#hope this helps and i wasnt coming off as too rude
zevranunderstander · 1 year
No offense, but "colonialist and imperialist festival that is trying to rebrand colonizers into quirky modern nations" is one of the most ignorant definition of Eurovision I've ever seen. The contest was born in the early 50's literally to put Europe together after WWII. And believe me, neither then, nor now the organizers give a fuck about colonialism, also because EBU is made of 56 country and only a small fraction of them were colonizers. On the other hand many were colonized.
So far it's also one of the very few occasions in EU where queer artists can express themselves. We all agree Israel shouldn't be allowed to partecipate, though, and that the jury's vote should be abolished. As for the public, this year their vote has been a mess as well, but for the first time it was open to the whole world so this may be part of the problem.
Your post is also insulting to many of the artists, btw.
the ESC was NOT put together to reunite europe after WW2, this sentiment is not once stated in the first ESC or any of the following ESCs and is literally just a narrative told today to make it seem more heartfelt, there is a really good video on it that by verilybitchie, that goes into much more detail about this than i will right now: link. but generally the first ESC was also just a money making concept: the EBU had this whole new platform they needed to have content for, and hosting a "non-political" song contest was a really lucrative idea. also for a long time, eastern europe for example was excluded from the ESC, because the west didnt like the communism going on there. the video is really good if you are genuinely interested in the previous "brandings" and politics of the ESC and is like, 40 minutes long, so i will not rehash everything said in there.
"neither then, nor now the organizers give a fuck about colonialism", yeah, obviously they don't otherwise they wouldn't allow Israel or Azerbaijan to have a platform in this contest. a lot of these countries aren't just "former colonists" they are still actively colonizing or completely suppressing human rights in their country. they do not care about colonialism because Israel for example can offer tons and tons of money so that they are in the contest and that's way more lucrative than "doing the right thing" and not having colonialist superpowers in a song contest that are currently actively waging wars. i am not saying "the EBU does colonialism", i am saying "the EBU let's a bunch of colonialists do funny acts where they can show off queer people in their country so that they can gain sympathies as a progressive country because they get a lot of money from the people participating and it's also giving them a whole new country as a market for the event night". do you know how lucrative it is for a country to host, because they can completely re-brand themselves as a popular tourist destination?
also, they did only ban russia after 6 countries appealed for them to do so and threatened to drop out, so they truly don't care about colonialism and only how to serve the biggest market available. but the narrative of a country persevering in the face of war is so inspirational, no? so this year you could have almost mistaken all of their branding to be a genuinely heartfelt stand in solidarity with the ukraine, with all of their anti war stances and singing imagine by john lennon, but really, if no one would have threatened to drop out in solidarity with the ukraine, would the EBU have thrown russia out? probably not.
also colonialism is such a complicated, intricate topic that is very much not a thing of the past just because a lot of countries have "officially" been declared independent. colonialism is not a "this is a bad thing that happened in the past but, like, it was 100+ years ago and now we're all modern and progressive, we are both colonizers and colonized", what do you think the european interventions in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, etc. are - if not re-branded colonialism? occupying a territory with a foreign military to "free" people of random regimes, when it just so happens that there always seems to be a lot of oil in th occupied territories. do you think Germany, France, the fucking UK are not STILL colonizers? do you know how many weapons Germany sends to Israel each year so that they can keep doing Apartheid down there? (colonialism also persists in globalization and outsourcing of labor into underpaid "third world countries" so that the economy in "first world countries" like Europe stays stable, but this out of the scope of this answer right now) but like? colonialism is not a "thing that happened long ago" its a thing that is still happening with a lot of the countries, and this paragraph isnt really relevant to answer you question but i really wanted to get this straight
also im focussing on the actual colonialist aspect in my post and am more talking abou how i am concerned with the intentional branding of any country as a woke, queer and progressive country, like, "look they sent a gay entry, that is sooo progressive of this country", which make you absolutely blind to the fact that they might be doing Apartheid and shit.
also i explicitly said that i do like how diverse the stage is for artists, it is just that the network's intentions behind putting them there aren't as genuine as you seem to believe. these artists are usually really talented people and I really loved some entries over the years, but 1. these artists need to be aware on what kind of stage they are performing, this isn't some indie underground platform this is one of the biggest music events in the world, and i love that there is an international stage for queer artists to perform, but you kind of have to count in the fact that these people all made the willing choice to be in a contest that is usually hosting Russia, Israel, Azerbaijan, etc. and I am not saying they are bad, horribly immoral people for that but they made that choice and then they should be able to live with the fact that they were in a show that is being criticized by people. does it suck that the biggest (and maybe only) big opportunity for a lot of queer artists seems to be a rather nationalist PR event? yes, of course it does and I genuinely do not blame artists who do ignore the moral implications of the event for having a chance of kickstarting their career, but that changes nothing about the morality of hosting countries that are active imperialists trying to convince you of the opposite. like, why do you think so many countries want in? because Australia and Israel wanted to be part of some european song contest REAAAAALLY bad or because it's THAT much of a PR boost?
The EBU will do whatever brings them the most money and that is:
allowing as many countries to be there (regardless of the fact that some of these still very imperialist participants are using the space to re-brand themselves) and only dropping them if this would cause real backlash from other parts of the audience (hence why Israel will never be dropped)
being "non-political" so to cause as little controversy as possible (if you watch verilybitchie's video she actually also mentions how "non-political" EXCLUSIVELY seems to refer to "do not make any political comments about participating countries when it could cost us viewerships"),
having progressive entries that give off a good image, which is endorsed by the countries as a PR campaign and by the audience, who mostly genuinely wants to see queer and campy entires that aren't the common mainstream. this also leads to the ESC branding itself as such a queer event and then often leaving it to the juries to ensure that nothing too queer or too campy or too communist or too political or too "generally eastern european" wins, because the winning entry needs to be marketable and needs to be playable on every radio station for the next 3 months without causing any offense to all the people who only then watch what the winning song was
none of these things are done for "moral" reasons or because they care about "doing the right thing", but because they make the most profit. but BECAUSE some of them seem so morally inspired the ESC usually tries to weave it into their branding ("was founded in an attempt to unite europe after WW2", "ESC has always been queer", "we stand with ukraine and thus russia isnt in this contest this year")
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ppnuggie · 11 months
can you do a haedcanon of a fem human just drinking SO MUCH COFFEE like cup after cup an she is litery shaking in her seat her entire body is like a maraca an she she swerves bar so can u do headcanons for this for first aid, perceptor, brainstorm, chromdome an cyclones just teacting to this madness
      LOST LIGHT x fem reader
    『 first aid ,, brainstorm ,, perceptor ,, chromedome ,, cyclonus ,, female reader 』
  -> reader who drinks too much coffee and gets really hyper
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, magnus is forever suffering
  — here you go !! :3 tysm for requesting !! tried to make it funny 🫡 hope you enjoy it <3 i loved writing this one but be warned as i dont drink coffee nor rlly know much for the side effects or smt from drinking it 😭😭 even though im literally working at dunkin rn and they only rlly got coffee
- first aid
| • he'd be worried at first with the amount of coffee you've consumed ,, having learned about humans and other things concerning them incase of an emergency
| • in this case ,, itd seem the knowledge he learned wasnt too helpful
| • bouncing all around the medbay and just hyper in general was quite a pain for first aid to deal with
| • but he didnt want to be too rude to you ,, and gently coaxed you into spending all that energy of yours running laps around the edge of the medlab where you wouldnt get too hurt
| • though when you finally wear it off ,, he'll be quick to scold you ,, holding his digit in front of your face and waving it side to side in a 'no no' motion before taking you to his habsuite and laying you down for a nap
- brainstorm
| • he honestly doesnt know better okay ? you could tell him anything and suddenly he wants to put it to the test
| • so when you said you could drink a bunch of cups of coffee and wouldnt bat an eye ,, he was immediately like bet and then that led to the current situation
| • perceptor is facepalming and immediately making brainstorm take blame for encouraging you to do this ,, because now theres a hyperactive human running around the lab
| • i mean you're practically flying around with how much coffee youve drank ,, hell you could probably beat blurr in a race
| • official you wouldnt say that out loud because lord knows some of his fans to be a bit crazy and would immediately be on your case saying "no you wouldn't !!" and maybe a few death threats involved as well
| • dont mention it in front of brainstorm either because hes already calling blurr to set you up for a race
| • hes no help ,, dont ever tell him your ideas or encourage his crazy ideas unless you wanna end up in magnus's office ,, having him scold you like a dad does to their child who drew on the walls and is trying not to laugh at the situation
- perceptor
| • thanks to brainstorm ,, you chugged too much coffee than your body ever really needed ,, and with perceptor as your not-so-official-but-official-in-his-mind-protector-slash-guardian-slash-alien-robot-boyfriend-slash-fun-killer he just sighs and takes you out the lab
| • he doesnt have the patience to deal with any acidic spills from you bouncing off the walls left and right
| • nor does he really need you getting hurt in any way shape or form
| • lets just say its an awkward trip to the medbay to see if ratchet has anything to help with your situation
| • and when he comes up empty handed ,, percy resorts to scolding you whilst the caffeine starts to wear off
| • it taught you better than to listen to brainstorm again because bro was yapping at 100 words per minute you swore he couldve talked faster than blurr at that point
| • bro was an absolute chatterbox just yapping and yapping that you fell asleep
| • never again would you do that ,, or think about doing that because the headache afterwards when you woke up was so not worth it
- chromedome
| • he also doesnt know any better ,, but he's definitely more responsible than brainstorm is
| • he'd know to at least keep a lot of caffeine or high sugar products out of your reach ,, just hiding it on your top shelves or above your cabinets like parents do with their kids' halloween candy
| • though when you accidentally made too much coffee ,, and didnt really feel like wasting it ,, you drank it all in one go ,, or well multiple big ass gulps
| • and then rewind walks in on the scene and sees how hyper you are and is honestly thinking youre sick with some make-a-person-crazy-illness-virus-disease-thing that he swears is somewhere in his database
| • and now chromedome has to play dad and parent you the whole time
| • bro probably put your ass on a leash ,, locking it in so the rope only goes so far and just stands there as you run around
| • this is what he gets ,, he thinks to himself ,, its the last time hes putting something so low in your reach again
| • at this point ,, hes just gonna store all your unhealthy and junk food away in a desk in his habsuite
| • he'll leave you fruit and vegetables but if you want coffee ever again youre gonna have to behave really good to get it
| • and its only a spoonful ,, as a little treat
- cyclonus
| • so you just trying to show and answer tailgates crazy ass questions that youre not even sure where he got them from
| • he probably got them from his ass at this point ,, asking if the coffee gives you super powers and you have to explain thats not true before he spreads lies around
| • and if that happened ,, you shivered at the thought of magnus banning your coffee aboard the lost light
| • that was pure trauma to even think about right there
| • anyways you made too much ,, and instead of storing it away or pouring it down the drain ,, tailgate dared you to drink it all
| • and well ,, momma aint raise no pussy but she did raise someone who makes bad decisions
| • because the moment you get your spurge of energy tailgate runs to cyclonus and tells him all about it
| • bros going on and on about how youve lost your mind and he thinks youre gonna die and cyclonus had like 600 heart attacks right then and there
| • he busts in like hes the damn swat team ,, door kicked down and pieces of it flying everywhere as you're running around like a wild banshee
| • he's looking for the demon and meanwhile youre out here acting like a damn demon ,, almost frothing at the mouth from how insane you are from the coffee
| • lets just say it makes magnus ban tailgate from ever daring you to do anything ,, bans you from having your coffee ,, and bans cyclonus for ever kicking down a door like that ever again because it was so unnecessary
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mochi-owos · 2 years
Calling the Genshin men your husband?!
Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Albedo, Kaveh
Warning: not properly proof read, and pretty shitty, sorry guys 😔 hope you enjoy tho!! <3 @alizaneth
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- Itto
Truly, it comes a surprise to no one that Itto had gotten arrested.. again. Being the man he is it wasnt long after his recent “imprisonment” (he was in a cell for half an hour before Shinobu bailed him) he was turned in again. You couldn’t help but question what he did this time, obstruction of property? Trespassing? Public nudity? Making children cry? You’ll never know, honestly.
So as Itto stood by your side, head hung low from your scolding, you spoke with Lady Kujou.
"Of course, Lady Kujou! I’m so sorry for my husbands mess." Lady Kujou wordlessly replied, nodding her head, all as she walked away.
Itto on the other hand, was ecstatic, his heart was swelling, but he had to make sure, “You’re husband, baby?! I’m your husband??” He jumped around excitedly, “You know what! Yeah, I am! Thee Arataki Numero Uno Itto! Of course you’d want me to be your husband!” He hugged from your waist.
“Itto,” You put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m still mad at you.”
He shivered, “Ah.”
- Ayato
You and Ayato hurried to your dinner party, you were exasperated, you're legs were going numb in these shoes. Your jogging slowed down as you reached the doors of the party, elegant music and chatter ran through the thick wood doors, the guards on both sides opened the doors, a few wandering eyes landed upon you two, and soon it was a known through the room that the Yashiro commissioner and his lover had arrived; the hosts walking toward you.
"Why hello! I’m so happy to see you two could make it.” They smiled, clasping their hands together.
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry for the tardiness of me and my husband!” Your eyes soften, you could feel the gaze of Ayato fall onto you: soft, gentle, and you could almost see hearts in there.
“Oh please! Worry not! We hadn’t had to wait long.”
“We would love to talk more, but allow me and my spouse to get some drinks first.” Ayato smiles, there was an underlying sense of slyness; he was a tease, a teasing scoundrel.
As the two of you walk away you could feel his hand in the small of your back gently rubbing circles with his thumb. Glass in hand his head turned to you, “Husband, hm?” His eyebrow raised, he was teasing you— again.
“Huh? Yeah. It’s not like it’s new or anything.” You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink. You were hellbent on not losing, you’re not gonna fold, no way!
He simply smiled, his non-vacant hand holding yours, smoothing over it with his thumb. “You indulge me too much, dearest.”
You folded.
- Diluc
You and Diluc often took strolls through the city of Mondstadt in his free time, which meant running to people every so often. Now, being one of those times. And though he didn’t have any hatred towards such interactions would it truly be so criminal of him to wish to have his lover - and only his lover- on his time off?
This time it was an elderly couple, so it felt all too rude to decline a conversation with them, so he simply let it be, allowing you to handle the conversing and chiming in a - “Hmm,” or an “Mm”, not that the elderly couple minded, he was known to not be super talkative.
It was all until the teasing of the couple came up, a small grin graced their faces, arms interlocked, as they look at one another then turned to you, “So, you don’t seem all that young. When are you to be wed?” Dilucs composure denounced, his eyes turned wide, he turned to you in a Huff, but all you could do was laugh. He cleared his throat, composed once more, ready to answer,
“Aw, I’m not sure, perhaps when both me and my husband is ready.” You smile, looking at him, you placed a hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it. The couple simply nodded, thinking if their next move to fluster Master Diluc.
- Albedo
To my dearest husband, Albedo,
It seems my arrival to Mondstadt will be held off for another few days as there is a storm brewing and I am unsure if it’s safe for me to come. But I assure you, the moment the storm is to stop I will run to your side. For now, we must simply be patient.
But how are you, my love? I hope you’re not putting too much on your plate— again. And I hope you’re getting proper rest. I swear, if I come to Mondstadt and I see your ridiculously massive eye bags once more I might lose it. And how is Klee? Any more incidents? I surely hope not, for her own sake and Mondstadts…
As for myself I am doing well, the inn I am staying in is awfully cozy. The keeper is very sweet, our conversations are a very nice pass time, informative too!
But that aside, I hope to be home soon, and in your embrace once more.
Love, your forever, ( ).
- Kaveh
As per usual you were at the café, eagerly waiting for your food. It felt like it had been ages since you had last eaten a good meal, and you were excited, and Kaveh was there too, so that’s nice too— you guess. As you drawed shapes into the table with your finger, anxiously waiting for the food you couldn’t help but notice Kaveh staring at you.
“What’s wrong, Vehveh?” You asked, your gaze never leaving the table.
He scrunched his brows, “What an odd nickname, Vehveh. I like it. But why not something else?”
You shrugged, “Whatever makes you feel better,” you struggle to stifle a laughter, “Kaka.”
His eyes widen, he slams his fist on the table (gently), “This is an outrage! How dare you call me something so atrocious, love! This is a full fledge betrayal! And look at me would you!” He huffs.
You only smile, slowly looking up at him, “Sorry, would you prefer..” You sit up and lean against the table, whispering in his ear, “Husband?” You then smiled and sat down.
He bits his lip gently, blushing, “That’s fine.. I guess, but to really see, I think you’ll have to call me that again..”
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a-random-weeb · 5 months
Hiii love ur account! Idk if I can request cause it says it’s closed, so sorry if I’m wrong!
Can I please request a yandere who looks very dominant; tall and buff with muscles. Literally everyone is scared of him because of how frightening he looks. Everyone other than Reader: Yandere is actually scared of reader and is very submissive around them. He actively seeks Reader’s approval and will do anything for her. Kind of like a guard dog? He’s really just a big puppy who craves Readers affection. Thank youuuu
Awww I love this idea!! Let's name him... Austyn, idk it just fits lol. I couldn't think of what age to make him, so I said screw it and put yall in high-school because that's the easiest
Also I know you requested this months ago, and everyone else requested their things months ago, guys I've been so tired recently, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to write what you've been wanting me to. I'm so sorry if you're still waiting on your request, and I'm hoping I'll get more chances to write soon. Thank you for your patience :)
Warnings: Yandere (obv), clingy and obsessive behavior, a little more than just mentions of murder, slight mentions of rape (not to reader or anything i just noticed it was brought up so I figured I'd put it in just incase), reader gets forcefully drugged, kidnapping
This fic is not meant to romanticize unhealthy and toxic relationships, it's hot af in fanfictions but is never ok irl
A huge man towers over you, his shadow engulfing your entire figure, his huge muscles and rough exterior making him appear as if he could kill. He stares down at your petite and fragile body in an intimidating manner as you jolt up in a sitting position. Clutching the desk beneath your upper body, you recognize him almost immediately.
"Where am I?! What do you want?!" You scream dramatically, almost tipping backwards in your chair.
"You fell asleep in class." His eyes narrow. "I had to poke you a bunch so you would wake up. The bell just rang, its lunch time." Your whole face burns a cherry color.
"Um- thanks..." Your eyes wander anywhere but his face. The corners of his mouth ever so slighty elevate as he leans on your desk.
"Would you like to eat lunch together?" He tilts his head slightly in an almost cute way. Your brows furrow in confusion, but nod regardless out of pure fear. He could probably kill you in one hit. No, simply him blowing on you would be enough to knock you 8 miles. You pack your school supplies and walk to your locker, Austyn almost breathing down your back as he watches you grab your stuff.
Entering the cafeteria, you both take a seat in one of the only spots left in the overcrowded area, its a bit shocking when kids start scooting away from you both, even the kids across from you want nothing to do with your new 'friend'. Or thats at least what you hope he wants with you...
Your prayers were answered, but in the worst way possible. It's almost physically painful watching Austyn attempt to make conversation with you. Stuttering over every second word, obviously embarrassed and anxious, fumbling with his hands. It was... cute. You'd never thought he would be like this while talking to him, you've seen him be rude and cold to everyone, maybe he's just shy and comes off as rude? Guess you'll find out. You, having not as many friends as you'd like to have, appreciate the attention from him regardless. But he desperately needed help with this whole social thing, so you give him a hand.
"If you're not busy, maybe you could help me with homework after we finish eating?" You smile, hoping he's not busy before you die of embarrassment. Thankfully, he nods, and the two of you finish your meal in silence.
You were hoping he'd be a little more outgoing and not as awkward in the library, but boy were you wrong. More stuttering, more avoidance of eye contact, more hand fidgeting. He wasnt even helping, just sitting there and watching you, almost too intently. You almost scream of joy when your best and only friend, Abby, joins you.
"Hi!" She beams excitedly, taking a seat next to you, "need help?"
"You're my savior!" You giggle, hugging her. Austyns aura immediately chances from a shy puppy to one that could kill. He glares daggers into Abby as she speaks a bit too friendly to you, gets a little too close to you, helps you instead of him. He knows he needs to up his game, but your stupid friend might ruin his chances.
Abby was your friend since elementary school, you've never been great at giving anyone a smile, but she always brings out your biggest one. She's helped you through so much, you owe her your life!
The rest of lunch Austyn stays silent and in the background, you assume he's shy... God, you hope that he was not hurt. You continued the rest of your classes like normal, overjoyed when the day comes to an end.
You and Abby walk home together, teasing and laughing with eachother. Austyn trails behind you both, not talking too much. Neither of you know where Austyn lives, and forget to ask. They drop you off at your house, and Abby lives just across the street so you guess Austyn walks her home. The long between your houses and the school is 30 minutes. You could take the bus, and you do in the mornings, but the walk is too beautiful to miss, so fun laughing with your best friend through the sunset in the city, too fun running through the long field of grass, racing down the streets, seeing who can reach your house the fastest, rubbing it in your face as you both either collapse on your porch or Abby goes home. Sometimes, you dance outside together, sharing secrets, giggling over whatever crush the other one has... Abbys friends with almost everyone, but the two of you are inseparable. Tonight though, you only talked with Abby, not wanting to make Austyn feel left out, and not wanting to seem awkward infront of your new friend. You run inside, jumping into your bed, thinking Austyn is just a little cute. Maybe a tiny crush? You don't think on it too much, as you pass out.
The next day, Austyn starts hanging out with you and Abby, which neither of you mind. He's a bit less shy and a bit more friendly. He's in your homeroom, science, and math class, so you sat next to him in all of those. You guys talked and exchanged answers from time to time, overall getting along very well. You guys hang out at lunch, and sure, you give a slight bit more attention to Abby, but thats it, and overall, the three of you get along like three peas in a pod. The next four days go similarly, your crush for him grows.
One lunch time the three of you meet up, eat, and head to the library. You weren't sure what was wrong, but Austyn didn't seem to be a huge fan of Abby, only hanging out and attempting to make conversation with you, almost cutting Abby out. You, of course, refuse to let that happen, and keep adding your friend the the conversation. You and Abby exchange a confused look, Austyn normally loves you and Abby.
After school the same day, you run over to Abbys locker, waiting for her to grab her stuff. You wait for 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... she doesn't show up. Thinking it's a bit strange, you still wait, assuming she was held back in class or something, as the teachers often like to praise her work or offer her opportunities for an upcoming math competition or something. She appears, after awhile, running towards you. The two of you begin to walk home together. When you ask her what she was doing, she awkwardly dodges the question. You leave her alone about it.
The next day when you arrive at school, Abby still didn't show up. How strange, you think to yourself. Abby hasn't missed a single day this year, not even when she was sick, you have no clue how she does it. Straight As, no days missed, friends with everyone she talks to, yet she's not here. You couldn't help but feel a pit in your stomach, not wanting to assume the worst. You would've thought she'd at least text you right? The more you thought about it the worse it got. What if she was raped by a creepy teacher?? What if she was kidnapped?! Maybe she got a deadly sickness and has three days to live! There's so many possibilities you weren't sure, what if-
"Hey!" Your new 'friend' from yesterday appears before you, looking like he's accomplished something great.
"Hi...?" You look up at him, calming yourself immediately. You knew you shouldn't overthink this, she probably just missed her bus or something. Austyn obviously picks up on your torn face as he asks,
"Hey, are you ok? You look offput..." he does his signature, puppy-like head tilt. you quickly nod your head, laughing to yourself silently of the stupidity of your overdramatic thoughts. You weren't normally so anxious, this over worried about your friend not being at school immediately, but for some reason, your gut was screaming at you that something bad happened. And then... The overwhelming feeling to run hits you. Looking at Austyns smile fills you with a strange sense of dread. White noise echos in your ears.
"Woah, woah, calm down!" He panics, "Hey what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hes acting way too friendly today... you shake your head.
"I-I don't know what's wrong with me today? I guess it's just a weird day....?" Austyn rushes to wipe some tears you didn't notice were were falling from your eyes.
"Hey, you don't have to talk about it...." he sighs "I don't know what happened, but stop worrying."
Abby was murdered.
You don't know how you know, last night was such a haze... what happened...? Pictures of her dead body flash in your mind, the killer standing there with a knife and sadistic smile. You swear it was a dream... you remember beginning your walk home, but can't remember anything passed the midway point, not even what you did last night, did you even eat dinner? You didn't wear pajamas last night, you assumed you were just tired when you woke up. But did you really see Abbys murder or is this just the most dramatic you've ever been on a Wensday morning?
You continued your day like normal, the sinking feeling never leaving you. Austyn was acting strange, outgoing and sweet to you. And yet his face was making you want to throw up for some reason... to go as far as to flee the country. Well, maybe not that far, but you certainly didn't want him near you for some reason.
The end of the days comes, and your dumbass told Austyn he could walk you home. It was probably fine, you'd go to sleep tonight and tomorrow everything would be normal, Abby would be at school and Austyn wouldn't be as creepy to you. You're sure of it.
You wait for him near the entrance of the school, and of course, when he comes out, he's almost stumbling over his own feet to run towards you.
"Hey!" He gives a huge innocent smile as he begins walking with you, clutching the arms of his backpack in a shy manner. You smile up at him, not sure if it's a real smile or not. No words are exchanged as you both watch little cracks of the sunset through all the large buildings of the city. It wasn't cold, but it definitely wasn't hot, the perfect night for a first kiss. Stars beginning to appear as you make your way out of downtown, you've only been walking for 15 minutes... almost the midway point... you have a much better view of the now gone sun, there's still a bit of red. There's no one around, it's a gorgeous night, you're walking home with a guy... everything should be perfect, it should be romantic. You recognize this, Deja vu, but different.... memories from what you think to be the dream, or a cruel reality you weren't sure yet start to appear. Abbys lifeless body in the long grass, the moonlight to the killers back, you know who it was, but you can't remember.... all these events took place just upahead and-
It wasn't a dream.
Blood stains lay in the grass and you point to Austyn, not in control of your body or the words that spill from your mouth, or the tears that spill from your mouth, or the puke that's about to spill from your mouth.
"You did this... didn't you...?"
Austyns eyes darken, "and you remember. I knew the sedatives wouldn't work as well as I wanted them to..." he sighs "I did this for you, don't you see?! I killed her for you. I've loved you for so long and you've never even looked at me. So I stalked you, learned about you, you're so cute yknow! You never laughed the same way around me as you did with Abby, ramble to me as you did with her.... So now our problem is gone, and we can be the cutest couple!" He spits delusionally. You back away from him, the moon to his back, the same spot as last night. He grabs your wrist harshly, overpowering you easily.
"You can't run darling, now let's go to my house!" He beams, "I'll even bring you home the head of someone you don't like!" You thrash around, screaming for help, but Austyn just giggles and hugs you to him, holding one hand around your arms and torso and the other over your mouth. "Shhhhh, it'll be ok!" He puts a chloroform filled cloth to your mouth, and everything goes dark.
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Maybe I'll write a part 2, maybe I'll do headcannons, maybe I'll leave you guys to imagine the rest, we'll see :3
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gojolvs · 1 year
I still want you.
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Chapter 2
⤿ Satoru Gojo u × reader
Falling in love with the Satoru Gojou wasnt an easy task.You truly love him but will this come to an end?
Warning/ tags; angst, profanity, smoking, cursing, smut, cheating.
Genre; angst, cheating, infidelity, jik, Gojou × reader
Notes: the tag-list is open if you'd like to be mentioned everytime i update just send me a message.
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previous chapter ⤏ next chapter
While unloading suitcases and gathering Sumire's toys, your loving and great husband had driven you and your son to a small resort where you planned to spend time together. But in reality, you were forced to come with the man who gave you mixed feelings every day because of his actions. He invited you to his business trip, hoping to settle yesterday's big fight. The truth is that you really didn't want to be here. For what reason? To be completely ignored by your supposedly "amazing husband".
After letting out a small sigh, you recomposed yourself so Satoru wouldn't think anything was wrong. Satoru's presence made you feel disgusted after discovering something that you didn't want to know. "Would you mind carrying Sumire to the room?" Your voice was monotonous as you stared into his eyes with no expression on your face. After raising one eyebrow, he sighed and tried to convince you that this was the right thing to do for you both. Though you hated the idea of being rude to Satoru, you couldn't help yourself. You felt mentally exhausted from experiencing so many emotions at once. With a small sigh, he nodded. The only thing you wanted right now was a cold shower by yourself. Ever since the fight Satoru had become more soft. He began coming home more early and giving you numerous kisses along the day. You suspected that he had felt guilty of the fight.
"Hello Good morning, reservation for the penthouse suite under the name Satoru Gojou." Satoru began holding your hand and interlocking fingers, slowly rubbing your thumb with his thumb as well. You decided to quickly retreat your hand. Observing your surrounding you were truly impressed. The hotel, A fancy hotel had luxurious amenities and services. It had opulent decor, with plush furniture and marble floors.
The walls were adorned with exquisite artwork and the floors were covered with luxurious carpets. The lighting is subdued and created a peaceful and calming atmosphere. You felt safe in this hotel for some reason.
"Ah yes, sorry for the wait Mr and Mrs Gojou, you're room will be on the top floor to the left of the elevator exit, if you'd like to see what else the hotel offers here's a bar code you can scan. Enjoy your stay!" Giving both you and Satoru a smile she continued attending the rest of the hotel guest.
"Your boss really went out, huh?" You said as you fixed Sumire's hair, admiring the beauty of your son. He's really a beauty, a perfect combination of you and Satoru. Your precious child. Your mother, who disapproved of your marriage and pregnancy, still loves Sumire. He represents a true miracle because when you and Satoru had sex, you forgot to take your plan B. You were scared at the time because you were always very careful with Satoru, especially when you have Intercourse. This was difficult because you had just graduated from highschool and had no idea where your future would lead. "Did you forget I was promoted? Im the boss now." he said while pushing the elevator buttons.
Right you totally forgot about that because you were too busy dealing with Sumire's cold at the time. "Right, I knew that." you said as you both exited the elevator. Following the directions of the hotels receptionist. "Listen tomorrow i have the day off if you want to go out just me and you." Satoru said while opening the hotel room door. "Wow.” was the only thing that came out of your mouth after seeing the luxury hotel room.
"Im going to go put Sumire down in the other room and take a shower." Satoru said before he opened another room that led straight to the kids room. You could say that Satoru was rich but you didn't realize he was this rich. After searching up to see how much a single night would cost on a room like this you were surprised to see that it had cost 10k for one single night.
You were praying that this trip would help you and satoru's marriage but in reality you only had one purpose here. Despite all the fighting and bad things that has happened to you and Satoru you just couldn't bring yourself to truly hate him. At some point when you were at the lowest point of your life he was there. He would be the one you would call or text whenever something made you upset or sad. He was your soulmate, or so you thought. Satoru is the type of man who would do anything for you. If he truly loves you at least.
You hated yourself for not noticing earlier. Despite everything you still deeply love Satoru because he was there ttwhen your parents had gotten a divorce and you found out that your dad had cheated on your mom. It was devastating because you and your father had a close relationship with eachother. When you found out Satoru immediately snuck out to see you at the middle of the night. You both spent the night watching the stars together at the park. Deep down you still miss that day, the day when you both were still kids and madly in love.  It hurt so bad knowing that the same Satoru gojo from that day is gone. You let out a small sigh before unpacking your things.
You stopped when you slowly pulled out a beautiful dress. The dress was a stunning silky blue color, with a sweetheart neckline and delicate spaghetti straps. It was made of the finest silk fabric, with intricate embroidery along the bodice and a long, sweeping skirt. The dress was an elegant and luxurious piece, perfect for a special occasion.
As soon as u let out a small gasp Satoru came out of the room with a tower wrapped around his waist. You could see his tone muscles and his messy wet white hair. "Oh you weren't meant to see that." grabbing an extra towel he started drying his hair. You couldn't help yourself and you started trailing your eyes all over him. Checking him out because who's stopping you? Hes your husband after all. His muscles looked good as you watched droplets of water going down his v line. His small waist and tone and made you bite ur lip.
"Like what you see?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. You couldn't remember when you last had sex. There had been a lot of fighting and arguments that got in the way of anything intimate. Hiding your face  you had a small tint of pink on ur cheeks from all the dirty thoughts that were going through your mind. "Im gonna go take a shower." Taking off your shirt you began to undress yourself. Who cared if Satoru was right in front of you after all hes seen you plenty of times naked before. Satoru just stared at you, watching you do everything without blinking.
"What are you doing." He asked his eyes trailing all over your body. It felt weird seeing your husband like this. Him checking you out to be exact. "Im going to go take a shower" you responded taking off your bra by yourself. You looked at him with confusion why was he so weird all of a sudden. Thinking nothing of it you quickly made your way to the restroom. It was a huge restroom. The shower had a glass sliding door and a big shower head. Right next to it was a bathtub which was also big. It smelt like flowers and a bunch of fabreeze but you didn't complain. With a sigh you began turning the shower on waiting for the shower to get in a certain temperature. After this shower you were going to go check up on Sumire.
The bathroom door opened just as you got in the shower. In spite of your confusion, you paid no attention to it, thinking Satoru would most likely be brushing his teeth or doing his daily skincare. Suddenly, you realized he was naked. You heard the bathroom door open. As you were about to ask him what he was doing, he began kissing your neck. He was evidently here for just one reason. He began fondling with one breast, while moving his left hand down towards your cunt. "Mm Satoru, wait." Pushing him off you, he respected your wishes. His eyes had a fire in them. Confusion again flooded your face. Never before had he been this committed to having sex with you. “Im gonna fuck you dumb”
In response to his finger sliding into your wet cunt, you shut your eyes and covered your mouth desperately trying to avoid making any noises.
"What about Sumire?" You murmured, letting out a small moan as he fingered you. You could feel every inch of your body starting to tremble. You truly did miss this feeling, the feeling of Satoru making you tremble everytime he touched you. "He won't hear us." He said with a small smirk before whispering, "So you can be as loud as you want baby." He began picking up the pace with his fingers.
Watching you moan made him so delirious. Your eyes would close every time his thumb touched your clit. He did miss the way you would stop yourself from moaning because that just proved that he was a good fucker. He himself got a boner just watching you undress yourself. In his eyes you were a goddess. “Fuck your so wet.” with a groan he continued to finger your pussy.
"Satoru..." You say his name, looking up at him. You felt him get close to your g-spot which made you moan even louder. He quickly moved you to the wall. You arched your back, feeling the cold wall against your back. "Satoru!" he was quick to kiss you. Satoru leaned in and brushed his lips against yours. His kiss was rough yet intimate, sending a warmth through your body that you forgot how it had felt before. You felt your heart racing and your breath quicken as he deepened the kiss.
His tongue explored your mouth, tasting and teasing you as he fingered you with two fingers now. He began pressing you closer to him. The kiss was wild and intense, leaving you wanting more. "Satoru, fuck” you pleaded between moans. Satoru curves his fingers so they hit just right, while his thumb begins to play with your clit. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head. "Hmm- It's so fucking good, Toru.” You moan, holding your breath while his fingers work their magic. You shut your eyes and try to take it all in. "Satoru..." You say his name, looking up at him.
He quickly took out his finger before you could even come close to cumming. He smiled and picked you up. Slamming you straight onto the wall, kissing you even more intensely now. Satoru leaned in close, his lips brushing against mine. His tongue lightly parted your lips, and you felt it thrusting against your own. The sensation was electric, and you started to feel your body tingle with excitement as his hands roamed your body. “Mm you like when I do that don’t you” in between moans he popped one breast into his mouth. Circling your nipple with his tongue which made you grab his hair, pulling it while moaning his name. He continued to suck on your nipple until he stopped letting a small pop noise come out of his mouth.
He kissed you rough, you both pulled away, your lips still tingling from the rough kiss. “Im gonna fuck your pretty cunt” he said kissing your neck as he aligned his dick into your entrance. You could see that his dick was hard now. His cock was pulsating and you could see the desperation in his face. His cheeks were slightly laced with pink, his eyes were glistening with lust. Satoru’s hair was messy and wet which made you hornier by the second. You forgot how attractive this man could be.
“Lets give Sumire a sibling, yeah?” He coo’ed. Feeling his tip enter you, you began to scratch his back.
Suddenly you and Satoru exchanged stares. "Mommy?" You fell silent. "Say something!" You desperately whispered to him. "He'll know I'm in here." he said, smiling. He didn't care. You gasped loudly when Satoru began fucking you with a fast pace.
"Yes Sumire?" You replied trying to not moan as your husband fucked you fast, kissing your neck. It felt like you were losing this battle. The battle of trying not to moan.
“Im hungry mommy” Sumire quickly said trying to open the door but thank god Gojo had locked it.
“O-okay honey, just let mommy and daddy finish showering!” You said letting out a tiny moan before slapping your mouth.
“Sumire go wait in your room and change your shirt.” Gojo said while staring at you, he had a small smirk plastered on his face. What an asshole you thought.
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"Sumire?" You called for your child as you finished getting ready. Gojo had convinced you to go to a birthday celebration down at the bar. All you had on was a tight black dress with Steve Madden heels and your Prada bag. "Me and mommy are going somewhere I need you to stay here and if you need anything call the receptionist okay?" Kissing his forehead Satoru grabbed his casual glasses and put them on. Sumire just gave a small nod before running back to his room.
Putting on his black glasses he opened the door allowing you to go out first. While entering the elevator you could smell his sauvage cologne and the smell of mouth wash. You prayed that there would be at least one person you could recognize at the bar. Knowing Satoru he would most likely be going with his friends and leaving you alone the whole night. Satoru kept on checking his phone almost like he was waiting for a text message or something which made you suspicious. Why would he wait for a message now? Walking out the elevator you quickly saw the entrance of the bar and the big sign that read
You let out a small sigh before entering the bar. Stepping into the bar, your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. You scanned the room, taking in the smell of beer and cigarettes, and the chatter of people talking over the music. As you looked around, you could already see some people you recognized.
“Satoru!” You both snapped your head towards the person yelling his name. You could see that the tall, slim man with long black hair partially tied up behind his head was walking towards your direction. They both embraced eachother, “Holy shit no way.” Suguru said while staring at you with a huge smile plastered on his face. “You guys are still together!” Hugging you he was so happy to see you after a long time.
“How you been?” You asked with a small smile. Suguru was a pretty close friend of Gojo and you. an old highschool friend to be exact. “I've been good, I'm sorry for taking him away from you, but I want to introduce him to my friends in business." he said, hugging Satoru by the shoulder and dragging him out. Gojo’s eyes were sad.. You just gave him a small smile, sighing you walked towards the bar where at least 10 people sat each and everyone engaging in their own conversation. “Can i get a sapphire martini please.” The bartender just gave a small nod, making your drink.
Suddenly you felt someone staring at you. "Is this seat taken?" The tall, muscular man with mid-length straight black hair asked. You somehow recognized him. His green eyes and a small scar on his lips caught your attention, and he laughed. "Toji?" you asked, hoping that it was him and not some random guy who was hitting on you.
"Who else could it be?" he asked smiling. From what you remember, Toji is an old friend of yours or rather an old fling. At the time, Gojo and you broke up, and you hooked up with Toji at a stupid party. After that you found out he had a girlfriend at the time and just stopped talking to him but you remained good friends.
“It’s been so long how are you and your wife?” Smiling at him you took a small sip of your drink. The intoxicating smell of Tom Ford cologne. His smile slightly dropped when you asked that question, rubbing his neck, he sighed. “Unfortunately she passed away when she gave birth to our son.” Your heart immediately broke when you heard him. Loosing your wife in childbirth must be hard. “My condolences, I'm sorry." You said taking another sip from your martini, trying to resolve this awkward situation. "It's okay, it was long ago. I wonder how you're doing now with the husband?" After grabbing his whiskey he patiently waited for your response. To be honest you didn’t even have an answer for that. How we’ve been? You don’t even know. “If you want me to be honest I don’t even know.” Your smile dropped as you took out a cigarette, you snuck it in without Gojo finding out. You really did need to quit smoking, despite what everyone says you just can’t.
“Y’know smoking isn’t good for a young lady like you.” Toji added while taking out a lighter from his pocket smiling as you rolled your eyes at that comment. “You get cockier everytime i see you” you said as you inhaled. Toji just chuckled when you said that, taking another sip of his whiskey.
“Yeah, and you get prettier everytime i see you as well.” You jokingly took out your tongue and made a gagging noise.
After a long while of talking with Toji it started getting late. You could almost hear your loud giggles and laughs because of how much toji made you laugh. “At this point become a comedian Toji, i can’t stop laughing” you said as you giggled. Almost everyone had left the bar, a few hours felt like minutes with Toji. He really did make your day better. “If I become a famous comedian I’ll make sure to credit you for the suggestion” he said with a small smile.
“Y/n.”As you turned around, you were faced with an angry and confused husband. You smiled at him and immediately hugged him. "Toji meet my hubby" smiling, you compelled him to get up and introduce himself, grabbing his hand and forcing him to stand up. “I know who he is, let’s go.”Suddenly, Satoru's voice was filled with anger and demands. Gojo was even more upset you were holding Toji’s hand. You smiled at Gojo before kissing him on the cheek and grabbing your purse. "Okay, but just make sure you keep in touch with me,” you said with a smile, Giving him a small hug before running off to say goodbye to everyone else.
"You stay away from my wife." Satoru's voice was clear, he stared Toji down till he finally chuckled. Toji found that offensive, knowing what Gojo did, he had no business saying that. Approaching Gojo, Toji patted his back and began whispering to him. “You hurt her and I will kill you. Listen Satoru I know what you’re doing and sooner or later she’ll find out.” Letting him go he quickly fixed his tie before saying goodbye to Satoru.
Gojo’s eyes were wide, he went to find you and take you back to the hotel room before more people saw you drunk.
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Julian from the Arcana. With an academic/noble reader
Like they meet at some point in the castle and the reader is in the library or some shit
A/N: so sorry this is short, i havent played the Arcana in SUCH a long time, but i remember Julian being my favorite. He was so goofy silly and my favorite route! But, as an fyi, im slowly burning myself out, so if i dont update everyday dont come after me for it. Also, since i havent played this game in a long while, i may have the story wrong, let me know if i do so i can fix it, thanks! Again, supper short, to tired to do a bunch
Readers lines are in pink, but they are Gender neutral!!!!
Julian x Noble! Reader
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• Julian HAD to have snuck into the castle if he were to meet you for the first time. After all, he is a wanted criminal, depending on when he meets your character
• maybe he was looking for more clues about what happened to the king or left something of his behind in his studies, which brought him to the library. He still had a key that Portia gave him, who he told her he lost it so he could come and go as he pleased, as long as he dosnt get caught that is.
• what he didnt expect was to actually find someone in the library. The library that has been out of use for auch a long time. That someone would actually be in it to begin with. He only thought that he and his sister had the keys... maybe Nadia, too.
• he stopped at the door to study you, just staring at you. How neat and beautiful your clothes were, and how stylish you seemed, with your jewelry and established posture. You must had been an guest at the castle, or a friend of Nadias to be looking so upper class and being allowed in the library.
"Its rude to stare, you know?"
Your voice caught him off gaurd, he must have been staring at you for you to notice. Even with your book in hand, you looked up at him with an unimpressed look as he fumbled over his words for an answer.
"Well.... i uh... didnt expect to find anyone taking of intrest of these old books" he would recover himself, trying to put on his best grin to make him not seem suspicious.
You would roll your eyes at him and continue reading as he stood there awkwardly. Until clearing his throat, picking out a completely random book and pulled up a chair to talk to you, which you responded, despite being intrested in your book, to his questions.
The two pf you chatted, and when he told you his name, you already knew who he was, which astounded him. But, instead of alerting the guards, you just sat there quietly while reading your book. Flipping through it withiut a care in the world as Julian freaked out you were going to call someone.
You just sat there reading, without a care that an alleged and wanted criminal was right next to you, but you liked your book more anyway. Just shrugging at him whem he asked
So, instead, he sat there and talked to you while you responded back to him. Him learning of your nobility abd why you were in the castle to begin with. One of the most engaging talks he ever had that wasnt with his sister that was scolding him.
You had to leave at some point to go help Nadia, leaving Julian alone with his thoughts and old desk.
• now, Julian couldnt stop thinking of you. So, now at the same time every day, he would sneak into the library in hopes to find you, and of course, there you were. Reading the same or a different book in your lap.
Julian would stride in to talk to you. Greeting you with a smile and sitting down to talk to you about lord knows what. Even occasionally throwing flirts at you just to get you to look up at him from youf book.
His visits became frequent, despite them being a secret, he still somehow managed to meet in the library at the same exact time as you
• he definitely tries to get you to laugh by using rich people humor, which hardly gets a crack out of you, unless he actually says something funny or gets flustered
• at first it was just library visits. Then when Julian could go out without hiding, youd have him show you around the town, incase if you are new or just never got out long enough to see it all.
• makes stupid jokes about how he would throw himself in a mud pile to keep you from stepping in it to get you to roll your eyes chuckle at him
• always claims to be your night in shining armor when out and about, declairing he would protect you. Only to jump at the sight of a mouse skittering along the floor
• tries to learn upper class flirting to use on you. If he dosnt flirt enough now, just wait tell he adds in royalty
• you find it stupid, but Julian is stupid enough to make kt work.
• if you buy him anything he us intrested in he would try and decline as he litterly is screaming inside
• alittle bit nervous that he was a citizen and not a royal you shoukd end up with. Makes him paranoid that he is to poor for you to love/like him
• attending jis silly little plays makes him brighten up when he sees you
• def jokes about joining the royal gaurd just so he could spend more tims with you
• he liked it, after all
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You shared your headcannons about johnny and kenshi, and while thats great, i wish you also did some for tanya and mileena, since theyre actually cannon (i hope this doesnt come off as rude but they are less popular somehow)
Hi there!! This is a very good request so i dont mind. Also dont worry, it doesnt come across as rude at all.
I dont have headcannons specifically but more like an imagining for how their relationship went. Also- this may not fit with the cannon since these are my thoughts :D
I imagine Tanya as the oldest sister among 5 or 6. I imagine her going into training as soon as she can walk- and being angry about it, which only makes her seem stronger. Why dont her sisters have to train? Why is she here? To protect the future empress? She never even met her. Shes living her life in training for a stranger- a possibility, of a kingdom to thrive. It isnt fair.
She still doesnt understand as the years go by, even if she only gets stronger- more resilient. But for what, she cant even know yet. All she heard were stories about Sindels daughters- mostly praise about Kitana. But what about Mileena, the actual future empress? Her hatred grows into curiosity.
Then she sees her for the first time- and she understands completely.
Its in her rough but quick fighting style- in the angry way she buries her enemies beneath her just how Tanya herself was taught to. She clearly cares- and thats all Tanya has ever wanted really- for someone to care about it. Even if she didnt care about her soecifically, this Mileena seemed to care about her role greatly- so Tanya didnt train for nothing.
Li Mei notices the way Tanya lets her guard down for the first time, the curve of her lips when Mileena stands into her victory pose, facing her future bodyguard. It seems like a demonstration from Mileena, to prove herself to her.
Li Mei scolds her to never let her guard down. As their duty wasnt just to protect themselves, but the royal family above all. Protect. Serve. Thats it.
Even if gentle, she puts Tanya back in her place, and even if Tanya knows she has good intentions, she hates her for it.
Jerrod dies, Li Mei takes the fall. Despite it all, Tanya still believes in her. She shuts down any attempt to denigrate her name. She trains twice as hard to fill out a role she never wanted to fill.
She hates her for her failure, but loves her for her honest heart. She hates her for not fighting Sindels accusations, but cant bring herself to throw her out.
She hates her.
She misses her.
The one saving grace in all of this seems to be Mileenas glances and soft words. She never expected the princess to be so…gentle with her. Even if its just words, Tanya knows she means it.
It makes her happy.
It makes her accept her purpose.
Sindel is even more stern then she heard. She tells Tanya to always defend Mileena with her life. To make sure she pushes her to do her absolute best- to make sure she doesnt grow weak enough to be replaced.
But how can Tanya help her, when she herself feels weak every time the Edenian smiles in her direction? She is the last person able to ask her to focus.
What was wrong with her?
They train. They train daily, Mileena always summoning her. Tanya cant help but feel a sense of pride that Mileena asks for her specifically.
One day, she defeats Tanya with an incredible ease, her two sai as sharp as a snakes teeth, her eyes like its venom. And she cant help but sigh at what she sees. She is so beautiful it actually pains her, because while she is only devoted to her princess, she knows its only obligatory on her side.
Mileena asks what she is sighing at, and before she can think, she tells her how beautiful and strong she is.
“Words wont help you get my graces Umgadi.”
But Tanya assures her her heart only sings about her. She even grabs Mileenas hand, and something in the way she assures Mileena of her deserving her empress title makes the Edenian quiet.
She leaves it at that.
She went too far. She went way too far.
Sindel will surely banish her once she hears of this. Mileena hasnt asked her to spar in the last few days. She ruined it.
Why did she ruin it.
Before it was just quick glances, at most a hug. Nothing like this. She was sick.
This went against everything she trained for, everything she believed in.
She decides to take another risky move, to go to the princess herself to apologise for her unusual behaviour. She knocks- no answer. She opens the door, seeing Mileena crumpled in a sheet, splayed across the floor, her eyes bright like fire and mouth strangely contorted. She looked like a monster.
But then why was her first thought to hug her? To hold her with no fear? Who cared what she had?
She needed her.
She needed HER. She said it herself through tears.
Sindel was deeply disappointed. Kitana was scared- but still held on.
But Tanya? She grabbed onto her like no other before. She would not let anyone harm her again.
“Im a monster- please leave me be. I dont want to ruin you. I dont want to infect you.”
Tanya only cradles her even closer to her body. Even if it took a while, Mileena understood she meant her words of devotion towards her.
Maybe she didnt want to be her guard at first. But the way she cries into her shoulder, or smiles at her hugs, or allows herself to sleep next to her… she wants this. She wants Mileena.
And Mileena wants her.
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Hi! Mag I request a C!Wilbur x Half Blaze reader? Like they can’t touch water, snow, is from the nether, etc
So like a Blazeborn reader! Awesome dynamic with the opposites attract thing (yknow Phantombur can't touch sunlight and he's dead which means cold so-) yeah you get what I mean!
I didn't really know if you meant Phantombur specifically as one of the C!Wilbur's or just C!Wilbur from the Dream SMP so I did what was easiest to think of and that was a weird combo of the two Bursonas. Hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: C!Wilbur x Blazeborn!Reader
AU: Dream SMP & Origins SMP crossover (??)
It wasnt exactly easy being a being such as yourself in a world full of Normals and Humans. Your brother from the Origins dimension, Jack, had fucked you over and sent you to another Nether on accident so now you were stuck in this one without a clear way home.
Which sucked because you had a date with Phantombur that night. If one could call it that. The Phantom man of the world had invited you to go monster hunting with him, but him being the sly tongued man he was made it sound like an occasion to look forward too.
Now you were trapped in the new Nether with no way out. Your chatter didn't work here and you sure as Hell didn't speak Blaze in this dimension. They all made guttural groans instead of throaty ones like your dimensions so getting directions from your kind was pointless. And they were very rude as well.
Piglins weren't much help either so wither skeletons were your last option.
Yeah those guys went extinct a while ago due to a mass hunting apparently. The piglins told you that.
"Does anyone know how to get OUT of here?!" You asked in what rough piglin you knew. They eyed you curiously. The embers embedded in your skin flared with sparks as no one answered you. The gold of your eyes burned and you huffed out a puff of smoke from your lips.
"When I get back home I will murder you Jack I swear." You growled in your native tongue and stormed off into a crimson forest. The warmth of your home, albeit not your dimensions, welcomed you even if you were not its own. Your hissing and blazeish curses grew few as you wandered on. Hoping for a portal. Ruined or working it didn't matter. You had a diamond pick axe so nothing should be too big a problem.
A snap of a twig split your senses into fight or flight. Blazeborns didn't fly. Ever.
"Who's there?!" You called out and pulled your ax from your inventory.
"Easy now don't kill me!" A man stepped out. A tall one with a white flash in his hair.
"Wilbur?" You recognized the man you had meant to be hunting with tonight.
"Sorry, you know me?" This world's Wilbur looked confused. Different. He wasnt pale cold grey in complexion but a sandy beige. His hair wasn't the color of the night sea but really like the cocoa beans that grew in the jungles of the Overworld. And his eyes...your Wilbur's eyes were an emerald green that pulsed and smiled with each sly comment. This Wilbur's eyes burned like dying coals of Hell's fires. Red overlaying a dark brown like freshly filled soil.
"No, not you. It's a little complicated. Name's Y/N Blazeborn. I'm not from here you could say." You smiled and outstretched a smoldering hand. The embers flickered under your skin as Wilbur accepted the handshake. A flush ran up his face as your eyes met.
"Right well, you already know my name so why don't we get out of here before the Piglins come back for my head?" Wilbur suggested and only then did you notice his attire. What kind of mortal fool didn't come into the Nether without gold armor.
"Right here we are!" Wilbur gestured to the landscape that filtered into your vision. A crowded place of buildings and words written in the sky.
"This is the community portal of the Greater Dream SMP. Dream runs this entire server but a King named George runs the country. I once tried to establish my own country called L'manberg. Ended up blowing it up myself in the end but I've made my peace with that." Wilbur continued on in his explanation of his past and you couldn't help but listen.
This Wilbur was so much more interesting than Phantombur. Perhaps you were only thinking that because this Wilbur was new. This Wilbur was excited to show you things. He wasn't sly or manipulative like the son of the great Crowfather. This Wilbur was...different. A good different.
"Anyways yeah I've kind of just over shared my entire existence to a beautiful person such as yourself so I think I deserve maybe a little explanation as to what the actual fuck you are." Wilbur's face turned bright red and his tongue twisted over his breath causing him to cough.
"Well-" You were about to speak and then thunder rolled above. "Ah!" You yelped and ran for the nearest treeline. Wilbur didn't follow you but saw how you cowered as the rain came down.
"We you alright?" He asked and held out his hand to the rain as the droplets coated his clothes.
"I am now. In Hydrophobic. Rain hurts me." You explained and flinched as a water droplet dripped from a leaf onto your skin causing a hiss and small piece of steam to come off your skin.
"Really? I was like that for a while but it didn't really hurt. It more so just sort of melted my skin." Wilbur ducked under the tree with you and watched the rain fall from under the branches.
"What do you mean you WERE like this?" You questioned.
"Oh I died and came back as a Ghost. He was a real pain in my ass just saying. Sweet fellow apparently though. People called him Ghostbur and they call me Revivbur." Wilbur explained.
"Neat." You uttered. "The Wilbur of my world is dead but he's not allergic to rain. He is to sunlight though. Man lights up like a torch at the smallest ray." You chuckled remembering the time Phantombur accidentally caught himself on fire. You had laughed as he dove for the lake which only resulted in water being splashed on you.
"So you really can't touch the rain? Or water at all?" Wilbur asked after a moment of silence.
"Yeah sucks I know." You sighed and sat down in the grass, watching as the near by blades blackened from your heat.
"What're you supposed to be?" Wilbur sat beside you.
"I'm half blaze. My brother Jack is one too. He sent me here on accident." You huffed and lit a small twig on fire with the embers along your fingers. The wood smoldered before fuzzing out to dark embers.
"That's hot." You heard Wilbur utter out and followed by several coughs. "I-I mean your fingers. They're hot that they can light a twig on fire!" He rushed to explain and you let out a laugh.
"You're a funny man Revivbur." You snickered and watched the rain pitter down from under the tree.
"You think so?" Revivbur smiled and rubbed his neck sheepishly.
"Much funnier than my version of you. Phantombur is a bit of a prick most of the time." You sighed remembering the emerald eyes of the potions master.
"I'm a prick in your world?" Wilbur seemed a little confused.
"A charming one at that too." You leaned your chin on your palm before smiling half-heartedly at the man beside you. "Are you charming, Wilbur?" you asked.
"Let me take you on a date and you can tell me." Wilbur offered and you chuckled.
"Alright fine. I've got a feeling I'm gonna be here a while." You huffed and leaned back on your hands causing another patch of grass to burn under the embers.
"Wonderful." Wilbur smirked at you and sparks flew off your embers.
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findafight · 1 year
i apologize in advance for the loooooong ask lol (and no pressure about replying if u dont wanna haha) but i saw ur post in the billy hargrove tag and thought it was an interesting character analysis! im a billy fan but im inclined to agree with most of what u said, and i think it's also interesting to compare him and max to zuko and azula. one thing i wanted to comment on tho is when u said "He's also just a racist asshole that has all the means to not be one and doesn't use them or ever feel bad about it."
i just wanted to offer an argument for that point, bc we see that billy's been abused since he was a kid and watched his mom be abused before him, and we also see neil throw slurs at billy, so it's not farfetched to believe his dad spouted racist shit around him too. he also still lives with his dad, and we see in their argument before billy goes to fetch max that billy's safety at home can depend largely on agreeing with and repeating what his dad says.
seeing as how his mom left, how susan doesnt stick up for him (doesnt she even avert her eyes when neil backs him up against his wall?), and how other older women seem to objectify and sexualize him, it also seems like he doesnt have any other adult support in his life--especially not at home where he's supposed to be safe. i would say all of that points to him not having *any* means at all to not be racist, esp considering that his safety might depend on whether or not his dad hears the wrong thing about who he (and max, since his dad seems to put the onus of her actions onto billy's shoulders) might be hanging out with.
he's not in an environment to recognize that racism is bad, and in fact i think it's an environment that teaches him by implicit threat that being racist might actually be something that could help him feel safe, if only bc it means his dad wont have one more thing to come after him about. what means does he have to stop being racist, when he doesnt seem to have external adult support? why would he feel bad about being racist when that mindset might offer him some form of safety? considering all that, i think it's actually surprising he doesnt throw any slurs at lucas (im not applauding this, just observing), esp when put together with how billy himself gets called the f-slur by his father. the importance of words and what you choose to say and what not to say, etc etc.
obviously racism is bad, and im not arguing against his actions *being* racist, i just think that saying he has the means to not be racist isnt entirely accurate. it would be like saying azula has the means to be a good sister but she doesnt use them or ever feel bad about it. that would be an unfair statement when considering how both she and zuko were raised to be pitted against each other, and she had something more to lose by being seen as the more powerful/superior/better sibling by their father. furthermore, the only kind adults in her life have left her with her father for various reasons (her mother & iroh). i dont think she had the means to be a better sister/person, nor would she ever have the need to feel bad about it, because she wasnt raised to look for the means or question why she would want them, if she even knew they existed. the same can be said about billy & his racism. i dont think he could even *start* to have those means, let alone use them, until he starts properly healing in a place he feels safe.
idk, just something to think about i guess. i hope this doesnt come off rude, this is meant as genuine discussion. 😅 people tend to look at billy's scene with lucas, pronounce him racist, and call it a day without considering the context he grew up in, and the fact that racism doesnt come from nowhere--it is always, always something you learn. billy literally says this to max: "i'm older than you, and something you *learn* is that there are a certain type of people in this world that you stay away from." sure he mightve just picked up racism from school or society or something, but with the context of his father at home and how aggressive billy gets with lucas in a similar way to how his dad just got aggressive with him, it makes you wonder how billy might have *really* learned that lesson.
anyways, i dont think he has the means to stop being racist all of a sudden, all by himself, and it seems unfair to blame him (from a narrative standpoint; lucas & his friends, however, have every right to go off lol) for something he cant necessarily choose to improve in his life when he's still living with his bigoted abuser. we dont know if he ever feels bad about it or not--we never see it on-screen but things between him and max certainly change enough for her to try desperately to save him in s3 where she's still (sorta-kinda) dating lucas, so i assume there was some kind of calm-down there, plus billy and max's relationship got to a point where max grieved him *so hard* she got targeted by vecna--but he definitely doesnt really have the means to choose not to be racist. i dont think he thinks he *can* choose this, nevermind discussing whether or not he could and chooses not to.
that being said, i do agree about how he didnt really have a proper redemption arc, or any chance at healing at all. sorry again for the long ask; im sending it cuz im genuinely interested in a good faith discussion. you said you didnt necessarily like billy but found his relationship with max interesting, and you said so on a post about healing & redemption. ive always found that billy's healing & redemption are intrinsically tied to his upbringing and his abuse at home, and i find that his racism is an extension of that in a way people dont acknowledge when making their broader points--instead saying that either the people who sympathize with his home life are excusing the racism, or the people who are naysaying his racism are excusing the abuse. theyre tied together, and i found that most of your post looked at billy fairly except for that one point about his racism being something he can choose--like his racism is something separate from his home life--so i thought id just. give it a genuine go. 😅 anyways, hope ur havin a good day!
Hi! So you've got some good points and in that post I didn't really touch on his racism more than the other things because that would be, to me, one of the things easiest for Billy to begin to rectify. Saying he has all the means wasn't correct though because he doesn't, and unlearning bigotry is not an easy thing, especially without support, but not an impossible thing. People can and do change their perspectives or beliefs even in environments where it is punished.
Reading your thoughts I think you are right in that it likely very much is linked to his abuse, in the way his father treats him and Susan's non-action. Him telling max that "you learn" s also interesting and I think does show that Neil encouraged racism and bigotry in general. The only positive interactions with older women he has is grown women sexualizing him, which is unfortunately never examined further in the show, and the only man we only see him interact with is Neil. So. He obviously doesn't have adult support in his life, we don't see him with any teachers but there's only so much they can do too.
However having adult support isn't fully necessary for him to realize his actions were wrong. I think I was sort of looking at how Max has also been in that house with Neil and Billy, and that Billy often does, like you said, emulate Neil or act as an extension of him possibly for his own safety, leading to his abuse of Max and his seeking of power and control in other areas while max pushes against that.
From the flashbacks in S3 showing Billy and max meeting, they look significantly younger, I'd say max was likely eight or so? And Billy about twelve. So Max has been in this situation for possibly about four to six years (considering she consistently calls him her brother, implying she is used to him as her brother not her mom's BF's son), and while we don't know how her mother treated her or allowed her to be treated, it would not be far to say that Max could have also acted and believed the same things as Billy as a form of self preservation like him. But she doesn't? And it could be that her bio dad still influenced her when they were in California, or that Susan did put more effort into protecting Max, or Max's own experiences at school enforcing that Neil was wrong. Idk.
For me, Max threatening Billy into not coming near her friends again could have been a point where he took a long hard look at himself and reevaluated what he was doing. Even without support he could go through that realization, and attempt to be better. He could have realized that max was not his enemy but in fact another frightened and abused kid. That could have been his gateway into breaking the cycle of abuse with max, and we don't see that. Very unfortunate.
And you're right! We don't know what happened between them during the interim of S2/3. For the most part, and I haven't rewatched billy s3 scenes in a while, he seems relatively the same as the start of s2 though. I don't think we ever see them interact until the sauna test and by then Billy is flayed and out of control. So we do not see if any repairs to their relationship were made, or if billy did work to change. I think if he did, the show would have tried to show us that his and Max's relationship was better, even if it was still rocky and that Billy clearly still had some issues(like those with older women). But it did not, and so we are left to assume he didn't change all that much between seasons.
Max has a lot of conflicting feelings for Billy, because she is scared of him but also sees him as her brother. She wants to have a brother she can rely on but doesn't. I don't think her desperately not wanting Billy to be a mind flayer puppet indicates their relationship was better, but that Max does care for him either way. He's her brother, whether or not they get along, and she does not want him to be involved or being manipulated.
When he dies, and max feels guilt for it, I sort of have the opposite interpretation as you. I see her immense guilt and grief from it stemming from the fact that Billy had abused Max, and at some point she likely wished he was gone, out of her life, possibly dead. Because she was a scared abused child. And when he died trying to save her all those feelings of guilt for wishing she never had to see him again compounded with a possible sense of relief that she wouldn't, because now he was gone.
I also think she wanted a positive relationship with him. She wanted to have a brother she could trust, who she didn't want to wish away. So her confusion and relief and guilt for his death are what leave her vulnerable to vecna.
To just touch on billy not saying a slur to Lucas, I am pretty sure it was in the script at some point before being pulled. Possibly because Caleb was young and I thiiiiink it was during the scene he shoves Lucas into the wall, so someone realized doing that combined with calling him a racial slur maybe traumatic especially for a child actor and they cut it.
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bitchapalooza · 2 years
A couple hours
Oc(Clive) x Clavell :) because I can :))
Also on Ao3
Clavell doesn't even know why he came tonight. The music was loud. Drunk twenty-somethings all over the place, either crowding up the hallways or touching each other inappropriately in a room full of their fellow classmates or plain strangers. He even walked in on a few in the master bedroom smoking what he really hopes is a regular cigarette despite the smell. Parties just weren't his thing. He was only here because a friend dragged him here. "Live a little, man! You're only twenty-four once, dont be such a buzzkill!" Well not everyone was suited for the college party life, Willow! Some just liked to study in the peace and quiet of their dorm until their roommate returned to be as loud as possible until three in the morning.
Clavell winced as he touched the new cut on his lip. Some blood came off on his finger, but he wiped it on his jeans. He could wash it out later, he decided. He wasn't even surprised to have been cornered like that. It happens often enough that he wasnt even frustrated by it any more. After walking it off now, he doesn't feel the aches from the punches and kicks to his gut anymore. He'll feel it later, though, that's for sure. Still, he walked with a slight hunch and limp as he navigated through the crowd, heading to the outside patio.
The late night air was crisp. It bit at Clavell the moment he walked out the sliding doors. He balled his fists up into the deep pockets of his jacket, retreating for warmth. "I admire your bravery." Came a voice to his right. Clavell jumped. He thought he was the only one out here. Others stood in the yard ahead, circled around a fire pit drinking and chatting. But otherwise the back of the house was clear. "Sorry. Did I scare you?"
"No," He lied. "What do you mean by brave?"
The only light that illuminated the porch was the one mounted above the sliding glass doors. It didn't reach the far end of the porch, however, so Clavell had to squint out into the dark to make out who it was. They appeared to smile, which made Clavell comfortable enough to come closer. It appeared to be another man around his age. Dark hair fashioned into a mullet. He had a lighter jacket on than Clavell's. A simple zip up paired with dark jeans. "Being so open I mean. I don't know many other guys like you. I definitely couldn't do it." Clavell rocked on the balls of his heel, a nervous habit of his. "Uh..." He fumbled with his words.
"I'm, uh," He held his hand out, his wrist going limp. He quickly retracted his hand back into his own pocket, seemingly embarassed. Just a hint of fear if you looked close enough. "Y-yeah..."
Oh! Oh..
"Ah," Clavell anxiously turned his attention to the laughing group over on the lawn. "Its really nothing to admire, honestly. Just a cultural mistake on my part, really." Which was true. He thought if his sexual identity was well received in the majority of his home region, it would be good elsewhere. The beatings, threats, and slurs thrown at him by a select few groups of people proved otherwise. Sure, it happened back home, too. But not as much since his father was in the Elite Four. A ghostly force to be reckoned with. "Here," An unopened can of beer was thrusted towards Clavell. "This'll help." Clavell stepped back, holding his hands in front of himself. "A-ah! Thank you, but I dont drink. I mean I do! But just not beer.." Well. He does drink beer. Just not Kalosian beer. It was weak and tasted gross in his opinion. Call him boring, but he also prefers wine anyway. But he wasnt about to to say that to a Kalosian who may take great offense. That would just be rude.
He chuckled. "Not to drink. For your lip. To keep the swelling down?" Ah. Yeah, that made more sense. Clavell took the cold can and brought it up to his lip. It stung a little, but he appreciated the help too much to take it off, fearing it could hurt this kind man's feelings. "I'm Clive, by the way. Clive Desrosiers." Clive put out his hand for Clavell to shake. He took it. It was cold like everything else out here. "I think we're in a few of the same classes, actually. Kind of hard to miss a white pompadour!" He joked.
Clavell cracked a toothy smile. "Yes, I suppose it is. I'm Klint Clavell. Thanks for, uh. This." He shrugged the beer at Clive.
"Look, uh. I know we just met, so it maybe a little weird to ask," He nervously began. He lowered the volume of his voice. "But would you like to leave? I know a gay bar not far from here. There's a lot kinder folk there who could even patch you up."
Clavell looked back at the party. He couldn't leave Willow. But then again, he probably already left for the dorms with a girl or guy as his company. He knows him well enough to assume as much. And Clavell definitely did not want to stay here all night only to find out his nerd-jock hybrid of a friend had already left hours prior. Well it wouldn't hurt to have a few drinks. And to make a few new friends, he supposes. "Sure." He says. "But only for a couple hours. I have a test to study for."
"Alright. A couple hours. A couple drinks. Sounds good to me."
They sat at the bar all night. Talking. Drinking. Becoming fast friends.
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kimhargreeves · 3 years
The Babysitter-Souichi Tsujii x Reader
Summary: You remember the times when you used to babysit one of your odd neighbors, now you revisit your town for a while and get an offer for a job.
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I got myself off the train and was greeted by my family and their neighbors the Tsuji's. I placed my suitcase down and greeted every single one of them, I tiredly smiled back and was reminded of the many memories I created here when I was just a child. "Mother, Father it is so great to see you again. I'm sorry I couldn't visit earlier." I said feeling ashamed at being so focused on my job.
"Don't you worry about it, job comes first after all." My mother dismissed my apology and gave me another smile.
"My my (Y/N)! You've into such a beautiful lady." Mother Tsuji said and hugged me right after my mother did. Since I was little I used to call the neighbors Mother and Father Tsuji, they didn't minded at all.
Mother and Father Tsuji came in with their two kids, now an adult like me. Koichi and Sayuri. "It's been years since we last hung out!" They both said with smiles on their faces.
"We gotta hang out later tonight for drinks, our cousins Michina and Yuusuke visited us just a week ago. It would've been nice for all of us to be together." Sayuri told me.
Mother Tsuji smiled and quickly glanced at her side and shouted her third child's name. "Souichi! Don't be rude and come out here."
Now I truly remember him. Souichi was the odd kid at our school and within his own family, he used to be fascinated by voodoo and would always outside late at night nailing dolls onto trees, he was always sucking on nails too. I wonder if he changed.
He used to be so whiny and deep down was scared at random things and myself, since I was his babysitter he would have to obey me and let's say I kinda was a bully to him back in the day.
Souichi came out from wherever he was and stepped forward, I was surprised that I had to look up at him. He was definitely taller than anyone here, so that's the only thing that changed from him, he's still pale and has messy black hair but he turned out to be a bit.. attractive?
Mother Tsuji pinched him making him jump up a bit. "(Y/N)..it's nice to have you again." He said looking at me for a second before looking away. "Alright! Let's go to our home, I prepared a meal for us all." His mother said quickly before things got awkward.
"Hey, don't be rude and help (Y/N) and with her luggage." Koichi scolded his younger brother which was funny since Souichi was taller.
In less than 10 minutes we were at our neighbors home. I got rid of my shoes and sat down on the tatami floor with the rest of the family and friends, all of us joking around and remembering our childhood.
"I remember when you used to hang out here often, Souichi just wouldn't leave you alone so you'd always beat him up..well sorta." Sayuri said and I remembered the few times I hit Souichi.
"His entire face would turn red, but I don't think it was because he was crying." Koichi said smirking. "Seriously, when people bully each other it's because they find the other individual attractive."
I nearly choked on my tea when Koichi was that. "Well it wasnt l-like that for me!" I defended myself and hoped they wouldn't believe that. Truth me told i kinda liked Souichi but couldn't stand his creepiness deep down.
"Well, you're getting defensive." Sayuri said and sighed right after. "But seriously, you have a nice job and are pretty, any guy would kill to be with you."
My parents hummed affirming what Sayuri said. "Our (Y/N) will be here for about a month, so please treat her nicely." My father said and my mom who patted my head. I smiled and tried swatting her hand away since I'm not a child anymore.
Mother Tsuji looked at her husband and looked back at me. "Actually, my dear. I know you probably don't babysit anymore but we have a job for you." Souichi's mother tiredly says with a small smile on her face.
Souichi keeps eyeing us from the corner of the room, he's standing right beside the door now smoking a cigarette. His almost black eyes looking at me which was making me feel nervous.
"Do I have to babysit your son again?" I scoff and bit the inside of my cheek to try and not laugh.
Everyone looked at each other concerned, I'd say they were the only ones who knew of my crush on Souichi back in the day. "No, my dear. You see our son Souichi has a son."
I spit out my tea once Father Tsuji said those very words. I started coughing and tried calming down, "Are you okay?" His wife asked me. I nodded a couple of times.
"H-How? He has a son? A real son, not a voodoo doll?" I asked genuinely curious and hoped it wasn't true. His mother shook her head and sighed, "I'm afraid not."
Huh? I looked over at Souichi and felt a chill down my spine when I saw him still intently looking at me, wanting to know what I'd say. "Who's the mother?" I said after looking away.
"She's not in the picture at the moment." His father answered.
"So you want me to babysit his son?" I questioned. They all nodded except Sayuri and Koichi.
"(Y/N), can we speak outside?" Both siblings asked me. I nodded my head and followed both brother and sister outside of the house.
I looked at them both and saw them share a concern look on their faces. "We should warn you about our brothers son. He's not like most kids. Normal should I say." Koichi nervously told me.
"Does he have special needs?" Again they both shared concerned looks.
"It's hard to say.."
Something about their behavior worried me, weird things did indeed happen here in the past and most things around in Tokyo. A group of teenagers claimed to have seen a beautiful man who told them their future...weird shaped figures on mountains...and other terrifying things I once used to believe..or still do a bit.
"Well I think-" I tensed up when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. It was Souichi. "So what do you say, (Y/N)." Souichi smiled wide and I saw he had a single nail in his mouth.
"You were always good with kids." I made it out of his embrace and now stood between his brothers. He is messing with me, he hasn't forgiven me for the many times I bullied him.
I tried to keep my distance from him, "I-I wouldn't say I'm the best at it." I tried saying. I was about to ask his brother and sister to help me for unfortunately my mother called them from inside the house.
I was now alone with Souichi. I felt my palms getting sweaty and my knees getting weak. Back then, I wasn't afraid of him but now I am.
"Y-You do know I apologize for the things I did back then. We were just kids messing with each other."
Souichi stares at me with dead eyes, "You pulled my pants down in front of everyone in gym class."
They weren't missing on much anyways. I try to not laugh at the memory and remained calm. I bowed my head and apologized again. "I had problems with myself so I took them on those I thought weaker than me. I truly am sorry, Souichi."
I felt a hand on my head and slowly stood back up and stared up at him. I guess he accepted my apology. "I'm just, still surprised you out of all of us have a kid already. I certainly never took you to be a father..H-How old is your son?"
"About eight."
My brain had to process that for a second. "Eight years old? But you're just twenty seven year old. We share the same age." I was having trouble comprehending him.
Souichi lit up another cigarette and he certainly looked tired but smirked nonetheless. "Are you jealous or something? Hmm in a way you confirmed you're a virgin."
"A-Am not!"
Souichi frowned and tossed his cigarette to the ground and stepper on it slowly getting closer to me. "How would you like to meet my son right now? He adores getting visits."
Souichi placed his hand behind my back and began guiding me behind his parents home. "We live just behind my parents home, so babysitting will be easier."
I said nothing, I glanced up at him and saw him smiling almost wickedly and chuckling to himself like he did back then. "He's just behind the door, do be careful he is eating right now, though he doesn't bite too hard."
Gently he started pushing me forward to the door to his small home. I knew I should've turned back, but didnt.
Slowly I made it inside and saw that it was pitch black. Quietly I stepped in further until I was in the kitchen and saw a some sort of cage, does Souichi have a dog? Just when I was getting closer I let out a chilling scream and started running back to the front door.
I ran past Souichi still screaming and heard him chuckling behind me. I made it back inside his parents home and everyone saw the look on my face, his brother wasn't happy at all when I saw him going outside to scold his brother
"Souichi! You have a weird way of showing your affection to her!!"
I certainly am not ready to babysit that weird monster I saw inside the small home. This is some sort of revenge for what I did to Souichi, I know it.
I heard footsteps and stared back at Souichi afraid and saw him clap his hands together and smile wide. "Congratulations, my dear (Y/N). Your job starts tomorrow."
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
Passing Hands: Chapter 8 - The Layers of You
Bridgerton!AU || Diluc x Fem!Reader || Drama, Falling in Love, Slow Burn || 3251 words
a/n - i swear im a kaeya simp tumblr doesnt look like it but im In Love with him also my coworker/friend deadass reflexively choked me when we were figuring out breaks and i think its the funniest thing ever bc she felt so bad and it wasnt hard but it was so funny uraefioeardf
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You spend another morning entertaining a number of prospective suitors, all tired out by the time their numbers begin to cease. Now you’re sat in the middle of the drawing room, relaxing and having your first biscuit by yourself for the day. You relish in the privacy of your drawing room, having asked the staff to stand outside of the doors instead of inside. 
As you sit by yourself, you find your mind wandering back to the conversation you were having with the Duke. It seemed that Lord Alberich was decidedly leaving him alone, giving you two ample opportunities to chat. The conversations felt shallow yet polite, most likely the result of the etiquette teachings. Still, sometimes you thought that you could feel a warmth seeping into his words, a semblance of affection from the letters in his voice. 
Despite those issues, you find yourself becoming more and  more entranced with this withdrawn side of him, wondering what more you could do in order to begin pulling apart at his intricate layers until you’re able to sit with the Duke on the same level, his smile becoming much less cold and a look that only you can see. 
Sometimes, you think you can imagine what it’d be like for him to hold you, closing your eyes and bringing yourself back to the ball where you first spoke. You can remember his strong arms as he held you to dance, flexing gently under the fabric of his clothes with each step. It’s quite scandalous to imagine such things but you cannot help it. The way he looks at you fills your being with warmth and you wish to feel him admire you with the burning scarlet in which he views the world. 
A day can only contain so much imagination and you get up with a sigh, deciding that perhaps you should finally ask one of the staff to join you on a promenade. They were quickly becoming a better way to spend time than staying inside and practising what were deemed to be lady-like pursuits that you needed to know to stay presentable. You decide that perhaps you can ask one of the staff to join you. One of the maids was beginning to warm up to you and surely it would not hurt your chances to invite her to spend an afternoon with you. 
As you’re about to call for her the doors open to reveal the Butler greeting you. 
“I see you’re about to leave My Lady. Would it be possible for you to stay for just a while longer? It seems you have a guest.” 
“I’ve entertained far too many suitors this morning and would rather spend some time with my thoughts for now. Would it be possible for him to come back another time?” you ask, already dreading more socialising with another man intent on courting. 
“Oh, I’m not here to court,” a lofty voice calls and you recoil. Lord Alberich. 
“Do not say that. I do not wish to encourage scandal upon my family’s name. I am simply here to visit.” 
He pops his head into your drawing room and grins, a woman you recognise as the Ragnvindr’s Housekeeper trailing closely after him. 
“My Lord wished to speak with you and hoped that bringing these would make it worth your while.” 
She hands off the basket to the Butler who reveals the contents, several bottles of well aged wine with Dawn Winery’s emblem placed delicately on beautiful glass. You gasp at the beauty of them, having known that Dawn Winery was the best but not understanding why until now. 
“Tis a gift from both the Duke and myself. His Grace has been experimenting with grape juice flavours but I’ve included my personal favourite wines in the mix. May I sit with you?” he explains, clearly not expecting a no. 
“I believe a rejection would be rude,” you grumble, making your true feelings clear. 
“Come now, don’t be so cold. Can’t I just visit with the only woman who’s caught my dear brother’s eye? As much as it seems we cannot stand each other, I do want things to work out. Don’t just shut me out.” 
He gives you a look reminiscent of a kicked puppy and you sigh, gesturing to a seat in the room. 
“Right, well first things first is to do something that will impress him. Diluc values accomplishments, something tangible and the result of hard work. Are you good at anything?” he asks with a raised brow. 
You sigh to yourself. Clearly he thought you needed to become better for his brother, deciding to use his ridiculous amount of free time to show up on your door. The Lord didn’t seem to mind his rudeness, making himself at home as he takes a biscuit and crossed his legs at the knee. He feels your stare and only grins cockily in response, giving you his whole attention while he waits for a reply. 
“That is quite a rude way to ask such a question!” you huff, sitting down across from him and crossing your arms. 
“But if you must know, I take care of myself. I’ve been working since I was young and even pay for my own room and board with wages from the club I work at. It's quite a lovely arrangement and I soon shall own my home,” you say proudly. 
Lord Alberich lets out a low whistle. 
“Impressive indeed. You don’t see many people like that up here. No, not at all. Talk to him about that. The trials and tribulations that you had to go through. I’m sure that the pathos of such a story will impress him,” he muses.  
“Do you think this is some kind of game?” you snap, having enough of his antics. 
“Of course I do. It’s called a season, is it not? One could say all these theatrics is much like hunting game, or waiting for the right time to pick the fruits off the trees,” he chuckles. 
Somehow, that was the exact wrong thing to say and you ball your hands at your side before pointing at the door. 
“Get out.” 
“I don’t think I will,” he says simply. 
“I said get out before I tell everybody that you came here to court me officially, even thought up the idea to propose to me and was simply here this morning to test the waters. I’m sure there are many people out there who saw your carriage and I refuse to take this insult to the life I’ve had to live. Sure, I may not be born to a rich and powerful family like you, but I worked hard for every penny I have. I do not need your help to charm your brother and if he relishes in the fact that I have struggled to be where I am today it will only attest to the fact that your whole bloodline is insufferable.” 
The two of you sit in silence, your anger much too strong for you to realise that somewhere within your spiel, he had already decided his role in affirmative action was now finished. 
“Do you want to know why it is that he responded to your letter?” Lord Alberich says as he gathers his things to leave. 
“I do not care. Leave.” 
“You live just a couple streets over from where I believe I was born. And you know what that means, right?” 
You look at him, realising that this was some piece to the intricate puzzle that was the life of the Duke, and one that not many were privy to. While you weren’t rich, you lived in a part of the city that was home to people who could at least make enough money for their own keep doing jobs that did not make as much money, but at least did not require the prostration of one’s self. However, just past that area lived those who had to do the jobs nobody wanted to do for money that could barely feed half a mouth. 
“You mean to tell me that-” 
He cuts you off before you can speak again, seriousness slipping into his normally aloof disposition. 
“You must understand that Diluc is really a good guy. Any woman would be lucky to marry him. You’ve already made a very good impression on him, do not doubt that. The man you’ve met is but a mere shadow of the person he really is. Father’s kindness is what allows me to enjoy the luxuries I have right now, and I will not have you be a less than perfect match for him should he continue his pursuit for you. The late Duke Ragnvindr wanted only the best for his sons, and I shall enforce that for the one that carries his blood.”
Your head spins at the drastic difference of the man in front of you and the one from just a few minutes earlier.  His words are heavy, a thinly veiled threat peeking out from behind them and greeting you. If you’d known he truly had good intentions you never would have been as cruel to him as you were. 
“I expect Diluc will be making more calls to you in the future. My work here is done. As far as I’m concerned, you passed all my vetting and are now, formally, invited to pursue my brother.” 
“I was unaware he was not allowed to make his own decisions,” you respond, the normal bite in your voice no longer there. 
“He is, but he’s quite dense when it comes to his own feelings. Therefore, I have to make those decisions for him. If you were to think this in terms of Diluc being a lady of breeding, I am her brother giving you, her suitor, permission to court her. Do I make myself clear?” 
You nod and he nods with you, patting your shoulder before taking his leave. 
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When the Lord told you to expect the Duke’s visits more often, you had no idea that he meant that very day. 
The Duke is now seated in your drawing room, looking slightly uncomfortable at the prospect of being alone in the said room and you take pity on him, calling in the staff. At that, he visibly relaxes and you laugh, making him laugh a bit too. 
“Apologies. I just do not wish for your honour to come into question should someone find that we were alone. On the insistence of Kaeya, he has suggested that I try to relax more around you and I will now try that,” he says when the two of you fall into a silence, clasping his hands together in his lap.  
He’s awkward, like a foal walking for the first time and the only thing you can think is that it’s very endearing. To keep him comfortable, you sit a little ways from him, but notice the warm tint of his skin and his pulling at his collar. With how pale he is, you can tell that he’s beginning to flush and you can’t blame him. The room is incredibly warm, you having changed from a heavier dress to a lighter one to combat the heat. 
“Your Grace please feel free to remove your coats. I’m sure that you must be sweltering under all those layers,” you offer, worried that he was going to be dangerously close to collapsing. 
He hesitates for a moment before complying, sighing in relief and removing the layers. You watch as his tailcoat comes off, revealing his waist coat. It’s evidently too warm for that garment as well and he unbuttons it, the light muslin giving you a better idea of his form hidden underneath the layers of clothing. His hair drapes over his chest, long red locks spilling over as he tilts his head back and rolls up his sleeves, revealing muscular forearms that have your mind wandering, even more so as he undoes his ascot to give his throat room to breathe. 
“At any moment if you would like me to get dressed again do let me know. It seems this room directly faces the sun and leaves me feeling much warmer than usual. I might even get more freckles at this rate,” he complains, fingers tenderly touching his face as though he could feel them as they form. 
“If you do, I'll be sure to tell you,” you reassure him. 
“Thank you. That will be much appreciated,” he jokes back, a much easier smile on his face before he seems to remember something and shifts back to a more neutral expression. 
At that you frown, fiddling with your hands a little. Diluc notices this and sits up a little more, becoming more attentive. 
“Would it be possible for you to leave the room but keep the doors open?” he asks your staff who listen, leaving the two of you alone. 
“Listen,” he starts when they leave. “I really don’t know how to do this. Any of this. The past couple of years I’ve spent primarily focusing on taking care of my Dukedom, keeping Kaeya in check, making sure the winery is thriving the way it should be and countless other tasks. Social relationships on a more intrapersonal level are not something I can be taught. 
“I understand how to charm someone and how to say things that people want to hear. That is all easy. But somehow, sitting here and just speaking to you is terrifying and I cannot fathom why.” 
You get the sense that he’s speaking honestly, fingers worrying over each other as he waits for your response. The easy look on his face is betrayed only by the stiffness in his body and you realise that this reaction he’s giving you, the fear he’s imparted he feels is because of you and you forget about all your initial reservations. 
“I understand that some feel like a changed person when they pick up a quill and begin writing, their thoughts able to become much clearer and given the time to sharpen their wit until it becomes a fine sword. I suppose that’s how you must have felt when penning your notes to me,” you say in hopes of alleviating his reservations. 
“Yes, that’s right,” he says quietly, eyes looking back up to meet yours. 
“The man in the letters feels like an entirely different person, but I suppose he is somewhere if he was able to create those letters for you.” Your continuance hangs in the air as  the two of you fall silent but this time it feels less strained as he thinks to himself. 
“Could I ask you a favour?” the Duke asks to break the silence. 
“Of course Your Grace. Whatever could it be?” you say quickly. 
“Could we put the letters behind us? I would like to continue our relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. It feels disingenuous for me to stand here in front of you like this yet simultaneously exist in your mind in such a different manner. Perhaps we could start with a blank slate and give all of this another try?” he suggests, giving you a hopeful look. 
“Perhaps, but only if you’re willing to afford me the chance to ask you a question,” you challenge, speaking again when he nods. 
“I have heard from several people that you refuse to court anybody. What about me made you decide to begin trying?” 
He sits back and considers the question. 
“Well, if I must be honest the answer is fairly simple. You aren’t anything like the rest of the women who try to pursue me. I feel as though I am a prize, something to be won, not a person. And while I am used to that feeling, I do not feel as though that is conducive to a healthy relationship. It is because you are different that I am willing to give you a chance. Does that satisfy your query?” 
“It does,” you nod, thankful that his reason was ultimately something simple. 
“I’m glad that you feel differently around me,” you continue. “It would never be my intention to make you feel like some sort of toy or a possession that I just aim to pass the time with. It’d be a grave dishonour to you and to your being. I can’t imagine that’s a pleasant feeling to have in the least.” 
“It isn’t,” he confirms, and you detect a lightness in his tone. He smiles at you, this smile small but much more genuine than the ones you’ve seen before, even the ones he gave you during your promenade a few days ago. 
“But with you I feel at ease, which is a feeling I seldom have. I quite appreciate it and I think I could get used to it. And if you’ll allow me, I think I would like to further pursue that feeling.” 
Quickly, you move to sit next to him, boldly reaching over to take both his hands in yours. He stiffens slightly but gives in to you, letting you touch him carefully. The show of affection is innocent, but you know that him allowing you to do something so innocuous and innocent is a show of his faith in you and the willingness to further let you in. 
“I would love that,” you say quietly, wishing you could properly intertwine your fingers together, feel the warmth of his palms without the fabric of your gloves between the two of you. 
After a second, he shifts your hands to hold yours, bringing your gaze to meet his. It seems almost as though he is searching for something within your eyes, a desperate last minute plea for an answer that only you can answer if you knew what the question is. His grip tightens a little. You can feel the flex of his fingers, the heat of his gaze as he stares at you, face so close you’re sure if you were to move forward the slightest bit your faces would touch and the honour he promised to maintain perhaps scandalised but you find that such a thing would be more than just welcome if it meant having it done so by his hand. 
You don’t know how long you two sit here with each other, not a single word passing between the two of you as some sort of understanding is achieved. As all good things must come to an end, so too must this, the warmth of his body disappearing as he moves back. His hands leave yours and he redresses, leaving you in awe as his fingers work over his clothes carefully, pulling his hair out of his jacket before standing up to bid you farewell. 
“I have to take my leave now, but I hope that you will not mind my visiting more often. I can assure you that you shouldn’t have to worry about me courting someone else. As far as I’m concerned you’re the only promising candidate,” His Grace says with a slight chuckle as he packs up. 
“Really?” you let your excitement best you, practically jumping up at his words. 
“Really,” he confirms, looking as though he wants to reach out to you again before turning to leave. 
“I’ll see you again when I have time. I hope you’ll be willing to wait for me.” 
The words leave you flush as you nod dumbly, bidding him farewell with a flutter in your chest.
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standingappablog · 4 years
My interpretation of Toni and Shelbys relationship.
I am re-watching the wilds and I wanna talk about a few things I missed in my first viewing. 
Starting off in episode one, which I think a lot of us picked up on the gay vibe from both of them, was Tonis front with shelby at the beginning of the show. All talk, and takes no shit. But you can spot her flustered moment easily when Shelby puts her hands on her shoulders and when she begins to sing (while she pees yes lol) But you can just SEE IT on her face. This quickly subsides though as not long after Toni lets a tree branch fly back in her face.
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The writers also try confuse you and make you think the reason why Toni  dislikes Shelby so much (at least untill episode 6 before the homophobia) is becuase of her possibly stealing her best friend away. Which of course played a part in it too.
The scenes of her looking at Martha and shelby was a common 0occurrence. You notice though, in most scenes how Martha is sort of out focus and in the backround while shelby takes up most of the shot. Indicating that shelby is the person Tonis gaze is fixed on.
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I think the reason why Toni so strongly disliked Shelby in the beginning  is becuase she found herself attracted to her, which she obviously didnt like. With shelby having this happy go lucky optimistic front, and all the jesus talk really clashed with her pretty pesimistic personality. Not to mention how Toni thinks Shelby is extreamly privileged,which in a lot of aspects of her life she is. Considerably more after you find out Tonis backstory. So with that knowledge of her backround you could see why she would assume her life is better than hers. I mean she is a rich white girl from texas, so her assumption wasnt unreasonable. To Toni the idea of liking someone like Shelby is unexpected for her, so she does as much as possible to push her away. Explaining why she was pretty rude to her for the first half of the series. 
Along with Shelbys little “westburo baptist” moment Toni got pretty angry (rightly so) and this probably solidified the irationality of thease feelings she had for Shelby. Giving her even more of a reason to dislike her.
 Despite this Toni finds it in herself to try cheer her up when the two run into each other in the woods after Shelbys biggest insecurity is revealed by leahs theories. Tonis feelings for Shelby are on view a little bit here. Beforehand she barely could interact with her without expressing her dislike for Shelby.
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 Though the mood shifts again after Shelby brings up the subject of her views on being gay.
Right up until shelby kisses her, Toni outwardly berates Shelby on how medieval her veiws are, and what a priveleged life she leads. She tells her on this island they are free, and Shelby takes this opportunity to show who she really is.
The kiss the two share as we all saw was in no way one sided, Toni does kiss her back. Obvioiusly this shocks Toni, as well as shelby herself. WIth shelby running off as she tries to escape what she just did with a girl who she thought hated her.
You immideatly see Toni run after her. Her feelings for this girl who Toni thought hated who she was where reciprocated. In this moment her whole attitude towards Shelby changes as she begins to understand why she is the way she is.
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Shelbys sexuality was pretty obvious to many of the LGBT viewers, we have all been there, obviously not the religious cult part, but putting up a front, hiding who we are. So it was easy to tell that she was gay from the beggining. Its also pretty common in the media to portray a closeted LGBT person like this. The question was how the writers where going to go about revealing the fact that she is gay.
You notice Shelbys attempts to be friendly towards Toni pretty early on with inviting her out to the first exhibition. Of course we all know it ends with her getting a branch to the face. But when questioned about the cut on her temple, she doesnt reveal that Toni was the one who caused it. 
Though as we all know as Shelby begins to become friends with Martha, Toni becomes increasingly more hostile towards her. Probably shattering the hopes of being friends. So we see less of Shelbys perspective of the relestionship between the two from her, and more from Toni. The two become pretty bitter with each other after the shelter building contest, the tension rising pretty quickly, although it seems that Toni is always the one who initiates the fights they have. Even after Toni destroys the hut and storms off, Shelby goes to find her and still tries to have a friendly conversation, possibly she went to comfort her, but of course we know from watching Toni interact with those around her she only initates in deep conversation with those she trusts, and the weird feelings she has for Shelby probably didnt help. 
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Fast forward to episode six and Shelby has her little moment when the others are joking around with the shellfish. Of course this one isnt as subtle as previous scenes but it shows Shelbys internalized homophobia.The gestures Toni demonstrated made her uncomfortable becuase she knew thats who she was, the idea of being gay freaked her out, so she did the only thing to stop it. To lash out and reveal how she truely felt about herself. She proably never intended on revealing this, becuase really she doesnt hate the fact that Toni is gay. She hated the fact that she is gay herself. This probably shattered any hope of frienship with Toni after this incedent. (She also mentioned to martha afterwards that she knew it would happen, this revealation pushed everyone away from her considerably for the rest of the season)
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When everyone begins to get sick, we see Shelby desperatly trying to prove to everyone and Toni that, she doesnt hate her. Ofcourse we knew by now that the two felt something for each other. In a way this was Shelbys feelings acting out. Her romantic feelings yes, but mostly guilt.Ignoring the others offers to let them give her the pill, instead she desperatly overcomes Tonis pride. Making her take the pill  forcably, so that she would stay alive.
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Just before the two share their first kiss, shelby finally opens up about how miserable she finds her life. Toni as we know with a troubled backround claims that she cant “out sad” her. The only thing that Toni has that Shelby doesnt is freedom. Toni seeing the solution around them points out she is more free than ever and that moment you see the contemplation in her face, you can almost see whats going on in her mind just before she leans in and impulsively kisses Toni.
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She then runs, obviously horrified with herself. The immeanse internalised homohpbia making her feel ashamed for following her heart.
I honestly loved watching this couple come together, their chemistry and writing was great and super intriuging to watch. I am glad a rewatched it again, there was a few things I missed out on in the first veiwing becuase i was too busy chanting “kiss! kiss! kiss!” everytime they appeared on screen together. This is completley my interpretation of their releationship and how the scenes are done, I honestly could be completley wrong and they are as they are shown to be on the surface. I just really enjoy delving deep into the motives and feelings of characters I enjoy watching. :)
*Edit* My apologies if this is written bad! At the time when I wrote this I was extremely tired. I hadn't slept the night before and I was just back from a full day of school.
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
confessions - park jisung
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jisung x reader / jisung being whipped / fluffy, lil angst / hope it makes you feel something lmaoo 
word count: 8.7k 
mini playlist: 
Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny 
Falling - Chase Atlantic 
Enchanted - Taylor Swift 
summary: confessing to your crush was always daunting. but how else were you supposed to let them know how you truly feel? y/n has learned the hard way, always being the confessor rather than the one being confessed to. oh how she wished that one day, someone will have the courage to tell her how they feel, without her always having to make the moves...
“i like you”
“ew, you’ll give me cooties”
y/n was barely seven years old when she confessed to her very first crush, lee donghyuck. he rudely rejected her offer to play marbles during lunch, but she wasn’t fazed. she plastered a bright smile on her face, calmly nodding at the little boy,
“cooties aren’t real, it’s probably just germs from not washing your hands!” she snickered, turning on her heel as she made her way to a shaded area in the quad. she left donghyuck speechless that day, slightly bruising the young boy’s ego. how could she be so calm when her very first crush had harshly rejected her? she always tried to display a cheery exterior to her peers, she found it embarrassing if people caught her crying over some boy. so she pushed her feelings aside until she was alone.
when y/n was twelve, she had grown a crush on her desk mate, jeno. he was quiet most of the time, only speaking to her when he needed answers for homework, but she was whipped nonetheless. he was undeniably handsome, especially for someone their age. how was that even possible? she would intently watch him play soccer with his friends on the school oval, softly cheering every time he made a goal. jeno had noticed when she attended his games, often smiling at her from the field.
after weeks of innocent stares in the hallway and short conversations during class, y/n decided it was time to confess to lee jeno. she came up with the cute idea to write a small note to him during class, it read:
hi jeno!! i think you’re really cute, and a great soccer player. i also have a crush on you...would you go out with me?
tick yes or no
she had written the letter in sparkly pink ink, folded it gently before sliding it over to jeno’s desk. the confused boy swiped the card over to his side, slowly opening it. her heart was beating out of her chest. jeno started scribbling on the paper, causing her to furrow her eyebrows, all he needed to do was leave a tick?
jeno returned the note to her, a soft smile plastered on his face. her eyes scanned over the note, landing on his answer. the ‘yes’ box was ticked, followed by a short sentence under it,
would this mean you’re my girlfriend?
tick yes or no
she couldn’t help but smirk at his charms, immediately ticking yes. from that day on, jeno and y/n began dating. but when you’re going through your pre-teen years, things get really dramatic. jeno ended things with y/n after only three months of dating, which seemed like forever for a twelve year old. he dumped her over text, as many pre-teens did back then. she put on a brave front, acting as if she was okay with it all. it wasn’t even a serious relationship, but it was still her first. of course it hurt. but she continued to suffer in silence, no one needed to know.
when y/n was fifteen, almost turning sixteen, she befriended huang renjun. they were always aware of the other, often hanging out in the same cliques. it was the school’s swimming carnival, when she began getting closer to him. after donghyuck had accidentally pushed her into the pool, too caught up with chasing mark around, renjun came to her rescue. he offered her his towel, wrapping her up tightly as he sat and chatted with her while the others scolded donghyuck. he was a great conversationalist, always having something new to talk about. y/n adored that about him. from that day onwards, she would message him back and forth, almost becoming a daily occurrence. they would skype call after school, catching eachother up on any drama or daily events in their early high school lives. she started falling for him, fast. but there was one downfall to renjun. he would never acknowledge y/n at school. whenever he was with his friends, he pretended like he was merely acquaintances with the girl. it hurt her to see him act like nothing was happening between them. word got around that renjun had a crush on somebody. as usual high school gossip goes, the signs led back to y/n. her friends would cheer her on to confess to him, so would his friends. they believed they would be a strong couple. so she decided to take measures into her own hands, opting to confess to huang renjun.
y/n approached the boy during lunch, interrupting his conversation with jaemin.
“can i talk to you, uh privately?” her voice wavered as she spoke, but she stood her ground. renjun looked over at his friends, jaemin raising an eyebrow at him, encouraging him to go with her. he eventually gave in, keeping a slight distance from the nervous girl as they walked around the school grounds together.
“what did you want to talk about?” he coughed slightly, feeling an immense amount of awkwardness around them.
“i wanted to tell you something” she started, now stopping in their tracks. renjun gulped, a guilty feeling beginning to rise in his stomach.
“i like you, renjun. more than a friend” she finally spat out, trying to read the reaction of the boy across from her. but renjun remained silent, eyes avoiding hers. y/n felt deflated, why the hell wasnt he saying anything?
“i-thank you” he stuttered, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him. thank you?
“i mean thank you for telling me, it’s nice that you’re so honest” renjun tried to smile, but she didn’t budge. he wasn’t taking this seriously at all.
“you know what, just forget i said anything, bye renjun” y/n rolled her eyes, fed up with this constant rejection that seemed to follow her around. why couldn’t she get a happy ending? just for once. why did she have to settle for less than what she deserved? not only did she get rejected by a crush that day, she lost a great friend. y/n swore that she would stop focusing on chasing other’s affections. what was the point? she was just going to get rejected anyway. atleast that’s what she always told herself. those memories always stuck with her, and she refused to ever feel so dejected in life. she wouldn’t let this happen again. she just wanted someone to confess to her for once, would that really be so hard?
park jisung was a simple boy, cruising through life with little to no worries. all he wanted to do was finish high school, he dreaded it more than anything. everyday was the same for him, waking up to the same alarm, riding his skateboard to school, sitting for what seemed like forever, then going home to rest and repeat. he never took notice of those around him, why would he? it’s not like he was going to stay in touch with many of them after school finished. except for his best friend, chenle, he could never escape him no matter how hard he tried.
it was the first day of junior year, when jisung found himself placed in a seating plan for his modern history class.
‘is this really necessary?’ he mumbled to himself, shuffling to his assigned seat. atleast it’s by the window, he thought to himself.
y/n strolled through the halls, making her way to her first period class, modern history. a new year, a fresh new start. she waltzed into the room, noticing students gathering around the seating chart. she found her name, whipping her head around the classroom, eyes landing on a messy haired boy next to the window. she shrugged to herself, not recognising him at all. as she made her way to the desk, jisung suddenly perked up. she was stunning. it may have only been nine in the morning, but seeing her was enough to completely wake the previously tired boy up.
“hey, i guess we’re deskmates” y/n greeted politely, taking a seat right next to the timid boy. jisung was thinking of something witty to say, but nothing was coming to mind.
“y-yes we are” was all he managed to let out. y/n just nodded at him, eyes focusing on their teacher who had called the attention on the room. but jisung couldn’t keep his eyes off her. how had he never seen her before? she was practically glowing, her soft features accentuated by the light. he was breath taken by her, despite only having shared simple greetings.
y/n felt the boy staring at her, but decided not to call him out on it. she promised herself to not get involved with anyone this year. it would only bring her eventual rejection again. so she tried her best to ignore park jisung, it was the only way to get him to lose interest.
“i don’t think she’s too fond of me” jisung confides in his best friend, chenle as they sit under the bleachers, munching on their lunch.
“can you blame her? you probably ask her too many unnecessary questions” chenle smirked, teasing his pouty friend.
“no, i don’t even talk to her much, she just refuses to acknowledge my existence” jisung lets out an exhausted puff, thinking back to his numerous attempts to atleast become acquainted with his desk mate. firstly, he tried greeting her brightly each morning, in which she would only raise her eyebrows before pulling out her books for the class. secondly, jisung attempted to ask her questions about class work, in which she shushed him, pointing over to the teacher who was speaking. even after class, she would immediately pack her things before he had the chance, rushing out the door as if she was the flash or something.
“sounds like she just isn’t fond of people in general. does she even have any friends?” chenle questioned, trying his best to pull his friend out of his solemn state.
“i-i’m not sure, i mean she has to have atleast one friend...right?” jisung started thinking to himself. if he couldn’t get her to talk, maybe her friends would.
“you might be playing with fire here, is she really worth getting to know?” chenle scoffed, slightly admiring jisung’s determination.
“you never know unless you try, right?” jisung took a bite of his sandwich, there has to be a way for y/n to open up to him.
“i heard that park jisung has been going around, asking about you” one of y/n’s longest friends, ningning, suddenly brought up. y/n looked at her as if she was crazy, what is up with this park jisung dude?
“what does he want with me?” she rolled her eyes slightly, flipping through her history textbook.
“maybe he likes you? or maybe, he just wants to be friends. why are you so harsh to him anyway?” ningning sighed, memories of seeing her friend cry over boys now cluttering her mind.
“i don’t need any more friends. i have you, and like...sungchan” y/n shrugged, continuing to take notes as she read.
“i think you’re being unreasonable, he seems really nice. give him a chance” ningning tried persuading her friend but y/n was stubborn. she wasn’t going to get wrapped up in any unnecessary drama. maybe she was being a little rude towards jisung, she could cut it down a bit. but being anything more than classmates was not in the cards for her at all.
the following monday morning, jisung entered the classroom, skateboard attached to his hip.
“mr park, the skateboard stays at the front of the room, we’ve been through this” mr kim warned the tired boy, earning a subtle nod from him. jisung gently placed his skateboard against the wall, before making his way to his desk. he was surprised to see that y/n was already seated, scribbling down all sorts of things in her planner. jisung let out a soft cough, signalling her to raise her head to face him.
“could i uh get to my seat?” he muttered, barely loud enough for her to hear. he was more shocked to hear her response,
“oh of course, sorry jisung” he froze after she finished speaking. was this real life? was y/n really acknowledging him right now?
she scooted closer to her desk, allowing space for the tall boy. jisung quickly snapped out of his thoughts, rushing to sit down. she couldn’t help but let out a slight chuckle at his antics. it didn’t go unnoticed by jisung.
“may i have your attention? as you all know, it’s now the middle of the term. to test your knowledge, i want you guys to pair up with your desk-mates and make a presentation on a historical topic of your choice. please refer to the assessment outline for more information”
jisung was practically beaming after hearing ‘pair up with your desk-mate’. his eyes shifted to the girl next to him, who seemed quite pleased. she looked over at him, simply nodding, acknowledging their future partnership. did he wake up in some type of alternate universe?
“uh jisung, i really want to do well in this subject. so we should probably get started as soon as possible” y/n gently tapped the side of his desk, drawing in his attention.
“oh yeah, for sure. w-when did you want to start?” he stumbled over some of his words, catching her off guard, making her softly smile.
“maybe tomorrow? do you have a free period?” she continued the flow of the conversation, making jisung feel more at ease.
“uh yeah, just before lunch” he responded, watching as her face lit up.
“oh great! me too, we can work at the bleachers, barely anyone goes there anyway” she confirmed, writing down the extra details in her planner. jisung couldn’t stop staring at her, how could she do such simple tasks, yet look so beautiful?
all he had to say was, thank you mr kim.
y/n patiently waited for jisung to arrive, typing up random notes on her laptop. she was onto her second paragraph when she heard the huffing and puffing of someone next to her. jisung hurriedly sat down next to her, needing to take a deep breath.
“a-are you okay?” she questioned, shutting her laptop, turning her body to face the boy. jisung just nodded, holding up a finger before speaking.
“i just had chemistry with Mr Jung, he wouldn’t let us leave until we could recite the first twenty elements on the periodic table” jisung finally felt relaxed, taking out his water bottle, consuming a concerning amount of water. her mouth created a slight ‘O’ shape, grasping the situation.
“i had to sprint here, i always get stuck past Sodium” jisung continued rambling, allowing y/n to simply stare intently. she didn’t mean for it to seem creepy, but she couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at his constant ramblings.
“a-ah sorry, we should probably get started” he shook his head, pulling out his own laptop from his bag. y/n nodded at his words, unsure of how to continue a conversation with him. it had been a while since she spoke to someone outside her inner circle of two people.
after about forty minutes of hardcore work, y/n’s eyes started wandering around. she caught sight of the boys soccer team, who were preparing for their lunch time practice. jisung’s eyes followed hers,
“you like soccer?” he blurted out, trying his best to start a conversation with her. she nodded softly, the side of her mouth curving upwards.
“yeah, i do. i’m no good at it, i just like watching. do you?” she questioned him back, eyes now focusing on him.
“of course, my parents weren’t so subtle, naming me after a famous soccer player and all” he joked, watching as the girl across from him started hysterically laughing. oh how he adored her laugh.
“oh my god, i didn’t even realise! they must have been onto something! why aren’t you on the team?” she furrowed her eyebrows, jisung bit his lip nervously,
“ah yeah, contrary to popular belief, i suck at soccer and didn’t make the team.” he sighed, feeling slightly embarrassed. y/n paused momentarily before opening her mouth,
“ah who cares! we can just watch together from the stands then” she shot him a soft smile, relieving some of the tension jisung had previously felt. the bell for lunch rang through the field, signalling that their free period had come to an end. jisung was about to pack up his things, when he noticed that y/n was still sitting, eyes glued to the players on the field.
“hey, it’s lunch now” jisung gently tapped her shoulder, snapping her out of her mini trance. y/n just nodded,
“oh i know, i was just going to watch them practice and eat my lunch here” she explained, turning her head back to the field. jisung held the strap of his bag tightly, thinking to himself momentarily. chenle can wait, he thought to himself. jisung plumped his bag to his side as he returned to his seat right next to her.
“what are you doing?” y/n questioned the boy,
“what does it look like? i’m keeping you company” he just smiled, pulling out a packet of chips, offering her some. she couldn’t hide how entertained she was, kindly accepting his offer. they continued to watch the soccer team practice, eyes scanning for the best players.
“that jeno guy is pretty good, i’m kind of jealous” jisung pouted, causing y/n to start giggling.
“am i wrong? like who wouldn’t be jealous of lee jeno? he’s got like everything! he’s athletic, and good looking and probably gets lots of chicks” jisung praised,
“wow jisung, sounds like you have a crush!” y/n teased the boy, softly nudging him. jisung froze at the sudden contact, he liked how playful you started being with him.
“don’t you? he’s kind of a catch, i thought girls would be all over him” jisung shrugged, watching as she slowly became quiet. he was startled by her reaction, feeling heat rise to his cheeks immediately.
“d-did i say something?” he muttered, unsure whether or not she was upset.
“n-no you didn’t. i mean, lee jeno was my first boyfriend, so i can say i’ve been there and done that!” y/n let out a small scoff, she noticed that jisung had now grown concerned.
“it was nothing though, we were like 12, and he dumped me over text. hasn’t spoken a word to me since though” she sighed, eyes scanning back to the boy in question. jisung was unsure of what to say next. y/n knew she had just over shared, she couldn’t help it. once she started, sometimes she couldn’t stop. she knew it would make jisung feel uncomfortable, part of her regretting it immediately. but when she saw the boy shoot her a cheeky grin, all her worries washed away.
“it’s good to hear that one girl at this school doesn’t have a crush on lee jeno” was all he said, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
“why’s that?” she curiously questioned,
“because that means i have a chance” he just smirked, head turning to focus back on the field. y/n was speechless. was he really being serious? or was this just some playful joke? she chose not to respond, feeling heat rise to her ears and cheeks. since when was park jisung such a flirt?
“come on, it’ll be fun” ningning whined as she sat with y/n and sungchan at the bleachers.
“yeah, you’ll get to see me play for the first time since i got on the team” sungchan begged, watching as y/n debated to herself.
“okay fine, not like i have three assignments to do that night” she sighs, giving into her friend’s peer pressure to attend friday night’s school soccer game. ningning and sungchan high-fived eachother, slightly surprised by her response. y/n’s gaze drew to the one and only park jisung, who was currently trying to do some weird skateboards tricks with chenle. she couldn’t pull her eyes away, finding it amusing whenever he made a mistake and tried to awkwardly cover it up. ningning snickered, catching onto the entire situation.
“park jisung huh? guess it’s finally time for you to put yourself back out there?” y/n snapped out of her trance, now glaring at her friend.
“n-no, what are you talking about? i wasn’t even looking at him” y/n immediately became defensive, sungchan deciding to step in.
“you totally were, in fact i’m sure you have a little bit of drool at the side of your mouth” he playfully teased, pretending to wipe off ‘drool’ from her face. y/n shoved his hands away from her, softly pouting.
“guys, he’s just a classmate. i said i wasn’t going to get involved with anyone, remember?” the annoyed girl reiterated to her friends, who weren’t buying the act at all.
“you can’t shut off your feelings, you know? it’s clear that you’re interested in him, even if it’s the tiniest bit. and you already know he’s interested in you too! why can’t you see that?” ningning sighed, feeling sorry for how hard y/n was on herself.
“because things will get messy. i’ll end up falling harder and ruin everything. it’s not going to happen again, i won’t let it” y/n looked down at her hands, gripping her water bottle tightly.
“maybe he’s different. he’s not going to be another jeno, or renjun, or donghyuck even. just keep an open mind, you have to start lowering your walls” sungchan pulled his arm around y/n shoulders, allowing her to rest against his side. ningning held her hand in y/n’s, gently stroking the back of her hand with her thumb. inside, y/n knew her friends were right. but something kept telling her that she was going to end up broken by the end of it. she really hoped that park jisung would be different. she needed him to be different.
y/n and jisung were halfway through their assignment, sitting next to eachother in the school library during their free period.
“damn, we are doing pretty well, way ahead of the schedule you had planned for us” jisung teased, eyes shifting to the page of scribbles, indicating the tasks for the assignment. y/n let out a scoff, pulling her planner towards her,
“don’t diss my planning okay? it’s just a rough outline!” she pierced her eyes at him, watching as he just smiled back at her. why does he keep doing that?
“you going to the soccer game tonight?” jisung nervously stammered, trying to play off as if he didn’t care too much about it. y/n only smirked at his words, placing down her pen before responding,
“may i ask why you’re asking?” she leant back in her chair, watching as jisung shifted his position so that he was directly facing her. she held her breath for a moment, not realising how close he actually was to her right now.
“because i’m going, and i was wondering if you wanted to watch it together. you know, since we are just the spectators rather than the players?” y/n wasn’t sure why she felt so...flattered, he really was unknowingly charming.
“oh yeah, i’m going, but i’ll be sitting with my friend” she tried to push the idea of her and jisung sitting alone for two hours in the cold, out of her mind. but jisung wasn’t going to back down so easily.
“oh great! i’ll bring chenle too, we can all sit together” he smiled widely before returning to type on his laptop. y/n let out a soft sigh. it doesn’t look like he will be giving up anytime soon.
y/n and ningning were both cozied up together on the bleachers, eyes on the lookout for sungchan. they locked eyes with the tall boy, waving at him erratically, causing him to respond in the exact same manner, gaining looks from his team mates.
“oh i sure hope they win, otherwise we’re making him buy us hot chocolate, i’m freezing!” y/n huffs, her breath now appearing infront of her.
“someone say hot chocolate?” the familiar voice rang through her ears. jisung was now seated next to her, two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. her mouth was agape, watching as the boy handed her friend one cup, then offering her the other. ningning kindly thanked him, gently nudging y/n’s arm.
“and one for my favourite desk mate” jisung snickered as she gently took the cup from him.
“hey! i thought i was your favourite desk mate!” chenle, who was on the other side of jisung, whined. jisung let out a scoff, softly shoving his friend,
“that was three years ago, things change” chenle continued to sulk, jisung not paying any attention to him. y/n couldn’t hide her amusement, taking a small sip from the warm cup of goodness.
“thanks jisung, i’ll pay you back” she offered kindly, reaching for her bag, but jisung stopped her, his hand wrapping around her wrist. y/n’s eyes shifted from his hand, to his face. jisung quickly removed his hand from her wrist, placing them into the pockets of his large coat.
“it’s on me, take it as a thankyou, for being such a great partner” a soft grin was plastered on his face. y/n just nodded, continuing to sip on the drink. the game had finally started, cheers of their fellow classmates echoed throughout the stands. sungchan played his best, assisting jeno in scoring the winning goal. the group of four in the stands, wailed at the top of their lungs, gaining the attention of those around them. y/n couldn’t stop laughing, continuously slapping jisung’s arm as she did so. jisung couldn’t stop looking at her. all he could think about was how gorgeous she looked in this light, the state of pure happiness she was currently in. it was enough for him to fall harder for her. along with her, not so gentle, slaps to his arm, jisung could swear he was in heaven.
“i-i’m sorry, jisung” she quickly calmed down, now realising how hard her slaps actually were. jisung shook his head,
“its okay, i’ll be your human punching bag any day, if it means you’ll hang out with me more” he smirked, causing her mouth to open slightly. was this guy even real? how could he come up with such cheesy lines?
“you’re an odd character, park jisung” y/n slightly shook her head in amusement, allowing her arm to brush against his as they sat closer together.
“it’s one of my best qualities” it sure was.
after the game ended, sungchan ran up to the group, jumping up and down, still pumped from his win.
“you did amazing!” y/n engulfed him into a warm hug. jisung watched the interaction unfold, part of him wishing you would be comfortable enough to embrace him like that one day.
“thanks for coming guys, i really appreciate it” sungchan smiles over to jisung and chenle who were aimlessly standing.
“anyone wanna get milkshakes or something? on me” chenle suddenly pipes up, watching as everyone’s face lit up.
“and this is why you’re my best friend” jisung pulled the other boy by his shoulders as the rest followed the pair. it was short drive in sungchan’s car, to the nearest diner. y/n was slightly shivering whilst in the car, jisung immediately noticed. he debated on whether or not to offer her his coat, but didn’t want to seem too persistent about it. as y/n stepped out of the car, she felt strong shiver throughout her body. jisung pushes his prior worries aside, immediately slipping off his coat, draping it around her shoulders.
“o-oh you don’t have to do this, jisung” she tried to decline, but the boy refused.
“nope, you’re cold and i’m already warm in this hoodie, just accept it” he convinced her, not taking no for an answer. as the five of them stepped into the diner, ningning made a beeline for her favourite booth near the back window. she slid herself into the booth, with sungchan next to her. y/n slide herself in the seat across from her friends, jisung quickly shoving in right next to her, chenle on his other side, once again. ningning gave y/n a playful smirk, eyes scanning over the overly large coat she had on. y/n raised her eyebrows, eyes straining, warning her friend to not mention it.
y/n’s eyes shifted over to jisung, who had started a conversation with sungchan and chenle about some new video game that was coming out soon. she watched as he threw his head back in laughter, continuing to argue with chenle about who was the best avatar in the game.  she then noticed how he balled hands into fists, gently rubbing them against the surface of his pants. he would occasionally blow on them, trying his best to get some warmth. she felt guilty for taking his coat, but knew he would do anything in his power to have her wear it. so she swallowed some of her pride, reaching for his hands. jisung froze at the sudden contact, trying to not make it obvious to the rest that he was now disengaged from the conversation entirely.
“w-what are you doing?” he muttered, moving closer to y/n, which made her slightly blush. she pulled his hands into her lap, wrapping them in the excess material of the oversized coat.
“they looked cold, i’ll warm them up for you” she softly smiled, and jisung swore his heart was about to burst out of his chest. was this real life? it couldn’t be, it had to be some crazy dream he was having.
y/n noticed the sudden shyness from jisung, heat now rising to his ears. she would be lying if she said she didn’t find him adorable. her heart racing as the close contact.
the rest of the night was spent chatting away between the five of them. from how lee donghyuck got suspended for putting shaving cream in the soccer coach’s cap, to the dreaded mid term exams that were approaching. y/n wished she had participated more in the discussions, but her thoughts were too preoccupied by park jisung. his hands still rested in hers, her fingers slowly beginning to smooth over his own, making his heart skip beats. he felt himself lean in closer to her as the night went on, practically crushing her against the window, but she didn’t mind.
“we should get heading home now, our parents are probably wondering where we are” ningning pouted as they all raised from their seats. jisung didn’t want to pull his hands away from y/n’s, making the bold decision to intertwine their fingers as they left the diner. y/n’s eyes widened at his actions as he smiled down at her. they sat in the back of sungchan’s car, as y/n felt her head lean on jisung’s shoulder, her hand still holding his. her eyes slowly became drowsy, ready to fall asleep.
“you two are really cute” ningning whispered, not knowing that y/n was listening intently,
“t-thanks” jisung whispered back, trying his best to hide how happy he was by the comment.
“so are you confessing?” chenle snickered, causing jisung to roll his eyes,
“i want to take things slow. i want her to like me back first” jisung sighed, reaching to brush some of y/n’s hair from her face.
“oh trust me dude, she likes you. she just won’t admit it yet” sungchan smiled to himself, happy to see y/n finally start opening up again.
“good, cause i’m in it for the long run” oh park jisung, who wouldn’t fall for him?
when jisung got to school the following monday, he saw y/n standing at the front gates, swaying slightly. she was wearing black stockings with a plaid skirt and a creme coloured sweater vest. but she was wearing something else that caught his eye.
“goodmorning jisung” she greeted the boy, fast paced walking to meet him. jisung smiled softly at her, pulling his skateboard to his side.
“goodmorning, y-you’re wearing my coat” he pointed out, causing her to freeze slightly.
“o-oh yeah, do you mind? it’s been pretty chilly lately” she wrapped herself tighter, eyes facing the ground. jisung felt a swarm of butterflies emerge in his stomach, she really had that effect on him.
“it’s totally okay, you suit it better than i do” he softly chuckled, beginning to walk alongside her, arms brushing against eachother.
“you gotta stop saying stuff like that” y/n sighs, waltzing through the school hallway, to their history classroom.
“and why should i?” jisung playfully teased, tugging on her sleeve, turning her to face him. her hands instantly went to his chest, not realising how close he had pulled her to him.
“b-because” she spoke barely above a whisper. jisung’s eyebrows furrowed at her,
“because it’s making me feel things” was all she said as she pulled away from him, rushing to her desk. jisung couldn’t help but admire her awkwardness. he was slowly getting there, she had partially admitted to having feelings for him. but he knew she wasn’t going to fully admit it anytime soon. he had to make the first big move...but he needed some outside help.
“is there a reason why we are hiding from y/n right now?” ningning whispered, face to face with jisung.
“i want to confess to her” he blurted out, ningning’s eyes widening in shock.
“you want to confess to her?” she repeated, mind still trying to wrap around the situation.
“uh yes? is it so hard to believe? i thought i made it pretty obvio-“
“no no, i know you like her. it’s just that, she’s never EVER had a boy confess to her before. it’s always been her making the moves” ningning explains, jisung’s mouth pressing into a firm line.
“she’s not used to this type of attention. like where the guy is genuinely interested in her as a person, and the things she likes. she’s used to always getting to know the guy, doing everything in her power to gain some type of feelings for her. then she ends up hurt after she realises that she fell harder than they did for her” jisung would be lying if this wasn’t hurting him. how could they do that to someone as caring and loving as y/n?
“how do i show her that i’m different?” jisung stammers, nerves slowly taking over. ningning just giggles,
“you’re already half way there. trust me, she knows inside that you’re not like the rest. you just have to hit it out of the park with a bomb ass confession! here’s what i’m thinking...” ningning continues to whisper to the boy, jisung stringing along to every word. operation confession for y/n was underway.
“hey, are we ready to hand in our assignment?” y/n approached jisung just before class. he responded with an affirmative nod, pulling out the ten page report from his backpack. her eyes widened at his efforts, admiring how prettily he presented the report.
“j-jisung” she stuttered, flipping through each page.
“i had some spare time last night, don’t mention it” he winks at her as she felt heat rise to her cheeks. she quickly moved to her seat next to him, trying her best to hide her face with her hair. but jisung noticed, smirking to himself. could she be any more adorable?
“there’s another soccer game on friday! did you want to sit together again?” jisung turned over the the girl next to him, catching her completely off guard. y/n looked over to jisung, his face completely softened, his eyes practically begging her to say yes.
“y-yeah i’d like that” she nodded, silently cheering that she would get to spend another night with park jisung. the plan was now in motion.
jisung was standing under the bleachers, awaiting y/n’s arrival. chenle approached him, giving him a slight pat on the back.
“you ready, buddy?” chenle whispered, a cheery expression on his face. jisung slowly nodded.
“yeah, the worst she could say is no” jisung tried his best not to psych himself out, reviewing his confession in his head.
“they’re here” chenle announces, eyes drifting to y/n and ningning. jisung took a deep breath, moving slowly towards the pair of girls. y/n was the first to notice him, shooting him a small smile, meeting him halfway.
“good evening ladies” chenle greets, making ningning giggle.
“oh please, we are barely ladies” she sighs, stepping past groups of people to find a seat for the four of them. chenle followed her in suit, with y/n and jisung straggling behind. jisung nudged y/n’s shoulder, giving her a small nod. she returned the gesture, feeling slightly awkward. but she pushed it aside, happy to spend another evening with jisung. she noticed that throughout the game, jisung’s leg kept bouncing up and down. she sensed he was nervous about something, it was either that or he was just really cold.
“do you want my coat to cover your legs? i brought an extra blanket with me” y/n whispered to jisung, causing him to halt his movements. he looks over at her, as she was halfway to taking off her coat.
“why don’t we just share the blanket?” jisung slyly comments. now it was her turn to freeze. she looked over at him, lips pressed in a firm line. as she placed her coat back on, and pulled out the blanket, jisung could feel his heart pumping faster than it had ever before. this was a good sign, right? she must like him back...right?
y/n gently placed the half the blanket over his knees, moving herself closer to him to gather warmth. she didn’t say much to him after, too focused on the game they were watching. but the position they were in right now, was all that was on jisung’s mind.
the game ended with a close win by sungchan’s team. although everyone was celebrating, it was noticeable that sungchan was not proud of how he played.
“dude don’t beat yourself up about it, it happens to the best of us” chenle tried to comfort. sungchan just nodded, not wanting to talk much about it.
“okay grumpy pants, let’s go get some food” ningning pulls the sulky not by the arm, chenle on the other side of him, doing the same.
“you two coming?” ningning calls from behind her. before y/n could answer, jisung reaches for her wrist, stopping her in her path.
“c-could i steal y/n for the night?” jisung didn’t let go of her wrist, watching as their three friends all had identical smirks.
“sure thing, see you two tomorrow” chenle winks, rushing off with the others. y/n’s face contorted into utter confusion. the feeling of jisung’s warm hand wrapped around her wrist made her nervous. he let out a short cough before letting go.
“what did you want to talk about?” she questioned, allowing multiple students to pass by her. jisung didn’t respond immediately, pulling her to sit at the bleachers again. he reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out a pink folded piece of paper. her eyes were immediately drawn to it, but part of her was still wondering what this entire debacle was about.
“i-i don’t want you to read this yet. well until i tell you what i have to say” jisung mutters, hands becoming sweaty. this was such a different jisung to watch y/n was used to seeing. he always made witty jokes out of any situation, and was barely ever...nervous.
“go on” she urged, eyes still glued to that piece of paper. jisung cleared just throat, eyes finally meeting those of the girls across from him.
“i have a crush on you” those words had y/n stunned. her mouth became agape, no proper words able to be formed. jisung decided to continue,
“i know that you aren’t looking for a relationship or anything. and you’ve been hurt before. but i just had to tell you. i couldn’t keep it inside anymore” he finally admitted, shoulders now slouching. his eyes wavered from hers at times, but they were now drawn to his hands. y/n wasn’t sure how to respond. this was her first ever confession. the first person to actually have interest in her first. she wasn’t used to this at all. jisung was a nice guy, she knew he was. but was he the guy for her? or was she just struck with the idea of him confessing first? did she even really like him that way?
jisung noticed the mini debate occurring in the girl’s mind, part of his ego becoming bruised. y/n wanted to say something articulate back to him but she couldn’t find the right words.
“uh t-thanks for telling me, jisung. it must have taken a lot of courage” that wasn’t the way he expected things to go, but he continued listening to her.
“but are you really sure you like me? like really sure?” y/n questioned, the idea still not wrapping around her head. jisung was in disbelief, was he not obvious enough?
“i’m more than sure. i’ve liked you ever since i’ve met you” he mutters, feeling completely dejected.
“t-that’s not possible. you didn’t even know me then” she shook her head, eyes drifting to the hurt expression that was now on jisung’s face.
“i didn’t need to. you were so beautiful to me. i had to get to know you. i thought i made it pretty obvious that i liked you. but i guess i should have done a bit more, maybe save myself the embarrassment” he mumbled the last part to himself. his words striking her right in the heart. she didn’t want to come off as rude or unappreciative. but how was she meant to know this wasn’t some kind of joke, or if his feelings were true.
“is it really that hard to believe that i like you?” jisung tried his best to remain calm, but he wanted nothing more than to dig a hole and lay in it.
“yes. it is. because guys don’t confess to me. they just don’t. they don’t fall for me first” she continued to tell herself, watching as jisung’s face flatten.
“you can keep thinking that. but it’s not true. i’m living proof. i really thought you liked me too. i must have misread this entire thing” hearing those words stung her heart. she did like jisung. maybe not as much as he claimed he liked her, but she definitely had feelings towards him as more than a friend. but she didn’t feel ready, for any of this.
“jisung, it’s not like that. i like you too, i just don’t think i’m ready” she whispers, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. jisung could barely look at her, an overwhelming wave of embarrassment washing over him.
“when will you ever be ready? because by the looks of it, it seems like you never will be” jisung shook his head, forcefully brushing through strands of his hair. y/n moved closer to the boy, placing her hand onto his shoulder. she felt him tense at the contact, his eyes finally coming back up to meet hers again.
“i-i don’t know when i’ll be ready. i just need some time to think about it” she sighed, not wanting to rub more salt into the wound. jisung only nodded in response. there was no use trying to convince her any further. jisung accepted her reasons, even though he held resentment towards her for initially rejecting him.
“i’ll give you some space. let me walk you home atleast” jisung stood up, offering his hand to her. y/n cautiously took his hand in hers, slowly walking alongside the tall boy.
silence filled the air on their walk home. the only sounds being heard were the hoots of owls and screeching of cicadas. jisung had let go of her hand along the way, which pained her to admit, she missed his touch immediately. as they made it to her front door step, jisung was in a rush to get home, ready to sob his eyes out. but y/n stopped him.
“i understand that you’re upset. trust me, i know how it feels. but i hope you can see where i’m coming from” she mumbled as jisung nodded along to her words.
“it’s fine, i get it. i’ll just give this to you now” he pulled out the folded paper from earlier, handing it over to her.
“if you still don’t believe i like you, that should give you a sign about how much i actually do. have a nice night��� he shrugged at her, turning his back to walk away. she watched as he left her driveway, head hung low. she shook the thoughts out of her mind, opening the door to her house. she didn’t bother looking back at jisung, closing the door behind her. but just as she entered her home, jisung’s gaze lingered on her. how could she have hurt him so much in such a short amount of time, yet he still felt the exact same about her?
park jisung, you are a fool. he thought to himself on his way home. how would he move on from this?
after the long night she had, y/n wanted nothing more but to sleep her problems away. but as she held onto the pink paper in her hands, she knew she wasn’t getting any sleep. she seated herself on her bed, carefully unfolding the paper, her heart racing.
“dear y/n,
if you’re reading this, i’ve just confessed to you. and you’ve most likely rejected me. i understand why you did it, i really do. i just couldn’t hold it inside any longer. i know you aren’t looking for anything serious at the moment. but i want you to know that i’ll be waiting for you. i hope that one day you realise how amazing you really are, and how i would be the luckiest guy in the world, to have you reciprocate my feelings. i honestly feel like you’re out of my league. i mean, you’re so confident in yourself. and you never let people bring you down. you’re so optimistic about such trivial things, it’s started to rub off on me a bit. i appreciate the sweet moments we’ve had together, and i hope you do as well. i don’t want to lost hope, that’s something you’ve taught me. you’re now nearing the end of this awfully structured letter, and i just want to say, that you deserve the world, and i can be the guy to give it to you. if you just give me a chance.
- park jisung (you already know who it’s from i just wanted to sound formal okay bye)”
y/n suddenly felt tears stream down her cheeks. for once in her life, she felt truly appreciated and cared for in return. of course she could see herself with jisung. it wasn’t a hard decision for her to make up her mind about it. but her constant doubts always held her back. it wasn’t fair to jisung at all, to keep him stringing along. she needed to make a decision, quick. there was no way she was going to hurt this boy.
the following monday morning, jisung patiently awaited y/n’s arrival in class. he nibbled on the side of his lip, tapping his pen rapidly on the desk. other students asked him to stop, as they were getting annoyed at the sounds but he couldn’t help it. he was praying she read the letter and didn’t just discard of it.
just as he was slipping into his own thoughts, he felt a sudden slam of books on the desk. his eyes met y/n’s as she sat down next to him. his quickly broke eye contact, flipping through his textbook as if he was studying. but she caught on to the boy’s antics, tapping him on the shoulder. jisung froze at the contact, looking over at the girl, who was still wearing his jacket.
“this is for you” she pulled out a small jar of origami hearts, sliding it over to his side of the desk. she felt heat rise to her ears, slightly embarrassed at the sweet gesture. jisung was practically speechless, his heart beating at a rapid pace.
“wow thank you, i love it” he gave her a gentle smile, eyes suddenly disappearing. she only nodded back, unsure of how to continue.
“i read your letter” she got to the point, jisung’s attention fully attended to her.
“i didn’t realise you felt so deeply about me, jisung. i thought you just had a silly crush, maybe that’s why i thought it would be easy to push you away. but you never let it go. and i’ve never had anyone do that for me before. so thank you” y/n barely whispers, feeling her palms begin to sweat. which was only something that happened when she was extremely nervous.
“what i’m saying is. you’re not like the guys i’ve liked before. you like me for me, and you genuinely want to be with me. so would you consider going on a date with me to the movies this weekend?” she cautiously suggested, watching as the boy’s face lit up in utter glee. he wanted nothing more but to pull her close and swing her around as he hugged her. but they were still in class, he needed to be tame...for now.
“i would freaking love that” he chuckled, causing you to smirk at his response.
“i’m glad you accepted my confession, i would have given you the silent treatment if i really tried” jisung pouted, making a fake angry expression, crossing his arms. she gently slapped his shoulder, laughing at the boy’s ridiculous antics. if this what it was like dating park jisung, then bring it on.
[ three months later ]
“come on! sungchan shoot!!” ningning’s voice echoed through the stands, the whole crowd geared up for the school’s soccer grand final. y/n and jisung were bundled up together, sipping on their hot chocolates, silently praying for that grand final win. there was only a minute left, jeno passed to sungchan and...he scores!
all the students from their school
jumped up, screaming endless cheers at the team. ningning waved her mini flag she made with sungchan’s face on it, as y/n and jisung hollered with the crowd.
“you did so great out there” y/n complimented her friend, like many times before, pulling him into an embrace. she saw how jisung slightly pouted, missing her warm touch. she slipped perfectly back to his side, his arm instantly wrapped around her waist as the crew made their way to the diner. jisung held y/n back, offering to meet the rest later on. y/n was yet again confused, following her boyfriend’s steps to sit on the bleachers.
“what’s up, sung? everything okay?” she pouts, watching as jisung nervously looks up at her.
“i love you” he blurts out, hands covering his mouth once he does. her eyes widen, not expecting those three words to leave his mouth at all. she pressed her lips into a firm line, her mind comprehending the situation. jisung was left worried, trying to read her expressions as best he could. he hoped he didn’t scare her away, it would completely ruin him.
“you’re just in luck” jisung’s head whipped up and met her. “because i love you too” y/n whispered, inching closer to the boy. his hands gently stroked her cheek, it was slightly cold but she didn’t mind. her lips fanned over his, ready to press them together. as she did so, jisung smiled widely into the kiss, hands coming to squish her cheeks together. it made both of them giggle for a bit, breaking the kiss momentarily. before jisung pulled her back in.
y/n soon realised that she didn’t need to live in fear of rejection any longer. because jisung gave her every ounce of reassurance she needed. the boys from her past slowly fizzled away from her memory, jisung now taking place as the one boy who truly loved her.
a/n: pls let me know what you all think!! 
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kittydripuwu · 3 years
look me in the eyes | levi ackerman x reader
words - 1518
warnings - pain, implied nsfw at the end
genre - angst/some fluff?
something was bothering levi. he was getting little to no sleep, he was constantly tense and worst of all, he was being distant with you. levi had the habit of bottling up his feelings, even with constant reminders from you that you were there for him, that you wanted to help him. he was pretty good at hiding his stress and negative feelings most of the time but, you learned to see right through it every time.
you were sitting on the bed in his room, while he was doing paperwork at his desk. you noticed how tense his body was when you came up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"baby" you said softly as you dropped your head over his shoulder, taking in his scent.
"what?" he replied, voice dry and stern.
"are you alright?" you asked, rubbing his cheek with your thumb.
"i'm fine, will you please get off me? i have work to complete" he replied coldly, pushing your hand away from his face.
"i'm sorry" you replied quietly, as you stepped away from him and sat back onto the bed.
you sat there in silence for the next few minutes, as if you were expecting something from him, but he didn't say another word. normally, you wouldn't feel hurt if levi took some of his stress out on you but something about this felt worse. you understood that he was busy and probably had alot on his mind but he's never pushed you away like that? if anything, your touch was always calming and relaxing to him, letting him ease off his stress. but now, he pushed even you away? the one thing he cared about, the one thing he loved and felt any sort of emotion towards? your head was messy with confusing thoughts, you couldn't bear to sit in this room with him anymore, you had to get out and clear your head.
once you stood up and put your coat on, you looked over your shoulder hoping to see levi looking at you, wondering where you were going, but instead, you got nothing. he was still sitting at his desk, scribbling away on some papers, paying no mind to you.
"going out on a walk" you said quietly as you opened the door and walked out.
it was nice outside, the walk was overall peaceful, helping you clear your mind of all the stress and worries you had revolving around levi. you met eren, mikasa and armin on your walk, who always manged to make you smile, and take your mind off of things for a while. you then went to dinner with them and happily ate until you realised that your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.
"levi?" you said, as you walked into his room. you noticed that he wasnt there, even after dinner, leaving you confused as to where he could be. it was taking everything in you to stop yourself from going to look for him but, you knew he needed space, and you had give him just that.
"levi" you said gently as you heard him walk in and take his coat off.
"what do you want?" he asked, once again with a cold tone in his voice, causing you to shiver at his icy tone.
"please talk to me" you asked quietly, wanting to know why hes been like this.
"there's nothing to talk about, go to bed" he said and that was final. you didn't bother arguing back, you knew it would just get worse from here. the night was cold without levi's embrace, he sat next to you on the bed but didn't come any closer, leaving you to sleep alone.
you woke up the next morning, hoping to get at least something from him, but you only woke up to a ray of sunlight seen through the curtains and an empty room. the day passed by blandly, you caught a few glimpses of levi talking to erwin but nothing more than that. evening rolled around faster than you expected and before you knew it, you were back in your shared room with him sitting at his desk, doing paperwork.
"why are you being so distant with me" you asked after sitting in silence for over an hour.
"god are you this insatiable? i'm clearly busy, can you not wait until i'm done my work?" he replied heartlessly.
"i-i'm sorry" you mumbled, tears pricking the corners of your eyes as you watched him sit and give no reaction to your sorry state.
"please levi will you just look at me when i talk to you?" you said, finally reaching your breaking point, tears falling from your eyes.
levi barely looked at you the past few days. it seemed as if he payed attention to everything but you, and it hurt. it hurt you so much knowing that your own boyfriend wasn't even able to look at you in the eyes. little did you know, it hurt him too, he hated having to look at you and show himself to you in such a stressed and painful state. he didn't want you to notice, and so he drifted. it was the only way he was able to get himself out of such a state, by distancing himself from everything that makes him even a tad bit weak. you were that everything to him, you brought out the vulnerable, loving side of him and he couldn't let himself show his pain to you.
silence. he continued writing away, and ignoring your words, until he heard your sobs and sniffles.
"what did i do so wrong?" you mumbled as you dropped your head in your hands, and continued to cry.
"its not you" he said, still not letting himself look in your direction.
"t-then what is it levi, what is it thats causing you to be so distant with me? to the point where you cant even fucking look me in the eyes?" you say, voice weak and shaky between sobs.
"it's me" he said simply, ignoring the fact that you were crying.
"what the fuck do you mean?" you ask, standing up, anger arising in you.
"so you're telling me that ignoring me, pushing me away and being rude to me is not because of something i did?" you add.
levi stayed silent. he had nothing to say. it took him a few moments to process what you had just said and when he did, he knew he made a mistake. he pushed the one thing that he cherished in this cruel world, away from him, all because of his own stress and issues. he never meant for it to turn out this way, he just wanted to be okay for you, he never wanted to cause this much trouble for the both of you.
he finally stood up and looked you in the eyes. he saw your red and puffy eyes, your cheeks that were stained with tears, messy hair from you grabbing it out of stress, and shakiness. he tried to place a hand on your cheek to wipe your tears but before he could do that, you smacked it away.
"don't touch me" you said, moving backwards, away from him.
"i'm sorry" he said calmly after a few minutes of silence.
"i don't mean to push you away y/n, i just don't want to throw all my stress onto you" he added.
"levi you idiot" you say, walking up to him.
"don't you ever think that you're alone, because you're not. please don't hide these things from me, don't push me away, i'm here for a reason levi, don't take that lightly" you say, looking into his dark eyes.
"i love you levi, don't you ever forget that" you say, voice softening up as you place your hands on his cheeks and press a sweet yet gentle kiss on his lips.
he never understood how you had so much patience for him, so much love. he admired the way you would take your time with him, try and figure things out rather than walk out on him. you were his everything and he could never let that go.
"i love you too" he said quietly after you pulled away from the kiss.
"promise me you'll never do that again baby, please promise me" you pleaded.
"i promise" he said simply before placing a kiss on your lips.
"you need to get some sleep levi" you said, as you two began to undress. before you were able to put on lazy clothes, levi pushed you onto the bed and moved to hover over you.
he was shirtless, wearing only pants and you had to admit he looked very fucking attractive. he always did and it never failed to be a pleasant sight. his hair was slightly messy and his eyes were clouded with lust.
he placed on hand on your chin and tugged on your bottom lip with his thumb.
"why don't i reward my good little girl for being so patient with me?" he said, voice deep and raspy.
he sure did not hesitate to make it up to you that night.
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kirschteinsj · 4 years
Pinky Promises
Nanami x fem! reader
Warnings: nothing too much! maybe language but overall just a bunch of fluff and lovey dovey stuff 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Domestic Nanami and reader, just thinking about how much they love each other. sappy and cute stuff.
A/N: Hi! ^_^ Second time posting, I’ve had this one shot saved for a bit now! finally posting it lolz. I've noticed a lot of people have written domestic Nanami pics or drawn art, very glad society as a whole has this perception of him. it truly heals the soul I think. anyway, I hope u like this and sorry if there’s any grammar errors I wasnt able to catch U_U im thinking of doing a hc post next.... unsure hm, we’ll see ^_^!!
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“I’m hooooome.” He says loudly as he steps through the apartment door, setting his briefcase down and taking off his beige coat. Putting down the grand kitchen knife she was using to chop up spinach, she rushed to the door with a smile and engulfed the tall blonde into a tight hug, saying hello. She took a deep breath, inhaling the soft scent of his cologne, the smell of something sour and musty soon taking over. Her face scrunched up and she let out a giggle.
“Oh god, Nanami, you stink, what did you go against today?”
“Nothing too bad. Just a grade 3,” He sighed “A smelly grade 3.” He sounded disappointed, probably because he knew he stunk too. Though the smell was horrendous, she still remained in his arms and he still held on just as tight.
“Are you tired? I was thinking of making dinner with you tonight but if you’re too tired I can-”
“No no. I’m fine. Just let me wash up and I’ll help out.”
“You sure?” She asked looking up towards him, questioning once more to reassure. He looked down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m sure, dear.”
While he showers upstairs, she gets back to readying the ingredients so they could begin cooking their masterpiece as soon as possible. Tonight she had chosen chicken alfredo with a tossed salad; One could say it was her favourite, but saying that would imply that she would eat it when cooked and served by whomever. But to her, she would only eat it when it was him who had made it for her.
Y/n adored him. He adored her. To her, he was her light. She could simply not imagine life without him, not after he had come in and changed her in such a way. She never in a million years would have thought to be so in love with someone. To have known someone who cared enough to hear all about her day or listen to all her tangents, whether they made sense or not. Who listened to her talk forever about anything just so he could see the faint glow of passion in her eyes. Someone who remembered the small details in regards to the things she loved and the things she despised; Like how she hated the feeling of peanut butter on her fingers and how she absolutely admired the scent of fresh pages in a new book. Sometimes, she felt undeserving of him.
He admired her like no other. Never did he believe he’d be capable of opening up to anyone in such a way, at least not until she walked into his life. He could write a million lists, all full of everything he loved about her. The way she smiled cheekily at him after a witty remark, how she'd give every hug as if it was the last, the way she was oh so patient with him. It took him time to become vulnerable in the slightest, he just didn’t know how to do so without burdening her. She knew his job was hard, he’d told her. But rather than running away like he expected, she stayed with him right by his side. She refused to leave him over that. If anything, it made her want to stay more since she felt the need to be there for him. It felt like a punch to the gut but a good one. “So, is this love?” He had asked himself then. Nanami had someone who brought out the much more joyful side to him. At the end of the day, he knew he’d walk through the front door only to see her, arms wide open and with a big smile offering a cozy hug. She was his home. Sometimes, he felt undeserving of her.
Putting the final piece of broccoli into the container, she tidies any clutter and went back to their shared bedroom. Sinking into the bed and falling on it with a plush thump, she lets out a deep sigh mixed with some sort of a groan. She herself was exhausted from work too to say the least. She didn’t deal with curses or anything like that, but she did teach a class of 9 year olds which one could consider just as frustrating. Yawning, she checks her phone to read the time: 6:15 PM. Nanami hadn’t been in the shower for too long, a small nap wouldn’t hurt. Quickly, she settled for a little 30 minute nap. That way, she could get up soon enough to help him out in the kitchen and not abandon him to do everything on his own. She turns her phone off and slowly, her eyes shut.
Y/n slowly opens her eyes and notices a grey throw blanket placed on her, something that she doesn’t recall going to bed with earlier. “Must’ve been Nanami.” Grabbing her phone, she turns the screen on, wincing at the incredible blue light piercing into her skull. “Fuck.” she mumbles. Once her eyes adjust, she glances back at the screen for the time: 7:30.
“FUCK,” she says, voice croaking “I overslept.” With the speed of light, she leaves bed and runs down the hall to the bathroom to freshen up. She soon makes her way over to the kitchen silently, slightly ashamed and guilty. Y/n mumbles a whine with a frown, “He’s probably done making things now. I could have helped.”
The kitchen is filled with the delicate scents of sauces, cheese and herbs. She watches him from the door frame, admiring her boyfriend. He stood in front of the stove mixing at the sauce for the alfredo, which scent alone made her mouth water. Nanami seems to be in his own world, as he stands humming to himself softly, stirring the pot of sauce and adding in the broccoli and spinach, not seeming to notice y/n. With a final stir, he carefully sets the lid and turns to rinse his hands. Her gaze sits upon his figure, how his grey oversized shirt slightly clings to his shoulders and loosens as it goes down his body. Looking down, she noticed the bright red christmas pyjamas he had on, the ones with adorable little reindeers all over them. Grinning, she remembers how she had bought those for him. She purchased a matching set for the two of them and insisted on wearing them all day on Christmas last year. Nanami had responded to the idea with a stern “No” which left y/n in shambles. She didn’t expect him to agree, but hey, a girl can dream. However, on Christmas day, lo and behold, she had woken up to find Nanami sitting on the couch, watching the news with his reindeer PJs on. Immediately, she had attacked him with hugs and kisses and all Nanami did was sit there and accept them, secretly loving it the whole time.
A deep voice throws her out of her thoughts. “You know, it’s rude to stare, right?”
Y/n chuckles quietly and makes her way over, wrapping her arms around him from behind, snuggling into his back.
“I like to stare at you, you’re cute,” she breathes in his scent once again, “ah, you smell so much better now. Like the nami I know.”
“I am not cute. I am a grown man.”
“C’mon, you can’t possibly be saying that right now. Not while you’re wearing these pants.” She coos, gently patting his butt. He goes silent, refusing to rebuttal knowing that he’s lost. He leans against the counter, his front facing her. Though he didn’t say anything, y/n sees this as an open invite to his arms. The rope of his arms finds her waist this time, her arms in an embrace around his neck.
“Whatever, tell me, how was your day, hm?” He posed, changing the subject.
“Same old, yenno. The kids and I had a discussion today about drugs and safety. It was cute, hearing them rat out their neighbours for smoking cigs and talk about how yucky they thought alcohol is. It was… sweet. How was work for you, hon?”
“Shit.” He retorts, closing his eyes, “Work is shit.”
“Oh come ON, I’m sure it’s not always that bad, right? Say, how’s your friend doing, you know, the one who kinda looks like one of my makeup brushes! Isn’t he good company?”
“Yeah, if good company means having to deal with a nuisance to society on a daily basis then by all means, yes, Gojo is wonderful company.” He joked, loosening his grip on her and making his way over to the stove to check on his sauce. She follows, opening the first drawer and pulling out a silver spoon, “You’re so mean sometimes. I think he’s a great guy to be around! I met him once, such a flirt.”
He teases calmly, “If you love him so much, why don’t you get with him?”
Taking her spoon, she lowers it into the pot and brings it back up to her face, blowing on it carefully before she puts it to her lips to taste. “Hmm, I would. But I don’t think he’s as big as you. I’ll have to pass.” She smirked, putting the spoon into her mouth as he watched and sighed in disappointment.
He glares,“God, you’re something else.”
“I’m just kidding, babe.” Bringing her spoon down for another taste. He swats at her hand and she retreats it with a whine. “Don’t do that. You’ve tried it already, and will again when we get to eat.” He scolded tenderly, “Plus, you shouldn’t be given these privileges anyway. It’s not like you helped out or anything.” He smiled, teasing her.
“Nanamiiii, I’m sorry,” she whines, half laughing, “I promise, I was going to help! I just got a little bit sleepy and sort of lost track of time…” He turned over to her and lifted her face with a finger under her chin. Laughing, he delicately caresses her cheek, tapping it admirably with a curled finger. The blonde chuckles and looks her in the eyes, “I’m just joking with you, love. I know you’ve been tired lately, I can tell. Why haven’t you been resting?”
Her smile falls and she sighs. Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him into her, hiding her face into his chest. It was true, she was exhausted but she didn’t deem it to be anything so serious. Work was just heavy this past week from having to grade her students’ work in time for report cards. All she wanted was the best for her kids and was finding ways to get the kids out of their comfort zones enough to do well in class. That reminded her, Nanami also mentioned having a student of his own.
She takes her face out of his chest and glances upwards. “It’s just this week of work, I promise I’ll be back to normal soon. I’ve just been busy with lesson plans and activities, yenno. Anyway, speaking of students, how’s the one you’ve been assigned to?” She posed in a soft tone. Half smiling, he turned around to add the strained pasta to the sauce, scattering it into the pot.
“He’s special. Quite lively. And cheerful. He reminds me of you sometimes,” his voice strains as he stretches to grab the bowl of cooked chicken to finally add into the pot, finishing the meal, “He’s got potential.” Y/n beamed with happiness. Nanami really seemed to like this kid and if he thought you had potential, then it sure as hell meant you had it.
She lets out a squeal, “EEEEEEK!!! That sounds amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Nanami suppressed a laugh and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that-”
“This calls for a drink, don’t you think?” She babbled with excitement, “We should have some wine! Right?”
Grabbing her wrist as she skipped her way over to the bottle, he reminded her, “You have school tomorrow. You always end up having more than needed and struggle to wake up in the morning.” Y/n frowned at his words, to which he noticed and tried to fix, “Tomorrow’s Friday, you can drink plenty tomorrow, hm? I’ll drink with you.”
“Ugh, fine. You’re right. But you have to promise.”
“I promise you ca-”
“No! You have to pinky-promise.” She demanded, pouting as he stuck out her pinky finger.
His heart skips a beat. Was she always this cute? Her angelic eyes stare into his tired ones. Bottom lip poking out, awaiting Nanami’s pinky to interlock with her own. He knew she took pinky-promises very seriously despite her grown age. It was among one of the many petty details that he cherished. Something about this pinky-promise was enough for her to ensure trust onto someone, it made him laugh. Her naivety is what made her so kind hearted, what allowed her to see the best in people. He felt that this naivety is why they’re together to begin with. He didn’t ever think she’d give him a chance. He reminisced of their first few encounters. The way she did her hair back then, the way she dressed, her shy smile and how she’d look at the floor whenever she’d blush. Maybe it was her timid nature that made him fall head over heels for her. Or maybe it was her generosity. Perhaps her beauty. He was unable to simply confine the reasoning for his infatuation with just a few traits. She grew overtime, more comfortable and less shy, she was more confident around him but he knew he could still make her blush so badly that she’d have to hide her face from him. He enjoyed their banter, her company. He felt it was luck. Or maybe it was fate. Who knows. He didn’t want to think so much about it. He wanted to live in the moment, adore her in this present time. In that instance, he felt the strong urge to kiss her. And so he did.
The kiss was short and sweet, yet full of an unfathomable amount of love. It took her aback, she didn’t quite see it coming. She too stood in the present moment, then and there, cherishing the man she loved.
His lips leave hers and he extends the smallest finger on his hand, declaring, “I pinky-promise.” And a ginormous grin washes over her face. In a whisper, she squeals and scoops her arms around his torso, resting her head onto his chest. They stay like this for a while, not too long really, but to them it felt like an eternity being in each other’s affectionate embrace. He goes to speak and she feels the vibrating boom of his voice make his way up from his chest.
“I love you.”
She sighs, “I love you too.”
Turning her head, y/n smoothly gets on her tip toes and clasps her arms around his neck, giving it a tender kiss and attempting to make a trail leading up to his sharp jaw. Catching onto her tactics he laughs, putting his big hand against her face and pushing her back.
“Seriously?” He chuckles, “You couldn’t wait till after dinner? Come on, take out the plates.”
“Wait for what? I was just kissing you! You’re so dramatic, Nami.” She lies, playing innocent. She knew damn well what she was trying to do. She wasn’t going to admit to it though. Taking out the plates and utensils, she readied the table.
After dinner and meaningless conversation, the two lovers tidied and headed towards their room. “Do yo wana wah a mohee tomowwow nie?” Y/n proposed from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth. He perks his head up, confused, “Do I want to what?” She spat into the sink and rinsed her mouth, repeating her question.
“I said, do you wanna watch a movie tomorrow night? Like at home? There’s this documentary I saw on Netflix, it looks really good! It’s crime related.”
“That sounds fine with me. Though, that’s only possible if you don’t end up drinking too much. I always have to get you to sleep early when you drink.” He states nonchalantly, nose poked into a thick book. She rolls her eyes and smiles, “I promise I won’t drink all that much.” Shifting his book to the opposing hand, Nanami silently takes his pinky finger and holds it out to y/n. She snickers and reciprocates.
“You’ve now pinky-promised. Don’t break it, y/n.”
“I never do.”
The nightstand lamp illuminates the room with a soft yellow glow. Shadows of objects on the nightstand hang on the walls. Laying in bed on her phone, y/n turns over to Nanami, who was still reading his book. “Nami, come lay next to me, I wanna cuddle. Please?” Her voice faint. He looks down at her and puts his book away immediately. He could use a cuddle too. Bringing himself down, he lays on his back, y/n closing the gap between the two. Their legs intertwine, her arm and head resting on his chest while one of his hands rested on her bum, the other dotingly playing with her hair. Neither of them spoke a word for a while. Until y/n broke the silence.
“So, were there no other pairs of pants you had left to wear or-”
“Please, be quiet.”
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