#i also just hate his vibe in general. to be fair i’ve barely spoken to him
figuerockfaeth · 7 months
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quellines-stories · 7 years
Omg omg the way the next half of the season’s being set up is giving me major Batjokes vibes. Any headcanons on possible Bruce and Jerome dynamics?
Anon thank you so much for sending me this and giving me a reason to ramble about it lmfao! If you have any headcanons, I’d love to hear them! Feel free to message me some through anon, off anon, or even Instant Messages if you want! No pressure of course :)
I’m sorry for getting to this late! I’ve been super busy with work and finals 😭 But I should be more active on here now until college starts back up! I’m trying to get to all my asks and whatnot lol!
In any case, I definitely agree that the preview showed us Jerome’s gaining even more Joker vibes than he’s already given off, particularly with the iconic Joker card usage!
As for Wayne, I also agree he’s giving off Batman vibes as well, however I feel like it’s the increasingly popular Batman (and heroes in general) trope of the doubtful vigilante. Essentially, we see Wayne examining the equipment Fox gave him, and then we see his mask burning in a fireplace. This along with how the episodes since the Ra’s Al Ghul incident could be leading up to a point in which Wayne considers being a vigilante isn’t his true path, and will briefly give up on being a hero altogether, only to have something significant snap him back into heroic reality, thus going with said doubtful vigilante trope.
Now, the likely path the show’s taking here would be one in which Wayne gives up on being Batman, and gets rid of the equipment Fox gave him. This would make Wayne incredibly vulnerable, particularly when Alfred’s not there to protect him, and he’s been pulling away from a lawful path which means he’s probably been pulling away from Jim as well. The only thing Wayne would have in this instance is his training, which he’s not fully skilled in yet.
Jerome on the other hand has his copycats, and supposedly Oswald as an eventual ally given that the writers revealed Oswald would be teaming up with an unlikely character hinted to be Jerome.
Wayne’s pushed pretty much everyone away other than Tommy at this point, who’s the only character we’ve seen and heard Wayne repeatedly hanging out with the last few episodes. Assuming that Tommy can’t do shit other than talk big, that leaves Wayne pretty alone compared to Jerome. Now, Tommy MIGHT be skilled with firearms since Hush (the character he’s based on) is a marksman, but at best Tommy would probably be about as skilled with firearms as Wayne is with hand-to-hand combat, because they’re both still young and training.
Wayne would essentially be screwed if Jerome decided to go after him. The only thing that could POSSIBLY hold Jerome back is Oswald since Oswald might have a soft spot for Wayne AKA the boy that gave him a hefty amount of money during that bidding event for Ra’s dagger, not to mention that scene where Oswald lays a hand on Wayne’s shoulder and says he’s a good kid, all while he could sympathize with Wayne also being an orphan. Given this, there’s still a chance this wouldn’t be enough to make Oswald risk trying to hold Jerome back for someone he’s barely spoken to if Jerome did want to go after Wayne, depending on how the writers handle it. Maybe Oswald would request Jerome leave Wayne out of their schemes, but not stop Jerome from doing it, and merely stay out of it.
This could result in Tommy cowering and telling Jerome to go after Wayne instead of him, only for Alfred to be the one that saves the day, and resulting in Wayne realizing he’s not surrounding himself with true friends, and Alfred’s the one that’s looked out for him through all the hardships he’s faced– not the party goers.
Let’s say the writers go with a second possibility where Jerome doesn’t go after Wayne, and instead goes after other innocents. For a while, Wayne might ignore it, because he wants to choose his own selfish purpose rather than the heroic purpose Thomas and Martha intended for him. Eventually, Wayne wouldn’t be able to ignore it anymore. Perhaps Jerome goes after too many innocents and Wayne realizes he has to stop this if no one else is going to, or perhaps Jerome goes after one of Wayne’s loved ones, like Alfred, Selina, or Jim.
Heck, maybe the very second Jerome breaks out of Arkham and causes chaos is the very instant Wayne can’t turn away from crime anymore, and has to go against the number one person he recognizes as his enemy he’s encountered thrice now, and accepts he can’t rest as long as Jerome won’t rest.
Regardless, this could result in Wayne having to go up against Jerome in hand-to-hand combat if Wayne really did destroy all of Fox’s equipment in the fire, which would make the stakes even higher considering Jerome’s the type to not play fair in fist fights.
Now, consider the least likely plot the writers probably won’t go with, but I personally would find the most interesting.
Consider this really is where Wayne hits rock bottom, because that’s what every hero has got to hit before they can fully rise.
Consider this is where Wayne finds himself not only surrounding himself with future-villain-Tommy that’s relatively harmless for now, but the bigger badder villains that are already causing chaos upon Gotham.
Consider Wayne so desperate to not fit into Thomas and Martha’s heroic version of him, he pushes so dangerously far away that he gets close to becoming anything but heroic.
Consider how Wayne’s breaking the law in small ways for now, like underage drinking for example. Consider him gradually breaking increasingly bigger laws.
Consider the fact that a big trope of Ra’s Al Ghul in comics and movies is how he wants to take over Batman’s body and continue his immortality throughout the vigilante. Consider the reason Ra’s wanted Wayne to use that specific dagger on him wasn’t to kill him, but was to possess the holder of that dagger, since Ra’s became Ra’s after bathing in the Pit and being given that very dagger. Consider Wayne’s still himself for now, and doesn’t realize the villainous Ra’s is subtly influencing him bit by bit, which makes this entire matter even more dire.
Consider how maybe Wayne sees Jerome is causing chaos, and realizes that breaking the big laws like Jerome’s doing looks a lot more entertaining than breaking the little laws Wayne’s breaking. Imagine Wayne wanting a bigger distraction from the pain he’s facing than just risking drinking booze as a sixteen year old. Imagine him wanting to gain bigger and riskier distractions.
Consider how Oswald’s already teamed up with someone surprising– a Falcone. Consider how Oswald seems to hate Jerome in the previews. Consider how the writers could have very well just made it sound like Oswald was the one Jerome was teaming up with, so it would be even more of a surprise to see Jerome and Wayne team up since the writers have said one thing but meant another quite a few times in the past to keep us guessing.
Or consider how maybe Oswald and Jerome do team up after all, and Oswald suggests that instead of killing the Wayne he’s very possibly gotten a soft spot for as explained in an earlier paragraph, they should instead get the boy on their side to get back at the common enemy Gordon.
Either way, consider Wayne becoming just as villainous as he had been when under Ra’s control once before, and becoming such once again due to very possibly being under Ra’s hold once more.
Consider Wayne briefly teaming up with Jerome, and not quite doing anything serious other than causing a bit of mayhem where people don’t quite get killed, because Jerome’s aware they need to start off small to keep the kiddo around. Consider the adventures they’d have.
Of course, consider Jerome eventually going too far, and Wayne snapping out of it to put a stop to it when realizing being like the criminal that took everything from Wayne isn’t what Wayne wants to be.
When it comes down to it, I feel like each of these possibilities could very well have these things regardless of which one they go with, if any: Jerome commenting on how Wayne chose to not take the stab at his throat unlike Theo, Jerome bringing up how hardships made him a villain and Wayne a hero, musing how he’s beginning to find Wayne’s so much more interesting than Gordon, calling Wayne “darli'n” again, and Jerome either saying he finds Wayne intriguing since he proved to be the only hero he’d met in Gotham thus being one side to a coin while Jerome’s on the other in which they need each other to exist so Wayne has something to protect others from and Jerome has something to corrupt, or Jerome instead insisting he’s going to prove to Wayne that there’s no heroes in Gotham since everyone has a breaking point that can be snapped with one bad day.
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