#i am Quite Fatigued
jtownraindancer · 4 months
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missing my second favourite revolutionary spy played by burn gorman tonight 🇬🇧
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niconiconwo · 2 years
I really don't like these long shifts. Ten hours is far too long to be focused and responsible. I wish my boss was the type to do six hour shifts and have AM/PM crews.
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ruporas · 4 months
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it's time to go, my love (ID in alt)
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timemachineyeah · 8 months
the fact that I cannot simply quit my job. there’s plenty of food and space and skilled people in the world. things could function so much better with a tenth the labor if we were efficient about it. but we aren’t. and under capitalism I love my job - I am incredibly lucky to have it and even find it fulfilling in its way. but also I am disabled and my life would be 1000% easier if I just didn’t have to find miracle jobs to make what still comes to below poverty wages given how few hours I can manage. but even though the amount of money I make is play money to other people, it’s the only thing giving me dignity, both the dignity of privacy in spending and the false dignity of being a “productive member of society”. plus, like, I gotta eat and feed my cats, even if I’m currently rent free. but sometimes I think about the ways money and my job (and their relationship with my health) play as such large factors in my decision making and I just think, ideally, those would have less weight. ideally I could just quit my job and somehow still have money. not because I don’t love the work, but because of the limitations having to maintain both a work schedule and my fatigue put on me.
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tenspontaneite · 1 year
Ok so literally no pressure, but I do have a kofi and if anyone feels like showing appreciation for my writing or art or I guess my cat via its medium, now would be a good time because there's a thing I really want to buy and I don't have enough birthday money left over for it lmao
(the thing is an art oriented android tablet. So that I can still draw shit when post work exhaustion compels me to collapse in bed against my desire to,,, you know, draw things.)
Link to my Kofi 👌
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livelaughlovekill · 7 months
#landlord wants to move us to a month to month lease and i am#losing my mind panicking#why would they do this if not to kick us out later#i can't afford to move#i. the deal here was so good. i won't be able to afford another place half as nice or big.#how will i do my business without the square footage? i can't afford a more expensive place. we'll never find somewhere this cheap.#this house is perfect. i love it. I've lived here almost 5 years. it's mine. it's perfect. i can't lose it#will i have to quit my business to get more hours at my day job?#can we offer to buy the house? is that feasible? is that even within the realm of possibility? will we have time to find a new place?#i don't want to move i have so much stuff#i hate moving i hate looking at new homes#what did we do wrong#weren't we model tenants?#i can't afford a new safety deposit#will i have to give up my plan of getting a new car? i just reached my savings goals for that#but if we don't get the safety deposit back here i don't know if i can afford a new one#oh god are we going to be homeless#I've taken my anxiety meds and they aren't hitting fast enough#I'm so scared#and I'm so tired. my fatigue is so bad this week. i feel so weak. my brain so fuzzy. how am i supposed to concentrate on anything#i need to answer my emails and i need to write a newsletter and I need to order supplies and yet#I'm back in bed sobbing and i can't think and I'm so scared#got my breathing under control a little but . fuck .#fuck.#fuck!#fuck my stupid baka life
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straydogged · 5 months
wait holy shit when I did the laundry earlier, I didn't get dizzy or anywhere near as tachycardic as usual??? no fucking way. did I seriously just need to go back on beta blockers the whole time.
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unopenablebox · 1 year
it's literally so nice to lie down
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bsaka7 · 8 months
ran 8mi today at a flat 10 I didn't even mean to run that far i just felt like it and it was lovely. Just cruising...
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boundlss · 8 months
hm. how do i say what i'm meaning to say with this post... ok, so, it's not that i dislike the muses i'm writing and i do understand why they're some of the only muses getting written---i did re-theme the blog after rui for a reason---but i'm the sort of person who generally feels restless if a lot of my muse list is going unused or if i have to stick to the same couple of muses for a little while. i wonder if it would do anything for me to go back to posting some more content that involves me randomly generating a muse to write, or maybe offering up some things i've done less in the past that involve me suggesting sort of out-there dynamics...? ah well. something to think about.
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echhosworld · 2 years
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this here is a nameless ghoul voting for ghost at the amas
i actually got back to voting today after a break because the stress from everyone on twitter yelling to vote got unbearable... so this is not a "reminder to vote", just a silly little thing
i am also manifesting a good night's sleep for today because i swear i cannot take this tiredness anymore haha ha ha- *crying noises*
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mindhowyougo · 11 months
at the risk of repeating myself... shaun evans good actor
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tastyflowers · 1 year
hmm. not sure I was prepared for how much reading a degree involves. overwhelmed
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saltedsolenoid · 11 months
well. productive day ! ( i did nothing)
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cryptidesc · 8 months
of course on the rare occasion that my physical disabilities take a break from screaming at me, my emotional anguish claws at me instead. god forbid my existence feels remotely tolerable
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galaxseacreature · 1 year
I have been trying one of those recipe box subscriptions even though I'm single and always figured it wouldn't be very efficient as one person
(I should probably have used a friend's code but i signed up pretty impulsively when a decent offer presented itself in the wild)
so far i really like it?! I feel way better about my diet when I do some actual cooking, and it turns out that, for me, not having to think too hard about what to make is a HUGE help in actually feeling up to cooking, especially on a given weeknight.
like i can browse the recipe options when I have spare time and it's...actually really fun! I love thinking about food in the abstract! and then i get stuff that i can just start cooking whenever without having to make a big plan about it. and it even makes it easier to do the rest of my grocery shopping!
also as one person so far the 2 servings have been pretty fair, so it works out to reliably have leftovers for lunch or the next night. Not enough to get sick of and not so little I feel cheated by it, basically. It seems like sometimes I might need an added veggie, but that's fine.
it's definitely not the most "cost effective" option, but i can afford it right now, so that's whatever. why else am i making money anyway? i do feel kind of bad about the extra packaging and shipping, but i can live with it
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