#i ain't promising anything. but still I'm 👀 thinking about it
ladybugsimblr · 2 months
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simshaderoom Roomies, get in here asap! We have to talk about last night. Bailey Kay performed at the Edgewave rock music festival while Dizzy headlined his own BKE Fest. Des must’ve still been in his feelings about BK choosing to battle him in the same time slot, because he let it all out in the middle of his set. He claims BK is pregnant and lying about her upcoming residency. He also claimed her husband Quinton bought his way into her…heart. Dizzy went live after his show with some receipts 👀 and we are still sat here with our mouths open 😲. No comment from the BK Team as usual. What are y'all thinking???
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dizzy des Get your refunds and then get your tickets to the Imagine Me & You Tour instead. And since I’m a generous King I’ll agree to the settlement. I know she’ll need all the rest of her simoleons in about… 20 something days or so right??
rubberbandshan This Dumbass Dizziot just says anything, so until I hear from BK I’m not believing a word. Stay out the Queen’s womb and purse Dusty. It's giving obsessed and you really wish it was you.
kingb Quinton. Q. Husband in my head. I promise you we will all look the other way. No witnesses. Matter of fact, say the word and we’ll do the dirty work for you!
bkstan Lin Z, play Not Like Us by Micah Lama. “He a fan, he a fan, he a fan…” Ugh disgusting. Just can’t keep her name out his mouth. What did C say? When Delulu goes low, WE GO TO HELL! Let's ride! 🦋
bflyhive I’m so conflicted. I want to be happy if she’s really having another baby but what about Butterfly Springs?? 😭🦋
simsagainstBK Yiiiikes. He brought receipts. Ain't no residency. She's a liar. Let me go get my refund.
bae_material Thanks Bae for exposing these lying and thieving celebrities and saving our coins. BKE for liiiiife.
anon Wooooooow I'm disappointed Dizzy. Y’all know I like mess but this is doing way too much. The receipts are giving preggers tho and I’m mad I didn’t see it before.
rubberbandshan Actually it's giving Stalker and I'm not here for it. Someone in the comments said Des the Menace hates a happy home and I believe it. Who hurt you?
c.spiracy Correct message, wrong messenger! I’ve been waiting for BK to confirm my theories in a special way like she always does. It’s our thing and this Dreadful Doofus just took that away from us. I’m pissed. I need a minute.
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tellmegoodbye · 1 month
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Welcome to week 2 of the Countdown to Season Five Music Mondays! This week's themes are Redemption and Owen & Tommy. If you don't have anything for these themes you can still participate in the tag as normal.
Once again, thank you to @lonestar-s5countdown for setting up this event and these themes.
Today I am sharing a few of my favorite songs from the playlist for my upcoming fic!
For these songs I'm thinking about 4x18 (and s5 👀) Carlos, how he stepped away from his obsession and chose love instead. We know this story isn't over for him, but overall it is a redemption story. It's about him and TK fighting through all of this and coming out of it stronger than ever as husbands.
Overcome - Nothing But Thieves
Bringer of the calm, your arms wrapped around when the fever took Thought I was gone for good, you brought me back
I've been thinkin', babe, maybe you're right When you said the pain weathers in time We're just waitin' for a change to follow We don't always get all that we want Redefine the pain to somethin' more And we shall overcome, as we've done before
Sleep Deprivation - Chance Peña
I've been on a mission I won't stop till I'm done I toss and turn almost every night I pray to God I'm doing right By all my family's wishes Lord knows I miss them Their love outshines the sun
So when I break down I list off the reasons I'm here and I'm still breathing I'm hanging on Try to break ground, make way for tomorrow I'll find a way through the sorrow One day at a time
Promises I Can't Keep - Mike Shinoda
What's the difference between a loss and a forfeit I tried to make it better, but I made it more sick I tried to make it right, now awake at night I know reality was getting in the way
I used to think that I knew who I was Never saw it coming unglued I used to think that I knew who I was Now it's time to see if it's true
I had so much certainty Til that moment I lost control And I've tried but it never was up to me I've got no worse enemy Than the fear of what's still unknown And the time's come to realize there will be Promises I can't keep
I Am Not Who I Was - Chance Peña
You keep me steady on the ground When my head's lost in the clouds That spotlight, though it shines bright Could never drown you out I know it's hard when I'm away I'll just hope you don't lose faith 'Cause I told the truth when I said to you That I'll be back someday
So if I fly too far Will I still have a place inside your heart? And when you've seen what I've become Will you love me for who I am, not who I was?
Back To One - O.A.R
I see you there, but you don't look right You got a ten-mile stare in your eyes tonight Time ain't fair, like it used to be
Don't look back, you'll never find your way There's a million different people Who break the same way When everything has come undone We got to bring it back to one
I know forever always asks so much Don't you let it scare you, don't you lose your touch When your still waters start to run, bring it back to one
@strandnreyes @lemonlyman-dotcom @bonheur-cafe @heartstringsduet @herefortarlos
@carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @literateowl @paperstorm @guardian-angle22
@whatsintheboxmh @fitzherbertssmolder @mrs-corrections-78 @murdersansy @firstprince-history-huh
@honeybee-taskforce @reyesstrand @butchreyes @freneticfloetry @fangirl-paba
@theghostofashton @alrightbuckaroo @nancys-braids @captain-gillian @tailoredshirt
@ironheartwriter @emsprovisions @sapphic--kiwi @reeeallygood @eclectic-sassycoweyes
@goldenskykaysani @toomanycupsoftea @messymindofmine @fandomswonderland @reasonandfaithinharmony
@goodways @thisbuildinghasfeelings @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @decafdino @lightningboltreader
+ open tag
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musetotheworld · 1 year
Victory Ficlet anon here- wouldn't mind an expansion on that bodyguard/princess ficlet but if you want to keep things separate, would cowboy/wild west be a prompt of interest to you...? 👀
I'm not feeling an expansion (that's how you get WIPs) but a wild west AU I can definitely do!
"I'm not sure how much further it'll be safe, ma'am," Kara says as she helps her new boss over a fallen log. The path back to Cat's holding is still rough, too rough for a wagon to make it through. Kara's working on it, but with so much still needing done it's not a high priority. There's still plenty of time before she needs to lay in supplies for the winter.
"If it's safe enough for you, it's safe enough for me," Cat say stubbornly. She's made it a lot further than Kara'd expected her to, she'll give her that. But in her full skirts and dainty shoes, Kara's not sure how long that'll last. And any further than this it'll be just as hard to turn back as it will be to continue.
Another tree, this one smaller, and then they get to the rocks. "Beggin' your pardon, ma'am. But the rest of the trail is awful rough. We're gettin' close to the cabin, but it's not easy road from here on out."
"I suppose you'd call the first part of the trip easy then, would you?" Cat asks, resting against a boulder for a moment to catch her breath. "A nice quiet stroll in the woods?"
"Well, easy ain't my first thought," Kara admits. "Not with a pack full of goods plus watchin' for bears or anything else out there." Not that it's been difficult, but she's not about to admit that to Cat. Not when her new boss is paying so handsomely for her to get the holding set up.
Cat looks suspiciously at the woods around them, then pushes herself upright. "The sooner we get there, the better for us both, then. I can handle a little rough trail, I'd just very much like to be done walking."
Kara will also give Cat that much, she doesn't back down from a challenge. Even with spending most of her time after Cat hired her out in the woods getting things taken care of, she's spotted that much.
Of course, gumption only gets you so far when you're not properly dressed for the terrain, and they're almost to the holding when Cat slips, one ankle twisting under her as she tries to keep her balance. Only Kara's quick reactions keep her from going down completely, and it's not quick enough to completely save her from injury.
"It's definitely sprained," Cat says as she tries to put weight on it. "I don't think it's broken though, or it'd hurt a lot more."
Looking around to place exactly where they are, Kara debates what to do. They don't have too much further to go, but it's over terrain bad enough she doesn't think Cat will be able to make it on her own, even if Kara can find wood to make a quick crutch for her. Which means she'll need Kara's help, and that'll be difficult with the size of the pack she's carrying.
She could leave the pack here and get Cat to the cabin, but she really needs these supplies. Leaving them behind is just asking for something to go wrong. But there's no way in hell she'd leave Cat by herself out here. Not when she hadn't fully been joking about the bears in the area.
Well, nothing for it, then. "Ma'am, we're nearly to the cabin, but I don't think you'd fare well on the path between here and there, not with that ankle of yours. So if you'll let me, I think I'm gonna have to carry you the rest of the way."
Cat stares at her in disbelief for a long moment, then glances down at her ankle and lets out a sigh. "If you think that's the best way, I'll just have to trust you, now won't I? Not like I have much of a choice."
"I promise I'll be careful," Kara says, slightly stung by the response but trying not to show it as she carefully scoops Cat into her arms. "Path might be rough, but I've got the shoes for it, and I know it well enough to be safe."
With Cat in her arms like this it's hard for Kara to focus, but she'd run away from 'civilized' society years ago for a reason. She's not about to do something stupid now.
"Oop," Cat yelps as Kara picks her up, clutching at her shoulders until she feels settled. "That's not what I- oh drat it all, Kara Danvers. I do trust you. I just don't do well with pain. Now if you and your inconveniently convenient muscles would get us to the cabin, I'd really like to be done walking now."
"Inconveniently convenient?" Kara can't help wondering, stuck on that phrase even as she starts carefully walking forward.
She's surprised to see a blush on Cat's face, but the woman won't actually look at her, staring determinedly out into the woods instead.
Well then. That'll be a fun thought for Kara to puzzle over for the next few days while they're stuck in the cabin waiting for Cat's ankle to heal up.
But for now, she's got to get them there safely.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Just read that anon about the video, and I have to say it actually sounds legit. I don't see them asking for privacy unless they felt invaded and they were promised privacy at this resort in that way so it should've been respected. As far as I know, they've never really asked for stuff especially regarding privacy not even when that tik tok girl recorded them at the Crazy Horse place in Paris, and that was actually invasive. For all we know she recorded conversation and just didn't release it. That was invading for sure. I think the lack of respect we as fans have sometimes is so telling and it's sad. Two of the nicest celebrities and we can't let them alone for a little bit. And YESSS girl, I stand with you on social media. It's not everything. Someone said, Tom has changed. I don't think he has at all actually. Definitely more mature, but, still playful and loving from what I see on the outside. He's too diplomatic I think honestly, he let's people say things but doesn't really respond and when he does people attack him because they aren't use to him responding. He ain't passive, he just seems to always take the high road. Very admirable. This is about to be a married man, he is doing exactly what I would want my man to do celebrity or not. Protect me boo, and I will thank you later for it. Adore them as a couple and I hope the constant scrutiny they each endure, especially him, doesn't ruin anything. This world could really use the kindness, we see so little of it. Especially on Twitter. That's another story . Anywho, love your blog ma'am. Keep up the great work. Stay neutral and kind as always.
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Awww... thanks Anon for the kind words about my blog. ❤
In answer to your ask....I agree with everything you've said.
I promised myself I wouldn't discuss this anymore, but I keep breaking my promises..... 🤦🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I agree w/you...
I feel like the main issue in this case was the fact that they were on vacation with each other and they had more than likely chosen the place/location specifically for its privacy. So to see that someone deliberately broke resort policy and not only filmed them w/out their consent, but also went out of their way to POST it PUBLICLY for the world to see? 👀
Yeaaaa.....I can see how that didn't go over too well with either of them. 🥴
I don't blame them for feeling a little violated. It wasn't even the paps who caught them (who celebrities realize they just can't control, no matter how much they wish they could), but it was a fan/hotel guest!! 😳 Someone who doesn't even make their living trying to get celebrity photos caught them. I can see how TZ were worried that it would start to cause an influx of fans and maybe even paps to catch on to their location and snap even more pictures and post them online. 🤦🏾‍♀️
So yea, I totally get it why Tom and Z weren't feeling that too much. 🥴 I don't see anything wrong with them speaking up about it, especially if the location they were vacationing at was supposed to be private and had a strict policy against photographing guests against their consent...especially celebrities.
Re: Social media, lack of respect, etc
Yep! I agree with this also. I think social media has caused fans to overstep their boundaries a bit when it comes to celebrities. 👀 Just being honest. While I can totally understand the excitement and whatever, I think some fans need to just put themselves in the shoes of their celebrity faves for a hot second. Think about how YOU would feel if strangers did certain things to you! It might not feel all that nice.
That's not even going into the haters who post hurtful, mean and unkind things to celebrities on their posts, or tag them in tweets bashing them for no good reason, etc. 😔 Yea, some ppl can say, "well just ignore it" (and I'm sure many celebs try to), but at the end of the day, they're still human, and sometimes words hurt! Especially when you know that these ppl don't know a thing about you personally, or lies have been spread about you all over the internet and ppl are reacting to the lie instead of the truth that you know. It's just crazy. 🥴
Re: Tom...
Yea, I don't think Tom has really changed who he is as a person either! I mean, I'm sure he's seen the downsides to massive fame, and has kind of learned a bit how to be more wise with his fans and fame level. But overall, he's obviously still the nice, kind, good guy that we've always known, and fan encounters and the things that ppl say about him reflect that! 😃
And yea girl.... I want my man to PROTECT me too!! Shoot lol.... 😂 If anything, ppl could argue that he was really protecting Zendaya with that plea to take down the video, because in all honesty, Tom's back was to the camera, so he could have been any old dude walking along the beach. But it was Zendaya who's face could be clearly seen in the video, on her bikini, splashing in the water.....
I adore them as a couple too Anon 🥰, and I really wish that this world would be more kind to others.
I believe it was the Dalai Lama who said:
Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible. - Dalai Lama
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AAH okay promo time 😭😭 I can do this xd
Out here wiping my eyes and stopping screaming to watch the promo (neither of those are true - the first ain't even literal lol)
I didnt even RECOGNIZE THAT as TK's VOICE for a second 😯😯😬😭😭😭😭
But y'all the ANGST <3333 ❤️❤️❤️❤️👀👀😍😍❤️
Anyway back to being DISTRAUGHT and IN FEAR
Oh my gosh
"No one's gonna find you though"yeah that's because you didn't FREAKING TELL ANYONE WHERE YOU WERE GOING!!!!
THE K I T?????
C o n C E R N . jpg ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Oh no
"Looks like a pattern"?????
A SERIAL KILLER????!!?!?!!!?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😳😳😳
I am actually losing my mind
Y'all I just. I swear
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts. Now it's time for the. . .
If you'll begrudge me a very long scream again 😌.
I absolutely LOVED this episode!! I thought it was amazing :DD. It had so much DRAMA an ANGST and it was also HILARIOUS at parts xD. I promise that's just emphasis not me highlighting the words lol. Anyway, I loved Owen's storyline, even I'm frustrated over it xD, and I LOVED Iris's :D. Plus the call was amazing xD. The one with he cliff lol. Anyway, I loved it all 🥰🥰. Now, I'm gonna try to keep this short, but we'll see what happens lol - time for the individual parts xD.
First of all - Judd, Mateo, Marjan, Paul, and Nancy. My 126 lovelies 🥰🥰🥰. I was about to just do them four but then I was like nah Nancy gotta join them. I decided to leave Tommy on her own though lol. Anyway!!! As always I loved them :DDD. I missed seeing them much he episode but it makes sense with everything else going on :/ :). Still, the all was great XD (the all did great jobs of course), and the scene at the endddd 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔. Oh my gosh I'm still not over that - I know it's only been like an hour and 20 minutes but still xD. I don't think I'll ever get over it lol. Also, for a second I nearly said just 20 minutes and then I remembered: oh yeah, it's 9:08 (big emphasis on the 9 but I can't capitalize a 9 unless I spell it out lol). Anyway! Gotta shout-out Nancy's acting on the cliff call XDD wonderful lol. "Live!! Live!!!!" XDDD Iconic lol. Also Judd calling Owen out was *chefs kiss* as always. Plus, he's definitely sus, so if we need anyone for anything involving that, Judd's our guy. Kind of like TELLING SOMEONE WHERE YOU'RE GOING- sorry XD. Anyway, I loved them all <33 hope to see them more soon :))). ❤️❤️❤️.
Tommy! I really liked her scene with TK :DD. It was amazing <333. Her being there for him, comforting him :')). Work mom for real <333. And we love her for it (and many other things lol) 🥰🥰. Also, she did amazing with her job as well :DD 🥰🥰. And I just have to mention her acting in the first call XD. Not that she even did much, more just what she was actually doing lol. Girl was just sitting there XD. Like barely blanker than 😌 XDDDD. Icon, lol, amazing xDD. I love her ❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Grace time :). We LOVE OUR GIRL GRACE for being so amazing working out the call :DD. And also she was just so good in that scene in general 😭 - the shock on her face, the near desperation in how fast she was talking to Carlos- MMH, wonderful <33. Anyway, she was an icon all around this episode :DDD, and of course did her job wonderfully <33 ❤️❤️❤️🥰. Amazing, love her so much :'D.
Owennnn! My man. He was wild this episode XD. Like. SIR. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? XDD. I mean, hey, I wasn't really, genuinely suspicious of O'Brien either - as an overall, at any time in the process sort of thing, Owen was more suspicious of him than I was XD. That was at the beginning lol. But like. STILL. SIR. You can't just go around telling FBI business XD. I just KNOW this I gonna have consequences (obviously), and bad ones xd. Not just in the case but for us, our family/characters. It's gonna be rough lol. You gotta admit though, Owen, and a lot of his scenes, were hilarious this episode XDD. It was a nice contrast to the other plot, the Iris plot, just like last week. Which is wild considering it's a nazi domestic terrorism plot xDD. Anyway lol, I'm excited to see where it's going 🥰. If more stressed, now, lol. Also despite all this I'm wondering, who did he get to play his niece in law XDD. O'Brien, lol - not that that description fits anyone else xd. But like, seriously, who? Is it just another one of the honor dogs' wife or something? Or his (O'Brien's) daughter? Or maybe he's even lying to her, and she really does think he's in there to try to get her husband/boyfriend back. Ah, idk though! Wild lol. Anyway, loved the plot, and yeah, sure, loved Owen lol. Still frustrated with him though xdd.
The moment we've all been waiting for XD
TK and Carlos <3! An also Iris :). So! First let's kinda go over individual stuff. TK first!
My poor booyyyyyy 😭😭. He clearly felt so guilty for like, 80% of the episode xd. All except the call where they found Iris, pretty much, since that was the only time he was under the impression she was kidnapped (which she was but, yk xD). Just- agh 😭😭 xdd. Quick lighter note, amazing acting from TK on the cliff call XDD. Wonderful just as the other two lol, an icon <333. Anyway XDD (gosh that scene was so hilarious lol), TK having to confess going to see Iris in that first scene :((. I wish he got a chance to explain, but he and Carlos were both thinking that could've been the cause, so I don't even think he would've in that short a time. I mean, he just apologized instead of trying :'((. But also, I don't think Carlos would have cared. I don't blame him, but he was emotional and it was something they'd planned not to do, and could've caused Iris's disappearance. It sucks but it makes sense :'(. Also when TK said he wasn't hungry in he last scene I literally wasn't either 😭 xD. I was eating dinner throughout the episode and I'd just finished a bit when I set my food down to watch more intently lol. But I also felt literally a bit nauseous XDD I don't think I was full, I think it was just the drama lol - and THAT is impressive. Especially considering this has to work out lol. Anyway, TK in the last scene was absolutely heartbreaking 😭😭❤️. I really hope he didn't think Carlos's main reason for not coming home was him still being upset :'(((. But I think he probably did <33 💔. Anyway, I love him, he was great this episode xd <3333.
Now, a bit on Iris :D. AAAHHHHHHH I'm so glad she's okay :'DDD. I thought it would take a lot longer to rescue her, but this does make the most sense lol :'). Or t least, a lot of it. In hindsight, I see it XD. Anyway, it makes sense, and I didn't think she'd die or anything, but I'm so glad she's okay :'DD. But my poor girl :((((. Also, the thing about mental health is so sad 😭😭😭. Because yeah, seriously, just as I figured (I assume most of us did), they were discrediting things because of her illness. And it was making her doubt everything :'(((. She didn't deserve that 💔💔💔💔. Doesn't, is probably better <33. And I mean, given that there was no one seen coming out of that house, I cnt really blame the detective, but still :/. I mean, I can partially blame her because of the whole in the trunk, and also head injury hing, but still XD. Most people don't automatically jump to secret passages (like me - or, unlike me I suppose) lol. Anyway, I'm glad Iris is alive and physically (mentally too besides the doubting herself and no doubt the trauma from this :'((( ) okay :'DD. Besides that concussion lol. Carlos still needs that annoying little sister :'). That is not the only reason I'm glad she's alive btw XD, I'm just kinda joking. And annoying bc she teases him lol. Anyway <333. I love her :)) ❤️🥰🥰.
Now, Carlos. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! XDD now, anyway lol. Honestly I'm more distraught than shocked xD. We all knew this was coming lol. And I know, I KNOW, that Carlos is gonna be okay (and I also know it just sounds like I'm trying to convince myself of that but like. we literally know lol xD), but it's still scary 😭😭😭. I'm still nervous as heck lol xDD. Just for how everything's gonna work out! Anyways, more organized stuff time XD. More organized as in more than just now. Anyway, poor Carlos 😭😭😭. His heartbreak in that first scene, and then like almost betrayal when TK revealed that he visited Iris - MMH, AAH 😭😭 xd. I was really hoping tarlos would actually make up, especially quickly, but no such luck 😭. I mean, they're no totally arguing, not yk xD. And there's gonna be so much going on (and much more important stuff at that) when we get Carlos back that I doubt we're gonna talk about it then either. Pro tip: get kidnapped to avoid talking to your fiance. XDD Sorry, I know, I'm evil. But it's not thaaat bad lol. I was just thinking about what I was just talking about earlier while I was a few minutes behind/late catching up on the last of the liveblogging lol, and that thought entered my head XD. Anyway lol. Side now, pretty sure this is about as long as Iris's now and I've barely gotten into the plot xD. Anyway! Let's actually talk about this episode, not the next one lol xD.
I loved seeing protective Carlos, and slightly detective Carlos (lol rhymes) this episode. Him going into shift early - we know it wasn't just anger -, going to the cliff, immediately joining Iris's rescue, carrying her out, holding her hand, standing up for her to the detective, hugging her and kissing her head when she talked about how awful it was and the mental illness side of things. Amazing <33. And then he went and did a dumb thing xdd. Whyyyy would he do that without backup 😭😭. I do remember thinking for a split second "he doesn't want the trail to go any colder" and then passing that as good and forgetting about it in the moment, but I think it was mostly just emotions, even if he did try to justify it lol xD. Also, I'm frustrated but not too mad at him for being mad at TK - he was emotional, it was gonna happen. And UGH I'm rushing this bc I worked on half of this and the end of this post for like 20 minutes and I was gonna be able to do it before midnight and then it didn't save even though my wifi was fine when I clicked save to go post it :'(((. And I am really upset about that bc I had to start from halfway through Carlos's section and I tried but I had three minutes and now it's past midnight xd. So I'mma try to get past how upset I am bc it's arbitrary, and just hurry this up. Besides I don't wanna retype all that anyway xd. This is most of it, I can't remember all of it >://. Ugh I'm really upset xd. Whatever. I'mma just pretend it doesn't bother me. OH MY FREAKING GOSH IT DID IT AGAIN. ALL OF THAT. FREAKING AGAIN. I WANT TO SCREAM TUMBLR COULD YOU PLEASE JUST W O R K!!!! U G H H H H H H H H. I want to SLEEP this has taken me an extra 40 minutes and is making me literally cry just WHY. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME TUMBLR??? I'm literally gonna be saving every two seconds this time and then I'm going to resist chucking my phone across the room. I am going to try and act enthusiastic about this since the entire point of this is so I know what I was feeling instead of just my current rage. This is so stupid I know but whatever.
Anyway, I am so scared for the next episode 😭😭😭. Like VOEUNZUGAKSPB. I don't deserve this :'(((. But like I am so ready XDD. And also not at all lol xdd. It's gonna hurt but I will be LOVING the angst. And dying XD. I don't know how I'm gonna make it through it lol. Because it is going to be ROUGH, Carlos is gonna be going through it xdd. Also, at least they both said I love you at the end <333. That'll make it a tiny bit easier xddd. I will however still be screaming the entire time XDD. Anyway, I am SO EXCITED :DDD. And very scared XDD. Like, I know Carlos will be fine. I'm SURE (literally xD), unless the wedding promo bits (the planning) are with a ghost xD. But I can still be nervous lol. Oh, also! If I don't get to see TK hearing the news, or at LEAST TK telling the others, it is a crime <3. And homophobic <3. Jsyk <3. XDDD But honestly I need it. Anyway, back to Carlos lol! I loved him this episode, he was amazing 🥰🥰🥰. And I am so scared for him next episode xdd. I love him <333.
Overall, I loved loved loved this episode. I am looking forward to regular calls again, though. I love the drama and everything right now and I know it doesn't always leave room for regular calls, but I hope we have them again soon. Though the calm today was great lol. The CPR on the sex doll whole thing was just- amazing XD. Top notch call lol, and amazing performances xDD. Anyway, I loved the storylines this episode! Obviously the whole Iris situation, but Owen's too! Even if I am frustrated with him xD. But, still, I think it's gonna be really interesting, and I wanna see where it goes from here! Also it's hilarious XD. Like it's weird that it has but it has some really funny scenes lol. They've gotta fit it in somewhere xD. I'm cool with it this way lol. And, of course, I loved the Iris storyline :). It was awesome, and I'm so excited to see more. Anyway, I'm terrified of next week, but I'm also so excited :DD. I'm not at all ready, and I am so ready xD. I'll probably just be screaming the entire time. Anyway, I love all of them 🥰🥰❤️ <33.
So yeah! I loved this episode. I really enjoyed the storylines! I'm nervous for the next one. This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 3: Cry Wolf
What a great episode! I am so excited and also so, so scared for the next one. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 4: Abandoned
See you next week!
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otrtbs · 2 years
tell me your thoughts about the new arctic monkeys album 👀, i really love the sound but i wish the album was longer :(
HI! <3
ilysm and i am warning you now im so incapable of being normal abt arctic monkeys or their album so sorry for the ramblings!
overall it feels to me like a continuation of tranquility base hotel and casino which a lot of people didn't like bc they wanted another AM-esque album (but the people who get it get it!) so i feel like if you didn't like tbh&c you won't like this one but I loved both albums so! this album is criminally short!! that's what hurts the most i think haha
if there's one thing alex turner can do, it's write the best and most ridiculous lyrics ever! this album is no exception!! it's also very moody and i love that. it feels like running down cold, dark, rainy alleyways, and stepping into a dark piano lounge bar,, drinking (vodka) martinis in a booth alone at 2 am (idk ajghskgjh)
right now im really vibing with sculptures of anything goes,, the sound is a huge tone shift and the lyrics are so good! it my favorite on the album!!
"blank canvases leaned against gallery walls/flowing towards sculptures of anything goes/on the marble stairs/is that vague sense of longing kinda trying to cause a scene?/guess i'm talking to you now"
also there better be a mirrorball??
"don't get emotional, that ain't like you/yesterday's still leaking through the roof/that's nothing new/ i know i promised this is what i wouldn't do/somehow giving it the old romantic fool/seems to better suit the mood"
also this part in jet skis pulls at my heart
"is there something on your mind/or are you just happy to sit there and watch/while the paint job dries?/when it's over, you're supposed to know"
and the entirety of big ideas!!! fr. love that song
i feel like, and this is just my interpretation, but for me,,, So Much happens in the kitchen of a home. I love the kitchen so much,,, kitchens are So Personal to me. And I think that the car is that place for Alex Turner. And this album is a testament to that.
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avid-adoxography · 3 years
Shout out to these couple pages for making me think about drawing Sturm in the Topolino style.
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Topolino 3453 [IP-3453-1] - art by Davide Cesarello, story by Giorgio Pezzin.
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kawaiijohn · 3 years
prompt: Jazz vibing with Quizz and chatting about their younger siblings
OKAY NGL I WENT 👀 AT THIS ONE. They'd be friends so here we go.
CW: mentions of death, death of a child, mention of misgendering? kinda??
"Does it ever get easier?"
Quizz hums in response, his mug floating down and landing with a small clink. "Y'gotta specify- does what get easier?"
Jazz looks away, nervously chewing on her nails- a habit that not even bitter polish could break. Quizz waits patiently for her to speak; the few false starts makes a shiver of anxiety race through his Core, especially paired with her grim expression.
"Does it get easier? Knowing you could have been there for him- er, them in your case- like, knowing they'd died- and yeah! They got better! But the mere concept that they went through that sort of trauma and kept going? Without any sort of help from anyone?!? Without parents or adults?!? Without..."
'Without you' remained unspoken, but they both get the gist.
"It doesn't sit with me right, and I feel selfish for wanting to have known earlier. I deal with it every day, and then there's the lying to our parents thing, and-"
Quizz puts his hand up, stopping Jazz in her spiraling tracks. "First things first, you gotta breathe, kid. Okay? Ya good? Cool! Now, second thing second- you're doin' great with the boy, you're a tried and true ally for him and it's what he needs. You're doin' whatchya can to keep him kickin', and that's all ya can do as a big sister, trust me."
Jazz finally sets her mug to rest with the other. She takes a few minutes to think it through before speaking again. "Was it the same for you and Stuffie then? The anxiety, the secrets?"
"Hell no! Stuffie passed in a house fire when they were younger than Danny! It's similar but not the same, y'know?"
"Oh uh... I'm sorry for- I never asked how I guess?" Jazz backtracks.
Quizz scoffs and offers her a smile. "No, you did the right thing in not askin'. Ghosts don't like talkin' about it- their death or death in general, but you're practically a younger sister to me through your dork of a brother, so it's all good.
"I think I was like, your age-ish when it happened, and I don't remember the full of it, but ever since I found the blog I kept while I was still alive I can pretty much taste the guilt from how angsty my teenaged ass got. And sister, what you have is kinda similar to mine- but mine? It ate me away for years. Even now it kinda eats at me, but I promised to never let someone I care about down like that again.
"S'why I do what I can for Stuffie now that we're both miraculously too stubborn to pass on. Like, what I went through? It was a different beast of burden and guilt 'n shit compared to yours. And again- I've done the whole 'guilty big sister' thing enough for one lifetime, s'why my afterlife is 'protective big bro' hours all day, every day."
"So... it might get easier?" Jazz finally speaks up, eyes sad and full of hope.
"Well, yeah! You gotta repeat the mantra that the past is the past n' you can't really change it... unless you got powers or some shit? But like- you didn't do anything malicious. You're a kid, and it ain't your responsibility to parent your little bro, even if your parents make you feel it sometimes. You're doing what you, at your current age and ability, can handle emotionally n' financially. Just be there for Danny so you won't miss anything else."
Quizz crosses his arms and huffs in accomplishment. He was never the best at giving pep talks, but with Jazz's happy tears he feels a bit accomplished.
He's about to grab his coffee when wiry arms wrap around his waist and squeeze.
"Thank you- it just gets hard when there's no real adults that can help us."
"Not a problem kiddo, just don't try to be Atlas with your bother's issues, you got a wicked tight-knight support group, after all."
Quizz hugs the girl tight, wishing he could have spared more of her pain, but growing up is never easy. Neither is having an undead younger sibling who loves to cause chaos.
Jazz pulls away, wiping a stray tear from her eye with a smile. Quizz watches as her expression changes to her standard 'baby psychologist' one and smiles back nervously. "So... big sister, huh?"
"Listen, as someone who transed their gender after death, I can only be described as the omni sibling- both brother n' sister at the same time. Quizz, the blue hair n' pronouns ghost, as your bro calls me when he wants to piss me off!" they laugh heartily.
"It don't bother me to talk about my pre transition shit, hell my body was buried in a dress since I wasn't out yet- which is HILARIOUS to me, since this is what I look like now. Got them with my transgender genjutsu so hard I didn't even remember what I looked like before. So go on, Jazz- let those gears in your head run wild, I can talk gender bullshit until Danny gets here."
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moonlightchn · 3 years
R/ Maybe, maybe not. You don’t do radio? Well this is awkward. Hey that’s cool though, to each his own! Tiring? I wouldn’t say it’s tiring, at least not to me. I’m not as well known as you think. One day though. Ow- friendzoned already? That’s fine, I can work with that. It’s better to start as friends anyway, isn’t it? Toning down… wait why would you do such a thing! Don’t change who you are to fit what others think you should be. Take me for example. I tend to ramble A LOT and I’ve always been told to keep my thoughts to myself but guess what? I wouldn’t be hosting my own show if I didn’t stay true to who I am. You wouldn’t be Channie if you toned it down, now would you? Frogs - I’ll be honest, I don’t know much about frogs. They’re cute though! We used to catch them as kids or were those toads? Maybe you can teach me about them cause clearly I don’t know anything. ㅋㅋ I like the emoji you picked. I must say though, wouldn’t my voice sound better coming directly from me rather than through headphones? You know, up close and personal. Just some food for thought. Until next time. 🎧
YAAAAH JUST TELL ME IF ITS YOUR NAME OR NOTTTT HHHHUSJSISKS 🥲🥲🥲 I wouldn't say awkward! it's always fun doing new things! I have a lot of free time now to investigate 7pm radio shows anyway 👁🧐👀 I'll find out who you are! 😤 mmm I bet you're known ENOUGH at least! otherwise why the secrecy? or is it about me 🥴🥴🥴 I promise I'm NICEJWNWJSJ WAAAAAA I DIDNT FRIENDZONE YOUUUU JSJWJAEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAA 🙈🙈🙈 I'm just SAYING YEAH YOU HAVE TO WORK YOUR WAY TO THR TOP LIKE WORMS OK HHHHHWJWDIJS SCREEEEE ok ok I'm fine-- mmm... I guess I wouldn't be channie no... but it's not the same yknow cuz like,,, people can like rambling! can look over it because that's just talking! there's always people that likes listening ndskns I guess people just don't rlly vibe well with me? it's hard to put up with energy sometimes... that's ok though ... ANYWHO FROGS EEEEEEE 🐸🐸🐸 THEYRE THE CUTEST I HAVE OKE FID YOU KNOW HES CALLED MR PICKLE 🥒💚💙 HES SO SMOL HE WAS A COIN NOW HES BIG AND HES A MASTER OF ESCAPE I HAVE THEORIES ABOUT THAYSHDJJDX HHHH EEEEEE I will teach you all about frogs look at my boy he COULD TAKE YOU ON A FIGHT
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EEEEEEEE I LIKE THE HESDPHONES TOO UWU I think tho yes voices sound better up close and personal but we ain't there yet are we 🤨🤨🤨 you still hidinggg so headphones gotta do right? unless... 👀👀👀👀 mmmm let's see what can I ask you today 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️ well how's your day been so far? I haven't asked you how you been at ALL HOW RUDE OF ME OH NOOOO IM SO SORRY MISTER R AAAAAA HOW ARE YOU? HAVE YOU BEEN TAKING GOOD CARE? ARE YOU EATING DRINKING WATER SLEEPING WELL HAVE YOU SHOWERED HOWS YOUR WATER PRESSURE DO YOU HAVE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE AAAAA
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