shoulder.] Today, you restored your own honor.
She notices Zuko is uneasy, and does a pretty good, if not entirely successful job trying to reassure him and make him feel better.
Next we come to "The Awakening":
[Meanwhile, back at the Fire Nation Capital, Zuko feeds turtle ducks in a lake with some bread. Azula joins him.] Azula: You seem so downcast. Has Mai gotten to you already? Though actually, Mai has been in a strangely good mood lately. Zuko: I haven't seen Dad yet. I haven't seen him in three years, since I was banished. Azula: So what? Zuko: So, I didn't capture the Avatar. Azula: Who cares? The Avatar is dead … [Zuko looks away.] unless you think he somehow miraculously survived.
It's easy to miss out on this with where the scene ends up going, but what's actually the inciting reason for the scene to happen in the first place is that Azula knows Zuko is out of sorts, and wants to reassure him. She knows exactly where he is likely to go when he's sad or anxious, the turtleduck ponds which reminds him of Ursa, and easily finds him there. However, in her attempts to reassure him, she begins to suspect that he's hiding something from her, and the scene gets derailed.
Next up is "The Beach":
Zuko: [Cut to closer view of Zuko and Mai. Angrily.] Doing nothing is a waste of time. [Rises from his seat next to Mai.] We're being sent away on a forced vacation. [Walks over and grips the railing of the boat.] I feel like a child. Azula: [Frontal view.] Lighten up. So Dad wants to meet with his advisors alone, without anyone else around. Don't take it personally.
Azula instantly tries to reassure Zuko here, although she's less skillful about it than in some other cases.
Next up is the famous "Azula apologizes to Ty Lee" scene. As I've argued elsewhere, Azula is very skillful in comforting Ty Lee there. She knows exactly what she needs to say and do to make Ty Lee feel better.
Then, after Zuko gets kicked out of the party, we get this scene
Azula: I thought I'd find you here. Zuko: [Side-view.] Those summers we spent here seem so long ago. So much has changed. Azula: Come down to the beach with me. Come on. This place is depressing.
Azula's empathy is really impressive here. She apparently not only realized that Zuko would end up in a bad funk and cared enough to do something about it, but she also knew exactly where he would go in his depressed emotional state.
We then have the famous "fireside" scene. Azula isn't always the nicest person here, but her ability to understand the emotions of others is on full display:
Zuko: [Turning around.] For so long I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. I'm back home now, my dad talks to me. Ha! He even thinks I'm a hero. [Close-up of Azula, who smiles.] Everything should be perfect, right? [Aerial view of campsite.] I should be happy now, but I'm not. [Turning back to the others.] I'm angrier than ever and I don't know why!
Azula:[Frontal view.] There's a simple question you need to answer, then. Who are you angry at? Zuko: [Close-up.] No one. I'm just angry. Mai [Side-view of the three girls.] Yeah, who are you angry at, Zuko? Zuko: [Close-up.] Everyone. I don't know. [Becoming frustrated.] Azula: [Frontal view.] Is it Dad? Zuko: [Close-up.] No, no. Ty Lee: [Frontal view.] Your uncle? Azula: Me? Zuko: [Close-up.] No, no, n-no, no! Mai: [Close-up.] Then who? Who are you angry at? Azula: [Camera pans left, past Ty Lee, to Azula.] Answer the question, Zuko. Ty Lee: [Close-up.] Talk to us. Mai: [Extreme close-up.] Come on, answer the question. Azula: Come on, answer it.
Finally, we have this scene from Nightmares and Daydreams:
Azula: Hello, Zuzu. If you've come for a royal hair-combing, I'm afraid you'll have to wait. Zuko: So I guess there's a big war meeting coming up, huh? And apparently I'm not welcome there. Azula: What do you mean? Of course you're welcome there! Zuko: Oh, yeah?! I guess that's why no one bothered to tell me about it! Azula: Oh, Zuko. Don't be so dramatic. I'm certain Dad wants you there. You probably just weren't invited because it's so obvious you're supposed to be there. Zuko: Well, were you invited? Azula: Of course! I'm the princess. Zuko: And I'm the prince! Azula: Exactly, so stop acting like a paranoid child! Just go to the meeting. Zuko: Forget it! I'm not going!
Although Azula instantly moves to try to comfort Zuko, this is in many ways her least successful scene. She struggles to contain her frustration with Zuko's behavior.
Still, overall Azula displays an impressive record, and shows very strong compassionate empathy skills. However, it's only toward the people she's close to, as she has no reason to display them toward enemies.
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rainbowsky · 6 months
Hi rainbowsky! I'm a new-ish (autumn 2023) Yizhan fan - it's been so much fun to explore and read everything available, your blog included! I really enjoy your opinions and insights. I have a question and a request. Question: When CQL first started airing, what were people saying about the relationship between WWX and LZ in the show, and about the actors playing them? Did the CP start right away? Request: Then later on, when the BTS started appearing (when was that - after the show finished airing, right?), what were people saying about the real interactions between the two actors? Were people shocked? Amazed? Even more curious? I can imagine social media was on fire! But I'd like to hear from someone who "lived" through it in real time. Please give me a description of what it was like - especially what your thoughts and feeling were as you saw it happening. I wish I could have been there! Thank you!
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Hi Blbrave! Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog!
This is all a very, very long time ago, but I'll do my best to share what I can remember.
Actually, the CP started before the show began airing. The supertopics were opened during filming in 2018. I think this was inevitable, given that the series is based on a BL story. Of course fans of the novel will go into all of this with an eye toward the two characters and, by extension, GG and DD.
Similarly, as the show was airing of course there were a large number of viewers who knew it was a BL and viewed it as a BL at that time, even though it was being billed as a martial brotherhood series. There was a lot of analysis from fans trying to spot various ways that the production team managed to get around censorship and signal the queer romance between WWX and LWJ.
Others have done far better, more comprehensive analysis of all that than I could ever do, but it's so long ago I don't know where those posts might have gone. Some of this was discussed in my post about queerbaiting, so you can look there for more info.
As I said in that post, one of their smartest ways of highlighting the queer relationship was to downplay romance between the straight characters. We never see a straight couple doing something that we don’t also see LWJ and WWX doing. Yanli's wedding happens off camera, yet we see LWJ and WWX do their bows on camera. There’s never a kiss or any kind of PDA between straight characters, yet we see LWJ and WWX in each other’s arms throughout the series.
We got a gay kiss:
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We got gay sex:
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There was also the headband repeatedly being described as the domain of only family and spouses, and the various ways they connected it with WWX. WWX grabbing it when he was possessing the paperman, and also at one point being tied to LWJ by the wrist with the headband - all of this signalling that WWX was a spousal figure for LWJ.
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There was the drunk scene with LWJ giving WWX chickens (a wedding tradition in China).
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And many more examples I won't get into.
There were many of those types of things in the series, and they were discussed enthusiastically at the time. However, I don't think there were many bystanders who made those connections. It was primarily fans of the books/show (i.e. those who appreciated it as a BL story and not as a bromance/friendship story) who saw and discussed those hints.
I know the idea that anyone could be so oblivious to the gay subtext throughout the story that they miss the queerness entirely is hard to get one's head around, but straight viewers usually just see WWX and LWJ as best friends and sworn martial brothers. The show could never have been made or aired if that wasn't the case.
In fact, newer fans might not be aware that there was a lot of controversy during filming because of leaked early attempts to create a straight romance between Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing. Some relationship-building scenes between them were filmed, and at one point in the BTS GG is heard complaining about the straight romance and saying that all those scenes should be deleted.
In the production team's defense, there was doubt at the time about whether the show could air given its source material as a BL novel. They likely had investors and backers pressuring them to make sure that the story was unambiguously straight.
Fans of the novel made a massive uproar about it, threatening to boycott the series. The backlash was so extreme that it became a bigger threat to the success of the show, and the straight romance was killed. We all owe a lot to those agitators! 😅
The BTS clips were first discussed in an Untamed press conference (that section of the interview starts at around 36:30). The producer said that in the future some of the behind-the-scenes moments would be shared. GG and DD exchanged a glance and looked extremely uncomfortable with it.
A lot of turtles find that clip funny, and laugh about what GG and DD might 'have to hide', but I have never understood how fans can find GG and DD's discomfort funny.
It might surprise some newer turtles to hear that there were moments where GG and DD appeared to be uncomfortable with the BTS, but there were.
Another moment happened in an interview where GG and DD were asked to explain a BTS scene of the two of them in the boat, where GG is lying in DD's lap. DD turns to the interviewer with a shocked and displeased look on his face and says, "They released this?"
There were other moments as well, but I haven't kept a comprehensive record of all that. This happened long before I clued in on how quickly clips can disappear in this fandom.
I believe that it is totally normal to have mixed feelings about the BTS, and I believe GG and DD are no exception to that. No doubt they enjoy some of the clips and feel uncomfortable about some of them, just like many turtles (myself included).
There were official BTS clips released during promo, but the unofficial BTS clips didn't come until later. I talked in more detail about the unofficial BTS and how they came to be released here.
The unofficial clips began being released by fansites in the fall of 2020. It would be hard to overstate how different the atmosphere around them was to what it is now. Now it's quite common to find BTS clips all over the place, both in C-social media and on international sites like YouTube and Instagram.
However, back in 2020 they were extremely hard to get ahold of, and sharing them outside of where they were initially released was strictly forbidden and frowned upon by fans. In fact, if you dig back through my 2020 posts I'm sure you'll find many posts where I admonish people not to share the BTS clips, and where I bitch about people sharing them without authorization. I also answered a lot of asks about these issues at the time (just one example).
Times have changed a lot, and now everyone is sharing them all very freely without any concerns.
The situation was a lot different back then:
GG and DD had gained a tremendous amount of popularity from the show, but their reputations and careers were not yet fully established and secure.
227 was still an active concern that was still making news and still impacting GG's life directly. He had not yet recovered from any of it and was still mostly lying low. He was constantly being attacked and antis were constantly out to get him.
The Untamed was still fresh and current, and being discussed regularly in the media. Because filming was still fairly recent, what happened during filming would still run the risk of impacting GG and DD's lives and careers.
Fans were coming under very close scrutiny because of 227 and other fandom-related scandals. The government was starting to crack down heavily on fandom culture.
This was all uncharted territory. No one knew how the BTS might be received, or how it might impact GG and DD. Fans were very freaked out about the possibility of anything compromising getting leaked and harming the boys.
No doubt fansites were also worried about how fans might respond to some of the releases, and wanted to ensure they didn't upset or anger fans, or stir up more excitement than could be safely contained within the fandom.
All of this contributed to a climate of extreme caution and secrecy around the release of BTS clips.
We never knew when one might be released, and when they were released they were typically only put online for a few minutes, then deleted. This was all done in an effort to limit the exposure of these clips primarily to turtles who have GGDD's best interests in mind.
The clips were heavily watermarked and overlaid with visual and audio curses that 'reuploaders must die!' ('banyun biss', which I'm sure most of you have encountered in some of the clips you've seen).
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Early clips were heavily watermarked.
Those who missed out were out of luck. It was extremely socially unacceptable to re-share clips once they'd been deleted. Those who missed out would have to rely on recaps and transcripts from those who had seen the clips. Fans took to staying up all hours watching and waiting for a release.
Back in those days people tried to save every clip they could, hoarding them greedily. Turtles' phones were filling up with large video files. It's funny to think about now, because the clips are everywhere and so easy to find these days, but back then it was a whole Thing.
The initial releases were sporadic and quite tame as fansites dipped their toes in the water of how all this would be received. Gradually over time clips became more frequent and stayed up longer, and some of the more salacious stuff began being released. Those clips were often accompanied by hilarious intro images.
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(For those who don't get it, it's the PornHub logo).
Of course all of the clips were heavily discussed as they came out, and a clearer picture of GG and DD's relationship and of their experience of filming began to take shape over time. Some of the fake rumors (such as the 49 fake candies and the CPN that GG designed a racing suit for DD) were gradually proved to be true as these clips were released. However, that was mostly confined to fandom circles.
There were occasionally times when these clips or their content would cross over into the mainstream and start trending on Weibo. In many of those cases, the hotsearches would be bought and pushed by antis of GG and DD who want to see them cancelled. At those times turtles would jump into action to wash those topics and replace them with mundane, unrelated content.
There were fan theories and fake rumors about GG and DD's reaction to the clips. Sometimes when new clips were released GG and DD would be seen online and turtles assumed they were watching them. Of course, considering the clips featured them, it's highly likely that they did eagerly await releases just like the rest of us.
I suspect that it was likely a mixed bag for them. Some clips might have really stressed them out either upon initial release or after reactions began to emerge, while others likely made them laugh and feel nostalgic about filming.
A large percentage of BXG light banners and slogans came directly out of the BTS, some of which you can see GG and DD discussing in LRLG rumors.
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Dumplings, rice noodles, 3+2 biscuits (cr @knivescharade in this post), discussed in this LRLG rumor.
There were definitely a few scandals and close calls that came out of the unofficial BTS, and solos and antis frequently tried to use them against GG and DD and tried to spin negative narratives about their relationship using disingenuous takes and edits of them (they still do to this day).
For example, the clip where GG tells DD that he prefers a natural look to idol makeup was used against GG at the time, and antis tried to make it seem like GG was homophobic and that GG was against men wearing makeup. Some of the clips where they were playfighting or bickering were used to try to create a narrative that they hated each other. That kind of thing.
BTS and fan service
One of the most common questions I've gotten about the BTS - and I still often get this question - is, "Aren't the BTS just acted out/scripted as fan service to promote the show?"
There are a few reasons people have this question in their minds.
Solos #1 narrative about GGDD is that their CP was just for the show and the BTS was all fan service, and nothing about their relationship is real. They push this claim very aggressively on social media anytime GGDD or The Untamed is discussed, and new fans will almost always encounter those claims in this way.
CP fan service is a normal part of how dramas are promoted, so people familiar with Asian dramas will often immediately jump to that assumption about GG and DD and about the BTS.
Heteronormativity leads many people to immediately dismiss the possibility of a gay relationship, which leads them to try to come up with other explanations for those clips.
People naturally have a hard time believing what they're seeing with some of those clips. Some of it is pretty jaw-dropping and it's understandable that some people will be skeptical.
However, there are a lot of really good reasons why these clips are obviously not fan service.
For one thing, the show was billed as a martial brotherhood, not as a romance. Some of the official BTS clearly did try to appeal to CP and MDZS fans and could be counted as fan service, but those weren't even the ones BXG are most excited about. (There is a playlist of some of the official BTS clips here).
The most exciting stuff was never released during promo, and almost none of it is overtly romantic. A lot of it is really crude and totally unreleasable as promo. GG and DD are lewd, crude and often rude in ways that only two people who are really close could ever get away with. In many cases it's the casual way GG and DD constantly cross polite social boundaries with each other that shows their intimacy, rather than anything overtly sweet or romantic.
A lot of it is also totally incomprehensible to regular audiences. You have to be a turtle digging deeply into GGDD to understand the significance of most of it. For example the way GG took care of DD on his birthday, or the way DD constantly bargained and haggled with GG to get him to eat more.
Most importantly, if it was all fan service then why did GG and DD never do any joint CP endorsements? The entire point of doing that type of fan service is to make a buck. Other drama CP - including BL - do this all the time.
And it doesn't make sense that a production that was as low budget as The Untamed could afford to have the two lead actors learn a whole second set of lines and do a whole second performance that never ended up getting released.
And of course, none of that explains why the bulk of the BTS clips ended up in the hands of fans and released years after the show finished airing. A lot of it still has never been released to this day.
I've often joked that if the BTS were scripted they were far more complex, more melodramatic and better written than the drama itself. You just can't come up with this stuff in a writer's room. 😅
Anyway, this post got a bit long but hopefully it gives you a bit more of a picture of what it was all like at the time. Sorry, I guess I didn't talk much about my own feelings/reactions, but hopefully you can get somewhat of a sense.
Overall it was exciting, but I also had some deep reservations about it all (and got a lot of hate mail for voicing those feelings, too). Keep in mind this wasn't long after 227, so I think it's understandable that I was feeling very wary about everything.
But that's all water under the bridge now. It's been many years, and if the BTS were going to harm GGDD it would have already happened. I think it's all pretty safe territory now.
Edit: some more of my thoughts and feelings at the time:
One of the most exciting things for me about the BTS clips was seeing so many of the fake rumors being proved true. There were a lot of rumors (including the 49 fake candies) that I totally scoffed at when I first heard about them, only to later find via the BTS clips that I had been totally wrong about them and that these things had actually happened, and even crazier things were gradually revealed.
Things were changing pretty rapidly for a while there now that I think about it.
Learning more about their relationship and seeing just how much they looked out for each other was another big one for me. Also the timeline. The BTS really reinforced my belief in The Devil's Timeline (the belief that they got together prior to filming).
But overall that was a very different time in the fandom as well. There were always so many candies coming out, not just BTS clips but things that came out of GG and DD's activities and social media posts. It was a really really busy time in the fandom.
Since then there has been a government crackdown on fandom culture, on the entertainment industry, on LGBTQ etc. in China, plus DD's split with Nike and him having to delete a lot of his GG candy posts from his Weibo account.
Things are so different now, and unfortunately a lot of it for the worse. Being a turtle is not always easy, and I'm sure being GG and DD can't always be easy either. We make it work, but I do sometimes look back wistfully on the freer, more exciting times in the fandom.
More such times could come in the future. We just have to keep moving forward and hope for the best.
Somewhat related: I did a semi-comprehensive post about GG and DD's reaction to turtles here.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: The well deserved happy ending Javi and his beautiful wife waited for so long
• You can catch up on the rest of this wonderful story on my MASTERLIST
Warnings: fluff, happiness, happy ending and I don't wanna say anything else not to spoil it ❤️
A/N: I never thought I'd bring myself to actually finish this story, just like the rest of my series, it was meant to be a one shot nineteen chapters ago and it evolved into this beautiful romance ❤️‍🔥 I know it's just fiction but it felt so real sometimes when I was writing, there were times I was so deep into the story it felt Javi was right there talking to me, as I already told you, countless times I ended up writing my own name instead of Y/N because I was so deep into it and I thank you all for supporting me, for reading, liking, reblogging and commenting this story, if it weren't for you, this story wouldn't exist ❤️
4k words
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It didn't matter to you if you were walking around the house with your hair and makeup done but still wearing a dress gown that covered your white lingerie before you could actually put on your wedding dress. Your heart was hammering your chest, making your breathing uneven and your anxiety kicking you in the ribs at every passing minute, you just needed to find Javi, your Javi, your soon-to-be husband Javi, because in just a matter of hours, you would get married, your dream would finally come true and after battling so long for your happiness, building up your relationship, and against all odds you and Javi were about to have your happy ending.
You knew a lot of people betted against the two of you; they were just so sure things wouldn't work out, and that you and Javier were bound to break up, they assumed he would fail you, he would just break your heart, take you for granted or cheat on you, and that couldn't be further from the truth, as Javier took care of you as if you were the most precious stone he'd ever seen. He was just hopelessly in love with you and there was nothing he could do. It was simply love at its purest form, and even if it came later into his life, making Javi think during countless nights he wasn't worthy of loving, of having a family, there it was, simply and wholeheartedly, meant to be with the girl of his dreams.
You still had a few hours until the wedding, as the bride you had to start getting ready early, but you needed to see Javier, even if he was busy, or if he was getting ready himself, you didn't know, you'd been separated from him when you woke up, under the excuse he couldn't see you before the ceremony, as it would be a sign of bad luck, though you didn't really care nor believe those popular myths, nothing could ruin your day.
Still, you needed to get to Javi, it was just a real necessity to see him, to look into his eyes, kiss his lips and tell him what you needed to tell him before you two tied the knot, you didn't care if your clothes weren't adequate, - if you could call them clothes at all, it was just a simple gown covering you barely, but you crossed the house, not caring if there was anyone else there.
"What are you doing, mijita?" Chucho frowned softly as he spotted you and placed his hand on his hips, he'd just left his room, the one Javier was using to get ready, just to check up on his son and see if he was really going all the way, after all, even if Chucho believed his son was really a happy man now, he still thought it was better be safe than sorry, not giving the destiny any chances of repeating itself.
"I need to talk to Javi, don Chucho, please… is he here?" You asked him, smiling nervously at him and that poor old man's heart couldn't take it. He loved you like a daughter already and he knew how happy you made his son, so he only nodded and pointed at the door, "go ahead mijita, he's as nervous as you are" the man who treated you like a father would cleared his throat and walked away, wanting to give you two privacy to talk - or do whatever that dirty mind of his son had planned.
You knocked on the door so Javi wouldn't be startled once you opened it, and with no more waiting you got inside. Your heart raced and you could swear you fell in love all over again with Javier. He was just so effortlessly handsome as he checked himself in front of the mirror, his jacket suit was still open, allowing anyone to take a good look at his silky white shirt. His tie lying on the bed as if he'd just discarded it, Javi had just shaved that morning, his cheeks were smooth and soft as his mustache was meticulously trimmed, he'd brushed his hair as well, wanting to look his best for you. He also knew there would be a crowd of people watching him, well, the two of you really, but the main focus was him, because their money would certainly be on Javier not showing up for his wedding again. At first he thought he would like to show them how wrong they were, rub on their faces that Javier Peña was a reliable, responsible man, not only that, he was a family man, the kind of man to have a loving wife and build a beautiful family with their lovely kids, but as the days went by and the wedding date got just around the corner, he realized none of that mattered to him; he didn't give a rat's ass if people from town, Lorraine, or even his dad believed he was capable of settling down or not, because the only thing that mattered to him was you. You were the one Javi wanted to please, to impress and to hold on to forever, you were the love of his life and he was the love of your life and the thought of spending the rest of his days with you was enough to bring peace into his heart. So at the end of day, he didn't care what people thought or said, he cared about you, about the family you would have together and about having the perfect wedding in order to make you happy.
"Javi?" You asked, snapping him out of his daydreams and immediately turned to you. He wasn't expecting seeing you before the ceremony but smiled as you walked to him, sensing something was off, as you rushed to him, wrapping your arms as tight as you could around his body and buried your face into his chest.
"Hey hermosa, did something happen?" Javi asked with a bit of worry as he felt you clinging to his shirt, the way you sniffed and looked up at him with your teary eyes. You shook your head, you didn't want to scare him or bother him at all just because you were anxious. He held your head gently between his hands, holding you in place and analyzing your makeup, how beautiful you looked
"You're gorgeous, you know that? I love your makeup, and your hair is looking very nice too, even if you don't have your dress on, I could marry you just know, because you're perfect" he smiled and took your hand, humming in approval as he saw you had your nails painted red, despite everyone else saying it should be white, you just ignored them and went with your future husband's favorite color "rojo te sale tan bien, mi amor" he took your hand to his mouth, kissing it very gently, like the gentleman he was.
"I'm sorry Javi, I was feeling so anxious, I have something to say…" you took a deep breath and stared into his beautiful brown eyes, the most beautiful pair you'd ever seen, because they belonged to him and you loved everything that had to do with your Javi.
"Go ahead cariño, tell me anything you want, except if it's to tell me you don't wanna marry me anymore, that I don't wanna hear it" he joked softly and pecked your lips once more, dragging his lips to your law and going down your neck. You groaned, he wasn't playing fair with you and he knew it. He was your weakness and you did take a risk by showing up in front of him with very little clothing and yet all dolled up for him, but you ached for him, for his presence and reassurance, maybe not in a sexual way, not at that moment at least, but you still needed him close. You opened your eyes again and your hands went to the side of his head, fingers sinking into his soft hair, feeling his scalp and massaging it, loving that feeling, not caring if Javi would have to fix his hair again, it didn't matter to you and it didn't matter to him either, because nothing was better than that affection. He closed his eyes and purred at how you played with his hair, his hands were tighter on your waist and sat onto the bed, pulling you to him and having you on his lap. He held you as if his life depended on it, resting his face on your chest and listening to your heartbeat, closing his eyes as he was taken back to Colombia and the night he got badly beat up and you took care of him, even after he was awful to you, after he was petty, rude, jealous and bitter all of that towards you, you still offered him love, comfort and warmth.
He didn't deserve you, and yet, he was gifted you. Something he would never understand, how good things happen to men like Javier, but he wasn't going to complain, quite the opposite, he was going to get on his knees and thank the heavens every single day of the rest of his life. He thought of that night in Colombia and how it changed your lives forever. Back then, you were dating Manu, and Javi had been connected with Los Pepes, after going out looking for trouble because he couldn't control his jealousy of you, he came back home bruised and bleeding, and you sat on his lap and wiped off the blood patiently, devotedly and if he weren't in love with you then, he would've fallen head over heels, but after that night, the way you simply held him, gave him love and comfort, without asking anything in return just made him love you even more. At that night, he allowed himself to dream of a future with you for the first time, he dreamed of you and him, back on the ranch, living a married life and having a family together and now that things were finally happening, he wanted to just hold you and cherish you forever, the same Javier that once thought the domesticity of a relationship just wasn't for him, now realized he couldn't live without it.
He chuckled at how things changed and you frowned, snapping out of your own thoughts and looked at him, he nuzzled your chest like a cat, you loved that about Javier, how he responded to touch and how he couldn't stay away from touching you.
"What's so funny Javi?" You questioned him and felt as he shrugged
"I was just thinking of that night in Colombia, when I asked you to sit on my lap and how hard I fell for you, even more than I had before, because you were so perfect to me and I said I want to have a family with you and you told me it was my fever talking" he laughed "I'm glad you saw I meant well" he said and kissed your cleavage gently, his arms wrapped a little more around you, showing how much he enjoyed having you in his embrace.
"I'm glad you're here, cariño" his strong hand held your neck gently as he kissed your lips
"I'm glad the two of you are here" his hand ran down your chest and rested on your belly, as you gasped and looked at him with anxiety and surprise. How could he even know?
"How?" You whispered and Javi smiled big at you "I saw the test in the trash can yesterday, amor… I was waiting for you to tell me, but you didn't so I waited" he caressed your womb gently "besides, I noticed your changes, I've had for a while now… your nausea, how emotional you are when we watch TV, and this baby girl…" Javi whispered against your lips as his hands went for your breasts, squeezing them so gently, making you moan softly at his touch "... Do you really think I wouldn't notice your beautiful sexy tits being fuller and more sensitive baby?" Javi purred against your skin "you know me" he said looking deeply into your eyes.
"I was scared, Javi… we are going to get married and I was hoping we would enjoy our married life before having the baby, bu-"
And Javi kissed you again, he wanted to shut your pretty mouth so you wouldn't overthink and worry about things, so the best way to do so was by tasting your lips, breaking the kiss only when he saw you'd calmed down a bit.
"Listen… things are perfect the way they are, we're getting married and our beautiful baby Peña is already here, there's nothing else I could ask for, I have a loving wife and a baby on the way, it's much more than I deserve it, but here it is and I couldn't be happier… are you happy, hermosa?"
"Yes, Javi…" you whispered "then let's get married, baby girl"
You had returned to your room to finish getting ready while Javi stayed behind, there wasn't a lot he had to do to get ready as men usually had only to shower and show up to these kinds of celebrations. He knew his dad was busy welcoming the guests and checking on everything the catering people were setting, and there was no way he could knock on your door and ask to hang out. He sighed as a lot was on his mind, how you two would be an official couple in a matter of hours and you'd take his name, becoming officially Mrs.Peña and how in nine months you would have a baby, your kid, in your arms. It was too much for Javi, but in a good sense, he couldn't wait to finally do all those things, but he would be lying if at that moment he wasn't feeling slightly nervous.
"Ready to tie the knot Javi? Honestly, I didn't think I'd live long enough to see that happening…" Steve took off his aviators as he walked towards his friend and chuckled at Javi's surprised face, giving him a hug "what? Someone had to make sure you wouldn't escape your own wedding this time" Steve winked and Javi groaned, giving him the finger but tiny arms wrapped around his leg, making him look down, as Olivia smiled big at him, with her sweet face
"Avi!!!" She said excitedly still having a hard time pronouncing his name but being so happy to be picked and lifted her up, she giggled as Javier tickled her small tummy gently and his heart raced to think in a short while his very own little one would be able to run around and play with Olivia.
"Where's your beautiful mama?" Javi asked and Steve chuckled "she's helping your girl get into her wedding dress because apparently these are tricky as hell to put on" he explained "now come on, it's time for you to get married" he said.
Javi had faced drug dealers, murderers, psychopaths, and all kinds of criminals one could think of, he'd been inches from them, interrogating those types in a small room in a police station, but none of them made him sweat with nervousness as having to walk down the aisle and wait for you there, at the altar. He looked at his side, where he saw Steve standing up, nodding at him softly, reminding him everything was going to be okay. Javi watched the guests, recognizing many faces all over the rows, he could swear most of them were whispering about him under their breaths. Well, at least they could see Javier Peña wasn't leaving anyone at the altar anymore, if anything, you would be the one who would get the chance to leave the infamous Javier Peña at the altar.
He chuckled at his own nonsense and looked down at his shoes, the waiting was killing him.
And then, a song started playing and he could swear his heart skipped a beat. He immediately raised his head and licked his lips, seeing you from afar, his dad offering you his arm so you would walk down the aisle with him, as your family wasn't around, Chucho decided to step in and walk you to your husband, so proud and happy to see you and Javi were finally staying together.
And the moment you walked closer and Javi could see you in your wedding dress, he was head over heels for you, all over again, and he knew he would continue to do so for the rest of his life. You were gorgeous, flawless in your dress, and all the wait made perfect sense, it all led to that moment, it was meant to be.
When you got to the altar, Javi extended his hand to you, taking it and pulling you closer, stealing a peck on the lips before you two turned to the priest who agreed to bless your wedding - after a lot of Chucho's persuasion.
And after a brief ceremony, you and Javi got married in the green fields of your ranch, among family and friends, after fighting a lot for your love, you were wholeheartedly his, his wife, the mother of his baby and officially Y/N Peña.
And just as that night in Colombia when you two had your first fight and he stormed out, and when he returned, he fell onto his knees for you because he said he was 'a perro a tus pies', he got on his knees again, not giving one crap if it was in front of dozens of guests, he wrapped his arms around your body and kissed your womb, so there wasn't any doubt to anyone that Javier Peña was officially a family man.
The months passed by faster than you ever thought they would, as your belly grew bigger and bigger, and your baby evolved healthy and strong, you were also surrounded by love. Chucho was all the time around you, so excited about his grandkid, he very often interrupted his work to check on you, ask if you needed anything or offer you drinks or something to nibble on. Every time he went to town he'd be damned if he didn't spend a good thirty minutes telling whoever he encounter about his grandkid. And he also kept a small ultrasound picture in his wallet too, willing to show people how cute the baby was - even if it was hard to distinguish something in the image.
Javi wasn't as talkative and outgoing as his dad, and he didn't like talking about his private life to the same people who very often spread gossip about himself and his pregnant wife, so he kept all his love and affection for you and your baby. Javi was the best dad in the world, and your baby wasn't even born yet, and yet, he made sure to come back from work and give you all the attention in the world. Javi wasn't really happy while working on the ranch anymore so when the opportunity of becoming chief of police showed up, he took it. It was just enough adrenaline for him to keep interested in the job - arresting drinks and thieves, break up fights between college boys - but safe enough to come back home to his family at the end of the day. He couldn't complain about being a small town sheriff and you would definitely not going to complain about the sexy uniform he wore - even if Javi hated wearing them - and you couldn't even get started on his tactical vest, but just the mere thought of him in one of those was enough for you to jump on him. He'd told you it was just your pregnancy hormones making you overly sensitive to it, but you knew it wasn't, it was him wearing that devilish vest, that was what made you sensitive.
Javi would get home from work and hold you tight, always stroking your belly and talking to the baby. He wanted the baby to know her daddy's voice, because from the moment you two learned you were having a baby girl, she had her dad wrapped around her tiny little finger. So he just nuzzled your womb, talked to it and very often fell asleep with his head on your lap, doing everything he could to be close to his princess. Chucho and Javi did all the heavy work when it came to set the baby's room, painting, dragging the furniture around and leaving to you the decoration part - though the two of them had so many ideas for it: Chucho thought his granddaughter should go with the classic ballerina room, and Javi liked something to do with butterflies after all, he was already calling his daughter mariposita.
You didn't want to take sides, so you decided your daughter's room would be bear themed, the two men agreed reluctantly, but Chucho always bought ballerina related small gifts and Javi did the same with butterflies.
The night you went on labor was one of the most chaotic of your life: Javi wasn't home, there was an occurrence and he was called to the station, so you asked for your father-in-law's help and you had never seen Chucho Peña that nervous. If you weren't in so much pain, you'd definitely taken the car keys and driven yourself to the hospital. When Javi was finally located and he received the news you were giving birth, he dropped everything he was doing, leaving the things for the other cops to solve. He didn't give a shit if all the criminals broke free at that moment, only you and your daughter mattered to him. He drove like a madman and he would've certainly got a ticket for exceeding the speed limit if he wasn't the chief of police after all, but he made it in time to follow the miracle of life, until the doctors decided it would be better if you had a C-section, so they asked him kindly to leave the room, after all it would be an operation. Javier paced the hallway, worry and fear running through his body, he couldn't lose you nor the baby, even if no one had said anything remotely related to that, that was definitely his biggest fear.
But everything went well, and at that same time, Analuz Peña was welcomed into this world. Ana because it was his mother's name, and Luz because she was the light in his life, the light that was brought in by you. He held his tiny little baby, a little afraid of hurting her, as he couldn't remember the last time he held an infant for the last time, but when she opened her tiny little eyes and looked at him, it felt natural, because that was his daughter.
And for the following months you and Javi met happiness in the purest form: you were happily married, each day more and more in love with each other, now free from all the envy, jealousy and the mean remarks about the two of you, your daughter was a beautiful and healthy baby, loved by everyone and you couldn't have asked for a better life. To think you had gone to Colombia to try and mend a heartbreak by diving into work and you met the love of your life, and that the love of your life didn't think he deserved it, to think he had pushed you away only to lose his shit when you tried to move on, which you both found out it was impossible because your love was too strong and too intense, only to be together and then separated by destiny. But you and Javi were meant to be and the proof of that was the beautiful family you built as you two lived the happy, quiet life you two deserved on the ranch.
Analuz was so lucky to have you as her mommy and Javi as her daddy, and her baby brother who was still a tiny little dot in your womb would also be very lucky, because you were all right for each other, and the happiness you all got, you deserved it.
The End
A/N: oh my god besties, I'm crying for real now, I don't know why but ending the stories always makes me so emotional and especially this story in particular, I'll never forget how emotionally invested I was, how many shitty days I had and writing these chapters and Javi were the things that got my mind out of it. I hope you enjoy it, it was written with all my love ❤️‍🔥 I know it is just a story, but at the same time it isn't just another story, just as it made me happy, it has made several of you happy as well, judging by the amount of amazing feedback I got throughout the two months and twenty chapters of this fic. I know it hurts to say goodbye, but remember Javi is ours and he can always be back for another one 🥺💕
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"Tu el aire que respiro yo
Y la luz de la luna en el mar
La garganta que ansio mojar
Que temo ahogar de amor"
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
i know you said that wu and garmadon wont reach true potential but what exactly is holding each of them back
"…I remember now, you know." Zane steps away, tugging off his hood and letting his smile shine through. "I remember everything my parents did to care for me, I remember where I came from…I remember why I'm here…and I feel stronger for knowing. I'd been so concerned lately with all the things I couldn't understand, but…I don't have to understand everything in order to be loved, or to love myself."
. . .
"All I did was realize something I should have a long time ago." Jay finds his strength again, standing while using Nya and Kai for support. "I was so busy worrying how much other people like me…that I forgot to like myself too. I have worth…even if not everyone sees it right way. But those that do, the ones that dare to weather the storm… even if they don't stick around forever, I can appreciate the time that they were willing to stand in the rain."
. . .
"Honestly, at first I thought I was weighed down by all the baggage with my dad. Sure, that was part of it, but…I realized I had come to believe that my worth was tied into what I could do for others, and that was so easy to believe…not only because of how I was raised, but because I care about you guys so much. The idea of letting you down or not being strong enough for you…that could've been enough to break me." A shy, somewhat embarrassed smile takes over Cole's face. "Heh, and I also kinda thought…I was too hard of a person to love, and therefore struggled to find some love for myself as well. But hearing it from my father, and my brothers…maybe that's all I ever really needed. That one, tiny thing…well, even a pebble can cause a landslide, I guess." 
. . .
"…when you said the heart was the key, at first I thought that meant I had to do anything to prove to myself that I was worthy of being the Green Ninja, because I thought that's what my heart was destined for." Kai hums, placing a hand against his torso. "…but all it really meant was to look inside ourselves, and choose to admire what was there. Lloyd helped me see that…I was obsessing over something that I already had. Our Elements are us, and we are our Elements…and I thought Fire was something that it's not. I thought I was something that I'm not."  Kai looks back up at Wu, beaming softly. "Simply put…all we ever had to do to realize our potential…was learn to love ourselves." 
Wu and Garmadon can't fully accept who they are/the mistakes they've made/the actions they've taken/what they've done, and feel like they're not who they're "Supposed" to be and they hate themselves for it, though on opposite sides of the spectrum, and thus cannot attain the highest form of their own powers
(...not Nya tho; she doesn't technically "hate herself", just cannot accept both the best and worst parts about herself yet (plus all the self-identity issues to begin with; can't accept yourself if you don't exactly know who "you" are :d))
"OH but what about when Garmadon reaches his True Potential in S9 with Harumi—?!" He never actually 'fully' achieves it there (similar to Jesse currently) due to Harumi having him go about it the wrong way, but he still gets closer than Wu does (...unless I'm feeling generous in giving Wu some extra character development 👀).
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sunrisemill · 7 months
✮From the start✮ pt.3
Chris and y/n have always been inseparable, they’ve always relied on each other but what happens when one of them falls?
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.4 Finale
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Chris’ pov
(2 months ago)
I toss and turn in my bed but can’t shake off this horrible feeling. She's been acting weird and distant lately, I feel like I don't know her anymore…are we still friends? The other day we were watching a movie on my couch, and she looked so sleepy. I couldn't help myself, I put my arm around her and the only way I could describe the look on her was pure horror. Did I do something wrong? Did I go too far? Did I smell or something? I groan into my pillow as those thoughts flood my brain. I have to talk to her. I rip the blanket off of my body and slowly sit up “Alright Grandpa. Do you need help with that?” I feel my lips curl up into a small smile at the memory. She never did give me a break, god forbid I'd let out the TINIEST noise bending over “You okay Grandpa?.” “Do I need to take you to the nursing home already?” Her voice rings through my head as I stand up, I glance over at the alarm clock on my bedside table, 12:22 it reads. God, I hope she’s awake. I can't go on like this anymore.
“Y/n.” I whisper-shout as I stand below her window. I know she’s up cause she has her lamp on “I bet she’s blasting her music, that girl’s gonna go deaf.” I grumble to myself. I smirk as an idea comes to mind, I pick up a small pebble and throw it towards her window creating a small tap noise. “Oh, my precious Y/n. I cannot bear another second without your gracious company.” I say in the most dramatic tone I can come up with. Not long after that I hear the sound of a squeaky window being opened. “Now what the actual hell was that?” I grin as she pokes her head out of the window. God, she looks beautiful… “what? I thought you liked corny shit like that. You're always making me watch that cheesy ass rom-com, what was it now… 12 going on 22?” I ask in a teasing voice. Of course, I know it's 13 going on 30, how could I ever forget her favourite movie? I even watched it without her so I could memorize the wedding scene that she does not stop talking about. “Haha, Chris. You're so funny.” she replies with a PAINFULLY sarcastic tone. “Why are you here anyway?” I take in a deep breath. “I wanted to talk to you, could you maybe…come down here, my neck hurts.” I watch her let out a soft chuckle as she retreats her head back, she's gonna come outside and I'm gonna have to do one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. She can't hate me…can she? I mean, she could after this. Y/n hasn't always been the best at expressing her emotions or telling me how she feels, she just shuts down. My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of her back door sliding open. I don't know how she does it, she could be wearing a trash bag for all I care and she would still take my breath away. “Hey…” I whisper as my voice fails me. “Hi?” I watch as she hugs her body to shield herself from the cold. “I was just- I was wondering…are you okay?” Her body stiffens and I just think…oh shit. “I'm fine, Chris. Why wouldn't I be?” The coldness in her voice could send a chill down anyone’s spine “Y/n, I can tell when there’s something wrong. Why can’t you talk to me?  Im here for you.” I take a step toward her but she steps back. C'mon Y/n, don't do this to me. Let me in. Just talk to me. I silently plead to her as her face contorted into a look of annoyance. “I've told you a hundred times already. I am fine. Why can't you comprehend that I don't need a saviour. It's 1 am, go home and sleep like a normal person for once in your goddamn life.” My breath catches in my throat as her tone gets more and more cold as she speaks. What happened to the Y/n that I know? The one I fell in love with… “you know what…” I swallow as I feel tears brimming my eyes. “Im done dealing with this. I care about you but you couldn't give two shits even if you wanted to. Do you know what you are Y/n? A fucking coward! Oh, how dare somebody show even the littlest bit of concern for you. I bet you’ll just forget about me, You'll get a new best friend and fuck it up the same way cause you're too much of a pussy to confront your feelings. I tried helping you but you're hopeless.” I wipe away the tears that fell from my eyes and huff before storming off in a fit of rage. I slam the gate to her backyard behind me, leaving a shivering, startled Y/n behind. Even after all of that…I cant help but still love her.
(A/N: Omg this took so long to come out cause my laptop decided to break but I finally got it fixed YIPPEE!!!! I hope you'll like this cause I feel like I cooked with this. Don't ruin my confidence)
Tags: @guccifrog
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rainbow-nerdss · 10 months
18 😊
Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing this, actually 😁
Send me an ask with a number 1-100 and I'll (maybe) write a short fic or drabble based on the corresponding song in my wrapped playlist
Song 18 on my wrapped playlist:
And So it Goes-Billy Joel
But if my silence made you leave Then that would be my worst mistake So I will share this room with you And you can have this heart to break
It had been weeks of it—this horrible, strangled, something between the two of them. Since Buck met Natalia, Eddie's been feeling it, a sense that this was it. He didn't want to do it. He's been pushing it down for so long, he's not even sure he can. Those words, though. They echo in Eddie's mind. She sees me. Those words… Eddie knew what they meant. He knew, because he knew Buck. Down to his bones, he knew him. And that's what made those words pierce so deeply. They meant this was his last chance.
They meant he had to do something, say the thing he'd been holding inside for three years now. Before it was too late. Before Buck chose her, and everything changed. Because if Buck chose her, then Eddie didn't know if he could stand by, watching Buck happy with someone else. Not with the question which would always linger. Not with the what if. If he knew, if he laid it all out, and Buck chose her anyway… Eddie would be able to live with that. A clean heartbreak, rather than the slow pull. Rip the band aid off. “Hey, Buck. Can we… talk, after work maybe?” He chose a neutral location, somewhere he could avoid afterwards if it all went wrong. A café, where their cups sat steaming between them. He thought about giving a speech, declaring all the ways, all the myriad of ways in which he loved Evan Buckley. But in the end, the words wouldn't come. “Buck, I… I just want to say this, so it's… so you know. And then you can… I don't want to say you have to choose, but you'll have all the information, if you… if you wanted to choose.” He felt inexplicably like he was handing Buck his still-beating heart, asking whether he wanted to break it. It was too much, he'd said too much. “Choose what? Eddie, are you okay? Is this about Chris?" Buck frowned at him, clear and open worry on his face. “No it's… it's you. It's me. Buck, I'm in love with you.” Silence. Even the sound of their fellow cafe patrons dimmed to nothing in Eddie's ears as he waited for Buck to answer. To react. To do anything. “Eddie, you… wait, what do you mean choose?” Eddie shook his head at Buck's expression, shock mingled with sadness. “I'm not saying it's got to be me or her. I don't want this to be an ultimatum, but you deserved to know. If you choose to be with her, I'll… I'll need some time, and you deserve to know why I'm gone.” “You love me.” “I do.” “And you're… it sounds like you're bracing for me to break your heart.” “I guess I am, yeah. If I could… If I could just decide what happened in the future, I'd want to spend the rest of my life with you. Sickness and health and all the other clichés. But it's not my choice, is it? And if you never knew, it could never…” “Eds.” Eddie released a shuddering breath. “Buck.” Buck reached across the table right as Eddie began to pull away, and wrapped a hand around Eddie's. “Eds, this is… I wish you'd told me this before. Months ago, years ago, even” “I left it too late. I get it.” Eddie felt the cracks form in the depths of his heart. This was worse, so much worse than a clear rejection. “Eddie, no. It's… I wish you'd told me sooner, because then I could've done this sooner.” And Buck practically dove across the table, pulling Eddie in at the same time, and kissed him. “Of course it's you, Eddie. Of course it is.”
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eventinelysplayground · 7 months
A Mother's Touch
It's March 5 today and we know what that means, it's the 1st princes Birthday! So Happy Birthday to him and here is a story for it. I'd like to say this is a happy story but that wasn't the inspo I had so, it's one that will hit you in the feels. That said if you're currently grieving a more recent death maybe give it a skip for now. Jin remembers the last birthday that he had with his mother. WC approx 688.
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The last of the snow had finally vanished leaving the ground muddy and cold. Down a worn path walked a single figure one hand shoved into his pocket and a bouquet of flowers in the other. The figure came to a halt in the corner of a mass grave before a tiny tombstone.
“Hi Mom, I brought these for you.”
Jin knelt down and placed the flowers gingerly beside the tombstone before sighing and rubbing a hand along the back of his neck.
“I know I haven't come to see you in a while but things have been a little busy lately. How about I get comfy and tell you all about it?”
Jin took off his coat and set it on the ground then took a seat on it bringing his knees up and resting his arms across them.
“Emma had the baby a few months ago, he has her eyes and my hair. Louder than his big brother and sister were though that's for sure, biggest appetite too!
Emma's doing just fine, it amazes me every time you know? She told me once she wanted to get stronger for me and boy did she ever!”
A tender smile spread across Jin's face as he talked. He talked for quite a while telling his Mom about anything that came to mind but especially about her grandchildren and daughter in law and just how happy he was.
Jin came to a lull in his update and laced his fingers together while looking up at the clear sky. After several minutes of silence he cleared his throat and resumed.
“Hey Mom? I actually had a specific reason for coming here today. See I haven't been doing so well these last few days, Emma noticed of course and we thought maybe me coming to see you would help. Now don't worry, nothing's wrong with any of us, it's just….”
Jin trailed off staring silently into the sky, his mouth feeling oddly dry.
“It was Emmett's birthday yesterday Mom, his sixth birthday. It was a great party, Emma made his cake while Yves made everything else. The kid had such a feast and he was surrounded by his family and friends. I should have been happy but, it got me thinking about the last birthday I had with you. Do you remember it Mom?”
Jin finally looked back down at the tiny gravestone, a sad fondness lighting up his eyes.
“You had already gotten sick by then. I was so worried about you I wasn't even thinking about my birthday but you remembered it for me. Even back then I could charm the ladies real well, the old lady I helped out most of the day paid me a bit extra so I got bread and cheese that night to eat. I got home and you were sitting up in bed with a big smile on your face. You praised me for all my hard work as I told you about my day over dinner.
Then when we were done eating you pulled out a handkerchief tied with a bow and handed it to me. I don't know how I looked but I must have looked pretty confused because you laughed at me, told me ‘don't just stare at it sweety open it’. There was a lollipop inside it, a big blue one. I remember I was amazed at its color. Then you drew me into the biggest hug and told me ‘Happy Birthday my sweet boy’ while smiling at me.”
Jin's voice cracked on those last words as his tears threatened to spill over.
“That night was the most I had seen you smile in a long time and it made that lollipop taste so much sweeter.”
Jin reached out and rested a big hand on top of the tiny gravestone.
“I wish you could be here with us, but since you can't I'll just keep making sure that Emma and our kids get to have the life you and I never did.”
Jin’s tears fell silently and for the briefest moment he could swear he felt his mother's gentle touch wiping them away.
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