#i aim to please lmao
kurokoros · 2 years
Just started reading Into Open Flames AND OH MY GOD-
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THE WRITING IS IMPECCABLE!!!! And you're reading my stuff??? You put me to SHAME I'm genuinely so captivated by the story I can't even-
I am now a sailor-steve stan it's true
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I'm glad you enjoyed the first part!!! It's been a fun project so far! and NJDJSFJKAEHNAK 🥰🥰🥰 THANK YOU!
But, for real, I really have been enjoying Raining Hellfire, even if the love triangle makes me want to rip my hair out lmao
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moeblob · 5 months
Hello, can i have a modern sylvain pls??? PS: i love how you draw scrimblos
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Finally another Wheel Spin and thankfully modern equals I get to draw someone with fish somewhere on their outfit. (Overlay layer my friend how I missed you)
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maliciousalice · 5 months
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Holo Janeway is such a sad little muffin. I love her so much.
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derelictheretic · 2 months
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman and @kyberinfinitygems Ty Ty <33
RULES: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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full name: heather lucille valentine
height: 5' 2"
age: 30
gender: the only woman ever (in her opinion)
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
🥀 will shower you in gifts (from a key chain to a condo it depends on her mood and how much she wants u)
🥀 will bring you the hearts of your enemies on a silver platter and a nice floral arrangement (better than anything John can do if u ask her)
🥀 makes you feel like the most important person in the world (love bombing? Heather? nooooooo.....)
🥀 will throw the best birthday parties (mostly catered to her taste but the food will be your favourites)
🥀 she's hot, look at her. She takes pride in being eye candy!
🥀 literal ride or die she will make sure u never get caught
🥀 obsessive if she actually likes you and isn't just using you to fill up time (She does not like sharing but she doesn't mind a competition, as long as she wins anyway—)
🥀 emotionally and mentally unstable, don't do anything she perceives as betrayal and you'll be fine :)
🥀 hypocritical and contradictory but will openly gaslight you about it and go in circles until you let it go <3
🥀 kinda on the run from a few warrants but it's whateverrr
🥀 might call you the wrong name in the beginning, on multiple occasions—sometimes on purpose just to mess with you
🥀 literal ride or die also a con bc she will take u down with her <3
no pressure tags: @deputyash @megraen @killyourrdarlingss @inafieldofdaisies @aceghosts @firstaidspray @florbelles @henbased @i-am-the-balancing-point @shallow-gravy @shellibisshe @trashcatsnark @voidbuggg @wewillryesagain @clicheantagonist and the person reading this <3
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quarklynx · 2 years
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these two seem destined to fall for one another no matter what universe they’re in. I couldn’t resist at least sketching something for the lovely AU fanfic “The Untold Tale” By @phoenixtakaramono​ It’s incredibly well written, and builds on so many of the things that made the original novel “The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System” so good!
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wyrmway · 10 days
the thing about having been a bad person in the past is that the shame will stick around for much longer than you think. but also sometimes people write bad poetry about shit you DIDN'T do which is really funny.
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Analysing Sleep Token’s Take Aim from the perspective of religious trauma
I’ve had these thoughts on my mind for some time and I would like to share them. Note that I’m aware that this is most likely not the meaning intended by the band, it’s just my silly little interpretation as your local religiously traumatised person.
So first up, what instantly came to mind when I first heard the song was that the chorus resembles a worship song. A certain sense of nostalgia in the melody, simple lyrics so most people will remember the lyrics after one listen.
Since the rest of the song doesn’t really share similarities with worship music that much I will not dive deeper into this for now.
Let’s talk lyrics. (I will not take apart every line, just those that stand out to me).
“Wait, won’t you wait for me?”
To me, this sounds like such an innocent, yet confused question. The speaker finds themselves in a situation where they feel left behind by God and cannot quite comprehend how that could happen as they were promised eternal love and someone who cares for them at all times.
“How you love like weapons kill.”
If church is good at one thing, it is convincing believers that everything that happens is a sign of God’s love. Looking at this lyric it feels safe to say that something bad has happened in the speaker’s life that they now try to squeeze in the box labeled as God’s love. Yet, they cannot push away the feeling of sadness, anger, grief, whatever it might be.
“So take aim at me for once.”
Church often tries to portray a perfect life to it’s members, so that they will stay in church as they believe this is the life they will eventually have. This ideal life is seen as a gift from God. The speaker sees those people who seem to be so blessed and begs God to finally receive some of those blessings themselves.
“Just take aim, break me apart, love.”
In this lyric, the speaker seems fairly aware that their own faith might be going too far, yet they are willing to accept that. In order to receive the blessings that everyone around them seems to get, they are willing to sacrifice their own well being.
“Call, won’t you call out my name?”
The core believe of christianity is that Jesus died for the sins of every single person. Church often emphasises how he specifically thought of you as an individual as he died on the cross and how God is waiting for specifically you to approach him so he can guide your life down the right path. The speaker tries everything to receive this guidance but cannot seem to do it right. They beg God to call out their name, so they can have this personal relationship with him, that church keeps preaching about.
“And you make me hate myself, make my tear my body, make me yearn for your embrace.”
The speaker’s desperation is growing so they basically “yell” at God about how miserable they feel in trying to build a relationship with him. They start to hate parts of themselves as they start to view them as sinful and they feel utterly alone, desperate for God’s attention.
“You led me on when the moment is perfect.”
Religion seems to work particularly well on people with complicated life paths since they are often looking for a clear direction in life. Assumingly, something happened in the speaker’s life that made them more prone to the christian faith. Now they accuse either God or the church of abusing their vulnerability in order to make them a believer, only to let them down shortly after.
“And you know, I’ll be yours, just want to be worth it.”
In their desperation for a better life, the speaker is willing to give everything to God. However, they fear that they might not be good enough to be seen by him yet, so they promise him to do better in the future, hoping this will finally give them a spark of blessing in their life.
In conclusion, this song is very relatable to me as it reminds me of myself when I started deconstructing my faith and it takes me apart entirely everytime I listen to it. The speaker seems so hurt in their desperation for the great life that was promised to them once they follow God.
So now it’s official, Take Aim is for the religiously traumatised girlies!
Remember that you are worth everything and more than good enough, regardless of what church wants you to believe. <3
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
How would one find work at a library when they just...aren't qualified or don't have the relevant experience? I'd love to work at one but I don't have a relevant degree or experience in the field (mostly because they keep rejecting my applications and then ghosting me). I know if given the opportunity I could learn how to do the various jobs at a library, I just have trouble getting into the field without a degree.
people ask me this quite a bit and I really don't know what to say because I don't have an MLIS and neither do most of my coworkers. only like 1/10th of our employees have it honestly. I only have an associates degree in mathematics. and honestly, I'm really sorry to say, the only other way to get your foot in the door really is to volunteer. I volunteered at the library that I now work for A LOT as a teenager so I was able to use the librarians I got to know as references when I started applying to library jobs, and I was able to speak to my experiences working within the library
basically the only other thing is starting at the absolute bottom of the totem poll, which I also did even with my volunteer experience. this is usually going to be a library page position. pages are generally the lowest paid, most manual labor job because they reshelve returned books. so it's a lot of lifting and pushing tens or hundreds of pounds of books around all day
unfortunately there's nothing else I can really tell you, there's not really a magic key to working here. volunteering and having a clean record (like, don't apply if you have a bunch of fines on your account) are really the only ways to get ahead at all. even having an MLIS isn't gonna help you much these days without having any experience like that
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unhingedselfships · 2 years
Been thinking about the first time Kimi hears about Kadokura's range.
Her eyes light up, she's practically vibrating out of her skin.
Her mouth runs away from her again and she just blurts "who do I have to fuck to get in there?" She's not being literal, probably, but just that, immediate extreme exclamation.
Probably the first time her co-workers have heard her be so crass too.
She's actually quite vulgar in her speech.
"I come from a long line of farmers on one side, and sailors on the other. I got it honest."
But she can be so polite and proper (read : awkward and over performing) until she's comfortable that this probably feels like a shock.
But she's been hobby shooting since she was a kid and misses the outlet. Her aim is one of like, 3 things she's ever taken pride in. She's good. Not supernatural, but she can hit what she wants to hit, and has good groupings.
She wants in there and she wants in there bad.
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ranchdressing3 · 11 months
If Guzma were an HM whore what 4 HMs would he have?
can I use TMs instead of HMs. i’m gonna do that ok
1. First Impression
2. Taunt
3. Frustration
4. Brick Break
if you REALLY want HMs tho
1. Rock Smash
2. Strength
3. Cut
4. Flash
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tardis--dreams · 2 years
I am once again signing up for way too many seminars knowing fully well I've never managed more than 27 points since starting university and yet aiming for 50
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autistic-shaiapouf · 9 months
Sitting at the very top floor of the hotel listening to the elevators as they move and there's something calming about it
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fivefeetfangirl · 11 months
Fact checking my beloved <3
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callilouv · 1 year
overanalyzing everything i do would solve 99.99% of my problems methinks
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phntmeii · 11 months
Make out session with the straw hats head canons please?
Straw Hat Crew Makeout Sessions
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[SFW + No Gendered Terms]
A/N: ty anon for requesting <33 Anything to indulge in the OPLA obsession that I cannot be rid of!! Thankfully, you guys are filling my inbox so I have plenty of things to write about lmao
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Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy is so aggressive while making out. It's never meant to be in a rough way but just him getting so excited that he can't help himself.
Uses a lot of tongue. He's trying to taste everything possible, running his tongue along your lips before sticking it into your mouth.
He's practically on top of you, pushing you against the bed while he lets his lips roam from your lips to your neck as he aims to leave marks along your neck that he can chuckle about later.
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro is either smooth and slow, building up to the passion or immediately rough. It depends on the situation but you can guarantee if it's a case of him feeling jealous, he's 10x more aggressive.
Zoro likes to keep you in his lap, hand on the back of your neck to keep you close. You aren't leaving his lap until he lets you.
He likes to tug on your hair slightly to pull you away slowly and watch as saliva connects your lips to his before snapping.
Nami likes to take her time and be more romantic about it. It starts off as loving pecks with a small smile on her face before it turns into long, slow kisses.
She likes feeling every bit of warmth and softness each time your lips lock to hers. Her hand usually holds the back of your head while her other hand is at your waist.
Her body melds into yours, pressing against you while you're against the wall just so she can feel every part of you that she loves.
Vinsmoke Sanji
Like Zoro, depends on his mood. If he's all too excited to see you, he's diving in deep and smothering you. If it's meant to be a deliberately romantic moment, it's a slow, lasting kiss to make your head fog up at the feeling.
Sanji is the most vocal; whispering sweet nothings against your lips as he's so close to them but just won't kiss you to keep you desperate for him.
Likes to bite your bottom lip after giving you a small kiss and pull it to watch your breath hitch and whine for him to keep kissing you rather than just teasing.
Usopp never thought he'd make it this far so safe to say that he's nervous. His hands keep switching between cupping your face, gripping at your thighs or holding your waist.
It's easy for him to lose himself, getting completely wrapped up in the moment. His eyes are shut tight as he tries to just focus on how warm you felt.
He likes when you take control for the most part. Having you control the speed or push him against the wall and lifting his shirt has him immediately in love and ripping his shirt off to make you happy.
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felixvanhuss · 2 years
My life would improve a million percent if DoesTheDogDie added 'is someone killed by accident' to their list of tracked triggers. I could watch movies without reading the entire plot summary first, imagine
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