#i also know copium when i'm huffing it
ohdirtyriver · 5 months
thanks to the zosan fandom for equipping me with all the necessary rationalizations to justify shipping two men when one of them is notorious for relentlessly flirting with every cute woman that crosses his path. (family of origin trauma is a useful lever to lean on for this exercise in delusion, fyi)
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
i'm intrigued in what ways do you think hotd can massively change the ending of the war? (without it being the obvious rhaenyra lives)
mind you this is complete tinfoil hatery here!!! it’s like a combo of “i’m too online” and “i’m too paranoid” and “i know condal & hess have their own opinions on the books and they are as dedicated as they are weird” SO these are the ones i kinda get squinty eyed suspicious over and i have noticed others being suspicious as well-
driftmark inheritance - like i said this COULD be them twisting the knife a little more re: corlys’ bastards but i have wondered if rhaenys pushing for rhaena and baela is hinting towards one of them, likely baela, inheriting out and out.
battle of the gullet - i’ve wondered if they’re going to push it so jace stays alive longer, like as far as rhaenyra’s rule in king’s landing
jace has a baby - i’ve seen both that he & baela will have a kid and THAT kid will take over driftmark, OR be aegon iii’s wife instead of jaehaera/daenaera. i’ve also seen sara snow shows up, her & jace get hitched, and cregan legitimizes the kid to be his own heir? i think all three of these are a stretch but it also feels like the weird shit they’d do?
with that said i do also wonder if they don’t cut daenaera or kill jaehaera during the war to give aegon iii just one wife
rhaenyra doesn’t die - okay listen. i know i’m like basically tb and you’re all thinking “this bitch is just huffing copium” but i have wondered if they’d soften it by having rhaenyra like, live in self imposed exile/fake her death/some sort of abdication in favor of her sons, and justify it as being closer to what happened to matilda. tbc i don’t want this to happen bc i think condal & hess would do a terrible job with it lol
i actually had the thought that rhaenicent might run off together. you know that scene in versailles where that recurring secret protestant girl ran off with her noble friend and the musketeer let them? i was picturing something like that. tbf i was high when i started feeling this one was likely.
these are the ones i’ve seen people yelling about that i just feel are too far fetched-
streets are saying jace & corlys are basically gonna attempt an overthrow of rhaenyra, i don’t think this is likely, i think this is people being dramatic over the scenes where the three of them are fighting after rook’s rest
i’ve actually seen a theory that hotd is meant to be a soft reboot for the entire series and it’s a jump off into a REDO of the main series and once again, feels like cope, but!!! they reboot spiderman & x-men every 3-5 business days!!!
the sara snow thing is specifically about the catspaw dagger btw
daemon survives the fight with aemond and lives in hiding forever
rhaenyra straight up lives, is crowned, wins, and rules with aegon the younger as her heir.
one of the velaryon boys will live altho everyone kinda hems and haws about WHICH one
if you’re like “these seem insane” a) yeah b) they’ve done not one but TWO groucho marx esque disguises this season and i KNOW the cargylls are canon but come on i feel they’re getting silly. and again, respect for condal, but he was the one who defended the sansa bolton story arc!!
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sanityshorror · 6 months
Yandere Julius loves Killian… I love it.
Oh my God I'm so sorry this turned into a very long ramble about Killian and Julius' relationship 😭 but if you bring up their relationship to me, there is a strong likelihood I will wind up rambling about their relationship as I did here😭😭
Julius is absolutely head over heels in love with Killian and obsessed with him, yes. However, Julius really isn't 'yandere' at all (I know many people write yandere HCs of him and I'm totally fine with with that - but given I'm his creator I really only speak on canon). SOOO...
The reason he wound up slitting Killian's throat had nothing to with...well, anything tbh. Julius still isn't sure what drove him to do that. He was very intoxicated (a lot of liquor and cocaine), far past his general breaking point, and Julius has quite the temper with a strong tendency to over react to the extreme (he will either not care and not react at all or over react to an unfathomable level - there's no in between with him).
Killian accidentally broke a glass and the broken glass was the straw that broke the camels back for Julius. Killian had always known that Julius would be the death of him in one manner or other, and Killian was perfectly content with that. He says that he would have been very disappointed and pissed if Julius hadn't been the one to take him out.
Most of all, Killian is (and Julius is, too) very glad that Julius did kill him because if Julius hadn't murdered Killian, then Killian and Julius' souls would not have become intertwined in a higher dimension after their deaths, and Killian would not have become an immortal demon with Julius either.
They are both very happy that things happened the way they did, as now they literally will be together for eternity and they have a truly unbreakable bond now due to their souls now being intertwined (which isn't something that could ever be undone).
They definitely have a much less toxic relationship in present day as demons. Their relationship as humans was such an utter wreck but they have been in love basically their whole lives.Killian and Julius were childhood best friends. Julius was 4 and Killian was 7 when they met, and they both instantly became extremely attached to each other and excessively codependent.
Killian was 8 when he developed a crush on Julius - he realized he had a crush on Julius after eating a worm to try to impress him (and then tried to violently throw himself in the closet, as Killian really struggled with accepting his orientation - pan - for a long time. [I would love to share all about killian's struggles with coming to terms that he also loves ween0rs - so feel free to send an ask!]
Julius didn't realize he was gay and in love until a few months after he turned 13. He very much had a subconscious crush on Killian for a good while before realizing it. Julius did recognize prior as it would have been impossible not to, that the way felt and thought about Killian, as well the way Killian made him feel was very different and exclusive to Killian.
However Julius, despite his very severe childhood trauma (of every kind you can think of), he still was very innocent in many, many ways and didn't even understand what crushes were.
Things slowly started to turn from platonic, then into innocent childhood crushes, as they got to their teens, the crushes turned into much, much more serious, very strong and overwhelming feelings and such - obviously given they were both teenage boys at that point, the way they thought of each other was no longer all that innocent.
Julius was 13 and Killian was 15. This was the same time their relationship started to slowly very quality become increasingly romantic. It was undeniable where things were headed and how they felt despite them both huffing copium about how they felt for each other. When Julius was 17 and Killian was 19, they both finally accepted the reality of their relationship after finally kissing each other for the first time (they could not stop kissing after that).
They wound up doing the do for the time when Julius was 18 and Killian was 20. Having sex with each other for the first time definitely brought them only cheer and resulted in their attachment intensifying 100x. It was Julius's first time, and with the man that he had already been in love with and lusting after for the past five years, so it's not really surprising that Julius had a lot of emotions from it both during, after, and still does. Killian, on the other hand, already had very, very extensive sexual experiences with more women than he can remember. However Julius was the first man Killian was wet, and Killian had already been so in love with Julius (and only Julius). Killian was not ready nor expecting it to be just as emotional of an experience for him as it was for Julius.
Now, while Julius is very obsessed with Killian and attached to him and all "mine mine mine," there's a huge factor that completely excludes Julius from being in a "yandere" category: Julius is not bothered by the fact Killian still sleeps around with countless women. Julius actually agreed it was fine when they got into a relationship. He knows the way Killian thinks of women, treats women, and knows that Killian only uses women for sex - that if it wasn't for Julius, Killian would be single. Killian is very, very emotionally faithful to Julius, however - and Julius is very upset by Killian having sex with other men or masc aligned, which is why Killian only does his fucking aroundwith women and fem aligned.
Now, on the other hand, Killian forbids Julius from having sexual activities with anyone who isn't him. Nearly every man that Julius did decide to mess around with is very much dead now - either done by Killian or Julius, himself, to prove to Killian he doesn't actually want anyone else, he just wanted attention and felt like Killian wasn't giving him enough, or to make Killian jealous and angry all because Julius wanted extra rough sex
In conclusion:
Julius and Killian have a very...wonky... relationship, yeah. But they're very in love and their entire relationship in all aspects is consensual. Even physically fighting each other or being toxic little shits - they both want and enjoy the rollercoaster of it all. Sometimes they will physically fight each other for fun out of sheer boredom, like it's an MMA match, as if they're in a ring with mfs watching like
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But they both are so so so absolutely in love, infatuated with, obsessed with, attached to, and would do another for each other. 💖
Anyway, here's some ship art I've drawn, unfortunately all old stuff but I'm very tired and just picked the first files I had of ship art on my phone 😭 the first two are when they were humans. The third is current day, fourth is them getting married as demons, fifth is chibis of them, and the final, very old sketch is Killian picking Julius up and Julius pretending to be annoyed, he's even funnier when you know Julius is 6'2 without his boots, and 6'5 in them - he's not remotely short but Killian is a giant tank😭
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alolanroy · 1 year
2023 Media Thread Pt3
Sharkula: Finding out that this director cranks out like 8 of these a year makes so much sense. The editing and effects are bafflingly amateur, and by that I mean I don't know how you can make something this inept in good faith. The casting is...concerning. I'm not referring to the 'college students' that look like weekend warriors, I mean that a certain character clearly had some sort of disorder, and it felt pretty exploitative. Funny bad in a pathetic sort of way. -6/10
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Sharkenstein: We wanted to see more, but it turns out that instead of a fountain of infine fun-bad, it was just bad. At east the Franken-shark was a Nazi also somehow -3/10
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Ronin Mecha 3: Space Warrior: This is the kind of incoherent bootleg movie that makes you feel drunk and delirious from laughing too much. Literally nothing from this poster appears, but I did have an episode when I saw a Scope Dogg. -7/10
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Mighty Lady Sparkle: I admire the passion for tokusatsu but I don't admire the ecchi. It's the kind of movie where you start the movie proposing drinking games over its quirks but 20 minutes in you feel uncomfortable. -2/10
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Boneworks: It took a bit for it to click for me, but Stress Level Zero made a really impressive standard for VR gunplay and exploration. That being said, some of the physics takes a bit to get used to and if you don't have good VR legs, this game would be borderline unplayable. The physics puzzles and level design aren't quite up to the valve standard they are trying to live up to, the former being groan worthy at times, but the gun handling is fun enough that I was interested in playing some of the alternate game modes. The confused and underwhelming ending left it on an odd note, but I had a blast/ 7.5/10
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Netflix One Piece: Sometimes the performances just don't work and the dialogue doesn't quite hit the mark. However it made me understand the appeal of One Piece and I gotta give props to the costuming, makeup and the few actors that understood the assignment. 7.5/10
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The Amazing Digital Circuis Pilot: There is a distinction between marketable and appealing. Content can be made with the intent of being white noise. Nice rendering I guess. These are ideas that can coexist. 2/10
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Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger 20th: The Unforgivable Abare: I was initially afraid that this would be 'abaranger vs the woke mob' I was pleasantly surprised by humor and some out of left field GL. Can't complain 6/10
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X-Files Revival: I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. While a few of the comedic episodes were absolute gold, This was pretty sad. Its attempts to stay topical somehow make it more dated than the 90s seasons did. Unfortunately trying to be hip left me with a toothless 16 episodes made mostly of mythology episodes that are clearly supposed to go a whole lotta nowhere. 4/10
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Gundam Build Metaverse: Never before has a 10th anniversary season made me feel so old and hopeless. The first episode left me hopeful when it delivered a premise I could see blossoming into a good 15-ish episode show with the occasional cameo and a laid-back Hawaiian attitude to my favorite hobby. The OP and ED promised a good balance of modeling, character cameos, and original drama. Then the last two episodes dropped at once after a two-week gap. That was it. It introduced its antagonist as quickly as she was resolved. Most cameos were still images if they appeared. No one is the right age. The new toys are dispatched so quickly it fails as a toy commercial. This had to have gone through development troubles because of the botched 'metaverse' spawned by the Japanese grants they were handing out...right? I huffed the copium and just got a confusing meh. 5/10
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DOA Dead or Alive: Finally, a fighting game movie adaptation that understands the assignment! It's dumb! It's campy! It's exploitative and oggling but in a way that respects its subjects more than most 2000's movies in this genre. It almost loops around to being oddly empowering, an opinion seconded by my girlfriends hooting and hollering at the movie. While one performance was funny bad, any martial arts movie with a ladder fight is great in my book. 8/10
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The Last Witch Hunter: Rarely does a vanity projects with someones D&D characters end up this fun. It ranks highly for me in the subgenre of modern-day supernatural hunter movies in an urban setting. Rock solid movie. 7.5/10
Analog Horror Grab Bag: What if a VHS was spoooooooky. Look buddy, mashing MarbleHornets and Exploding Varmits together gets less novel the longer you watch 4/10
Haunting in Venice: I'm not familiar with the original story, but this was a fun and spooky watch. 7/10
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Godzilla vs Megalon (2023): I enjoyed the moments of Shin Godzilla cinematography, but mixed with showa-era goofy moves and shonen combat, this short didn't work for me. The chunky soup didn't benefit from an art style that created my least favorite Godzilla design. 5/10
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Pistol Whip: Maybe it was the triggers on my controllers but the timing just felt weirdly off. Trying to deliberately juke the timing killed the rhythm game magic and made me feel more like I was waiting for permission to get the bad guys. The John Wick fantasy this is clearly built for wasn't lost on me though, but without that immersion, I just felt bad. Totally subjectively a 3.5/10
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Ultraman Netflix Final Season: I don't really get the appeal of public opinion narratives the way anime seems to make them. Similarly, I don't like when noir stories depend on all of the protagonist's friends requiring zero evidence to turn on them at the drop of a hat. Especially when neither party really attempts to talk it out. Its bad writing and a dub with all of the industries bad habits held up by A really hot alien and a funny magical girl transformation that one time. 4/10
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Gundam Trilogy Rewatch: Watched this with two friends who were seeing them for the first time. God these things hold up, especially the 3rd one. Incredible stuff. I and II are a 7/10 for me for good content with weird pacing and III is a 9/10 for great writing and drama. Reanimated sections weren't anything to scoff at either
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Skyrim 2nd playthrough: I'll say a playthrough where I know what I'm doing and isn't as sidetracked was better at letting me enjoy the setpieces, I think that without the interstitial wanderlust from the feeling of adventuring a new land, something didn't hit the same. However bringing Sarana(SDA), Lydia(IFD) and a few other talking followers added a certain spice to it. An observation I missed the first time was how hard it pushes you interact with some of the factions in a way I think kinda cheapens their organic introductions.
Armored Trooper Votoms: I reductively pitched this show to someone as the midpoint between Gundam and 40K. There's a lot to love with this series: Gorgeous visuals, concise episodes, and the confidence to change its setting periodically to fun locales like Arakis or Vietnam. Chiricho is a unique protagonist who pulls off the Sigma Male archetype with depth and soul. I was pretty enamored with this from an aesthetic standpoint, but I'm not blind to its flaws. The society is a weak antagonist once they are revealed and the pacing drags as it repeats itself to buy time. While ATs are iconic, they aren't always used with the variety they deserve. While maybe only half the series lives up to this score: 8/10
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Knights of the Zodiac 2023: I think this might actually be worst live action anime adaptation to date. Never before have I seen any less interest in adapting the source material than this. I can usually find something to like in a bad movie, but for this I have nothing. Maybe I felt something when we all laughed at the Jump Force cutscenes they used as fight scenes. There's just nothing here. 0/10
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Oblivion Override Demo: Ever play Dead Cells? it sure is that with vector graphics. My weakness for this type of robot design puts in most of the work here. movement feels a bit off. 4/10
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Half Life 2: VR Mod
-As a way to replay half Life 2: Yep, this is still one of the most important games ever. However, I think that the vehicle sections go on a bit too long and subsequent entries did a lot to improve the visual sameness of a lot of the game 9/10
-As a VR game: Gun handling is excellent. Accessibility options like laser sights for all weapons were fantastic, and they let me help smooth out my own learning curve with the weapons. I will say that weapon selection and two handed aiming was a little cumbersome at times, but weapon reloading was the perfect amount of cumbersome to be satisfying. Even though the game itself didn't get rebalanced to accommodate for VR, it all meshed for a really fun and challenging experience. However vehicle controls were kinda weird and not that great standing. 8/10
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Votoms: The Last Red Shoulder: I've come to the conclusion that the real enemy of Votoms wasn't Wiseman, it was the 24 minute episode format. more breathing room meant better pacing and time to really drink in the kino.7.5/10
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Cade: The Tortured Crossing: In an incredible stroke of luck I was able to see a Niel Breen film in theaters and I will not lie: it was amazing. The audience was a riot and I nearly passed out from laughter a few times. The editing was surreal and I could see how this was probably stretched from an hour and a half to two hours in the edit. I will not regret giving it an -10/10
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Kengan Ashura S2 (???): The real villain is Netflix's release structure. This is one season of anime I saw at a convention like 4 years ago. Its pretty alright. It's competent 6/10
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The Mummy 2017: This movie has been a punching bag, both because of the presumptuous launch of the 'dark universe' and also that one trailer that was posted with unfinished sound. Unfortunately, the movie itself is pretty alright and I would like to see more. Plus one point for American Werewolf in London but I take that point away again for another mischaracterization of Dr.Jekyl. 6/10
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Votoms Big Battle: Neat stuff. real standout is the fun character design and animation. I also liked the touch of the filter over the villains voice. It kinda hints at how much of a machine he is at that point. 7.5/10
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Attack on Titan Final Season part 3: I don't think the ending was bad for the reasons a lot of people say, but I can tell it beefs it in the final chapter. Everything up to that is incredible, Especially the bit with the baseball. Sadly I think the sour note with Mikasa and the tree was an interesting choice that really didn't work out and spoiled it for me a bit. 7.5/10
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Attack on titan as a whole... It took a decade. The times weren't always great, but they sure were had. It is politically dense enough that everyone has a half-baked opinion. When it hits, it hits HARD. I think an 8/10. I don't think I was ever bored for a minute.
Godzilla Minus One: I often find myself drawn to the mood of the original Godzilla. Sometimes I wonder if the constraints of its time allows the mind to fill in the gaps. This movie provides us no quarter to do so. It replicates this horror without leaving any to chance. I think this because more than any other in this series, the stakes feel truely desperate and personal. This felt like watching one of those truelly classic films for the first time (oddly enough I was reminded of Jaws...) I'm not sure if it surpasses Shin or the 1954 original yet, but I give this movie a 10/10 with no hesitation.
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Knights of Sidonia (Manga): I'll be honest, the first few chapters did a lot to turn me away the first time I tried this, but this series is certainly not the collection of anime tropes I expected. The art is amazing once Tsutomu Nihei hits his stride. The intricate detailing and compositions have to be seen to be believed. I will applaud it for leaving a lot of room to breathe. Most wouldn't resist overexplaining the aliens. The interpersonal story is pretty gutsy, especially considering the resolution to the romantic angle and some surprisingly not weird treatment of characters with fluid genders. However, I think a lot of characters fell through the cracks in favor of the harem angle that was starting to develop (typified by the robot tsundere who felt really unnecessary). 7.5/10
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Furi Demake: I get that this is just a little fun proof of concept, ut the Game Bakers kinda under-prooved a few important parts. Namely, the music is generic and the hit hit detection for parrying was wonky. EX: a ground slam you are supposed to parry from right below confused the directional inputs since it can't figure out which way you are facing. 6/10 but I would play a full version of this concept.
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Jetborne Racing and Star Trek Bridge Crew: Early VR games with a predominant online component, slow gameplay and wonky controls? in 2023? Yeah Jetborne is unplayable since there's no one online and Bridge Crew is just unintuitive to play. Instead of space mysteries the gameplay consists of figuring out how to undo your space-parking brake 2/10
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skaruresonic · 8 months
girl help, the remake stans are huffing copium xP
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Is this the Silent Hill version of "Sega approved it, therefore it's good"?
It should be noted that Takayoshi Sato, the producer and director of SH2, is not involved in the development of the remake. The remake's director is instead Motoi Okamoto, who, AFAIK, has not worked on a Silent Hill game before this.
I'd think that's a bigger indication of the kind of creative talent being poured into the project - and not exactly a good sign, as it seems Sato was the one who really honed the team's vision into something coherent. When you're missing the mind that shaped 2 into what it became, you're much likelier to miss the spirit of the original.
Also, it's been 23 years since SH2's release. Ito's creative senses are likely not the same they used to be, especially considering he's gone on record to say he wished PH was dead.
It seems they're putting a lot on the poor man's shoulders.
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So many people are saying this and it's fucking hilarious because Bloober has been developing the game for at least two years. Running on CD Projekt Red time over here. Maybe in eight years we'll finally be able to play the remake's Early Access xP
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"I did a 10-star run last year" - good for you.
Not everybody who criticizes remakes is nostalgia-blind; that's just an easy copout, if not a thought-terminating cliche. Sometimes the real issue is that people disparage the originals in favor of the remake without properly crediting the original. That's not "holding the original on a pedestal," that's saying "don't discredit the original just because you prefer the remake."
That doesn't mean critics can't recognize the flaws in the original, but OP seemed to have legitimate criticisms here. They weren't just jumping on a "bandwagon" for the hell of it.
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So are you saying Bloober Team has to work around technical limitations? Interesting: I thought they were supposed to be the ones bringing Team Silent's vision to life with the use of modern tech.
Guess Sato was right: tech doesn't mean a damn if you don't know what you're doing.
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Watches a criticism video and complains about the presence of criticism. Infinite IQ.
Again, Bloober's been working on the remake for at least two years, maybe more. Yet everyone in this Chili's is clinging to "IT'S STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, SHUT UP" for dear life xP
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This is my absolute favorite comment because they come right out of the gate swinging. You WANT the game to fail, how dare you! (I'm not going to remove my comment though)
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Finally, some common sense in the chat
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meili-sheep · 2 years
So my thoughts on 3.5 spoilers included
Also, I'll talk about Dehya's quest and the event.
I'm surprised and not surprised that Kaeya was used more as a setup than a crucial plot point. He is a 4-star after all.
Which in my head. 4-stars are the less plot-important character who should be used for fun and to flesh out the world.
But at the same time, Kaeya and Diluc seem to have more end-game lore to them, and we did get quite a bit about Kaeya's family. So on to my thoughts
They didn't say this outright, but they pretty heavily implied that Kaeya is not a full-blooded Khaerian. Which makes a lot more sense. It would explain why he has seemingly escaped the curse. It could be that he covers up his eye because that eye doesn't have a star. And it would just draw more attention.
I would like to say I fucking called it.
Kaeya said he thinks his father left in Mondstadt to live a happy life. AND THAT'S WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm correct, but it makes sense with Kaeya being a half-blood. Especially if, at the time, Kaeya's father knew about Chlothar and had a kid with a wife who was a follower of the seven. I don't think they are the same person. I actually don't even think they are brothers. It could even be that Kaeya's father is another Illigimate son who is still full-blooded, but was brother into the house or was nobler. That could explain why he was focused on the preservation of the Alberich name. Because he was barely giving it being a son out of wedlock so he had to take a lot more pride in his name.
My second theory is that they are Chlothar's far far descendants. Children he had after breaking his curse. This sorta seems less likely too tbh. But he was buried next to a women so who knows.
I also want to point out that I don't think Khaenri'ah will end up being a place without sin. Now I'm still on the Celesta is probably bad train. but I don't particularly get the vibe that they were totally blameless.
Overall, this was a good amount of lore, they add. I have some more thoughts on the Sinner, but this is already getting too long, and I wanna talk about other things. I will say it was a pretty short feeling, and the break from Paimon and talking with her was good. I was a little disappointed by the lack of Dain. Like we only get that bitch once a patch, and I need some more investment in his character. Given how he said he was the last of his people, but we've now met 3 other of his people lolol.
So a quick note on my thought on her kit. While I think it's pretty shit, given that jumping stops her burst, she can't hit Azhdaha's tail... I have a theory.
Remember when everyone said Kuki and Thoma were totally dog shit, and then dendro came out, and now they are almost staples of dendro teams? Well, I've started to wonder if Dehya is built to introduce a new mechanic like they were. What it might be, I have no fucking clue. Does that justify it? Totally not. It's just a thought and probably a bit of the copium I've been huffing.
Now her story
It was good. I enjoyed it a lot. Probably one of the better-paced ones, and we do learn a lot about the character and do sort of see her grow a bit, which I love. Ranking it's probably one of the better ones. I'll kind of put it next to Cyno.
Also, I am in love with shy baby Dehya. She was so cute.
That kind of rolls me into the event! And honestly, I was dying. Mondstadt and the Sumeru gangs really do carry this game. There are just such better dynamics between everyone, and they all mesh super well together. I AM PRAYING TO GOD we see Diluc and Kaeya. Mostly because I want Kaeya to start to tip Collie off Diluc and helped her, only for Diluc to jab him in the ribs.
Besides, Diluc would be so gentle with Collie, to be honest.
Oh. and last little note. I feel with very patch and every mention of Diluc and Kaeya the pair are getting a little closer, and I love that. Because Kaeya might say he'd only tell Diluc if Kaeya's in a good mood, but we all know he's gonna tell him anyway.
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someoneoffthestreet · 9 months
ok I have to say it.
(ffvii spoilers/ffvii Rebirth speculation/spoilers ahead)
call me nutty or say I'm huffing copium because the closer we get to February, the more I suspect that the original fandom assumptions were true and that the game will be ending at the Northern Crater. yes, I know they said that the new locations would go "up to" the Forgotten City; yes, I know that The Thing That Happens There was also the end of the first disc in the original game, and having Rebirth end there as well would "recreate the feeling" of the first game (which the VII-R developers have said is their goal with this project)
This line from the theme song trailer has been niggling at me:
Cloud: "Sometimes, I don't even know who I am. I forget things everyone else remembers just fine, and know things I've got no right knowing."
This line is (apparently) spoken to Tifa, and there are two points where it could pop up. One of them is at Gongaga, post Temple of the Ancients, when Cloud expresses fear to Tifa and Barret about his state of mind after giving the Black Materia to Sephiroth and attacking Aerith. So that's a possibility! What bothers me about it, however, is that it's very similar to this line from OG:
Tifa: "...Something was wrong. I felt there was something strange about the things you talked about. All the things you didn't know that you should, and other things you shouldn't know that you did."
This is Tifa's internal monologue- after the Northern Crater. Could this line have been moved up to Gongaga, or anywhere else in the story for that matter? Sure! BUT THERE'S MORE:
Cloud: "It's true that sometimes I can't figure out who I am. There's a lot of things muddled up in my memories."
Cloud says this to Tifa AT THE NORTHERN CRATER. It sounds like Rebirth is combining these two lines at the very least, allowing Cloud an extended moment of introspection. But why these two lines? Why move them from their original context in this manner? Do the developers not care where exactly these things are said, just that Cloud says them at some point? Possible! Very possible!
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Now obviously this part of the trailer generated a lot of speculation, mostly about what Weapon that was, and the fact that we were getting footage of Weapons in general so early. However, for the purposes of this, I'm more interested in voice-over:
Tifa: "A Weapon?" Red XIII: "Tutelary creatures, said only to appear when the Planet is in grave danger."
Not very remarkable on its own, obviously. BUT!!! What interests me is that this is dialogue between Tifa and Red XIII. In a sea of green. About Weapons. Which are first shown at the Northern Crater. But that alone isn't enough, because OG has this possible moment:
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Oh, look at that. Red XIII and Tifa (well, "Tifa") floating about in a sea of green at the Northern Crater. How very interesting.
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...So yes, this is all conjecture, and my hands are full of straws. But as someone who just passed through the Northern Crater section in her current replay, the coincidences were eerie. Who knows what's happening in Rebirth! Maybe the Forgotten City section was moved! Maybe these moments in the trailers are red herrings meant to throw og players off! All I know is that the Northern Crater is too good of a cliffhanger, and the following section at Junon too good an opening for Part 3, for the developers to pass it up. But maybe they're stronger than me, and have a different vision for the story.
Who knows!
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cerastes · 3 years
I know its gonna be the hip thing to clown on malenia bc everyone is complaining about her boss fight as an outlet for it but im JUST saying she DID get cursed by an outer god and all and if you remember one of the early trailers of her fight with radahn, he smashes her prosthetic.
Given that 1. The arm socket is where Millicent inserts Miquellas Needle and 2. The broken needle is found in the heart of Aeonia. Its highly likely radahn smashed the needle in half with that strike, the sudden outer influence and her worn out state causing an inevitable dam burst (rewatching the scene, its a neat detail that she draws her own blood as a means of direct infection, given that the blade itself was immune to the scarlet rots decay).
I dont think it's really fair to call that "throwing a tantrum", and at the same time the worship of radahn reminds me that just bc he was benevolent to his own men doesnt mean that he couldnt be just as power hungry as any other shardbearer (sans morgott), as ranni already demonstrates the mutual exclusivity of affection, nobility, and morality
I'm at a bit of a loss regarding which angle I should be interpreting this from. It's an ask, as opposed to a post or a DM, so I'm assuming you want my take on it all? And at first glance I'd assume it'd be as response to me making funnies about Malenia yesterday, thus I should address it from that angle, but it could just also be your thoughts on the matter? I'll go with my gut and assume you want my take.
Ok, so,
"I know its gonna be the hip thing to clown on malenia bc everyone is complaining about her boss fight as an outlet for it"
As I believe you know by now, I like to clown on characters in general because it's fun, and it's definitely not me huffing on a copium life support tank since I beat her third try on my second run and I've expressed several times that I do love her fight, and the one thing I had a big issue with -- Waterfowl Dance -- I've come to not mind as much.
There's definitely people that are going to dunk on her as an outlet for frustration, though, I agree, but I don't think that's a bad thing, it's Video Games, that's just how it's been all the time. What does concern me about the way you are framing that, however, is that it is akin to saying that there's no other reasons why anyone would be dunking on her except because they are huffing copium, which is outright incorrect, even, I dare say, from a design perspective.
Elden Ring's lore is sports. You pick the faction/leader you think its coolest to you and that's your favorite. You like Malenia a lot. That's great! Other people think Radahn is the coolest. That's great! Like you can find a lot of reasons to dunk on any demigod, there's plenty of stuff that can be said to dunk on Malenia. I think I've also been very explicit in my thoughts on Malenia, but I'll put it in unalloyed words for the record: I think she's got an extremely cool design and her boss fight is immensely cool, but I find her characterization to be very boring, barebones, and lackluster, especially when compared to the two groups of characters one would normally compare her to, the Demigods (practically all of which have more characterization or at least quirks and details to them than Malenia does) and the Cool Fromsoft Late Game Female Bosses (of which Lady Maria and Sister Friede, imo, have a LOT more going to them than Malenia does).
I'll be fair and say that there IS a factor of Malenia's that I think is very cool and that isn't her boss fight or design: The fact that she and Miquella are foils to each other. While Malenia is a tall, nigh-peerless warrior, Miquella was cursed with the body of a child and is famously a renowned inventor, his Unalloyed Gold series of inventions being absolutely crazy good and advanced, ranging from extremely effective prosthetics to needles that can outright halt the advance of an outer god alien super anthrax (Scarlet Rot). While Malenia's domain is the Scarlet Rot, Miquella's domain is the lush evergreen. There's a couple more ways in which they are foils to each other and I think that's pretty cool, but at the same time, it's something that necessitates her to be associated to another character, her brother, in order to even be present as a factor, and unfortunately, it keeps reminding me of something I don't like about Malenia: "My brother my brother my brother my brother my brother I am my brother's blade where is my brother Miquella."
So, in short, yes, there's definitely copium to be found, but also, there's a lot of reasons as to why anyone would dunk on her regardless, and we shouldn't pretend or frame it otherwise. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but that's how it came across.
Its highly likely radahn smashed the needle in half with that strike, the sudden outer influence and her worn out state causing an inevitable dam burst
This is a good theory that I like, because it accounts for details and a solid possibility, but there's also, if mind serves, several instances and accounts that mention Malenia having deliberately gone hog wild with the Scarlet Rot as a desperation move because Radahn was giving her so much trouble. I think Millicent herself said something to that effect at one point, though I don't truly remember her dialogue to the detail. Yes, it could be that one is meant to look for details in the way your theory does... Or It Could Also Just Be Malenia Doing That. Both are perfectly fine guesses. "Throwing a tantrum", in my opinion, is still an apt interpretation, if one that can be contested with what you said, but apt nonetheless.
"I dont think it's really fair to call that "throwing a tantrum", and at the same time the worship of radahn reminds me that just bc he was benevolent to his own men doesnt mean that he couldnt be just as power hungry as any other shardbearer (sans morgott), as ranni already demonstrates the mutual exclusivity of affection, nobility, and morality"
Which leads me to this point. I am going to assume you do not mean me when you say this because the only thing I've said as praise towards Radahn is that he learned turbo gravity magic from a scary tall man in a diaper all so he could keep riding his shitty beloved horse, but it's in the ask and it allows me to go back to something I believe is very important to consider:
Elden Ring Lore Is Sports. Like sports fans, some people will dunk on the others that aren't their favorite. That's completely fine, literally all of these demigods are power hungry. My favorite Elden Ring meme is that one that's like "mfers will complain about Queen Marika and then put a new dictator on the throne" with Ranni on the background, which is like, completely a possibility, even though I'm Rannisquad. Literally none of these people are altruistic. That's fun, narratively. Radahn gets brownie points for being benevolent to his men and due to how he vowed to keep the rot at bay, fighting it for a VERY long time (which gives him, unsurprisingly , good PR in and out of universe), but he's still very much a power hungry participant of the war of succession. Morgott, my favorite alongside Ranni among the demigods, is someone I fully do not agree with ideologically speaking, because he may not be power hungry, but he's still protecting a status quo that very clearly is not in benefit of anyone except his Golden Order peers and believers. Rykard, my favorite after Ranni and Morgott among the Demigods, has the right idea, going against the Erdtree, but the way he's going at it is the most fucked up and even self-destructive way, presumably because he's gone full hedonist, and yet, he's the one that is outright the closest to the mark out all of Demigods, because producing a single, incredibly powerful champion IS the right idea, even though he's methods of producing this champion are beyond barbaric.
This is literally just pick your sports team because you like them more than the others. There's no real cut and dry morality here, because everyone's vile to some degree. Malenia clearly inspired immense loyalty among her warriors as a powerful and charismatic, but her flaw is being incredibly narrow sighted and, if you subscribe to the theory of her having deliberately unleashed the rot, which again, is a valid theory to have, unconcerned with the long term consequences of her actions in the moment. And if I don't like that, I don't like that, Cool Female Character or not.
I think Elden Ring and its factions are far better enjoyed when you look at it through the lens of It's Sports: The fans of the other teams have their reasons, you have your reasons, now let's make Funny Content or lore posts or anything, because every Demigod has good things and bad things that can be said about them, and ideologies you can agree and disagree with. I think the purest form of this is Ranni, in order to help you or anyone understand where I am coming from: Ranni 100% is not a good person, she's done fucked up things, confirmed or implied or otherwise, and she explicitly wants to have power over the Lands Between. She's also someone that can become your personal friend and lover, and very very much adores those she loves, like the Tarnished if they side with her, her brother Blaidd, her uncle Iji, and her often forgotten beloved teacher and mentor, the Ice Witch. She's not a good Demigod, but she's your Demigod. I think that's the way to go about Elden Ring, personally.
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