#i am Determined
lilacxquartz · 3 months
a collection of reader insert scenarios in which the jjk characters are faced with the daunting prospect of dealing with jealousy around you.
w.c: each piece is under 700 words but there’s a lot of characters to get through :)
themes: fem!reader, mostly fluff, some nsfw mentions but light
included: satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, choso kamo, shoko ieiri, yuki tsukumo and our chaotic special guests: sukuna, uraume & kenjaku.
mdni • semi nsfw • ao3 link
Satoru Gojo:
Usually self assured and confident within all parameters of the relationship, Satoru had very little to worry about when it came to being with you.
Besides, just by being with him alone was the highest possible praise you could have ever given the guy.
So, when faced with the topic of jealousy, he would at oftentimes simply just push the subject away and it would never even have a chance to spiral. Maybe at best he’d ask you for some validation and you’d indulge him in a stream of compliments to feed his longing ego.
But it never got too bad.
Lately, however, there had been someone that he wasn’t too particularly fond of trying to get closer to you. It wasn’t your fault, you were simply just too nice.
Of course someone got the wrong idea and of course you were too oblivious to see what was wrong.
Truth be told, Satoru thought you wouldn’t do anything that would make him worry but just the person’s existence alone left him with a sour taste in his mouth when he thought about them.
His initial reaction bordered irrational and he suddenly became clingier when he texted you which was reflected to an extent when he spent time with you. He wanted much more validation and reassurance than usual because he wanted to be told exactly what you love about him and why.
Still, the strange person persisted, but rather than admitting that he was actually jealous of someone he knew that couldn’t even hold a candle to him, he decided to go all out.
Hitting his peak jealousy, he booked you a trip somewhere special. Sure, in your mind it might come across as out of place and even spontaneous, but you wouldn’t be mad. See, he knew exactly what types of places you’d like to go, keeping a mental note or any time you’ve had your eyes glued to your screen with wonder and as it turned out—he had the means to justify a trip to anywhere.
Confusion was what came to mind when you woke up to your overly optimistic boyfriend who subtly slipped a plane ticket into your hand while fast asleep. He next handed over your passport, your eyes warily following his own to land on a seemingly packed suitcase sitting by the bedroom door.
Poor you, Satoru didn’t even give you enough time to react to it all.
Yet there you were, already flying high in the sky in one of the clan jets half asleep.
Eventually it all hit you though and you asked what brought this on.
Satoru being Satoru fed a non-serious answer, laughing to himself that now so-and-so can’t get close to you which was right when you understood that the fool was actually acting out of jealousy all along.
Satoru was good to you though, even if he was excessive at times so you just rolled with it.
Making sure to fuck the worry right out of his head as soon as you arrived in the hotel room.
Suguru Geto:
Jealousy was something that Suguru never could quite overcome. It was ingrained into his personality at this point to protect what was his. He didn’t like sorcerers and non-sorcerers alike putting their eyes on you, staring at you as if they had a chance.
Wanting to stay in your good graces though, he reluctantly swallowed his insecurities away when he started getting serious with you and for the most part, trust prevailed.
You were his ideal partner and the girls loved you.
Those two little things painted you as perfection in his eyes and he would never stray away from you.
Speaking realistically, Suguru knew that he didn’t have a single thing to worry about with you. He treated you very well and wasn’t subtle about how much he loved you.
Still, he kept seeing you hang out with someone new. Keeping up the appearances with the cult often meant putting on a show and even if your persona was fabricated, he hated how the person in question was starting to look at you the same way he did.
In fact, it was infuriating.
His initial solution was to give into madness and simply feed this person to one of his cursed spirits before he realised that such an action would very likely upset you. His next solution would have been to warn (likely rough up) the person in question that they were on thin ice, but you wouldn’t like that either.
Instead, similar to Satoru, he would simply avert your focus from the suspect and redirect your attention onto him instead.
One particular night when the girls were asleep and a trusted ally was on the way over to babysit, he swooped in right behind you as you were getting changed for the night. His arms snaked around your waist and he pulled you close while his chin rested on your shoulder.
He whispered your name while leaving a trail of purposefully visible hickeys on your neck, making his claim on you obvious to anyone who dared look.
Caught off guard but not disliking it, you asked what brought all this on and Suguru who liked to be a man of few words during moments like these, replied that he just wanted to take you out tonight and show you off to the world.
While walking to the car however, he did confess his building concerns though, knowing that you wouldn’t be mad, maybe even find this whole mess funny.
That he simply didn’t like how close someone was trying to get to you, that he didn’t like that someone truly thought that they had a chance with you.
Planting him a deep kiss onto his cheek, you joked that if it meant more date nights then maybe it wasn’t so bad, especially with what you had planned later.
So in his riled up state of mind, his demeanour tightened.
Maybe it didn’t hurt to sometimes give into jealousy.
At least every now and then.
Kento Nanami:
Kento prided himself for being very connected to a logical approach with pretty much everything. He enjoyed listening to you and adjusting his behaviour to what he felt you needed from him while also being genuine about it.
As your long term partner, his number one goal was to ensure that all of your needs were being met and he took that very seriously.
Jealousy wasn’t ever an issue he explored as a result. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel it, in fact, he thought a little bit of it was healthy every now and then—but he simply just didn’t dwell on the subject, knowing that he had nothing to worry about.
Trust was a big part of a relationship, after all.
Yet, he couldn’t quite shake the lingering feeling that you might have been getting a bit too friendly with someone he disliked. He knew that realistically you were as faithful as they come and even worrying would be silly of him to do, but this irrational feeling wasn’t subsiding.
It was festering and it made him feel bad.
Wanting to set a good example on how to approach the topic of jealousy however, his first course of action was to catch you at a good moment. Right after dinner, he cleared the table for you and did the dishes, choosing to bring up the subject when he joined you on the sofa.
He wanted for you to take it slightly seriously though, so he asked for you to please humour him with his predicament.
You agreed to his terms because Kento was good to you and you wanted to hear him out whenever he had a problem. He wouldn’t be so serious all of a sudden if something was actually up and as a good girlfriend, you wanted to be there for him.
It was the right thing to do.
He started off saying that maybe it’s nothing, but, you’ve been getting a bit too friendly with someone he doesn’t have the best opinion of and he knows it’s not fair to put this on you, but he’s just unsure of how to feel when he sees you with someone like that.
Acting just a little too friendly.
He made sure to let you know that he wasn’t accusing you of anything though, that he knew it was all irrational, but he just couldn’t help it.
He was human, too.
Of course though, you were quick to reassure him. Right away in fact. It wasn’t that you were defensive, it was just that you found it almost endearing to see your usually serious boyfriend get worked up over something so simple.
Nanami sighed as this all happened, knowing it was silly to think his relationship was ever threatened to begin with.
Just to keep on your good side though, he didn’t see the harm in sometimes indulging at least a little in his feelings every now and then. Maybe sometimes he’d get you flowers arranged in a vase for you to find or he would take you somewhere nice when he had the time. Maybe he’d give you a massage or get you that necklace you’ve been eyeing up at the shop window every time you walked right past.
Just to see you smile, really.
Just to never give you a reason to doubt his devotion to you.
Choso Kamo:
You were technically Choso’s first and only ever girlfriend as he never quite had the opportunity to explore relationships before he met you. In fact, the very idea that you went from being just friends to him to being your actual boyfriend was a miracle in his eyes.
Both of you approached the subject of even the slightest form of intimacy very carefully. You found it very sweet personally, while he still carried some insecurity with it, wondering if you wanted more from him sooner than he was ready to give it.
He wanted to take his time with you, after all.
He wanted every single milestone to feel special, even if it was just your first kiss shared together or the first time he held your hand.
To him, every inch of you was incredible and although he did his best to not actually stare at you (and all night if he could get away with it), he couldn’t help but overthink every little thing that had ever happened in your relationship with him.
He sure did his best to not come across as too intense, though.
He’d always be as gentle as possible with you while being as kind as possible. He knew that he struggled with showing his emotions properly due to the side of him that wasn’t fully human, but he took extra care to show you how he always felt.
Despite this, he didn’t know exactly how to react when he saw you with somebody that he wasn’t too fond of. It felt like a deep punch to the gut and an irrational thought crept into his mind, daring to challenge the idea that you could be stolen away.
Choso in turn was accidentally upfront about it, straight up asking you if you liked someone else that wasn’t him, immediately regretting asking you such a thing the longer that the question hung in the air.
You were quick to comfort his concerns though, giving him a whole grand speech about how nobody on this earth could compare and how you’d never let him go.
Yet, it still wasn’t enough.
As his feelings ate him up from the inside, he found himself obsessing over every little thing that you did while being perhaps what could be interpreted as paranoid. Overbearing, even. For example, when you got up to use the bathroom in your shared home and he freaked out about you leaving, you knew that something was up.
Curiously, you poked and prodded until you got to the bottom of it all; finding that it was jealousy at fault all along. Again. While finding it somewhat absurd with how he reacted, you were forgiving with him.
He was still figuring out how to process emotions properly. He was still learning.
Your solution was simple enough; to give him some reassurance sealed with a kiss for every single worry that he had.
And as it turned out, it was going to be a long night.
Shoko Ieiri:
Shoko was never one for jealousy or petty discourse, knowing that the best way to settle any sort of relationship doubt was to push through by simply being a good partner rather than overthinking every little blip.
For one, she knew that you loved her because you always showed her that. You wouldn’t be going the extra mile with everything that you did if you didn’t, that much would be silly.
Every morning you’d prep her coffee the exact way she liked it and would even set extra alarms on your phone to make sure she had absolutely no chance of snoozing through her own.
You’d give her incredible head after long and draining night shifts, being sure to match her sleep schedule because you worked from home and could do just that.
You even kept a bottle of her favourite red stashed in the cupboard at all times, just in case she really needed a drink.
No, she’s never been worried about you.
However, lately… there has been an annoyance, to put it lightly.
It wasn’t that she had a reason to doubt you, but maybe it was her own doing? She didn’t want to think it, but it made some sense in her head.
Someone had been getting too cosy with you and it’s been rubbing her the wrong way. Initially, she blamed herself for it. She had been stuck at work for two weeks straight and her main concern was that she might have been neglecting the relationship, pushing you away unintentionally.
In an attempt to smooth things over and to secure an eternal place in your heart, she told her employer to stuff it and took a mandatory Friday night off to surprise you early.
She did everything correctly; picking up drinks, snacks and a takeaway from that place you both really liked. She even had a movie in mind for you both to snuggle up to all night.
Confused as to what brought this all on, you asked her if she was feeling okay. To this, she simply shrugged while maintaining her calm and collected demeanour, claiming that work was slow anyway and she could be doing much better things on her Friday night; like spending time with you.
Shoko did consider bringing up the topic of jealousy up again but just seeing you almost crying due to the sight of her being sweet alone because she had managed to touch you with her words was evidence enough.
She never needed to worry in the first place.
And she felt silly for doing so.
Yuki Tsukumo:
To date Yuki was to date the embodiment of chaos itself.
She was a handful most of the time, but that’s exactly what you loved about her. You were a quiet person yourself and being with her challenged you.
Yuki offered you excitement in ways because she actually encouraged you to live life for what it was, rather than to remain all cooped up inside all of the time.
She’d oftentimes whisk you all around the country on the back of her motorcycle, daring for you to hold on tighter. You learned to love camping by her side, finding that there was nothing more truly romantic and beautiful than waking up to your girlfriend basking bare in the sunrise.
Everything was perfect.
Yet, when Yuki caught a glimpse of a text on your phone, she wasn’t quite sure how to feel exactly.
Momentarily she felt guilty for two reasons.
One, she snooped. Two, did she do something wrong?
Who was this mysterious person that you were calling cute and why were you saying that you couldn’t wait to meet her?
Convinced you were hiding something, Yuki decided to ask you straight up what the issue was. She waltzed over to you while you were cooking up breakfast (eggs on toast for two), asking what exactly what you were up to because you were being a little too cryptic for her liking.
Caught off guard but completely understanding of her concerns, you decided to spill the beans on what was supposed to be a surprise.
You asked her if she remembered giving her the green light to finally get a dog for their adventures.
Yuki froze in response, but she could finally see where this was all going. Her face flushed. Oh, what a fool she must have sounded like just now.
Turns out, you were looking for a puppy for the two of you to raise but you managed to find a very sweet rescue from a shelter nearby. You wanted to approach the subject of going to see it together, but you couldn’t help but sneak a visit by yourself to meet the sweet girl.
Yuki held onto her serious gaze for just a moment before she burst out laughing, repeating a mantra of “of course” and “I should have known” over and over again.
Obviously you wouldn’t cheat on her.
It really was that simple.
By some miracle, you ended up not only surviving an audience with the alleged King of Curses himself, but you also managed to garner just enough interest from him to enter a relationship with him.
Not that he gave you much of an option to refuse such an offer though. Your very first date with him entailed him showing up right outside the front door of your apartment, snatching you away in your pyjamas to a secluded spot somewhere in the mountains.
If you were to be completely honest, you thought that you were going to die the first few times you were carried off somewhere by him.
But that was a worry you reluctantly pushed aside the longer that time went on.
Sukuna had his good moments, after all. It was a little alarming at first with how blunt he was and how quickly he switched from brutal honesty to a joking mood about something so seemingly unserious, but you did try your best to keep up.
Sukuna liked this about you, that you were willing to adapt.
He also took care of you, at least in his own excessive way. Sometimes it would be something innocent and simple like making sure you took good care of your body and at other times, it bordered irrational when he purged half of your closest because the fabric that was allowed to touch your skin could only come from the finest cloth.
Sometimes, his care bordered insane too. You shuddered when you thought back to the look on your landlord’s face when he pulled his last stunt. Installing high security prison levels of surveillance over your apartment just to ensure that nobody could even look in your direction without there being evidence of such a thing.
So, when you were assigned to work with someone new at your job, he immediately didn’t like them. Usually, he didn’t care about such trivial matters, but this guy clearly thought he had a chance with you? The audacity.
It was pathetic, even.
If only the poor sucker knew that you were already taken by the man from his nightmares though.
Rather than addressing the issue in a healthy way, he decided to skip right ahead of time and simply… dispose of the person in question. He arranged for Uraume to tackle the threat however they preferred, as long as their presence could never be felt within the immediate vicinity again.
This sort of behaviour was unfortunately doomed to repeat however many times it took and every time that it did, he would be sure to give you a night in bed that you would be foolish to forget; to remind you of your place in his life again and again.
That through it all, you were his and his alone.
Life with Uraume was simple but fulfilling. While they were work oriented and took their role very much seriously, they were still fiercely loyal to you; the only other person (Sukuna) who could truly understand them.
It didn’t really take much for you to make their day. Even just sitting in silence with them after a long shift as they laid their head in your lap, your fingernails lightly massaging their scalp was the definition of heaven to them.
Or even just things like talking about your day was enough, no matter how mundane. It was never a chore to listen to the sound of your voice.
Uraume was particular, after all. They craved closeness but only with you, claiming that your touch was the answer to all of life’s problems.
One particular night, they were pardoned from work earlier than usual and had a night off for a change. So imagine their combined confusion and surprise when you weren’t home for once.
Alarm bells rang in their head and upon texting you (calls were still a work in progress, they didn’t like them too much), just to see where you were, they found that they didn’t like the answer at all.
You replied that you were with a friend just watching a movie, but you didn’t know that they had a night off that day but you’ll be back soon enough.
Uraume didn’t reply to you, feeling something strange boil away from the pit of their stomach. They knew that you were more sociable than them and had more friends, but something stung about how casual you were.
It was like you cared more about your friends than them?
Even if they didn’t give you a heads up about their earlier arrival, it still felt bad to know you could just easily spend time with someone else.
When you finally made your way home, Uraume hadn’t eaten a single thing and was left simmering away with irritable hunger from the moment you walked back inside.
Treating you initially coldly, they made sure to point out exactly where you went wrong.
Just watching a movie? But that’s something you did with them too. Next you’d be saying that you were going to treat your friends to dinner or that you were going to go on trips abroad with them.
You knew them too well, though. Thawing past Uraume’s icy exterior wasn’t an issue for you and you knew just how they could get.
Your reaction as a result was to sit right by them, pulling them close as they reluctantly obliged. You would indeed justify your right to treat your friends well, but you would also remind them that yes, while you do watch movies with them too, you don’t however hold their hands during such things the same way. You don’t pet their hair while they’re cuddling up against you, because that’s something special.
You tried to explain to the best of your ability that there are ways to platonically spend time with your friends in a way that could never compare to the intimacy that you shared with them.
Something that couldn’t be replicated nor replaced.
So please to not worry.
And so, reluctantly accepting such a response, Uraume would indeed slowly melt at your words just because you had no reason to lie about such a thing.
What you had was special and you wouldn’t do that with anyone else.
You loved each other and that’s just how it was always going to be.
By some bizarre turn of fate, you ended up becoming entangled in what must have been the strangest relationship of your entire life.
Kenjaku wasn’t entirely dishonest with you in your time dating him, surprisingly. But he did find your judgement to at least be a little questionable the longer you kept tolerating him and his antics.
It was straight up almost concerning to him when you accepted the grand reveal of his great plans or when he informed you that he was nothing more than a brain in a suit. Not even the mention of his true age could shake you.
The reality was that you were mostly… fascinated. You never met someone like him before and every single day with him felt like something straight out of an old Scooby Doo episode because he was almost comically villain-like, always going off on long and elaborate speeches about something strange.
Aside from that, he was fine. At least somewhat.
He went out of his way to have a very… specific sort of relationship with you. In some ways, he reminded you of a crow or maybe a magpie, with the way he always left behind strange trinkets to find, just to study your reaction.
Sometimes he’d announce intricate facts about yourself that you didn’t even know and at other times, things would go missing from your apartment, leaving you wondering if they had ever existed at all.
He simply thought that you were a peculiar person and he enjoyed pushing you to your limit just to see just how far he could go with you.
One thing did come to bother him though.
It was when you befriended someone that in his eyes, he considered to be extremely boring.
You see, he only allowed himself to indulge in a romantic relationship with you because you were interesting to him. People like you were rare and this era managed to bless someone like you within his close proximity. As a result, he was going to keep you around if he could help it.
The idea of you investing your time into someone completely boring though? He wasn’t having it.
Much like Sukuna, he wouldn’t even ask you about the person in question. Instead, he’d take matters into his own hands but not before having some fun with it all.
So after sending you on a long and elaborate scavenger hunt to keep you busy for the day, he’d snatch up the person who was getting a little too suspiciously close to you for his liking. He’d lure them in through dubious means( like a trap and then ponder exactly what he would do with them once they took the bait.
Admittedly, he didn’t plan that far ahead.
Unlike the rest of his plans that were actually better thought out, he didn’t have such a luxury when it came to working around his jealousy.
Such an annoying emotion.
Initially he was going to play a strange game of would you rather with the poor sap, increasingly turning the questions into something more and more disturbing by the second but ultimately, he decided that maybe just chasing the guy through the woods with an axe in his hand could be a lot more fun instead.
And should you dare ask or enquire about what happened to your “friend” or whatever relation they had to you, he would do his best to convince you that such a person never existed to begin with.
You needn’t worry about such boring people, after all.
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meimeiherokitten · 3 months
So... I'm writing an OFMD fic in a genre I am not used to. I don't usually read this genre and have never written it before. Moreover, it is on a subject i don't believe in. I consider this a challenge. I am up to this. But it's...difficult.
My solution? Well, when all else fails, torture Izzy with it.
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starving-shartist · 10 months
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14 & 15 - Domey and Rewind
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nbdraws · 9 months
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started working on a redraw of a Mammon UR card as a warm up earlier today before i dove back into a commission of mine... no idea if i will ever finish it though, so have this for now in case i never touch it again
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powdermelonkeg · 25 days
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yuesya · 10 months
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finchers-ipad · 1 month
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techutones · 1 month
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ritz-writes · 8 months
im literally insane someone on tiktok asked for help to find a movie theyve been looking for for 6 years and ive spent the last 30 mintues trying to find it.
(just gonna quote the tiktok) "movie where a blonde boy turns into a black cat using a necklace and this girl sees and evil thing through this fog outside school and then she keeps seeing this black cat following her and it becomes her familiar and she goes to this womans house in the woods and the woman has a pet owl and the girl is training to be a witch or something and then theres these crows or something and the girl finds out that the cat is actually a boy from her class and then the boy turns into a cat again and goes to fight off an evil thing but he ends up dying"
its live action and old. its not hocus pocus, sabrina, golden compass, or the worst witch
if anyone knows what this is hit me up lmao
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mochiwrites · 1 year
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hananoami · 2 months
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Rafayel's directional orbit: fire - stage 134 doesn't have a protofield stellactrum so the play is to use your strongest memories here in order to brute force it but... out of all of the companions available his kit is the weakest one 🫠
Taking a break from recording illusios and working on my drafts to beat this fight.
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nctsworld · 8 months
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saym0-0 · 6 months
made my [male] sdv character a skirt and now im coming up with all kinds of lore for him. he learnt to sew to make himself gender affirming clothes. he uses he/him because he doesn't know what his gender is and hes fairly oksy with he/him. hes a little freak who wears leaves in his hair and befriended all the old people before anyone his age.
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 2 years
Solid Start to Big Run!
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baseballmomlesbiandad · 8 months
I got distracted by my real life obligations (embarrassing) and will have to try and finish the last 3 eps of pit babe tomorrow
strategy: ep 11 while commuting to work, ep 12 on my lunch break, ep 13 after work
I think this is doable! unfortunately life keeps happening!!!! let me live in TV LAND
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