#i also bake treats for my teachers if I can on holidays
tachypodion · 4 months
18 things I love about being Jewish
we are encouraged to question things and to have an understanding of why we do what we do
challah is delicious and I get to eat it (theoretically) every Friday night and Saturday
...speaking of which, I think it's pretty great that our days start in the evening because then I get to start my day off with rest and rejuvenation!
back to the challah note, I love that it gives me a great reason to learn to make bread and all other kinds of fun cooking and baking that connects me to my ancestors
learning in general — Jewish culture values learning so much and it makes for such great opportunities and conversations, and I never feel out of place being a person who loves accumulating knowledge for knowledge's sake!
we have a holiday almost every month of the year, and the one month where there are no holidays is nicknamed "bitter" specifically because it has no holidays
our new year is in the beginning of the fall, usually right around the same time that the school year starts, so all the new beginnings happen at the same time
"Bubbie" and "Zayde" are way more fun to say than "Grandma" and "Grandpa" and also provide me with a really cool opportunity to use the language my ancestors did in every day life!
the opportunity to develop a bond across generations that comes with the teaching of Torah skills in preparation for b'nei mitzvah, and the leadership opportunities given to teenagers who go from student to teacher
the inherent willingness to consider multitudes that is exemplified in the age-old saying "three rabbis, four opinions"
the fact that I don't need permission from anyone to believe what I believe, and personal beliefs are secondary to community for many people especially when it comes to relationships with divinity. looping back in #10, many of us hold multiple conflicting beliefs, sometimes at the same time!
our holidays are treated as holy days and the commandments we follow require us to pause and reflect and devote our time to being in the moment and considering the meaning behind the day
we have a commandment "shmirat haguf" that requires us to care for and protect our health and wellbeing, making self care an imperative for those who follow the commandment — this also instructs us to prioritize our safety above following other commandments such as keeping kosher or observing shabbat
the focus of our practice and belief systems is on the living world and not the afterlife, which means both that i can use my religion as a way of grounding me in the present and that i get to use my imagination when thinking about the fates of my dead loved ones
even though we may disagree about significant aspects of our practices and traditions, having Judaism in common with someone is always a rich vein of bonding when making new connections, and it also helps set us up for success in having relationships with people we disagree with about things!
Hebrew gives me a common ground language with every Jewish community in the world, so even if I don't speak a single word of the local language if I find my way to a synagogue I know I'll be able to communicate and be welcomed and understood
the unique blend of resilience and good (if dark) humor embedded in our culture that comes through in quips like "they tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat"
the blessing of community and cultural continuity that allows me to feel connected in perpetuity with a collective entity larger than the sum of its parts and fills me with warmth and confidence in the knowledge that we will outlive them
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ellewritesandrants · 2 years
Billy and Chrissy as Cousins AU
This started off as a wild and random idea but I wanted to see what would happen if I took it seriously
Imagine Neil moving back to Hawkins because he and his sister grew up there and he knew he could straighten his boy out if he took him away from all of the temptations California has. His older sister loves bragging about her daughter Chrissy so he wanted to see what her influence would do to him since they were the same age and maybe, he hoped that Chrissy would set Billy up with another good Christian girl like her and he’d be able to be as Neil wanted him to be. It’s been years since they last saw each other in person but he knew that they’d been talking for a while, and it may have been what kept his son away from some of the harder drugs and parties.
Imagine tiny chubby Billy meeting baby gymnast Chrissy at every other Thanksgiving and Christmas and all of the major holidays because they used to live in Indiana before Neil moved Billy to California to keep him away from his mother. Imagine Billy writing to Chrissy when they moved after he cries about missing his best friend and his dad just shoves him a piece of paper and a pen to shut him up since he can mail to his sister since he has things to send her anyway.
Once Billy figures out how to send mail, he and Chrissy keep up their correspondence all throughout their childhood and well into their teens. They tell each other everything and she’s the first to know he’s gay and she doesn’t mind at all. She makes sure that Billy gives Max a chance and that they grow to become real siblings because she’s always wanted a sibling so Billy needs to treat his sister the way she would or else she’d stop writing to him. She tells him all about her boyfriend whom Billy says is a complete tool and when she finds out he’s headed to Hawkins after a big beating, she promises to help him in any way she can and that she’ll make him learn to love Hawkins too. She also can’t wait to officially meet Max because Billy’s like her twin so Max is essentially her little sister too.
Imagine Chrissy eagerly telling her cheerleader friends about her cousin who was supposed to transfer to their school today. She hasn’t seen him in years and they don’t send pictures because it costs money to develop. She tells them that he’s a nice choir boy who ran a mini business with baked goods out of his best friend’s kitchen who’s always been on the honor roll and everyone was expecting this fat kid to arrive, looking like every single typical nerd since that was the last picture she had with Billy when all of a sudden a blue Camaro comes roaring into the parking lot and Chrissy squeals because Billy had told her he drove a blue Camaro. She runs to his car and out comes this literal Blond Adonis who immediately pulls her into a spinning hug, straight out of the movies without any difficulty whatsoever. Everyone there just stared in shock for a good minute.
“Chrissy Cat!”
“Billy Bear, you’re here! You look a lot different than you did before.”
Chrissy wrinkled her nose, looking up at him which was odd since the last time they met, they were the same height.
“I told you I got into the gym and working out, but you didn’t believe me.”
“Sorry but you told me you loved to cook and bake. How can you look like that and still cook and bake?”
“My best friend, Argyle and his family eats most of it, so they deal with the weight gain and the washing up while I just do the cooking and baking.”
Just as Billy finished speaking, they heard the first bell ring so Chrissy grabbed Billy’s hand and tugged him to the office, barely letting him lock up his car properly.
“Come on, Billy! We’re going to be late!”
“Hold your horses, Chris. Let me just lock ‘er up.”
“Hurry! First period starts in 15 minutes.”
“I walk fast. Done!”
Since Chrissy was also in all honors classes with her mom’s pressure, she made sure that she and Billy had the same schedule, so they didn’t have any problems. She’d also talked to the teachers in advance, telling them about her cousin and how she’d really appreciate it if they could sit together for the time being while he adjusted to moving to a new town from the city. He had no problem charming the teachers with his knowledge and his smile and by lunch time, Billy Hargrove was the name on everyone’s lips. The old-fashioned teachers pursed their lips at his attire but none of them couldn’t deny that the kid was intelligent, easily assimilating and actually reciting which threw the teachers into a loop since they didn’t expect it. All the girls were wondering who the hell he was and if he was single and honestly, so were some of the boys.
Chrissy didn’t even give Billy the chance to check out the other tables before she yanked him to her table with just the cheerleaders there. Chrissy had been dragging him around the school to every class and he’d just went along with it even if she was a whole head smaller than him. She was very strong even if she was tiny and she was also excited because she got to spend time with her favorite cousin who also happened to be her best friend. Chrissy didn’t even give them the time to interrogate Billy since she speed introduced everyone before asking him about lunch.
Since Chrissy and Billy were the last ones to the table, Chrissy offered to get Billy some food from the cafeteria since everyone else had already gotten food but Billy had declined since he’d packed a lunch and he’d immediately offered to share his with Chrissy once he saw what was offered. After years of wondering what his cooking tasted like, Chrissy happily took the offered sandwich and ate it. Billy had long since gotten used to sharing his food since his best friend in California preferred his food instead, even paying Billy to make his lunch instead of buying from the cafeteria.
 “Hey, Bills, do you want me to get you lunch too? I know what’s good here so I can steer you in the right direction.”
Billy brought out his food containers and water jug, meticulously packed in his bag to avoid being crushed.
“No need, Chris. I brought my own. Who knows what they consider food down here?”
Chrissy slapped Billy jokingly on the arm.
“Hey! Don’t insult our food.”
“Seriously, look at my food and compare it to their lunches.”
Chrissy honestly knew that Billy’s would be better just from looks alone but she was also stubborn about proving that Hawkins was alright, so she didn’t budge.
“Come on, I’ll even give you some,” Billy wheedled. “I brought too much anyway since Max wanted to try the cafeteria food. Bet she’ll be begging me to make her lunch tomorrow.”
“That’s a sucker’s bet, Bills but I’ll try it anyway. You brag about your cooking enough that this better be something amazing.”
“Trust me, Chris. It’ll blow your socks off.”
Chrissy definitely wasn’t disappointed since she finished the sandwich in record time, and she was ecstatic when Billy brought out a Tupperware with cookies for dessert since she’d told him a long time ago that chocolate chip cookies were her favorite. She squealed again and hugged him before sharing the cookies with the rest of the cheerleaders whose eyes all widened at how good it was. Chrissy was in the middle of bragging about the different types of things Billy said he could make when a shadow casts itself over her.
“Babe, who’s this?” Jason grounded out.
Billy was immediately on edge, already puffing up his chest, raring for a fight.
“Oh, Jason! Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. Billy, this is Jason Carver, my boyfriend. Jason, this is Billy Hargrove, he’s my cousin on my mom’s side.”
All of a sudden, Jason’s demeanor changed with a flick of a switch. Billy didn’t trust it.
“Oh! Nice to meet the cousin that Chrissy speaks so highly about.” He said, offering his hand out.
Billy stood up, very obviously noting the height and muscle difference between him and Jason before shaking his hand a touch too firm for most people to handle. Jason winced but didn’t pull away.
“Pity I can’t say the same. Chris, is this the best you can do?” Billy asked, pointing at Jason.
Jason took offense to that but he didn’t dare make a scene.
“Jason’s a good man, Billy. He goes to the same church as us and he’s the best basketball player in our year.” Chrissy protested.
Billy laughed after looking Jason up and down while Jason tried to intimidate him.
“Him? Sorry, sweetheart but I’d mop the floor with him on the court in a heartbeat. Let me guess, his GPA’s a 2.”
“It’s 2.5 actually!” Jason interjected.
Billy scoffed.
“Like that’s any better.”
“What’s yours then, hotshot?”
Billy smirked.
“It’s 4.0, Carver. See you on the court later. Let’s see if you can keep up good enough that I’ll allow you to keep dating my cousin.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re excused.”   
Jason huffed before returning to his table. Chrissy slapped Billy on the arm, for real this time.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“Don’t pick a fight with my boyfriend, Billy.”
“Chris, I know for a fact you can do so much better than that asshole. Why are you even with him?”
Heather, Chrissy’s best female friend finally interjected.
“He’s the next in line king of the school after Steve Harrington dropped the crown. She’s the Queen of Hawkins High as long as they’re together and I’m guessing you know how much Sharon loves those things.”
“You’re telling me that Aunt Sharon likes that creep? It makes sense though. He’s the kind of asshole your mom would’ve gone for had she been your age.”
“Ew, Billy.” Chrissy crinkled her nose.
“It’s true though. Don’t deny it.”
“Anyway, lunch is about to finish. We need to get to our next class.”
“Let’s bounce. It was nice meeting you girls.”
“Likewise, Billy.” A few of the girls shouted as Chrissy dragged Billy away.
After classes, Billy had already been asked by Neil to bring Chrissy home after she had been picked up by Jason to go to school so Billy waited for Max before bringing her with him to the cheerleading practice where Heather was training Chrissy to be her replacement for the next year. During the water break, Chrissy officially met Max who was surprised at how bubbly and light Chrissy was. Max didn’t think she could be that type of girl but she couldn’t help but admit she was curious about it all. With Chrissy officially taking Max under her wing, she doesn’t really have time to deal with the boys until a demodog attacks her and Chrissy while they’re on their way to the town. Billy hears their screams and he immediately deals with it and he’s surprised when a bunch of kids in Max’s year show up and explain what the hell that was.
Billy’s been too busy threatening Carver to straighten up his act after he caught him getting handsy with another girl and making sure he stuck to it to properly befriend Tommy. Sure, they were teammates but nothing more than that. Billy still flirted with Steve at practice though but he never pursued the rivalry thing that everyone thought would brew between them. It was pretty much guaranteed that Billy was the new reigning King of Hawkins High after he’d embarrassed Jason and everyone else on the team on the court. Tina’s Halloween party only cemented it when Billy beat out the Keg record Steve had set even though Billy still tried to comfort Steve after watching his girlfriend kind of break up with him in front of everyone. The cousins ruled Hawkins High without giving a damn about it since Chrissy was so focused on making Billy and Max learn to love Hawkins too. She would constantly take them out of the house, always asking Neil politely if she could show Billy and Max around the town, making sure that she would keep them out of the house as much as possible.
Somehow, Chrissy and Billy ended up getting involved with the Upside Down way earlier when a demodog attacks the girls right outside of the Hargrove house and Billy doesn’t hesitate to protect his girls when push comes to shove. Afterwards, Chrissy also takes El under her wing and the trio of Max, Chrissy and El take over Billy’s life. Chrissy acts as their older sister and guru for all things teenage girl and she even helps them shop and get ready for the Snow Ball with Billy’s help. Billy’s also forced to teach El and therefore, also Max and Chrissy how to make all sorts of food and desserts whenever the mood strikes them and he’s their resident chauffer for trips while the boys rely on Steve. Since he can’t exactly cook or bake at their house or Chrissy house and Hopper’s cabin is out of the question, El usually asks Steve if they can use his kitchen. Steve’s fine with it as long as he gets some food out of it and after some time, he starts hanging around while Billy messes around in the kitchen.
With both Chrissy and Billy taking their grades seriously, Steve’s forced to study too and they replace Nancy as his support to apply for colleges. With Billy’s help, he even manages to get accepted into a couple of them but he decides to take a gap year to wait for the majority of his friends. Strangely enough, it becomes pretty normal for the students of Hawkins High to see Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunningham and Steve Harrington all together with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers occasionally joining the trio. It becomes a normal thing for the five of them to study together at Steve’s house while Billy whips up either a snack or dinner for the entire group. Sometimes, the kids would play D&D at the basement with Billy trying his best to get the kids to eat some healthy food instead of just pizza while the older teens would either study or smoke together.
When summer begins, Chrissy encourages Billy to apply for the vacant lifeguard position that Heather told her about and when she notices the moms staring weirdly at Billy, she plots and gets her very Christian mother to loudly rebuke all of the women for lusting after a teenager and almost committing adultery. With that problem out of the way,  Billy’s free to enjoy teaching the tiny tots how to swim and to watch as the kids he’d slowly grown fond of play around in either the public pool or Steve’s pool. Chrissy had gotten a job at the mall so she’d loved having lunch with Steve and Robin who quickly became her lunch buddies. Billy would always pick her up and drop her off, usually with lunch and dessert to share.
When the girls enter their dump his ass phase, they get Chrissy to dump Jason too who heads to the motel to meet up with a girl to feel better about himself. The mindflayer gets him instead but when he immediately goes to flay Chrissy, she realizes something’s wrong and Billy’s there to stop him. They get El to figure out what’s wrong and they quickly get it out of him without killing him. Then, they have to deal with the Russians but with Chrissy and Billy there, things go much easier. After everything, everyone is alive and relatively okay, but Jason is traumatized, and he convinces his family to move away instead after being paid to keep silent about everything.
When Vecna starts his bullshit, Chrissy is in a much better place and so are a lot of the teens, all except Billy who might have friends but is still living with his abuser. Somehow, Eddie is still witness to the first victim but so is Chrissy who was there to support a friend of hers who wanted to try drugs. Eddie and Chrissy still flirted but when her friend started floating and going all weird, they didn’t know what to do! Chrissy immediately got to Billy who let everyone know what happened. All the while, she was dragging Eddie with her to make sure that what she saw actually happened.
With more minds working on the problem, they realize everything earlier leaving them time to prepare but Billy then realizes he’s been dealing with the symptoms. Chrissy is extremely horrified to find out that Billy was still a target after everything she had gone through to save him and she belatedly realizes that he also saved her from being a target so she’s angry at herself because she couldn’t save him. Strangely enough, it’s Eddie who comforts her about it.
Billy gets them to make peace with the fact that he’s a target, something that Steve is strangely bothered extremely by and he agrees to get them to set a trap for Vecna. Without Jason around to ruin things and with the town in chaos over the people dying of unnatural reasons, they manage to successfully deal with him with an especially irate Chrissy throwing Molotovs with uncanny aim and eventually stabbing him when she’s threatened after saying that you don’t scare me. She was almost meant to be a victim but she ends up beating him literally and figuratively. They manage to expose the Upside Down and to finally end things.
Surprisingly, as soon as things settle, Billy tells Chrissy that Steve had kissed him and that they were now dating. She also had news to share since Eddie was dating her now too. The quartet soon makes plans to move to California, far away from all of this nonsense with the Byer-Hoppers and with the rest of the kids promising to meet them there soon. Weirdly enough, all things worked out for the cousins because they had each other to rely on and they didn’t let each other down.
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nitewrighter · 9 months
“Sigma: I do like little treats…”
I hope both sides of your pillow are cold every night. I hope your blankets are always stacked to the perfect weight. I hope your tea is perfectly steeped. I hope you always have enough money to get a little treat, no matter what. I hope all hornets and wasps perceive you as a non-threat and don’t even buzz ominously around you. I hope you get tiny marshmallows with your hot chocolate. I hope you never get tired of your favorite song.
This is the cutest Sigma line that’s ever been presented to me (even as a hypothetical, written concept) and I can only hope you get an iota of joy in your life like what you’ve given me with that sentence. A little treat. He deserves one. That picture of the kissing pikmin is exactly how I feel about you rn. I love you. Thank you for your hard work.
I had no idea what stroopwafels were before Sigma got introduced to the game, and when I tried one it was so good. Like a bunch of people said his 'Lekker stroopwafel' karaoke line was creepy but also he is so right about stroopwafels, it made me permanently associate his character with tasty baked goods--particularly sweet, toothsome treats with distinct textures that go really well with coffee.
Also both my parents are teachers, and they often get baked stuff from their students around the holidays, and I always kind of associate Sigma with a kind of cozy academia (he has friendly professor vibes!!) so that figured into the headcanon as well. Give the man his treats!
But thank you for this ask, haha, this really made my night! :)
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cuddletime-blog · 2 years
5 MLQC Male Leads’ Christmas Letters to MC
Dear MC,
Merry Christmas! Happy holidays. This year seems to have passed by quickly somehow too, but you’ve accomplished many things this year despite the challenges. You never cease to amaze me with your determination, creative ideas, and commitment to your work. I’m so proud of you, Miss Chips! Let’s continue to work better and make the upcoming year even more successful! Thank you for being my Muse and devoted fan/Soda. I want to write more uplifting songs to share with you and the rest of the world. Anyway, it’s Christmas so let’s enjoy the day together in our pajamas and test out all the new video games I bought for us to try. I can’t wait to just relax, eat snacks, open gifts, and spend the day talking and laughing together with you. I have planned out a night of board games as well with hot cocoa and plenty of marshmallows. Apple Box and Cello will get to see their new toys and want to play with you too.
                                               Yours Truly,
  Dear MC,
           You have been once again formally invited to Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas Day brunch, and Christmas dinner at Souvenir this year. The holidays and special occasions you have not-so-subtlely-hinted, looked forward to, and worked towards are finally here. Keep up the progress and improvements with your proposals/reports. You can always come to me for advice no matter which troubles and predicaments you may find yourself in from time to time. We will solve and face them together. I look forward to seeing your many ideas, “surprises”, and results of your efforts. Anyway, today is not a workday so let’s see how you like the new Christmas menu. I can already imagine your gluttonous smile and inability to decide between having crepes, cinnamon rolls, and waffles for Christmas brunch. I have already prepared a special Christmas treat for Pudding as well.
   Dear MC,
I know we’ve both been so busy with work this year. Let’s go for a walk together in the park and have a Christmas picnic lunch. It will be good to get some exercise outdoors and then just relax. What I look forward to the most for the holidays is spending it together with you. One of my other plans is that I already have tickets to the amusement park too so we can have fun and take photos there. We can try out all of the different rides, see parades at night with Christmas lights, eat corndogs, cotton candy, peppermint chocolate cookies, and more. If there is anything else you want to try doing, just let me know. Sparky and I look forward to having new adventures with you any time of the year.
  Hey MC,
           The weather outside is actually not so bad today. How about we go to the skate park and practice some tricks? I want to see the progress you’ve made and what you’ve learned so far. You’re so fortunate to have such an amazingly talented, great teacher like me. Afterwards, we can make a hotpot feast for dinner. I wonder what silly gifts you bought for me this time. In return, I’ll teach you some new card games this year. We can also watch historical documentaries and movies and quiz each other. I bought a Christmas cake since you’ve been talking so much about how good the new items at the bakery are recently. Happy Holidays.
    Dear MC,
           I never had much of a reason to celebrate the holidays before, but you’ve changed my mind about them. Now, I see that the holidays are meant to be spent with those we appreciate and care about. Today, we can spend Christmas doing arts and crafts and baking cookies together. You can make whichever crafts and cookies you like. I picked out some arts and crafts guidebooks and baking cookbooks for you to bookmark and use them. I am glad we went groceries shopping for baking ingredients recently. We can also visit the new cat café that you’ve been talking about. Whichever plans you decide on, I look forward to trying them all together. The holidays seem special because of who we spend them with and how we spend them. Let’s continue to make more of these holiday memories this year and the next.
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echofades · 2 years
Just dumping my list of shows (and movies) I watched this year here for my own benefit as TV Time is not as organised as I’d like. And frankly I watched too much and I want to publicly shame myself.
New: 9-1-1, A Friend of the Family, A League of Their Own, Abbot Elementary, Anatomy of a Scandal, The Baby, Bad Sisters, The Bear, The Capture, Chloe, Chucky, Compulsion, Conversations with Friends, Deadline, Dexter: New Blood, Dr. Death, Echoes, First Kill, Hacks, Heartstopper, High School, The Holiday, Inventing Anna, Keep Breathing, The Lazarus Project, Man vs Bee, The Midwich Cuckoos, The Morning Show, NCIS: Hawai’i, No Return, One of Us Is Lying, Our House, Paper Girls, Pieces of Her, Reboot, Red Rose, The Resort, The Rising, Severance, The Staircase, Station 19, Station Eleven, Stay Close, Surface, Suspicion, The Teacher, The Thief His Wife and the Canoe, The Tourist, Trigger Point, The Watcher, Wednesday, The White Lotus, The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, Yellowjackets, You Don’t Know Me
Returning: After Life, Dead to Me, Derry Girls, The Flight Attendant, Gentleman Jack, Grace & Frankie, Kevin Can F*ck Himself, Killing Eve, Leverage: Redemption, Only Murders in the Building, Russian Doll, The Secrets She Keeps, The Sinner, Stranger Things, The Wilds __________________________________________ Top 10: 9-1-1, A League of Their Own, Bad Sisters, The Capture, Chucky, Hacks, Kevin Can F*ck Himself, Paper Girls, Station Eleven, Yellowjackets __________________________________________
Docs & Reality (New & Returning): The Apprentice, Bad Vegan, Captive Audience: A Real American Horror Story, Catching Killers, Conversations with a Killer: The John Wayne Gacy Tapes, Crime Scene: The Texas Killing Fields, Dream Home Makeover, Floor is Lava, Get Organised with The Home Edit, Great British Bake Off, I Am a Killer, Instant Dream Home, I Just Killed My Dad, Interior Design Masters, Into the Deep: The Submarine Murder Case, Is It Cake, Jimmy Savile: A  British Horror Story, Keep Sweet: Pray & Obey, Killer Sally, Love is Blind, Masterchef, The Most Hated Man on the Internet, My Lover My Killer, The Puppet Master, Queer Eye, Sins of Our Mother, Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99, The Traitors, The Ultimatum, Unsolved Mysteries, Web of Make Believe, Worst Roommate Ever __________________________________________
Top 1: The Traitors!! Everyone should go watch The Traitors. Thank me later. __________________________________________ And I did treat myself to a Cineworld unlimited card this year so I’ve also been to the cinema a fair bit. So let’s throw my Letterboxd year in too.
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Top 5: Everything Everywhere All At Once, Bodies Bodies Bodies, The Menu, The Black Phone, Do Revenge
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slideraigl · 2 years
ornament and place empty ornament in a mug
Put about heaping tablespoons of one color salt into the ornament. Place clear empty ornament into a cup I find it keeps the ornament upright and leaves both hands free for easier filling. For more ideas follow me on Pinterest!. Shake ornament gently to make it even. In a small bowl mix red 38; blue food color to make purple Add purple food color to salts. Peppermint Bath Salts Supplies for 5 Bulb ornaments 2 cups Epsom Salts 2 cups Kosher or Sea Salt 6 drops Red food color 6 drops Peppermint Essential Oil 5 Clear plastic bulb ornaments 5 tags Ribbons Peppermint scrub Directions: Combine 1 cup of each salts in 2 bowls - one for white, the other for pink Add 6 drops of red food color to one bowl. I even made chalkboard print tags for each one, which I will gift to you this holiday season.
Remove the top from the ornament. But baking cookies and making treats can be time consuming and can get rather costly. Then add 3 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil to EACH color of salt. When you39;re happy with the color add the Lavender Essential oil and mix well. Mix very well, breaking up clumps of salt and evenly distributing color. Place funnel in opening as directed above (Peppermint Bath Salts). Place a funnel into the the ornament opening. It takes minutes to make and each one cost about $2, not to mention they are super cute! Your biggest investment will be the essential oils, a small bottle costs anywhere from $9 and up depending on the brand, but that tiny bottle can last for years. Put about 2 heaping tablespoons of the second color salt into the ornament. Replace top when done.
Continue steps alternating colors so you have a striped look. Mix very well, you may need to smash clumps of salt to make it all even sized grains.We39;re all looking for inexpensive Christmas gifts for office mates, teachers, and even friends and neighbors. It took less than a half hour to make and fill clear pastic ornaments with them. As a rule I find food gifts are easy and always welcome, specially homemade treats. Your gift is ready to Valve Ball give! Do not handle filled ornaments from the top, it will come off and contents will spill out! Hold the ornament itself to avoid spilling. Do not shake ornament, but gently tap so that second layer is even. It will make filling easier. Here are a couple of very easy to make and inexpensive ideas, homemade bath salts. Using a funnel with a tip that is just a bit smaller than ornament opening keeps the funnel firmly in place while filling, it also fills faster than a funnel with a smaller opening. If you want a deeper color you can adjust colors by adding a few more drops of red food color for a more lavender hue, or blue for a deeper purple hue. It will sit on top of first color.
You39;ll find links to each tag, just click on it and download the tag and print it out on cardstock. Your gift is ready to give! Peppermint salts Lavender Bath Salts: Supplies for 5 Bulb Ornaments Ball Ornaments 3 Cups Epsom Salts 3 Cups Kosher or Sea Salts 10 drops red food color 4 drops blue food color 8 drops Lavender Essential Oil 5 Clear Plastic Bulb Ornaments 2 Clear Plastic Ball Ornaments Ribbons 7 Tags Place salts into a large bowl. Remove top of ornament and place empty ornament in a mug. Fill ornament and replace top. Mix the color into the salts to distribute color evenly. If you want a deeper pink color you can add more food color. Mix in well. Lavender Salts Attach a tag and tie a ribbon around the top of the ornament. ( You can even whip up a batch of Monster Spray and gift it to the young children in your lives who have bedtime fears of Monsters under the bed!) This year I whipped up a batch of Peppermint Bath Salts and Lavender Bath Salts. Tie ribbon around the ornament top and hang a tag on it. I always have a bottle of peppermint and lavender on hand, I use it for many things, including Monster Spray and flea repellent for my pets.
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aidansloth · 2 years
yes I am making a part 2 of Gareth's headcanons because I'm hyperfixating
Gareth Emerson Headcanons (General):
he has asthma
because of this the whole of Corroded Coffin carry an extra inhaler with them in case he forgets to bring his
him and Eddie make all of Corroded Coffin's merch (banners, shirts, pins ecc.) together since they are the most creative and good with DIY
his favourite subject is History no doubt
if he wasn't a drummer I could see him being a History teacher (the one everyone crushes on)
he owns lots of flannels (also not cut-off ones)
definitely prefers salty over sweet
loves Doritos
I can't tell if he's a dog or cat person, but he would be a cat
he just feels like one okay
he's a morning person, not that he doesn't stay up late sometimes but I just see him waking up early every morning and having his routine
he would make his sister's lunch to take to school<33
pretty pretty boy
he's so pretty
just imagine him in the morning
just woke up
with his morning voice
bed hair
in a t-shirt and his boxers, he lifts his arm to scratch his head and his shirt rides up and you can see a little bit of chub-I LOVE HIM
in his early teens he decided to pack away all of his plushies because they weren't 'metal' enough, but still has the box in the garage because he won't throw them away (he obviously still loves them)
secretly loves Valentine's Day (he knows it's just a commercial holiday but he still loves it)
but his favourite is Halloween
he loves staying home to open the door to the kids doing trick or treating
before Halloween he prepares pretty little bags full of candy to give them
but other times he takes his sisters to trick or treat
he helps them to make their costumes and also holds their bags full of candy while they go knock on doors
he reads comic books (mangas too)
likes black coffee
the most bitter black coffee (like his soul)
100% knows how to make flower crowns, no I will not elaborate
always has tons of things on his bed (pencils, paper, his drumsticks, candy wrappers etc.)
helps his mom bake pies and cakes for the bake sales every year (and loves it)
feeds off energy drinks, they are his only source of energy
Modern!Gareth loves Scene Queen's songs, especially 'Barbie & Ken'
likes reading but not one of his favourite hobbies, though he enjoys fantasy and sci-fi books
always has gum on him to stim (I said in the earlier headcanons that he has ADHD)
is the type to procrastinate till the last minute and do a full essay the night before it was due with 4 cups of coffee and spite
still gets one of the best grades in the class
sometimes reads goodnight stories to his younger sister (he does all of the character voices)
also makes bracelets with them (he uses only red and black beads though because he has an image to maintain)
has tons of blankets
Jeff and Eddie are always overly nice to his mom, they're the type to say "hot mom"
Gareth hates it
but they have fun
he's the type to run up to anyone (his mom, his friends, you etc.) and start ranting about a new hyperfixation of his
he could honestly talk my ear off anytime <333
can't think anymore, this is about it <3
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
A Wonderful Christmas Time
Pairing: Frank Adler x fem!Reader
Words: ~1.6k
Summary: Frank knows he shouldn’t let anything start up with you, but it’s Christmas.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex, cream pie, cock warming), neighbor AU, sexually aggressive reader (but Frank’s into it), Mary and Roberta being sneaky, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: This is my second entry for the always enjoyable happy hoelidays challenge hosted by the lovely @stargazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes and @navybrat817. My prompts were Holiday dinner, inconvenient attraction, and “I’m gonna climb you like a Christmas tree”. Writing Frank is such a treat, I really should do it more.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to day on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!
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Frank was gripping his fork so hard he was worried he was going to bend the metal, trying to keep his expression neutral as he watched you laugh lightly at the joke Mary had just told.
When Roberta told him she was going to be inviting another tenant to her little Christmas dinner, he didn’t know what he’d expected. You were the only other person in their little neighborhood that wasn’t traveling to visit family, of course Roberta would invite you so you weren’t all by yourself.
It didn’t help that she’d been trying to get the two of you together pretty much ever since you moved in, recommending him for all the little home repairs of yours that came up and telling you all about Frank’s sweet tooth so every time you baked something you came prancing over to his place in some tiny little sundress and a covered dish that smelled almost as good as you did. Never mind that you were friends with Mary’s old teacher, Bonnie, and that break up had been a spectacular shit show that he definitely didn’t want a repeat of.
But damn, you were so fucking cute. Mary loved you too, especially since you had an extensive library of science fiction and comic books that you were totally willing to let her borrow from whenever she wanted. So now every time she came home with some new book she was also talking about how awesome you were and how Frank should quit being so cranky and just invite you over for dinner already.
He was having trouble coming up with any more good reasons why he should keep putting you off, especially when you leaned over the table to help Roberta clear everything off and gave him a little wink. Mary got up to lend a hand too, kicking Frank under the table until he finally grabbed some of the dishes and followed her into the kitchen.
“Everything was so good Roberta, thank you so much for inviting me.” You grinned at her as you helped put everything into containers while she scrubbed the pots and pans. “Don’t think I’ll need to eat anything else for at least a week.”
“I should be thanking you, honey, that cake was amazing.” Roberta gave Frank a knowing grin when his eyes lingered on you bending over in front of the fridge a little longer than was strictly necessary. “We’re just lucky Frank here didn’t eat the whole damn thing.”
“Well, I’ll just have to send some home with him, then.” You were killing him, squeezing his arm playfully as you moved behind him and huffing out another soft laugh when he just grunted in response. How the hell were you still single? If someone else didn’t snap you up soon he didn’t know what he was going to do with himself. “Oh geez, it’s already 10, I’ve gotta get home.”
“Ok, well take some ham.” Roberta thrust a pile of containers into your arms before turning to Frank. “Be a gentleman and walk her home, Frank. Mary can help me finish up here.”
“Yeah Frank, be a gentleman.” Mary cut him off before he had the chance to protest, giving him a smirk when he grumbled as he took his own armload of leftovers.
The two of them almost shoved you both out the door with a pair of conspiratorial grins, Frank avoiding making eye contact with you as you walked towards your trailer, but failing because of course you wanted to chat with him.
“I didn’t get a chance to thank you for fixing my water pump last week, Frank.” You beamed at him and knocked your hip playfully against his as the two of you walked side by side.
“It was nothing.” He sighed when you drifted close to him again, trying to not be too obvious when he turned his head to sniff your hair. “Your baking is thanks enough.”
“If you say so.” You kicked your gate open and let him move past you to open your front door, still giving him that warm grin that made him feel a little achy in his chest. “But I feel like I still owe a little something, especially during the holidays.”
“No, it’s really fine.” He ducked under some tinsel so he could load the Tupperware into your fridge, trying not to jump when he turned around and you were standing right in front of him. “I… I really don’t mind. I’d do it for anyone.” He lied, he was suddenly very warm.
“You’re adorable.” You bit your lip as you gazed at him, stepping a little closer and chuckling when his breath hitched. “I’m gonna climb you like a Christmas Tree.”
The only answer you gave was to literally pounce on him, swallowing his surprised yelp when you smashed your lips to his and wrapped your limbs around him. Frank crashed backwards into your fridge and almost tumbled over your kitchen table before he was able to catch his balance, his surprised whine turning into a deep growl once he came back to himself and slamming you into the wall as he rolled his body against yours.
“Wait… shit, hold on.” Frank screwed his eyes closed as he pulled back, a smile tugging at his lips when you let out a needy little sound and tried to pull him close again. “Should we really be doing this? What about Bonnie?”
“Who?” You leaned forward to suck on his neck and he groaned, his cock aching as it grew even harder while your fingers curled around the back of his head.
“Your friend? My… oh god.” His knees almost buckled when you slid your hands under the collar of his shirt and started to undo his buttons, your fingertips brushing over his nipples and pinching them softly in a way that had his cock jumping in the confines of his jeans. “My ex?”
“Right, Bonnie.” You licked a slow stripe over his throat before bringing your face back to his, brushing your lips over his and purring as you started to undo his belt. “We’re not that close.”
“Oh that’s… mmm, that’s great.” He slid his hands up your thighs and under the hem of your dress while you traced his lips with your tongue, humming at the lovely feeling of your soft skin under his calloused fingertips before dragging your dress over your head. “Fantastic really.”
You moaned agreement into his mouth as his fingers teased over the soaked cotton of your panties, gasping when he pulled them tight against your clit before shoving them to the side at the same time you wrapped your hand around his cock. He hissed when he finally slid inside you, crashing his lips to yours and digging his fingers into your waist as he lost himself in the soft, wet warmth of you wrapped around him.
As soon as he started moving you both whined, your mouths still molded to each other as his hips slowly thrust into you. The feeling of your tight little cunt clenching around him once he finally bottomed out was going to drive him insane, all his self control going into not just slamming into you mindlessly when you let out a soft moan against his lips.
“More, Frank, please.” You wound your arms around his neck and arched your body into his when he ground right against your clit, biting at his lips and groaning when his tongue curled against yours. “I can take it.”
“Fuck, I bet you can.” Frank purred and grinned when you yanked on his hair, giving a singular, vicious drive of his hips that had you keening into his mouth. “Should probably give it to you then, it is Christmas.”
Your pleased laugh turned into a yelp when he finally started pistoning into you, his hands on your waist keeping you in place as he drove his cock into you at a violent pace that made you clench your teeth together. Frank buried his face in your neck and let out a soft grunt against your skin each time his hips met yours, his tongue flicking out to taste your skin in between soft presses of his lips to your throat that were in sharp contrast to the way he was pounding you into the wall but only served to make you melt into him even further as you let go of your control.
He felt your throat vibrate with a small whimper as you started to flutter around him, his lips pulling back from his teeth so he could nip at your throat as you curled your body tighter around him. Your whole body seized when you came apart on his cock, your muscles quivering and releasing wildly as you sobbed into his hair. The feeling of your release soaking his cock had him following right after you, his teeth digging into the edge of your jaw to muffle his shout as he spilled his cum inside you with stuttering jabs of his hips while your sweet cunt milked him for everything he could give you.
As soon as you were both finished you were sagging to the floor, Frank falling backwards to lay down and letting you lean your face against his chest as you both tried to regulate your breathing.
“Merry Christmas, Frank.” You grinned softly when he pressed his lips to the top of your head, nuzzling into his chest hair and purring happily.
“Merry Christmas.” He traced his fingers over your spine lazily as he let his own smile split his face. “Pretty sure those two meddlers back at Roberta’s are gonna say the exact same thing.”
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ninacarstairss · 2 years
hello cece!
hope you are well, and i just wanted to say again how much i love your new tattoos, they look so cool
i had my first day of o-week today and it has possibly been the weirdest day. so i went to my information session, and then we had a one on one talk with lecturers with different majors and i ended up meeting two of my teachers for this semester (it was basically twenty minutes of being litnerds, it was so fun)
afterwards, i decided to take some of your advice and grab a cookie, but i didn’t realise it was a healthy one? it was a protein, plant based one, and it tastes like starchy oats :( even the chocolate chips are kinda wack (my fault for not checking the packaging)
AND THEN i was sitting down, minding my own business, tryna eat my fucking cookie, when two people from this christian group talk to me for like fifteen minutes about my degree and jesus and i was so overwhelmed that i just gave them my email so they would leave me alone. i cannot do small talk to save myself :(
anyways, that was my day. i’m about to go home now. i wish you all the hugs and cookies (the good, buttery kind with a coma-inducing amount of sugar)
hi nero!! <33
thank you so much again!! i love them so so much, i’ve been wanting them for years and they mean so much to me!!
oh my god nero. that was a hell of a day for sure. i mean the twenty minutes of being total litnerds sound amazing!!! can i join next time?? my uni isn’t fun at all :( honestly i would love to just chat about literature for hours at orientation!! it would be so much better than sitting there listening to them read the exact same things they stated on the website of the course.
but then the cookie?? :,( i’m so glad you took my advice but it was a healthy horrible one?? no way.
i’m currently baking extra tasty, extra chocolatey cookies with a side of buttery cupcakes full of sugar and some more chocolate, to send to you. you deserve them after that oatsy cookie.
also sorry about that last part. i honestly hate small talk too and can never do that. i always end up doing the same thing, giving out my email just so i can make them leave before i start to cry. why are we like this?
anyway i’m fine! i spent a day trying to pack for my holiday and accomplished nothing. so i ended up searching for a place because i’m gonna have to move in september for a semester abroad, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of available places. i just hope i can find something in time :(
but then i made ice cream and that just made my day. it was so good!! i’m sending you some of that too. but just a heads up it’s gonna be melted because of the current 45 degrees (i’m melting too 24/7).
i’m wishing you tons of hugs too and hope you get to have tastier cookies now!! and how has uni been treating you after that weird first day? <3
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noyasboxdye · 3 years
Pretty boy - Sugawara Koushi
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Notes: It's his birthday today so take these hcs. I'll make an actual fic for him later on when I'm finished writing my other fics and shit.
pairing: Sugawara Koushi x gn! Reader
WARNINGS: age gape (he's 18 turning 19 and you're 19 turning 20),
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How y'all met:
Your mom asked you to pick up your brother Daichi and his friend (Suga) from their game since it was late.
So the game ends and you're waiting for Daichi and Suga to finish changing and getting the rest of their things so y'all can leave.
Daichi takes forever to change so Suga ended up being finished first.
Daichi just told him to go outside where you were by the door so he did.
At first, you were confused as to why he was standing so fucking close to you.
Then he saw how you were side-eyeing him and how you would scoot away every time he got the slightest bit closer so he introduced himself.
He'd heard (and seen) a lot of you. You were basically Daichi aimed to be for the majority of his life.
So he told you he was Daichi's best friend- the one you were supposed to be picking up along with Daichi.
Everything was pretty much fine after that.
It became a regular thing for him to start up conversations when he bumped into you.
And after a while of those you both had created your own bond.
Catching feelings:
He hated that he liked you, it was humiliating to him. Especially since he was about 95% sure you didn't like him.
He felt even worse since you were his best friends brother. He didn't know how Daichi would take it but something was telling him it wouldn't be well.
Especially since the last time, Daichi talked about you was the first time Suga had actually seen Daichi mad.
All he said was "jeez you're brothers fucking hot," and he was fuming about it.
So imagine how he would act if he just said "Hey yeah I like your brother," that would not go smoothly at all
So he kept it to himself. He decided that keeping it to himself and waiting for the crush to go away was the best option.
The crush "went away" after a few weeks and he was safe to start hanging out with you and Daichi again.
The feelings came back after y'all hanging out for a few hours though.
Which resulted in him telling Daichi, he didn't really care as much as Suga thought he would.
He didn't plan on confessing. It was extremely accidental
He had come over and you were supposed to be at university and he saw that your parents weren't home so he had just started yelling to "Daichi" about how much he liked you.
"Daichiii he called me fucking gorgeous!! Can you believe it! I'm gonna kiss him one day I swear, he's so fucking cute oh my fucking gods he's so perfect ugh!!"
"Daichi? Where the hell are you?!" he says storming around the house "DAICHI!" he roams the entire house before storming up the stairs.
Bursting into his friend's room and seeing you on your little brothers' bed.
He just stood there. At first, he thought he was dreaming but then he remembered that he slipped on ice before entering the house.
So he just stood there using the if I don't move and I can't see him then he won't see me tactic.
He started crying after you said his name though. Like full on sobbing because not only was he embarrassed as fuck but he also had just unintentionally confessed his undying love for you at the same time.
So he was sobbing and you comforted him. He stopped after a few minutes and you both talked everything out.
You both decided that you didn't want to start dating right away.
First date:
After a month or two you both ended up going on your first date.
He was really nervous.
He didn't know how to act on the date so he was mad awkward in the beginning.
But he ended up treating it like it was just a regular hang out in the end but with holding hands and stuff like that.
He had a lot of fun. Y'all went to the movies and to the arcade.
Y'all went to your house after. He had gotten hungry again so you made him dinner.
Then you both watched a few more movies while cuddling.
By the time you were both finished, it was close to 3am and you were both exhausted so he just stayed the night.
He slept in Daichi's room so he could tell him about the date and stuff.
Then they stayed up 'till 5 talking about the date and other random shit.
Daichi threatened you both that if you hurt one another he would fight y'all.
Pre-time skip:
When you would be home on your vacation he would tell you about high school drama.
He used to make you watch bob ross with him.
Your house was basically his second home so he would come over whenever he wanted.
Late-night baking was damn near an everyday thing for the both of you. Especially on weekends, y'all would be baking like y'all gon die if y'all don't bake.
Late-night drives were a huge thing in both your platonic and romantic relationship. Especially when he got his drivers license he would just randomly pick you up since university was only a little under an hour away.
He plays with your fingers a lot. He does it even more if you wear rings.
He lays directly on top of you like a starfish but on top of you.
He'll do random trust falls at the worst times. Like you'll be in the middle of cleaning or something and he'll just fall back and almost hit his head on your dresser.
I think he has cousins that he's really close to like siblings type close. And I think that they would love you so much.
Post-time skip:
The kids love you at his job. He'll bring you in for career day and the kids will just be all over you.
If/when y'all get kids he's like the best dad ever. He's so sweet and kind and lovely.
He's the type of parent that gave their kid all the good snacks and everyone wanted to trade with them at lunch.
When he brings the kid to his school the teachers are in love they're just completely showering them in compliments.
He visits you a lot at work.
He also likes giving you massages.
Valentines and Christmas are his favourite holidays to spend with you.
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giveemhales · 4 years
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Moodboards for Sterek AUs: 22/?
For @sterekvalentineweek Day 3
Secret Crush
4 times Stiles gave Derek a valentine, and 1 time Derek decided to return the favor.
The story can be read under the cut or on AO3!
1st grade
Derek was new, and that’s what causes the whole fiasco.
Well, not exactly new. He had been at the school since the school year had started back in August, and it was now February. But he was new in that it’s the first year anyone in his family has ever attended public school. Born into a powerful pack of werewolves with a history spanning back centuries, he had been raised surrounded only by werewolves and humans who knew about the supernatural. None of his relatives had ever gone to public school, as the risk was deemed too great to send children out in public where they may accidentally reveal their true nature. Derek and his siblings were supposed to be home-schooled, as was tradition.
However, times were changing, and their emissary had suggested the children should start attending public school. Not only was it to help the children learn how to handle being around humans and in public, but also the hunters were becoming more aggressive, and it was advised that they act as much like normal humans as possible so as not to raise suspicion.
So Derek and his older sister, Laura, were the first werewolves in the Hale pack history to go to public school. It was their first year for both of them, Derek in first grade and Laura in second. They had spent the years before learning how to control their shift under the guise of home-schooling, and the family was confident they would blend right in. 
They did blend in, for the most part, never letting their eyes change color and holding back growls no matter how angry they became. But apparently, there was more to being human than just looking the part. There were all these rules and customs that everyone seemed to know except them. Derek rarely minded his family’s social faux pas, honestly never really noticing them. But on this one occasion, everyone noticed, and he was particularly upset.
It was Valentine’s Day, a holiday which his family never celebrated (why did humans need a holiday to show their adoration for their mates? How strange). The lack of experience with the holiday is why nobody in the family realized it was customary to bring “valentines” to school to share with classmates, and that’s why he arrived empty-handed. 
When all the other students set up their boxes in which to receive treats, he watched in confusion, which morphed into dawning horror when he realized everyone had gifts to hand out except for him.
Derek had hoped he could slip under the radar, receive the gifts like everyone else and then maybe bring double the treats next year to make up for it. 
The teacher had a different idea. The teacher scolded him in front of the whole class for being irresponsible and inconsiderate, and told him that if he had nothing to share, then nobody could share with him. He had to sit in the corner by himself and think about what he had done wrong (he was 6 years old, he didn’t have money or a calendar, this hardly seemed like his fault).
So Derek sat in the corner by himself, not only having to hear all of the other kids laugh and have a great time, but also smell the delicious treats thanks to his werewolf nose. He was used to being on his own at school, not having made any real friends, but it hurt so much more knowing he was being purposefully excluded. He had to fight hard to hold back his claws, and even harder to fight back tears. He hated this stupid school and the stupid humans in it and their stupid rules and traditions and just wanted to go home. 
When the school day was finally, blessedly over, Derek shuffled out of the room with his head bowed and shoulders hunched, not wanting to see the smiles on all of the other kids’ faces and not wanting them to see the frown on his, unable to help feeling like they were mocking him.
He made it out the front doors of the school, and thought he was finally free, but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He turned with a scowl. It was a student in his class named Stiles. Derek wasn’t really friends with him. They had played together at recess a couple of times and he seemed funny and nice, but it wasn’t like they had ever spoken outside of school.
Derek began to wonder if he was wrong in his categorization of Stiles as nice, because he could think of no reason for any of his classmates to stop him except to gloat. Before Stiles had even said anything, Derek was already seething, thinking about the treat Stiles had brought that everyone had gotten to try except for him. While most of the students had just brought candy, Stiles had brought clearly homemade sugar cookies, and the scent had had Derek salivating in his isolation. 
Before he could snap at Stiles in anger, however, Stiles thrust his hands forward in an offering. Derek looked down and was surprised to see he was holding two cookies, each partially covered by a napkin.
“Sorry Mrs. Johnson was so mean to you today. She said that we weren’t allowed to give you any valentines but I think that’s mean and dumb and I don’t follow mean and dumb rules. So I saved you a cookie. Actually, I saved you two cookies, one of them is for your sister because I figure if you didn’t bring any valentines then she probably didn’t either and might have also not been allowed any treats, which would be so sad because what’s the point of Valentine’s day besides the treats. If you eat them both, though, that’s okay because you didn’t get any candy or anything so I think you probably deserve two cookies. I would give you even more cookies but I only had the one that was already for you, and then the extra one my mom packed in my lunch box. I wanted to eat that one and then I also wanted to eat yours but I realized I shouldn’t because my mom already gave me a cookie last night so I really don’t need another and also my mom bakes all the time and most people don’t get to try the greatness of her cookies and so I have a respons- responsabl- responsibit- it’s my job to share the cookies.” 
Stiles finally quit his rambling to stare expectantly at Derek, who was staring back in shock. He shoved his hands forward again, until Derek finally took the offered cookies.
Derek didn’t even get the chance to say thank you before Stiles was talking again, telling some story about a time he forgot his shoes at home and how that was way worse than forgetting some valentines. He kept talking before he noticed the bus was beginning to leave, and sprinted off without so much as a goodbye. 
Derek looked down once again at the cookies, and saw there was a note included. Written on a sticky note in first-grader scrawl, it said Sorry the teacher is so mean. You can be my BVF (best valentine forever). Valentine was written three different times, the first two times crossed out as he clearly wasn’t positive how the word was spelled.
Derek did end up giving the second cookie to Laura, and he found he didn’t mind because he knew the note was all his.  
4th grade
Derek still didn’t particularly care for Valentine’s Day, his introduction to the holiday forever tainting his opinion, but he had still come to find himself excited about the impending sugar. 
There was a storm cloud over this Valentine’s Day, though, at least for Derek and definitely for Stiles. Ever since first grade, Derek had looked forward to the homemade treats Stiles would bring, baked with love by his mother.
Derek knew that wouldn’t be the case on this day, though, because Stiles’ mother had passed away a couple of months before.
Everyone in the small town knew about it, rumors constantly spreading about the sheriff’s new drinking habits. Nobody seemed to notice the effect it had on the young boy. But Derek did.
Stiles had become more withdrawn in the months leading up to his mother’s death, presumably having to deal with her illness, but it was like he shut down once she was gone. The boy who once talked a mile a minute now was silent, except for the occasional whispers to his best friend. His absences became more frequent, and he stopped bringing a lunch to school, instead having to buy cafeteria food he would rarely eat. The worst part though was the scent of grief that constantly clung to him.
Derek saw how badly he was affected and could only hope that he would heal with time. Derek wished he knew how to help, but he still hadn’t even figured out how to make friends, let alone how to help someone cope with the loss of a parent.
So Derek knew he wouldn’t be getting any baked goods on this day, that he probably wouldn’t be receiving anything from Stiles. He just hoped that the teacher wasn’t as rude about it as his first-grade teacher had been.
Derek was proven wrong though. Stiles hadn’t brought cookies or anything of the like, but he had brought valentines. For every classmate, he had a red piece of paper which he had folded into a heart and marked with their names. They weren’t perfect, but they were definitely better than most nine-year-olds could do. 
Derek was so touched at the small gift, and seethed when he saw none of the other students saw it for what it was. He even saw one student throw their heart in the trash (which Derek made a point to dig out and keep for himself because that heart was something Stiles had spent time on and deserved to be cherished). None of the students realized how kind Stiles was. That while dealing with grief, which was probably made even worse with the holiday bringing on a reminder of a tradition he could no longer partake in, and a father who himself was probably still grieving and didn’t remember he was supposed to get valentines for his son, Stiles had still made sure he had something to give to his classmates. This gift was far more valuable than anything any other student had brought. 
Derek was even more touched when he realized that there was a note written inside of the heart, too. He carefully unfolded it, making sure to keep track of how he did it so he would be able to refold it, and read what was inside.
Don’t tell Scott, but you’re still my favorite Valentine.
It was made even better when he realized the other heart he had, the one from the trash, had no note, meaning Stiles had written a note especially for Derek. 
Derek gave Stiles the warmest smile he could from across the room and vowed to keep that note forever. 
6th grade
Derek was quick to realize Valentine’s Day was not the same in middle school as in elementary. For one, there was no making mailboxes or handing out valentines. If you wanted to celebrate the holiday, you had to do it on your own time. 
The second major difference was that “like-liking” someone was a thing, and lots of girls “like-liked” Derek. Derek was apparently one of the cutest guys in the grade, and that helped immensely with his popularity. He had finally been able to make some friends, which was nice. 
Derek wasn’t really a fan of all of the attention he got at school, though. He would have preferred to just spend time with the couple of best friends he had made, and ignore all of the people who wanted to be his friend solely for his status.
He knew Valentine’s Day would give some girls the perfect opportunity to confess their “feelings” for him (they didn’t even know him!) and Derek was not looking forward to it.
Derek had been correct in his assumption, and by the end of the day, three different girls had asked to be his Valentine, and he had to kindly reject them all. It was far too much for him, and he was exhausted by the end of the day. 
Before he could go home, though, he had to stop at his locker to grab a textbook he needed for class.
He was surprised, and a little bit disturbed, to find a box of chocolates in his locker. It was definitely too big for someone to just slip through the slots, so someone would have had to break into his locker to get it there. 
Derek immediately felt all of his annoyance of the day growing. Why could these girls not leave him alone?
However, when he leaned in to grab the box, he caught a whiff of a scent that had him calming down.
Suddenly, Derek found he wasn’t too upset. It wasn’t at all surprising that the boy knew how to break into lockers, and Derek found himself inexplicably preening at the thought that the boy still wanted to be his Valentine.
Taped to the bottom of the box was a typed note with no signature, clearly meant to anonymous. Derek likely never would have known who it was if it wasn’t for his werewolf senses.
The note simply read “Why don’t they let us hand out candy anymore? Middle school is lame. Don’t worry, I won’t let them ruin the holiday for you (everyone knows the sweets are the whole point). Hope you enjoy the chocolates, valentine.”
On second thought, Derek realized he probably would have been able to figure out it was Stiles, just based on the note. He could practically hear the words in Stiles’ voice. He would still let him think he got away with being anonymous, though.    
Maybe middle school Valentine’s Days weren’t so bad, after all. 
10th grade
Derek just knew this was going to be the worst Valentine’s Day ever, and he wished that he could just skip the whole day. He would totally pretend to be sick so he could stay home except that werewolves can’t get sick so he doubted that would fly with his parents.
Derek had broken up with his girlfriend, Paige, just a couple of weeks before. He knew that in the grand scheme of things they weren’t that serious, they hadn’t even been together for a whole year, but he had felt like he was madly in love with her. 
He was healing, of course, and, for the most part, had moved on. But Valentine’s Day would just be a reminder of what he was missing (it stung every time he remembered he never got the chance to celebrate Valentine’s Day with her, he had been secretly excited to finally have a real significant other to be romantic with). That, and due to his popular status, the day would either bring on pitying looks from all of the students who thought his relationship was somehow their business, or flirting from girls who thought they now had a chance. Knowing his luck, probably a combination of both. 
Derek groaned when he walked into his first-period history class and saw a heart-shaped balloon tied to the back of the desk he usually sat at. This was absolutely the last thing he wanted to deal with. He thought about just sitting at a different desk but figured it was better to go ahead and throw away the balloon before class started so as to avoid drawing any attention. 
When he got to his desk, he saw a note tied to the string of the balloon. He opened it and a smile bloomed on his face when he was met with typed words.
Of course! He had been so focused on Paige that he forgot about the annual tradition Stiles had begun in the sixth grade of leaving secret gifts with notes for Derek. 
Stiles wasn’t even in the class so Derek didn’t even know how he had known which desk was his, but at this point, nothing Stiles did could really surprise him. 
I know they may not be the usual sweets, but I figure with this, you can tell anyone who bothers you that you already have a valentine. You know I’ve always got your back, Valentine.
The note just reconfirmed for Derek that it was from Stiles.
The gift cheered him up immensely, and he felt his qualms about the day beginning to melt away.
The day dragged on until lunch, made better by the balloon Derek carted around, which actually did help keep people away.
Derek was sitting at his usual spot with his friends when he hears a commotion from the other side of the cafeteria, and turned to see what was going on.
It seemed everyone turned to look, although he’s not sure if they can all hear. It was easy enough with his enhanced senses, though.
Derek could make out Stiles standing up on a table, looking down at a girl with strawberry blonde hair. The rest of the people at the table had faces ranging from shock to embarrassment, except for one guy who looked like he was fuming. Derek honestly didn’t know if that table was where Stiles usually sat, or if he had just decided to crash.
“Lydia, today, on the most romantic day of the year, I must make my feelings known. I know you are a goddess and I am a mere mortal, but my heart sings for you and I can no longer hide it. Reject your other suitors, for none see how brightly you shine like I do. Please accept this token of my affection, and be my Valentine.” Stiles opened up a thin box he had been holding to reveal a heart-shaped cookie cake.
Derek cringed in second-hand embarrassment, especially when he saw people giggling and filming the whole thing.
“I’ll think about it,” the girl responded in an airy voice. She was too far away that Derek couldn’t tell if she was being mocking or serious.
Stiles’ grin didn’t leave his face as he stepped down from the table. Derek saw him offer Lydia the cookie cake, but she held her hand up in rejection. Stiles shrugged and held the box closer, then grabbed his friend, who Derek recognized as his best friend Scott, by the shoulder and rushed out of the cafeteria.
Derek found himself fuming. At first, he thought it was at the way everyone was laughing at Stiles after he put himself out there, and the way the girl didn’t even appreciate what he had done. But he realized that wasn’t what it was, not really.
It was jealousy.
Derek had always cherished the tradition he had going on with Stiles (although he supposed it was mostly one-sided and it was secret), and it had made him feel special. Now he felt like it meant nothing. It was nothing more than Stiles feeling bad for the kid who once had a bad Valentine’s Day.
Derek abruptly shoved away from his table and stood up. He grumbled an excuse about having to be somewhere and stomped out of the cafeteria, annoyed he had to drag the balloon from Stiles with him. All he wanted was to pop the dumb balloon and shove it in a trash can, but knew he would regret it if he decided to do that in front of a cafeteria full of people.
As Derek stormed down the, thankfully empty, hallway, he heard a voice. He froze when he recognized that it was Stiles’ voice. He immediately hid himself against the wall, then rolled his eyes when he realized Stiles wasn’t even coming toward him, but seemed to be having a conversation in the hallway perpendicular to the one Derek was in. Derek knew there was no reason to, but he couldn’t help but eavesdrop.
“I just don’t understand why you did that! You know Lydia would never go for you!” That was Scott’s voice, and Derek couldn’t help but feel offended on Stiles’ behalf. 
“Thank you for your vote of confidence, Scott. I feel like the more pressing issue that you could have mentioned is the fact that I don’t even swing that way, which would have been a much less hurtful thing to say.” 
Derek froze. Had he heard that correctly? He felt guilty realizing he had listened to Stiles out himself, but felt frozen in his spot.
Scott sighed explosively. “Okay, so then why did you do it?”
Stiles gave an equally dramatic sigh. “Because Lydia asked me to, duh. Besides the fact I’m too afraid of her to say no, she gave a compelling argument. She’s currently fighting with Jackson and wanted to piss him off and make him jealous, and you know I’m always down to piss Jackson off. Plus, she said she would get a cookie cake and let me keep it, which, as you can see, she did. Plus, it’s not like I have a reputation to uphold. This isn’t even the most embarrassing thing I’ve done this year.”
Scott laughed. “Oh yeah, you mean like wooing the same person for years but not even telling them it’s you? Or talking to them?”
Stiles hissed out a “shut up” in anger, but Derek tuned out the rest of the conversation, feeling like he was on cloud nine. 
Scott must have been talking about all of the gifts Stiles had been giving to Derek. Which meant it did mean something, and that Stiles actually had feelings for Derek. Not for Lydia, who didn’t even appreciate Stiles.
Derek spent the rest of the day feeling like he was floating, proudly holding his balloon through the hallways. It wasn’t until the end of the day that Derek that the way he was reacting was a bit over the top unless…
Did Derek also have feelings for Stiles?
12th grade
Derek felt like his heart was about to pound out of his chest, and he was certain he had already sweat through his shirt. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this nervous. 
It was Valentine’s Day, his last one before he went to college. He knew if he didn’t do anything, it would be fine. Stiles would probably give him an anonymous gift like every year, and it would be a nice thing to reminisce about one day. It would be the same as always.
But Derek decided he couldn’t let things stay the same, and he was about to throw a wrench in Stiles’ plans. 
He wasn’t sure at what point he had begun to develop feelings for Stiles, but he had realized in tenth grade after he heard about Stiles’ feelings that they were definitely there, and at this point they had become too deep to ignore. He wanted to be Stiles’ valentine but he wanted it to be for real this time, and the only way to make that happen was by telling him. And desperately hoping that he hadn’t completely misinterpreted everything.
Derek had arrived to school over half an hour early, parking right next to Stiles’ usual spot to make sure he didn’t miss him. He wanted to catch him in the parking lot, to hopefully stay out of the way of prying eyes. 
It had seemed like a good idea, but now he was left stewing in his own anxiety, thinking about everything that could go wrong and wondering if he should back out now before it was too late. He even wondered if he shouldn’t have made his younger sister hitch a ride with someone else so that at the very least he would have company, but he knew she would only make him more stressed. Sisters were evil like that.
Fifteen minutes before school began and Stiles finally arrived.
It was now or never. 
Derek got out of his car just as Stiles did, and called his name. Stiles jumped in shock and turned to face Derek. Derek caught a whiff of nerves off of him, but he didn’t run, so at least that was a good start.
“Can I talk to you real quick?”
Stiles looked surprised, but he nodded and approached Derek. “Uh, sure. Did you want to go inside, or…”
“No, we can talk out here. Actually, it’s better out here, because I have some stuff. In my car, I mean. So it’s easier if it’s here and I don’t have to carry it and we can just talk here now.” Derek realized none of what he was saying was making sense, and felt dread pool in his stomach when he saw the confusion growing on Stiles’ face. God, why was this so hard?
“I just wanted to say- uh- Happy Valentine’s Day. Well, that wasn’t all I wanted to say, but- One sec.” Derek ducked into the back of his car, glad he had an excuse to collect himself for a moment.
When he reemerged, it was with a box which he placed on top of his trunk. He was grateful to see that Stiles hadn’t fled.
Derek looked down at the box, avoiding eye contact with Stiles to the best of his ability, and began pulling out items one by one. “In second grade, you brought me a brownie, one that had heart-shaped sprinkles that your mother had baked. In third grade, it was an equally delicious cupcake.” He pulled out a brownie and cupcake (both store-bought and certainly not as good as Stiles’ mother’s baked goods, but baking was not his strong suit) and shoved both into Stiles’ hands, continuing on before Stiles could interrupt him. “In fourth grade, it was a folded heart, which I now realize was very impressive, since I’m about double the age you were when you made ones for the whole class and just this one took me about 20 tries.” He gave out a self-deprecating laugh, and once again handed the item to Stiles. “In fifth grade, it was a heart-shaped lollipop. In sixth, a box of chocolates. Seventh, conversation hearts.” He realized Stiles’ hands were too full to hold anything else, and began placing the items onto the trunk next to the box instead. “In eighth grade, it was a teddy bear. Freshman year, it was chocolate covered strawberries. Sophomore year, you gave me a heart-shaped balloon, which was actually quite useful.” He had to lean back into his car to grab the balloon, since it had been too big for the box. “Last year, it was roses. And all of it began in first grade, when you decided the nobody kid in the class with no friends deserved to have something nice, no matter what the teacher said, when you gave me the best cookie I have, to this day, ever had. You told me then, and for years to come, that I was your valentine. And as much as I loved that, I want something more. Will you be my real valentine? Will you be mine?” Finally, he pulled out a heart-shaped cookie, covered with pink icing and the words Be Mine written on top.
Derek finally looked up at Stiles, who had his mouth open in shock. He smelled like a myriad of emotions, and Derek was having difficulty getting a read on him. As the seconds passed, he began to get the sinking feeling he had royally fucked up.
“Are you kidding me?” Stiles finally burst out, and barrelled on before Derek could even figure out what part he was reacting to. “You’ve ruined my ten-year plan! I have been secretly wooing you- or at least I thought it was secret- for years, and today was going to be the grand finale! I was going to confess that it was me all along and then I was going to offer you a kiss and if it was weird and you weren’t interested I had some chocolate kisses to give you so I could play it off all cool, but then if you were interested we were going to have a great, romantic first kiss. But you have out-romanced me in one fell swoop! How dare you!”
Derek stared back in shock. He felt.. actually he had no idea how he felt and wasn’t even sure what part of that he was supposed to react to first.
“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” Stiles demanded, although Derek could see the smile hidden on his face.
“Uh… is a kiss still on the table?”
“Chocolate or real?”
“What do you think?”
Stiles pretended to think about it for a moment. “Well, after that grand romantic gesture, I would say a real kiss. But I do know you have a sweet tooth, so it’s hard to say for sure…”
“How about this? You kiss me now, and then after school we go on a date and finish that whole bag of kisses together. And all this store-bought shit I got you. Sound like a good compromise to you?”
Stiles smirked. “Sounds perfect, Valentine.”
After that, Derek helped Stiles put all of the gifts into his Jeep, and then they walked hand and hand to the school, not even caring they were probably late at this point.
Suddenly, a thought hit Derek, and he froze, causing Stiles to stumble and then turn to him with an expectant eyebrow raised.
“Wait, you said ten-year plan. Have you actually been wooing me this whole time?”
Stiles blushed, and it was the prettiest thing Derek had ever seen. “Well, not exactly. But after I gave you that cookie in first grade, I saw the way your eyes lit up, and when you smiled at me, well, my little 6-year-old heart knew you were going to be the only Valentine I’d ever need.”
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blog4snape · 4 years
What if I Meant it? (2)
Pairing: (young) Severus Snape (M) x Reader (F) 
Genre: Fluff with some soft angst
Rating: Citrus (very safe for work)
Summary: A follow-up from the previous chapter. After Severus leaves your classroom, you notice he left his book behind.
Warnings: *spoilers* invasion of privacy
Word Count: 1.7K
Date Written: 9/10/2020
June 18th, 1978
After Severus left your classroom in a huff, you sighed, turning your gaze over to the indentation he had left in the pit. He had forgotten his book. You pulled yourself up from your chair and crossed the room to the fortress of pillows, gingerly picking up the discarded item. The book opened naturally to an outlined message, the words smudged from constant touch. Several pages were folded into the shape of a heart with notes written hastily into the inner margins. Curious, you squinted your eyes trying to read the blotched and scribbled writing in the inner corner of the book. Your face flushed, immediately snapping the book shut and holding it farther away from you.
After a moment of collecting yourself, you stared down at the cover of his book. It was an outdated divination book, one he must have gotten from a secondhand book shop for next to nothing. ‘But then again,’ you thought to yourself, ‘all of divination is quite outdated.” You scratched your scalp. 
In your syllabus and throughout the first week of classes, you had expressed that there was no need for any of your students to buy the books. You didn’t require any of your students to purchase divination books, as most of the lessons you taught were hands-on anyway and the books were frankly full of rubbish. Tracing a finger over the worn-out cover, you smiled softly to yourself. Severus was an excellent listener--it couldn’t have been a mishearing--he must have taken an interest in the subject to go out of his way to purchase a divination book. 
‘Or in you.’ The words floated in your head, reminding you of the notes you had just seen scratched into the book still in your hands. 
You sighed, laying in the pit. It was still warm from where Severus had been resting, and you caught a hint of the scent of pine and lavender that would tend to cling to him. You opened the book once more, flipping through the notes he had written.
“That dunderhead Potter wasn’t paying attention to the lesson on Ichthyomancy. He got slapped by the fish we were working with today-”
You laughed, remembering the giant trout that smacked James Potter’s face last week when he decided to mess with it during your lesson after your instruction not to. “You deserved it, Potter,” you laughed, causing other students to follow your footsteps. You said it then and you’d say it again now. 
“-It was pretty great, even the professor laughed at him. She has a cute laugh.” 
As your eyes traveled further down the page, seeing what Severus thought of your laugh made it halt in your throat. Your cheeks burned as you continued to read the comments he wrote. The majority of all of the writing was about divination class- most of them were notes he had written from the lectures. You allowed yourself to have a new teacher’s proud grin, seeing that he was getting a lot out of your lessons. But as you kept turning pages, you found yourself appearing in the margins more and more. Not all of the words were about you, but many of them mentioned you in some way or another. 
‘I told her I had taken quite a liking to ferns. The next week she waved me over after class with a huge smile on her face. She looked so excited. She gave me a tiny fern plant whose sparse fronds had yet to unfurl.’ 
Next to the note was a small doodle of a baby fern. You grinned, it was the cutest drawing you’ve ever seen.
‘She tutored me after class today. She told me to “keep up the good work” and hugged me afterward.’
You nodded, glad to help your students feel more confident in their abilities and glad that Severus Snape was one of them.
‘She baked us biscuits because we all got high marks on the test last week. They tasted good.’
You smiled, happy to know your students liked your gifts. For every test they aced, you would give your students biscuits as a reward. You figured the upperclassmen deserved a treat every now and then, as they’re usually stressing about the OWLs and their NEWT classes.
‘She has pretty eyes.’
Your smile faded. You had to read that line again. You adjusted the book in your hands, moving one hand to your temple. Were you reading that right? 
‘She held me while I cried. It was all I’ve ever wanted. I want her to hold me again.’
‘She doesn’t want to tell me about who she saw that night. But, she didn’t ask me about the werewolf. So I guess I’ll stop asking her. For now.’ 
That night a boggart was in your classroom. You bit your index nail, images of your boggart pressing into your mind. With all that had been happening lately, you didn’t even realize he had stopped asking you but you instantly felt gratitude blossom in your chest. You read the past two notes again, feeling regret at the way you handled the situation. You wished you had been harsher. Any other teacher wouldn’t have given in to his demands. But he wasn’t just your student--he was your old friend.  
‘Her hands are soft.’
Was he just your friend? Your heart thumped, wondering if he only thought of you as his friend, also.
‘I like her plants. She’s got a bunch all over the classroom. Whenever I ask her about one, she gets so excited and tells me all she can about it. I already knew most of it, but I haven’t the heart to interrupt her. I like when she gets passionate about something, and the way she rambles about plants is cute.’
The note was surrounded by small drawings of the plants around your classroom. You stroked the ink outlines of the leaves with an appreciative grin. He was rather talented.
‘She’s so cute when she’s setting something on fire.’
Despite the flush on your cheeks, you chuckled a bit. Divination allowed you to set a lot of things on fire, and sometimes you seemed just a bit too eager. ‘So are you,’ you murmured, thinking of Severus’ passion for learning.
‘She smiled at me today and told me something. I was too focused on her mouth to remember what she said.’ 
You absentmindedly stroked your lips. You took a moment to swear at yourself- urging yourself to stop reading this book, to stop reading Severus’ private feelings, and to stop feeling your own feelings, but you just kept going. 
‘She named one of her plants, “Snargs.” I don’t know why, because it wasn’t even a Snargaluff, but it made me chuckle anyway.’
You smiled at the mention of your plant. Next to the note was a drawing of Snargs, your forever-flowering cactus with the name ‘Snargs’ written in a curly font above the plant. You looked up, seeing Snargs sitting on the high windowsill with his petals dancing in the soft summer breeze. You blew a kiss to him, placing his weekly watering schedule at the back of your mind as you kept reading.
‘She gave me a gift last Christmas. It was a new bag for my books. I saw her staring at the holes in my old bag the month before. The box didn’t have a sender, but I knew it was her. I could smell her perfume on it and it was her handwriting on the note inside.’
Embarrassed, you scratched the inside of your arm. You tried to be sneaky about your gift but it was certainly difficult getting anything past someone as observant as Severus. The two of you didn’t participate in the holiday’s secret santa event, but you could tell he desperately needed a new bag. His previous bag looked a century old, full of holes and nearly falling apart at the seams. His materials constantly fell out of his bag, and you had grown sorrowful every time he had to backtrack with downfallen eyes and a red face to retrieve his dropped items. You knew he didn’t want your pity, and you were afraid if you gave the bag to him in person he’d reject it, so you decided to be as anonymous as possible. You were glad he decided to use it anyway despite knowing where it came from in the end. Smiling, you wondered if he’d accept the gift if it came from anyone else.
Then, for the next few pages shaped like a heart, he had written your name in the margin in his best calligraphy, with pulsing hearts, twinkling stars, blossoming flowers, swimming fish, and tiny sketches of tarot cards. You stared, mesmerized at his magicked art, caressing the moving lines with your fingers. He wrote your names together in a heart, side by side with his. You couldn’t help the smile bubbling onto your curious face as you slowly took in every addition, fiddling with the corner of the dog-eared pages that had been shaped into a heart. You flipped the page, confused--there were tiny hearts drawn around an inky black mass. The mass was a jumble of rough sketch-lines, but they started to move. Your breath caught in your throat as the lines scribbled down on the paper formed an image of you, turning around and smiling. Nothing but astounding brightness was in your features, a direct contrast to the next notes he had written down. 
‘I wonder if she feels the same as I do. She has to, right?’
You just couldn’t answer that question right now. You bit your lip, glancing up at the door as if Severus could burst in at any moment. You sighed, thinking about him as your eyes dropped back to the writing. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you stroked the next horrible words beneath your finger, feeling his self-doubt emanating from the paper.
‘But who could ever like someone like me?’
The next note was a long paragraph, but whatever words you could see were smudged and crossed out. Ink had been spilled on top of the page, the black streaks marring the yellowed pages. The corner of the page was brandished with scorch marks. 
A/N: Thank you for reading!  These “one-shots” (lol) are from a series called Afterimages of You. Here’s the masterlist for all of the one shots I have posted in the series. a big ol thank you to @thats-mrs-snape-to-you​  @bush-viper-cutie​ and @littl-prince​ for helping me, i love you guys!!
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prismatales · 4 years
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Word Count: 2.8k
Pairings: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Category: Fluff, Comedy.
Warnings: Mentions of dicks in a comical manner.
Beta Readers: @strawberryakaashi @cassroler @dadchis-girl
Summary: There’s always a first time for everything. For you and Ushijima, this was the beginning of your unique holiday traditions.
Here’s my contribution to the Haikyuu Headquarters SFW Secret Santa! This is my gift for the lovely @kandyshoppe. Happy holidays, love! You’re such an amazing friend and a great artist. Every time I see your art on discord my tummy does a flip. Hope you enjoy my little gift for you, baby!
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As far as Ushijima can remember, his family wasn’t used to celebrating holidays such as Christmas while most people tend to enjoy said festivities alongside their whole families or closest friends. Growing up, the closest thing Ushijima experienced was a small dinner with his parents, the dinner usually accompanied by a simple gift every now and then.
Ushijima’s family never got the experience of setting up a christmas tree, or decorating their home with things like those red stockings people used to hang over the fireplace. There was no need to prepare a feast for Christmas night since there is no need for letting  children to make a mess in the living room as they ripped through layers of brightly colored gift paper to look for the presents Santa got them. 
Speaking of the old man in a sleigh, that was a tale nobody could manage to convince a young Ushi to believe in, no matter how many times his teachers and classmates tried so hard to make him believe in. As a result, he made the other children cry more than once when he revealed that Santa didn’t exist…
For him, Christmas was just another day of the year, nothing he had to worry about...That is until you came into his life, and slowly began influencing his perspectives after getting together and eventually moving in together into this small, cozy place of your own.
That summer day when you moved into that small house was one of the happiest moments of your lives. Ushi’s stoic expression hid an excited spark in his eyes at the idea of having a place of his own, accompanied by one of the persons he cherished the most. And despite the many ups and downs that every couple goes through, he’s never come to regret your relationship in the slightest.
Every moment becomes another memory that’s swept away just like the seasons over the passage of time. Before he realized, all the trees had lost their lively appearance and the air became cold and crisp with the arrival of winter.
And when winter finally arrived, so did the same holiday he never bothered paying attention to, that is until you came along.
Ushijima noticed the way your eyes would always fixate their attention on the houses and stores covered in beautiful assortments of lights, spheres and wreaths, admiring their beauty with the same wonder as that of a small child. It was the same way you always paid attention to the surroundings during a trip to the mall, deeply enthralled by the soft tunes of the carols while cradling a warm drink with a smile, enjoying the soothing warmth against your hands with a serene expression.
And yet, despite the utter ADORATION for the holidays, you never suggested decorating the house, no matter how many times you both passed by the rows of lights or the trees they sold at the market.
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“You see...my family never bothered celebrating Chritstmas before.” You shrugged casually, stirring the simmering pot of soup over the heat of the stove. “My parents were never that passionate about the holidays, and frankly we barely bothered celebrating birthdays as well.”
With a smaller spoon you took a spoonful of the savory meal, blowing gently on the food before pushing it towards Ushi, who carefully grabbed the spoon from your hands and gave it a taste.
“Is it good?” 
Satisfied with his reply, you beamed softly at him and turned back towards the pot to turn off the heat so you both could finally enjoy some well-deserved lunch together. Said meals were always accompanied by some light chatter. He always had a new story to share about his teammates, and you always had something to say about work.
“Since this is our first year together...Would you like to celebrate Christmas together?” His question however, made the conversation differ from its typical subject.
“Well….it would be nice, I guess. Where did all this come from?”
“I see the way you look at all the decorations at the mall and how much you enjoy the songs.” He noticed you got awfully quiet, staring at the plate in front of you for a brief moment before turning back to look at him with eyes filled with hope.
“I’d love to do something with you for the holidays, but only if you’re okay with it!”
“Of course.”
Ushi's answer was short, but his tone of voice told you everything you needed to know. Needless to say, lunch was quickly taken care of before you were both out of the house and headed towards the car.
It was quite a sight for many people, watching you two go through the store almost like a pair of children with free reign over a credit card. Some people who recognized Ushi didn’t hesitate to take pictures when you placed an elf’s hat over his head (he had to crouch down so you could reach him.)
A couple hours later, you came out carrying a christmas tree, decorations and even some ingredients for cookies. Ushi had also brought something else but you didn’t get the chance to see it, since he put it along with the groceries.
Almost like a couple of kids, everything was quickly taken inside. And as soon as the groceries had been left back in the kitchen, the next thing on the list was decorating the living room.
Starting with the Christmas tree...
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“ I...think we messed up.” You mutter, looking up at the mess before your eyes. Both you and Ushi are just standing there next to each other, witnessing the monstrosity also known as the “Christmas Tree”. 
The tree itself has such a beautiful shade of green and looks so beautiful that  it can easily be confused for a real one. The decorations however, were on a whole different level…and not in a good way.
“It looks good enough to me.” Ushi’s remark is filled with such confidence that you had the urge to ask if he was faking it. Because the thing in front of you two was anything but “cute”....
It’s covered from head to toe in such differently colored spheres, lights and strings that it hurt to look at it. The lights were also the wrong color, rather than that warm shade of yellow, Ushi  accidently grabbed the ones that had multiple colors, which were also accompanied by an array of different colored strings….Needless to say, it was gaudy.  The tree looked like it came out of a bad parody of the retro era...
That thing couldn’t be considered a christmas tree, but on the other hand, it’s not that bad for your first time decorating by yourselves...right?
“We’ll...worry about that later.” Your attention diverted from the shining atrocity, and instead it went towards the next thing to do on the Christmas list. Strolling once again into the kitchen with Ushi trailing after you like a lost puppy, you picked up the tablet at the countertop and began looking through some tabs, scanning the screen until you found exactly what you were looking for.
“Let’s try this one out!” The tablet is quickly shoved towards Ushi’s face, who blinked twice before grabbing the tablet away from your smaller hand and looked at the reason behind your excitement.
“Christmas Cookies?” There are  different  varieties  of cookies displayed on the long tray. From Santa Clause's face, little snowmen, gingerbread men, candy canes to even little bells, all of them were decorated in beautiful shades of red and green glaze that looked absolutely delicious. The ingredients and instructions are relatively simple, easy enough for someone who’s never baked cookies in their lives. 
The kitchen quickly resembled the white aesthetic landscape outside. There’s layers of flour everywhere you look at, the counter, the sink, your clothes and even your faces. It’s all accompanied with the comforting warmth from the heated oven and the lighthearted atmosphere as you both work in a comfortable silence, kneading the dough and rolling it into a fine layer, just perfect for the cookie cutters to do their one job. As you cut row after row of dough into different shapes, Ushi cut up some squares of parchment paper, laying them over a baking tray and shortly after, the raw pieces of dough were quickly placed down and shoved inside the oven.
With the timer set for thirty minutes, you turned to look at Ushi with excitement. He brushed the flour smeared on your cheek with a thumb, smiling softly before the two of you began cleaning the kitchen together along the rhythm of some christmas classics, waiting patiently for the oven to finish baking the sweet treats…
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“....They don’t look like christmas cookies...at all.” The way you looked at these cookies was almost comical. As if life itself had been drained out every time you looked at them. If your cousins happened to look at these treats, they would think they were halloween cookies and your aunts would probably make fun of you for all eternity if they looked at the so called “bells” and “candy canes”...
“They actually taste pretty good.”  You can hear Ushi munching on some of the baked goods. There’s a slight change in his tone as he enjoys biting into one of the treats without a care. When you turned to give him an unimpressed look, you had to fight back a snort. Was he really that oblivious about their not so innocent shape?
Watching him eat that baked failure had to be one of the funniest things you’ve ever seen since you began dating, you quickly pulled out your phone to take a couple of pictures as well as a video. Ushi swallowed the mouthful of sugary pastry and turned to look at you in utter confusion. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“You really don’t see it, babe?” 
You tried so hard to fight back tears. And the phone kept shaking uncontrollably between your hands as it recorded a confused Ushi that kept looking directly at the camera. “Look at the candy canes.”
His eyes went back to the tray, raising an eyebrow in confusion at the deformed, yet tasty cookies. With the same expression full of confusion he turned to look at your giggling self “They don’t look like candy canes but that’s it.”
“Turn it upside down.” You’re trying so hard to contain your laughter at this point. It becomes downright painful to hold it in when he takes hold of one of the treats, all of his focus is on the treat’s shapes as he tries to find the reason you’re acting so strange. Until he finally turns the cookie the way you told him to. “....oh.”
You don’t know what’s funnier, the fact he’s holding a cookie shaped like a limp dick...or the fact he just kept staring at it before shrugging, taking a huge bite so nonchalantly, but by this point you’ve already forgotten how to breathe and nearly end up dropping your phone into the bowl of frosting. He may not get the joke concerning the treats, but watching you nearly slip off the counter in a fit of hysterics pulled a soft chuckle from Ushi. A barely audible one that you completely miss while you send Tendou a pic of your boyfriend eating those cursed Christmas treats.
“Alright, alright…” You wipe a small tear that slipped out before grabbing the outstretched hand before you. Taking a deep breath you look back at the baking tray on the counter. “I think we baked too many cookies. But we can still decorate and give some to our friends, it would be a waste to throw them away.”
“We can always make another batch if you feel like it.”
“Nah, doesn’t matter. Let’s just decorate these and take a break.”
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After the little baking fiasco and everything was cleaned and put in its proper place, you decided to just lay down on the couch and take a break. You would be lying if you said it wasn’t disappointing that neither the decorations nor the baking turned out well. 
At the same time you have to admit that spending time with Ushi like this was better than you could have ever imagined. So what if some of the cookies looked like penises and the christmas tree looked like someone had thrown everything representing the retro era, threw it into a blender and poured it all over a poor tree? You could still see a faint glint of excitement in Ushi’s eyes when the lights were turned on. The same glint that appeared again when he was biting on those delicious treats covered in powdery sugar.
You could say it was like an adrenaline rush that you were now coming down from, because slowly your eyelids began getting heavier with exhaustion. The soft fabric of the couch felt like a warm hug enveloping your body, welcoming it to the land of dreams with each passing second.
When Ushi walked into the living room, he was greeted with the adorable sight of your hands tucked underneath a cushion, holding it closer to your sleeping face while you laid face down on the sofa. The fluffy blanket that was always in the living room during winter covered your body up to the waist, except for the fuzzy socks you would always wear at home.
But the prettiest sight of them all was that smile adorning your face even in the middle of a deep slumber. A smile that he’s always cherished ever since that time he first realized he had a crush on you.
Perhaps you would enjoy waking up to a small surprise. With that in mind he went back into the kitchen and began looking for the stuff he bought along with the groceries, ready to prepare something Tendou had shown him during one of their meetings. Something he enjoyed so much and would love to share with you…
A delicious smell flowed into the living room, slowly stirring you awake from the nap. The mouth watering scent of spices coming from the kitchen was impossible to ignore, its alluring presence pulled you in like a moth enamoured by a flame. As you found the source of the smell, the one thing you didn’t expect was seeing Ushi in front of the stove.
“What are you doing, babe?” Even in a drowsy state, that didn’t stop you from embracing his waist from behind, nuzzling into the welcoming heat radiating from him. “And what are you cooking? It smells incredible.”
“It’s called mulled wine. Tendou showed me how to make it.” You took a peek at the simmering pot, which was filled with a bottle’s worth of red wine and spices such as cinnamon sticks, clove, orange slices and anise. He swiftly removed from the heat before it could start boiling and pulled a pair of cups from the cabinets.
And just like that, you found yourselves enjoying a delicious cup of mulled wine as you sat in front of the fireplace, cuddling together under the same blanket from before. The warm and toasty atmosphere, along with the soft music in the background, was one of the most comfortable moments you’d spent together.
“Did you like the wine?”  He kissed the side of your head.
“Mhmm, It’s delicious.” You nuzzled closer to him with a smile, before taking another sip of the mug, sighing in happiness by the comforting flavor of the delicious drink. “I didn’t know you liked this kind of stuff.”
“Tendou taught me how to make it.”
“We should send him something as a thanks….as long as it’s not cookies.”
The room filled with a contagious laughter. You felt Ushi shaking as he chuckled at the reminder of the deformed treats before kissing the side of your face for a second time.
After his laughter died down, Ushi turned to face you. “I’m sorry our first Christmas together wasn’t perfect.” 
The two mugs, now empty of their contents, were carefully placed to the side as you turned around in his lap to face his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“We were supposed to have the perfect Christmas together, but it feels like everything came out wrong.”
“Toshi, listen carefully…” 
Your hands cradled his cheeks tenderly, thumbs skimming over his face and tracing circles across his cheekbones with a delicate sweetness he became addicted to. 
“Things may not have turned out perfect but we still had fun, didn’t we? Besides, look at it this way, it could be our own way to spend the holidays! Decorating the ugliest tree ever, making cursed christmas cookies, having some mulled wine near the fireplace. I’m more than happy celebrating like this.”
It felt like a weight had  lifted off his shoulders with your answer. His arms made their way around your waist, embracing you tightly as he captured your lips in a brief and delicate kiss.
“You’re all I want for Christmas.”
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Taglist: @godtieruwu @hanniejji @savagetrickster @shoobirino @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @pixxiesdust @xmyshya @sugassetter @jayeray
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prinxlyart · 4 years
just any individual toh character hc would SLAP. mebbe ur thoughts on the twins idk this is vague
Nah it’s cool, I can dig it let’s do this
I only put this under a line break cuz it got so long oops lol
Defo has a stutter that she went through a lot of intensive and grueling speech therapy sessions for (when she was about 7 years old) that she hated. Amity and Edric both know this and know it’s a sensitive topic for her. They’ll tease her lightly about it, but never in front of anyone else and they know where to draw the line. In my last Vinera post, I mentioned how much Viney adores her stutter. She absolutely loves getting Emira flustered enough to start stuttering. She’s incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to Emira’s stutter and Em’s feelings about her stutter, and she helps Emira learn to be okay with it again. It’s nothing to be ashamed of (and it’s cute).
My girl likes carrots. Like, really likes carrots. As in she’ll eat them straight out of the ground if she’s given a chance to wash it first. She really loves carrots. This is only an issue later on after she and Viney start taking care of beasts together and Emira’s been caught eating their entire stock of carrots that’s meant for the beasts. Viney has to keep the carrots in a secret box away from Emira after that point.
Emira actually really loves beasts/animals but has never been good at handling them. Any time she’d try to approach an animal to pet it, it would try to bite her. She’d get extremely pouty whenever this happens because beasts/animals love Edric. It’s not until after she and Viney start dating that Viney actually starts teaching her how to approach different creatures and her love for creatures reignites.
Emira’s a giant pushover for Amity. Only Edric knows this because he’s also a pushover for her. If Amity ever found out what power she actually holds over them, they’d be in so much trouble. They mask their love for their sister with constant teasing. Yes of course they get annoyed by her, that’s how siblings are, especially when Amity tattles on them, but at the end of the day, they’d help Amity hide the body if she asked. (The few times they witnessed her crying by someone other than their parents, they had gone on a warpath. Nobody hurts Mittens.)
Defo had a brief infatuation with Luz for like 5 minutes before she realized how head-over-heels Amity was. As long as they’re both happy, that’s what matters. She’ll take that secret to her grave though.
L O V E S having her hair played with, but like, only with people she’s super comfortable with. She has so much hair (mostly due to her mother’s wishes) and any time they all have attend some fancy gathering, Emira has to be seen by a stylist in order to get all her hair into whatever wild fancy shape her mom wants for the event. That she hates more than life itself, but whenever she’s upset, Edric or Amity grabs her hair brush and just gently brushes her hair out until she’s chill again. (She absolutely melts when Viney starts playing with her hair). In an act of defiance and because she needed this Change, the moment she and her siblings leave the Blight Manor permanently, she cuts off all of her hair. It’s very reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Viney loves it. Everyone loves it actually, but the biggest reactions come from Viney and Luz (they both love running their fingers through the newly cut hair because it’s so soft).
She likes to sing to herself when she’s alone. It’s rare that it ever happens because if she knows there’s other people in the same building as her, she won’t chance it. But when she knows she’s alone and no one will notice if she casts a silence bubble around herself so she can sing at the top of her lungs? You better believe she closes any doors or curtains in the area, locks everything, casts that spell and goes nuts. Her voice isn’t all that great, but it’s lovely when she’s singing quietly to herself while she does homework or something. On especially bad nights, Amity will ask her to sing to her. Emira sang to her once when they were like, 3 and 5 respectively, and it’s been their secret thing ever since for especially rough nights/nightmares.
Yknow how James from Pokémon is just super good with Pokémon ?? Like, he knows how to treat them, he knows what they like, he asks them gently if they’d like to join them, etc. That’s exactly how Edric approaches creatures. He’s a natural with them, but he and his sister’s natural affinity for illusion magic kept him from pursuing that track of magic.
He’s always wanted a pet, but every time he brings it up to his parents, he’s met with the same firm No as always. He’s definitely gotten in trouble for trying to sneak wild creatures into the house to keep in his room. Thank Titan for Em’s cool new girlfriend who’s not only a multi-track student, but studying the exact subject he wants to study and is super eager to teach him everything she knows. He learns vicariously through her and helps her study for her tests. At first, Emira is suspicious of them, but she knows her brother wouldn’t be so cruel as to try to steal her girlfriend away from her. He’s just a dork.
My boy’s got a sweet tooth. He loves desserts and sweets and fluffy baked goods and often tries to sneak candies when he thinks no one is looking. Chocolate is a big weakness for him. When Luz introduces him to Human Sweets, he’s practically bouncing off the walls. Cotton candy??????? Flan?????? Dulce de Leche en Tabla??? He nearly passes out when Luz busts out what she calls a “chocolate fountain” and turns it on. Y’all remember that one image of a bird bathing in a chocolate fountain from a million years ago? That’s Edric.
Edric Blight LIVES to see his sisters laugh. He would pull all sorts of silly faces and dumb tricks to make Amity laugh when they were little. He still tries to make her laugh, but usually those have grown from giggles to disgruntled mumbling. He’ll never admit how much it breaks his heart and it’s not until he sees her laughing at something Luz has done that he has hope he may still be able to get her to laugh again (it’s also the first time he’s heard her laugh in years and it makes his heart soar in relief. He was almost certain their parents had stamped any concept of laughter out of her).
My boy Edric is so full of love and passion; actually quite similarly to Luz. What makes them different though is that Edric is Aromantic. He’s never had a crush in his life. He’s happy with his sisters and all of their friends and their family as it grows in the future. He has some best friends that he lives with for a while (after his sisters move in with their respective partners), but for the most part he’s chill. He loves his family, he loves spoiling his sisters’ kids, and he’s content with himself. It takes him a super long time to be content with himself, but he gets there. I will literally never get over the fact that his biggest fear is “being alone forever”. He’s never alone. He will always have his friends and family. And, thanks in large part to Luz, he has his parents back. His parents that actually were excited when he cast his first spell and tucked him in at night when he was a toddler, giving him kisses goodnight and pleasant dreams. Not the parents he’d run away from; those were the cold, uncaring, obsessed with fake concepts of popularity and status people he ran away from with his sisters. It took years, but Luz helped bring his real parents back. He loves getting to know them for who they are now that he’s an adult too.
He and Gus become best friends. Like, dumb buddy cop movie levels of best friends. They get into so much trouble when it’s just the two of them and they have the time of their lives. At first, he and Em just sort of took Gus under their wing because he was a little bit of an outcast in their homeroom for being so much younger than everyone else. But he’s a friend of Luz’s and a friend of Amity’s after a while, which automatically makes him cool in their book. They soon find themselves actually enjoying his company, rather than just protecting him from stray bullies, and they find his ability with illusion magic exciting. They themselves are considered prodigies so having another prodigy to show off practice with is super stimulating for all of them. As the years go on (and Emira spends more time with Viney) Edric starts calling more and more often for “Bro Time” where they go do stupid teenage stuff or test the limits of their magic or even just hang out and talk for hours. It’s actually all this time hanging out with just Gus that Edric discovers he’s aro; somehow it comes out that Gus has developed a crush on Edric and (major age differences aside) Edric realizes he’s never had a crush on anyone before. It’s a conversation that sucks a lot, but they’re besties and they manage to get through it. Gus maybe needs to take a day with his original gal pals to just cry about it, but he gets over it just fine. He also helps Edric understand what it means to be aromantic. Well, with the help of Luz and Willow as well; Luz is a walking dictionary for lgbt terminology and Willow’s super good at helping dissect feelings (when they’re not her own cough’outofsightoutofmind’cough).
I genuinely don’t know what he might pursue for a career. Part of me wants him to be independent and do his own thing, but a much stronger part of me wants him to just be part of Viney as Emira’s business. He loves creatures so much and he loves taking care of them, but I don’t want him to feel like a third wheel around his twin sister either. Maybe he becomes a dual track teacher at Hexside specifically for healing and beast keeping so more students can learn about Service Creatures. He can substitute for the Illusion track homeroom when needed, but he’s super passionate about the Service Creature sub-track he and Viney pitch to Principal Bump.
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
Flora Headcanons:
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Guys, meet the Sugar and Sweet part of the Winx Club.
Or, as you already know her: Flora La Rosa of Linphea.
Under the cut are the headcanons because again, these get long. (Also some I’ve mentioned before, I think, but whatever. And again, these are mostly for my main verse ‘Balance/The New Company of Light’ and for ‘Left’.)
-Flora has a rather large family, one that stems partially from cousins adopted after the Great War of Magic ended. (So many were displaced or orphaned, and her family was just one of many who took in the children left behind.)
-Honestly though, she really just sees her immediate family often, the rest of them coming around only for major Linphean holidays. (Though they all stay in touch through letters, phone calls, and social media. Especially the cousins.)
-Flora tends to be closer to her father as they share a similar sense of humor and have similar hobbies (like leaf surfing and giant ladybug racing). But her magic took after her mother’s and her mother was her first magic teacher.
-(She was a bit late getting her magic and a bit late getting her wings. She was eight when her magic came in and already 13 by the time her wings sprouted. Though she wasn’t surprised, as her mother had been a late ‘winger’ too.)
-Flora’s mother is the Guardian Fairy of Linphea and helps run the Main GreenHouse alongside the Nymph of Linphea and the royal family. Thanks to Alyssa’s job, Flora got to meet and assist all sorts of people from her realm. (Including the witch triplets who went to Cloud Tower; Euphorbia, Ververine, and Gerbera. And Princess Krystal.)
-Rhodos works with a faction of conservationists in Linphea to keep endangered animals (and plants) alive. He mainly works with the magiwolves of Linphea and tries to keep their numbers where they’re supposed to be. And because of his job, he ended up adopting a young magiwolf pup they named Amarok.
- (They weren’t going to keep him… They weren’t. But because he was born a different pigment than his littermates, his mother had abandoned him and… Rhodos couldn’t very well leave him to die. Besides, Amarok is nothing more than an overgrown lapdog. Usually.)
-Miele was born when Flora was about six or seven, give or take a few months. And yes, there was a touch of jealousy when Miele first came home because Flora didn’t understand why her parents weren’t spending as much time with her.
-Her parents were quick to pick up on her anxieties about the new baby and started incorporating Flora into assisting with Miele’s care. (Like reading and playing with her while Alyssa made dinner and helping her toddle around the family’s garden while naming off the plants.)
-Honestly, they grew up close and Flora became like a second mom to Miele. (Which would later turn into a minor annoyance as Miele got older, but that’s fine. They’re working through that.)
-Sibling shenanigans still occurred however, like Miele taking and reading Flora’s diary or Flora planting frogs or bugs into her sister’s room. (Or the Great Baking War that Alyssa refuses to let them live down.)
-Flora’s paternal grandmother, Nana Rose, is close to her family and has been living with them since her husband, Poppop Miden passed away.
-She’s a witch who works at the local clinic, her focus is on potions. (Which she passed on to Flora and has tried to teach her everything she knows about them… And everything she knows on poisons too because sometimes a poison is necessary.)
-And yes, Nana Rose did have hope that at least one of her granddaughters would be a witch, but she’s still proud of them. Wings and all.
-Flora has a hidden angry side. It doesn’t come out much and she does her best not to show it often, but she has a major temper when she does slip and let it out. She will unleash her will into the plant life around her and have it come for whoever pissed her off. Or if she’s really feeling it, she may just go in for a physical attack. The girl can pack a punch. (Granted, this only happens in situations where loved ones are in danger.)
-Flora is the only one from her elementary and middle school friend group that went to a Magix School. Most of her friends went to the Linphean Academy.
-She’s the tallest in her main friend group, standing at 5’7.
-She’s one of the Mom friends in the group, the other being Tecna. (She’s the more empathetic and emotional mom friend. Tecna’s the ‘well you fucked around and found out the hard way’ mom friend.)
-Flora wasn’t too sure about Chatta being her pixie at first, but is beyond grateful for the pixie helping her come out of her shell more.
-They now attempt to have weekly (though it’s sometimes monthly) tea parties to catch up on everything.
-Flora doesn’t really ‘do’ competitive sports often, but leaf surfing is the best thing ever and it’s one of the few sports she’s better at than Layla. (Though she does have the advantage of being Linphean and getting to leaf surf regularly…)
-Flora is a romantic and enjoys the ‘rom-com’ things; walks on the beach, silly moments around the town, dancing in the rain. But that shouldn’t mean she’s not careful with her heart. She’s empathic (as many Linpheans are) and is good at reading people when meeting them. So unless you’ve got a ‘beautiful’ soul, she’s not going to be interested.
-Flora loves that her friends are from such vastly different places because it means she can learn more about the realms from people who actually live there. (And teach her their languages, though she’s only really fluent in Solarian and conversational in the others.)
-She’s a spiritual person, as many from Linphea are. Flora believes that just like plant life, all life is connected by an invisible root system and that life is precious and should be treated with respect. (However, she also recognizes that there are those who have ‘tainted spirits’ and need to be dealt with so they don’t harm others.)
-Flora’s not exactly shy. She’s just shy around new people. But once she gets to know you and considers you a friend, you’ll find she has no problem speaking her mind. (And sending random things to you over the phone because they made her think of you.)
-There’s a misconception that she, and other Linpheans, are vegetarian. That’s not entirely true. Linpheans do eat meat: fish. They don’t have it often, only for certain occasions, but they do eat it.
-Flora also doesn't mind dirt or getting dirty. (But there is a difference in natural dirt and gunk. Okay? And gunk sucks.)
-Flora doesn't swear often, but she has let a few slip out from time to time. Usually in heated or emotional or upsetting moments.
-Her favorite parts of an Linphean holiday are getting to spend time with her family. She loves it when they all get together and enjoy each other.
-Like most Linpheans, Flora is immune to most poisons. She’ll likely feel a touch of nausea or a minor headache when poisoned, but due to her immune system, she’ll be perfectly fine within a few hours.
-Despite the fact she’s usually the one trying to talk the others out of dangerous situations, doesn’t mean she’s actually afraid of them. Sneaking into another school, fighting through a realm of shadow creatures, going toe-to-toe with magical terrorists; those don’t phase her.
-No, her real fear is something a bit more… Relatable. She’s scared of losing her loved ones. The thought of having her magic and being able to do such incredible things, but not being able to save her family or her friends just absolutely shakes her to core. (Especially in her nightmares when she’s forced to watch them die and she can’t do a thing to save them.)
-(Freshman year really fucked her up when they were fighting the Army of Darkness/Decay. There was a moment she thought she’d lost Musa and Tecna and she nearly broke down. Thankfully, the other two fairies managed to recover with a few of Palladium and Ofelia’s healing salves, but it was touch and go.)
-Flora can’t stand bullies. Granted, not many people like bullies or tolerate them, but Flora just can’t stand for someone to pick on anything that can’t fight back. It’s why she’s managed to enchant a few endangered plant species to being able to speak up and fight back against those who want to pick them apart and why she’s always ready to take on the Trix.
-Flora was the one who helped catch Bloom up on some of the most important aspects of the Magical Dimension (or at least the parts that Stella glossed over or that Tecna overexplained to the point of making it sound alien even to Flora). In return, she learned so much about Earth culture… She was stunned.
-(And fell in love with Earth’s versions of disaster movies. She likes to show other Linpheans and be like “see, if we don’t start really helping the other realms with the ecological problems, this will happen here too.”)
-(Bloom may have also gotten Flora hooked on those ‘hidden camera’ shows... It’s a guilty pleasure.)
-Flora’s got a major sweet tooth. Major. Which is fine because the girl is great at baking. (The other girls are always excited to taste test.)
-Flora’s not quite as delicate as others make her out to be. Yes, her hands are soft despite being in dirt and soil 80% of the time (Linphean lotions are awesome), and yes she’s good a giving that gentle touch to her plants, but she’s physically stronger than she appears. She can lift 50 pound bags of fertilizer with little issue. She’s pretty handy with a shovel (and not just for digging, which her poor cousin Marlow found out when a prank went wrong). And she’s not ‘razer thin’. She has decent muscle mass and is a bit on the broad side. Doesn’t make her any less graceful in the air or on the ground.
-In a fight, she tries to be more defensive than offensive because she doesn’t want to get in Bloom, Layla, or Stella’s way. And she finds her spells work better as traps than as an offensive maneuver. That said, if she feels her friends are in extreme danger, she will not hesitate to call on the Plant Life around them for help. (And she’s known for getting physical too, so watch out for that.)
-Aside from Layla, Flora feels a connection to Roxy. The younger girl’s passion about animals makes her think of her father and she does her best to encourage Roxy to use her passion in her magic.
-Bloom introduced Flora to the game Minecraft. For the first time, Flora understands why Tecna gets so involved in her videogames. (Please send help, she may be addicted. But her farm is looking amazing.)
-Flora doesn’t really worry about fashion, preferring to go by what she feels is comfortable, but she has a hard time saying ‘no’ to Stella when the other fairy has ideas. (Which usually turn out to be beautiful and comfortable and really, Flora just has the best friends.)
-Flora enjoys the nights when all six Winx Club girls can just hang out and be normal for a few hours. Sleepovers, Truth or Dare, movies and junk food. She loves it.
-She got close to Mirta while the other girl was a pumpkin, even finding a way to communicate despite the spell. After the spell was broken and during their sophomore year, Flora was one of the students who helped show Mirta around and made sure she was comfortable. They often talk and catch up. (And yes, Flora did have a hand in helping push Mirta and Lucy together. She regrets nothing.)
-Flora has thought about a tattoo. Many people on her realm get them, though it’s not a requirement nor does it give any extra magical benefits. She just doesn’t know what to get and she wants it be special. (All she knows is where she’d put it, over her burn scar from the Wizards.)
-At her time at Alfea (and in her middle school), Flora was part of the Student Council and Eco Club. She did her best to help make her schools a little more ‘green’ and energy proficient. (Tecna was a big help in coming up with a design for more efficient electrical equipment.)
-Out of all the girls, Flora has the hardest time connecting to Musa with convergence. Their personalities and magical abilities tend to clash from time to time, so they need to really strike a feeling of harmony before trying.
-Bloom is the easiest to converge with. They shared a room and often had so many late-night chats that their auras and feelings just naturally come together when needed.
-Out of all the girls, she’s the most likely to continue living on Earth. She finds the realm so fascinating. (It was a magically dead planet that kept on living... Just.... how?)
-Flora’s current goal in life is to start the revival process of other dead realms in the Magical Dimension. She feels that if she and her friends can resurrect Domino, bring ShadowHaunt back to its former glory, and bring magic back to Earth, they should be able to handle bringing others back to life too.
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Aaron Goodwin x Reader (REQUEST)
It was your first Christmas with Aaron after agreeing to move in with him, and you couldn’t be happier because as much as Halloween was your favourite holiday, Christmas also got you excited. It sucked that last minute that Aaron had to go on an investigation but a dream location had popped up and you convinced him it was okay for him to go because you loved how he lit up when he worked. The two of you were a very unlikely couple who under normal circumstances wouldn’t have met, but when your friend dragged you to Zak Bagan’s Haunted Museum as they had a spare ticket a chance encounter with Aaron who had been filming there changed both of your worlds. The two of you had the same personality and humour. You were a kindergarten teacher while Aaron investigated haunted locations, opposites really did attract.
After a month he introduced you to Zak, Billy and Jay who get quite get their head around at first how someone like you who loved colour managed to coexist with Aaron who loved the colour black, but your humour and openness that you believed in the paranormal won them over pretty quickly.
Aaron’s home had attachments who’d come back from locations with him, but you stood your ground much to Aaron’s amazement stating that you weren’t going anywhere and that if they wanted to communicate with you they could. You now felt a lot more at ease being left at the house alone, though sometimes the attachments could be as difficult as the kids you taught.
You wanted Aaron to come home and be able to relax and get in the Christmas spirit, so you’d taken it upon yourself to decorate the inside of the house. It wasn’t over the top and you’d need Aaron to put the lights up outside, but you’d put lights, wreaths and tinsel and even a tree in the lounge. Now you were in the kitchen baking cookies and other treats.
I wanted to surprise y/n by coming home early so hadn’t messaged them when we got back to Vegas. y/n loved Christmas and I wanted to make our first one together special after we’d moved in but work got in the way. y/n supported me one hundred percent and now I wanted to show them just how much they meant to me and how blessed I was to find someone to bring light into my darkness. At first, the guys freaked out when I showed them the ring, but I knew in my heart that y/n and I were destined to spend the rest of our days together.
I enter the house and am immediately taken aback by the Christmas decorations and lights y/n had put up while I was away. When I lived alone and came back close to Christmas I didn’t have the energy to put anything up. Now walking down the hallway I could feel myself getting even more in the mood for the holiday. I stop by the kitchen door hearing Christmas songs playing and y/n singing along, no doubt also dancing around because they did it whenever they thought they were alone.
Opening the kitchen door I’m correct as y/n dances around the kitchen in their own little world singing along. The smell of freshly baked cookies reaches my nose and my mouth waters while my heart melts at just how lucky I was to finally have someone to come home to and spend the holidays with. I clear my throat and y/n jumps, nearly dropping a tray in the process they’d been carrying.
‘Aaron!’ they gasp loudly, ‘why didn’t you tell me you were on your way back?’
I laugh, ‘can’t I surprise the love of my life?’
y/n snorts and puts the tray down on the side before running at me, and I catch them as they jump up and wrap their legs around my waist, ‘you can without giving me a heart attack. I’ll haunt your ass worse than any spirit Mr Goodwin.’
I lean down and peck their nose making them blush, ‘you can haunt my ass any day y/n, I’ll be able to tell people my ghost girl is fit.’
y/n playfully slaps my chest, ‘if you didn’t have your humour Goodwin we’d be in trouble.’
It was now my turn to gasp before wiggling my eyebrows, ‘you don’t think I’m a total hottie?’
y/n gets off me and smirks before reaching around and slaps my ass, ‘with an ass like that I don’t need to look at your face. Till death do us part.’
As they walk away to check on the oven I take the ring out of my pocket and get down on one knee, ‘how many we make till death do us part official y/n?’
y/n turns back around and their hand covers their mouth as their eyes widen, ‘are you being serious Aaron?’
I nod, ‘will you do the honour of marrying me y/n. We can then haunt the afterlife together.’
y/n nods, ‘yes, I will marry you.’
I stand up and take the ring out of the box before slipping it onto y/n’s finger, ‘now what treats have you made me?’
y/n smiles, and looks down admiring the ring, ‘you love food and I love to bake and cook, knock yourself out.’
I pick up a cookie and manage to capture y/n’s attention away from the ring and take a big bite, ‘I think you’re the sweetest thing y/n.’
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