#i also watched fall (2022) with my mom yesterday as well
tea-earl-grey · 26 days
I watched every Star Trek episode & here are my opinions.
as the title says – i finished all the Star Trek shows as of today yesterday and since i watched most of them while i wasn't using tumblr, i want do do some mini-reviews – both what i think are objectively the best shows and which are my personal favorites. i might make a couple more "ranking" posts for theme song/pilot/finale/favorite epsiodes/etc eventually but this post is already long as hell. i'll also probably do a movie post sometime but i want to rewatch the AOS movies first since i haven't seen Into Darkness since it came out (before i was actively a Trekkie).
also just as a note, these are fully my own opinions & tastes. i'm not trying to argue that any of these shows are bad (nor are any flawless), i'm just Some Guy giving my opinions.
continued under the cut. apologies for how long this is but there sure is a lot of Star Trek.
Watch Order
my opinions are probably a bit influenced by the order that i first watched these shows in so just as some background – i watched sporadic episodes of TOS & TNG when i was a kid which was enough to be familiar with the characters, general vibes, & world but not enough to really get into it. in late 2020/early 2021 i watched DS9 per a friend's recommendation and really loved it and decided to give all the different shows a shot. i watched all of TNG summer 2021, watched some of Disco & (what was then all of) Lower Decks in fall 2021. i started Voyager spring 2022, was interrupted because of Life Stuff and finished it spring 2023. i watched the first season of snw & prodigy sometime in between then. watched Picard spring 2023 just before s3 aired. watched Enterprise summer/fall 2023. finished Disco spring 2024 (just before s5). did a slow march through TOS between summer 2023 and summer 2024. and finally i watched TAS this past month. and i've been keeping up with all recent releases since 2023.
i've also rewatched a large amount of Trek either with my mom or friends at various times so i've ended up seeing most episodes twice (or more in the case of DS9 & Voyager).
Somewhat Objective Ranking:
there's a large difference for me between shows that i think are objectively good & ones that i'm personally attached to so here's just my attempt at ranking Star Trek shows by how good i think they are from a critical lens, not necessarily my favorite.
for me – a good show, and specifically a good Star Trek show, should have in my opinion a) a diverse & strong cast of characters, b) have unique & compelling plots whether they're based in science fiction, politics, or philosophy, c) has a strong moral center & explores the nature of humanity in some way, d) allows the audience to believe in a better future, e) is consistent (both with continuity and episode quality), f) does something to differentiate it from other shows, and g) is actually entertaining.
i don't think any shows come close to fulfilling all of those qualities but some do better than others.
11. The Animated Series: probably not a surprise that it comes in last. it's a fun show by the standard of kid's cartoon in the 70s and i genuinely do like it but it has a lot of the flaws of TOS (lack of continuity, lack of character depth, flimsy plots) with few of the upsides. though i do like how the secondary characters get more of a focus than in TOS.
10. Enterprise: big jump up in quality here from TAS but Enterprise does fall flat compared to the other shows. the Vulcan & Andorian stories are almost always good but so much of s1 & s2 lacks creativity and a lot of the a plots end up feeling generic & reused (though the b plots are often great). s3 falls into an obvious & uncomfortable 9/11/war on terror metaphor that has not aged well. and s4 is a huge improvement but doesn't make up for the faults of earlier seasons. additionally, i think returning to "the Trio + secondary characters" was largely a mistake as characters like Hoshi & Travis remain horribly underdeveloped (and what a coincidence that they're characters of color...) all in all. some great ideas and a handful of great episodes but it doesn't make up for how meh large swathes of the show can be.
9. The Original Series: i'm going to be honest that it this is the hardest show to objectively rank just because it's the first and it's so hugely impactful not just on the Star Trek franchise (obviously) but also on science fiction, pop culture, TV production, and American culture. its impact is quite literally immeasurable and i think unfortunately it means the show will always feel small in comparison to the shadow it casts. don't get me wrong. some episodes are great even by today's standard, not to mention by the standard of the 60s. but so many episodes, especially as the show went on, end up being pretty mediocre, poorly paced, misogynistic/racist, and have thin plots. TOS is enjoyable for me because of the camp & exploring the foundations of this fictional universe i love so dearly but i'm not going to pretend that it's objectively better than other shows on this list just because of its legacy.
8. Picard: now i could pretty easily judge each season of Picard as its own show and each season would get spaced out in entirely different places on this list. i genuinely believe s1 of Picard is one of the best seasons of Star Trek. the writing fumbles a bit at the end but the characters, direction, & acting is some of the best of the franchise. unfortunately the choice to present each season as a separate anthology reallllly let's it down because of the lack of continuity between seasons. the pandemic definitely threw a wrench into the show but s2 (while i enjoy it), has a very messy meandering plot that feels insecure in its skin. s3 (which i also enjoy) has tighter writing but suffers majorly from having been outlined before the end of s2 therefore having a weird discontinuous transition between seasons and unfortunately excluding so many great characters from s1 & 2. i love it dearly (not to foreshadow my personal favorite ranking) but it is a mess.
7. Discovery: most of the critiques i have of Picard also stand for Discovery which also opted for the "anthology" style series which i think fundamentally doesn't work. Discovery took awhile to find its voice and after s3, still sung somewhat off key. Michael is easily one of the best & most well developed Star Trek characters and the rest of the cast is good but are painfully underdeveloped as its hyperserialized format doesn't really leave time to get to know the characters unless it's essential for the plot. like Picard, it also got screwed over by pandemic-era production leaving some episodes clumsily written. some seasons, in my opinion, end up with an overcomplicated plot that becomes difficult to follow. nevertheless, there are some episodes and scenes that are stunning and somewhat make up for the mis-steps. and ultimately, the later seasons of the show really do understand the heart of Star Trek.
6. Strange New Worlds: going back to an episodic style for the next live action show after the mixed reviews of Picard & Discovery was definitely a good choice. the writing is much tighter, the characters generally feel more whole, and there's more to grab onto compared to entirely serialized shows. and after a lot of the darkness in Discovery and Picard, it feels like a breath of fresh air to have a show that feels joyful & fun. however. so much of SNW is built off of pre-existing Star Trek (mainly TOS) that it struggles to form its own identity and when it tries to be a new show, it gets caught in the trap of betraying existing continuity. the episodes focusing on La'an, Uhura, M'Benga, & Una are great – some of the best of new trek – but episodes focusing on Spock, Chapel, and Pike end up feeling... off with messy writing and being Kinda Weird about disability/genetics. since it's only had two seasons, i definitely think SNW could ascend or descend in the rankings in the upcoming season(s).
5. The Next Generation: TNG wasn't quite as hard for me to rank as TOS but it sometimes struggles with a similar problem that its legacy in pop culture sometimes overshadows the show itself. it's also tricky because when TNG is good, it's phenomenal; when it's bad, it's really bad; but most episodes land somewhere in the middle. s1 is borderline unwatchable, s2 is just a step above, and from there it gets a lot stronger after behind the scene problems were worked out & it found a stable writing staff. it ends up striking a good balance of stories between straightforward science mysteries, deep explorations of philosophy, space politics, and fun romps. it ends up getting dragged down more than a little by Roddenberry's lingering insistence to have the characters avoid long term conflict and the very episodic style resulting in less ongoing story arcs. characters like Geordi, Wes, Beverly, & Troi also end up feeling somewhat underdeveloped in comparison to characters like Picard & Data.
4. Voyager: this is probably one of my more controversial picks (judging by how others tend to rank the series) and maybe i'm biased but i do genuinely believe that Voyager deserves its place this high on the list. Voyager is an inconsistent show which certainly pulls it down a little but manages to strike a better balance in episode quality and is able to have more dynamic characters & more ongoing narratives than TNG. Voyager still has its share of bad episodes and gets off to a somewhat shaky start (particularly struggling in early s2) but finds its groove more easily because of the experienced writing team that already had years of Star Trek under their belt & an excellent cast. Voyager's biggest stumbles are definitely in regards to under-serving some of the characters (especially Chakotay, Tuvok, and Harry) in later seasons.
3. Deep Space Nine: a somewhat obvious pick for top three Trek shows. DS9 has deservedly been getting its praises in recent years for its darker narratives, its bold approach to some of TV's first serialized stories, its exploration of politics & religion, and the masterful way it can bounce between nuanced episodes on serious topics & fun comedy. it flails a little bit in the first two seasons while finding its voice but compared to some of the other shows, it starts off strong and the quality is generally consistent with seasons 4 & 6 being the obvious highlight. however despite the strength of the characters, actors, and writing, there are certainly times when the show fumbles: episodes that get a bit too dark to bounce back from (and aren't followed up on), stories that present some troubling ethics without much pushback, and its fair share of the mediocre scifi mystery episodes seeded throughout 90s Trek.
2. Lower Decks: based on its first season, Lower Decks is a fun but non-serious entry into the Trek pantheon. so it was surprising when what seemed at first glance like a typical irreverent adult animation show, developed so much genuine heart for both the the Lower Decks characters & the wider Trek franchise. Lower Decks could have been an excuse to string together a bunch of fan-servicey references but it becomes genuinely heartfelt with great new characters, fun worldbuilding, actual insightful commentary on existing Trek, and the ability to laugh at itself while still being made with love. while the first two seasons drag it down a little bit (i think they went in too hard with the raunchy comedy vibes), season 3 and especially season 4 are really great especially with the exploration of Mariner's PTSD that strengthens her into one of the best character in Trek.
1. Prodigy: plenty of people have been singing Prodigy's praises since its untimely cancellation and no joke – it is, in my opinion, the best Star Trek show. it is more of a kids oriented show than the other entries on this list (except TAS) but that doesn't mean it lets up on having complex plots & characters. it might be the only Star Trek show that i genuinely believe doesn't have a bad episode (albeit a couple in s1 that are just okay) and s2 as whole is a masterpiece. the only things that let it down in my opinion are: somewhat clunky animation on close-ups (though the background animation is gorgeous) and the plot getting so over complicated by s2 that i had to draw a diagram to keep track of the time travel (and this is coming from someone who loves over complicated time travel stories.)
My Personal Favorite Star Trek Shows:
11. The Animated Series: as i said before – it's fun, i'm glad it exists, it doesn't really offend me, but with the exception of the episode Yesteryear, it doesn't really do anything for me.
10. The Original Series: yeah... i'm sorry. i just don't click with TOS that much (or TOS era in general as you can tell from the rest of this list). i can recognize its importance and there are definitely some episodes i really enjoyed (either for the camp factor or because they're genuinely good) but the majority of the episodes i either don't have much of an opinion on or i think are genuinely bad (in a not fun way). i'm also fine with looking past some of the bigotries of the time but even so the misogyny & racism in the show was just too much for me. sorry.
9. Strange New Worlds: i enjoy SNW for the most part but it's definitely dragged down because 1) i strongly dislike how Spock is written, 2) while i definitely like episodic Trek more, the short episode order does make the episodes i dislike stand out a lot more, 3) a lot of the show is built on nostalgia-bait for TOS era which... i just don't really have. there are great episodes but as a whole, i'm just not attached to it.
8. Discovery: i really disliked the first two seasons of Discovery when i first watched them and though they've grown on me, it's just too dark for me to really get into. seasons 3-5 i like a lot more and i appreciate how earnest & hopeful it is (especially compared to seasons 1 & 2) but the writing can be a bit heavy handed. and as much as i do really love Michael, i definitely prefer shows with a stronger focus on the ensemble as a whole. that said, i am definitely attached to the characters and really love the 32nd century worldbuilding that's done.
7. Enterprise: i'm honestly a bit surprised that i ended up liking Enterprise this much but the fourth season (with the exception of the finale that definitely doesn't exist) is banger after banger. and while the episodes of earlier seasons might be a bit uninspired, the general worldbuilding is genuinely interesting to me with the exploration of Vulcan politics, the Vulcan-Andorian War, the Temporal Cold War, the pre-Federation politics of Earth, and more. i'm also greatly endeared to all the secondary characters (Hoshi & Phlox particularly) which means it's also a shame that the non-Archer, Trip, & T'Pol characters get so little screentime. and while so much of the first two seasons is kinda bleh, the B plots & runners to those episodes end up being really fun and ends up creating a world & characters that feels worth exploring.
6. Prodigy: i think with time (and a possible third season...) Prodigy could become one of my favorite Treks and as i already said – it's very very good. the core cast of characters is really strong with all of them (except for maybe Murf & Jankom Pog) being well developed and compelling. the plot is interesting and feels relatively unique while still feeling like Star Trek at its core. it's also the rare example of a series that has a lot of fan-service while still retaining its identity and the strength of its own characters. ultimately, it ends up ranking lower on here than my more objective tier list because some of the angst & darkness i enjoy in stories doesn't quite deliver (which is very much not a fault of the show since it is a family show), the way Janeway is written doesn't always quite line up with my own view of the character (again, not a fault of the show), and the fact that i just haven't spent as much time with the show & characters yet.
5. The Next Generation: TNG is very much a comfort show to me. i don't have all that much to add from my objective review (there are very bad episodes, very good episodes, but most are somewhere in the middle). i really like all the characters and the behind the scenes friendships really translate well to the screen but none of them really compel me the way characters do further up on this list. i do give the show a lot of credit though for continuing the worldbuilding established in TOS and taking it in a new direction and a new vibes (rather than continuing the space western format) that is hugely influential to all of the shows that came after it.
4. Lower Decks: pretty much the same as my objective review – it's a fun show that ends up finding a good balance of humor, strong characters, and pointed commentary at past Trek shows. it's a show obviously filled with a lot of love for the franchise and i'm very glad it exists. aside from Mariner, i'm not quite as attached to the other characters but i do love them all.
3. Deep Space Nine: as i said before, DS9 is undoubtedly one of the strongest shows in Star Trek. it has the most recurring characters, pretty much all of which i find compelling, and a fantastic cast of regulars as well. the overall plot of the show is incredibly strong and allows it to have a lot of good commentary on imperialism, war, religion, race, and more. it has my two favorite episodes in all of Star Trek (The Visitor and Far Beyond the Stars) and so many other bangers as well. it's the show that first hooked me into Star Trek & the Star Trek fandom and it really is fantastic. the reason it doesn't rank higher here is entirely subjective in that i just don't feel as compelled to explore the characters & fandom as the last two shows on this list. other people have talked about how shows that are too objectively good aren't necessarily the best for fandom and that's how i kind of feel about DS9. it's great. i love it. i'm not necessarily compelled to feel like i have to add to it.
2. Picard: i can recognize that in many ways Picard kinda fails as a show (for reasons i've already stated) but that absolutely does not stop me from loving it. it's extremely messy and i've wanted to fix it ever since i saw it. it might be an unpopular opinion but the worldbuilding developments in s1 (the destruction of Romulus, the synth ban, the general darkness of the Federation) are incredibly compelling to me and i really do like deconstructing Picard as a character (even if i wish he was in the show a little less). and despite some major inconsistencies between seasons, i find the characters wonderfully rich and well written and every time i watch an episode, i feel like i want to explore them more and more. (not coincidentally, it's also the Star Trek show i've written the most fanfic for.)
1. Voyager: Voyager has enthralled me mind, body, & soul. i've never had such a fast turn around from a show that i was meh about to one that constantly consumed my thoughts. it's undoubtedly imperfect but it's imperfect in a way that i feel compelled to want to study and fix. with the exception of maybe DS9, Voyager has the strongest cast of characters and one of the strongest premises of any show. i firmly believe that Kathryn Janeway is the best (and certainly my favorite) Captain in all of Star Trek and most of the characters rank among my favorite Trek characters of all time. even if there aren't a ton of obvious ongoing narratives, the subtle ways the characters change over the 7 years is great and leaves the door open for fandom to explore so much (which as you can tell is definitely something that draws me to a lot of shows). and while DS9 might have my favorite episode of Star Trek, Voyager ends up having more stories that rank amongst my favorites (Year of Hell, Latent Image, Endgame, Barge of the Dead, Bride of Chaotica, Riddles, Survival Instinct, Timeless, etc).
anyways.... that sums that up. i'll probably type up my list of favorite episodes sometime in the next few days because i need to milk the "i watched all of Star Trek" thing for a little bit.
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airenyah · 5 months
Your essay on Joong's underrated acting skills deepened my Joong appreciation so much, that I watched Mafia the Series, I'm watching Ploy's Yearbook (even though there is a serious lack of Joong so far), and I'm planning on watching The Warp Effect too. I haven't watched het shows in over ten years, so this is a big deal! 😂 I really liked him with Dunk in their shows, but MTS gave me another facet of him, because he's so timid in it, unlike in SIMM and HA, where he's (seemingly) very cool and in control. So thank you for making me a full time Joong (and Dunk) girl 💜
i saw this message first thing in the morning when i woke up yesterday and it instantly put me in a good mood!!! <3
mafia the series might actually be my absolute fave thai het-show, it's just SO funny!!!! and the entire cast is so great, like, not just joong but the entire cast plays off each other SO well. and don't even get me started on gina virahya and her portrayal of anna kondra!!!!
you know, when i went into mafia the series i saw the poster and was like "ughh i really am gonna have to sit through this standard (overly) dramatic mafia show just for joong, huh. the things i do for my boy..." and then. AND THEN. you can imagine my surprise. i was crying tears of laughter throughout the show and i was actually laughing so hard that my mom made a comment about how she could hear my laugh in my room
beam is my loser boy and joong portrays him in such an adorably awkward way, i love it <333
and yes there IS a serious lack of joong in ploy's yearbook so far :((((
it was quite funny tho bc in the one scene where joong does show up i immediately recognized him by the back of his head, like!! i saw this:
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and instantly went "OH there's my boy!!!!!" 😂😂😂
and i can't wait to see him with film bc film did extremely well with gun in not me and i feel like film and joong will also work together really well
you know, i'm always happy to turn people into full time joong (and dunk) girls!!!!!!
i've adored them ever since simm which i watched live from ep2 onwards. fun fact, actually: when i started simm i actually had no idea who they were (even though technically i'd seen dunk in bad buddy already, except i wasn't paying attention to the random high school bandmates and so i didn't actually recognize dunk and only realized later on ahahah)
aaaanyway, i had no idea who they were, right? and so in 2022 my mom and i spent two nights in prague during easter and in the evening we were in our hotel room and we were kinda looking for something to watch. and i was like "hey look, gmmtv has a new bl out and it looks kinda cute and fluffy judging by the thumbnails?? and like something that doesn't require too much brain power?? plus, there's also only two eps out so far, so we'll be caught up right away" and so we watched the first two episodes and then the two of us ended up watching every new ep together every week hahaha
i actually didn't really talk about it on tumblr back then and when you go back on my blog you'll see that there are hardly any simm post. but really, with every new simm episode that aired i liked joongdunk more and more. and especially once the characters started dating i was actually so in awe about just how comfortable joong and dunk were with each other and how they absolutely weren't afraid to touch? like, their physical affection was just so casual, like it was the most natural thing in the world to them in an "i'm-not-even-thinking-about-it-bc-it's-so-normal" kind of way and that was just soooo refreshing to watch?? i was (and still am) truly amazed
and when just a couple of months later, at the end of 2022 gmmtv announced joongdunk were gonna get another show together i got SO excited!! and also when it was revealed that simm was included in our skyy 2!!!!
and then hidden agenda started airing and then i was tagged in that tag game and then i went to watch joong's entire filmography and then i ended up falling into a joongdunk rabbit hole and here we are...
anyway, i have multiple agendas and one of them is turning people into joong fans and dunk fans and joongdunk fans sllksdfd
and my other agenda is getting people to watch mafia the series, bc it's truly a gem of a show!!!!
(speaking of agendas: the only thing that's missing in your message is you telling me that you approve of my fight for a sexy joongdunk vampire bl, like... that would have made the message and the influence of my joong/dunk/joongdunk blogging complete 😂😂😂)
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gogogogolev · 1 year
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2023 Autumn Classic International FS results, final results, and Stephen's protocol.
Ok this is really late my apologies.
Let's start with that costume. I was hoping to see Stephen in blue since he revealed it's his favourite colour. Have been wanting to see him in something ombré forever. I was actually telling my mom yesterday I wish he'd wear ombré as it would suit him so well. To get both in one costume? I was screaming. Thank you to whoever designed that.
Now the technical. First of all, big props to Stephen for not letting those early mistakes get to him. He held it together and kept going, and that is so important for his progress as an athlete. Full respect for that. In terms of that content I was surprised to see his Lutz come back from its exile. It was a nice one, and I think nailing that helped settle him down after the first fall.
The 4S in the second half looked good, and that 3F3A sequence was amazing. That's smart thinking, to put two of his best jumps together like that. And finally we have some variety in jump layout. He must have grown tired of the layouts he'd been doing for the past four years. Level 4 spins are always welcome. The choreography looks interesting and so different from last season. The crowd was clapping along to his step sequence, which is great. It was a level 2 but I'm sure with mileage it will improve.
It was the first time out with this program and it wasn't bad at all plus he managed to get a medal so I'll take that. I haven't had time to go through comments but what little I have seen suggests people like this program. Also a strange little fact: this is Stephen's first time winning bronze at an event. He did win a small bronze for the FS at 2019 Junior Worlds, but he's only ever won gold or silver otherwise. This is his first international senior medal and I'm just proud of him for picking himself up after last season and coming out here and making a statement. If you were writing him off after last season you should think twice.
Also shout out to the two MVPs with Stephen - Bruce and coach Lee Barkell. Bruce went to Montreal to watch Stephen and cheer him on, and has been supporting him online as well. I think you can even hear him in the crowd, and I'm sure his support buoyed Stephen. As I've stated previously Stephen's best skates in the past couple of years have come with Lee by his side. Stephen is a Californian now, but I hope he can continue to work with Lee and become more successful under his (occasional) tutelage.
Back in January 2022 when Stephen was forced to withdraw from Nationals I was going through it but was encouraged by the kind words of a coach (an acquaintance) who reassured me Stephen would be back. They were letting me know that Stephen would be selected for Junior Worlds without stating it outright, but I didn't comprehend that in my state of mind. I just calmed myself down by thinking about when he'd be back. At that time I told myself he would be here for 2022 SCI, 2023 Nationals, and also 2023 ACI. I'm glad to see that all worked out without any more withdrawals. Let's manifest more good things.
Stephen has now done a JGP, JGP Final, Grand Prix, and Challenger Series event within Canada. He's just got one international left to do here...and that's enough from me. :)
Way to go Stephen! Congratulations and looking forward to seeing more.
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nerdgatehobbit · 6 months
I hope everyone’s enjoying the stabby day! And yes, I had apple pie yesterday.
Leverage & The Librarians are both great so far. The interesting thing is that the disc order is different from the airing order for the former’s season 1 DVD set. Though I have seen that info about how season 1 of The Librarians was aired out of intended order, so I’m guessing there’s something similar going on. FYI, Cadman’s actress Jaime Ray Newman played Aimee in the latest episode I saw, so that was fun. While I recognized her, I did have to look her up to remember where from. I’m early in the 2nd season of The Librarians; I’ve gathered that Flynn might have some moments of falling short, but I can respect the writers not wanting him to overshadow the others, so I’m liable to be chill about it. Not 100% sure, given his Blorbo status in my eyes, but more sure than not.
… I’ll try to get better about making posts about them. I did snag a screencap of Leverage using one of The Librarian movies as an in-flight movie. That was a cute reference! I’m also appreciative of how there are Star Trek people on & off camera in them.
Once I make/schedule the posts for “They’re Playing My Song”, I can move on to watching the last episode on Static Shock’s first disc. It’s held up pretty well so far (ruefully so in some cases).
Thus far I’m still lukewarm about Star Trek TNG and I’m feeling kinda bad about it. Hopefully I’ll enjoy it more as I keep watching season 2. I’ve caught a few episodes of the Sister Boniface Mysteries when Mom was watching and I enjoyed them.
Last month, I did see & enjoy TLM 2023, but I’m holding off until Mermay to post a lot about it. I did get around to getting screenshots from BATB 2022; I’m debating on if I’ll add onto the previous posts with the phone photos or if they should get their own posts.
Pokémon Masters has stayed fun. I got the free Riley & Lucario, and I picked Lucas & Dialga out of the three half-anniversary options (I already had Gloria & Zacian, and since I have Anabel & Snorlax I wasn’t pressed to get Red & Snorlax). Seeing Adaman & Irida in modern garb in the latest event was a bit odd. Since, I’m hoping that eventually Warden Ingo will become available.
… I ought to get back to the anime. Also the Pokémon TV app is going away soon, so I feel justified in having obtained DVD sets.
Sooner rather than later I’m going to end up screencapping BBC Merlin to get more Gwen content, but not quite yet.
Edit: I almost forgot, I got Warehouse 13 at the library for $10 on my latest visit. That’s on the back burner, but at that price I could justify my curiosity.
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db-gochifan · 2 years
GoChi Fall Event 2022
I’m several days late, but this is something I’ve written for GoChi Fall Event 2022 (Day 1) on twitter.
Title: Spooky Houses Pairing: Goku/Chi-Chi Characters: Goku, Chi-Chi, Gohan, Bulma and Krillin Goku landed on Mt. Paozu after a long day training. He noticed his house had some orange lighting, which was strange because Chi-Chi preferred more neutral tones for the walls and lights for their home. As he walked towards the door, he noticed some pumpkins placed by the outside walls.
When he opened the door, he thought he might have walked into the wrong house and took a couple of steps back. The thing was that they didn’t have any neighbors nearby. The usual white light was replaced by a purple one and there were some fake bat, ghost and vampire decorations hanging from the ceiling. “Chi-Chi?” He stepped at the hall, where there didn’t seem to be anything unusual. “I’m home.” “Oh good.” Her voice echoed from upstairs. “How hungry are you? I lost track of time and haven’t started dinner yet.” “A little, but I suppose I can wait. Where is Gohan?” “He’s in the shower.” Chi-Chi came downstairs to meet him. “He’s probably finishing though, so you can do it after him. I’m going to start dinner now.” “Eh, Chi-Chi…” Goku followed her into the kitchen and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed and nervous, but also very curious. “Why is our kitchen purple?” “Oh.” She looked at the light for a moment. “It’s Halloween time.” “Halloween? Is it something you eat?” “No.” She couldn’t help but giggle. “It’s the time of the year when kids go from house to house asking for ‘trick or treat?’ and people give them a lot of candy.” “So it is something to eat.” “Not exactly. Haven’t you heard about it before?” “I don’t think so. I barely watch TV and I’m always training or fighting, so…” He shrugged, making a weird face. “Is that why there are orange lights and pumpkins with scary faces outside?” “That’s right.” “But I don’t remember you doing that before. Why did you do it this year?” “Because it’s Gohan’s first year at school and he will become friends with kids who live in the city, so I didn’t want him to feel bad because he lives far from it and doesn’t celebrate it.” Chi-Chi looked at her husband for a moment and noticed with puzzled expression. “You still don’t understand it, do you?” “Not really, but I’m trying to.” “You will be able to understand it better tomorrow when we go to the Halloween party Bulma is planning.” “The Halloween party Bulma is planning?” “She decided to start throwing them this year and I have nothing to do with it.” She winked at him. “I don’t get it.” “Mom, where are my pajamas? I can’t find them.” Gohan yelled from his bedroom upstairs. “Try looking under your pillow or in your wardrobe. They must be at one of these places.” She lowered her voice to talk to Goku. “I know it’s still confusing, but you’ll know what is a Halloween party in a practical way tomorrow night.” “Alright then.” He gave up, shrugging. “I’m going to take a shower.” “Okay. Dinner will be ready by the time you finish.” ***** “Chi-Chi, can you come here for a second?” Goku asked when he walked into their bedroom and found a bunch of weird and unusual clothes spread on their bed. “What happened, Goku?” Chi-Chi appeared not to long after, coming from Gohan’s room. “What is this?” He pointed to the outfits. “These are Halloween costumes. Remember when I told you yesterday that Bulma is having a Halloween party tonight? Well, it’s a costume party.” “Does that mean we have to wear them?” “That’s right.” “I don’t want to. Can I go with my fighting clothes instead?” “No, Goku. On Halloween you’re supposed to dress as something spooky.” “Like the things you hung up downstairs?” “Exactly, but there are other things besides bats, ghosts and vampires.” “But, Chi-Chi, these clothes are so comfortable.” “I know, honey, but it’s just for tonight. I’m sure you’re gonna enjoy it.” “Are you and Gohan dressing up too?” Goku looked at his wife with one of his eyebrows raised, still confused. “Gohan is doing it right now. I’m going to check on him within seconds.” Chi-Chi walked to the bed and grabbed a long-length black dress, placing it in front of her. “And this is mine. What do you think?” “Chi-Chi, it’s black.” “Yeah, that’s the color people wear for Halloween. You really don’t know anything about it, do you?” “No, and I’m still confused about it.” He looked at the remaining outfit on their bed. “What are we supposed to go dressed as?” “We’re going to be a vampire family.” She replied proudly. “I could have chosen different costumes for the three of us, but I wanted Gohan to know Halloween can be a family celebration too.” “That makes sense.” Goku slid his orange clothing off his arms and then removed his dark blue T-shirt. He pulled the remaining item off his body and grabbed the black overalls. “This is only for tonight, right?” “Yes, only for tonight.” “Okay, I can do that.” “That cape goes over the overalls. You can decide if you want it black or red outside.” “Cool.” He started putting it up and noticed she had sat on the bed and was staring at him. “Didn’t you say you were going to check on Gohan?” “I did, but it’s been so entertaining over here. Besides, Gohan is old enough to change on his own.” “It’s been entertaining here, huh?” “It has.” Chi-Chi couldn’t help but smile looking at her husband. “I’m glad you’re having fun, but why don’t we make it entertaining for the both of us at the same time?” “Goku, Gohan is in the other room!” She blushed heavily and looked away to hide it. “I was talking about we getting ready together.” “Oh. Yeah, we can do that.” “What did you think I meant?” “Uh… nothing.” She talked it off and stood up, walking to the door and closing it. Then she stopped beside him and started getting undressed. “Chi-Chi?” “What?” “What did you think I meant?” “Let’s just get ready for the party, okay?” ***** Chi-Chi couldn’t tell which one of the men of her life was the most amazed by the city being decorated for Halloween. “Chi-Chi, can you slow down, please?” Goku pleaded beside her, though he couldn’t keep his eyes from the road. “I can barely see anything like this.” “Yes, mom, please.” Gohan echoed his father’s thought from the backseat of the car. “Okay, but just for a couple of minutes. I don’t want to be late for Bulma’s party. Besides, you’ll get to see more of Halloween decoration there.” “Do people really put lights inside pumpkins?” Goku raised his eyebrow as he looked at a pumpkin flashing in orange in a front yard. “They are candles, actually.” Chi-Chi replied, looking at it as well. “It helps giving them a scarier look. That’s why they have a face.” “They do look scary. I’m not sure I like it.” “You deal with even scarier evil forces. Halloween pumpkins are nothing compared to them.” “Mom is right.” “You have a point, but I still think they are scary.” “I bet I can change your mind about pumpkins.” “Oh, I’d like to see you try.” “It’s on. Alright, let’s get into the car and go to Capsule Corp.” ***** The outside of the Briefs’ residence would be almost fully dark, if it weren’t for some purple lights illuminating the pathway to the door and pumpkins flashing in orange as well. “Bulma surely knows how to be creative with these things.” “This is so cool!” Gohan squealed and ran to the door. “Gohan, you might want to wait for us. You never know what there might be inside.” “I spent a year living on my own and trying to survive dinosaurs and dangerous situations. Halloween decorations and costumes won’t scare me, mom.” “He’s a brave child.” Goku placed his hand on his wife’s left shoulder. “Besides, he will be inside the house the whole time.” “I know, but I can’t help but worry about him. He was taken away from me for a whole year after you died. I fear it can happen again.” “It won’t. I’ll make sure of this.” “Alright. I trust you.” Chi-Chi stopped by the porch and looked at Goku. “Open it.” “What?” “Open the door, Goku.” “But, Chi-Chi, I have no idea what’s inside. Can’t you do it? I promise I’ll be right behind you.” “The strongest man in the world is afraid of Halloween decorations.” She couldn’t help but tease him and then giggled. “Go on, make fun all you want.” He said lightly. “I just didn’t have contact with any of these things while growing up.” “I know, honey. I’m just messing with you.” She turned to the door and grabbed its knob. “Okay, here we go.” Chi-Chi felt a cold rush down her spine when she peeked in and found the whole house completely dark. She had always been braver than her friends at school when it came to facing scary things, but this got her a bit scary. If she hadn’t known Goku was right behind her, she would have jumped and screamed when he intertwined his fingers with hers. “Bulma was fully into it. I can’t see a thing.” “She should have at least put on some lights. It’s pitch dark.” “Bulma?” “We’re in the kitchen, Chi-Chi.” “Let’s go.” She held Goku’s hand tighter and used her free hand to tap around, so they wouldn’t bump into anything and get hurt. Her vision was more adjusted to the darkness and she could see a little better, but that didn’t stop her from stumbling upon something and almost falling down. “Chi-Chi, what happened?” Goku was quick to grab her arms and keep her up. “I stumbled on something. Probably a decoration.” “Are you okay?” “I think so.” She stood up and smiled at him. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” “What did I stumble upon?” Chi-Chi looked down at her right and saw it was a skeleton. “Let’s go.” Goku stepped ahead and led her to the kitchen. “What happened to you?” Goku asked Krillin with his eyebrows raised in confusion when he saw his friend all covered in bandages. “Did you get beaten up?” “No, I’m supposed to be a mummy.” “Chi-Chi, you didn’t say anything about mummies being part of Halloween.” “Wait a moment, you didn’t know about Halloween?” “Not really.” “Goku, where did you live all this time?” Bulma walked back in just when the conversation was going on. “I just never cared about other things besides fighting.” “Well, tonight is your lucky night then. I’m gonna teach you all about Halloween.” “Alright, I suppose.” “Mom, my teeth are all red! Look!” Gohan came running and grinned at Chi-Chi. “That’s very cool, sweetheart.” She bent down and ruffled the top of his black hair. “I just hope it won’t stain your teeth.” “Don’t worry, Chi-Chi. It’s gooseberry with strawberry jelly. His normal teeth will be fine.” “Thanks, that makes me more relieved.” “So who’s ready for some trick or treat?” Bulma asked excitedly with a bowl full of candies in her hands. ***** The streets in the city were full of children with tons of bags filled with candies. They were in small groups with some adults looking after them. Each one of the guests at the Capsule Corp was holding a bowl with treats for the kids. “Trick or treat?” A group of children approached them and opened their bags. “Your costumes are so cute!” Bulma put some candy on them and almost everyone else did the same. Though the ones around him were giving treats for the children, Goku didn’t move at all. “You have a funny hair.” The child in front of him said innocently and both Chi-Chi and Gohan started laughing. “You deserve a little more candy because of that.” The woman gave him some of the sweet in her bowl. “You’re very cool, lady.” “Aww thank you! Have a few more.” “Mom, can we go around asking for trick and treat now?” “Of course, sweetie.” Chi-Chi grabbed his little hand and they started going down the pathway at Capsule Corp, along with Goku. “Gohan, wait a moment!” Bulma came running towards them and handed him a bag full of candy. “This is for you. We all got together and filled this bag.” “Say thank you, Bulma.” “Thank you, Bulma.” He pressed his palms together and bowed down respectfully after giving the heavy bag to his father. “You’re welcome.” She ruffled his hair slightly. “You’re such a nice kid.” “He really is.” Chi-Chi said proudly. “Are you ready, Gohan?” “Yes!” He said excitedly. “We’ll be right back, Bulma.” “Alright.” Gohan watched the groups of children laugh and be all happy about their candies that he suddenly felt sad for being on his own. “What happened, son?” Goku looked down at him. “Nothing.” “You want to be around other kids, don’t you?” He silently nodded, still looking down. “Then go.” “But I don’t know them.” He looked at Chi-Chi confused. “What if they don’t like me?” “How can someone not like you?” She knelt down in front of him. “You’re a lovely child. I’m sure they will love you.” “Okay!” “So go, or there won’t be any candies left for you.” “I’m going.” Chi-Chi stood up again and watched her son join a small group of kids with a proud smile and happy tears in her eyes. “Halloween isn’t that scary anymore, is it?” “It isn’t, when we’re out here. But the decorations still make me nervous.” “You’re so unpredictable.” “Why?” Goku asked her confused. “Because you face worse things when you’re fighting to protect the Earth, and can’t even handle some fake scary things.” “Well…” He shrugged. “Gohan seems to be having fun, so maybe it isn’t so bad. But I’d appreciate it more if I got to go trick or treating too. Can adults do it too?” “No, that’s only for children.” “That’s not cool!” He pouted. “Don’t worry, darling. I’m sure Gohan will share some of his candies with you.” “A bag?” He asked, full of hope. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.” She turned to him. “But there’s a Halloween surprise for you waiting in our house.” “What is it?” “If I say, it won’t be a surprise anymore. You’ll find out when he go back.” “Gohan!” Goku turned around and cupped his mouth, so his voice would be louder. “We need to go home.”
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zebrafiz · 2 years
watched girl interrupted for the first time ever today……. very interesting
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
May 8, 2022
So I was basically at the performing arts center from 10am to 10pm today (except for the brief dinner break) and wowza I cannot express how great of a day it was.
I went home yesterday to surprise my mom for mother’s day and they brought me back this morning in time for soundcheck which was like three hours long, followed by an hour break during which I ate raspberries and pound cake and tried not to fall asleep (apparently this sentiment was felt by many during the first concert).  Concert #1 went great!  My parents attended, they were caught off guard by the solo.  Only a few minor hiccups, but I felt really really really great about the performance.  Went to the dining hall for dinner (plus some headache medicine which did end up being effective), sat with other choir people (and saxophone-guy who, despite his moniker, is also a choir-person), then headed back to listen to the seniors give farewell speeches.  Concert #2 also went great!  My dancer-friend and journalism-friend attended in-person while my photo-friend watched the stream.  Again, not expecting the feature.  Apparently it went well both times, and I’d have to agree (though I will not be watching the recordings for at least five years, thx [edit: just watched it through lol it was... I did okay I think, the choir was GREAT])!  I saw where my dancer-friend was sitting and made eye contact with her once or twice and smiled (which, while entertaining, was not a good idea because I was thoroughly distracted and almost missed an entrance (and this is why I generally try not to take notice of where my friends/family are in the audience)).
BUT my dancer-friend enjoyed it so much that she’s considering auditioning for the choir once she gets back from her study abroad!!!!  I offered to help her learn to read music, but we’ll see.
So I had my last physics homework due tonight and this past week/weekend had just been so busy that I haven’t had the bandwidth to do it, so I figured that I was going to have to get it done after the concerts, and I turned down the invitation to go with the orchestra for their after-concert dinner, but then my cello/journalism/dancer-friends invited me to dinner (with some others who were in the audience for my cello-friend) and I just decided to take the L honestly.  One homework gets dropped, ultimately, and I just put random answers for everything to maybe rack up enough partial credit that it won’t be too bad, but it’ll definitely be below average, that’s for sure, so I anticipate that that one’ll get dropped.  I am so done with these classes ugh
Honestly I knew that I didn’t want to go out with the orchestra anyway.  I don’t know any of them super super well enough that they wouldn’t drain me completely after already having spent the whole day with them.  I mean I was a little drained from going out for “dinner” after concert #2 (I didn’t get anything lol) but perhaps to a lesser extent?  No, that’s not it.  I just didn’t want to be around large groups anymore.
Also I feel like it’s worth mentioning that saxophone-guy and I hugged for the first time after the second concert.  And for a lot of people that’s probably not an issue at all but I’m really picky about touch and he probably doesn’t know and won’t understand how much it meant to me that he asked first.  I have more thoughts but I’ve almost fallen asleep twice now and it’s time that I just go for it.
Today I’m thankful for the performance high.  And I’m thankful that both concerts went off without a hitch.
I’m going to bed.
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howimetyourfather · 2 years
“Is There Still Anything Love Can Do?”
April 15, 2022
A couple of things, I did ask Randall to dinner/lunch tonight. I know my last entry, yesterday, was about waiting things out or being patient.
But the thing is, I need someone to meet me at my level. If you’re intimidated by my forwardness or don’t like it, then I’m not for you.
And that’s okay.
I can do the whole friendship thing first but if I’m going to talk to someone everyday, I need to have met them. If I don’t meet them, I’ll end up setting expectations and projections onto the person, which simply isn’t fair for them or me. 
It was important for me to ask Randall out so I’m not wasting my time with someone who isn’t FOR me. 
Randall might not respond and that’s the risk you take with putting yourself out there. 
Plus, doesn’t that bring me one man closer to the man-love of my life? ( “man-love” because I am my own greatest love). I’m learning exactly what I bring to the table and I know I can provide a whole lot of love, support, and care for the right person. 
I’ve loved the wrong person so well, imagine how well I can love the right person.
I also figured if I’m going to live a life that I want you kids to emulate, then I want you to live it boldly.
Being brave and courageous is fucking scary, especially when it feels like you have no safety net. Free falling into the unknown. 
I promise to always catch you. 
I watched “I Want to Eat your Pancreas” today and the girl was dying from a pancreas disease. She died at the end because she got stabbed, not from her disease. That put things into perspective for me again.
Tomorrow isn’t promised. I could die in my sleep. I could get hit by a bus. You could plan out so much of your life only for none of it to go accordingly. So it’s important to live as free and boldly as possible. 
Do the thing (whatever that is) because if you don’t, you might not get the chance again.
I watched “Weathering With You” yesterday (actually as per Randall’s favorite animes) and the song that stuck with me is called “Is There Still Anything Love Can Do?” I think about that a lot. When you’re dejected and tired, beat up from the harshness of the world... is love enough? 
Is there still anything love can do? 
Can it heal wounds? 
Wipe away your tears and sadness? 
I think so. 
It’s funny that yesterday’s entry was about enjoying the journey, not the destination. So here’s my take, life itself, this WHOLE THING is a journey. You must live it as authentically possible to you. THAT’S how you enjoy the journey. 
Your grandma and I also got into a pretty bad scuffle tonight. I do love her and I know she has her own trauma. I can’t but feel guilty for growing up... Apart? From her sometimes. 
Like she brought up/weaponized Kevin as though I didn’t just ask out another guy tonight. 
Love always, 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by pinkmittens8
Do you sleep with the blankets tucked in or out? Tucked in, then when I wake up the state usually varies, i.e. sometimes I barely move in sleep, and other times I wake up with the bed a complete mess.
Do you take shampoo bottles from hotels? No but my mom sometimes will; it depends on what she thinks of the quality, I think haha.
Do you like to use post it notes? I like buying stacks of them but I quite literally never use them – I just like having them around. 
Do you cut out coupons but never use them? I don’t think I’ve ever used coupons. Come to think of it, I don’t think they’re a thing here, either. The only thing I’m familiar with are vouchers lol and whenever I’m shopping, as much as possible I do try to look for available ones I can use to get the biggest possible discount.
Do you always smile for pictures? Not always. Sometimes I’ll pull a blank face while doing a peace sign or holding up whatever it is I happen to have in my hands.
Do you count your steps as you walk? Never.
What is a big pet peeve you have? People being reckless about social distancing.
Do you chew on pens/pencils? I probably did once or twice, but I never formed a habit. I was more likely to chew straws, back when they were a thing.
Have you ever peed in the woods? Nope.
What is you least favorite movie? I wouldn’t watch Me Before You again.
It it okay for guys to wear pink? It’s okay for anyone to wear anything as long as it doesn’t bear racist sentiments or the Nazi symbol or anything equally offensive.
What do you dip your chicken nuggets in? Barbecue sauce. Oh man this made me miss the BTS Meal’s Cajun sauce :((((
What size bed do you have? It’s a twin.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? No.
Would you ever post nude for a magazine? If done tastefully and if I got paid well, I honestly don’t see the problem with it.
Can you change oil in a car? No, I don’t know the first thing about cars except how to drive an automatic one.
Have you ever ran out of gas? Fortunately no. I always start panicking once it reaches two bars anyway.
What is the best food to eat for breakfast? Eggs Benedict! Or waffles and fried chicken. I like my breakfast on the savory side.
What is your chinese astrological sign? 2022 is my year, actually :) Tiger.
Legos or Lincoln Logs? Lego. I’ve never played with nor seen Lincoln Logs.
Ever watch any soap operas? Nah. I was very fond of this Koreanovela called Temptation of Wife when I was younger, but that’s the only thing similar to soap opera that I followed.
Are you afraid of heights? Height per se isn’t stressful to me, but I hate when there’s gravity involved in it if that makes sense?? Like I hate when roller coasters have a huge drop, and I hate the idea of falling thousands of feet to the ground in like a plane crash. But in any other case, heights actually excite me and I’ve always wanted to go to those tall ass towers with glass flooring.
Is Christmas stressful? It really can be, especially the budgeting portion.
Ever get that deja-vu feeling? Yeah, I just got one yesterday while at work.
Take any daily vitamins? Not normally, but lately I’ve been doing taking Vitamin C capsules twice a day because my mom and sister have tested positive for Covid – so besides the fact that I am 110% likely to also have Covid at this point, I’m taking the vitamins for an extra layer of protection.
Do you wear a bath robe? Nope.
Walmart, Target or K-Mart? :/
Have you been anyones bridesmaid/groomsmen? It barely counts but my mom’s best friend wanted to have an entourage of junior bridesmaids, aside from the traditional bridesmaids, at her wedding; and she picked me as one of hers. This was in 2005 and I was only 7 at the time, though.
Ever won a spelling bee? I’ve won a quiz bee that was divided into different rounds like spelling, science, and Filipino culture, if that counts.
Doritos, Cheetos or Fritos? Doritos. I hate Cheetos and I keep forgetting what Fritos are.
Do you own a record player? No, but I’ve always wanted one.
Hot tea or cold tea? Is cold tea the same as iced tea? If so I’ll go with that.
Are you a patient person? Too patient and understanding for my own good, I think.
Ever have any plastic surgery? Nope, not interested.
Black olives or green olives? I’ve hated olives for the longest time but I’m training myself to start liking them, actually. So far I’m taking a liking to the green ones.
When is the last time you visited a hairdresser? Not since March 2020, but last year in August my mom got this home service thing where the hairdresser went to us instead so I got my hair trimmed then.
Do you like the clicking noise the keyboard makes when you type? Sure, but I’ve heard more satisfying keyboards.
Name something in the current room you are in that starts with a P: Pajamas.
Are rollercoasters scary or thrilling to you? I would say they’re more nauseating than anything. I don’t find them scary and I would ride the shit out of them if my motion sickness just didn’t act up at the smallest bump.
Hashbrowns or french fries? Fries. Hashbrowns are so worryingly greasy, which is saying a lot considering I love deep-fried snacks.
Do you know anyone who has a twin? Sure.
What would your parents have named you if you would have been the opposite sex? They never thought about it. I mean they decided on Robyn only after I was born, so I doubt they had anything prepared for a boy.
Do you know anyone named Dennis? No but I know a number of female Denises.
Is it true that you should keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Not really...I cut anyone who pisses me off out of my life haha.
Do you have a record of how many surveys you've taken in one day? It’s for sure a lot fewer compared to how much I took surveys back when I was like, 14. I liked taking anywhere from 7-10 a day back then, but these days I’m already okay with taking just one or two.
Who is your favorite character in the movie The Breakfast Club? Idk. I watched this movie once but it wasn’t all that remarkable so I forgot all the characters pretty quickly.
Do you still watch cartoons? Every now and then.
Can you do a cart wheel? Nope.
What is something you find useful in every day life? I have a laptop stand that I can prop up on my bed, that can also be adjusted to different angles depending on my position. It’s super helpful compared to just putting the laptop on my lap.
If you had any advice to give the younger generation, what would it be? I’d just tell them to be politically aware and to please be critical when it comes to picking people to elect in public office.
Going to an art museum or an aquarium? I would never pick anything else if it’s going up against an art museum.
Have you ever seen a jellyfish? Yeah. Been stung by one, too.
What is one word you would use to describe your best friend? Reliable.
What is something you have always been curious about? I just wanna know if there are beings other than us out here in this universe, man.
What is better to hear, the sound of a violin or a piano? I love both, but ultimately, the piano is my favorite.
Is The Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween or a Christmas movie? Idk I’ve never seen it.
Can you type without looking down? Yeah, that’s mainly how I go about typing.
How well can you write your name with you non-dominant hand? Not very.
Do you ever find things annoying if too many people like it? It certainly can feel like this which is why for the most part, while I am willing to give those things a chance, it’s only once they’ve died down. This was me with stuff like Squid Game haha.
How much water do you drink in a days time? At least a whole tumbler of it since I keep one in my room and I’m always able to finish it at the end of the day.
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