#i also need to get back to drawing more for realsies and for fun -_-
zillyeh · 1 year
if i said i were opening comms for realsies and actually would that mean anything 2 u
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saijspellhart · 3 years
Sorry for all the content you didn’t follow me for.
I’ve been depressed for a long while and really struggling. Friends and family passing away, my own suffering health issues, world problems, family problems, so many things. My writing had gone stagnant, as well as my art. Couldn’t bring myself to draw, or get out of bed. I wanted to create, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t make a damn thing.
It didn’t help that ML got too cringey for me to watch. The second hand embarrassment in the show got so severe that neither my husband nor I could watch it together. Which made me all the more sad because we used to love the show, and it was something we adored watching together. My husband used to put the episodes on as background noise. It really saddens me that there has been such a shift in the writing of the show that it focuses so much now on putting Marinette in these really painful to watch situations, and having her react just as painfully.
I’ve been trying so hard to trap ML in this bubble, where I ignore canon, and just focus on fanon. Focus on my own AUs, and do my own thing. But it wasn’t really working, and I think I needed a break. Right now, everything ML is on a hiatus.
My husband reintroduced me to Yugioh. I’d been really big into it 10 years ago. And I had forgotten how much I adored the characters and the manga, and season Zero. So when Zack got me back into it, it was like he’d bent me backward, kissed me fiercely, and breathed new life back into an old flame. And I’m living for it.
I haven’t felt this passionate and inspired and excited in a very long time. I’m drawing again, and writing, and I’m loving it. I’m interacting with people, in discord groups where people actually acknowledge my work, (I know! Le gasp! Even if it’s not YGO related the people in the YGO discord actually respond and acknowledge when I share something. It’s incredible!) and we’re joking, sharing ideas, playing off each other and making things! I don’t feel alone anymore. I don’t feel ostracized like I did in the ML fandom discords. I’m having FUN!
And I realize this isn’t the content 90% of you followed me for...
But let me have this for awhile. I’ll probably wander back into making some ML stuff once I’ve indulged YGO for awhile. I do have some ML arts I intend to finish, and I want to finish my Lukanette shifter fic, as well as wrap up things in my Chat Blanc series. And that Adrienette vampire AU is still crawling around in my head when I’m at work.
And I know some of you are going to say I’m not obligated to make Miraculous art, and to draw/write whatever makes me happy. I know that. But that doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty. And it doesn’t stop other people from being miffed at me for not making the content they want.
I guess I just wanted to apologize, but also I happy right now. I’m loving these YGO men, drawing them, writing about them. My husband is elated to see me happy and creative again. He’s so supportive and sweet about it. And he’s even watching the anime with me, as I try to stomach watching the YGO Duel Monsters anime for the first time in my life, and I just die a little inside at how dumb it is. But I want to see it because I love Yugi and Atem so much, and the Japanese version of the anime is like 120% more gay. (Also I want to see my favorite Yami, Yami Marik, for realsies, because I adore him so much and everything I know about him is just second hand from the fandom, but damn it if I don’t love that crazy Sonofab-atchofcookies to death.)
Anyway, I’ll prolly delete this post later.
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
I would like to know when you started drawing and where your passion for fanart started 😊
Oh FUCK dude i did not see this i’m so fucking sorry this is so late 😭 damn you, tumblr, for not fucking notifying me!! Anyway buckle up this is gonna be much longer than you asked for <3
Honestly ive kinda been drawing all my life! I hope that doesnt sound dumb cuz obviously almost everyone drew pictures when they were kids, but i know that it’s been a consistent hobby for me since i was little. By the time i was in 3rd grade I was hoarding notebooks to draw in. Cuz that’s something fun about me: i had a real huge habit of drawing in things that werent sketchbooks. Through middle school and beyond I did buy/receive sketchbooks, but I started out with various kinds of notebooks. One I had from like 2nd grade was like a hardcover, stationary-type notebook that I drew cats in lol, and I have 2 velvet lisa frank notebooks from 3rd grade. In high school and college I had a really bad habit of drawing in the margins on my notes and on handouts the teacher/professor would give. Those classes where the prof just prints out all the notes beforehand and gives them to you to follow along? Oh man, I spent so many classes barely listening while I drew on them! I also used to draw on my physics homework and tests and sometimes I even got extra credit for them (thank you jeff :D). I actually have a folder of various drawings I’ve kept from that 8yr time period and a lot of them are on classwork 😂
Obviously, I’ve been doing a lot of digital art lately, which I’m sure is what u were more curious about rather than the shit about drawing on my homework. I got a surface pro as a graduation gift in 2016 bc prior to that i had a wacom tablet and a janky ass laptop, so the gift was kinda a 2-in-1: i can do schoolwork AND art easily! i like digital art a lot and honestly im still learning new things abt it every time i draw. I use Leonardo currently (i’ll skip that story) but I started out doing digital art on sketchfu WITHOUT the wacom tablet in maaaaybe 2012??? 2011??? does anyone on this site remember sketchfu? Honestly couldnt even tell u how i found that site hahah the internet was just full of wonders back in the day. RIP sketchfu. Once i got the tablet tho some time later i used sketchfu still (i think) but also gimp and krita i believe.
Oh i suppose I should mention that i took art all four years of highschool and also minored in it in college! So it’s something i did academically as well as for fun. I keep thinking about going to art school for realsies but idk. I’m already $$$ in debt from my first degree i dont feel like adding to that 😅😓
Ok now for the second part of your question: I’ve also pretty much always done fan art! Ive never really been one for OC’s, EXCEPT for the self-insert superhero double life “comics” i wrote about a poodle named Sassy when i was in third grade. And then the knock off “comics” i wrote at a later time which honestly it was weird that i did a knock off of my own thing rather than just adding them to the original or making it a spin off with at least one of the og characters. Cuz it wasnt a spin off!! But anyway there wasnt really much to any of these characters; i just needed vessels to get my weird ideas out.
So anyway yeah most of what ive ever drawn has been fan art or self portraits, because its just easier for me to take characters that already exist and bend them to my will (artistically). Well excluding art assignments in school i guess because i would usually have to draw something specific and therefore not something self indulgent. But yeah ive drawn for lots of fandoms like the earliest i remember is warrior cats. Then theres things like pokemon and warriors and random other books i read thru middle school (i used to read a LOT but now im practically illiterate); spn, sherlock, and marvel through high school; and then marvel and bttf thru the end of hs and beyond. Idk i also have always loved looking at other peoples fan art and so im like “shit i wanna do that too!”. Tho i will say marvel was my biggest fandom and the one i had the longest interest in, so that was probably where the passion REALLY came from cuz I was drawing marvel stuff for such a long time (tho not posting shdjsk u have to trust me), but ive been doing fan art forever :)
(Of course, a lot of the fan art i was making prior to recently was drawn in lined notebooks or on homework sheets or what have you, and I wasn’t posting really any of it, but i was still making it and a good chunk of it still exists. Oh i should also mention most of it was with pencils or ballpoint pens like i wasnt doing anything too fancy. There was some digital art in the highschool-college time frame but it also really wasnt…much. Honestly i barely posted any of it here but I know some of it’s on deviantart)
I cant pinpoint the exact time I started getting more “serious” about my art in general, but i know the first pandemic lockdown gave me more free time and i was less stressed about schoolwork so i just kinda had a good outlet. (Tho i will say that prior, I had been in a life drawing club for a short while, and i had also been working on a personal sketchbook project that had me pretty ~inspired~ to do art. Also i watched twin peaks around this time and it inspired a lot of Feelings and i was making funky collages and other art pieced that were sometimes related to that. Some of those are on deviantart)
Honestly I think the Big thing with my digital art was coincidentally getting back into BTTF the summer of the 35th anniversary bc the fandom here was THRIVING and i was like “oh shit wait i want to contribute!” But as i kept drawing i kept wanting to improve and that leads us to right now where im constantly trying new things (whether subtle or obvious) and challenging myself to do full body drawings with different poses, and doing screencap redraws and what have you for various reasons (backgrounds, proportions, pose, etc)
So yeah :) Basically I’ve been doing fan art forever (I didnt even get into all the mediums ive tried but that’s another conversation bc this is already so long and convoluted) and it’s kinda coincidental that ive suddenly really gotten back into it and have improved dramatically in such a short time. Thank you so much @rovermcfly for the ask and again im really sorry you had to wait so long for a response! Stupid tumblr
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keen2meecha · 4 years
Novel Prep Tag: gifted
Thanks for tagging me, @aziz-writes! You’re a gem as always!
Note: I’m talkative, so most of my side comments are crossed out don’t mind me
First Look
1. Describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch)
After nearly failing the application test, a young girl rejected by a superpowered society for not having a superpower* of her own is accepted into Falks, a school that teaches kids how to be superheroes. But after an attack on the school nearly kills her and her classmates, she must learn to work with her new friends before one of her oldest friends is lost forever. 
(*’superpowers’ in this universe are called Gifts, and those who have them are called Gifted. The minority who don’t have Gifts are called Ungifted. The title is ironic and also a reference to a running joke Sofia has with herself)
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Novella, single book, book series, etc.)
It’s the first book in a series! Right now I have four books, but since I’m a chronic overwriter, that may or may not have to be extended to five books.
3. What’s your novel’s aesthetic?
Honestly? Aesthetics aren’t really my thing, so I’m not sure. Maybe soft warm colors, that surprised flutter in your chest when someone gives you a thoughtful present, the ache after yet another workout, that scratchy feeling in your throat when your right on the edge of crying but no one else can tell? This started out as a lighthearted superhero story I swear-
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
If you’re an anime fan, you’ll probably look at the general premise of this and some of the basic details of some of the characters and go “Wait a second, that’s a lot like My Hero Academia” and listen. I know. It’s not the same plot though, I promise! Really, at this point, I’d like to think that it’s undergone so many changes that the two are pretty decently removed, but *shrugs*. I’m not as pressed about it anymore. 
I was also loosely inspired by Harry Potter, simply because my book also takes place throughout a school year, so I’m using Harry Potter as a frame of reference for pacing (theoretically). That being said, trans rights and fuck JK Rowling am I right?
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for the novel
For the sake of saving space, I’ll not do that this go around. But imagine fireworks, a freshly brewed cup of tea, and an overwhelmingly expensive weight room and you’ve got a pretty good image of three important things in this book.
Main Characters
6. Who is your protagonist?
Sofia Smith! The Ungifted girl with a chip on her shoulder! Also an utter jock who usually wears athleisurewear and trust me, I’m as thrilled as you are about that. I don’t work out! I don’t even know what a healthy workout routine looks like! What have I done-
7. Who is their closest ally?
I’d say it’s a toss-up between Leona Kita, a girl she meets during the application tests who quickly becomes her new best friend and is not all that she seems, and Romilly Quirke, a teacher at Falks with whom she develops a close mentorship and is not all that she seems
8. Who is their enemy?
In the beginning, it’s Kyran ‘Kruze’ Cinege, Sofia’s childhood friend-turned-enemy. However, the turning point of the novel is when it’s revealed that while she and Kruze are always fighting (physically or not), there’s someone out there who’s actively trying to kill her and that person might be a more pressing threat than Kruze.
You may also see me occasionally mention The Prophet’s Daughter, who, like all of the important antagonists in this series, hilariously still doesn’t have an actual name. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.
9. What do they want more than anything?
To become the top Hero it’s not bnha you weeb
10. Why can’t they have it?
She’s Ungifted, so no one believes she can do it. Not only that, but also every single other person in her class at Falks is highly qualified - they’re the most promising kids in the country, after all - and also highly motivated to do the same, so she’s got... a lot of competition.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
That she can hold up the weight of the world on her own - worse, that she has to hold up the weight of the world on her own. Among other things
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
Not an artist, but I can freely say that Sofia’s face claim is Amandla Stenberg (especially Hunger Games era Amandla Stenberg because, you know, high school).
Plot Points
13. What is the internal conflict?
She’s desperately lonely, but to admit she needs other people is to admit weakness, and to admit weakness is to admit defeat - something she absolutely cannot do. I mean, not really and it’s okay to ask for help, but she doesn’t know that. We’re working on it.
14. What is the external conflict?
Sofia is fighting the entire world to become a Hero and also someone is trying to kill her and her classmates. 
Oh and each book revolves around her relationship (platonic or otherwise) with one of what I call the ‘core five’ changing and developing in a radically game-changing way. In this book, it’s her and Kruze struggling to come to terms with elements of their past and maybe overcome their conflict to become friends again...? Except their both stubborn assholes and have been fighting for so long they can’t remember how to exist in the same room without one of them blowing up eventually (literally, in Kruze’s case) (I’ll probably talk more about the core five in a different post tbh)
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?
Oof. Well. If someone died on her watch, that’d be pretty bad for her. Good thing that’ll never happen though! Haha...ha...hm.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
Of this story? Shit maybe they weren’t after me after all. The story as a whole? Wait, you’re my what?
17. Do you know how it ends?
I actually have the epilogue of the last book already planned out! I will cry when I actually write it. But the end of the main plotline? Eh... I know who all is involved, and what all of the characters have evolved into at that point. But how Sofia and co. actually defeat the BBEG? I am... less sure.
18. What is the theme?
In this book specifically: it’s okay to step back and ask for help when you’re struggling - just because you can’t do it on your own doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be where you are.
In the overall series: something something found family something the power of friendship.
19. What is a recurring symbol?
Oh damn, this is a really good question. In fact, since I’m still in first draft mode (although I did write maybe a good quarter or so of a zero draft) I don’t think any have really emerged that I’ve noticed yet? But I guess I’ll come back and update this if I think of anything.
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
It’s set in a very fancy, very modern private school that’s on the edge of a city somewhere near Washington D.C. I’m... not great at describing environments/settings, though, so that’s all you get haha
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
Oh yeah, plenty. I have this whole book outlined, actually, on a chapter-by-chapter level! I got excited and also bored during my three-hour-interim between classes, and there was a whiteboard just asking to be filled... I even have some disconnected scenes from future books floating around in my mind - some incredibly emotional and poignant, some glorified shitposts. Ah, writing. It’s such a magnificent hobby.
22. What excited you about this story?
The characters! No joke, there are sixteen kids in the Falks class including Sofia, and every single one of them has their own complex backstories, motivations, and character arcs - not to mention I’ve spent a significant portion of time outlining each of their Gifts and figuring out how exactly they work. I could ramble about any of them for hours.
And that’s not even mentioning Sofia’s family, the villains, the teachers... I just really love every single character in this book!
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!
Step one: watch or read something. Anything. A movie, another book, a commercial, a music video, a tiktok, I’m not kidding just about anything will do. Step two: think ‘oh, I could do that better’. Step three: jot down some early lines or general ideas. Step four: leave it to stew for a little while as you think ‘oh jeez maybe I can’t do it as well as I thought’. Step five: get suddenly inspired on it and feverishly carve out several rough chapters. Step six: let it stew some more. Step seven: get newly inspired, realize how much has changed in your mind about that earlier draft, call that the zero draft, and actually do an outline this time. Step eight: ...Write it for realsies this time!
Whew, that was a doozie! Super fun though! So, according to the rules, you’re supposed to tag the same number of people as questions you answered. So there are 23 questions, and it turns out I’ve got exactly 23 people who (I don’t think) aren’t opposed to tag games, so here, have something besides a last line tag for once! Enjoy!
REMEMBER! You are under no obligation to do this - especially since this one can seem overwhelming. I’ll be thrilled if you do it, but I won’t be disappointed or upset if you pass.
Anyways, tagging: @alcego-writes, @alanwrites, @ajbrooks-writes, @evergrcen, @jewellsfrommaruss, @brookswriting, @signedjordan, @writhoelogy, @the-violet-writer, @dustylovelyrun, @linarious, @cookiecutterwrites, @honeyprincerising, @acaptainandhisrunaway, @angelolytle, @dogwrites, @mxxnwishes, @magicalwriting, @bisexual-in-progress, @writerfae, @ocmaker, @fullydevoted, @hanboggsbooks
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nellynee · 4 years
FowlPlayAU (aka Miraculous Peacock Marinette AU)
Literally no one asked but I don’t care. An AU in which Marinette holds the Peacock Miraculous
This actually developed from a few different threads that I tugged on over the course of a few months.
I guess the starting point for this was probably the season 1 episode “Simon Says” with the very short but profound moment of understanding between Gabriel and Ladybug over the pedestal they both placed Adrien on and the subsequent really, really heavy handed comparisons everyone kept making towards everyone else about who resembled Emilie the most
Basically I thought this episode was the heaviest seed in the narrative of the parallels between Gabriel and Marinette, both fashion career focused workaholics who take way to much responsibility on their own shoulders and get obsessive to the point of destructiveness over their respective, similar love interests, and using those parallels as a point of interest in showing both Marinette's growth as she moves beyond that destructive mentality and towards regarding Adrien as a person and how Gabriel’s “love conquers all” mentality isn’t an inherently positive thing but no. *sigh* no, they needed more screen time for one time characters. It fleshes out the world,yes, but not the characters. LOTS of interesting long term threads were dropped in favor of broadening the cast to try and shoehorn that “kid superhero group” into the show that was originally tossed. Basically I’m saying that I do think Gabriel and Marinette have enough in common to surprise some people, including each other, and I’m a sucker for intergenerational friendships
The second main factor was the small subplot at the time of Gabriel suspecting Adrien of being Cat Noir. I got really interested after “Gorizilla” about what might actually happen if Gabriel did figure out that Adrien was Cat Noir at that point in the series (I have words about Cat Blanc, trust me. No those words aren’t “throw the whole mess out the window” because I actually love it. But many, many words) Going off the heavy handed implications that Emilie was the former Peacock, I thought it would be interesting, and in character, for Gabriel desperately analyze his son’s behavior as Cat Noir, trying to figure out WTF Adrien thinks he’s doing, only to realize that Cat Noir has some pretty obvious affections for Ladybug. This is unacceptable of course, but understandable in a “he’s a hormone ridden, teenage boy, and Gabriel was once too the same sort of boy in love with the same sort of heroin” sort of way. The obvious answer to getting rid of what is the only possible obstacle for his son’s cooperation (I was going off the pilot with the potential of Cat Noir as a Hawkmoth agent because of their familial connections) is to get rid of his affections, and since it has to be shallow, he’s too young and also Gabriel controls his whole life so it can’t be love, then all he has to do is shift his son’s affections. Cue an uncomfortable number of episodes in which Gabriel subtly inserts a B plot into his Akumatized villains by trying to push various girl together with his son in carefully controlled circumstances. Because this is before Kasumi, and again, those nice parallels between Marinette and Gabriel himself, he eventually after trial and error settles on Marinette as the perfect candidate. Thus, we get a series of hilarious situations in which Marinette and Adrien are pushed more and more into high pressure uncomfortable and intimate situations, losing time and ability to turn into their superhero personas as a natural deterrent to power creep and justifying the use of other Miraculous users a lot more. 
I saw someone comment in one of their author’s notes on a fic a long time ago that they hated the trope of Marinette being an emotional Atlas and my instantaneous internal response that that kinda WAS Marinette's character early series, especially the origin episode, and that a lot of the most prevalent fics were written in that time period, and that really intense response from me really stuck. 
Peacock aesthetic. yup, that alone gets an equal piece of the pie 
So yeah, if any of that interests you, keeping in mind that on top of potential sympathy and understanding of his actions, Gabriel is still absolutly a shitty person, then the actual (canon divergent) AU is under the cut.
The actual thing diverts during Stone Heart, in which the moment Marinette decided to become Ladybug for realsies rather than try to faust it off Alya doesn’t happen. Rather than deciding to put on the earings, Marinette distracts the monster enough they can get away. Alya finds the earings, and takes up the Mantle of Ladybug.
This decidedly marks a regression in Marinette. Where as Ladybug, and with Tiki’s constant assurances and influence, Marinette learns to work past her urges to take responsibility for everyone’s emotions, Marinette has now lost that constant companion, and has to deal to with her new best friend’s time being diverted
Cut forward to “Stormy Weather” and Marinette has fallen into a vicious cycle of guilt. The little creature had told her it was her destiny to be Ladybug. And while we know that the situation with Hawkmoth is not much different than it is in canon, Marinette is totally convinced that the only reason Hawkmoth is still around hurting people is because she rejected the call. That guilt has built into a feeling of impotent inadequacy that convinces her that she’s no longer deserving of the Ladybug roll, and so she’s both unable to do anything, and responsible for Hawkmoth still being around. 
The most prevalent of episode changes is Lady Wifi. It’s Marinette who’s akumatized, not Alya, and it’s a fairly traumatizing, but empowering experience for Marinette. 
The ultimate culmination of this is this universe’ “Volpina” episode, where, in the background of main battle events, Marinette gains an understanding of the suspicions that Gabriel might be Hawkmoth, and in the climax of the battle, believing Adrien in danger, she confronts him, confirming his alter ego. 
In a scene I have no time to actually extrapolate on, if your curious, just ask, Gabriel and Marinette come to a tentative understanding. He’ll give her the powers to protect his son, and she’ll actually have some sort of control in her life again. This akumatization takes the form of a faux Peacock Miraculous. 
This marks the first half of her partnership as an antihero with Hawkmoth. (and yes, I do have the mechanics of how he can akumatized more than one person at a time without Catalyst, which will be extrapolated upon request, but this is long enough already)
Again, I wanna draw attention to those Sweet, Sweet Marinette and Gabriel parallels. Gabriel, through half truths and carefully peppered moments of emotional manipulation and practiced vulnerability, attempts to B plot Marinette into stealing the Miraculouses. Believing herself to be at least somewhat in his thrall, Marinette allows herself to empathize with his plight, and they build a surprising, if strained, raport. 
After discovering that she is not, in fact, under Hawkmoth’s control Marinette rebels just long enough to have Hawkmoth take back his Akuma, and Marinette caves the next time Adrien is in Genuine Danger, stealing the real Peacock Miraculous and using it.
This marks the second half of their partnership, and Hawkmoth reveals that the miraculous is broken, and Marinette is now dying from it’s use, and that her only choice of survival is to help him make his wish. This evens out the power balance, at they both now have the same goals and powers independent of each other, but also ups ante. 
That’s the most tldr general of overview, with other more specific highlights like
Ladybug!Alya having to reach her own emotional maturity, her earlier stint as a hero leaving her with a much bigger ego in terms of how she perceives her impact of the morale of the city and where her priorities lie in trying to boost that morale vs her personal needs. Ladybug!Alya tries too hard to take notes from already established heroes and public images. She still runs the Ladyblog, Spiderman style.
After quickly realizing (after some confusion) that the Ladybug he fought Stoneheart with the last time is not the same as the one he fought the first time with, Adrien gets a big old case of the pining sighs
Early series Adrien and Alya are both not the type to value secret identities, and so yes, they do reveal said identities to each other fairly early.
They also can both keep a fucking secret, so it works. They are secret BFFs
After the first time Adrien is rescued by the mysterious Peacock Holder, he figures out that whoever she is, she’s the original Ladybug, and more and more ends up distracted and drawn away from fights by her, the perfect reason for Alya to have to bring in other miraculous users. (the interactions tend to take place on moonlit balconies. There’s heavy Pilot influences here)
Marinette does this thing where she spreads her fan when she’s startled and hides her face. Mostly because Cat Noir wont stay out of it. The miraculous’ memory means she tends to fan speak a lot. Symbolism
Speaking of symbolism, the character designs are rife with them. I know exactly what Peacock Marinette looks like and there’s a reason for everything.
The subplot where (inspired by the pilot) Cat Noir finds out that there used to be a curse on the ring that could only be lifted by a kiss from Ladybug (thanks to her creation/retcon powers). Cat Noir convinces (inaccurately) himself that his destruction powers can totally do something similar with Hawkmoth’s mind control now all he needs is to kiss the Peacock user and she’ll be free! She’s totes not a bad guy!
Yes, Marinette does get a different miraculous ala being an episode helper, and her emotions are complicated about it
And other fun tidbits. This got way to long but I’m more than willing to extrapolate on anything more specific that anyone is curious about
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Can you do a scenario of Kokichi's fem! S/O who planned out a day long celebration for kokichi? Lots of fluff please like 12am birthday greetings, lots of sweets, DICE and other V3 friends, and tooth-rotting couple moments because kokichi deserves THE BEST!!!
That he does! 
I hope this is fluffy enough! I’ve been drawing a slight block for fluff ^^;
~ Mod Ouma
Kokichi Ouma Birthday Celebration Scenarios!
The his birthday starts at 12 am, Kokichi wakes up to a call from you heartily singing him a happy birthday.
He’s already excited enough to sound fully awake from the other end. He can’t wait for what he had in store for him today!
But for now, he’s satisfied with turning over to face you, snuggling up against you.
“Y’know you spent the night here, right? You can’t really call me for realsies, silly S/O.” 
Kokichi knew you were gonna do this, so he persuaded you to spend the night at his place to cheekily mess with your little plan.
You also leave him short voicemails all day.
He listens to each and every one of them. 
He saves them all, especially the reminders of celebrating the day to the fullest, varying messages to take care of himself and ‘I Love You’s.
Kokichi liked drinking tea- he made sure it was mandatory in his organization to have tea time once every day.
With the help of a few DICE members, you bake a plethora of sweets and make tea for Kokichi. 
You made sure each and every one of them were unique, so he could enjoy the array of different tasty textures!
It was almost unnerving how a group of pranksters sat around a table drinking tea like civil, sophisticated individuals. 
One or two of the crepes and teacups maaaaay just be spiked with soy sauce or filled with toothpaste.
Little by little, the sweets are chosen, everyone’s avoiding what they thought was a dummy sweet.
Sometimes, you took the ones stuffed with wasabi- Kokichi covertly takes it from your plate and dumps it on his own.
He eats a wasabi macaroon, using the excuse that his mouth is burning from hellfire to get you to serve him tea.
You spoon-feed each other parfait!
Some of the DICE guys tied random mistletoes around you two, claiming to have forgotten what the exact occasion was.
Your boyfriend makes sure to pass by each and every one of them with you.
Kokichi opened every gift his DICE members gave him, knowing they were rigged. He gets assaulted by paper snakes, confetti, baby powder and more.
He hugs you after everyone, rubbing confetti and glitter onto your clothes.
Someone gave him a huge birthday themed t-shirt. He wears it with you when going to the second party you planned with your Ultimate classmates!
He was surprised that all of them actually came to the party.. Even Miu, Gonta and Kaito.
He snuggles up to you under the shirt as he interacts with them. Claiming to milk this scenario for all its worth as he secretly seeks comfort from speaking to them.
You made sure everyone showed up, even though they were slightly war of Kokichi. DICE also joins in!
As they give him more gifts, he wonders what the intent behind each and every one of them were. (Linking an imagine for this later)
As everyone around him has fun, he can’t help but let a soft expression of joy and gratitude shadow his face.
You hold hands with him under the ridiculously huge shirt.
Finally, you two were alone. 
“S/O… Thank you. You’re the best.” 
The day ends with you two cuddling.
You also have a brief cute war.
“I love you more.” poke, and then reply.
“No you.” another poke.
“S/O let me winnnn! you know I love you moreee! Do I need to prove it??”
He kisses you. It’s a kiss of gratitude and genuine adoration.
“.. Nishi! Actually, I’m lying. We probably love each other just as much, you’re just really corny that I had to follow suit~!”
Then, you finally give him your gift.
He was a hard person to shop for, but you managed to find him a gift you personally thought he might like. 
Buuuut in case he wasn’t satisfied with one, you decided to come up with a back-up gift. 
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gizkasparadise · 6 years
I´ll take the 500 word passage challenge - feel free to comment whatever you want! The selection comes from "And I´m Here, chapter 6": "And then he breaks. Power unleashes around him like a newly broken dam, the Force and his body becoming one in the same as Kylo clenches his fingers in the air" (...) Kylo runs forward through the water, and before Rey knows what is happening he has his arms around her, gripping her so tightly to him that her body rises from the muddy sand beneath their feet.
so i want to preface this one by saying that “fire, fire” was my favorite chapter of fanfic to write...uh, pretty much ever and i had just way too much fun doing all the Extra As Fuck action scenes-- of which this one is the most Extra. a little long so i’m gonna post commentary under The Cut!
And then he breaks. god me and my emphatic italics this is a writing tic that i am trying v hard to quit/phase out
Power unleashes around him like a newly broken dam for some reason i always use dam or river metaphors with force powers idk, the Force and his body becoming one in the same as Kylo clenches his fingers in the air. At the motion, the distant part of the Finalizer, Snoke’s wing, begins to shake. get fucked, snoke! It’s not enough. He needs it to be enough. 
Kylo throws up his opposite arm, mimicking the motion of the other. He makes as though grabbing, and then there’s the unmistakable scream of metal echoing throughout the beach of Lehon. yeah this pose was totes inspired by Toph metalbending in avatar the last airbender. GRAB THAT METAL
For a moment, everything goes still. And were he more aware of his present, Kylo would see the halting ground fight around him, how Resistance and First Order forces alike stare at him with unmitigated awe and fear. How the flying units begin to stall and make wider distances away from the star destroyer. everyone on that beach is pretty much stopping in unified “What. The. Fuck.” at this
But he isn’t. Instead, he keeps his eyes trained on the sky. He doesn’t let go of the grip he has on the metal, on the Force. He lets out a groan, tearing again, and this time everyone can see it:
Snoke’s wing is ripping apart from The Finalizer. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
Kylo hunches over, eyes trained dead at the sky as he focuses, as he brings the power of his legacy to fruition in that one moment. He draws back one of his arms, elbow to his ear as though about to let loose an arrow, and the ship breaks apart further--a clear, blue “v” of sky between it and the main body of the ship. so i wanted something that demonstrated that kylo is a power house in the force because he’s spent the majority of this series either restraining himself or not knowing he’s even force sensitive. since rey had most of the action/fighting scenes and finn got shatterpoint, i figured this was one way to show that he’s still a force (ba dum tish) to be reckoned with
Nothing’s been done like this. It shouldn’t be possible. nope. snoke is sitting in his robe just like 8|
But it is.  Because he wills it to be so. Because there is a light he can’t afford to let die out. pssst that light is rey but also himself
Kylo brings back his other arm, and he feels something warm trail down from his nose. The coppery taste of blood hits his lips, but he doesn’t care. you know powers are getting #SRS when there’s a bloody nose okay He is one with his power, and his power is the whole of the Force. nod to the concept of the Unifying Force, which was what i wanted to sort of build kylo toward using
He screams from the strain of it, but he waves both his arms down.
And sends Snoke’s personal wing crashing down to the planet’s surface. BOOM
They’re falling. Some invisible Force knocks Rey away from Snoke, sending her sprawling on the steps below him.
“What is it this time?!” She swears.
Snoke lets out a wheeze of a laugh, the sound bone-chilling.
“My apprentice,” he whispers, smiling with bloodied teeth. “Has finally grown into his own.” he’s so full of shit he did not believe this was possible for 2 minutes
Rey tries to stand, but is knocked back down. “Kylo?” She demands. because who else is going to actually break a star destroyer???
But Snoke gives her nothing. Instead his head falls back, the blowback of Rey breaking his Force Horror and Finn’s shot apparently enough to send him into shock. i wanted him to be kind of a Squishy Wizard in this fic, which i think is supported by canon. not physically strong but super good at the Mind Fuckery
“Rey, pretty sure this is the way toward the ground!” Finn says. hey rey pay attention!!!
She looks at him, tries to get her heart to slow down enough to think. “Then we’d better make a harness.”
“Got any ideas?”
She thinks about the barrier. Winces. “One.” she is so damn tired at this point and now she has to make a protective hamster ball around them with the Force
The room shakes again, and this time Rey feels the air rushing in as one of the walls suddenly isn’t there anymore. It’s as if someone grabbed hold of the metal, bunched it in his fist, and teared.
...Her eyes widen when she remembers where she’s seen that before. It was years ago, when she was trapped in an X-wing and her evacuation had malfunctioned. It was when Kylo had torn her from her ship and saved her life. i thought this callback was really important as we moved toward the end of the series. it’s kind of the catalyst that started the whole thing off / it was also when kylo For Realsies realized he loved her and wouldn’t accept her dying in the war
“Force,” she swears in disbelief, but she is brought back from her revelation by Finn slinging one of her arms over his shoulders.
“Force later, survival now -” he demands, before they’re both tossed to the other side of the room. he is the best friend in the whole world and is just like 100% done with all their bullshit by this point. LET’S LIVE TO REMINISCE, REY
Rey grabs his hand, and summons what is left of her near non-existent energy into a final barrier.
Kylo drops to his knees as he fights to keep hold of the wing. He aims for the shallow depths of the shoreline, for a softer landing. He tastes more blood in his mouth, but he ignores it.
He holds onto the falling wing with everything he has, expanding with the Force to give it a barrier while he also slows its descent. In the back part of his mind, he feels a presence. An anchor that allows him to keep summoning more and more power. force bond but also ghost!anakin!
Kylo’s nose is bleeding, his eyes are bloodshot, and his ears are ringing when the hunk of star destroyer hits the ocean just outside the beach.
His body is moving before his mind tells it to, wading through the clear, syrupy blue water that is about waist high. It’s not deep enough to drown in, but he thinks about the vision in Dagobah’s cave and he has never felt more fear in his life when a single word rips from his throat. this is a callback to a chapter in Stars Don’t Come Down where he had the Cave Vision of Rey drowning / him finding her face down in the water. This is something that Could Have Happened if kylo didn’t get his shit together (which he fortunately did)
There’s a moment of silence, of too long stillness that makes him think what if-
But then he sees Finn, jumping out from wreckage and into the water. And after him, he sees another figure, jumping out of the caved out-wall.
Kylo runs forward through the water, and before Rey knows what is happening he has his arms around her, gripping her so tightly to him that her body rises from the muddy sand beneath their feet. HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god im a sucker for desperate hugs i think that shows up in almost all my ship!fic
thank you for requesting :D :D
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1wellorganizedmind · 7 years
Jake Peralta: Stepdad!AU
So this was going to be an actual fic, but, alas, any sort of narrative wouldn't come, so instead allow me to offer a series of (not at all canon-timeline compliant) headcanons about Amy Santiago's tiny daughter taking Jake in as part of the family:
When Amy starts at the Nine-Nine, she is Very Adamant that Jake will never meet Maya, largely because a) He's the worst, and b) Maya doesn't need to see her mother curse out a fellow employee, but mostly c) He's The Worst.
Except she only lasts twelve days, at which point Captain McGinley calls her in on her day off because he's finally realized that his new detective has started and he wants to meet her, even though they have met four (4) times and he's assigned two cases to her and Jake
It's supposed to be a short meeting and she promises a very teary-eyed Maya that she'll be real quick, but she needs to go in without Maya because McGinley looks like he might yell for some reason, Amy can just tell, and Sarge isn't here and Amy barely knows anyone else and Jake offers, basically
Maya is just v. v. teary when Amy blows her a quick kiss before entering McGinley's office
The meeting lasts exactly forty-seven minutes
Amy expects A Disaster when she gets out, or at the very least a very stressed-out Jake trying to pass her daughter off on someone else
But instead Maya is sitting in Jake's lap with two of his superhero figurines gripped between her sweaty little hands, patiently telling a story while Jake writes on a piece of paper next to her
"And then there's a dragon," Maya says breathlessly, and Jake nods along patiently
"Fire-breathing or bearded?" he offers, and Maya really considers it for a moment before deciding on bearded. "Got it, I've jotted that down."
"I thought no one was allowed to touch your dolls?" Amy asks when she gets to them, and she's a little stressed out about this whole situation because Jake is suddenly, like, a kind person? Who's been watching her daughter for forty-seven minutes and counting?
"Uh, obviously this is Red Metal Man and Mr. Star, okay."
It's not. It's Iron Man and Captain America, and Amy can tell because she's not totally out of the loop of the cultural zeitgeit, okay, and she sometimes pays attention to movie posters and has very definitely seen at least two of the superhero movies
"Plus I believe I said no Santiagos, and that was back before I knew there was a cool Santiago in the clan."
Maya, meanwhile, has grabbed a pen off of Jake's desk and is now leaning precariously over said desk and drawing on some of the large blank spaces Jake had left on the paper
And Amy realizes that Jake was writing down Maya's story but made sure there was room so she could draw
Jake grins at her sheepishly, braces Maya with one hand on her back to make sure she doesn't slip, and says, "It's her vision, and she's, like, a really good storyteller."
Amy swoons, but in a low-key, subtle way. Probably.
Anyway, but Jake is also The Worst, so it doesn't matter
After The Incident In Which Amy Santiago Most Definitely Did Not Swoon, they definitely become partners for realsies
Jake doesn't see Maya again until a few months later, when Amy's in a pinch and needs someone to watch her for, like, a half-hour while she runs over to her doctor, but it really gets the ball rolling and all of a sudden Maya only wants Jake to babysit her
And Jake is, like, hella into it. He's still mostly dating around and trying to run off on his own and be a badass, but he's really into this tiny four-year-old with a heavy lisp and too-big glasses who tries to tell him stories about dragons and butterflies and Mr. Star, who all of a sudden plays the lead in every one of her adventures
Also it's a great distraction from buying turntables and he has an excuse to go see kid's movies, on Amy's dime no less
So for years, whenever Amy has a date, she lets Jake know an appropriate number of days (fourteen) in advance, and Jake says yes 100% of the time, and never tells anyone that he very carefully rearranges any conflicts in his schedule so he can hang out with Tiny Santiago
Tiny Santiago likes this nickname approximately 37% of the time, but she really likes it when Jake starts calling her Killer Santiago after one incident in which she's running too fast and knocks him over onto his butt and he almost dies he's laughing so hard
Amy doesn't care for it
And literally every time Amy comes home pre-bedtime, Maya is sitting on the couch with Jake laughing so hard that her face is bright red and flushed, and her shy little stressed-out kiddo just has the best time that Amy doesn't have the heart to try to give Jake a break the next time she has a date
And then post-bedtime, Jake is always sitting on the couch alone, looking exhausted and happy and he always grins sleepily and drags his butt off the couch and makes a million sex tape jokes about her date and refuses to let Amy pay him
And at the precinct, as the years go by, Jake and Amy get more and more comfortable with each other, and Amy tells him about Maya's dad, who's never been in the picture, and she tells him about her plans to be the youngest Captain, "but it's hard, you know, 'cause I can't put in the overtime the rest of you guys can, and I can only keep working on cases after Maya goes to bed, and maybe not everything will work out 100% according to plan and that's fine because it's so worth it, but--"
Jake shuts her up and very specifically tells her that she's the second-best detective in the precinct, "and you'll obviously be Captain before I will, because I'm going to go out as a detective, chained to my desk, and also, like, Captains have so much paperwork."
Anyway so when Jake goes undercover, he can't stop to say goodbye to anyone, and he's had this crazy crush on Amy that's just started to become a thing, and he specifically asks her to tell Maya that he loves her and he's hella excited to show her Die Hard when he gets back and oh, also, he thinks Teddy is great but he likes Amy too, romantic-stylez, okaythanksbye
Amy manages a "You will not show my daughter Die Hard, Jake, she's SEVEN," but it's faint and she's pretty sure Jake didn't hear and there's that swooning thing again
Except he comes back, and it's not like Amy could exactly explain "oh, Jake just went undercover with the mob, I wouldn't worry about it" to her seven-year-old, so she just keeps saying that he's on a work thing and can't call or swing by
Terrible Mistake
When Jake comes back Maya is, like, level three-thousand excited to see him, and screams out loud in the apartment, which, okay, Maya Santiago would never, but here she is, screaming
But she's shy again when she calms down, and she mumbles a lot and basically doesn't laugh at all, even when Jake teases her by calling her Tiny Santiago again
"Killer Santiago?" he tries, and one corner of Maya's mouth twitches up against her will
So after Much Freaking Out by Jake ("She thinks I abandoned her, Amy! I abandoned her to the wolves!" "In this context, am I 'the wolves?'" "Yes, obviously!") he finally settles down and sits Maya down for a Very Serious Talk
The Serious Talk portion of it lasts approximately three minutes, but Jake very clearly states that he was, like Mulan, on an undercover mission and he couldn't call or swing by without revealing that he was Not Who He Said He was, and also that he quite likes her new glasses and would like for her to keep reading him Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and he remembers that they were on chapter twelve, right, and could she please help him finish?
He is Forgiven, grudgingly, but is v. careful to show up 100% of the time thereafter, including every french horn recital and spelling bee
which are, incidentally, unequivocably the worst, but Maya Santiago is so earnest and excited that it's hard not to be excited too, and proud!Amy is too much for Jake's weak little heart to bear
Because of the whole romantic-stylez thing, Amy tries very hard not to ask Jake to babysit when she's got a date with Teddy, for reasons of trying to be a humane person, but Jake starts begging her to let him babysit on any given night, for reasons of Trying to Make It Up to Maya, and eventually Amy gives in and things go back to normal
Until The Undercover Lovers Operation (title (c) Charles), after which things get both Complicated and also Fun
For their first date, obviously Jake can't babysit Maya so Amy ropes Rosa into doing it (rip both Rosa and Maya), and at least Maya gets to watch Frozen, even though they sit in complete silence for the duration of the movie
Most subsequent dates Maya comes with
After The Marriage (here we are, finally, at the stepdad part of this stepdad!AU), Jake finally moves in with them, and Maya is almost ten years old and going into the fifth grade and Obsessed with dragons
Jake and Amy specifically tag-team helping her with the following projects:
A presentation on the constellation Draco, which was chosen for Harry Potter reasons but also for dragon reasons;
A to-scale model of the coolest volcano Jake knows by name, which is Vesuvius, and which is also probably not to scale;
A book report on Anne of Green Gables;
A movie review of the action-thriller Catch That Kid;
A creative story about Captain America, yes I know it's not Mr. Star, Jake, I'm now almost a preteen, okay?
And multiplication tables, which Maya excels at and Jake largely nods along
Obviously Amy fact-checks the projects before submission, she knows what's up
They build blanket forts once a month, spanning the entire apartment, and camp out inside of it if it's just the three of them, but Jake and Amy also round Maya up to make one on the days she has friends coming over for a sleepover, and Maya Santiago's sleepovers are forever the best sleepovers to be at
Even though Maya's stepdad tries to tell embarrassing jokes every time
At least Amy laughs
A year or so into their marriage, Jake starts learning Spanish in earnest, because Amy's taught Maya her whole life and she's getting nervous that Maya will forget it as she gets older if she doesn't practice
He is Terrible, but he gets individual words at a time and commits to them so whole-heartedly that he eventually manages most of a conversation, so long as he only uses nouns and simple verbs and never, ever pronouns
Amy is not too proud to say she doesn't swoon over that a little, too
But also refuses to try to hold a conversation with him in Spanish, because every part of it, from pronunciation to execution to grammar, is terrible and it physically hurts her being
Jake is suddenly privvy to all sorts of stuff he wasn't before, like the Morning Ritual, wherein Amy packs Maya's lunch, kisses the top of her head, and asks Maya what she's going to do at school
"Be respectful!"
Sometimes this conversation is preceded with a thorough quizzing on Maya's multiplication tables, while Jake still nods along
A year or so after Amy makes Captain she has to miss one recital and is Devastated and implements Code Three, which means that Jake has to pull out her Code Binder so he can figure out that Code Three means "Emergency Shit-Hit-the-Fan Level of Planning: Come On, You Can Do This, Amy," and basically Amy's been preparing for this her whole life, but she just can't make it work
Jake, who, again, has willingly endured these recitals for years now with all of the required embarrassing enthusiasm, pleads with the school until they lend him a video camera from the A/V Club and he gets the whole thing on tape
Amy Santiago loves her phone, but she loves long-lasting, backed-up, physical copies of videos, okay?
Plus this means that Jake can set up a sheet in the living room with a projector he borrowed from the precinct so Amy can see the whole thing like she's there
And Maya cringes in embarrassment the whole time, partially because listening to yourself play is the worst
But mostly because of the loud whooping that drowns out the clapping when she's done
Jake's not the least bit embarrassed
And he washes the sheet the minute they're done
And either because of the washing-the-sheet thing or the video thing (there's no way for him to know), he gets to enthuasiasically make out with his wife on the couch when Maya disappears into her bedroom and it is The Best
Anyway mostly just Maya Santiago is a happy, independent, smart kid, and it's all Amy's doing and Jake gets to witness the whole thing
And then he gets to become a part of it
And he gets make both Santiagos laugh until they cry and make them pancakes on Saturday morning and calm them down when they get anxious and force them to watch Die Hard with him the exact day Maya turns eighteen, he's been so patient, okay
And Maya goes on to write about dragons forever, although she doesn't get to draw a picture on every page anymore
And Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago 100% cry when her first book gets published and Amy proofread the book between captain duties even before it went to the editor and was Very Pleased that there were no typos, and Jake read it with tears in his eyes and his entire review was "Noice. Smort." before he wrapped Maya in a hug
Maya is hella embarrassed by her nerdy parents, basically
In summary, I have a lot of feelings about the Jake we meet in S1 learning to be an Adult and finding a family by hanging with a miniature, dragon-loving Santiago kiddo.
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papermonkeyism · 7 years
Paper’s Map of (current) Headworlds
Oh gosh I have so many... In order of priority:
High priority worlds:
Number one top dog actually in the process of being made for realsies, maybe about 1/3 on its way to being honest to goodness finished.  #wurr
The Herd
Dinahsawwrrssss! More art book-y stuff, less plot heavy. Originally planned as a series of calendars, but we’ll see how it goes. Following the life of the feathered shepherds (< still want to use that title somewhere in this project).  #The Herd
Simon’s zoo
Also art book, possibly in the form of year in the life of the zoo from the point of view of a human (Pony’s girlfriend most likely).  #Simon’s zoo
Lower priority worlds (that I still want to do someday, but less immediate):
That One Fantasy Setting I Still Don’t Have A Name For Pros: - I love these characters to bits, and would absolutely love to write stories of them Cons: - Kind of... light on the plot side ATM. #I STILL don’t have proper tag for this setting
Troll thing Pros: - TROLLS! I friggin’ love trolls - Art book-y thing again, so relatively easygoing project - Trolls - Vikingey setting: love the visuals, love the feeling, love everything - Trolls - Probably the easiest marketable thing I have - Have I mentioned how I love drawing trolls? Cons: - I stole Hulga and Tekla of the Murderburd setting from THIS setting, because I thought I could never get this setting done. I have since worked out the problems that prevented me from making this setting. So I’d need Hulga and Tekla back, except that their life would be different and Murderburd and Winny are banned from this setting. Bummer. - Seriously the Murderburd thing is the only thing keeping this one from being lifted to the high priority headworld classification. Maybe after I get the dinosaur thing bumped off to “done”?
Triaformica setting Pros: - TRIAFORMICA! Gosh I still love those things - Also excuse to have scifi elements (read: let’s have MORE fun playing with biology and anatomy!) Cons: - Plot, what plot? #triaformica
“Bloodbride” Pros: - Fantasy setting with flying dragon ships and sky pirates and magic and winged humanoids and stuff - Actually has some plot stuffs to back it up Cons: - This is my oldest still surviving headworld. It’s old. I made it up when I was still a teenager. Ohgosh I can still feel my teenager brain just oozing all over it...
A Fantasy Story Based On Vaguely Ancient Egypt-y Setting Pros: - Like the characters - Like the setting - Actually has story too! Cons: - Has no visual style. At all. What are the protagonists? Are they human? Elves? Some weird anthropomorphic animal thingies? Nobody knows.
Extraneous things (nice waste of time that’s just fun to draw but can’t ever be used to real storystuffs/making a living because not my intellectual property):
Murderburd setting Draco stryx ARPG. This would be the most fun thing ever, if it didn’t conflict with the troll setting. It did teach me how to watercolors, though, and I’ll forever be grateful for that.  #murderburding
The Fluffmuppet saga Kukuri ARPG. These things are just RIDICULOUSLY APPEALING for me to draw. Seriously, did somebody dig around in my brain to find all the most fun visuals to make me tick or something? #the fluffmuppet saga
Three different things with Pokémon in them - The “nuzlocke” (please stop asking about it, I don’t know if I continue it or not, but smothering my interest with constant passive aggressive demands isn’t making me want to) - The Bugcatcher Jim thing. I want to restart it and make it better.  #adventures of bugcatcher Jim - ????? (the likelyhood of me ever getting to make this are currently so low that I rather not advertise it)
Also other world scraps here and there, though nothing major. There was a dragon setting, but I don’t see that becoming too high priority anytime soon.
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aurulenthuntsman · 7 years
AURYHN: *what's more romantic than spontaneity, auryhn asks himself... nothing! nothing at all! that's the logic behind auryhn's sudden appearance at kavi's apartment, holding a bouqet of blue roses in his hand and a very important message in his mind. he messes with his hair a little bit before drawing in a deep breath, straightening up his posture and knocking confidently on the door before him.* ~}==>
KAVI: *He's been relaxing a little bit, there's no shoot today and he's just been.... building things. He's not much of a gardener but that seems to be a thing in this building he can at least try it. So first of all he needs a planter. But oh... a visitor. Alright. Takes off his silk wrap, leaves the robe open. Bunny slippers. Always good. Opens up the door* .... oh *blue roses, blue troll, standing tol*
KAVI: *leans against his doorframe* howdy there
KAVI: *is the robe showing enough leg, but he doesn't pose... that much*
AURYHN: Good evening, Kavi! ~}==>
AURYHN: *beaming from ear to ear just looking at him... what a nerd* I do hope I'm not interuppting anything ~}==>
KAVI: *He is a nerd Kavi is too though, grinning at him and slips back into the apartment* nah you're good man, come on in
KAVI: i was just messin with some stuff
KAVI: make yourself cozy
AURYHN: Don't mind if I do! But first... ~}==>
AURYHN: *offers him the bouqet. pretty flowers for a pretty boy... he winks.* ~}==>
KAVI: *gaassssp* for moi???? *he takes them and also the wink... hello* what's the occasion?
KAVI: walked by the shop and they reminded you of my eyes *bats lashes*
AURYHN: Actually, that is partially accurate! Blue roses always remind me of you ~}==>
AURYHN: *saunters on inside now* As for my motivation... Do I really need a reason to shower you in gifts? ~}==>
AURYHN: *he says this but also... haha, he's slightly flushed now.* ~}==>
KAVI: *he's not the only one, Kavi listens to that and laughs a little before guiding him to the sofa then going to get a good vase for these flowers* lol i mean... i guess not
KAVI: wasn't expecting company either but i guess that's part of the gift too
KAVI: yknow
KAVI: presence
KAVI: for presents
KAVI: a little p4p
KAVI: i'm into it and it's appreciated
KAVI: yours especially
KAVI: it's a good p4p
AURYHN: *sits his booty onto the couch, folding his hands into his lap* Oh, I'm glad you think so ~}==>
AURYHN: ... *watches kavi bustles around for a vase and then CLEARS THROAT* ~}==>
AURYHN: Actually, there is more that I would like to... present to you... ~}==>
KAVI: oh snap... gifts on gifts on gifts *gives these roses fresh water in the nice vase he got for a housewarming and thought he'd never use well dang here it goes. Then comes to sit with Auryhn*
KAVI: *plops.. peeps his body language..* what's up?
AURYHN: *oh geez, he's here next to him now, which makes spitting it out considerably more difficult.* Ahem... Well, I wanted to tell you... Something ~}==>
AURYHN: *turns towards him, rigid but looking determined* Something I've wanted to tell you for quite some time... But I never found the right opportunity ~}==>
AURYHN: So I decided that I should make that opportunity! ~}==>
AURYHN: *takes kavi's hands, intense stare unfaltering* I... ~}==>
AURYHN: Feel quite STRONGLY about you ~}==>
AURYHN: ... ~}==>
KAVI: *oop there go his hands and suddenly it's all real. Well it was real from the get go but this is happening, the that kind of realness. but it's good, and scary. But good and pretty goddamn scary. Takes a few seconds processing all this, his mind probably going a million miles an hour before he just gets all red in the face* uh.....
KAVI: same?
KAVI: i mean
KAVI: same
KAVI: like
KAVI: .... with what you're saying
KAVI: so i mean
KAVI: that's a yay moment
KAVI: it's a good yay
KAVI: i'm, uh, shit
KAVI: well no not that but i mean like i know and it's the same and i think i wanna
KAVI: not .... jump in, ass first, like i do so i can't... fuck it up ass first??? *mmmmmmmself*
KAVI: ok wait, take 2, simplified version...... striking all that
KAVI: ............ actually "same" sums it up
AURYHN: *well, there he GOES. but auryhn doesn't mind, completely endeared to these Kavi Brand Rants and he listens with shiny eyes. a grin widens across his face as he, too, processes what he's being told, and gives kavi's hands a squeeze.* HA HA, that's a relief! ~}==>
AURYHN: Ah, but I understand... I would prefer not to rush, as well ~}==>
AURYHN: As eager as I am to pursue a rel8tionship, I would also like to be given the opportunity to COURT you PROPERLY ~}==>
KAVI: *Thank god Auryhn is used to this.... which he's not really that mortified to say. It's nice honestly* lol oh shit.... you mean we're gonna have some pre-game match-ups?
KAVI: going a few rounds before the superbowl?
KAVI: sports
AURYHN: That's one way to put it! But if that's the case, please forgive me if I get a little too competitive with myself and try to make each "match-up" more impressive than the last ~}==>
AURYHN: *snickers so gleefully. the relief and joy is giving him butterflies...* ~}==>
KAVI: *he's totally serious..... of course's he's serious it's Auryhn but he's also never been just courted through the whole nines, it's keeping the color in his face as he laughs* hahaha... man well shit i might have to do my fair share of courting....
KAVI: it'll be like tennis but, somehow, more intimate
KAVI: i can think of a few things you might wanna do.... *shrugs one shoulder while grinning* idk
KAVI: it'll be nice.. it'll be fun *squeezes his hands back now trying to hold them*
AURYHN: *shifts his hands to meet kavi's movements, lacing their fingers together.* It will be fun ~}==>
AURYHN: I always have fun when I'm with you ~}==>
KAVI: hahaha....... *watches their fingers lace and grins a bit sheepishly* same .... back to the whole p4p
KAVI: as if you didn't already know your presence was a present :P
AURYHN: *lifts head proudly. this is where he would sparkle, if he could do that on common.* I can't help being so confident! ~}==>
AURYHN: I have a lot of good things going for me, after all ~}==>
AURYHN: Most recently, a very handsome date mate! ~}==>
AURYHN: *he just can't STOP* ~}==>
KAVI: *Dangit Auryhn.... he snickers and lowers their hands scooting a bit closer* oh you don't say? and i mean don't say it
KAVI: i'll get jealous :P
KAVI: there's only enough room for one two apples in those eyes mister and i'm sittin on em
AURYHN: OH PLEASE! As if anyone could compare to you to begin with... Which I know you're WELL aware of ~}==>
AURYHN: *laughs, carefully scooting at him too... hello there* ~}==>
KAVI: oh, i am aware of it, still i have to play the role right?
KAVI: bein all aghast
KAVI: how dare
KAVI: who's the slut?
KAVI: surprise it was me
KAVI: the whole time
KAVI: plot twist of the century
KAVI: sintury
KAVI: like s i n
AURYHN: *snorts...* How dare you? I won't have you speak ill of yourself like that! I must DEFEND YOUR HONOR AT ALL COSTS ~}==>
KAVI: lmao are you gonna fight me? *leans on*
KAVI: are you gonna 1v1 me in the pit for talking shit about your number one
KAVI: (who is also me)
AURYHN: Don't think I won't! If only because I'm sure you would enjoy a lively tussle with me ~}==>
KAVI: .... i mean...... *squeezes his hand, grins* i would though
KAVI: i'm in a robe but i can still throw down
KAVI: arguably i can throw down better in a robe
AURYHN: Then I suppose it becomes a matter of whether you would rather have a relaxing evening in for our first date, or a wrestling match ~}==>
KAVI: lmao i mean why not both?
KAVI: maybe something pretty chill 
KAVI: but with us i don't think chill and calm and quiet is gonna be a problem =HA, could you imagine=
AURYHN: I couldn't imagine it happening any other way! ~}==> 
AURYHN: Quiet roughhousing it is ~}==> -their hands are already entwined, so it's like they're already grappling? he leans toward kavi, pressing their foreheads together like he's butting heads, all with a big grin on his face.-
KAVI: =Oh man, it's basically the most intense grappling ever. He likes Auryhn's war grimace, very cute intimidating. He snickers as their foreheads bump together, nerves no doubt= 
KAVI: (can't let the neighbors on....) =Soft mumble then leans forward because you know.... fuck it? He's kind of excited and minorly nervous for realsies but Auryhn is getting a kiss that's been on hold for years=
AURYHN: -he had been trying to restrain himself from making the very same move, so it's a relief on many levels when kavi closes the distance between them. he practically melts into it while his heart races. finally, this is happening, and it's even sweeter than all the times he's imagined it over the years.- 
AURYHN: -he's got a lot of passion bubbling up in his chest and stomach, bringing heat to his head that makes it difficult for him to think of anything else but the way kavi feels beside him. his fingers unlace only so he can cup the other's cheeks in his palms instead, pressing their lips together with more fervor.-
KAVI: =Hello there passion and affection. Things he's more or less made himself focus off of but even with these too familiar feelings and motions it feels almost new. Being with someone again. His face is warm, cheeks still carrying the heat of a flush he had previously. It's a good feeling to be touched by someone, even better it being someone he's wanted to touch for years= 
KAVI: =His own hands find support on Auryhn's thigh as he leans in and happily deepens the kiss with smile and soft huff of laughter. Lip wrestling falls in the Brawl Family. He's 100% sure of it=
AURYHN: -well, if kavi is going to laugh then it's going to infect him, especially when he already has butterflies tickling at his stomach. he tries to maintain the kiss, to no avail.- What's so funny? ~}==> -ASKS while ALSO giggling.-
KAVI: =Still stays close then snickers a bit more as Auryhn giggles= a lot of things are funny, a long list man and it's all opinion based 
KAVI: but... =licks his lips and gives another small laugh= i'm just, pretty giddy 
KAVI: like a dork but surprise i was a dork all along too late now though
AURYHN: -gasps!- I've been bamboozled! All this time I was lead to believe your only endearing traits were your handsome face and your cool, collected attitude ~}==> 
AURYHN: How FOOLISH I was... Now I know you are also an adorable DORK ~}==> 
AURYHN: HA! Can you imagine? Of course I already knew that ~}==>
KAVI: =grinning wide= i have no goddamn clue how you figured that out but i'll let you in on a secret.... 
KAVI: =leans to his ear..... shoulder pat. Pat pat= 
KAVI: (it gets worse buddy) 
KAVI: (sorry not sorry, mostly not)
AURYHN: -oh, hello desire, invading his brain from a playful whisper alone...- Ha ha... ~}==>
AURYHN: Of course you shouldn't apologize! That's precisely what I'm here for ~}==> -counters his Feelings with a chaste kiss to kavi's cheek... and a little nuzzle. he's an affectionate spider horse.-
KAVI: =Good because he craves affection and attention literally all the time. So it's really great to be getting that, leans into the nuzzle and reciprocates with one of his own. Actually he's just all in Auryhn's space.... which is normal but here he is, legs crossed and cuddling up on his arm= 
KAVI: for me to be unapologetically terrible on you in good ways, understandable. we can definitely arrange all of that
AURYHN: Thank goodness that we are on the same page! Now please, don't hesitate  to continue... I will be doing much the same ~}==> 
AURYHN: -loops his arms around him then, pulling him in for maximum cuddles. it's a relaxed position, so auryhn hopes he will cool his own jets, just enjoying the two of them together.-
KAVI: if you insist =maximum cuddles is him getting up in Auryhn's lap. Crosses legs here legmoji  = here's me ft moderate hesitation
AURYHN: -WELL, SO MUCH FOR RESTRAINT. excuse him if one hand rests on kavi's back while the other ends up on the side of his thigh. TO STEADY HIM, NATURALLY.- AURYHN: INDEED, THERE YOU ARE ~}==> -sweats-
KAVI: =Naturally.= you just cranked it almost all the way up, but not quite to 11 
KAVI: by the by this is a technical pin, the referee is counting you down and out, my guy
AURYHN: I never stood a chance, it would seem ~}==> 
AURYHN: I should have known better  than to face off against you! ~}==> -entirely too flustered, he leans in for another kiss. he's gotta.-
KAVI: =Good then he's not posing for nothing, he's here for all the kisses he can get. Cupping Auryhn's face with his other arm wrapped around his shoulders, you know for the support thing= 
KAVI: =Auryhn's not just getting one kiss, he's getting two small kisses and then a longer one=
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  Good day to you, where ever you are in the world! I have been so absent for SO long, picking up where I left off just feels weird. I want to re-introduce myself to you, my lovely reader! But before you read my facts, I want you to think of something CRAZY on your bucket list, and tell me what it is in the comments below! I promise you, I’ll tell you my crazy bucket list thing! If you’re new here, WELCOME, and if you’re not new here, WELCOME BACK. I appreciate each and EVERY one of you taking time to read my blog. Thank you, for realsies.
If you’d rather watch this post instead of read it, I have a video here!
So, you’re here for facts, lets start with the basics:
I am a San Diego native! I was born there and lived there until I was 25. I’m 29 now, so I haven’t been gone THAT long.
I now live in North East Florida with my wife (spoiler alert), and our dog (another spoiler alert. Oops).
I’m married! My wife and I got married in July 2016 in Tybee Island, Georgia.
I am HELLA gay (Yes, a SoCal native said “hella,” it’s okay). Sexuality is a wild ride people. Embrace it and just enjoy the ride.
I have a YouTube channel, a gaming channel, and a Twitch channel! I’ll be uploading video versions of some blog posts, as well as video exclusives. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more of me!
Glitter and sequins own my LIFE. Seriously. I wish I could be in high school again for the SOLE purpose of having a color changing sequin backpack… OR TEN. I have pillows, blanekts, and slippers that do this, and glitter follows me just about wherever I go. I’m a fairy.
  We have a dog! Okay so this fact was spoiled earlier but that doesn’t make my dog any less cute! Here’s the little snore-monster.
  I love snow globes. I don’t have that many, but I REALLY want all of them! I just can’t justify buying so many! They don’t have a secondary purpose, and I’m trying not to collect clutter. But I do have a couple of them!
I teach colorguard! For those who don’t know, colorguard is the flags you see with bands. I mean, it’s much more than that, but for the sake of a lengthy section, just know that it’s SUPER rad, and yes, it is a sport!
Spiders FREAK me out. I even encountered a spider in my 20 Facts About Me video!
I can’t get enough candles. I need them all. I love them because they smell good, they give the room an amazing ambiance, and I love the jars they come in!
I love collecting crystals. I have several including amethyst, different quartz and rose quarts, and obsidian, just to name a few. Let me know if you want me to talk more about these lovely crystals!
I’m an August baby which makes me a Leo! I usually don’t see myself as a Leo, but then I do silly Leo things, like I NEED to win Monopoly.
Definite Leo, you guys. #totesaleo
The beginning of my day isn’t when I wake up in the morning. I know, I know… it sounds weird. But my daily schedule is kinda wild, and it works better for me this way. It’s helped me break up tasks differently. I explain a bit more in my 20 Facts video!
My hobbies change CONSTANTLY. I pick something up, learn the basics, either get bored or frustrated and then move onto something else. (See, more Leo traits! It must be true!) I’ve had several hobbies this summer ALONE. I’ve picked up drawing and sketching, watercolor, streaming on Twitch, yoga, and blogging… all since the end of May! I can feel my hobby needs shifting again, but I need to learn how to be more consistent in blogging and YouTube. I’m trying!
I switched to the iPhone after having the Galaxy series for 8 years. And you know what? The transition wasn’t that hard. I went from a Galaxy S8 to the iPhone X and I figured it out within a day and a half. I’m still learning, I’m no pro by any means, but I really am enjoying my iPhone! Samsung is still amazing, but it was time for a change.
Like I said earlier, I picked up drawing and watercolor recently. I’m not good enough to where I want to share any work yet, but I’ve been thinking about doing some creative streams on Twitch, or do speed drawings on my YouTube channel in the future. Let me know what you think!
I have 12 piercings and 7 tattoos. My most recent was a shark. I also have a T-Rex skull. Nerd  
I love to garden! I love being in the garden with (sometimes) bare hands. It feels more natural and I like feeling close to Mother Earth. I hadn’t made time to garden this year, as the time to prep everything is BAM in the middle of our winterguard season. Maybe next year I can garden again! If you want to see last years garden, click here!
My crazy bucket item thing is…… drumroll…..I want to cage dive with Great White Sharks.
Yes, I’m crazy. Yes, you can come.
Sharks are evolutionary perfection. Natures’ perfect machine. So complex, yet so simple.
  20 fun facts later and I feel like we are closer already! Stick around, read some past blog posts! If you want to stay connected, follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram (link on the right), or even subsrcribe to my YouTube channel! I love talking with readers and viewers! Thank you so much for reading, and I will catch you all next time!
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    A Fresh Start: 20 Facts About Me Good day to you, where ever you are in the world! I have been so absent for SO long, picking up where I left off just feels weird.
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