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"So, Rem. How's that 'I've been kidnapped thing' going?" Rem, through gritted teeth: it's going fine. <- Prev - Next -> Molt's side of it. Nightmare!sans @/Jokublog Rem @/me
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aureentuluva70 · 3 months
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The Lay of Leithian Part 28: The Duel of Fingolfin and Morgoth, Rise of Carcharoth, and Coming of Beren and Lùthien to Angband's Gates
<<<Part 27 Part 29>>>
None of the artwork used is my own. Credits to the artists!
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haoqw · 3 months
heyy! art request, draw vampire gerard but in a summer setting yk? (if thats too complicated you can draw them w a cat!)
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I lost my grey marker while making this
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How about Ashley x Emo Fem Reader? Like gothic with uhh emotic? Or something like that. Like they meet when they been in high school. And they live in Y/N's house that she get from her parents when they passed
If you had any questions, ask me
Oooohhhh- okay okay!
Ashley Graves x Emo Fem!Reader
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Social outcast, you generally considered yourself
Not just you, your peers as well had called you that- or…crude variations of it
Point is, no one in school really liked you
You’ve overheard their gossip- all the same shit really
“I bet she lights cats on fire!” “Look at her sleeves, I bet she cuts herself.” “She’s gonna blow up the school I swear”
They couldn’t even bother to be creative with their assumptions about you- a lot of the same depressed demon stuff
….and you are depressed- but that’s besides the point!
You never really connected with any of your peers..
…well- except one..
Lunchtime was quite possibly the worst part of your day. It was a war zone. In the classrooms you had teachers to lessen the blows your classmates would throw at you, both metaphorically and physically, here the only solace of a savior were the underpaid lunch ladies who were occupied handing out food to students.
You hugged the wall as you carefully watched your peers, they all seemed fairly occupied in their own conversations- not even noticing you. You liked it when they forgot your existence. Loneliness beat cruelty.
There was a table you always sat at, tucked into the corner of the lunchroom- and for good reasons. The surface was littered with graffiti of swears, slurs, those cool S’s, and various crude doodles left by your peers. Not only that, but the table was very wobbly, so badly you usually have to use two textbooks to prop it up. The bottom was covered in dried out, chewed gum- the entire thing was just a sitting “DO NOT COME HERE” sign.
And it was perfect!
No one ever sat there due to how shitty it was, you think the students and faculty didn’t even bother to go near it. They either think it’s cursed, or forgot about it. Or both. Maybe both. But today someone had actually got there before you did.
A disgruntled girl with messy black hair poked at the mystery meat on her lunch tray. Poked isn’t the right word- more like viciously stabbed it repeatedly. Her nose scrunched in frustration, likely not directed towards the so-called food, but it was the only thing she had to vent her frustrations on to. She hadn’t noticed you.
You stood there a little awkwardly, not wanting to startle her on accident, so instead you spoke up meekly.
“Uhm…hi.” You smiled a little, trying to harmless. She didn’t look like your average bullies, but you can never be too careful.
She looked up at you with her pink eyes- her gaze was sharp, and you instinctively tensed in preparation for some insult to be thrown. She gave you a once over before returning to her tray, “…hey.”
“Can I…sit here?” It was a dumb question. Technically this table had been your seat, and this girl just showed up out of nowhere- but, oh well.
She gave a frustrated sigh, “God- did Andy put you up to this?” She asked rather accusatory, pointing her fork at you.
You opened your mouth to reply before she interrupted you, “Look how many times do I have to tell you hussies, you’re just wasting your time! He’s not going to fuck you if you’re nice to me so just—“
“Who’s Andy?”
The question you asked sounded genuine….cause it was. Really, you had no idea who this ‘Andy’ guy was. The girl lowered her fork, eyeing you wearily before she decided that you weren’t lying. She turned her head and muttered,
“….you can sit.”
And so you did. The two of you ate in relative silence. Well- you ate. Your new lunch friend more-so stabbed at her food then ate it. You swallowed down the lump of unidentifiable cafeteria meat and gave her a friendly smile. The silence was deafening and you’d never had anyone to eat with so maybe…maybe this could be nice for a change..
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself.
The girl glanced up at you before returning to her tray, “…Ashley..”
“I’ve never seen you at this table much.” your hands patted the surface nervously.
“Normally I sit with my brother and so-called friend,” her words dripped with malice, “But my stupid brother had to go study for some history test! And my ‘friend’ conveniently didn’t save me a seat…” she stuck her fork into the biggest chunk of her food and muttered, “Fucking bitch…”
“That’s a bit harsh..” you mumbled, causing Ashley to perk up and glare at you.
She practically climbed over the table and held her fork out towards you, making your hands instinctively raise in surrender, “She is a bitch! A doe-eyed hussie who thinks she’s soooooo innocent when she sucks just as much as everyone else!”
“I meant it was harsh that she wouldn’t let you sit with her,” your eyes were fixated on the fork, kind of worried Ashley would drive it into your neck, “I…should’ve been more specific. Sorry.”
Ashley’s pink eyes widened a little, she almost seemed- shocked someone took her side. Slowly, she clambered back to her seat and went quiet. You lowered your hands back into your lap and stared at her. Ashley pushed her tray and folded her arms overtop the table.
“….thanks.” She mumbled.
After that, you saw Ashley a lot more
It wasn’t every day, maybe once a week or two she would show up at your hidden table to eat
Slowly, she came out of that shell and actually initiated conversations
Well- conversations were a stretch. It was more like her venting about her frustrating day while you nodded along and ate.
Eventually, she liked you enough to stop you in the halls and walk with you
Usually her brother, Andrew you had come to learn his actual name, walked with her and she made a show to cling on to your arm
It never failed to make the heat rush to your face
Ashley was cute. Very cute. And had a general unhinged vibe that just made her all the more alluring
So it didn’t surprise you that you’d catch feelings for your new friend
No- what surprised you was when Ashley actually liked you back
You paused, silence hanging in the air as Ashley stared at you expectingly. Her foot tapped with impatience as she awaited what you were going to say.
You didn’t know what to say, the only time anyone has asked you out was as a prank. This was different. The question wasn’t coming from some bully barely able to keep their giggles in, this was coming from your friend. Someone you trusted. Someone who wouldn’t hurt you…..at least you think. She did threaten you with a fork.
Ashley’s growing impatience let you know just how slack jawed you were, “Look- if you’re going to be weird about this then just…forget I said anything.” She crossed her arms, turning away from you in a huff.
That was when you came out of your stupor, trying to salvage this, “No! No! It’s okay- really! I’m just….shocked that you asked me out.” You stammered with your explanation, “I didn’t even think you liked girls..”
“Me neither.” She mumbled, the faintest starts of a blush painting her cheeks. It was cute. She was cute.
Your face softened as you placed a hand on her shoulder, “….I’d love to.”
From there you two were dating
Had it only put more unwanted attention on you? Yes, but you wouldn’t have it any other way
You were happy, so fuck what those jerks had to say
Things were good, and after high school the both of you fucked off to another town
With Andrew in college, it’s not like Ashley wanted to stick around her shitty homelife
And you- honestly had no connections aside from your parents, and moving out was expected
So, it was you and Ashley. Outcast for outcast
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pine-needle-shuffle · 6 months
For the doodle suggestions a good ol' fashion AVALANCHE family? Only if you want to of course! I absolutely adore your Biggs Jessie and Wedge they bring me all the joy that canon won't let them have
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Thank you so much for this request, I love them so much. Cheers to a job well done!
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ihavenolife346 · 1 month
Part 3 (Final Part)
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Pairing: Black!Album James Hetfield x f!mom!reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcoholism, and pregnancy
Summary: James didn’t remember anything about what you or him said that night
Characters: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Jason Newsead, Kirk Hammett, Julie (readers daughter)
“Hi James! I’m Julie! I think you already know that though…!?” Julie chirped, sticking her hand out with a grin.
“Hi…yea kid…I know your name…” James stared at the girl in complete awe. She was beautiful. Her perfect blond hair, ocean blue eyes, and the biggest smile on her face. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Shaking her hand, James had a nervous smile on his face.
“Mom?” Julie turned her attention to her mother, for some reason having some sort of feeling that there was more to this than her mom had said yet.
“Yea baby?” Y/N smiled down at the girl. James felt his heart flutter slightly. That was his daughter. His daughter. Her blond hair, her beautiful blue eyes, just as Y/N said, she was a spit image of him. Yet she didn’t even know who he was.
“Is he another one of your old friends…?” Julie was a smart kid, she knew she looked almost exactly like the man in front of her. It just felt wrong to look at the man in front of her and think he was just a friend of her mom’s. She wasn’t stupid.
James sighed. He knew she had no idea who he was. But now, meeting her, knowing she existed, he wished she knew. He wished he had been there to see her grow up. James wished he could remember what he even said to Y/N that made her leave. He missed watching this beautiful little girl grow up because of something he said when he was completely shitfaced…he couldn’t help but mentally slap himself for something he couldn’t even remember doing. Missing this, missing most of his little girl’s childhood, missing getting to experience that with Y/N…he couldn’t help but blame himself for it.
Y/N didn’t even have to ask James, she knew exactly what he was thinking. Even with how long they’ve been apart, she just knew he was beating himself up about so much right now, “well…” Y/N looked at James for a moment. Looking back at Lars and Kirk, “can you guys give us a second?” Y/N asked with a soft smile, immediately getting a nod from the pair before they scurried out of the room.
“Baby, you remember how you’ve asked me about your dad a few times?” Y/N turned her attention back to her daughter, knowing the girl had only asked a handful of times.
Julie nodded, “yea? You always said things just didn’t work out with you two…why?” Confused on where her mother was going with this.
Y/N heard the relived sigh come out of James’s mouth. James couldn’t have been happier to at least see that Julie didn’t seem to hate at least the thought of him. He thought that Julie thought he just left. He thought she hated him. “Well baby…” Y/N didn’t even need to say anything else before Julie put two and two together.
“Wait…” Julie could read the look of her mother’s face. Julie could put two and two together. She looked just like the man behind her mother, the look on her mother’s face. Julie stared at James for a moment before turning her attention completely back on Y/N, looking at her mother with a knowing look.
“Yea baby...” Y/N already knew what Julie was thinking. Julie wasn’t stupid, Y/N could tell she was putting two and two together. “This uh…” Y/N started, glancing over at this is James, a shaky sigh leaving her lips. “This is James… your dad…” Y/N was almost scared of how Julie would react, she didn’t know if she would hate her or if she would be happy.
Julie kinda froze for a second, looking as though she wanted to say “I knew it” but also seeming to be processing what her mom just told her. “He’s…” Julie turned her attention over to James. “My dad…?” Julie questioned once more just to make sure she was understanding everything right.
From the second James heard his daughter’s voice when she recognized him as her dad, he almost wanted to start crying right then and there. He knew she probably hadn’t put it all together yet, but just hearing the word “dad”come out of Julie’s mouth and knowing it was directed at him, it made him feel almost complete in life. “Yea kid…” James piped up and snapped himself out of his daze the second he realized Julie had her full attention on him.
A silence fell over the three of them. It wasn’t exactly a comfortable silence but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Y/N’s mind was racing. Was Julie mad? Was Julie happy? Was Julie panicking? Y/N knew there was probably always that lingering thought on Julie’s head about her real dad, whether or not she’d ever get to meet him or not. Y/N just never knew what Julie would ever think about meeting him. Yet now she was. And Y/N had no clue how Julie felt about it. She just couldn’t tell.
James couldn’t even remember the last time he felt so much anxiety. That was his kid. Julie was his kid, there was so doubt about it. Her blue eyes, her blond hair, that was his kid, standing right in front of him. James couldn’t read any emotions from the child who was just kinda staring blankly at him.
After a few moments, Julie snapped out of her thoughts, slowly walking away from Y/N until she was on front of James. “H-hi…” Julie muttered quietly, still trying to get it through to herself that the man in front of her was her dad.
“Hi…” James mumbled just as quietly as Julie did, staring down at the girl just waiting for her to make the first move. Should he hug her? Shake her hand? Just stand there staring down at her? James had no clue what to do.
Y/N just stood quietly behind Julie, carefully watching the interaction between the two. She couldn’t tell what was going through either of their heads. She didn’t know if Julie was mad, happy, or quite frankly if she was feeling anything. Y/N couldn’t even tell what James was thinking, all she saw was him staring blankly down at their daughter.
A silence fell over the three of them once again for a few moments till Julie just all the sudden practically ran up to James, practically throwing her arms around his waist and latching herself onto him within seconds, not bothering to say a word.
James was a bit taken back at first when Julie suddenly practically clung onto his waist and one of his legs, snapping himself out of his thoughts within seconds before he gently took the girls arms off him, kneeling down to be eye level with Julie before immediately pulling the girl into his arms. James couldn’t believe it. He was hugging his daughter. He was actually hugging her, knowing she existed, knowing how she didn’t seem mad at the fact that he just suddenly appeared. James honestly almost couldn’t believe it. 15 minutes ago he was just finding out Julie even existed and now he had her in his arms, he almost didn’t want to let go of her.
Y/N couldn’t help but feel her heart melt at how Julie just ran right up to James. Watching their interaction, seeing how ok Julie was with James just showing up, and seeing how happy James was once he had his arms around the small girl, it made Y/N realize just what she felt she had been missing all those years she was raising Julie on her own. She was missing him. Even after what he said to her, knowing he was sorry about it, and seeing him holding onto their daughter, it made her realize even more so how much she actually missed him.
James sat completely on his knees, just holding the small blond girl in his arms, never wanting to let go. He had his eyes closed, just trying to memorize his daughter, the fact that he had his daughter so close to him. After a few moments, James opened his eyes back up, diverting his gaze over to Y/N. He could see the happiness in her eyes, the longing in her eyes. He missed her, he missed her so much. Even after all the years of not seeing her, being able to see her now, he knew he never stopped feeling the way he did all those years ago about her. James kept one arm wrapped around Julie, carefully unwrapping his other arm from the child and holding it out, moving his head just a bit, “come here” James mouthed to Y/N, beckoning her over to him as well.
Without even thinking, Y/N walked right over to him and Julie, dropping to her knees as well, just letting James wrap his arm around her as she wrapped one of her arms around his middle and her other arm around Julie as well.
James rested his chin on Y/N’s shoulder the second he had an arm wrapped around her, just taking a second to enjoy having his girls back in his arms and in his arms for the first time. “I’m sorry…im so sorry I left…I’m here now and I’m not leaving…” James muttered quietly to Y/N, gently caressing the back of Julie’s hair as the little girl kept clinging onto him.
“It’s ok James…it’s ok…” Y/N simply spoke back quietly, feeling almost a sense of hope wash over her. She knew her and James would have to work through some stuff, learn how to parent together, and maybe even see if they could be together again. But all that mattered right now to Y/N was that Julie had her dad now, that was what mattered.
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strawberry-s0ap · 1 year
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my melody stimboard with themes of lovecore, sweets, roses and plushies for @arsenicmystic !
x x x / x x x / x x x
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qwakque · 1 year
MDYZ COMMISSION!! ty my wonderful lovely awesome amazing bestest friend @surreal-duck for commissioning me <333333
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Stray Kids Reaction to...You singing ‘Need To Know’ by Doja Cat
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Backstory: Everyone has to preform a cover song that they pulled from a hat and you are laughing ‘cause you don’t show your sexy side very often. You take a few days to practice on your own. Getting your dance moves down and memorizing the stupid song so you won’t look dumb in front of everyone. A girlfriends takes you shopping for the perfect outfit. Can’t do this little show half assed, right? The outfit is simple, a pair of white booty shorts that have a colorful pattern on them with a matching blazer, the sexy part? You’re wearing a hot pink lace bralette with hot pink open toed strappy heels.
You are holding the performances in one of the practice rooms since it has the most space and when it’s your turn, you quickly get ready. You signal for a staff member to start the music and take a breath before you walk in, your heels clicking on the beat.
Warnings: Suggestive content and strong language
a/n: Okay! Here is the second half of @thickemadame​ request. Thank you again, for waiting! I hope you enjoy this, hun.
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Bang Chan
The way you are demanding Chan’s attention, is making his heart race. When did you learn how to move like that? Were you always able to make your ass bounce so easily? Thoughts of the two of you together start to plague his mind and he fighting for his life. Damn. You want to eat him? Well, shit! Guess he knows what it’s hitting for later.
Eat it like I need an apron on (yeah, ay) Eat it 'til I need to change my thong (yeah, ay) We could do it to your favorite song (yeah, ay) Take a ride into the danger zone
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Lee Know
You got some kind of nerve walking into the room in that outfit. Who the hell do you think...oh...oh! Nevermind, keep is up. Minho is stuck, the man can’t take his eyes off you. He’s all about dancing, so watching your legs stretch and bend is making him want to join you for a different kind of dance. He’s impressed. Who would have thought that one of friends was such a vixen.
I just can't help but be sexual (whoa) Tell me your schedule (yeah) I got a lotta new tricks for you, baby Just sayin' I'm flexible (I will)
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Changbin was laughing when it was your turn. He didn’t know what song you got, but he knew you would be fun to watch. You hated dancing in front of him. When you walked in showing off your legs, Changbin didn’t know what to do. He wanted to rip his shirt off and cover you...but the moment you started singing he wanted to rip that clothing right off. He was intrigued by this new side of you. Sexy and tempting. Man he wanted to do whatever you wanted to do. He was waiting and ready.
Baby, come throw the pipe (pipe) Gotta know what it's like (like) Yeah-yeah, oh-whoa-whoa Baby, I need to know, mmm
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Man’s is hype! He loves this song. The way you’re making the song your own is everything. He isn’t missing a single thing you do, not looking away once, even when the guys are losing their minds beside him. He likes the way you drop to your knees and hump the floor as you slide back towards the mirror. Your ass is looking great. His tongue plays behind his lips and he catches your eyes as you go into a split while laying down. He smirks and runs his thumb over his lower lip, letting his tongue poke out. You know that signal and smile. Looks like you’ll be riding tonight after all.
You're exciting, boy, come find me Your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me" Fuck that feeling both us fighting Could he try me? (Yeah) mmm, most likely
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Whoa! Whoa...whoa! Jisung isn’t sure what he likes more, the lack of clothing or the filth coming from your mouth. He knew you could rap, but damn not like this. The way you can make this song sound so much sexier, yeah he might have to shoot his shot. He’s always liked you, thought you were super cute and sweet. This new side is exciting and he wants to live on the edge a little.
You know my nigga be buggin' me I just be wonderin' if you can fuck on me better
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Felix isn’t stupid. He knows that your just singing this song for fun. However, the way your staring at him and only him?? Na, you want this dick and he’ll give it to you. He’s been waiting for his chance to make a move and you beat him to it. He wonders if you’ll be loud for him? The walls aren’t thick at all, so a gag will have to do...maybe he can use that pretty bralette?
I heard from a friend of a friend That that dick was a ten out of ten I can't stand it, just one night me
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Oh? That’s what your into, huh? He can deliver, don’t worry about that. Seungmin keeps his cool, smirking as you dance to the lyrics, his eyes not leaving your hips as you sing the song just for him. He wonders if your skin will bruise if he spanks you hard enough? Would you cry for him? Beg him to slap you harder? What were your limits? Seungmin couldn’t wait to find out.
Spank me, slap me, choke me, bite me (ew) Uh, wait, I can take it (ah)
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The moment Jeongin’s eyes lock with yours, it’s a wrap. He plays shy and innocent, but he’ll show you want he can really do. No more, mister nice guy, that’s for sure. You come close to him and he leans back in his chair, giving you all the room you need to park that ass right in his lap. Go on, don’t be shy. He promises to take good care of you.
Tryna see if you could handle this ass Prolly give his ass a panic attack
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steamclouds · 2 months
🌈, ☕, ❗for Voradras <3
aa omg thank you <3
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them?
Deep rich wine-reds, milky greys and a soft light blue!
☕ - What is their preferred beverage(s)?
A good wine or ale for alcoholic beverages, and he developes quite the taste for coffee later on! Starts spending a lot of gold on specialty artisan coffeebeans much to Gale's dismay
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
It'd always be his friends. He'd do anything for them, his highest priority is to keep them safe, especially Gale. Back when he was still in the Underdark, it'd have been survival, but once he was in a relatively safe environment, he could start focusing on what was really important to him. Besides all that, he wants to enjoy life at its' fullest and not waste a single day
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ask-rachethabaster · 3 months
What are your favorite parts of serving Kronos?
Alabaster: Well, there’s the obvious answer of getting to be around all my siblings but it’s also important that I get to help with the rebellion against the olympians and, honestly, I don't think I would want to do it anywhere other than the Titan Army! This place is amazing, we have great people, a great cause, a really nice boat and we’re run by a titan genuinely committed to making our lives so much better. And hey! We’re always in need of more members so you should definitely join us if you have the chance!
Ethan: I'd like to remind you, Torrington, that we are not advertising the TA to the questioners. We talked about this. Anyways my favourite part about being in the Titan Army is that I get to know what my future’s going to be, obviously I don’t know everything and I have to work for anything I want but it’s just nice to know that no matter what I have a fate where I can do good for the world. Sure, I sacrificed my eye for it but that was necessary and it barely affects me anyways.
Rachel: I don’t have as much of a problem with Olympus since I only really know what I’m told but it is just nice to be around people with similar experiences, I thought for most of my life that I was the only one who felt like I did and saw the same things I saw. But now I can talk to people who are like me and know what it’s like, obviously some things are different but It just feels nice to share even a couple experiences.
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therealnightcity · 3 months
🧨🔪 💎🪨 >> 4 asks, 4 ocs, i let the choice <33 (just want to read your answers about them all bc i love them !)
Character asks for @gloryride ☺️💕💕
🧨: How do they get themself out of a bad mood?
"Depends on what kind of bad mood it is. Sometimes people make it better but sometimes they make it worse. If I need noise, I go out to a club and have a drink, go dancing. Anything to just take my mind off shit. Go home with someone if I need even more of a distraction. Sometimes I just need to be alone, and I have a quiet night at home. I'll order greasy Chinese takeout, and binge watch Watson Whore, or something mindless, and cuddle with the cats. If I need something physical, I'll go to Vik's and spar with the heavy bag for a couple hours. He knows to give me space, and I'm too tired to be in a bad mood after."
🪨: What does their daily schedule look like?
"Well I would sleep in if I could, but the dogs usually get me up before that, and I feed them first, and make coffee. After that, we go for a walk before work, and I grab something small for breakfast--a protein bar maybe, or some toast, before getting dressed and heading to the workshop. I try to figure out what projects I have for the day, if there's anything that's urgent or a customer who's paying more for a rush order. I work until 1 or two, and then it's time for another walk and a late lunch, and a bit of throwing a ball around to tire the babies out. Luna is fine, but Jiji starts getting fussy if he doesn't get time to run. After that, it's a couple more hours of work, before I'm done for the day (unless I'm trying to finish something first). Nighttime is dinner for all of us, and maybe a book in bed, or practicing guitar. The shop is closed on weekends, and sometimes I'll drive into the city to pick up supplies, or drive further out and find a place to hike, or that the dogs can swim, or visit Dakota or my cousin. I never run out of things to do, that's for sure."
💎: What wrongs have been done to them that they haven't forgiven. Why not?
I don't consider myself to be a forgiving person, and I certainly don't forget. I could say that I still haven't forgiven my parents, or my family, but they aren't worth acknowledging. I don't forgive Arasaka for taking parts of my memory. I cannot get that back, nor can they possibly be forgiven for using me. I was a guard dog on a chain to them, that they could discard when it suited them, and I will spend the rest of my life making them regret it.
🔪: Generally, how do they express their anger?
Trust me, you'd know.
It takes effort to get under my skin, and it'll hurt you more than me. Sure you could try, but why risk it? Anger is a blunt, graceless tool and I prefer to operate independently of it, more in control of my emotions than one would think. There's the opinion that Scavengers are nothing more than impulsive criminals, and while that's certainly true on an individual basis, I'm sure you'll find me much more...accomodating.
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e-m-p-error · 11 months
[ @a-hazbin-spider || Continued From Here ]
[ Valentino ]
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Going a little stiff, Valentino downed the rest of his daiquiri with a flat expression. Angie was pushing his buttons again.
"I ain't fuckin'--" His growl rippled his upper lip, but he didn't move the spider in his lap, "I ain't fuckin' mothman!" That was stupid. He was a moth man, but he wasn't mothman!
"Does that make you a fuckin' moon spider, then?"
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Dammit Ryuzaki
Death Note Omorashi
Light tapped his foot idly. He was bored. He reluctantly agreed to be handcuffed to Ryuzaki in order to prove his innocence of being Kira. It wasn't his idea and Ryuzaki himself didn't seem thrilled about it either.
But so far all that entailed was him trailing Ryuzaki around all day. He scoffed to think that the entire population of Shinjuku likely assumed L had an interesting fast paced lifestyle. Or even a remotely interesting person.
He glanced at L across from him flipping through papers, sucker in his mouth. He'd been doing that for hours. Sitting in that same position.
Light took a sip of his coffee before realizing he needed to use the bathroom. It wasn't urgent by any means but the chain that connected him to Ryuzaki wasn't long enough to allow him to do anything privately. Not that he was shy...not exactly. But taking a piss with Ryuzaki in the room without him was a hard limit.
Ryuzaki looked up from his papers. "Yes?"
"How long do I have to do this exactly?"
"Well..." Ryuzaki paused, putting a finger to his lip life Light often noticed he did. "I can't exactly tell you that."
Light mentally huffed in frustration. "Yeah...I mean I get that. But don't you think it's going to be awkward when one of us has to change clothes or...use the bathroom?"
Ryuzaki turned his attention back to one of the papers he was looking at previously. For a moment it looked like he ignored the question.
"If I was worried about being put into a situation that's uncomfortable then I may as well quit my job. Besides, it's not like I want to do this either." He went back to glancing at a paper he had in front of him.
Light knew that was his way of shutting him down so he could go back to reading through files. Doesn't he ever get tired of that?
So he sat there for another hour, playing a few games on his phone to pass the time while trying not to glance at the clock above them. It was hard for him not to get restless. It wouldn't even be so bad if they weren't just sifting there. Then again he imagined they would get strange looks- being two men handcuffed together.
Light perked up when he hears the sound of papers being attacked up beside him. "I think that's enough of that today. I highlighted all the key information that I need." Ryuzaki said mostly to himself. "would you like some tea?"
Light nodded and followed him to the living room.
Maybe L was trying to call his bluff when he chained them together. Or maybe he could make an exception when one of them had to use the bathroom. Surely. At least Light hoped.
"So...what exactly am I supposed to do when I'm chained to you all day?"
Ryuzaki sat down in front of the coffee table while Watari brought them both some tea. Light took a few sips to be polite but tea was the furthest thing from his mind at this point given the situation.
"You can help me look over some old case files. There's nothing pertaining to the Kira case in there so I'm not worried about that. Plus your deductive reasoning could definitely help a lot."
Light shifted uncomfortably on the couch to try and get comfortable whatever way his bladder would allow. Damn coffee.
Light knew he would regret drinking coffee that morning but L decided to chain them up that night before, which made sleeping difficult. Especially when the man he was chained to was a notorious insomniac.
"Is everything alright? You seem on edge."
Dammit L. Of course he had to notice.
But he couldn't just outright ask for the handcuffs to be removed because in Ryuzaki's eyes that was an admission of guilt more than likely.
"I'm fine. Just a bit restless from all this sitting down. I never imagined being such a high profile detective would be so boring."
"Yes, it can be very boring. That's why it's nice to have company from time to time." Ryuzaki said while balancing three sugar cubes on his Tea spoon, then spooning them into his mouth.
"Do you ever get lonely?"
Ryuzaki shrugged. "I suppose I sometimes can. But I've always been introverted by nature."
Light shifted again on the couch, this time more subtle. He needed something to distract himself with and Ryuzaki was often hard to socialize with.
Even if they were enemies, Light still needed a distraction somehow.
But he also knew he was only delaying the inevitable. Maybe he could wait until Ryuzaki had to go or...
Light glanced at the bathroom right at the end of the hallway longingly.
'Maybe I should have just taken the eye deal.' Light thought as he watches Ryuzaki down the rest of his tea.
"Do you mind?"
Light shook his head and scooted the glass over towards him. It was too sweet for his liking anyway.
"So what's it with the sweets?"
"It started because it helped me concentrate but now I'm just addicted to sugar."
"What about your teeth?"
Ryuzaki just shrugged in the way that he always did and downed the rest of his tea once again. Light knew he wasn't opening up fully because he didn't trust him. That was understandable.
"Is everything alright?" Ryuzaki asked after a few moments of silence.
That's when Light knew he had to say something. If he didn't then it would only make Ryuzaki suspect him more.
Light cleared his throat right as a call came in.
"The task force is here. They've called for an emergency meeting."
Light could hardly hear when was being said on the other end but he could make out Watari's voice on the other end.
When Ryuzaki got off the phone with him, he turned back to Light, sitting his now empty cup back on the table. "There's a potential lead in the Kira case."
Light nodded as nonchalant as he could manage. He didn't want to seem nervous because that would make him look guilty. But he also couldn't ask to go now because it may cause Ryuzaki to think he's stalling. "I see."
Light found himself uncontrollably bouncing his leg thirty minutes into the meeting. He tried his best to at least pretend he was listening so he didn't look suspicious- but his mind was elsewhere. The only thing he cared about was finally getting to pee after all this time.
He crossed his legs under the table, accidentally nudging Ryuzaki's chair in fhe process. Light felt the blood drain from his face. He looked away until he saw Ryuzaki writing something out of the corner of his eye.
He looked down when he felt something touch his thigh.
Beside him Ryuzaki help out a small note pad with the words "why didn't you say anything earlier" hastily etched onfo the paper.
He looked away so L wouldn't see his face turn red. There was no point in denying it any longer.
"I don't know but I wish I did." He wrote back, subtly flashing the page to Ryuzaki under the table hoping it wouldn't draw any attention to them.
The meeting ticked on for another thirty minutes before they were finally dismissed. Light had no idea what it was even about nor did he care.
He knew he wasn't acting like himself at all but he couldn't afford to care.
"Let's go Light."
Everyone else had already left the room, leaving only Light and Ryuzaki, who were still cuffed together.
"You should have said something sooner. Do you need me to help you get up?"
This was nearly too much for Light. His enemy offering to help him with something...so degrading. Thoughts of taking the eye deal started to sound appealing. He could kill the only person who would ever see him like this.
Without warning, Ryuzaki came up behind him and slowly helped Light to his feet. The weight of gravity hitting his bladder made him grit his teeth but other than that he kept composed.
"Sorry...I don't know what's gotten into me." Light tried to laugh his normal confident laugh but he only proceeded to amplify his need.
"If it makes you feel any better, I have to go too."
It did make Light feel better for some reason. At least he wasn't the only one suffering.
He barely kept his hands down to his sides, wanting nothing more than to grab himself. Dammit L, why did this have to happen?
As they turned the corner towards the police station bathroom, Light noticed yellow caution tape.
He'd forgotten his dad mentioning that the bathrooms were being remodeled.
Could he just use the women's?
Ryuzaki seemed to sense his panic. "There's another bathroom just upstairs...can you wait until-"
Light felt his entire body spasm as he fought desperately to keep the last bit of control he had but he could feel it slipping through his hands. "I..dammit!" He bit down on the inside of his cheek so hard he started to taste blood while he grabbed his crotch, squeezing as hard as he could.
But it was too late and he knew that. Ryuzaki awkwardly turned away when he realized what was happening. His beige pants turned dark brown as his bladder finally had enough.
The feeling was so...almost orgasmic that for a moment, Light didn't care that he was having an accident right in front of his enemy.
I took around 4 minutes for Light to completely finish and by the time he did, he was drained.
He looked done at the wet spot on his pants that went all the way down to his ankles and puddled
around his feet.
He had no idea what to say.
But he did notice that Ryuzaki's posture was more rigid than before.
"I'll have someone clean this.... we'll say it was something that was spilled." Was all Ryuzaki said before they headed towards the elevator.
Light tried his best to act like he wasn't completely mortified but he was. Why couldn't it have been the other way? Why couldn't Ryuzaki been the one to wet himself?
Light glanced at him from behind, feeling the overwhelming urge to keep him from making it to the bathroom on time but he didn't.
Instead he sat there in the shower; thinking. Maybe he would speak to Ryuk later about the eye deal.
See my blog if you're interested in making a request like this one ^_^
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The succubus did as instructed, giving Velvette a small grin. "Don't be afraid to get close, sugar, I don't bite."
- 🪷 (it was indeed an accident but too late now lol)
Velvette rolled her eyes and approached the succubus. She started running the measure tape along the long limbs, curves and tall frame of her client. Despite it being a routine procedure for her, it felt oddly uncomfortable due to the lack of the buzzing of her employees running around. It's why she usually preferred to not take clients in her personal office and keep them in the main room of her floor, but oh well, sometimes people walk in unannounced, I guess.
Some small talk would help take the awkwardness out of silently sauntering around a stranger, wouldn't it? "You know, I don't think I caught your name." The demoness said nonchalantly, without initiating eye contact.
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lilacura · 3 months
Smut pretty please with a cherry on top ;D
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