#i also forgot that jughead was supposed to die
godheadjones · 2 years
part two is here and also has the link to part one :)
back in dale, people in the explosion are getting powers. archie is heavier, denser. also invulnerable. betty sees auras and jughead is deaf until he learns he can read minds. some shit happens blah blah cheryl is born in the flames and is now a pyrokenetic blah and tabitha is chronokenetic (time traveller). theres also a new villain in town. percival pickens ancestor of general pickens who basically formed riverdale. percivals a weird dude. he seems to be able to control peoples minds? but its probably nothing, everyone thinks under his real mind control. but not our main characters! minus reggie, but he always goes to the bad side then comes back like "oooh that bad man i worked for grrr" so hes fine. then percival curses jughead betty cheryl veronica and reggie with magic. this is only imnportant because now veronica has the kiss of the spider woman and her veronicussy is too good that it kills a man she sleeps with. actually its not her veronicussy, its her in general! she now has poison touch and goes emo for an episode and sings toxic cause of course she would. betty has an affair with an fbi agent and explores sexuality but then settles for her archie <3. archie and tabitha start a union among percivals workers builoding a ghost track. singing bread and roses and everything. unionization! says riverdale, but everyone goes back to work for percy. then percy cause the plauge of egypt on riverdale and a bunch of people die, including archie jughead fangs toni and some other people blah. sabrina spellman comes to town and helps the remaining ladies bring thier loved ones back. go necormancy! it works, cheryl has phoenix powers and that brings the dead back with some shitty blue fire. jughead can now open portals with his mind so he takes tabitha (his girlfriend) to rivervale where they meet bunker jughead whos gone batshit. stuff happens in vale where they blow up percivals ghost train and reggie doesnt work for him anymore. when tabitha and jughead get back people are dead people and the final battle is around the corner. they have to move pops in less than two hours so tabitha, with her time travelling, speeds up time and they move pops all in two hours. slay! archie goes head to head with percival, then everyone (minus jughead and tabitha) punch him in the face. percy turns their powers on them then gopes into pops to defeat jughead. in a fatal turn of events it is jughead who beats percy, then tabitha takes him to 1800s before percy sold his soul for power. theyre saved! or so they think. turns out baileys comet is coming for riverdale and they have 24 hours. not if closeted bisexual veronica has anything to say about it! she absorbs her friends powers through blood to give to cheryl to melt the comet via makeout. cheryl succsefully stops the comet. yes! riverdale is back to normal! nope, not yet. their in the 50s, the day after james dean has died. and everyone forgets everything. not jughead, our narrator. he remembers everything b.c. before the comet, he tells us as cole sprouse pleads silently with the audience to get him out of this hes 30 playing a teenager. oh yeah. theyre all teenagers again. the end, until season seven
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Forbidden Love  Sweet Pea x Fem! Reader
Warning: Cursing, abuse
Summary: You live on the Northside and you are the smartest one in the school. People call you the nerd and you just don’t mind.  But what happens when the south siders come to Northside? Will fall in love with Sweet Pea or Will he have to earn your Trust? Read to Find out. 
Sorry it’s long
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 No one pov:
It was like any other day y/n got up and got dressed in black skinny jeans, white shirt, black leather jacket with roses on the back of it with white convers and a red choker. Yes, I know what you are thinking “Isn’t she the nerd of the school?” and yes she is but she has a great sense of style. As she heads to school she walks alone because she has no friends because no one wants to be her friend. As she walks she notices that there is a commotion in front of the school as she enters it. What she sees is very shocking... She sees Southside Serpents at Northside High. (a/n not sure if that is the name of the school but oh well back to the story.) Y/n sees Cheryl and Reggie trying to get the serpents out of the school.
Y/n pov: 
As I walk down to see what is going on I see a very tall Serpent and can I just say he is fucking hot. As I was trying to figure out how tall he was Reggie puts his arm around me and calls me babe. “REGGIE I AM NOT YOU “BABE” WE ARE NOT DATING SO QUIT TRYING”  I forgot that the serpents were standing there and everyone was looking at me. Eventually the bell rang and we had to head to class. Thank god bell I thought I would die I thought. As I enter class I see 4 of the serpents there. “Okay Class we have new students joining us today... Their names are Sweet Pea, Fangs Fogarty, Jughead Jones, and Toni Topaz.” “Mrs. Morgan” “Yes miss y/n” “I was wondering when the paper is due” “Well first was that appropriate when I am introducing the new students?” “No” “and second it is due in 3 weeks but since you Miss y/n wanted to interrupt me it will be due in 3 days. Lets hope you have 5 pages.” “Mrs. Morgan?” “YES... Miss y/n” “I already finished the paper and I have 10 pages.” The teacher tells me to turn it in and as I walked to the front of the class everybody was staring at me. As the lesson continues I just wonder why the Serpents are here like what happened at Southside high? Then a kid named Josh starts to make noises and was interrupting the class and sked the question on my mind. “Mrs. Morgan?” “Yes Josh?” “Why are the serpents at our school?” “Well their was a fire at our old school and is still going and the firemen can’t get it to burn out.” The girl with pink hair answered. “Well have you tried to close the windows?” “what?” “Did you close the windows?” “No?” “Well the there is your problem” “What are you talking about” “If you don’t close the windows the fire will keep going and when the windows are closed and put a wet blanket or towel and then start to spray it with water then the fire will start to go out.” “Sorry about her she is the dork of the school or maybe a firefighter” Josh told them I just took the book off of Sweet Pea’s desk and threw it at Josh’s head. “She is also a loner” “You better keep your mouth shut if I were you Josh because did you know my mom is a police officer and I wouldn’t her to know what you did to me July 4th now would we?” “no... Well I really don’t mind I mean it’s not my fault you don’t have a boyfriend and will never get one also you know the consequences if you tell.”
Sweet Pea pov: 
“No... Well I really don’t mind I mean it’s not my fault you don’t have a boyfriend and will never get one also you know the consequences if you tell” Is what the boy said to the girl with the black leather jacket with roses on it. “Oh you better shut up Josh you were the one who was trying to get me to be your girlfriend and you were also the one who raped me for not being yours” Woah is all I could think because she was raped and no one knew? “… it must have slipped oops” “You better shut your mouth we made a deal and you know what happens when you spill the secret?” “well...I didn’t mean to let it slip Josh you are the most horrifying person yet” Where in the world is the teacher? SMACK What the hell. “huh... did you just hit me Josh?” “what do you think?” As I was watching this the girl just kick him where it hurts like hard and he went to the ground she started to kick him and punch him then I saw a women police show up. “Y/N!!” “MOM!” “What do you think you are doing?” “Mom I don’t know anymore...” “y/n you are turning into your father” “what do you mean?... Oh I know what you mean now” “We will discuss this at home in the mean time Joshua you are going to Jail for sexual abuse.”  I watched as y/n went to the back of the class but before she did she handed me back my book. “Sorry for taking it” “It... It’s fine” why did I stutter am I afraid of her? 
Time skip:
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I watched as she got into a really expensive car and the same women police officer was in the front of the wheel an she got into the passenger seat.
Y/n pov:
As me and my mom enter our house she tells me I need to take a breather. You see when I was younger my dad was abusing my mom I tried to stop him but that didn’t work because then he started to abuse me, then hell broke loose you want to know why well it was because my dad was a ghoulie and everyone at the school didn’t know well except for Mike but he left for New York and I used to be good friends with Jason Blossom and Cheryl Blossom but then Cheryl became popular and know I am alone again also because Jason had died. I also don’t have a boyfriend was because h used to abuse me as well so what Josh said was and wasn’t true. “Honey!!” “Yeah mom?” “I invited some people over” “Oh okay... Do I have to come down?” “yes I want you to meet them okay” “kay” as I walk down stairs I see the Serpents. And DAD!?!?!? “Mom what is dad doing here??” “well sweetie he came back to apologize” “NO!!!” “What do you mean NO” “WELL HE WAS THE ONE WHO ABUSED ME AND YOU MOM AND WHEN HE LEFT I WAS AT PEACE I HAVE FUCKING SCARES BECAUSE OF HIME THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU LET HIM BACK IN OUR LIVES.” “LOOK Y/N” “DON’T... DON’T LOOK ME DAD OR MAYBE I SHOULD CALL YOU RICHARD” “What is going on m/n” “look F.P my daughter has ghoulie blood in her which means she is turning into her dad.” “oh sweetie we can be a family again” “NO.... I don’t want to be like you don’t you understand I hate you and I hate that you think that I will let you back into my life like you did nothing” “You were supposed to be there for me but you weren’t you let me down and now I have trust issues because of you” “Oh honey I was there for you” “NO YOU WEREN’T IF YOUU WERE THEN WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I WAS BEING ABUSED OR RAPED BY JOSH” “I TOLD HIM TO RAPE YOU Y/N HE WAS FOWOLLING ORDERS BECAUSE I NEW IF YOU HAD GHOULIE SIDE IN YOU THEN YOU WOULD BREAK” “maybe I don’t want you as my dad anymore then” “y/n don’t...” “no F.P I know what I want in my life and Who and the person I don’t want back in y life is you dad so get the hell you and go back to where ever you were, and don’t bother coming back”
3 Months later:
I started to like one boy and his name is Sweet Pea. yes I know I shouldn’t but he is so tough and he is fucking hot. I am also good friends with Toni, Juggie and Fangs. As I was walking to school I saw Betty all over Sweet Pea and he seemed comfortable then I realized one thing I’m jealous. I go over to betty and yell at her and say I saw him first and he was mine. As I figured out what I just said I ran to the girls bathroom. Betty came in and said “I don’t like him y/n I was trying to make you jealous because he also likes you to he was trying to find a way to get close o you to gain your trust.” “Betty he already had my trust” “How?” “after the fight with my dad I ran out of the house... I was running and running then I stopped because I couldn’t run any faster. I then realized I was in the southside these men came up and tried to attack me because they were drunk just in time Sweet Pea saved my life and from then on I started to crush on him. but before that we talked for a while and I trusted him to keep my secrets and my life story and he never told anyone and he also took me home” “Well then y/n you need to tell him how you fell.” “yeah you’re right” As the day goes by I find the courage to tell sweet pea how I feel. “Hey Sweets?” “hey y/n What's up?” “Oh I wanted to tell you that I think I love you” “That’s good news” “Why?” “because I think I love you to” then he did some thing he kissed me I did not respond immediately but when I figures what he was doing I kissed back. 
Part 2???
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imreallyloveleee · 4 years
i watched 4x03 yesterday and while much of it has already fled from my memory, as all episodes of riverdale do, i still have Thoughts:
- you know, rewatching these episodes knowing what goes down in 4x17, you actually do see that there’s some hint of romantic longing between -- lol jk, Betty could not give less of a shit about Archie and his rec center in this episode. when they’re trying to brainstorm moneymaking ideas she’s like “idk cupcakes?” and they never share the screen again.
- moving on: does it feel to anyone else like Bret moves extremely quickly from pretentious but harmless dbag to completely vitriolic asshole in this episode? like in 4x02 he’s just like “hello old sport, come enjoy our keto vegan feast” and in this episode he’s like “FUCK YOU, TRAILER TRASH” without any real explanation for why? unless it’s his reaction to Jughead being dismissive of his story, which...I guess tracks nevermind ignore this entire paragraph
- also Bret’s story: “my mother asks for help with the turkey, and i wonder, vaguely, when she’ll die.” HAHA. when the writers know what they’re doing, they know what they’re doing.
- the treatment of Donna in this episode is interesting, she gives Jughead “advice” about dealing with Bret after he walks in on her making out with Moose, and then when she wins the little story contest the background music has this very sweet, “look at quiet Donna having her Moment” feel to it. I’m truly undecided on whether they had already zeroed in on her as the ultimate villain at this point. you just never know with this dumb show.
- the early scene with Jughead & Betty saying goodbye in his dorm room is just, AHHHHHH, MY HEAAARTTTT. “you and me are in this for the long haul.” brb just gonna go drown in my own tears
- i also completely forgot that this episode ends with the two of them snuggling on the couch, it’s so CUTE my GOD
- Hiram is legitimately kind of scary/threatening in his scene with Veronica, for perhaps the first time ever
- this episode is really a lesson in how Betty Cooper Gets Shit Done. need $250k in fancy eggs? she’s on it. how about an empty bus? done. oh but what about - 4 dozen blank US passports? yeah, she’s got that too.
- that said, her own brother - her FBI agent brother - telling HER to disarm the bomb strapped to Polly may truly be the craziest thing that’s ever happened on this show
- I’ve never seen Chad Michael Murray in anything other than Riverdale, but he is really a delight in this episode. as @earthlaughsinflowersblog says: he knows what show he’s on.
- I know we’re all supposed to be excited for Toni to get more screentime in season 5...and like I’m happy for Vanessa Morgan as an actor if that does turn out to be the case, since she’s probably so fucking bored of this job, but...............you’re never going to convince me Toni is a character I want to see more of, when her reaction to finding her girlfriend sewing up a hole in her dead brother’s corpse is “omg babe WHAT are u doing right now *frowns*”
- I don’t have the energy to talk about @edgarsrocket right now
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staliasjeronica · 6 years
Riverdale 3.11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Does Jughead think his own father is as fucking stupid as he is? Like, not only are you incapable of being discreet and therefore able to force Tall Boy to just get a bus ticket using a gun… but people would have noticed that? But I’m glad that there’s a sheriff who’ll help out the one group of people that has always been fucked over by the government… even though I still don’t get why Sheriff Keller couldn’t just get his job back lol (but I am here for the FP and Hermione team up because it mirrors Jeronica)
- wAIT FP WAS SITTING ABOVE TALL BOY? THAT’S DISGUSTING. And I don’t know how long its been but couldn’t he have smelled him? Also I love that instead of burying him and then throwing a random ass party, he just… didn’t do that.
- I don’t know why Jughead emphasizing that Betty is his girlfriend is funny to me. It’s almost like he’s like “my girlfriend… yeah… I’m dating her. Right. Not the girl I want to be dating, Veronica. Betty. I’m Betty’s boyfriend.”
- Betty talking to her dad… about Penelope Blossom… about getting away with murder… BITCH YOUR DAD IS IN JAIL FOR MURDERING PEOPLE YOU FUCKING BAFFOON
- I know that my boy Archie is dealing with a lot of shit but like they’re totally going to make him almost as insufferable as Betty aren’t they? They better fucking not
- “A hell of a good looking one just walked through my door” Okay they’re clearly getting bored with Bughead and are slowly integrating Jeronica and I am so fucking here for it!!!! I can’t wait for Jeronica to work together!!!
- We all know that with how Veronica really is, she would eavesdrop on her parents but instead the writers make her interrupt at the worst moments like really???
-  The two people Veronica and Jughead mentioned… they were a married couple sooooo EXCELLANCE
-  Hermione, a grown ass adult, actually giving Jughead information is not realistic, especially handing him files that Sheriff Minetta gave her. Like… if I were her I’d play his journaling off as a joke and just say “yeah he was cheating so get out of my office bc I don’t want to think about this shit right now”
- Fred I love you and I’m glad you’re caring about your son but that was… not the way to handle it.
- NANA ROSE FUCKING LOOKING AT BETTY LIKE “bitch why the fuck are you here?” IS SO GREAT
- Also Betty is low key afraid of Toni!!! The look she had when Toni came in? She knows that Toni would never allow her to fuck with Cheryl
- MY BOYS AGAIN. But all of this could have been avoided if you had just buried him like you were supposed to. Also, it bothers me how he only treats Sweet Pea and Fangs as his lap dogs. He’s having Sweet Pea tail someone (yet from what I’ve seen Jughead goes with him so there’s no reason to force Sweet Pea to but whatever it’s more screen time for my baby
- See, again, why Betty isn’t an investigator… she knocks and nobody answers so she’s just like “let’s go”
- Betty thinking that Penelope is exploiting these girls who are willingly doing this as if she never had that disgusting dominant dark Betty phase fuck outta here with your hypocrisy Betty (and Jughead, I’m still bitter about Choni being kicked out)
- Don’t most guys smile lovingly after they kiss their girlfriend and watch them walk away? mmhm much to think about. ALSO THANK GOD FOR DR. CURDLE I DON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH DETECTIVE (more like defective) BUGHEAD
- JOSIE SINGING YAS BITCH! Now just stop bringing her in just to sing and give her a fucking storyline!
- Wait so Veronica is actually selling alcohol now? How? And when? I know that thing from the casino happened but I just figured they switched back to mocktails… damn…
- Wow I actually almost forgot that Reggie and Archie used to be friends… like… sure I get throwing him out for his own good but not having any emotion when the guard slams him down on the counter? Reggie would have been like “now wait a sec…” but they want to make it seem like Josie is the only one who cares huh. STILL THO ARCHOSIE RISE
- REGGIE HELPING OUT VERONICA YES PLEASE. Ugh I love Veggie… And yes I use that in a non-anti way unlike people who called Swosie SweetPussy
- Betty really is acting like her dad isn’t the black hood huh…
- SWEET PEA!!!!!!!!
- God can’t people stay dead? Like the only person we want to see back are Midge, Ben and Dilton, and Joaquin! Joaquin you could have brought back by having Swangs fake his death to get away from the Gargoyle Gang but nooooo you really kill off your POC LGBT character…
- FP shooting Hiram because Hermione asked JERONCIA PARALLELS (asking them to do something for the other)
- Hermione crossing FP? Why would you do this? But also for some reason I don’t fully believe it…
- But why does Alice only seem herself in front of FP? Like in front of her daughter she’s crazy and brainwashed but not in front of FP… why?
- Also why does Hermione even want to frame FP? Like what’s the reason?
- Veronica Lodge confused at Reggie’s Bad Boys 2 reference? OOC BUT IDC IT WAS KINDA CUTE SOMEHOW
- I love Veggie but I don’t like how Veronica is mostly treating him as a side piece, as her bodyguard than a potential boyfriend.
- After all that’s happened… why would you let Archie go see Hiram? Alone? Or even at all? And also she did have every right to think that he would shoot her father bc… I mean… he has said that he’d kill her father like multiple times but whatever
- Oh so now that he’s not dating your daughter you don’t want to kill him? Fuck you, Hiram.
- The couple that burns drugs and will probably get high from the fumes is a couple that stays together!
- “There’s only one person who Betty can talk to about the revelation Penelope Blossom revealed to her” *is imagining Archie, the only person Betty opens up to and shit* *sees her and her fucking serial killer father* STOP MAKING HIM LOOK LIKE A GOOD GUY. HE IS NOT A GOOD GUY. I love how Betty said she doesn’t want to be bad like him, or be associated with him… but is now visiting him. Also, what kind of prison would allow a serial killer visitation rights?
- This is Betty, again, going down a dark side and it’s probably going to make her even more insufferable and Bughead even more toxic as Jughead fucks away her thoughts of being dark and shit. sigh iT’S GETTING OLD RIVERDALE STOP NO ONE LIKES THIS
- “Maybe not every murderer is guilty” BITCH YOU LITERALLY— this better be when Jughead has enough and fucking breaks up with her Jesus Christ I hate Betty so fucking much
- Well of course it’s not black and white but NOBODY deserves to die (However certain crimes that I shall not name because it may trigger somebody are totally okay)
- “Oh, how ya feeling, Red?” BTICH ARCHOSIE RISE I LOVE THEM UWU
- Although I don’t like how Josie told Sweet Pea that she couldn’t date during school because she wanted to focus on her career and now the writers are heavily pointing towards an Archosie romance…
- Well Hermione that’s your client’s problem. That’s why you don’t pay for things in advance.
- Watch Jughead not use that money for the Serpents.
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sweetdollfromhell · 6 years
Riverdale 3X11
Sorry for the delay, i was sick for 2 days and of course, my first reflex when i get better, is to watch riverdale.
1) Ok, I'm really sharing Archie's actions because true, the poor guy has to eat his share of shit but how much do I have the right to call his illogical actions?
2) Veronica's speakeasy sells alcohol to the minor?
3) OMG Josie is your 2nd good selfless action in 3 seasons. Slow clap everyone.(I’m a little disappointed that you have not played the card of his father having himself had problems of addiction).
4) Archie, the nice black girl musician with cat ears you dated was Valerie, not Josie. To say that the two are alike is like saying that Cheryl and Ethel can pass for  twins.(But I'd love to see Val and Melody again as long as we have it).
5) Josie and Sweet peas parted? Not that it was important because I do not like neither of them and I did not care about the ship but I try to remember who date who unlike the authors.
6) Betty, your word is worth even more than Penelope's and you date the son of the sheriff + your best friend's mother is the mayor + your pile of evidence. It will take 10 minutes to condemn her.
7) Oh cry me a sweet river! Sorry for your bad childhood Penelope, but you are a murderer so only half of the victims were prove worthy to die in public opinion, you are a homophobic abusive mother who beat, tortured, ready to sell your daughter's body and who had strongly incestuous feelings towards your son. You were ready to let families get blown up (southside) and I say bullshit to your brothel that empower women. Even if your girls have whips, you can still explode them by keeping pictures to make them sing, pay them a pittance or hide the worst of your actions (who knows if there are no minor girls or follow each other in a back room)? Also, it does not help that Nana Rose who bought you is still present as the token good of your family.
8) Your childhood sucks too Hal? Well, cry me a river 2 : the Return! You forced your wife to abandon her child, you tried to force your daughter to abort (I am pro-choice aka it's the choice of the girl with the zygote in her belly to keep it or not!), The same girl that you have basically denied, has a really creepy feeling towards your second daughter, you are a hypocrypt who would judge the girl to be pregnant with her cousin whom she did not ignore was her cousin (and clearly disgusted when she learned) while you fuck your own cousin without remorse.Your sinful victims, had exactly 2 guilty people in the eye of social opinion: miss fake grundy the pedophile and what is name the deadler drug teacher.Your other three victims were not-jesus aka Fred Andrew who committed the terrible crime of sleeping with a married woman (what almost all the parents did to the point that they should just get swingers parties),  Moose who is a teenager who likes to cheat on his partner and take drugs and Midge to also take drugs and maybe give the money back to her boyfriend who has deceived her with everything that moves (I know, she was sacrificing to the Otp Moose X Kevin like Joaquim, but still). Your only quality now is to be a better parent than Alice (and that's mostly because of her own sabotage).
9)To conclude: No, Penelope and Hal are not innocent misunderstood victims who have horrible things due to the circumstances: FP, Alice before season 3, Sierra, Sherrif Keller, Fred and maybe Hermione fits this description better.
10) Veronica in mafia baby, I LOVE IT! 
11) Sorry guys, but Veggie is growing on me (lame pund, sorry too) . It looks like they are the opposite of Choni (Reggie gains personality while Toni loses it).
12) Uh ... Cheryl you did not really like your uncle after the first 24h and really, you want Betty to leave your mother alone? The same mother who abused you physically, mentally and emotionally, forced you to do conversion therapy, murder your father, your uncle, try to kill your grandmother, accept money to stop you from to prosecute your rapist, slut shamer, whom you have twice threatened to kill yourself and to make it necessary to give your independence?Is it because Betty is still a Serpent and not you? Because it's really stupid and hurts you more than Betty.
13)Toni, have you had a lobotomy since you dated Cheryl? Because you seem to exist only as sexy edgy girlfriend accessory for Cheryl with no other personality than: Cheryl is so right. Even Bughead's worst was at this point bad. A shame, because I loved this ship and I wish more and more to see it disappear if it means that you find a personality.
14) Okay, Jughead, why not just say, Hey dad, do you remember when you find yourself with a corpse to get off?Well, like father like son, I suppose. Ps I still like the ways they fix the situation honestly
15) OMG, Sweet Peas you have helpful for the first time since you were on Riverdale. I still do not love you and think that you cause more problems than anything but it's greast, I give you that!
16) Ok, corrupt Sheriff is alive but Joaquim, Midge, Dilton are still dea...Oh, never mind. We at least know the moral alignment of Hermione now.
17) What are we done with maybe Hiram's mistress? I'm not even sure if I can call it that because some clue implies that Hermione just referred to her like that to hide her true motive.
18) Bravo show, seeing Jughead and Veronica talking together, I forgot the Dawson casting and had the impression to see children playing at film noir. It was surprisingly cute.
19) I'm that I bitch a lot  but I actually really like this episode. It was fun and interesting, let watch the preview for see if the next one gonna be good too...WTF are you going to Kevin, Moose????!!!!!
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riverdaleroundup · 7 years
Riverdale Round up: 2x16 “ Primary Colors”
Oh look. It’s me. A day late with this recap. I just did not feel like watching Riverdale last night. It wasn’t an organic experience. I was just too busy crafting because I needed to embrace my inner grandmother. Much apologies.
Alright so Chic isn’t Hals child but honestly Betty is the only one who is shocked by this. Betty is testing Chic left right and centre. She is fitting to get chopped out of that family photo that Chic keeps in his back pocket.
This is the first time we’ve ever seen Hal actually participate in his own business. I’m shook that he can even read. I thought that he just spent all his time shopping for sweaters that don’t fit him right.
I don’t see the evil in building a prison? Like why is that bad? It’s not like the inmates are going to be walking free through town.
Did they really say Bravo or did they say Fravo? If I was as famous as Andy Cohen this is what I would do. I would have been at least three different people on Grey's anatomy and neonatal specialist at least once.
Veronica pretends that she didn’t know about her parents plans but she looks uber guilty 24/7 so like the truth will come out. She and Archie share that panicked look and then Archie has to cover for her. It’s not like Arch is the king of stealth so they should have given it up as a bad job from the beginning.
J’adore that they had to take the label off of Veronicas juice. We all know that's dole. You’re not fooling anyone.
Why is Ethel suddenly blaming Veronica for all of this? She already forgave her for everything a million years ago. Veronica gave her some of her old clothes and they sat together in english and everything so great. So what’s with dumping the milkshake Ethel? Just desperate for attention?
Oh Look Reggie isn’t dead. He’s got some nuts to with that shake. He’s a giver. He wants to be the student body president but like I don’t picture him in an administrative roll.
Veronica went full dark betty with that fist clench. She clocked a bitch. I mean that’s an expellable offense right there. I guess when you’re rich you can get away with anything.
Cheryl is me. Paranoid as hell. Like whats a night spent home alone if you don’t push your dresser in front of your bedroom door?
So are we poisoning Nana rose? I get they want the maple business but like I mean she’s an old gal. Wait a few weeks. See if it happens naturally.
Veronica wants to be Student body president. Why are only 10th graders running for this? I get all the main characters are all lower classmen and blah blah blah yatta yatta but still. Not realistic, and this show is nothing if not realistic.
Veronica was born for politics. She has great hair and she loves lying.  I mean really her hair is only okay.  
Inner circle vixens are having a slumber party. Cheryl knows there's safety in numbers so she’s inviting everyone to spend the night. She’s seen enough horror movies to know that virgins never die and Betty and Veronica are virgouts. They’ll get the axe way before she does.
Archie is not a good friend. He sells jughead down the river every chance the he gets. He just loves Hiram so much. I get it. Mark is charming.
The hair brush train is creepy.  At a real sleepover every girl would have their hair up in a messy bun because it hasn’t been washed in 5 days. Also no one would be lounging in satin robes.
Oh no. Nana rose down. She took a tumble. Or she got pushed. Same thing really. She needs one fo those nice stair lifts. I’ve always wanted one of those. I’m not old. Just lazy.
Molly Ringwald needs a blow out. Her hair is so flat. They have a legal battle on their hands. How convenient that she just happens to be a lawyer. I’m watching Secret life right now so all I can see is Anne Juergens with the pregnant 15 year old.
This whole kiss and a cupcake thing doesn’t seem proper in this political climate. #timesup.
I forgot about the little southside club. Swords and Serpents. Where are the board games. They really should be playing board games. Sweet Pea is still cute.He and Moose need some justice in this show. Where are their leading roles? Jughead is so dramatic fam. Like i’m just waiting for him to climb up on the desk and wave around a flagpole singing “ do you hear the people sing”
Oh Kevin and Chic sitting in a tree. Kevin is such a snitch. Does no one in this town have any loyalty at all? Like they all turn on their best friends at a moments notice. I get Kevin is lonely and Chic is kinda cute in a gaunt way but Betty is supposed to be his best friend.
Betty is competition with Chic for which cooper sibling is the creepiest. Like flickering that lighter under Chics nose in the middle of the night doesn’t exactly scream stable caring sister.
I would love to watch an episode of WWHL with Ramona Singer and Josie. Actually I would rather just have Ramona.
Did they really chain themselves to this school? Are they all going to hold hands and sway and sing we shall not be moved?
Betty and Chic both need to see a counselor. They are both clearly in need of some help. Betty  catches bad men. Clifford blossom, the sugarman, and the black hood can’t come to the phone right now? Why? Because they’re dead.
Wow it’s been a whole episode since there’s been a musical number. Thank god the drought it over.
Since when did Ethel become a bully? She’s coming off as a grade A bitch. Like I thought that Veronica and Ethel were good????? Oh so Josie was in on it.  Ethel also looks like she stepped out of the 1950’s but she’s no pink lady. She’s a Patty Simcox.
Betty drops out as Veronicas running partner because she doesn’t associate with liars.
I can’t have sympathy for Veronica because she has been straight up involved in all this ish.
Hopefully Alice will confiscate that black wig and we will never have to see it again.
Jughead went to south side high for like 11 days but he’s so committed to saving it. He falls fast.
Archie is so far up Mr Lodges ass that it’s kind of sad. Momma Andrews is pissed because Archie is a lil shit and isn’t nice to his Daddy.
So Alice and FP used to get it on but like we all knew that. I think it’s time to re return to that relationship.
Chic is 25? He seems like he’s maybe 19 to me.
So Penelope is confirmed poisoning Nana Rose. She wants that girl out of the way. She’s just a pain in the ass.
Oh heck. Betty is like “ Im going to tell Sheriff Keller you’re a murder” and Chic is like “ You’re going to tell Sheriff keller that you’re a murder”
Hiriam asks Archie and the rest of the wrestling team to go rough up the serpents and Archie is like yeah i’ll betray my best friend that’s fine. I get he wants to protect his dad but he’s just way too wrapped up in the Lodges for his own good.  
Also that little shove he gave Jughead at the end is just a lil too aggressive for my taste.
Jughead has the largest bags under his eyes. He needs some colour corrector.
Jughead and Betty are going to run for co presidents, Oh and Betty is moving in with Jughead. I mean do you maybe want to ask FP about that or???????? It’s not exactly a large trailer. It’s not like he can just hide her under the bed.
Fred is officially running for mayor against the Lodges.  He can’t let those buttons go to waste. He’s a frugal boi. Fred and Mary look like they might try and save their marriage. I don’t know if I was Molly Ringwald around that much so I can’t say if I bless this union or not.
So Cheryl has been committed. Is this like gay conversion therapy? They can’t pray the gay away so they’re going to drug it out of her? Yikes. At least she’s got that cute hairstyle going for her.
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rigginsstreet · 7 years
ok heres my thoughts on riverdale. did i get a little bit carried away? maybe but also there was a lot of parents sooo
jugheads got a crime board just... up in his kitchen..... 
and fp just...wears that fucking chain on his work uniform.... 
“hirams slicker than a bottle of snake oil” betchya thats not the first time fps used that line ayooooo! i’ll stop
episode of saved by the bell??? you had a GOLDEN opportunity to make a 90210 reference right in luke perrys face and you pick saved by the bell ???? unacceptable
also as much as i love this parentdale backstory.... it just sounds like they completely forgot anything they established in s1 and made new shit up but ok... i guess. i know in my heart hermione and mary were doing wild shit tho so i’ll let it slide
i know i say this a lot but.... i would die for fred andrews
this is the lamest divorce scene ever and alice new about penelope but we never saw ???? get the fuck outta here. what if this is a trick. a trick for what i dont know but.... shhhh let me have it
also imma just say it... alice has been pissing me off this entire season and the fandom worshipping her now more than ever is so obnoxious like i cant with yall
like alice is so...callous ?? i dont i just ...alice has been cancelled for a while now
but with that being said i would also die for hermione lmao
idk man i just want alice to fucking care more like... i expect better of her. also because i know whats about to happen with you know who and i just... its ugly
ok to be fair...toni being invited to the will reading is very sudden like penelopes allowed to be suspicious 
this whole ch*ni thing is moving a lil fast but ok
as a gay, if penelope came barging into my friends room with that outfit id have to like... chill in the bathroom for a sec if you pick up what im putting down
freds drawing :’’))))
fred :’’)))))))
does cheryl ever...shut up 
yall i cant
i just
when will alice and penelope kiss and make up can you not see the longing in penelopes eyes just for the love of god give her A GIRLFRIEND ME IM HTE GIRLFIREND I WILL DO IT
alice shut uuuuuuupppppppppppp
yasss hermione use your feminine wiles 
fred could be mayor and have andrews construction if he just hired fp back but apparently im ASKING FOR TOO MUCH
fp would never stab fred in the back except that one time but he’s a different person now so idk what friends youre talking about sierra. fred has on friends he never leaves his house
lmao josies face is me
jughead JONES !!! me 2 hiram... me 2
obviously your father was working for hiram jughead the man needs good dick and fred wasnt providing what else was he supposed to do
penelope and claudius are the only thing giving me pure unadulterated joy in the episode like my ass is so giddy over this
is alice fucking stupid? dont answer that
i told yall fp was getting dicked down in prison. jONESY? ... god hes such a bottom
top 10 anime betrayals archie wow
listen all im saying is obviously fp and archie start feuding because fred calls fp up crying about how archie just turned his back on his own FATHER and fp is having absolutely none of this so.... hes gotta kick archies ass. everything makes sense now
why are we not getting rid of all the kids honestly
i better fucking see fp at freds mayoral announcement you fucks
if archie was smart he wouldve made copies but i dont believe archie is smart
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Could you do an au where Jughead is super charismatic and popular and has a secret crush on the class weirdo, Betty and then Kevin convinces her to ask him to Turnabout
Hi nonnie!Soo I didn’t know what Turnaboutwas, so I googled it and found out that it’s a dance or a party to which girls invite boys to. I hope this is whatyou meant, if not tell me :)
Kinda struggled with thisone, so I hope it’s ok. As usual, my brain goes to different directions.
~ ~ ~ ~
Jughead liked going to school.He was Student Body President, he was the head of the Blue and Gold schoolpaper, and he had lots of friends. Popularity was good to him. The only thinghe didn’t like about it was his shyness when it came to the girl he liked. BettyCooper. She was a sight for sore eyes that girl. For the life of him, he couldn’tbring himself to ask her out. Every time he saw her, his cheeks flushed, hisheart bit faster, but before he could focus she was already gone and he wouldmentally kick himself. What was wrong with him? Ugh.
It was a sunny day and Jugheadwas hanging outside school with his friends, when he saw her. Betty was walkingto her car, her books in her hands, her ponytail swinging as she rushed fromthe school. He took a deep breath (as if it would help), and walked toward her,gathering his wits about him.“Hey Betty!”, hecaught up to her. “How are we, I mean you, doing today?”She gave him a puzzled lookand answered with “Fine, and you?”. He gave her his best smile,looking her in the eyes. She had beautiful eyes, he could stare at them allday. She also had a beautiful face. He often wondered if she knew how beautifulshe was. If there was anyone to tell her how beautiful she was. “I’m better now that I seeyou ;)”, he told her and she rolled her eyesat him. “Can I… can I drive you home?”, the words coming out of hismouth before he could stop them.“Umm I have a car Jughead,thanks”, she pointed to her mini-cooper. “I gotta go.. Have a goodday.” she smiled at him, got in her car and drove away.When he got back to hisfriends, they were giving him weird looks. They didn’t understand why he wouldeven talk to her. She was a loner, she barely had any friends except for KevinKeller, the sheriff’s son, and she mostly kept to herself. Jughead’s interestin her seemed stupid to them, but he didn’t care. There was something abouther, he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Betty and Kevin were sittingin her room, doing homework when her phone buzzed with a text. It was Jughead.
J: Hey, itwas nice seeing you today :)
What was up with him? Betty startedseeing him everywhere she went and it was kind of odd. He even tried toconvince her to come write for the Blue and Gold but she was too scared to sayyes. What if he doesn’t like what she writes? What if they don’t get along?Why would Jughead Jones talkto her? She was a nobody… It wasn’t as if he was a bad person or something. He wasnice, and his looks were to die for, as Kevin would say. He didn’t let his popularityget to his head and Betty liked that. Jughead was cute and all the girls atschool were whispering and giggling when he passed by them. He would smile andsay hello and then continue down the hall. This was up until a few weeks ago,when he suddenly noticed Betty and stopped by her locker to say Hi andintroduce himself to her. The memory came back toBetty. She was new at the school at the time (home-schooled before then) and didn’tknow a lot of her fellow students. She was surprised when Jughead startedtalking to her. He looked at her, his blue ocean eyes boring deep into hergreen ones. She introduced herself as well, and he offered her a tour. She agreedand he started showing her different areas and important places he thought sheshould be familiar with, walking by her side, talking only to her. It was nice.Jughead was not like she thought he would be. He was confident, smart, funnyand she liked him.Since then, every timeJughead saw her he would say Hi, and politely ask how was she. After a while, shestarted noticing him looking at her from across the cafeteria. Whenever hewould talk to her, he would mumble, and one time his cheeks turned pink as helooked at her, which she found cute. That was a side of him she didn’t expect. Hewas the most popular boy in the school. Can you picture him mumbling andblushing at a girl like her?The thought of it made herblush.Well, what the hell.  
B: Thanks,you too..:)
She honestly didn’t know howto respond to that. He never sent her a text before… Was Jughead hitting on her?She smiled to herself,thinking of him, but she forgot she wasn’t alone and Kevin was very observantwhen it came to such matters.“Why are you smiling ata text? Who is that? What did they say? Betty?”, he was bombarding herwith questions, his eyes wide, eager for gossip.“That was… JugheadJones”, she reluctantly answered, knowing she won’t be able to keep thisfrom him for long. They were best friends, after all. They told eachother everything.“He’s been catching meat school and saying Hi. Kev, this is weird, I don’t know what to do or how torespond to him, I mean he’s completely out of my league!”, she was lettingit out.“OH MY GOD”, a typicalKevin Keller answer. “You have to talk to him; did he ask you out?? Betty ifhe does, say yes! We’ll work on your self-esteem later. This is going to beepic!”.Just then, her phone buzzedagain. But Kevin was faster and he reached for it before she ever could, screamingwith excitement.
J: I’mhappy to hear that. Do you want to sit together for lunch tomorrow?
Betty saw the text and herheart started beating faster. He was asking her to sit with him, at lunch,where everyone would see them, together. Whew. Does she say yes?There was no time to thinkabout it, as Kevin apparently answered for her, not giving her a chance to backout.
B: I wouldlove too. See you tomorrow!
“Betty, listen to me. Thisis an opportunity of a lifetime. Jughead is interested in you! I’ve seen theway he looks at you from afar, and I can tell, trust me. Now’s your chance todo this. Don’t be afraid. You two will be adorable together. Betty and Jughead,OH MY GOD your name can be Bughead! That’s so cute! And you’ll have someone toinvite to the Turnabout! I’m going with Cheryl probably, and you andJughead will wear matching outfits and he will for sure ask you to dance and of courseI’ll take your picture…” Kevin was rambling endlessly and Betty stoppedlistening.Jughead Jones wanted to sitwith her at lunch. Wow. She didn’t see this coming. She pictured them sittingand talking and blushed slightly. Oh god, what had she gotten herself into?
Lunch time was in fifteenminutes and Betty was nervous. When the bell rang, she jumped and Kevin was byher side in no time. She knew he wouldn’t forget this. Hell, he was morenervous than she was.“Relax, Betty. You willbe fine! Just be yourself and talk to him as if he’s not the most popularhottie in the school. I mean, don’t even think about it and you’ll be fine. Anddon’t forget to invite him to the Turnabout, it’s in 2 weeks!”. He wasstressing her out even more.“Kev, I’m not going toask him to a dance with me, I barely know him. And who says he even wants to?”Betty was exasperated. She and Kevin have spent all of last night picturing howthis lunch could go. She came to the conclusion that there’s no way out of it.
When Betty left theclassroom, Jughead was waiting for her, leaning on the wall casually. “Hi Betty”, hesmiled at her shyly, “you ready?”“Y-Yes”, she fellinto step with him and they headed to eat. His presence calmed her down. Shecould tell he was nervous as well and smiled reassuringly at him, he juststared back. When they reached the cafeteria, Jughead filled his tray withevery food that was on display, while Betty settled for a salad and a waterbottle. Jughead looked at her tray and then at his, then back at hers – “That’sall your eating?” Betty looked at him, amused,and answered with “I think the right question is – are you really going toeat all of that?”“Oh, yes. I alwayshungry”, he winked at her and they sat down at a table.They spent the time talkingand laughing. Jughead was funnier than Betty realized. They got along well, andit turns out she didn’t need to worry. He had eyes only for her and she enjoyedtheir shared time. When lunch was over, Jugheadwalked with her to her next class, offering to drive her home later and thistime, Betty said yes, blushing and smiling softly as he walked away to hisclass. All through her lesson, she couldn’t concentrate. Her mind was gushing,thinking of the wonderful time she just had with Jughead Jones. Jughead Jones!
Classes for today over, Jugheadwalked Betty outside of the school, when they bumped into his friends. Jugheadintroduced her to Archie, Veronica, Reggie and Toni, all saying Hi to her andsmiling when she returned the gesture before saying bye.They reached Jughead’s pickuptruck, him opening the door for her. She giggled when he helped her climb toher chair, his hand holding hers, soft to the touch.The ride was spent talkingabout music and things they found funny as they passed through them. When theyreached her house, Jughead jumped out to open her door for her before sherealized what he was doing. A true gentleman. He hugged her for goodbye andthat gave her the courage to ask him her next question. “So, there’s this dancein two weeks… and the girls are supposed to ask the guys to it.. I waswondering.. if maybe.. you’d like to umm go.. with me..?”, she wasblushing heavily now.“Betty, I would loveto”, his reply was short and made her heart flutter. He smiled and gaveher a kiss on the cheek, causing her to blush for the millionth time today,giggling. “See you tomorrow!”,he said and climbed back to his truck, driving away.
Kevin was going to be soproud of her.
I wanted to continue thisbut it’s late (4 a.m. Israel time) and I’m really tired soo maybe tomorrow? If youguys even like this
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jugxbets · 7 years
Archie's Little Sister: Chapter Nine
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neopuff · 8 years
riverdale ep 1-3
these twins always make me >___>
oh yeah i knew jason was gonna die
this is very artsy
i thought he was murdered
oh......a mom for veronica
what is a...chocolate shoppe? and why? does it sell? burgers?
is veronica the new kid
the gay kid gweiopubgoewgnew
the acting in this is terrible
the archie actor is clearly not a real ginger so i approve of this casting lmao
“to pass time i started composing poems in my head” shut up archie
archie: says anything betty: amazing!
betty: ive been thinking about us- archie: is that a hot bitch i see
“we do, both of us, together”
oh....archies dad
thats not archies dad
archies dad got that fat gut
“im a sophomore’ BITCH NO UR NOT
im still dying theyre supposed to be 15 gwenpiubgewo;gwe
“gay, thank god, lets be best friends” im gonna piss and die
love these pussycats
“ive had every flavor of boy except orange” its better that
im pissing im
shes the music teacher
why wouldnt they just make up a new teacherniogwepng;ew WHY IS SHE MS GRUNDY!!!
archies dad/veronicas mom have a....history
“chose the rich kid”
so many divorced parents
outdoor cafeteria
when will i see a high school that has one of these forreal
i assume its a west coast or south us thing
kevin: refers to cheryl as a widow me: i called the JOKES
“is cheerleading still a thing?” “is being the gay best friend still a thing”
the dialogue in this show is terrible its so funny
im glad betty/ronnie is a good ship
grundy is all turned on by archies music
this is so gross and im DYING
“i dont think thats a good idea” cuz u fucked a 15 year old bitch
theyre not talking about the fucking
did cheryl murder her brother
why doesnt just one of them say it and not mention the other
bitch ur the only one who’d get in trouble ur an ADULT
that was so lackluster
like yeah....not the kind of heat i meant :\
im glad cheryls the villain i always hated her
veronica: i know who u are [has known her for 2 minutes]
this dialogue is so unnatural and bad its cracking me tf up
get WRECKED cheryl
veronica: betty and i come as a matching set
i bet u do
time for football
“what you got something better to do” dont be rude
“why did you defend me” just accept the kindness u fool
i like mr lodge
this is very awkward
was polly a character in the comics i dont remember her
“both of us” gewinouogbewgew
in the headspace
“archiekins” gweinouobgweo;ngew
“cheryl blossoms cheerleading squad.......”
bettys mom is so annoying
she sounds familiar
mr lodge just sent a lotta money their way
why did the coach call his dad
he said hed give him a day
impatient ass
archies dad is just like :\
these actors dont look related at all
which is funny to me
oh good its the pill in ibiza song
i love that veronica is the speech giver in this show
moose/kevin gwiuebogiwgew
where is REGGIE
my SON
openly talking about the illegal secrets at a big party
i just realized reggie is the asian guy
i didnt hear his name and couldnt figure out who tf that was gweopiubgwe;ngwe
im a fool
whered ronnie go
dancing with the gay guy, god
“i have this fantasy of us as a power couple” who asks someone out like that
this is super awkward
cheryl is gonna murder...everyone
they could just
“cheryl blossom truly is...the antichrist” just all her a bitch like a normal person
“we’re not just friends we’re best friends” shut up archie
hes NEVER FELT for betty
if these two make out i s2g
once they kiss cheryls gonna open the door
foolish children
ronnie dont DO IT
what how tf would she know they made out
did they not come out at exactly 7 minutes
ok but wheres betty
oh hey jughead
i like jugheads not-crown
now shes goin straight for love
“of course i love you” hes being so...obtuse
ok now its about not being good enough
did they find jayjay
and look at that
he got shot in the head
probably by his sister
its obvious cheryl did it
im sure theyll switch it up like somehow it was secretly jughead
but it was cheryl
ok ep 2
why were they even fuckin at 6 am
cant believe they made moose gay
i forgot his gf’s name in the comicsniguwebgew
the actor that played jason was so uggo
maybe someone shot him for being so openly incestuous with his creepy sister
i know its like plagueing archie now but i feel like this should help him
“are you up?” “no” “youre killing your mother”
he went to grundys house
and hes shirtless
“you could be expelled” “we could go to jail” NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS WOULD HAPPEN TO HIM!!!
pedophilia is not a two way street
bettys mom is...the worst
betty plz dont talk to your bitch mother about your life
i love archies eyebrows
i hope this is the end of archie/betty forever
“sardonic humor”
bye jughead
is kevin not out to his dad
“the yellows for friendship” sure
veronica is so aggressively into this friendship
the otp stays together
betty u are a fool
that is your future WIFE
hi mr weatherbee
cheryl is wearing a spider pin gewoinubgewlngkew
archie and mr weatherbee just gonna
make eyes
jughead: archie you KILLED him
no jughead i was just fucking the hot prof
jughead: ew
kevin moose is your new bf
“fate throws us together” ok
why is he rejecting moose
because hes in the closet???
hes clearly trying to come out cmon
everyones terrified of cheryl now so thats good
bettys mom
“i ship it” why
“moose has an official girlfriend...mitch” i feel like i heard this line wrong
oh, betty
dont cry sweetums
“im supposed to say yes” THE DIALOGUE
ronnie is trying so hard with these dramatic white ppl
they couldnt even keep weatherbee fat
is this channel afraid of fat ppl
does this bitch just sit in her empty ass music room all day
is she not really even a teacher
bitch get a dog and leave teenagers alone
this is not high school cheerleading
one of the girls here actually looks like a high schooler
cheryl just called herself exoticgewiongewiogew; CUZ YOURE A GINGER? BITCH
i die
betty why
betty dont do this
cheryls a crazy ho
i know theyll make up by the end of the ep but still
“like we were meant to be best friends” gweniguebwg
2nd grade tutor
“oh, little archie-” little archiewgn;klew I DIE
references are what i live for
i cant believe betty let cheryl into her house
wheres her mom to scream and chase her out
there goes that
betty dont let her into ur HOME
whats betty doing
terrible thing to say
are they not friends because archie stood him up
i guess bettys mom coulda killed jason
“sometimes a friend is better than a boyfriend” actually, always, not sometimes
oh reggies finally doin something
gonna keep up the reggie/jughead rivalry
“you wanna d the right thing” the way archie said that made it sound like he wants to fuck her and she doesnt want to
but whatever
so does jughead and bettys friendship not exist in this universe
nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions
this dialogue is still awful its so funny
i hope it never improves purely for my amusement
out door pep rally...
good shit
cheryls having a Time
god the kid that plays jason is so uggo
bye cheryl
finally getting a genuine emotional response from her
were they gonna fake his death for attention but then he was actually dead
make up
veronica is over here like “betty and i were destined to be friends” and betty is like “im sure we wont know each other in a week”
aww archie and jughead back 2gedda
does jughead know betty or not
wheres the jughead/betty brotp of my past
veronica and jughead: interact me: yes...
im glad that, unlike in the comics, archie is not dating both girls at once and then also every other girl he meets
where ya goin weatherbee
i doubt a school like this would have a chalkboard instead of a smartboard
did she do it
im sticking with my fake death for the attention theory
im enjoying this show
but i dont think i could take multiple Dramatic Teen Shows
how could cheryl be wearing that skirt in public school
“the plan was bananas”
jason just wanted.....to leave
thats fine
who got shot
in my neighborhood it wouldve just been the hunters
is archie gonna have a shiner for the rest of the show
is betty not poor as shit in this universe?
i shouldve guessed from her moms outfits
“a lois lane type like you” nice and ronnie can be clark kent
omg leave grundy alone so she can die in hell
why didnt you just say that you were alone
a date....
hes hot
good call, ronnie
“hes kind of a player” dont be racist, betty
he is hot as hell tho
awww “juggie”
finally jughead and betty are 2gedda
jughead you need shit for your college applications
oh right, dilton
“im not ten years old” but you are 15 which is not very different
so if chuck is in the show is nancy gonna be around too
ronnie/chuck is a good ship
“to OUR relationship” shut the fuck you youre a pedophile
the sticky maple....
chuck was cute
ronnie is gonna tear him apart
why does chuck have to be a dick!!! chuck was always a nice guy
betty: [COVERS FACE]
destroy him
why is chuck a villain im bothered but also hes the worst destroy him
this terrible au version of chuck is terrible
“nothing is off the table...except for my body” weiugblewnkg
i love the pussycats
is this every other girl chuck did this to
its ethel
hi cheryl
go away
whose this kid
ok jughead
dont steal his ice cream
dilton shot a gun gwoinegbpweo;nglwe
survivalist?!?! DILTON
why do the pussycats roll their eyes at josie
“a bnd with b&v”
did they find...ze book
so the football players dont even fuck the girls its just about getting a date and a selfie???
cheryl, doubting her brother
just take the book
why not...just take the book
bettys rly lucky her mom isnt violent
(for now)
she looks super awkward in that
the sound of bettys lil demons in her head
“and a hot tub....”
this is such an awkward conversation
just imagining this with real 15 year olds is ridiculous
oh hey ronnie
chuck youre so fucking stupid
shes wearing a swimsuit and heels this is CLEARLY A TRAP
black is not a good hair color
ronnie: im so turned on
i just realized why archies dad is so familiar
he was on generator rex AND clone high
love it
part of me always liked archie/josie
15 is not late wtf
“slut shaming...its what they call it when sluts get shamed” wow
when does bettys mom get murdered
are they gonna burn him
shes fine shes just pissed
dads gonna support u now
must be NICE
gweoniugbweo;gew bettys face when ronnie said she called chuck “jason” was so funny
are they gonna do some she went off her meDS OO---OOOHHHA AAAHHH TERRIBLE BEAST
#burn it
cheryl tryin to make up for ze past
i still hate her idc
omg when does grundy get murdered too im done with this pedophilia subplot
dilton you fool
im happy juggie and betty are hanging out
dont mention ms grundys car
im tired of this pedophile plz shoot her next
ok im all caught up
whens the next episode
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.17 Thoughts *Spoilers*
So I’ve had to redo this two times now because going back and forth from the episode and this fucked everything up (I can slide to the next window and it keeps taking away this post so I can’t do anything about getting it back so I’m VERY pissed right now and not in the mood to watch this twenty million goddamn times)
- Oh yeah Beronica are friends ahaha I always forget mmhm wonder why
- Why is a cult having an open house like—
- The kiss on the cheek after Gladys’ threatens Jughead is really… I don’t know man but I like the tension of it (not the word I was looking for but I forgot so oh well)
- I hate that they’re making Alice seem like such a bad mom. Like, she’s BRAINWASHED. They’re only creating discourse within the fandom and it sucks. But like they don’t even make it make sense because Alice is all brainwashed and insane when she’s with Betty but when she’s with FP she’s perfectly fine and normal like??? Make it make sense!!!!! Then again they can’t even write a gang so like why am I surprised
- Also Betty leaving Veronica alone in the cult’s place? No thanks, leave my baby Veronica alone
- JARCHIE CONTENT. See, THIS is what we want. Teenage talk, drama, etc. Not some weird stick poisoning people and cults overtaking people. THIS IS WHAT WE WANT NOT THIS CRAZY PSYCHO NONSENSE
- Again, my boys look good, but Jughead going against his father and having the Serpents DO CRIME and go after drug dealers? Mmhm this’ll totally turn out well because it was sooooooo unexpected!
- I miss Mad Dog, he was treated wrong on The 100 so I’m so happy to see him again!
- Varchie is sooooo so so so much better as friends. When they got together they needed certain things out of the relationship, but now they don’t need those and I really hope they don’t put them back together. And this is coming from someone who actually liked Varchie—they were cute, and the only “bad” thing they did was have sex at the worst moments (but to be fair, that’s all Veronica really knew how to expose herself, her feelings, because of her parents, so at least it makes SENSE) but now they’re grown and I just… I know I’m going to be disappointed in the writers when they make Varchie get back together for no fucking reason
- Also Varchie as this duo who ban together to get what they want? Iconic and powerful, thank you. So much better than wannabe detective duo bughead
- I know I’m not surprised but they had such a good streak of having Betty not be intolerable up until now. WHY THE FUCK IS SHE ASKING HER EMOTIONALLY SPENT COUSIN INTO A FARM THAT LEGIT USES THEIR TRAUMA AGAINST THEM TO MAKE THEM JOIN LIKE??? DOES BETTY EVEN THINK OF SHIT BEFORE SHE DOES THEM??? People praise her for being smart but uh… clearly her boyfriend’s stupid thought process and getting herself into stupid shit she doesn’t have to be in is rubbing off on her. LITERALLY she is the “Serpent queen” couldn’t she ask Jughead to spare a Serpent that’s not Sweet Pea (since Fangs was already romantically manipulated into joining ugh —although I like Kangs don’t come at me okay—) to infiltrate? Someone less likely to, you know, actually join the fucking cult?
- Cheryl’s fake crying and fake breakup with Toni is gold,,, anyways,,,
- Also Fangs in the background just reading a fucking comic I’m—I love him even though he’s sadly now in the farm :(((
- BABY TEETH OH MY GOD DUDE IT’S BEEN AWHILE he’s looking so good and fresh what a sweet child uwu
- Ugh yes Archie setting them up at the boxing gym thank youuuuuu ALSO I REALLY WANT ARCHDOG TO BE A THING. THAT WINK HE DID AT BABYTEETH WAS SO BISEXUAL I’M LIVING
- Oh wow Jughead fucking up something and getting caught, who woulda thunk it? ALSO how does FP not know that the other drug dealers are caught, though? Like, wouldn’t he realize “oh fuck my stupid son is going behind my back again isn’t he” like… okay FP there’s no way you didn’t realize that there was only one drug dealer left
- Wow, Cheryl being lured into the Farm and having her connection with Betty be cut off… I had NO idea that that would happen… Jesus fucking Christ now Cheryl’s going to be a part of the Farm and that is completely on Betty. I wish Betty ACTUALLY cared about (everyone in general, actually) her fucking cousin and her mental health.
- Instead of Cheryl, it would have been much more interesting to see Betty fall into the Farm, and have Cheryl save her instead because, you know, it’s much more realistic and less boring.
- This… is Bughead’s “pillow talk” that’s sad lmao
- Can someone make an edit where it’s Archie instead of Jughead thanks
-  sksksksks the look Hiram gives Hermione tho after he calls her his wife I’m—but WOW he actually fucking listened to his daughter? LOOK AT HOW POWERFUL MY BABY VERONICA IS. HER WORDS, HER CARE, SHE FUCKING GOT HIM TO HELP AHHHHHHHHH THAT’S SO FUCKING GREAT. Is he going to ruin the moment or something soon??
- Someone should make a list of all the criminal things Jughead makes the Serpents do after his stupid “no crime” rule
- Archie helping out his boyfriend uwu
-  Why and how does jughead survive that? Like do you know how interesting it would have been for him to get severely hurt (break his back) or possibly even die? Like, it would have been so surprising but this show,,, sucks
- ALSO ALSO how did Archie get down there so fast? That was one who stairway I believe so like…
-  Why is Jughead surprised that another gang is using guns??? Like??? Bitch that’s what gangs do? She’s retaliating against you, what the fuck is she supposed to do, use balloon swords???
- See this is why Jughead is a stupid ass bitch. DO NOT FUCKING TELL YOUR ENEMY WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO DO. This is why you and Betty are shit at investigating and whatnot, because you two are so fucking stupid.
-  See, and now she got the “this is between you and me” into his head, when that’s not really the case. HE COULD EASILY TELL HIS FATHER, AND THEY CAN FIGURE OUT A PLAN TO DRIVE HER AND HER DRUGS AWAY TOGETHER but Jughead is just a stupid teenager who is too impulsive and doesn’t keep his stupid fucking mouth shut. I just want this stupid plot over with, literally the only good thing about this show is the characters Veronica, Swangs, Choni, and Archosie (and the beautiful hints at Barchie’s future relationship)
- As much as I don’t like Elio and he’s annoying and boring, and that he’s going to use Mad Dog, I’m glad he’s being given a chance to fix his home life.
- If they magically make Jason alive again despite seeing his dead body,,, I mean I’ll be thrilled bc he’d get to meet the one other person who’s ever made Cheryl happy.
- So like… it doesn’t make sense. If she can see Charles, why hasn’t she told FP? Unless he’s already a part of it and we just don’t know???
-  Betty,,, you coulda said Charles bc either way you’d be near Edgar and THEN ask to meet him to make it less suspicious but okay…
- LMAO I IMAGINE THIS IS WHAT EDGAR DOES WHEN HE WALKS IN AND TAKES IN A DEEP BREATH. “Great, it’s this fucking annoying bitch… let’s see what she’s going to fail to get out of me.”
- Yeah, Betty, as if it was actually this easy to just ASK to meet him and get ALL of the information… Mmhm maybe that also shows that she has to do everything illegally first before trying a civil way lmaoooooooo
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jugxbets · 7 years
Archie's Little Sister: Chapter Six
A/N: i sorta had writer’s block in the middle of this, so if it’s not great, i’m sorrryyy!!! hopefully the next chapter will be. i hope you enjoy!
Warnings: cursing, Alex being extra bitchy in this, butt sex reference? (hint: don’t drop the soap!)
No Summary.
Tags: @myboyjarpad @zook7430
(let me know if you want to be tagged.)
“Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill!”
It was morning. Alex was relieved she no longer had to get up earlier than everybody else to avoid them, but today she had to.
Betty invited her to have breakfast at her house. She was a little nervous, especially because of the incident that happened on the night of the drive-in.
She knew her mom would comment on it and she had to brace herself for it.
Jughead was also invited.
The only reason Betty invited both of them was for more of a scheme.
Betty had to get her mom off her back to snoop around her things and find anything that could lead her to where Polly is.
And they were going to help her do just that.
Alex showered, got dressed, did her makeup and hair in less than two hours.
She forgot to tell her dad last night but she didn’t think he’d have a problem with it.
She walked downstairs and already saw him cooking.
“Hi, dad. Bye, dad.” She said as she made her way to the front door.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Fred stopped her as he approached her. “Where do you think you’re going?”
She rolled her eyes and turned around on her heel.
“To The Cooper’s for breakfast. Betty invited me.” She explained.
He scoffed.
“Why? I make perfectly good food here.” Fred said.
She chuckled. “I agree, but Betty is my friend. She thought it’d be nice to have me over there.”
Fred was hesitant. “Alright. Go on. Have fun.”
She smiled. “Thanks, dad. See you later.”
She walked out and saw that Jughead was already there.
“Good morning.” She awkwardly greeted.
“Morning.” He said, uninterested.
She rolled her eyes and knocked.
Betty opened the door.
“You’re just in time! We just finished making pancakes.” Betty said with a smile.
Jughead and Alex walked in.
Betty lead them to her kitchen where they saw their plates already made.
They sat down and Jughead starting digging in.
Alex wasn’t really hungry but she had to play the part.
It was awkward at first until Mrs. Cooper started talking.
“So,” She said, taking her cup of tea up to her mouth. “I suppose I have you two to thank for Betty’s ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom ghoulishness?”
Alex took a deep breath while she and Jughead shared a look.
“Actually, mom, I was the one who asked Jughead and Alex to help me write it for the Blue and Gold.” Betty corrected her.
Alice laughed. “Relax, Betty. I’m just making conversation.”
Betty sighed.
Jughead was sipping on his orange juice when Betty shot him a look.
He looked back at her then glanced at Alex.
She raised a brow. That was his cue.
They had already gone over the plan on how to distract Betty’s mom.
“Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?” Jughead asked as he set the glass of orange juice down.
“Sure, i’ll show you.” Betty said as she got up.
“No, no. I’ll show him.” Alice insisted as she got up instead and led him down the hall.
“Follow me…. Jughead.”
Betty put on a smile the best that she could as did Alex.
As soon as they left, Alex opened the camera app on her phone while Betty looked through her mom’s purse.
“What exactly are we looking for?” Alex whispered.
“A check. Phonebook. Notes. Anything with numbers or names on it.” Betty whispered back.
She found a book that was covered in different names.
Betty held it open as Alex took a couple of photos of the book.
She went through a couple of other small books and did the same thing.
As soon as she heard them come back, Betty put the stuff back where they were and sat back to where she was.
Alex was already sitting by then.
“Uh, we better get going.” Betty nervously said as she stood up.
Alex joined her.
They said goodbye and walked to school.
“Did you find anything?” Jughead asked.
“A couple of things.” Betty responded.
“We just have to look through these pictures.” Alex said as she lifted her phone.
“At the office.” Betty insisted.
Alex and Jughead nodded.
“If we find anything, we find a way to get there, and go as soon as possible.” Betty said.
Alex felt a bit nervous but went along with it.
They got to school.
She saw Archie and decided to wish him some luck.
Today, auditions were being held for the Variety Show and Archie decided to audition.
“I’ll see you guys.” She waved Betty and Jughead off.
She approached him.
“Hey, break a leg.” She smiled.
He smiled back. She could tell he was nervous.
“You’re gonna do amazing. I know it.” Alex nodded.
He nervously chuckled.
“I’ll be in the audience cheering you on.” She assured him.
“I don’t know, i just.. Maybe i’d feel better if you were up there singing with me?”
Alex eyes widened. She pulled him to the side so no one could hear what they were talking about.
He wrote a song a couple weeks back that needed two voices. He asked for her help and surprisingly, she had a good voice. Archie started begging her to do duets with him but she didn’t want to. She liked to dance, not sing.
“Archie, that was a one time thing.” She whispered harshly.
He laughed. “Come on, you have an amazing voice. Of course, not like mine..”
She glared at him. “My passion is dancing. Not singing. If i sing, people will think that i wanna be just like you.”
“Who cares what people think?” Archie scoffed.
She rolled her eyes. “It’s not just that. I’m not singing with you again.”
He grinned.
“Besides, you’ve got to do this alone. You were born alone, you’ll die alone, and in between, you sing alone.” She raised a brow.
He sighed. “I’ll just find someone else.”
She scoffed. “I’ll see you at the auditions.”
She walked off into her class.
After class, she found Veronica and they made their way to the auditorium.
They sat in the very first row.
Archie had to go first. Kevin went by alphabetical order when he called out the student’s names.
“Archie Andrews.” Kevin called out.
He came out with his guitar around his torso.
Alex and Veronica cheered as loud as they could, getting some bad looks by the students around them.
Alex flipped them off.
“And what will you be auditioning with?” Kevin asked.
Archie gripped the mic. “Uh, an original song that I wrote called ‘I’ll Try.’”
“Try harder!” Reggie heckled from the back. “Maybe try not sucking so much.”
Alex stood up and looked back at him.
“Hey, Reggie. Maybe try not being such a fucking douche all the time.”
His teammates laughed at her comment as he went poker faced. Veronica snickered.
She sat back down and her attention went back to Archie.
She saw him shaking and sweating.
She had a feeling he would walk off but she had a little bit of faith in him.
“Take your time, Archie.” Kevin tried to speed it up. “Though we do have people waiting.”
Alex nudged him.
He glanced at her with an apologetic look.
“Oh, my god, what’s happening?” Veronica whispered.
“He’s choking.” Josie responded with an amused tone.
Alex glared at her and her Pussycats.
“Archie? Clock’s ticking.” Kevin pushed him.
“Excuse me. Sorry, I gotta go.” Archie blurted out and walked off.
Alex scoffed. Josie’s comment didn’t leave her head.
She turned around and gave her a piece of her mind.
“You know, you think you’re all hot shit just because you’re in a band? This is the only town that knows your name. Don’t let that get to your pretty little head.” Alex hissed.
Josie and her Pussycats glared at her. Melody was about to say something when Josie stopped her with her hand.
“She’s not worth it. Come on.” Josie got up and lead her Pussycats out of the auditorium.
Alex waved with a fake smile.
“You are just so protective of Archie, aren’t you?” Veronica chuckled.
“More than anyone could ever know.” Alex simply responded. “Am I wrong though?”
Veronica laughed in response.
Alex got up and went after Archie.
When she got to the hall, he was nowhere to be found. She sighed and decided to meet Betty and Jughead at the Blue and Gold office.
She walked in and only saw Betty in there.
“Hey, you ready to do this?” Alex asked, pulling out her phone.
Betty nodded. “I need answers.”
Alex gave her, her phone as Jughead walked in.
Betty went back and forth through the pictures.
“Anything?” Jughead asked.
She kept going back to one in particular. It was a check.
“'The Sisters of Quiet Mercy.’” Betty read the check.
Alex scoffed. “Uh, what the hell?”
“What is that? Like a church? Or a charity?” She asked Jughead.
He had already settled his laptop down and opened it to be ready to search for anything Betty and Alex found.
Alex nudged him so he can search for it.
Betty and Alex both hovered over him and his laptop as he obliged.
“No. It’s a..” Jughead trailed off. “Home for troubled youths.”
“Where disenfranchised teens will learn such virtues as discipline and respect, enjoying lives of quiet and reflection servitude.” Alex read on.
“Poor Polly.” Betty whispered.
“We should go there tomorrow after school. But right now, we gotta get to our next period.” Jughead said, checking the time on his computer.
Betty and Alex nodded.
Jughead closed his laptop and stood up.
They walked out of the office and went their separate ways.
It was lunch time.
Alex was a little late going to their usual table.
She walked over and saw that Valerie was sitting in her spot, next to Archie.
She glared at Archie who gave her an apologetic look.
She rolled her eyes and sat next to Betty.
Betty sighed and smiled at Alex.
“There’s gotta be a reason my mom and dad don’t want me to see Polly.” Betty continued. “But I don’t care anymore.”
Alex overheard her talking about it when she walked over.
“What are you guys talking about?” Archie asked, breaking their thinking.
They all turned to look at him.
“Anything i can help with?” He continued.
Alex furrowed her eyebrows. “Since when do you want to help?”
“What we’re attempting is a stealth operation, Archie.” Jughead explained. “If we go in there with the entire Scooby Gang, forget it, we’re compromised.”
“Well, don’t you have to practice for the Variety Show anyways?” Betty mentioned.
Archie looked at Alex. Then at Valerie.
“Uh, no. I don’t.” Archie muttered.
“Wait, why?” Alex asked.
He shrugged.
“Except that yes, you do.” Veronica showed up out of nowhere with Kevin. “Thanks to a certain Veronica-ex-machina.”
“What do you mean?” Valerie asked.
“Oh, nothing. Just that I had a few words with our director/host and reminded him that he’s heard you sing on numerous occasions.” Veronica continued as she sat between Archie and Val.
“Even though it compromises my artistic integrity.” Kevin said.
Alex chuckled.
“Cutting to the chase, you have the slot if you want it.” Veronica turned to Archie.
Alex looked at Archie.
“You have to take it.” Alex said.
He sighed. “Veronica, thank you, but you saw what happened.”
“We all did.” Kevin mentioned.
Alex rolled her eyes. “Suck it up, Arch.”
Veronica chuckled.
“Playing my songs in front of you guys is one thing, but getting back up in that stage by myself…” Archie trailed off at the thought of it.
Alex groaned. “Stop being such a pussy!”
Archie sighed. “I just don’t think i’m ready for that.”
“If it’s a partner you’re looking for, Veronica Lodge is more than willing and able.” Veronica volunteered.
“Veronica, i didn’t know you can sing.” Betty smiled.
Alex rolled her eyes. Archie caught it.
“You jealous, Alex?” He smirked.
She knew what he was trying to do.
“Why would she be jealous?” Veronica chuckled.
Alex glared at Archie. “Don’t.”
Everyone started looking at them confused.
“I mean.. I did ask you to sing with me to begin with.” Archie said, fighting back a smile.
Everyone’s eyes widened and gasped.
“You can sing, too?” Kevin asked.
“What? I’ve never even heard you.” Betty commented.
“Who would’ve thought.” Veronica joined.
“Thanks, Archie.” Alex snarled at Archie.
He chuckled.
“No, I can’t sing. Archie is just stupid.” Alex defended.
Archie raised his brows. “Oh really? Do you remember that demo we recorded?”
Alex scoffed.
“I’ll be more than happy to prove you wrong—” Archie was cut off by Alex kicking him under the table.
He groaned in pain.
Alex took a deep breath.
“Okay, fine. I can sing.” Alex agitatedly blurted out.
Everyone scoffed.
“Then its you who should be singing with Archie!” Veronica began.
Alex shook her head. “My passion isn’t singing. Not like Archie.”
“You can have more than one passion, you know.” Veronica shrugged.
Alex shook her head. “I just don’t want to. Archie has to do this by himself.”
Archie sighed in defeat.
“I mean i really wish it was you, but Veronica,” He turned to look at her. “Show me what you got.”
They smiled at each other.
Alex sensed jealousy from Val.
“Meanwhile, we have to find a way to get to where Polly is.” Betty turned to look at both Jughead and Alex.
“Wait, are you even gonna be there?” Archie asked Alex.
She hesitated to respond.
Archie scoffed. “What the hell, Alex!”
Alex sighed. “I’ll be there, alright?”
Archie glared at her.
“I will!” She tried convincing him.
“You better.” Archie playfully warned her.
She sighed.
Their lunch period ended. They went their separate ways to go on with their day.
Archie and Alex ended up back at their house.
They were both in Archie’s room. Alex was going through some of his comics while Archie laid on his bed with his guitar, occasionally strumming it.
“I’m offended.” Alex said, not looking up from the comic book.
She was sitting in the floor, leaning on Archie’s bed.
Archie’s eyebrows furrowed. “By what?”
“At the fact that you go more to Valerie now than to me. I was there for you since day one, remember?” Alex said, finally glancing over her shoulder to look at him.
He sat up.
“It’s not personal. She’s just got more…”
Alex paused and glared at him.
“Experience?” Alex finished for him.
He sighed. “You can come to our session tomorrow.”
She scoffed and her attention went back to the comic book.
“No, really. You can come observe and, you know, suggest.” Archie shrugged.
Alex rolled her eyes. “If you don’t need me anymore then what’s the point?”
“Oh, come on. It’s not like that.” Archie groaned.
“Whatever.” She sighed.
“Please come. I do actually miss writing songs with you.” Archie begged.
She looked at him again. “Fine. But aren’t you and Veronica suppose to be having this session?”
Archie shook his head. “Val’s in now. She quit the Pussycats.”
Alex scoffed. Then shrugged.
A knock interrupted. They both perked up when they was it was their dad.
“Are you guys actually spending time together?” Fred asked, not believing his eyes.
They both chuckled.
“Uh, so i just wanted to let you guys know, I bought tickets for all the guys at work to come see you in the Variety Show.” He looked at Archie.
Alex rolled her eyes while Archie nodded.
“Of course.” Alex said under her breath.
“Hey, i asked you to perform with me.” Archie reminded her once again.
Alex scoffed. “Geez, are you trying to tell the whole world?”
“Wait, you sing?” Fred asked.
“No!” Alex groaned.
Fred gave Archie a questioning look. Archie just nodded.
“Anyway,” Alex said, changing the subject. “You were saying?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, me and Hermoine. We’re gonna go together.” Fred mentioned. “With each other, I…” He trailed off.
Alex scoffed. “What?”
“I don’t really know how to say this, and I don’t want to make a too big a deal of it, but, uh…” He trailed off once again.
Alex was feeling her anger rise while Archie seemed to be cool with it.
“Dad, it’s okay.” Archie nodded. “You’re good.”
Alex got up infuriated.
“uh, no, he’s not.” She crossed her arms.
“What the hell are you thinking going out with Hermione Lodge? She’s MARRIED. So are you, if i recall.” Alex raised her voice.
“It’s complicated, Alex.” Fred stammered.
She scoffed. “It’s really not. And why her? She could be using you for your company, dad! Don’t be stupid!”
Archie interrupted her.
“Alex, if she makes dad happy then just let them be.” Archie reasoned.
She let out a frustrated groan and stormed off into her room.
She slammed the door and buried herself in her bed.
She heard her dad knock on the door and groaned.
He walked in at her response.
“I am not sitting next to you or that crone.” Alex muffled.
Fred sighed. “She’s not a bad person, Alex.”
“If she’s anything like Veronica, she’s unbearable.” Alex lifted her head to make herself sound more clear.
“Stop acting like a child. Just come meet her. I’m sure you’ll like her.” Fred tried to reason.
Alex turned to him and glared.
“I’m sitting front row, away from you two, by myself.” Alex said slowly and surely.
Fred sighed once again.
Alex buried her face into her pillows again.
“Alright, if that’s how you want to play it, fine.” Fred walked out as Alex waved him off.
She felt partially bad for not approving of his date but they were both married. Her husband was a bad person that could come back around and make sure Fred was gone forever.
If anything, she was only protecting him.
It was the next day.
Archie and Val were singing together.
Alex was there to “observe,” but she wasn’t paying all that much attention.
“So, what’d you think?” Archie asked, snapping Alex out of her thoughts.
She slightly shook her head and went back to reality.
“Uh, i thought it was good. I don’t think Veronica will agree though.” Alex said as she saw her walk into the Student’s Lounge.
Veronica looked upset.
“Not to be that girl, Archie, but i didn’t get the memo we were adding another voice to the mix.” Veronica hinted her slight anger as she approached them.
They all perked up.
“Ronnie, hey. Great news! Valerie quit the Pussycats!” Archie delightedly said.
Valerie smiled but it was gone as soon as she saw Veronica’s reaction.
“Oh, no.” Alex said under her breath, sensing the vibes she was getting from Veronica.
“So,” Veronica began. “That makes me what, then? Backup?”
Alex shook her head. “No, it just means he’s singing with Val instead of you.”
Archie glared at her. She shrugged.
Veronica scoffed.
“No, i mean, you were just doing it as a favor to me, right?” Archie tried to get the situation straight.
Alex cringed. He kept fucking up.
“You are unbelievable, Archie.” Veronica chuckled humorlessly. “You literally have zero loyalty, you ginger Judas!”
“It’s not that serious, V.” Alex rolled her eyes as she laid back on the couch. “Now say something that we don’t already know.”
Archie looked at her in disbelief. She smirked.
“Oh, just like that one time when he didn’t tell you about—” She paused when she realized Val was there.
Even though she stopped herself, Alex knew what she was going to say.
“That is completely different, you narcissistic bimbo.” Alex stood and got in her face.
“Whoa, hey!” Archie got in between them. “What is wrong with you, Veronica?”
“What’s wrong, Archie, besides the fact that you have no integrity whatsoever, is that your father kissed my mother.” Veronica finally blurted out what was really bothering her.
Alex’s brows furrowed.
“Um..” Val finally said. “Maybe i should leave.”
She got up.
“No, hold on. Hold on.” Archie stopped her.
“When my dad told me how he felt, it seemed like they were both really into each other.” Archie tried to reason with her.
Alex scoffed. “Oh, bullshit. Veronica’s mom is just using dad. We all know it.”
Veronica scoffed. “She would never do that. It’s an issue because they’re both married to other people!”
“Oh, please. You don’t really think your dad is getting some action in jail right now?” Alex said without thinking.
Veronica swung at her but Archie stopped her.
Alex laughed.
“What the hell, Veronica?” Archie held her back.
“Take it back, right now!” Veronica shouted.
Alex flipped her off and walked away.
She overheard them still arguing but ignored it.
She didn’t mean what she said but she figured she’d apologize later.
She had to meet Jughead and Betty at the Blue and Gold office to go talk to Polly.
They decided to take the bus there.
It was like a creepy asylum.
“Hey,” Jughead broke the silence. “Don’t judge a home for troubled youths by its facade, right?”
Alex glanced at both of them. Betty’s eyes were glossy.
“I’m sure she’s okay, Betty.” Alex assured her.
Betty sniffled and nodded.
She tightened her pony tail and led them inside.
They got to the front desk.
“Hi. My name is Elizabeth Cooper.” Betty introduced herself. “I’m here to see my sister, Polly.”
The old lady on the other side of the desk looked mean and was setting off an eerie vibe.
“May I see some identification?” She asked.
Betty pulled out her ID and gave it to the lady.
The lady passed Betty a clipboard.
“Sign in here please.”
She glanced at Alex and Jughead. “They’ll have to wait.”
They looked at each other and shrugged.
Men in white outfits escorted them to a separate room while the old lady took Betty to Polly.
They sat at a table in an empty room.
Alex felt nervous because she hadn’t been alone with Jughead since their make out session.
She planned on telling him that she didn’t know why she was thinking that day but she was scared that he had already moved on. He had been rather close to Betty.
She missed him. Not just the way his lips felt, but his presence. The way they would joke around. Have sarcastic conversations. She missed her best friend.
Jughead shuffled in his seat, nervously, trying to keep calm while he waited for Betty.
Alex broke the silence.
“Are we cool?” Alex asked, barely above a whisper.
Jughead was taken back. He didn’t expect her to talk to him.
He hesitated. “Yeah,”
She sighed. “I just miss you, Jug.”
He looked at her with soft eyes.
“I’ve missed you too. It’s just hard to be around you right now.” He admitted.
Alex furrowed her brows.
“It doesn’t have to be.” She shrugged.
He sighed. “You said it yourself, you need a break.”
“Yeah, don’t remind me.” Alex shook her head.
They both went silent once again.
“I wonder what information Polly has.” Alex said, trying to change the awkward vibe.
Jughead took a deep breath. “I don’t feel like it’s much, but Betty really wanted to see her, so..”
Alex nodded.
“Wait, won’t they notify her mom?” Alex paused.
Jughead snapped his head towards her, thinking that they might have.
“Shit.” He said under his breath.
“Oh.” Alex said as she realized that she could be right and it could be bad.
They tried calling Betty but they weren’t getting any signal.
“Shit!” Alex exclaimed, reaching her arm out as high as she could to get signal. “What are we gonna do?”
She turned around to look at Jughead and he just shrugged.
He looked like he went on full panic mode.
“Hey, i’m sure it’s gonna be alright.” Alex assured him.
Suddenly, the men were back. They escorted them outside of the room, meeting Betty and her mom.
Alice looked pissed. None of them said anything.
They walked down the hall, to be escorted all the way outside, where they saw Polly going to her room.
“Mom?” She said, her tone was filled with disgust.
“Polly..” Alice whispered.
“Alex?” Polly said with the same tone.
Alex gasped softly when she saw her baby bump. She froze.
Polly walked up to her mom.
“Jason’s dead? And you didn’t tell me? And you kept me in here?” She raised her voice.
The men across the hall noticed Polly getting loud and ran towards them.
“Baby, it’s for your own good.” Alice tried to calm her.
“Ugh! You always say that. And it’s not true!” She shouted as the men pulled her away.
“No! Betty!” Polly sobbed.
Jughead saw the men try to push Betty away from her and tried to go to her rescue.
He got held back by the other men escorting them.
They tried pushing Alex back, but she didn’t let herself.
“Get the fuck off me, i’m not even doing anything!” She said, shoving one of them.
She glanced over to Betty.
She hugged Polly and whispered something in her ear.
They eventually got pulled away and Polly got taken to her room. She threw a fit.
Betty and Alice sobbed.
Alex didn’t know what to feel in the moment. She wasn’t sad. She wasn’t mad.
Alice wiped her tears and turned to Betty.
“Don’t ever visit her again. Do you hear me, Betty?” Alice shouted.
She gripped Betty’s forearm and dragged her outside.
Jughead and Alex were continued to be escorted outside.
Alice shoved Betty in to her car and drove away.
“Are you okay?” Jughead asked Alex.
Alex shook her head.
“I’m just gonna walk it off.” She whimpered and walked away.
She sped walk all the twenty something blocks to her house.
She knew no one would be home since her dad had that dinner planned with Hermione and took Archie with him.
When she got home, that’s when everything hit her.
Polly was pregnant. The only explanation would be with Jason’s baby.
She felt herself having a panic attack and collapsed on the floor.
Jason never loved her. She wanted to believe that he did at some point. But he didn’t. He’s always wanted Polly.
Moments later, a knock at the door made her panic attack more intense.
When she didn’t answer the door, the person that knocked opened it.
It was Jughead.
He saw her on the floor, breathing for air and panicked.
He ran to her and held her.
“Alex, just breathe.” His voice broke.
“I-I’m t-trying.” She said between gasps.
“Everything’s going to be okay. Just breathe. Please.” He held her tighter.
She nodded and tried doing what he said.
It took a while but she finally calmed down. And Jughead held her until she did.
“Is there a reason you came?” She asked, barely above a whisper.
Jughead sighed. “I came to see if you were okay.”
“But why?” Alex asked, finally looking up at him.
His blue eyes were always breathtaking to her. She missed looking into them.
He sighed. “Because I still care about you, Alex.”
She scoffed. “You shouldn’t. I don’t deserve to be cared for.”
Jughead shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong. You deserve more than to be taken care of.”
She chuckled humorlessly.
They finally stood up.
“I’m sorry if i caused you any pain, Jughead.” Alex’s voice broke.
The corner of his mouth twisted.
“It’s okay. You’ll always be my best friend, no matter what.” Jughead assured her.
She let out a small sob. They hugged it out.
Jughead left, leaving Alex alone to take a nap. She needed a break from the real world, even if it meant for at least an hour.
The talking in Archie’s room woke her up
She got up to see what they were talking about.
“Hey.” She croaked.
“Hey!” They both greeted her cheerfully.
She groaned at how loud they thought they needed to be.
“What are you guys talking about?” She rubbed her eyes was she walked over to sit on the arm rest of the chair Fred was sitting in.
“Not much. Just checking in with dad to see if he’d still support me if i tanked at the Variety Show.” Archie filled her in.
She scoffed. “Geez, Arch. You’ll be fine. Especially if you have Val with you. I don’t like her or the Pussycats very much but i won’t lie. They do have talent.”
Fred nodded. “My kids sure do have strong morals.”
Archie and Alex chuckled.
“Why are you awake? Go back to bed, sleepy head.” Fred patted Alex on her back.
She smiled. “Don’t have to tell me twice. Hey, how did that thing with the Mayor go?”
Fred sighed as he shared a look with Archie.
“The anonymous buyers have to approve. Which i doubt they will, but it’s all right. Uh, we’ll figure it out.”
They all nodded.
They talked a little bit more amongst each other, then went to bed.
It was the night of the Variety Show.
Archie had gone to practice with Valerie while Alex and Fred stayed behind.
They both got ready.
Alex wore a short, dark green velvet dress. It was a spaghetti strapped dress, so she knew she had to pair it with her coat.
She decided to actually wear heels with it as well.
She wore more makeup than usual but went natural with it.
She curled her hair in a way that didn’t look like her natural curls.
She was ready.
She walked downstairs.
She saw Fred at the dinner table, sipping on a beer and approached him. He seemed like he had zoned out.
“Ready?” She asked, trying to snap him back into reality.
He shook his head slightly and his attention went to her.
He smiled at her.
He got up and got his coat.
Alex slipped on her pea coat, as did Fred.
He got his keys and they walked out to the car to drive to the school.
They arrived.
They entered the school. They went their separate ways. Alex was trying to avoid Hermione at all costs.
She went to the music room to check on Archie.
He was practicing alone.
She knocked on the door frame.
“Ready for showtime?” She asked as she leaned her head against the frame.
He smiled. “Yeah.”
She walked in, looking around the room.
“Where’s Val?” Her face twisted in confusion.
“Uh, i convinced her to join the Pussycats.” Archie responded.
She nodded.
“They need her more than i do.” He elaborated.
She smiled. “If you need someone to sing with you… I can do it.”
He brightened. “Really? A-are you serious?”
She laughed. “Yeah, i guess. I cant let you fail.”
He smiled at her.
“You know the song, right?” He asked, handing her the notes.
“I know 'I’ll Try,’ but not the one you wrote with Val.” She made it clear.
He chuckled. “That’s perfect.”
They got to practicing.
In the middle of practice, she kept getting messages from Betty and Jughead.
She ignored them.
It didn’t matter how important they were, she had to be there for Archie.
She figured they would meet up some other time.
Kevin interrupted moments later.
“It’s showtime, guys.”
They smiled at each other.
Alex was nervous but not as nervous as Archie.
They watched the Pussycats perform from the side of the stage. The side no one could see.
Alex thought they were good, they were just cocky.
Val occasionally glanced at Archie and smiled at him.
Eventually they finished, making the audience cheer.
They walked by Archie and Alex to go back stage.
“You guys killed it.” Archie complimented.
Val jumped and hugged Archie.
“Thanks! So will you guys.” She smiled. “I know you will, Archie.”
Alex didn’t say anything. She kept her attention on Kevin.
Archie nodded.
Veronica almost went back stage when she saw how nervous they both were.
The most noticeable of the two was Archie.
She approached them.
“Okay, so this is my mea culpa moment.” Veronica began. “I was angry at my mom and i took it out on both of you.”
Alex rolled her eyes.
“And i shouldn’t have tried to bench you when Valerie came back.” Archie admitted.
“Truer words could not have been spoken.” Veronica said.
They both chuckled.
Archie nudged Alex, as if he was telling her to apologize.
She sighed. “I guess i was a little harsh too. I didn’t mean what i said. I’m sorry.”
Veronica nodded. They hugged it out.
“Also…” Archie looked at Alex.
She tilted her head to the side in curiosity.
“Thank you, Alex. For everything. I just feel like i need to do this in my own.” Archie confessed.
Alex laughed and sighed in relief.
“Finally! And thank god. I was so not ready for this.” She chuckled.
“You’re gonna kill it, Archie. I know it. We all know it. I’ll be in the front row, cheering the loudest for you. You have all of our support whether you fail or not. Which you won’t.” She smiled.
Archie smiled back.
Kevin introduced him to the audience.
As soon as his name was called, Alex knew he was terrified. But she believed in him.
She walked with Veronica to their seats.
They saw him walk out.
There was long pause before he started.
He was beyond terrified. He looked at her for comfort, support, anything.
She smiled at him and he took that as all of the above.
He began playing.
Alex has never felt prouder of him.
She glanced over to their dad. Despite him being exceptionally close to Hermione, he looked proud too.
Alex was singing along to the lyrics, smiling as hard as she ever had. She swore she almost shed a tear.
He finished, making everyone stand and cheer for him. Alex cheering the loudest, as promised.
The 75th Annual Variety Show ended. Everyone congratulated their performers outside the auditorium.
Alex spotted Archie and gave him a big huge.
“I’m so proud of you!” She squealed as she threw herself at him.
He accepted her hug. He lifted her and spun her around, leaving both of them laughing.
“Thank you, Alex. You have no idea how much this means to me.” He smiled.
She smiled back.
Valerie approached them.
Archie looked at Alex, taking that as her cue to give them a moment.
She looked for her dad but was in no hurry, seeing as he was with Hermione.
She found them. Veronica was with them. She walked away, looking very upset.
“Hey, dad.” She awkwardly said.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He smiled. “Guess what?”
She looked at Hermione.
“We got approved! The SoDale contract was awarded to Andrews construction.” Fred said, his tone filled with joy.
Alex threw her hands over her mouth as she gasped.
“Are you serious?! That’s amazing, dad!” She threw her arms around him.
He hugged her back, as tight as he could.
He pulled back.
“It’s all thanks to my lucky charm here.” Fred threw an arm around Hermione’s shoulder.
Alex smiled the best she could. Hermione did the same.
“I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced.” Hermione finally said. “I’m Hermione Lodge.”
She put her hand out to shake Alex’s.
Alex was hesitant to shake it. She looked at her dad, who gave her a look. She shook it.
“Alex.” She blandly said.
“Oh, is that short for Alexandra?” Hermione asked.
Alex sighed.
“Alexandria.” She corrected.
“Oh, that’s such a pretty name.” Hermione complimented.
“Thanks.” Alex shrugged.
Fred started getting frustrated with Alex’s once word responds.
Although, at the same time, he couldn’t complain. It could’ve been a lot worse.
Once they all said goodbye to everyone, they all went home.
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