#i also have some more thoughts on the jury but i really wanna stop typing rn
zevranunderstander · 1 year
No offense, but "colonialist and imperialist festival that is trying to rebrand colonizers into quirky modern nations" is one of the most ignorant definition of Eurovision I've ever seen. The contest was born in the early 50's literally to put Europe together after WWII. And believe me, neither then, nor now the organizers give a fuck about colonialism, also because EBU is made of 56 country and only a small fraction of them were colonizers. On the other hand many were colonized.
So far it's also one of the very few occasions in EU where queer artists can express themselves. We all agree Israel shouldn't be allowed to partecipate, though, and that the jury's vote should be abolished. As for the public, this year their vote has been a mess as well, but for the first time it was open to the whole world so this may be part of the problem.
Your post is also insulting to many of the artists, btw.
the ESC was NOT put together to reunite europe after WW2, this sentiment is not once stated in the first ESC or any of the following ESCs and is literally just a narrative told today to make it seem more heartfelt, there is a really good video on it that by verilybitchie, that goes into much more detail about this than i will right now: link. but generally the first ESC was also just a money making concept: the EBU had this whole new platform they needed to have content for, and hosting a "non-political" song contest was a really lucrative idea. also for a long time, eastern europe for example was excluded from the ESC, because the west didnt like the communism going on there. the video is really good if you are genuinely interested in the previous "brandings" and politics of the ESC and is like, 40 minutes long, so i will not rehash everything said in there.
"neither then, nor now the organizers give a fuck about colonialism", yeah, obviously they don't otherwise they wouldn't allow Israel or Azerbaijan to have a platform in this contest. a lot of these countries aren't just "former colonists" they are still actively colonizing or completely suppressing human rights in their country. they do not care about colonialism because Israel for example can offer tons and tons of money so that they are in the contest and that's way more lucrative than "doing the right thing" and not having colonialist superpowers in a song contest that are currently actively waging wars. i am not saying "the EBU does colonialism", i am saying "the EBU let's a bunch of colonialists do funny acts where they can show off queer people in their country so that they can gain sympathies as a progressive country because they get a lot of money from the people participating and it's also giving them a whole new country as a market for the event night". do you know how lucrative it is for a country to host, because they can completely re-brand themselves as a popular tourist destination?
also, they did only ban russia after 6 countries appealed for them to do so and threatened to drop out, so they truly don't care about colonialism and only how to serve the biggest market available. but the narrative of a country persevering in the face of war is so inspirational, no? so this year you could have almost mistaken all of their branding to be a genuinely heartfelt stand in solidarity with the ukraine, with all of their anti war stances and singing imagine by john lennon, but really, if no one would have threatened to drop out in solidarity with the ukraine, would the EBU have thrown russia out? probably not.
also colonialism is such a complicated, intricate topic that is very much not a thing of the past just because a lot of countries have "officially" been declared independent. colonialism is not a "this is a bad thing that happened in the past but, like, it was 100+ years ago and now we're all modern and progressive, we are both colonizers and colonized", what do you think the european interventions in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. are - if not re-branded colonialism? occupying a territory with a foreign military to "free" people of random regimes, when it just so happens that there always seems to be a lot of oil in th occupied territories. do you think Germany, France, the fucking UK are not STILL colonizers? do you know how many weapons Germany sends to Israel each year so that they can keep doing Apartheid down there? (colonialism also persists in globalization and outsourcing of labor into underpaid "third world countries" so that the economy in "first world countries" like Europe stays stable, but this out of the scope of this answer right now) but like? colonialism is not a "thing that happened long ago" its a thing that is still happening with a lot of the countries, and this paragraph isnt really relevant to answer you question but i really wanted to get this straight
also im focussing on the actual colonialist aspect in my post and am more talking abou how i am concerned with the intentional branding of any country as a woke, queer and progressive country, like, "look they sent a gay entry, that is sooo progressive of this country", which make you absolutely blind to the fact that they might be doing Apartheid and shit.
also i explicitly said that i do like how diverse the stage is for artists, it is just that the network's intentions behind putting them there aren't as genuine as you seem to believe. these artists are usually really talented people and I really loved some entries over the years, but 1. these artists need to be aware on what kind of stage they are performing, this isn't some indie underground platform this is one of the biggest music events in the world, and i love that there is an international stage for queer artists to perform, but you kind of have to count in the fact that these people all made the willing choice to be in a contest that is usually hosting Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan, etc. and I am not saying they are bad, horribly immoral people for that but they made that choice and then they should be able to live with the fact that they were in a show that is being criticized by people. does it suck that the biggest (and maybe only) big opportunity for a lot of queer artists seems to be a rather nationalist PR event? yes, of course it does and I genuinely do not blame artists who do ignore the moral implications of the event for having a chance of kickstarting their career, but that changes nothing about the morality of hosting countries that are active imperialists trying to convince you of the opposite. like, why do you think so many countries want in? because Australia and Israel wanted to be part of some european song contest REAAAAALLY bad or because it's THAT much of a PR boost?
The EBU will do whatever brings them the most money and that is:
allowing as many countries to be there (regardless of the fact that some of these still very imperialist participants are using the space to re-brand themselves) and only dropping them if this would cause real backlash from other parts of the audience (hence why Israel will never be dropped)
being "non-political" so to cause as little controversy as possible (if you watch verilybitchie's video she actually also mentions how "non-political" EXCLUSIVELY seems to refer to "do not make any political comments about participating countries when it could cost us viewerships"),
having progressive entries that give off a good image, which is endorsed by the countries as a PR campaign and by the audience, who mostly genuinely wants to see queer and campy entires that aren't the common mainstream. this also leads to the ESC branding itself as such a queer event and then often leaving it to the juries to ensure that nothing too queer or too campy or too communist or too political or too "generally eastern european" wins, because the winning entry needs to be marketable and needs to be playable on every radio station for the next 3 months without causing any offense to all the people who only then watch what the winning song was
none of these things are done for "moral" reasons or because they care about "doing the right thing", but because they make the most profit. but BECAUSE some of them seem so morally inspired the ESC usually tries to weave it into their branding ("was founded in an attempt to unite europe after WW2", "ESC has always been queer", "we stand with ukraine and thus russia isnt in this contest this year")
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
You’re not my type [Hotch x Reader]
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Summary: Reader is the new press liaison to the elite Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. A stray comment from her leads to a lot of questions from her teammates, especially her unit chief, Aaron Hotchner. When they’re thrown together on a case that hits close to home for Reader, will that comment tear them apart? Or will it bring them closer together?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner / (Female) Reader
Rating: Mature
Category: Angst then smut, with plenty of fluff sprinkled throughout.
Word Count: 8.4k
Content Warning: This gets pretty angst heavy in places. The team is chasing an Unsub that’s a serial r*pist/mu*derer. Mentions of an attempted a*sault to someone Reader cares about. Providing comfort to victims of the unsub. It’s dark in places, but if you can stick with me, I promise I will mend the angst and take you to the land of smut and fluff. Because there is plenty of smut.
A/n: Have you ever had a story that just grabbed hold of you and refused to let go? This story was supposed to be half this length and pure fluff. Reader and Hotch dug their claws into me and made me tell their own story. I’m not mad at it, and if you give it a chance, I hope you love it as much as I do. masterlist
y/n = your name. y/l/n = your last name. italicized text = reader’s thoughts
--“You’re not my type” --
The clock was moving so slowly, I couldn't help but think it was moving backward.
Come on, hurry up. I wanna go home.
I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that it was going to be 4:30 pm for the rest of my life. I still had some files to hand out to the team; I usually do that part of my very glamorous job in the mornings, but since I had nothing but time now, I thought why not.
I had been a “sort of” member of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit for 5 months. Jennifer- wait, JJ, had the job as media liaison before me; she was the last person to officially hold the position. When she left the unit chief of the BAU, Aaron Hotchner, and the technical analyst, Penelope Garcia, had split the roll. That is until Chief Strauss had decided that she wanted the BAU to run more efficiently. Meaning that Hotch got less paperwork, Garcia got a break from talking about mutilated bodies, and I got shuffled around from the public relations office.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed working with the team, I really did, but I couldn't help but feel excluded sometimes. They're all practically a family. I didn't really have any sort of family anymore, just a best friend that has always felt more like a sister.
Pushing those thoughts aside, I made my way towards the bullpen, shoving the doors open to see the team sitting on various desks talking to each other. Loudly.
“Shut UP, man!” Derek Morgan’s voice was loud, but amusement was clear on his face. Actually, everyone seemed sort of amused. Rossi and Hotch were leaning on the railing near their respective offices, watching the events unfold with smiles on their faces.
Hotch smiles? Huh. Weird.
I quickly tried to make my way around them, hoping none of them would notice me.
“Okay, I know how we can settle this. Y/n!” Shit. No such luck. I turned to look at Emily Prentiss, with her long dark hair and angular face. Why is everybody here so fucking pretty?
I cleared my throat, trying to compose my face. “Yes?”
“Answer something for us.” Everyone seemed very eager for me to be a part of this now, which I didn’t think was a good sign.
“I’ll do my best.”
She smiled at me like she was sensing her victory. "If Morgan asked you on a date, what would you say?"
Oh, they couldn’t have picked a worse person to play this game.
I chuckled awkwardly, trying to appear calm. “Um…I’d probably say no.” Morgan took a dramatically loud breath before slapping his hand to his chest. “No offense,” I quickly added.
Morgan wasn’t giving up his dramatics that easily. “Damn, girl! You’re gonna cut me down just like that?”
“I’m sorry,” I said with an awkward laugh. “You’re just not my type.”
Garcia’s eyebrows hit her hairline. “Excuse me? He’s not your type? Tall, dark, and extremely well-muscled isn’t your type?” She scoffed like I was insane; I mean, maybe I was. Jury’s out.  “What about that is unappealing to you?”
I couldn’t think of a believable lie, so I went with the truth. “The tall and extremely well-muscled part.” I shifted from foot to foot anxiously.
Emily blinked. “O-okay. Fair enough,” she laughed, looking at me like she’d never seen me before.
I was preparing to turn and make a very quick escape, but JJ had other plans. "Woah, woah, woah," the blonde hopped off the desk, walking a bit closer to me. "If Morgan isn't your type…who is?"
Fuck me running. “Um…” I trailed off. “I don’t think I really have a type, to be honest.”
"Do you like men," Morgan chimed in. "No judgment, little mama."
Not for the first time, I wished I was a lesbian. “I am sadly mostly heterosexual.” I was convinced no one could be completely heterosexual, it just didn’t seem natural.
Emily chuckled at that. “Okay then,” her hand moved up to adjust her dark bangs, something she did when she was thinking. “What if Hotch asked you out?”
“Okay, okay, don’t drag me into this,” the Unit Chef boomed out, much to Rossi’s amusement.
“…Um.” Why couldn’t I just die? “Sorry, boss, but no.”
Morgan crossed his arms over his chest. “Is Hotch also too tall and well-muscled.”
“Probably,” I answered without much thought. “I can’t comment on the state of his muscles. But he’s very…big. And he intimidates me.” I didn’t let my eyes stray to my boss; I simply couldn’t.
"Ah-ha. There it is!" Morgan slapped his hands together like he had solved some big puzzle. "You don't like men that intimidate you. So, if pretty boy over here asked you out, you'd say yes."
I didn't know a person's ears could blush until that moment when my eyes drifted over to Dr. Spencer Reid. The tips of his ears were bright pink and he was looking anywhere but at me.
I answered honestly again, I figured they’d know if I lied. Fucking profilers. “Yeah, I would say yes. But only if I didn’t know him.” Spencer’s eyes finally shifted over towards me. “You’re easily one of the most brilliant people in the world. You’d be bored to tears on a date with me,” I said, my gaze meeting his wide eyes.
The boy genius’s head tilted ever so slightly to the side, his lips moving like he muttered something under his breath.
Is it 5 yet?
JJ wasn’t totally prepared to let this go, because she asked, “Okay, so a yes to Spence, a no to Hotch and Morgan.” She tapped her chin with her index finger. “What about Will? You’ve met my husband, right?”
I had indeed met her husband with his Princess and The Frog accent. I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I met him the other day when he brought your son by. And…I don’t know, maybe him. He doesn’t give off an air of intimidation.” Which was the nicest way I could say ‘your husband doesn’t scare the shit out of me.’
I glanced down at my watch, seeing it was finally 4:55 pm. “Sorry guys, I need to get these files out before I go home.” With an overly bright smile, I darted away as fast as my uncomfortable shoes would let me.
My final stop was Hotch’s office, and I was so relieved that he wasn’t in it for once. I placed the file on his desk, looking at the pictures of a little boy, his son, I assumed, on his desk.
“I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.”
I'm not sure what I was more embarrassed by, the tiny yelp that escaped my lips or how I smacked my hand over my chest in such a dramatic fashion that I could have given Derek Morgan a run for his money. "Jesus fucking Christ, Hotch! You scared the shit out of me!"
His lips twitched in poorly concealed amusement, either at my reaction or my swearing at him. “Sorry, y/n. I didn’t know I needed to knock before I entered my office. I’ll try to do better next time.”
Oh, this guy has jokes now too.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his dry humor. “I’m sorry. I startle easily. I didn’t mean to swear at you.”
“Y/n, I’ve been with the bureau for almost 20 years. Trust me, I’ve heard worse.”
I bet he has.
“Well,” I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Alright then. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, sir.”
“Of course,” he stepped out of the doorway so I could exit. “Y/n?” He said it like it was an afterthought. “Do you really find me intimidating?”
My eyes were wide as I looked all the way up at him. Really, what was the point in being that tall? "Oh, absolutely, sir." Then I hurried out the door, not wanting to see his reaction or lack thereof.
After stopping by my office, I was waiting for the elevator when I felt someone behind me; turning I saw the pretty boy himself standing awkwardly off to my side. I offered him a small smile before shifting my attention back to the bank of elevators in front of me.
The middle one opened first, Spencer waved me in first before he entered and hit the button for the ground floor.
He was clearly working up his nerves to say something, you didn’t have to be a profiler to see that. “Hey, um, y/n?” I turned my head in his direction, waiting for him to continue. “What you said back there…that you’d go on a date with me if I asked, did you mean that?”
There was that blush again, he really was adorable. “Of course, I meant it, Spencer.” He didn’t look convinced. “I mean, why would I lie? I turned Morgan down right away. And Hotch, who is my boss.”
Spencer let out a small laugh at that, unable to argue against my point. “I guess that’s true.” The elevator doors opened, he waved me out first, again, before exiting himself. “Do you really think that I’d be bored on a date with you?”
"I mean, you have 3 Ph.D.'s and a super high IQ." I waved my free hand around, gesturing to myself like it would help me prove my point. "And look at me. I'm smart, but I'm not that smart. I couldn't put you through a date like that."
He didn’t seem to appreciate my self-deprecating humor. I headed for the doors without giving him a chance to respond. “Have a good night, Dr. Reid!” I offered a small wave before I all but sprinted out the doors towards the parking garage.
Why? Just why?
“We have to catch him before this turns into a spree,” Hotch’s voice was grave, his face the same stern mask it always was. “Wheels up in 30.”
Taking that as a dismissal, the team rose from the table, hurrying towards their respective desks to get their go-bags. That was the part of this job that took the longest to get used to. I never traveled much in public relations; now I'm on a plane several times a week. That in itself wouldn't be so bad…if I didn't still get terrible motion sickness. I don’t know why I hadn’t gotten used to it yet, but I had to keep some non-drowsy motion sickness pills in my go-bag at all times. I tried to take them before I boarded the jet; it was probably silly, but I didn’t really want the team to know. They were all superheroes in my eyes; superheroes don’t get motion sickness.
I was the last one to board the jet today. I was usually one of the first onboard, but I got held up on my way here speaking to someone from my old office. When I came through the plane's doors there rest of the team was spread out. Dr. Reid was laying on the couch, book propped open in his lap. Emily and JJ were on one side of the table with Morgan and Rossi on the other. The only seats available were towards the back of the plane; I could have sat by myself…or I could sit in the seat across from Hotch.
I always get anxiety about things other people find silly. I’m a grown woman, I should be more confident; I’m a fucking FBI agent for god’s sake. Yet here I was, nervously trying to decide where to sit. It would be weird to not sit near him, I reasoned. Offering Hotch a tight smile before I stored my go-bag, I sat down across the aisle from him.
I fastened my seatbelt over my lap, taking deep breaths through my nose. I had taken my medicine, but take off always got me a little bit, no matter what. I never took a window seat either, sometimes I’d look out and see how fast the world was passing by underneath us and…I shuddered just thinking about it.
"Hey," the voice beside me called, his voice was so quiet I don't think any of the others could hear it. I opened my eyes and turned to face him. His dark eyes looked oddly soft like he was concerned about me. "Are you alright?"
I offered him a tight smile. “Yeah, I’m okay, Hotch.”
"Did you take your medicine?" At my puzzled expression, he clarified. "For motion sickness."
What in the- “How did you know I get motion sickness?”
The corners of his mouth quirked up. “I’m a profiler, y/n, and I’ve been one for a long time.”
A little chuckle left my lips at that, right as the plane started moving forward, gaining speed for takeoff. I closed my eyes, telling myself that it was the impending take off that was causing my stomach to flutter, not the fact that my boss, who I thought was always indifferent to me, noticed me more than I thought he did.
Cases with kids were the hardest, there was no question about it. For me, the second hardest cases were women who were assaulted. It filled my gut with such a heavy, boiling rage whenever I thought about it. These women were just living their lives, unaware of the danger that was hunting them. Some fucking monster decided that being a man in our society didn’t offer him enough power; he had to hurt women, try to take their power so that he could feel more powerful.
I had heard stories about Elle Greenaway, the agent that resigned under suspicion that she shot a rapist in cold blood. I never commented on it, but I can’t say as I blame her. That attitude is probably why I don’t comment on it, I thought dryly.
The unsub the team was hunting in Northern Texas was a serial rapist and murderer. He had claimed 3 victims in the past 2 weeks; the locals were concerned that his pattern and level of violence were escalating too rapidly. The BAU agreed.
They started piecing this monster together through the clues he left behind. A white male, mid 30's, has a high-power job, won't be able to have stable relationships with women. They were tracking his comfort zone, interviewing families, and canvassing for information.
My job was to warn the women of this small town that there was a monster lurking in the shadows.
The team was sitting around in a small room in the center of the police station that was crammed with evidence boards. Emily was leaned back in her chair, JJ's head resting on her shoulder. Dr. Reid was facing the map of the county like if he stared at it long enough and answer would just pop into his head. Morgan's head was in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Rossi and Hotch were talking in the corner, glancing around the room every so often.
Eventually, our leader cleared his throat. "Okay, lets head back to the hotel." At the groans of a few team members, he pressed on. "I know, I want to find this guy too. But we all need rest. We'll come back tomorrow with fresh eyes."
With that, we all headed to the black SUVs parked outside, ready to head to whatever hotel the bureau put us in for the night. The drive was quick, we all stood in the lobby while Hotch spoke to whoever was at the front desk. The conversation seemed to take longer than I needed to.
He walked back over, looking mildly uncomfortable. “There aren’t enough open rooms,” he said at last. “We’ll have to double up.” He held out his hand which contained 3 key cards.
…Wait a minute. “There are 7 of us.”
Hotch nodded. “Therein lies the problem. One room will have to have 3 people.”
I turned towards Emily and JJ, assuming I’d just room with them when Rossi interrupted. “No offense, guys. But…I’m old,” he laughed, his whole face lighting up. “I need my beauty sleep. I’m not sharing a room. I’ll go get my own.”
"They don't have any rooms, Dave."
Rossi looked at Hotch with a patronizing little smile that would have been extremely offensive coming from anyone else. “They don’t have any rooms for you," he clarified. "Not only am I old, but I'm also rich."
Sure enough, he walked over to the desk and spoke to the clerk for less than a minute before he was handed a keycard.
“Well I’ll be damned,” Morgan said with a laugh.
Rossi turned to us then, his eyes filled with poorly hidden mirth. “Sogni d’oro!” And with that, he walked towards the elevators.
“Huh?” JJ asked, her voice scratchy.
“Sweet dreams,” Reid and Prentiss supplied at the same time.
“Right.” Morgan shook his head. “Come on pretty Ricky.”
It hit me right then. Oh hell.
Hotch seemed to realize it at the same time Prentiss did. “Y/n, you room with JJ, I’ll stay with Hotch.”
Somehow this was more embarrassing than the conversation in the bullpen. “No,” I said quickly. “No, you guys go. I’ll room with Hotch.” I put a smile on my face, hoping I was convincing.
“Y/l/n, you just said that I intimidated you.”
Again, why couldn’t the earth just swallow me up? My laugh was forced, but hopefully, they hadn't heard my real laugh enough to know the difference. "Intimidated to go on a date with, Hotch. This isn't like that." Right? “C’mon! I’m sleepy.”
With that display of false bravado, I grabbed a key and made my way towards the elevators. I felt his presence behind me as we walked down the hall towards our rooms. I tried to control my heartbeat, calm my breathing the closer we got to the room. This is ridiculous, y/n. I had shared a room with Morgan before, no problem. I was comfortable around the team, I really was. Not for the first time, I wish I had the sense to not open my big mouth.
I reached for the door right when Hotch cleared his throat; I busied myself with getting into the room, ignoring him. Was it cowardly? Yes. Did I care? Not at that moment.
Until I walked into the room…and saw that there was one bed. Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me. “What is this, a rom-com?” I apparently didn’t mumble that part as quietly as I thought I had given the soft laugh I heard come from the man behind me.
“Y/n,” he said, his hand coming to my shoulder. “I didn’t realize there would only be one bed. Come on, let’s go down to Prentiss and JJ’s room.”
I let out a groan. “Hoooootch,” I whined. “All of this is just making me more embarrassed. This wouldn’t even be an issue if I hadn’t been a dumbass and opened my big mouth. This isn’t a big deal but going to talk to them will make it a big deal.”
He didn't look convinced, but I was so tired. I reached out and grabbed his arm before I could think better of it. "Aaron," my voice was soft, barely a whisper, but it was like he'd been struck by lightning. His eyes snapped up to mine, his lips parted slightly. It was then I realized I'd never called him by his first name before. "I trust you with my life. You'd intimidate me if I didn't know you. But I do know you, Aaron." My gaze never wavered from his.
I laid in bed for 30 minutes pretending to be asleep. I listened to his breathing even out and I kept my back to him the entire time. I had tried to keep my bedtime routine brief, taking a quick shower and changing into my sleep shorts and a baggy shirt I’d had since college. My hair was pulled back so I wouldn’t get it wet in the shower.
The weirdest thing was seeing Hotch in normal clothes. In all the months I’d worked with him, I had never seen him not in a suit. He had a pair of flannel pajama pants on, a gray t-shirt stretched over his broad chest. He has really nice arms, I thought.
When I was sure he was asleep, I rolled over onto my back. My eyes had long since adjusted to the dark, allowing me to just stare at the ceiling.
“You’re thinking very loudly.”
I let out a squeak while my whole body jerked. "Goddamnit, Hotch!” That asshole had the nerve to chuckle. “Stop scaring me!”
“I’m sorry,” he said, not sounding even slightly sorry.
“I thought you were asleep.”
He rolled onto his back; I felt his eyes on my face. “I know,” was all he said.
I sighed, wondering how I had gotten myself into such a situation. “You really don’t intimidate me.” He made a noise which caused me to amend my statement. “Alright, alright. You do intimidate me. You’re just so…stern. And you’re so tall. What is the purpose of being that tall? It’s excessive. And I feel like your eyes can see through every single thing about me. I didn’t know you had muscles until today, but I always assumed you did. They’re very nice muscles-“ I cut myself off. Fuck.
That was the first time I ever heard Aaron Hotchner laugh. Not chuckle, not snicker quietly. He actually laughed. His laugh was a higher pitch than his speaking voice; it boomed out of him and transformed the whole mood in the room. That laugh warmed a part of my heart that I wasn’t comfortable thinking about. A huge grin broke out on my face. I made him laugh, and I was oddly proud of it.
“Thanks, y/n,” his voice was still filled with amusement. “I hadn’t known you were curious about the state of my muscles. You should have just said something.”
My head snapped to the side so my eyes could meet his. He was teasing me. SSA Aaron Hotchner, BAU unit Chief, was teasing me. I lifted my hand to his arm, giving him a shove. His bicep feels like granite. “Shut up.”
That asshat just kept laughing at me.
“Anyway, you do intimidate me,” my voice was soft again. “But I’m not afraid of you.”
Aaron regarded me thoughtfully. “So, it’s not that you’re not attracted to intimidating men,” he surmised. “You’re afraid of men.”
“Not all men,” I countered. “I’m afraid of men like you. Not you, but ones like you. You overwhelm me.”
He was quiet for a few moments. “Y/n…did someone hurt you?”
It was a natural question, a normal thought process; I should have expected the question. I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes. “Yes,” I whispered, feeling safe in the darkness of the room, safe but still so alone. “But not in the way you think.” I filled my lungs with a deep breath, hoping I would find some courage. It wasn’t until I felt his hand brush over mine, his calloused fingers brushing over the back of my hand, that I finally found it. I flipped my palm up and laced my fingers through his. He gave me a reassuring squeeze.
“I’ve had the same best friend all my life,” I began. “She’s marvelous. We’ve always been together; her mom said we were like peanut butter and jelly. I love her like she’s a part of me, Aaron.” I knew he would understand; I just knew it. “We were in college when it happened. We went to this frat party because I had a crush on some guy.” My voice was filled with venom and bitterness. “He was overwhelming, so tall, and so handsome. There was a darkness in him, but I was too young to see it. She did; my best friend could see he was a monster. I didn’t listen.” My breath was shuddering through me. “I didn’t listen to her, Hotch.”
He didn't say anything. He just shifted in the bed and pulled me to him, nestling me into his side, wrapping his arms around me while I laid my head on his chest. "I was so mad at her. So mad." The shame from all those years ago was still so fresh. "She took my drink and threw it on the floor. I told her she was embarrassing me… So, I went outside to get some air."
His arm tightened around me, his free hand coming up to stroke my hair. “You don’t have to-“
“I do,” I said, refusing to let another sob escape. “I came back inside and couldn’t find either of them. I thought maybe she was going to hook up with some guy…but she isn’t like that. She’s never been like that.” My stomach rolled at the thought; sometimes when I closed my eyes I could still smell the beer in the air, I could still feel the wood of the banister under my fingers. “I found them in a room upstairs. He had her pinned on the bed, he was-he-he was trying to take her pants off.” I didn’t deserve the comfort Aaron offered me in that moment, but I clung to him, grateful for it. “I screamed, and I guess I scared him. She kneed him and was able to push him off. We ran all the way home.”
“You saved her, y/n,” Aaron’s voice was so sure, so reassuring, no matter how hard I shook my head ‘no’. “You did. You could have just left; you were mad at her, but you still went back for her.”
I wiped my eyes. “You make it sound so simple.”
His lips pressed softly against my forehead, his hand stroking up and down my back. “That’s because it is.”
Things felt different in the harsh light of the police station than they had last night. Aaron was already in the shower when I woke up this morning. I fell asleep in his arms after I told him one of my darkest secrets. He didn't judge me; he didn't tell me I was a terrible person. He just held me; he offered me comfort and made me feel deserving of that comfort.
I dressed quickly and headed downstairs before he got out of the bathroom. My feelings were already swirling around in my head. It wasn’t that I wanted to be away from him, not at all. I just didn’t think it would help my feelings settle down to be confronted by a wet, hot, well-muscled Aaron Hotchner. It was an act of self-preservation if you think about it, I reasoned.
The next time I saw him was when the team was piling back into the SUVs to head to the police station. He offered me a small smile, and I think his eyes may have twinkled a little bit when I smiled back at him a little too brightly.
The team was as refreshed as they could be. Dr. Reid was looking at access and service roads on the map, trying to determine the route the unsub took to dispose of his victims. JJ and Morgan were out canvassing the women's neighborhoods. Rossi was with Prentiss in the sheriff's office speaking with the family of the most recent victim, Bethany Mooreland.
This was the hardest part of my job. I wasn’t a profiler. I felt like I had nothing to offer. I was fielding calls from the media, trying to organize a targeted strategy. The team thought that if the unsub saw that he was being mocked in the press, or his masculinity was called into question in any way, that he would act out more viciously. While acting out might cause him to make a mistake, we couldn’t risk another woman’s life.
The conference room doors burst open, Hotch storming inside with Morgan and JJ hot on his heels. “There’s been another attack.”
I felt my stomach drop. “Fuck.”
“Y/n, she’s alive.”
The dark-haired man that held me in his arms last night only nodded. “She’s at the hospital. I want you to come with JJ and me to interview her.”
Summer Webb was 25 years old; she was a customer service rep at a call center just outside of town. She lived alone, had a cat named Pringles, and was close with her family.
I held her hand while JJ and Hotch put her through a cognitive interview. I rubbed her back while she recounted how the unsub only left her because he thought she was dead. Tears ran down my cheeks when she described what he did to her.
Steel and ice ran through my veins when I looked her in the eyes and promised that we would get this monster.
I’d kill him myself if I had to.
Once her mother arrived at the hospital, we left, promising to call with any updates; uniformed officers were stationed outside her hospital door. Hotch spoke to Garcia, then to Rossi, then to Reid, then Garcia again on our ride back. JJ read over Summer’s statement, occasionally jotting down notes.
I was quiet.
Almost. Almost there. I walked into the station without really seeing it. I navigated my way down the hall on instinct. I pushed the door to the bathroom open, looked around to confirm I was alone…then I broke. I placed my hands on the countertop that housed 3 separate sinks, my tears ran down my cheeks and splashed on the fake granite.
I don’t know how long I had been there when I thought I heard a knock on the door. That didn’t make any sense, the door didn’t have a lock; there were multiple stalls in this bathroom.
But I had heard a knock. The door swung open and someone walked inside. I heard him whisper my name, the tone of his voice was so soft, so fucking sad, that it only made me cry harder. Aaron put his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face him, then letting me collapse against him.
He murmured words I couldn’t understand against the top of my head, he wrapped his arms tight around me; I was sure I would have fallen completely apart if he wasn’t holding me together.
“You must think I’m so weak,” I muttered when my tears had finally slowed.
He stiffened, though his hands never stopped moving, stroking my hair and my back. "Just the opposite, y/n." I pulled back to meet his eyes; I saw nothing but honesty swirling in those dark brown pools. His eyes appeared so dark from far away, almost black. From this close, I could see the subtle shift between various shades of brown. They weren't cold like I had always suspected; Aaron Hotchner's eyes were warm and understanding. They were the eyes of a man who had seen far too much evil for one lifetime but refused to yield his fight for even a second.
I could fall in love with those eyes.
“You’re the furthest thing from weak I’ve ever seen,” he continued. “Your heart is so big that it aches for a woman you don’t even know. It’s alright to cry right now, it’s alright to let yourself fall down for a moment. But I know you, y/n,” he was repeating my words from last night back to me. “You’re going to pull yourself back together. And then you’re going to help us find that son of a bitch before he hurts anyone else.”
Maybe I could fall in love with more than just his eyes.
There are certain moments in my life that I will look back on and remember with perfect clarity. That night when I almost lost my best friend, the day I graduated from the academy, the first night I spent in Aaron Hotchner’s arms were just a few.
I would also remember when the call came in from Garcia; how Morgan and Reid ran into the room. How Hotch’s eyes shot to mine when we found out the monster’s name. I didn’t have to ask; he nodded at me, those warm brown eyes were hidden now, hardened by pure ice-cold rage.
I strapped on my vest and road in the back seat in the SUV Morgan drove.
Summer’s monster was named Jeremy Carpenter. Her monster was a white man with brown hair, brown eyes, with a scar on the back of his right hand.
None of us were sure how he knew we were coming, but he had already barricaded himself inside his house. We heard a scream when the first gunshot was fired. I wanted more than anything to bring Summer's monster in alive; I wanted to offer her the chance to face him if she wanted to.
Aaron didn’t ask if I wanted to go to the hospital once everything was over; he really did know me. He took me to see her, he kept his hand on my back while I told Summer and her mother what happened. What I will remember most of all is how her mother hugged me when I told her the monster was gone, that he would never harm anyone ever again. I hit him in his leg; he was in pain before our unit chief put a bullet between his eyes.
We had come to the hospital alone; the rest of the team went back to the station to finish up paperwork. I held his hand on the way back to the hotel; I held his hand while we walked to our room.
I offered him a small smile before I made my way into the bathroom, determined to wash the events of the day off of my skin.
He was gone when I came back out.
It goes without saying that I had doubted most men in my life, especially since that night all those years ago.
I never once doubted Aaron Hotchner.
I was sitting on the bed when he came back, staring at the TV without seeing.
“Hey,” he said softly. “I thought you’d still be in the shower.” He set two bags down on the only table in our room. “You haven’t eaten since breakfast. I thought-“
“Hotch,” he looked at me then, his eyes locking onto mine. “Thank you.” I didn’t need to specify for what. He knows.
He pulled our food out while I made my way to the table. I couldn’t hold in my chuckle. “You know I get motion sickness; you know my favorite foods…just how closely do you pay attention to me, Agent Hotchner?”
He didn’t look the least bit embarrassed. “More closely than I should.”
We sat together and ate in comfortable silence. The next time he spoke was to answer a phone call from Jack. I tried to hide my smile while I listened to his conversation. Unlike the rest of his team, I hadn’t gotten to see Aaron Hotchner, the father. What is it about men being good father’s that is so attractive, I mused. Is it biological? I made a note to ask Dr. Reid.
After we ate, he went to shower while I stretched out on our bed, scrolling through my phone. When Hotch emerged from the bathroom he was in another pair of flannel pants paired with a black t-shirt. I pursed my lips in both amusement and disappointment.
“What?” His eyebrow was raised quizzically. Why are his eyebrows hot?
I giggled. "Nothing." At his incredulous look, I amended, "it's nothing interesting."
He sat down beside me on the right side of the bed, his back resting against the headboard. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
“Hooootch,” I whined, covering my face with my hands. “I’ve already embarrassed myself in front of you enough for one lifetime.”
His hand came up to grab mine, pulling them down from my face. Any attempts I made to wiggle away from him were in vain. Apparently, those muscles aren’t all show and no go. My body had shifted down the bed during my halfhearted struggles, meaning Aaron was now propped up on his elbow, his body angled over mine. “Embarrassed? I don’t remember any embarrassing times,” he pretended to give this some thought. “Unless you’re referring to last night when you mentioned how much you think about my muscles?”
I tried to jerk my arms out of his hands, but he held fast, laughing openly while my face turned red. “Oh, I’m sorry. Were you not talking about that?” He pushed my arms back onto the bed, rising to his knees, positioning his body over me, his face hovering over mine. “Then it must have been when you lied to the whole team a few days ago.”
I squeaked in outrage. “I didn’t lie about anything!”
He was so beautiful when that scowl left his face. “Yes, you did!” he insisted. “You said you wouldn’t say ‘yes’ if I asked you out. And, based on the evidence, I have to say I don’t believe that to be true.”
“Oh, I forgot I was dealing with a former prosecutor.” He nodded gravely, earning another giggle from me. “Okay, counselor. What’s the evidence?”
“The most glaring piece of evidence is you won’t tell me what you were thinking when you were looking at me when I came out of the shower.”
I let out a whine, accepting my fate. He’s literally on top of you, dumbass. Something tells me he’s gonna be receptive. “Okay, okay. I may have…hurried out of the room this morning while you were in the shower.”
Hotch quirked an eyebrow. “I know. Go on.”
“Asshole,” I muttered, delighted when he laughed. Hearing his laugh was one thing, but seeing it too? My insides were basically liquid. “I may have ran as an act of self-preservation. I was…worried that you’d come out of the bathroom in a towel. And you’d be wet, and hot, and I would…make an idiot out of myself, much like I am now.”
Aaron was delighted by how bright red my face turned; he made no attempt to hide his amusement. “So, just now, you were disappointed that I came out fully clothed?”
“Hotch,” I moaned out in embarrassment. He wasn’t making this easy on me.
My eyes were shut tight, my head turned away from him like this would somehow prevent him from seeing me. His left hand lifted from my wrist, his fingers coming to rest on my chin, turning my face towards him. "If you're going to moan my name while we're in bed, y/n, I'd prefer if you called me Aaron." My eyes snapped open. His eyes were still warm, teasing, but there was a certain heat in them I hadn’t seen before that made my lower belly flutter. He leaned closer to my face. “It would be hard for me to focus at work if you every time you said ‘Hotch’ I thought about you like this.”
I waited for a few moments for him to act before I realized Aaron couldn’t cross the line first. He wouldn’t be mean if I rejected him; that wasn’t the type of man he was. But the choice was mine; it had always been mine.
I lifted my free hand up to cup the side of his face, urging him closer to me. The first brush of my lips over his was so soft I wasn't sure it was even happening. It was so hesitant but so pure that it made me ache. Aaron pulled back to look at me; he was breathing hard like he had been running instead of just kissing me.
“Don’t profile me, Aaron.” I lifted my head, my teeth nipping at his bottom lip. “I want this. I want you.”
His posture shifted, he released my left arm to brace himself above me with his arms caging me in; he moved his legs, wedging one of his thighs in between mine. “I’m not profiling you. I can see how much you want this.” No need to sound so arrogant. “But I need to be sure…I’ve wanted to touch you for so long.”
My hands moved up to touch him, one hand feeling the soft hair at the nape of his neck that was still a little damp from the shower; my other hand gripped his bicep. “Then touch me, Aaron. Please.”
I wasn’t ready for the full force of Aaron Hotchner. He was the most intense man I had ever known, and that intensity didn’t stop in the bedroom. Aaron didn’t kiss me, he tried to consume me. His mouth moved over mine with a carnal hunger that made me throb, shifting against his firm thigh that was rested against me. I was desperate for any friction. I felt his hand move down from where it was cupping my face to rest on my collarbone, his thumb tracing over the base of my throat.
His lips moved off of mine to blaze a path down my jaw, his teeth nipping at the skin there before he moved back to my lips. “Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He pushed his thigh against the seam of my body, causing a whimper to escape from my throat. I didn’t even mind the smirk that covered his mouth. “We’ll get there. Just let me make you feel good.”
I opened my mouth to him; his tongue swirled around mine while the hand that wasn’t bracing him up moved to my hip. His fingers ran over the skin of my stomach that was exposed from my shirt riding up. I placed my hand over his, guiding it further up my stomach; how was I supposed to take my mouth away from his to tell him what I wanted?
Of course, Aaron knew what I needed; I was beginning to learn that he always did. His fingers trailed up my body until he got to the underside of my breast; the callouses that roughened his fingertips were heaven on my overly sensitive skin. My mouth broke away from his in a guttural cry when those fingers finally found my nipple. Aaron moved his kisses down to the side of my throat. I felt his breath against my throat when he murmured, “you’re so sexy, y/n.”
Raising up on his knees, he started tugging my shirt up; I lifted my upper body so I could slide my shirt off quickly. I heard Aaron groan when my chest was revealed to him, but I was on a mission of my own. Once I had his shirt pulled up over his abdomen, Aaron reached behind his back and pulled his shirt off at the neck.
My nails raked down the skin that covered his chest, reveling in the groan that left his mouth. He leaned over me again, his lips wasting no time before they covered my nipple. My hands tried to grip the short hair at the back of his head.
“Aaron,” I gasped out. “I need…more. Please.”
He started kissing his way to my other breast. “What do you need, sweetheart? Do you want to grind against my thigh? Do you need to use me to get off?” His tongue flicked over my nipple. “Or do you want me to use my hand? Is that what you need, Angel?” My heart stuttered at the sweet nickname just as much as it did at his filthy words. “Do you need me to put my fingers in your pussy?”
My thighs were shifting restlessly. “Yes, yes, please Aaron.”
When his mouth closed around my nipple, I felt his left-hand slide down into my shorts, then into my panties. He shifted his wrist, allowing his hand to cup me. He groaned against my skin. "I haven't even put a finger inside of you and I can already feel how wet you are. Your little cunt is just dripping for me.”
I didn’t have a chance to respond before he parted my lips, his finger ghosting over my clit, causing my back to arch off the bed. He smirked but didn’t tease me further; he slid his fingers down to my opening before pushing his middle and ring finger inside of me, using the heel of his hand to grind against my clit. I moved my hand to my mouth, having to bite on my skin to silence the scream that his actions brought forward.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He leaned back, never pausing the movement of his fingers. “Are you trying to be quiet? Do you not want everyone in this hotel to know how wet you are? How desperate you are to have my fingers inside of you?” All I could do was nod. “It’s all right, baby. Once we get home, I’ll hear you scream for me. But for now; be a good girl and try to be quiet. I’m the only one that gets to hear what you sound like when you cum for me.”
I was grinding against him, working my hips desperately, matching his rhythm. I was so close. “Aaron, NO!” was all I could say when he removed his fingers from inside me. The man just smiled at me, looking me straight in my eyes when he put his fingers in his mouth, licking me off of them.
He grabbed my shorts and panties at my hips, roughly jerking them off my body. “When we get home,” he said as he slowly started to push his own pajama pants down. “The first thing I’m going to do is lay on my back and make you put this pussy on my mouth. You taste so good, angel.” His cock sprang free; he was so much thicker than I expected. I was transfixed, just watching his fist pump up and down his hard length. “Will you do that for me? Will you ride my face?”
“Yes,” I was so desperate I would agree to anything in that moment. “I’ll do anything. Just please fuck me, Aaron.”
He used the fingers of his free hand to part my pussy lips again, rubbing over my clit. “I don’t have a condom, sweetheart, but-“
“I’m on the pill,” I reach out to grip his shoulders, pulling him on top of me. “I trust you. I trust you with everything. I need you inside me, Aaron.”
He shoved my thighs open, running the head of his cock up and down my pussy, coating himself in my arousal. He looked up at me again, giving me another moment to back out, before he slowly started to push inside of me. He stroked in and out of me, going a little bit deeper each time until he bottomed out. Aaron’s head fell to the dip of my shoulder. “Fuck,” he whispered. “You’re so fucking tight.” He started moving then. Slowly pulling out before he shoved himself back inside me. My hands were on his back, my nails digging into his skin. I wrapped my legs around his back, trying to draw him deeper inside me.
“You feel so good,” I whisper, biting his shoulder to keep my moans quiet.
Aaron raised up on straight arms, changing the tempo of his thrusts. “You’re not doing a very good job of being quiet, baby.” I whimpered; I couldn’t help it. “I think we might have to do something about that. He quickly pulled out of me; I didn’t have time to complain before he flipped me over, gripping my hips and lifting me up on to my knees. His hand palmed my ass cheek while he leaned over me, his breath hot on my ear. “This is how you need to be fucked.”
Raising up, he lined himself up and slammed inside of me. I bit my lip so hard that I could taste blood; Aaron tangled his hands in the back of my hair, pulling my head up while he set a brutal pace. "Quiet, baby. You don't want everyone to know what a dirty girl you are. Screaming for my cock, so wet that you're dripping down your thighs." His pace didn't slow down; I felt my orgasm rising up inside me. "Touch your clit for me, sweet girl. I want to feel you cum on my cock."
My fingers began circling my clit in a frenzy, causing my pussy to flutter around him. “That’s a good girl. Such a good girl for me. Can you be quiet when you cum? Or do I need to shove your face down in the mattress while I fuck you?” He gave a dark chuckle at my needy whine. “That’s what I thought.”
In the way that he knew everything, Aaron knew when my orgasm was peaking. He pushed my head down, never too hard, but hard enough. I bit the comforter in an attempt to silence my scream. I felt myself clamp down around his thick cock. My orgasm broke inside me so quickly. I screamed his name while I came; the comforter silenced some of it, but he heard it. That scream along with my pussy cumming on him was ultimately his undoing. He gave a few final thrusts before he went all the way, holding himself inside me as deep as he could, filling me with his cum.
I collapsed after that. I had never felt anything like this before. Aaron was there, knowing what I needed even when I didn’t. He held me for a moment until I caught my breath. Then he went into the bathroom, coming back with a damp washcloth to clean me up. He was so tender with my sensitive flesh; he didn’t say anything, he just focused on his task.
Once he was satisfied, he laid down beside me, drawing me into his side just as he’d done the night before. I couldn’t help the dry chuckle that left my exhausted body. Aaron made a ‘hmm’ noise. “I was just thinking about last night,” I said quietly, my voice raw from the screaming I had just done. “You held me like this last night. It was just 24 hours ago, but the whole world feels different.”
He made a noise in the back of his throat that I took as an agreement. After a beat, he said, "well, maybe you won't run out on me in the morning this time."
I looked into his eyes, raising up to press a kiss against his stubbly jaw. “I’ll never run again.”
And I meant it. I could face any monster, as long as Aaron Hotchner was beside me.
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Spencer x GN!Reader
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: After dropping everything to be with Spencer, you start to wonder if you made the right choice. Part three.
Category: Angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Heated arguments. Mentions of Maeve’s death, drug use, and allusions to suicide.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Inspired by the song “Payphone” by Maroon 5. If you wanna give that a quick listen, go for it, if not, that’s chill too. Also, I tried to make this gender neutral, but if I did not, please let me know what I need to correct. Please keep in mind, I’m not a therapist, so I don’t actually know what questions they would ask, what advice they would give, or how they would handle this situation.
Internal dialogue
How did I end up here? That was the main thought running through your head as you sat on the couch opposite the older woman in pointed framed glasses.
Her whispery voice traveled the space between you and pulled you back to real time. “So, how are you?”
You couldn’t help but make a snappy remark back. To be fair, you’d had plenty of practice lately. Plus, you were at a therapist’s office for Chrissake. She couldn’t really believe the answer to that question was going to be positive, could she? “Oh, you mean besides the fact that my best friend and love just said ‘fuck you’ to my face and then said he never wanted to see me again, storming out of my apartment with his keys to my place flying at my head? I’d say I’m doing fantastic.”
You could tell she was trying to hold a composed face, but you saw the slight exhaustion, and some disappointment, flash across her features. “Y/N, we don't have time for jokes. How'd the two of you end up there?” That’s what I’d like to know.
You sighed, “Well long story short, my relationship with Spencer ended on poor terms, I got engaged to Jordan, essentially cheated on him with Spencer, broke off the engagement to be with Spencer, and then that pretty much went to shit as well. Then you know the rest.”
She mirrored your sigh, but said in a soothing voice, “You’re not paying me to help you deal with the short version. Where do you stand with Spencer now?”
You wanted to laugh in her face, “Did you not hear the part about the keys at my head and the never wanting to see me again?”
She gave you a stern, cold look. “Y/N.”
“I know I’m sorry,” you apologized. You just couldn’t help it. Those types of snappy remarks had become a bit of a habit, to the point where it was clearly an unfiltered natural reaction. “That’s not the only thing that’s gone wrong lately, but it really just seems like the last straw.”
She leaned in toward you slightly, a wide open invitation. “Tell me about that.”
“I choose you.” The widest grin you could have imagined spread across Spencer’s face and he quickly pulled you into a kiss. It was almost frantic, like if he didn’t do it immediately you would change your mind. You wouldn’t.
Until, maybe, you would. From the moment he kissed you until the moment you ended up in a therapist’s office, things were frantic. For a while, it was a fun frantic. You moved into your own apartment (you both agreed it was too soon to live together), and you spent as much time as you could together. Between Spencer’s travels and your time commitment to the courtroom, you didn’t have a ton of time, but anything you could get, you took advantage of. Movie nights in on the couch, date nights out to restaurants, mid-day picnics, late night walks, and one of your favorite events yet, clubbing and drinking with his team. You finally got to meet them again, this time on much better terms, and couldn’t help but fall more in love with Spencer seeing how much he loved his team. He would do anything for them, and according to Derek, he looked at you the same way. That’s why you thought it would be a good idea to take the FBI prosecuting job when it was offered to you. You quickly learned that was not the right decision.
“And why is that?” your therapist, Lori, asked.
“I don’t know. I guess working with your significant other is never a good idea,” you shrugged.
“While that is usually true, I’ve seen plenty of successful workplace romances. Is that what you think was the turning point?” Lori prompted.
“I guess. The first thing was how Spencer reacted to me taking the job.”
You thought it would be a nice surprise. You know, like ‘surprise baby, we are going to get to see each other more often’ or something of the like. But when you told Spencer, that was not his reaction at all. He looked shocked, then disappointed.
“What? I thought this would be good news,” you asked, confused.
“Yeah, yes. It is,” he floundered. You knew he was lying, it wasn’t hard to tell. “I’m happy for you.”
Sure, maybe you shouldn't have pushed it, but his disappointment hurt. It felt as if he didn’t want to see and spend more time with you. “Are you? You don’t act like it.”
“I am.”
“What did I do? What is it about me taking this job that doesn’t sit right with you?” It was a reasonable question, in your opinion.
Spencer dismissively shrugged, “It just doesn’t sound like the type of thing you’d be interested in.”
You cocked an eyebrow, trying to remain as calm as you could, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Just thought you were the type that ‘liked to stand up for the little guy’ or whatever,” Spencer half mumbled.
You weren’t sure what had gotten his panties in a wad, and the only thing you could think of was, “Did you have a bad case?”
He turned on you, “Oh, come on, Y/N, really?”
This infuriated you even more. “I just can’t come up with another reason as to why you’re being so weird about this. Seriously, Spencer, what’s the problem? Because if it’s not the case, then it’s the job, and I can’t figure out what’s so wrong with that. What’s wrong with that Spencer?” You heard it before he even accused you of it. You knew how your voice sounded when you were in the courtroom speaking in front of a jury, and so did Spencer.
“Don’t interrogate me, Y/N,” he spat, and turned to walk away from you.
“I wouldn’t have to if you’d just answer my questions,” you fired back.
He spun on his heels with a new fire in his eyes you could tell he was trying to douse. “I just thought you would have talked to me about it first, that’s all.”
“I didn’t think I’d have to because I thought this would be good news,” you tried to explain.
“You didn’t think you should talk to me about it first?” Spencer’s voice got higher, as did his anger.
I don’t need to consult you about my life. Don’t try to control me! You kept those thoughts to yourself, instead responding with, “No. It’s my career and I made what I thought would be the best decision.”
“Well if that’s your view on how relationships work, only making the best decision for you, then maybe I need to reevaluate my own decisions.” That one hurt. That comment went straight through your chest, and for a split second, before remembering what was actually going on, you thought that he’d make a really good lawyer, able to make such harsh comments with such a low, icy tone.
He turned to walk away again when you yelled after him, knowing damn well that he was close to a breaking point if you just pushed a little harder, hoping for some answers. “Why don’t you want me in the FBI, Spencer?”
“Because it’s the one place that I feel at home and I don’t need other people getting involved in that!”
You gaped at him. You just stood there and stared at him. Then, without another word, you went to pick up your stuff from off the floor, and marched toward the door. Spencer quickly stopped you. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t look at him as you tried to push by him, “You said what you said.” And you both knew what he meant, but didn’t say, too.
“I didn’t mean it,” he tried to remedy the situation.
You looked him dead in the eyes, “Really? So can you look me in the eyes and truthfully tell me that you don’t think I’ll be encroaching on your space if I take this job? Can you tell me that the reason you don’t want me taking this job is not because you enjoy having the FBI as a private place all to yourself away from me, a place that makes you feel at home when apparently I don’t? Can you really tell me those things aren’t true?” His silence was all you needed before you walked out.
“So you walked out?” Lori confirmed.
“The first time,” you answered, your voice a low growl.
“How did you two work that out?” she asked.
“We didn’t talk for about a day or two. I still took the job because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have a job. He apologized again and told me some bullshit about being excited for me, just being caught off guard, and we moved past it,” you recited, waving your hand in the air as if that would actually clear the memory from your mind.
“How was it actually working with him?”
“Well, we weren’t exactly working together. I got cases from all over the bureau, so things went back to normal. Sure, it was easier for us to head over to the other’s floor on a break, or go eat lunch together, and things like that, but our time commitments to our jobs were the same as before. The most we interacted during work was when I was prosecuting someone the BAU had caught, and I needed clarification or one of them to testify.”
Lori shifted in her seat, “Did you usually ask Spencer for help with those things?”
“Depends,” you raised your eyebrows quickly, “Did we just fight or not?”
“So the fighting was constant?”
“I guess you could say that,” you huffed. “It went in waves for a while, then got progressively worse.”
“What caused it to get progressively worse?” Lori wondered.
“I didn’t figure this out until later, but it was the anniversary of his girlfriend's death that was the real beginning of the end for us.”
Lori furrowed her brow, “Do you know which anniversary?”
You gave her a dark, tight-lipped smile, “The one-year anniversary.”
“And how long had the two of you been together?” You could see the gears spinning in her head, trying to do the math.
“Eight months.” Her eyes went wide as you saw her put the same pieces together, just as you had. She gave you a curious look, mixed with sympathy, and you nodded. “Yeah. I know.”
“Did you talk about this?” she asked.
“Talk wouldn’t exactly be the word I’d use, no,” you quipped. “But we definitely discussed it.”
You found out from Emily. It was an innocent mistake. Spencer had been acting off, keeping to himself more, going to work early, staying super late. Sometimes he slept in the office and didn’t come home at all. Sure, the two of you weren’t ‘living together’ but you spent a healthy portion at the other’s place. Except, then you weren’t.
Spencer had told you about his past with drug abuse, and how his mom was getting worse, so it wasn’t hard for you to put two and two together and jump to the worst conclusion. Of course, while you're fantastic at what you do, and you do rely on certain non-verbal cues to help you out on the job, you aren’t a trained profiler. Luckily for you, you knew a team of them that also happened to know your Spencer, working only a floor above you.
You were worried, so you asked them if they’d noticed anything. They told you that, while they didn’t know his mom was getting worse, they did know he wasn’t back on drugs. Derek had had the same thought and paid extra attention to him, and was confident that wasn’t what was happening. You were desperate, so you asked them if they could think of anything else that could have him acting like this. That’s when Emily suggested something about ‘wait, isn’t it close to the anniversary of Maeve’s … you know.’ You didn’t know, but a lightbulb went off in JJ’s head. She agreed with Emily and said that had to be what was getting him down. When their attention was back on you, they realized that you were absolutely in the dark about whatever they were talking about.
“The anniversary of whose what?” you demanded.
“Oh, uh, forget we mentioned it. I’m sure Spencer will tell you in his own time,” JJ attempted.
You narrowed your eyes at her. “We’re both still talking about Spencer here, right?”
Her, Emily, and Derek passed looks between them before Emily gave you the very short version of what had happened. You were shocked, and honestly, you felt betrayed. You asked them the same questions Dr. Lori had asked you, which only increased the betrayal you felt.
“So you’re saying that Spencer’s girlfriend got killed right in front of him only four months before he came running back to me?” you confirmed. All they could do was look down and nod. You gasped, “Well, that is certainly good information to know.”
You couldn’t stand to be around anyone just then, and started walking away when you heard Derek call after you, “Hey, Y/N, wait.” You were already at the elevator when he jogged up to you. “I know that comes as a bit of a shock,” you raised your eyebrows at him, “Ok, a lot of a shock. But he was hurting and you were the best thing that could have come around at that time.”
“That’s the thing, though. I didn’t just ‘come around.’ He purposely came after me. Those are two very different things.” He was about to interject, but you put up a hand. “I know that he’s a good guy, and I know that he was hurting, is still hurting, but that doesn’t give him any right to toy with other people’s emotion, and other people’s lives.”
“Is that still how you feel?” Dr. Lori asked.
“To an extent, yeah,” you nodded. She looked at you with soft eyes, letting the silence hang between you. You felt like you already knew the answer to the question you were about to ask, but you hoped Lori could provide some sort of confirmation. Confirmation that Spencer didn’t give. “Do you think he was only with me because she died? Do you think the only reason he came back for me, and essentially wrecked my life in the first place, is because the person he truly loves is dead?”
“I cannot tell you what is or was going through Spencer’s mind,” Lori reminded you.
“Ok, well then, in your professional opinion, what do you think?” Again, you were desperate and needed some answers.
“What did Spencer tell you? Have you asked him that question?”
You’d asked him. Of course, that was in the heat of the moment, and you could only remember certain things you both said and probably in the wrong order, but you remember what his response was.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” Your voice was surprisingly calm. Usually, you’d be a lot more mad at him, but all those other times you had something to fight for. Something to really be mad about if things went poorly. Now, though, you didn’t know what was left to fight for or get upset over. Without fully acknowledging your own thoughts, you’d already given up.
“Eventually,” Spencer responded.
“I don’t think you were,” you said, sadly. You’d been thinking about how to approach this conversation since you’d found out, analyzing him and the situation, going over all of your thoughts a thousand times before you finally let them all out. “I think that I remind you of a better time. I think that when we were together, that was the first time, and maybe only relationship, that really went right for you. I think that after the pain and grief that you still haven’t fully processed, I seemed like an easy fix. I could fill the void, and somehow, maybe, just maybe, I could transport you back to a time before the pain of the BAU, before the pain of Tobias Hankle, before the pain of Maeve Donovan, and you could pretend like all of that hadn’t happened. But then, you started to realize that things weren’t as perfect as you remember. We are not the same people we used to be, we never will be, and I couldn’t wipe away everything that happened, I only started hindering the good. You lost all of the good you’ve come to depend on, Spencer. I brought you back to a time when you weren’t the genius doctor in the highest unit of the FBI, a time when you weren’t saving people, and hunting criminals. That’s why you wanted the FBI all to yourself, and you did everything in your power to keep me, and your new life at the FBI separate, including Maeve. And you know what else I think? I think that somewhere in that big brain of yours, you knew all of this, too. I think you knew that you were transferring and using me as a temporary fix. But what about me, Spencer? I walked away from an engagement because I thought all of this was sincere. Yes, that was my choice, but you also made the choice to come to me, regardless of your motives. And somehow, I think you knew this was destined to fail. I should have seen it, too.”
“Well, we all made our choices,” Spencer snapped.
You nodded, clenching your jaw at his deflective statement. “Yeah. We did.” You waited for him to leave like he always did, but he didn’t. He just kept standing there. Against your better judgement, you had to ask the question you’d been wanting to ask since you found out about Maeve. “Am I her replacement?”
“What?” Spencer asked. His head snapped up to yours, eye refocusing, and you would have paid anything to know what was going through his mind before you pulled him back to reality.
“Are we only here because you lost her?” Despite your voice cracking, there was a certain power behind your words.
“Why does that matter?” Spencer asked.
Why does that matter? You couldn’t even believe he would ask you something like that, and you opened the floodgates on him. “It matters because it means that you don’t actually want to be with me! It means that you are using me to distract you and make yourself feel better instead of dealing with your shit. I gave up everything for you, just to find out this isn’t real! And what has it cost you, Spencer!”
“How can you say that? I’ve made just as many sacrifices for this relationship as you have!” Spencer yelled back.
“Like what? Name one thing, Spencer!” He stood there in silence. You snarled, “Exactly! The only things you’ve given up were your ‘ownership’ over the FBI, and Maeve, neither of which you willingly sacrificed.”
“Maybe you’re right, then,” Spencer’s voice dropped to that bone-chilling tone, sending a shiver down your spine. “Maybe I’m not cut out for relationships. My past has certainly told me that. So yeah, I guess I did know this would fail going into it. But maybe it failed because I’m with you and not with her.”
You let out a single bitter laugh. “I’m sure that’s the reason, Spencer. I’m sure that you wake up every morning and look at me and wish you could’ve gotten to Maeve just a moment sooner, huh?”
It was like cross examining a suspect on the stand. You find their most sensitive button, and you just keep pushing it until you get a confession. “No. I wish I would have followed through on my deal to take her place.”
Time seemed to stop. The earth had completely halted on its axis, tearing the fabric of your reality out of the ground and sending it flying. It would have hurt less had he simply ripped your heart out of your body and smashed it under the sole of his shoe. You couldn’t stop and think about what you were saying before it flew out of your mouth. “Then I guess you’re real happy you know where to get the drugs that can help you finally do that.”
“Fuck you!” Spencer yanked open the door to your apartment, fished the keys you gave him out of his pocket, and threw them as hard as he could at you. You ducked out of the way and heard the small dent you later found out they made in the wall behind you. “I never want to see you again!”
He slammed the door and that was the last you’d heard of him.
“So yeah, I asked him the question. I’ve thought about that for days on end and I can’t figure out how much of that was the truth, and how much of that was just anger buildup that took over in the moment,” you admitted.
“You said it’s been days since this happened?” Lori confirmed.
“More like weeks.”
“Why’d you decide to come in now?” she wondered.
“I tried dealing with it on my own. It started to distract me from my work, so I decided I needed help figuring out how to move past this.”
“Have you talked to anyone else besides me about this?” When you gave her an odd look, she explained, “I’m just wondering who else, if anyone, is in your support system.”
“Not really. I briefly talked to an old coworker and friend of mine, Ash, but I didn’t talk to them long. We’re both really busy,” you explained. “Normally I would talk to Jordan about this stuff, but…”
“Ahh, yes,” the doctor remembered, “Jordan. How is he?”
“I wouldn’t know. I’m not really in the habit of reaching out to my ex-fiance about how he’s doing since I broke up with him,” you stated flatly.
“How did the break up go?”
The break up made you question yourself, yet again. You always knew you didn’t deserve Jordan. He was always there for you, through thick and thin, through all your highs and lows. And as a lawyer, there were a lot of those. He could empathize and understand your job and everything that came with it better than anyone. You were both a crying wreck when you broke up with him. He was heartbroken, but took it with such grace that you almost immediately wanted to take it all back. You told him that you loved him, you really did, you still do, but that you didn’t think it was fair to him to be with someone who also had feelings for another. He didn’t push you or ask too many questions, but he did ask why he wasn’t good enough. You couldn’t give him an answer. On paper, he was the perfect guy, and in reality, he was pretty damn close. But you just didn’t feel the same things with him as strongly as you felt them with Spencer. You kept apologizing and he kept crying until he walked you out the door.
“Looking back, how do you feel about that?” Lori asked.
“Well, we all make our choices, right?” The irony was too good not to take advantage of.
Lori gave you a pointed look. “That didn’t answer the question.”
“Because I don’t know how to answer it. I made what I thought was going to be a good decision in the moment, but I just don’t believe that anymore.” Saying that out loud lifted a weight from your shoulders.
“Tell me why you made that decision in the first place,” Lori prompted.
That was an easy question, actually. You thought back to when Spencer first came back to you, asking you out on a date in your office, and couldn’t help but smile a little. “I made that decision because Spencer was my first love. He came waltzing back into my life and, once we’d sorted out the rocky way we’d ended things, it was like no time had passed. He was still my best friend, the nerdy, brilliant, sweet guy that invited me to the library when he wanted to spend time with me. He took me on this endearing date, where he literally pulled out all the stops, and before I knew it, I was quickly falling back in love with him. I don’t know, he just makes me feel all these things that I’ve never felt before or after him. I’ve had strong feelings for others, but there’s nothing like the intoxicating energy of just being around him. It’s like floating and drowning all at the same time, and I-” you stopped abruptly after realizing you were rambling, saying all the things you hadn’t even realized had been rolling around in your head like a hamster ball.
Lori was looking at you with a little smirk on her face. “What?”
Her smile widened just a little, “What do you want, Y/N?” You opened your mouth to respond and she clarified, “What do you really want? No sarcastic quips, as fun as those are to hear.”
You took a deep inhale, “I want things to work out.” It was the first time you admitted that to anyone. You hadn’t even admitted it yourself, not even in your head.
“But I just don’t know if all the good is worth the energy it takes to deal with all the bad. And when things are bad, they get really bad.”
“I’m not going to lie to you, Y/N. All couples have problems. Sure, yours are very… unique, but I’ve seen couples get back together after similar or worse fights. What I’ve never seen is a person gush that much about their partner right after that harsh of a break up. I am not here to tell you what your feelings are, and I certainly cannot tell you what Spencer’s are, but if he talks about you the same way you talk about him, I think that the two of you can make things work. There are always going to be lows, and if you later decide that you simply cannot endure them anymore, then that is your right, and you will continue to make what you believe to be the right decision in that moment. But if what you really want is to make things work, then I would say you make the effort to make things work,” she advised.
That was great and all, but you couldn’t even begin to wonder where to start. So you asked, “How?”
She gave you one simple step. “Start by talking to Spencer.”
Love Somebody
@saspencereid @justanothetfangirl
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kyuublu · 4 years
Ice cold
part 3 (Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader | series)
Ice Sakting AU
Song rec: Pope Is a Rockstar - SALES
„Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving Paris shortly...“
My brows furrowed in confusion as I slowly started opening my eyes. Grimacing at the pain in my neck I started rubbing my hand on the area. Sakusa was seated beside me looking out the window, a pair of headphones stuck in his ears.
Tapping his shoulder carefully, I tried making conversation with him since his lack of movement scared me a bit.
„Did you not leave your seat once?“ I asked casually after gaining his attention. „Of course not. I’d rather piss myself than getting on one of the toilets here.“ The boys‘ eyes skimmed over his phone. After taking a brief glance to the side he earned a groan from me.
„Jesus, did you listen to that the whole time?“
Sakusa finally turned fully to the side, greeting me with a annoyed face. „Are you interrogating me?“
I huffed out a laugh before the deeper voice on the other side of me could chime in.
„Y/N is trying to say that you should maybe put your attention on something else for a bit so you can breathe and think clearly for the competition.“ Both of our heads were now turned to the trainer that had a magazine in one hand and a wine glads in the other. „Wasn’t that what you were trying to say dear?“ I only shrugged, dismissing the caring undertone that he had implied. „I just personally think it would drive me crazy.“
“I’d rather listen to this song for days on repeat than have to listen to your snoring again.” The curly head was getting more and more sarcastic over the course of the flight and I was getting sick of it.
„Well thank god we don’t have to sleep next to each other ever again.“
Looking him directly in the eye, I finally felt a little more on eye level with him. I guess we just both get a bit bitchy when we‘re stuck in a big metal box with wings for hours.
„I mean, you never know what the future holds.“Both of us snorted in disbelief at Mr. Watanabe as he kept his gaze on the magazine.
Here we were, Paris. It was beautiful.
I mean- as far as I could tell from the short taxi drive from the airport to the hotel.
„So you guys know, no breaks. Go up to your rooms, leave your stuff there and we’ll go directly to the rink.“ Sakusa only nodded after taking one of the key cards from his trainer. Sighing at the stress that was already hitting me since we got off the plane, I also took a card. Room 147 B.
Suddenly I noticed that the dark haired boy had already left my sight. I gotta admit, he is fast.
After getting to my designated room and literally throwing my stuff in there. I only quickly got changed into something that didn’t smell like a long day at the airport. After closing my door I came face to face to the man himself.
„Tzeh, he wasn’t wrong when he said we wouldn’t know what the future holds. I’ll probably hear your snores through the walls.“ Sakusa had what appeared to be an attempt of a smirk on his face, as he then walked down the hallway.
„Oh my god, its not even that bad. Can you stop being such an asshole?” Rolling my eyes I followed the skater down the hall, back to the lobby.
The venue was even bigger than I expected. As we walked past the huge white walls towards the rink, Sakusa excused himself to the lockers. The ceiling was open and the all the seats around it made me feel dizzy. All eyes will be on one performer.
Shuddering at the thought I turned to Mr. Watanabe. “Do you think he’s-“
“He’s alright, trust me. Sakusa has performed in bigger venues.”
The trainer confidently clapped his hands together. My mouth fell open as my brows furrowed at the thought of even bigger rinks. “You’re kidding...”
Suddenly I heard scratching ice and felt a figure coming to a halt on the rink behind me.
“Don’t you know, Sakusa is a little superstar!” I turned excitedly when I recognized Sugas voice, engulfing him in a awkward hug over the railing between us.
“Wow! At least someone is happy to see me.” The smile was evident in his voice. We both had really missed eachother, since after the time we first met we had been texting constantly. He was a great friend to me eventhough we haven’t seen each other often.
“Of course! I’m not just here for grumpy cat.” We chuckled at the nickname of the black haired boy until I could feel his eyes pierce through my back.
“Nice to see you have chosen to befriend the enemy.” I rolled my eyes as Sakusa stopped to stand next to me. “Oh come on Omi, relax a little. Behind the scenes we’re all just buddies after all.”
“I’m not your buddy.” The boy mumbled as he secured his skates once again. Suddenly another figure swiftly appeared behind Suga.
“Omi, you seem thrilled as always.” The boy leaned confidently on the railing next to Suga. This must be Aran Ojiro as Mr. Watanabe had informed me beforehand. He was an amazing performer, gathering alot of points for his presence alone.
“I told you guys to stop calling me that.” Sakusa stood up, ignoring the two skaters as he departed towards the ice rink. He easily moved to along the ice and made his rounds. After Sakusas little fit, Aran turned to me with a grin as he held out a hand. “I’m Aran by the way.” My hand found his as I returned the smile and introduced myself.
After talking a little with him and Suga, it was clear to me that they had already been close for years.
“So you and Omi? How long have you guys been...?”Aran raised a brow playfully, I immediately shook my head.
“Hell no. Not in a million years.”
“Excuse me? So you mean to tell me that you came all the way here to the City of love, only to watch some skinny boys twirl on ice?”Suga exclaimed as he gave a look.
“I- I uhmm... Yeah?” My confidence went downhill as I thought of another thing to say. Both of them were such big characters. I kinda felt boring between two pro skaters that lived these crazy lifes. Flying from one country to another, performing in even bigger venues than the one we were currently standing in.
“Well let me tell you, I’d never thought I’d see him inviting someone to a competition. Let alone a girl.” Aran chuckled as his eyes travelled to Sakusas form that was still moving to warm himself up.
“It’s not like that though.” Both of the boys eyes were now on me, seemingly interested in what I’d say next. I looked down as my face began heating up. He could never like me like that. “I- I just helped him with picking out a song and the rest was thanks to his trainer.”
Aran hummed in acknowledgment but decided to speak up again. “That’s something though. He wouldn’t consider to ask us for any type of advice really.”
Sugawara chuckled at his comment, lightly pushing himself back on the ice. “Well, I’ll have to get moving again before I’ll start freezing to death.” I gave him a quick smile as I watched his skate away, Aran close to follow the grey haired boy until he quickly turned around again.
“Was nice meeting ya! Maybe you guys can meet us at the entrance after practice. We’ll probably explore the city for a little bit before the big day tomorrow.” My eyes went wide at the offer, that caught me off guard. They really wanted me there? I barely knew anybody besides them. “Sure! But we’ll see if I’ll manage to drag Omi along.” I playfully remarked, which was met with a small chuckle from Aran as he also pushed himself back onto the rink.
My eyes snapped open as I felt someone’s elbow meet in my side. Still slightly in shock I looked to my right.
“Jesus Sakusa, couldn’t you have woken me up a bit less violent.”
The curly head didn’t even seem to listen to my nagging since his eyes were fixated on the rink. I followed his gaze until I was met with a tall lanky figure, moving elegantly on the icey floors.
“Lev Haiba. He’s one of jury’s favorites.” Sakusas tone was more serious as he watched the boy skate his routine.
“Don’t worry, just because heart a favorite doesn’t mean he’ll do any better than you. You’ve been working on this performance for so long. You’ve actually tried something new and decided to change things up while maintaining your style.”
My hand subconsciously rose to almost land on his shoulder but I decided against it, as I drew it back between my legs. “You’ll definitely outshine this guy in a heartbeat when you step on the ice.” I looked at him through my lashes, waiting for any kind of reaction.
“We’ll see.”
The boy stood up abruptly without sparing me another glance. Then suddenly I got a hold of his one of his sleeves to ask him the question I had been dying to ask for hours.
“Do you maybe wanna... hang out?” Sakusa turned to me with an unsure look on his face. To me he seemed as if he was either confused as to why I’d even attampt to ask or why I’d dare to hold his sleeve. I quickly let go of the end of the skaters jacket and stood up infront of him. “So?”
He sighed in defeat as my eyes stayed expectantly locked on his. “Alright, but lets ask Mr. Watanabe before we-“
Loud laughs could be heard from the seats above us. One of them clearly being from our precious coach, enjoying his time with some of the other coaches (probably the femal ones).
“Well, I guess he won’t mind a little fun!” I walked ahead of the black haired boy with my head held high. This time I won’t let him run away from me nor his other ‘friends’.
When we arrived at the entrance there was a group of around 5 people waiting. Sakusas pace slowed down a little as he saw Suga approach us.
“Oi, you guys actually decided to come! I thought I’d have to wake you before Omi would leave you to sleep in the venue.” Me and some of the people giggled along with the joke but Sakusa clearly wasn’t amused.
“Well, are you guys waiting for more?” I asked curiously but Aran shook his head. “Nah, we can go. We’ll probably look for some food place before we can check out the area.” Nodding at his idea, the group slowly took off until I noticed Sakusas figure standing still like a statue.
I turned to the boy with brows furrowed in confusion, why was he making such a fuss now? “Just go ahead, I’ll wait for Mr. Watanabe and head back to the hotel.” The boy stayed nonchalant not even noticing how I was practically fuming on the inside. He can’t even allow himself to have fun in freaking Paris.
“Are you serious?”
I stared him down now, tired of his behavior. Sure he can be antisocial but these guys were all so nice to him and trying to be his friends, but he wouldn’t budge.
“We’re in Paris! We should be exploring, having fun-“
Sakusa only let out a cold laugh as he looked away from me in disbelief. “I’m not here to have fun, y/n. I’m here for a freaking competition.” Suddenly he stepped closer to me with a daring look on his face.
“These aren’t my friends and they aren’t yours either. As soon as we leave, they’ll forget about you and your stale personality because they have more important things to worry about than texting some average girl from a small little town.”
I looked down to my feet. This time I wasn’t feeling shame or embarrassment. I was in rage.
Then a voice rang from further away, breaking the tension. “Are ya guys coming or not?” I cleared my throat for a second, turning towards the group. “Just a minute!” My head moved back up to face the boy infront of me.
“Just because you can’t let anybody get close to you, doesn’t mean they are automatically the bad guys. You won’t even open up to me, Sakusa.”
I slowly walked away from his form without seeing his reaction but I decided to speak up again, my back turned towards the skater.
“I’m sick of trying to excuse or even understand you and your ways. I’m done.”
My feet moved on their own as I kept my eyes locked on the group in the distance. Their giggles and talks piercing through the heavy tension I had just left behind.
After finding a small restaurant that wasn’t going to cost us a whole three day budget in Paris, we finally settled down at a table.
I actually calmed down pretty quickly after the fight with Sakusa. Usually my thoughts would be stuck on these type of things for hours but I felt confident in what I had said. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night or any of the others for that matter.
“You okay?” Sugawara sweetly leaned towards me next to my seat. I shrugged off the uneasy feeling I had before and responded “Yeah, I’m just hungry.”. The boy gave me a sympathetic look before handing me one of the menu’s. “I definitely feel you on that one.” Letting out a laugh I quickly scanned over the menu.
Some time later we had all been full and ready to hit the streets. I also got introduced to the other people of the group in which mainly Suna and a pair of twins had stuck out the most. The Miya twins usually bickering and Suna showing me recordings of some of the most iconic fights between the other skaters. They were a pretty loud bunch, but it was actually pretty refreshing.
As we roamed around Paris, it seemed that tall classy buildings and cosy cafes were all over. Even in the break of dawn it seemed as if the night was still young. Lights adorned the streets and people were still busy as ever.
There was a little thought in the back of my head, just for a moment. Maybe Sakusa would have liked seeing some parts around here. The more quiet once, or the little river that mirrored the lights of the city.
When we ended at the infamous Eiffel Tower, Sugawara had already persuaded me into going onto the attraction though. It took me abit of strength to actually get all the way up there but the view was worth it.
All the city lights seemed to shine even brighter. Even the height was forgotten when the beauty of Paris had engulfed me already.
“I haven’t been up here since I was 12.” The voice of the one person I have been trying to avoid in my head was suddenly right behind me. I didn’t let myself turn to the curly hot head as I crossed my arms. “Why didn’t you just tag along if you’d end up here anyways...”
Sakusa stepped next to me, eyes focused on the view infront of us. “I only left the hotel a couple of minutes ago.” He then held a an image of Sunas instagram story up towards my face. “It wasn’t that hard to find you guys though.”. I stifled a laugh at the thought of Sakusa actually looking through our instagram stories to find us. “You’re ridiculous.”.
I felt his gaze on me. “I’m sorry about that thing at the venue...” His voice was barely audible, as if he wasn’t even sure what he had wanted to say next. “What thing exactly?” My eyes stayed on the buildings and lights, not once budging into giving him my attention.
Kiyoomi sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. He really wasn’t good at these kinds of things. “I didn’t want to be so fucking rude. I just-“ The boy stopped himself but then decided to just blurr out what he had already been thinking.
“I just thought you wanted to hang out with me, not with the whole group... I thought you’d actually want to be alone with me for once.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “We have been alone countless of times Omi.”
The use of his usually dreaded nickname suddenly made Sakusa look away quickly to hide his creeping blush. “Yes but it was because we had to be, not because you actually wanted to be around me.” My eyes went wide at the confession, my head snapping to his face. “What?”
Suddenly I could feel his hand touching mine cautiously. “I don’t want to be around those idiots-“ I chuckled at his remark until he continued his little speech. “but I shouldn’t have told you all of that crap. I was just a bit...” He looked to the ground, almost looking shy at this point. “Jealous?” I asked curiously with a hint of a smile on my lips. The boy looked up, a bit taken back by my sudden boldness. “Irritated, I guess.”
I smiled at the underlying victory, I knew what he was thinking for once. I could finally be more casual around him.
“Are you still nervous about the whole Lev thing?” I asked to break the silence that had been dawning on us for a bit now. “No, I think I’m alright.” My brows were raised at his relaxed answer. “So my peptalk did ease your mind, huh?” He smiled softly “I think you have that effect on me generally.”
As he turned to me his gaze lingered for a little too long, making me feel like I was about to freaking pass out. His hand swiftly grabbed mine and I knew I couldn’t contain my smile anymore.
“You know... I think I might like you.”
Finally I catched his eye, basically exposing my shameless happiness that was spread across my face.
“I think I might like you too.”
Everything; Paris, the competition, the job I had back home, all of these expectations including my year off of college, suddenly werent clouding my thoughts. We were both finally just here, in the moment.
And I had a lingering feeling, that even Kiyoomi could finally breathe for a second.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know it didn’t end with the competition but I wanted it to rather focus on the relationship they slowly built than on the skating alone. Hopefully it was still a nice ending though ^^
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bechobbi · 4 years
Fortune favours the bold - SamDrake x Reader - (Chapter 5)
Tags: @missdictatorme - @unchartedterritoria - @jodiereedus22 - @aliceriddell-aka-zephyr - @sicparvismagnaforsam - @mooraakath- @uncharted-trash-shar - @tennantmademedoit - @samdrakeftw - @sparrowspt9851 - @reachagalaxy - @irresistiblemonster @original-drake@sw33t-but-psycho @dragonjedihobbit @ellie-drake @fhujami@birdgirl69@mafiahobbit @spaskaalekha @avast-you-dirty-dog @shambhalala@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @missymysa
Wanna be tagged in/out? Just tell me!
The sun's rays illuminated the room in brilliant trails. The alternation of lights and shadows made the room warmer and more welcoming than it actually was.
Sam hadn't slept a wink after reading that one page of your diary.
You opened your eyes lazily at the sound of the front door closing. It took a few seconds to figure out where you were. The slightly moldy and unadorned walls brought back in your mind the events of the night just passed.
Another unfamiliar place that wouldn't have long remained etched in your memories.
You rolled out of bed and automatically made your way to the window. You were hoping to understand what time it was basing yourself on the power of the sun's rays that warmed the day ahead.
You pulled the curtain aside. It was probably 6 or 7 in the morning.
You hadn't slept much this time either, but you felt pretty rested.
Some movement caught your attention. A man from behind was smoking looking at the sky. It took you a couple of seconds to recognize him. He was the one who had disinfected your wounds hours ago. He was pacing back and forth along the narrow wooden corridor that joined all the doors of the rooms of that dilapidated motel.
"He seems nervous ... No, it would be more correct to say that he seems upset" you thought.
On the spot you headed for the door and, once outside, you stood staring at him for a few minutes.
"Did you sleep well?"
You didn't think he noticed you.
"L-llike a rock"
"You needed it," he said finally turning to you.
He looked tired, his eyes red and circled by light purple dark circles.
"You, on the other hand, look like someone who hasn't slept for days"
Sam, not too surprised by your statement, put his hands to his hips, puffed some smoke and said, "It is written in my face, isn’t it?"
He smiled and gestured in the direction of the room. “I got something for breakfast. There is also coffee. You like it?"
It had been some time since someone had bothered to get you breakfast.
"I love it"
The man came up, opened the door, threw his cigarette away and invited you to enter first.
"Ladies first"
"T-thank you ..." you said looking down at your feet.
"Sam. My name is Sam"
You faced him, he was waiting for your handshake.
“I am Y / N”, he had a strong grip typical of a person who could be trusted.
He had been smart, now he was sure of your name and he knew for sure that the diary he found was yours.
While he poured the coffee into two cups, you sat on the only chair in the room.
"Here it is. A good dose of energy to start the day” he said, passing you the cup. Then he sat on the bed.
"Thanks a lot. You know, my parents often brought me coffee in bed” you said as you lost yourself in the dark liquid.
"Really? Well, lucky you. "
Lowering your voice you commented “Not really I would say”.
"Long story. My parents are gone "
Sam bit his tongue "Man, sorry..."
"Don’t worry. It's not your fault. Rather, I have no money so I can't pay you back for hospitality and breakfast. "
He sipped his hot coffee “Don't even think about it, it’s on me. Never let a woman pay, unless she's rich and you're her toyboy” Sam joked to defuse the situation.
A smile appeared on your face.
"You're nice" you affirmed.
"Thank you" he winked at you.
You blushed for a moment. You could perceive the erotic charge of that man from a mile away.
To distract yourself from those kinds of thoughts you started looking around. But you ended up inspecting your interlocutor’s hands.
He had big and strong hands, that were probably skilled in different fields of action, and surely had touched an infinite number of women. He was clearly the one-night stand type, yet behind that facade in your opinion was hiding a person with a big heart .
"Look... what are you doing in a ramshackle motel like this?"
He tilted his head to one side and commented "I could ask you the same question"
"You're right" you shrugged.
He hesitated a moment after which he decided to answer anyway "I was expecting a person"
You made a face "... And?"
"She didn't come"
"I understand" you muttered.
Silence. He sipped his coffee noisily, so much to fill the silence of the room.
"Was it important?" you asked suddenly.
Sam narrowed his eyes and nodded.
Silence fell again and you felt a little embarrassed, but at the same time you couldn't stop the questions in your head.
You started making noises with your mouth to try to make yourself comfortable.
Then you noticed that he was staring at you from behind the cup, he was looking for eye contact with you. He was studying you.
"Why are you asking me these questions?" he seriously ruled.
You held your gaze and stammered “I-it was like that, just to talk. Sometimes the silence is too deafening "
Sam was very serious this time.
He lit a cigarette and headed for the window. He looked out after moving the curtain.
"You know, last night when I went out to get some food I found something."
Your blood ran cold as thhe man eagerly inhaled the smoke from his cigarette.
"I know what actually happened to you before you came knocking on my door."
At that moment the man in front of you scared you. He had changed abruptly. Now it was creepy.
"I-I ..."
He interrupted you “I live on lies too, but perhaps you already understood this. I noticed that you are smart. I could almost say that you understand more than you want to let others believe. "
"You-see ... I-I ..." you tried to speak again, but he cut you off again.
"You know I have this bad habit of always wanting to screw others, but not wanting to be screwed."
Finally he turned towards you, from that position you could see his height and his physical structure. A hand would have been enough to break you a bone.
He slowly moved towards you threateningly and you were frozen in fear.
Now he was crouching at your feet and, without taking his eyes off yours, he took a lock of your hair and put it in its place behind your ear.
You felt like you had a lump in your throat. You stood still.
“You remind me so much of a person I know. Now, will you please tell me who you are? "
You couldn't open your mouth so he kept on talking.
“I know you weren't attacked because they wanted to rape you. I know that you are a thief of books, records and food "
He was playing with another lock of your hair, rolling it around his fingers. You were ready to dash away at any moment to escape from that strange situation.
Then you saw a huge smile forming on the man's face. A wonderful and sincere smile.
"I like it" he commented.
You thought you would faint at any moment, but you held on tight.
Sam laughed “You should see your face! Don't worry girl, I'm not going to do anything to you. And... if you are in some trouble you can tell me about it, maybe I can help you " he winked at you and jumped up.
You were stunned, you no longer knew what you felt. Fear? Yes. Joy? Yes. A mixture of emotions.
You were baffled by that sudden change in his behavior, it was probably some kind of test you had to pass.
"I thought you wanted to hurt me" you said looking at him.
“Nah, I'm not that kind of man. Rather, I feel that you are in a situation bigger than you. Ah here." He continued heading towards the place where he had hidden your backpack "I believe this belongs to you".
He took out your stuff and handed it to you.
"Y-yes, did you find it in the trash can? I thought I had lost it ... "
Sam laughed "Yeah sure LOST, of course”
"Well, in a way I thought I would never find it again after yesterday ..." you justified yourself immediately.
Setting down the now empty cup of coffee, you took your diary and some clean clothes from your backpack.
“My name is Y/N  Y/L/N, and I'm on my way home. Or at least to what was my home. Let's say I want to take back my due. "
Sam was intrigued "And what what is that?" he pressed.
"As I said, my home and my legacy. Some people took everything away from me, even my parents, but obviously they made it look like murder-suicide, so ..."
The man was captivated by your story, by you, by your eyes, by your gestures as you spoke, by your voice. From the adventure that somehow lay ahead of him.
"You are alone?" he asked.
You nodded with a frown.
“So you want to take revenge and take back what's yours, all by yourself. It doesn't seem like a good plan to me. "
"I can shoot" you retorted determined.
Sam was stunned for a moment, then returned to his normal attitude “Shooting alone is useless. Besides, have you ever shot a person? I mean a real person? "
“Wowowo! Aren’t you too young to play with a weapon? "
"It was self-defense, that's how they defined it"
"The judge and the jury"
Sam was more and more surprised and intrigued, for a moment he hesitated, then he asked "So you were also in court?"
“Yes, but they let me go. I told you: self-defense. " You repeated.
“Ok ok. Who are your enemies?"
"Relatives" you stated.
The conversation was becoming an interrogation, though the man in front of you did not make you feel uncomfortable as the police did. It seemed to you that by dint of telling the desire for revenge grew more and more.
"So your relatives, and you must have shot one of them, disinherited you and so you ended up on the street."
"In a nutshell" you shrugged.
Sam took another cigarette and lighting it he asked "Do you have an ace up your sleeve?"
You shook a no with your head.
He snorted and in a reproachful tone said “You need a plan, girl. Aren’t you thinking about walking into the house, shooting and getting out clean. If you shoot first, the jury won't be so kind. "
On the one hand you were discouraged, in your head there was only the desire to see  dead all those snakes. Material things and life itself had lost their value since your parents died.
Staring at the floor you whispered "I don't care about anything anymore ..."
"What the fuck?!" Sam snapped "You're wrong!" he took you by the hips and lifted you like a doll, dragged you in front of the mirror placed in front of the bed and put you down. He smoothed your messed up hair and placing his hands on your shoulders he said aloud “A beautiful and strong girl like you must not give in to the injustices of the world! Life can be better than this! Don't get your hands dirty. And if you really have to, let someone else do it! "
“Listen to me” he said reaching your ear “I like you, you have the ability to see inside people and beyond things, I'm not stupid, I've known tons of people and you don't have to go down to the level of those who have hurt you. You have everything to lose. You have a whole life ahead of you. Start over, you can do it. I can’t, I'm in it up to my neck and I like it, the risk makes me feel alive, but you're smarter, you're better than that. Look at yourself!"
You did not have the courage to look at the reflection in the mirror, you would have studied and hated yourself.
"Don't you want to look at yourself?"
“Then I'll look for you. Close your eyes."
You closed your eyes and took a breath. Never before have you met such a chatty and outgoing stranger. However, all in all it wasn't that bad. You let yourself go to the warm touch of his hands. The warmth of him, his not bad perfume and his cigarette smell. His important hands were now gently moving down towards your arms. It was all very strange, yet it was reassuring.
"In the mirror ... there is a young woman ... a woman hungry for life ... alone, and able to understand the hidden truths of the world, which is a considerable burden, but she’s capable of carrying it. She has intense eyes, an elastic and agile body, but her hand is not steady ... she is afraid and she would like to go back ... Unfortunately, however, it is only possible to move forward, otherwise she would not have make it till this very moment. She deserves to be better than that, the sad thoughts are dictated by the tragic events, by the fact of feeling alone. But Lord works in mysterious ways, remember that. "
You were filled with a sense of melancholy. Images of you as a child flowed before your eyes, the happy days when everything went the right way alternated within you.
“Now” Sam continued “it's time to open your eyes, in every sense, and to look at this young girl. To love her, to appreciate her ... to hug her. "
Slowly you opened your eyes and looking at your reflection the tears began to flow.
"Thanks ..." you whispered.
“So you don't have to do stupid and hasty actions. You have to come up with a plan and let someone else help you carry this burden. "
You stared at him through the mirror.
"And who?" you asked in a whisper.
Sam smiled and winking at you said "I can help you."
"Y-you can you shoot?"
The man laughed heartily "Among the many qualities I have, I also know how to shoot, but we will try to avoid it, what do you think?"
You looked away “I can't involve anyone. This is my battle "
Sam patted you on the back "When you get your inheritance back, you'll pay me back"
Your body stiffened, you looked down and said "So ... it's money that interests you ..."
"Well, let's say it would be a way to repay me for the help"
At that point you couldn't stand it anymore, you shook your hands off him and yelled facing him “You’re all the same! Money! Money! Only money! And all that idiotic talk you gave me ?! Eh ?!  Pure fiction! "
Sam couldn't help but burst into laughter and said “You're a tough one. Anyway ... do you really think my speech was stupid? "
"Hell yeah!"
"Now I understand why she dumped me." He laughed again putting his hands in his pockets looking at the ceiling.
“What do I care! You're just kidding me! "
"Ahahahah You're impressive, she would have answered like this too"
You insisted shouting “Get it over with! Who the hell are you talking about ?! I am me and no one else! "
Sam knew you were harmless, yours was just a small crisis. What was importanta was that after a long time he was having pure pleasure talking to a woman. A pleasure that went beyond simple sex.
The man sat down on the edge of the bed, poured himself some scotch and said "This speech, more or less, I had to give to my ... let's call it " marriage ", but she didn't show up"
Now you were at attention, your enquiring side activated, in a second your anger vanished and you were finally ready to listen.
"T-that person you were expecting ... was that your ...?" you stammered.
“Yeah, my future wife if you want to call her that. Obviously not in the Church, let’s say it was more like an officialization"
"And she dumped you?"
Sam nodded.
"Why?" you were curious, deathly curious.
“I've been wondering for years. I just know she was everything to me. It was my redemption. A new beginning."
"And is that why you drink, smoke and do bad things?"
“Hey hey, I don't do bad things. I am a bit like Robin Hood, I steal from the rich to give to the poor, including myself. "
"Robin Hood ..." you were perplexed.
"That's right," Sam said.
The man became serious again and said "So do you want a hand or not?"
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matsumi101 · 4 years
For the promts, maybe 367 with Maria Reynolds, modern au?
367. “I didn’t think love existed until I started loving you”
> Reader x Maria Reynolds Modern AU
> Anon i love u for this do u know how giddy i am when i wrote the last part hnngh
> Fem!Reader I hope u guys don’t mind some (not so) wholesome lesbeans
Type: fluff
Warnings: domestic abuse mention, implied sex
“Your Honor, the members of the jury find the defendant... guilty.”
You gave a low whistle while the Judge gave the final words, putting up a hand to return your co-counsel’s high-five without even having to look at him. Your smug grin never left your face even after the court was adjourned, only breaking into a more hyper celebration once you were out of the building.
“Fuck yeah, we deserve to celebrate!”
You laughed in agreement. “I couldn’t have pulled this off without you, Alex,” you sighed. Alexander simpered, taking the compliment very well. “Well, what can I say? I’m always up for the challenging ones.” He shrugged his shoulders, pride oozing out of his presence. You couldn’t blame him, though. You were an excellent public attorney par with even Alexander Hamilton himself, but this case had you on your toes for months, even with Alexander’s help, and the outcome was well worth the sleepless nights you shared with your friend.
The topic returned to the celebration. “We should invite everyone to me and Eliza’s place and throw a party because damn we deserve it,” Alexander suggested. You hummed thoughtfully at his offer for a bit before responding. “I’d love that, but can we move that a little later? I wanna celebrate alone with Maria, first,” you pointed out. Alexander pulled an all too knowing smirk, to which you rolled your eyes at.
“I haven’t given her much attention ever since this case came, and I’m sure Eliza’s in the same situation. Our own partners deserve to be pampered after all of this, don’t you think?”
“My Eliza’s fine-”
You crossed your arms and raised a brow at your friend. “Let Eliza share the victory with you, I’m sure she’d be thrilled to listen about how your hard work paid off,” you reasoned out. “And besides, it’s the closest I’ll get to apologizing for stealing you away from her for months.” Alexander laughed at that, getting your point. He pulled out his phone, most likely to share the great news to his fiancé.
“Let’s have the big celebration next weekend, yeah?”
You could tell from the eagerness in his voice that he was excited to come home and spend time with Eliza. “Perfect,” you agreed. You were about to bid farewell, but Alexander was already in call with Eliza and chatting away with unprecedented joy. You chuckled at him and went to your car, dialing a number while you started the engine. It rang a few times before it was picked up.
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Washington! Is Maria Reynolds still at work?”
“Oh, Miss Y/N! It’s always a pleasure to talk to you.”
You smiled at this. Martha had always been a caring boss, which is why you recommended Maria to her business when she was looking for a new job. You placed your phone on the holder at the dashboard and set it to speaker while you pulled out of the parking lot. “Maria’s still here, why’d you ask?” Martha asked sweetly. Your smile grew into a more excited one, your plans already playing out in your mind.
“Well you see, I plan to surprise her tonight with her favorite food because I won what probably is my biggest case to date.” Martha gasped and gave you a quick congratulations. “But I still have to buy the things I need. Can you stall her for me? I just need an extra two hours.”
There was a thoughtful pause at the other end of the line. You took your eyes off the road for a split second to check if the call was still ongoing, which it was. “Dear, as romantic as your plan sounds, I don’t think Maria would like being cooped up here for so long,” Martha sighed. “She’s been stressed for the past months, and I don’t think she’s taking your disappearance so well lately, to top off the work she needs to finish today...” Your heart sank at the information. Yes, you were more than aware that you’d been neglecting Maria over the case, more than you’d like, and even if she was understanding enough that you needed to prioritize your slowly rising career, you knew there were unavoidable insecurities that followed her wake.
“I’m going to make it up to her,” you replied, voice steady. “I’m going to smother her with attention for the weeks to come ‘til she gets sick of me.”
Martha laughed heartily at your determination. “So please, can you help me out and give me two hours? I promise It’ll all be worth it,” you pleaded. It didn’t take as long for Martha to answer. “Okay, but I want to see Maria coming to work next Tuesday with an honest smile. I miss seeing her so positive.” You beamed gratefully, even though she couldn’t see it. “You’re giving her a long weekend off?” you asked almost too happily.
“Aside from letting her spend time with her favorite woman, I’m sure she deserves the rest for working so hard the past months.”
“Oh Martha, thank you so much! I owe you a lot.”
Any semblance of formalities melted away. “Oh dear, you know I’m a sucker for romantic gestures! I’ll make sure she tells me everything about your night when she gets back to work,” she teased. You giggled, excitement crawling up your body by the minute. You ended the call and finished your groceries as fast as you could, and by the time you got back to your shared apartment the sun was just starting to set. Perfect, you thought. You had more time than anticipated, but you were sure to utilize every second and got to work.
After a dragging day at work, Maria finally found her way back home. She was stuck in the office for a good two hours past her supposed time out due to Martha’s unexpected request to finish some extra paperwork. She would’ve declined it, but the offer of getting a paid day off in return was too good to miss out that even an extra hour long traffic didn’t stop her. She was far too exhausted, both mental and physical, to think of anything else but to crash into the soft sheets of her bed despite her empty stomach begging to be filled up. When she got to her apartment’s door, however, she couldn’t help but stop and look at it.
She didn’t know that today was the day you’d bring the case to the court one last time for a verdict, so all she expected was to come home to an empty apartment, and despite everything still in the same place it felt more barren the past few months. And yet, as she unlocked the door and flicked the lights on, she was greeted with not only a noticeably cleaner living room but also a delectable smell wafting through her nose. It caused her stomach to growl again, and with the new smell filling the place she dropped her bag and headed to the kitchen.
“You’re home!”
Maria’s eyes popped out at the sight. There you were in your sweatpants and loose shirt, sitting across the table with your hand resting atop your intertwined fingers. A large grin splayed across your face, which grew even wider at the sight of her. The table was set up with two plates, a bottle of wine and whiskey (a strange combo, Maria thought), about three dishes, and a bowl of soup accompanied by a smaller bowl of croutons. The food before her was definitely made presentable, and if Maria wasn’t too occupied gawking (and maybe drooling a little) she would’ve pointed out how your outfit didn’t even match up to the setting.
“We won the case,” you told her, your voice laced with softness and excitement.
Maria had to compose herself just enough to answer. “Really?” she squeaked out. She was happy beyond words, both for your success and you finally being there to greet her home for once and having done this seemingly large dinner after months of surviving on leftovers in the fridge and take-outs. You nodded, watching her expression with a smile, but it quickly dropped when you saw her starting to cry. Alarmed, you got off your seat and pulled her to a tight embrace, to which she eagerly returned, taking in the faint scent of the soap you used for your bath. You planted a long kiss on the crown of her head, and the gesture only seemed to make her cry more.
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
And there she poured everything out. She missed coming home to your arms every night, but ever since the case you were always either gone in the office at work or holed up in the one at home. The thought made her disappointed, and maybe with a twinge of anger and paranoia, but she had to hold it back. She knew how much work meant to you, and she admired how passionate you were for it. She tried her best not to think too much of it, but the fear of you growing cold towards her scared her to no end, admitting that the effects of her past relationship with James was still affecting her.
You didn’t speak the whole time and let Maria vent it out until she reduced into quiet sobs. You kissed her forehead before pulling away from the hug so you could meet her eye to eye. “I know I’ve been so busy, which is why I’m going to make up for it,” you whispered soothingly. You cupped her face and gently wiped the tears away with your thumbs, and you could see a smile slowly grace her lips that made your heart melt. You then peppered her with short, sweet kisses all over her face, which made her giggle and squirm.
“I missed you so much, Y/N.”
“I missed you too, but I’m not going to let you have dinner with such an uncomfortable outfit.”
Maria followed your eyes to her office attire. “I drew you a hot bath just a few minutes ago, with lots of lavender from our mini garden,” you told her softly, pulling her by the waist and kissing her cheek. Gosh, you missed her so much. Maria sighed as you nuzzled your face on the crook of her neck, already imagining the beautiful smell of the bathroom awaiting her. Unfortunately, she had to pull away from the hug so she could actually get there.
After Maria took her time in a relaxing bath and changed to her own comfortable clothes, you two spent the night together, savoring the full course dinner you made with both of your favorite foods and hers, then surprising her with strawberry mousse, her favorite, for dessert. After that, and an empty bottle of wine, you two went to the couch to cuddle and watch a movie together. Though the film on the television was soon forgotten when you kept on showering Maria with kisses and compliments. Even if she asked you to stop since she genuinely wanted to watch the movie, you only replied to her with,
“Nah, I’m going to spoil you the whole weekend, and for the following weeks to come.”
And you did just that. Your attention was all on Maria day and night, and her heart could never feel so full at the sight of you. You took care of her and she took care of you, too. Of course you respected her boundaries and remained gentle with how you held her, but she knew that with you she was safe. Her initial fears of abandonment were soon thrown out the window. Maria trusted you more than ever, and you made sure to show her that she would never regret that choice.
Maria sighed wistfully, stroking your hair as she stared at the wall. The heavy drapes were drawn shut, preventing the moonlight from entering the dark bedroom. You were nestled on her bare chest, sleeping soundly while you had your arms wrapped protectively around her waist. A smile adorned your lips, and Maria took notice of it when she looked down at you.
You were at peace, contrast to the tired and frustrated expression you constantly seemed to wear while you were working the past months. Your breaths were slow and relaxed, making Maria hold a smile of her own as she studied your features. She brought a hand to your face, and you subconsciously leaned against her touch. She caressed your cheek with a thumb, her gaze trailing over to the bags under your eyes. Without your makeup, it looked much worse, but Maria didn’t care. She loved everything about you, even those eyebags that carried all the success you worked for, and she never felt luckier for having such a caring and passionate girlfriend as you.
“Oh Y/N,” Maria sighed for the nth time that night. “I didn’t think love existed until I started loving you.”
You barely stifled your amused chuckle, making Maria jump slightly at the vibration. “I’m glad to be the one to make you realize that,” you murmured, opening your eyes and ignoring the noise of surprise that she made when you let it be known that you were still awake. You shifted so that you could fully look at Maria. It was dark, but you could still make out her wide eyes that slowly softened. Her hand was still pressed to your face, so you put your own on top of it and moved to gently kiss her palm.
“And you deserve every bit of love, sweetheart.”
The way you said it so sincerely just made Maria absolutely melt, even more so when you pulled up to give her a long, tender kiss. Her hands wandered you, fingers trailing the marks she left on your skin before a hand made its way to your bare back while the other tangled on your already messy hair. When you backed away to breathe, you gave Maria one last peck on the lips before lying on her side and pulling her close.
“You know babe, seeing you like this makes me want to look forward to more of your difficult cases.” Maria laughed when you tiredly groaned in annoyance.
“No. If the next one is anything like the last I’m shoving it to either Alexander or Jefferson. I missed you too much.”
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grlfriends · 4 years
revolutionary girl utena review
ep 1-5
the plot is actually kinda different from what I thought ?? in my mind the plot was: utena was a girl in a princess school who each and every princess would be "conquered" (for a lack of better words rn) in a ceremonial duel by a prince who fancied them, maybe she didnt wanna wanna marry anyone or she liked Anthy already but anyway in my mind utena showed up in the ceremony with duel clothing and then, in a very brave tm like-scene, she would openly declare she refused to be conquered by anyone and tbh I'm not even sure how Anthy would come into the plot... but back into what actually happened in the episodes everything so far is very introductory and just showing what mechanics will be explored further down the line I think?? the op is really good too
also every boy so far reminds me so much of knights of the zodiac?? maybe it's just the design I guess...) and nanami can get these hands, jealousy is a disease and she's the sickest person on earth for all I know
dont ask me why bit I just feel like room of mirrors - gfriend has a very well fitting vibe for it but I'm not exactly sure why hm.... 🤔🤔
ep 6-12
ok so why does this school just have random animals around 😐 I could understand the horse but a bull and a kangaroo?? what ...
touga just says the most random dramatic things and then just casually says anyone who believes in friendship is a fool ?? the guy wouldnt last a day in the naruto universe tbh, he kinda irks me in some way but I'm not sure why so I'll live with this strange feeling for a while I guess
↳ okay so watching ep 10 made me especially kinda creeped out, I know I've watched only 10 eps so far but like can he fall downstairs and break a neck or something already ...
also haha what if I watched that bet on it fmv and gave myself a bunch of spoilers would that be funny or what 😍 this is why i cant have nice things yall.... hope my memory goes to shit when sleep so I dont remember about it this week while I finish it
I feel like the main thing on the episodes are parallels, one way or another I always feel like they're setting up parallels and giving me clues for a bigger picture and a deeper plot arc that is still to come and the bet on it fmv just made this impression stronger, also I wanna say it's done in a good way, one that is both mysterious (??) and "honey you've got a big storm coming" at the same time 🤔🤔 much to think about honestly
↳ just saw ep 11 and even though I already knew this was coming sooner or later it still felt like crap seeing utena lose to dick head, at the end of the episode when he says anthy was always just reflecting utena's own wishes for himemiya (in another way bc I dont remenber the exact words) it felt like 😐 bc yes I knew that (the way she was working her thoughts was simply a copy and paste of what utena was saying) at all time I kept those essays about anthy in my head, I dont think theyll be truly relatable to what I'm seeing rn but yeah anthy rights (even though I know you betray/cheat on utena down the line bc of the bet on it fmv but I'm sure you had your own motivation)
↳ saw ep 12 bc I just couldnt handle being in a cliffhanger and yeah it happened what I absolutely thought it would lmao not that it was that difficult to foresee but yeah, I kinda liked how utena did it for her instead of being like "oh I wanna save anthy from touga" and treating her like a damsel in distress (I know that's kinda her position as the rose bride for what I've been told so far and that this is a subject spoken about in many many essays on tumblr but yeah) bc so far she's been treated as a trophy and a way to get something else, for the green haired guy it was a way to see something eternal, for miki it was a way to hold on into his "shining thing" and for touga it seems (so far) like a way to manipulate (just like he does with nanami) and just mark his position as above everyone else as he seems to view himself?? man I might be saying random stuff rn but it kinda does makes sense in my mind with the information I've had to this point
ep 13-25
honestly 😐😐 through 9 whole episodes I felt like they were trying to make the side characters deeper and show their hidden face and motivations but it felt so shallow...... not even actually shallow, just not deep enough that it would make me care about these characters and the fact there was no actual build to showing us why we're getting to know these characters backgrounds was just kinda meh too, didnt really help that all episodes had all the same formula and the same timing just for the developers made in those episodes be forgotten at the end and also just that pink haired guy could be like "ah failure again", it felt like watching the same episode over and over again, it was really tiring and like?? girl help I do not care about these characters at all, I feel like it could have been done well (like the keiko ep in comparison to the furuba chapter that deals with the yuki appreciation (??) club president graduating.... the way this ep was done and setup didn't really bring me any emotions) overall not to my taste and tbh I feel like I could have skipped all those episodes except for maybe the miki and juri one so 😑
all nanami focused episodes are the worst so far, she's so boring and I cant stand now annoying she is, the diary episode?? the cow episode?? the episode when tsuwabiki fuels with utena?? honestly I know they're trying to show me a better and different side of her but it just doesnt!! work!! bc i feel no sympathy for her, my biggest wish rn is her and touga just disappearing and no more filler episodes🗣🗣
I thought akio was utena's prince?? but apparently he's just anthy's brother and like.. I'm do done with his little talks with utena and yadda yadda, I just wanna see their duel is that too much to ask I'm dying over here (if this lenga lenga continues until ep 25 i will be so mad bc why were so many episodes wasted on such boring and and not necessary side characters backstories?? idc about them at all man aaaaaaaaaa)
↳ ep 25 was good finally we got what we deserve boys 😭😭😭😭😭 can utena just beat up akio already I'm tired of his ass, he exhales both "I'm a feminist I even take women studies classes #herstory" and "if she breathes she's a thot" energy also he has 0 style that mullet is simply horrible I bet there's a hairstylist community who considers him a criminal bc like 😐 it is simply so bad (q bit less when it's tied up but when it's all lose jesus Christ)
also touga thinks he's suuuuch a genius, sooo smart like king, I do not care about you at all can you shut the fuck up please and can we tall about the pink haired guy episode?? wack. honestly thought it would be more emotional or something, I binge watched 12 episodes with his ugly haircut face and did not even feel a thing he can choke I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ANTHY TAKING A SWORD OUT OF UTENA'S CHEST??? OSCAR WORTHY KINGS❗❗❗and then her lame ass brother being like "oh ho ho idk idk" shut up no one cares no one cares I swear to you no one cares shut uuuuup
ep 25-39
first of all, ep 25 was good but kinda reminded me of the nine episodes (13 until 21) where absolutely nothing interesting happened so I hope I'm wrong also can I just say just seeing the preview of the next episode made me roll my eyes so bad I almsot saw my brain?? bc yeah I'm fucking tired of nanami fosuced episodes she's so annoying oh my god nobody cares about a goddamn egg and much less one coming from her let her die or something pls she's so annoying there's nothing I've learned about her that was not against my own will I'm basically rotting over here 🤒
↳ ep 30 has me thinking Akio has a foot fetish or something 😐 bruh leave utena aloooooone I already know your plans and schemes you're not fooling anyone that's embarrassing for u and also... utena you're not very bright are you.... you start seeing every duelist you face with the same exact car and then when you see akio has the same car you didnt even stop to think about it that 1+1 equals 2 ... girl help yourself 😐
↳ yet again another nanami focused ep 😐😐😐😐😐 even though I do understand her better now I still don't find her particularly enjoyable to watch, call me a woman hater but like. idk she's still a bit annoying to me (but touga is straight up evil and is manipulating her so I feel bad for feeling like that tho.....)
↳ ok last 2 eps to go but listen. I thought the akio duel would have happened much sooner, maybe on ep 33 max but well didn't this age well lmao ngl, it did seem a bit too slow paced for my personal taste but also I feel like there's a certain level of drama that comes with slowing the pace down....
↳ aaaaaa yall I'm kinda 😢😭 over the ending omg........... even though it took the best of me to keep going in some parts I still enjoyed the ending aaaaa I thought i wouldnt really like it bc I just usually dont enjoy this type of ending but stil 😢😢😢😢 wait for me utena 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl I cried and then anthy walking in the end god utena and anthy holding hands 😭😭😭😭 akio can suck my dick
there's obviously many things I've missed or that I kinda didnt really pay attendance to so please dont take this serious, I was just writing as I watched the episodes so it's more like a thought compilation than anything, still I can see why there's many essays written about it and why it is held as a masterpiece by so many people
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thearvariblues · 4 years
The Bard and The Wolf - Chapter Three
(AKA Geraskier in the Metal Band AU you didn’t know you needed)
Just to catch you all up before I post the next chapter. In this one, Jaskier gets drunk and does something incredibly stupid. You go, Jaskier!
You can also fins this fic on AO3 if you want.
The masterpost for this fic can be found HERE
3 – When a Humble Bard...
It was a bad idea to check the comments before the rehearsal ended. It was a bad idea to check the comments at all, as he realized the moment he did it.
“Oh, cock,” he muttered, staring at the little screen. “Well. I know I said it was gonna be a shitstorm… but this is even worse than I expected.”
Renfri raised her head from her guitar and Geralt stopped fidgeting with his microphone. “What is it?” the man asked and turned his impossible amber eyes to Jaskier.
“Oh, nothing. The jury is in,” Jaskier smirked. “Apparently I’m just a common twink who’s forced Yennefer out of the band, slept my way in, and I’m not even worthy of licking her boots, let alone taking her place. And that’s one of the kinder comments.”
He blinked. He won’t cry, he just won’t. He knew it was going to be hard, that Kaer Morhen’s usual audience wouldn’t exactly welcome him with open arms, but… This was really bad. Really fucking bad.
He sighed and shook his head.
“Right. I suppose that’s it, then. It was a nice experiment, but you should probably find a… female singer.”
“Give it to me,” Geralt growled and snatched Jaskier’s phone from his hand. “It can’t be that… Fuck.”
“Basically,” Jaskier sighed.
“Can I see?” Ciri asked.
“No way!” said Jaskier and Geralt in unison.
“Oh, hell,” Renfri muttered, taking a look at her own phone. “I’m pretty sure that’s not how you spell fairy… And who the hell even uses the word fairy anymore?!”
“Our fans, obviously,” Lambert muttered, looking over Renfri’s shoulder. “Jesus. They’re vicious. I mean… I don’t even want people like that to be our fans, does it make sense?”
“Geralt?” Eskel said, and all the eyes in the room turned to the white-haired singer who looked like he was about to crush Jaskier’s phone to pieces.
“I really didn’t want to do this,” he sighed. “But I guess there’s no avoiding it, right? Fine. Fine. I’m gonna call Yennefer. Tomorrow.”
Jaskier felt himself nodding, but it was as if the body belonged to someone else. He couldn’t believe what was happening – for the second time in a fucking week. And of course it was. This had been a crazy idea from the very start. But he allowed himself to believe that it would work out in the end, because he clicked so amazingly with the band…
“Jaskier,” he heard Geralt say to him. “Jask.”
He blinked and tried to focus.
Did Geralt seriously just call him Jask?
“I’m not gonna call her to come back. You will leave this band over my dead body. But Yennefer is a PR expert, and it was her who took care of our social media,” Geralt sighed. “What? Did you think I would beg her to come back just because a bunch of assholes on Facebook want me to? Yeah, if someone’s only reason to come and see our band was an opportunity to stare at my ex-wife’s tits, well… good riddance.”
“My words,” Renfri nodded. “Don’t worry, buttercup. We’ll sort this out.”
“Yeah. Yeah, sure,” Jaskier sighed. “Would you… Would you mind if I… I’d really like to go home, if I could. I’m not in the mood for… Just not in the mood.”
“Jaskier,” Ciri said.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. But I’d like to be alone tonight, that’s all.”
“Sure,” Geralt nodded. “I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you the plan. Okay?”
“Right. Thanks,” Jaskier said and managed a tiny smile. “You’re a dear heart.”
He quickly started to pack his things, so no one would notice his trembling hands.
One hour and three glasses of gin and tonic later, he made a decision.
He sat up on his couch and tried to find a tiny voice of reason, the last remnants of his sobriety, just something that would stop him from doing what he was about to do – but to no avail.
His laptop was lying on the coffee table and he opened it and went to make more gin and tonic.
This was either an absolutely brilliant idea, or a truly terrible one.
Well, he was going to find out soon enough…
Geralt was having a really shitty morning. He couldn’t sleep at night. He was mad at their so-called fans for being so mean to Jaskier. (Seriously, how could they? Geralt knew Jaskier wasn’t exactly the type that screamed metal singer, but he was so sweet – being mean to him was like kicking a puppy, for fuck’s sake!) He was mad because thanks to them, he would now have to call Yennefer – and he’d promised himself that this time, he would stay away from her as much as possible.
He was mad at himself, because maybe he should have listened to the band and Ciri. Perhaps if he was in the photo with Jask…
“Geralt! Geralt!” yelled a voice, and then Renfri barged into the kitchen, holding a tablet in her hand. It startled Geralt so much that he dropped his coffee mug in his lap. Luckily, the coffee was already getting cold, but his morning got much shittier nevertheless.
“What is it?” he growled.
“Look what I’ve just found – and guess where? On our very own Facebook page, shared by us!”
“Great. But what is it?”
“For fuck’s sake, Geralt… It’s a video, can’t you see? From Youtube.”
“What video?” Geralt frowned.
“Jesus Christ, what have I done to you...” Renfri sighed and tapped on the screen.
The video started with Jaskier sitting on his couch, wearing the same black trousers, black T-shirt and vest he’d been wearing to the rehearsal the day before. His hair was all ruffled, his face was flushed and he was smiling stupidly.
He was so cute Geralt had to bite his lip so he wouldn’t smile himself.
“Hello, hello,” Jaskier said. “My dearest… Witchlings? Witchitas? Witch… Witcherlings! Yeah, that sounds great. Hello, my dearest Witcherlings. As you may have noticed, this is Jaskier, the brand new singer of your beloved Kaer Morhen.”
Idiot, Geralt thought. They already hate you, and you go and call them “Witcherlings”?
“You’re probably thinking: Christ, is he drunk?” Jaskier went on. “And no, I am not. I’m merely slightly tipsy. The important difference is that when you’re tipsy, you’re able to post stupid videos of you yourself, but when you’re drunk, you need other people to do it for you. But since I am indeed on my way to drunk, we should probably hurry this up a little. Cheers to you, my dears.”
Jaskier raised his glass full of some clear, sparkling liquid. Geralt had no idea what it was, but it definitely wasn’t water.
“Now,” Jaskier said, taking a sip from his glass. “I think we can start this with a little AMA session. Here on my… trusty phone, I have a few questions you guys have posted on our Facebook, and I’m going to try and answer them now. Question number one: Where did they even dig out this pretentious twink? Well, I could object to being called a twink, since I’m definitely too old and tall and fat for that, but whatever. The answer is, they found me on the pavement outside their rehearsal room. I mean, I was standing there, I was having a shitty day, Geralt and Renfri saw me, invited me in for a drink, I played a few funny songs for the band and Geralt’s daughter Ciri, and then I went home. The next thing I know, Geralt calls me that they’re looking for a new singer, and they want the singer to be me. So, to sum it up… The pretentious not-twink is basically a stray they found on the street. Funny, eh?”
This time, Geralt didn’t even try to stop his smile.
“Question number two!” Jaskier announced. “Does this twink – holy shit, I really need to change my style, don’t I? – really think he can replace the sexiness that is Yennefer? Answer – no, I don’t. I could never fit in her dress. But I can buy my own dress if you insist. I’ll do it, if it makes you more comfortable. If you want to see some cleavage on stage, I mean, I can totally give you that!”
He pulled the neckline of his T-shirt a little lower to show more of his plentiful chest hair and Geralt could hear Renfri snort.
“Yeah, maybe not,” Jaskier muttered. “By the way, guys, I swear this is not some tiny, helpless animal I’ve taped to my chest, it’s, unfortunately, all me. Right, question number three. So you wanna tell me they kicked out our feminist queen Yennefer, only to fill her place with some half-brained male… Come on, guys, there’s so many more insults than twink! Be original! I mean, you could say twat, cock, moron, idiot, milksop… Be imaginative! But back to the question. As far as I know, Yennefer wasn’t kicked out, she wasn’t forced to leave, it was her decision, and hers alone. She left the band, she wasn’t interested in coming back, they needed a new singer.”
Jaskier shrugged and took a mouthful of his drink.
“I mean… Come on, I was as shocked as you are when Geralt called me they wanted… me. Because… Yeah. I’m not a gal, that much is obvious. In fact, I was convinced that it was just a stupid joke, but no. And truth is, I guess we just… We just clicked. With the band, I mean. They’re dear hearts, all of them. Eskel, he’s a great guy, a great musician. Lambert, he’s… Yeah, Lambert’s a dick, but a dick you can’t help but like, you know? Renfri, oh, my dear darling Renfri. She’s a total sweetheart, always supportive, and if you can trust what Geralt says, she’s one of the main reasons why I ended up being in the band. And Geralt? Oh, our grumpy wolf who mainly communicates in grunts. You can never be sure what he really thinks, but he took me with him to his D&D group, he didn’t kill me during the evening, and he even saved my poor little bard’s life! That means something, guys!”
Geralt grunted and rolled his eyes. Renfri chuckled.
“Right, where was I?” Jaskier frowned. “Oh, question number… was it four or five? Never mind. Guys, do you think Geralt’s gonna sleep with this little cocksucker – see, you can be more original with your insults! – as he did with Yennefer? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Just because I’m bisexual – yes, that’s right, I swing my lute both ways – and so is Geralt, we’re definitely gonna bang.”
“Oh dear God,” Renfri whispered as Geralt groaned and closed his eyes. “He’s just outed you.”
“Question number… The last question,” Jaskier continued. “Whose cock did he have to suck to even get in? Well, everyone in the band, of course. Renfri included. We’re all here for equal opportunities, right? But I might have done Geralt twice, I admit. Just to make absolutely sure I’d get in, you know?”
He winked at the camera and finished his drink.
“But let’s get real now, guys,” he sighed. “I get it that some of you… well, most of you aren’t sure about this whole… change. To be honest, I’m not completely convinced myself. We’ve only just started rehearsing, and we’ve got a gig next week and I’ve been freaking out ever since they told me about it! But I know I already love them all, I love playing with them, and I really want to try to make it work. So I’m only asking you to give me a chance to convince you that I’m good. That I really fit in with the band, even though I love bright colors and weird music and quirky accessories and I honestly don’t think Manowar are any good...”
“Do you think he knows you hate Manowar with a burning passion?” Renfri asked.
“Shut up,” Geralt growled.
“And I gotta tell you,” Jaskier went on. “This band is just awesome for my creativity. I swear that I haven’t been this inspired for months, maybe even years. I’m already working on a new song, and I’ve got those… snippets and bits of others lying all around, see?” He lifted a piece of paper with a few lines and a drawing of a wolf on it. “And you know what? I could play you that song I’m working on, what do you think? It’s inspired by that evening Geralt took me with him to his D&D group. Wait a second.”
He jumped up, knelt on the couch and bent over the backrest. His T-shirt rode up and Geralt could clearly see the hem of bright purple underwear poke out from underneath Jaskier’s pants. He heard Renfri snort once again.
Then Jaskier straightened and promptly sat back. Geralt expected him to hold a guitar, but boy, he was wrong.
“Yeah, it’s a lute,” Jaskier grinned. “And yeah, I can totally play it. And I’m gonna play you a song about the time my darling, innocent bard met the mighty White Wolf. I start alone, like this...”
He took a deep breath and began to sing.
“When a humble bard
Graced a ride along
With Geralt of Rivia
Along came this song
When the White Wolf fought
A silver tongued devil
His army of elves
At his hooves did they revel
They came after me
With masterful deceit
Broke down my lute
And they kicked in my teeth
While the devil's horns
Minced our tender meat
And so cried the Witcher...”
Jaskier opened the eyes he’d closed… When exactly? Geralt had no idea.
“And this is when Geralt joins in, with that mighty growl of his, going...” Jaskier scowled and changed his voice to a deep growl: “He can't be bleat!”
“That was good,” Renfri muttered. “If you ever piss us off–”
“Shut up.”
“And then,” Jaskier continued. “We sing the chorus together, and it goes like this…
Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, valley of plenty
Oh, valley of plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
Oh, valley of plenty...”
Jaskier stopped playing then, and laughed.
“And that’s all I’ve got so far, I’m afraid. Consider this an exclusive preview, since you’re the very first people to hear this song. So far, I’ve only played it for the spider that lives above my fridge, and he’s even worse at giving his opinions than Geralt is. I really hope you liked this song and that I haven’t made you start hating me more than you already did. And since I’m out of my gin and tonic, let’s wrap this up, so I can go and make more. Farewell, my dearest Witcherlings. I love you all.”
Geralt kept staring at the screen for quite a few seconds after the video had ended. He would have kept staring for much longer, but Renfri decided to whistle right next to his ear.
“Wow,” she said. “That was… something.”
“Yes. Something,” Geralt muttered. “Gods above.”
“Any idea how it got posted to our page?” Renfri asked.
“I thought it was your doing,” Geralt frowned. “But no, it doesn’t make sense. You were as surprised as I was.”
“Definitely wasn’t Eskel,” Renfri continued. “He’s got trouble switching his smartphone on.”
“Lambert could have done it.”
“He would have called you first, dying of laughter.”
“Well, that only leaves… Fuck,” Geralt muttered, rising to his feet. “Cirilla! Cirilla, get up and get your ass over here, now!”
Jaskier was having quite a lovely dream. He was running through a meadow full of wildflowers, laughing, singing, the birds were chirping and bees were buzzing around him…
He scowled and scrunched up his nose.
No, it wasn’t the buzzing of the bees, it was something… something else…
He raised his head from the pillow and moaned. An angry dwarf was busily banging the inside of his skull with a tiny hammer. The room was spinning around him. And the buzzing just wouldn’t stop…
“Aw, cock,” he muttered, blindly reaching for his phone. That, that was the source of the irritating sound. He grabbed it and cracked one eye open.
Geralt. Oh, no. The video. Oh, fucking hell, no...
The phone stopped vibrating, but started again in a few seconds.
Jaskier took a deep breath and answered it.
“Hello,” he said, desperately trying to sound cheerful and not like he was about to throw up any second. “How is my favorite white wolf doing today?”
“Your favorite white wolf sincerely hopes you’ve got the worst hangover of your life, and if you happened to die from it, I wouldn’t object.”
“Ah,” Jaskier said.
“If you mean Ah, so you’ve seen it then, the answer is yes, I have.”
“Look, Geralt, I can explain...”
“Explain why you didn’t wait for me to contact Yennefer to sort this mess for us? Explain why did you send the link to the video to my daughter to share it for you?”
“Oh, I hope you weren’t mean to Ciri. She only did it because she loves me so much. And she thought it was funny.”
“I wasn’t mean to her, I’m saving that for you. By the way, do you realize you outed me?”
“I what?!” Jaskier yelled and sat up. Which was a mistake, as his stomach immediately betrayed him. He dropped his phone and sprinted to the bathroom.
“Jaskier?” Geralt said to the phone, but from the other side, he heard nothing but silence. “Jask!”
“What happened?” Renfri frowned.
“I think he may have died for real,” Geralt muttered. “Jask?”
“He’s probably just hugging the toilet very tight,” Renfri chuckled.
“He sounded like shit. I should go and check if he’s alright.”
“I think he’ll live, Geralt. He may wish he didn’t, but he will.”
“It won’t do the band any good if one of your singers dies of alcohol poisoning,” Ciri said.
“Nah. He would have already been dead,” Renfri replied.
“I’ll go and check on him,” Geralt sighed. “Ciri’s right. He’s an idiot, something could happen to him.”
“I didn’t say he was an idiot...”
“And how do you even know where he lives?” Renfri asked.
“I dropped him off after D&D. Stop it with the eyebrows, Renfri! I know the building he lives in. I have no idea what his real name is, so–”
“Pankratz,” Ciri peeped. “Julian Pankratz.”
“I’m not gonna ask how you know that,” Geralt sighed. “But thanks.”
“I could go with you,” Ciri offered.
“No way in hell, Cirilla. Renfri, will you take care of her while I’m away?”
“Yeah, sure,” Renfri shrugged.
“Excuse me, I don’t need anyone to–”
“And remember, no phone and no computer, Cirilla. I’ll be back as soon as I make sure the idiot’s gonna survive.”
“Don’t forget to change your pants!” Renfri called. “You wouldn’t want him to see you with your lap full of coffee stains!”
Geralt grunted and strode out of the living room in a way that made Renfri almost feel sorry for Jaskier.
Yeah… almost.
“Well, that was that,” Renfri smirked. “What do the comments say, by the way?”
Continue with Chapter Four
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takatofan · 4 years
For the first time, I just got done watching Digimon Tamers, subbed, and I really wanted to talk about it. I know I don’t have many people following me but I wanted to talk about this anyway, just put my thoughts out there. (Don’t expect major dub bashing, because I’ll always love my dub, but I may point a couple things I don’t like.) Note: I will always use Dub names out of habit/it’s what I know best.
The dub has a special place in my heart. It was one of only two anime's that I ever got up on Saturday morning for as a kid. (I didn’t get the WB in my area, so I couldn’t watch Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh! as it aired.) I was an outcast in school, and Tamers made me so many friends online, a friend I even called once a week for a few years, and a few years later, a boyfriend, who I’m still with. (I didn’t get into Digimon until a month before Tamers came out, and I didn’t get connected with the fandom until then.)
But all these years, I wanted to eventually see the sub. I had been aware of some edits, but even besides those, I always wanted to see my favorite anime the way it was intended to be seen. But first they weren’t available, and by the time they were, I got to a point where it was harder for me to focus on subs. But I finally watched it.
I will always prefer my dub, but watching the original was just fascinating. First off it amazes me how quiet the sub is. The dub usually filled it with something - In earlier seasons a joke, but in Tamers while it could be a joke, it was also quite often exposition.
I knew the sub would have less random jokes, but I wasn’t prepared for just how reserved and polite the kids were. The thing that got me the most was, in ep 21, when Leomon first appears, when Juri tells Takato that Leomon is her partner, and Takato says congratulations, and Leomon in the dub says “Now hold on...” In the dub, Takato replied a - NOT sarcastic, but funny, serious/intimidated “Sir yes sir...” But in the sub, Leomon says “Wait a second” and what does sub Takato reply to hold on? .... “I will.” ..... That... is just a level of politeness I was not expecting. If someone asked me to wait a second, I would either not say anything and wait, or maaaybe say ‘okay’, or ‘what?’. But to SAY “I will (wait a second)?” I just XD. I’m all for polite but that's too much XD.
Since the dub leaves all the references to them being in Japan, I’m not entirely sure why they didn’t leave in Henry being half Chinese. They left in the Chinese Zodiac and something about Hong Kong later in the show, I wonder if the dub just thought that wasn’t important, or what? And I mean, it really doesn’t change anything to me, but it’s interesting. (If you’re curious the conversation was just changed to how good Guilmon and Terriermon were getting along, and the fight that just happened with Rika) The tone was more serious, which I expected to a point, but I wasn’t expecting this level. Terriermon was a perfect angel compared to the dub. Dub terriermon is a big selling point of my enjoyment, but even so, it was interesting to see how reserved he was.
I had known of changes and things for years, like the rooster was serious and in the dub it was THE DEVAH!!!!! but actually kinda creeped me out in the sub. I’m glad the dub made it more humorous.
Interesting thing I noticed even before watching the sub, was that they cut less stuff out than previous seasons. While Adventure and 02 cut out any references to guns and cigarettes, both made its way in Tamers. In ep 19 or 20, Impmon gets a gun pulled on him by a cop, and it wasn’t edited. I wouldn’t think adding the line “Should I tell him I don’t have any ammo?” would have made leaving it in okay compared to adventure and 02? So it’s interesting. In ep 8, a guy is trying to light a cigarette before Impmon appears to try and light it, and while trying to light it was cut, when we see impmon and the guy, you can still see the cigarette in his hand. Meanwhile twice in later eps we see Yamaki’s apartment and we see a huge ash tray filled with butts. Surprised that wasn’t edited.
My biggest surprise for something being edited came with episode 23. I had always heard that part of hypnos collapsing was edited, which makes sense, since this aired just a couple months after 9/11, but what I didn’t expect was the end to have a 20-30 second scene of just the tamers + Kazu and Kenta, on a blue background, running with determination. Wasn’t a big thing or a big deal, but it was interesting. Not sure it wasn’t shown.
One thing I think the Dub added to it that it got right, IMO (Though I don’t think it was planned ahead of time) : When Leomon died, and when Juri’s mom died, Fate was mentioned, but the dub, in both instances instead said: “A part of (them) will always be with you”, and to me that was more powerful, especially when Juri’s mom died, and she ran around the hospital in the memory saying “WHERE?! WHERE IS THE PART THAT’S WITH ME?!” Looking for it. And then, that was called back in the last couple eps, when Grani sacrificed himself to give Gallantmon wings, and Takato said “A part of you will always be with us.” - where as in the sub there wasn’t a reference to fate. It was just a really good recurring theme, to me.
There were a couple things that I was curious about watching the sub. Namely, if Calumon knew about his power all along and the dub messed it up, and how they were going to get back from the digital world.
With Calumon, the first time Takato asks him, in the dub, what Takato asks comes out wrong and Calumon gets offended. In the sub, it seems more like he knows what Takato’s talking about but doesn’t want to talk about, but as the show goes on, it seems more that he really didn’t know.
As for the digital world... in the dub, Ryo tells them he can take them home, but they have to go through another world first, then Shibumi tells them they have to go to the highest plane of the digital world, where the four sovereign are. But then neither of those things ever come into play, and they just have to wait for the arc. I was really curious if the dub screwed this up, or if the writers just didn’t know what they were doing. The verdict? ... I think the dub was confused - I don’t think they understood what was being said. I didn’t get it at first either. When Ryo said it, he, Kazu, Kenta, and Rika, were all in the giant clock. Kazu says “Do you know how to get out of here?” and he says “Yes, but we have to go through another area.” - I’m not even completely sure I have this straight as I type this (and I just rewatched the sub scene) but I think what it was, is sub Kazu was asking how to get out of the clock, but just “Out of here” and the dub took that as “Out of the digital world”, in which Ryo said, “Yes, but we have to go through another world first.”. With Shibumi in ep 32... that one I do blame the dub, going home was kind of inserted into the conversation about getting to the sovereign out of nowhere.
I’m sure there are other things I would have commented on. I wish I took notes while I was watching. (I watched it slowly with my bf over the last 2 months.) But over all, watching the sub was a very interesting experience, but I will always love my dub. Also even when it was new, I liked the darker aspects that the dub left in, but I’m not sure I would have liked a faithful translation at the age I watched it. I need my Mona Marshall Terriermon jokes, my Steve Blum innocent Guilmon, and most of the dumb jokes.
Ending this with random: A few of my fav dub jokes:
Random man: “It’s just a toupee...” Random Woman: “Yes but you wear it on your chest...” Guilmon: You’re ear is tickling my foot. Terriermon: You’re foot is tickling my ear. Calumon: ....I wanna tickle something!
Terriermon: If I was a big red Dinosaur looking for fun I’d go.... .... .... ... OH WHO KNOW’S WHERE HE’D GO, DINOSAURS ARE WEIRD!!!!!!
(Guardramon was GOLD in the dub.)
Kazu: Two sad girls.... I haven’t even started dating yet.... and I’ve got to deal with two sad girls.... Guardramon: Once you start dating I’m sure you’ll make MANY girls sad!!!!
Kazu: Where’d Suzie go?
Guardramon: She flew away! Kazu: SHE FLEW AWAY?! BUT HOW?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING HER!!!! Guardramon: I was! I watched the whole thing!
Many others, but I’ll stop there. :) Sorry for my rant, if you read, I hope you enjoyed. :)
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever done drugs and were able to quit for good? >> I don’t do any of the drugs that I used to (aside from drinking), so yeah, I guess so. I also never developed a serious dependence on any of them, though. Are you against weed, or do you think it should be legalized? >> I’m not against weed. I think it should be legalised. I think decriminilisation and legalisation are good first steps in reducing social stigma to a point where people can have honest and informed conversations about drugs, their benefits, and their drawbacks. Also, it’d be real nice if marginalised people could stop being shoved into prison cells with outrageous sentences for possession. Have you ever been taken advantage of while drunk? >> No. Is there any medication you refuse to take? (Like for ADHD, etc.) >> No, I’m not actively refusing to take any medication... I haven’t been offered any, so. Ever watched an Above the Influence commercial under the influence? >> Nah, those had stopped airing by the time I started using. I think they made a bit of a comeback recently, though? I swear I saw one a few months ago. Or maybe it was the Truth campaign, which was similar.
Have you ever or do you have an abusive significant other? >> Jury’s out on whether I had one or not, but I don’t have one now. Are your parents too involved in your life, or do you feel forgotten? >> My parent wants nothing to do with me. How do you feel when it comes to love? >> I don’t know what you mean. I don’t really... have any? Do rainy, cloudy days affect your mood? >> Sometimes, especially if there’s multiple rainy/cloudy days in a row. I need to see the Sun at some point. Have you ever wished you could just move away and start over? >> I wish I could just move away from here because I find here to be insufferably dull. And cold. Are you impulsive, or do you overthink? >> Sometimes I follow my impulses, sometimes I’m trapped in thought cycles and do nothing.
Are you or have you ever been addicted to any substance? >> No. Do you think beauty goes more than skin deep? >> I think beauty is whatever the fuck you want it to be. I think societal concepts of beauty should definitely be examined and reexamined, because the foundations are often rotten, but honestly I don’t want to spend all my time dissecting every single thing I think is pretty. Do you remember your first date? How was it? >> Not really. Have you gotten caught in a HUGE lie to your parents? >> Yeah, probably. I did a lot of lying because it was always like I was in trouble for something and I got tired of it. Are your relationships unstable, or do you manage to keep friends a while? >> My Inworld relationships are extremely stable. Don’t you hate when people have the nicest parents & treat them like shit? >> I mean, I don’t really see that kind of thing in my life, so. Are your moods stable or do you never know how you’re gonna feel? >> My moods are unstable from an outside point of view, probably. But I can trace how certain seemingly-harmless things can trigger me (and I’m getting better at it every day), so while my moods may seem random to you, they’re not to me. Have you ever been on probation or arrested? If so, what for? >> I was on probation when I was 13 based on a harmful exaggeration, essentially. Do you think that without drama and problems your life would be boring? >> I mean, I don’t have drama in my life, and yeah, that’s part of what makes it “boring”, but “boring” isn’t necessarily bad. I don’t need that kind of excitement in my life. If I want to experience some drama, I can always watch Grey’s Anatomy. When you’ve had a bad day, do you seek an escape, or do you just face it? >> Most of my “bad days” are because of internal bullshit, so yeah, there’s really nothing to do about it except give myself gentle distractions until the bad vibes work themselves out of my system. “Facing it” isn’t really going to solve anything, because most of the time the bad feelings aren’t based in something that’s literally happening that I can literally solve. What is “facing” an emotional flashback going to do except trap me in negative thought loops for even longer, lmao. Do you think the bible’s hypocritical, or do you live by it? >> The Bible is a conglomeration of allegories, dramatised historical accounts, opinion pieces, poetry, lawbooks, and religious instruction. I don’t know what about any of that I’m supposed to find “hypocritical”. I don’t live by it because I’m not involved in a religion that uses it as a text. Have you ever thought you were or actually BEEN pregnant? >> Yes. Have you ever guilt tripped someone into something? >> I don’t think so. Do you actually care about other’s problems? >> I care about the problems of people I care about. When it comes to the opposite sex, do you fall for them faster or slower? >> --- Have you ever had or been part of an intervention? >> No. I’ve tried to be a one-person intervention, which obviously doesn’t do squat. If you could, would you go back and change the way things ended with someone? >> No. Can you manipulate someone into getting what you want? >> Sure, if I put in any effort. But if there’s one thing I’m lazy about, it’s social shit. Does the type of music someone listens to tell the type of person they are? >> I don’t know. People like all sorts of different music for all sorts of different reasons, so I don’t know how reliable a metric that would be. Have you ever felt like you know a person just from their survey answers? >> I mean, yeah, I do have some level of knowledge about that person if I read enough surveys of theirs. But it’s still a parasocial relationship, which is one-sided and completely different from a regular interpersonal relationship. That would only change if we started communicating with each other. Are there any problems within your family? If so, what? >> --- If you’re in a bad mood, do you take it out on others or do you hold it in? >> If I’m in a bad mood, I tend to self-isolate, which solves the other-people problem pretty well. Have you ever seen cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, or acid? Have you done it? >> I’ve seen and done all of these, yes. Do you like a lot of attention or does it make you uncomfortable? >> I don’t like a lot of attention, no. Have you ever wanted to help someone, but you just couldn’t? >> Yeah. It was a good lesson to learn, and then I repeated the mistake later on, lmao. It be like that sometimes. Have you ever contemplated suicide or talked someone out of it who has? >> I’ve contemplated it plenty of times. Not sure if I’ve ever talked someone out of it. Have you ever been homeschooled? Why? >> No. Have you ever woken up somewhere and not known where you were? >> Not like... seriously. I’ve had that disorienting feeling for a few seconds because I was away from home or something, but I’ve never woken up somewhere and literally not known where I was at all. Has someone ever laced/slipped something in your drink? >> No. Have you ever had a party when your parents went outta town? Get caught? >> No. Is there something you really wanna tell/say to someone but can’t? >> No. Don’t you hate when someone texts you and you’re expecting someone else? >> I mean, yeah, I guess I would hate that.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Cram Sesh with Derek
You: First impressions are crucial. I’ve gotta find Derek! Wrenn: Good luck, Jamie. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
You walk into the living room to find Derek chatting with Mackenzie, Adam, and Jen. Derek: I’m so nervous, I changed six times this morning! Adam: That’s… Maid of Honour: Insane? Officiant: A workout? Derek: I’ll take option C… All of the above. You: Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Before we meet the parents, we should prep each other for what to expect. Derek: Count me in. Adam: If there’s a chance of finding out what makes you two tick, we want in. You: We’ll take all the help we can get. Let’s meet on the roof in five.
You, Derek, and your friends regroup on the roof. As you all settle in around the table, you turn to look at Derek. You: Okay… Tell me everything I need to know about your parents. Derek: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t know where to start! Maid of Honour: How about the beginning? After all, Jamie’s gonna need to know your family inside and out if she’s gonna make a good impression. Officiant: That might take a little longer than we have. Officiant: You should start with how well you get along with them. Whether you see eye-to-eye can say a lot about a person. Adam: That’s a good idea, but this is also about making Jamie feel comfortable meeting them. What do you want to know, Jamie? You: As important as it is to know about Derek’s relationship with his family…
You: I really just wanna know… -Whether they approve of me.
You: Between the craziness in the mansion and the producers’ editing for drama, there’s no telling what they think! Derek: Everyone knows you can’t trust anything you see on TV. Nobody’s gonna judge you for that.
-How I can impress them.
You: Meeting the parents is hard enough without trying to appeal to a demographic. I need a cheat sheet! Adam: Hmm… I see your point. There’s gotta be some advice Derek can give you…
Maid of Honour: Derek, you know your family better than any of us. What do you think Jamie should know about them? Derek: Uh… All of my cousins on my dad’s side are twins… You: Wait a minute… All of them? Officiant: As interesting as that is, I don’t think it’s gonna help Jamie today. Derek: I’m sorry. There’s so much I could say, I’m blanking on what’s need-to-know. Adam: What it help if Jen, Mackenzie, and I go first? It’ll give you an example of what’s important… Maid of Honour: And Jamie can learn more about our families too. You: Works for me. Why don’t we start with…
Whose turn is it? -Mackenzie!
You: Tell me about your dad, Mackenzie. Is he as cool as your little sister Natalie? Mackenzie: Cooler. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve got the best dad in the world. Mackenzie: Right from the start, he never saw me as anything less than his daughter. He’s patient, easy to talk to, kind, selfless… Mackenzie: Basically everything my mother isn’t. You: Whoa… I’ve never heard you mention your mom, Mackenzie. Jen: On your audition reel, you said you grew up with a single father. Mackenzie: I did. My mom left us fifteen years ago. No note, no explanation, just an empty closet where her clothes should’ve been. Derek: That had to be terrible. Mackenzie: It was worse for Natalie. My dad was a mess, and she didn’t understand what was happening. I had to take care of everything. Adam: But you were just a kid! Mackenzie: That’s why he asked me to stop helping. He said it was like watching his worst fear come true. You: I can see why. It’s obvious…
You: He was worried you would… -Waste your life taking care of everything else. +BACKGROUND
You: You were just a kid! That’s an impressionable time to take on such a huge responsibility. Mackenzie: I thought handling it all alone made me strong, but my dad taught me that my constant strength helped everyone but me. Mackenzie: His favourite thing to say is, ‘Strength is for workhorses and machines. You’re only human, Mackenzie.’ You: Wise words.
-Flunk out of school. -BACKGROUND
You: There’s no way you’d have been able to do that and keep your grades up. You’d have never made it to law school! Mackenzie: I’m sure that crossed his mind, but I think he was more afraid I’d feel obligated to take care of him forever. You: Wow, Mackenzie. Were things that bad? Mackenzie: Bad enough that I’d gotten used to being strong for all of us. But my dad wanted to see me become more. Mackenzie: I think I got my determination from him. You: I’m sure you exceeded his expectations.
You: Give me the lowdown on Mama and Papa McIntyre. Adam: Well, their hearts are in the right place, but my parents are massive worrywarts. Adam: Though I guess that’s my fault. After the way Season 9 ended for me, I wasn’t really in the best headspace. Mackenzie: I don’t see how you could’ve been. Vince and Sierra’s plan was brutal. Jen: That was the night the Bad Boy of AME was born. Overnight, you were like a completely different person. Derek: I saw clips of your time in the Jury House. You were cold, man. You: If you became someone they didn’t recognise, that’s enough to make any parent worried. Adam: Once they saw how guarded the show made me, it turned them against reality TV. If they had their way, I’d have never stepped foot on set again. You: But you’re so much better now! You: If nothing else, AME showed you who your real friends are. They’ve gotta at least see that. Adam: I think it’s been hard getting that image of me out of their heads. Before, I was their perfect, loving son… Adam: Now, when they look at me…
You: All they can see is… -Their little boy. -BACKGROUND
You: Parents can have a hard time seeing their adult children as anything other than the kids they used to be. Adam: Not in this case. You guys weren’t the only ones chipping away at the wall I put up. My parents just never realised it had fallen. You: That has to be frustrating. Adam: They mean well. My dad actually suggested I should be more like you. He thinks you’re the perfect role model. You: Smart man.
-The wall you put up. +BACKGROUND
You: And it’s like they can’t get past it. Adam: Exactly. The way they look at me… I just feel like they’re waiting on the other shoe to drop. You: They aren’t going to hate me because you came back for the wedding… Are they? Adam: Not a chance. Before I left, my mom mentioned it would be good for me to be around someone as open as you. You: Then I’m glad to be of service.
You: Were your parents strict growing up? Jen: That’s one word for it. My dad was in the military, so discipline and order were always the priority. Jen: He and my mom wanted the best for me, but living like that placed duty over fun. I always did what I had to, never what I wanted. Adam: That had to be tough. Derek: I can’t imagine having to toe the company line even as a kid. Jen: It’s part of why I wanted to be a flight attendant. We moved because someone said so. They flew because they were free to. Mackenzie: Not to mention you’d be in control of the snacks. You: when you put it like that, it sounds like a perfect fit. What changed? Jen: Everything. Jen’s eyes water, and her gaze falls to the floor. You watch her wipe away a tear and reach out to hold her hand. Jen: My dad was killed during his deployment, and after that, nothing was the same. My mom, especially. Jen: She stopped caring about my homework and encouraged me to do things I loved. It’s how I found producing. Jen: When I asked her why, she said losing my dad put everything into perspective.
You: Sounds like she wanted you to… -Love your work. -BACKGROUND
You: But I don’t think she meant for you to bring it home with you. Jen laughs through her tears. Jen: I think she just wanted me to see that there was more to life than work. Jen: I’ve always been passionate about every project I’ve taken on, and she wanted me to live life that same way. You: I think we can call that mission accomplished.
-Live life to the fullest. +BACKGROUND
You: You attack everything with pure passion, Jen She just wanted you to have a life that you were crazy about. You: I’m sure they both did. Jen: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him, but I know he’d be proud of me. You: One thing’s for sure… I know I am. Jen: Thanks, Jamie…
Derek: Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this. You: Perfect. So tell me… You: What’s the most important thing to know about your parents? Derek: Probably that they’re polar opposites. My dad’s a fun-loving, free spirit from Colorado… Derek: While my mom’s more of the practical type. She was born in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. as a kid in the ‘70s. Mackenzie: That’s so cool! Jen: I’m sure it has its moments. Having immigrant parents can be complicated. Derek: I love having that connection to our culture, and I’ve even gone to visit where she grew up… Derek: But it made me realise how much she sacrificed for us to have the life that we do. Derek: Sometimes, I feel like anything less than success is letting her down. Adam: That’s a lot to put on one person. You: Especially when there are so many different types of success. Derek: Not in her book. Doctor, lawyer, engineer… Those are the careers she wishes I’d join. Derek: And I’ve thought about it. I know it would make her happy, but…
You: But you… -Don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not. +BACKGROUND
You: You may be an analytical genius, but I’ve seen your work. You belong in the arts, and you know it. Derek: I love my mom, and I know she just wants me to be stable, but living a rich and fulfilling life takes more than money. Derek: Sometimes, all I need is to good around with my friends. You: The best way to honour her sacrifice is with your happiness. Everything else will come.
-Are worried about supporting our family. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are a serious investment, but if that’s what you want, I’m behind you one-hundred percent. Derek: But that’s just it, it’s not what I want! Derek: My work may not be my mom’s ideal, but I can take care of our family. Without all the stress that comes with those careers. You: I don’t have any doubt there. Besides, it’s not just your responsibility. We’re in this together.
-Don’t think you’d be good at it. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are prestigious for a reason. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not up for the challenge. Derek: I developed an algorithm that accurately predicts the next AME winner ninety-two percent of the time. I can handle the work. Derek: It’s just not who I am. I’m at my best when we’re hanging out and goofing off… not working eighty-hour weeks. You: Alright, smartypants. You have a point.
Derek: Now, if only I could get my mom to see that. I know she’s not trying to change me, but sometimes her ‘gentle nudging’ isn’t so gentle.
You: Derek… -I can’t believe I didn’t know that. +50
You: We’ve known each other for almost a year, and this is the first time you’ve ever mentioned any of that. Derek: There’s a lot of things we still don’t know about each other, but that’s the beauty of getting married. Derek: We’ve got the rest of our lives to learn them.
-Thank you for sharing that with me. +50
You: I know being vulnerable isn’t easy. I’m just happy you trust me enough to let me in. Derek: You’re gonna be my spouse. I feel like I can tell you anything.
Adam: This has definitely been a bonding experience. You: I never would’ve guessed any of the things you guys told me. You play it pretty close to the vest. Mackenzie: You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest mystery of us all. You: Me? I’m an open book! Derek: I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve heard all about our families, and I don’t even know your mom’s name! You: That’s easy…
Her name is… [Name your mom]
Derek: Diana… Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. You: You have nothing to be afraid of. Once she sees how happy you make me, she’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. You: But if you really want to get on her good side…
You: You should… -Compliment her!
You: Whoever said that flattery could get you anywhere must’ve had my mom in mind. Derek: Time to turn up the charm. I’ll keep an eye out for just the right moment.
-Mind your manners!
You: My mom is a stickler for all things prim and proper. Derek: Good to know… I guess I’ll have to be on my best behaviour.
-Dote on me!
You: My mom has been spoiling me for years. She’ll want to make sure my future spouse can keep up the trend. Derek: Spoil you rotten… Got it!
The heavy metal door opens, and Wrenn pokes their head out. Wrenn: It’s showtime. Are you all ready? You: As ready as we’ll ever be.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay. well today was fine. better than yesterday I guess, some mental stress over....things starting to dissipate a bit thankfully. alarm went off at 7 and I got up, got ready and was out the door all on time. I get down to the courthouse at like 8:40, perfect timing to meet up for the 9:00 call. and like, actual lawyers have the IDs that let them go around security but I still have to go through security so I was like oh well I should just go through early then and meet them there. So I did, and then I went up to the 22nd floor to wait for the lawyer. this is guy lawyer I was at the deposition with last week, I like him, he’s fun, definitely a bit intense but not in a bad way. Anyway, I’m waiting on the 22nd floor and it’s like 9:10 when one of the other lawyers I was shadowing last week came by and she was like “....is he not here yet????” and I was like welp....nope haha and she was like “if he’s not here in 5 minutes text me” so I say okay because she’s kind of indirectly in charge of me (at this point kinda everyone is??) but like, I don’t wanna be a snitch, and I don’t want this guy to think I sold him out and got him in trouble, so I let 9:15 go and I was like come on dude come on, let me get credit for not snitching lol but it was going on 9:30 and the other lawyer had disappeared down a hallway that she would have to pass by me again to leave and I was concerned that she would walk out and see me sitting there without him and clearly not having texted her and being like “wtf” so by 9:30 I did text her, and I’m not sure what she did, but he finally showed up at like 10 am. and like, from one perspective that sounds really lazy and irresponsible, but I also know that like, my dad does that shit all the time lol because he can, the judges will wait for him to get there because he has a great relationship with pretty much all of them, so I can’t really judge too harshly. We had a lot of cases up though, so we were running back and forth between courtrooms and drafting orders and getting them approved then running to another courtroom and on and on. the end got a bit interesting when we walked in on a case where the judge was asking this plaintiff like “are you represented by (our law firm)?” and she was like yes and the judge was like, PISSED about us apparently missing the call, so we go outside with this person and tried to figure out what was going on while still juggling like three other cases going on in that courtroom, but what we more or less found was that we have no record of this person ever being a client and it seemed like they were a bit mentally.....off. and basically she had stepped up on a case that wasn’t hers accidentally that was a case we were on but not with her. so that was an odd little mix up but we figured it out. Walked back to the office, and once I got there I spent a while locating some files I was asked to scan in for someone which was confusing because they were described as “Davidson, etc” and I shit you not, there were two different stacks of 3 or 4 folders that both had two entirely separate cases with “Davidson” in the name, so I had to do a bit of figuring out to see what was right there. I also ended up calling the help line for this weird oil spill project I got placed on, and I got like accidentally bumped to a survey before actually talking to somebody like twice and each time I had to call they had an exceedingly long message to even get to talk to someone, so I was getting annoyed, and we only have the conference call style phone since it’s a conference room, so like everybody is subjected to hearing the conversation. But I finally got through to them and then had to go find the letters that had been sent and read them off to them and then basically got told they were ineligible for more money but since we were lawyers we probably wanted to appeal that (I don’t actually think we are going to though) then when I got off the phone and emailed the guy who put me on this assignment he was like “okay but what about the business we represent that didn’t get a letter” and I had to be like “without a letter they wouldn’t tell me jack shit” (I didn’t say jack shit obviously) so I’m not sure how that’s going to pan out, but we’ll see. I was supposed to sit in on a deposition at 1 but it ended up getting cancelled, so at 1 I decided to walk over to the whole foods a few blocks away, and while walking there I was totally engrossed in my phone doing some stuff for the DCTV podcast website that I straight up walked right past it, and was like wow I’m literally being such a millennial hipster stereotype right now lol. But I got there, and outside there was a man (I don’t like categorizing people by they status that they might be homeless, but he was panhandling) and he was asking for money, but of course I don’t have any because my wallet just got stolen, but I told him I was gonna go inside and eat and I would bring him out something if he wanted, so he said yes and asked for anything barbecue, so I agreed and went inside. Did my salad first and ate that, then went back to the hot food display and got some of what looked to be the closest to barbecue, something salisbury like, but upon further reflection I think it might’ve been like, salisbury tofu?? so I hope that still tasted okay and edible and I didn’t just waste $14 on a thing full of tofu that tasted like trash. so lesson there to be more aware of these things I suppose lol. I went back to the office and pretty much had something stopping me from doing any of the things I was assigned to, mostly like I hadn’t heard back from the person I was doing it for and couldn’t move on until I heard from them. So I tried to look up the info about the health insurance regarding if they had any of my doctors in their network plan, but it refused to load on me so I got stuck doing nothing for a while. After a bit I got called downstairs to go over making the court schedule because that’s gonna be my responsibility from now on, so I went over it with the lawyer who had been doing it and typed it up, so that’s good to know. I didn’t really do all that much for the rest of the day because I just didn’t really have anything to do.  There was a bit of a celebration because one of the lawyers had just tried a parking lot slip and fall case that was apparently kinda iffy on causation (like it wasn’t totally clear that it was actually the business’ fault) and because of that the insurance company wouldn’t even make an offer to settle because (presumably) they thought it was crap, but this afternoon the jury returned a verdict for our client to the tune of $212K, which for a slip and fall case is a HELL of a lot of money, so everyone was very excited about that. Towards the end of the day one of the other new lawyers and I sorted through the folders (such exciting lawyer projects, I know) to separate them into piles for the lawyers morning court call. After that I headed home, normal trip back, I’ve kind of developed this habit of flopping down on my bed for a while after getting home from work and of course kitty wants all the love and attention after being alone all day, so she’s always climbing all over me. So I stayed like that for a bit before getting up and making some food, and then turning on an episode of Friday Night Lights. After I had watched that I decided I was going to take on one of the recipes I had been wanting to make and had had up in my browser for a few days, these were titled “fluffy golden oreo funfetti rice krispie treats” and are basically like, pure happiness in food form lol. of course I’m super obnoxious about how I make my rice krispie treats because I have Standards™ so I had to like, cut some of the jumbo marshmallows I had into quarters so they'd melt more evenly with the mini marshmallows, and then of course had them melt super slowly so the texture would be good. so yeah, that was a bit of a process, but I think it came out pretty well. by the time I finished with this it was like 9:24 pm and I didn’t want to watch a full episode of something before going to bed so I ended up watching like half an episode of a series of unfortunate events, which I think was the last episode of their current season. And after that I started getting ready for bed and am now here. And that was pretty much my day. It’s later than the other nights I’ve been getting to sleep this week so I’m not gonna delay my sleep any further and end this post here. Goodnight babes. Stay classy. 
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rukakikuchi · 8 years
Infinity II - Part 2
Sae yawned loudly as she walked to school. She rubbed her eyes, not noticing when Suda-kun snuck behind her, smacking her back as a morning greeting. Sae jumped, startled by his greeting, made the boy chuckle.
“What’s the matter? You seem jumpy this morning.”
“Ah… Sorry, Dasu. I stayed up late last night, so I’m tired.”
“I see. Anything happen?”
“Nah, just studying.”
The two chuckled as they entered the school.
“You seriously need to go to sleep earlier. It’s because you’re always up late.”
“I have unlimited energy. Fatigue can’t break me!” Sae said energetically, making the boy laugh again.
“Your hyper-activeness scares me sometimes.”
As they head to their classroom, they crossed paths with Yuki. Sae suddenly remembered her dream from the previous night. She didn’t know what to make of the fact that Yuki had appeared in her dreams, but she didn’t worry about it and smiled to Yuki.
“Yukirin, ohayou~” she said.
“A-ah, good morning, Sae,” she said, seeming deep in thought about something.
“Hm?” Sae stopped in her tracks before turning around, tapping Yukirin’s shoulder. “Hey, everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Just a little tired. I had a weird dream last night.”
Sae tensed up a bit. “I-is that so?”
“Un… But I don’t remember it too clearly. I never really remember my dreams.”
“Ah, alright. Well, I guess I’ll see you later, then.”
Yuki smiled back, giving her a nod. “Yeah. See you.”
As they left, Yuki continued toward her classroom, but with a puzzled look on her face. She had lied to Sae; she actually did remember a portion of her dream. In her dream, she saw Sae, but she looked like a prince.
She had no idea why she dreamed that. She had only just met Sae, so why?
“Kashiwagi-san~” A familiar voice chimed as Yuki was approached by Rena-sensei. “You look cute this morning~”
“Oh, thanks, sensei.”
“I really am jealous, someone so young can be so pretty.”
“Mou, sensei, you’re very pretty, too. And still young.”
“Ahh~ you flatter me~” Rena giggled, Yuki kind of chuckling at her ditzy behavior. “Speaking of, a little bird told me you’re going to audition for this spring’s musical. Is that true?”
“Oh, yes! Sae-senpai talked me into it.”
“Aw, you two are so cute. Break a leg!”
During P.E., Sae was practicing by herself, bouncing the ball against the wall when approached by a young underclassman of hers.
“Senpai, you seem to be working hard as usual,” she said with a cat-like smirk.
“Ah, Jurina-chan. You could say that.”
Sae decided to take a break and sat beside her kouhai, wiping off some sweat with her towel. Jurina handed her a water bottle and opened her own.
“I saw you running earlier,” Sae commented. “It’s ridiculous how fast you can go.”
“What? You jealous?”
“No!” Sae chuckled as the girl guzzled down her water. “I’m amazed! You’re so much younger than me and you’re one of the most athletic girls I know. The other being Yuko.”
“She’s the couch. She’s supposed to be,” Jurina chuckled. “Akimoto-san has some muscle on her, too, right?”
“Oh, speaking of, I heard this rumor recently from Churi…” Jurina leaned closer, whispering to Sae, “According to her, she’s dating Takamina-san.”
“Eh?! Sayaka and Takamina?!”
“It makes sense! Those two are always together! Ever since they both arrived here, they always talk or spend time in Takamina-san’s office. Why wouldn’t they be dating?!”
“But, it’s just a rumor, right?” Sae pointed out. “We’d only know if one of them said so.”
Sae sat back and thought about it more.
“Although, I guess that would explain why Takamina always gets so shy and flustered talking to her.”
Somewhere else, Takamina let out a small sneeze.
“Something wrong, Minami?” Sayaka asked.
“Ah, yeah,” she replied. “But I think someone was talking about me…”
Later that day, Yuki found the drama club room and saw several students looking over typed-out scripts. One of them was Sae, who seemed to be reading lines to herself.
“You’re Kashiwagi-san, right?”
Yuki looked over and saw a tall woman looking at her with kind eyes.
“Ah, yes. Are you Akimoto-sensei? Sae-senpai told me about you.”
“Just Sayaka is fine. Calling me Akimoto-sensei would confuse people. Can’t have them thinking I’m the principal.”
Yuki chuckled. “Right.”
“I’m guessing you’re here for auditions.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Awesome. Here’s the script,” she hands her a typed up copy. “You just go over a few lines and pick what you like. We’ll get started soon.”
Yuki took the script, taking a seat beside of Sae. The two shared a quick glance a bit and smiled to one another.
Yuki then opened up the first pages of her script and started reading. From what she read, the play, called “Infinity”, was a musical about a tragic love between a human girl and a vampire boy.
Once auditions started, Yuki waited for her turn while continuing to read the script. The story drew her in and it felt like she was reading a book rather than a play script. She became so invested, she had forgotten about everything going on around her, only to be brought back when she felt Sae’s hand touch her shoulder.
“Hey, you okay?” she asked.
“Huh? Yeah…”
“You were so quiet, I was worried…” Sae stopped mid-sentence when she noticed something. “You’re crying.”
“Eh?” Yuki touched her face slightly, seeing a tear droplet. “That’s weird…”
Yuki rarely cries. She was an emotionally strong person; it could only take something very specific and emotional to tug at her heart and make her cry.
“I must’ve gotten pulled in…” she said, wiping off her tears.
“Kashiwagi-san, it’s your turn,” Sayaka said.
Yuki stood up in front of the room and faced the students.
“My name is Kashiwagi Yuki, and I will be auditioning for the role of…” Yuki looked down at her script, choosing the role name she wanted. “Maria.”
Sae blinked for a moment. “Maria?”
“Let’s read through Scene 2 of Act 1. Takayanagi-san, read for Isako.”
“Hai!” Churi stepped forward, high-fiving Yuki.
“Also, Tano-san, Takahashi-san, Oshima-san, read the other parts.”
The students gathered and got their scripts to the correct page.
“Start when you’re ready.”
Tano Yuka started with her line from the script, “You’re late, Maria!”
“Sorry,” Yuki continued, trying to portray how she felt the character would act. “I was called to the principal’s office.”
“What? Something happen?” Churi asked.
“Maria’s an honor student. Nothing bad’s happened.”
“I was asleep during class.”
“I couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Are you sick?” Oshima Ryoka asked. Takahashi Juri approached her, touching her forehead.
“Her temperature's normal.”
“I had a weird dream last night.”
“What kind?”
“A dream where you were falling?”
“Did snakes come out?”
Yuki shook her head.
“No. Honestly, I forgot it completely when I woke up. But, I felt as if my chest was tightening… I only remember I was surrounded by blue roses.”
“What does that mean?”
“If I remember correct, blue roses mean you cannot meet someone again,” Ryoka spoke. “In English, it means ‘impossible’.”
“So, if Maria was surrounded by blue roses, would something be impossible?”
“Like not being able to compete in the dance competition?”
“Ah! Maybe you’re just lovesick!” Juri said.
“That’s not it at all!”
“Anyway, you should go home for today,” Yuka said, receiving a nod from Yuki.
“I’m feeling a little tired, so I’ll do that. Sorry, guys.”
“If the leader isn’t here, I’ll just go, too~” Juri said.
“Hold on! What about practice?!”
“It’s pointless if we aren’t all here. I’m going on a date!”
“Utako, I’m sorry! I won’t go home; I’ll practice.”
“It’s fine,” Churi insisted. “You go home, Maria.”
“Hey, a date or practice, which is more important?!”
Juri thought for a bit before smiling. “My date~. Ufufu. See ya~”
Ryoka stifled a laugh at Juri’s giggle.
“I’m sorry, this is because of me…” Yuki continued.
“It’s not your fault. What’s Utako thinking? The competition is so close!”
“Does she really have a date..?”
“Leave her be!” Churi said, sternly, “Come on, let’s go.”
“And scene!” Sayaka spoke. “Nice job, girls! I wanna hear more from Kashiwagi-san, so the rest of you break.”
“Yes, ma’am~”
“Let’s see…” Sayaka looked through the script. “I know! Let’s go to Ruka and Maria’s conversation in Scene 6. Sae, you read for Ruka.”
“Ah, okay!” Sae walked to Yuki’s side.
“Whenever you’re ready.”
Yuki pursed her lips before beginning.
“Why did you kiss me?!”
Sae was startled a bit, thinking she was talking about the dream for a moment. But she realized what she said and quickly got into character.
“Because I love you!”
“We’ve only just met. How can you say that so easily?”
“Just met… Is that so?”
“Of course.”
Sae then looked and realized something. She walked over to the prop’s table and took out a blue rose from the vase.
“Here,” she handed it to Yuki before continuing the line. “That rose… That rose shall never wilt. It will bloom beautifully for all eternity.”
“Did you really forget?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Remember,” Sae unconsciously took her hand, making her eyes widen. “Remember me. And about how we kissed and love one another.”
Coming to her senses, Yuki blinked and said, “W-what? I only just met you yester--”
“Your soul has been reborn countless times. Maria… You and I loved each other, 250 years ago.”
“That… that can’t be..! That’s…”
“Human love is meaningless. In the name of love, humans create children and become tied down by family. The love that both partners had once believed in suddenly vanishes. That is because there is death.”
Yuki looked up and her eyes met Sae. The boyish girl wasn’t even glancing at her script, saying the lines as if they were her own words.
“Because there is an end, humans become selfish beings. They rely on each other too much and lose sight of what is important. Love is not having to rely on anything, and to not be tied down by anything. It’s simply a pure feeling between two people.”
Sae grabbed her shoulders, causing Yuki to let go of her script. The two locked gazes, not noticing their classmates or how Sayaka was observing them.
“I will give you eternal life.”
She moved her head down, about to bite her, but Yuki pushed her away.
“Scene!” Sayaka stopped them, making them look to her, surprised.
“You two seem to have gotten into your roles,” Ryoka commented, the two blushing.
“Great job, everyone,” Sayaka announced. “I’ll look over everything and post the casting list tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Yuki’s eyes widened.
“Sayaka-sensei is a fast worker,” Yuka said.
“Alright, here’s to hoping everyone gets the role they want!” Juri said. “Later~”
The students disbanded and Sae and Yuki walked out together. They felt a sudden tension and didn’t say anything until Yuki decided to break the ice.
“Hey, Sae… Do you have any weird dreams?”
Sae didn’t know what to think of it, but just gave a light chuckle.
“All the time.”
“Like… seeing people you know?”
“Hmm, sometimes, I guess…” Sae started piecing together what she was going to say. “Why?”
Yuki was silent, getting flustered a bit, before speaking, “L-last night… I thought I saw you in my dream.”
Sae’s eyes widened a bit.
“Yukirin dreamed of me, too?”
Not sure how to respond, she simply smiled.
“Really?! Uwaa, that makes me happy!”
“I-it does?!” Yuki asked.
“Yeah! You must really care about me, huh, Yukirin?” she chuckled. Still with the thought in her mind, she decided to let it off her chest. While keeping her demeanor, she said, “Now that I think about it, I thought I was you in my dream last night.”
“Eh?” Yuki gained a surprised expression. “Did Sae and I have the same dream?”
“Strange, huh. I wonder why we both dreamed of each other.”
“Who knows…”
“Welp, whatever,” Sae patted her head. “I gotta go get ready for practice. See you later!”
“Un. Bye.”
The two parted, Sae feeling a sense of relief as she sighed out.
“Well, that was easy. I’m glad Yukirin didn’t seem to have any problems with it.”
Yuki also sighed, leaning up against the wall.
“What is going on..? Did we share a dream? ...No, it can’t be. So…” Yuki clutched her chest. “Why does my chest.. Feel so tight all of the sudden?”
As Sae got her things and head to practice, she happened to see Sayaka and Takamina talking to each other. Sae suddenly remembered what Jurina had said to her.
“I heard this rumor from Churi. According to her, she’s dating Takamina.”
Sae just brushed it off, laughing again.
“Yeah, right. It’s just a rumor. There’s no way Sayaka and Takamina could actually be--”
Her eyes widened, however, when she saw Sayaka kiss the shorter woman. Sae felt her cheeks grow red as she turned around and head to her clubs.
“Well… I can’t really deny THAT. I guess it is true.” She then formed a big smile. “Aww, they make such a cute couple, too! How sweet~”
Right as Sayaka parted from the kiss, the two touched foreheads. Takamina’s cheeks were blushed heavily, her eyes twinkling.
Sayaka’s eyes widened a bit. Takamina soon gasped, realizing what she said.
“I-I mean..!” The tall woman chuckled, making her blush. “I’m sorry. I should be used to calling you ‘Sayaka’, but… I miss saying your real name.”
“I understand. If it makes you feel better, I miss calling you ‘Maria’.”
“But, we aren’t Ruka and Maria as we are now… We’re Sayaka and Minami.”
Sayaka shook her head, brushing the girl’s cheek with her hand.
“You will always be my Maria.”
Takamina smiled shyly. “And you’ll always be my Ruka.”
“R-Ruka… I’m sorry.”
“Maria, no!”
“Ruka! Please, don’t leave me..!”
“I won’t… I promised.. I’d always be with you… Forever..!”
“Forever and ever.”
“Ruka!” Yuki jolted up as she heard a crash of thunder outside.
She sighed heavily as she found she fell asleep reading over her script. She closed her script and walked over to her bed, falling onto her back. She then heard a knock at the door.
“Honey, is everything okay? I thought I heard you scream.”
“I’m fine, Mom,” Yuki said.
“Alright. Be sure to lock your windows tight; the storm outside’s pretty rough.”
“Okay, I will.”
She stood back up and went to her window, opening up the curtains to find the hatch. A flash of lightning came and Yuki jumped as she thought she saw a figure standing outside her window. The figure had long dark hair covering her face, which was dripping wet from the rain.
“Kyaa!” She fell down as the thunder crashed. Yuki looked closer and saw the figure had disappeared. “Eh? A ghost..?”
She quickly locked the window latch and closed the curtains before going to her bed, burying herself in the blankets. She looked to her window before hiding her face in her pillow, shutting her eyes as she tried to sleep through the storm.
The next day…
“The cast list is up!”
Students rushed to look at the cast list, some cheering as they had gotten their desired part, or sighing in frustration as they didn’t.
“Churi, you got Isako! That’s great!”
“Yossha! I’m in! I got Ai!”
“Eh? The maids?”
“Hey, that sounds like fun, Juri!”
Yuki and Sae got to the cast list at the same time, both in shock as they and everyone else saw the names at the top.
“No way!”
“Sae-senpai and Kashiwagi-san are the leads!”
The two looked at each other, both smiling shyly.
“Congrats,” Sae said.
“You, too.”
From a distance, Sayaka and Takamina were watching. The two looked at each other, nodding. They then approached the two and smiled to them.
“Congratulations, you guys.”
“Rehearsals will start after school this afternoon,” Sayaka announced. “Be sure you all come.”
The bell rung and the students hurried to class. The two looked at the casting list, focusing on Sae and Yuki’s names.
“It’s just the beginning…”
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #14: "i literally hate attention (i say as i broke out into song unprompted)” - Bryce
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I can't believe that I am here. I made it to the Final 4. It is very crazy. I thought that I was toast in the Final 6. So to be here now is very exciting and shocking. The final 3 is going to depend on who wins immunity. I am really hoping that I could win this immunity to secure my spot in the final 3. If not then I hope that Matt doesn't win it. He needs to be an option just in case. I'm very nervous. I just finished my rites of passage. and its crazy that its almost final tribal.
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so im getting 4th. FJKASDHFKJh this comp is so hard and like im literally not gonna be able to do endurance so i need to do well on the other stuff but i just dont see that happening... like this puzzle first try was 70 minutes FJKASDHFKAJS. AND I KNOW COUNTING WILL MESS ME UP BC IM NERVOUS WRECK i didnt even mean to caps that but its tea. like flash game i think when i played this once before i wasnt bad but maybe i was who knows. im so emo like no one is talking to me anymore FKJASHDFKJ like i guess bc its just 1 vote left they dont wanna pretend they wont cut me FJAKSDFH like my game not even that good im gonna get dragged by sharky/nathan/keaton/nicole/ everyone but brian... maybe even brian who knows NNNN. my nnn. is so iconic.. maynor who?. idk like ok so if i win immunity (which i wont) idek what to do like i feel like voting matt is the best option maybe. bc i WONT be voting maynor bc i love him (not that i dont love anna and matt) but i just feel like we've had the best relationship of the f4 and im confident that the jury will like my game more than his (maybe they wont tho... i say confident but i mean 2% (not skim) sure they will) but ok so annabelle prob is hated by jury at least from brian and maybe even sharky? but like she didnt play bad she literally made most iconic move at f6 and i respect that but idk if jurors do like ppl keep saying shes a goat  so maybe she has no chance. and then theres matt where like ppl cant be mad he voted them when everyone and their mom in this game has voted him ASDKJFHASDKJ. like so hes prob liked by jury but i just dont know if hes done anything to deserve to win. he found 2 idols successfully played 1 but that was more on anna/nicks weird sense of leaking when it didnt really benefit them.  but like ok he was least threatening member of trio who got to the end so underdog edit is there even tho he literally wasnt underdog tbh u know who was an underdog... ME. i had NO ONE but nathan for a lil.. then dennis... then he got ROBBED. so then i had brian... but he got ROBBED. and now i have maynor like ive literally flipped and flopped to better my game and idk like i am physically able to meaningfully say ive done anything good ever in life or orgs but like i didnt do too bad i think! KJFAHSDKJF... idk maybe im getting 0 votes 3rd place no matter what and if thats the case im still so happy bc ive had a lot of fun in this game and met some true friends (and keaton) but like im getting 4th anyway so doesnt matter! ugh that sounds like a final goodbye confession but i know me and im gonna confess like 10 more times before this round is over so if i do get 4th/3rd just know that this was my true end...
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So like.... I do not think i'm winning immunity. like at all. which makes me pretty nervous ngl. I really want to be there at the finale cause i think I have a good shot. If Bryce loses, i'm fairly sure i'm good to get to FTC but otherwise im scared. Making FTC would be really good for me cause I think i can out argue Maynor and Annabelle fairly well, but otherwise with bryce there idk. So like, BRYCE CAN'T WIN IMMUNITY. Also this FIC is disgusting like no thanks. I've already fucked up the 2 live ones so uh ya am annoyed :(. woo final juror here i come!
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Bryce won immunity. Im glad. I wouldnt want to be in the position to vote Bryce. I had to abstained from the counting part cuz it triggered my anxiety. I tried tho but i couldnt. This vote is going to be said. Matt is going to go 4th. And i feel really bad. We got to know each other more during every tribal. This really sucks. I just dont want to give him false hope where there isnt any. Im going to help tomorrow.
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I am so getting final juror. fuck. i knew it would happen if bryce won immunity and it fucking is. I am so sad about this. I have worked so hard all game to get here and its just being tossed away like that. I am SO sad. I have fucked up my sleep schedule for this game and now its getting me final juror. ugh. i just wanted to get to the end and like argue my case. but now? not happening :( i hate this
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I WON I REALLY WON IMMUNITY ASKDJFHASKDJF I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LOSE WHEN I GOT 12 POSTS ASJFKHKASJFDHASDKJF THATS SO NNNNN IM SO HAPPY BUT SO SAD BC NOW I TRIED TO TELL MATT IM VOTING HIM BC I WANT TO BE HONEST BUT HE SAYS HES TALKING TO A BRICK WALL LIKE???? SORRY FOR NOT WANTING TO GIVE U FALSE HOPE AJDSFHDKAJ its honestly so rude like ive been in that position before so i know what its like when ur pleading ur case and the person doesnt seem to care and im NOT doing that. but obvioulsy i didnt just make up a plan on what to do at f4 so obviously i have thoughts and plans and im not just gonna switch it up bc u plea to me now. idk KJASHDFKJ also im so scared im gonna lose now NNN hes saying anna played so well and tbh she kind of did maybe i lose no matter what...
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So like i am leaving but its ok! why? cause i will preserve my legacy by dropping a whole ass fajita recipe here so that I can feel like i have made an IMPACT on the season. Even though like im still sad its me, im going out with a bang baby! I don't use this recipe personally ( I am a broke student) but its v.good!
Ingredients: 2 large chicken breasts, finely sliced 1 red onion, finely sliced (ready to make you cry) 1 red pepper, sliced 1 red chilli, finely sliced (optional) For the marinade 1 heaped tbsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp ground coriander pinch of ground cumin 2 medium garlic cloves, crushed 4 tbsp olive oil 1 lime juiced 4-5 drops Tabasco
Method: Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and wrap 6 medium tortillas in foil.
Mix 1 heaped tbsp smoked paprika, 1 tbsp ground coriander, a pinch of ground cumin, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 4 tbsp olive oil, the juice of 1 lime and 4-5 drops Tabasco together in a bowl with a big pinch each of salt and pepper.
Stir 2 finely sliced chicken breasts, 1 finely sliced red onion, 1 sliced red pepper and 1 finely sliced red chilli, if using, into the marinade.

Heat a griddle pan until smoking hot and add the chicken and marinade to the pan.
Keep everything moving over a high heat for about 5 mins using tongs until you get a nice charred effect. If your griddle pan is small you may need to do this in two batches.
To check the chicken is cooked, find the thickest part and tear in half – if any part is still raw cook until done.
Put the tortillas in the oven to heat up and serve with the cooked chicken, a bag of mixed salad and one 230g tub of fresh salsa.
hope the random person reading this uses it otherwise gj future me reading this you've officially gone insane! yeet ig?
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This is going to be a sad day. I really like Matt and dont want to vote him out but its the best option from the people available. It really sucks. I feel his pain and ahh.
I’m literally going to cry. I want to help Matt. I wish we could all be final 3 but we can’t. I’m dying emotionally. Final 4 always has so much pressure cuz theres only 4 people left. I hope Matt doesn’t hate me. I hope he understands thisnis a game move because he techinically was the underdog in the beginning then was on top then back to underdog. I just hope he doesnt take it personal that I don’t think tie-ing it for him would be good for my game.
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Matt is voted out 3-1. He becomes the final juror.
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ok so i had the worst day of my life today and didnt plan my speech at all so thats where im at NNN time to fake smile and hope the jurors like my ad libbed speech ASFKUHDFKJ ftc starts in 4 minutes.
well.. that was interesting adsjflhasdkfj. Like i always have 0 confidence in myself so i think im gonna lose and i really do respect the game that anna and maynor played. im just sad that i dont think i articulated myself well bc like im so bad with words anajsfhakj and ppl were saying conflicting things and its just not in me to like chime in with my pov to possible sway it in my favor bc i literally hate attention (i say as i broke out into song unprompted) but yaaa like i truly think that maybe i kind of did play super well and deserve to win but either way ill be happy bc i made *some* genuine friendships and also like had so much fun voting ppl out KFADHSKJASHK. i wish i like wrote what all my confessionals were so i could reference sth i said on day 1 but it was prob like i hate my tribe they ignore me so maybe ill just say that again FKJADSHFKJ. we love coming full circle... im so hungry i didnt eat so i will now stop typing to get dinner maybe i will write another confessional. omg wait gotta have some line thats iconic in case theres an episode title... think... love talking to myself FAKSDHFKj im so funny when i was like "i realized hey i respond to myself ill take me to the end" its such a mood KFJASDHFKJ ok but hm... ok. maybe im a snake who doesnt actually care about people and use them to my advantage to get my way but at least im not jayden. OMG jk thats so mean even tho he deserves it ALSO i was gonna like comment on keaton being like "saying the n word doesnt make u racist" but then he was kind of nice to me so i didnt.. love being as fake woke as me... not being confrontational to get a jury vote... so gross NNNN wooh idk how to end this but watch waves music video normani literally snapped so hard is being as slept on as me. omg wait... maybe im a pillow bc i sure am being slept on. iconic line.... i love the hosts so much ignore literally every cringe thing i wrote in this confessional pls FKJADSHKFJ
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Im happy I made it to the final 3. And even though FTC was bad; I enjoyed it. I know I’m probably getting 3rd which is fine. I have so much respect to Annabelle and Bryce and everyone in the jury. I’m more excited to be able to talk to all of them again. Let’s see who is our winner will it be Bryce or Annabelle!? The hosts you guys were amazing and i had a great time this season. Im glad Jones pushed and convinced me to apply. Thank you for giving me a spot in this season. And Jones you da best. 💖💛💙
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confession time. everytime i write one of these i put the day as who are u and my name as what day is it.. my mind always having to go change it. but um didnt think i would be writing another one of these FJKSADF but i have no self control and winner reveal is in 4 and a half hours and im literally sick FAKJDSk i feel so anxious and nervous like even if i lose im gonna be happy but i just really want to win also im still trying to process ppl not liking me or my gameplay and saying i played with their emotions FJKASDHFJ i had a blast. anyways this is the anthem of the day apparently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhzN7SfnNeY
WHATS GOING ON?? IM TIRED IS WHATS GOING ON IM SO ANXIOUS! im sooo anxious i want to win. pls...
Bryce wins Celestial Marmoreal in a 4-3-0 vote!
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bigbrotherorre · 6 years
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WEEK 13 
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if someone who doesn't love me wins this week then bye bye ashvika 
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annoyed that sammy nominated me because i kept him safe last week whereas i could have just as easily flipped to keeping alivia and he could've left...but more than that, i'm annoyed at his speech. i dont think he should've used "you nommed me" as an excuse bc that's lame and he was the first to nom me and i nommed him back so we were even, and then i let him have veto pick when he was nommed and i made sure he got taken off. also conversation is a two way street and i dont see him trying to make a conversation with me either, he could have just said the real reason....i love hearing about how good of a player he thinks i am.... the worst case scenario is if bryce or zeezo win, i think even if the noms stay the same that i have a good chance of staying? granted that autumn and ali don't decide to turn on me and evict me 
why is bryce spreading lies :( i didn't tell ali to nominate sammy.... 
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ive made a lot of mistakes this game and there all coming at me now.. my position in the game is terrible and i can blame it on ppl playing not to their win condition or on just the wrong ppl winning comps at the wrong time, but ultimately i could have tried harder convincing ppl to see the light or to do better in challenges so ultimately its on me. feeling really hopeless this week even tho i avoided being a preveto nom i think ill be a post one if literally anyone but me wins veto. and i flopped veto (cwl). i cant wait for after the game for ali to admit that he did tell me that ashvika pushed for sammy to be nommed. order in which id vote ppl zeezo- always worked with me and if she makes it to the end she truly DID THAT ashvika- really took control of the game with her hoh win and after jose left smartly picked up the goats and became the biggest threat randy- a king love us working with/against each other throughout the game and even tho he was voted out im not one to discredit buyback winners autumn- never spoke to me but guess she didnt need to KASDHFK ali- fakest person ive ever met dennis- knows how to get to f2 at least sammy- ignores obvious facts and always makes the wrong move  but good at comps so wooh (me teas too tho...)
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somehow i didnt get nommed but like so sad what the heck zeezo is going home like why is everyone so jealous that shes prettier and funnier than them :( why cant we all be her goats <3 i guess its good bc like i cant win with zeezo in the game and i can vote to keep her still, but honestly if i lose in f2 with zeezo itd still be fun bc she has had my back all game :] I AM SO SAD UGHHHH GOD HATES GAYS AND HES TAKING MY TWO WOC QUEENS BACK TO BACK. Now i have ashvika who is a queen but not my queen!! And autumn yikes hates me always :(
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SORRY IVE BEEN GONE!!! I did one video confessional for Week 11 and just like never posted it lmao but I will haha and that's all behind me. But anyway I just have so many feelings. Live  night is about to begin, me and Zeezo's war is finally concluding, IM STILL TRYING TO GET MY FIRST COMP WIN, and I'm trying to protect my allies at all cost. Some cracked shit is about to go down and I'm so excited and so so glad I took a nap before this cause I'm ready for anything wooo
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OK BUT DAT TRIPLE DOE http://media2.giphy.com/media/xUA7aViRhBQPzXNAAM/giphy.gif It was dramatic, over the top, emotional, satisfying, show stopping, gut wrenching- literally everything you want out of a triple. I... don't feel bad for Breezo lmao, not after all the messiness they've caused. But doing Ashvika dirty is literally the hardest choice I've had to make in Orre. Sis I am so so sorry. I should've thrown you a vote but you know how Randy is and you really know how Dennis is. I just--- that was something I like wasn't prepared to ever do, break Ashvika's heart. But like in my beautiful dark twisted mind? It was perfect because I knew I couldn't go to the end w/ Ash but I was never going to nominate her. So here we are rip ALSO LAB AND BREEZO ALL SITTING IN JURY??? BIIIIIIITTTCCHHHHH https://media.giphy.com/media/zcAii7T9JXezS/source.gif If you're reading this, you know I sure did say I would wipe that whole group out and send them to jury and it really did come to pass. John sure did gas all of them up to win and I sure did tell him in my Week 10 goodbye message that they were all bout to walk in behind him. So in the spirit of prophesizing, let it be known that Auli aka Ali and I will make Final 3 because we are the strategic dynamic duo y'all slept on. Like correct me if I'm wrong: we've been on the right side of all 8 "merge" votes (there's no word for like opposite of pre-jury lmao), we ain't been on block since Week 6/7 and it's now Week 14, and we've downplayed our iconicism left and right so we're the last duo standing at Final 5, and no one wants to take a shot at us. BUT YALL STILL SLEEP CAUSE THE MIST IS THAT STRONG. That's ok though! When Randy and Sammy walk into jury next y'all will see Also I'm  dead at how much jury hates Ali hahaha. Deadass he has to stay in the game for safety reasons. Like soooo many jurors wanna kill him. That's my ride or die though so I can't let that happen. Anyway I still feel like shit for obeying Randy, which hurt Ashvika, made Dennis cry, and further dragged Ali's corpse. But the good news is woooo it's Final 5 and these boys all want to take Auli to the end. So do I NEED to win this HOH? No not really. Am I still praying and pleading with God like I do before every comp? Absolutely https://media1.tenor.com/images/1a11748f0c7ce30ab4afd057fab66751/tenor.gif?itemid=5677211
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Me when I shocked the nation and won HOH and finally had power in the house after 13 weeks https://78.media.tumblr.com/2a8c6d7cc298da364a847f8f9d767c7c/tumblr_opiih6Z7tB1ub3fcfo1_500.gif Me then using said power to target my baby Randy for the greater good https://media.giphy.com/media/hic9t15zsdwfC/giphy.gif And now me that I'm selling my entire family, land, soul, and wig collection to get Dennis to keep me and kill Sammy so that I'm not Ika Wonged because I know for a fact Ali would take me to F2 and Dennis would be a dumbass not to take me too. AND I ALWAYS BELIEVED IF I WENT UP A FOURTH TIME THAT WOULD BE THE TIME I GO UP ON THE BLOCK AND DONT COME BACK DOWN SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DENNIS BE STRATEGIC AND KEEP ME https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/53/9d/23539d4ab6c13adab50940426d73ed6e.gif
WAIT WHAT HOW AM I ALIVE?? https://media.giphy.com/media/TZ388aYpsLMcM/giphy.gif AND HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE FINAL 3??? https://yiaelxzosjw9p4bs-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/happy-crying.gif Pray for me if I win Final HOH cause fun fact: I, the strategic legend, have no clue who to fucking take to the end and that's the biggest gag of the entire season BECAUSE I DIDN'T PLAN OUT THIS FAR GODDAMMIT AND I WISH I HAD. Ok that's not entirely true- I knew I should either sit next to Dennis or Ali because ya know contingency plans matter. BUT NOW??? Bitch ion know I just wanna win
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i've never seen a better reflection of the emotional rollercoaster that is my mental state than these two being filmed less than 12 hours apart jasldfa
okay i have lots of post finale thoughts but i need to type them up tomorrow. i just hope the jury knows how sorry I am if I ever upset them, because I love them all so much and would never want that :(
time for my post finale wrap up and.... whewie. This is so upsetting because, I just did this for all stars. Like it's looking like my track record is LITERALLY going to be 2nd 9th 2nd 2nd 2nd, I CANT COME 2ND AGAIN. I really can't take this. Here is the bigger problem though and this is why Orre will be my last game whether I win or not. I can't keep playing these games when I upset so many people. Like it honestly broke my heart yesterday hearing how much I upset people like Bryce & Ashvika, people I love SOOOOOOO much. I don't want to upset people. Like... what upset me about finale is I don't think the jurors realise that.... I didn't just upset people for the sake of it and ahhh. Honestly, I'm really upset, like not even that I'm coming second but that I upset people. So with that said, I really apologise to the jurors. I got the impression that I hurt you all so bad that you are giving me 2nd as like.... punishment? And while I hate that, if I hurt you all that bad I really owe you all an apology. Anywho, since this is definitely my last game, I've played 183 days worth of games to just come 2nd, and that's just too much. I'm too flawed of a person and player to continue playing these games and just keep coming 2nd. Like it just hurts. so yeah, i'm sad but mainly because this is deja vu. I'm so proud of Dennis for winning, he is such a sweet genuine guy and when he was complimenting me during the finale, it was the nicest thing I've ever heard and I'm so greatful. No matter my game or his, I'd be happy to see Dennis represent our season.
Can I just say... Dennis is such a king. What a kind-hearted, genuine guy. A true king.
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okay so I lost.... and I'm weirdly at peace with it. I know I answered the jury questions terribly and I had... some jurors that would never have it in them to vote for me and would actively campaign against me. Dennis is a king, and in a cast with toxicity and SUCH bitterness, I think he is a phenomenal representation for the season. Otherwise, I am really honoured to get Ashvika's vote, she is such a deserving POTS, and to get POTS' vote is always an honour. Autumn and Jose are amazing friends and I am so happy to have got to work with them, John is a player with SUCH potential and he is WINNING BOTS & Zeezo I'm really honoured to get her vote too! For the others, Bryce is a KING and so is Blake (they both seemed really upset by me so I hope we can be friends). Lynn I never spoke to and seems... very bitter about the season's result, but I hope she gets over it because she is also a QUEEN. Randy is a funny one and I'm starting to worry all his friend talk was just him playing into my emotional side, but he is a good egg really I know it. Sammy is a ghost king. I kinda want to end on Alivia. Alivia is a person whose personality is obviously very different to mine and the way she speaks to me and others really upsets me a lot of the time. However, her bitterness against me is understandable and I hope she gets over it, because she defines herself by anger and bitterness when she is such a funny and likable person and doesn't need to do that. but woo... to wrap stuff up, I'm so grateful for Nicholas & Julia for casting me, Owen & Emily for being amazing.... OH, I forgot what I wanted to say. Autumn is a queen, a legend and amazing. She is honestly soo soo amazing, like... someone I really admire and see as a rolemodel? she is inspirational, a queen and a legend. Dennis is the nicest, most well intentioned guy ever SO sweet and really just a genuinely nice guy. I have made lasting friendships with some members of this cast and I'm so happy. so yeah.... i'll probably do another one of these in like a day or so, but if not.... ali out woo
we love coming to jury and being told about my ""showmance""".... wanna die jadfkl. my only showmance was to snakery, my way of life. blake was robbed but also is a broccoli. last words? autumn and dennis are my faves, best F3 ever.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Cram Sesh with Jen
You: First impressions are crucial. I’ve gotta find Jen! Wrenn: Good luck, Jamie. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.
You walk into the living room to find Jen chatting with Mackenzie, Derek, and Adam. Jen: I’m so nervous, I changed six times this morning! Derek: That’s… Mackenzie: Insane? Adam: A workout? Jen: I’ll take option C… All of the above. You: Glad to see I’m not the only one who’s nervous. Before we meet the parents, we should prep each other for what to expect. Jen: Count me in. Derek: If there’s a chance of finding out what makes you two tick, we want in. You: We’ll take all the help we can get. Let’s meet on the roof in five.
You, Jen, and your friends regroup on the roof. As you all settle in around the table, you turn to look at Jen. You: Okay… Tell me everything I need to know about your parents. Jen: Are you kidding? I wouldn’t know where to start! Mackenzie: How about the beginning? After all, Jamie’s gonna need to know your family inside and out if she’s gonna make a good impression. Adam: That might take a little longer than we have. Adam: You should start with how well you get along with them. Whether you see eye-to-eye can say a lot about a person. Derek: That’s a good idea, but this is also about making Jamie feel comfortable meeting them. What do you want to know, Jamie? You: As important as it is to know about Jen’s relationship with her family…
You: I really just wanna know… -Whether they approve of me.
You: Between the craziness in the mansion and the producers’ editing for drama, there’s no telling what they think! Jen: Everyone knows you can’t trust anything you see on TV. Nobody’s gonna judge you for that.
-How I can impress them.
You: Meeting the parents is hard enough without trying to appeal to a demographic. I need a cheat sheet! Derek: Hmm… I see your point. There’s gotta be some advice Jen can give you…
Mackenzie: Jen, you know your family better than any of us. What do you think Jamie should know about them? Jen: Uh… None of my uncles have pinky toes… You: Wait, what? Adam: As interesting as that is, I don’t think it’s gonna help Jamie today. Jen: I’m sorry. There’s so much I could say, I’m blanking on what’s need-to-know. Derek: What it help if Adam, Mackenzie, and I go first? It’ll give you an example of what’s important… Mackenzie: And Jamie can learn more about our families too. You: Works for me. Why don’t we start with…
Whose turn is it? -Mackenzie!
You: Tell me about your dad, Mackenzie. Is he as cool as your little sister Natalie? Mackenzie: Cooler. As cliché as it sounds, I’ve got the best dad in the world. Mackenzie: Right from the start, he never saw me as anything less than his daughter. He’s patient, easy to talk to, kind, selfless… Mackenzie: Basically everything my mother isn’t. You: Whoa… I’ve never heard you mention your mom, Mackenzie. Jen: On your audition reel, you said you grew up with a single father. Mackenzie: I did. My mom left us fifteen years ago. No note, no explanation, just an empty closet where her clothes should’ve been. Derek: That had to be terrible. Mackenzie: It was worse for Natalie. My dad was a mess, and she didn’t understand what was happening. I had to take care of everything. Adam: But you were just a kid! Mackenzie: That’s why he asked me to stop helping. He said it was like watching his worst fear come true. You: I can see why. It’s obvious…
You: He was worried you would… -Waste your life taking care of everything else. +BACKGROUND
You: You were just a kid! That’s an impressionable time to take on such a huge responsibility. Mackenzie: I thought handling it all alone made me strong, but my dad taught me that my constant strength helped everyone but me. Mackenzie: His favourite thing to say is, ‘Strength is for workhorses and machines. You’re only human, Mackenzie.’ You: Wise words.
-Flunk out of school. -BACKGROUND
You: There’s no way you’d have been able to do that and keep your grades up. You’d have never made it to law school! Mackenzie: I’m sure that crossed his mind, but I think he was more afraid I’d feel obligated to take care of him forever. You: Wow, Mackenzie. Were things that bad? Mackenzie: Bad enough that I’d gotten used to being strong for all of us. But my dad wanted to see me become more. Mackenzie: I think I got my determination from him. You: I’m sure you exceeded his expectations.
You: What’s the most important thing to know about your parents? Derek: Probably that they’re polar opposites. My dad’s a fun-loving, free spirit from Colorado… Derek: While my mom’s more of the practical type. She was born in Haiti and immigrated to the U.S. as a kid in the ‘70s. Mackenzie: That’s so cool! Jen: I’m sure it has its moments. Having immigrant parents can be complicated. Derek: I love having that connection to our culture, and I’ve even gone to visit where she grew up… Derek: But it made me realise how much she sacrificed for us to have the life that we do. Derek: Sometimes, I feel like anything less than success is letting her down. Adam: That’s a lot to put on one person. You: Especially when there are so many different types of success. Derek: not in her book. Doctor, lawyer, engineer… Those are the careers she wishes I’d join. Derek: And I’ve thought about it. I know it would make her happy, but…
You: But you… -Don’t want to pretend to be someone you’re not. +BACKGROUND
You: You may be an analytical genius, but I’ve seen your work. You belong in the arts, and you know it. Derek: I love my mom, and I know she just wants me to be stable, but living a rich and fulfilling life takes more than money. Derek: Sometimes, all I need is to good around with my friends. You: The best way to honour her sacrifice is with your happiness. Everything else will come.
-Don’t think you’d be good at it. -BACKGROUND
You: Those careers are prestigious for a reason. There’s no shame in admitting you’re not up for the challenge. Derek: I developed an algorithm that accurately predicts the next AME winner ninety-two percent of the time. I can handle the work. Derek: It’s just not who I am. I’m at my best when we’re hanging out and goofing off… not working eighty-hour weeks. You: Alright, smartypants. You have a point.
You: Give me the lowdown on Mama and Papa McIntyre. Adam: Well, their hearts are in the right place, but my parents are massive worrywarts. Adam: Though I guess that’s my fault. After the way Season 9 ended for me, I wasn’t really in the best headspace. Mackenzie: I don’t see how you could’ve been. Vince and Sierra’s plan was brutal. Jen: That was the night the Bad Boy of AME was born. Overnight, you were like a completely different person. Derek: I saw clips of your time in the Jury House. You were cold, man. You: If you became someone they didn’t recognise, that’s enough to make any parent worried. Adam: Once they saw how guarded the show made me, it turned them against reality TV. If they had their way, I’d have never stepped foot on set again. You: But you’re so much better now! You: If nothing else, AME showed you who your real friends are. They’ve gotta at least see that. Adam: I think it’s been hard getting that image of me out of their heads. Before, I was their perfect, loving son… Adam: Now, when they look at me…
You: All they can see is… -Their little boy. -BACKGROUND
You: Parents can have a hard time seeing their adult children as anything other than the kids they used to be. Adam: Not in this case. You guys weren’t the only ones chipping away at the wall I put up. My parents just never realised it had fallen. You: That has to be frustrating. Adam: They mean well. My dad actually suggested I should be more like you. He thinks you’re the perfect role model. You: Smart man.
-The wall you put up. +BACKGROUND
You: And it’s like they can’t get past it. Adam: Exactly. The way they look at me… I just feel like they’re waiting on the other shoe to drop. You: They aren’t going to hate me because you came back for the wedding… Are they? Adam: Not a chance. Before I left, my mom mentioned it would be good for me to be around someone as open as you. You: Then I’m glad to be of service.
Jen: Okay, I think I’ve got the hang of this. You: Perfect. So tell me… You: Were your parents strict growing up? Jen: That’s one word for it. My dad was in the military, so discipline and order were always the priority. Jen: He and my mom wanted the best for me, but living like that placed duty over fun. I always did what I had to, never what I wanted. Adam: That had to be tough. Derek: I can’t imagine having to toe the company line even as a kid. Jen: It’s part of why I wanted to be a flight attendant. We moved because someone said so. They flew because they were free to. Mackenzie: Not to mention you’d be in control of the snacks. You: when you put it like that, it sounds like a perfect fit. What changed? Jen: Everything. Jen’s eyes water, and her gaze falls to the floor. You watch her wipe away a tear and reach out to hold her hand. Jen: My dad was killed during his deployment, and after that, nothing was the same. My mom, especially. Jen: She stopped caring about my homework and encouraged me to do things I loved. It’s how I found producing. Jen: When I asked her why, she said losing my dad put everything into perspective.
You: Sounds like she wanted you to… -Love your work. -BACKGROUND
You: But I don’t think she meant for you to bring it home with you. Jen laughs through her tears. Jen: I think she just wanted me to see that there was more to life than work. Jen: I’ve always been passionate about every project I’ve taken on, and she wanted me to live life that same way. You: I think we can call that mission accomplished.
-Live life to the fullest. +BACKGROUND
You: You attack everything with pure passion, Jen She just wanted you to have a life that you were crazy about. You: I’m sure they both did. Jen: There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss him, but I know he’d be proud of me. You: One thing’s for sure… I know I am. Jen: Thanks, Jamie…
-Reclaim your childhood. -BACKGROUND
You: You said yourself you didn’t do the things you were passionate about. Maybe she thought it was time to change that. Jen: It was never about going back. We both realised the past was the past. My mom was just a different woman. Jen: Losing the love of her life made her realise we have as much of a duty to ourselves as to anyone else. You: That’s… one hell of a silver lining.
Jen: Now, if I could just convince my mom I’m not working too much, I’d be golden.
You: Jen… -I can’t believe I didn’t know that. +50
You: We’ve known each other for almost a year, and this is the first time you’ve ever mentioned any of that. Jen: There’s a lot of things we still don’t know about each other, but that’s the beauty of getting married. Jen: We’ve got the rest of our lives to learn them.
-Thank you for sharing that with me. +50
You: I know being vulnerable isn’t easy. I’m just happy you trust me enough to let me in. Jen: You’re gonna be my wife. I feel like I can tell you anything.
Derek: This has definitely been a bonding experience. You: I never would’ve guessed any of the things you guys told me. You play it pretty close to the vest. Mackenzie: You’re one to talk. You’re the biggest mystery of us all. You: Me? I’m an open book! Jen: I wouldn’t go that far. You’ve heard all about our families, and I don’t even know your mom’s name! You: That’s easy…
Her name is… [Name your mom]
Jen: Diana… Well, that’s one less thing to worry about. You: You have nothing to be afraid of. Once she sees how happy you make me, she’ll welcome you into the family with open arms. You: But if you really want to get on her good side…
You: You should… -Compliment her!
You: Whoever said that flattery could get you anywhere must’ve had my mom in mind. Jen: Time to turn up the charm. I’ll keep an eye out for just the right moment.
-Mind your manners!
You: My mom is a stickler for all things prim and proper. Jen: Good to know… I guess I’ll have to be on my best behaviour.
-Dote on me!
You: My mom has been spoiling me for years. She’ll want to make sure my future spouse can keep up the trend. Jen: Spoil you rotten… Got it!
The heavy metal door opens, and Wrenn pokes their head out. Wrenn: It’s showtime. Are you all ready? You: As ready as we’ll ever be.
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