#i almost asked you for hex code opinions-
comicaurora · 2 years
I know that villains like Megs and Hex were probably acts too big to follow, but even so what do you think it was about Daemon that caused her to be seen by fans as a lacklustre baddie?
I can only speak for my own opinion, but I think several things weakened her:
Too dang powerful. With a non-omnipotent bad guy you can get a rapport with the heroes - banter, back-and-forth, mind games and backstabs - because the heroes actually have enough ability to affect the situation that the villain doesn't just immediately win. By the end of the season Daemon was infecting entire systems just by entering them, making everyone her puppets immediately - and even before then she had basically no trouble controlling anyone she got near. If the only way to stop the villain is to never, ever interact with them, you're not going to get any of those good hero-villain dynamics that are the backbone of this kind of story. Also, once everyone is infected they basically have no personality and almost no displays of heroic willpower/fighting from the inside, which is basically the only interesting character moment you can have in a mass mind control plot, and aside from Matrix getting in a cool moment, nothing ever comes of that.
Not interesting on her own. Not every bad guy needs a hero to play off of, but Daemon's got basically nothing going on besides "take over the entire net." Her motivation is hard-coded into her, it's never unpacked and it doesn't have any nuance or leave any room for flamboyance or even a personality. If I recall correctly the only time we ever see her express even a hint of interesting emotion is when Hex comes back and they have a brief slapfight.
Needs of the plot override agency. The heroes were never going to be able to stop Daemon. She was too overpowered. This was a plot contrivance so Hex could do a heroic sacrifice, infect the entire net and purge Daemon. It was a cool concept that was weakened by feeling like the story was cheating to get there. Literally nothing the heroes did worked to stop her - I think they only managed to inoculate like two people against her, and if I recall correctly, that was Hex doing it. This makes the bulk of the season feel pointless and extremely forgettable because it's just a bunch of running in circles. It's like those stories where there are a set of collectible macguffins and the villain's plan is reliant on getting all of them - there is no universe where the bad guy actually fails or the heroes stop them from getting all the things, because the story is pinning all its actually interesting stakes on what will happen when all the macguffins are brought together. Daemon has one thing going on, so the needs of the plot transparently dictate that this one thing is going to happen. This is also why there was basically no Heroic Willpower or Fighting From The Inside from the heroes - the plot couldn't have anyone actually fighting back in a meaningful way. Nothing the heroes do works or affects the plot or even inconveniences Daemon very much. Thus, we have a season of a character-driven show where not a single goddamn character gets to express agency except the tagalong kid nobody asked for and the defanged villain.
Add in that Megabyte and Hexadecimal were just so incredibly effective and the lackluster bad guy replacing them both comes across as much worse by comparison. Hex and Megs both had incredible banter and tension with the good guys - Daemon is so OP that nobody in the same system as her even gets to retain their personality, let alone have chemistry with her.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Hi! I love your costume metas, I've learned so much thanks to them! I wanted to ask you a colour-related question if you don't mind. If someone is wearing green when a person they knew died, what emotion does it indicate? (I've tried colour detectors and 2 Hex codes I've got are 2cbc30 and 2bac30). It is unclear how close they were so I was curious if the colour could be a clue to that. Thanks in advance!
Hey Nonnie! ooooh interesting question!!
without knowing a bit more context its always hard to say for certain its why I can talk far more easily about the intentions of a costume designer once I've seen an episode and season of a show - because the choices they're making are based on having the information about the full arc for a character - they know where the story is going, where as I only have a little bit of the information - the stuff that has been revealed up to that point1
But as to your question, the green from the hex codes is a very bright and verdant green - almost what I would call poison green.
Green generally slots into two categories - renewal, hope for the future, prosperity, harmony, energy, freshness safety and balance
or it can be poisonous, think the green eyed monster - so jealousy, greed, materialism, envy and judgement.
I would say the two hex codes you send are borderline colours, but just on the side of the positive traits - it hasn't got quite enough yellow vibrant toning to make it poisonous - it has the brightness of fresh new grass or spring leaves that are full of chlorophyl!
Like I said, without the context it is hard to know, but I would suggest that the person wearing the green has maybe seen the person who has died suffering, or that others have suffered at the hands of the dead person (that doesn't mean they were evil or nasty etc, it could mean they've been burdened by looking after and caring for the dead person due to illness or something!) and the choice of bright spring green is a symbol of renewal and freedom - that everyone can now move forward and be at peace - that the person in green is looking to the future. if the green was darker, it would potentially also be about money or playing into the idea of forests and not being able to see the wood from the trees - so confusion about what happens going forward etc, but the green is too bright for those meanings to be applied
I might not have explained this very clearly, but hopefully it gives you some help?? its a really interesting question and I could be more firm in my opinions if I knew more context, but as a costume designer I would use that green for the reasons I've detailed above!
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libermachinae · 4 years
Fault Lines Under the Living Room
Part I: Listen - Chapter 1: A Commotion, Eager and Anxious (Previous)
Also available on AO3! Summary:  Arcee arrives on the Lost Light just as someone else is getting ready to leave. Chapter Word Count: 3010
“Hey, you’ve reached Captain Rodimus’ personal hailing frequency. If you’re calling to complain again about mandatory hab sweeps, please refer to recent events involving briefcases and the hereafter outlawed opening of. If you have news involving foolish, ridiculous, or nonsensical obstacles in our quest, input 1 to be transferred directly to Megatron’s personal comm line. If you have a complaint regarding sign placement, grammatically incorrect maintenance manuals, or that weird temperature difference between floors 7 and 8, input 2 for Ultra Magnus. If you’re lonely and want someone to talk to, input 3 for automatic directions to Swerve’s. Input 4 to be connected with me, provided I’m—”
“Blaster! Great timing, we just got back from Fortuna. Don’t talk too long, though, Magnus just handed me my prep for the hearing and these datapads are engraved with his personal insignia.”
“Sure, Rodimus. I’ve got incoming transmission from an unknown caller, not laying down any codes I’m familiar with. Tried pressing for details, but all they’re letting slip is they want to talk to you. Want me to patch them through?”
“Hm. On the one hand, unknown caller with mysterious intentions almost always means trouble, right?”
“We’ve ended up in some axel grease for it in the past, yeah.”
“And the reason we set down on Scarvix was to avoid creating more problems while we deal with the fallout from the last batch.”
“I thought it was to give the crew a day off?”
“And that’s why you’re our morale guy. Ratchet would probably tell me to ignore it, right?”
“I guess.”
“You don’t think he would?”
“Not really sure how the CMO’s opinion is relevant.”
Because Ratchet’s vote was the only one he knew.
“Yeah, never mind,” Rodimus said with a shrug, almost losing his balance in the process. “Ultra Magnus would say the same thing, anyway, and he’s counting on me to get to the hearing on time. He cares so much , he ‘summarized’ Brainstorm’s alleged code infringements himself.” He shifted the armload of datapads. The topmost pad was hanging off the edge, preparing for freefall, but trying to tilt it back to safety risked upsetting the rest of the pile.
“Nice of him,” Blaster said.
“Yep, super nice. He went to so much trouble. Really dug into the details, researched historical precedents, looked at the case from every angle. He probably buried his essay on the origins of Decepticon as an adjective somewhere in here.” The datapad tilted and dropped. Rodimus shifted his weight to one leg and kicked with the other, bouncing the pad off his knee and catching it with his teeth. “You know ‘at? Hure, ‘ut the comm hrough. ‘robably just a co’arketer, anyay.”
“Yes, sir.”
The familiar click and beat of a line being transferred. Rodimus deposited the datapad on top of his stack and started walking again, forgoing his office in favor of a detour to the middle decks. The view there was more impressive, the angle revealing the organic landscape that stretched between the Lost Light and Fortuna, a popular interstellar rest stop with enough mechanical business to make it worth the daytrip. Chomskians were their patrons of choice, but a hand over the faction insignia and most folks would let it slide. Walking the length of the Lost Light revealed a subtly changing view as the gleam of the mechanoid hub altered the silhouette of the city, and Rodimus busied himself tracking the shuttles, jets, and personal aircraft traveling in and out, letting it distract him until his comm came back.
“Am I speaking to Captain Rodimus?” an unfamiliar voice asked. Cybertronian, definitely, but otherwise unknown.
Cool .
“Yep, captain of the Lost Light and quester for the Knights of Cybertron,” he said. “What’s up?”
“This is Autobot Arcee, requesting permission to dock in the Lost Light’s shuttle bay.”
“Arcee?” Rodimus went through the list of all the Autobots he knew, ignoring the space where Arcee’s origin should have been. Some folks, MTOs especially, didn’t like to broadcast that information, and it wasn’t strictly necessary for a personal database search. Regardless, “Sorry, Arcee, I’m not remembering you. Who did you serve under?”
“New recruit. Was working with Prowl for a bit, now Optimus Prime. We’ve met.”
He had to hold himself back from shutting down the call. The datapads wobbled and he quickly righted himself.
“We have?” People who worked for Prowl were strategic about when they released that information. If she really was a new recruit, it was possible no one had explained to her yet that, ultimately, everything led back to him. It was the only justification he could find for staying on the line and not telling Ultra Magnus to initiate an immediate sweep for unauthorized listening devices.
“Well, no. But I crashed a shuttle for you. Into Galvatron.”
“You did?” And just like that he had forgotten Prowl entirely.
“I did. Me and a few others. It didn’t do much, but you and Optimus managed to take care of Vector Sigma anyway, so, bygones.”
Why couldn’t he remember this? It sounded awesome .
“Totally,” Rodimus said, feeling a swell of pride as he remembered the moment Optimus had set aside his doubts and trusted Rodimus’ word on the Matrix. Up until that point, his chosen name had felt ill-fitting, like the myriad of function tests that preceded a new harvest’s official classification. Or, in his darker moments, like the Primes of old, who claimed the Matrix’s blessing despite no legitimate connection to it. Optimus had put his faith in Rodimus, though, in his connection to the Matrix, and that faith had been rewarded , not punished . For once, his destiny hadn’t been priced in spilled energon.
Not that they hadn’t seen any.
“So you decided to get the brand and make it permanent?” he asked, pulling himself back to the present.
“Then yeah, come aboard. ‘The more the merrier,’ as Megatron would never say. When do you estimate your arrival?”
“I’ve just breached atmosphere, should be there in an hour.”
“Perfect. I’ll send instructions along to open the shuttle bay doors and will be there to meet you.” He passed the news to Megatron and Ultra Magnus and was unsurprised when only the latter acknowledged the alert, as well as a bunch of forms that seemed incredibly tedious and not worth the bandwidth. Maybe once the hearing was over, he could sit down with his co-captain and remind him of the responsibilities he had agreed to as part of his deal. That would be a proper, leader-like thing to do.
Or he could let Megatron continue to wallow in whatever new misery he had concocted for himself. It certainly made his shifts easier.
He and Arcee exchanged farewells and his comm powered down, leaving Rodimus to strategize. Arcee’s arrival meant he did not have enough time to get back to his office, read through all of Magnus’ files, and make it to the shuttle bay, especially with all the effort it would take to even work himself up to unlocking the datapads. Better to make a good impression on their new guest and bump out the least pressing task. He could do his reading once Arcee was settled.
Walking around weighed down by the burden of knowledge was a drag, though, so he stuck to the part of the plan that involved getting rid of the datapads. He spent the remaining walk to his office (longer now after he had inadvertently walked in the opposite direction while on the comm) thinking about what he could do with the surprise free time. Maybe take a quick lap around the lower decks or make his first official visit to “Visages”. Something fun, carefree, and just barely skirting regulations; something normal , to start the work of convincing everyone, again, that things were going to be fine.
Ratchet was not stalling.
There was a chance he was overpreparing, but better that than the opposite. The galaxy was a big place, and if he was even slightly accurate in his guess of how far Drift would wander in his search for redemption, he would be touching corners of it even the war had never brought him to. So, an abundance of fuel was necessary, at least enough to last two bots a month plus about half that for the journey outward. Then medical supplies: wiremesh bandages, nanite gel, intravenous lines, sparkstarters, sorted boxes of nuts and screws, antiviral uploads, rust repellant, strut stabilizers, soldering wires… The shuttle was turning out better equipped than some of the mobile surgeries he had worked from during the war; even some hospitals had been dangerously low on materials he now found in abundance. For the first time, he had the resources to make sure nothing and no one would be lost to shortage, and he intended to take advantage of that new luxury.
Following that, the next logical step had been to make the rest of the shuttle comfortable as well. Two Morphy berths with recharge docks. A media library of music and movies to pass the time (the former Cyclonus’ recommendations, the latter, Swerve’s). A few selections from his private engex stash. A box of data blockers he had buried deep among the medical supplies and would claim were standard for any med kit if interrogated.
He nudged the box of Hex pieces against the wall with his foot. Was it alright there was nowhere to sit beside the naviconsole and the berths? He had though Drift would appreciate the economy of a smaller shuttle, but with the cargo loaded the atmosphere was shifting from cozy to cramped. Would Drift feel claustrophobic, reminded of squatters’ dens and Decepticon outposts? Drift was also a high-energy bot, who would probably itch for a chance to spin his wheels from time to time. Were the fuel reserves large enough to accommodate multiple planet stops?
Ratchet’s knuckle had worked its way between his teeth before he realized what he was doing. Dropping his hand, he forced himself to turn around and exit the small spacecraft. He was committed. Out of anyone on board, Drift had done the most to earn this home. If no one else was going to step up and do the right thing by returning it to him, Ratchet would resign to do it himself.
He heard a commotion, eager and anxious, as he stepped out into the shuttle bay. The hangar doors were opening, sunlight slipping through the growing crack, and several parked crafts were being taxied out of the way. Not wanting to get cut off by wandering shuttles, he hurried to the pedestrian entrance, where most of the voices were coming from: a small crowd, loiterers looking for the new source of intrigue. Whirl and Tailgate were among them, providing running commentary as the unwieldly ships skirted just shy of scraping each other’s paint off, so it was no surprise to find Cyclonus standing further off.
Perfect. Though Ratchet and Cyclonus were not on bad terms, neither had ever tried to expand their relationship past the occasional long-suffering glance. If it had been one of the bots who had his spark twisting every time he bumped into them in the hallways, Ratchet would have worried about giving his plan away, but he doubted Cyclonus cared whether the something-like-guilt was visible.
“Cyclonus,” he greeted.
“Ratchet.” The older of the two offered a polite nod, though his gaze returned to the door.
“What’s going on? Somebody forget something in Fortuna?” Ratchet kept his voice light, curiosity without investment. A change in routine could mean nothing, but by now everyone knew it could also be the start of something weird, dangerous, or a combination of the two. Either way, it would end up among Swerve’s stand-up material.
“New arrival,” Cyclonus said. “Arcee of the Darklands: a tested warrior with a spark that rivaled Galvatron’s.”
Might as well have called herself Foreboding of Doom and saved his declarative archives the search. Ratchet wondered if he should move his departure up.
“Is she here? Did I miss it?”
Rodimus’ panicked shouts preceded his stumble into the hangar. Ratchet greeted him with a pointed look, which he shouldered by simply not noticing it while his gaze darted around the room.
“Not yet, Rodimus,” Hoist announced over the loudspeaker. “We’re just getting the last shuttles cleared for landing.”
“Oh, thank Primus,” Rodimus said, tilting his head back as his fans released a cloud of warm air. “Fantastic.”
“You look like you gunned it to get here,” Ratchet said, waving away the smell of an overheated engine.
“No, that would be speeding, which is definitely against spacetime law,” Rodimus said, straightening to flash Ratchet a deeply unappreciated grin. “I ran. I told Arcee I would be here to meet her, and it would make for a pretty bad impression of the ship if the captain failed to live up to his promise.”
“Don’t you have a hearing to be getting ready for?” Ratchet asked, the question slipping past his censors. Slag. That was not the note he wanted to leave on. The stress of his impending departure was getting to him more than he had realized.
Rodimus shrugged, unaffected.
“Magnus gave me all the materials, just need to read them. Won’t take long.”
That stirred something in Ratchet’s spark.
“Good to know our justice system is under such attentive care.”
“Perhaps this is a conversation that would be better saved for when we are not moments from new introductions,” Cyclonus interjected, his deep bass distracting enough to halt those emotional processes of Ratchet’s that started to loop out of control whenever Rodimus opened his mouth. He set his vocalizer to standby, not trusting it to wait for his command, and wondered whether it would be better to get out sooner. Before his own smart mouth made his worries a reality.
The appearance of the approaching shuttle did not ease his concerns. Starting as a speck above the horizon, all optics were on it as it approached, a little blob of a spacecraft dangling over the city of Fortuna. Big, for a single occupant. Ratchet hoped he was wrong, but he noticed something further odd as it came nearer.
Whirl took care of that loose thread of optimism.
“It’s purple,” he said, with a coy look at Cyclonus, who ignored it with enviable steadiness.
“It’s a Decepticon vessel.” Ratchet had seen enough in his time. After the fall of Tyger Pax, Autobot regulations had outlawed all colors between navy and magenta for ships, and he could think of no other species brazen enough to steer a spacecraft directly into civilian airspace. “Rodimus?”
“Blaster confirmed Arcee’s ident after our call,” Rodimus said. “Bit of a garish choice for a ride, but it’s her.” He had maneuvered himself to the front of the group, standing at the front like he was putting himself on display for an honored guest.
“That is rich, coming from you.”
“Thanks, Ratch,” Rodimus said, casting over his shoulder a wink and a grin before he turned back to face the oncoming ship. Ratchet’s frown deepened and he ignored the way the gesture reminded him of Drift.
He never knew what the bot had seen in Rodimus. Short-sighted, selfish, and with an ego that could have powered the ship if he could have been bothered to contribute that much, Rodimus’ ability to perform feats no one else would attempt meant he was also prone to making mistakes they neither could have imagined. For all the time Ratchet had spent on the Lost Light , he still had no idea the limits of chaos Rodimus was capable of summoning to it, so he let triage and combat protocols idle in the background while they waited.
It was not a nice landing. The thrusters were still burning several hundred feet out, so they all heard the roar of wind buffeting ailerons as the shuttle struggled to slow itself down. It was only by the combined effects of the Lost Light ’s buffeting shield and the shuttle’s reverse engines that they did not suffer a catastrophic collision, and even then, the shuttle bounced as it finally touched down, coming within feet of kissing Huffer’s personal speeder. Ratchet still did not remember to vent as it struggled through taxiing, twice having to reattempt a maneuver as the combined efforts of Hoist, Rodimus, and a group of volunteers guided it to its designated space. Only when the engines finally shut down did Ratchet hear the collective sigh of multiple hydraulics systems releasing their tension.
“Guess Darkland warriors don’t need to know how to drive,” Ratchet muttered. He thought he heard Cyclonus huff, which was enough to get a chuckle out of him.
That was it, though, because in the next moment Rodimus was rushing to the lowering hatch, his spoiler flicking behind him like an insect wing. Ratchet caught a glimpse of a labyrinthine cargo hold before Arcee stepped forward, filling the space, and descended rapidly. He tensed, ready for something else to come charging out from behind her, but besides a look passed between her and Cyclonus nothing immediately hostile revealed itself.
“Welcome to the Lost Light,” Rodimus said, standing aside to let Arcee descend. The hatch raised as soon as she was standing on the Lost Light’s floor, blocking Ratchet’s view again.
“Yes, thank you.” Her tone was clipped, not the melodic veil of sophistication Ratchet had come to associate with Cyclonus, and she scanned the assembled bots with a look of blatant suspicion. Ratchet could relate to that, if nothing else.
He glanced at the purple ship once more while Rodimus led Arcee in the direction of the rec rooms while the rest of the crowd dispersed. Ratchet himself would never believe in anything as a sign or omen, but the sight of the purple plating made old welds ache, and he found his resolve. He would go get a drink. He would attend the hearing. And then, goodbyes or no, he was leaving that night.
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deantemjitunit19 · 6 years
Task 1 - Mini Teach
For task 1, we are asked to design a lesson that uses Art & Design in some way to teach the class skill or some knowledge. Moreover, the lesson session should last for about 10 minutes - not longer and not less. Furthermore, we also had the options whether we are going to stand up in front of the class or create a lesson in a creative way.
To start the project off, I started searching online of what I could teach and these are my mind maps below. However, they seem to be a really boring subject to listen to for about 10 minutes so I decided to scrap that idea.
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I came to a conclusion to go with teaching the class hexadecimal colours after searching for something to teach that relates to art & design. However, I knew that teaching how hexadecimal colour works alone would not be enough for people to understand; if most people don’t understand the basic of colour theory first. I have decided to talk briefly about the colour theory and how it links to the hex colour codes at the beginning part of the video lesson.
After I have made my mind up that I’d go with hexadecimal colour code idea, I then begin researching from various websites as to how hex code works and how you will be able to guess colours that way. Of course, this was my first time learning about hex colour codes as well so when the deadline comes - I should be really knowledgeable about this subject.
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After that, I have also researched briefly about colour theory. However, I am not going to be mentioning terms that are complicated or scientific which we do not need to know about. Just the basic knowledge of colour theory and how colour works.
Once the research is completed, it is now time for me to decide whether to stand in front of the class with a powerpoint slideshow or make a video presentation and to be honest, video presentation sounds good to me. This is because nobody would really like to listen to a boring powerpoint slideshow for a whole 10 minutes. A better way to educate people is through the uses of images, moving images, and animation. This should be enough to grab their attention for the whole 10 minutes and I do plan on doing a voice over instead of just captions as that could overwhelm the audience.
Before I begin, I’d need to write a script as to what I am going to be teaching in the video, and I also need to make sure to pace myself really well as not to go over the mark of 10 minutes. However, the time I limit myself on the video was actually 7 to 8 minutes as I wanted to leave a few minutes for the class to have a go at a mini quiz of guessing the hex colour code.
I recorded my voice using a microphone and I recorded it to only one sentence each as reading the whole script in one go would mean that there is a high chance that I’d mess it up and have to start over again, which is why I decided to record one sentence at a time and put it together in Adobe Premiere Pro. Furthermore, since English is not my first language, I tried to pronounce words as best as I can so that the audience can understand me easily.
After I have recorded the script, I then put all the voice recorded in Premiere Pro where I put them all together, and it came to almost about 8 minutes which is quite good in my opinion. The next step I did was exported the audio file and imported it into Adobe Audition where I equalize and change the volume to a standard volume. The reason why I have to equalize the sound was that the original record was really bad, and I mean some parts were really quiet and some parts are really loud. By equalizing the sound, it will give off a steady and consistence sound which is good for the viewers to listen to.
Once the scripted audio was equalized, it is time for me to export it into an MP4 file and imported the file into Adobe After Effect. I have made some of the assets in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop which I then imported it to After Effect; however, most of them were made in After Effect itself. 
I then started to animate some of the elements that match the script to make some of the areas easy to understand, rather than having the viewers only listen to myself - I thought it would be a good idea to have them see what was going on and how it work as well. Most importantly, I have also used quite a few stock footages that I have found on the internet that are free to use. Not to mention, photos that are being used in the video are from a website called ‘Unsplash’, which is a website that you can use images for free at a high resolution too.
In addition to explaining the basic colour theory and how hex colour code works, I have also made a section where I test out my ideas and using what I have learnt to try to guess the colour using the hex code. I have included that in the video to show that it was possible to guess the colour - although not accurate, as these codes are meant for the computer to process, but it is just a fun way of figuring out the colours.
I did much research into the best way into guessing the hex colour code, but none that I found were as useful or was quite difficult to comprehend and would take some time. This would be a 10 minutes lesson to the class so I want them to learn it in just the amount of 8 minutes, which they would try to take the test on themselves and see whether they have learned anything from the lesson. I realised that this was going to be difficult but I tried as best as I can to use images and animation to make it easy for them to understand.
I came up with an idea to create a number chart which displays 16 numbers from number 0 to 15. Obviously, I have already converted the letter symbol from A - F to 10 - 15 which makes it easier for the viewers to understand. The way it works is rather simple, I did mention in the video that to break the hex colour code in the simplest way, the viewers only need to focus on the first symbol of each red, green and blue colours - which then use the chart to see how much intensity the colour is.
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I did also mention that RGB colours started out with darkness or black, which means that the lower the intensity is, for example, number 0 - 4, would actually be a dark colour. The lower the number is, it does not mean that you will get a darker shade of that colour, but would rather get a black colour or nothing the lower the number is. It is a complicated subject to understand but once the viewers understand this point - the rest is easy. 
Hey, welcome to a video presentation of the basic colour theory and hex colours explained. It is a good idea to understand how hex colours works as a lot of the time, you’d be working with them in Adobe software and I know it can be a little bit confusing as you’ll see letters, numbers, and pound or number sign but I’ll do my best to explain it as much as I can.
So what is hexadecimal code?
Well, if you’ve ever worked with colours on your computer, then chances are you’ve seen the hexadecimal codes before. It started off with a pound or number sign which follows by random numbers and letters that make up a colour.
However, before I begin explaining what hex colours is, let’s touch briefly on the basic colour theory and understand the differences between additive and subtractive colours.
Light or white light is a combination of all colours, and to get a better answer to this. Let’s take a look at this apple. It creates colours by subtracting or absorbing certain wavelengths of colour while reflecting other wavelengths back to the viewers. This is called subtractive colours.
If an object reflects all the white light back to the viewers, it will appear white. However, if the object adsorbs or subtracts all light illuminating it, no light is reflected back to the viewers and it will appear black. It is the subtractive process that allows everyday objects around us to show colours. Now, subtractive or CMY colours requires to be illuminated by white light to be visible and seen in original colour.
As for the additive or RGB colours, it starts with darkness or black and gradually add light to get different results of colours, and this is the perfect inversion of the subtractive primaries we have just talked about and this is because, for subtractive, we are taking away light whereas additive, we are adding light into it.
A computer screen blends varying intensities of red, green, and blue light each of its tiny pixels. These pixels are so small and tightly packed that our human eyes are fooled into the perception that there are many different colours when there are only three.
Before we get into the hexadecimal codes, let’s test my ideas of breaking down hex codes and making an inform guesses on the colours.
What we have here is a hex colour code test and what you do is make a well-informed guess base on the hex code given above to figure out the colour.
From what I can see from the hex code, I can see that there is no red, a lot of green and a little bit of blue. Now I know for a fact that it isn’t going to be a bright green because it’s not at its highest intensity so my answer would be this colour here. That’s correct.
As for this one, I can see that there is a bit of red, a lot of green and very little blue. Now, can it be a very bright green or a lime green colour? From what I can see from the hex code, I know that there are quite a bit of red in there and red mix with green gives a yellow colour. However, since the red colour is kind of at the medium point of intensity, my guess would be for this lime green colour. And that’s correct.
And for the final one, I can see a medium amount of red, no green, and medium amount of blue. And I know that if you mix red with blue, you’d get magenta. However, because the intensity for both of the colours is at their medium point, my guess for the colour would be a darker shade of magenta. And that’s correct.
That was a quick demonstration of me trying out the test, and by the end of the video, you’d be able to make a well-informed guess as to which colour it is. So how does this work?
It’s simple to understand the RGB colour system because it’s done in the decimal system, meaning numbers are just like what you’ve learned your entire life. Zero is the lowest and 255 is the highest.
To get the colour of red, the set value needs to be at 255, 0, 0. This value will equal to a bright red colour. If the value is set to 0, 255, 0 – you’d get a bright green colour. And lastly, 0, 0, 255 will get you a bright blue colour.
The standard numeral system uses ten symbols from 0 – 9 and that’s what you’re familiar with. All of the numbers in our system are composed of 0 – 9 and any number we have are going to include these 10 numbers, including the number 0.
However, in the hex numbering system, it uses the numbers from 0 – 9 and an additional 6 letters symbols from A – F which represent the number 10 – 15
Now, why do we use letters instead of numbers? Well, when they get to 10, they want to be able to keep the single digits and there are no single digits after 9 so they would have to use letters as a representation for the number 10 – 15.
So now that we know a bit about how hex codes work, let’s break it down even more. Hex numbers start with a pound sign or hashtag and are followed by six letters or numbers. The first two digits will mean red and tell the computer how much red to add, the next two digits will mean green and how much it should add, and finally, the last two digits will mean blue and how much it should add into creating one complete colour.
In hexadecimal, you’ll define how much red, green, and blue in values between 00 to FF instead of 255 like in RGB. But to be honest, they work exactly the same way. In RGB colour, the value 0 is the lowest and the value 255 is the highest – and this means how much intensity the colour is. The same thing can be said for hexadecimal colours. The lowest intensity equal to 00 while the highest intensity equal to FF.
There is a way to convert hexadecimal numbers to an RGB value. For example, let’s take 7D in hexadecimal number and convert it to an RGB value. To do this, you’d need to take number 7 and times it by 16. And we know that the letter D equals to 13. Take the number 13 and times it by 1. Basically, you just take that number and do nothing to it. Once multiplied, add the number up to get the RGB values.
So, before we end this video and onto the quiz, I just wanted to show my thought process and explain a little bit of how you can guess the colour using hex code. Let’s start basic. So we know that the first 2 digits are red, the next 2 digits are green and the final 2 digits are blue. Now you can do the math and convert the hex code into RGB values and guess it that way if you think that’s easier. However, I think that is just way too long. Let’s keep it simple and only focus on the first digits for the red, green and blue. C equals 12 so we know that it is way past the medium intensity. 3 is a very small number for the green so let’s not worry about that and around medium intensity for blue colour.
Now we know that if you mix red and blue together, you’d get magenta and there are two shades of magenta here. It can get complicated, but just think simple. We have a high intensity for both red and blue so the obvious choice would be a vivid magenta as there is no green colour in there.
Now it isn’t necessary for us to read hex code as they are meant for a computer to process the code to generate the correct colour. However, it is great to be able to understand how it works and that there is a way of breaking down the code and make well-informed guesses.
Mini quiz:
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After the video is finished, I then presented them with a mini quiz of five questions to see how much they learn from this lesson. I obviously didn’t want people in the class to feel intimidated by this broad subject, so I started the quiz with 3 simple questions that were mentioned in the video. For example question number one, the question to guess the colour is #0000FF. I did mention that 00 is the lowest intensity while FF is the highest intensity, and the viewers also know that there are six symbols in hex colour code that is divided into a group of 2 to make 6 - with each group representing red, green and blue. FF is the highest intensity and we know that the final 2 digits represent blue colour so the obvious answer would be a blue colour. It is pretty straightforward and this is just to get them started and not feel intimidated by the question.
However, question four is a little bit harder as there are more options and the question wouldn’t be as obvious as the other three. However, it is still pretty simple. Now before I explain the answer, I do feel for the class if they couldn’t get these last two questions as I have printed out a mini quiz for the class, and the colours that they are supposed to be guessing is RGB colours. However, because I have to print these out, I’d need to select the CMYK colours, plus my home printer was being annoying so the colours came out a little faded. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got the answer wrong as the colours are not even correct in the first place. I initially wanted them to try it on the computer screen, but I didn’t know where else they could to take this quiz except for Kahoot. However, I personally don’t like Kahoot and would rather avoid it as it’s annoying so I decided to print it out instead. To compensate for the incorrect colours on the sheet, I tried to make the answer obvious by having colours completely opposite one another to make the choices seem obvious to the viewers.
For question number four, the question is #C1280E and the answer is actually pretty obvious. If the class can remember what I have mentioned that the first 2 digits are red, the middle is green and the last 2 is blue - they should be able to understand this question easily. For example, C equal to number 12 for red. 2 is a very small number for green and there is no blue so the obvious answer would be the red colour.
As for the final question, the question is #B349DD and this is a hard question to test if people have learned anything from this lesson. B equal to number 11 for the red colour, 4 for the green, and D equal 13 for the blue colour. Obviously, the colour red and blue are very high in intensity and if you mix these two colours together - you’d get the colour of magenta which would be the correct answer.
I believe I achieved what I had set out to do at the beginning and managed to make a good quality video presentation. I successfully created the mini quiz as well and I really wanted people to have a go at it - whether they get it right or wrong doesn’t matter as these codes were meant for the computer to process it anyway, but it is a nice way of learning how the code works.
The mini quiz I gave to the class was also well received with 3 to 4 people who actually got all 5 questions correct, while all managed to get at least 3 questions correct. I totally understand it as this type of subject takes time to understand and practice with, but for a 7 minutes lesson - I believe they did extremely well learning it.
As for my presentation, I went a little over 11 minutes but overall, it was a good result. The video I’ve prepared is 8 minutes long and I was planning to have the class do the quiz for about 2 minutes. However, some people took longer than the other but it is no problem as I still think that it was successful.
Final video presentation:
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
Guardian of Healing (Chapter 1) - Etrian Odyssey 2 Fanfiction
Summary: With a curse epidemic sweeping across Lagaard and the hospital to its breaking point, Lynus' healing skills are needed more than ever. But these curses just might push him to his breaking point…
Warnings: Mention of curses and hexes, and medical speak/jargon, and people simply suffering.
AN: Ahhhhh I’ve wanted to work on this for a while so I am so incredibly happy to be able to finally start it! It’ll likely be more than ten chapters long, but it’s really important to the CtS series. I won’t give anything away, so be sure to read and let me know what you think of the cliffhanger at the end~
Ao3 | Wattpad | FFNet
Chapter 1:
It was rare for Lynus to be given a day off from the hospital, but after being part of a party that rescued a squadron of missing guards, healing them until they reached the hospital, Dr Stiles insisted that Lynus take some much earned time off.
“What have you got in mind for your day off?” Axel asked him as he slipped into the bathroom of their room, to prepare himself for the day.
“Hm,” Lynus murmured as he perched a hairband between his lips and raked his fingers through his hair, pulling the strands back into a small ponytail. He grabbed the band and tied it around his hair three times. “Honestly, I’d like to gather some stones from the second stratum. I haven’t actually worked with any of those yet.”
“I think Tobyn wants to re-examine the eighth floor,” Axel said from the bathroom, over the sound of running water. “Once he hears we’re considering it, he’ll tag along. There’s a blank spot there that’s been pissing him off for ages.”
Lynus chuckled as he slipped on his medical coat. “I think the whole second stratum frustrates him.”
Well, Lynus shouldn’t say too much. He also held some resentment for the Scarlet Forest. With all those dangerous vines on the ground, ready to tear apart anyone’s feet should they step on them. Unfortunately, there were some places where they had no choice but to cautious step over these ‘moving tiles’, as they were called.
Well, at least there were no pits for them to worry about, unlike the fourth stratum…
Axel stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck, wearing a sleeveless black shirt over his dark blue pants. He sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots. “If we’re lucky, we’ll be in the labyrinth for only a few hours. After that, we should head to the bar and piss off Cass for a while.”
Again, Lynus laughed. Cass had once made the mistake of complaining about how Lynus and Axel were too lovey-dovey toward each other. The sight of them together incited jealousy amongst the patrons, he claimed. That, of course, only prompted Lynus and Axel to be more open in their affection for one another, riling Cass up even more.
“Sounds good,” he said as he reached for his medical bag.
But as his fingers brushed over the strap of his bag, there was a knock at the door. It was a slight knock, but one he recognised nonetheless. He knew that Hamza was on the other side of the door.
A sense of curiosity washed over him as Lynus grabbed his bag and placed it upon his shoulder as he crossed the room to the door. He opened the door, readjusting his bag on his shoulder as he did so, and found Hamza standing expectantly on the other side.
Hamza offered him a small smile. “Ah, good,” he said. “Lynus, there is a guard here to see you. Sent from the hospital, apparently.”
“Oh?” Lynus murmured in surprise before a concerned frown appeared on his lips.
Something must have happened. It wasn’t often Lynus has a guard sent to him from the hospital. Usually, if anything untoward happened that required his presence, Darrell or Angie would come get him themselves. Besides, Dr Stiles was more than capable of running a hospital that was filled to the brim with patients. He had done so for years.
Lynus glanced over his shoulder at Axel, catching his gaze for a moment before Axel stood up from the bed and moved toward him, to follow him. Hamza then led the two of them down the stairs to the foyer of the inn, where a guard covered head to toe in national Lagaard armour stood, fidgeting impatiently on his feet.
“Are you Lynus?” the guard asked when he noticed their presence.
“That’s right,” Lynus said as he nodded his head slightly. “Can I help you?”
“Ah, Dr Stiles has requested your immediate presence at the hospital,” the guard announced before his fidgeting unexpectedly intensified, as if intensely nervous or uneasy. “It’s not urgent, well it is urgent, but not urgent urgent as in, like a code blue or something. Maybe important, but not life-threatening important. Ah, well…could you just go to the hospital please?”
…So much for his day off. But that was just the way of a medic and healer.
Still, something felt a little…abnormal. “Did Dr Stiles tell you anything else? Did he give you a note?” Lynus asked.
“Note!” the guard all but shrilled in realisation before he began to pat down his armour. “Y-yes, a note. Now where is it…Hah! Here.”
Lynus offered the guard a small smile as he took from him a piece of square paper that had been folded in half. “Thank you,” he said before promptly unfolding the note and reading.
Come to Ward C as soon as you can. Your opinion on a patient would be much appreciated.
Sincerely, Dr D Stiles
That was…short.
“Ok, thank you,” Lynus said as he turned his attention to the awaiting guard. “I’ll be at the hospital as soon as possible.”
“Sir!” the guard saluted before promptly turning on his heel and marching through the entrance of the inn, his armour clanging and clacking the entire way.
…Sir? Force of habit for the guard, perhaps?
“Is something the matter?” Hamza asked as he and Axel moved to stand on either side of Lynus.
“The note doesn’t offer much, I’m afraid,” Lynus replied with a slight frown, subconsciously leaning toward Axel as he slipped a hand to rest on the small of his back. “Just to go straight to Ward C to offer my opinion on a patient. Nothing else.”
The note was honestly a little concerning. Dr Stiles was being purposely vague, but why? Sure, Dr Stiles valued a patient’s confidential rights, but he would at least list the patient’s vital signs and the abbreviations of the tests that had been conducted. The note was short and direct.
Lynus almost didn’t believe that Dr Stiles had written the note, but he recognised the man’s handwriting.
“Sorry,” Lynus sighed as he tilted his head back to look up at Axel. “I better get going. I don’t know how long I’ll be.”
“As per usual,” Axel said, but there was an expression of understanding on his face nonetheless. “Don’t push yourself.”
Lynus granted Axel a grateful smile before pushing up onto his toes to kiss Axel softly, but unfortunately quickly on the lips. “Stay out of trouble,” he said as he reluctantly moved away from Axel and turned to leave the inn, quickly tracing the same path he would use to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.
The quickest and easiest way to get to Ward B was through the reception area and waiting room. At this time in the morning, the waiting room usually had a few patients dealing with the after-effects of binge drinking or family and friends waiting for visiting hours.
But as he stepped through the main entrance of the hospital, Lynus was stunned to find that every seat in the reception area and connecting waiting room was taken. Most startling, though, was that they didn’t appear to be explorers. Some were young children being cradled in their parents’ arms. The others were elder sitting in wheelchairs or middle-aged still dressed in their night clothes. Coughing and murmuring echoed through the area as nurses and medics flittered in and out as they tried to deal with as many as they could.
…He was just at the hospital yesterday afternoon. What in the world could have happened?
Quickly making his way through the controlled chaos, Lynus made his way to the front desk.
“Morning, Darrell,” Lynus greeted, inwardly surprised to find the redheaded medic standing there, going over the roster. He usually hated dealing with the front counter.
“Hm?” Darrell muttered as he lifted his gaze up from the clipboard he was holding, his bloodshot eyes immediately locking onto Lynus. “Ah, morning.”
“Didn’t you have nightshift?” Lynus asked, his concern growing. “Why are you still here?”
Darrell simply indicated toward the full waiting area with a tilt of his head.
Lynus felt a frown tug at his lips as his gaze flickered over toward the reception once more. “What’s going on?” he asked bluntly as he turned back to Darrell. “It wasn’t like this yesterday.”
“Not a clue. They started late yesterday afternoon and haven’t let up since,” Darrell grumbled in response.
Lynus’ frown deepened and he was about to ask Darrell what kind of symptoms these non-explorer patients were exhibiting when the appearance of a familiar brown-haired doctor strode into view.
“Lynus,” Dr Stiles said the moment his gaze fell upon him, an expression akin to that of relief on his face as he immediately made a beeline toward Lynus. “Good, you’re here.”
Dr Stiles’ haggard, frazzled appearance was rather alarming. “Is something wrong?” Lynus immediately asked.
“This way,” Dr Stiles said as he placed a hand on Lynus’ back and led him into Ward B, immediately launching into an explanation along the way. “We’re experiencing a few baffling cases of patients being unable to move or woken from their sleep. There is no accidental poisoning or ingestion involved, from physical examination at least. There appears to be literally nothing wrong with them. These cases are more akin to those of explorers in the labyrinth. Yet the family members of these patients insist that they’ve never set foot inside Yggdrasil.”
It took Lynus a moment or two to let it all sink in when he found himself standing in the middle of Ward B. He silently hoped that he didn’t look as surprised as he felt when he realised that the eight beds in the room were all occupied. No one was moving. No one appeared to be even conscious.
They weren’t in the critical care unit, though, so their conditions must not be overly concerning.
“Do what you need to do to make them comfortable,” Dr Stiles suddenly said to him. “We can talk about the specifics later.”
In other words; get straight to work, ask and answer questions later.
“Y-yes,” Lynus murmured as he allowed Dr Stiles to take his medical bag before he walked toward the first bed of the ward.
He gave a slight nod of his head toward the nurse inspecting the patient’s vital signs before he focused completely on the blond-haired patient lying prone on the bed. Their eyes were lightly shut, but clamped together as if in pain or discomfort. Their lips were slightly parted as they breathed in through their nose and out of their mouth. Their skin, however, was pale and clammy.
Lynus stood by the bed and raised his hands to hover a few inches above the patient. Being thorough, he started from the first chakra point, carefully working his way through each individual function before moving on. Nothing was out of the ordinary until he reached the Sixth Chakra, and he was surprised by how dark but small and silent the dark abnormality was.
It was a curse or a spell. One that put the patient into a deep, almost eternal sleep. The blockage was small, but quite potent. Honestly, if Lynus had not been carefully checking the patient’s chakra points, it blockage could have easily been missed.
The spell, no curse, it…it wasn’t from a monster. The curse of a monster was primal, vicious. This curse was… malicious, it’s intention clear; cause as much restriction to the patient as possible, yet be subtle about it as well. A human was responsible.
A hexer was responsible.
He filed that thought away to the back of his mind as he instead focused on removing the blockage. It shouldn’t be that difficult. Since he had the location pin-pointed, a small refresh spell should be enough.
As Lynus uttered the healing spell, he jumped slightly as a small hiss of pain slipped passed his lips. When he removed the stranglehold the hex had on his patient, the sensation of the curse dissipating was akin to that of an elastic band snapping. And the tail end literally whipped him in the chest.
The patient’s response was just as swift. Lynus placed a hand against his chest and took a step back as the patient suddenly sat up in bed, looking around in a bewildering fashion. He allowed for the other nurses and medics to step in and inspect the now moving and conscious patient.
Lynus furrowed his brow as he rubbed the middle of his chest with his hand. That feeling…was it somehow connected to the curse he had just removed? It happened just a split second after he removed the curse, so it couldn’t be a coincidence. Was it a side effect, designed to hurt the one removing it?
…How callous.
Leaving the newly awoken and baffled patient in the capable hands of his fellow healers, Lynus quietly moved to the next unconscious patient. Raising his hands, he wasted no time seeking out the sixth chakra. And like the previous patient, their sixth chakra was blocked as well. This patient wasn’t asleep, though. They were being paralysed. Not enough to cause full body paralysis, but enough to render their every movement slow and sluggish, and for an unnerving tingling sensation to run through their joints.
It physically hurt them to move.
Drawing in a deep breath, Lynus grimaced in anticipating as he released the blockage. He bit the inside of his mouth when he felt that sharp pain in his chest again. He was subtly ready for it this time, but it still hurt and it surprised him by how piercing it was. It really felt as if something had physically hit him in the chest.
The patient on the bed jolted, as if hit by electricity before flailing to sit up in bed, wide eyed and breathing erratically. Their reaction, however, was completely understandable. From what Lynus could diagnose, they had been almost ‘locked in’ into their own body. Being able to move was such a relief to them.
Lynus could hear the patient mumble something about thanking the heavens to be able to move again, but he didn’t have the time to ask them any questions about how they came to be in such a state. He could feel the expectations and excitement from the families of the other patients in the ward. They were hoping and waiting for him to inspect their loved ones.
He shouldn’t keep them waiting. Being trapped in their own body, unable to move or awaken was terrifying, and they’ve waited long enough. Questions could be asked and hopefully answered afterwards, after everything had calmed down somewhat.
As he made his way over to the next patient, he took a moment to idly inspect his chest. There was nothing physical there. No red swelling from being struck. Just a slight ache.
His third patient was just like the first; cursed to sleep. The same chakra. The same location. The same reaction.
The next three patients were exactly the same. It was getting beyond ridiculous. Something was going on. Having several patients suffering from the exact same curse was not coincidental.
What in the world was really going on here?
As he released his seventh patient from their curse, Lynus was starting to feel lightheaded and breathless himself. His chest was really starting to hurt now. But there was one more he needed to inspect, so he ignored it and continued with his work. He could mutter about the ache in his chest later.
Lynus gritted his teeth as he removed the curse from patient number eight and breathed a sigh of relief when his patient sat up in bed, just like all his previous patients. There, he was done. Every single patient in Ward B was awake and conscious. Maybe now they could start getting some answers.
There was no doubt that the entire event was bewildering to those present, though. Watching as Lynus went from unconscious patient to motionless patient, raised his hands for a few moments before he uttered a healing spell which caused the patient to abruptly regain consciousness, before he quickly moved on to the next patient. He was sure that his fellow medics and the family of those in the ward were staring at him with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.
Lynus, however, couldn’t waste his time musing about how he must look. He was too busy trying to work out in his head how these patients could come across such curses and who would want to inflict them.
“You looked baffled.”
Dr Stiles’ voice pulled Lynus from his thoughts and he immediately turned to face the head doctor. “They’ve been cursed,” he said simply, keeping his voice quiet so not to alarm anyone within hearing range. “Or rather, they’ve been hexed.”
“Hexed?” Dr Stiles muttered, immediately looking alarmed. “All of them?”
“Yes,” Lynus replied firmly as he gazed over at all the now conscious patients. “I can’t tell you much about them, to be honest. Only that there’s a difference between a monstrous spell and a hex. Although these hexes in particular are rather faint, juvenile in regards to those that monsters in the labyrinth can use, they’re still very potent to non-explorers. Adventurers can develop a form of immunity to hexes and spells, if they’ve dealt with them, of course.”
Dr Stiles held his chin in thought. “Yes, that makes sense. Chances are the patients in critical care could also be suffering from these hexes.”
“Critical care?” Lynus repeated with a shocked expression on his face as he turned to look at the head doctor.
There was more?! The critical care ward only had one patient when he was there yesterday! What could have possibly had happened to result in so many critical care patients in such a short amount of time? He hadn’t heard anything traumatic happening in the labyrinth last night.
They…couldn’t be domestic patients as well, could they? More cursed domestic patients?
“Did they appear last night?” he asked.
Dr Stiles sighed loudly as he lifted his hands to rub at his temples. “Yes. All within hours of each other. Unconsciousness, delirium, coughing of blood. Some appear to be poisoned, but there is no poison located anywhere in their systems.”
Lynus was silent for a moment. “…Wish for me to inspect them?”
Dr Stiles gave him a grateful, yet somewhat apologetic smile. “Yes. That technique of yours has been spot on every time.” He then clasped a hand on Lynus’ shoulder. “Anything you find will be helpful.”
“I’ll get to work them,” Lynus said as he retrieved his bag from Dr Stiles and hurried from the room.
Looked like he won’t be heading back to the inn for a while. He hadn’t anticipated something like this…
As Lynus headed for the Critical Care ward, dodging medics and wandering patients along the way, he almost bumped into a familiar blonde-haired nurse.
“Morning, Lynus,” Angie greeted, although his usual perkiness and enthusiasm had been reduced severely to a half-hearted grin.
Lynus gave Angie a knowing smile, completely understanding of her exhaustion before noticing that she had a carry bag over her shoulder, one that was used when one was running errands. “Oh, Angie, are you heading out?” he asked.
Angie sighed despite trying to maintain her smile. “Dr Stiles has a few errands he needs for me to do.”
Lynus nodded his head as he chewed on his bottom lips for a moment. “I’d hate to add to it, but could you tell Axel that I’m going to be at the hospital for possibly late into the night?”
“Yes, of course,” Angie immediately responded.
“Thank you, I appreciate it,” Lynus said before letting the blonde-haired nurse go about her errands while he hastened his steps toward Critical Care.
As he stepped inside the ward, Lynus felt his heart drop into his stomach. Although a few of the medics and nurses appeared surprisingly relieved to see him, Lynus was immediately filled with a sense of dread. Eight beds, all of them full. The patients appeared conscious, though withering in pain and muttering incoherently in their beds.
Eight more patients. Eight more patients who could also be cursed. He wasn’t entirely sure he could deal with them all…
Pushing aside his apprehension with a shake of his head, Lynus dropped his bag to the floor near the door and went straight to work. Much like he had done in Ward C, he went from patient to patient to assess them, immediately locating the sixth chakra.
And what he found was alarming.
They were also cursed. Similar to those of Ward B, but these were more…vicious.
After he released the eighth patient of the ward of their curse, Lynus felt drained but had to remain standing tall when he realised that he had become the centre of attention of healers and patients alike.
“Their bodies are turning against themselves,” Lynus explained to the other healers in the ward, purposely avoiding the use of the word ‘hex’ as he didn’t want to cause more concern that there already was. “That’s where the poison is coming from. Their bodies are producing their own deadly poison. We need to find a way to stop them from producing too many antibodies and white blood cells.”
He could remove the curses, or rather clear the patient of the dark remnants of the hex, but they still needed to repair the damage that had already been done.
“Let’s start with Theriaca B added to their IVs,” Lynus continued to instruct. “Let’s start with 100mls each before slowly reducing. We need to hit this poison hard and fast. I need to do some more research, so I’ll leave it up to you.”
“Right!” Clearly pleased that they had been giving a task to do, the medics quickly set about getting to work.
With the way Lynus was feeling, he felt that he would only get in their way so he made his way over to his bag, picked it up quickly and moved to leave the room. He tried not to stagger out into the busy corridors. He didn’t physically do much, but he felt alarmingly tired. It was most likely due to his lack of experience with curses.
He clearly needed to do more research on the topic of spells, curses, and hexes. He knew how to release them, but not much else. He needed to know how they work, how they interfered with a person’s immune, circulatory, or nervous systems. And, ultimately, how they could be prevented and stopped altogether.
Before making his way to the hospital library, Lynus quickly entered the staff breakroom and had to lean against the counter for a moment. He squeezed his eyes shut as he rubbed at his chest. There were…too many curses. He was starting to feel ill and off-centre himself.
A hand was suddenly but gently placed upon his back. “Are you all right?” the familiar voice of Darrell asked.
Lynus glanced up at his fellow medic and offered him a tired smile. “Ah, it’s nothing,” he said before he sighed and shook his head slightly. “It’s just…dealing with these hexes is causing my chest to ache a bit. I think it’s a reaction of the hex, hurting whoever removes it as well. For the ultimate spite.”
Darrell immediately frowned at him, though he did not look remotely surprised or confused when Lynus mentioned the words ‘hex’ and ‘curse’. Dr Stiles must have told him what occurred in Ward B.
“You should rest for a bit then,” Darrell said as he removed his hand from Lynus’ back. “If Dr Stiles finds out it’s been hurting you, he’d throw a fit.”
A tired laugh slipped passed Lynus’ lips. “You’re right,” he said as he moved to sit down on the closest chair. “It’s…unnerving, though. There have been too many domestic curse victims.”
Darrell looked equally concerned and frustrated as he ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah. I can understand if they were explorers, but they’re not. Chefs, bakers, shop owners. They shouldn’t be coming into contact with curses.”
Lynus shook his head slowly, almost finding it difficult to comprehend what he had just discovered. “What is going on?”
“I don’t know,” Darrell muttered as he leaned his back against the counter and folded his arms roughly across his chest. “It’s like…a curse plague or something.”
Yeah, a curse plague alright.
Hexes and curses don’t just happen. They don’t occur naturally. Someone or something was placing these curses upon innocent people, either directly or indirectly. Could a hexer have gone rogue for some reason? Or maybe they were just testing their skills upon the general public to build up confidence to enter the labyrinth? Or were they intentionally being malicious?
There had to be a hexer involved, there was no way that all these patients of different backgrounds and social circles could stumble across the a cursed object. Unless there was numerous of them scattered all over the city. Could a curse-maker be purposely dropping cursed items around for any innocent to accidently stumble across?
Whatever the reason, someone or something was cursing these patients. And it had to be stopped. But how?
Lynus rubbed at his forehead in a frustrated manner. All he could do for now was the remove the curses and make the patients as comfortable as possible. Besides, he didn’t even know where to begin looking for said curse-makers. Searching for dangerous troublemakers certainly wasn’t his forte.
At the sound of someone yelling his name out in alarm, Lynus immediately jumped to his feet and turned around, only to find himself looking down the barrel of a gun that was pointed directly at his head…
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luxaeternags · 4 years
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name / alias: alex  pronouns: he/him or they/them  age: 26  timezone: gmt  triggers: in the server already  hex code: yeet discord id: bloop 
character name: margo hanson  character age / birthdate: 27 ( 28 in a few days ) december 27th 1992 character faceclaim: summer bishil  hogwarts house / former school: n/a, student of brakebills  side (order, death eaters, neutral): neutral, aware of the order, would prolly step on a death eater just to take their money, loyal to her friends first and foremost.  occupation: high fucken king bitches  ships / anti-ships: listen,,, margo and josh are fucking presh forever okay. but also consider margo and kady. and fen. and alice. basically. im a hoe for margo and everyone. just. margo x happiness aight that’s all i care about.  emoji: she’s nabbing that crown 
personality: ruthless, tactical, loyal, sentimental, observant, brash  past: margo grew up in LA as the only child of a busy single father. he did his best to take care of margo, but was very often away on business trips, leaving margo with the live-in nanny. however, when he was around, he was kind and caring and thoughtful, and he always taught margo to be strong, to be empowered and confident. he taught her to always go after what she wanted in life: he just never quite anticipated the lengths she’d go to. as she grew older, her opinionated spirit and drive worried her father, and he no longer liked the girl she had grown into: he wanted his little girl back, while margo only wanted to seek a life for herself. there was a very clear wedge between them, and the day margo moved out to go to college, studying theatre at UCLA, was the last day she ever spoke to him. in 2015, margo was accepted into brakebills and moved into the physical kids’ cottage-- specifically for those focused on physical magic-- and her discipline is cold manipulation. ever since her second year of study, things have been... chaotic, to say the least. from finding a whole new world, becoming queen, becoming king-- being overthrown, having to deal with her best friend being possessed for months, having a close friend die, oh and becoming a werewolf-- it’s been a lot. and it only got more intense in recent months with the fucking destruction of fillory.
present:  which she then helped to rebuild. and is currently stuck on, having been rebuilding for an entire year of their time. but she and her friends are about to finally reconnect with earth through a very well timed traveler... headcanons: -margo has a fairy eye that enables her to see things that otherwise might not be able to be perceived by the human eye. this includes seeing past enchantments.  -while margo’s discipline is cold manipulation, margo has wide and extensive knowledge and skills within the physical brand of magic. but margo’s skills lie heavily in knowledge, specifically, of people. margo is an exceptional tactician. it made her a very powerful and wise ruler and meant on earth, people put a lot of trust and faith in her. she’s something of a secret keeper and it’s true that if you ever want to know something about someone, margo is the best person to ask. she has exceptional skills and there is an almost magic nature to even her voice. -her boggart is eliot possessed by the monster.  -while she’s never cast it, her patronus would be a polar bear.  -werewolves in the world of magicians/powered by the wellspring are incredibly different to those from the wizarding world. for magicians, it is a sexually transmitted disease and every thirty years the ‘quickening’ occurs, which makes a werewolf either fuck to pass on the disease, or brutally kill. it’s a leetle dramatic and a leetle funny and margo kinda laughs at wizarding world werewolves. 
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marshmclaren · 7 years
Studying in front of the fire is where Remus usually found himself on weekdays. He enjoyed the calm, warm environment, but he also loved how the fire illuminated the textbook pages. Don't get him wrong, Remus wasn't a book worm he just cared a lot about getting All his O.W.L.S this year. So before he would go out and about with the other marauders, he would make sure to sit by the fire and get all his work done. No matter how much Sirius teased him about it. Tonight was no different, Remus collected all the textbooks he would need and headed down to the common room. Except once he got down there he was met with a worried looking peter and screaming James and Sirius. He couldn't tell exactly what they were fighting about until he heard Lily Evans name. "You spend more time with Lily Evans than you do with us James!" Sirius said in a loud, but hurt tone. "Because I like her you twat! Usually when you like someone you tell them or make a move!" James words obviously meant something else to Sirius, because his eyes squinted and a growl left the back of his throat. "Whatever, I'm going out." Sirius said after composing himself. Then without skipping a beat he left the common room. 'Drama queen' Remus thought to himself with a small smile. "I'm going out too," James huffed while shoving his arms in his jacket, "you guys coming with?"
Peter nodded, also grabbing his jacket, while Remus simply held up his book and said nothing. And with that Remus was left alone in the empty, but warm common room, studying the ins and outs of transfiguration. It stayed like this, quiet and serene for a long time. That was until A very drunk Sirius came waltzing into the common room a couple of hours later. His hair was a tied up mess and he cradled a bottle of fire whiskey as if it was a baby. Remus shook his head but went back to his textbooks. James and Sirius would fight every so often, they were brothers after all, but Sirius always solved the problem by blowing off steam. Whether blowing off steam meant hexing unsuspecting trees in the forbidden forest or downing 7 shots of fire whiskey at the leaky cauldron, was none of Remus's business. He no doubt had a crush on Sirius and had had one for a while and cared about him a lot, but one thing everyone knew about Sirius was that you couldn't ever tell him what to do. Remus was no exception to that. He never told Sirius how to handle things, unless he was asked. Remus always helped Him, but every once and a while Sirius would come to him for relationship advice and Remus would refuse. One because he himself had never dated and two he liked Sirius, he wasn't about to help him hook up with someone else. He knew that Sirius was at least bi sexual because he once caught him snogging a Ravenclaw 6th year. It definitely hurt Remus but it also excited him because at least he knew that Sirius swung both ways. Not that Remus was his type though, but that was besides the point. Sirius quickly spotted Remus and stumbled over to him. His breath reeked of alcohol. "Hi Moony!" Sirius drunkenly smiled. Remus kept his head down, a smile split across his face that Sirius couldn't see. "Moony, I'm drunk. I'm angry and I'm drunk," Sirius sighed but continued, "James is so thick, always hanging around Evans. I'm his bloody brother! A fellow marauder! Honestly, you'd think Cupid had him by the balls." A laugh erupted from Remus at the ridiculousness of Sirius's accusation. Remus finally looked up at Sirius, who was sitting with his head upside down and feet straight up in a chair. "Who are you to talk Pads? You fancy a new person every week and go off with them." Remus vouched for James and maybe himself too. "I've only ever fancied one person moony and I only run off with them when the rest of you are busy! Doesn't mean I fancy those people." Sirius stated matter of factly. "Oh Merlins beard, who's the unlucky git that has your affections?" Remus joked. Instead of answering like Remus desperately wanted him to, Sirius strolled over closer to him and sat down. They sat in silence for a little while. Remus's cheeks flushed as he listened to Sirius's shallow breathing. Sirius let his eyes fall shut and he leaned back on his palms. "I see why you enjoy it here moony. It's warm. I'm not quite sure how you don't fall asleep though." Sirius whispered as if talking loudly would disturb Remus. Remus gave a breathy laugh that caused Sirius's eye brows to raise in question, but he made no comment.
"So if you only have ever fancied one person, how come you're never out with them?" Remus asked quietly. "Im out with them plenty Moony. Why do you want to know?" Sirius waited for no answer knowing he was teasing Remus, but he studied the way Remus's jaw tightened ever so slightly. "Jealous is a good look on you." "I certainly am not jealous!" Remus yelled back quickly. Sirius raised his hands in mock defense. Remus almost forgot that Sirius was drunk, because between drunk and sober Sirius there wasn't really a difference. Both were just as secretive and cocky. Remus loved it though, it was everything he wasn't. He was drawn to Sirius like a moth to a flame. After a while of sitting in pure silence Sirius spoke up. "Moony have you ever been in love?" Remus blushed furiously. Although he was certain Sirius was only asking so that when James got back, he would have more than his own opinion to argue, but it still choked him up because Remus certainly loved Sirius. How could he not? He got to see the real Sirius, the good and the bad. "I don't know Pads. Why?" "Asking for a friend." Sirius quipped. "You are thick Sirius. Just forgive James, he's just a poor stag in love, of course he's going to do silly things. We all know he's got a life outside of our group." Remus reasoned. "Aren't you tired of being right all the time?" Although it sounded malicious, Remus could here Sirius's playful tone through his smirk. Remus rolled his eyes just as James walked through the common room portrait. Remus face Sirius a look as if to say 'remember what I said.' Sirius gave a short irritated nod. "James, Remus opened my eyes, you know how he is," Remus elbowed Sirius, "I shouldn't be so jealous. I'm happy Evans has finally taken an interest in you. For a while there I thought she adored me and you know I could never break Marauder code." Sirius said dramatically. "I knew you'd come around Pads, thank you. And I take it you finally told Remus you're desperately in love with him." James said inquisitively. If Remus had been drinking something it'd would've been spit all over the common room after hearing that. "WHAT!?" Remus yelled at the same time Sirius shouted 'NO!'
Both boys stared at each other for a minute, Remus was trying to get a glimpse of Sirius's expression, but to no avail, he couldn't read it. "Thanks mate." Sirius growled and bolted up the dorm room stairs in his animagus form. James stood shocked. His mouth hung open indicating he was at a loss for words. He wouldn't ever intentionally try and hurt Padfoot, every one knew that. "I'm so sorry Remus. Something just seemed different between you. I read the situation wrong. I'm so sorry." "It's fine James, butI'm not the one you should apologize to," Remus motioned up into the dorm, "but give him tonight. I'll go talk to him." James hung his head but nodded. It was better if Remus went and told Sirius that he felt the same way. Then Sirius would strut down in the morning, wrap an arm around James and pretend that this was all his plan all along. Like Remus said he had a flare for the dramatic. Remus cautiously climbed the steps to their dorm. If anyone thought Sirius was a drama queen while normal, they had no idea how much worse it was while an animagi. Sure enough laying with his tail sticking out from under the bed was Padfoot. "Correct my if wrong, but I thought cats were supposed to be the pretentious, pouty one?" A low growl erupted from under the bed. Padfoot slowly crawled his way back out from underneath then transformed back to Sirius once out. Except he didn't look like normal Sirius, his eyes were red rimmed and puffy, but also held a look Remus had yet to see on him. Remorse. "Look Remus I get it if you're grossed out, freaked out, or whatever! I can't help it! You're just absolutely perfect, oh my god. I didn't want you to find out this way, because let's be honest this is way less flashy than I had ever imagined. But still if you decide to stop hanging out with us because of me, please don't. You still need James and Peters help, you can't go back to full moons alone. I won't even hang around. Remus I'm so sorry." The shock hit Remus so fast. Never in the 4 years of knowing Sirius, had he ever seen him so worked up, so embarrassed. He didn't even sound like Sirius, he sounded lost. Although everything about Sirius's reaction was fascinating to Remus, it also scared him. Sirius looked as if he was about to break. So Remus did what any rational wizard or muggle would do. He kissed him. He grabbed him by the front of his robes and kissed him. It lasted only a brief second and Sirius still had a lingering of dog breath, but it was perfect. Sirius's eyes remained blown wide open. Every thought in his head revolved around the taller boys lips. "Remus I-" Sirius started but was quickly cut off. "Let me guess, this was your plan all along?" Remus rolled his eyes as he spoke. Sirius let out a loud laugh and kissed Remus again. "No not at all, but I'll gladly take credit for it! Don't want James' ego inflating anymore than it has, do we?"
I FIGURED OUT HOW TO FIX MY POSTS!!! I hope you guys enjoy my first wolfstar fic! Thank you for reading!! Feel free to send requests or feedback!!
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njmphadora · 7 years
Ahhh okay so I've been having trouble coming up with a good mobile theme, what do you think I should doooo, literally any advice will help 😅😊😊
jbfnjkfs omg don’t worry okay mobile themes are legit the bane of my existence. it’s so hard to create a nice looking one (which is why i haven’t changed mine in forever lmao) (bc once u find something u like there will almost never be any other mobile theme that looks as good that u can try)
okay so my top tips, umm… i’d say first off, start by finding two images - an icon and a header. for icons, there are millions on tumblr itself (you can find like an absolute load in my icons tag) & for a header img, i’ve always found the best ones by googling “tumblr header gif”. try and find one that’s transparent if u can because those are the best tbh. also when picking an icon, it’s sometimes worth trying to find one that has a solid background colour that u like.
then play around with the colourings of your mobile theme. making the background the same colour as the back of your icon can sometimes look awesome, especially if ur icon is a circle and your header img is transparent. sometimes u just have to roll with whatever colour the background of your header img is (and in those situations it’s sometimes best to remove your icon from your theme as it can look silly). really this is the tough stage. just play around with things until you think that it all looks nice. for me, this process normally takes like ¾ hours so don’t be afraid to spend a nice chunk of time on this. the ColorZilla chrome extension can also make this 1000% easier because it allows you to colour pick and grab hex codes etc directly from your browser.
then spend some time working on your description. add line breaks where you think it looks nice, and unicode symbols can look funky. i love the way some people just use quotes and link to their pages etc from random words. this again just needs some playing around with tbh. feel free to check out my mobile theme tips / tricks tutorial for more info on how to do this all.
also, just don’t be afraid to ask your followers for their opinion. and really mainly, be prepared to spend some time working on it. when people rush through adding themes and stuff, it’s very very noticeable. the more time you spend on perfecting it, the better it’ll look.
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gear-project · 7 years
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Videogame QandA Survey.
Source @8bitrevolver
1. First game you played obsessively? Tetris NES / Gameboy
2. A game that has influenced you creatively? Writing, drawing, etc. Legendary Wings / Guardic Gaiden / Guardian Legend / etc.
3. Who did you play with as a kid? My older sister. (She was bad at Mario games.)
4. Who do you play with now? Netplay mostly.
5. Ever use cheat codes? I am a sem-religious Hex-editor whenever I get the opportunity.
6. Ever buy strategy guides? I used to, but Art Books and Material Books are superior.
7. Any games you have multiple copies of? ...Guilty Gear.
8. Rarest/Most expensive game in your collection? Rarest: Final Fantasy Tactics, Most Expensive: Gundam Breaker 3 (because of DLC, but it's worth it)
9. Most regrettable purchase? Super Street Fighter IV
10. Ever go to a midnight game release or stand in line for hours? I've gone to them, but I never waited THAT long.  Lines were pretty short for me.
11. Have you ever made new friends from playing video games? All the time.
12. Ever get picked on for liking games? In College, sure.  It's a social stigma even with my family.
13. A game you’ve never played that everyone else has? Overwatch (Not real in to FPS, sorry.)
14. Favorite game music? Aside Guilty Gear, I liked songs from Sega Genesis Era (Arrow Flash).
15. If it was a requirement to get a game related tattoo, what would you pick? A Gear Mark Seal (should be obvious why).
16. Favorite game to play with your friends IRL? Very few IRL friends live near me... unfortunately.
17. Ever lose a friend over a game? Almost... well, they lost interest in the game at least.
18. Would you date someone that hates gaming? Not in a million years.
19. Favorite handheld console? Anything with Guilty Gear on it.
20. Game that you know like the back of your hand? Guilty Gear (any title really).
21. Game that you didn’t like or understand as a kid but love now? Kid Icarus (sortof), Megaman Zero to an extent.
22. Do you wear game related clothing/accessories? When I can afford to.
23. The game that you’ve logged the most hours into? Gundam Breaker series.
24. First Pokemon game? Red (never played them much and lost interest).
25. Were you ever an arcade game player? Yes, back when the Arcade Scene still existed in my home town.
26. Ever form any gaming rivalries? Oh yes.  They're always out to fight me.  But they never win, lol.
27. Game that makes you rage? Any hardcore survival game (Dark Souls for example).
28. Ever play in a tournament? Not in any majors, but I did go to one once.
29. What is your gaming set up? 3 consoles + PC hooked up to an HDMI switchbox and an ASUS Monitor.
30. How many consoles do you own? I think close to 7, but some are retired for good.
31. Does the 3DS and/or Virtual Boy hurt your eyes or give you headaches? Yes.  VR/Oculus too.
32. Did you ever play a game based on your favorite show/cartoon/movie/comic? I tried a Demo of Voltron once... but it wasn't that great.
33. Did you ever have any bootleg games or plug-n-play games? Yep... It was crap, so I don't wanna talk about it.
34. Do either of your parents play video games? Nope. Never.
35. Ever work in a game store? Or do you have a favorite game shop? Never worked there, but I used to like going to Funcoland back when it was still in business.  Now I frequent Record Head.
36. Have you ever shed actual blood, sweat or tears over a game? I sweat over my games on hot summer days... and my eyes water if I stare at a screen too long.  My controller gets greasy so I gotta clean it more often.
37. Have you played E.T. for the Atari 2600? Do you think that’s the worst game ever, or do you have another nomination? I was never fond of Megaman games, I just lacked the skill to play them, loved the music though.
38. A game you’re ashamed to admit that you like? GalGun Double Peace
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make? Valkyrie Profile 3, dear lord...
40. What to you think of virtual reality headsets or motion controls? They can be disorienting, and they're more or less for novelty if you ask me.
41. A genre that you just can’t get into? FPS, Sports, RTS, Sims, Low-quality Indie Games
42. Maybe it wasn’t your first game, but what was the game that started you on your path to nerdiness? Don't insult me, I am a Gaming Connoisseur!  Joust would be the first game I ever played.
43. Ever play games when you really should have been concentrating on something else? I multi-task usually.  My grades were rarely effected.
44. Arcade machine that has consumed the most of your quarters? NEO GEO / Samurai Showdown III
45. How are you at Mario Kart? I rarely play.  I prefer Rollcage and Wipe-Out Pulse/HD Fury.
46. Do you like relaxing games like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon? Blehhhhhhh.... boring.
47. Do you like competitive games? To some extent, though I like Hybrid cross-genre games the most.
48. How long does it take your to customize your player character? Hours and Hours and Hours... I'm meticulous.
49. In games where you can pick your class, do you always tend to go for the same type of character? Depends on my mood and if I can use multiple save files.  I like pushing my boundaries.
50. If you were a game designer, what masterpiece would you create? That's a secret!
51. Have you ever played a game for so long that you forgot to eat or sleep? All the time.
52. A game that you begged your parents for as a kid? I never begged... actually I just looked at stuff in a window or kiosk and they 'got the hint'.
53. What’s your opinion on DLC these days? Depends on what kind of content it is... but if it's substantial it's worth it, even as an alternate outfit.
54. Do you give in to Steam sales? I wish I could.  I need a Steam Console one of these days... or a decent Gaming PC.
55. Did you ever make someone you hated in the Sims and did mean stuff to them? I am not that sadistic.  I take all my frustrations out in Fighting Games.
56. Did you ever play Roller Coaster Tycoon and kill off your guests? Never played it.
57. Did you ever play a game to 100% or get all of the achievements? Yes.  BlazBlue Central Fiction is my most recent Platinum.
58. If you can only play 3 games for the rest of your life, which ones do you pick? Gundam Breaker, Guilty Gear, Valkyrie Profile
59. Do you play any cell phone games? Don't own a Cell phone, so nope.
60. Do you know the Konami Code? Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
61. Do you trade in your games or keep them forever? I very rarely sell games unless I loathe them.
62. Ever buy a console specifically to play one game? Anything with Guilty Gear (or BlazBlue) on it.
63. Ever go to a gaming convention or tournament? Yes.  They're overrated though compared to social gaming.
64. Ever make a TV or monitor purchase based on what would be best for gaming? Whenever I can manage it.  Especially a Tate Monitor for Vertical Shmups.
65. Ever have a Game Genie, Game Shark or Action Replay? Did it ever mess up your game’s save file? I owned them, but I usually kept save backups whenever I tested anything.
66. Did you ever have have an old Nokia with Snake on it? Nope, can't say I have.
67. Do you have a happy gaming-related childhood memory you want to share? Most of my gaming stories are long-winded, so not really.
68. Ever save up a ton of tickets in an arcade to get something cool? Most of what they have is junk, to be honest.  I'd sooner buy candy.
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? It hasn't been MADE yet! *grin*
70. Very first game you ever beat? Super Dodge Ball / NES (I very rarely ever beat NES games so I'm proud of that game).
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