#i alsways have to initiate convos
glitter-alienz · 6 months
Im having a fuckass time thanks for asking besties <- (telepathically sending this to my 2 irl friends who never say "hi how are you?" )
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blackpeachy · 4 years
We're asking everyone to read this post and help in any way you can! Please.
Hello everyone. I need you all to pay a little attention to the largest problem I ever had to face in my life. And I need your help to resolve it.
As many of you know, Russia is a very homophobic country. Literally silencing all and any attempts to bring solutions to the problems of all aspects of LGBT+ community.
My name is Nathan, Nate and im a trans!guy living in Russia. Through out all of my life i alsways knew i didnt belong in my own body, but i didnt find out what that was untill i was 11. Im 25 now and i need your help. Help getting the certificate to finally change all documents and start transitioning.Living in Russia ment  misgendering and humiliation.  Eternal brainwashing and moralizing about the fact that this is only a phase and everything will be okay, that  I had problems with my head and it needed to be treated. This not only worsened my morale, but completely killed all the strength in me to continue living.This was the begining of a life long depression. Until sometime last month.
Having started some deep research on the topic of transition and gender reassignment in Russia( specifically in my city), my gilrfriends and I stumbled upon a clinic in Rostov(my city)called "Phoenix". We thought we struck a goldmine! A clinic that helps people and helps them find a way out. However, this was not the case, because starting to dig a little deeper, we saw people's feedback that 'Phoenix' only ridicules and humiliates people, rips money off them and prescribes "schizophrenia" for no good reason. Pay from 60 - 150k rubles just to be prescribed with schizophrenia and humiliated in the face of a huge council of 15 people ... It sounds disgusting, I know.  Here’s an example of something another trans!person said after visiting Phoenix:
(its a lengthy review, of which i will post a screenshot, but there a summaryin English)
“The doctor showed disrespect to my choice and began to convince me that we are predators and should eat meat. It's like convincing the believer that there is no God. This is disrespect for a person on the part of a doctor. At the end of the inpatient treatment, the doctor obsessively asked me to write a review about him, naturally, a good one. I am a representative of the LGBT + community. And I'll tell you right away - this is not a place for people like us. Dyachenko convinced me of the wrongness of my identity. Anton Vasilyevich initially refused to address me in those pronouns that correspond to my identity, referring to the fact that he “has no legal right” to do this.
I was prescribed a huge number of drugs with side effects that worsened my quality of life and made my head cotton. Several months ago I canceled the medication myself, and over time my condition improved, and the side effects, which the doctor called new symptoms of the disease, disappeared.
If you are a gay or transgender person with a severe form of depression, which does not correspond to their ideas and stereotypes about LGBT people, then you will most likely be diagnosed with schizophrenia and will convince you that all this is either due to illness or because of that you have read false information on the internet.”
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We immediately turned our backs on this clinic and resorted to looking for all-Russian and local groups and communities who provide help to trans!people in need. When I came across a couple of very interesting articles and reviews about the clinic in Samara called ‘Neurology’. (All people shouted to immediately throw out all thoughts about Phoenix, because the clinic is transphobic and does not help at all. We called Phoenix for a consultation there: We were almost cussed at by the sound of the tone they answered our questions.)
The group administrator himself contacted the clinic(in Samara) and now he does not regret it at all.  After reading the articles and talking with local admins, we decided that if we had somewhere to turn to and get the desired result in short period of time, we need to pack up and go to Samara, because people will definitely not drag you to offices and consultations with a huge number of people ... Everything is strictly between the two doctors you talk to and yourself.
However, in order to get to Samara as soon as possible, I ask for your help! The entire procedure for obtaining a certificate of gender reassignment (form N 087 / y) will take from two to three days, depending on how quickly the doctors will come to a general agreement and issue a verdict. The cost of consultations is  20,900 rubles (284,95 dollars, with consulatations) according to data from October, when one of the subscribers of the trans!movement group visited the clinic. This is a very reasonable and good price to pay for changing your life and finally stop being locked in your own body and mind.
Here’s some convos we had with Russian trans community groups:
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At the moment, we really need help with raising funds for the implementation of this procession:
The commission itself will cost 210$ (according to data from October),
Consultation with a Sexologist -40-45$ per meeting,
Consultation with a Psychiatrist - 48$ per meeting,
Hotel or motel to rent for the time to stay (taking into account if there is no way to find someone elses place to stay at) - ~ 140$, for at least three days.
Moving - by train, for two people, it turns out - 70$ per one person, in both directions. - 140$ (There are two of us going, me and my girlfriend for moral suport)
With such success, we are looking at the total amount of - 43k rubles or nearing 584-600$( plus some minor additions)
MY PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.me/commiewantssomemoney
We ask for help to raise funds for the trip, because it takes a long time to save up on our own. My family cannot help because of moral ethics, but they did not turn away from me,supporting me in every way they can mentally. We, of course, will contribute some of our own money to this cause, trying to save up working a  minimum wage job.
I am asking you for help in taking this long-awaited step towards a better life. Reblog, donation, ANY help is very appreciated! Help a suffering trans!male in Russia to make his life less miserable.
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