#i also agree about the lhong/san situation!
gunsatthaphan · 4 years
I lately notice alot of negative Tharntype reviews and while i am lukewarm about the entire series, i can see why. It looks like Tharntype s1 was made for an entirely different audience (one that loves the tragedy and the problematic character types in it's bls), dramatic, intense, and dark (in my opinion, on of the darkest and i have seen alot).
Tharntype s2 is was made for fans who just want more domestic Tharntype moments. The drama here is dwarfed by the batsh!t insane stuff Tharntype s1 did. (Maybe that's why TinCan too, was more sweet and had to be reset, the author didn't write it alone 😀) 7years doesn't have the intensity nor the darkness but does still have something that i find annoying. And that is blaming Type for everything bad happening in the "perfect" relationship. He couldn't come to dinner to watch a proposal, (that's normal, he had work). He has to go to work during an off day and comes home late at night,he works in a hospital (dude hospital employees have insane schedules and it isn't Type's fault his boss was a bigot). I ain't gonna mention Fiat cause he is no serious issue .Lastly, Type doesn't want to get married because he is afraid of people looking down on Tharn. While that's an entire different issue, you don't just guilt trip him Tharn, and Tharn's urgency to marriege is so "no-one can still type from him". Tharn is possessive, ok good, so is Dean form UWMA .He too, is adamant on marrying his boyfriend, but does a FAR better job at reassuring him for the future than Tharn ever did. Sure, you will say, "Tharn is broken and sensitive about breakups" but this is Tharntype 7 years later... I ain't expecting him to pass over his trauma but atleast improve their communication. If he is afraid that after 7 years they will breakup, if they truly were that incompatible ,then marriage ain't gonna do crap. So please, blame Tharn a little but too.
If you are someone who was invested in the main couple more than the drama and the side characters (and the woohoo scenes), like Tincan, you will enjoy this season.
Oh! and! (I am the long Tharntype series review anon) i remembered something that i should have included to the negative points of the series that are continued in the second season and that is P'San still draws breath. He is still here, why, why isn't he dead? Lhong did awful things and got shipped abroad, so how awful characters are is measured by how much they affect the relationship of Tharntype.
hello anon!
thank you for your detailed review, I’m gonna try to articulate myself the best I can and try to not repeat myself lol.
it’s interesting how you’re talking about the different audiences for season 1 and 2 because that’s how I feel too. I noticed from the start that this season has a completely different vibe to it, it’s somewhat calmer and slower, which I like, but the drama feels unnecessary and far-fetched which gives me the feel of a classic old-fashioned lakorn lol. I don’t think they actually intended to direct it towards a different audience but like you said, it feels different. and not in a good way lol. They definitely did take the fan’s wish for more domesticity into consideration and I actually like how they’re implementing it bc I’m a bitch for cute domestic moments and they do have those but... the whole thing has a very unrealistic feel to it.
Which brings me to my main point; I said this a few times before but my main problem with this season (and I’m saying this as a long-time fan who is still very much attached to the show & the characters) is that the way their relationship is portrayed does not match the timeline. Idk how else to explain it but they are not acting like they’ve been together for 7 years lmao. And the main catalyzer for that is Tharn.
Type is becoming the scapegoat for trouble in paradise just because he’s facing trouble at work, some random guy won’t stop pestering him and he is hesitant about getting married, which is not the way to go and definitely not how a relationship between 2 grown humans after 7 (!!!!) years should be handled. It’s unrealistic and an odd mannerism on Tharn’s side. In ss1 he was painted as the “mature” one and Type as the “immature” one and now it’s the other way around which is....incomprehensible and kind of ruins the viewing experience for me as Tharn seems to be developing backwards? The only thing that still has me invested is Type’s character and his development. The way Gulf is giving him a more mature feel while implementing his core characteristics from season 1 is very well done and def my favorite thing this season. Also the story around his issues at work is something that I appreciate a lot. It’s interesting and very relatable (at least to me) and I love how he goes about the situation. His actions are reasonable and it strikes a chord with me personally since I’ve had similar experiences.
But regarding realism, that’s about it for this season lol. Fiat is being portrayed as the main problem but in reality it’s not him - it’s Tharn lol. Fiat is a broken and loaded character who admittedly has an interesting story but he should not be taken seriously by anyone other than Leo (and maybe his future therapist - Which is NOT me disregarding his mental issues; I’m just saying this in regard to the jealousy situation!). So Tharn seeing him as a serious threat, without any solid reason or proof at that, is beyond ridiculous... Yes, he’s always been possessive but after 7 years (!!!! can’t stress that enough), a person like Fiat should not be such a trigger for him in my opinion....
BUT before this rant gets more fired up I’m gonna stop here lmao. We still have 2 more eps left so let’s hope it will somehow come to a good end. Also we still have the special ep in February so we’ll see how that goes. But for now I’d say I’m neutral about this season. There are things that I really like but the overall frame is just not it. but oh well...
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