#i also found the temple of the golden pavilion
anthropoetics · 1 year
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little celebration of me finally reading something, even though it's so busy lately i can barely enjoy my own company.
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richs-japan-tabi · 4 months
May 24 - Kinkakuji
I woke up early today and got the new bento before class. After class, we embarked on Kinkakuji, a gold-covered temple. While I have been there once before, I still found it interesting. We walked around the temple, taking pictures of its unusual appearance. Unfortunately, Kinkakuji is a popular tourist destination. As a result, the flood of domestic and foreign tourists made it difficult to appreciate the temple. Despite this, I still made the most of the experience and tried to enjoy it as best I could.
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Afterward, we visited Daitokuji, a Zen temple founded in 1319. Known for its karesanui and the burial site of Sen no Rikyu, a famous tea master, the temple has a rich cultural history. However, unlike Kinkakuji, it is far less visited by tourists. As a temple made for reflection and meditation, it was mostly silent. This silence made the perfect atmosphere for appreciating the karesanui. My favorite karesanui recreates a ripple effect of a rock dropped in water. I can not recommend Daitokuji enough to those who want to immerse themselves in a Buddhist temple, away from the flood of people in other Kyoto sites.
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The planned excursion ended with the two temples. I was tired and hungry, so I figured it was time to get some food. We stumbled across a burger joint called The Hamburger, known for its large American-style burgers. I got the double Oklahoma Onion burger with fries and a Coke. The meal was a nice change of pace after having mainly different Japanese food over the past two and a half weeks.
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Since we got back early, I took a nap. Since getting to Japan, I haven't had the opportunity to sleep much and it's taken its toll on me. I also did some laundry and caught up on some work.
Academic Reflection
Even though I have been to Kinkakuji once before, with my new knowledge from the reading, it was a different experience. Kinkakuji was first built in the late 14th century and survived for hundreds of years. However, I learned that as recently as 1950, the temple was incinerated by an arsonist. For this reason, when visiting the temple today, the gold outer layer still shines brightly in the sun. His reasons for doing so are still unknown, but The Golden Pavilion speculates that it was because its beauty was distracting him from other pleasures in his life. Even though I found this psychoanalysis to be a bit of a reach, I think it was fun to entertain the idea.
Another reading also discusses Zen gardens. Before this reading, I had no idea that Zen gardens was a Western term incorrectly describing karesanui, which was not exclusive to temples. Karesanui is used to symbolically represent Buddhist lands thought of during meditation. After seeing examples of karesanui in person, I realized that they can create an environment that helps someone reflect on themselves in peace.
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mikem-dawnm-japan · 4 months
Saturday 18th May - Day 12
This morning we visited three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, all of which were temples. Having visited a number of countries with very many temples I expected today to become ��templed out’! However, happily each temple was very different to the others the main downside of today was that it was Saturday and so many local families were also visiting the sites, everywhere was very busy. The month of May is also extremely popular for school trips and we are certainly finding this to be so!
Kinkaku-Ji Temple was our first stop, this site is also known as the Golden Pavilion, this richly decorated temple is beautiful. This site is a zen-Buddhist temple close to Kyoto, it was originally designated as a holiday villa for the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitzu in 1397. The temple has three levels, the first is the noble peoples style, it is open in style, the second is in the samurai style and the top is in the Buddhist style. The second and third stories are covered in 200,000 gold leaves. The gardens are very beautiful, in the centre and surrounding the temple is the Kyoko-chi pond also called the mirror pond.
Our second visit was to the rock garden of the Ryoanji Temple. Originally the temple was an aristocrats villa which was converted into a Zen temple in 1450. The rock garden is a piece of cultural heritage, the deceptively simple garden consists of 15 rocks spread out on white sand. The rocks are supposed to be arranged so that at no point can you see all 15 rocks at the same time, however it is possible to view them all in one go, if you look carefully!
The final site was the Kiyomizu-Dera Temple. Founded in AD778, the most famous feature of the temple is its wooden veranda, standing 13 metres above the ground. From the veranda there is a good view of the many maple and cherry trees which look stunning in their autumn colours. It is also known as the Pure Water Temple and was founded on the site of the Otowa Waterfall in the wooded hills in the east of Kyoto. Due to the 15 minute uphill walk in the heat we decided not to visit this site but instead to remain around the shops and restaurants. We took the time to enjoy some local food, stick tempura in the following flavours; pumpkin & sweet potato, cuttlefish & cheese … they were interesting! We followed these with a delicious chocolate ice cream .. they do ice cream very well here and then a beer to wash it down.
Back on the bus and we headed for a traditional tea ceremony, something that most of us were looking forward to although with some apprehension about having the matcha tea. The tea house was enormous and was the most beautiful wooden building with very pretty, traditional gardens. Inside the tea house was a large shrine and low tables and chairs were set out for us all along with the tea making equipment, we had, of course removed our shoes before entering the building. We were introduced to our host and another lady who would be the guest for the ceremony, they guided us through the ceremony, which can take up to 3 or 4 hours, there is a strict procedure to be carried out and it takes a number of years to learn how to conduct these ceremonies correctly. Once we had observed and tasted their tea it was time to make our own, which we all did and tried to follow the procedure. Some people enjoyed the taste but I think that the majority found it too bitter for their tastes. However, it was an interesting experience to learn about. We drove on to Gion, the geisha district of Kyoto and walked the streets to see the traditional houses. The temperature today was 29 degrees, so a long and busy day, along with the heat wiped us all out but there would be no time to rest!
Back to the hotel for a very quick turnaround before 10 of us headed out for an optional excursion of a Japanese BBQ. Well, what an evening! 90 minutes in which we could cook, eat and drink as much as we could. We sat on cushions on the floor but there were pits below the table to put your legs into, so more comfortable than just sitting on the floor. Two braziers were already heating up and the table was laden with platters of different cuts of meat and vegetables, there were sauces and cooking utensils so we set to work cooking our supper. Kas was able to order drinks and more food on the app so she was kept busy ordering extras including octopus and scallops, salads more meat, more drinks whilst the rest of us cooked for the whole group. It was a very sociable evening, helped along by a copious supply of plum wine, beer and red wine. Once our time was up we headed for the hotel and some went to the bar for a nightcap.
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rhijp · 1 year
June 10: Kinkakuji and Rock Gardens
Today, we got to use the bus for the first time on our way to Kinkakuji. Let’s just say it is not nearly as convenient as the subway was in Tokyo. By the time a bus with enough space for most of our group came by it had already been around a half hour or so at least. Once we finally were able to get on a bus we rode for about 40 minutes to the aforementioned Kinkakuji (kanji: 金閣寺; in English it is usually referred to as the Golden Pavilion).
Once we got there, I was genuinely impressed by the beauty of the temple. The majority of the outside of the temple is covered in shiny gold, and the structure itself is a great example of Chinese and Japanese architecture at their finest boasting a sort of simple elegance.
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After lingering for a bit to grab lunch, we then headed over to Daitokuji (kanji: 大徳寺; in English the three kanji literally translate to “great virtue temple” although there is probably a more elegant translation out there). Here, we were able to see some rock gardens which I think ended up being a group favorite for our trip.
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At the first garden we went to, we had a guided tour which exposed us all to some Zen Buddhist philosophy. The guide also explained the story that the garden was representing as we walked around. However, in addition to the tour being fascinating, we also learned that the part of the temple that we were in had been around for 500 years without burning down or being destroyed, making it a very important historical artifact.
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At the second garden, we did not have any sort of tour, but many of us just sat there thinking while staring at the arrangement.
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After discovering within ourselves the falseness of the duality of all things, we split up for the day.
Academic Reflection:
In 1950, Kinkakuji was burned down by an arsonist monk. One of our readings today was a historical fiction of this story by Mishima Yukio. In this story, the man who burned the temple down was originally sent to live nearby as a monk by his dying father. Whenever he was far from the temple, the thought of its beauty would overwhelm him, and he found himself unable to enjoy anything else because nothing compared to the splendor of the temple. This somehow led to him having twisted feelings toward the temple which he eventually proceeded to burn down when he finally snapped.
While I don’t understand why he had to burn the building down, I can see why one would have such strong feelings towards it. To me it was the kind of place where one could sit for hours and admire the scenery. The shining building juxtaposed with the calming atmosphere of the surrounding garden certainly was something to behold. The way Mishima portrays the feelings of the monk makes visiting the temple all the more interesting because it gives the perspective of someone who saw the old Kinkakuji. How amazing it must have been to see a relic that had been lost be rebuilt and made even more beautiful as it was restored to its original form which hadn’t been seen in centuries.
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elsie--young · 1 month
Best Places to Visit in Japan: A Personal Journey Through the Land of the Rising Sun!
Japan has always been on my travel list. A land where tradition meets modernity, Japan offers a unique experience. But with so many places to visit, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. I faced the same dilemma when planning my trip. After much research and exploration, I found some of the best places to visit in Japan that truly capture the essence of this beautiful country. Let me take you on a journey through Japan, sharing my experiences and helping you discover the must-visit spots.
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Problem: The Challenge of Choosing the Right Destinations in Japan
Japan is vast and diverse, with everything from bustling cities to serene temples, majestic mountains to tranquil beaches. As a traveler, I wanted to experience it all but realized it was impossible to cover every place in one trip. I had to be selective, but the fear of missing out on the best experiences kept nagging me. How do you choose between the neon lights of Tokyo and the cultural treasures of Kyoto? Between the peacefulness of Nara and the vibrant energy of Osaka?
Agitation: The Fear of Missing Out on Authentic Experiences
I was worried I might miss out on some of the most authentic experiences Japan has to offer. I didn’t want to spend my time in tourist traps or places that didn’t truly represent Japan's rich culture and history. I wanted to immerse myself fully and experience the real Japan, from its serene temples to its bustling street markets. This fear of missing out pushed me to find a way to balance my itinerary, ensuring a mix of the must-sees and hidden gems.
Solution: The Best Places to Visit in Japan for an Unforgettable Experience
After much deliberation, here are the places that made my list for the best places to visit in Japan:
1. Tokyo – The Heart of Modern Japan I started my journey in Tokyo, Japan’s capital and a city that never sleeps. Tokyo has something for everyone. I spent my days exploring the different districts—Shibuya for its famous crossing and Harajuku for its unique fashion. The Tokyo Skytree offered a panoramic view of the city, while the Tsukiji Fish Market was a sensory overload of fresh seafood and local delicacies. I didn’t spend a lot, yet I felt like I had experienced the essence of Tokyo.
2. Kyoto – A Step Back in Time Next, I traveled to Kyoto, a stark contrast to Tokyo's modernity. Kyoto is known for its temples and traditional tea houses. I visited the Fushimi Inari Shrine, with its thousands of red torii gates, and the Kinkaku-ji, also known as the Golden Pavilion. I also wandered through the Gion district, hoping to catch a glimpse of a geisha. Kyoto’s slow pace was a refreshing change, and I found myself immersed in Japan’s ancient culture.
3. Nara – Home of the Free-Roaming Deer A short train ride from Kyoto brought me to Nara. Here, I visited the Nara Park, where I was greeted by friendly, free-roaming deer. These deer are considered messengers of the gods in the Shinto religion. I also visited the Todai-ji Temple, home to a massive bronze statue of Buddha. The peaceful atmosphere of Nara made it one of the highlights of my trip.
4. Osaka – The Food Capital I couldn’t leave Japan without visiting Osaka, known as the nation’s kitchen. Dotonbori was where I indulged in street food like takoyaki (octopus balls) and okonomiyaki (savory pancakes). Osaka Castle offered a glimpse into the city’s history, while the Umeda Sky Building gave me a breathtaking view of the cityscape. For me, Osaka was all about eating and experiencing the local vibe.
5. Hiroshima – A Lesson in History Lastly, I made my way to Hiroshima, a city that has risen from the ashes of its past. The Peace Memorial Park and Museum were sobering experiences, but essential to understanding Japan’s history. The nearby Miyajima Island, with its iconic floating torii gate, provided a peaceful end to my journey.
Conclusion: Discover the Best of Japan Through These Must-Visit Places
Japan has something for every traveler. Whether you’re drawn to the bright lights of Tokyo, the historical sites of Kyoto, or the food scene in Osaka, each place offers a unique experience. My journey through Japan taught me that the best places to visit in Japan are the ones that offer a mix of culture, history, and modernity. If you’re planning a trip, make sure to include these destinations to get a true taste of what Japan has to offer.
By following this guide and exploring these places, you too can have an unforgettable journey through Japan. So pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready to explore the best places to visit in Japan.
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straycatboogie · 8 months
2024/02/03 English
BGM: 小沢健二 - 天気読み
As I have written in this journal, I usually enjoy reading books and also listening to some music at my free time. But, it was recent when I have started enjoying various classical achievements. For example, I have never read any Dostoevsky books until I became 40. Or I have to confess that I have never read Yukio Mishima's "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (三島由紀夫『金閣寺』)". Some people (especially some strict, masculine critics) say that I must be an idle reader because of this ignorance. I see, well, there must be plenty of classics I have never known. From their opinions, I have to accept that this world is really wide enough.
How can other people find those works in their daily lives? Me, for example I have met George Orwell's "1984" last year when I went to an used book store in my town. Out of curiosity, I bought it. Now it is one of my favorite books in my room (although I already have about 100 of that kind of "favorite books".) Like this, I read books step by step to make an inner library/database. So, even though I must be said as an idle person, please forgive me - but as you already have known this, I am not Unberto Eco.
In other words, I shouldn't say that they must be idle even though they have never read any classical works, because they must live their lives as they do - without any irony, I might need to learn something from their attitudes because their points of view are so fresh that they might already have found any great (but underrated) authors/writers. Besides books, they might have been living in a new, brilliant time.
Typing things as my fingers move - I can't see why I have written this kind of old-fashioned and also masculine opinion, but I can't delete this. Please forgive me. Today, after working I went to a bookstore to buy that Mishima's book and returned to my group home. After having dinner (I had a special long stick sushi "ehou maki(恵方巻)"), I tried to read it but couldn't. Maybe because I was really tired of the work, so I enjoyed some relaxing music to stay still/chilled.
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June 10- Kinkauji and Daitokuji
Today was really fun! After 12 hours of sleep, I was so ready to take on the day. We first had Japanese breakfast which was a lot better than the first place we stayed at (probably because it wasn’t buffet style which I honestly prefer). Then, we commuted to Kinkauji which was also interesting because the bus system is so different from the Tokyo subways. The buses were extremely cramped and stopped abruptly many times, so it was a tad uncomfortable. Making our way to Kinkauji, the temple itself was gorgeous. Knowing it was a remake, I wonder if the actual temple was more grand. Then, we had the best lunch at a tonkatsu spot. After commuting to Daitokuji, we had a really great experience at the zen garden where the tour guide was extremely insightful and told us about the different parts of the temple. For instance, the zen gardens represented different parts of reaching nirvana. One of the gardens had stones representing a cow, a treasure boat, and a turtle- all representing different paths ones can take with only one leading to nirvana. I’ve seen many zen gardens back in America, but having the explanation from the tour guide made me feel like I really understood the message behind the work. I also really enjoyed the Zen teachings like “ichi go ichi” and felt really connected to the temple once we met the master priest. Afterward, we went thrifting (surprise lol) and I bought some Chanel sunglasses and a Vivienne Westwood wallet. For dinner, we ate near the station.
Academic reflection
In Mishima’s The Golden Pavilion, he takes the approach of writing as if he was the arsonist who burned down the Golden Pavilion. In this approach, the arsonist was obsessed with the temple, to the point of destructive desire. This also serves as a personal reflection of the inability to transcend. When seeing the Golden Pavilion, although it was a recreation, I did feel like it was one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring places we’ve seen yet. I feel like a lot of my peers were complaining about seeing similar things, but this place, with its amazing history and sad reconstruction, took the cake for me in a lot of ways.
In Fukuda’s “Japanese Stone Gardens” he discusses the functions of Japanese Stone Gardens. These stone gardens are representative of reaching nirvana, with the raking of stones showing a “dry garden” approach to water. The stones, often representing mountains, are over 500 years old and are placed with intentionality. Seeing it in person and having each stone explained, the beauty of the zen garden was captured extremely well and I enjoyed the space knowing more about what it actually meant. I think there was beauty well explained in the black and white spaces and I found myself enjoying it a lot.
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jordanprice · 1 year
June 10 - Kinkakuji and Daitokuji
Today we visited the Golden Pavilion and Zen temples. The day started out with me realizing that the breakfast was already made, and that by me not showing up, my plate of food was thrown away and wasted. I felt really bad about this, but I couldn’t’ve known.
We then took a bus yo go to Mishima, the Golden Pavilion. Professor Smith and like half the group got on one bus, then Leina and the rest of us had to wait a while for another one. The bus was very jolty and was what felt like a very long ride. Already from being on two busses today, I can tell you that I much prefer Tokyo for public transport. The trains are just much easier and much more available and convenient there than the trains and busses in Kyoto.
When we got this, we went to go see the pavilion, and it was very pretty. I also really liked the pond it was on, and the weather was really nice for it as well. It felt like we were very rushed though, especially given a few students were still way behind.
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After that, I asked Leina to join Lauren, Bianca, and I for lunch. She seemed hesitant at first, but I really wanted to include her as I think she’s great. I got her to pick out where she wanted to eat as well, and we ended up going to a ramen place. I got fried chicken, gyoza, and a chicken bun, which were all pretty good (especially the first two). Unfortunately there wasn’t really anything for Lauren there, as she’s vegetarian, but at least we were able to get her a crepe after lunch. I really do hope Leina enjoyed having lunch with us!
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We then made our way to the Zen Buddhist temples. They were quite calm and I liked that pretty much everything was original. The rock gardens were kinda cool as well. One thing I didn’t exactly like is that the one felt really price gougey, even going as far as to have some priest guy come out and convince people from our group to but his autograph for like $25 as if he were a celebrity. Also they were selling literal stamps of writing on paper for like $100. I don’t know, I just felt that took away from the message and specialty of the place in a way for me personally.
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After that, we went back to the hotel, having to take another bus. Lauren and I then later went to get dinner, and tried out this one vegan place she found. We each got a Korean bbq bowl, and it was surprisingly close to real meat texture wise, but the flavor was still definitely not there. I thought it was okay personally, but Lauren, who hasn’t had real meat in years, thought it was like the best thing ever. I’m really happy she enjoyed it, and I ended up giving her a bunch of mine. I had to not eat it in the end once I realized there were beans and chickpeas in the rice, which I am quite allergic to.
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Lauren felt bad that I didn’t really eat, so we looked around to try and find something. Somehow I think we ended up in like a rich part of Kyoto, as the average price of a restaurant in the immediate area was over $100. Also, we got turned away from yet another restaurant that is reservation only, and by two that closed literally as we walked up to them. We ended up waking along the Kamo river, which is honestly so beautiful and peaceful at night. I would absolutely recommend waking there. The restaurant we then ate at was some French place along the river. The view was fantastic and so was the food! I just got a pepperoni pizza, and it was honestly the best pizza I’ve had in years. So good in fact that it convinced Lauren, who had already eaten, to get a pizza as well. A personal pizza, a drink, and a dessert as a combo was only $12. The pizza was so good I might have to go there again for it. They also had some very cute cats and a couple herons were just chilling there.
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I really wish the photos could do any of this justice.
Academic Reflection
Today I learned about Mishima, which is the temple of the golden pavilion. This was an ornate temple covered in gold leaf, which stood for centuries. It was a symbol of wealth and power shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. This temple has burned down multiple times throughout history, and was most recently rebuilt in 1955. Seeing the recreation of it today, it was a beautiful temple for sure. However, I feel it would have been much more special to see if the original one were still in tact.
I also learned about zen temples. These temples are less ornate and much simpler and modest. For Zen Buddhism, they don’t feel the need for exuberant buildings and carvings and decor and such. The focus more on meditation and peace and quiet. This was shown today with how quiet the area of the zen temples was, and there was the stark contrast today between that and the golden pavilion. Also, I learned that the term “rock garden” was not originally considered a correct or proper term, but has pretty much become one.
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javacabs · 1 year
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Alwar is situated in India's National Capital Region and the administrative headquarters of Alwar District in the state of Rajasthan. It is located 150 km south of Delhi and 150 km north of Jaipur. 
At present the district is famous for production of Mustard Crop and Milk Cake in the region, manufacturing of Ray Ban eyeglasses, Beer production plants and frozen food industry.
In the Alwar there are many tourist place
Bala Qila
Bala Qila (lit. "High Fort"), also known as Alwar Fort, is a fort approximately 300 meters above the city, founded by the 15th-century Khanzada Rajput ruler Hasan Khan Mewati and built on the foundations of a 10th-century mud fort.Situated on the Aravalli Range, the fort is 5 kilometres long and about 1.5 kilometres wide with turrets, a large gate, a temple, and a residential area.
Vinay Vilas Mahal (City Palace) Alwar
City Palace
The City Palace, also known as Vinay Vilas Mahal, built in 1793 CE by Raja Bakhtawar Singh, blends the Rajputana and Islamic architectural styles and has marble pavilions on lotus-shaped bases in its courtyard. The palace houses a state museum with a collection of manuscripts, including one depicting Emperor Babur’s life, Ragamala paintings and miniatures, and historic swords that once belonged to Muhammad Ghori, Emperor Akbar and Aurangzeb; and a golden Durbar hall. This palace that once belonged to the Maharaja (lit. Great Ruler) has now been converted into a District Administrative office also housing the District Court.
Sariska Tiger Reserve
Main article: Sariska Tiger Reserve
The Sariska Tiger Reserve, a National Park and Tiger Reserve, is located in the Aravali hills only a few kilometres away from Alwar. Declared a Wildlife reserve in 1955 and a National Park in 1982, it is the first reserve in the world to have successfully relocated tigers. The sanctuary, which became a part of India's Project Tiger in 1978, also preserves other species including rare birds and plants.
Bhangarh Fort
Main article: Bhangarh Fort
Bhangarh Fort, branded as the fourth most haunted palace in the world, and the most haunted palace in Asia, is a 17th-century fort built by Bhagwant Das for his younger son Madho Singh I.[disputed (for: Identity of father/son are being discussed elsewhere)  – discuss] The fort, a monument protected by the Archaeological Survey of India and is known for its association to legends and paranormal activities,[19] is a tourist attraction for visitors across the world.
Siliserh Lake
Main article: Siliserh Lake
Siliserh Lake is 19th century lake created by Maharaja Vijay Singh of Alwar, situated 8 miles southwest of Alwar.
Hill Fort Kesroli
Main article: Hill Fort Kesroli
Hill Fort Kesroli, a 14th-century fort, has now been converted into and is conserved as a heritage hotel.
Javacabs is a leading provider taxi service in Alwar. For One Way, Round Way and Local trip, javacabs the is best options. 
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ultranos · 3 years
What do you think an LoK-era Republic City that isn't trying to be 1920's Shanghai would look like?
It's weirdly even more 1920s New York or San Francisco than Shanghai, which is...An Choice.
But this is such an interesting question! Because it's what would a 1920s-ish city in Asia look like if European Imperialism never happened. Which is why it frustrates me that they went the route they did because if they had doubled-down on Asian influences, they could have come up with some amazing things. So to me the obvious base should be a city, preferably a major trading hub for cultural exchanges, well before the West got involved in things.
I'd probably start by looking at the city of Chang'an, which later became Xi'an. It's considered the starting point of the Silk Road and is one of the oldest cities in China. I honestly use Chang'an as a base when I'm drafting documents for Ba Sing Se.
The history of the place is amazing. Wikipedia has a list of some of the downright bonkers events and locations that could be found in this walled city. The list includes things like:
A mansion where the owner carefully exhumed and reburied the remains of a long-dead military general because the grave was too close to the home's outhouse.
An event in 849 where an imperial prince was impeached from his position by officials at court for erecting a building that obstructed a street in the northwesternmost ward in south central Chang'an.
A medicinal garden for the heir apparent was located in a northern walled ward of this southeast sector of the city. A pastry shop stood by the north gate of the same ward, along with the site of an ancient shrine where citizens came every third day of the third moon and ninth day of the ninth month.
A purportedly haunted house
A minister's mansion that had a 'pavilion of automatic rain', that is, air conditioning by the old Han Dynasty invention of technician Ding Huan's (fl. 180 AD) rotary fan
An event where the imperial court demoted an official because it was discovered that he had assembled a large number of female entertainers here in a dwelling that was not his home.
To say nothing of all the temples to various religions and markets and palaces and inns because Chang'an was a trading hub. But this was in 618-910. No, that's not a typo. Yes that list contains "air conditioning".
Another option would be to look at Guangzhou, a major terminus of the Silk Road for shipping, prior to the First Opium War. Major trading hub as well, it was in fact the hub where China was able to control all trade with the West (Guangzhou is also known as Canton). In the 19th century, the city was part of a signal tower network that could relay messages to Beijing (almost 2000km away) in under 24 hours. (Also fun: Guangzhou is in the Pearl River Delta and Guangdong Province, which was the region where the Golden Orchid Societies were based. AKA all-women collectives where they may or may not have married each other but definitely were not marrying men.)
Shanghai really only gained prominence as a major international trading hub after the First Opium War. So I'd probably design Republic City to resemble Guangzhou a lot more, with signal networks and canals. Hell, really go in on the "canals and trading hub" aspect and bring in influence from the lesser-known bender types, like swampbenders and sandbenders.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
West Moon (坠月之宴) Chapter 2 Part.ONE
A story from CN server which hasn’t been released in EN server. Contains detailed spoiler from the AU (Alternated Universe) - 坠月之宴 West Moon Story.
Read the previous chapter here
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There’s some sub-chapter which full of battle stage so I didn’t put it here.
Stories under the cut-
Chapter 2-1
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You are my only dream.
The wind passed through the bamboo forest that day,
I passed by a good dream.
Want to hear the sound
But he strayed into a scene in spring.
It broke the black city.
This time,
Who disturbed whom?
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The jade chess piece fell on the chessboard with a crisp sound and broke the silence around.
I opened my eyes in the mist, and the sky light had dimly lit up for unknown time.
The morning breeze brushed over the bamboo leaves, blowing away the mist, and the green lake in the distance also had its starting point ripples.
The stone tables and benches are still the same, but the pavilions surrounded by bamboo shadows make me feel a bit strange.
MC: Strange. Where am I?
At the last moment of my memory, obviously still staying in the backyard of the wine shop.
I propped up and looked down at the table that had just fallen. The magic qin that was originally placed on the stone table was gone, only a criss-cross chessboard.
On the chessboard, black and white pieces are clearly distinguished, and white pieces are surrounded by black pieces.
There was no smell of demons around, I faintly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to wonder if I was in a dream.
The situation in this dream seems to be familiar, as if I have seen it many times in the past.
During the three years of deep sleep, my consciousness has been trapped in long dreams for some reason. The blurry and chaotic dreams are like fragments of colored glaze, which cannot be put together into a complete picture.
Sometimes I traveled in the wilderness, sometimes in the purgatory, every dream, whether absurd or cruel, is a long torment.
But occasionally there will be moments when the breeze comes, like this pavilion.
MC: Will I see that person again this time?
Inexplicably, I have a kind of expectation in my heart that I can't express
There was no one around, so I picked up the white piece on the side of the chessboard and placed it according to the memory in my dream.
The person who played against me doesn't know where it came from
In my dream, the five senses are not working at all times. I don't remember his appearance very much, but I still remember a little voice.
Dreamer: You messed up like this
His voice seemed to sound in my ears again, and I was slightly lost. The chess piece between my fingers had just landed on a corner of the chessboard, and a gust of breeze suddenly passed over the bamboo forest behind me.
??: If you play in such a mess, you will ruin the game.
A gentle voice rang in the ear, as if overlapping with the voice in the memory.
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I turned around subconsciously, but a pair of hands came from behind and surrounded me.
The wide sleeves engraved overturned the chess game in front of him, and the black and white chess pieces rolled to the ground, making a jade-like sound.
The temperature that was about to fit behind my back came through the thin clothes. I was shocked, suppressing the exclamation from my mouth.
MC: ... It's you.
With a chuckle in my ear, the temperature that surrounded me left.
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Mysterious Man: We meet again.
There is a faint smile on the corners of his lips, and his gradually clear face gradually overlaps with the figure in the dream
MC: It's you who helped me repel those monsters. Who are you?
I squeezed my sleeves tightly and looked calmly at the person sitting opposite.
He didn't explain, letting his sleeves skimmed over the messy chess pieces on the table, he twisted a black piece casually.
Although the hidden energy in his body is strange, but he has no devilish energy in his body, and he does not look like a bad person...
But maybe because of the little bit of familiarity, or maybe because he saved me once, I didn't feel nervous.
MC: Sorry, I didn't mean to play this game of chess...
Mysterious Man: How can you conclude that this game of chess is mine just because I am here?
I was choked by his words, turned around and had to ask again.
MC: Where exactly is this?
Mysterious Man: Don't you know it?
He did not directly affirm my guess, but I still feel that he seems to be suggesting something.
MC: Why... you appear in my dream?
Mysterious Man: How do you know this is your dream, maybe you broke into my dream?
I froze for a moment, and met his dim eyes.
Those eyes were like cold pools with no bottom, but just a moment of looking at each other gave me a suffocating feeling of oppression.
But he casually continued to play with the chess pieces.
Mysterious Man: Or, the owner of the dream is not you and me.
Hearing what he said, I seemed to really feel the prying eyes in the dark.
The abrupt sound made my whole body tremble, and I turned back abruptly, but only a bamboo leaf fell to the ground.
I breathed a sigh of relief. A thin layer of sweat had formed on my back, but the uncomfortable feeling had not disappeared.
MC: When will this dream end?
I desperately wanted to leave the dream, but the only insider hid the chess pieces and placed them on the messy chessboard.
Mysterious Man: Can you play chess?
MC: .... I understand a little.
He looked up at me with a smile but didn't reveal my clumsy chess skills.
Mysterious Man: There is a way of talking in chess called "raid".
Mysterious Man: Once the catastrophe occurs, the two sides will be trapped in a cycle of incomprehension. Therefore, after the raid, one party can pick up one son, and the other must make another move before the raid can be resolved.
Although I don't know how to play chess, I know a little about these terms, but I don't know why he mentioned this.
Mysterious Man: The catastrophe in this game is you.
I heard it inexplicably, but it seemed that I knew what he was talking about, and looked at him more defensively.
MC: When you will tell me your identity?
He did not answer, playing with the last sunspot on his fingertips. When I looked down, I realized that the previous game had been restored by him, but my white piece was missing.
Mysterious Man: This game of chess cannot be returned.
He sighed softly and threw the black stone between his fingers to the chessboard.
With a light "break" in, something was pierced.
Like a calm lake being broken by flying stones, the ripples in front of my eyes are like dissolving ink and still water.
I can't see his appearance, only the figure blurred by the waves seems to be reflected on the other side of the water.
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Mysterious Man: We will meet again soon. By then, you will know who am I.
His voice gradually dissipated, and the cyan layers in front of me faded away. I woke up like a dream. I shook my dizzy head and found that the person before me was gone.
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And there was no such splendid bamboo forest and water pool around. Fortunately, I was in the courtyard of the wine shop, and the magic qin was quietly placed on the stone table.
The sun in the sky has just risen, and from time to time we hear the singing of birds and the shouts of the morning vendors in the deep alleys in the distance.
MC: Was it a dream just now?
I rubbed my swollen temples, still echoing what the man said.
What he meant by the robbery in the game...what exactly did he mean?
Before I could think of a reason, a small shouting came from behind me.
When I turned around, the lady boss was looking at me in surprise.
Boss lady: MC, why are you here early in the morning?
Boss lady: ...Did you sit here all night?
Suddenly seeing a real figure appear in front of my eyes, I couldn't help but lose consciousness for a moment, and the lady boss suddenly saw that something was wrong with me.
Boss lady: What happened?
MC: Nothing, I was a little tired recently and fell asleep accidentally.
I shook my head, afraid that she was worried, so I concealed the bizarre dream.
Boss lady: The weather hasn't warmed up yet, what should I do if you catch a cold? Go back to your room and freshen up!
My mind gradually returned to clarity, and I nodded to her.
Whether it is this mysterious dream, fragments, or maybe the puzzles in the magic qin. For me now, they are hard to solve.
I took the magic qin back to the room and locked it, changed my clothes and planned to find the master.
After all, now only the master can tell me how to take out the fragments.
Chapter 2-2
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When I walked out of Three Dreams Square, the sky was already bright.
The street is bustling today, and the crowds are rushing in the same direction.
The golden sun shines over the glazed dome on the palace building. The water fell on the tall white platform standing in the far north of the city.
That is the tallest and most sacred building here.
My heart was slightly still, and then I realized that today is the day of sacrifice for the West Moon.
My steps uncontrollably followed the flow of people to the pure white platform, but an indescribable complex emotion surged in my heart.
The worship of West Moon Kingdom has always been presided over by the master. And I will also stand on that high platform during the annual ceremony.
Suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation and noise from the crowd. At the same time, the vigorous bell rang from the northernmost end and awakened the entire city.
Commoners: It's an envoy of God!
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My heart jumped suddenly and I raised my head. As expected, there was a man in profound clothes standing on the towering hidden spirit platform.
It's Master!
The lingering sound of the bell dissipated, and everyone's voices fell silent, except for the hunting sound of the dark blue curtain being blown by the wind.
First, the hundred officials, and then all the people at the banquet bowed down and worshiped, toward the direction.
That tall, sacred and inviolable figure is the only person who can communicate with God in this world, and it is also the belief of West Moon Kingdom.
It is the gods who have guarded this country for hundreds of years since the establishment of this country
I looked at the master's back, and my heart shook slightly.
Master... was also the one who saved my life.
The sacrificial ceremony ended in a solemn sound of bells and drums. Seeing the master's figure leave from the high platform, I wrapped my cloak, passed through the crowd, and continued to the hidden spirit platform.
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There was a commotion behind him, and there was a rush of horse hooves galloping in this direction.
Passersby: Hey, girl! Be carefulㅡ
I didn't have time to get back to my senses, and there was a scream of horses behind me, and the sound of horses hooves close at hand, as if it was about to hit me in the next second!
I quickly flashed aside, and the tall horse passed me by, and the turbulent wind almost turned the cap on my head.
In a hurry, I had to saw the teenager on the horse.
The teenager who rides by has a handsome face, and his long hair is also raised high, with a strange color in the daylight.
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MC: Why is he?!
I was shocked, I quickly held down the veil, turned and flashed into the dark alley, fearing that the little magic star would notice.
Passersby: The second prince is out of the palace again?
This person has always been arrogant. A few years ago, His Majesty controlled him strictly and would not let him out of the palace easily. How can he let him go on the streets now?
Teenager: What's going on today? I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back!
The sound of horse hooves finally stopped. I hid behind the crowd and heard the familiar voice sternly scolding the restrained horse, but his tone soon softened again.
Teenager: Don't be afraid, I won't use you to make horse meat hot pot.
MC: This person, as expected, is still the same...
The officers and soldiers in the distance had already rushed over, and I quickly lowered the brim of my hat and flashed into the market with my back facing them.
I don't know how long this worry about being discovered will last.
Fortunately, the sacrifice was still going on, there was no one around, and I came to Master's residence with little effort.
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Haven't seen it for three years, the layout here is still the same as I remember.
Except for the necessary living utensils, there is nothing else, spotless, still cold and not like the place where people live.
I lifted my foot and walked in.
The warm sunlight flooded into the room through the window, and a new set of clothes was placed in a tray on the table, neatly folded.
I'm not familiar with the patterns on this dress. There was nostalgia in my heart, and I subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch it.
This is the uniform of the Miko. It is also the clothes I used to wear once a year.
In the past three years, I was in a long dream, and the rituals of the hidden secret was forced to shelve for three years.
There are not a few months left before this year's ceremony for the secret ceremony, is there already a new selection of Miko in the middle of the kingdom?
At this moment, there was a muffled noise from the back of the temple, and the ground shook.
My heart shuddered, and I recognized that the abrupt sound came from the backyard.
The backyard has always been a forbidden place for the master, and the master is still presiding over the sacrifice. Who would be there?
Listening to the movement, I had a bad feeling for some reason. Although it is a forbidden area, I haven't broken into it before.
Thinking like this, I stood up and walked towards the door to the backyard
Suddenly there was a door opening behind me, and there was a scream in my heart.
MC: Master is back!
Fortunately, the Master hadn't entered the room yet, so I went back to the room and picked up a book, pretending to look through it.
The familiar sound of footsteps gradually approached, and I lowered the book I opened and couldn't help but go to the door.
It might have been expected that there would be someone in the house, and the master had not even entered the door, and a cold voice had already come in.
Master: You are not allowed to come in without my consent next time.
Chapter 2-3
My heart sank, Master was not so indifferent to me in the past.
The door opened with a "creak", and the master stepped in at the answer, and I quickly raised a smile.
MC: Master, you're back!
Master: Why are you here?
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Master seemed a little surprised when he came in and saw me. His previous clothes had been changed, and the sense of distance that he could not reach seemed to fade with it.
MC: There are some things to ask Master for help.
He was startled, and nodded faintly.
MC: Master, I seemed to hear noises in the forbidden area just now, and I don't know if someone broke into it by mistake.
Master sat down opposite me, as if he didn't hear my reminder, and asked directly.
Master: What’s wrong?
MC: .....It's not a very important thing either.
I took a deep breath and started telling stories directly.
MC: Yesterday, when I was in the back of the wine shop, a qin suddenly fell from the sky.
Anyway, no matter what excuses, Master would not believe it. I simply let go of my courage.
MC: Who knew there was a hidden crystal fragment in this qin, It may also be that the hidden crystal fragments in my body have the power to summon.
MC: So I want to ask Master how to take out the fragments.
Master listened to my clumsy lie without saying a word, and there was no wave on his face.
MC: If you don't find the pieces quickly...
I paused and swallowed back the words.
Master: Wait for me here.
The master retracted his hand and walked towards the hall. I looked at his back in a daze.
These three years are just a long dream for me, but for Master, what three years are they?
Soon, Master took out an exquisite and simple black box.
Master: Take this with you and don't lose it.
MC: What is this?
I took the palm-sized black box from him, it heavier than I thought, and there's chilly sensation, as if some kind of energy was attached to it.
Master: This is the box of retreat, which can help you recover the fragments attached to their media.
Master: But before taking it back, the body attached to the fragments must be annihilated.
He motioned to me to open the box. I opened the lid of the box curiously, but found that there was nothing in the box.
I just wanted to ask, suddenly a chill spread across my body, and the spar on my chest actually resonated faintly.
Master: Feel it?
MC: Yes... I feel it.
I nodded, only feeling that my heart was filled with this strange yet familiar energy in the box.
This energy is indeed as sacred and clean as the master, but for some reason, I somehow remembered the power that I felt in Three Dreams Square last night.
That kind of pure and evil power.
Master: What's wrong?
As if he saw me distracted, and frowned slightly. His voice brought me back to my sense.
MC: Nothing, thank you Master.
In any case, Master will never harm me.
Having figured this out, I immediately put aside the worries I had just now.
Master glanced at me, and was about to ask something, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
The visitor was the emperor's attendant, and he was asking Master to go to the palace to discuss matters. Master responded and looked at me again when he got up.
Master: Be careful.
MC: Thank you Master, Master, take care.
Seeing the corner of the black robe disappear behind the door, I carefully put the box of retreat into my arms. I looked around, the voice I heard before was still suspicious
At this glance, I noticed that there were still a few brightly colored red spirit fruits on the table, which seemed to have just been picked off.
I couldn't help but murmur in my heart: Does master like this kind of fruit so much?
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I thought about it, grabbed a piece of fruit on the table, and ate it as I went outside, when I suddenly heard a strange noise in the courtyard.
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MC: Who?!
I stopped and looked around warily.
I don’t know if it’s my illusion. From the moment I enter the door, I feel like I have a pair of invisible eyes watching in secret.
While I was fully alert, a civet cat suddenly got out of the bushes and shook all the blades of grass.
Those black eyes looked at me, and then ran away quickly.I was relieved, speeded up and walked out.
After walking far away, my heart choked suddenly. Master's courtyard has always been a place where all the beasts are kept away. How come there are civet cats?
I looked back at the ebony gate in the distance. The stone lion head is majestic, but I suddenly feel a little ominous.
Is something wrong with the master?
When hesitating where to go next. Suddenly something was faintly hot in sleeve.
I took out and looked, and found that it was the black feather that fell from the boy in the dark alley yesterday.
The black feather was faintly glowing and deflected in my palm. I moved my palm, and it moved with it.
This is... pointing a direction?
My heart moved, and there was a subtle curiosity that the young man was calling me, or just my intuition?
For some reason, I always feel that the boy who held a sharp knife yesterday will not hurt me. And I even have an urge to see him again.
I thought for a moment and walked in the direction that black feather pointed out.
Chapter 2-5
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Following the direction guided by it, I gradually heard the noisy voices not far away.
This strange feather did not lead me to the remote and deep alley as I thought.
MC: Could it be that I was thinking wrong?
Not far away, the people watching the crowds in the city square went inside and outside for several times. I lowered my head and dialed the black potassium in my hand, but it slowly turned back to this direction.
MC: Okay, just let me see what you want to lead me into.
From time to time there was exclamation and applause from the crowd. I stood on tiptoe and looked around for a long time, only to see a golden hair top in the distance.
Looking at this posture, it seems that some strangers are performing some novel tricks.
The city have always been a place where foreign business travelers gather. Ordinary tricks have long been popular. Why is it so lively today?
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MC: Excuse me.
I squeezed into the crowd and saw a round table in the open space, there's stood a light blond boy.
His facial features are a bit unreal and delicate, and his friendly and clear smile has narrowed the distance again. No wonder the business is so prosperous.
At this moment, he turned his head to the side of my sight in the crowd.
MC: It's you?!
This boy is clearly the assassin I ran into in the alley that night!
My exclamation stuck in my throat. The boy's eyes seemed to stop on me for a short time, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he continued to look away from the crowd.
I confirmed that I didn't mistake the look in his eyes. But is this hearty blond boy really the same person as the silver-haired assassin who raised his sword?
If only the looks are similar, why would that black feather guide me here?
I subconsciously pulled the curtain down, intending to observe again.
The blond boy fetched an empty bowl and quivered back and forth. A stream of clear water poured out of the bowl.
The crowd suddenly cheered, and his fingers tapped the side of the bowl flexibly, and smiled as he spread the water around him like a flower.
I was caught off guard, so I had to lift the half-wet gauze on my hat.
At this time, someone screamed again, and I ignored the water droplets. I was surprised to see a red koi suddenly jump out of the bowl held by the young man.
There is a row of small fish tanks under his feet. As he rotates, the red and gold fish jump into the tank one by one from a high place, splashing clear water.
But the scene did not last. Sudden shouts rang from behind the crowd, interrupting the boy's performance.
I turned my head and looked like everyone else, and saw that the city guards appeared.
Guards: Today, the whole city is under martial law, no one can stay here!
Passerby: Why did the martial law suddenly come?
Passerby: I heard that the second prince was stabbed at the city gate just now, and I don't know if it was because of this...
I hadn't heard it really, the people watching the excitement were quickly scattered, and those who were slow were pushed a few times.
These brave guards do not seem to maintain order, but rather come to add chaos.
I wiped the drops of water on my face, pulled the veil down again, and quickly entered the crowd.
Guards: The one in the hat, stop! Take off the hat!
My heart sank suddenly, pretending not to hear, bowed my head and walked forward quickly.
Guards: I'm talking to you! The one in front, stop for me!
The officers and soldiers behind we shouted, and the curious eyes all around fell on me.
Oh no!
The situation is critical now, and I cannot expose myself in any case.
There was a burst of brisk laughter behind.
The conjurer put down the water bottle, jumped lightly from the stage, and stopped between me and the guards.
MC: ...Get out of here!
I lowered my voice, my anxious heart couldn't hold back and was about to pop out
He bends down deafly, picked up a small white porcelain fish tank, and put it in my hand without any explanation.
I stared blankly at the fish tank in my hand, a small red and white fish swimming slowly in the water.
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Mysterious Boy: For you.
He blinked, and before I could reply, he turned to face the guards.
Mysterious Boy: All the adults also join the show, how about my newly learned trick?
Guards: Get out of the way and don't hinder official duties!
The boy was not angry, but smiled and reached into his arms to get something, but after a while he took out a handful of soybeans.
The guards were about to get angry. The corners of the young man’s lips were raised, and his hands were held together. The soybeans thrown high into the sky turned into yellow coins.
Passersby: It's money now! Pick up the money!
People scrambled to pick up the copper coins scattered on the ground, and the streets that had just been evacuated were instantly blocked.
Guards: Hey, don't run!
He grab my hand and ran forward. Seeing that my hood was about to be blown away by the wind, he quickly reached out and pressed my head.
MC: Youㅡ
Guards: Find me that guy!
In a hidden alley, facing this familiar face, I didn't know what to say for a while.
MC: You, you run too fast.
Mysterious Boy: I will lead them away first, and you will wait for me somewhere else.
MC: Somewhere else?
He pointed to the back, and a large tree was far from behind the high wall that was twisted and looped.
MC: You mean, we will meet there later
Before I got a confirmed answer, I was pushed out by him and involuntarily rejoined the crowd.
And he slid in the direction he had come, but turned his head halfway, as if confirming, and glanced at me from a distance.
The guards saw him as the most conspicuous in the crowd at a glance immediately shouted and rushed over.
The young man shook his hand in the air, a burst of golden smoke suddenly exploded in the air, and the lazy smile on his lips was so beautiful and dazzling.
My hand was empty and I lowered my head. The little goldfish disappeared along with the fish tank.
Without thinking about it, I tightened my veil and hurried to the place he said before.
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There was no one in the depths of the alley, only an old tree.
There are still some dirty child footprints and messy feathers scattered under the trees.
MC: Strange, has anyone else been here?
With many doubts, I hesitated for a moment, but decided to wait for him.
I don't know if it's because he just offered to help, or the lingering sense of familiarity that always lingers in my heart.
But how could he and the assassin I met in the dark alley be the same person?
There was a sound of footsteps in the quiet alley. I turned around and held my breath nervously.
MC: Youㅡ
However, it was not the boy who appeared in front of me, but a few tall men in black. The leader saw my face and sneered.
Man in black: Finally found it.
I took two steps back quickly. I didn't know where these people came from, but I felt the strong murderous aura in them.
MC: Wait a minute! Did you admit the wrong person?
The man in black didn't listen to my excuse. He raised his hand to his companion behind him, and showed a dark color around his waist without warning.
MC: A Talisman? Are you a Master?!
The black-clothed man's eyes dimmed suddenly, and I realized that I shouldn't be so reckless. He knew that I had discovered his identity and would only want to kill me even more.
MC: We.... Let's talk first, in fact, I am also a master of the hermit, and I just joined yesterday. Everyone is a colleague...
Man in black: Stop talking nonsense, come on!
Read Part.TWO here
26 notes · View notes
markynaz · 3 years
Ruins / Campfire Written for @tes-summer-fest 2021 Wordcount: 1593 Content Warnings: Imprisonment Ao3 Mirror: here
The statue to Azura was always relic of the days long before memory, even back to when Morrowind was instead Resdaynia. Neither Wise Women nor careful Temple records recalled when it had actually been built. It had been impeccably maintained through the years, though by whom varied. Sometimes Ashlanders would come to groom the ash off Azura’s face and ensure the roses on her brow stayed sharp. Sometimes curious Telvanni would come, dusting off the plinth before her feet to perform some ritual or another, respectful of the Good Daedra’s power. Sometimes Temple pilgrimages would visit her as the Anticipation of Sotha Sil, the closest to the clockwork god they could get while he secreted himself away, and worthy of respect as was every piston in the Maker’s great design.
Those days had vanished with the Red Year.
Now the Reclamation’s statue was buried by volcanic rock that neither spell nor might could move - and both Temple and Ashlanders had tried, desperate for guidance in the wake of the now-absent living gods. The eighty-foot tall statue of the Lady was buried up to her waist in rock, details of her robe melted into the solid lava flow. Attempts at excavation showed the barest hint of the plinth at her feet, but no more than a thin edge, covered in burned down Temple-issued candles. In a way it was a ruin, a picture of despair, and perhaps that's why the Temple had withdrawn. New statues could always be built. Vvardefell, especially the southern coast, was too uninhabitable - too full of memory - for the statue to be any great reminder of what they had lost.
The Ashlanders clung still to their home. Zainab Tribe especially, ranging along the no-longer-grassy Grazelands, looked up to the imprisoned statue and felt for her. They too were rooted where they'd stood for generations with no way out. They too would survive, just as all the Three had taught them.
There were nights where Masser and Secunda were no more than slivers in the dark night sky. On those nights, keen Ashlander eyes could note that the statue - merely a silhouette against the stars - seemed to reflect some sort of moonlight. If not for the darkness of Tamriel’s moons, one would hardly notice it. The moon and star held aloft in Azura’s outstretched hand glimmered with the light as it diffused across the rest of the statue much more faintly. Moonlight, in a sense - but much more beautiful, with many more colors than Masser and Secunda could ever hope to give.
The Ashlanders saw this as a blessing, a boon, a prophecy. Azura had not abandoned them. She was watching over them now, even as her statue was imprisoned by the rock flow, and she would guide them from this night and into the twilight hours of prophecy and glory once more. This had to be the case. And chins started to lift in the small Ashlander camps, the despair no longer as heavy as the ash on the air.
The Wise Woman said nothing about all of this.
Dusanabi, Wise Woman of Zainab Tribe, had wanted to believe as much as her people when the lights had first been noticed. That first night she had retreated to her yurt and prepared a ritual of connection, dipping into her low-running stores to make the old tincture, setting it over a fire and allowing the steam to make its way around her and into her lungs as she fell asleep.
She was prepared to receive the cool, glittering, loving presence of her Prince into her dream. She was prepared to walk in Moonshadow, kneel at her Prince’s feet, and ask her for some bit of guidance she could pass on to Azura’s beloved people.
That was not what she received.
Instead the vision that took her was of the dim inside of a Daedric ruin. The air was stifling, ashy beyond the scent of the ritual herbs in Dusanabi’s lungs. When she looked back, the doorway was sealed by volcanic rock.
There was no statue inside the ruin, but Dusanabi knew in her heart who it was dedicated to. It would be difficult to deny. The single furnishing in the entire room was a bare stone slab, carved all around with praises of Azura in old Chimeris, and upon it lay a woman.
Dusanabi approached with gentle steps, her dream-feet making no sound and leaving no mark on the dusty stone floor.
The Dunmer woman had her arms resting at her sides, hands relaxed, fingernails glimmering with the faint light of the stars. Her eyes were closed. A fine robe covered her neck to ankle, a House robe - woven beautifully of gold and silver and gray spidersilk, though in a style so old that Dusanabi couldn’t recall ever seeing a House mer wear something similar. She did not stir as Dusanabi gently touched her chest, but there were thoughts there, under the surface - not the glittering unfathomability of a Prince, but the warm touch of a mortal.
Dusanabi woke up in her yurt with a pounding headache and a sickness clutching her heart.
But she had to know properly. She couldn’t just leave it there, not when her people still gasped and hoped over the lights of the ruin the next night. This time she modified her ritual of connection - different proportions, different herbs, and drank a tea of strengthening before she lit the fire and allowed the scent to infuse her dreams.
The Daedric ruin was not the place she found herself in this time. Instead, a lively bed of coals crackled in the middle of a stone pavilion, built solid like a House mer home before Red Mountain had erupted. Scattered around the room were colorful cushions and blankets, bright colors and warm fabrics, contrasting against the lovely night sky outside and the breathtakingly ethereal gardens far below.
The woman in the ruin rose from a cushion to greet her.
She was quite solid, quite real, and not as unconscionably beautiful as her surroundings. Bright golden eyes flared from her angular gray face, and her brown hair fell loose around her shoulders. But her smile was warmer than even the coals at the center of the room as she bade Dusanabi to sit.
“Please,” she added once they were both settled, Dusanabi almost wishing she could feel the silks at her fingertips, because what sort of texture would the cloth of Moonshadow have? “I’m afraid I don’t quite understand how you’ve come, but I’m grateful for the visit nonetheless. Tell me- what is your name?”
“I am the Wise Woman of Zainab Tribe. They call me Dusanabi.” She squinted at the woman opposite her. “And you are our Nerevarine.”
The woman did not try to hide it, dipping her head with sadness furrowing her brow.
“So it is truly you, in the shrine.”
Arafel, the Nerevarine, nodded, giving life to all of Dusanabi’s fears. “My Lady thinks it best that I… do not interfere as directly as I once did,” she said regretfully. “I may still look out on the world and observe, watch it go by and change without me. But these past thirty years, I am not allowed to interact.”
Dusanabi folded her hands in her lap, glancing around herself. It was a very small pavilion, for all its beauty, for a woman to inhibit for decades unending.
“We had thought the statue imprisoned.”
Arafel laughed, a sound with no joy in it. “I imagine it is, in a way. But I do not think it would be if my Lady did not also want it to be a prison.”
Dusanabi’s face must have been very unguarded, because the Nerevarine looked as if she regretted her words instantly. She reached out, placing a hand over Dusanabi’s ethereal one.
“Please don’t worry over me, Wise Woman,” she said. “I would hate to give you grief when you’re doing such a good job of guiding the people I love. Looking out on Tamriel gives me solace, and the spirit of Nerevar is a great comfort. This is not the first time he’s gone through this at our Lady’s pleasure.”
“Her will is always as deep and obscured as her love,” murmured Dusanabi, falling back on the old maxims. She gained the favor of Arafel’s smile.
“It always has been.”
A few more words of numb nothings were all Dusanabi had time for before the connection began to fade, her mortal shell unable to sustain the dreamwalk to Moonshadow for long. She awoke alone in her own yurt, to an aching cramp curving up under her ribs at all the magicka she had spent, and to a somewhat more painful ache in her heart.
She slowly stood and exited her yurt. The faint, gorgeous lights still shimmered over the statue of Azura. Below, the people of Zainab Tribe had rallied around their evening fire, the conversation having more animation now than it had in several years.
It gave hope to her tribespeople to believe the lights at the shrine were a sign of favor. So Dusanabi sat and watched and gave evasive answers when questioned about the ruin against the skyline, trying to expel the ash of despair from her lungs.
Whether Azura had abandoned them was yet to be seen. But she had certainly abandoned her champion - and forced her to abandon the Ashlanders she’d advocated so fondly for in turn.
The Wise Woman quietly convinced the Ashkhan to break camp and move up the coast sooner than expected.
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thecagedsong · 3 years
Forgotten Light: Chapter 10: Departure
A/N: Hey, going to be a little iffy on the posting schedule. Taking a huge test in 12 days and I have to study all day every day. Take this one though, one of my favorite chapters. I do wonder if the story would be better if I didn’t have so much of the plan laid out beforehand.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Chapter 10: Departure
Everyone was sweating as Agad, the last of their group, reached the High Judgement Pavilion. Only Patton was missing, already on his way to scope out the dragon temple. While they didn’t tell Seth directly, Patton was probably going to use their infuriatingly peaceful flight as a distraction for when he entered.
Seth had spent the afternoon getting everything ready. Whispering to people to pack up and where to go, modifying the treaty to let their mounts out, trying to collect items. Tess had found him and spelled out the names of the demons in Kendra’s journal, and it was only when she spelled out “Tailizar” that he connected that name with demon that had confronted him in the dreamscape. Agad had promised to see if he could locate any of these demons, and Seth stuck their names with Patton’s list of ways to reach the Phantom Isle. He really needed an adventure log. He let Tess keep the journal of secrets, since no one else was going to use it.
“All right,” Seth said, rubbing his hands together. “I see everyone has brought their suitcases, like I said. You’re probably wondering what is going on, and the answer is that all humans and Satyrs are leaving Wyrmroost right now. I’m going to give being caretaker back to Marat, Agad will do what he wants, but the rest of us are heading out.”
Everyone started asking questions at once, but they weren’t letting Seth answer them. Every time he tried to start, someone else would jump in with a point.
Marat struck his staff on the ground, demanding silence. He nodded back at Seth.
“Right, I’ve thought this through and talked it over with Agad and Marat. We’re expecting an attack tonight, and the biggest weakness is the barrel, so we’ll be taking that with us. There’s a spy in the keep I’m going to have to leave Marat to deal with, but to be honest, he’ll probably be able to handle them a lot better than I could.
“We did what we were brought here to do: kept Wyrmroost from falling, strengthened the treaty barriers, and we saved a couple of castles and insulted the dragon king while we were at it. There’s no reason for me to be here, or any of you, and as cool as it has been being the caretaker, I have a couple of leads on finding Kendra, and that’s more important.”
Grandma asked, “How will you get Celebrant to agree to the change in leadership?”
Seth grinned, “Celebrant doesn’t have to. He’s no longer caretaker, revoked by our local dragon slayer. He’ll be angry, I’m counting on it, but no magic says he can tell us to do anything. We’re skipping the Fair Folk bit again, but they already confirmed Marat once, and what are they going to do, write a slightly angry letter?”
“And how do you expect to leave peacefully?” Grandpa asked, arms folded.
“The flying mounts,” Tanu answered before Seth could.
“Yep,” Seth said. “It may have skipped your notice, but we acquired some new wings for our friends. We fly down to the nearest town with a car rental, and we can be back in Fablehaven by tomorrow. To make things easier on our friends, we won’t have them fly us the whole way. And we’ll have some nice stables waiting for them at Fablehaven when they arrive.”
“And the Dragons?” Newel asked. “I still haven’t heard how we’re getting around them if they decide it isn’t poor taste to eat poultry and red meat in the same meal.”
Doren slapped a hand to his head, “Of course, the Cloak of Innocence.”
“I would normally be loathe to test the cloak against multiple dragons,” Agad said, “As they are undoubtably watching us, but it is a short trip, the numbers within the cloak’s ability, even with the mounts. The cloak has also proven effective against dragon fear, ensuring you retain the ability to stay seated.”
“Oh, and we’re taking the barrel with us,” Seth said, not remembering if he had already mentioned it, “Marat, did we get anything for that?”
Marat waved a golden feather, “This will significantly lighten the barrel, making it possible to carry if secured correctly.”
“Cool, any other questions?” Seth said, “We’ve been keeping this underwraps, hoping to be able to walk right out of here. Celebrant isn’t going to expect us to just leave, certainly not in broad daylight, which makes this the perfect time.”
“Wait, does this mean we’re going to be riding horses?” Newel asked, absolutely affronted.
“Actually, it’s not so bad,” Doren admitted quietly. “I had to, in order to stay with the littles. Felt a little off, but it won’t kill ya.”
“Look, I would really like you guys with me,” Seth said, “But if you’d rather stay here…”
Newel huffed, “Now I don’t appreciate being strong armed, I’ll go, but it’s unnatural is all.”
“So Marat, how do I do this?” Seth asked, and the dragon avatar stepped forward.
“First you’re going to have to denounce Kendra as a caretaker. You were appointed together as one, and you are both required to make decisions regarding the mantle. Kendra has been gone for long enough, that you can officially declare her as having abandoned the post, and accept all the responsibilities as sole caretaker. Hold the staff, hold the amulet, and repeat after me.”
Seth accepted the staff and repeated what Marat told him to. If Kendra had her memory, she would be so mad over what he was accusing her of: abandoning responsibilities, disregard for the treaty, and in her absence, he accepted sole power and responsibility for the preserve.
There was a glow from both the medallion and the tip of the staff. When it settled down, Agad stepped forward.
“Seth, remove the medallion from around your neck,” he instructed. He did so. “And repeat after me.”
Seth recited the same oath that Marat had asked him to take a little over a week ago.
“Do you, Marat nee Camarat, vow to protect the outside world from the living beings at Wyrmroost, and to shelter the living beings at Wyrmroost from any outside threats?”
“Yes,” Marat said, his head bowed.
“Then as the current caretaker of Wyrmroost and as master of Blackwell Keep, of my own free will, I hereby confer my stewardship over Wyrmroost to Marat nee Camarat, including all rights pertaining to a designated and official caretaker of this sanctuary together with all privileges available to the master of Blackwell Keep.”
Seth placed the medallion over Marat’s head, and they shook hands.
Agad let out a breath, “It is done. You have done this war a great service, Seth Sorenson.”
“Hey, maybe this isn’t goodbye forever to Wyrmroost,” Seth said, smiling, “It’s been fun, feel free to call on my services again after we get Kendra back.”
“We will try to let you grow up first,” Agad said. He walked to the side of the pavilion, it was fairly large, and waved a hand towards the stables.
A minute later, those who hadn’t yet seen the mounts were appreciating them. Tess looked like she had gone to heaven.
“I get to ride one?” Tess asked, bouncing.
“You’re going to be with your brother,” Agad said, smiling at her. “His steed is the majestic flying camel, Bagak.” Tess squealed and ran up the camel, talking a million miles a minute.
“Do I have to ride with her?” Knox complained.
“Bagak is the most secure,” Agad said, “We don’t have saddles that accommodate wings. Make no mistake, Tess is possibly the most important member of this party. Without her, everyone fails.”
Seth, meanwhile, was making introductions, “Grandma, this is Glory. She’s Kendra’s mount, and one of the mute luvians. Glory, would you be willing to take my grandma out of the preserve and to the outskirts of the city?”
Glory neighed and stomped once for yes.
“You are quite beautiful,” Grandma admired offering her hand and waiting for affirmation to stroke, “And Kendra picked you because you like Jane Austen, right?”
“Captain!” Seth called, pulling Grandpa behind him. “Patton’s gone, he was only a stingbulb, but I’m hoping you’d be willing to take my Grandpa?”
“I remember Patton was only temporary,” Captain said, “as a group, we have decided to stick together and give your goals what aide we can. I would be honored to carry your esteemed elder.”
“The honor would be mine,” Grandpa said bowing.
Seth found the dark gray stallion, and asked quietly, “Rodolfo, are you sure you’re okay leaving Lomo behind? I’d understand if you wanted to stay by him. He’s the only one you agreed to carry.”
“I heard you with Captain, and I stand by that. Lomo also encouraged me to stay with your group. Frustrated by his own race’s neutrality, he encouraged me to assist you in what I can,” Rodolfo told him.
“Good, I’m glad to have you with us,” Seth said, “You get the strangest riders. Go easy on them, they spook easily.”
Rodolfo seemed amused as he followed Seth to where the satyrs were standing apart from the group.
“Newel, Doren, this is Rodolfo, he has volunteered to carry you out of here,” Seth said. “I told him to go easy on your two because you’re scardy cats and this is unnatural.”
“I resemble that remark,” Doren said.
“You sure he’s up for carrying both of us?” Newel asked.
Rodolfo snorted, “I could carry you both and another besides.” Then he calmed down, “I swear that you will have safe journey on my back.”
“Sorry,” Newel said, “We’ve just never gotten along well with Centaurs, and have never met Luvians, but you seem an alright sort, I suppose.”
Seth left to find Nobel, who was waiting for him.
“Sorry about that buddy,” Seth said, “That was my last bit of being in charge for a while, had to do a good job of it. We’re going to be following Tanu and Charlemagne out of here, right?”
Nobel stomped once.
“Good, alright. If dragons try to bother us, I’m going to be the one talking to them. I won’t be focused on staying with the group then, you’re going to have to do that for me.”
Nobel tapped once again, then tossed his head. Seth smiled, “Yeah, I so got the coolest one.”
It took longer than Seth liked to get everyone mounted up and settled. Grandma made sure everyone had their weapons firmly put out of reach so that no accidents killed them all by disrupting the cloak of innocence’s power. The barrel ended up tied alongside Captain, weighing as much as a feather thanks to the magical item. They made sure Tess knew all the people and animals inside the protection of the cloak. Finally, they were ready about 5:30, which gave them a little over three hours before sunset.
“Until we meet again,” the caretaker brothers said in unison. They didn’t look anything alike, but their manners matched in that moment as the two dragons in human form bowed to the party.
“Lead on Charlemagne,” Seth called. They took off, and the heat fell away as they soared on the breeze. Seth decided to start counting, see how long it would take for a dragon to attack them.
He got bored and stopped, but it didn’t take long for one to approach.
“And where are you going, little caretaker?” a female voice asked. A black dragon surged from the surrounding woods into the air beside them.
“Oh, I’m not caretaker anymore,” Seth said, “I gave that over to Marat. Celebrant’s tantrums got boring; they aren’t worth my time.”
The dragon pulled back and a surge of green fire surrounded them, deflected by the bubble of Tess’s cloak.
“Now that was rude,” Seth said, as the breath weapon subsided, “Here we are, trying to leave peacefully, and you try to set us on fire.” He leaned forward on Nobel and stoked his neck. Dropping to a whisper he said, “Stay steady, don’t spook.”
There was a grunt Seth couldn’t interpret, but it was strong enough that Seth leaned back.
“Celebrant did not accept this change! He was not aware. You lie.”
Seth shook his head, “Take it up with the caretaker, Marat is back at Blackwell Keep. It might be hard, since Celebrant tore down the roost. The Somber Knight stripped Celebrant of his caretaker status, and since it’s no longer his business who is caretaker, we didn’t feel the need to inform him of the change. If he doesn’t know, you should hurry and tell him.”
The black dragon took off with three harsh beats of her wings. Not even the wind affected them, instead slipping around the barrier.
“Seth, here’s an idea, maybe don’t taunt the dragons?” Doren called back with a strained voice.
“Seconded,” Grandpa called from in front of him, “Protection from magical fear is all well and good, but we don’t need to make this experience anymore terrifying than it already is. Everyone okay?”
A round of affirmatives came, the silent horses whinnying.
Calvin flew up close on Thistleton.
“Should I try scouting like last time?” Calvin asked.
Seth shook his head, “Stay within the cover of the cloak. We don’t know how far we can stretch this bubble, and everyone staying together would be better. Go up to Charlemagne and ask how long until we reach the barrier.”
“Aye sir!” Calvin said. “Let’s go Thistleton!”
Calvin came back and reported forty minutes until they reached the boundary. Seth took out his spy glass and pointed it towards Sky Hold, but couldn’t focus it right while moving. He put it away and hoped. Hoped the black dragon was a chatterbox, discrediting Celebrant even further. Hoped she wasn’t as fast as she looked, and it would take her at least thirty minutes to make it to Sky Hold. They had bet a lot on this plan, and Seth really, really, really hoped it would work.
Ten minutes of fairly smooth flying (they had a small detour away from a herd of Peryton), and Seth was starting to feel hopeful. A dragon came up, but didn’t speak, just flew beside them, then dropped back down. Then twenty minutes down, twenty minutes to go, Calvin confirmed that they were on track.
A roar echoed along through the air, startling several flocks of birds, and even a couple of their flying mounts falter.
“Steady,” Grandma called.
“Seems like Celebrant just got the news,” Seth called to everyone.
“Pull in tighter,” Grandpa said, “As close as possible without jeopardizing speed. The less stretched the cloak, the better it will be able to protect us.”
Their mounts obeyed, and Seth started tapping his thigh nervously and checking over his shoulder towards Sky Hold. Five minutes later, according to his watch, because it felt like thirty minutes to him, Seth looked back and saw the streak of adamantine silver wings pushing towards them. Seth forced himself not to look back again.
“What is the meaning of this!” Celebrant demanded pulling to a stop in front of them. Their mounts reared in the air at the block.
“Keep going forward,” Knox called when their mounts pulled up. “he’ll be forced back, just like the first time I was here.”
“He’s right Charlemagne,” Seth called, “Keep going.”
Hesitantly, the mounts started forward again, and Celebrant snarled as he was the one forced back.
“I will not be ignored!” he roared. And it was exactly as terrible as it had been the day he and Kendra had had their interview.
“Uggh,” Seth said, wrinkling his nose, “I see you didn’t take my advice about the breath mints.”
“Do you admit to fleeing your post caretaker?” Celebrant demanded. “I would destroy you for your insolence!”
“As I told your spy,” Seth answered, “I’m not the caretaker. I gave the job back to Marat, and you can’t complain. The Somber Knight fired you for doing a terrible job! Go take it up with Marat back at Blackwell Keep. We’re leaving.”
Celebrant roared again, this time with the full strength of his breath weapon. Four other breath weapons joined from the rest of his entourage.  
Calvin flew up beside him, and as quietly as he could, said, “The barrier is weakening by the Satyrs.”
Oh no. He was used to Kendra holding the magic item, Tess didn’t have the same magic juice in her.
“Tell everyone to get ready to dash,” Seth whispered back. Calvin took off and he took a deep breath.
“Celebrant!” Seth roared back, hoping he was about  “I’ve met babies with better manners than you! We are leaving Wyrmroost in peace. You lie and cheat and still can’t beat a couple of kids. How does it feel to screw up so many times in just two weeks? Now leave us alone, you spineless piece of shit!”
“LANGUAGE!” Grandma yelled.
“Sorry!” Seth yelled back, “Celebrant, back off you piece of rotting troll dung! We’re leaving and there’s nothing you can do about it!”
The breath weapon ceased, and Celebrant looked more livid than Seth had ever seen him. “YOU DARE INSULT ME! I WILL BURN YOUR BONES TO ASH AND FEAST UPON YOUR HORSES —” Celebrant was forced to the side as Charlemagne charged forward.
 “The gate is in sight!” Tanu called.
 “And your mother was a chicken nugget!” Seth shouted over his shoulder, clinging to Nobel with all his might.
Celebrant swiped with claws at the barrier, forcing it to turn temporarily opaque. Another dragon, brown, attacked from above, and the black one struck above the Satyrs, their shrieks were barely heard over the large cracking sound of their barrier.
Options, he needed options! The moment the cloak broke they were all dead. Why hadn’t he claimed the bow from Kendra?
The bag of winds! Seth scrambled, and pulled the small sack out of his adventure kit.
“I have the rear!” he called to his family over the crack of the brown dragon attacking again. “Everyone keep sprinting.”
Nobel resisted a little, but let Seth tug him exactly behind Bagak. He readied the bag of winds as the black dragon swiped. The shield was remaining opaque for longer and longer. The black dragon chomped at the shield, and it shattered. With a roar, Celebrant dived directly for him.
Seth waited until just before Celebrant reached the fading shield, angling it to catch on the flat of his wings. He braced as much as he could without losing his hold on Nobel. Seth opened the bag as wide as it would go. The protection, currently a cracked shell, vanished under his attack. Celebrant was blown off course, his swipe missing—
Celebrant vanished, along with his allies. Seth blinked at the empty sky. Gazing downward, gone were the lush, colorful trees. There was no Blackwell keep in the distance, and no enormous mountain peaks where Thronis watched, probably laughing.
It took a second for the cheering of his friends to hit. But it hit like the colder air and Seth collapsed against Nobel and he dropped the bag of winds. Calvin caught it and flew it back up to him.
“You were awesome,” Seth said to his horse.
“No, you were amazing!” Newel said, inching Rodolfo closer. “We thought it was our turn to become barbeque!”
“Indeed,” Rodolfo said, “You and Nobel showed great courage.”
“I don’t know about you guys,” Seth said, “But I can take a little break before we do that again. And I need a hamburger. Now.”
Doren and Newel absolutely agreed.
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misiwrites · 3 years
Beyblade Week Day 3
for the third @beybladeweek2021​ oneshot set in the 4kingdoms-verse, i have a silly little story from the west. takes place at some random point before the beginning of the main fic.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Fashion / Flowers / Autumn
“Underplates… napkins… saucers… and the cup handles to the right.”
Mathilda places each piece of the set with meticulous care. After the cups and cutlery are in place, she arranges the jam and cream dish on the tray, and then, of course, the centrepiece of the table, the golden cake stand for the treats.
“Handmade by Sir Olivier!”
She giddily sets the macarons and finger sandwiches on the stand. Then a freshly brewed pot of black tea from the kitchen, and everything is ready to go. Her butterfly heart flutters with nervous excitement as she carefully lifts the heavy tray and slowly makes her way out of the servants’ quarters. She has to focus on each and every step to avoid making any silly mistakes that could end up in a tea-stained catastrophe.
It’s a lovely day in early Harvestmoon. Pleasant and still, perfect for having tea outside – not something that could be said about most days in the Country of West, usually so drizzly and grey.
Whatever the weather, Mathilda never grows tired of the beauty of the Tiger Maple Palace, and although acting as a maid isn’t exactly part of the royal page’s routine and the tray is so heavy that it leaves her arms sore, it’s an honour to be asked to serve afternoon tea to her favourite guests at the palace, Lady Chen Mao and her handmaid Julia from the mansion on Kuí.
She finds them under a canopy of branches of blazing orange and yellow, hunched over some papers and magazines on the patio floor. Mao’s holy beast companion, Galux, is having a nap on its designated cushion a few feet away.
“But there are so many different types of zan zi… Oh, look, the tea has arrived!”
Mao is stunning as always. The wide sleeves of her blue-and-orange ruqun dress billow along as she jumps to her feet; she wears her rose colour hair on two long braids today, their shape resembles chains of traditional Western paper lanterns, and Mathilda has no doubt that the style is in accordance with the latest trends of high fashion in this kingdom. The handmaid, Julia, is more composed than Mao and rises to her feet with more dignity, politely nodding at Mathilda who approaches them with the tray.
“Good afternoon, Lady Mao, Miss Fernández,” Mathilda greets them, her cheeks slightly flushed. Relief washes over her as she successfully lands the tray on the garden table. No casualties this time, and the tea is still hot.
“Hi, Matty! Is it okay if I call you Matty? It was Julia’s idea.” Like a robin, Mao soars over to the table, then quickly turns to face her handmaid. “Jules, bring the papers here so we can keep planning while eating.”
When Mao is distracted instructing Julia, Mathilda hurries over to pull a chair out for her. “Um, um, feel free to call me as you wish, milady.”
“Aren’t you one considerate sweetheart, Matty! And how lovely the tea looks! Are these macarons by Olivier again? He’s such a weirdo – I’ve never heard of a knight who’s also a cook before, not to mention a damn pastry chef! Sword in one hand, a rolling pin in the other, how reassuring.”
Mathilda says nothing; hearing Mao talk about her master in such a manner always makes her ears burn, but she can’t not admire her audacious nature all the same. That boyish edge in Mao’s behaviour must have rubbed off on her from her older brother, the Duke of Kuí, whom Mathilda has always found nothing short of intimidating.
As Julia joins Mao, Mathilda can see that the papers she has brought along include several volumes of fashion-related magazines and what look like blueprints for a fashion design project of some sort. She tries not to snoop too much, not wanting to cross her boundaries as an outsider, but she hasn’t even finished pouring the two cups full when Mao is already deliberately pulling her into the conversation.
“So about the zan zi – I was thinking I’d want it to follow the flower theme, but I don’t really want there to be too much gold… you know… and a chai would be a bit meh… Matty, what  kind of hair ornaments do you like?”
“Me? Oh…” Mathilda, who always wears her hair short and simple, racks her brain for an answer of any substance. “Well, um… um... Oh, I went to the Tianguan market square earlier this week, and there was a stall with wonderful flower zan zi from the East… made of fabric… The vendor said that they were created to commemorate the Seiryuu-ou’s late mother… They looked very lovely.”
“From the East? That’s an amazing idea!” Mao darts a triumphant look at Julia across the table. “That’s really unique! You should go check them out with Matty.”
“Of course, milady.”
“But tea comes first, obviously.”
Mathilda ends up spending a long while with the other girls in the garden, leafing through the magazines and following along in curious silence as they (mainly Mao, although she clearly holds Julia’s opinions about fashion in high regard) build their design piece by piece, element by element, carefully considering each detail to complement the big picture. Mao is sketching the design on paper herself as they go, and it’s obvious to Mathilda that she’s quite used to doing this kind of thing.
“Lady Mao,” she asks after a while, “are you perhaps planning to launch your own fashion line? A whole catalogue? You are very good at design.”
“Wow, thank you! You know, that’s actually an amazing idea!” Mao claps her hands together in excitement, her golden eyes positively sparkling at Mathilda. “Let’s make a whole line! This lotus daxiushan can be the first one. Oh, oh, Jules, we need to do the hair next!”
“Glad you brought that up, milady, I actually have several styles bookmarked that I thought you might like.” Julia whips out a HoloPad, and soon the mid-air above the tea set is filled with an array of images of the most intricate braidwork that Mathilda has ever seen, so fantastical that it’s hard to believe that these are photos of real people’s hair. (Perhaps they are not.)
“Oh my cats. Jules, you are the best.”
Mathilda chuckles in content and delight, her hands nested in her lap. These two girls are so entertaining and so eccentric, she never knew the nobles could be this fun. She enjoys their company so much – perhaps a bit too much, even, for someone in her position...
But, for now, she decides to simply go with the flow and worry about it later.
 * * *  * * *
 “Mao, what is this?”
“Shhh! Stop talking, you’re ruining the image! Stay totally still. Be like... what was the word again? Esoteric! You need to look esoteric, Rei-nii.”
Rei has no idea how a person is supposed to look esoteric, especially when he’s forced to stand still while posing in whatever unnatural stances Mao keeps coming up with, currently holding what he thinks is some sort of traditional brass instrument but the name of which he has no idea about.
The only reason he even agreed to a fashion photoshoot was that it’s Mao’s birthday and he wanted to please his childhood friend – but he wasn’t aware that in doing so, he agreed to a day-long session of acting as a doll designed by Mao and her handmaid, in a studio that they have somehow managed to build inside one of the pavilions of Tiger Maple, complete with several landscape backdrops.
It’s not that the clothes Mao is making him wear are bad; in fact, this outfit of a burgundy yichang dress and a dark blue daxiushang robe with a serpent-like lotus pattern adorning the broad yet lightweight sleeves feel rather comfortable in comparison to his usual formal robes that have an unnecessary abundance of coating, thanks to whoever in the past decided that the number of layers was a status symbol and therefore imposing a life sentence of drowning in a sea of layered silk upon the Byakko-ou... but the uncomfortably tight lace braids winding around his skull to form an enormous rosette of hair in the back of his head are a bit too much, as are the flower hairpins that nest above his temples and create a drooping curtain of red and white petals to frame his face; and, after several hours have already gone by, his arms and feet are beginning to hurt from standing still while holding whatever prop items the girls are sticking in his hands, from parasols to flutes and swords and whatever this newest addition is. He’s not used to standing around this much in his monotonous everyday life.
And even worse, Rei has already seen that Mao has an entire catalogue of self-made fashion concepts waiting that she wants to take pictures of him in.
The smallest of sighs escapes Rei’s lips. This doesn’t feel appropriate for his status. Incredible but true, he wishes he was instead having tea with Olivier right now.
“Stay still!” Mao immediately condemns him, “And stop looking so bored! You need to look more dramatic. You’re the king, Rei-nii, act more like it.”
What a long, long day this would end up being.
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boxoftheskyking · 4 years
Something Good, Part Nine
it’s a short chapter, but it has been A Day and I want something nice
I guess a warning for unpleasant surgery talk. And just so many commas.
In which Wei Wuxian sees Wen Qing
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight
The process of removing one’s golden core is not something Wen Qing described in depth ahead of time. When he’d asked—after she’d finally consented to helping him, after hours of argument, her wide eyes haunted, her small mouth pinched, lips bitten raw with all the reasons it’s a terrible, terrible idea—she’d just shaken her head and changed the subject.
Wei Wuxian was, honestly, expecting something much more ethereal. Possibly psychological. Maybe a meditation that brought him face to face with his greatest fear, the feeling of his soul being ripped apart, a litany of all the reasons he never deserved a golden core in the first place.
When Wen Qing tucked a cushion under his head on the rocky ground and unrolled a set of sharp and polished knives, he’d suddenly found himself unable to swallow.
She did have him meditate, trying to lower his heart rate, which took the better part of an hour. 
“I feel like you’re lulling me into a false sense of security,” he’d murmured as she rubbed little circles into his temples.
“It’s not a false sense of security if you know what’s coming,” she’d said, blunt and gentle as always.
He never had a high opinion of his own stoicism or elegance. He’s no Lan, after all. But if Wei Wuxian has any strength it should be a tolerance for pain. Sure, as a child he’d cried when a street dog tore through his calf—the scar long since worn soft, a patch of numbness on his leg now. But when the hunger pangs ripped through him and the rain soaked him through to shivering, even as a child he knew he’d get more scraps with a smile and a laugh than by looking pathetic and weeping out his fear. And there were moments, later, after a slap or an ear twist from Madam Yu, when she watched him closely and waited for him to cry out. And when he didn’t, she’d meet his eyes and there was something complicated there, something that looked almost like respect. He was probably imagining it, his mind trying to mold his world into a soft woolen nest around him. But it felt real.
So he was cocky. If he could swagger while lying prone on the ground with his shirt off, trousers rolled down almost to the point of immodesty, he would have. He let Wen Qing bind him down—”If it makes you feel better, sure,” he’d drawled, winking at her. 
“I’m about to move your intestines around with my hands. Do you really want to tease me right now?” She’d glared, but when he’d paled and clenched his fists she’d brushed his hair back from his cheeks like a mother.
He remembers the Before so clearly. That nest again, warm and fluffy and smelling like the clean earth beneath him. 
He was awake, technically, for all of it. But it’s only flashes in his memory. Pain, of course, pain, pain, so much pain it almost ended up boring. But above all of it was the wrongness. Hands—beloved as they may be—in places no hands should be, pulling at things he never knew could be pulled. The final severing—so physical, so intimate, but also a rending of his mind, his soul, all his feelings of strength, comfort, completeness sliced out of him. It was like his body was a book, thin as paper, and each word meaning wholeness, meaning power, meaning family, meaning Wei Ying is cut out, one by one. Delicate, precise, irreversible. 
It leaked, long after he was sewn up. Puddles trailing behind him everywhere he went. Little bits of Wei Ying, soaking into the dirt.
All of it runs through Wei Wuxian’s mind as he sees his friend, finally, after two years. She presses her fingers to her mouth, lips trembling even as Wen Ning runs up to her and hugs her around the middle. If he could feel more than one thing in this moment he’d be endeared by the normally shy and formal boy grinning from ear to ear and bending to rest his head on his sister’s shoulder.
“Wei Ying,” she breathes after a long moment, and Lan Wangji’s head snaps to her so quickly Wei Wuxian is surprised he can’t hear it.
“Wen— Lady Wen.” Wei Wuxian bows.
“Wei— Are you well?” She absentmindedly sets Wen Ning upright, who is looking between them now with concern on his face.
“Yes, thank you.”
She takes a step down off the path toward him, ignoring Lan Wangji completely. “Were you— They wouldn’t tell me where you’d gone. I didn’t know if you were—”
“I am well, Lady Wen. I’m here, working in Cloud Recesses. The Lan Sect of Gusu is honorable and I am privileged to serve them.”
Lan Wangji stares at him, sword clenched in his long fingers. The three adults stare at each other, the air between them ready to snap. And then Lan Jingyi’s paperman reaches Wen Qing’s shoulder and begins to climb her hair.
“Ai!” she cries and swipes at it, but the paperman grabs onto her hand and continues his mission to Climb.
Wei Wuxian grabs for his master talisman and in a few quick strokes knocks the paperman to the ground. Lan Jingyi turns to him, pouting.
“Lady Wen,” Lan Sizhui pipes up. “Are you going to marry Ba— Hanguang Jun?”
Wei Wuxian can’t look at them, either of them, any of them. He uses Jingyi’s pout as an excuse to go to him, sit down and pull him into his lap. 
“It’s all right, A-Yi. You did so well! Did you see how well he climbed?”
Jingyi tucks his head under Wei Wuxian’s chin.
“Ah, she’s so pretty,” Yao Hualing whispers to Su Meiling.
“Wen Qionglin,” Lan Wangji commands, even as always. “Will you and the other junior disciples please show Lady Wen to the dining pavilion?”
“Yes, Hanguang Jun!” Wen Ning says brightly, and Wei Wuxian hears the children gather up their papers and scramble up to the path. He gives Jingyi one last squeeze before letting the squirming boy go.
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Wangji says. “May I have a word?”
Wei Wuxan says nothing, but he rises, slowly, brushing off his legs. By the time he turns around, they are alone. 
“How—” Lan Wangji cuts off, glaring off to the side and blowing out an angry breath. “What are they wearing?”
“The children. What. Are they. Wearing.”
“Oh!” Wei Wuxian pastes on a smile and scrambles up to the path. “Yes, Second Master Lan. I made them play clothes!”
“Play clothes.”
“Well, yes. You can’t expect them to play in those stuffy white robes. I’m the one that has to do the laundry, after all.”
“Where did you get the fabric?”
“Curtains! Old curtains from the library pavilion. Isn’t it clever?”
Lan Wangji closes his eyes for a moment. “The junior disciples. Of the GusuLan Sect. Are running around. In old curtains.”
Lan Wangji opens his mouth, closes it. After a moment, during which Wei Wuxian brushes more dirt off his trousers, he finally speaks again. “You know Lady Wen.”
“Yes. You remember, we met during lectures here in Cloud Recesses.”
“But you—”
“You are a lucky man, Lan Wangji,” Wei Wuxian says cheerily, walking past him up the path. “Wen Qing is a fine doctor, and a fine cultivator. She will make a fine wife for the Second Master of Gusu.”
“Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian freezes. 
“You know her well.”
Wei Wuxian inhales, exhales. “She was a friend of mine. I did have friends, Lan Wangji. Before everything. Maybe it’s hard to imagine, the wicked Wei Wuxian. But I did.”
Lan Wangji says nothing. Wei Wuxian continues up the path, alone, scrubbing his eyes dry with his sleeve.
Part Ten
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megalodont · 4 years
a stitch in time saves nine
Nie Huaisang was not an idiot, but sometimes he wished he was. 
“Sect Leader, you know meditation is essential for the conditioning of your golden core—”
“Are you my guard or my mother? Of course I know! But it’s so boring. I already told you I’m spending the afternoon painting, you can’t change my mind.”
“Sect Leader—” 
“Sect Leader, Sect Leader. If I am your leader why aren’t you listening to me?” Nie Huaisang pouted. “I’ll do it tomorrow. The light is only going to be this good for another hour, I don’t wanna waste it meditating. I refuse. Go switch with another guard if you don’t like it.” Nie Huaisang shooed the man with his fan and flounced into the pavilion in a swirl of embroidery and silk. As he settled in front of the desk he heard the man sigh, and then the dreaded call went out. 
“Someone fetch Hu Junhui!” 
“Don’t call her!” Nie Huaisang yelped.
“I am under specific orders to call her when the situation requires it,” the guard said steadily.
“I gave you those orders! Now I’m taking it back!”
“Sect Leader made it clear that his orders were incontrovertible, unable to be retracted even by himself.”
“I know that, I said it,” Nie Huaisang grumbled, but he knew he’d already lost. He never won this particular battle—heavens curse him for the machinations of his past self. 
“Sect Leader Nie,” came a gentle voice from behind the door. 
Nie Huaisang plonked his face into his palm, letting it squish his cheek. “Enter,” he grumbled.
The door slid open to reveal an older lady with a beatific smile. Though her face was lined and her hair shot with silver she was still beautiful. She bowed deeply. He hated her so much.
“If I may begin, Sect Leader?”
“No,” he told her, but he knew it was useless.
“Grey hair,” she said serenely, as if he had not spoken. “Crow’s feet. Liver spots. The loss of your figure. Hands too unsteady for calligraphy. Eyesight too poor to read poetry by moonlight. Ears that can no longer hear the highest, purest notes. Older people do not have the patience or conditioning to stalk birds for days on end. A guttering core will not keep you warm, and in the winter you will have to cover your elegant clothes with heavy, unflattering cloaks. Sect Leader Nie knows the most beautiful vistas are visible only by sword, and that only cultivators can paint with light. Older people cannot handle food that is too rich, nor excessive amounts of alcohol. As they age men sometimes lose their powers in bed—”
“Okay,” Nie Huaisang interupted. “Okay! I’ll go meditate! Ayi, why do you like this job?” He whined. “I’ll pay you double what you’re getting to just not do it. You can even still live here if you want!”
“Sect Leader Nie pays me very generously already,” the woman said pleasantly. “I am content with things as they are.”
“I could fire you, you know.”
“My contract with Sect Leader Nie ensures my employment in perpetuity,” came the placid reply. 
Nie Huaisang’s head hit the desk.
“Sect Leader Yao is not satisfied with the agreement. This treaty is essential to the continued prosperity of Qinghe. You cannot send him away until he signs.”
“Can’t I?” Nie Huaisang groused. “This is my keep. We’ve been talking for hours, the man just refuses to see sense! I won’t keep banging my head against that wall, I can literally feel myself breaking out. Kick him out.” His advisors did not move. Neither did the guards. “You guys,” Nie Huaisang moaned. “Who exactly is in charge here? Get that odious man out of my sight, hearing, and mind, I’m begging you. A whole day of meetings with Sect Leader Yao is too much, no one could be expected to withstand that!”
His advisors glanced at each other, and one gave a short nod to the guard by the door, who swiftly exited. Nie Huaisang’s heart sank. 
“Sect Leader Nie,” came that hateful voice a moment later, just as smooth and affable as it always was. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, slumping on his throne. “Get on with it, I guess.”
“If an agreement with Sect Leader Yao cannot be reached today, Sect Leader Yao will have to stay the night. Even if ejected from the Unclean Realm he will return. Due to his offense at being rebuffed, Sect Leader Yao will doubtless become quarrelsome and inflexible—”
“He’s already quarrelsome and inflexible,” Nie Huaisung grumbled.
“—to an even greater degree than he was today. If an arrangement cannot be made in these meetings then the deal will fall through. The cost of raising sheep will rise, and with them the price of wool. Farmers will need financial support, which will require many hours of reading tedious production reports and meetings with aggrieved farm owners. New taxes will need to be devised, which will require much research and consideration. There will certainly be dissent as a result of this tax, and Sect Leader Nie will be required to listen to many complaints from wealthy merchants and other constituents. The amount of time Sect Leader has for leisure activities coming up to winter is already so small,” she said sweetly. “It would be a shame if it were diminished further.”  
“It would be a shame if you dropped dead,” Nie Huaisang muttered into his palms.
“I am afraid I could not make out what Sect Leader Nie has just said.”
He raised his head from his hands to scowl at her petulantly. “You’ve convinced me. I’ll suck it up for a few more hours, okay. Are you happy?”
Hu Junhui’s smile was as lovely and immovable as jade. “I am always happy, Sect Leader. This one thanks you for your concern.” She bowed deeply. “If that is all?” 
Nie Huaisang huffed. Yeah yeah. Send Sect Leader Yao in on your way out.”
“Sorry, I can’t read.” 
“Sect Leader, this documentation is essential to the understanding of that province’s geopolitical landscape. If the negotiations go poorly QingheNie might lose our longstanding—and mutually beneficial—alliance with them.”
“And that sounds terrible, but I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’ve lost the ability to read. It’s tragic, I’ll never be able to read a good novel again, let alone poetry. I’m inconsolable. How will I go on? Every day will be so pale and lifeless without the magic of the written word to bring me joy—”
“Hu Junhui!”
“—oh, dammit.” Nie Huaisang cursed his previous self so harshly he might well have offended his progenitors as well.
“Sect Leader,” Hu Junhui greeted calmly, arriving with suspicious speed from a side door.
“The mountains of our sister province are exquisite,” she began without acknowledging his deflection. “The larch trees are especially beautiful in the autumn time. They are the only place in the world where one can find the superb pheasant—but of course Sect Leader Nie is aware of this. He is renowned for his knowledge of rare and wonderful birdlife. What a shame it would be if their borders were no longer open to travel from Qinghe! The textiles that come from that region are also incredible, as Sect Leader Nie knows. The local breed of goat produced an unequalled fibre, so if trade were to be impacted in some way—”
“I know all this already!” Nie Huaisang whined. “I don’t care about that, I already own loads of stuff from there, I don’t care. We’ve been allies for generations anyway, our relationship isn’t going to break down because I couldn’t remember some historical fact in one meeting.”
“Sect Leader Nie is very wise,” Hu Junhui said, bowing. “He of course knows that the newly installed regent is a notorious traditionalist and will demand many hours of discourse regarding their ties to Qinghe if he is not satisfied with QingheNie’s acknowledgement of their shared history. Meetings with him have been known to drag out for weeks.”
“...you’re making that up.”
“This one heard it from Sect Leader Jiang’s senior disciple during their visit in the spring.”
Nie Huaisang pressed his fingers to the pain throbbing in his temple. 
“Would you look at that. My ability to read has miraculously returned. What’s this?” He picked up a piece of paper at random. “A resignation letter from Hu Junhui? Ah, what a shame, what a shame. Well, enjoy the rest of your life, ayi, take care, say hello to your family for me, so long, safe travels!”
“I’ll leave you to your reading, Sect Leader,” Hu Junhui said as if he had not spoken. She already knew she’d won.
“I don’t care how important the annual audit is, I already told you I’m allergic to mathematics!”
“Hu Junhui!”
“I don’t care who he is, this meteor shower won’t appear again for twenty years!”
“Hu Junhui!”
“One more jar. If I have to meet with these people I’m at least going to be drunk for it.”
“Hu Junhui!”
“What do you mean I need to do it myself, that’s literally why I have disciples.”
“Hu Junhui!”
“Another hour, for heaven’s sake, it’s far too early to be awake!”
“Hu Junhui!”
“It’s not a ‘frivolous excursion’, I saw a blue-tailed bee-eater! What does it matter if there’s a discussion conference on!”
“Hu Junhui!”
Nie Huaisang blinked blearily at the figure in the doorway, vision swimming with liquor and tears.
“Sect Leader Nie.”
Nie Huaisang put his head back down on the table. “Who called you, Hu Junhui,” he slurred, exhausted. “I told them I wasn’t to be disturbed.”
“No one called for me, Sect Leader. We are all aware of what day it is.”
Then why are you here? He wanted to howl, but he couldn’t find the energy. He took another swig of wine, spilling half of it down his chin. It didn’t make much difference—his face was wet anyway. 
The room had grown dark at some point. Nie Huaisang had no idea how long he’d been sitting there drinking. He’d lain in bed until well after lunch, and no one had bothered to offer him dinner, knowing it would be refused.  
“Chifeng-zun would never begrudge his cherished younger brother the need to grieve, but it would pain him to see him neglect his health in any way.” Nie Huaisang didn’t answer. “This one knows he used to bring Sect Leader Nie congee on the anniversary of his mother’s death, because Sect Leader Nie found it difficult to eat. Chifeng-zun never let his brother drink alone, or to excess, on such days. It brought him comfort that he could at least provide for Sect Leader’s body when his heart was suffering.” Nie Huaisang swallowed thickly, the sound loud in the silent room. The tears had never really stopped, but they flowed freely once more, soaking into his hair. “Chifeng-zun would rest easily indeed, knowing his brother was caring for himself.”
Nie Huaisang’s hand slipped off the wine jug to flop limply to the ground. He heard the rustle of Hu Junhui’s clothing, and then a servant was placing a bowl of fragrant congee and jug of water on the table next to him. Hu Junhui thanked the servant, stepping close enough to pick up the wine jug and replace it with a handkerchief. 
She returned to the door and her clothes rustled again as she bowed. “Sect Leader.”
“Hu Junhui,” Nie huaisang said before she could close the door behind her. 
“Yes, Sect Leader?”
“Whoever hired you was pretty smart.”
“I have always thought so,” she said, her calm voice betraying a hint of warmth. “It is my honour to help him to be his best self. Goodnight, Sect Leader.”
“Goodnight, ayi.”
btw this is also on ao3 here, bc i am new to posting fic on tumblr and feel weird about it
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