#i also still have mod things to do for bg3 and I want to send off a test stl for friend to try printing of Zevlor
foreignobjecticus · 5 months
Having lots of hobbies is great! No matter how much you achieve in a day, you will always also have the Guilt of 'I should be doing Other Hobby' gnawing at your insides. :)
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logarithmicpanda · 1 month
(Spoilers for BG3)
So I'm doing a solo run of Baldurs Gate 3 and I am sooooo conflicted on the romance. When I got the game I thought for sure I'd pick Astarion because vampire guy with a tragic backstory is right up my alley, but...
I find him insufferable xD literally all I want to do is to bully him and then step on him
I wish the game let me gain approval from just making fun of how vain he is, but anyway, that ship has sailed (I might still romance him in my multi game but I'm also. Playing considerably more of an asshole in that multi run lol)
In act 1 I got intrigued by Karlach but also Lae'zel who proved to have surprisingly charming moments. Karlach told me she was fine with me having my thing with Lae'zel while her overheating problem was going on, so I did, but I've actually grown really fond of Lae'zel too.
I'm now earlyish in act 2 and have to choose for good if I want to be with Karlach and I feel like a massive dick already because it's clear she has big feelings.
Its like she's a labrador puppy. She's cute and fun and I like her buuuuut Lae'zel has moments where she's just so unexpectedly soft that I get weak lmao.
And this game is so fucking long I don't want to do a third run. And I don't think my multi run character is a good fit with Lae'zel and Karlach met a tragic fate in that run
And I don't want to install mods.
Send help
*polls results not contractual
Please do not spoil me I am not farther than early act 2 in either of my runs
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anab-starr · 4 months
The List of BG3 OC's... so far
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Resist-o-Durge: Oona, The Ghost Spider of Bhaal Szarkai Cleric of Eilistraee/Monk
Born of a ritual where an Underdark cult force-fed the flesh of Bhaal to a drider. She was then unceremoniously dumped above ground at the doors of an Eilistraeean church. Oona grew up with love, compassion, and a firm belief in redemption no matter the crime.
When the Slayer came for her, she razed the Church to the ground after murdering everybody inside.
Canon: Loves Gale Besties w/ Shadowheart & Astarion Hasn't killed any of the named drow. Nere, Drouin, Araj, Minty... all safe!
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Yes that includes "he's drow enough" Kar'niss. She just knocked him out, dragged him somewhere safe, and left a moonlantern beside him for when he came to.
Crazy Fanon: Has a li'l Gortling daughter. I imagine the reunion would be Gortash bringing her to his office after she gets rid of Orin and being like "I mean you could kill me instead of helping me, but wow that would really upset OUR CHILD." Oona doesn't know this but the baby is exactly what caused her to rethink her Absolute plans. She didn't want to destroy the world for Father anymore, she wanted the world to be worthy of her Gortling! And maybe she could convince bae to just settle for Archduke of Baldur's Gate! She went to Moonrise Towers to talk to Ketheric about her second thoughts since she felt he'd be most apt to listen whether or not he agreed.
And that's when Orin struck.
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Embrace the Durge (for now): Edeva the Black Tiefling Rogue/Assassin
I wanted to do a tiefling version of Origin Durge, I just love the creepy white and red look. I don't know her background yet, I just know she has one rule: TIEFLINGS ARE OFF LIMITS. Everyone else is fair game, but when she walked in on Lump the Enlightened eating a tiefling, she went berserk. She also did not allow Lae'zel to be mean to Zorru.
But those Gnolls... were SO COOL.
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Anyway, here's what I have of her: Canon: Crushing on Karlach, no besties yet :( unless you count Sceleritas Fel? Does NOT like Raphael, very much scared of him, even though she's the one who gets that good Devil-D in all my RaphxTav fanfics ^^;; Crazy Fanon: She's Orin's #1 hype gal, believes in her art skills, beat the absolute snot out of Sarevok for, as she puts it, "being mean to my girl". I figure, Sarevok is the driving force behind manipulating Orin into replacing Eva as Chosen because the thinks this Absolute Cult stuff is a waste of time and he feels Bhaal has better uses for Edeva.
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My very first Tav, Meadowlark High Elf Druid/Circle of Spores
She's a Bard and a Druid, a happy woman with an 8 year old son who was playing with friends when the Nautiloid showed up. She hopes her kid's ok, neither one of them expected her to be kidnapped and tadpole'd. She did send word via the grove that she was alive and getting home ASAP.
She's giving me wicked Mommy vibes, which is why I felt she should have a child already. No romantic prospects at the moment with how badly she mother-hens her companions. She's especially protective of Lae'zel because of the gith's youth and naiveté.
That being said, she's crushing heavily on Barcus Wroot, and she hasn't met fellow druid Halsin yet...
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Funny thing is, she's inspired by someone else's character! A long time ago I was in a Dragon Age fanart group on FB and someone created a mage named Meadowlark. The inspo pic the person used was of an absolutely gorgeous Turkish model. When I saw this face mod (Vamperen's Head's 2.0 I believe) I thought "omg that looks like Meadowlark!" and decided to make her a Tav.
Crazy Fanon: Her son is still in Baldur's Gate waiting for her... just not at home... :/
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g33se · 1 year
Playing bg3 right now. Got to the point with the druids and the tiefling city. A couple of opinions about the party:
Lae'zel: I liked her a lot when I met her first (competent, straightforward, my type of girl) but she's being very rude about the tieflings. Given that I'm playing a tiefling... well. Not keen on the way she compared us to cockroaches or the way she made the tiefling bow- granted the tieflings did have reason to want to stab her. So liking her quite a bit less now. Still, looking at her respectfully. She is hot.
Shadowheart: Never really liked elves all that much. Not super keen on the way she did a racism at Lae'zel as soon as we met her, but the moments of emotional vulnerability have me liking her a lot more.
Astarion: Stupid loser bastard. That man is clearly a vampire- I mean, look at the eyes/teeth/the literal VAMPIRE BITE on his neck and the ten thousand clues he's been dropping. Sexy of him to greet me by holding a knife to my neck I thought he was going to rob me. He's such a fucking idiot I want to jump his bones.
Gale: This man has bard energy. At least, the way I play bards. Also kind of single dad energy? Just a random wizard running around. Just a Dude, if you will. Had to put him back in the campsite since I'm a sorcerer and party comp will get fucked though.
Wyll: Thought he was a paladin at first. Then he started doing warlocky things. I like how he acts it's a nonstandard edgy warlock thing, I hope his storyline pans out well. Really like his back-and-forth with Lae'zel about ever doing nice things with her life. Immediately taken with the fight scene I saw him in first, looked fucking epic.
Overall, I really love Mind Flayers. They're fucking cool, that little starter scene when I converted a woman into one was fucking nightmare fuel. I did see the button saying perfect and press it knowing what it would probably mean. What the hell were they doing in Avernus though. And isn't Zariel the angel who fell because she wanted to kill demons with GREAT PREJUDICE?
I've also been save scumming whenever I steal stuff a lot because, habit. I just want to collect all the boxes and put them into the campsite. Also reloaded the same save three times because I wanted Asterion to take that one potato off a crying guard. (Probably going to try to see if I can do a revivify on the dead guard later? I don't know if the game has the 1 min timer on revivify or not.) Also I do like how yoinking just makes people do 'hey wtf' or 'you're getting arrested' because instantly trying to kill the party is. Weird.
Also reloaded the save once because I couldn't revivify Shadowheart because she died on stairs that were on fire. I know how to play dnd I just have a hard time conceptualizing it with game graphics.
Lower level dnd's always interesting. The take action to restore someone else at 1hp is also... inspired. Would be interested to see normal downing rules- that would force me to think in more dnd terms to play the game. I also keep clicking wrong and wasting attacks on the space right next to a person.
Weird how everyone can use scrolls.
I hate the 1/short rest mage hand it's a fucking cantrip and it can do, like, nothing. Going to download a mod for it later.
Going to have to use the speak with dead amulet a lot I hope. I love that spell. Not quite sure how I feel about your camp being a separate room- I feel like it trivializes inventory management and sending things there is. Weird. Where is all the weight going. I do like stacking all the boxes I find though.
Thought the Absolute people were part of a mind flayer cult so had to kill a few of them.
Current leader druid is a bit cringe. Don't want to kill her but definitely ousting her asap. Stop being a dick to my people (tieflings). Also really liking the tiefling responses so far.
Also wonder at the deal about the tiefling village. They seem to have a lot of hell stuff going on there.
Anyway, this is cool! Looking forward to what happens next.
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violet-dekarios · 7 months
This is a side-blog for all my Bg3 screenshots (mostly of Gale) but I will post other companions and characters too. Including the occasional shot of my tavs. I’m still learning the Free Cam Mod, but hope to get better. Feel free to reblog, but please do not repost anywhere without permission. I’ll probably say yes as long as you give me credit.
I’m not particularly fond of debates in the replies of my photos. Let’s be considerate of one another please. I’m not one to engage in fandom discourse. I don’t want to associate myself with that part of the fandom. It’s just not my thing. Also I do not read headcanons and scenarios or whatever in the tags when people reblog my stuff, I’m not into all that. But I know fandom will fandom no matter what. I’m just here to share my virtual photography and give mod recs.
I do not follow back considering this is a side-blog. If you have any questions about a mod I use feel free to ask. If I don’t answer you in the replies, just send me an ask. My main blog is currently inactive so I do have my notifications turned off, but I will occasionally check my inbox. Eventually, I’ll link a post with all the mods I use.
Enjoy! 💜
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
I looked at the mods and stuff for guns in Mass Effect 1 and said “that’s a lot of words too bad I’m not reading em” and speaking of romance wishes god I wish Garrus was bi and poly existed in the game I would’ve both Garrus and Tali romanced so hard they were my ride or dies I took them everywhere unless I physically couldn’t or needed a specific a companion for a mission. Also I must’ve been really blinded by Ashley’s comments on aliens because it seems a lot of people liked her when I wasn’t really feeling her in one guess I gotta give her more of a chance.
(Also this is thebottomseareef I’m just on my main blog because I wanted to make a dnd/bg3 side blog to use on the app so it’d be more convenient and I wasn’t constantly logging into another account but I found out that you can’t send asks from side blogs so I’m just doing it from here because it’s easier)
"Too bad I'm not reading em" PEBCOQNXKQNDJSOJQSN yet you're still here reading my long ass posts, I'm honoured.
omfg yes, Garrus and Tali literally feel perfect in a poly yk? Like I've always took them with me on missions as a pair because their banter was so cute and they were the best balanced team for my character.
It is sad looking at older games and realising how much they hold themselves back just to appease their main demographic, like the legendary edition was two years ago and it would've made so much sense to make the aliens poly or bi. But they didn't because they didn't want to upset the majority of their demographic about the sudden change or getting into "Mass effect is woke now hmp! >:v" online scandal.
Like the romance is nice and every character is so sweet on their own, but something inside me dies each time I'm reminded this is strictly hetro and monogamous. Like I'd be having a blast cute moment with Kaidan then it hits me in the face that and I feel sad that all of this could've been missed if I had picked a male shepherd.
Games are evolving tho and that makes me happy. Especially shooter games bc we all know that's where the second most taxic gamers are, first being moba and souls-like games.
I'm happy that Liara is poly but also very shy and nervous around romance, that she admits this is not something she has ever done before. I'm glad Kaidan becomes bi because fuck yeah all the male shepherd deserves their beautiful bromance with him.
With Ashley, she is special. I like strong woman characters who are more aggressive. Like she truly embodies the soldier aspect of soldier while Kaidan feels more like a close friend with time. Ashley is someone who will punch a person if they were making you uncomfortable. She is someone who will march up to the cashier and tell them you asked for no pickles. Ashley would defend you in combat while Kaidan is more of a support.
She is more brash, confrontational. Punch first think later. Very protective and sweet in her own "no bullshit" kind of way.
With Garrus. He is so romantic and such a gentleman, my heart cannot take it. Like yk for a fact he is all starry eyed around you because you are a specter and he wanted to be one before. The way he thanks you all sweetly for letting him join your crew instead of leaving him with the annoying c-sec paperworks job. He is like RE1 Leon before he became jaded.
Tali is everything. Her genuine love for knowledge, for the craft and survival of her colony. She feels like a future ruler but before she became wiser. Tali is still in her wander and wonder phase while she travels the galaxy and gives her best to everything around her. She is earnest and very honest. Which is sad when she is met with suspicion for being too eager to help and study things.
Garrus and Tali would bond so much, shepherd would be the one keeping the both of them in check from forming a mad scientist cult that rescues kittens from trees.
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bitchesgate3 · 3 years
Tips for Getting Companion Scenes
Before I get to reblogging today’s daily dose of bg3 content, I’m gonna repost my spoiler-free detailed tips on maximizing companion content here for my tumblrfolks in prep of Patch 5 tomorrow:
Camp OFTEN! There are two camp scenes before the grove fight that serve as a good starting point for getting to know the companions. Companions often have something to say after you move along in their quest or in the main quest. Do one step of a companion's quest - camp - and only then do another's. (If you do them simultaneously, you will create a backlog of scenes. Meaning you might have camped after getting Gale to Medium approval, but because Wyll was just recruited, Wyll's scene occurs first. You will have to leave the area, and camp in a different one in order to “clear the queue” and have Gale's scene occur. Just camp often and you will not have to keep track of this too much, but you can learn to min-max this pretty effectively.) Camping may or may not change much with the new camping system in patch 5, but as far as I know, you can still "spam" camps and choose not to use any resources to forgo healing, if I understood it correctly.
Use the Tadpole. When the game releases you probably want to avoid this thing, but for now, I recommend using the Tadpole until you get the first two dreams. Because whatever is going on with the tadpole involves temptation, so you might want to hear the sorts of dreams and confessions the tadpole provokes in your companions - as well as the situations that arise from them.
Choose 3 Favorites and rank them. While Act 1 Part 1 is probably the playground to get to know the companions without committing to a definite trio, I recommend making your decision quickly in any playthrough. Whether by design or not, unless you've done their plots a million times and know when to swap them out and micro manage them - you will miss content and possibly miss environmental triggers that are necessary for their character development if you don’t stick with them. Additionally, in some camp scenes, the order you talk to your companions determines what they say and how much you can respond to. This is not always the case - possibly not even often the case, but I’d rather not miss out on the interaction and insight you gain in these scenes by not adhering to it religiously. My advice is to make one your confidant, another your bro, and another your third wheel and always talk to them in that order - no matter who has the ! mark over their head for that camp night. Some scenes, because you talk to them in that order, that's how they'll come off anyway.
Or Choose 1 to give priority. A common complaint I hear from people who enjoy the companions is that Shadowheart hogs all the reaction dialogues. There seems to be an unseen randomness or prioritization of who gets to react to certain scenes. Whatever the case may be, every character has a reaction if one of them does - if it is not a companion specific quest. (Yes, Lae’zel too for example has a reaction to this or that scene.) If you want to see a specific companion's reaction, the guaranteed way is to send the other two to camp. You can always fast travel to camp and pick them up later or right after. Be ready to fight a battle with just this companion for reactions that occur immediately following. The other half of this point is that sometimes, though not often, companions will interject into a scene if it appeals to their character traits. Talk to an ambitious wizard npc with Gale. A vengeful guard mourning her fallen brother with Lae’zel. Follow someone’s cries for help with Wyll. At a certain point if you just want to see one companion's content, you can attempt a single companion run with or without mods to help.
Lastly, try something new. The game has A LOT of content - not just companion content. What that means is that just choosing a different dialogue option, a different trio, a different way to handle a situation, a different area to explore, a different class or different race can cause new scenes and conclusions you've never seen. We already know we have one coming in patch 5. So if you have played EA several times, try something new here and there. Changing up how you normally respond to a companion can also change the actual tone of their response or a different line of dialogue entirely, leaving you with a different impression of them. Don't be afraid to be an ass or an ass-kisser to them. Both are quite entertaining ;)
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