#also i cant stop being friends with them i care about them unfortunately
glitter-alienz · 6 months
Im having a fuckass time thanks for asking besties <- (telepathically sending this to my 2 irl friends who never say "hi how are you?" )
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starwikia · 7 months
suicide cw
look i have been in this area before mentally. it sucks and i wouldn’t wish this on anyone. but, and this is going to sound callous, but i don’t feel any sympathy for james somerton. even if i hope he’s like. not dead. But thats all the amount of goodwill im willing to give him. The more i think about this really, the more angry i am. 
ngl this entire situation is another example of how white people weaponize their mental illness to avoid consequences. Im seeing it in real time.
this man has a continuous habit of using self-harm as a get-out-of-jail-for-free card. in both of his apologies, he has worded his supposed attempts in ways that were clearly meant to guilt people who displayed his plagiarism and overall horrendous history of racism and misogyny. i say supposed because, while i’m not saying those are lies and this would he such a fucked up thing to lie about that i don’t want to think he has, unfortunately, it’s been proven again and again that his word can’t be trusted, as he’s known to lie to try get out of consequences. Hes a proven liar. him lying about this is actually the best case scenario, because no one should go through this entire situation, wouldnt wish this on anyone, but you can only do this so often before people stop sympathizing with you. is this callous? Yeah, but like. I’m actually fucking angry he cant straight up take no as an answer. that this is how he reacts realizing he cant be one of the Cool Kidz™️ on youtube anymore. he acts like he DESERVES a career, like its not a privilege hes lost due to his own actions.
He lied about apologizing and forgiving people, he lied about giving the money to hbomberguy to give to ppl he ripped off (yknow, instead of doing it himself), he lied about the jessie gender situation and rewrote the narrative to make it so he isnt the bad guy, and hes the victim all along actually!
you can’t tell me that supposed last message of his isn’t meant to be a 13 reasons why esq attempt to deflect the blame “look i’m going to kill myself and it’s all YOUR PEOPLES FAULT for not letting me achieve my DREAM of being filmmaker IN PEACE!!! I just wanted Nick’s (the guy who I have thrown under the bus again and again) portfolio up!! Im just being a good friend dont you all FEEL BAD” he refuses to take ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of any of his actions and he IS STILL trying to shove the blame over to other people again.
it’s also pretty ironic people are like “uhhh well hbomber’s fans harassed him!!!” like hbomber outright told people NOT to HARASS JAMES!!! ALSO acting as if james doesn’t have a very real documented history of STRAIGHT UP sending his fans to harass and threaten smaller creators, more notably women, trans, and bipoc creators. especially after he’s stolen typically very personal anecdotes so he could profit from them. so why can he do it but the second people are like “hey this guys an actual piece of shit.” and he can’t handle it suddenly people are trying to white knight his shit? like no he doesn’t get that. he doesn’t get that at all just because he couldn’t handle the consequences of his actions. 
what? were supposed to stay quiet about a man profiting off of other minorities because he wanted to be the spokesman for all gay people? people tried to solve this on a smaller, more private scales for YEARS and he kept doing it. it was clear that the giant public video was the ONLY way to get people to notice. HE WOULDVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH STEALING 87 FUCKING THOUSANDS WORTH OF DOLLARS. HE CANT HANDLE THE FACT HE CANT GET AWAY WITH IT. 
am i supposed to feel bad for the guy who basically threatened a trans woman with the police? i don’t care what anyone says, it’s so fucking obvious that he threatened jessie by implying he was getting the police involved in their conflict. what am i supposed to act like that didn’t happen? are we supposed to pretend like he didn’t glorify nazi’s and outright said that gay people made up a good chunk of the nazis? That he didnt say america joined ww2 bc they were jealous of the NAZIS. WHAT WOULD POSSESS YOU TO FUCKING SAY THAT. but then? He gives women (not even women most of the time, he misgenders nonbinary ppl constantly) shit for writing mlm. are we supposed to act like he doesn’t straight-up sees himself superior and better than people of color and steals their works to put himself on a pedestal? Are we supposed to act like he didnt spit on our elders by saying “only the boring gays survived aids” like man! Fuck you! He BLANTANTLY MAKES UP HISTORY TO PUT HIMSELF ON A PEDESTAL!! HE ACTIVELY TRIED TO REWRITE LGBT HISTORY TO SUIT HIS FUCKED UP NARRATIVES!
yes this sucks ! no one deserves this but no one should be making him a martyr. Thats what he fucking WANTS! He wants to be immortalized as a victim!! (again, supposedly, it was reported hes alive but its not confirmed).
The shit he got isnt near the amount of fucking callous behavior hes done again and again. Again, to drill this point, EVEN IF HE DIDNT CALL THE POLICE HE THREATENED A TRANS WOMAN INTO THINKING HE DID!!! The fact he tried to use a head injury to justify years of the outright ghoulish shit fucking astounds me. Why the fuck did anyone in his life thought it was a good idea to let him TRY to come back. in the end, he had options. he didn’t need to try to make a comeback. HE DIDNT NEED TO FUCKING LIE OR IGNORE THE SHIT HE WAS CALLED OUT ON the reality is, he wanted to come back thinking he could shove it under the rug, was told that no dude, you’re not allowed to be a youtuber anymore. you’re done. you need to move on and went full nuclear. it’s not on anyone’s hands but his own. HES BEEN DOING THIS TO HIMSELF!! But nah man we cant call his shit out bc hell may or may not kill himself. Fuck the other minorities who have the same issues but worse and sometimes BECAUSE of him. This is going to SUCKKKK so bad when other ppl, specifically white gays, are going to weaponize this shit to get away with their stuff.
#warning: do not read this post if you want me to be nice to james somerton. i am extremely mean in this post.#before anyone accuses me of shit i legit never contacted him myself or anyone involved. i am someone who witnessed this behavior repeatedly#again. i hope hes alive and well. the fact is him lying about this WOULD BE THE IDEAL SITUATION. BC NO ONE SHOULD GO THROUGH THAT. but.#he HAS to forever be the victim in his eyes. attempting doesnt automatically mean youre free of sin.#its just terrible to see that regardless whether or not he did do it#its very clear his attempts to run away from his consequences are working on some people#we need to acknowledge that if your shitty ex friend can weaponize a threat to kill themselves#so can this internet person after being called out for horrendous shit#like what was the alterative? what were people supposed to fucking do? be nice about it?#yeah as if poc and trans women arent historically given shit for being 'too mean' about wanting justice.#this isnt just the plagiarism this is the fact a white dude has been parading himself as THE speaker for the gays(tm) but has been using hi#gayness to shield himself from his misogyny racism transphobia and antisemitism#its very clear regardless this means that ppl r going to side with him and then give him benefit of doubt#if you cant handle the heat stay out of the fucking kitchen dude. this is the consequences of your fucking actions.#hes a disgusting person who cant handle being told no so hes going to drag everyone down with him#like. idk this entire situation is frustrating to me.#its also frustrating ppl trying to be moral abt it like 'see! i knew this was bad all along!' no you didnt. shut it.#for the record im like mainly talking abt twit watching those spineless uwu cutesy ppl basically saying hes done noting wrong#oh and also alt righters who are clearly weaponinizing this where u know they wouldnt give a shit if a right ytber did this.#james somerton#idk might delete this later its just. ugh...
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howlonomy · 6 months
You & my partner have gotten me on the Martlet x The Roba pairing train so I gotta ask; was there an 'O h.' moment for either of them when they had the realization?
i think they would both have an “o h” moment. i think martlet would have it during the period between clover dying and the barrier being broken. the crew spends a lot of time together, broken with grief, and struggling to support themselves. so martlet travels from snowdin to the dunes a LOT. suddenly her big ass house is too big, shes so separated from her friends so far away. she has dalv, but he wasnt there for clovers death and didnt see what she did. ceroba knows the feeling well. so i think martlet spends a lot of time with ceroba at her house; doesnt move in, because she cant bear to let go of her house, but spends a lot of time there.
you would expect martlet to have a big exciting moment of realization but i think she would just. realize it on a random day. and THEN she would freak out and immediately avoid ceroba and talk to starlo. who tries his best to stop martlet from panicking and mitigate damages but they both realize how stricken and traumatized ceroba still is from chujin and kanako and clover so. they cant really do anything about it. so unfortunately now starlo is subjected to martlets ramblings and lovestricken conversations like shes a teenager wirh a first crush
CEROBA HOWEVER. DOES get a big “aw fuck” moment. when they get to the surface she asks martlet to move in with her; it just makes sense, now that they’ve spent so much time together. might as well. so martlet moves in and just fits right in, taking care of kanako and ceroba when she needs it, being handy, and just generally being a good roommate! and then ceroba watches martlet teach kanako how to woodwork, both of them struggling to read martlets blueprints and stumbling around trying to find a single nail and she cant help but laugh and realize how happy she is. how she never thought she would see her family happy like this again after chujin. and then she realizes that.. she feels the same way about martlet as she did chujin. she sees a partner (platonic at the time, anyways) helping raise a child and live in her house and show affection to anyone and everyone, even her, and she realizes she loves martlet
and then she ALSO dumps all this info to starlo who sits there like “my god my dumbass bisexual friends dont want to talk to each other”
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baileythebean · 2 months
Vent below the cut so HUUUUGE trigger warning.
So usually I vent in my dad’s (Anomaly’s) DMs because he’s great at comforting me, but Im too pissed for this right now and I dont want to bother him. I swear I am so fucking close to actually killing myself, it’s scary.
My mom has an aversion to me ever binding. I am transmasc (FtM), and I am out to my parents. My mom claims to be a “good”, “supportive” mom, and I do occasionally have moments where I’m like “oh yeah, she’s making progress, she’s learning! :)” and then it’s always fucking ruined by saying things like “well Bailey is your nickname, your name is [deadname].” - “well you’re still biologically female.” - lots of bullshit little jabs at me whenever I ACTUALLY get brave enough to talk about my identity, which is rarely. Unfortunately, any chances of me getting a binder were ruined when I just asked her flat-out. I said it was for cosplay, just to play it safe, and it was still a hard no because “It destroys your body!” - “You wont develop properly!” - “You’ll regret it!” Along with several long rants about ALL the research she’s done, (probably barely any, and it was most likely on social media) and all the stories she’s heard about people who regretted surgery or just transitioning in general and had lawsuits for them, which is like, very low. The regret rate for transitioning is in the DECIMALS and yet she refuses to acknowledge that. We also have a history with suicide, as that’s how my dad left us, and yet she either hasn’t seen or doesnt care about trans suicide rates BECAUSE of being denied affirming care or harassment?? Anyways, here’s where my shit show of a story starts. I managed to get by fine with layering sports bras for a while and just not wearing anything tight-fitting. I figured she’d warm up to it eventually. But recently, I got a new cosplay (Venti from Genshin Impact) which involves a corset, and even if I layer or adjust the shirt, makes my chest look very weird if I dont bind. I started feeling more dysphoria than ever in my life and made a plan to get a binder before my first time wearing the costume. Said plan succeeded, and I had my friend get me the right sized binder at a birthday party one day through a queer kids program that offered them for free. I was so happy and started wearing it to get used to it and break it in since that day. Unfortunately, today I made the mistake of leaving it on my bed visibly.
My mom also has a terrible habit of going into my room and my spaces to clean, even though I usually do it myself anyway, and I LITERALLY FUCKING TELL HER NOT TO EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I dont want her touching my stuff EVER, not just when I’m trying to keep something from her. I told her to stop and she kept picking up trash, and she spotted it. She questioned me about it, and I caved, telling her what it is, how its been considered medically safe, and reciting like, ALL the safety instructions from the top of my head, hoping it would give me a chance at keeping it. I failed. I got yelled at for destroying my body, ETC ETC. finally, she says that she needs to keep my binder in her room so she can make sure I ONLY use it for cosplay and I’m pretty sure she’ll check if I’m wearing it every day.
Then this bitch PUTS MY BINDER ON and tells me it’s too tight. First, it’s supposed to be. Second, THATS NOT YOUR SIZE. I’m sobbing my eyes out right now, and the only thing keeping me alive is my boyfriend, and a literal fictional character. I want to tear my flesh from my bones when she tells me that puberty sucks for everyone, and she doesnt get the fact that it’s a million times worse for me because I’M A BOY. I’ll be lucky if I make it to the end of the year. I’m just done. I want it to be over. Someone come and end it for me, please. I cant take any more.
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racharii · 5 months
coming from an enby whos tme (tho i myself am not transmasc), i feel like a lot of transmasc people are doing this "have their cake and eat it too" thing where they want to be perceived as men or men adjacent, in our society a part of the oppressor class, while also still wanting to benefit from structures meant to protect against said class. specifically ones that have been set up in queer spaces. ive met quite a few trans men who were just as vehemently misogynysitic as your average dude bro. and (this is speculation based on convos ive had with trans men im not in every transmascs head) a lot of transmascs have a lot of internalized misogyny that they project onto trans women. ive had an irl ex friend of mine say something that i think encapsulates this particular issue fairly well. this was like 8 years ago, we were talking about trans rep in media (specifically orange is the new black iirc) so im paraphrasing; 'its messed up that we (afabs in this context) are sidelined for people who used to be men, we cant escape the patriarchy.' that was horribly transmisogynistic, so lets unpack it.
it assumes that trans women are just men
it assumes sex essentialism, that they and i were just women. that we were just poor Females having 'our space' encroached on by mean 'former men.'
im not saying that all transmascs think like this ofc. #notallmen. im saying that some do, and enough transmascs have internalized misogyny and not enough self reflection.
just because you are trans doesnt mean you are immune to bigotry and recouping oppressive structures. none of us are free of Sin™️. you as an individual have to make an effort to reflect on your thoughts and actions and how they might affect yourself and others, so that you are not a willing participant of our communities oppression.
for example, ive talked a lot privately about my journey to being a better person, (and pobodies nerfect, its always a learning process, you always will have things you can improve on. and thats okay, were all just human) i initially hated it/its pronouns. 'it' gave me the ick. i was called 'it' as a kid incessantly to make fun of my gender presentation, i couldnt fathom someone else finding peace and even euphoria in using it/its. i bought into the conservative talking points about neopronouns and it/its being detrimental to the trans community. they were "the bad transes" and me? well i use they/them but shakespeare used the singular they so im fine :), im one of the good ones. then one day, i was listening to some video essay idr what or who, but something they said stuck with me, "if it/its makes me happy, why do you care? how does 'it' hurt you really?" my trauma is not everyones trauma, people will find comfort in things that i wont, and thats okay. 'it' hurt me when i was young, by cruel kids and uncaring adults. why am i hurting my community, my fellow transes, by continuing to deny them their autonomy to identify how they like? so i got over 'it.' i saw the real harm was the fucking wedge being driven between us by conservative grifters trying to pick off the weakest in the herd before they go in for the rest of us.
visibility isnt necessarily a good thing for marginalized people. transfemmes are the biggest target of hate in our community atm. they unfortunately serve as the canary. global fascism is on the rise and to be frank, a targeted hate campaign against a trans woman is asking for her to be killed. outed, paraded as a freak, doxxed, swatted, killed. protect trans women, fascism doesnt stop with one group nor will you be saved by being "one of the good ones." trans solidarity, even the people you dont like, even if you think theyre icky or gross or whatever the fuck else you do Not give up trans solidarity. you dont make callout posts, you dont send death threats, you dont send hate mail, if you dont like someone Block Them and move on.
we stand together or we will be eradicated.
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shootingstarrfish · 6 months
Hi I wanted to ask one of my fav obey me artists this question: Least favorite to favorite characters? If you wanna say why, that'd be cool. If anything! Please have a nice day!
hii there!!! dearest anon stop being so nice you're going to make me cry AHSHDHD thank you,,, <33333
but what a fun question! for anyone who doesn't want to read my stupid long explanation for each character i will leave this tierlist here! all tiers (except the first tier) are organised by most to least liked within the tier from left to right
no i dont hate lucifer, it's just facebook relationship status (aka complicated <3)
Tumblr media
i have plenty of opinions though so i'll go ahead and give some explanations too!! >:D under the cut because there's a lot of rambling here LOL
some of the list is a bit boring because i cant really say i hate or even dislike any characters, and i don't wanna be mean about any characters just cause they're not necessarily my favourites so!
that being said lucifer pisses me off to a comical degree and he absolutely doesn't belong at the bottom but my feelings about him are so ridiculously complicated i don't know where else he belongs? i wish so badly that i could hate him in an uncomplicated way and move on but as an eldest sibling he's such a personal attack on me and i hate it. he's me, i'm him it's horrible. every time i start to think "ahh he's not that bad" he opens his mouth and makes me regret thinking that. i still think about the time i chose to kiss him on the ferris wheel and he held his hand out after and i took it and he said it reminded him of his dead sister, i will never stop holding it against him. he deserves to be loved and taken care of and he also should be thrown off a cliff. im quite certain if i had to assign myself a sin i would pick pride and i hate it >:( (this is all very lighthearted lol)
diavolo used to viscerally annoy me for no good reason when i first started the game, but over time he's grown on me and i'd say now i'm neutral-positive on him!! no idea why i hated him, i was just very salty for no reason hahaha i've recently come to appreciate his character a lot more, im very :( about how lonely he must be and i want him to have more genuine friends please solmare
i think mephisto really is just the kind of character i need to see more of to like, he's very interesting to read character analyses of (and kinda relatable tbh?) but i just need more in game is all! i love his silly lil poses those are real fun, and he is pretty
levi is another i also used to hate out of nowhere? i was neutral on him initially and then i suddenly hated him with a burning passion until one of my friends told me she really loved him and im physically incapable of hating a character my friends love so we're chill again HAHA slowly beginning to like him though! what a pathetic sopping wet cat of a man, it's GREAT
OUUGHH i so badly wanna be able to love beel more, it hurts me to have to put him here but unfortunately this is the way it is... i think it's more accurate to say i love the idea of beel? and ive noticed i really like him everywhere that isnt the game, which again is unfortunate :,)))
LUKE IS MY SON he is babyyyyyyy that's all i have to say <333 my precious lil sonboy he deserves the whole entire world
everyone loves mammon, and i am no exception :D he's not necessarily my type hence why he's neatly placed right in the middle but ugh i love a guy who tries and fails miserably to act tough but is super sweet inside, what a guy <3 ok i flip flopped between putting satan and simeon in the love tier because i am so very fond of both of them, but that's too many characters up there so imagine they're both in a weird tier purgatory between the 2 LOL
i am in fact going to marry simeon and then we will raise luke together it's a fact simeon is everything he's pretty and beautiful and a very complex and interesting character ahhh
SATAN MY LOVE he's a very interesting case to me in that i feel on paper he should be the kind of character who would be on the top of the list! he's smart and kind and unhinged and would kill for you and he likes cats!!! truly husband material i adore him
im going to marry thirteen, thanks for listening to my ted talk <3 my darling beautiful wife who would laugh hysterically if i fell down the stairs i love u thirteen <3333333 we will be wed tomorrow and we will live the dream in her silly lil cave of pranks and curses
i dont know what it is about raphael but i adore him??? is it the wet kitten swag? the done with life expression? his ridiculous outfit? i couldnt tell you but i saw him for the first time and i was immediately obsessed everything i learn about him just makes me more obsessed, i love the fact that he enjoys solomons cooking, the way he's good at sewing and is kind but kinda scary, what a fun character
i could talk endlessly about solomon oh how i love this silly househusband wizard guy i was pretty neutral on him in the og game, and then he swiftly stole my heart in nightbringer and now i would eat his terrible cooking any day of the week just to see him smile <3 if i die seeing him happy that's probably the best way to go out all his calls and messages are sooo cute and they make me melt im in love please just one chance...
barbatos and solomon are typically equal on the list i'd say? but the barbatos brainrot is hitting harder now so he gets to be ever so slightly higher this once hahaha barbs is another that took a while to grow on me, not that i ever disliked him or anything but i definitely overlooked him at first! design wise i absolutely LOVE him, his demon form is definitely one of my absolute favourites. the unique but still put together suit?? the ruffles?? the bone wing horns?? ugh he's just very pretty, and SO interesting as well love a calm collected guy who totally has the potential to destroy you if he so wishes but has a soft spot for you
and of course, real shocker im sure, at the tippy top of the list would be asmo and belphie my beloveds <333 i love them both equally and i could never put one above the other i actually started playing obey me for belphie because one of my favourite character tropes is The Tired One TM, and im absolutely not immune to a cute emo boy either. i've grown to really love his sass and the way he hides his manipulative nature behind his sweet and innocent appearance hehe i also do love how ridiculously forward and blunt he is at times, what a silly guy while belphie was very predictable, asmo was a very out of nowhere character for me! i distinctly remember seeing him initially and thinking "avatar of lust?? i guess he's pretty but he'll probably just be the fuckboy character who makes nonstop innuendos and has no character beyond that, and i'm too asexual for this" so i avoided him a lot at first, but i'm very weak for how kind and gentle and charismatic he is, and the way he puts his all into everything and everyone <333 it didnt take long for me to realise that he's almost exactly the kind of person i aspire to be more like
also miura ayme gives me so much gender envy its not fair send tweet
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eerie-night · 8 months
i always like stumbling across fic rec lists so i thought about compiling a list of some of my favorites and linking the tumblrs of the authors (but if i cant find them ill link twitter or ao3) bc theyre all fucking awesome
and all i loved, i loved alone- @featherxs
“An ability?”
— on the past, present, and future of one Edgar Allan Poe.
SOOOO GOOD!! its what originally got me so into bsd and its such a good reread too
(don’t) stop the rain- miniekooki
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke finds himself taking care of the Twain family after an unfortunate turn of events.
And he also finds himself considering Mark Twain as more than just an annoying prick.
(ALTERNATIVE TITLE: the domestication of akutagawa ryuunosuke)
i loveeeeeeeeee this and how it goes about describing the family its sooooooooo good
as bright as a blackhole; and twice as dense- cereal_whore
“Kageyama’s being bullied,” Yamaguchi grits, expression steeled.
Tsukishima lowers his book quietly, and stares, eyes wide.
“As if he has enough social competence to realise he’s being bullied.”
“Tsukki, please.”
Meant to be 5 times Tsukishima accidentally and very reluctantly saved Kageyama from his own social ineptness, and one time Kageyama does the same for him, but we ran into problems bc OP can't count.
(or: everyone is srsly stressed over kageyamas existence, but kageyama, despite having the common sense of a Five Minute Crafts video, is like those buff himbos within the tsundere category. so he somehow ends up wholly unscathed throughout this shit, while everyone else doesnt)
tldr: kageyama lacks forethought, and everyone but him suffers the consequences of it.
i eat this shit up omg omg its great its funny and it makes my day better read it
but not for spring to well up- tookumade
Miya Brothers
Sellers & Buyers of Antiques & Curiosities
Suna Rintarou squints at the small sign attached to the front door of the brick shopfront.
He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting. Something flashier? More brass? The Miya brothers could do with a pot plant out the front. The shopfront has one single large window that’s covered by a plain white curtain, so maybe they could open that up and have some of their antiques and such on display so people get an idea of what they buy and sell. Maybe a paint job for the door, which is the most boring brown Suna has ever seen. There is nothing he can say about it—it’s not nice nor ugly, it’s just boring.
Or, maybe Suna could stop giving any more of a damn about this shopfront and just get his appointment over and done with.
After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.
this sounds repetitive but…..SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD i love the emotion and how it deals with sunas ex and like everything about this fic is gold
“To Chase”- @diggingupgrave
Megumi has never thanked the man who raised him.
god…no words except read it you will not regret it
A Fair Day’s Work- featherhearted
“I may have some coffee in the place for you,” said Prime Minister Aegir. “Let me show you how much better I have become at brewing it to your taste.”
“If you insist,” said Minister Vestra but he sounded pleased. To Delarivier, who had literally made it her profession to attune herself to his tone (usually ranging from sort-of-murder-y to extremely-murder-y), Minister Vestra sounded very pleased indeed.
Ferdinand and Hubert's long-suffering aides figure out a way to work fewer hours.
im a whore for outsider povs and this one takes the cake and does laps around my brain when i try and sleep
a glass essay- fairbanks
Right out of university Jon's run out of time to run from the Web. The only way he knows to escape one domain is to give yourself to another, and he's always been good at being alone.
He really wasn't imagining the Lukas family would take him in at all, let alone arrange him to marry some smarmy ass named Peter Lukas.
yet again something to reread till you memorize every word and still cant get enough
now for authors that i recommend HIGHLY and a fic or two from them:
i recommend everything shes written but my top favorites currently are:
Cor Cordium
Fox dies. He wakes up. And then things start getting weird.
its so so good and kats soooo good at characterization and descriptions and could prob make paint drying interesting
out of night (out of nothing)
It's the duty of the Temple Guard to keep the Sacred Spire, the Force nexus at the heart of the Temple. Feemor's always done his duty gladly, kept it safe, kept the light burning. Order 66 changes everything. Changes him. Changes the Spire, too.
Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait are just caught in the currents and trying to make the most of their second chances, but an unstable Jedi and new powers don't make anything easier.
the concept is so cool and the execution is even better she could probably sell me air and id go crazy for it
trade your heart for bones to know
A week after an attack that nearly killed him and his son, Jaster Mereel finds Mostross dead on a battlefield. His killer is a Jedi, grievously wounded, who Jaster takes into his care. By Mandalorian tradition, Jon Antilles owes him a life-debt, and Jaster is cunning enough not to let such a thing slip away.
It's meant to be an entirely political arrangement. It doesn't stay that way for long.
not to sound like broken record but god this is fucking fabulous
i totally recommend checking out ALL her works but these were the first ones i thought of out of the ones that are currently updating
she has written sooo many good fics im just going to recommend my favorite series and you can go from there
Shisui is way too strong to have his eye taken by Danzo
He's the only one smart enough to master the simplest of techniques to legendary proportions
He was sweet and kind and, despite everything he'd seen and all the things he'd done, he wasn't afraid to hope. To dream for something better.
A series for Shisui
the characters, the plots, the descriptions all add up to something amazing
do yourself a favor and check her out, you will not regret it. unfortunately, i will restrain myself to only recommending one fic but DO check the rest out
With no root in the land —(To keep my branches green)
He is not a human and he is not a beast and he is not a creature, but he is. He is a being, then. A being that changes and learns and lives. He thinks his name is Ani.
this is the fic that i first read by llamallamaduck and its a really good introduction to how fucking amazing she is at doing crossovers and writing in general
i hope you enjoy these as much as i have :)
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skatingbi · 11 months
When I say sanji falls hard i mean he falls HARD homies!!
My fighter pilot au is also a modern au, so during the 2 years sanji and zoro are apart they constantly talk on the phone. Zoro hates texting so sanji will go out of his way to call zoro when they both have a break.
Their conversations last hours. Theyre not always talking but sanji is content with the comfortable silence that also makes up their calls as well. He just likes being with zoro in any way he can be until theyre able to meet again.
When its not silence zoro is talking about his family mihawk and perona, or the lessons he's taking (which zoro refuses to tell sanji what they are), or the unclassified information on the assignments he's been doing. Sanji talks about his mandatory leave where he goes back home and helps zeff with the baratie. He complains about his old man while also talking about how much he missed cooking. They talk about things other than work for probably the first time since that night sanji woke up with a panic attack a few years ago.
During these two years, sanji learns so much about zoro and he feels loved at the same time in zoro's own unusual way. In return, zoro learns more about sanji and basks in getting to be with sanji even if theyre on opposite sides of the world.
Unfortunately, their comrades are suffering by watching them be hopelessly in love to the point where it feels like experiencing second hand embaressment. Sanji SUCKS at flirting and zoro wouldnt even know someone was flirting with him even if it hit him square in the face with a 50 pound brick.
Nami and Usopp are betting on who confesses first. Luffy couldnt care less about the betting but still likes to be a supportive friend and participates anyways. Robin and Franky dont bet money but talk about it as well. Regardless, the majority vote that Sanji will confess first, even if it'll probably be the worst confession anyone's ever heard in their life.
Like you think these two idiots know anything about romance? Absolutely Not. They're in their early 20's and spent most of their life growing up too fast and having to survive more than live.
So when during those two years, the second year is maybe one assignment and mostly being sitting ducks at their respective bases they stay at, sanji and zoro talk more and more about their other dreams. They start to learn how to live, slowly but surely through each other, despite being oceans apart.
Flirting between them is useless, but opening up and baring their souls to each other isn't. When you put two guarded men together with walls up, it can either end in tragedy like betrayal or in them tearing down each others walls.
When Sanji bears his soul to Zoro, he understands for the second time how much he cant live without him. How much he truely wishes he could at least look at zoro face to face and trace all the scars on his skin with reverence and adoration.
Sanji's heart aches more and more as the two years pass by. The next time they call, though, his heart nearly stops when he hears zoro's voice still raspy from waking up so late in the morning for the Nth time that week to hear him say in fucking french by the way, dear god sanji isnt gonna be able to survive this any longer now.
"Good morning, Sanji"
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sniigura-archive · 2 months
👀 I'm hearing you out on the charlie x adam
• Charlie x sinner! Adam x secretary! Sinner! Reader
- reader treats adam like any regular sinner that comes into the hotel and it pisses him off because hes "the original dick" and shouldn't be treated like everyone else
- adam who gets in constant arguments with you over how you treat him (it's no different to the other residents) and you truly couldnt care less, you live in hell, there's nothing but complaints his arent special
- He definitely complains to charlie and uses her good nature
"How do you expect me to redeem myself if I'm being treated like this? If she was nicer to me I would be so much closer to redemption"
- poor Charlie tries her best but if adam is going to use charlie against you, you're going to also use charlie agaisnt him
"Charlie if I start treating him better than other quests that could cause an uproar not to mention hes being pretty prideful in wanting special treatment"
- he hates you now
- one on one counselling with Charlie mediating?? Recipe for disaster
- "shes just stuck up because she doesnt get dick" - "I dont need dick I get more pussy than you"
- the whole session turns into adam trying to prove that his dick will cure your problems and charlie is helping you prove that pussy is good enough.
- future sessions turn into:
- charlie holding your legs open for adam as he bullies his cock into you
- charlie sucking your clit as adam fucks you
- adam holding your legs open as charlie grinds against you
- Charlie fucking you with her tail/strap while you suck adam off
- charlie opening you up for Adam's cock as well as her strap
Hellborn! Reader + sinner! Adam
- reader whose been friends with charlie for as long as they can both remember and have definitely practised kissing together
"Wait just one more time I swear!"
"Charlie I think we've practiced enough, you're going to late for your date with Seviathan"
- adam who has to redeem himself in the hotel as punishment to get back into heaven
- adam who secretly has a thing for hellborns although hides it because "everything in hell sucks and heaven is so much better" (he says as he stares directly at your boobs)
- despite his bragging of heaven that doesnt stop him from hitting on both you and Charlie infact he just wants to show you both how much better he is than everyone down in hell (do not bring up the fact hes now a sinner he'll start sulking)
- adam makes comments about how him, charlie and you should "totally fuck🤘"
- he constantly makes remarks about how you and charlie ✂️ He holds back as much as a toothpick holds back a tsunami. Every sentence he speaks ranges from "you guys make out at sleep overs or.." to "which one of you fucks the other? It's you isnt it? That soft princess cant take control over her own hotel let alone a partner"
- unfortunately for adam all the brain power went into his fat juicy tits so hes as smart as a spoon and couldnt pick up on the fact that you're definitely not topping Charlie. That women takes all the control and uses her tail in filthy ways
- I like to think the whole "squished between them" starts with the whole "charlie gets fucked by you" comment
- "I could so take control! You have no Idea what you're talking about!!" Turns into adam watching and making comments, none of them are positive and all along the lines of 'you're not doing it right', 'hurry up and scissor already', 'she would be cumming already if you did it properly', 'you said you would fuck her, get some toys or something', 'arent you supposed to be in control? Grab her hair or something'
- eventually she does take out the toys, making you face adam as she pounds away
"That's what I'm talking about slap her ass!"
- he still continues to speak until your orgasm approaches and hes silent as he listens to all the noises you make. She thinks this is the end and adam will finally shut up and leave you both alone.
- nope! :)) he actually ups the antics as soon as you cum. 'You're not going to make her cum again? Seriously? All that work for one? I make women cum atleast 3 times', 'I give it a 6/10 lacking in a lot of areas, could've been hotter', 'she'd be begging for more if you were as good as me' (dude reader just got her pussy obliterated give her a second to come back to the living world before she asks for me)
- all these remarks rile Charlie up even more and her touch becomes rough trying to prove adam wrong as she slips the strap out of you until it finally boils over and the next thing you know you're riding adam with charlie shutting him up by sitting on his face
- every move you make is dictated by her, when she says move you say how fast. She gropes and sucks your tits occasionally gripping your hips to control your pace as she makes out your you and your tits.
- when Adam's muffled words continue to sound underneath Charlie and she silences him, pushing his face against her pussy.
- the night ends with "you know? I still dont think you can take control. We should try again for better results"
STOP ANON I THINK WE MIGHT HAVE A MENTAL LINK because why did i also think of like hellborn reader who was charlie’s former classmate/childhood best friend………. imagine you were her gay awakening
these scenarios are all so hot i’m drooling rn. i need them bad oh my god…..
adam the brat that you are!!!!!!! 😭😭 he’s too powerful with two beautiful woman by his side please stop him. nobody has to know tho that he gets topped by them
adam punishment is him tied up with his aching dick being left untouched while you and charlie get on it. or just you both overstimulating him until he’s crying and begging
double penetration with adam’s dick inside your pussy together with charlie’s tail being shoved in there too sudjdkdjdk hjjjjjjjjvbwbwwwww
i think lucifer wants to die once he catches up on what you three are up to
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angelsdean · 10 months
im wondering because ive seen a few posts about cas ghosting dean and the only times i can think of that he does that are season 6 fighting the angel war, season 8 running off with the angel tablet, and season 12 going behind his back to steal the colt. which are all situations where hes doing something dean disapproves of/will try to stop him. idk you can debate whether cas was right but it feels very different from this idea that he never answers dean's calls because he just cant be fucked?
ok a few things:
the post was not about the intentions of either character. it was simply highlighting how dean has been "ghosted" and ignored by people he cares about and left to worry for days / weeks / months, not knowing if they were alive or not and how this is a recurring theme in his life. always left waiting and worried / terrified he'll never see someone again. that's all. no one is saying cas is a horrible, Bad, evil, malicious person for doing this or that he ignored dean for the hell of it. simply that his actions, regardless of his reasons, unknowingly hurt dean in a very specific way that mirror's john's actions, unfortunately.
re: intentions, yes most often cas's reasons for not contacting dean are because he's doing something behind the winchester's backs. most often with good intentions! from his POV he thinks he's doing the right thing. cas always wants to take things on himself, and that's part of his own trauma from being seen a tool for heaven for billions of years. he always wants to "prove" his worth. he always wants to come back with a "win" for the winchesters. but that's not something dean puts on him.
and all of those times you listed are times when dean expressed he wanted to help / work together. when cas was fighting his civil war dean asks cas to come to him if he needs help. dean always wants to help / be in the loop so he can help. that's part of why cas fucking off to do his own thing and not telling dean is often perceived as "ghosting." like, good intentions aside, cas often barrels headlong into things that he Knows might not be the "right" thing. Half the time his decisions backfire too. Like going to crowley / opening purgatory + swallowing the souls. running off with the tablet? cas was the one who decided to go off alone and not trust dean. dean wanted cas to stay with them and figure things out together. the colt? dean wanted them to all work together, cas decided to go on his side quest.
back to intentions again, cas always believes he's acting on good intentions, and well, the same could be said about john? like, from john's POV he thought he was doing the right thing, he thought he was keeping his boys safe by keeping them out of the loop. he ignored them for so long in s1 because he didn't want them getting involved. similar to how cas knew dean and sam wouldn't approve of what he was doing or would want to get involved in something cas believed was his job to solve, john also knew dean and sam would want to get involved in the hunt for azazel so he pushed them away and kept them in the dark. he personally had "good intentions" and his "reasons" for ghosting them, but regardless these actions still hurt them. and then add in all the times john failed to check in when they were kids, dean was constantly worrying john could be dead, as a child and as an adult in s1. and living with that kind of constant fear leaves scars imo which unintentionally get reopen every time someone dean cares about goes ghost for whatever reason.
and well, i'd say it hurts even more when it's cas because sure, john's a piece of shit more often than not, but cas is dean's best friend (and love!) and to be ignored / left in the dark when most often dean just wants to know cas is okay or so they can work together to solve whatever problem is going on? it hurts.
so, yes cas had his reasons and his intentions were often good! no one is saying they weren't. but the lack of communication, the bare minimum of any relationship, still hurts dean.
it's not unreasonable for dean to want his best friend to let him know he's okay / alive periodically, especially when they live in a literal supernatural horror fantasy show where they can get dead at any time. i don't think anyone is really saying cas is just ignoring him for no reason. sure he has his reasons. and regardless the lack of communications still hurts.
but also. the miscommunication is very delicious to me personally as a viewer.
tldr: anyways i don't think cas ghosts dean for no reason. i think he has his reasons. and still ghosts him bc he wants to come back with a win / doesn't want dean to get hurt / or stop him. but the ghosting still causes dean to worry / think he's dead / triggers a deep-seated anxiety and fears he's felt his whole life starting with john etc etc
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keithbutgay · 2 months
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the silly guys (and yes, they're gay :P)
(much info under cut)
okay so main worldbuilding--- i havent actually really thought this through but the idea is that basically its this really unoriginal kinda dystopian-ish world where there was this government created robotic spore, something that would go into your bloodstream through open wounds. the spore would then corrupt your body, and there was no way to stop it.
the idea was to keep it among the higher-ups of the country, using it as a sort of punishment for criminals but after all these victims inevitably re-entered society, questions started getting asked. eventually someone anonymous hacked into the blueprints, the information was released and the spore began spreading, infecting hundreds and hundreds of people.
(and yes, i realised after creating all this that its basically just the plot of wilder girls. do i care enough to change it? not really)
ghost (he/she/they)
-actually the silliest of guys
-gay disaster
-trans guy, would only like to be referred to with masc terminology despite their pronouns
-eye and entire arm had to be amputated after a car accident
-eye was filled with an amber-like substance that hardened over time as a result--- while it was still soft a bug flew inside and became trapped
-shoulder blades and arm became much more veiny and translucent, which is why he always covers his arm
-has a lot of scars on his arm, they show up more on the translucent skin
-constantly changing hair color. because she can
-adhd be upon ye
-asexuality be upon ye
-demiromanticism be upon ye
-is really energetic most of the time, gesticulates a lot while talking, but will sometimes forget about their arm and be confused about why its not moving
-experiences phantom pains in their missing arm, and also experiences chronic pain in their wrist and neck because they got really fucked up in the accident
-really normal about the ocean /lie
-struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder and severe bipolar 1 disorder, and experiences hallucinations and other symptoms of psychosis because of that
-dont really like people standing on their blind side, which is partially because of their paranoia and partially because they're self-conscious about their arm (and because holding hands)
alright moving on cause i said a fuck ton about them so now its time for smoke
i dont have that much for them sadly
i designed him second which means that he doesnt have that information on him but its okay because i love him
smoke (they/he)
-they're SUCH a guy. like. the most guy. in an agender way
-autism be upon ye
-also a disaster gay
-got into a lot of fights because of where he was brought up and the people they interacted with. this ended in their face getting cut up a bit at a really unfortunate time, and they were infected
-he cant actually fully zip or unzip his face--- instead they can feel their skin being stretched apart constantly
-its because of this that he doesnt talk or smile often because it often hurts to move his face. he will sometimes use asl, but doesnt know that much beyond finger-spelling and they prefer to just listen to other people
-if they do talk, its really quietly and slowly. they really only talk to ghost because they know he wont judge
-anxious boi
-definitely has bpd but no he will not be unpacking that today, thanks, that is getting shoved deep down along with his probable autism, depression, and panic disorder
-also getting shoved down along with his sexuality, he does not have the time or energy to think about that right now
-never really had many friends ever, and its historically been really hard for them to really get along and get close with others so they dont approach people very often
-really normal about space /lie
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hi there! BEHOLD THE REQUEST I’VE BEEN BAKING, can i request platonic hcs of Kobeni x bennet like reader from genshin impact. Both are them are best friends who are thrusted to the world of devil hunters. Yup these poor unlucky sweethearts together would make an intresting story
More context on the reader:
Their whole life has always been riddled with unlucky events but that had never stopped them for living their best life, yet they cant help but wonder if them staying with their best friend, Kobeni is for the better or worse. Dont get them wrong, they love Kobeni as one would love their own family member but with their bad luck and her own bad luck combined, it doesnt paint a pretty picture. Well Kobeni doesn’t care about that and is just glad for their company in the work their in.
Also the reader made a contract with the Phoenix Devil and now can use their abilities they have in genshin impact in exchange to let the devil watch the life of the personification of bad luck that is them. Wonder how kobeni feel about that exchange?
So hope you the idea and have a good day/night!
- Flower Anon 🌸
A/N: Hello Flower Anon! I really love the idea, especially because Kobeni and Bennett are in it and I love them both so much! So thank you for the once more awesome request!<33
Content: Mentions of really bad luck, Platonic relationships, mentions of death, angst, devil contracts, kinda bittersweet ending??
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Kobeni never minded how clumsy you were. She never minded how things seemed to always go wrong when you were around. Or that you were practically the personification of bad luck. She never cared about any of that, in fact, she just accepted it and reassured you every time, that she's just happy you're in this together.
Life was always so unlucky to her too after all, which is why it wasn't all too surprising, that you both ended up as Devil hunters eventually. You had no choice in that, but it didn't matter, as long as Kobeni and you were together. You were eachothers support system and family, when everyone around you seemed to either hate you or die.
But eventually the toll and pressure of all these unfortunate deaths got to you. You were teased and avoided by nearly all your coworkers, mainly because everyone believed that being near you would cause their certain death. This haunted you everywhere you went and not even Kobeni's comfort was able to stop you from spiralling. It came to a point, where you began distancing yourself from everyone, including Kobeni.
This upset her greatly, because you were essentially all she had and one of her best friends at that, but no matter what she said to you, you wouldn't see things her way. She didn't care that you were unlucky, she never did and never will. So you avoiding her just made her into an anxious mess, that trailed after you constantly even if you tried avoiding her at all cost.
And then she heard about the contract you've made. She wasn't happy about it and tried to talk you out of it, but by then it was too late. So, she tried to accept it as a new part of you as well, just like how she had accepted your bad luck before. But she only did so, once you learned to accept, that she would never leave your side no matter what. You're stuck in this together, even if bad luck always seemed to follow you everywhere.
Kobeni tried to be impressed by your new abilities from then on and never asked you much about your devil contract. It was her way of acting like nothing was wrong and everything was alright. Your new powers did gain you some respect among your peers at least, but that just made Kobeni's anixiety worse. In the end, she'd always stay at your side, supporting you even if her own life has to end for it.
But she'll always feel disappointed in herself for maybe not making you feel loved enough. And that's perhaps one if the biggest things she regrets and won't ever tell you about either.
A/N: So, I hope this was coherent and what you asked for. I was a little unsure on how to go about this and maybe made it a little too sad again, but yeah, thank you again for the request Flower Anon!<33
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dreamychuu · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a scenario where keito has a crush on a gn reader and he finally asks them out after gaining the confidence/courage?
Thank you so much, and do take care! Lots of love 💕💕💕
A/n : do u guys know that keito is a hopeless romantic! Huh, what? You ask for source? The source is that i made it up ‼️
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₊˚ପ⊹ - is this... Supposed to be this complicated?
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╰┈➤ - warning/info = gn!reader, "!" Era, keito is an hopeless romantic.
✿ - Keito never understood the complex of "being in love" that his classmate's, unit mate, and others experience.
he always thoughts confessing to someone is easy. "All they has to do is to admit the romantic feelings and it's over" Or at the same time he doesnt care about it at all.
but for some reason lately he's started to develop feelings for a certain someone.
And the certain someone is you.
whenever he's near you, he can feel his heartbeat going faster, as smiles apper on his face after chatting with you, and the fact that he always appears when someone talks about you whether it's good or bad topics.
At first he didn't notice how he act like that, until finally the student council president or so we called eichi pointed it out to him and told him maybe he was in love.
With a bit of shock he started to re-think about it, maybe eichi was right?.
now he understood the complex problem people around him feel about being in love!
As times went by... He cant stop thinking about you..
He then start to be so desperate because he lacked focus on his work just because of the feeling.
he then asked the so called love expert "hakaze Kaoru" To helped him.
Of course, the blonde haired man was in shock, he never thought "the always serious student council vice president" ask him about love!
and that's how he learned that if he wants to confess to someone, it's better to ask them out first.
because that way he can know whether the person he likes is interested in him or not.
Keito still doesn't feel he is ready, yet.. He already thinking about just sending a small letter to you, but Kaoru was against it and said that it was a way that coward's choose.
keito was a bit offended but still complied with him.
everyday he's always trying to test his courage in front of you, by being nicer to you or spending more time with you, which surprises you a bit.
As if an angel bless him.. in the end he was sure that it was time for him to ask you out!
And unfortunately he still used his original idea to just sent a letter through your friend so you know that he want you to meet him after school.
believe me, he so nervous! he even wrote various scripts that he could tell you...
even a few days before, mao had seen keito's desk full of papers filled with many kind of scripts while keito can be seen fell asleep in the middle of writing another one.
the school bell finally rang as you packing up your things and went to the place marked on the letter.
once you get there you can see the dear vice president already there.
You greeted him and asked why he asked you to met him after school.
"Do you know about the cafe near here? Yes, the cafe that's two blocks from here, I hear they serve's great foods , even though the food is not that healthy for an idol or anyone, there are still many people who like to go there and actually the scenery there is quite mesmerizing with lots of different kinds of flowers that are put up there as well, making the cafe stand out more... I also still have a lot of student work so if I go there maybe it's rare or you could say only once.. talking about flowers earlier I realized that there are flowers that remind me of you then I can also count you as reliable to help me so with that I hope you can help me and go with me there after school the day after tomorrow ," he answered by giving you the same length as the lecture he always gave.
"So , keito is asking me out?", you ask
Keito, who didn't expect that you realized it, only looked down so you wouldn't see his face that was starting to turn red.
Seeing his reaction you then continue your words by saying that you were just kidding and you accepted his offer.
when keito wanted to say something else you heard your name being called by your friend as you immediately said goodbye and left him.
You may not have seen it.. but he smiled after hearing that you accepted his offer
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daemonwritesstuff · 3 months
hey there! could i possibly get a matchup for hazbin hotel, saiki k, vocaloid, and/or tgcf? tyyy!!
about me: i'm a usamerican teen with super nerdy hobbies haha, i really like reading whether it's fiction, nonfiction or even fanfiction, and i like playing video games and d&d. unfortunately i cant play a lot of video games because so many of them dont have accessibility settings and i have chronic wrist pain as well as impaired coordination related to autism :/ but i still keep an eye out for cool looking games that are accessible to me
my gender is complicated haha and even i dont fully understand it, mostly for autistic reasons. i use genderfluid as an umbrella term, but other terms i really like are soft butch, tomboy, multigender, transmasc girl, and autigender. i use any/all pronouns
my sexuality is... also complicated... i'm aromantic and romance-neutral to romance-favorable (romantic matchups are ok!!) as well as abrosexual and aceflux, or abroflux. i experience alterous/queerplatonic attraction to people of all genders and i have had both queerplatonic and romantic partnerships with people :)
my mbti type is enfp, i consider myself a very extraverted person who loves hanging out with people and making friends. i can come across as overly cheerful, loud, impulsive, excitable, enthusiastic etc., and i may seem a little airheaded or dumb sometimes because of it. however, if you take the time to get to know me you'll find out that i'm equally capable of being introspective, thoughtful and quiet when i'm in a calmer mood. i'm actually a quite intelligent person who tends to think deeply about things, and i find those same qualities attractive (though not essential) in a partner or close relationship.
my favorite color is olive green, my favorite band is counting crows, my favorite candy is toffee, my favorite movie is 'stranger than fiction', my favorite sport is hockey, my favorite animal is ferrets, my favorite tv show is community, my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip, and i also love good food (especially any kind of curry), live music, fantasy novels, going on walks, and writing.
ummm i think thats it! thank you in advance, love your blog <3
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A/N — hi there! and yes ofc you can get a matchup! I only chose one fandom for this since I can’t rlly write a lot BUT this was super fun to make and I also love your description a lot! you seem like a rlly cool person :)
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☆ just from reading your description alone, you match their vibe so much! you would be able to make friends with them very quickly unlike the others.
☆ Rin is someone that’s gonna be looking out for you all the time, she helps you with your wrist pain and autism a lot, she’ll do whatever it takes for you to be comfortable. I also think that she would like to watch any kind of shows with you. (she may make fun of them/j).
☆ Len is someone that’s gonna be around you to have fun with honestly, you guys are gonna do the most activities together a lot, I think that he would like playing board games with you but he would rage quit when he’s not winning / or didn’t win the game at all. Like Rin, he’s gonna be looking out for you as well, he doesn’t like seeing his friends getting hurt and he’ll prevent anything from happening to you.
☆ you guys are always so loud! the others can hear you guys even laugh from a 5 mile radius. you and len have the same energy so run is gonna have to look out for two idiots (that she cares for very much).
☆ when your in a quieter mood you’ll get the other two to be quiet as well, whenever you go quiet around them so will they just so that they don’t bother whatever your thinking about. (I think rin would have to stop len from trying to get you out of your thinking bubble, but if it’s too long then she’ll allow him to get you out).
☆ they also buy you a ton of gifts on special occasions! whether its holidays or birthdays, you’ll get a lot of presents from them (sometimes they can be homemade sweets but I feel like they would leave the cookies in the oven for too long and they’ll be burnt).
☆ you guys definitely go on daily walks together (especially to tire len out whenever he’s just a bit too energetic), while you guys are walking you guys will also get ice cream as well (they always fight over who’s ice cream flavors are better…).
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ROUND-UPS: kaito, gakupo, hatsune miku.
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trashworldblog · 1 year
You are incredible. Seriously. There's not really a concrete way I can describe just how cool you are. And by "cool" I MEAN cool, I'm not just grasping for a positive adjective to hype you up I MEAN IT. The first time you ever reached out to me in tumblr.com I was low-key stunned because THAT'S THAT COOL PERSON WHO POSTS THE FUNNIEST SHIT AND IS SO NICE AND AWESOME AND SHE WANTS TO TALK TO ME??? BOOG???
All Boog mentions aside, you're genuinely such a good friend. You make me feel valid and appreciated and listened to and I LOVE our silly little Tumblr takeovers (I am free all day tomorrow 👀) and how FAR we'll take our silly little jokes. You're also such a genuinely kind and positive force in this community like HELLO??? ILY??? And you're so creative and funny and just... The way you love the little things in life is so, so inspiring and I just care about you a lot, okay??? Even though you are evil.
That being said, the birds are still coming. Brennan and Steven are having a bit of a fight rn so management is all fucked and the army is out of control. I'm just a general in their squadron so I can't really change it. Sorry.
HOWEVER, if you follow the four commandments of ancient wisdom, you should be fine:
Fuck it, we ball
Commit to the Bit
Serve Cunt
Camp is everything
I hope you feel really loved and appreciated today, because you truly, truly are. Happy birthday, Merry Independence Day, Feliz Turkey Dinner, and I hope you Chicago your way through life. Best Boog wishes are being sent your way in 3... (there is no escape) 2... (i'm being serious) 1... (NO STOP RUNNI-
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youre also a genuinely amazing freind. i always feel so listened to and appreciated and understood. plus we know when to get silly and evil 😈😈 tommorow is gonna be very silly. YOURE ALSO AN AMAZINGLY FUNNY AND POSITIVE FORSE IN THE COMMUNITY AND IM SO HAPPY THAT YOU THINK I AM TOO AAAAAAAA <33 when ur silly posts break containment and the twt mutuals see your posts they absolutely LOVE IT. AND YOU ARENT EVEN ON TWT!!! LIKE!!!! THE IMPACT!!!! also are you comparing me to s**** t** cus thats a BIG compliment /lh /hj
I KNOW THE BIRDS ARE COMING. IM READY. I AM PREPARED. its good to know the higher ups are unprepared right now. unfortunate that you cant do anything about it 😈 i will use the four wisdoms, and ill use them well.
I FEEL SO LOVED AND APPRECIATED THIS IS AMAZING THANK YOU!!!! DKWJFJSJRJEOTJEBIDFJVYTOJRJ. happy easter, happy new year, Happy St. patcris day, and have a wonderful flag day! <3333 [you cannot escape these wishes. you must pass go and collect the wishes.]
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latetaektalk · 6 months
Ok while all of our hearts are collectively breaking, I wanted to share a little irl story that I think about whenever I reread LTHY. When one of my best friends, who suffers from anxiety, started seeing her now husband, I asked her mom what she thought of him. And she told me she thought he was perfect for my bestie because "he's so patient with her." And that just really stuck with me because that's not a compliment you hear about people, especially men, often. You'd be more likely to hear something like, "he takes such good care of her" or something like that... but patient? What a beautiful thing to be for another person. To be someone who gives someone else the support, time, space, and compassion to work through things on their own. To show them love, respect, and acceptance of who they are.
Anyways, whenever I read LTHY I always think of this moment because Jungkook is just so patient with OC and it really is so beautiful. Despite the tough ending to this most recent chapter, he was so patient with her when he came to pick her up at the mall and as she tried on her outfits. Even as she was fighting with him outside of his parents house, he was so patient and understanding, knowing that it was probably her anxiety and trauma talking. And our poor OC can feel it, and is frustrated by it, hence her screaming "why are you like this?!". Because she doesn't feel like someone who is deserving of patience, so it doesn't make sense to her. But she does deserve it and I hope that eventually she can love herself enough to accept his patience.
Are there things that both OC and Jungkook need to personally work on for the sake of their well-being as well as their relationship? A thousand percent. But what I really want is for OC to stop shaming herself for the way she is. She already feels really badly about herself due to her experience with Jaehwa, but I think an important thing this chapter highlighted was that she's compounding that with feeling horrible about herself for how she's reacted to that trauma and how it affects the way she behaves in her current relationship. She can't erase that trauma from her past completely, so my wish for her is the self-acceptance that she may be just someone who needs a little more assurance and patience while she's working through that trauma.... and more importantly that she's deserving of someone who is willing to accept her with those scars and meet those needs. But until she's receptive to it and feels she's deserving of it, all of the patience in the world won't be enough unfortunately. Giving someone else patience is really extraordinary, but it's even more extraordinary to be accepting of deserving patience.
oh my god i think i reread this ask over and over again because i genuinely never thought that anyone would analyse my story so much in depth !! im so so so flattered and amazed oh wow 🥹🥹
i definitely agree with you anon!! youre really pointing out some of the few things i really tried to hint at in the chapter! oc says it herself too actually both in the chapter "How even if you tried, he remained patient with you." and here. jk's patience surprises her over and over again. in the end, i think just because of his seemingly unwavering patience jk is able to be so understanding and empathetic towards oc. and its exactly that patience that oc cant accept because of what happened with jaehwa and her. they broke up just like that. there was no time, no patience. she was dropped like a hot potato and told to move on just like that.
i think even more than that its glaringly obvious also that oc never really offers herself any kind of patience. she gets so in her head and critises herself so much, how could she possibly go ahead and accept jk's patience?
both of them have a lot to figure out and i genuinely feel for oc so much because god knows that shes been through enough.
thank you so much for sending this in 💓 reading your take was so interesting and warmed my heart in ways you cant understand because i really wanted to get these things across !! thanks so much 💕
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