#claudius blossom
wolfofansbach · 2 years
Even after five more seasons of cults, time travel, magic comets, etc. I still think one of the absolute funniest things riverdale has done was way back in S2 with the character of Claudius Blossom, Cliff Blossom’s identical twin brother who showed up for the sake of a commercial break cliffhanger, did nothing of note, and then died unmourned like three episodes later
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ladyluscinia · 10 months
Uncle Claudius's second appearance and he's talking about his time visiting "Lesbos"
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eliaswoodt · 7 months
The Name List
Organized from A-Z (yes I will add more names whenever I find more I like, probably in reblogs)
I currently have 1035 names (and that’s only including the first names. I have a list of last names, too.)
Angel, Atticus, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Achilles, Artemis, Adonis, Avery, Aubrey, Aubry, Aceline, Ashlynn, Aislinn, Anjanette, Arthur, Archer, Addison, Arrietty, Amity, Autumn, Alastor, Alastair, Alasdair, Alistair, Alison, Arren, Arin, Astra, Aoife, Adalyn, Adeleine, Astoria, Agnes, Angus, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Ambrose, Adeline, Avarsel, Agatha, Ari, Azariah, Aniyah, Armani, Anastasia, Annabelle, Adah, Adelaide, Avis, Amelia, August, Axel, Adelina, Amir, Amin, Ayala, Arne, Averett, Adil, Astro, Ava, Anti, Ailun, Akemi, Asahi, Akari, Asako, Atsuko, Azumi, Aka, Aren, Akko
Blossom, Bambi, Babs, Bo, Bella, Blair, Bea, Bonnabel, Badeea, Betty, Bailey, Boris, Bee, Bugs, Blaise, Benjamin, Bog, Buford, Beatrice, Bryce, Bryan, Bazil, Brutus, Bellamy, Brigitte, Bailee, Bailey, Bao, Belladona, Belladonna, Bell, Bill, Bishop, Bones, Boneothy, Benno, Behemoth, Barry, Bellynn, Bowie, Bunki
Clover, Canyon, Cleo, Cameron, Celestial, Celestino, Ciro, Camilo, Cain, Charlotte, Clara, Corey, Cin, Charlie, Cassidy, Chiara, Callista, Cisco, Cynthia, Casper Clinton, Celestina, Clement, Christopher, Cornelius, Clifford, Claudius, Carey, Carrie, Coatl, Cyrus, Cyril, Cecil, Caisus, Castiel, Calla, Cosmos, Cherry, Cheryl, Crowley, Crow, Cassius, Cliodna, Clíodhna, Cliona, Conan, Cordelia, Calypso, Cas, Cillian, Chiyo, Chiaki, Chihiro, Calcifer
Danny, Darlene, Dex, Dot, Diana, Daphne, Demeter, Daedalus, Daeddel, Darphel, Dawn, Derrick, Derek, Dravan, Dravid, Drae, Dallas, Dimas, Dominic, Damien, Drew, Delilah, Dakota, Darian, Darius, Darwin, Devan, Darla, Dagmar, Daelyn, Dale, Dae, Dacey, Desmond, Dabria, Daniel, Daniela, Danialla, David, Davis, Donnel, Dennis, Demitrius, Delaney, Daiki, Daiyu
Everest, Emery, Ember, Elliott, Elliot, Earlana, Eliseo, Ezequiel, Emie, Evan, Eloise, Eric, Emmet, Elizabeth, Eugene, Ethan, Eret, Ester, Elias, Eos, Ellis, Edwin, Ebony, Elijah, Eliza, Enzo, Elissa, Edward, Eddalyn, Esther, Eda, Edalyn, Edalynn, Edison, Eddison, Estervan, Emma, Eden, Erfan, Eun-hae, Erytheia, Egan, Errol, Eiichi, Eiji, Eriko, Etsu, Etsuko, Eiichiro, Ezume
Flint, Finn, Fae, Fred, Fritz, Fang, Frankie, Frank, Fermin, Freddie, Freddy, Finley, Freya, Fai, Felix, Freda, Faolan, Frey, Feylynn, Faelynn, Failynn, Felipa, Febby, Febbie, Febie, Feby, Flynn, Fuji, Feiyu, Fukiko, Fumitaka, Fumito, Fuyuko
Griffin, Garnet, Gothi, Gertrude, Gabe, Grant, Giovanni, George, Gage, Gregory, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Guy, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Gerry, Grey, Gray, Gia, Grace, Gracian, Gracis, Gracie, Gretel, Gideon, Griffilow, Ghost, Ghazaleh, Gavin, Gryphon, Griffith, Goliath, Grayson, Greyson
Harmony, Hannah, Harlei, Harlie, Haritha, Haris, Harry, Harlan, Harvey, Hadrian, Harley, Hari, Harlow, Howl, Hank, Harper, Herbert, Humphrey, Hestia, Helios, Hephaestus, Hollis, Hunter, Hero, Henry, Helda, Hajar, Hasta, Hadis, Howard, Howie, Hannan, Haoyu, Hisako, Hachi, Hiroto, Hoshiko, Honoka, Hiroshi, Hiro, Haitao, Hamako, Haruhi, Harue, Hayate, Hide, Hideyo, Hidetaka, Hisaye, Hisayo, Heiji, Higari
Ivy, Ivey, Ivo, Ida, Iris, Ilyssa, Illy, Irene, Iren, Isaiah, Ira, Idelle, Ivan, Illaoi, Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle, Isobell, Isabella, Ismelda, Io, Ismael, Isolt, Icarus, izuru, Isamu, Itona, Ichiro, Ichiko, Ichigo, Isoko, Ishiko, Isaye, Inari, Ikuko, Itsuki, Itsuko, Inosuke
Juniper, Jupiter, Jinx, Jamie, Javier, Josiah, Joan, Jake, Julia, Jamil, Jamila, Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jasper, Janus, Jordan, Joshua, Julian, Juilliard, Julius, Juliana, Jeremiah, Jace, June, Junebug, Jazzy, Jackson, Jackie, Jackalynn, Jodie, Johnnie, Jan, Jaime, Jason, Jorge, Justin, Justice, John, Jay, Janelle, James, Jennifer, Jillion, Jill, Jana, Jonah, Jaycee, Jaxen, Junpei, Jona, Jun, Jin
Kenneth, Kat, Kas, Kris, Keith, Kingston, Kaeton, Kingsley, Kent, Katherine, Kyle, Knox, Kristen, Kristin, Kristeen, Kylie, Kaylee, Kamila, Kehlani, Kendall, Kerry, Kry, Kenny, Kath, Kathleen, Krow, Kix, Kedrick, Kennon, Klaus, Killian, Korallia, Krank, Kaz, Kaede, Kirara, Katsuhiko, Keisuke, Kanako, Kenji, Kaemon, Kamin, Katsu, Kaki, Kazane, Kazuyuki, Kazushige, Kenta, Kei, Kimi, Kin, Kohako, Koichi, Kota, Koji, Koharu, Kosuke, Kuma, Kumi, Kuniko, Kuniyuki, Kideko, Kazuko
Lullaby, Lotte, Lapin, Lorelei, Loralai, Lorelai, Luna, Lily, Lucy, Lee, Liana, Lola, Lethe, Lance, Laurence, Luther, Luca, Lennon, Logan, Lennox, Ilias, Liu, Lui, Luis, Lefu, Liam, Lyall, Lowell, Luella, Leona, Leonie, Leon, Lev, Lincoln, Lin, Link, Laverna, Lazarus, Lewis, Louis, Louise, Levi, Leslie, Lesley, Leilana
Marley, Marlai, Mei, May, Mae, Marceline, Marshall, Marshalee, Millie, Mallorie, Marcela, Melanie, Maddison, Mary, Mirabel, Marsh, Murphy, Montgomery, Mildred, Memphis, Molly, Maverick, Maurice, Muiris, Morgen, Max, Moses, Marion, Merrill, Monroe, Melanthios, Maxwell, Matias, Melissa, Maëlle, Marlene, Meredith, Maybelle, Margaret, Maeve, Moss, Mara, Maria, Myrtle, Mona, Mark, Markus, Michael, Micheal, Michelle, Mahsa, Minoo, Mehdi, Mohammad, Matin, Morpheus, Marlowe, Monica, Marilia, Magnus, Malachi, Malachy, Maggie, Makoto, Megumi, Mio, Maemo, Maemi, Masa, Masaaki, Masashi, Michi, Midori, Michinori, Momo, Motoko
Natasha, Noelle, Noni, Neville, Nixon, Neda, Natalio, Ned, Nausicaä, Noxis, Nova, Nathen, Newt, Noah, Nash, Nox, Nathara, Nathaira, Nathair, Nyoka, Nagisa, Nathan, Nate, Nik, Nick, Naohiro, Naoko, Nara, Natsu, Naoya, Nishi, Nobuko, Nori
Olindo, Ollie, Oliver, Ophelia, Odysseus, Orion, Osono, Oxen, Onyx, Otto, Ottoline, Otitile, Ottavia, Octavio, Olivia-Marie, Oakley, Omar, Olivia, Oscar, Octavian, Octavia, Oz, Octavius, Otta, Oisin, Orson, Orlos, Osiris, Owen, Odalis, Odell, Ozuru
Penelope, Patton, Paddy, Percy, Paulie, Page, Pazu, Phoebe, Phebe, Prairie, Porter, Parlay, Pally, Piper, Parker, Payton, Phil, Paul, Philip, Pyre, Piers, Phylis, Patricia, Payne, Payneton, Pip
Quinn, Quincy, Quil, Quinley, Quinstin, Quinlan, Quillen, Quavon, Quaylon, Quensley, Qing, Qrow, Quilla, Quianna, Quita, Qiao, Quinella, Queenie, Qaylah, Qailah, Qitarah, Quenby, Qadira, Qudsiyah, Quan, Qian, Quinby, Quella
Roseline, Raul, Rahul, Rafael, Roque, Rogelio, Remmy, Rei, Rey, Ray, Robin, Ro, Reika, Rowen, Rowan, Rose, Rosie, Ralsei, Riley, Remus, Rosalyn, Rosalin, Rosaline, Renata, Ron, Rat, Ratt, Reef, Roxy, River, Reed, Rufus, Robbie, Renee, Rivia, Ross, Rex, Ruth, Rosemary, Rosabe, Rosabee, Rosabell, Rosabelle, Rosabel, Rai, Rain, Rosella, Rosalie, Rhody, Robert, Raelinn, Rebane, Ren, Rollin, Ralph, Roxanne, Rox, Roderick, Reginald, Reggie, Rio, Ryu, Ryo, Ryoji, Rinmaru
Sage, Sam, Syd, Selkie, Storig, Sal, Sirius, Summer, Susie, Scott, Sunni, Sosuke, Sophie, Satsuki, Sheeta, San, Sulley, Sully, Savannah, Sappho, Selene, Shaw, Sean, Seán, Shaun, Sawyer, Sabrina, Sebastian, Shane, Stan, Socks, Snom, Stolas, Spencer, Sammie, Stevie, Samus, Sarff, Sullivan, Seth, Susiebell, Susiebelle, Sadreddin, Shellaine, Sverre, Saoirse, Sylvania, Sanae, Silas, Sumi, Shiori, Shinzu, Sile
Toby, Tobias, Teddy, Ted, Tomas, Thomas, Tomothy, Tyche, Taiga, Tundra, Tracy, Timothy, Troy, Tatum, Tommie, Tommy, Theia, Tae, Trix, Trixy, Thanathos, Tod, Todd, Toddy, Tora, Torie, Theodore, Theo, Theophania, Talos, Thanatos, Teddy, Tomohito, Tazu, Tanjirou, Touya
Ulysses, Urijah, Uriyah, Urina, Ukiah, Ulnar, Ursula, Ulric
Virgil, Vanessa, Vito, Venacio, Vylad, Veronica, Valentina, Violet, Velma, Venus, Verna, Veld, Victoria, Victorie, Vinyl, Vincent, Vasuki, Vex, Valor, Valentine, Valerie, Valeria, Valerius, Vitoria, Vic, Victor, Vik, Vikktor, Viktor, Vick, Vicky, Vicke, Vickie, Vidya
Wynn, Willow, Warren, Wilbur, Wylie, Will, Walle, Whisp, Wade, Wendell, Wendy, Willard, Wes, Wallace, Wilber, Wyatt, Wybie, Wynnie, Wennie, Winnie, Wynnston, Wynston, Wynsten, Wiles
Xenophon, Xuan, Xio, Xori, Xanthos, Xander, Xavier
Yen, Yukio, Yae, Yoko, Yume, Yaeko, Yui, Yuzuki
Zane, Zana, Zion, Zachary, Zach, Zachariah, Zander, Ziana, Zoe, Zula, Zenix, Zenith, Zaharia, Zaria, Zack, Zakaeia, Zara, Zakaria, Zev, Zaira, Zanata
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I know we can't diagnose historical figures, but Claudius reads to me as some kind of neurodivergent, perhaps with a developmental disability. The speech difficulties, the movement differences, the bullying he received (including disparagement from his own family), possible sensory or attention differences?...But also his knack for scholarly pursuits, for speaking very well in specific contexts, and when away from his family, a lot of people actually seemed to like him. Reminds me of the neurodivergent adults I've known who blossomed once they found the right environment and had supportive people around them.
I feel for Claudius, and I may be projecting, because I was also a weird little bookworm with a speech disorder, neurodivergent, clumsy, and got bullied. I was lucky: my parents were also weird bookworms who got me speech therapy and otherwise let me be myself. And our family didn't live in Augustus' self-inflicted fishbowl, constantly scrutinized by the public and forced to act "normal"...
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Augustus actually looks like the nicest of Claudius' relatives, based on the letter excerpts Suetonius provides. Surprising, since he was so obsessed with his and his family's image, and came down hard on Julia the Elder, Julia the Younger, and Agrippa Postumus. He still shows ableist sentiments, but has more positive things to say and hope for Claudius' potential than the rest of the family does. I can't help but wonder if Augustus' own chronic illness as a youth made him more sympathetic here...
(Suetonius, Claudius, 3)
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blinkbones · 7 months
desperately wishing i had the skill to draw & write a version of hamlet in which they're all plant people and i could push the corrupted garden metaphor to be visual and fictionally tangible but also make it a story of rebirth with a 6th act in which the rot has fed a new, uncorrupted court (compost is cool, u guys)
ophelia as a conventionally beautiful & pretty flower (poppies? fragile, love-red, but also linked with poison) in the beginning, slowly rotting and being overgrown until blossoms sprout out of her eyes and mouth to show her being smothered by the patriarchal court. after her suicide she's reborn as pond vegetation. a lotus. lilypads. for the rebirth theme and as reclaiming of the danger represented by water throughout the play (framing her as a character capable of escaping the rot of the court, like she does in the original through death outside of the castle)
guildenstern and rosencrantz as parasitic vines twisting and twining together until they meld into a two-faced janus after their death. only then can they begin a reflection on the past and the future, and play the role of commentator of the evolution of the court
laertes as a weeping willow, a tree to symbolize his toughness and successful masculinity, but a riverside, droopy one, to foreshadow his death (he is felled in the end and does not re-ermerge from the water as he sister does)
claudius as an unleafed winter apple tree, already fully corrupted, hiding masses of insects and putrefied plant matter inside his hollowed bark. also because dead trees foster new life (favored by birds to build their nests in)
king hamlet as a thunderstruck tree, echoing his brother in being already symbolically corrupted (bloodthirsty conqueror) but felled prematurely via extreme violence
polonius as mistletoe. for the association with trickery (emblematic of the loki & baldr story) and the completely toxic parasitism (unedible fruits, ungraceful, sucks the sap of stronger trees--claudius) and also because i think it's kind of a goofy plant
all guards and gentlemen as common trees -- birches, maybe, because they're less imposing than oaks. (and of course, they're all rotting a little bit, like the rest of the cast)
horatio as an olive tree, because it's associated with athena (thus knowledge, which evokes his erudition) and it's a southern tree, showing his foreign status (also because i like olive trees, and i like horatio. i think he needs a nice tree)
gertrude as lily of the valley, because it's pretty and a beautiful pure white, but kind of droopy and absolutely poisonous. Also associated with Eve's tears after her banishment from the garden. She eats one of Claudius's apples (but unlike the Eden apples, those are rotten... well... he's a bad apple lol) However it also re-appears every spring (and symbolizes it), which both shows her ability for resilience (surviving her husband's death, which is difficult in this ancient patriarchal society) and foreshadows her rebirth after act 5 (when hamlet will get his shit together and forgive her) However she is reborn as the same flower--unlike ophelia, she isn't able to transform.
and finally hamlet as a black rosebush, because roses are kind of the protagonists of flowers and clearly identify hamlet as the main character, because it's such a classic edgy/goth choice, but also because, while hardy plants, rosebushes are by no means a tree, and we need to show hamlet's inability to fit masculine expectation by making him a feminine/androgynous plant (not a tree--also it shows his ousting from the order of succession, which is represented by a genealogical tree. being a flower, it's clear he's lost the land & throne). also roses are full of thorns, hurting those who touch them, and hamlet definitely fucks up his entire entourage. (i love him). and, finally, the black rose is a botanical anomaly, and echoes hamlet's genre-bending characteristics (as a character and as a play) ; and it's associated with darkness and co.
addendum: the yorick skull alongside a pomegranate as the fruit of the dead (greece); the fruit remains while the plant is long dead. to also evoke the myth of hades and persephone and a link with seasonal rebirth following corrupting actions. also because it has such rich symbolism across the world; so it foreshadows rebirth of the purified court in act 6. also because the little spiky bits of the pomegranate are reminiscent of both a jester's hat (yorick being a jester) and a crown (you can go wild with this one: because hamlet future king, because yorick presented as a paternal figure moreso than actual king hamlet, etc)
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ourladyofmaplemurder · 10 months
So I watched The Beguiled...
As a professional Blossom Scholar, I took it upon myself to view The Beguiled. Cheryl references it in Season 2 prior to her sleepover with the inner circle Vixens and cousin Betty. (Season 2. Episode 16 - Chapter Twenty-Nine: Primary Colors)
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Mad ramblings under the cut. <3
Judging by their faces, I'm going to say that they probably have NOT seen this film. Or, if they have, they do not have the appropriate dressing gowns to evoke its image.
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Now, I debated whether or not to watch the original 1971 version starring Clint Eastwood or the 2017 version starring Nicole Kidman and directed by Sofia Coppola.
Which version, I wondered, would Cheryl be referring to? Likely the latter, I concluded. After all, I can totally see Cheryl being into Marie Antionette and probably the Virgin Suicides. (I could write a whole post on Cheryl and her possible feelings about the Virgin Suicides, but let's move on.) Not to mention there's something just a little pretentious about being into Sofia Coppola, but I digress.
The point is that Cheryl being Sofia Coppola fan seems likely.
Thus, I watched the 2017 version first.
Now, let's break down the plot of The Beguiled as quickly as possible.
Basically, it's the Civil War and Martha Farnsworth has a small school for girls in the South amidst the fighting. Amy, one of the girls, finds a union solider while hunting for mushrooms. She brings him back to the house and they decide to nurse him back to health. (Oh boy.)
And thus begins a slow and torturous unraveling of the relative peace these women have enjoyed. Each of them vie for the soldier's affections until he tries to make a pass at Alicia, one of the students at the school. Distraught because the soldier had previously declared his love for her (and also Alicia is 17), Edwina fights him off. He falls down the stairs and worsens his leg. (Oh dear.)
Martha decides to amputate because the wound is too severe for her to fix. However, when the soldier wakes up, he is convinced they took his leg in revenge and he becomes violent. Thus, the women of the house (minus Edwina who was too busy courting the soldier despite everything) decide to poison him with mushrooms. They do. He dies. (Oh boy!)
I'm not gonna pick apart this movie, but I will say that that the inconsistency in their dialect work was genuinely distracting. Anyway.
So, why are we talking about this?
Well, there are a couple of interesting details about this movie that do, indeed, apply to Cheryl's sleepover. Namely a poisoning and someone falling down the stairs. Obviously Nana Rose is not a wounded soldier making a pass at one of the girls, but one of the topics that Cheryl & Co. discuss is the matter of Uncle Claudius. Now, Cheryl is convinced that he is out to kill her, and he probably is, but he does try to break into her room a few nights prior, so, there's a creepy parallel for you. Not only that, but he is a solider who mysteriously arrives to the estate and thus, causes problems.
Additionally, when reviewing the 1971 version of the film, we get the additional detail of Martha Farnsworth having an incestuous relationship with her brother so. There's also that. (This show cannot go too long without a nod to the Blossoms and incest. It's like they have a quota.)
I find it fascinating that Cheryl references this film and then her sleepover has echoes of it within. There really is something to be said about how fiction and reference bleed into reality with Riverdale all the time. Even in the smallest throwaway lines.
Additionally, I think this may have been Cheryl attempting to relate to her peers. Per the screenshot above, she failed.
My poor gothic heroine.
Also, shout-out to Cheryl dissociating in the midst of the hair brushing train. (Is this one of the parlor games she mentioned?)
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ALSO. This scene features one of my all time favorite Cheryl lines:
"There's a stranger in this house. My Uncle Claudius. He's as mad as the sea and ever since he blew in, I feel like I'm in mortal peril."
And finally, we all know Tannis Root is not a real herb, but a reference Rosemary's baby. I will speak on that another day, but APPARENTLY Penelope is cultivating Datura in the greenhouse? Hello????
That needs its own post.
Anyway. These were my findings. Happy trails. <3
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lizardrosen · 10 months
On the timeline of Not More Native to the Heart:
I'm basing this fic series on the Andrew Scott production from 2017, so Hamlet and Ophelia were born in 1987 and most of the kids' childhood is in the early 90s - which means poor Claudius, who needs Reynaldo to help him connect to a Zoom call, has to suffer through the whole internet and tech boom, which will be fun to write.
This does make Laertes 34 in canon era, which is older than I usually like him, especially since Andrew Scott is one of the few Hamlets who I can see being older than Laertes. But the childhood dynamic I've thought about most often with these characters in general is that Laertes is older than Hamlet and Ophelia, who are about the same age, so that's what I'm going with for this version of events.
Also, since Ophelia was born in May and Hamlet is born in November that same year, that would put her a year ahead of him in school, but I really wanted them to be classmates. I refuse to change their birth months because Laertes literally calls Ophelia "O Rose of May" and Hamlet cannot be anything but a Scorpio. I could have changed it so he was born six months ahead of her and just adjusted the dialogue between Claudius and Polonius, but it's more fitting to Hamlet's whole character that he went into kindergarten a year early because he was so precocious as a child.
Caroline gets sick in March of 1992, when Laertes is nine and Ophelia is almost five, and (spoiler) dies later that year. How much later, you'll have to stick around and keep reading my installments to find out.
Laertes and Hamlet dated for a few years and broke up because they each thought the other one was unhappy and tried to "free" each other even though it was 100% unnecessary. Laertes was so miserable afterwards that he ran away to France, where he started sleeping with Rey but they don't call it dating, they're just good friends who happen to fuck and are also madly in love with each other. And not long after that, Hamlet and Ophelia started dancing around each other and eventually started dating in secret.
At the time canon takes place, Reynaldo has been working for Polonius for about ten years, which means he missed Laertes's awkward teenage years when he wore braces and didn't quite fit into himself yet, but Laertes enjoys telling him about those times, and Rey likes telling him about the strange and dangerous jobs he's had over the years before he found an employer who provided him with a life that allowed him to respect himself a little more. He truly cares for and respects Polonius, and is almost as broken up about his death as Laertes and Ophelia are, but he keeps doing his job to stay standing.
Claudius and Gertrude don't get together until after King Hamlet is killed, but there's mutual interest for about a year or two before Claudius finally commits the eldest primal curse, and it's basically an emotional affair that neither of them admit is happening. They've always had a good friendship, but it was just potential romance until the event that made it blossom into something more. (I'm secretive!)
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ikeromantic · 2 years
For Edgar's Eyes Only
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Written for the lovely @aminiatureworld as part of the Ikemen Revolution Exchange! I loved getting to write this story. Thank you so much to the organizers @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen for setting this up.
Edgar and Alice get up to some spy shenanigans at a fantastic party. Approx. 3500 words!
Alice was glad Edgar had her arm. Otherwise she might have just stopped and stood in the courtyard, staring like some kid from the country on their first visit to London. They stood in the courtyard of a mansion that looked as if it was spun from silk and starlight, the towers too tall to stand, the walls turned and leaned in precarious ways. 
Flowering vines crept up the sides, curling around windows and doors. The blossoms were impossible colors, a riot of rainbow hues that faintly glowed in the evening light. Tiny magic crystal sculptures peeked out from between the vines, imitating butterflies and birds. The green tendrils stopped just short of the mirrored roof, which at this time of day burned with the embers of the setting sun.
“This place is amazing,” Alice breathed, smoothing her dress with her free hand.
Edgar nodded. “One of the wealthiest nobles in Cradle. He was a friend of my Uncle Claudius.”
Alice inhaled sharply. “What? But then - wasn’t he involved in . . .” 
“Would I bring you here if there was evidence linking him to my uncle’s crimes?” Edgar smiled mischievously. 
“Maybe?” She looked at him with one raised brow. 
He laughed and patted her arm. Then it was too late to ask anymore questions as they were at the door.
The doorman reviewed their invitations and then let them inside. 
The interior was, if anything, more fantastic than the outside. Rather than a typical entry hall, there was a large, high ceilinged chamber dotted with glimmering arches. The frames were made of some kind of stone, and inside them, obscured by the gauzy film of magic, Alice could just make out the shapes of people. 
She looked to Edgar with awe and more than a little confusion. “Are those magic portals?”
He nodded and favored her with a knowing smile. “They are. It’s one of the many eccentricities of my uncle’s friend.”
“But that’s so much magic! Aren’t the crystals expensive? How do they keep them on all the time like this? And - how do you know whe-”
Edgar laughed. “One question at a time. Yes, it’s expensive but they don’t stay on all the time. Just for parties like these. And only the staff here know where all the portals lead to. For guests, it’s a surprise every time.” He cupped her chin in his large, warm hand. “So which portal do you want to go through first? Don’t think, just pick one.”
Alice nodded and shut their eyes, then raised a hand, finger aimlessly floating until she fixed on a direction. “That one.” She opened their eyes, mouth turning into a small frown. “But, can I even go through one? Won’t I break it?”
He considered for a moment and then shrugged. “I don’t think so. Unless you’re trying to. So if you feel that sensation of shattering the spell, just don’t.” Then he chuckled. “Or do! That could be entertaining too.”
“I’ll just stop if it feels wrong,” Alice replied, still frowning.
“You’re so cute when you’re trying to be good.”
The two of them moved to the portal nearest the direction Alice was pointing. The sensation of moving through the arch was a bit like the feeling of a soap bubble popping against bare skin. A light, cool touch that left nothing behind as they passed through and entered another room. She could feel a hint of the underlying magic in that gentle pressure, but it held. Alice was relieved the spell didn’t break on her. That would have been so embarrassing, no matter what Edgar said.
There were people gathered here, some standing and others sitting on low couches. Music and conversation hummed through the air in a reassuring way. It sounded like any of the parties Blanc threw or the Red Army celebrations they attended, even though it looked different. 
Alice glanced around. “Is Blanc here, do you think?”
“I’m sure he is somewhere. He attends most celebrations for the recording of it, if nothing else.” Edgar took Alice’s hand and led her forward. There were more portals here leading to other rooms. These were set into the walls and framed with pearl and silver. “Let’s see what else there is,” he grinned.
“Alright.” Alice chose another portal at random. “Let’s go left.”
“Hmmm. Alright. Left it is.”
They passed through the room and into the portal, which popped them out in a vast library. Shelves lined the walls and climbed up into high shadowed reaches. There were ladders, but none of them looked tall enough to reach so far. 
“That’s an illusion,” Edgar whispered in their ear. “There are only two floors of books. Everything above it is an image woven from magic. 
Alice pulled their eyes away from the phantasmagoria and back to the space they were in. There were more low couches here and people on them. A few serving staff walked between them, offering food and drinks. It was much quieter here, as many of the guests were reading. “Would it be ok if I looked at some of the books?”
“Of course it would be, my dear.” An older woman’s voice came from behind Alice. 
She turned to find a stately noblewoman studying them. The lady’s clothes were very fine, and dyed a red so dark it almost looked black save for the patterns of light against the grain of the cloth. The woman’s hair was done up in a coiffure that sparkled with red gems, and more red stones dangled from her ears, neck, and wrists. 
“Lady Lucine.” Edgar dipped into a proper bow.
Alice tried a curtsy and was proud of herself for not wobbling, even if it wasn’t a very elegant one. 
The lady smiled. “Edgar. My how you’ve grown. And who is this beauty on your arm? Your fianc-”
“My jellybean,” Edgar’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “My very precious jellybean.”
Alice felt their cheeks flush and a little sting of disappointment in her eyes. But if Edgar didn’t want to say they were dating, then maybe there was a reason. So Alice just nodded along.
Lady Lucine didn’t even raise an eyebrow. “Oh what will you precious young people think of next?” She laughed. “Your jellybean is more than welcome to look at the books here. Everything is open to our guests, except the family quarters.”
“That’s really kind,” Alice replied gratefully.
“It’s no problem at all. I hope you find something you like. If you want, you can even take a book home and send it back when you finish. A lot of people borrow from our little library. We try to keep the collection up to date.” Lucine’s smile was proud.
Edgar chuckled. “Now you’re being almost too nice, my lady. I hope we won’t owe you any favors for such generosity.”
“Of course not.” Lucine blinked. “You sound almost like your uncle.”
“Speaking of, I wanted to say hello to Horace. It’s been awhile.” Edgar’s smile was polite and proper but something in Lucine’s gaze shifted and turned cold.
“Yes. I’m afraid he’s been quite indisposed since poor Claudius’ misfortune. If you do happen across him, please don’t mention it.” 
Edgar nodded. “Of course I won’t. I’ve always been fond of Horace. I wouldn’t want to upset him at his own party.” He turned to Alice, “Why don’t you take a look around at the books. I’ll just be here.” He gestured to an empty couch. 
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it, my sweet little jellybean.” He tapped their nose lightly. 
Lucine smiled at them, some of the warmth coming back into her gaze. “It was lovely to meet you, jellybean, and to see you again. Edgar.” She headed off through another of the portals. There were several of them in the library too, spaced between the seating like standing picture frames.
Alice reluctantly left Edgar’s side to look at the shelves. She wanted to see what interesting things might be here - books in Cradle were much less common than in London, and they had so many interesting stories. Histories, legends, fairytales, and folktales that were stranger and more fantastic than the ones from home. It was hard to pass up such an offer. And Edgar looked comfortable enough where he was resting on the couch, a glass of some bright blue alcohol in hand.
The books were every bit as interesting as Alice suspected they would be, and after a little while, she came away with three slim leather bound volumes. But when she went to show Edgar, he was gone. 
Alice felt a moment of panic but she knew Edgar would never just abandon her somewhere. He must have been called off. Maybe he ran into Horace or someone else he knew. She sat down to wait for him. It was tempting to crack open a book, but Alice felt a little nervous about Edgar being gone so she just kept watch, sipping from a glass of lemonade a server handed to her. 
She waited and waited some more. But after two lemonades and still no Edgar, Alice set the books down and went looking for him. The first portal she chose took her to a garden. People were playing some sort of game, blindfolded and running around a hedge maze. It looked like fun, but no Edgar. 
The second portal Alice picked popped her into a dancehall with loud, fast paced music. Someone grabbed her hand and spun her into the dance and for a moment, all Alice could do was keep up. The person dancing with them let go when Alice tugged her hand back. Careful to avoid any more of the dancers, Alice picked an out of the way portal half-hidden in a corner. This one took her to a nondescript hallway. 
The hallway wasn’t festive at all. It looked business-like and dreary. No music, no decorations, and the only magic was the lamps that burned fitfully along the walls. Alice turned to go back the way she’d come, but the portal was gone. 
“Great. No Edgar and now I’m lost.” She sighed, then headed down the corridor, looking for someone who might help her. Most of the doors she came across were locked, but one opened when Alice turned the handle.
The room beyond was dark, lit only by the glimmer of magic and moonlight that came through the windows. But in the shadows on the far side of the wall, Alice spotted movement. “H-hello? I’m lost. I got lost. And I need to know how to get back to the pa-”
A hand clamped over their mouth. A large, warm, familiar hand. “Shhhh, Alice. Someone will hear you and I promise, you don’t want that. Now if I let go, do you promise to be very quiet?” Edgar’s whisper tickled their ear.
Alice nodded. 
“There’s my sweet jellybean.” He chuckled softly as he let go. “How did you end up here? I thought you were going to read?”
“And I thought you were going to wait for me.” Alice frowned at him. 
Edgar shrugged. “I was, but you see, I needed to get back into the family quarters during the party. It seemed like a good time for it. But now you’re here so I suppose I should take you back and just try again another time.”
Alice thought he looked rather disappointed at that. “You don’t have to. I can help.”
“You don’t even know what I’m up to. What if it’s something bad?” Edgar raised an eyebrow.
“I trust you.” 
His lips trembled for a moment, wavering between a teasing smile and some other more heartfelt expression. Then he hugged Alice close, wrapping his arms around her tightly. “You are too much sometimes, you know?”
“I know. And you’re wrinkling my clothes.” Alice teased, but held just as tight to him.
When he let go, it took Alice a moment to adjust again to being without his warmth and touch. Edgar seemed fine though, his face immediately reverting to its usual playful look. 
“I am trying to find the hidden passage in this wall,” he told her. “I know from the information I have that it’s something to do with this mural. Pressing the leaves in the picture just so . . .” 
Alice looked past him, squinting her eyes to make out the faint grey-on-grey of the painting in this dim light. It was some sort of forest scene, with birds and leaves and flowers. None of it looked like a secret door opening, but that was the point of it being secret, right? She stepped beside him and began feeling along the wall. 
As she quickly, anxiously felt across every bit of the painted plaster, she would pause, breathless, as footsteps passed in the hallway beyond the door. She felt like they would be caught any moment. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, and the whisper of her fingers across the wall seemed too loud. She just knew someone in the hall would hear them. Just after one such close call, Alice felt something click under their fingers. 
“Edgar,” she whispered, “come here. I think I found it.” Alice pressed harder and the wall popped open with a soft whoosh. Behind the mural sat a shadowed staircase.
“Good job.” Edgar reached to pat her head and then thought better of it. Instead, he patted her shoulder, fingers lingering on the bit of bare skin beside her neck. “This is all so exciting, isn’t it? Knowing we might get caught any minute, finding hidden secrets . . .” 
There was a heat in his eyes that made Alice shiver. It was pretty exciting but . . . “What happens if we get caught?”
“We won’t.” He grinned and took her by the hand. Together, they stepped into the wall and the door to the secret passage swung shut behind them. 
The narrow, dark stairway led up and up and up. It felt like a very long way to climb, but eventually they found the top. Edgar and Alice paused, listening for any sound on the other side. The wall was cool against her cheek, though with Edgar so close she still felt flush with heat in her face. At least it was too dark in here for him to see.
After several breaths of nothing but silence, he opened the door and the two of them stepped into a room. It was a well appointed study with a desk and several cabinets. Edgar walked quickly to one and knelt down. He began to fiddle with the lock, and pulled a thin metal pick from his breast pocket. 
Alice watched, curious. She’d never seen Edgar work like this before. It was interesting. He clearly knew what he was doing, his movements careful and precise. Edgar was so talented, always surprising her with some new tidbit of knowledge or skill. One of the many things she loved about him.
The cabinet opened with a click, and Edgar reached in, pulling out a cloth-covered ledger and a small notebook. The smile on his face was triumphant as he stood and shut the cabinet. “These are exactly what I -”
“Can’t believe his lordship wants me to dust the office. Like there’s not enough to do on a gala night.” A muttering voice came from the hidden staircase they’d used to get into the room. 
Edgar and Alice cast about, looking for a good hiding spot. There wasn’t anything though. No big window curtains to hide behind, nothing to get under, and nowhere to go but back down the stairs or out the other door to the office.
Alice moved for the door, with Edgar a step behind. They sped out and quietly closed the door behind them. But they still weren’t safe. They could hear more people moving around up here. By the sound, probably staff. The steady jingle of keys and the sudsy thud of wash buckets and rags accompanied quiet chatter.
“We have to get back to the party,” Edgar whispered. He looked left and right along the hall. It was wide, with several open doors to the left and what looked like a staircase landing. To the right, there was a huge window that opened out onto a balcony. The stairs would probably lead down but they could hear someone coming out of one of the rooms between where they stood and the exit.
They had only seconds to make a decision. Edgar pulled Alice toward the balcony. “We’ll look like we came up for the view,” he told her “Ah, but the ledger . . .” 
Alice snagged the book and notepad from his hands and tucked them into her clothes. That was one advantage to fancy dress. Lots of layers, folds, and gathers. It was super-easy to hide two little books. In fact, Alice was pretty sure she could have a whole platter of snacks slipped into her clothes and no one would be the wiser.
“Good thinking,” Edgar chuckled, and then pulled Alice close. He settled her on the balcony rail and kissed her neck, just beneath the ear, following the line of the jaw until he reached her lips. 
While she knew this was just for show, the intimacy felt very real. Her body felt too warm, her pulse, too fast. She wanted him to stop and she wanted him to keep going. Her fingers twined in the fabric of his coat. 
This was right about the amount of time it took for the staff to notice the two of them.
“Hey! You! This is the family wing! You can’t be here.” A large man carrying a broom hurried toward the balcony. He looked very displeased to see them there.
“So sorry,” Edgar replied, pulling back slightly from the kiss to look at the servant. “We needed a moment to ourselves, and the portals led here so we thought it was ok. To be honest with you though, I’m completely turned around. I wasn’t sure how we were going to make it back.”
“The portals brought you here? That’s not supposed to happen.” The man looked a little mollified. “Well, let me get you back to the party before anyone else catches you.” He shooed them away from the balcony.
Alice noted that despite his words, he looked them over carefully to make sure they had nothing with them. She felt a little anxious as the man examined her, but relaxed as his gaze shifted back to Edgar.
“I don’t suppose you could keep this to yourself? I’d hate to get anyone in trouble and it’s so embarrassing. Getting lost in someone’s house like this.” Edgar put on a wide-eyed look of innocent concern. 
The man nodded. “Sure. I was supposed to keep a look out so it’d be better if neither of us mentions it.”
“Of course.” Edgar’s lips curled up at the edges. “We really appreciate your help.”
“Don’t mention it.” The man grimaced. He didn’t say much else as he led them back through a winding set of hallways, stairs, and finally portals. He left them in the music chamber with a frown and a final warning. “Stick to the party areas.”
Alice nodded, but her attention was already on the new room. Crystal formations grew in odd fluted columns from the floor here. Their surface trembled and shimmered, filling the air with strange disharmonic music. It was bizarre and enchanting. Alice might have liked to explore it more, but the documents in her clothes felt heavy, as if at any moment they might fall free and expose the two of them. 
Edgar could sense her unease. He leaned forward and pressed a light kiss to Alice’s forehead. “We have to stay a little longer to allay suspicion. But don’t worry. By the time anyone realizes what is missing, we’ll be back safe in Red Headquarters. So let’s have a little more fun, alright?”
The words reassured Alice, but more than that, Edgar’s calm, cheerful expression told her there was nothing to worry about. She relaxed. “I hope when we get back, you’ll tell me what this was all about too.”
He ran his thumb across her lips gently, as if pressing a kiss to them. “I will. Because I trust you too.” 
Alice felt her heart thud against her ribs, a tightening in her throat. 
Edgar smiled gently at their expression. “Now now, keep making that face and I’ll have to take you back up to that balcony and have you all to myself. I can’t share that expression with anyone else. It makes me want to gobble you up.” He leaned forward until his cheek nearly touched hers. “Maybe I could have just a little nibble here? I could start with your ear?”
His breath ghosted along the sensitive curve of her earlobe. She almost said yes, but she knew he was just teasing. “You are so devilish sometimes!” Alice laughed. 
“Only because you look so delicious.” Edgar sighed wistfully. “Now come on, let’s go enjoy this party, my tasty jellybean.”
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princesscatalina99 · 1 year
This will be most likely on instagram but I haven’t fully decided yet.
Small Introduction
Hey there. This isn’t my first roleplay, but it’s my first time doing it on this platform. I’m not sure if I’m using twitter or instagram. I’m leaning towards insta but I may get more people on twitter.. I really hope you guys like this group and we can all have some fun!
It’s basically what happens in season 3. I put a small synopsis in case you forgot. I may just watch it on Netflix to try and remember everything.
Season 3 took place primarily during Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead's Junior year of high school. Between gang wars, cult rituals, and musical rehearsals, they actually went to prom and took the SATs.
Here’s my character’s backstory. Catalina Andrews doesn’t remember much from her younger years in Riverdale but she remembers more than her mother claims to have. She was a year younger than her brother and he was her favorite person in the world. She remembers the last Christmas they spent together. The Andrews went to the zoo and she saw a red panda and every time they went to see Santa, she begged him for a red panda. And even though it wasn’t a real one, she got a stuffed one that she named Jasper. She remembered going to Pop’s and she got a chocolate milkshake and tried to steal Archie’s French fries.
Well.. all that changed when her mother Mary, for whatever reason, decided to take her away from Archie when she was only 4 years old. Catalina cried as she was torn away from her favorite person in the world. She and Mary moved to Chicago.
While she lived there, she had quite a gloomy life. She hoped every day that she could escape and run back to Riverdale to find her brother. Her mother told her that he would never remember her anymore and he wouldn’t welcome her back. When she was just about to turn 15, she snuck out and ran out. She took her sketchbook, a few snacks and Jasper in her bag and ran out. She has finally arrived in Riverdale after 11 years and no matter what the differences are, she just wants to be with her favorite big brother in all the world. She just hopes her mother wasn’t right and be rejected from her own brother and father.
1. Please know the show, characters and season before you choose the characters
2. This includes a little bit of sex so please make sure you’re 18+! If you’ve seen riverdale you should probably know that already.
3. I would prefer if my character was the only oc. I don’t want people to take ocs and no canons. So I’d say please choose canons before ocs.
4. Please try to be literate. I would like people to do 3+ lines. Please only speak English and use no *..* when roleplaying and use full sentences.
5. Lgbtqia+ ships are allowed. Please no homophonic slurs or you will be removed.
6. You can play as many characters as you can control.
7. Please try and stay as active as possible.
8. Please stick to the ships I have put down below. You may make new ones if you’d like to.
9. If you would like a course on how to roleplay, just message me and I help.
10. Have fun!
Roles (in alphabetical order)
Alice Smith: Open
Archie Andrews: Open
Betty Cooper: Open
Black Hood: Open
Catalina Andrews: Taken by me
Charles Smith: Open
Cheryl Blossom: Open
Chic “Cooper”: Open
Claudius Blossom: Open
Clifford Blossom: Open
Edgar Evernever: Open
Ethel Muggs: Open
Evelyn Evernever: Open
Fred Andrews: Open
FP Jones: Open
Gargoyle King: Open
Gladys Jones: Open
Hermione Lodge: Open
Hiram Lodge: Open
Jellybean Jones: Open
Joaquin Desantos: Open
Josie McCoy: Open
Jughead Jones: Open
Kevin Keller: Open
Mary Andrews: Open
Moose Mason: Open
Penelope Blossom: Open
Reggie Mantle: Open
Sweet Pea: Open
Toni Topaz: Open
Veronica Lodge: Open
Betty Cooper and Jughead Jones
Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews
Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz
Kevin Keller and Moose Mason
Mary Andrews and Fred Andrews
Hiram Lodge and Hermione Lodge
Thanks for reading everything! I really hope you have taken the time to read everything through. I hope I’ll see you all here! Please comment below what character(s) you would like to play.
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mayday396 · 1 year
Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
So everyone, I'm here to tell you about the Origins of Valentine's Day which uhm both Wholesome and Tragic
Okay there this Saint called Valentine, he was known for being the patron saint of Terni, a province in Italy, and Lesbos, an Island in Greece.
He is mostly identified as being affiliated with people with epilepsy and people who are beekeepers. He was martyred and his body buried on the Via Flaminia, a Roman Road and you can find this place at Carsulae, North of San Gemini, a small comune in the Province of Terni.
(He was also the Patron Saint of Mental Illnesses, Affianced couples and Marriages)
The Valentine's Day we all know today is from the Feast of Saint Valentine, the Origin of that is because he was Canonised as a Saint but however he also has another reason why, so the story for that is that he infiltrated a Roman Prison while simultaneously Preaching the Lord to Persecuted Christians and Gentiles while he was causing chaos in the Prison.
Julia, a Blind Daughter of the Jailer of said Prison, was infatuated by Valentine, or well start Admiring him, no one really knows if Julia was Romantically or Platonically attracted to Valentine, around this time he was captured by Roman Guards and brought to Roman Emperor Claudius II in Person.
Claudius being Impressed by the fact that Valentine managed to Infiltrate an entire Roman Complex, then thought he could sway his heart from the Lord to Roman Paganism, but in a Sassy and Chaotic UNO reverse, Valentine instead turned their conversations into about Christianity.Unable to cope with the fact he got verbally Rekt by Valentine, he orders his Execution.
But before his Execution, he bonded with his Jailer, Asterius, this bond turned into a friendship as Asterius asked for his Daughter to be healed by her BLINDNESS, if you didn't get by now the daughter is Julia, and so he performed a miracle on Julia for her eyes to healed and that she could see.
Okay there is an unknown period of time between that point and the time Valentine got Executed, but I'm sure that it was about more ministering while he and Julia bonded together which would Explain why and how all of sudden Asterius, Julia and the Rest of her Family Members in their Household got Baptized and also would explain what he did on the day he was going to be excecuted.
On the evening before Valentine was to be executed, he wrote on a Piece of Paper which was a Letter to Julia, and signed as "Your Valentine" he probably at this point knew of Julia's Admiration or possible Feelings for him but due to fact that he was going to die and was on a Sigma grindset to the Lord, he probably just wanted to tie up any loose Threads, he gave that letter to Asterius to give to his daughter.
Valentine passed away but Julia would always come to his Burial Site to take care of a pink-blossomed almond tree that she planted beside his Grave.
Today the almond tree is a symbol of Abiding Love and Friendship, the Valentine Cards that people write today is Valentine's letter to Julia and the whole love thing is well about Couple that want to be together but know they aren't destined to be with one another.
Now if you excuse me, I'm going to be emotionally devastated for a few days.
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“Clear Heart; nor wish in lovest”)
And one father’s day is ever.     From chimneys, slipped. A ruin, underfoot, the pronounce my     hair the death reft, quoth Baba; but I am the bought in     a moment of mosquitoes ascending: she now can you     three. He seem’d far better
grave, around his friend, I grateful     guise; warrior maidens over thus it not, my little, one     thatch see blossom: a third, to ask in a palace! Or taints     with his bonnet crowned, and the knight to see one has not a     soul had face some every
strong extremest grief assuage compile;     even so firm, or some hame fashion of one gentle     blue nights of the fall soothe my cloak, to dote upon their good     matter, I could truly tell, I grow proude, the bride: with a     riding in Heaven’s
messenger of the spring. For thee,     and, full, like a kid rubs sticks together hair’d shady that     you is writ, not end at best: a moment to reason of     the warps and there display’d; and, looking the realms of the sun     and he them onward, Bert—
and all distaff, not fry. For on     the Cupid. And heard that’s in her; to further on the sacred     been and ben; Blythe by industry. They circle the stood,     and so that quiver twittering, choking, yet was a crush     her sights, till I sobbed in
play, when being heat entered mind,     as we reap in joy that sunk below, beat down; and tills yourselves     reap glory of years and that, which he scars will not what,     that echo woke as thought the terms, while, he lyes in Ithaca     or he was grant their
haire with the fitting to thinking     to holden fish. Prove, that in the bound our sameness and bloody     spur she reveale. See lines empaled, or rave, o     there wherein the pavement of youth abstain, maud made milky     stond, and my body busy,
paying Love, and sex, were haunts     about me caught my fathers to him we gave, and whisper     to my Darkness flickering I desired him up, to     do he kneeled, his new. Around her large, bright temptation:     poor word were none for the
martyr’s groan, the more, where flamenco—     a blushing she flee; for, e’en to us, or whose who     had prospect I may fail of mine and shepheards kynd. And the     spring our fell out, in the maids and play, and rain. They leaves     about her hair—her Harp
filling like the midst, than great visions,     and eating step, I meet her, and twice, almost like ugly     hill. A day like: the stopping in much rent, but deeply     ground with anguished. Who is my forte, but when we met, jumping     their virtue be you and
the rites so long with the gods in     the roused, and aright, your soul is drown me, cold are side dish     of aged sire, that’s impossible, ’ said in marble     foes: what long attend time yet. But never hay, the imperial     halls of a though
Claudius Rich, Esquire, is, What     picked and merry was sweetly blush up to the notes, peel your     soft embalmer of her off for what the wicket of hemlock,     I’d scorn that honourable audit by a truth,     I bade heavy sleeps.
Accomplished her soft pipes it may deem.     She can breeze that day come those are free, which can I tell, sweeping,     vseth. And raptures, take his colour wedding I couldst     departest, and our brain did the Lady FRANCES drest so     let banks of Earn, as wanting.
Remembering round him, called it     in his mitred locks or till China and Justice of silver     o’er, whom I must control. Thou hast toiled inward stretched Ixion’s     also mine. The fleece or praise. Night are but dropped, longs for     thy oath to his wisdom,
and t is very bell about     his face, nor for my breath goes, and held our dues. These are still     wither adds to the dun forest where are sublime; meantime     yon old gun-barrel. Clear Heart; nor wish in lovest! Been delights     in subject on vice.
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thescribbleddiaries · 3 months
Unleashing Cupids Arrow: Embracing the Magic of February
February is widely recognized as the month of love, thanks to the annual celebration of Valentine's Day on the 14th. This month-long celebration of romance and affection has deep historical roots and cultural significance around the world. From traditional customs to modern trends, February offers a plethora of ways to express love and appreciation for loved ones. In this article, we will delve into the history and origins of Valentine's Day, explore how different cultures celebrate love, examine romantic traditions and symbols, and discuss the evolving trends that shape the way we celebrate love in the 21st century.
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History and Origins of Valentine's Day
Historical Background of Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day has a history as colorful as a box of assorted chocolates. Dating back to ancient Rome, where Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage because he thought single soldiers fought better (talk about being committed to your job!). Cue Saint Valentine, a rebellious romantic who kept marrying couples in secret, only to be martyred by Claudius. Fast forward to Geoffrey Chaucer's time in the 14th century when he linked February 14th with lovebirds in his poetry. And voilà, the modern Valentine's Day was born.
Evolution of Valentine's Day Celebrations
From handwritten love notes and poems to extravagant gifts and grand gestures, Valentine's Day celebrations have evolved like a relationship status on Facebook. The tradition of exchanging tokens of affection has blossomed into a commercialized holiday, complete with heart-shaped everything and a surge in flower and chocolate sales. So, whether you're a fan of candlelit dinners or anti-Valentine's Day parties, this holiday has a little something for everyone.
Celebrating Love Around the World
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Unique Valentine's Day Celebrations in Different Countries
Love knows no bounds, and neither do Valentine's Day celebrations around the globe. In Japan, it's the ladies who spoil their men with chocolates on February 14th, while the favor is returned a month later on White Day. In South Korea, lovebirds mark the 14th of every month with a unique romantic gesture, including the quirky Black Day for singles to drown their sorrows in noodles. From the heart-shaped balloons in China to the love locks in France, love truly speaks a universal language.
Cultural Variations in Expressing Love
While some countries go all out with lavish gifts and public displays of affection, others prefer a more understated approach to love. Whether it's the intimate exchange of handmade cards in the UK or the emphasis on spending quality time together in Italy, each culture puts its own spin on expressing love on Valentine's Day. So, whether you're shouting declarations of love from the rooftops or whispering sweet nothings over a candlelit dinner, there's no wrong way to celebrate love.
Romantic Traditions and Customs
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Traditional Valentine's Day Practices
While modern celebrations often involve fancy dinners and extravagant gifts, the roots of Valentine's Day lie in simpler traditions. From sending handwritten love letters to indulging in sweet treats, these timeless practices remind us that love is all about the little gestures. So, whether you're baking heart-shaped cookies or watching a cheesy rom-com together, remember that it's the thought and effort that count the most.
Popular Ways to Celebrate Love on February 14th
Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love in all its forms, whether it's romantic love, friendship, or self-love. While some choose to go the traditional route with red roses and heart-shaped chocolates, others opt for unique experiences like stargazing picnics or DIY craft nights. Whether you're planning a surprise date night or a cozy evening in, the key is to show your loved ones how much they mean to you in a way that's personal and heartfelt.
Valentine's Day Symbols and their Meanings
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The Significance of Roses, Chocolates, and Cards
Roses are red, violets are blue, and Valentine's Day wouldn't be the same without these classic symbols of love. From the passionate red rose to the indulgent box of chocolates, each gift carries its own message of affection. And let's not forget the power of a heartfelt card, where words penned with love can speak volumes. So, whether you're expressing your feelings with a bouquet of roses or a handwritten note, these timeless symbols help convey the language of love.
Exploring the History Behind Cupid and Heart Symbols
Cupid, the mischievous Roman god of desire, has been stirring up love connections since ancient times with his enchanted arrows. As for the iconic heart symbol, its origins are as intriguing as a love triangle. Some say it resembles silphium, an extinct plant believed to have contraceptive properties in ancient times. Others trace its shape back to the human heart or the seed of the silphium plant. No matter its origin, the heart symbol has become synonymous with love and passion, making it a staple in Valentine's Day decorations and expressions of affection.
Modern Trends in Celebrating February as the Month of Love
Ah, February, the month of love where even Cupid gets busier than a squirrel in a nut factory. But hey, times are changing faster than your grandma's bingo numbers being called. Let's dive into how we're celebrating love in the modern era, where swiping right on Tinder might just lead you to your perfect Valentine’s match.
Digital Age Celebrations: Social Media, E-Cards, and Virtual Gifts
In this digital age, we're all about that virtual love, baby! Social media is the new town square for professing your affections, where hashtags like #LoveIsInTheAir and #HeartEyesEmoji reign supreme. Sending e-cards quicker than you can say "Be mine," and virtual gifts that say "I care enough to click a few buttons" are all the rage. Who needs a bouquet of roses when you can send a digital rose emoji bouquet, am I right?
Alternative Ways to Celebrate Love in the 21st Century
Forget traditional candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach. In the 21st century, we're getting creative with our love celebrations. How about a virtual cooking class for two, where you both attempt to make spaghetti carbonara via Zoom? Or perhaps a joint meditation session to align your chakras and bond over inner peace. Hey, love comes in all forms, even if it's in the shape of a pixelated heart emoticon.As we bid farewell to the month of love, February leaves behind a trail of cherished memories and heartfelt expressions of affection. Whether through traditional customs or modern innovations, the spirit of love remains a timeless and universal sentiment that unites people across borders and cultures. As we look forward to the next February, may the essence of love continue to inspire us to celebrate and cherish the special bonds that enrich our lives.
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monoman1c · 7 months
Father's Ghost. Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast, With witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts- O wicked wit and gifts, that have the power So to seduce!- won to his shameful lust The will of my most seeming-virtuous queen. O Hamlet, what a falling-off was there, From me, whose love was of that dignity That it went hand in hand even with the vow I made to her in marriage, and to decline Upon a wretch whose natural gifts were poor To those of mine! But virtue, as it never will be mov'd, Though lewdness court it in a shape of heaven, So lust, though to a radiant angel link'd, Will sate itself in a celestial bed And prey on garbage. But soft! methinks I scent the morning air. Brief let me be. Sleeping within my orchard, My custom always of the afternoon, Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, With juice of cursed hebona in a vial, And in the porches of my ears did pour The leperous distilment; whose effect Holds such an enmity with blood of man That swift as quicksilver it courses through The natural gates and alleys of the body, And with a sudden vigour it doth posset And curd, like eager droppings into milk, The thin and wholesome blood. So did it mine; And a most instant tetter bark'd about, Most lazar-like, with vile and loathsome crust All my smooth body. Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother's hand Of life, of crown, of queen, at once dispatch'd; Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin, Unhous'led, disappointed, unanel'd, No reckoning made, but sent to my account With all my imperfections on my head.
Hamlet. O, horrible! O, horrible! most horrible!
“Brief let me be” (20 more lines of dialogue)
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herotoland · 8 months
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  introducing ...hero toland.
ᴴᴱᴿᴼ / statistics :
NAME   :   Hero Toland NAME  MEANING   :   hero—  brave on of the people .  toland—  own taxed land. HOME TOWN:   birmingham , uk AGE    :   forty GENDER & PRONOUNS   :   cis man ,  he / him ORIENTATION:    bisexual , biromatic OCCUPATION : theater director / producer PERSONALITY:  strategic, visionary, intelligent, manipulative, cunning, compassionate. SONG: rule the world by: zayde wolf
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ᴴᴱᴿᴼ / mind :
intelligence: Interpersonal intelligence temperament: phlegmatic-melancholic moral alignment: lawful chaotic thinking style: synthesist mbti: infj, advocate 
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ᴴᴱᴿᴼ / parallels :
 claudius   (   hamlet   )   ,   tyrion   lannister   &   tywin   lannister   (   game   of   thrones   )     ,   daemon   targaryen   (   house   of   the   dragon   )   ,   jay   gatsby   (   the   great   gatsby   )   ,   roy   kent   (   ted   lasso   ) .
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“It takes a special combination of selfishness and selflessness to be a director, and I’ve found I have just enough of both.. "
―Growing up in Birmingham for Hero was a touchy subject. His mother left his father when he was around ten years old. Dad hit the bottle hard after that, and it was up to him to take care of your four younger siblings early on. He never blamed his dad for his machismo. He wasn’t drunk that got violent. He was the kind of drunk that you felt sorry for. Still, it was hard not to resent his old man. he became the man of the house early on, and that was how his love of cooking started. ―Mum had been the one to do most of the cooking, with her gone, and dad to instead stand on his own feet let alone cook his children’s food. The responsibility fell on Hero. He even had to go grocery shopping, gather up all the kids, and make the trek to the farmers market. He does his best to entertain and distract his siblings on the long walks to and from. Singing songs and telling stories, all to keep their minds off things. ―But when it was time to cook, he liked the kitchen. Even as his little sister helped him out - his little sous chef. Sure, he got picked on when kids found out he was doing the mum’s job cooking the meals. In which case, they caught both of his fists. Hero was happy to take care of his siblings. Of course, he didn’t like it all the time. He didn’t like having to help his dad get up and out of bed each day and night. Didn’t like to cook all the time. He was a kid… but they were his family, and family was and would always be important to him. ―Eventually, though, Dad started drinking less. Became more present and aware that his children needed him. And he was grateful, at sixteen, knowing he needed the break, wanted the chance to enjoy his life, and boy did he do so with gusto. ―When it was time to figure out what he wanted to do, he knew it would revolve around food— or at least that is what he thought. Nothing thing he loved even more than cooking was telling stories. He never had the desire to be in the spotlight but bring stories to life, working behind the scenes he loved. ―It started with little short films and plays for the school for local film festivals. His creativity was able to blossom and bloom and he embraced it. As the years went on he — went to a prestigious film school. Stacking up thousands in debt, he eventually and slowly started to work on film and television, and for a while, he enjoyed being a PA and getting that experience. Eventually, though, the theater was more of his calling. So he and three of his siblings moved to New York and there he worked his way up the ranks as a director. ―Moving to East Haven was more of a needed mental retreat than anything. For over 20+ years he’d been burning the candle at both ends. He needed a little peace, needed a change of pace and scenery. Why not East Haven… of course, his self-imposed retirement didn’t last long. And soon took up a director job at the local performing arts center… guess old habits die hard.
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cherryliqueurkinks · 8 months
can you do when uncle claudius r*pes cheryl. there’s a scene in s4 when he grabs cheryl but then toni kills him
I know I've been asked this before, or maybe have seen a similar prompt to this before, so I'll look into it again! I'd have to brush back up on the canon, or just play fast and loose with the details, but I do want to venture back into setups with Cheryl and the Blossoms (and also the Serpents) again soon.
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brookston · 9 months
Holidays 8.23
Asian Corpsetwt Day [Every 23rd]
Battle of Kursk Day (Russia)
Black Ribbon Day (Baltic states)
Daffodil Day [also 4th Friday]
European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism (EU)
Find Your Inner Nerd Day
Flag Day (Ukraine)
Gai Jatra (Cow Festival; Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Goldfinch Day
Hashtag Day
Health Unit Coordinator Day
Hebron Massacre Anniversary (Israel)
Hug Your Sweetheart Day
International Blind Dog Day
International Day For the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition (UN)
Internaut Day
Kharkiv City Day (Ukraine)
Liberation from Fascist Occupation Day (Romania)
National Cheap Flight Day
National Levi Day
National Physicians Day (Iran)
National Plumber's Day
National Sneak Off to the Beach Day
One-Way Street Day
Permanent Press Day
Purple Poppy Day (UK)
Ride the Wind Day
Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial Day
Schueberfouer Shepherd’s Fair begins (Luxembourg)
Singin’ in the Rain Day
Slavery Remembrance Day
Tuberose Day (French Republic)
Umhlanga Day (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Valentino Day
William Wallace Day (Scotland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Buttered Corn Day
Cuban Sandwich Day
National Spongecake Day
Swedish Meatball Day
World Vada Pad Day (Maharashtra, India)
4th Wednesday in August
La Tomatina (World’s Biggest Food Fight; Buñol, Spain) [4th Wednesday]
Independence Days
Aerlig (Declared, 2001) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Alexander Calder (Artology)
Appollinaris Sidnonius, Bishop of Clermont (Christian; Saint)
Appreciate What You’ve Got Day (Pastafarian)
Ascelina (Christian; Saint)
Asterius, Claudius, Domnina, Neon, and Theonilla (Christian; Martyrs)
Chǔshǔ begins (China) [Thru 9.7]
Day of Hephaestos (Pagan)
Day of Nemesea (Old Roman Goddess Nemesis, defender of the relics & memory of the dead from insults)
Dollond (Positivist; Saint)
Éogan of Ardstraw (Christian; Saint)
Eugenius of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Gaura Parba (Women’s Festival to Goddess Gauri; Nepal)
Great Feast of the Netjeru (All Gods/Goddesses; Ancient Egypt)
Hammer Fraggle (Muppetism)
Janmashtami (Lord Krishna Nativity; Hindu)
Justinian the Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Kirvis (Harvest Festival; Lithuania)
Lupus (a.k.a. Luppus) of Novae (Christian; Saint)
Nemeseia (Ancient Greece)
Nuclear Accident Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Philip Benitius (Christian; Saint)
Quiriacus and companions, of Ostia (Christian; Saint)
Rose of Lima (Christian; Saint)
Theonas, Archbishop of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Tydfil (Christian; Saint)
Vertumnalia (Old Roman God of the Change of Seasons)
Vulcanalia (Ancient Roman festival to Vulcan)
Zacchaeus of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Alice Adams (Film; 1935)
Angel Has Fallen (Film; 2019)
Animal Crackers (Film; 1930)
Barton Fink (Film; 1991)
Better Off Dead (Film; 1985)
The Big Sleep (Film; 1946)
Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White, recorded Perez Prado (Song; 1954)
DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year (WB Animated Film; 2016)
The Death of Superman (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Drinking Buddies (Film; 2013)
Freeway (Film; 1996)
The Girl at the Ironing Board (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
Going! Going! Gosh! (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Grace, by Jeff Buckley (Album; 1994)
Henry IV, Part 2, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1600)
Knighty Knight Bugs (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Lover, by Taylor Swift (Album; 2019)
She Loves You, by The Beatles (UK Song; 1963)
She’s the One (Film; 1996)
Teen Wolf (Film; 1985)
The Sun Also Rises (Film; 1957)
Superior Duck (WB Cartoon; 1996)
Superman: Man of Tomorrow (WB Animated Film; 2020)
That ’70s Show (TV Series; 1998)
Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz (WB Animated Film; 2011)
The World’s End (Film; 2013)
Today’s Name Days
Isolde, Philipp, Rosa, Zachäus (Austria)
Rozalija, Ruža, Ružica (Croatia)
Sandra (Czech Republic)
Zakæus (Denmark)
Signe, Singe (Estonia)
Signe, Varma (Finland)
Rose (France)
Isolde, Rosa, Zachäus (Germany)
Bence (Hungary)
Fabrizio, Maria, Regina (Italy)
Benjamins, Ralfs, Spriditis, Vitālijs (Latvia)
Girmantas, Pilypas, Tautgailė (Lithuania)
Signe, Signy (Norway)
Apolinary, Benicjusz, Filip, Laurenty, Sulirad, Walerian, Waleriana, Zacheusz (Poland)
Filip (Slovakia)
Rosa (Spain)
Signe, Signhild (Sweden)
Eugene, Eugenia, Geena, Gena, Gene, Genie, Gina, Jina, River, Zacchaeus, Zaccheus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 235 of 2024; 130 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 34 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 8 (Gui-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Elul 5783
Islamic: 6 Safar 1445
J Cal: 25 Hasa; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 10 August 2023
Moon: 43%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 11 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Dollond]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 63 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 2 of 32)
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