#i am a firm believer that we need more fucked up vanilla
hivemindclown · 6 months
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not so pure vanilla
still can't draw, saving up for a new tablet but till then have an OLD ass drawing i did of that one famous evil vanilla design.
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happyselves · 3 years
Disaster qualification ( A Portimao story ) { Daniel Ricciardo x reader }
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You were searching for your best friend Daniel in the paddock and garage of Mclaren, but he was nowhere to be found, you even asked a mechanic and some journalist. It wasn't his kind to leave like that and he wasn't answering his phone, but after that terrible qualification where he didn't pass through Q1, you weren't surprised. He needed a break, he was feeling pressure and anxious and you never saw him like that before, of course he knew that he needed time to adapt his driving style adn himself to his new car to make it one ,but he was starting to feel depressed as it wasn't going as fast as he thought. That's a thing you like in Daniel, he will always have that competitive side in him even after 10 years doing the job. His determination was always there, but he needed things to go as he planned otherwise he was starting to doubt himself and everything was starting to go downhill. You knew that he needed just a little push, a little sign that he was doing something good and he was evolving or going in the right way, it was a matter of time but he was so stubborn and impatient.
After more than an hour of searching for him you find his engineer who told you that he was quiet the whole debrief and just mumbled a quick " I'm going back to the hotel ". So that's where he was, back in the hotel, probably at the gym hitting the frustration away on some punching ball perhaps. His engineer asked you if you wanted to take the ride to go back to the hotel with them since he left you all alone in the paddock. You couldn't believe he let you there, even Michael. You needed to have a talk with him too after you find Daniel and scold him as well.
Arriving in the hotel lobby you ask at the front desk where the gym was and they show you the direction, but when you enter it, no trace of Daniel or MIchael, well there must be only one place he could be and you were heading to eat now. You knock on his bedroom door, once, twice and one last time before remembering that he actually gave you one spare key if you needed anything, you didn't really know why he did but right now you were glad he did as you opened the door. It was dark, all the countain were close and only an ambiance light was on, and then you find him, sitting on the floor, only wearing a long shirt and his boxers, the rest of his clothes messy on the floor. He didn't even look up when he heard someone coming in, perfectly knowing it was you, plus he was to focus on his big tub of ice cream that was already halfway through eaten. You silently sit next to him, your head laying on the edge of the bed, watching the ceiling. You didn't have to wait long for him to offer you his spoon for you to take some of his vanilla ice cream. Vanilla ... so cliche yet you knew that when he was feeling down it was always the one it would choose because it was a safe choice. You took the spoon and dug it in the melted ice cream before bringing it to your lips, where he finally looked at you.
" Are you here to scold me or to witness my misery ? " he asks you, almost lost in his mind as his eyes focus on your lips where some vanilla fell down the spoon, he licked his own lips as he was waiting for you to answer.
" I don't know, I was going to kick your ass for forgetting me at the track then ice cream came into the party so I guess you already know what I think of what you did, right ? " You were now going to sit straight in front of him.
" I fucked up ... " he was defeated, like he lost hope and belief in him and it never happened to him before, maybe once or twice in his career but not recently, not when everyone including him knows how great of a driver he is. It's like your heart broke at the sight of him like this.
" You know that didn't mean anything, you will be better tomorrow, I know you know it too." You tried to reassure him, putting your hands on his knees, searching for his gaze, but you felt it didn't really work this time.
" No, look at the reality, I still can't do anything in this car, I don't know why, that's not them it's me and I'm scared I won't be able to deliver what I promised them" Yes you definitely never saw him like that, the team wasn't really putting pressure on him, they knew he needed time and everyone one else, if there were someone to blame here, that would be the media here, you were sure of it, Daniel isn't someone to give up, even when it hurts, he take the punch and fight back silently if he needs to, showing everyone the flame he had in him the next day. The flame wasn't here right now, you were searching for it as he finally locked eyes with you, but it was nowhere to be found. How will you be able to bring it back ?
" Daniel ... look at me " you took the ice cream tub away from his hands to put it as far on the floor as possible. Your hands find his face directly after that, taking his cheeks in your palm to force him to face you.
" You are Daniel Ricciardo, you are not done at all and you will get up and do better tomorrow, this qualification didn't mean anything even your team isn't mad about it, Daniel don't start to listen to the media again, you know they are just trying to write on blank paper because they don't have better story to feed themselves with. You are better than this and you need to believe in yourself the same way I believe in you, otherwise you might just quit then and we both know you are not a quitter. " This long motivational sentence felt more like a declaration to your friend and by the way his eyes showed a bit of sparkle, you knew you had reached him there. His eyes were focused on yours and you felt they were piercing your soul making you suddenly feel very shy, your own cheeks blushing. You didn't let go of Daniel's face, blown away by how handsome he was in this moment, so vulnerable under your touch. The new emotion you were discovering of him was drawing new lines on his beautiful face, making him even more mesmerizing. Your fingers were caressing his skin like he was the most precious thing in the world. These tired lines make him slightly older than he was but you find it charming. His eyes shut at the touch and he let a long breath he has been holding for long leave his chest. Your index finds his eyelid, touching and examining every little detail of your best friend. You never did that before with him, with anyone else for that matter and it felt so intimate yet you couldn't stop and the most important thing was that you didn't want to anyway.
His hands find yours, placing them on top of it and taking them in as he opens back his eyes, his lips brushing your fingers to kiss them as what you find to be a thankful gesture.
" You always know what to say to me, no matter what you are always here for me even when I am trying to push you away far to not hurt you " His sincerity knocked you, was he thinking that he was hurting you ?
" You didn't hurt me Daniel, what hurt me is seeing you like this and not being able to do much to make you feel better, I want to do so much for you, that might sound selfish, but just to be able to see that beautiful smile of you, I would do anything " You were entering a dangerous category here and you didn't know if it was something a friend would say in normal term. The last phrase piqued his curiosity and you saw it had his eyes change radically.
" Anything ? " Your hands were still locked in his, he was caressing your skin with his thumb until the pressure felt more firm and he brought you closer to him, making you lose balance and almost fell on his chest. It was dangerous and you like it, you never thought of him this way but the possibility of something more with him just smash open a door in your brain. You didn't know if you should let everything go as it comes or stop it right now before it's too late. Your brain couldn't think at all, not like your pounding heart in your chest.
" anything ... yes " He didn't have the time to act before you close the gap between you two and catch his lips. It was just a peck but that was enough for him to freeze, not moving an inch before he realised what was happening.
That's where his lips react on their own and kiss you back, deepening the kiss, releasing all the passion he didn't know he had for you. The texture of your lips throwing him off the edge, the vanilla taste of the ice cream still on your lips. He let go of your hands to catch your thighs, making you uncross them to straddle him and being even more close to his body. Your hands find their perfect place on the back of his neck and head, playing with the dark curls of his hair. You feel like time has stopped and all the anxiety was leaving Daniel's body, you were like a medicine to him. Healing him from all his worries, nothing matters in this instant, not the race tomorrow or the qualification that he had today or even the consequences of it, just you ... only you. It took you all the courage in you to break the kiss and make him look at you, because he didn't know why you stopped it since it was feeling so good and so right.
" Daniel ... " The words were stuck in your throat, you didn't even remember what you wanted to say as his eyes laid on you, if you didn't know him better you would have said that he was very adorable, but no he was doing his puppy face with his swallowed lips from the kiss. .You know exactly what he was trying to do and it's not the change of dynamics in your relationship that will erase his behavior when he wants something. He wanted you to write on his face, he could even try to hide it and he didn't want to, that's why his hands were now finding their way sneakily under your shirt, like you wouldn't notice.
" You need to rest, we have all the time to continue << this >> another time, but it's late and you need to rest " You were poking his chest, making him giggle. If he was asking you if you wanted to continue this, you weren't sure that you would be capable of saying no, but he gladly asked something else.
" Then, stay with me, sleep in my bed tonight, just tonight ... I don't want to be alone " Puppy eyes ... again and your heart melts ... again. How were you able to resist him before ? Since your lips touch his it was impossible now, your brain wasn't thinking and your body couldn't be in total control around him.
" Okay I will stay ... if you promise me to behave '' He lifts his hands up in the air looking like an innocent baby, mimicking with his fingers an invisible zip on his lips.
You both got in bed, you borrowed one of his shirts and decided to only wear it with your panty. You fell asleep easily in each other's arms,but it's later in the night when you turn that you felt Daniel spooning behind you, grabbing one of your breasts with one hand, the other one grabbing you by the waist to get closer. His breath in your neck, sensing your scent before leaving some butterflies to kiss. He was definitely awake and was now lifting your shirt to feel your skin. You were in a state where you weren't awake but aware of what was happening. You tried your best to hide the smile that was forming on your face but it was impossible when your new lover was making it very clear he wanted you. Slightly opening your eyes, it was still dark outside which could only mean it was too early to wake up and that you should both sleep again, especially him since he had to race tomorrow and he couldn't lose sleep even if you both wanted to explore each other's bodies for the remainder of the night. You hummed a quick moan before turning to face him, you could barely see his figure in the dark but you could imagine how he was hungrily watching you. Touching his lips with your fingers you feel his teeth biting his down lips. He was definitely leaning toward your touch like he never had someone come in physical contact with him tenderly.
" Daniel ..." was the only thing your tired voice could say before the breath you were holding released itself. " You have the race tomorrow ", you poke his chest with your finger, trying to distance yourself from his warm embrace.
" I don't care, what matters to me now is you ", he caresses your cheeks from the palm of his head before letting it hang on the side of your neck. One movement toward him and your lips would meet again.
" You don't think about the race because you are tired, and that's exactly why I've made you promise to behave", you whispered that last part, thankful the dark was hiding your cheeks burning at the idea of him and you. After what felt like an eternity, but just a couple of seconds in real silence you heard him lick his lips and he moved away from you, putting a physical distance between your two bodies like an act of resistance from him.
" You're right ... ", it wasn't sadness or disappointment in his voice, more like his inner voice of reason making an apparition in his blurry thought,blind by lust until now.
" Trust me I want you just as much, I've just find you, we are finally on the same page, and I promise you that I am fighting just as much as you right now not to touch you and have you only for me ", you rambled and he shush you just as quick as your word coming out of your mouth.
A sigh came out of his mouth and you felt him sniffing his body on the back, his eyes looking at the nonexistent ceiling in the dark. He searches your hand to tranglying your fingers together and keeps the contact between you. You soon after did the same and you were now two idiots looking at nothing, your eyes not finding anything to focus on and they shut themselves to rest.
You fell asleep like this, side by side, holding hands, frustrated to not have given to the pulsion you both had.
The brightness of the room was what woke you, it was hard to open your eyes and when you did, the light and the tiredness of your eyes blinded your vision, a tear forming on the corner of one eye was soon to be wrapped away by a finger. His finger, he was awake, sitting on the side of the bed, already ready to leave for the paddock.
" Hello beautiful ", he said and his voice could be compared to that of an angel. " I've got to run for debrief but you can stay in a bit longer if you want, I ordered breakfast for you it shouldn't be long to arrive ", he was so careful, you hadn't really clarified the relation between the two of you, but was the word couple needed when he was already being so perfect ? You knew it wasn't an act for your new dynamics because he was already like that before. He kissed you on the cheek and stood up, you were already missing him and he wasn't even gone yet.
" mmh, give me an hour and I will join you ", your sleepy voice made him smile so bright that it was competing with the sun to know which one will warm your heart the most.
" See you there ", was the last thing he said before he disappeared in the hallway, closing the door behind him.
That day he end up p9 which was a huge work from him and the team after the knock out in q1 from yesterday. You felt proud of him even if he wasn't feeling the car like his own yet. You Saw him briefly after the race, when he offered you a hug and a small kiss on the lips, a kiss that felt like a thank you for always being there for him and putting his needs before yours. Thank you for being the best friend he needed, the ears who listen to his complain and the voice of reason in his head. The person that will make him feel better no matter how down he feel. You both didn't needed words to express how last night change everything in your relationship but not so much in your friendship. You were evolving together and it was only the beginning of something beautiful that didn't need an end. A book you start reading but never end because there is no end. The only end you knew so far was the promising end of the day. He took time to whisper in your ears before leaving for his post-race interview.
Yes it was definitely an end you were looking forward to indeed.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 As your boyfriend | FKBU Headcanons 』
Characters: female!reader, Kambe Daisuke, Kato Haru
Tags/warnings: Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited (anime), 18+, strong sexual references, fluff, angst, Haru's PTSD, headcanons, daddy kink and cockwarming (kind of?) for Daisuke, breeding kink for Haru *coughing intensifies*
A/N: Felt like writing some more for these boys because ~holy shit~ do I love them, and I maybe went a teensy bit overboard. Oopsie! 🤭 But anyway, have y'all seen episode 6?! Let's freaking gooo! (No spoilers, don't worry) Thanks for reading! Enjoy! Imo~
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Kambe Daisuke
First up: daddy kink. I know it, you know it, we all know it. So let's not beat about the bush
Quite dominant and firm with you (see: daddy kink)
But he absolutely loves spoiling you
Expensive gifts, like one-of-a-kind necklaces, seductive perfumes, satin dresses, lace underwear, etc.
He loves dressing you up and showing you off
But he also loves spoiling you in bed more like ruining, I am deceased
A lot of butt grabbing in public hnng
He likes it when you don't wear any underwear because it makes for easier quickies like bent over the sink in the bathroom at his favourite club
He likes you sitting on his lap in front of people, too aye papi
American gangster vibes, honestly
He's not really one for soppy, romantic PDA, but he loves you letting people know that it's him you want and nobody else
He loves the look on people's faces when you call him 'daddy' that grin will be the death of me
Especially the look on Haru's face, lmao. He blushed like a tomato and couldn't speak a coherent sentence for a whole hour
Hickeys. Lots and lots of hickeys. And don't even think about covering them up
Daisuke loves sleeping naked and has a habit of walking around the house in just a towel when he gets out the shower fight me
He's also completely oblivious to what it does to you
A MASSIVE bed with super soft, satiny sheets. They feel like clouds uwu
He gets HEUSC to remind him of important dates, like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Date Ideas: Unlimited sorry, not sorry
From fancy restaurants, to exclusive movie premieres, to late night helicopter rides to the other side of the country, Daisuke can and will pay for anything if it makes you happy
He also lets you introduce him to lots of new things, like trying different kinds of street food on dates, going rowing on the pond in the park, having a go at karaoke, renting bikes and cycling round the city, going hiking at the nearest nature reserve or wilderness, etc. adorable
He's like a curious kitten when he's trying new things, putting a lot of trust in you to guide him through it
He always looks perfect in the photos you snap, even the ones he wasn't aware you were taking, and it's a lowkey frustrating that he nearly always looks prettier than you
But it's not his fault, so you'll only pout for a little while
His face is pretty hard to read most of the time, but you eventually get used to it and pick up on all his little mood indicators
His ears move when he's happy, and you can't convince me otherwise
He'll hold your heels for you when your feet hurt on a night out
He smells of leather and sandalwood, and his kisses taste of expensive whisky and cigars
He loves it when you bite his lower lip while making out
He's kind of possessive, but in a protective way
He never thought of himself as a particularly jealous person, until one night he came back to the bar and saw some other guy hitting on you the attention was definitely unwanted on your side
It made his blood boil – clenched fists, piercing glare if looks could kill
But he managed to stay calm and maturely tell the guy to get lost, with his arm snaking round your waist
Daisuke made it very clear that it wasn't you he didn't trust. It was that he didn't trust that guy – or any guy, for that matter
His favourite ~position~ is on a table or other surface with your legs over his shoulders
He's a god at eating you out
He's a god at everything in the bedroom, tbh
Saint Laurent condoms, because he's that fucking extra I'm screaming
His hair always falls out of place when you're fucking it's so hot and cute, wtf
It's a lot of glitz and glamour on the surface, but when it's just the two of you, you know just how much you mean to him
The King of Aftercare™
He used to suck at aftercare until he properly tried it. Then he realised that he needed it as much as you did le cry
Back rubs, forehead kisses, playing with your hair, soft whispers in your ear
He holds you so tightly that it gets hard to breathe, and you can feel his heart beating hard against your back
Sometimes he likes to just stay inside you after finishing
He enjoys the feeling of you around him, and honestly, you like just feeling him being inside you cockwarming, kind of?
Soft little nuzzles with his nose in his sleep even better when he's fallen asleep while still inside you
He's not perfect, but being with you makes him try to be better
Help, my heart's so full 🤧
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Kato Haru
This man is a sweetie pie, honestly
Not just boyfriend material, but husband material put a ring on it, hun
Lots of home cooking, and it all tastes so good you honestly believe he could just quit being a cop and open up a restaurant
He loves cooking with you, too. It's fun bonding time
Sometimes he stands behind you and guides your hands etc. it sometimes goes a little further, if ya know what I'm saying 👀
Knows how to do all the chores and housework, and actually does his share look at my practical hubby
Random pillow fights that turn into cuddle sessions
He talks in his sleep waaahh, so cute
Sometimes it's utter nonsense, like 'Don't let the donuts escape'
Other times, it's things like, 'I love Y/N so much,' or 'Let's have babies,' while he's holding onto you, and you just melt
Spooning. So much spooning
Lots of budget date ideas, like building pillow forts, watching sunsets and stargazing from the balcony, going for hikes and runs together, going for picnics, feeding ducks at the pond, etc.
One time, a duck chased him around the pond because he had the bread, and he had to run for 20 minutes before it gave up thank God for all that cardio
The Master of Flat Pack Furniture™ – because he takes his time and actually reads the instructions
Daisuke had a ™ so Haru needed one too
Takes good care of you on your period and actually knows about different sanitary products
He smells really fresh and clean, like Imperial Leather soap and air-dried laundry as long as he hasn't been on a stakeout, lmao
He loves taking showers with you, but like, actual showers
The first and only time you had shower sex was hot and steamy until:
1. You realised that water does not a good lube make and 2. He slipped and accidentally shoved his dick in your ass instead
You fully passed out, and he was so frantic that he bundled you into the car and drove you straight to the ER you were in just a towel, might I add
You both look back on it now and laugh, but he was genuinely scared
Shower sex = never again
But he loves it when you straddle his lap and start grinding on him bonus points if you kiss his neck and run your hands through his hair
He's a pretty vanilla boy when it comes to sex, preferring positions like missionary and cowgirl, and liking a fairly even balance of power
He got super embarrassed and flustered when he finally mustered up the courage to suggest having car sex
And then even more embarrassed and flustered when you actually ended up doing it
He was blushing so hard the entire time and came really quickly, which only added to his embarrassment but you thought it was cute
He has really sensitive nipples which you use to your advantage
He absolutely loves hates it when you send him nudes or try and sext him while he's at work, because he gets a massive boner and will either have to live with it and probably get laughed at by those goobs in the office, or deal with it in the bathroom, which feels wrong to him on so many levels
Doesn't really stop you sending them though, because whenever you do, he comes home and fucks you really well
One thing that's not vanilla about him is how much he likes cumming inside you breeding kink, welcome to the party. Please take a seat
He didn't tell you about it for the longest time because he was embarrassed about it and was afraid you'd think it was gross or something please cum in me, sir
He was so relieved when you were understanding about it and open to the idea of indulging him
But he genuinely really wants kids some day he'd be a great dad
His PTSD doesn't stop him being a good boyfriend, but he's convinced that it does
Most days he seems okay, like he's over it, even
But sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night and find him curled up in the bath, shaking and crying into his knees my poor baby, I can't
Excuse me while I go and cry into my pillow for a while
You're his safety net
When he feels like he's drowning, you keep his head above the water until the waves eventually calm and recede, and he can breathe again
He hates putting so much on your shoulders
But you swear to him that you wouldn't want to be doing anything else, and that you're not going anywhere
This got so angsty, my heart can't take this 😭
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit.
‼️TW: Reader is EIGHTEEN! Recreational drug use, smoking and alcohol consumption, deeply internalised self-loathing, very questionable moral standards. Daddy kink taken half-seriously. BDSM themes in later chapters - explicit content will come with it's own TWs. FIRST PERSON POV. Mild smut in this chapter.
Summary: You're Peter's classmate, a child of rich and famous but uncaring parents. Getting paired up for a lengthy project with the boy was an interesting turn of events and you don't know whether to feel blessed or cursed when you develop, seemingly, a perfectly normal, harmless crush on Tony Stark. Fueled by feelings of inadequacy and boredom, your life spirals out of control - and you're lucky your newfound friends are there to pick up the pieces even if you cannot find it in yourself to believe these amazing human (and not so human) beings voluntarily give you more than a fleeting glance and an offhanded thought. And they brought cake!
A/N: Tony fluff, Tony snark, Tony sass and Tony smut (finally!). My & reader's brain be like: tony tony tony tony. A request for my readers: do I write a believeable tony? Is he in character, more or less?
My beta @miscmarvelwritings - she's not into Tony but even then, she was finally excited about them finally getting down & dirty. The patience of this woman...
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"Tony, could I borrow, like, a hoodie or something?"
He eyed my attire critically for a moment, seemingly coming to the same conclusion I did minutes earlier, and made a beeline for the couch in the back of the lab. Picking up and examining a black mass of fabric, deeming it satisfactory, he tossed it to me. "It's clean enough, I guess."
The thin straps of my mesh top rubbed against a lot of tender skin, leaving pink lines in the wake of it. A sigh of relief escaped me involuntarily when I removed it -
"Woah, woah," Tony squeaked, covering his eyes with an exaggerated gesture. "Warn a man!"
I honestly didn't see what the big deal was. "Tony, chill. I'm pretty sure you've seen it all and then some." I snorted, stretching briefly, shrugging on the slightly oversized hoodie. It smelled like the lab - like Tony, too, but mostly like motor oil and iron. Beggars can't be choosers, however - I had already devised and executed the plan that will let me keep the hoodie.
"When you put it that way..." He smirked, briefly returning to his usual self and giving me a salacious eyebrow wiggle.
I laughed in response, wiggling my hips, feeling the hem of my skirt swish against my thighs. I considered removing the fishnet tights, too, but a brief look in the reflective wall divide between Tony's and Bruce's labs got me pulling out my phone to take two dozen selfies. I looked great with Tony's clothes on.
The engineer chuckled at my antics, coming up behind me as I sat on the floor with my knee raised, chin resting on it. The amber liquid sloshed over the top of his glass, dripping down his fingers. He sat behind me.
"Weller Full Bourbon?" I asked, bringing my nose closer to his fingers to get a good whiff. The distinctive vanilla notes in his whiskey were unmistakable. "Good choice," I made a serious face. "Fancy."
"I can afford it, darling," He snarked back, devoid of malice.
He was so close. And so warm. And I needed a new screensaver. Shuffling back, I reclined against Tony's chest, carefully wedging my head in the crook of his neck.
God help me.
I felt his breath hitch. The dark, magnetic pools of his eyes stared at me from our combined reflection. Tony's eyes were the most expressive, he could fake a smile, he could charm the press and countless investors, but his eyes only spoke the truth. Always. I loved working with Tony because his gaze would light up. It was akin to seeing a little kid on Christmas.
A muscular arm snaked around my waist, pressing my back to his chest. The metal of his arc reactor jabbed uncomfortably between my shoulder blades but there was nowhere else I'd rather be.
"You're filming, Princess," He interrupted my Moment.
"Sure," I answered, not caring. There could be another alien invasion happening and I wasn't able to give a damn.
I felt the vibrant chuckle more than heard; Tony snatched the phone out of my hand without permission. I noticed the furrowed brow when he opened my Instagram and saw the unmistakable evidence of my frequent partying, yet he didn't comment on it.
"Tony, the press is going to go nuts," I raised my eyebrows, seeing what he was planning to do.
"They've seen me doing worse things," He scoffed. And took a photo of us ‘just chilling’ in his lab, hugging. He picked out a filter and everything., and then posted it.
"First of all, I am pretty awesome to be 'doing', I've had only good feedback," I scoffed at his dismissive attitude, using my free hand to make quote marks. Then I turned my head to stare him square in the face. "Steve's going to be pissed and Ms. Potts is going to call to yell at you." I punctuated the statements with a raised eyebrow.
There was really no innocent way the press could represent the photo that he posted. I didn't care for it, my parents wouldn't give a damn (my father probably would encourage it, the free publicity and all). Tony himself didn't seem like the kind of man to care much about some gossip articles, if anything, he enjoyed provoking them into a frenzy. Or at least, he used to.
"I'll put them both on hold. I like to watch the line blink," Tony winked, smirking. "I've been told the press expects me to have a midlife crisis since my last breakup," Eyes darkening, the man swiftly finished off his drink.
Midlife crisis seemed such a bitter way of putting it. Considering my own preferences in romantic partners, I couldn't help but feel offended at the way people offhandedly dished out labels - "midlife crisis", "daddy issues" and so on and so forth. The briefest part of me traveled back to Mr. Davies' living room where - no, I am not going there.
"Huh," I said, coming to a conclusion. A sad one at that.
"Don't take this the wrong way, Princess, but you don't seem like the kind of girl who thinks about pesky things like reputation or consequences," Tony mused idly, coming to a conclusion of his own.
"Nope, I don't give a fuck," I agreed with his opinion wholeheartedly. "If I would have a publicist, they would quit on the second day."
"I pay mine, uh, twice the average amount and they still quit. We're doomed, baby," Tony's gleeful face was mere inches away from my own, whiskey-tipsy and glowing.
I snorted, sliding lower to further burrow into his arms. Tony's sudden touchy-feely mode wasn't lost on me. My own touch starvation overrode any common sense that I had left. The totally-PG (well, not quite) embrace, one armed hug brought me more satisfaction than any of my sexual partners had ever achieved to give me.
"Why are there so many messages from Banner? Are you staging a world domination plan and forgot to include me? I'm hurt!" Tony exclaimed suddenly, a whiny tone to his voice.
"Thor's space yeasts have corrupted our minds with their spores. Soon all will become... Mushroom!" I deepened my voice for the dramatic effect, flailing my arms on the last word for the extra flair.
The man wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye; his eyes were sparkling, laughing even. "I'm evicting Thor and his supremely selfish yeast. How dare it ignore me."
"I vouched for you, I really did," I kept up the silly game. "But alas, the yeasts deemed you too... Boomer," The pride in my voice could barely hold back the laughter threatening to spill.
"Did you just..?" Tony gaped. "Did you just call me old?!"
I attempted to get away, shrieking when the tips of Tony's fingers squirmed along my midsection. "It was the yeast! IT WAS THE YEAST!" My resistance proved to be futile. The engineer had mass and strength on his side, years of piloting and maneuvering the Iron Man suits showing just how quick and nimble he could be when the situation demanded it.
"Take that from an old man!" He exclaimed triumphantly, using his arm to hold down both of my hands from grasping at him. One of his legs held down my own; we were a squirming, writhing mass of limbs in the heat of a tickle fight.
The cocaine in my blood, the mild buzz from being drunk on Tony - my body reacted to the close proximity of the man who occupied my fantasies. I was blushing, breathing heavily, and it wasn't just from the exertion. It should have affected me less, but I struggled to keep my eyes from Tony's face; his own flush, the moist part of his lips.
I wondered how a deer in the headlights felt. Was it hot, like it's body was suddenly alight, or was it cold, liquid nitrogen freezing in its veins?
"Fuck," I mumbled half-coherently.
"What was that?" He arched an eyebrow, clever eyes carefully watching my own.
"I'm in trouble," I chuckled weakly, looking away, pretending to struggle against his arms.
"You're trouble," He announced, grinning. His fingertips slowed, skimming gently along my sides now.
I retaliated with a tentative brush of my foot along the softness of his jean-covered inner thigh. It was euphoric, seeing Tony shudder, the thick eyelashes fluttering for the briefest part of a second.
"We should stop," He whispered suddenly, making a move to disentangle us both. Mixed signals, we've got em, ladies and gentlemen.
"Why?" I was tired of this dance. It was fun but painful. My firm decision of the past still stood: I won't be the lovesick fangirl, I won't be another notch in his bedpost. The resolve was crumbling but it was still there, to some point.
"You're not sober, this is wrong," He mumbled. "I'm more than twice your age, Princess."
That ship had sailed, Tony. If only you knew... "Do you seriously expect me, out of all people, to find common ground with someone my age? Someone like Peter? Jeez," I tried to be amused. If it came out more pleading, I pretended to not notice it. It was the moment of truth. It needed to be said. "I'm FUBAR, Tony. I'm lucky if anyone at all will want to put up with me, much less someone I can stand. I'm spoiled, I'm selfish, and annoying. I know that. I just thought we were friends and you'd be...kinder about it." My mumbling was met with a somewhat perplexed stare.
"I..." His eyebrows threatened to have a close encounter with his hairline. "What the fuck? Are you dead set on giving me a stroke today? I have a heart condition," He yanked me back towards his chest, unceremonious and indignant. "You can be so smart yet so stupid. Gosh, where is the world rolling, I'm quoting Pepper now." He seemed to be muttering to himself.
"Pot, kettle." I didn't resist the urge to snark.
"Right," Tony rolled his eyes. "You're beautiful and all that jazz. You deserve much more than this." Uncharacteristically sad, he pointed to himself, again. "I'm an old man with more issues than Playboy magazine."
"And I'm an angsty teenager with daddy issues, we're a match made in heaven."
"Hell," Tony was eyeing our combined reflection with a sort of petulance. It was hard keeping track of his microexpressions; his eyes and face held fleeting, half-finished thoughts, just like when he was creating, inventing something new.
"Works for me. Lucifer's hot," I answered with my brain on autopilot. He caught my eyes in the shiny glass, trapping me in his calculative gaze.
"The Netflix one or the Supernatural one?" Tony asked, equally absent from the conversation. Neither of us were able to break eye contact, breathing laboured and hearts thudding in our chests. I felt Tony's pulse fluttering under my palm where I'd rested it on his wrist.
The organ that dutifully pumped blood through my own veins and kept me alive threatened to escape my body, jump out of my chest, make its way out my mouth. Tony's unblinking stare penetrated my skin, seeped into the hollow behind my eyelids, ignited a flame within me and froze my thoughts.
"The one with the detective kink," I answered breathily. "I have an affinity for brown-eyed, narcissistic, sarcastic men with self-destructive tendencies," The last part of my sentence was swallowed by Tony's lips.
My brain shorted out, just like that. Bourbon on his breath and a new dose of snark on his tongue, he licked into my mouth with the grace and finesse of years of experience. It was sudden, it was rough, it was fantastic. His beard left marks on my face and I craved the burn of it.
"Fuck," I moaned when we were forced to surface for oxygen. My hips had moved, pressed against his own, prominent arousal digging into the small of my back. Tony had me moaning and grinding into it in mere seconds.
A hand rested on my face with surprising tenderness, turning my face to look at my own reflection. My hair was a mess, lips puffy - Tony wasn't looking any better, hunger and lust in plain view. It was a good look on him.
"Watch," His breath ghosted over the shell of my ear, lips traveling to the nape of my neck to attach themselves to the very sensitive flesh of that area.
I obeyed, gazing at the scene with lidded eyes. Keeping them open was a struggle. My body was flooded with sensation, riding the waves of pleasure like a rollercoaster. I wanted to please him, needed to obey him, to feel him.
My thighs quivered at Tony's touch. There was no warning, no preamble as he wedged a firm hand, separating them quickly to follow the heat. His biceps flexed deliciously. Under my skirt, through the fishnets and the tiny, lacy panties I wore.
"Fucking shit," The man moaned loudly, finding me, predictably, soaking wet. It was one hot, sticky mess between my legs.
The keen that left my mouth might've been embarrassing, yet it only spurred Tony on. Gently parting my lower lips, he gathered the moisture, suddenly withdrawing from me. My confusion met his amusement in the mirror as he stuck the two fingers in his mouth, moaning obscenely and loudly at the taste.
The corners of my mouth lifted, happy. "To-ony," I whined, my pussy aching for more. Now that I had felt the relief and pleasure of his touch, I didn't want it to end.
"Princess," He replied, seriously and sternly. I shuddered at the scratchiness of his voice. The hand that I was missing returned, stroking over the outside of my pussy with broad, soft motions. I arched, presented myself into the touch. "So eager," Tony mumbled into my shoulder, catching a bit of my skin between his teeth.
His fingers dipped deeper, delving in between the puffy, engorged flesh and stroking once, twice, before finding my clit. The pads of Tony's fingers were rough, hardened by manual work and hours spent in front of his inventions, making, tinkering, creating. The friction was perfect. I followed each stroke with a fluid motion of my hips.
"Tony, fuck," I slurred my approval, needing him to know how amazing he made me feel. Tony's form pressed closer, both of us melting, molding into each other.
"Baby girl, what do you need?" His raspy voice tickled my neck. I was sure there would be an array of marks decorating me come morning and absolutely loved the thought. I belonged to Tony Stark, in body and heart and mind and soul.
"I want to cum," I had no shame left. "I want to feel you."
He groaned, rutting into me. A squeak was all I managed to emit as two thick fingers plunged inside of me with a wet squelch. My pussy immediately took hold of the situation, squeezing and rippling around them. I was so close, my nerves pulled up taut like an overtaxed string. The effect this man had on me was positively unholy.
My clit throbbed under his thumb. Tony somehow managed to reach every single sweet spot on my body, effortlessly, easily, like he'd done it a thousand times.
"Ohmyfuckinggod, Tony," I came hard, shuddering, drenching the fingers inside of me. The moment I began sagging in his arms was the moment they tightened around me; I felt Tony grind helplessly against me, saw his own eyes slam shut and his brow furrow.
The hand that was in me withdrew rapidly as he hastily popped the button on his pants, freeing his cock and giving it several desperate tugs. I couldn't see it; I had to settle for the sensation of his hand, his hips rubbing against my clothed back.
He came quickly, with a loud shout. My curiosity got the best of me and I used the brief moment of his weakness to turn around, take a good look at him.
Tony was a fucking mess with a fucking gorgeous cock. Thick and veiny.
My face was level with it before he could have opened his eyes. I wanted, craved to know how he tasted. With gentle kitten licks, I collected the stray drops of cum running down his hand, careful of the rapidly softening, sensitive flesh.
His eyes popped open in surprise. I smiled at him, unseeing, collecting as much of him as I could.
"Fuck, Princess," He breathed. "I'm just a man, I'm pushing fifty," Gently pulling my head away but holding it mere inches from his cock. Indecisive.
I reached over for his hand with my own, popping finger after finger in my mouth, collecting every drop of cum like it was nectar. I could be good...I If properly motivated. The salty musk was all the motivation I needed at that moment. He pulled me in for a filthy, sloppy kiss once I was done, both of us humming, vocalising the shared pleasure.
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zankivich · 4 years
An Unexpected Romance: Chris Evans x Black! Female Reader Part 1
a/n: *sticks head out* omg hi. It’s been a while. A long while. Somehow I am back writing for another white man, a different one this time. We can only hope he does not disappoint as drastically as the last one does. I genuinely have no idea if this is good? I think it’s kinda cute, and I’ve been feeling very traumatized in regards to blackness lately so I really needed some black and brown women having a good time and being happy. We deserve that tbh. There could obvi be another part to this. Let me know if anyone even cares enough for that lol. Okay bye now. 
Part 2 Part 3
There’s an unspoken rule amongst you and your friends. Like a secret code, if you will. If a man hits on you at the bar and you’re not interested, and friends always know when you’re not interested, swarm and diffuse the situation. But? If a man hits on you at the bar and you are interested? Then that is a different story entirely.
It was a Thursday night out with the girls. You were at your favorite bar. It was quiet and quaint but still modern enough to attract a younger crowd. Sometimes there’s nothing better than getting dressed up and sipping on drinks with your girls. No dancing or club hopping or excessive uber rides. Just one bar, shit talk, and a lot of bacardi.
You were all sat directly at the bar in high standing chairs, Your back was turned to the entrance as you listened intently to your friend Tanya complain about her latest Hinge hook up.
“Can you believe I took my fine ass self all the way over to that nigga’s house in satin shorts? Satin! And he had a pizza box on his bedside table and the second he laid me down my back hit a bong. Make it make sense Jesus.”
Tanya was a beautiful Black woman. She was taller than all of you at six feet, and she strutted every step. Her skin was deep espresso and she was almost always rocking a vibrant colored wig that matched a vibrant colored outfit. Tonight’s color was lavender.
“I don’t know how many times we have to tell ya ass to stay away from them white boys.” You snorted, sticking your tongue out in search of your straw.
Your friends, Tanya, Raya, and Jesse all did a collective eye roll in your direction that did not go unnoticed.
“Yes ladies?” You asked with a straightened spine and arched brow.
Jesse was one of them girls you would have hated in high school. Skinny waist, slim thick thighs, and skin so clear that her Puertio Rican skin was only left to dazzle and shine. She had long, tight curls that hung all the way down to her belly button, and she always kept them gelled down and tied back. She, like all of your friends, did not hold back when it came to the group. You were honest, thick as thieves, and frankly a little brutal.
“You don’t even count. Your refusal to go near a white man is excessive and weird.” She cackled. “You're just as bad as Tanya, just on the other end of the spectrum sis.”
“Excuse me? Now Tanya dates boys...I date men. You see the difference? And if I am gone lie in some ivory sheets there’s gonna have to be some extra special attention being paid to me. And trust, there always is.”
You stuck your tongue out lewdly and laughed sending the whole table into a fit of giggles. You all clinked your glasses together and revelled in the atmosphere of melanin, acceptance, and tomfoolery. What a group.
“You tellin’ me that if a fine ass man walked in here right now and checked every box: his own money, his own car, intelligent, funny, etcetera,  and he just happened to be of the vanilla variety you wouldn’t bite?” Raya asked.
Raya was the thickest of the group, voluptuous in every sense of the word and also the only one happily married. She just put up with y’all honestly.
You rolled your eyes through with the conversation already.
“I’m saying...he’d have to be pretty fucking special and pretty fucking dedicated. Men are a headache as it is. I don’t need the added layer of some man pulling at my weave like I’m Lilly Ane from his hometown,  or asking me to do race play in the bedroom. Now I’m going to the bathroom and when I come back I’d like for us to talk about literally anything else? Okay? Okay.”
You slid out of your seat and headed for the bathroom with the grace and power of a woman in her thirties who had managed the insecurities of her younger self and had decided to only live her life revelling in her own excellence.
If Tayna was the darkest of the group you weren't at all far behind. If she was expresso, you were simply an americano with a dash of cream. And you rocked it with a full head of curls that ranged from nappy to bursting with life and moisture depending on both the day and temperature. It was all set upon the shoulders of a woman with curves and hips and chest. It was your body and you loved it endlessly, a matter quite evident in the way you walked.
That night you were wearing a coral pink jumpsuit with a long, flowy kimono and heels to match. Your kimono billowed behind you and made you feel fierce, even on the walk to the bathroom, which is perhaps why you weren’t paying that much attention. One second you’re strutting in the heels that you only wore when there wouldn’t be too much standing, and the next you’re slipping on some liquid that must have been spilt on the floor. Your whole life flashed before your eyes. The wind flew out of your lungs. This was the end…
And then you were caught by the waist. Not caught, more like gripped. Firmly. And perhaps not the waist so much as the hips. You expected to be lying straight on the floor staring up at the ceiling, and instead you were staring at a chest. A firm chest. No not firm. Chiseled might be a better description. So chiseled that your hands began to wander amongst the suit clad flesh before your mind had caught up with you. Heafer.
“Oh my god. Thank you so much. I’m so sorry I can’t believe I--”
You peered up into deep blue eyes and let’s not forget that your fingers were still wandering along that chest. Had a chest ever been so broad? No. Not unless you count Captain America apparently.
“Please, I always like to pull a rescue mission before dinner. Makes me feel like I earned my meal.” He grinned down at you.
Chris Evans. What are even the statistical chances? You wouldn’t know, you were too busy drooling.
His hands were still on your hips. Yours still on his chest. And now you were just plain staring at him. Good look.
A waiter with a towel to clean up the mess broke up the moment by clearing their throat and alerting the two of you that you were way too close to one another still.
“Oh--Oh.” You mumbled idiotically. “You’re…”
He nodded. “Chris. And you are?”
The waiter snickered under their breath and you realized just how much you were ruining this moment. You straightened your spine and tried to act like you had some sort of sense.
“I’m y/n. Thank you again for the save. I was actually just on my way to the bathroom so I’ll uh let you get back to your night and try not to fall on you again.” You smiled.
“Yea, we definitely wouldn’t want that would we?” He asked.
But the way his face was looking told you maybe he might not mind it after all. Sheesh.
“Okay well uh you have a nice night, Chris.”
You tapped at his hands on your hips and he quickly stumbled back with an apology. It was the first time he looked even the slightest bit flustered in your interaction with him. You found that you liked it.
“You have a nice night too, y/n.”
You smiled at him one final time before walking to the bathroom as you had intended. But he didn't leave your mind the entire time you were there. And not just because it was Chris Evans, it didn’t feel fair to call it star struck. That was too simple, too miniscule.  Instead it was the way his hands had felt on your hips. You had the tendency to lean away from men, didn’t feel comfortable with them when you didn't know who they were. And yet there you had stood, completely at ease in his hold. You couldn’t explain it even to yourself. He had just felt right.
“Of course he felt right, he’s practically a figment of your imagination.” You mumbled to yourself at the sinks.
That was it. He didn’t even count. The only time you ever saw him was on your netflix account, so surely your perception was warped. The reality was that Chris Evans was just another white man who looked good in a sweater. The end.
That’s what you convinced yourself as you walked back to your friend, but not without taking extra precautions against the floor. By the time you arrived back at your table you had done the mental gymnastics needed to completely eliminate him from your system. Good girl.
“Now, I trust you all found something better to talk about while I was away.” You grinned as you slid back into the table.
All of your friends were snickering behind their hands and they wasted no time at all laughing at you.
“Oh did we!” Jesse laughed. “You see we had just moved on to a new topic when a little someone got a drink delivered to the table.”
Your eyes widened as Jesse pushed a glass of what looked like processo closer your way. She then pointed over by the bar leading the entire table to turn that way. Seated by his seat with his arms leaning against the bar, shoulders even broader against the wood, was none other than Chris Evans himself. As if on a Hollywood cue he turned to look at you with a smile that was both innocent and filthy at the same time. He lifted a drink of his own in the air and tilted it in your direction in silent cheers. If you had been ten shades lighter you’da blushed like a schoolgirl. It was ridiculous.
“Now...What was that you were saying about white boys sis?” Tanya asked.
You groaned to yourself softly and plopped your head down in your hands in embarrassment. This was only to notice that your sparkling glass of prosecco was perched upon a napkin with his phone number written upon it. Home boy was slick and he was bold. A man confident enough to come put himself out there, and respectful enough to do it in a way that wasn’t disruptive or rude to your friends nor yourself. It was the sort of thing that made you take notice for sure, which explained why your girlfriends were looking at you like cats that had just discovered the canary.
“What? What?! What?” You gasped at the table, clearly annoyed.
Jesse grinned. “What’chu mean ‘what’, mija! You gone get your mans or what?”
They all giggled and looked clearly in his direction, only embarrassing you further.
“Stop it!” You hissed. “He is not ‘my mans’ by any stretch of the imagination. He probably just feels bad for me slipping. I fell and he caught me. Clearly he’s a gentleman, which is nice but that don’t mean nothin.”
“Girl please! This man done sent you prosecco and a phone number. That’s like a rich modern version of a love letter. You better go talk to that man.” Raya snorted.
Women who hype up other women are the world’s greatest treasure. You loved your friends with everything in you, and you valued all of their intellects greatly. However, this was not a regular-degular man. This was literally a superhero. You had confidence for days, but this was simply a different stratosphere. You were just about to silence your friends again when a ghost must have descended because everyone else began to gasp.
“Girl he movin’. Captain America is comin in for the landing.” Raya stage-whispered.
“Oooo you know what? Suddenly I have to pee.” Tanya mumbled.
“Oh me too!” Jesse nodded.
And just like that….your table was empty. The audacity!
“Wow. I sure can clear a room huh?” He chuckled, stepping up beside you. “I hope I don’t offend too much.”
You sighed turning to face him head on.
“You certainly do not offend. In fact, I think my friends are around some corner cackling like the witches they are. They just wanted to give you space to shoot your shot.”
He smiled with a raised eyebrow. “My shot, huh? I better not fuck it up them.”
You shrugged, eyes raking gently over him. Beyond the obvious attraction, it was important for you to search for any warning signs. His body language was good. He had one hand draped over the back of your chair, but he stood two steps back from the table so that he wasn’t over-crowding your space. He seemed to be aware of himself physically, an important marker in your estimation. He was playful enough, but also clearly interested if he’d decided to come up to the table after all that. This did not bode well for you at all. The man was kinda nice.
“I just wanted to see if you were enjoying your drink is all.”
Your fingers flitted with the glass before pulling it to your lips for a sip. The way his eyes seemed to follow the motion had a heat pooling in your gut.
“I do enjoy a good prosecco.” You nodded. “Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure. I didn’t want to be too forward but uh--I think you’re stunning and  I was wondering if I could take you out sometime.” He murmured.
Your legs were crossed in your seat, and you bobbed your leg a little, anxiety coursing through you.
“Were you afraid the number on the napkin was too subtle?”
He chuckled softly, eyes falling to the ground in an almost...embarrassed fashion? Lord, please.
“Sorry, I tend to second guess myself. I never know how people are gonna take me with my line of work. I didn’t want you to think I was trying to set up a one night stand or something. Wanted to show you I’m genuinely interested.”
Well that was unnervingly wholesome. Where they get this man from?
You let a small grin form across your mouth, a metaphorical step forward closer to his very inviting energy.
“Well, I do like the sound of stunning.”
“Yea? I think I could say some other stuff you’d like too if you give me a chance. What do you say?”
He licked the edge of his lip and it really was so miniscule but it had your thighs tightening in a way that was unholy. Rude.
You couldn’t say yes just off principle. Ten minutes ago you had just shamed all your friends for their white proclivities and the first one that walks off the street and bats his eyelashes at you causes you to cave? The hypocrisy! But...he was fine. Like capital “F” fine. Fwine with a “w”, fine. And it’s not like he was going to take you home to pizza boxes and lost bongs and then hit you up for gas money later. He was more set in his life than you were. Him being rich wasn’t even for you to utilize; it just felt good to know that he was accomplished and secure for himself. Again you dated men...not boys. And yet still you found yourself in such a conundrum.
“You look hesitant.” He noted, eyes locking onto yours.
You nodded. “I am...Excuse my bluntness but I had just gotten done explaining to my friends that dating white men often comes with more hassle than good. It can be difficult to connect cross-culturally. And quite frankly y’all are usually racist and/or fetishists. I’m not looking to upset your mama, nor am I looking to play slave master in the bedroom.”
Honestly the little speech was usually enough to send weaker men running. You say the r-word to a white man when you’re a black woman and he either calls you the n-word or gets upset and walks away. That had been your experience thus far. Not always, but enough to set precedence. The fact that he bothered to stay at the table further already separates himself from the pack.
“I can understand where you’re coming from.” He nodded, and a crease formed subtly between his eyebrows. “Not that I could ever really understand, just that I understand your hesitancy towards me. And I understand that it’s more complicated for you than it is for me. I really wish it wasn’t that way, but obviously that isn’t exactly something you and I can fix together in this very moment.”
You steadied for yourself for his next words, sure that he was about to leave you with, “have a nice life, I’ve got a spandex fitting in the morning.” There was a feeling in your tummy that felt out of place. You noted absently that it was a flutter of disappointment. And then he kept speaking.
“I don’t want to change your opinions on all white guys. I’d be willing to wager that most of us suck, and you probably should definitely steer clear.”
This caused you to snicker a little bit, a smile coming back to your face. He practically beamed in response, teeth coming together in a megawatt smile.
“However, I’d truly hate to never see that smile again.” He groaned and layed a firm hand against his own chest. “I don’t wanna change your mind about all of us...but maybe I can change your mind about me. I don’t want to feshitize you, I don’t want some weird power play between us. I don’t wanna do anything that would hurt you or make you uncomfortable. I just wanna take a really beautiful woman out if I could, if you’ll have me? Please? And if not, I take no as my answer and I walk away a little wounded, and you’ll still be here, stunning as always.”
Ooof. Boy was good. Real good.
You twisted your lips together and eyed him another time as if you were seeing each other for the very first time. Seemingly good guy. Persistent, not demanding. Willing to have conversations about race? Biceps the size of your head. Damn it was like the devil had crafted him especially for you.
“You know I think my friends have been spying long enough. I should probably meet up with them.” You mumbled.
You reached for the check in front of you adding your tip to your total and squaring out your tab. The way his eyes raked over you did not go unnoticed, unfelt. With the check closed and on the table you reached for one of the cocktail napkins on the table, pen still in hand, and wrote a note of your own. Sliding from your seat, you reached for the prosecco and downed the fizzy beverage before pressing the napkin to his chest with your nail. There was confusion, and perhaps a bit of hurt, in his baby blue eyes. This was gonna be some real trouble for you.
His palm came to rest over yours, trapping your fingers against his chest. There was a warmth there that seemed to leave your fingertips tingling. Definitely trouble.
“You have a nice night Chris.” You grinned.
His hand fell away from yours at the slightest movement on your part. He stood there, seemingly shell shocked, as you reached for your purse and his cocktail napkin. You almost thought he was going to let you get away as you went to step around him, only for his palm to grab gently at your hip.
“Good night y/n.” He whispered and reached to kiss chastly at your cheek.
The warmth of him was more intoxicating up close. He radiated heat like he radiated pheromones. And the smell of him was absolutely ridiculous as well. Was that gucci? Dior maybe?
It was a miracle you made it around the corner.
As to be expected, your awful ass group of friends were all standing by the hostess booth peaking around at you like a couple of dumbasses. They were lucky you loved em. You had an exit to execute though, and for that at least, they were useful.
You resumed your power walk, matched with clicking heels and a teasing pop of your hips, towards them.
“Is he watching?” You asked quietly.
They all nodded in various levels of incredulousness.
“Good. Let’s go.”
And then you walked your ass out that bar only to collapse the first second you cleared the doors. Your girls descended the way only women do, like fucking superheros of their own, and helped you float back to the car.
“Girl if you don’t start spilling A-S-A-P I swear fo’ God!” Raya gasped hands shaking on the steering wheel.
“What happened what happened what happened?!” Jesse screeched.
Your head nestled against the headrest of the car, your breathing having gone unsteady by the little game you’d just played.
“I think I just told him he can take my black ass on a date.” You mumbled in shock.
The tension in the car hit an all time high as everyone went silent...And then they all bursted out laughing as if you’d mentioned the funniest joke in the damn world.
“She finna be down with the swirl tonight, y’all!” Raya cackled.  
“In the category of white boys y/n will fuck with, this one has a networth of millions and the highest grossing movie of all time.” Jesse spoke in her best game host voice.
“I’ll take Captain America for six hundred, Alex!” Tayna snickered.
And they all continued to laugh.
“I gotta get some new friends.”
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uriagii · 3 years
Thomastair Youtube AU
I wrote most of this last night when I should have gone to bed early for my ACT today, but here you go, Thomastair Youtube AU part 2!
part 1, part 3
1.7k words, kissing, some language, fluff
2: Chapstick Challenge
“Hey guys, we’re back and today we’ll be doing the chapstick challenge,” Alastair said to the camera. He and Thomas were seated on their bed.
“Yes, so how it works is we have seven flavors of chapstick right here, and a blindfold,” Thomas explained. “We’ll take turns applying the chapstick, then we have to taste it off each other and guess the flavor.”
“If I guess correctly, I get a point, if I guess incorrectly, Thomas gets a point, and vice versa”
“Yes, so the flavors we have here are strawberry, spearmint, cake batter, mango, vanilla, orange, and watermelon.” Thomas turned to Alastair, “Remember those babe.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Alastair picked up the blindfold and slipped it over his eyes. “Just pick a flavor and kiss me.��
Thomas chuckled, and held up three fingers in front of Alastair’s face. “How many fingers am I holding up?” 
“Uh, I don’t know, three?”
“You can see!” Thomas accused.
“Wait, I got that right?” Alastair laughed. “I seriously guessed.”
“Okay, I guess I believe you.” Thomas sighed, and surveyed the options of chapstick flavors before selecting one. He held it up to the camera in front of his hand. The label read spearmint. 
He applied the chapstick on his mouth in one pass before recapping it and rubbing his lips together. “Ready?”
“Kiss me, fool.”
Thomas laughed and tipped Alastair’s chin up slightly before pressing his lips to his briefly.
Alastair licked his lips and immediately said, “Mint.” 
“Damn, too easy, huh?”
“Gotta step it up, Lightwood.” Alastair quipped without looking at Thomas. 
“Oh, I will.” Thomas said as they both wiped the spearmint chapstick off their lips and slipped the blindfold over his eyes.
Alastair picked up a random chapstick from the pile before uncapping it. Just as he was about to apply it, Thomas said “Did you show the camera the flavor you picked?”
Alastair said nothing and held up a tube of orange-flavored chapstick. He put the chapstick on, and unceremoniously grabbed Thomas’s face, and planted a kiss on his mouth. 
Thomas made a surprised hum, and Alastair pulled away. Thomas thought for a second before saying, “Orange?”
“I went easy on you.” Alastair scoffed.
“Sure you did, babe.” Thomas took the blindfold off his own head and wrapped it around Alastair’s forehead, snapping the eye covering on. Alastair, however, had not been expecting this, and the eye covering accidentally fell into his eyes. 
“Ow.” He said, sounding more startled than pained.
“Oh, I’m sorry babe, are you okay?” Thomas sounded worried.
“No, I’m dying.” Alastair said calmly.
“Oh, shut up. Put your blindfold on so I can pick a color you’ll never guess.”
“You know what I meant.” After making sure Alastair had the blindfold on, Thomas picked up the red strawberry chapstick and began to show the camera.
“Is it strawberry?” Alastair asked.
“Okay, you have X-ray vision.” Thomas decided.
“Wait, I got that? Again?” Alastair laughed out loud.
“I think you’re a witch.” Thomas declared.
“That’s true. Pick a flavor, hoe.”
Thomas spun Alastair around by the shoulders for good measure, grabbed the watermelon chapstick, applied it, then turned his boyfriend back around for a kiss. 
Alastair leaned forward to accept the kiss and their lips met in the middle. It was messier than the last two, since Alastair’s movement made Thomas miss Alastair’s mouth slightly.
Alastair paused as he thought, before ultimately deciding. “Kiss me again.”
“What? That’s cheating, you can’t have another one.” Thomas replied.
“Why not?” Alastair asked. 
“I didn’t get two kisses before.”
“You didn’t ask.”
Thomas rolled his eyes and leaned in to give Alastair another brief kiss. 
Alastair licked his lips a few times, then said, “I don’t know.”
“Ha! I win! It was watermelon.” Thomas celebrated his grand victory of one whole point by doing a little dance in his seat. 
“Whatever, my turn,” Alastair took the blindfold off and threw it at Thomas, interrupting his little dance.
Once Thomas had the blindfold on, Alastair picked up the mango flavored chapstick and did a quick pass over his lips with it, then made a face.
“Blegh, this is disgusting.” He gagged.
“What is it?” Thomas asked with a smirk.
“Nice try,” said Alastair, not fooled in the slightest by Thomas’s attempt at getting the answer from him. “Gimme your face.”
Thomas leaned forward, and as soon as Alastair’s lips met his, he grabbed the shorter man’s cheeks and deepened their kiss. Alastair’s lips parted, and Thomas’s tongue slipped into Alastair’s mouth. They continued on for a few moments before Alastair, momentarily distracted by Thomas’s antics, snapped back into reality and took Thomas by the shoulders and pushed him away gently. 
“You heathen,” Alastair said, breathing slightly labored. Thomas only smiled before licking his lips, then making a face of his own.
“My God, that is disgusting.” he agreed. “What the hell kind of flavor is that, body odor?”
Alastair burst into laughter, which made Thomas laugh in return. Thomas pulled the blindfold up off of his eyes and onto his forehead to look at his lover in all his giggling glory. He smiled at Alastair as the two of them laughed together. 
Once their laughter had died down enough, Alastair asked, “Do you give up?” To which Thomas nodded. Alastair held up the tube of chapstick with the little picture of a mango on it, and Thomas gaped.
“I don’t know what that flavor was, but it sure as hell wasn’t a mango.” He said resolutely.
Alastair smiled and took the blindfold off of Thomas’s forehead, putting it over his own eyes. “We’re tied, two-two. Your turn.”
Thomas showed the next chapstick, cake batter, to the camera, and applied a layer.
“All right, chapstick number five.” He said, then grabbed Alastair's chin and gave him a lingering kiss.
Alastair licked his lips, and thought. Before signaling he needed another kiss to decipher the flavor. Thomas sighed, but complied and kissed Alastair again. When Thomas tried to pull away, Alastair grabbed the back of his head gently and pulled Thomas closer. Thomas let himself be kissed a few moments longer before pulling back and looking expectantly at Alastair. 
“Cupcake.” Alastair said once they pulled away.
Thomas made a sound of uncertainty and said, “Not quite, but it’s close enough I suppose.” Alastair uncovered his eyes and furrowed his expressive eyebrows in confusion at Thomas. “It was cake batter.”
“Oh potato, po-tah-to.” Alastair said dismissively.
“I’ll give it to you.”
“How generous.”
The score was now three to two, with Alastair in the lead, and two flavors left to go. Alastair handed the blindfold to Thomas who put it on. 
While Alastair looked at the remaining two chapstick tubes, Thomas paused and said, “Wait, if there are two left, and you choose one now, you’ll know which one the last one is when 
it’s my turn after this.” 
“What’s wrong with that?” Alastair said with a smile. 
“It’s basically a guaranteed win for you.” Thomas replied.
“Bold of you to assume you’ll get this next one right first.”
“Oh, I’ll get it right. And then I’ll beat you even though you’re cheating.”
“Let’s just see if you guess this one correctly, then we’ll figure it out.”
“Fine, go then.”
Alastair grabbed the vanilla chapstick, applied it, and kissed Thomas quickly.
“That tastes like nothing.” Thomas said after a moment. “Did you put enough on?”
Alastair applied another layer of the chapstick, and gave Thomas another kiss.
“Thomas licked his lips for a few long moments before saying, “I don’t know...vanilla?”
“Yep,” Alastair responded.
“Damn. That's like, flavorless.” 
“Okay, three to three. Since there’s only one flavor left, I guess you can pick the strawberry flavor or any of the other flavors we have already done, to make it fair.” Alastair suggested.
Thomas agreed, and waited for Alastair to blindfold himself for the last round. Once the  blindfold was secure, Thomas turned to the camera, fiddled with the chapsticks without choosing one, put a finger to his lips and did not apply any chapstick.
“Okay, you ready babe?”
Thomas smiled deviously, and pulled Alastair in for a kiss. Alastair sat confused for a second, trying to figure out the nonexistent flavor Thomas had selected, before grabbing Thomas’s collar and kissing him again.
When he pulled away, he muttered a quiet, “what the fuck?” and kissed Thomas again. Thomas chuckled.
“Got nothing?” Thomas asked.
“Is it vanilla again?”
“Then what--” Alastair pulled the blindfold off and narrowed his eyes when he saw Thomas’s smirk. “You didn’t apply a new chapstick, did you?”
Thomas began laughing, and Alastair tackled him backwards onto their bed, saying. “You little bitch, you cheated!”
Thomas only laughed harder while Alastair straddled Thomas’s stomach and rained gentle but firm punches onto Thomas’s firm chest. 
“I won, fair and square!” Thomas declared, trying to wiggle away from the onslaught of punches he was receiving.
“No, you really didn’t!” Alastair insisted.
“Okay, okay, maybe I didn’t,” Thomas conceded, sitting up still with Alastair in his lap. “We tied.”
“No,” Alastair said. “You cheated, and therefore are disqualified, and I win.”
“By default.”
“No, I won on merit!”
“Okay, fine. You win babe.” Thomas smiled at Alastair and gave him a plain, chapstick-free kiss on the lips.
Alastair smiled triumphantly as he climbed off of Thomas’s lap and said, “Thank you.”
“Thank you all for watching, we hope you had as much fun as we did here. Who do you think really won? Let us know in the comments!” Thomas said.
“Me! I did! That’s not debatable.” Alastair refused.
“See you next time!”
>matthew wilde childe: Thomas won. Hands down.
3,294 likes, 184 dislikes
Thomas & Alastair replying to @matthew wilde child: shut up --A
4,385 likes, 142 dislikes
>eugenia lightwood: i did not need 2 see my little brother’s tongue that much. 
1,838 likes, 218 dislikes
>vampire-faerie15: i’m LIVING for this. The sass, god tier.
956 likes, 74 dislikes
41 notes · View notes
James Bond,
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Requested: Yes / No
Synopsis: George works for MI6, his wife however doesn’t. 
Word count: 2,458
The house was dark when I walked through the front door, the black suit I wore no longer tidy after the evening of rough housing I’d faced.
“Penny,” I breathed her scent hitting me, the sweet smell of vanilla invading my senses as I closed the door behind me. She was all I could think about, even as I drew the pistol from the holster, checking the clip and the safety before dropping the hand that held it to my side. The cold metal of the gun freezing the skin of my thigh as I walked down the hallway to the door that lead to our bedroom. The light from the streetlamp outside our house covered her in an angelic glow. “Angel,” I lulled softly waiting for her to move, she was sleeping on her stomach again, her hand reached out to my side of the bed as if she was reaching for me. “I love you,” I whispered as the phone in my back pocket began to vibrate. “Give me a minute,” I spoke into the phone, forcing myself to move away from the Angel sprawled out on my bed.
“Did you kill him?” O’s voice fumed as I walked towards the walk-in robe ready to discard my gun in the safe.
“No,” I groaned. “I couldn’t do it, Anderson isn’t our man,”
“And how do you know this?” O’s cockney accent drawled.
“When have I been wrong before?” A moment of silence followed my question.  
“I suppose you haven’t.” O sighed. “But I only hope this isn’t the one time you are.”
“I won’t be,” Was all I could get out before O ended the call. Chucking my phone onto the tallboy, I stripped myself from my suit hoping Penny wouldn’t smell the lingering smoke when she washed it tomorrow. Penny… All I wanted was to be beside her. Lay with her, holding her in my arms.
Parker had left early this morning before I’d even woken up. Last night long after he’d crawled into our bed well after midnight and left a kiss on my shoulder before falling into a deep sleep. I was kept awake hours longer, the kiss wasn’t the only thing he’d left behind.
A single bullet had fallen, clattering to the ground as he’d rushed off into the wardrobe returning minutes later after a hushed phone call, stripped of his suit as he slid in behind me.
The doorbell pulled me from my stare off with the silver bullet. The sharp ring echoed around our house. I raced to the door, peering through the peephole. The postman, Freddie, stood outside.
“Hi Fred,” I smiled as I pulled the door open. “What you got for me today?”
“Package for Parker,” Freddie smiled. “You’ll have to sign though.” Parker appeared from behind Freddie, rushing up the path to the house.
“I can do this, love.” He called moving beside Freddie, his hands grabbing the pen then the package. “Where do you need it?” Freddie motioned to a spot on the paper, Parker quickly signed. “Great.” Parker handed the pen back to Freddie. “Have a good one, Fred.” Freddie muffled a goodbye as he walked down the path Parker had rushed up moment before.
“You’re home early?”
“Boss let us have an early mark after how well last night went,” Parker laid a kiss on my forehead before rushing through the door.
“You can’t send things to my house.” I hissed through the phone to O. “Penny nearly got the stick.” I ripped open the letter, holding the small black micro-USB in my hand.
“This is how we have always worked, if your love life is getting in the way then I think it’s time you sort it out.” I threw the phone down on the table my anger continued to bubble as I grabbed my headphones pulling them over my ears as the images loaded. “The images you’re looking at are of Gabriel Windsor, an ex-MI6 agent who went rouge after working a deep-cover agent for an international terrorist syndicate.” I clicked through to another photograph. It was clear that these images were taken without Gabriel’s knowledge.  I began to click through the images. “We don’t know who the woman is in the final image, that is something we need you to find out.”
I watched Parker reverse out of the driveway and down the street before I made my move. Rushing into his office I began to search through the draws, looking for anything that could tell me what was in that parcel he received yesterday. Nothing.
“The computer.” I whispered reaching for it. I dragged it towards me, on the side where the USB ports were pulling out the USB protruding from the side. “Burnt,” I whisper pulling it out to examine in my hand. I pulled at the stick, beginning to dismantle the USB stick, letting the debris fall to the desk until the microchip I was looking for fell to the table.
It was night when I’d cleared my head enough to return home, and when I found Penny, she was sitting casually in the kitchen, up on the counter her legs hanging over the side. In her hand she was holding a glass of scotch. I watched her for a moment as she grabbed the nearby bottle for a top up, messily pulling off the lid, taking a sip from the bottle, before filling her glass up.
“You right?” She flinched as I spoke. “You don’t normally drink,”
“I went to clean your office today, and I found something rather interesting.” I stepped into the light of the kitchen. “Why was there a burnt USB stick in your computer, Parker?”
“Shorted itself, caught on fire.” She smiled, nodding her head slowly.
“Did you know that you can retrieve data from the fragments of a burnt USB?”
“I never realised you were such a techie.” I shoved my hands in my pocket. “What did you find then?”
“Your name really isn’t Parker, is it?” She brought the glass to her lips. “And you’re not really an accountant are you?”
“I can explain.” I stepped forward. She lobbed the empty glass at my head, I ducked hearing it smash against the wall behind me.
“No.” She cried. “No you can’t explain anything to me.” She screamed. “There is nothing to explain, you lied to me, what else are you keeping from me?” She jumped off the counter, going to walk past me. I grabbed onto her upper arm.
“What about you? I bet you’ve also been keeping secrets, haven’t you, Penny?” I hissed. “Or would you rather I call you Y/N?”
“You don’t know anything about me.” Y/N struggled against me.
“Tell me what you have to do with Gabriel Windsor. I saw the photos, I know you’re involved with him.”
“Go to hell, George.” A wicked smirk came to my lips.
“So you do know who I am.”
“I said.” She grunted through grit teeth. “Go to hell.” She brought her foot up to my chest and kicked me, sending me to the floor. I watch her run from the kitchen and through to the living room.
I grab the firearm from beneath the couch where I’d hidden it before Parker, or George as he was actually called. Readying myself to go up against MI6.
“Nice hiding spot,” His voice cackled from behind me, before I was tackled to the couch, my gun falling to the floor.
“Let go of me you wanker!” I screamed at him as he reached down for my dropped pistol. Seeing a small moment of weakness I wrapped a leg around him and flipped us both to the ground. I gained the upper hand, straddling his waist leaning up to grab my gun.
“No you don’t,” George almost teased before his hand knocked into my nose, sending my head backward, my eyes watered as the pain radiated through. George rolled me off him, his metal ring clinging against the metal of the gun as he held it out, looming above me.
“Well,” I spat out a mix of spit and blood as I looked up at him. “Go on then, sweetie pull the fucking trigger.” George’s hold on the gun stays firm, as his finger moves to the trigger, I brace myself for what was to come.
“I can’t,” He breathed the gun dropping to his side.
I couldn’t kill her. Not even after the lies she’d led me to believe.
“I can’t kill you, Y/N.” I sighed dropping the gun to the floor. “So if you’re going to kill me, then do it now.” She didn’t reach for the gun.
“I’m not going to shoot you,” She breathed. “I can’t,” I dropped beside her, sitting on the carpeted floor. “Did you hear that?” She looked behind me towards the window.
“I didn’t hear anything,” I leant back against the couch.
“Someone’s out there.” She pulled me down quickly, both of us lying on our stomachs as a flashlight shone through the window, grazing over the room.
“They aren’t my guys.” I whispered. Y/N looked at me, she’s quiet.
“They’re not mine either.” She cried softly as the flashlight disappeared.
“We have to move.” I clamber to my feet, reaching down to help Y/N up. From outside the window I could hear radio static. “I have weapons and ammo in the office, do you have anything?”
“That one,” She pointed to the pistol I was holding. “Another in the kitchen, and a few things in the bedroom.”
George and I worked our way cautiously through the house into the kitchen, dodging the beams of light that flashed through the window. I rushed to the pantry as radio chatter came from outside.
“Alpha One, this is Echo One, are you in place?”
“Echo One, this is Alpha One. In place, over.”
“Alpha One, wait for my command.” The first voice came louder as I found the pistol I’d hidden in the bran cereal box. “Bravo One, Charlie One are you in place? Over?”
“Got it.” I called to George. He was watching the door when it burst open, two men rushing inside, their guns ready. Thankfully I was quicker and they were taken care of carefully. George turned to me, a look of admiration covered his face.
“Time to go,” He grabbed me and pulled me down the hallway.
“There are two more assault teams.” I pulled her towards our room. “We need to move, and you need to stay close to me.” Before we could reach the bedroom a single red beam shot through the window, working it’s way up the hallway towards where we stood. I grabbed her, pulling her to the ground, covering her body with my own until the laser disappeared. “You’re bleeding.” I wiped the spot of blood away from the cut on her lip. “We better move.”
“Let’s go,” She lets me pull her up before she rushes through the rest of the hallway and into our bedroom, rushing over to the self help book she always kept beside our bed. She opened it tipping out another silver pistol.
“Explains why those self help books are always lying around the place.”
“How’d you find out?” I grabbed a the knife I’d stashed in the bottom draw of our tallboy.
“Gabriel Windsor is my current target,” I strapped the knife to a thigh holster. “There was one of the two of you, I looked into your background.”
“Isn’t that something you’re supposed to do before you get married?” I look up catching her eye in the mirror.
“What can you tell me about him?”
“I was recruited when I was sixteen, into the Queens secret service… I met him there, we trained together, then he was my partner for three years before I found out he was dirty.” She sat on the bed. “I blew the whistle, he went rouge and he’s been after me ever since.”
“So you’ve been hiding in plain sight?”
“What about you? MI6?”
“You already worked out my real name,” She nodded her head. “I’m not MI6 anymore, I’m now a blue coat.”
“Who are they?”
As George turned a flashbang was thrown through the door, the room filling with a blinding white light. I fell to the floor trying to regain my sight. My eyes burning as everything around me distorted.
“There she is,” The voice of Gabriel Windsor laughed from inside the white light. Hands grabbed my upper arms forcing me to stand. “It’s taken me quiet some time to find you,” I blinked trying to regain any part of my vision.
“Gabriel?” I stuttered.
“I told you I would find you,”
“Well now you have me, so why don’t you get it over with.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” The white dots calmed down, in front of me stood my worst nightmare. Gabriel looking even more the evil villain than ever before. “I don’t want to just kill you, my love.” He looked away from me, towards the bed where George was being held down. “I want to make you hurt first.” Gabriel approached George slugging him in the stomach, standing back as he fell to the ground. He waited a moment before he kicked his stomach, then the rest of his body. I look up to the ceiling unable to watch Gabriel beat him anymore. “You see what you’ve done?” Gabriel yelled. “Do you see what your betrayal has cost you.” Gabriel’s hand grabbed my face forcing me to look at George.
As Gabriel forced Y/N to look at me, I couldn’t help but send her a subtle wink, letting her know everything would be OK. I hold everything back as Gabriel kicks Y/N in the stomach, sending her flying to the ground.
“You did this.” He gripped her hair, pulling her up. “You caused all of this.” He threw her on the bed. I struggle to stand, while one of Gabriel’s men tries to keep me down, putting me at the perfect height to curl my pointer finger through the pin on another flash grenade. As the body pushes me to the ground the pin comes with me. I turn as I hit the ground shielding my eyes. I grab the rifle from the nearby blinded goon sending bullets into all of them I could see before grabbing Y/N and running from the room. We make it to the car before they’d even left the house. Gabriel appears first his hand holding a bloodied arm. He raises the wounded arm sending bullets flying at the car.
I lay my head on George’s shoulder as we drive down the highway the radio on low as we leave the chaos behind us.
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binniebutter · 4 years
Under The Wisteria
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Pairing: Choi Soobin x fem!reader
Genre: Angst Angst Angst; fluff ig, dystopian au
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: violence, gun violence, blood, major character death, I think that’s all
Summary: You just wanted to be with him forever, but you didn’t mean under the Wisteria tree.
Credit: beta read by @nottodayjjk and @inmyfelix from @txtarcadianet. Thanks so much babes!
a/n: I messed up the tags so I deleted and now I’m posting again🥲 but yea this is a birthday gift for @unlocktxt​ also i can’t write kissing scenes don’t make fun of me.
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“Happy birthday to you,” you jumped in your seat a little, startled by your friend’s mom’s sudden singing, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/n, happy birthday to youuuuu.” She walked into the dining room with a single vanilla cupcake in her hands, a candle sporting the number 18 on top. There was no icing or sprinkles on the cupcake yet it still looked ravishing to you. The government only allowed for sweets on special occasions, like birthdays or weddings, and even then it could only be so many calories. This was the government's way of getting rid of obesity in Lamore, along with other, harsher, methods.
“Thank you, Mrs. Johnson. It means so much to me.” You looked up at her and could see the sparkles in her eyes. That was one thing you loved about Mrs. Johnson, she always had sparkles in her eyes and a positive outlook on this fucked-up place we call Earth. Even after the incident…
“Oh dear, it was my pleasure! And how many times have I told you to call me mom, darling?” A lot. Almost every day, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do that. Every time you looked at her, you not only saw the sparkles, but you also saw her.
You see, Amelia was your best friend. You had known her since you were 3. You guys did everything together, homework, parties, shopping. Everything. Your families were also close to each other. So close that she called your mom “mama” and you called her mom “mom”. You loved each other dearly and made a promise to be best friends forever, always wearing promise rings on your pinkies. Until one fateful day. It had been all your fault. You wanted ice cream so badly that day, even though you knew that you could only have it on your birthday. You didn’t care though, begging your mother, who had taken Amelia and yourself to the park that day, to get some from the vendor.
“Please, mom. Please please please with a cherry on top,” you pleaded with your hands clasped in front of you. “Please it’s so hot I could melt. You wouldn’t want your only daughter to melt, do you?”
“Well, it’s a good thing you’re not my only daughter. I have Amelia too,” your mom childishly stuck out her tongue at you, causing you to look at your best friend with a pout on your face. Immediately, Amelia knew what to do.
“But mama, I want some ice cream too,” she said with a pout that you knew your mother couldn’t resist. And you were right because her resolve started wavering and soon the three of you were heading towards the ice cream vendor located in the middle of the park.
“Hello, sir. Three ice creams, please!” The man at the stand eyed you skeptically before asking who’s birthday it was. You replied before your mother could even open her mouth.
“Mine! Can I please have a cookie and cream ice cream with a waffle cone?” The man had seen how enthusiastic you were and assumed you weren’t lying. After hearing Amelia and your mother’s orders, he immediately got to work and soon enough you were walking away from him, licking your ice cream.
“Come on, Amelia, let’s go to the swings! Last one there is a rotten egg,” you took off towards the swings, leaving Amelia shouting about how you had cheated. Once you both got there, you sat right beside each other, kicking your legs back and forth while gossiping about some boys in your class. In the middle of you telling a story about one dude, a little girl about 5 years old came up to you two asking if it was one of your birthdays. You both had forgotten all about the Capitol rules and answered her truthfully, no.
“Oh, ok,” she bid you goodbye and ran away. You turned back to Amelia and shrugged your shoulders, going back to your story. You both were so absorbed in the story that you didn’t notice the little girl, or what you thought was a little girl, going to tell her mother. But one person did notice, your mom. She saw the tattoo on the girl’s arm and immediately knew who, what, she was. A spy for the Capitol.
Immediately, your mother made her way over to the two of you, telling you that it was time to leave. You should've listened to her. Instead, you were your stubborn self and insisted that you stay a little longer. Amelia had always been the more obedient one out of the two of you and seeing how urgent your mother was on getting you to leave, tried to convince you. Again, you should’ve listened to her. But you didn’t.
“Excuse me,” a voice sounded from behind your mom and you saw her face become as pale as a ghost. She turned around and was immediately tased. Her body convulsed on the floor for a few seconds before she stilled on the grass. You screamed in shock, drawing the attention of the other park users. Amelia grabbed your hand in fear, too scared to do anything. You squeezed her hand to comfort her but she could tell that you were just as scared. The woman stepped over your mother’s body and took a step towards the two of you, which in return to you took a step backward.
“Now, which one of you lied, and said it was their birthday? You both should know that Lenore doesn’t allow liars here,” she had a smile on her face the whole time she was speaking, but instead of comforting you, it terrified you. After a few moments of silence, her smile dropped into a scowl. “Well,” she barked at you causing you to shrink in fear, “Who was it? Or am I going to have to punish both of you?” Your eyes widened in shock. Both of us. You couldn’t let Amelia get hurt. Little did you know, Amellia had the same thoughts. And so before you opened your mouth, she spoke.
“Me, ma’am. It was me.” Although her voice was quiet, you could hear the firmness in it.
“What!?!? Amelia, no!” But alas it was too late. She had been tased the moment the words had left her mouth. You watched in horror as your best friend fell limp on the grass. You couldn’t scream. You couldn’t move. You couldn’t even cry as you watched her eyes roll to the back of her head. Even after the cleanup crew came to take their bodies away, you were still standing in the same spot, looking at the place where your mother and best friend had just been. You didn’t want to believe they were gone. They couldn’t be. It wasn’t until you felt arms wrap around you and bring you into an embrace did you break down. Your mother and your best friend, your platonic soulmate, the only one who knows you better than yourself, were gone. You sobbed and sobbed into the person’s shirt. You couldn’t care less that they were a stranger, you needed someone. After you calmed down you looked up at your savior for the first time. It was a boy around your age, maybe a few years older.
“Thank you,” you paused, feeling silly for not even knowing his name.
“Soobin, Choi Soobin,” he answered with a small smile on his face. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
“Forever?” you asked with a small sniffle.
You met Choi Soobin when you were 10 years old.
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After you finished celebrating with Mrs. Johnson, which consisted of splitting the cupcake in half and opening the gift she got you, a brand new pair of workout sneakers, you both headed up to your rooms. It was almost curfew time and you knew the Capitol Workers were making their way around for nightly checks. You remembered reading in a history book, that somehow was missed when all the books of the past were burned, that curfew back then was way different and that not everyone had a curfew. The person with a curfew just had to be home by that time. No random stranger was coming into your room to see if you were sleeping. How lucky.
You tensed up as you heard the front door open. He’s here. You didn’t know your Capitol Worker well. You didn’t even know what he looked like. All you knew was that he’s a guy and he comes to your room every night to check if you’re asleep.
You closed your eyes and willed your heart to slow down to a normal pace. Your room door opened and you could hear the heavy sound of the combat boots that all CW’s were forced to wear. They took a few steps toward you, which was unusual, and you held your breath. This is it. I’m gonna die. They’re gonna know that I’m faking-
You paused in your thoughts at the sound of the boots walking towards the door and it being closed. You let out a quiet sigh of relief.
“Jesus, that was scary,” you muttered, still scared of them hearing you. You continued to lay in bed even after you heard the front door shut. After waiting a few more minutes, you got up and headed towards your closet. You put on some dark clothing before grabbing your backpack and heading to your window. Looking out the window carefully, you saw the CW’s moving on to the next street.
“Perfect.” You opened up your window and stuck a leg out. You shivered a little bit as it was chilly out. With one hand still holding your window you pulled your other leg outside, now sitting on the sill. With your other hand, you reached for the closest branch of the cherry blossom tree in your backyard. Using the hand still on the window, you closed it shut, making sure the sound wasn’t loud. Now you were dangling from the tree. Expertly, you swung yourself up onto the branch, having done this a million times before. Once on the tree, you were able to climb down safely, without being seen. Great. Looking left and right, making sure no one saw you, you headed down the pathway that you’ve traveled frequently. The pathway to the love of your life.
Who, you may ask. Well, none other than your savior.
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“Hey Y/n,” you didn’t let him finish as you engulfed him in a big hug. You didn’t let go for a while, squeezing him so tight he almost couldn’t breathe. You hugged him as if it was your last hug and Soobin was rapidly getting worried that it might be. You could feel his heartbeat increase and pulled away slightly to reassure him.
“I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong, I just missed you.” At your words, Soobin calmed down and a shy smile overtook his face. You smiled widely at his shyness. He’s so cute!
“Babe, we saw each other today at school.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same and you know it. We’re not allowed to hug each other or kiss each other.” A devilish smirk appeared on your face as an idea popped into your head. “Like this!” You cupped Soobin’s face in your hands and brought it to yours, leaving a quick peck on his lips. You laughed at the shocked expression on his face.
Anyone who knew Soobin knew that he was timid. He didn’t speak a lot in school unless he was called on. He sat by himself during lunch, which worried you a little because you didn’t want him to be lonely, but anytime you expressed your concerns he reassured you that he likes the quietness. Which usually wouldn’t soothe your worries, but Soobin is different when with you.
With you, he talks exceedingly, maybe too much if you were being honest. With you, he wasn’t afraid to laugh his boisterous laugh. With you, he could be himself and he was grateful to you for that.
“Yah! You can’t just d-do that!” Even though it was dark and you couldn’t see it, you knew that there was a bright blush on Soobin’s face.
“Why? Aren’t I your girlfriend?” you teased. You loved teasing Soobin. It was your favorite pastime. Though at your words, you could feel the mood change. It was like a breeze came by and took away the lightness of your banter.
“But you aren’t.” The street lamp cast a light on his face for a moment and you could see the sadness etched on his face. He was right. You weren’t his girlfriend, not technically. The government has this rule that no one is allowed to date until they are 30. Apparently, it deals with overpopulation. Man, fuck The Capitol.
“Y-yeah. You’re right. I’m sorry,” you said looking at your feet. Soobin looked at you with sad eyes. He hated seeing you like this which is why when the two of you met up, you never talked about this. But it was bound to come up sooner or later. He lifted your chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look him in the eyes.
“I love you. Let’s not talk about this tonight. It’s your birthday!” He placed a kiss on your forehead, then your cheeks, which were blushing red at his affection, one on your nose, and lastly he placed a passionate kiss on your lips. You immediately kissed back, shocked.
It was different, not like the small pecks the two of you share. It lasted longer and you could feel all the emotions that he was trying to convey in the kiss. You closed your eyes and deepened the kiss, hoping to show him how much you loved him. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you more into him. When your lungs felt as if they were to collapse if you didn’t stop, you pulled away, a daze in your eyes. Looking at Soobin, you saw his usual small, crooked smile on his face.
“Happy birthday, love. Forever?”
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“What if we run away?”
It’s been about a month since your birthday and currently, you have your head in Soobin’s lap, gazing up at him. He has his back resting on the wisteria tree behind him, a book in one hand while the other runs through your hair. His big, round glasses are adorned on the bridge of his nose, sliding down every few seconds. His blue bangs are covering his eyes today, not gelled back like usual. He looks like an idol Harry Potter adorable, you think. He should leave his hair down more often. It’s when he moves his hand from your hair to turn the page that you pop the question, causing him to stop and freeze.
“W-what?” he asks while looking down at you. His head is tilted, almost as if he didn’t hear you properly. But he did. And you know that. “Y-you want us to r-run away!?”
“Ok, I know it sounds crazy but we both love each other dearly, right?” He nods and you continue. “And it’s not like we have anything here weighing us down. Plus this country is horrible. I hate it and so do you. So let’s just leave. We can go to Averna, rent a home, start a family, grow old together.” Your voice slows down and you start sounding less sure of yourself once you see the look on Soobin’s face. “Do you not want that…”
“Of course I want that!” You flinch a little at the sound of his voice. In all of the 8 years that you’ve known Soobin, he has never raised his voice at you. Seeing your flinch, he lowers his volume. “Of course, I do Y/n, but how are we supposed to run away? There’s a tracker in our necks. The only reason we haven’t been tracked yet is cause they think we’re sleeping. If we leave, someone will report it. They could easily find us and bring us back….or worse.”
You know what he means by worse. The Capitol hates when citizens break the rules. You’ll end up the same as Amelia and your mother. You shudder at the memory of their limp bodies being carried off the grass. You push those thoughts to the back of your head as you open your mouth to speak again but you are cut off.
“No, Y/n, I’m serious. We are not running away. We’ll be killed. And what about Mrs. Johnson, huh? Do you really want her to lose another daughter?”
His words hit you hard. You look at him like a gaping fish, opening your mouth repeatedly but words never come out. He is right, of course, he is right. But you had always been the stubborn one.
“I DON’T CARE, SOOBIN!” Now he is the one to flinch back in shock. “I am tired of living in this terrible place, aren’t you? We’re treated like crap here, having to follow all these stupid rules. I wanna be able to eat candy whenever I want. I wanna be able to go out at night without having to be sneaky. I want to marry you, Soobin, before I turn freaking 30. And I can’t get any of these in Lamore. So let’s leave. Please,” you beg. You thought your words would be all that was needed to convince Soobin but you are wrong.
“Y/n. I love you so much. But I can’t do this, I can’t allow you to do this. We can’t. They’ll kill us once they find us and-”
“I’m going, Soobin. With or without you,” you tell him while standing up and he knows from the firmness in your voice that your mind is set. “Tomorrow night. I’m leaving tomorrow night at sunset. If you want to join me, meet me here, under the Wisteria.” You turn around to leave and take a few steps before Soobin’s words make you pause in your tracks.
“Forever?” It is a last resort. He thinks maybe he can change your mind. But you don’t even look back before continuing on your journey home. Soobin looks down dejectedly at his shoes before standing up and walking in the opposite direction you have.
What neither of you had noticed, was a certain Capitol Worker watching you the whole time. 
“She’s leaving tomorrow at sunset.” “...” “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”
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The next day at school, you had expected to see Soobin in your first period, sitting in the front row as usual. Red flag number one should’ve been when you noticed that he wasn’t there when you walked in. He’s always early. You brushed it off though. Red flag number two was when the bell rang and the teacher started the class and Soobin still wasn’t here. Soobin’s never late to class. Again you pushed the thought away, focusing on what the teacher was writing on the board.
It’s the end of the day and still no sign of Soobin. You were extremely worried now and had reason to be. Even when he had the flu he came to school, albeit he was sent home immediately. You forced yourself to calm down, willing the worry that was bubbling in the bottom of your stomach to go down. It’s ok, you’ll see him tonight. You were certain he would be there. He loves you, there’s no way he wouldn’t be there. Boy were you in for a shock.
At about 10 minutes to sunset, you headed to the Wisteria tree which had quickly become your safe haven. A place where you could truly be yourself with your lover. A place where many kisses were shared, many memories were made. You smiled at the thought. But your smile was wiped off your face at the sight before your eyes.
Because there was Soobin, tied up to the tree with a gag in his mouth, and a boy around your age, maybe younger, next to him. His eyes were wide with worry and fear, for his life or yours you couldn’t tell. What the hell is happening?
“Oh hello, Y/n dear. Nice of you to finally join the party.” The boy spoke. “Do you know who I am?” Slowly, you shook your head no. His lips turned upwards into a smirk. He was fairly attractive and if you weren’t in love with Soobin, you would swoon. “My name is Kang Taehyun. Your CW.” A gasp slipped from your mouth.
“M-my, my what!? Y-you’re the one who does my curfew check? But you’re just a kid.” When the word left your mouth a hard glare was thrown your way. “N-nevermind, not a kid. Got it.”
“Good work, Taehyun.” A  feminine voice resounded from behind you. You turned in the direction of the voice and froze. No. Right in front of your eyes was the same woman you had met almost a decade ago. The same woman that had held a taser to your mother and best friends’ necks. The same woman who had stepped over their lifeless bodies as she had left the park. The same woman who had smiled at you from over her shoulder, as if she were happy that you had no one left. “Y/n, we meet once again. Oh, what’s with that frown? Aren’t you happy to see me?” She mocked you. She had killed your family and she dared to mock you. You felt a bolt of anger surge through your body. You got ready to lunge at her but stopped at the cock of a gun.
“Uh, uh, uh. Take a step back or else I’ll blow your brains out.” You smirked. You weren’t afraid of dying. It would’ve been worth it to hurt the bitch.
“I don’t care. She deserves to feel pain. It’s not as strong as the pain of losing your family but close enough.” You took a step forward your arm raised to throw a punch at her, but then Taehyun uttered words you never wanted to ever hear.
“Maybe you don’t value your life, but I’m sure lover boy over here does.” You stopped in your tracks for the nth time that day, turning around to see Taehyun’s gun pointed straight at Soobin’s head. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but fear and you knew that your eyes reflected his. When all you did was continue to stare at Soobin, Taehyun started to become impatient and shot up into the air. You jumped at the booming sound and looked over at him. “Next shot will be in his head.” 
“P-please. What do you want? I’ll give you anything, just please, don’t hurt him,” your voice was shaky as you begged for his life. He can’t die, you won’t allow it. “K-kill me. Please kill me instead. Spare him.” At your words, Soobin tried his best to break free from his restraints. He struggled and struggled until Taehyun punched him in the face, forcing him to stop and causing you to scream in anguish.
“NOOOO!”  The pain in your voice could be heard from a mile away. Your sobs echoing in the darkness. You have never cried as hard as this. “PLEASE I BEG OF YOU STOP! STOP PLEASE. LEAVE HIM ALONE, TAKE ME. HURT ME.” You never imagined that you would be in this situation. Watching Soobin, the love of your life, your forever, in pain. Blood dripped from his nose and you cringed at the sight.
“Oh darling, we plan to. But first, why don’t you enlighten us on why you want to leave Lamore?” The silky smooth voice behind you spoke again. How does she know that? She must’ve read your mind because she answered your question right after. “Taehyun here has been following you, getting intel on you, for about a month now. You’re a sneaky one, aren’t you?”
A month? Why only a month? And they both must be mind-readers as Taehyun answered you next. “Your breath. The night of your birthday. It was too fast, almost as if you were nervous. And what would you have to be nervous about if you were sleeping?” His eyebrow quirked up a little as he asked the question. “So I came closer than I usually do to make sure I was seeing correctly. I was, it turns out.” So that’s why he took more steps towards you than usual. You knew something was up.
“So what, you followed me here. And you’ve been following me this whole time?”
“Precisely. Now answer Miss Paige’s question. Why do you want to leave Lamore?” You glared at the both of them, your stubborn self not answering. “Oh, no answer? Alright,” as he said that, Taehyun pointed his gun at Soobin’s leg and pulled the trigger. A deafening boom ringing in your ears but you didn’t hear. All you heard was Soobin’s horrifying scream. He’s in pain. And it’s my fault. 
You watched as blood spurred from the love of your life’s leg and you saw how he stumbled a little at the loss of support. I did this. 
“I-if I tell you everything, everything. Will you leave Soobin alone? And get him to a hospital?”
“See, darling. That’s not gonna work. Taehyun here, he’s bloodthirsty. He needs to kill at the sight of blood.” The fuck is wrong with this dude? Yea, definitely not attracted to him anymore. “So one of you here is gonna have to die.” Her creepy smile never left her face.
“O-ok, kill me. Not Soobin, me,” you said the words quietly, hoping that Soobin wouldn’t hear you. But even in his loopy state, he heard. He started struggling against his binds once again. You made eye contact with him and put on a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. You hoped to calm him but did the opposite. Worry pooled in his eyes and you looked away, knowing what you had to do. “Promise me. Swear that you won’t harm him anymore.”
“Alright. I swear on my daughter that I won’t harm lover boy.” And so you told them. You told them how much you hated the Capitol and Lamore in general. You told them how you loved Soobin and wanted to be with him forever. You told them how you planned to run away to Arena but Soobin didn’t want to. You told them everything. And when you were finally finished, you closed your eyes, awaiting death. You heard the sound of the gun and smiled. I’ll see you soon, Amelia, mom. But after a few moments of no pain, you opened your eyes. And screamed at the sight.
Soobin. With a bullet lodged in his head. You rushed over to him, your hands hovering over his body, too scared to touch him. You sobbed even harder than the first time you met him, your wails even causing Paige to feel sympathy for a moment. But only for a moment. You wheeled your head towards her, rage in your eyes. 
“You promised! You promised you wouldn’t kill him! You swore on your daughter, you lying bitch.” You screamed at her, feeling another part of your heart break. You lost one half of your heart at 10 years old and now, you lost the other half. You had a heart no more, all that was left was a hole in your chest. 
“Fun fact,” she leaned close to whisper in your ear, “ I don’t have a daughter.”
That must’ve been your breaking point because you wrapped your hands around her neck. Now you were the bloodthirsty one. But before you could even see a glimpse of pain in her eyes, a shot rang out. You looked down at your shirt, seeing a pool of red seep out. You smirked. It worked. I get to be with my family now.
You stumbled backward, ending beside Soobin, your back resting on the Wisteria tree that you used to call home. You leaned your head on his shoulder, thinking about the last thing he said to you. 
And as you closed your eyes, you answered him.
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bangtan-dreamland · 4 years
A Fairy Tale’s End [Chapter 1]
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Pairing: ot7 x reader
Word Count: 11,609
Rating: pg-13
Warning: reader is stressed and anxious 99% of this chapter, brief mentions of a war, several bad encounters with the members who are (for now) jerks
Genre: a little bit of angst, e2l, fantasy!au, supernatural/fairytale!BTS
Summary:  You wanted, for once, to be someone important, someone needed- to be wanted and appreciated, to love and be loved. Well, you should be careful what you wish for.
AN: another chapter I want to thank @shadowsremedy​ for beta reading for me, and as always another thank you to @dee-ehn​ for the banner~ writing this was a doozy since I kept editing it… but hopefully you guys like it ^^
masterpost // previous chapter // next chapter
Taglist: @btsxdoll​ @mspjm​ @barbikatherine​ @xxqueenwxtchxx​ @catsandstrawberries​ @butaes​
»»————- ♔ ————-««
When you awakened again, it was to the scent of vanilla- and the feel of a soft bed. For a moment you felt the tug of sleep pull you back in, and you would have let it, but...
You didn’t own any blanket like the one you were currently using. The blankets were pristine white, something you'd sworn to never buy because cleaning it up was a nightmare. So why were you using it? Where did you even get it?
For a moment that thought settled in your mind, and you blearily stared at it, before the words imprinted themselves stronger. You’d never seen this bed before, so why were you sleeping in it?
Between one second and the next your heartbeat sped up too fast that you could only let out a shaky exhale after, immediately feeling awake as adrenaline coursed in you. Where the hell were you?
You immediately sat up straight- then froze as you looked around.
The first thing you thought, as you took in your surroundings was that it was- luxurious. And… strangely old.
Heavy tones of red and gold covered the room, decorated with furniture that reminded you of those used in dramas and shows, ones made for nobles in old times or for royals. The way the bedpost was not only large, but intricately designed, to the fireplace with embers in place of flames, and the heavy curtains that covered the window, for a moment you wondered if you were in a castle.
You hesitantly opened the window a little, curious as to what was outside- and then froze.
The chirping of the birds instantly reminded you everything that happened the day before.
That’s right, you thought, dazed, even as panic began to rise in you. Yesterday, I…
You turned around and stifled a scream.
“M-Milady! She’s awakened! Oh, His Majesty will be so relieved!”
In front of you were three (here you did a double take, feeling even more confused) maids. How did you not notice them coming inside? The door opening? You could only put it to the fact that you were too preoccupied with the fact that- hello, you were now in what had to be a whole other world. 
Your mind spun, dizzy- all you wanted to do was go back to bed and pretend that everything was okay. Still, you grasped their words.
His Majesty.
You needed answers. You wanted to go home.
Both of these meant you had to move forward, didn’t you?
You shakily replied to them, feeling even more hesitant as you saw their eager gazes. “Yes... I suppose I am.“
You glanced away at the instant brightening of their faces, their smiles widening as they clasped their hands together.
“That said, milady, how should we address the saviour?”
“... M-Me?” You turned back to stare at them in confusion.
They beamed back at you- though the one in the middle seemed to be the representative speaking. “Yes! We, the palace maids, feel it only right to make sure we ask first, so that we may serve milady to the best of our abilities. The first, of course, will be to make sure that we address milady, the chosen one, in whatever manner milady wishes for us to call her.”
Chosen one. Saviour. You felt uneasy at those words- moreso when you thought of why you were called with those titles. 
“You can just call me by my name,” you hesitantly offered. The maids gasped- one squeaked, and you winced at their horrified faces.
“But that won’t do!” One of them burst out, a distressed look instantly overcoming their face as they wrung their hands together. “It isn’t right to treat such a venerated figure in such a way…”
You winced again at their vehement refusal, before sighing. “Then, you can just call me as you did before.” At the sight of their worried gazes, you injected a little more firmness in your voice. “Really, it’s fine.” 
Before they could continue speaking, you hurried the subject along. “You said something about, um, ‘His Majesty’?”
They instantly brightened again. “Ah, yes, milady! The King and the Queen are awaiting your presence at any time you are convenient.”
King. Queen. Fuck, either this was a really elaborate set-up, you were in a coma, or…
… You were in another world, another time.
A part of you wanted to believe that maybe you were dreaming, or that you were on drugs- but it only took a reminder of the events from the day before to erase those thoughts. Not even drugs could make you hallucinate the fucked up events, and not the person who saved you- who you saved?
You released another shaky breath as you tried to calm yourself. Hands that had been gripping the bed sheets tightly loosened slightly- and your gaze flickered up to meet the maids’.
“I see,” you smiled tightly. “Do you think they’d mind if I went to meet them now?”
They shook their heads. “Not at all, milady! It would be an honour for anyone to be in milady’s presence.”
“Um, right,” you awkwardly replied, a little overwhelmed by their zeal. “I guess I should get ready then… Do you know where I could change my clothes?” 
They smiled and you shivered in fear of them for the first time. Why were they smiling like that?
“Understood milady! We’ll prepare the bathwater and your clothes soon.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Presenting, Her Ladyship, our Gracious Savior!” 
You internally sighed at the way the guards announced your arrival- bringing you nothing but anxiety for your supposed meeting with the rulers of the kingdom. Although the maids had had fun bathing and dressing you, the lavish clothes on your body didn’t make you feel at ease. Far from it, in fact.
You replayed your plan of action in your head. Just tell them the truth, no need to waste each other’s time. You didn’t want to know what their response would be, knowing that they’d gotten the wrong person- and you didn’t want to prolong it either, uncomfortable with the amount of attention they paid to you either.
The door swung open- internally, you were glad they let you have a private audience, most likely only because of your ‘status’ as their ‘saviour’. Otherwise, you didn’t see why they’d approve letting the most important people of a kingdom meet a random woman. Coming in, you weren’t quite sure what to expect- but the plush, velvet carpet and the gems inlaid on the thrones before you, not to mention on their dresses and jewelry told you- yes, you were meeting the kingdom’s king and queen.
“It is an honor to meet you, milady,” the king spoke to you jovially as the three of you were truly alone, introducing himself. The queen, beaming at you beatifically from besides him curtsied as well- you floundered for a moment before you returned their gesture. 
“I-It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Your Grace,” you greeted them, unsure, just copying their gestures. “I’m… I’m sure you’ve heard about me?”
They both smiled again (internally, you found it unnerving how everything you did so far was met here with awe and adoration. What the hell was up with that?), though it was the king who spoke again. “Ah yes, our hero- our saviour, Lady Y/N, of course!”
For a moment you hesitated before them, nervous, before pushing forward. “That’s it, though, your majesty- grace. I’m not- I’m not the saviour.”
Both king and queen paused at that, looking at you confusedly. You let out a shaky exhale, realizing that they probably didn’t take your words seriously.
“You’ve made a mistake,” you tried to keep your words even, but as you spoke, the words eventually fell from your lips in a desperate, hurried manner. “I’m not- a savior, or anything. Please, I- I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I’ve never even swung a sword or- or whatever it is people expect from, well, a savior!”
You winced even as you finished speaking, the volume of your voice making itself known with the ringing in your ears. Still you kept your eyes on the king and queen, hoping that they’d hear your words, and realize that you were way off from what they thought you were.
You couldn’t be, there was no way- but then you felt your hopes fall at the confused looks on both faces.
“Your Ladyship,” the queen asked, bemused. “Whatever has made you believe that you are not the savior?”
“I agree,” the king interjected. “Why, you possess all the makings of a hero yet! The quest will surely be a success with your leadership”
“That’s not-” You took in a deep breath, becoming more frustrated, especially when the king’s words sank in. Quest? “Whatever you’re thinking, I’m not who you think I am. I don’t even know what’s going on.”
Again you flinched at your words, fearful of their response, this time letting your gaze fall to the ground. 
“... Understandable,” you eventually heard them say. “Why, if we take away her role, then as anyone would, she must have been terribly shocked and confused…” 
“Quite so… I believe we’ve made an error in handling our Ladyship’s arrival.”
Suddenly, it felt as if you were dipped in ice. … This was all useless, wasn’t it? You heaved a sigh. “Not really an error just so much as you’ve got the wrong person.” 
Even so, as you spoke the words you knew it wouldn’t register in their minds- or that they’d choose not to hear you.
“Arriving without a single clue on who she is must have been quite an ordeal! Terribly mischievous of the gods, that is. Though, it’s nothing that a trip to the archives would not help.“
A hand appeared in your vision- what option was left for you but to take it? The gentle look on the queen’s face only made you feel even more defeated inside, as did the accompanying, beaming smile on the king’s face.
“The maids will lead you to our archives- we hope that our array of knowledge will be enough to let you ease in into the savior that you are, that you will be.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Walking through the halls of the library left you reminiscent of the brief time you spent at ‘Magic Shop’.
For one, there was the same feel to the castle’s library that left you quiet, reverent of the amount of history it held in its walls. Although you knew it couldn’t have been small, stepping in, you were surprised to see that the room was enormous- enough so, that your school’s auditorium and sports field could probably fit inside. Not to mention how it was maintained- not a speck of dust to be found anywhere. There was not a single person inside, except for you- which only made the state of the room much more impressive.
Entering- you didn’t quite have a destination in mind. You were only brought here by the maid, not a single word spoken, though you could see her, well, wide-eyed, and, weird as it was to say, her… Her awed gaze.
Just walking around was nice, though- you could even pretend, for one moment, that everything was fine. That you were back home. That you were just wandering around the bookshelves, looking for something to read next-
You stopped in shock.
Because, then and there, seemingly at home with all the other books, was what had to be a replica of the book given to you, when you were still at home- and when you took it out, you noted shakily that you were just as mistaken as you were right.
The book you held in your hands had a title- and when you flipped it over, the seven men remained on the book- though now accompanied by a girl. Panic began to bubble inside you- and you let out a small gasp when you noticed it.
… The girl on the cover, surrounded by the men- it was you, down to the details of your very dress.
“No… No no no no…” 
You hurriedly opened the book, desperate for a sign to prove you wrong, to tell that it was just sheer coincidence, though you knew better. But you still, you hoped anyway. Your copy had blank pages- surely this version had to have been an empty copy too, right…?
Your fingers trembled as you stared down at the words written on the pages.
‘Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a woman named Y/N…’
The strength left your legs- you fell to the floor, stunned. As the pages flipped over themselves, you could barely read the sentences of them, but those that you could glimpse at was enough to make you feel dread anyway.
Because written in detail was the events of yesterday, up until the present moment- of you in the library, lying on your knees on the floor.
You felt sick.
What did the book mean, then? That everything happening to you- was deliberate? That you were actually meant to go on a quest? Your opinion over the whole events still hadn’t changed- quite frankly, you thought it was ridiculous at best, insane at worst. How could you go on a quest that involved creatures like- like the pixie from yesterday and be okay with it? You didn’t even take self-defense classes for crying out loud! And you didn’t know a single thing about this new world! What the fuck were you supposed to contribute to a quest that seemed to determine the fate of most living things in it!?
You let out a shaky whimper as you slumped forward, trying to silence the heavy thoughts in your head.
I can’t do this.
I… I really can’t do this at all.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
It took you three days before you had a change of attitude.
At this point, you’d tried almost everything, just so you could wake up from this nightmare.  At first, after what happened in the library, you had practically locked yourself up in your room. Taking advantage of the misplaced respect and devotion the people had for you (even if it made you feel terrible and anxious about possibly overstepping), you asked them not to bother you with anything. Then you went ahead- first, you’d tried sleeping and sleeping the day away- after all, that was what you’d last been doing, right? So why not try it again? Perhaps that would bring you back.
But you only woke up the next day with a headache borne from too much sleep.
The morning when you woke up in the same place you’d been was not a quiet one, nor was it a peaceful one. You’d brought the maids near you running off to your room with your sobs, as they tried to placate you- but how could they?
You were alone. In another world. Without any method to come back home.
Over the last two days, you’d tried all you could, from reenacting and redoing everything you could remember doing that night- once, you even contemplated that maybe pain was the answer to your problem- you pinched yourself repeatedly, as hard as you could, and got many bruises-
But you still woke up where you were the next morning.
At this point, you’d given up. The novel in the drawer, hidden out of sight and out of mind was brought out, read, examined, analyzed.
From what you could tell, it was, for all intents and purposes, a seemingly normal book. Just like any other- save for the fact that when events related to what to be the quest, the prophecy, you, were magically added.
Still, you thought. Every story has to have an end, doesn’t it? Nothing could last forever. And if the story revolved around the stupid fucking quest...
Then all you had to do was to complete it. Finish the story. If nothing else worked, then that had to be the only way to get out, to go home, right?
You released a shaky sigh as you fell back on your bed, ignoring the unease simmering in your gut.
You had to move forward. If you wanted anything to happen at all, you had to- you had to take matters into your own hands.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
So to start, you needed information. Fast. Before the story could truly begin, before you lost a chance to even prepare yourself- you needed to know as much as you could.
Walking through the halls of the castle, you tried not to let the nerves show through your facade as you heard the staff whisper about you leaving your room- a huge deal for them, since your quite dramatic show the past few days. Still, it wasn’t just that they were talking about you that made you anxious- it was how they talked about you.
Another thing that made you uncomfortable in the situation you were in, aside from what had to be forced abduction, was how everyone, every single person you’ve met so far… They all looked up to you, to put it neatly. Calling you a savior, obeying even the slightest of your commands, fawning over you…
Anyone else would’ve been glad at the attention, at the devotion they seemed to have for you- but for you, it only unnerved you.
Don’t look at me like that. Don’t talk to me like that. I hate it. I hate every moment of this.
Although it wasn’t like you could tell them that, though.
Stepping into the drawing room, which was currently devoid of any other person but the two of you, you could feel your nerves spike as you finally found the person you were looking for.
“Lady Y/N, how may we serve you?”
You took in a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down. The maid before you then, Erina, was a handmaiden of the queen. If there was anyone you could ask...
“I… I was just thinking about the quest.”
“The quest, milady?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “Um, if it’s okay, what, um… Can you tell me what you know about it? I don’t-” your voice quieted down, as you struggled to get the words out. “... No one’s told me much about anything so far.”
Erina fell silent for a moment- you looked up to see her wearing a contemplative expression.
“Lady Y/N, from what I’ve heard around… It’s said that magic is dying,” she eventually started.
“... How… How can magic, um, die…?”
“There have been reports of magic slowly losing power, inventions and items and plants and so forth losing their magic,” she explained. “As well as different races losing their ability to use their magic, from spells to incantations and so forth.”
“Ah,” you replied, though you were still confused. “Um… We’re supposed to fix that…?”
She nodded eagerly. “The legends say you’re to seek out the Tower of Babel, a mystical place rumoured to be where a guardian of immense power rests at. It’s said that they’re able to grant a wish- any wish.”
“Doesn’t that…” seem too unrealistic? You wanted to say, before remembering. Fairy tale. Magic. Other world. Fine, okay, maybe it wasn’t unrealistic.
“It’s safe to assume that it’s hidden though, or that there are trials you have to face to meet the guardian, right?” You sighed.
“But of course, that’s why Milady was chosen after all!” You cringed at the sure way she expressed her words, though you chose not to comment on it. It wasn’t as if she, or anyone would listen anyway.
“Is there… Is there, um, anything else you know?” 
“There… Oh! Milady’s companions. Although I’m not quite sure…”
The memory of the seven men engraved flashed in your mind, and you latched onto that topic, unwilling to return to the previous. “No, I mean- I’d appreciate any information you could give me. So, could you- um, if it’s alright… What are they like?”
She brightened, her hands clasping together. “Well, then it’d be my pleasure! Each race in Terabitha has sent a representative to join the quest, from what I’ve been told. Milady is, of course, the representative of humans- a point of pride to our Kingdom of Quies that you've appeared here, then.”
“To start with, Prince Seokjin, the prince of the elves is easily the most renowned. With features that must have been sculpted by the gods, Prince Seokjin is outstanding beyond any other not just with his appearance, but also with his skill with his bow and arrow. His records in the Great War astounds everyone, from his skill as a leader, as a follower, as a strategist and even more, and he is a legend everywhere- though some proclaim him stern and unforgiving, but I know milady will impress him with her might!”
“Prince Yoongi of the fae is another one easily remembered- like Prince Seokjin, he also participated in the Great War, from what the legends tell us. Prince Yoongi is well-known for his ability to control the elements- especially that of water and earth. Of course, plants and trees alike bend to his whims as well- there have been rumours that he can even control the rain! Although he rarely appears in the stories, save for when he’s in battle… Ah, but if there’s anyone who can unravel even the tightest of mysteries, it’s definitely milady.”
“From the mages, there is Prince Namjoon, and what a brilliant man he is- why, he’s quite revered for his knowledge and wisdom! From the age of seven, Prince Namjoon has contributed to many areas in the pursuit of knowledge, from spellwork, to charms, transfiguration… They say he’s never failed to achieve his goals, and that there only exists problems to solve in his path… Why, if it weren’t for the legends, he would triumph over Prince Seokjin and Prince Yoongi in terms of fame! Really, if there is any fault to be seen in him, it would be his propensity to break all kinds of objects in some manner, but considering he's a mage, and a powerful one too…"
You winced a little from the overzealous way the maid told you about the princes- feeling more than a little intimidated as well with how much she praised them. Remembering the seven men on the cover, you hazarded a guess. “There are- um, there are eight races, r-right? Are the others- I mean, do you know who, um, who they’ll be sending?”
Erina hesitated, for once, traces of unease showing on her expression. Still, she nodded. “There are, milady. I…I  believe that they will also be sending their own representative on the quest.”
You stared at her expectantly- she furrowed her eyebrows but spoke soon enough.
“Between the races left, there are the mermaids, the undead, the yokai, and- the dragons,” she started, slowly. “I- the kingdom of mermaids have always been in seclusion, hidden away from the world, and so no one knows anything about them. As for the undead- vampires, well, not much, if any, from the other races interact with them, so we don’t know who they will be sending over as well. The same goes for the yokai- and as for the dragons…” she trailed off.
“As for- um, the dragons?” You prodded her. She shuddered, a look of fear crossing her face.
“I pray that dragons do not send a representative of their race, milady,” she said solemnly. “Dragons are fearsome beasts.”
You shivered from the grave way she spoke.
“I- I see,” you mumbled. “Um, thank you…”
“... Erina, kindly refrain from speaking like so about Milady’s companions,” a voice resounded from the door- you looked up to see Anya, the head of the maids, with a stern look on her face. Erina’s face fell at her scolding.
“Oh no, um, I asked for her honest opinion,” you tried to ease the frown on Anya’s face. “Please, don’t- um, don’t be too harsh on her.”
Anya only sighed at your response, before a stern expression crossed her face as she looked at the other woman.
“Go, and don’t let me catch you gossiping about Milady’s quest again,” she chided her. Erina bolted out of the room, though not before bowing low to you in gratitude.
You gave Anya a small smile as she sat down next to you. 
“That girl…” Anya shook her head, before turning to you. “Please, don’t be too alarmed at her words. No one would dare send someone unfit for the quest, milady.”
“I…” You hesitated. “Um, alright. If you say so.”
“That said, Lady Y/N, I didn’t come here just to check in on you- I do hope you’re ready,” Anya told you gently, her expression worried.
“Ready?” You blankly stared at her. Anya frowned.
“Milady… did no one tell you? The day of your arrival was marked as the sky flashed blindingly white, in the middle of the day- a sign that a saviour has arrived. That the quest will start soon. As such, I believe that even as we speak, those chosen to be on the quest are already on their way here, to the kingdom. ”
You stared at her in shock.
“Right now!?”
“Do you know when they’ll be arriving?” You whimpered. Anya shook her head. 
“No, but… I believe Prince Namjoon will be arriving the day after tomorrow.”
Two days from now, then… You groaned, before a thought filtered into your head.
“Wait, Anya… um, when is the quest supposed to start? You said- that- they’re coming here soon, right? So…”
“On the night of the new moon,” she answered you instantly.
“And that’s… Um, how many days away…?”
“Six, I believe, milady.”
»»————- ♔ ————-««
So began the rest of what had to be one of the worst weeks of your life, all wrapped up in seven days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes and 604,800 seconds. No, the calculations weren’t needed, but you felt it appropriate to add anyway, if only to emphasize just how long it was.
To start with- Monday, your breakdown, the start of your descent, in which you scrambled to get as much information as you could, only to be blindsided by worse news.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Then came Tuesday, wherein you met a nosy ass stranger.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Chirp! Chirp!
You idly stared at the sky, trying to calm your nerves. There was a different sort of peace to be found being in the midst of nature than in the library, something you’d been craving after hours and hours of locking yourself up, frantically trying to learn as much as you could about what you were supposed to do, about the supposed ‘Tower of Babel’.
Which wasn’t much. As for all that the library had books of all shapes and sizes, different topics, you barely found anything related to what you wanted to know. Still, the library was big...
Today though, you were in the royal garden- which, you had to admit, was quite beautiful. Wide, open spaces that were furnished with intricate pathways and hedges, the grounds filled with flowers of all sizes and shapes, the lake that took up half of the garden and seemed endless… Not to mention the supposed ‘secret garden’ you were currently in. A supposed hiding place of a princess of the kingdom from long ago, though no one knew where she went to… Still, for a story set in the medieval times, you mused, the garden had an oddly modern feel to it.
Still, as soon as that thought crossed your mind, so did the reason why you were currently here.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow, you’d be meeting the first of your… ‘companions’. Prince Namjoon, from the kingdom of mages… Yeah, even now the reality didn’t sink much in. It was already enough that you were in another world, to think that you’d be meeting a mage…
You placed your hands on your chest, as if that could make your heart calm down. 
“I just want to go back home…” There was no use saying those words aloud, you knew. But still... 
“Why don’t you, then?”
Though the voice that replied to you was new.
You turned your head to the direction where the voice came from- to meet face-to-face with a man with hair the color of mint and a curious look on his (admittedly handsome) face, only a few feet away from where you were sitting.
“How did you get in here!?” You cried out, scrambling to your feet, your heart pounding too fast in your chest. “Who are you!?”
“I’m one of the guests from the palace,” he chuckled, the hints of a smirk appearing on his face. “If that’s not enough, then the fact that I know this place and I’m allowed here should be enough for you to know I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I-” you paused as you considered his words. “Um… okay, I see your point. But still, what the hell? Is it your habit to talk to random strangers?”
“Is it your habit to talk to the air?” He shot back, raising an eyebrow. “Besides, is there a reason I can’t talk to you?”
“Well-” you stammered, bewildered at the sudden turn of the tables. “I… I guess not. But- uh. I… I don’t think I want to talk to, um, anyone right now, and, yeah.”
You paused, unsure what to do. You came to the garden for time alone, but you couldn’t just tell the other man to leave- it wasn’t as if it was your garden in the first place, and you didn’t just call the shots like that.
Was it okay to leave? Wouldn’t it be rude? But you didn’t want to stay...
“... Why can’t you go home?” He asked again. You flushed, reminded of the previous events. 
You hesitated. If he was a guest of the palace, then he must have already known about who you were- or, he would soon. And did you really want to burden someone with your problems? It wasn’t as if he could fix them. And even if he did… Why would he?
No, it was better to just keep it to yourself.
Still, one look at him and you knew he wouldn’t stop until he had an answer, so you answered in the vaguest way you could think of.
“I… I just can’t. It’s not possible at the moment,” you eventually said. With that answer, you stood up, ready to leave. “Thanks for the talk,” lie, “but- I, um, I have to go-”
The feel of a hand clutching your own made you stop. Moreso, when you felt it- as if something had just woken up, something that you wouldn’t have liked. You could hear the faint sound of water, and the familiar heaviness that came with being its domain, but all the same it was different.
“... Please, let me go.”
“Not until you fully answer my question.” Whoever he was, was frustratingly persistent- and with every passing second you felt your heart begin to beat faster again in panic. You took in a deep breath- then looked back at him.
The way his eyes were focused on you made you only want to get away even more.
“Please,” he added, and with the tight grip he had on you, you caved in. 
“I- I mean… The only chance I have to be able to go home is to do something that’s impossible for me.”
“Impossible for you?” He repeated. “How would you know?”
“B-Because… Because I’ve never- um, I’ve never done anything like it before,” you winced at your words even as you spoke them.
“How so?”
“I mean-”  you racked your brain, trying to think of a way to satisfy his fucking curiousity and leave. “A villager can’t be made to be- to be, um, a king, can they? My situation is like that- but, um, not that I’m a villager and I’m going to be- a king,” you hurriedly explained.
His grip loosened and you stared at your wrist in relief. Still, if you’d looked up then you would’ve seen a flash of something in his eyes.
“Hm. A king doesn’t rule on their own, though,” he pointed out. “They have a court. Generals. Advisors. And not all rule immediately. They could learn. You never know, a villager could be more suitable to sovereign over a prince or a princess,” he added. You pretended to nod along in agreement, even as you slowly rehashed in your mind the pathways of the garden. It would have to be quick- and you’d have to move fast. Still, you weren’t about to stay any longer with someone like him. You just needed the perfect timing...
“Lady Y/N!”
The sudden yell of a maid resounded through the garden- for a brief moment, he looked away- and you yanked your wrist from his hand, immediately running away.
“T-Thanks for the advice but I have to go!” 
If you’d looked back, you would’ve seen the amused smirk, the reminiscent look on his face- but before you knew it, you were out of the garden and back into the slightly familiar halls of the castle.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Proceeded by Wednesday, when you finally met the first (and seemingly only one that went out of their way to introduce themselves to you. The others, as you’d been told, were apparently content with assembling and meeting each other on the day you set out) of your… companions.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Lady Y/N, I’ve heard a lot about you.”
You forced a smile on your face, unsure as hell how to proceed. 
Fancy food covered the table in front of you, as did numerous silverware- they all looked appetizing, but you hesitated. Wasn’t there a manual for how to eat with all of these? Why in the world did anyone need so many things to eat?
On the other side of the table, Namjoon- the heir from the Kim Coven (“Milady, though we call them princes, we only do so as that’s their equivalent to positions we’re familiar to in our race. After all, it would be treason to simply call them by their names!”), as you were painfully reminded about again and again in the form of squeals from other people-  looked at you with an intensity in his gaze, the way he acted the same as the castle staff, who seemed to be one step shy of worshipping you.
“I… I’ve heard a lot about you too,” you offered, when the silence grew too long. “Um… You’re really famous. The- um, you’ve made a lot of advances in different fields of academia? That you’ve studied in numerous areas, such as alchemy, and spellcasting and healing...”
Namjoon smiled. If you were in any other situation, you would’ve stared- Namjoon definitely was a prince in not just his reputation, his skills and his intellect, he also seemed to check the tally mark for prince in the looks aspect, his hair being styled up in purple locks that he somehow pulled off quite well. “I only achieved those because of the people by my side, the same way I hope to be of help to you in the upcoming quest.”
The quest. Right.
“I’m not that special,” you exhaled, feeling a familiar headache creep into your head. “I’m not trained in anything like you are.”
“Lady Y/N, you’re quite humble,” he chuckled. “I believe that everything has a purpose. If you aren’t proficient in any of those fields, then it’s something you’ll quickly learn about- or, perhaps, you aren’t because what you are already an expert in is something I cannot do.”
“You are the saviour, the chosen one, for a reason, after all.”
You gripped your dress as the words hung in the air. The weight of his gaze on you, the expectations he all but thrusted in your face- the words of what would have been a speech on how you weren’t fit to be the leader, to ask him to take over the quest instead died down your throat. You didn’t know what to say. 
He looked at you with, what you eventually realized, was worse than the staff- he looked at you with hero-worship and assumed, expected you in detail to be one. And you were going to spend god knew how much time with him on a godforsaken quest.
“I… I see.” What were you supposed to say in response? It wasn’t a surprise, really, but now you dreaded what his reaction would be if you told him what you really thought. The awe he held for the image of you in his head- it made you hesitant to break it.
“I’ll… I’ll do my best to make sure this quest is a success, then…” Your smile felt frozen on your face, even as you internally felt like screaming.  Under his gaze, then, you tried not to let it show how much his words bothered you.
Dinner ended early that night, and as soon as you reached your room you had to talk yourself through a minor breakdown. Fuck, fuck, fuck, there really was no getting out of it, was there?
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Then followed by Thursday, when you encountered a trick ass liar who proceeded to cheat you.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Prince Namjoon, how may we help you?”
“Oh, no- I was just looking for Lady Y/N.”
You released a shaky exhale as you halted in your steps. The hallway was currently quiet, devoid of people, both a curse and a blessing. No one to point you out hiding around the corner- but at the same time, it was harder to sneak away as you weren’t as used to the castle floor, making every step of yours louder than the others. 
It had only been the day after your initial meeting with Prince Namjoon. Still, considering your (from your perspective, anyway) disastrous first meeting, you admittedly didn’t want to spend much time around him.
Which, unfortunately, led you to sneaking around the very castle, looking for valid excuses to avoid him. Something you were a bit unfortunate in, seeing as the castle was full of people, of which all more familiar with the layout than you were, and that you almost always had eyes on you. And a hand or two lent to the Prince.
Still you stayed stubborn. If you didn’t have to, then...
“Oh, then- Lady Y/N has told us maids of her wanting time alone in the garden- would you like us to search for milady?”
“No, no… But I hope it’s alright if I look for her by myself. There are things I’d like to talk about with her, after all.”
Goddamnit. You groaned quietly. Maybe, you thought- should you just leave? But how? The room behind you had a few of the maids cleaning the empty rooms, as always- and the only exit you knew was beyond the hallway, the very one occupied already by the person you were trying to avoid. You scrunched up your nose, thinking of how to leave.
It was then that you heard it- laughter, low and playful that rang near your ears. “And what do we have here?”
You whirled around, your heart jumping to your throat- to meet a handsome face framed in grey locks (for a moment you wondered what the hell was it with the unnatural hair colors. Where did they get the dye? Or was it a natural thing? But everyone in the castle didn't have such distinctive hair...). Golden eyes met yours- and you instinctively took a step back, cringing at your close proximity.
You let out a shaky exhale, immediately glaring at the other person. “Do you mind not stepping in on other people’s personal space?” You snapped. He merely smirked at you.
“I’m not the one lingering around corners, listening to other people’s conversations, though,” he pointed out with a chuckle.
“I’m not-” you flushed. “Well- okay, maybe I am. But only because I’m trying to…”
“Hide? Sneak past them? Avoid them?” He suggested oh so helpfully.
“... Something like that.”
“I can help you, if you want,” he offered.
You raised an eyebrow at him, feeling suddenly bewildered. “Um. No offense, but- why? I mean, you don’t have to, and it’s not like I can’t do this on my own, so…”
“Ah, an honorable one. Consider it a deal then,” he countered, a hint of mischief visible on his face. “Help me distract the maids, and I’ll give you an opportunity to sneak past them. It’s a mutually beneficial deal, isn’t it?”
You glimpsed back at the corner- to Namjoon who was still talking to the maid, to the person in front of you. Although Namjoon’s back was to you, you suddenly felt a chill down your spine at the thought of being caught by him. Earlier in the morning you heard about him looking for you, wanting to talk about the quest, and about anything you ‘could teach him’...
Which would have been fine, really, except for the fact that you didn’t know what exactly were you able to teach someone who was obviously already like a fucking superhuman. Even back home, you didn’t take classes in any other subject than the ones assigned to you- and you didn’t think modern chemistry or mathematics would have intrigued him. Also, you didn’t want to risk looking like a fool in front of someone who everyone you met so far literally touted as Einstein reborn.
“Alright, what do you- um, what do you want me to do…?”
He paused, tilting his head- an amused smirk alighting on his face. “Just keep the maids busy. I keep my word, don’t worry.”
Turning back to where you came from, he led you to the previous hallway.
“... Was me, I wouldn’t have been able to handle it, knowing I’d have to travel with something like them-”
The maids talking near one the rooms halted as they saw you, immediately bowing. “Lady Y/N!”
You forced yourself to smile, eyes darting to where the man had been- a part of you surprised to suddenly see him missing by your side. 
“Um- hi.” Offering up a small smile, you hoped that your apprehension and anxiety didn’t show. “About- um, about today’s meal…”
Even as you drew them into a conversation, you kept your eyes peeled to the other end of the hallway, your hearing focused on any doors opening, any sound coming from not you or the maids. You had to wonder- what distraction was he talking about?
The sound of squealing soon filled the hallway.
You groaned even as you remembered it- the chaos that unraveled soon after as several pigs ran down the hallway, muddy and wet- the maids shrieking in fright and surprise.
Of you, trying (and somewhat succeeding) in drawing the pigs to a room, since it didn’t seem as if the maids could handle it, moreso with how big they were. Still, you didn’t take into account the fact that it wasn’t as if you knew how to handle them either- and thus just made even more of a mess for the maids to clean up.
You stared in horror as the pigs ran about, bumping into the furniture, making a mess of the sheets and the curtains. Why didn’t you think your actions through? What the fuck were you supposed to do now?
“... Lady Y/N?” 
Goddamnit. You felt panic bubble up inside you as Namjoon’s voice resounded beyond the door. In all of the ruckus, you’d forgotten the reason why you initially got into the mess- you’d been trying to avoid him.
“You still haven’t left?”
Your head snapped up in surprise as the man from before appeared before you, sitting on the windowsill, glee radiating off him as he looked around the room.
“You complete and utter liar,” you hissed at the man who was now giggling, as he turned to leave. “You said you’d help me if I helped you! Come back here! We had a deal!”
“The terms of our deal was that I would give you an opportunity to sneak past them,” he corrected you. “I never said I would help you stay undetected, or that you would stay hidden afterwards.”
You gaped at him as he jumped out of the window, almost running after him- then the sound of the door swinging open had you redirecting your attention back to Namjoon, who smiled in relief seeing you- 
The room as you turned back to look at in panic seemingly back to normal, as if the pigs hadn’t even existed. 
“Lady Y/N, what a pleasure to see you. I’ve been hoping we could talk about some things…”
Damn it.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Trumping even that in weirdness came Friday- giving you another meeting with an even stranger stranger.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
You climbed the tower angrily, the sound of your feet against the stone stairways echoing all around. Your legs were aching, and you could feel a part of you beating in fear- there were no railways to hold on to, for crying out loud. How the fuck did the people building towers not think to add safety measures? Someone could easily fall- still you continued.
A little bit of peace, a little bit of quiet… Today had you coming to a secluded part of the castle grounds, somewhat deep into the forest nearby, just to escape everything going on back in the castle. Remembering yesterday… Even now it made you seethe.
What was worse was that you hadn’t been able to find out who the other party was, and no matter who you asked, no one could tell you who he was. The maids hadn’t even seen him, nor had anyone else. Why he even appeared in front of you was a mystery and a half.
Today though, you were determined. You were going to savor all the time you had by yourself, until at least the quest came. 
Still, as you finally arrived at the top of the tower, you halted as you heard the sound of sniffling. 
What the hell?
You cautiously opened the door, just a peek- unsure what to find, as from what you’d known no one ever came to this place in particular. You’d come too far to just leave, after all, so-
Soft, brown eyes covered by a glassy sheen of tears instantly met your own, framed by red hair that stood out in the sunlight.
You cringed as the other person fell from where he was sitting by the window, the book he must have been reading flying from their hands and into your direction, their whole body thrown off balance as he stared at you with panic. You would’ve thrown open the door, would’ve tried to comfort him, but-
The way he looked at you made you stay your distance.
Instead, you gently opened the door- shooting a concerned glance as you bent down to pick up the book that had landed by your feet.
“Um… I’m sorry for startling you. I didn’t mean to- um, your, um, book…?”
When you looked up again, he was standing up- his head slightly bowed low, hands fidgeting together- you grimaced as you felt the awkward tension in the room skyrocket. It was highly uncomfortable- and you couldn’t help wondering how bad you’d screwed up-
“... Thanks,” you heard him whisper, barely enough to be heard.
You forced a small smile on your face.”Oh, no, um… It’s my fault for just opening the door and peeking in like a creep- um, again, I’m sorry- he’s your book…”
You held out the item in hand- patient as you waited for the other person to reach out. Though, as his hand brushed against yours, you felt the searing amount of heat emanating from his skin.
You yelped. You didn’t expect whoever he was to have a temperature that almost bordered on feverish- not when he didn’t seem like he was sick in the slightest sense. Not only that, it was the sharp sense of fear and shock that shot in you, making you feel like you needed to stop breathing for a moment- if only to adjust.
You immediately brought a hand to his forehead. “Are you okay!? Y-You’re burning up…!”
“Don’t touch me!”
You stared at him, stunned- your hand still raised in the air, a red mark slowly forming over where he had slapped it away. 
If it weren’t for the fact that he looked as startled as you then- a frightened look on his face, then you would’ve been angry. As it was, you were just confused.
“I… S-Sorry,” you stammered. “I didn’t… I wasn’t going to- to hurt you.”
He frowned- eyebrows furrowing, looking as if he wanted to tell you something- before he deflated. “I… I know. I’m sorry. But… um….”
“... Please leave.” He finally said, lips pursed into a tight line. “I don’t… I don’t want you near me.”
“Now,” he repeated. “Out.”
Stunned, you could only follow his orders, though you felt yourself flush in indignance and embarrassment as the door closed shut.  
What the hell had that been?
»»————- ♔ ————-««
And then Saturday- another day, another asshole, though this time it was at night. Thankfully, this time you’d caught on.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
By this point you’d grown wary. Men appearing out of nowhere (no matter how handsome they were), weird and frustrating encounters- your luck really was that bad, huh? You didn’t even know what to do anymore, how to stop it from continuously happening-
If anything, you were highly cautious now.
Still, you thought, as you maneuvered between the halls, having stayed too late at the library once more (the surroundings were quiet as most staff save for guards were asleep), it was already night time, maybe even nearing midnight now- and still, nothing. 
Were you being too paranoid?
Goosebumps broke out on your skin- you halted, feeling your heartbeat staccato.
“Can you please not trail behind me like a creep?” 
For a moment or two there was silence in the corridor, and you began to wonder if you really were too cautious-
Then came the sound of footsteps, light, barely echoing- if you hadn’t strained your ears to sense even the slightest change, you would’ve missed it. Closer, they eventually came closer, and you instantly whirled around, hands hidden in the folds of your dress even as you gripped the fabric tight. You looked up.
Crimson eyes that seemed so bright against the darkness looked back at you.
You could practically feel your heart jump in your chest. Still, again, this wasn’t exactly the first time it had happened. And, you’d been on guard already since the day started, just in case something like what had happened the past few days would repeat itself yet again- and lo and behold.
So, even with the slight tremble in your body, you boldly stared him down, shoving aside the trepidation you were feeling.
Under other circumstances, though, you had to admit- he was one of the most beautiful people you’d ever met. Cherubic features that prominently featured soft monolids, and full lips- not to mention the way the silver color of his hair somehow made him look ethereal, instead of old... if he was someone you’d seen back home, you would’ve thought him to be a model. Still, that didn’t change the fact that you just knew something was off.
“Yes? Did you want something?” You raised an eyebrow at him, ignoring the urge to place your hand over your heart, as if that would help calm it down. 
However, for all that you’d presented yourself as unbothered, if somewhat just initially surprised, it seemed as if the other person knew anyway how fast your heart was beating- giving you a sweet, sugary smile that you knew was trouble at first glance.
“My apologies. I just wanted to know where the path to the west wing is…  Instead, it seems I startled you.”
“That’s…” You paused, thinking over your words. “That’s fine. You’re quite close to your destination. Um, just go straight and then go through the staircase. You’ll see the main doors from there. Exit, follow the path on the left, until you come to a crossroads- and then, um, to the left.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, the edge of his lips turning down then. “That… Sounds a little complicated. Do you mind coming along with me? I don’t want to get lost, and you seem like you know your way around…”
“... I’m s-sorry,” you eventually said, fidgeting with your dress. “I’m, um, I’m not sure if I can handle going back and forth, like- like that, I mean, it's pretty late and I'm q-quite tired, so, um…”
The man wilted, the pout bigger then- still, you held your ground. Before he could say anything, you hurried through your next words. “I’m really sorry! But if you’re that troubled about it, you can go ask the guards- there’s one of them right outside the main doors- I’ll be going now-”
You turned around, intent on leaving-
The chuckle resounding behind you made you shiver for a moment.
“... You’re quite sharp, aren’t you?”
You continued your steps even as you responded, your room’s door only a few feet away. “... Not sharp, but… you aren’t the first, so I’m sorry to say but that won’t work on me.”
Your steps faltered as you felt something wrong yet again- trusting your instincts, you ducked, smoothly opening the door, before turning around to glare at the man.
“Goodnight. Maybe if we meet again you can tell me your name,” you said politely, before adding, “that is, if you don’t stalk around dark empty hallways again.”
You closed the door- and fell to your knees a second later, your breaths leaving you in short gasps as the adrenaline made your heart beat fast, way too fast-
A giggle, melodious and high pitched echoed through the door. “Next time then, little princess.”
You pretended not to hear it.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
And finally, the day before- Sunday. At that point you'd gotten used to it, to the point that you knew what would be coming, and still...
»»————- ♔ ————-««
You couldn’t stop turning your head in every direction- trying to take in as much of the city as you could. Your eyes trailed over the buildings, the roads, the people that crowded the streets as they talked and went about their daily lives.
It was… surreal, in a way. Just when you thought you'd really accepted it, that it really had sunk in already, you would see something new and feel the growing familiar feeling of surprise and dread again. You really were in another world. As a hero, or a saviour, though it didn't fit you.
You caught sight of a man on a horse, its back saddled with items and found that everything seemed to lead back to your current predicament.
Which, honestly, just kept giving you more questions than answers. After a week of coming to terms, you'd done your best to prepare yourself for it, including researching and learning whatever information you thought would be useful.
It also meant that you had to learn how to, well, camp. How to set up tent, make a bonfire, how to ride a horse. Being useless in fighting was already one thing, you didn't want the title of being useless anywhere else stuck on you too…
But then when you'd tried to actually learn about riding a horse, for one, you were surprised- the moment your hands touched the saddle, it was as if there was an unknown force commanding you, a practiced ease you were unknown with appearing as, in the blink of an eye, you found yourself seated atop the horse, reins naturally fitting in your hands.
The applause and admiration of the castle staff had only hammered it in. Especially when they kept exclaiming over your muttering that this was your first time as 'as the saviour, no wonder it would only take one try for milady to master it!'
The same went for other skills you were initially worried about- though, to your dismay, you found that there was no help given with anything related to fighting.
… But, you supposed, it was better than nothing.
Currently though, for once you were by yourself. After the week's events, and the day of departure being tomorrow, you found yourself asking for a day to you and yourself only, wandering the city before you had to leave, a request that was met with smiles from the king and queen. Although initially you would've been accompanied by maids, and even guards, for once you swallowed your embarrassment- and told them you didn't quite need it being the saviour and you really just wanted to be alone, if that was possible.
So here you were.
Truly, the kingdom of Quies, especially its capital, in a way lived up to its name. Everywhere you looked, what remained in your mind was that as chaotic as it seemed, there was an underlying feeling of peace.
Though, peace wasn’t quite synonymous with order. 
“Boy, is this really all you have? Are you trying to make a fool out of me!?”
You winced as a loud voice hit your ears, the ruckus attracting the attention of nearly everyone in what had to be a mile radius. 
A little to your left, you spotted the cause of the noise, a merchant of what seemed to be trinkets glaring angrily at a cloaked figure. Though you couldn’t quite see what their argument was about, nor did you know what was going on, you had to force yourself to look away, stop getting involved- you didn’t want to have another ‘encounter’ in any way, after all.
Still, the way the vendor towered over the other…
Why the hell weren’t you leaving yet? Why, why were you instead drawing closer?
“I’m not trying to fool you,” you heard the cloaked figure say, their voice melodious, though there lingered confusion and frustration in their words.
“Sure you aren’t,” the vendor sneered. “Giving me a measly piece of rock and trying to take my watches- which reminds me, you aren’t giving it back, you rascal!?”
“That’s not just a piece of rock.” Even though you couldn’t see their face, hidden as it was, you could easily hear the frown in their tone. “In fact, calling it a rock is downright insulting to it. That’s a rare pink pearl.”
“Yeah, sure it is!”
You bit your tongue, a sense of frustration, for some reason filling you as you watched the exchange in front of you. 
“It really isn’t a pearl?”
Your voice rang out, clear- you forcefully shoved down the nervousness you felt as you watched the crowd turn their attention to you, most especially the two men.
“Missy, you think I’d get angry if it was?”
“Then you wouldn’t mind returning it to him, then, would you? I’d be happy to pay for whatever he took,” you asserted, walking over to the merchant with (what you hoped) an air of nonchalance.
At your words, the merchant only seemed to get more angry instead. “And who are you to butt in this, huh?”
“I just think that you shouldn’t be causing a disturbance in the kingdom so early in the morning,” you sharply told him instead, stepping over his question. “So why don’t you just accept the money and let this matter rest?”
Instead he scoffed. “This boy here tries to swindle me by giving me pale imitations, insulting my pride, and you think it can be solved with just money? Why, I'd say he should give me all his items in recompensation! I definitely won't settle for just this!”
“If not, until when are you willing to escalate this then, huh? Talking so much about how he’s insulted you by giving you fake goods,” you stared him down, a frown firmly set on your lips. “With how much of a big deal you’re making about it, in fact, I wonder if you’re not the one trying to fool us instead.”
“What- how dare you!”
Bingo. As much as the merchant then seemed outraged, you could hear the minute fluster in his voice, revealing how spot on your accusation was.
“I’m not the one getting so worked up over something so little,” you simply replied. “If it really is like that, then, why don’t you let us see what he gave you?”
“I- that’s not…”
“Or maybe you’d like for me to involve the guards,” you quietly threatened. “After all, we just passed by several on break a few minutes ago.”
The merchant gritted his teeth, his eyes glaring daggers at you. Still, you stood your ground, only raising an eyebrow at him.
“Give it back.”
He roughly thrust a hand to your side. It was opened without a shred of hesitation- the aforementioned pearls sparkling a little in the sunlight (you knew it! You knew they were rare, they had to be with how much he seemed to overblow the matter earlier). He hissed at you as the figure beside you took it from their hands.
It was only when you were a few steps away that you remembered the reason you ever got involved in that mess. You turned around, if only to apologize for just butting in out of nowhere-
You turned to face eyes set into a harsh pout. 
“... I didn’t need your help,” the cloaked figure grumbled, making you freeze in surprise. “I had it under control.”
“... Sure you did,” you muttered, feeling a little offended.
Their hood fell back as they fully glared at you, and for the first time you saw their face- boyish, with a hint of youth still present. Though it didn't take away the beauty easy to drown in as his ebony hair fell down in a tangled, but somehow artful mess, paired with eyes that truly fit the expression of 'doe-like', with how big they were.
"I would if you had just let me."
You pursed your lips at the biting tone in his voice, your shoulders stiffening. 
“Really. Well, I'm sorry then,” you retorted. “Next time you can go get swindled all you like. I’m certainly not going to stop you anymore.”
“I- I just needed some time to think how to handle it!" The flush on his face resulting from your words somehow made you feel better then, even as you began walking away. Whatever- you were out of there.
Still, you hadn’t taken more than two steps then, before you felt someone tug at your clothes. Feeling annoyed, you turned around, a glare on your face as you placed your hands on your hips-
The glint of the pearl before you, the biggest from the ones he’d been given back earlier, under the sunlight made it all the more beautiful.
“I… What?” You looked up, confused, to meet a pout and a sulky expression.
“Take it,” he huffed. “As thanks. Even if, you know, it wasn’t needed. But… I mean, it’s undeniable that you saved me time, so…”
You stared at him in surprise, before you had to suppress the smile growing on your lips- he glared at you in turn when he saw your expression. As he pulled your hand open to hand over the pearl, the feel of his hands on your own made you feel somewhat embarrassed, a flood of shame and frustration trickling in- and then it stopped. When you’d raised your head, you found that he’d quickly turned away, his steps quick, before he disappeared into the crowd.
You eventually burst into chuckles as his figure disappeared, the sight of his embarrassed face imprinted on your mind.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Lady Y/N?”
You fell back into focus as Anya’s voice reached you. You smiled at her, though you couldn’t quite hide the fatigue making your body quite weak- not just from the past week’s encounters, but, well, from everything since you woke up. 
“You’ll be fine, milady,” Anya assured you as you hefted the bag onto your shoulder, assuming that you were anxious instead of exhausted. You sighed at her words. 
“I… Um. Thanks, I guess. I’ll give it my best,” you promised- though it was debatable if you were telling that to yourself or to her. Still…
“They’re waiting at the throne room, um, right?” 
“Yes, milady! It’s been an honor to serve you- may you be successful.”
You could only hope.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
“Presenting, the representatives of Terabitha! Lady Y/N L/N, of the humans!”
“... Fuck.”
You could only stare in shock as seven familiar heads turned up at your arrival- 
Seven, of which while one you anticipated, the other six were, unfortunately, familiar people, several of which looked at you with amusement, shock, and ever familiar disdain. 
Your eyes trailed over each and every one of them, the features of which you’d read each race for being known to have much more prominent under the light of day, in a moment where you could take your time taking their appearance in.
Mages- perhaps the only race in which there is no distinct difference in appearances to humans. Although there is still a way to identify them- come close, and you will feel magic, heavy and potent linger in the air around them. That is not to mention their skewed luck, that manifests in many strange ways.
“Kim Namjoon, of the mages!”
Namjoon smiled at you then, and you faintly noticed the dimples on his face- you found yourself automatically smiling back, though it was forced.
Your gaze quickly went to the next person.
As for the other races though, you will find after some careful examination their difference is easy to see. Mermaids, for one, as much as they call the sea their home are able to assume human form- though even they cannot quite perfectly blend in, as there remains a shallow pattern of gills near their ears that they cannot hide…
“Jeon Jungkook, of the mermaids!”
Huge, doe eyes partially covered by black, fluffy hair met yours, wide in shock, before he quickly looked away, hands fidgeting with the bag he was holding.
Yokai- kitsune, in particular, are quite tricky to identify. They wear quite the number of disguises, but an assurance is that they usually always have some detail wrong. For one, their eyes might stay vertical, where humans have wide pupils. Another is the tail they might forget to disguise...
“Kim Taehyung, of the yokai!”
The ash grey hair that framed his sculpted face almost covered his eyes- but you could still see them wink at you as your gaze flitted around, the smirk that formed on his lips playful and teasing.
Vampires will always stand out. Their pale skin complements the sculpted features they are given, unnatural beauty that bewitches- and the icy chill that can be felt from their body emphasizes it. Of course, not to mention their fangs…
“Park Jimin, of the vampires!”
Eyes that seemed to smile at you in the shape of crescent moons made itself known, the silver of his hair and the paleness of his skin painting him more as an angel rather than what he truly was, especially when he giggled.
Dragons, terrifying as they are in their true form, are much more approachable in their human form. Though it would be noticeable that they are not quite human- for they still possess scales, and the heat from the fire in their body still rumbles underneath their skin…
“Jung Hoseok, of the dragons!”
Red hair that seemed to glint in the sunlight was all you could see of him, then- though a look at his hands still revealed the light, almost unnoticeable pattern of scales- he glanced upwards and then quickly looked away, the flush on his face then almost matching his hair.
Fae, in turn, tend to have flickers of light around them, though less noticeable as they grow older. In which case, the next clue to look out for is the area around them- particularly, the ground. If you notice that wherever they step, the grass is greener, and plants seem to flourish… Then you’ve found yourself a fae.
“Min Yoongi, of the fae!”
Cat-like eyes narrowed in amusement at the way your face continued to fall with each familiar face. He barely held in his laughter, though you wouldn’t have noticed it if he did- the horror in your face visible to the world as you laid your eyes on the last member of the quest.
And lastly- elves. Oh, where do I begin? Elves, out of all species, might be the one that, with a little bit of planning may truly pass off as human. If not for their pointed ears, then there would be no way to tell an elf apart from a human based on appearances…
“Are you just planning to stand there without saying anything?” Eyes that still remained familiar from never leaving neither your dreams nor your memories cast a stern look over your form, the disapproval subtle but clear in the way his plush lips were set in a sneer.
“Kim Seokjin, of the elves!”
Fuck. You really were screwed.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
A wild baby appears! (pokemon)
Gary Oak signed in annoyance as he wanted in the woods. here he was, the mother fucking best trainer the world had ever seen (at least in his own mind) and he was waiting after midnight for a meet up just outside of viridian city. Normally he wouldn't of been caught dead outside this late at night, not with the league coming up and having put himself on a strict regiment of exercise, training and sleep, but he'd received a note from a secret admirer who had promised to make it worth his while if he met them at this time, in the woods. and now whoever the fuck it was suppose to be was running late. "I swear to god, if I wasn't so blue balled.." He muttered to himself, keeping his light up watch again and giving it anther five minutes TOPS before he took off. "M-maybe I can help with that.." Came a voice. Gary turned to face the voice, already recognizing it as belonging to ash ketchum, his wanna be rival. The dork was in the shadows so Gary couldn't make him out, but he still gave a grunt of annoyance. "Ok dork, whatever. I don't really swing that way but glad to have it confirmed you've been hanging off of..of.." Gary said but then ash stepped into the moonlight. He heard what ash was wearing before he saw it, and couldn't believe his ears at first but then as Ash was illuminated in the pale moonlight his eyes confirmed it. Ash was dressed in massive diapers, to the point the boy was waddling like a baby learning to walk and was bare foot (which explained WHY it had taken him a bit longer then expected to make it to the meet up.) The diapered were pikachu yellow for the most part, with orangeish red tapes and as to be expected little chibi pikachu's running around  and playing for the designs on the padding. aside from the diapers, the only other thing that Ash had worn out to the woods was a massive pikachu print yellow bonnet, with a ribbon under it tied in a cute bow. Looking at the way ash was dressed, one would of expected for Gary to burst out laughing and start mocking the other trainer, but the thing of it all was Gary had a deep down fetish for diaper wearing beta boys. and Ash was checking off all his wants and more. "S-So what do you think? A-Am I cute?" Ash coo'ed, wiggling his hips and crinkling loudly, and the tip of his right index finger on his bottom lip. "I..I Uh..I.." Gary said, blushing and in the moon light Ash could make it out and smiled. "hehehe I knew it!" Ash giggled and clapped his hands and switched to a seductive smile, then kissed his right palm and blew a kiss over to Gary and winked. "Mwah~" Much like a pokemon being hit with attract, the effect was instant and super effective as Gary got little hearts in his eyes. Still this was ASH, his rival and childhood friend and not one of those random twinks he'd meet on the road and have some fun with. shaking his head Gary tried to find the willpower to resist. "Hehehe I can see your trying to fight it, but it's no use daddy~" Ash said and waddled over, a huge predators grin on his face. "I've got you locked in my sights and your NOT getting free! We both know despite your earlier claim your barn door at least swings both ways, though from what Daisy told me it really prefers cute widdle guys like meeee~" Gary gulped and squirmed, frozen in place as Ash came in close and then put his arms on Gary's shoulders and around his neck, then licked his cheek. 'I should of NEVER told Daisy about this!' Gary whimpered mentally, while at the same time also thinking. 'But hot damn, If she's the one who filled in ash I owe her a huge thank you gift.' "A-Ash..I..Look.." Gary said, willing himself to come under control and taking a firm hold on ash's arms. "yes daddy?" ash asked. "I..I need to know if you actually like..um..dressing up like this or if your just doing it because you like me." Gary said. As cute as ash was, he wasn't gonna make anyone dress up JUST for him, he had standards after all. "pfft, silly daddy. I'm a total diaper wearing beta dork. Sooo even if you don't wanna play with the baby, I'll still be rocking huggies." Ash giggled and then darted in, smooching Gary's cheek. "That said..Richie is too vanilla for this, Brock is too big brother and won't play fun games, and Snap just wants to take pictures. I never even thought you'd of been into this till Daisy caught me in my diapies and spilled the beans on you. I've always like liked you~" "..W-Well I mean..I've always kinda liked you too, but your always so stubborn and stuff..I never even thought you'd of um.." "turned out to be a bigggg baby just waiting for the perfect daddy to keep me small and helpless forever?" ash giggled and kissed Gary's other cheek. "Yeah..that. heh.. You know if we do this..I'm gonna wanna keep you with me.. we can still travel around and challenge gyms but you'll always be in diapers and always be daddies little boy right?" Gary said, pulling ash into a hug now and kissing his forehead. "Ehehehe threaten ME with a good time." Ash coo'ed and winked. and so the battle was over so to speak. a wild baby had appeared in the woods and to this day it's hard to argue exactly who captured who. Gary would be a loving and dotting daddy to his widdle ashy but wasn't scared to lay down the law when needed, but on the other hand Ash had Gary wrapped around his little finger.
The end
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marueonmain · 4 years
part ten ~ does that ruin this? ~
(part one) (part two) (part three) (part four) (part five) (part six) (part seven) (part eight) (part nine) (part ten)
A/N: I do not write revisions as to be confusing; I write revisions to prove to myself I can do better. I am open to listen to your comments and suggestions always. Messages/Asks made this update possible.
IMPORTANT: this part includes a revision of a deleted part so if you start reading and it sounds familiar, do not click off.
Summary: Alex and George are untruthful with each other. Alex clarifies a situation and hopes it does not make Y/N feel differently about him.
Pairing: imallexx x reader
Warning: Minor Language. Small Reference to Disordered Eating Habits. Minor Non-Graphic Injury. Fluff. 
Word Count: 3.5k
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“Ok. I’ll walk with you.”
Y/N removed her hand from atop his – resting on her knee – and pulled herself up to stand. She offered him her hand again once firm on her bare feet. Alex took it and felt Y/N actually pulling at him as he stood; it was not just a polite gesture, she genuinely wanted to help him in that small way.
Despite there being an entire square meter of landing to stand, Alex and Y/N were almost on top of one another. Alex felt her dipping her toes in the water, swimming in his pacific blue eyes. All the while, he searched for the sparks of stars in her pupils – lights in the otherwise dark nights.
“What is it?” asked Alex.
“Do you ever wonder—?” Y/N stopped.
Her eyes closed in resignation, unintentionally showing her hand: she had the words in her head, but she decided she could not share that particular thought. At least not with him. Y/N gently took her hand back and started down the stairs.
Their footfalls echoed around the stairwell.
At the next landing, Y/N started over, “I know Sam probably sent you after me, but thank you. You’re more patient than you should be. I know I can be a lot sometimes. Too much.”
“You’re not too much, Red. Not for me.” Never for me. Even if she was trouble to him, Alex was trouble to everyone, it all balanced out.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to keep thanking me. I’m here because I want to be.”
Y/N opened her mouth, tongue already pressed against her top teeth to make the “th” sound, when she resigned from those words as well. And her smile returned as a soft simper.
Lovely. She was lovely despite the red painted across her cheekbones and nose. Despite the guilt, she so clearly expressed for taking his time. Alex thought Y/N was lovely.
When Y/N smiled for him, did Sammy think that too? When she spoke his name, did Sammy feel he was that much closer to going mad? Did his face heat up whenever she touched his skin?
Maybe Alex was overstepping some boundaries. Maybe he should take that moment in the stairwell of comfort and companionship as all he would get.
Fair enough. Alex could live the rest of his life with just having ever had THAT moment with her. Like how he could forever understand the concept of vanilla even if he never tasted it again.
Alex did not want that.
He liked vanilla whip cream. Its extract in his pancake batter. Vanilla lattes and cappuccinos and to get wasted on shots of vanilla bourbon. To feel cradled in the aroma of vanilla-marshmallow scented candles. And reveal fresh skin after vanilla cream facemasks. He wanted vanilla.
He did not need it to live. Nor thrive. Nonetheless, he wondered how much better his happy days would feel – how less complicated his stressful days would be – if vanilla were a part of them.
“You could be with me.” Alex cleared his throat. “No-uh…what I mean is that you could come to mine and hang out for a bit if you wanted to—to wait out more of the storm with Sammy.”
“Yeah?” Y/N risked a quick side-eye glance.
“I’m not doing anything. Are you…doing anything?”
“No, but I’m not sure if— Sam won’t—” Y/N stuttered and stopped. Features that were relaxed from the contortions of crying began to twist up again. Eyebrows sunk closer. Mouth pulled to one side.
“If you go back in now, won’t the fighting pick right back up?” Walking past the door and two more steps toward the lift, Alex offered an encouraging toss of the head. “Let’s just go, come on.”
A rabbit in the talons of a falcon – paralyzed – Y/N did not move. She stared unsure at Alex for a second then to the door to her apartment. It was still. quiet. Sammy was neither of those things. Y/N dug her teeth into her bottom lip as her gaze hit the floor. Not able to bring herself back to Alex.
“No, I shouldn’t. If we don’t apologize to each other now, things will just be worse later.” Voice hitching on the latter end of the sentence, Y/N paused. She took a deep breath and mustered up some composure. “Thank you for the invite, but I can’t.”
“Alright. Well, it’s an open invitation.”
“Than—Got it.”
It would be ridiculous for him to have been irritated. Completely and utterly ridiculous.
Alex was irritated; he was forced to pretend to be as content with watching her go as he would be having her following him. Though used to babbling in nervous situations, Alex did not feel he could speak more at that moment. 
What would be appropriate for him to say?
He left. While Y/N knocked on the door to her apartment without even bothering to try the handle, he mashed the call button incessantly enough to rub part of his fingerprint off his thumb. Within three meters of each other yet completely different headspaces – worlds and hearts apart.
DING of the sliding lift doors. Alex walked in and stood in the corner, leaning against the back wall and looking away until the doors closed again. He did not want to see Sammy and Y/N reunite. He went silent for his ride down. Unfortunately, there was no gentle music to fill the void.
Outside he was normal. Inside he was in a weird place: anxious thoughts built themselves up higher and higher until it was too much. Alex closed his eyes for a moment to block out all other stimuli.
Was it possible that George was right all along? When he said Alex would be a total knob to go after Y/N? When he told him it was better to get trashed and shag someone random than it was to keep dwelling? When he begged him to not. get. involved.?
Caught in his overthinking haze, Alex flew on autopilot as he walked along the hall to his flat and stopped. It was not until he was face-to-face with the number on the door that he recognized he had even left the lift. Alex blinked himself out of his head and into the present just to find a riptide of exhaustion dragging his limp body out to sea. It was too late to start paddling now.
Slinking inside, Alex was not greeted with – as he expected – his flatmate waiting to interrogate him. He anxiously tapped his fingers against his leg while peering around. Besides the usual mess of overturned sofa cushions and PS4 controllers strewn about in the living room, food wrappers on the counters, and the same pan and spatula used for breakfast still in the sink, there was not a sign of George. There was not even the sound of shouting (pre-recorded or otherwise) coming from the short hall to his room.  
Smiling and with a tad too much enthusiasm, Alex shut the door and sighed contented.
“You’re alive. Good.” George’s voice sounded from outside his bedroom, ringing in Alex’s ears far before the older stepped into view. George was wearing black jeans and had pulled on proper shoes to cover the thin, dirty white socks he normally trudged around the flat. His hands were buried together in the pouch of his hoodie. It was from the ‘I OWE £37,000 TO THE GOVERNMENT IN TAX FINES’ drop. Untamed hairs curled around his ears, and he wore an indistinct black hat.
“Woulda thought you’d be happy to get rid of me.”
“I’d take a decent trade. Five quid and a Tesco meal deal, maybe.” George’s otherwise stone-hard exterior failed to mask the anxious glint in his salty atlantic eyes. There was more he was not saying.
Moving into the kitchen, Alex leaned back against the countertop. Putting one foot in front of the other, touching heel to toe. He fished his keys from the pocket of his pajama bottoms and dumped them on the counter beside him. “Out with it.”
“Tell me you didn’t do anything daft.”
“‘Course not.” Alex shrugged. “Not sure where you’d get that from.”
“Could you, for once in your life, be straight with me.”
There was a joke to be made there as Alex was never for even one minute of his life straight. However, that felt an inappropriate comment to make amid his flatmate’s concern.
Alex hunched his shoulders closer to his chest subconsciously and murmured an unintelligible response.
“What?” asked George.
“I didn’t do anything, alright. Does that make you happy? I just told Sammy that he and Red will be evicted pretty fucking soon if they keep up the shouting.”
“Told Sammy. So, you didn’t speak to Red?”
“No. Didn’t get the chance; she’d already stormed off by the time I got there.” Alex was a liar and a shit one at that as he shifted his feet and dropped his focus from his flatmate.
George – with his hesitant if not outright suspicious gaze boring through the top of the younger’s skull – waited for Alex to return focus to him before speaking again. He cleared his throat.
“James wants to meet up earlier; get some shots in before hitting the pub.” George turned and took three steps toward his bedroom before stopping and coming back. “Well…go on and get dressed.”
“I’m not sure I feel well enough to go out tonight.” Alex hovered a hand over his stomach to emphasize the point. Not that his flatmate appeared to believe him on that front either.
“Have you been sick?”
“You’re fine.” George took Alex’s wrist and pulled his hand from over his stomach. He snatched the keys off the counter and, uncurling Alex’s fingers, forced them into the younger’s hand.  
“I can’t.” said Alex. Both men ignored the voice crack on the last word as – while it was telling – it was also nothing terribly unusual in their flat.
“James will be gutted, you know. Are you sure?” George waited for a nod or shake of the head, he got neither. He groaned in frustration and moved to the front door, pulling it open with a bit of a huff, he said, “Don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“Likewise,” Alex called after him, and with that, he was alone.
It was his natural state, him being alone; at least Alex thought it must have been – surely. Or else he would not have been so often. So maddeningly alone. Alex also thought he deserved it. Whenever his friends rinsed him for being annoying, he knew it was not all a joke. He was aggravating, bothersome.
At least the others could escape it whereas he was always himself.
Humans are social creatures – not meant to be alone – which made the impending lockdown so frightening. Alex would not acknowledge his fear. Moving toward full quarantine was breaking him, but he had been in worse states, much worse, so he would not admit it.
It was another method (like restricting his eating and sleeping) for him to punish himself for just being.
BUZZ. BUZZ. His phone went off. It was a text from George calling him a massive loser for making him take the train by himself. Alex produced a humorous scoff but not a reply.
He spent the next forty-five minutes scrolling through twitter and instagram while preparing and eating a cup of sweet & sour pot noodle. Amidst liking and retweeting, he wondered – for the millionth time – if the posts he saw were perhaps not all putting up fake fronts. What if it was all real?
Maybe everyone was truly happy and beautiful all the time; he did not know.
knock. knock. There was a gentle tapping coming from the front door, muted enough that Alex was not sure if it were real or imagined. Either way, he did not move to stand from where he sat at the table, slurping up the last of the noodles. KNOCK. KNOCK.
Jumping at the second sound, Alex went to the front door. “Red?”
In the hall with her feet planted flat and firm (and now with socks and shoes), Y/N stood with a stern expression. Her features were all a bit pinched. There was a vertical line between her eyebrows. Previous blotchiness was gone, but her nose had newfound redness, and her eyes gleamed wet.
“Are you ok?” Alex was not sure what he saw being projected at him from those bright eyes of hers, but he felt his knees about to buckle. A familiar weakness overtook his limbs. Making him think if he were to roll up the leg of his pajama bottoms, it was sure to reveal hundreds of leeches draining him.
“Why did you come back?” Y/N asked, voice wavering slightly.
“I thought maybe—”
“Don’t bullshit me.” Her words bit the air hard enough to draw blood. “Why did you come back, really?”
“I couldn’t bear to see you upset.”
Their bodies connected as Y/N threw her arms around his neck, and Alex circled his arms around her middle, holding her flush to him. Knit of her jumper pressing into the wrinkles of his shirt from where she had previously balled up the fabric and held on.
She was her, and it was everything he needed. It was her warmth and her solidity and the pull of her bringing him evermore closer. It was all those separately and all those at once, at the same time.
It was an explosion of relief in his chest and of incoherent thoughts in his head. Knowing that what was happening was an undeserved blessing filling him with greater happiness than he could ever return.
Alex was in it: living it. He was not alone. Y/N awakened his heart and his desires and equally his suffering.
It was the mortifying ordeal. It was the tip of a foil bending into his chest. All to be known. All to be near her. And for all the times he joked for death, he wished tenfold for health – for life so that he could bear witness to her even if from the distance of friendship.
Y/N let slack her arms and pulled back a half-step from the embrace, allowing Alex to keep holding on.
Rearing with an amazed chuckle, he asked, “I don’t understand?”
“You said it was an open invitation, wasn’t it?”
Alex nodded.
“Good.” Y/N stepped out of his arms and walked fully into the flat, looking around with a pleasant contemplative smile stretched across her lovely lips. At the table where the empty pot noodle container sat tipped over with the metal fork in it, she grazed her fingers across the dark wood.
“I’ll be right back.” He waited for a nod of recognition and then headed to his bedroom. Alex squatted down – an action that created a horrific popping sound from his knees – and pulled open the bottom drawer of his side table. It was brimming over with miscellaneous wires and cables, scissors, tape, loose lego pieces as well as football pins. He stirred around the contents of the drawer.
Upon his return, he saw Y/N sitting in the middle of the sofa, resting her head back and looking at the ceiling. For how still she was and how soft her breathing, he might have thought she was asleep, that is if not for the open eyes with the distant gaze. Walking around to the coffee table, Alex picked up the remote and switched the television on, setting it to stream youtube.
“I thought we could watch a playlist I collected. If you wanted.” Alex tried to hide the assurance-seeking tone to his voice as he spoke. “I promise it’s actually funny and not like roblox playthroughs.”
Y/N brought her focus to him and pulled one leg up, hugging it close to herself. “Seems like an awfully lofty thing to promise. It’s not a compilation of your own videos, is it?”
“No. Not this one anyway.”
Alex sat down, and Y/N resituated herself to be half a cushion from him. It was a fair enough reaction though it did make him feel a bit shit, especially after their affectionate embrace, not ten minutes earlier.
He hit the start button on the playlist. Sitting next to Y/N, even half a cushion away, felt like lying on his balcony with the sun on his face. Not a blaring spotlight of sun. A comfortable softbox sun that warmed his neck and arms and soul. As the playlist went on, Alex found himself sneaking longer and longer glances at the woman beside him.
Y/N giggled throughout the first and second videos, mostly biting her lip to keep herself from being loud until a joke made at the start of the third video sent her over the edge. She could no longer hold out laughing as she tossed her head back and outright cackled. It might have been embarrassing for her, but to Alex, it was cute. It was passion, and he liked seeing her face light up like that: pure and uninhibited.
Moving next to Alex, Y/N rolled her head to the side and rested it on his shoulder. Their faces were incredibly close – she was breathtaking, and he was on the verge of losing consciousness.
“Is this ok?” Y/N gazed up at him.
Alex wanted her to look at him like that forever, even if he was scared to see it. That thing like hope in her eyes. It was distinct, softer than how anyone had ever looked at him. Asking more than her words did, asking for more than just his words return. “Yes.”
It was natural: her and him. Y/N weaved her arm around his and held it with both her hands as she lazily returned her focus to the television. Alex did not; he was focused on something else.
On her left forearm were five circular bruises: four in a line up the arm and the fifth alone on the other side. While the red discolouration was not painful looking, the purple undertones marked prominent against her skin. It reminded him.
“Hmm?” she hummed.
Alex stuck his hand in the pocket of his pajama bottoms and fished out the trinket he found in the drawer of his side table – simple beads on a stretchy string. A beautiful gradient of colour from white to pastel blue to royal blue to black. Tied off with a bow. He peeled one of Y/N’s hands from his arm and pulled the bracelet over, lying it carefully on her wrist.
“Wow,” Y/N pulled away from his side and held her hand out, beaming at the bracelet and then at him. “Did you make this?”
“No. A fan gifted it to me at VidCon a while back, but I wanted to give you something, and looking at it now, it made me think of you.” He smiled a hesitant half-smile. “It’s the thought that counts, right?”
“I really like it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Red.” Alex saw how Y/N twisted up her face at his words, and he frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I like it. I do. It’s just, you don’t have to call me that. Red. No one really calls me that but Sam because he’s proud to have come up with it, I think. Could you—would you mind terribly, just using Y/N?”
Alex gave a slight nod. “That’s something I can do.”
Without another word, Y/N settled into him as, on-screen, the playlist continued. Emboldened with some unknown confidence, she lay her head on his chest. Alex was slow to react, but he eventually wrapped his arm around her and laced the fingers of his outermost hand with hers.
It was a release of all the tenderness and affection that he had been storing in his heart with no real outlet. And it felt like his ribcage was close to concaving into him. Alex had so much to give, yet all Y/N seemed to want was him, his company, his warm hand enclosing her own.
“I think I should tell you something.” He used his free hand to pick at a loose fuzz on his pajama bottoms. “I’m not gay. I know that’s how Sammy understands it, but I’m actually bisexual.”
Y/N blew out a long sigh through pursed lips and finished it with, “I know; I figured as much.”
“Does that ruin this?” Alex fought the urge to swipe the welling tears in his eyes.
“I don’t want it to.”
“Me neither.”
The playlist finished, and the screen idled, waiting for further action. Neither moved. Resting in the quiet of their gentle almost whispered conversation, Y/N nuzzled her cheek into the fabric of Alex’s shirt.
Voice laden with exhaustion, she said, “I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel like you’re someone I’ve always been missing. I just didn’t know it. Thank you for coming back.”
Giving in, Y/N closed her eyes, and her breathing evened into an easy rhythm. Alex leaned in and placed a kiss to her hair, quick and chaste, and let her sleep. Wishing he would have come up with something, words like hers, to express it – what he knew all along.
Taglist: (message to join!) @angelbabyivy @eboysimp​ @trhtshonf @jaythegay92​
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okk--maaan · 4 years
I Know
You and Charlie find comfort in each other after a stressful day.
Word Count: ~1.5K
Warnings: NSFW, honestly some pretty vanilla missionary but hey, it’s sex
A/N: I was feelin a lil emo today so I decided it was a good idea to watch Marriage Story and cry. And then I was like ‘let’s write some fluffy Charlie’. And then that fluff (maybe angst? I have no clue) turned into smut. Really this is more smut that fluff, ratio wise, but the smut is pretty ehhh. It’s very basic DON’T JUDGE ME. Also I use ‘cum’ instead of ‘come’ because I AM A DEGENERATE.
Let me know what you think!
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1:39 AM
You click off your phone screen and slip it back in your pocket. You know Charlie is still up. Between these late night glasses of wine and all those early morning cups of coffee, it’s a wonder either of you ever slept.
But if you were actually able to sleep, you wouldn’t be standing in front of his door right now.
You rap gently on the wood, as to not wake Henry, and it feels like there's only time for your heart to beat once before Charlie is greeting you on the other side. Like he was waiting for your knock. That fills your chest with what can only be described as love.
And you really need his love today.
“Hi,” he says as one corner of his mouth pulls into a smirk and his eyes light up.
“Hi,” you mirror his expression.
“Come in,” he steps aside to make room for you to cross the threshold.
“Sorry, I know it’s late,” you whisper as you make your way to the living room. Charlie doesn’t follow directly behind you though. Of course not. Of course he heads to the kitchen to grab your favorite bottle of red wine and two glasses.
“No it’s fine. I was hoping you would come over tonight,” he responds just loud enough for you to hear him from the other room. And you do. You also hear the smile in his voice.
When he finally reappears, you take note of the fact that he’s still wearing a button up, slacks, and even his shoes. He must’ve had as long of a day as you. He settles onto the couch next to you after generously filling each glass. As he lifts your glass for you to take, he slings an arm around your shoulders. You take the glass, along with the opportunity to snuggle up closer to him. Within the confines of Charlies’ apartment, you can be like this. You can be together. You can find solace within each other when the outside world feels like it’s been just too much.
Reluctantly, not really wanting to disturb the little slice of peace you’ve managed to acquire, you ask, “How was your day?”
Charlie’s self-deprecating laugh he huffs out is really the only answer you need. But he proceeds with his response of “long”. And you knew it was.
You always knew.
“I was up at the crack of dawn so I could finish up a few things at the theater before I had to get on another fucking flight to fucking L.A. Then I had to sit in meetings with fucking lawyers all afternoon. I thought we were supposed to be done with this shit, you know. By the time I made it to pick up Henry, we had to head straight to the airport, barely fucking made it. Fuck. I’m tired.” You shift in your seat just enough to watch his profile and hand as he rants through his day. But you know he needs it. You know he needs to let this go. And just like that glass of wine, you were always happy to take it.
When he feels he’s expelled all his frustrations to your ears and the empty space surrounding you, he drops his hand, purses his lips in that way he does, inhales then exhales through his nose, and finally turns his head to face you.
“Can I kiss you?” It is almost a moan when he asks.
He was staring at your lips.
You can’t help but giggle a little. You almost can’t believe that he still insists on asking.
But that reaction alone must’ve been answer enough, because before you get a chance to actually say anything, he is swooping down to meet his mouth with yours.
And he is hungry.
By the way his hot tongue instantly seeks yours, you know he wants more than just a kiss. You know he wants more than just a makeout session.
You know he wants all of you.
And you are always willing, always so willing to give him what he wants, what he needs.
Charlie grips your waist with one large hand, while his other braces himself on the armrest behind you. With very little effort, he slides you under his burning needy body. You know this is his favorite way to take you when he is too worked up, too pent up. His lips continue their assault on the skin of your face neck collarbone. The hand on your waist finds its way to your soft belly then your tender tits. Groping. Claiming. Each spot that connects his body with yours is set ablaze. You swear the clothes that are somehow still covering you are singed. Just as that though crosses your mind, Charlie pushes at the hem of your top, silently telling you what to do next. He gives you just enough space to tear the fabric from your body, and before he can get back to his ministrations, you strip the rest of the way. Baring nothing but flesh to him. You know there will be no interruptions this late and you can be exposed.
He knew too.
Charlie returns his lips to whatever he can reach, whatever he needs to reach, as he peels off his own layers. Why did he always wear so many layers?  You attempt to help with all of his buttons, but you’re no match for his deft digits. Soon, he is as naked as you, his hot erection rubbing against the front of your thighs belly pussy, as his hips move on their own accord.
“Charlie,” you whisper against his smooth skin as your hands explore the taut planes of his chest back and eventually fist in his dark locks.
“Mmm. Tell me what you want, sweet thing,” he says as he finds your breast again, this time with his lips.
When he latches onto your stiff nipple with a firm suck, all you can give is a pleasure strangled “Unghh”.
But that’s not good enough for your Charlie, not right now. Right now he needs to hear those words tumble from your mouth.
“Say it baby,” he sweeps his lips over to the tit that’s been neglected until now.
All breathy, you manage to form a full sentence. “Charlie, I want you. I want your cock. I need your cock. Please.”
And that’s more than enough for him to grip the base of his dick, line himself up with your already dripping entrance, and thrust all the way in. You have to bite your own clenched fist in order to choke down the scream threatening to escape from your throat. Charlie pulls his lips tight between his teeth in an attempt to do the same. For a moment, the only movement between the both of you is your chests heaving in time as you relish the way he fills you up. Holy shit does he fill you up.
Hot. Heavy. Thick.
Once he feels he’s gained some semblance of composure, Charlie sets his pace, trying to be mindful of those sleeping in the rooms around you.
“Oh fuck,” he grunts and drops onto his forearms, caging you and whispering your name into your neck.
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Please. Don’t. Stop.” you chant, each word punctuated with a snap of his hips, a muffled slap of his skin on yours.
You know this isn’t going to last long. Charlie isn’t going to last long. With the way he flung the door open for you and released all of his words no more than fifteen minutes ago, you know.
Almost as if on cue, he lifts himself back onto his palms and begins to ramble, “Sweet thing, your pussy feels so good. So fucking wet and tight. Shit! I’m gonna cum.”
You grasp his face, now red and sweating from the exertion, and pull yourself up to meet his mouth.
“Yes Charlie. Cum. Cum in me please,” you murmur encouragements against him. He loves when you beg. It sends him head first over the edge of the cliff he was balancing on.
“Unghh fuck!” It’s sort of a hushed shout, although his attempts at quiet are futile with the way his last few thrusts echo and ricochet off every piece of furniture. The sensation of him spilling and pounding into you is enough to electrify every nerve under your skin, bringing your own orgasm forward.
And he knows.
When he feels you squeeze around him, arms legs cunt, he reaches between your bodies to rub delicious circles into your clit.
“Charlie Charlie Charlie,” you sing as your toes curl, your fingertips tingle, your walls flutter, vision behind your pinched eyelids going spotted. Your praises sends another shock down his spine and another spurt deep inside you.
Fully and totally spent, Charlie collapses on top of you. You envelope each other in limbs and sweat and cum and love as you float in the afterglow.
Even with his cock still fully seated inside of you, your breathing begins to even back out as you run your fingers through his sticky hair. Wordlessly, you press a tender kiss to the crown of his head. Charlie answers with a warm kiss to the dip at the base of your neck. You let your eyes drift closed. And you know he does the same. Because you know he’s finally ready to sleep.
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 33
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: i actually enjoyed writing this. but i feel like i forgot something and i cant put my fingers on it.
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : here they are! hope you like them! changed the second one a bit tho
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Chapter 33 : His chapter
March 29th, 2018
Ninteen days. Nineteen long days without her and I was back again in Dublin for a show before I could take a plane to her and spend over two weeks with her. If I wanted to be honest with myself, these past weeks had been horrible. I waited for her calls like a dependent and crazy boyfriend and it made me think that perhaps, it was how she felt when I spent so much time at a bar, back then. I could pretend I was not scared that the feelings she had for Dylan would somehow change and become stronger than the ones she had for me, but deep down, I knew It was a fear of mine. They say 'out of sight, out of mind', right?
I didn't know if I should worry or not because despite the fact that she has loved me for as long as she can remember, I was well aware that feelings change. After all, she hadn't broken up with Dylan for me, she had made that clear and I knew anyway, which meant that going back to him was always an option. I shook my head, a bit lost in my thoughts, as people around me were laughing and preparing the show. I didn't want to go out there and sing, I didn't want to be here. Not if she was somewhere else.
I did everything like a zombie, feeling a bit numb, and finally grabbed my guitar and putting a smile on my face. I jumped slightly when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a blond head, making me smile more.
"You alright?"
I blinked a few times and just nodded before turning around but suddenly, I felt my heart jump in my chest.
"Jules?" i asked loud enough for her to hear me. "Where's Liv's note? I was sure I put it here."
Julia frowned and started looking around before shaking her head. "Are you sure you left it here?"
My heartbeats started accelerating. I knew I had to be on stage in less than two minutes and I had completely forgotten about the note. In fact, my mind had been blank for a few hours. Julia and I both started searching everywhere and I was literally starting to panic. I knew it was not that big of a deal if I missed opening her envelop one time, or even if I walked on stage 10 minutes late, but for some reason, it stressed me so much it made me want to puke.
I don't know how long it took but I saw Julia run back to me, her arm up in the air, holding a pink envelop, zigzagging to dodge people on her way to me. I sighed and felt the stress falter. She got in front of me and I snatched the envelop from her hands before pulling her into a tight hug.
"Thank you!"
She chuckled and pulled away before grabbing my phone and licking her lips. "Okay, open it, I'm filming you."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, feeling suddenly a bit more relaxed. The show could wait and if I wanted to be honest, I was impatient to smell Olivia's perfume from the paper, to see her horrible handwriting and the little hearts she always draw everywhere. It was the boost I needed before going up there to spend two hours singing songs that reminded me of her. I needed it. It became more than an habit, I was fucking addicted.
Quickly, I teared the envelop and let it fall on the floor as the scent of honey and vanilla filled my nose. I glanced up at the camera and noticed how big Julia was smiling. I hadn't told her that Olivia and I were more than friend but she had heard the whole story and somehow, she had pushed me to go back to her. I never followed her advice because I knew Olivia was with Dylan but now that it was a secret, I felt bad for lying to her. I had told her about the letters Olivia gave me but hadn't mentioned that they were filled with dirty stuff and love words, and now that she was filming, it was going to be tough answering whatever Liv had written in that note.
"Hey petal." I said in a soft tone, looking at my phone. "Last letter of yours before I fly back there! Hope you're ready for pubs and movie nights because I fucking am!" I laughed and looked down to read the purple glitter words on the pale pink paper, my face changing more and more as my eyes scanned the letter.
'Niall James Horan, I love you. I want nothing but to be with you right now. And maybe I actually am. If you look carefully, you may see me.'
I frowned and looked up at Julia who chuckled a bit. "Turn the sheet."
I did it quickly and noticed she had written something else. 'Yes, dumbass. I'm here. I took a plane to you. Now go on stage. I'll hold you in my arms as soon as your show is over.'
Julia kept filming and moved closer to me, snatching the letter from my hand and pushing me toward the stage. I tried to resist, my eyes looking around to see where she was and Julia laughed more.
"Go, Niall! You'll see her soon!"
I frowned and turned to her, my eyes getting bigger.
"You knew?" I asked in a shocked tone, making her shrug. "Wait, where is she?"
"Stage!" Julia said with her soft light voice, trying to be firm. "Now!"
I kept looking around but finally walked on stage, starting with the first song. I knew the song by heart and didn't really have to think much. It was good since all my thoughts were taken by my best friend, wondering if she was really here and if yes, when would I be able to take her in my arms. I finished the song and when I turned around, my eyes caught someone on the side of the stage. No one in the crowd could see her but when our eyes met, her lips curled more. She hadn't changed at all. She tilted her head and pressed her lips together and even though I shouldn't have, I literally ran backstage, held my guitar to the first person I saw and wrapped my arms around her neck as she wrapped hers around my chest.
"Fuck, you’re really here." I whispered, leaning my cheek on her head before kissing her hair and holding her tighter.
She chuckled but I felt her shake in my arms as if she was sobbing and she squeezed me harder, rubbing her cheek on my shirt a few times before gripping it in my back. It took her a few minutes but she finally sniffed and tried to get out of my embrace.
"You need to go back." she pointed out in a low tone, but I still heard her voice break.
"Just a few more seconds." I replied, pulling her back in my arms.
It was torture to not be able to kiss her and tell her how much I loved her but I moved my head down, bringing my lips very close to her ear.
"I fucking missed you. I can't believe you're here." I whispered, feeling my bottom lip brush against her ear. "You're the best gift I ever had."
She chuckled and pushed me away gently again, wiping a tear on her cheek and moving her chin in my direction. "Go!"
I hesitated but finally got back on stage to sing a few more songs but when I started Flicker, I couldn't help but glance at Olivia over and over again. The memories of writing this song and of the falling we had at the end of our relationship started flooding me and I suddenly felt myself tear up. I had to stop near the end of the song and just walked off stage again, going back to her. This time, I didn't even take the time to put my guitar away, I just moved it in my back in a swift movement and gripped my best friend again, pulling her against me.
"I want to kiss you." I whispered as she nuzzled my neck, feeling tears fall down my cheeks despite myself.
"Me too, Niall."
"I love you okay?" I added quickly in a low tone, my eyes closed, trying to stop crying. "I love you and that song is so fucking tough to sing."
I heard her swallow hard and she brushed her nose on my neck. "I'm here now. I'm back. And I'm not leaving."
"I'm not leaving either. Never again."
We ended up backstage after the show and all grabbed a beer. Olivia was laughing with Julia a bit afar and I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wasn't even aware that these two actually talked to each other but watching them interact made me feel good for a reason I ignored. Perhaps, the fact that Olivia was ready to get to know more of my friends made this whole thing easier. Back then, she only really hung out with Louis or the people we hung out with before I was famous. She never really showed interest in meeting my other friends or hanging out with people I met as a singer and even if I understood she didn't feel at ease, it still made me sad.
They both turned to me and looked back at each other before laughing together and I suddenly got curious. I got up and walked to them, bending slightly between them and raising my eyebrows.
"You guys are talking about me?"
"Were we?" Julia asked with a frown, a big smile still gracing her lips and a dimple digging in her cheek.
"We were talking about how incredible Julia had been. She was so discreet you didn't see it coming." Olivia replied, turning to me and sending me a smile, too. "I think she's officially my favorite friend of yours, now."
I looked at Liv as she turned to Julia again and they both laughed some more. It was horrible that I couldn't just grab her and kiss her but I still moved my arm around her waist and I could have sworn her smile got bigger.
"Yea, well done." I admitted, shaking my head. "And now I have two free weeks and we can spend it here. What do you say?"
"I only have a few days, Nee, I'm sorry." she admitted, her facial expression turning into a guilty one. "But I can join you in France when you start your tour again? I asked that week to go see my parents."
My eyes roamed on her face and I felt something break inside me. It took me half a second to take a decision.
"I'll just go back to Cali with you." I let out in a low voice, moving a bit closer to her. "Maybe I can go to one of your filming days?"
Her lips curled and she glanced at Julia, making me suddenly remember that we were not alone. I turned to Julia too and saw her try to hide a smile by pressing her lips hard together. She turned around and walked away to go talk to someone else and I turned back to Liv, raising my nose up in a grimace.
"Oops, sorry." I whispered, holding my breath. "You think she knows?"
"If she's not completely stupid yea. I mean, the girl has two functioning eyes and two clearly great ears, if I trust the way she sings. So yea, she knows." Olivia pointed out with a chuckle.
"You're not mad?"
She tilted her head as she stared at me, her amused smile turning quickly into a fond one. I felt my palm burn on her back, over her shirt, and she sighed low.
"Niall, I think it's time you bring me back to your hotel room, what do you say?"
I didn't have a hotel room. In fact, I was ready to leave right after the show to catch my plane but now that plans had changed, I had to think about something, and there was no way I was going back to sleep at my parents'.
"I'll find one."
I quickly grabbed my phone in my pocket and called the hotel I stayed in the night before to reserve a room. I sighed in relief when I found out they weren't all taken and finally hung up and turned back to her.
Her lips curled and she nodded and quickly, we said our goodbyes to everyone. No one insisted that we stayed or followed them to a bar and we just took a cab and left. She didn't kiss me until the hotel room's door closed behind us and I didn't try to force anything, but I couldn't pretend the whole ride was not painful.
Her mouth crashed on mine after she dropped her bags and I finally let mine fall too as she deepened the kiss. I could feel her smile against my lips and chuckled, bringing both my hands to her back and slipped them under her shirt.
"Watching the nudes you send while I jerk off every fooking night isn't enough." I admitted, trailing kisses quickly down her neck. "I want to bring you with me for the rest of the tour, I miss your body too much."
She giggled like a school girl and it made me smile more. "You want me to follow you everywhere so you can use me whenever you need a good fuck?"
"Yes, petal." I admitted in a whisper after letting out a groan. "How much would you like to be my little cum dump? How much do you want me to just grab your hair and fuck your fanny until I cum every fucking time I need it?"
"Mm, someone is in serious need of a good fuck." she pointed out, running her hand on my cock, over my pants. "You're being very nasty."
"You love it, don't even pretend otherwise."
She chuckled against my mouth and quickly worked on my pants. I unbuttoned hers and slipped my hand in her panties, making her head fall back slightly and her eyes flutter.
"You like that, princess?" I asked, brushing my lips on her jaw and neck. "I really need to fuck you hard and fast. You're so wet I'm sure you can cum fast, yeah?"
"Too horny for love making tonight, I see." she whispered with a smile, making me groan again.
"If you want me to make love to you petal, I will." I groaned low. "That shows how much I love you because I'm so fucking horny I don't really want to go slow."
She pulled away slightly and her eyes met mine. She tilted her head and stared at me for a few seconds before licking her lips.
"Fuck me hard and fast, then." she proposed. "We got all night anyway, yea?"
"Pet, if you allow me to fuck you 10 times tonight I fucking will."
She started laughing and I shut her up by pressing my lips against hers and immediately deepening the kiss. I loved the taste of her tongue and when she grabbed mine to suck on it, I slipped a finger inside her and started rubbing my thumb slowly on her clit. She moaned in my mouth and I felt her body tense, making me smile more.
"Apparently, I'm not the only one who needs a proper fuck."
It took us less than a minute to get naked and when I sat on the bed, she quickly straddled me and sat on my cock. I wrapped my arms around her as she let out a low whimper, closing her eyes. I grabbed her hair from behind and pulled on it, making her moan again as I brought my hand between us right after licking my thumb. I pressed it on her clit and she squirmed a bit, making me hold her hair tighter.
"It feels so fucking good to be balls deep inside you, pet."
I ran my tongue on one of her breasts and felt her nipple harden against it. I loved the way her body reacted to every single one of my touches. She squirmed a bit and I groaned as I felt her throb around my cock before grabbed her other breasts hard.
"Missed your tits so much." I slapped it gently and she squirmed again. "You're so fucking horny baby you're dripping on me."
"Please Niall." she let out in a mix of a whisper and a whimper. "Let me ride you."
I stared at how fucked she looked and finally let go of her hair. Her lips pressed against mine half a second later and she started moving over me slowly at first and then harder and faster. I didn't know how long I was going to last and I breathed through my teeth before she bit my bottom lip.
"You always do that when you're really horny don't you?" I asked with a smirk, pulling my upper body back to look at her.
She sent me puppy eyes, her chin moving down as she stared at me through her eyelashes. It made me want to own her even more and be rough with her.
"I do that because I really really want you."
I let my hand run on her back and when I reached her ass, I spanked her hard enough to make her tense. Her movements faltered and she moaned low, cupping my face and kissing me deeply again.
"I'm really really close, Nee." she murmured against my mouth. "I'm about to cum all over your cock."
I already knew that. I could feel her clench hard around my dick and I pulled away slightly again to look in her eyes. There was nothing I loved more than watching her squirm over me as she came.
"Do it. Show me how good of a little slut you are." I pressed my thumb on her clit and she started moving over me again, bouncing on my cock as I rubbed her clit hard.
It took her half a minute to start shaking and I felt her nails dig in one of my shoulders. The sight of her coming undone made me reach my orgasm too and I gripped her waist harder, my fingers sinking in her skin as I spilled inside her. We both were panting messes as we came down from our highs and she leaned her forehead on my shoulder, letting out a few satisfied whimpers.
"You're mine, yeah?"
"What part of me do you want?" she asked low, running her mouth on my neck and making me smile.
"Your heart, petal." I whispered, turning my head her way, searching for her lips. "You know it,"
"Mm, you're so full of shit." she whispered with a chuckle.
I grabbed her waist and threw her on the bed as she let out a high pitched scream and I quickly moved on top of her, holding myself with my arms on each side of her head.
"I ain't lying." I pointed out, raising my eyebrows as I looked at her.
"I thought you wanted my ass." she let out, half-joking with a smile.
I stared at her for a few seconds, my smile falling slowly and breathed in before sighing.
"I already have that." I explained. "I'm just hoping you can give me your heart at some point, too."
I felt her hand reach for my face and her fingers slipped in my hair. I didn't know how long we stared at each other but after a while, her lips parted.
"My heart has been yours since I was 6 years old, Niall James Horan."
For some reason, her words made a shiver cross my back and I quivered slightly over her. I glanced at her lips and slowly, I moved down and kissed her. I didn't know what I could answer to that so I just remained silent. She moved her knees up, trapping my body between them, and I knew we both felt safe in our happy bubble. It was my favorite place : with her.
"You think everyone knows we left to go fuck?" she asked, making me chuckle.
"I mean, they think we're just friends right?"
Olivia grimaced and I laughed more at how cute it was to see her button nose move up childishly.
"No one ever really thought we were friends, I mean, even your parents made a bet."
It was my turn to grimace. "Please, don't remind me."
"I'm glad I messaged Julia. I was a bit jealous of her before I started talking to her. I mean she spends all her time with you and I know you two are close."
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't think she could feel threatened by Julia.
"Says the girl who literally gets rides from her ex fiance after acting as his girlfriend all day!"
"Touché." she laughed. "But there's really nothing between Dylan and I anymore."
My eyes roamed on her face and I sighed. "I love you, Liv, but we both know that's not true." i just said, making her frown slightly. "Of course you still have feelings for him. I wouldn't expect you to just forget about it after a few weeks. And he probably loves you too. And I would lie if I said it doesn't stress me from time to time, especially late at night when I'm waiting for your call."
I thought about the song I had started writing which was once again, about her. It was once again about how much I loved her, but it was also about how painful it was not to know what we were and how she felt. It was about how easily she could hurt me and that if it was the only thing she was able to give me, that I wanted it anyway. It was about how I was all hers and that I was not sure she really was mine. I didn't want to sing it to her, because I didn't want her to feel guilty about the feelings inside me, but I had to write about it, if only to evacuate the pain from my body and mind. She didn't even know how hurt I was sometimes, it didn't even cross her mind, I knew it.
She sent me a fond smile and my heart melted again. I could have moved to lie down next to her but I didn't want to. I wanted our bodies pressed together. They had been away from each other for so long and it was insane how much my skin missed her skin.
"Nothing to worry about. I always think about you."
I smiled. "Nothing to worry about when it comes to Julia either. Or any other woman. Or men. Anyone. My mind, heart and soul are with you 24/7."
"And your body?" she asked with an amused smile.
"Right now it's with you, too. So you've got all of me."
We remained silent for a while, just looking at each other. I focused on the way her body felt beneath mine, and on how well it fitted with mine, like two pieces of a puzzle, and even if I knew it was cheesy, I knew we formed a complete puzzle, me and her. The more time I spent with her, the more I had hope that we would be together again. Officially and forever.
"What are we gonna do tomorrow?" she asked in a low voice.
"Go back to Mullingar and fuck. Pretend we're not famous. Meet with old friends. Go to a pub and fuck. Go see my mom. Fuck. Get a hotel room and fuck again."
She laughed, moving her chin up and closing her eyes, and it made me smile.
"Alright, but just to make sure, are we gonna fuck?" she asked jokingly, making me smirk.
She laughed again and I shut her up by pressing my lips against hers. I didn't want to think about being away from her again. I didn't want this distance thing to become something normal between us. There was no way I could ever get used to being far away from her for weeks. I also knew it was meant to happen again and it made something stir in my stomach but I tried to push the thought away.
"Good plan?" I asked, my lips brushing against hers as I talked before she nodded. "Perfect, Now let's fuck again."
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starshapedkookie · 5 years
“i’d rather be dead.”
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PAIRING: jungkook x female reader
GENRE: smut, angst, jungkook is a fratboy but it’s not a frat au
WARNINGS: unprotected sex! protected sex! oral! (f. recieving) fingering! pretty vanilla sex tbh. swearing! smoking! cheating! (pls guys don’t cheat i know jungkook seems like a bad guy but he’s really not, he’s a sweetie) 
SUMMARY: Your relationship with Jeon Jungkook was complicated, if you could even call it a relationship. Despite your obvious feelings for one another, a major obstacle stands in the way. As selfish as you both of you might be, there’s nothing that could keep you away from each other and Jungkook himself begins to question what’s right and wrong. 
[12:42 AM] you up?
Your eyes have been scanning the text message now for at least five minutes—maybe even ten. You nearly roll your eyes. After all this time you think that he would pick up another expression that was less typical.
[12:48 AM] yup
You answer him shamelessly. You hate to admit it, but you’ve been waiting for this—for him—to contact you all night. It’s become somewhat of a regular occurrence now.
[12:50 AM] let’s go for a drive
Your eyebrows furrow at your phone. You bite your lip hesitantly before responding.
[12:51 AM] alright, pick me up in 10
You hop out of your bed to straighten yourself together. You throw on a fresh pair of underwear, leggings, and a spritz of your favorite vanilla scented perfume. Thankfully, your classes the day before didn’t wear you down too bad so your makeup free face looks decent. You leave your room quietly, not wanting to wake your roommate at this hour. As a pre-med major, she valued sleep a lot more than you did. Just a few minutes later, your phone dings.
[1:02 AM] i’m here punkin
You want to outwardly gag at his pet name for you. He only uses it when he wants something, but as usual, you’re willing to give him anything he wants—nickname or not.
You leave your apartment complex and find his black SUV parked on the opposite street. You quickly check the roads before running across and opening his passenger door. It’s a little too chilly to be parading around town this late at night, but both of you knew that it was worth it.
“Hey,” you greet him as you buckle up. Your eyes glance over to him. His own eyes are set right on you.
“Hey,” he half smiles, a playfulness to his tone. His eyes linger on your face for a few seconds before he turns his attention back to driving, pulling away from the curb. Fuck, you think to yourself, why is Jeon Jungkook so fucking hot.
“This is new,” your tone is distinct. Jungkook had never taken you out for a drive this late. It didn’t bother you at all, but it was quite strange as he was a creature of habit—a trait you’ve picked up on over the course of knowing him.
Jungkook lets out an exasperated laugh, “What? You don’t like it?” He glances at the side of your face. He notices the bags under your eyes but doesn’t say anything.
“I never said that,” you retort, “It’s just… normally we’re at each other’s apartments, not out driving at one AM,” you find it in you to stare at him now. Like you, he looks tired, exhausted, drained—all the synonyms you could think of. His face looked drier than usual and even in the dark, you could see the faintness of blue underneath his eyes.
“I’d figure this would be a nice change in scenery,” he shrugs and there’s a smile hidden on his lips, though it doesn’t fully show through.
You let out a quiet chuckle and then the car goes silent. You spare him another glance and his eyes meet yours for a split second before turning back to the road. Your foot bounces anxiously on the floorboard and it feels like something is wrong with him. Should you ask him? Is that overstepping your boundaries? Fuck it.
“You okay?” You ask him. Jungkook doesn’t seem to expect your question the way his eyebrows furrow quickly. His mouth presses into a firm line before nodding his head.
“Yeah, uh,” he pauses, “Just a rough day of classes is all,” he mutters, scratching his head aimlessly.
For some reason, you don’t believe him—but you drop it.
“How was your day?” He asks you and a small giddy sensation erupts in your tummy—you loved when he asked about the little things in your life—despite your situation together, it was always nice. Nice because well, it made it seem like he somewhat cared about you.
“Slow, boring, what’s new,” you sigh, rubbing your hands along your thighs nervously. He made you nervous. You had no reason to be nervous around him—yet, you absolutely did, you just tried not to think about it. You had no business being here with him at this hour, but here you were.
When Jungkook doesn’t respond again, you know for sure something is up.
“Where are we going?” The question slips from your mouth, a little attitude coming out with it. You hated when people say they’re okay when clearly they’re not. You had no reason to care about him this much but you did and it made your fists clench in your lap.
He shrugs, “Where do you wanna go?” His brown eyes look at you once more. Without a warning, he rests his right hand down by your knee, giving you a small squeeze. You inhaled deeply before swallowing your dry mouth.
“Pull over,” you tell him, “Up in there,” you point up ahead of you, into an empty parking lot.
“You’re really making me pull into the campus library lot?” Jungkook halfway groans and when you give him a glare he holds his hands up, “Kidding! I’m kidding,” he laughs deep from his chest.
You watch the way his hands turn the wheel in the lot, the veins sticking out from underneath his hoodie that’s pushed up on his arms. The sight makes you squirm in your seat. Your foot stays nervously bouncing as he puts his car in park, keeping the engine on for some warmth due to the chilly weather outside. You fiddle with your hands aimlessly. You don’t think he’s ever been this quiet—and that’s saying a lot since he’s one of the quietest people you know.
You can hear his breathing—it’s heavy and ragged. You look over at him and his eyes are closed, his hands still gripping the steering wheel tightly. You unbuckle yourself and turn your body towards him hesitantly.
“Kook, are you sure you’re okay?” You ask him once again, “You’re kind of worrying me…” you trial off your words, unsure else of what to say. He opens his eyes, looking straight ahead before he aims his attention towards you.
“Fuck,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair harshly, tugging at the roots. He closes his eyes briefly again, exhaling a sigh before looking back at you, “I-I’m sorry, it’s just—“
He stops himself from finishing his sentence.
You reach over and grab one of his hands, squeezing it tightly, “It’s okay, what’s wrong?”
He looks down at your hand overtop of his, “It’s just… it’s getting harder on me each day,” he tells you honestly and you immediately know what he’s talking about. Or in fact—who he’s talking about. “It’s so hard for me to keep lying to her,” he exhales, biting his bottom lip nervously.
Every time the topic of her came up, you wanted to vomit. Not because you didn’t like her, but because you felt like an absolute bitch—and you were being an absolute bitch—but Jungkook was also an adult who could make his own decisions.
“Then stop lying to her,” your words are severe, unfriendly even. “You’re being selfish Jungkook.”
He lets out a sarcastic laugh, “And you’re not?”
Your face falls at his words and he immediately regrets saying them.
“Shit, I didn’t mean it like that,” he grabs your hand tighter before you can pull it away. “Y/N I’m sorry okay.”
“Jungkook, you can’t keep doing this to yourself,” you think you’re telling him words of wisdom but in truth—he was right. You were selfish. You wanted to have him. You wanted to call him yours. You knew it was wrong but you couldn’t stop yourself even if you wanted to. But you knew that he needed to get his shit together or more than one person might get hurt.
“I know,” he says, “It just stresses me out, we’ve been together so long… I don’t know what to tell her,” he shakes his head in frustration.
“I’m not going to sit here and tell you how you should break up with her if that’s what you think Jungkook,” you meant it too.
“I’m not asking you to,” he says, “I just don’t want to hurt her.”
You swallow deeply, “Jungkook you have to be honest and tell her exactly what you feel. She may get hurt, you may feel hurt, but we both know this isn’t good for you.” Or you.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this shit,” he breathes heavily, “It’s not fair to either of you.”
You don’t say, you tell yourself. It was like going in circles with him. One second he tells you he wants to be with you and then another he isn’t sure what he wants. You remain silent, your eye contact not breaking away from each other. You purse your lips inward, letting out a deep breath. You instinctively grab for his hand again to which he gives it to you willingly. His face studies your own, his brown eyes fleeting with a devilish innocence. Devilish innocence—oxymoron for sure—but that was Jungkook.
“Do you want me to take you back home?” His voice erupts the silence. Your eyebrows scrunch at him, not expecting him to say that.
“Home?” You mutter. Jungkook’s face relaxes and you bite your lip, “You… don’t want to…?” Your words are hesitant, unsure if you’re actually even talking to him. He raises an eyebrow at you, a small smirk spreading over his lips.
“What? Fuck?” He replies quickly, licking his lips in the process. “Of course I’d love to fuck you Y/N, although a car isn’t really my favorite setting for that.”
“I—“ you stop yourself from talking before you give him a mischievous look. “I mean I’d hate to have you drop me off with that problem in your pants,” you bat your eyelashes at him almost desperately. He visibly swallows and he shifts his body in the seat uncomfortably.
He rolls his tongue on the inside of his mouth before chuckling, “All you gotta do is ask punkin.”
You’re too far away from him for your liking so you take it upon you to shift your weight towards him, leaning on your elbow on the middle console. Jungkook follows your lead, his face now just mere inches from your own. His eyes bore into yours and you can smell hints of his cologne he probably put on early in the morning.
“You know I hate that nickname,” you pudge your bottom lip out in a pout. Jungkook captures your pout with his own lips for split second.
A laugh rumbles from his chest, “Well it’s not going anywhere, punkin,” he emphasizes it once more before he kisses you again. Your lips mold with his easily, having kissed him numerous times now. You feel your body heating up quickly, in between your thighs already aching for some contact. Jungkook deepens the kiss, holding your neck in place, your own hands fumbling to hold a side of his sculpted face, tugging his hair at the base of his neck. You let out a small whine when he breaks the kiss, his lips trailing down the side of your face onto your neck, just behind your ear. He takes his time, his lips gentle, his teeth nipping at the skin to elicit responses from you.
“J-Jungkook,” you breathe out.
“Hm?” He mumbles, his eyes taking a short glance at your face.
“Touch me,” you command, your voice breaking off at the end. He meets your lips again with his own, his own pants becoming too restricted himself. Both of you are hungry, aching for each other where you need each other the most.
“Where?” He asks, his forehead resting against yours, your mouth chasing his back. He pulls away and you groan. He’s in one of those moods—to tease the shit out of you.
“Jungkooook,” you whine, gripping his sweatshirt with a full fist.
“Punkin, you’re needy tonight huh,” he smirks, pecking your lips again, his left hand trailing from your neck down to your waist to pull you closer despite the console that separates the two of you.
“Shut up,” you mumble, “Says the one who texted me at one AM wanting to fuck,” you cock your head to the side and he follows, chucking again.
“You know I would take your pussy everyday if I could, punkin,” he responds and you’re starting to get impatient. With a deep breath, you grab his hand and put it right where you need some friction. He lets you press it fully against you and you sigh, immediately feeling some relief through your leggings—though you know it won’t be enough in a few minutes.
Jungkook closes the gap again, your lips attacking each others in a frenzy. His hand palms you carefully through the material and you press your hips outward to feel more of him and he groans in the back of his throat, feeling how wet you’re already getting for him.
“Spread your thighs a little more,” he says and you do as you’re told in the seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable but that is the last thing on your mind at the moment. Unexpected to you, his hand moves to the inside of your pants, his fingers now brushing against your bare pussy. 
 “God,” he groans, able to feel all of your wetness now, “I bet you could take me right now huh?” He muses, his fingers sliding up and down your open folds. His thumbs moves to find your clit, rubbing the area with some tough friction—a whimper coming from within you. He knew your body and exactly how to work it, which is one reason why you couldn’t step away from him. It was just another reason to be infatuated with him.
You bite down on your lip when his middle finger dips into you down to the knuckle, “Fuck, Jungkook—“ your are cut off when he puts in another digit, the stretch feeling familiar and all too good. You grab his wrist to keep his fingers deep inside of you. He watches as your face contorts as he begins to move them in and out of you slowly, a small moan leaving your lips which causes his pants to twitch. He buries into your neck again, kissing the soft skin, biting and sucking the area a little harder this time. His thumb continues to work at your sensitive clit as his fingers press in and out of your tight walls and your mind is starting to become fuzzy, overloaded with thoughts of him. Between his small kisses against your neck, his deep breathing, your deep breathing—it’s all becoming too much. A familiar tightening rips through your lower belly and you gasp as he hits the g-spot deep within you, his thumb rubbing relentlessly.
Your head falls against his, your chest heaving up and down, “Jungkook I’m g-gonna come,” you manage to let out in a strangled breath, his fingers doing enough to send you over the edge.
“C’mon Y/N,” he groans into your shoulder, “Come on my hand, wanna feel you dripping all over me,” he says looking up at you again. You close the distance quickly, your hand pulling him impossibly closer to you. Your tongue dips into his mouth trying to conceal the ministrations from your lips.
“Ah—shit—“ your orgasm hits you suddenly, thee built up tension bursting all at once. It’s a strangled whine that comes from you, your forehead falling forward to his chest, your whole body shaking, your vagina tightening as he lets you ride out the high on his fingers.
He pulls them out of you slowly, the stickiness covering his entire hand. Once his hand comes out of your pants, you grab it as you feel yourself recovering quickly. Without a warning, you take his fingers into your mouth, sucking long and slow on the digits, tasting yourself on his slender hand. Jungkook marvels at you, his lips parted at the sight. He bites his lip hard, his hand instinctively going down to palm him through his pants. He’s hard—so fucking hard—and he needs to fuck you as soon as possible.
“Fuck, m’here,” he chokes out grabbing your body to pull it over the middle console. Jungkook was strong and he made sure people knew that. You let go of his fingers to aid him in helping your body climb over to his lap. You perch on top of him, grabbing his face to kiss him, grinding down on his dick that’s up in his pants. The contact feels good. You’re still sensitive but it feels so good.
“Fuck,” he hisses, “Take these off,” he pulls at your leggings and underwear and you do as he says, trying your best despite the crammed space. You manage to get one leg of your pants off which is good enough for you and him. Your hand finds its way into his pants, feeling his thick and hard cock through his underwear against your hand. He places a sloppy kiss on your jawline, his breath uneven and shaky as you start to pump him along his length. He nips and licks, his hands finding your breasts in the process. God, did Jungkook love boobs—specifically your boobs. He squeezes them as he watches the way you give him a hand job between your bodies.
“I wanna feel you around my cock punkin,” he mumbles biting your bottom lip and he groans when you give him a rough tug on his dick. “Right n-now.”
“Whose the needy one now?” You remove your hand from his pants but he grabs your wrist, his eyes reading you with a sadness.
“Fuck please Y/N,” he moans as you grind down on his thighs once again, “Fuck yourself on my cock, you always look so pretty doing that,” his hands grip your waist tightly, holding you in place over his dick.
You whine at his preposition licking your lips, your wetness staining his grey pants the more your sit on nothing.
“You wanna do that?” He asks you innocently and you nod quickly.
“Yes, y-yes please, fuck—let me fuck you Jungkook,” you’re begging him and he gives you a soft smirk.
“Sit up,” he demands and you do, watching him as his hands pull down his sweatpants and underwear, his pretty dick popping out, finally free. Your mouth waters at the sight—he’s thick and veiny and he always fills you up oh so good. He’s so hard and pink, pre cum dripping out of his tip. “Take your shirt off,” he adds and you follow so, throwing it to the back of his car.
Jungkook is pumping his dick slowly and torturously, fumbling around to find a condom. You find one before him and grab it, opening it carefully, his eyes on you the whole time. You roll the condom down on his length and he sucks in a breath at the touch. You grab at his jaw once you are done, pecking him on the lips lightly.
“Let me sit on you Jungkook, please,” you breathe out and he nods feverishly, grabbing hold of his dick, sliding it up and down your wet pussy to coat himself better. Your jaw drops at the sensation, your hands falling down to grip onto his bony shoulders. He finds your entrance, his tip begging to be swallowed by you but he hesitates, only pumping the tip in and out of you slowly.
“Oh god,” you breathe, “Fucking hell Jungkook, hurry up,” you groan at the feeling, his cock twitching in excitement.
He finally begins to push inside of you—slowly but surely—his chest tightening up, a low moan escaping his mouth. He watches himself disappear inside of your dripping pussy, the warmth encasing him all at once. You let out a whimper of joy—relief even—as he continues to push up inside of you, his hands gripping your waist so tight you think he might leave marks.
He stops pushing to let you finish doing the job, your hips sinking down on him fully, bottoming out all the way inside of you.
“Fuck Y/N,” he heaves heavily, watching how there’s no space left between either of you. Both of your jaws fly open when you adjust yourself to be more comfortable against his thighs. He’s so thick and big and he’s perfect for your insides. Sometimes you think you can feel him in your guts, rearranging them over and over again.
You don’t realize it until he says something, but you’re clenching around him tightly and then unclenching in small bursts.
“Shit, punkin, stop doing that—I-I don’t wanna come yet,” his words are ragged and breathy. He’s about to fucking lose it against you.
“Nmh,” you mumble, “I-I can’t h-help it, K-Kook, you’re so big and h-hard,” your whines are strained and Jungkook throws his head back against the headrest, closing his eyes, trying to contain himself.
“Fucking hell, ride me punkin. Move that pretty pussy,” he bites his lip hard and you begin to lift your hips slowly, backing off his length. Your head falls forward and you watch yourself leave his cock and you settle back down slowly, a faint noise coming out of your lips. You start to find a steady pace against his rock hard length and Jungkook watches you with hooded eyes, droopy and heavy, his mouth drying out as he can’t find it in him to close it. As the moments go on, he spreads his legs out even further to allow you the most surface area as possible and you’re starting to pick up the pace, starting to get greedy for more.
“God you take my cock so fucking well,” he seethes through his teeth, his hands fumbling around your breasts, your stomach, your waist, your neck—everywhere he could touch.
“So well Kookie,” the nickname escapes from your mouth and Jungkook smiles, knowing you only say it when you’re feeling really good. “All for you,” you grind up and down on him, your clit brushing against his pubic hair, bubbling the nerve endings enticingly.
As you go faster, you’re not getting all of him in you so you slow down once again to fill you right back up to the brim. Your hands are clammy against his shoulders and you feel another orgasm approaching quicker than you would like.
“Kookie, I—can’t,” your tone breaks and he nods, understanding you completely before he grabs your hips tightly, beginning to thrust up into you matching your pace. You wish badly his sweatshirt was off, wanting nothing more to feel your chest against his but the way he fucks himself into you, it’s alright if it’s on. His mouth attaches to one of your nipples, sucking and kissing at the sensitive bud, heightening your incoming orgasm.
He begins to fuck up into you faster, signaling he’s just as close as you are. Your arms have given out and you lay against his chest, entangling your fingers into his dark locks. You don’t even think you’re in reality anymore when the wave of your second orgasm hits you. It’s stronger than the first one, your legs and core absolutely shaking. Your pussy clenching and unclenching around him once more is his breaking point.
“Ah—fuck! Jungkook!” Your voice comes out as a halfway scream, pleasure overwhelming all of your senses.
“C’mon, that’s it, that’s it,” he fumbles to speak coherent thoughts, his eyes closing in pure pleasure as he feels himself start to unravel. He rams himself up as far as he possibly can and then he’s a goner—his own orgasm hitting him at once. “Fuck—fuck, fuck!”
His name leaves your lips in a repeated melody and he shuts you up with a kiss which takes you by surprise. He kisses you hard and rough as he fucks out his high with a few more strokes into you, both of you holding each other as close as possible. You’re the one to pull away from him, your foreheads sticking together from sweat. You let your face fall into the crook of his neck, his own nuzzling in your shoulder, kissing the skin gently. Coming down from a high was always nice but it was the worst part at the same time—it meant your time with him was over. And you hated that.
The windows are foggy and the air is suffocating. You pull away from his chest, slipping his dick out from inside of you. His eyes are closed and you aren’t even sure he noticed what he had done. Kissing while orgasming was not something either of you did—it felt too intimate for your situation. Both of you had done it when your relationship first started but you had to put a stop to it—like you said, it was too intimate.
You crawl off of his lap back into the passenger seat, pulling your pants back up. Jungkook awakens from his daze, glancing at you before he himself takes the condom off and tugs his pants up. You find your shirt behind you and slip it on quickly, the car falling into a silence.
“Y-you ready?” Jungkook says, his voice somewhat trembling. Maybe he does know what he did? You glance at him with a small smile.
“Yeah, I’m tired,” you tell him and he nods, grabbing your hand to intertwine your fingers.
The ride back to your apartment felt long, it felt hot, it felt—suffocating. And despite knowing exactly what Jungkook did and how awful you should feel but once again—you don’t.
The next time you see Jungkook is four days later on a Tuesday. You’re in one of the campus cafes with your roommate Mina when you see him walk in with her hanging off of his arm. They’re smiling and laughing and it fucking hurts. Mina notices the way you’re glaring at them. She snaps in your face.
“Hey! Dipshit! Stop staring,” Mina scolds you in a whisper.
“What?” You break off your glare, “Huh? I wasn’t staring.”
She gives you her own glare, “If you aren’t staring then what are you doing?”
“Observing,” you answer simply, taking a huge gulp of your iced latte.
“You’re burning holes into his chest, don’t look so obvious,” she scolds you again. “Do you want to look suspicious and get caught?”
“I’d rather be dead,” you say impassively.
“Well, then stop fucking staring,” she seethes with somewhat of an annoyance.
You somewhat pout, “I can’t help it Mina.”
“You know exactly what I’m going to say.”
You bite your lip nervously, looking away from her. Mina loved you having been your best friend of many years and she wanted to see you happy. But the situation with Jungkook, she was torn. She saw how happy Jungkook made you, but she inwardly wished you hadn’t pursued him until he was relationship free. Being a home-wrecker wasn’t something Mina wanted you to be. She knew you were better than that.
“Y/N you know this isn’t healthy for you,” she says, taking her own glances at Jungkook and his partner.
“He’s a grown adult,” you tell her, “He can make his own decisions.”
“Yeah, well,” she keeps her voice down, “When is he going to actually leave her? He’s been telling you that for two months you know.”
You purse your lips, “He said he doesn’t want to hurt her.”
“He’s hurting both of you playing each of you like a little toy,” she mutters in a venomous tone.
You bite your lip again—she’s right. More than right. She was always the more logical one out of the two of you.
“If he doesn’t grow some balls and actually fix the mess he’s made, you need to tell him to fuck off instead of fucking him every chance you get.”
You feel your face heating up in what feels to be anger at Mina’s words. However, the more you sit there, watching Jungkook and his girl talking as if you don’t exist—it’s not anger—it’s sadness.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve seen or spoken to Jungkook. It’s the longest you’ve gone without seeing him—and his dick—since you first met him a few months ago. It’s weird to say the least. You had not realized how much you actually thought about him daily once he stopped contacting you for whatever reason. You stared aimlessly at your phone each night, waiting for his typical ‘you up?’ text message. It never came. Neither have you. It’s partially why you’ve dragged yourself out to a frat party on a Saturday in October. If Jungkook wasn’t going to satisfy you—someone had to. Mina agreed to come with you, however you haven’t seen her since you both walked into the door.
You’re currently seated at the makeshift bar, a little too close to a hunky guy named Park Jimin. You’ve known Jimin for awhile now, having met him two years ago at one of these parties. Turns out—he’s your major too which aided in having someone to sit beside of in class when you were desperate.
“How you’ve been? I haven’t seen you out in awhile,” he takes notice of how your breasts perk up in your skimpy dress, but he doesn’t stare—Park’s a gentlemen.
“Yeah,” you say, swirling a finger around in your drink, “Just been busy, you know,” you shrug.
“I get it,” he responds, taking a swig of his beer. “I thought maybe you had snatched yourself up a boyfriend there for awhile,” he chuckles, his silver earrings swaying as he turns is head fully towards you.
You scrunch your face up, “No,” you laugh, “What made you think that of all things?”
“You’re beautiful Y/N, anyone would be lucky to snatch you up,” he says and you think he’s bluffing to get into your panties, but with his genuine smile, you know he means it.
“Park Jimin how you make a girl swoon,” you take a huge gulp of your vodka tonic, your palms sweaty. Inside—you feel bad. You feel fucking bad for talking to Jimin. You’re not dating Jeon Jungkook yet he’s clouding your mind as if you’re the one cheating on him. The fucking irony.
“You wanna go dance?” He asks you, resting a hand on your thigh. You glance at the hand and you suddenly feel a little less vulnerable and comfortable.
“Sure,” you smile, “Lemme finish this,” you say before tipping the liquid back into your throat quickly, chasing the bitter taste of vodka down in a frenzy. All you needed was some liquid courage in your veins and you would loosen up and hopefully—stop thinking about Jungkook.
Jimin extends a hand for you and you take it, squeezing it tightly as he drags through the bodies and bodies of people pressed up together. You get whiffs of cigarettes, weed, Juuls and more as you pass through everyone, not daring to let go of Jimin’s hand.
Both of you finally make it to the dance floor and he turns your body to be flush against him, your back pressing to his chest. His hands hold your waist tightly while your own hands cover over them. The upbeat R&B song has both of you swaying in sync. Lucky for you, Jimin was a dancer for many years so he knows his way around his body and how it moves. The thought turns you on. The song has everyone, including the both of you, screaming the lyrics out-loud. You feel yourself being less uptight and you grind your ass back into Jimin a little harder to test the waters with him. He obviously enjoys it as he presses his thigh in between your legs. The friction catches your breath and you bite your lip as you look back to him with a small smile. His breath fans across your lips and he licks his lips before slowly, pressing them against your own. His lips are soft, plump, luscious. A stark contrast to Jungkook—you remove your lips from Jimin quickly, your chest tightening.
“You okay?” Jimin asks in your ear over the music with concern.
You look at him with wide eyes wanting to slap yourself silly. “Yeah, s-sorry,” you shake your head leaning back into his chest once again. Jimin wants to kiss you again but he doesn’t yet, unsure of why you pulled away. Jimin nuzzles into your neck as both of you continue to dance along to the beat. Jimin’s arms snake around your waist protectively wanting to make you comfortable.
You obviously had not had enough to drink since Jungkook is still on your mind and is still—right there. You freeze when your eyes meet the familiar doe eyes in the corner of the room, a red solo cup in hand, by himself.
Little to your knowledge, Jungkook had been watching you as soon as he spotted you come in with Park. He refuses to break eye contact with you. He’s drunk and alone and he has to see his girl grinding up on one of his older frat brothers? What a fucking great night, he thinks. He downs the rest of his drink and throws the cup away before leaving the room. He needed some goddamn air.
Your eyes watch as Jungkook’s back turns the corner and leaves the room. You feel sick and you’re sweating much more profusely now. Fuck, you think. Why was Jungkook alone? He’s always with her at these things?
As much as you want to stay with Jimin—you hadn’t spoken to Jungkook in two weeks and it was slowly killing you. You couldn’t waste this opportunity. It might be your only one at this point if he wasn’t going to contact you anymore.
“Jimin, where’s the restroom?” You turn around quickly to meet his gaze.
“Um, down the hall at the very back on the right,” he says, “I’ll come with you?”
You shake your head, “No it’s fine. Thank you though,” you give him a reassuring smile before turning on your heels to walk away from him. God, you were such a shitty person.
You scan each room quickly as you pass them one by one, not seeing the familiar black mop of hair anywhere. Your heart is racing and you nearly trip over your heels and people every other step. You curse to yourself when you get to the back near the bathroom and haven’t spotted him but you realize a door that’s open, leading to the outside backyard.
You quickly rush outside, seeing plenty of people that aren’t Jungkook. That is, until you look all the way to your left, spotting a heavy head of black hair, a toned back facing you. You relax in your shoes and wipe your palms on your dress nervously. Fuck. You had no plan. What the hell were you going to say? Were you going to be a bitch about him not talking to you? Were you going to be nice?
You make your way over to his sitting frame on the steps. You stop right behind him for a brief moment before sitting down beside him. Jungkook slightly jumps and when he sees who it is, he turns his head away in annoyance. You notice he’s smoking some type of e-cigarette. He takes deep inhales of the vapor, holding it in a few moments before blowing it away in front of him.
“Kook?” You ask him hesitantly. His head turns to you slowly, his brown eyes meeting yours. He doesn’t say anything. He does however offer his vape. You grab it, inhaling a short amount before handing it back to him.
He chuckles before licking his lips, “I didn’t think you’d ever go for Park punkin,” as soon as he speaks you know he’s drunk, a little too drunk.
You ignore his comment with an eye roll. “What are you doing out here? By yourself?” You ask.
He gives you a small smile, “I’m getting fresh air,” he says with an obvious tone.
“By inhaling nicotine?” You raise an eyebrow at him, “Sounds about right.”
He doesn’t say anything else as he continues to puff on the vapor. He still didn’t answer your question.
“Is she here?”
Jungkook physically tenses up before clearing his throat. “Nope.”
Your furrow your eyebrows, “Oh…”
“I broke up with her.”
There it is. He lets it out there. His voice is monotoned, stable. He’s looking straight ahead. He’s fidgeting with his nails too.
“Oh,” you repeat, unsure of what to say. Jungkook looks at you from the corner of his eyes before turning his full attention on you.
“It fucking sucks,” he says. He’s much calmer now, almost somber. His eyes are sad. You want to look away from him but you can’t. “But you know what’s just as bad?”
“W-what?” Your tone is shaky.
“Seeing the one person who can understand me right now all over one of my brothers, grinding her ass into his dick in front of everyone.”
Your mouth parts open and your jaw clenches soon after. You narrowed your eyes at him, feeling slightly angry at his comment.
“Jungkook don’t even start this shit on me,” you tell him with ferocity. “You haven’t spoken to me in weeks.”
Jungkook wants to come back with a smartass comment but he refrains. He may be drunk and annoyed, but he doesn’t need you mad at him. If anything, you are exactly what he needs right now.
He shakes his head to himself, “Fuck Y/N I’m sorry,” his eyes are searching yours deeply, “It’s just… these past couple weeks have been hard and confusing, I feel kind of lost, I—I’m s-sorry okay?”
He sounds overwhelmed. Like he’s in need of twelve hours sleep. His eyes are tired yet they still hold the stars that you so adore. You place a hand on his face.
“You could have called me Jungkook, you know I’m here for you,” your words are honest. He keens into your touch before letting out a deep breath.
“I-I know,” he pauses, “But I thought just being by myself would clear my head a bit more, you know?”
You nod slowly even though you don’t fully understand. He takes your hand away from his face and holds onto it tightly.
“I’m still confused if I’m being honest,” he almost laughs. “I just need some time…”
You chew on your bottom lip, “Take as long as you need Kook,” you say. You mean it. You should have known this would be harder on him than you imagined. You wouldn’t know—you have never been in a relationship as long as he has. Well had. You should feel elated, but seeing him so down makes you feel that way too.
“You’re too good for me punkin,” he looks down at your intertwined hands. No, you think, you’re too good for me. You scoot closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder. It’s too cold to be sitting out here but his body heat is enough for you at the moment. He leans his head on yours before kissing your head.
You glance up at him and without thinking, you press your lips on his. He captures them gladly, missing the feeling of yours on his own. He deepens the kiss which elicits a small moan from you. Your hand pulls on his hair, tugging him closer to you. His tongue dips in your mouth and the growing need to have him increases to 100.
“Come on,” he says, his voice deep and low. You follow him as he pulls you up from the stairs, leading you back into the house. You almost feel embarrassed when he pulls you into the bathroom you were supposed to be going to but all the shame goes away once he locks the door and presses you against the door.
Your lips meet each other in a hurry, the rush of everything hitting all at once. His hands roam your sides all the way down to your ass, giving it a good squeeze. He picks you up and sets you on the counter, your legs spreading naturally for him to stand.
“Kook,” you say as he trails his lips down your neck, to the center of your chest, “Are you sure?”
He looks up at you, pecking your neck gently, “I’ve never wanted anyone more than you punkin,” he’s being honest. Your face heats up at his comment and you nod eagerly watching him as he trails his nose down over your clothed stomach, inching closer and closer to your center. You’re aching for his touch and he can sense it by the way your jump when his fingers drag along your thighs.
He shoves your dress up to your belly button, leaving his face in front of your lace thong. He shoves his nose into your center, taking in your scent. His mouth waters and you drip at the sight. He licks you through the thin material once, twice. He can’t wait any longer as he pulls them down to your ankles quickly.
“Jungkook,” you whine pushing your hips off the sink to meet his mouth. His firms hands push you back down on the cold counter and he lets out a small laugh.
“Patience punkin,” he smirks before agonizingly presses a kiss onto your open pussy. Your whole body shutters as he begins to eat you out slowly but surely. He takes long languid licks from your bottom to the top, pressuring your clit more than anything else. Your hands fly to his hair to shove him further into you, your jaw dropping as he licks and sucks and kisses as if he’s drinking water after being in a drought.
“I love the way your pussy tastes,” his mouth vibrates against you and your head throws back, hitting the mirror in the process. He starts to dip his tongue deep into you and you feel like screaming and you almost do.
“Fuck! K-Kookie, oh my god” you whine as your hips want to naturally buck up into him but his firm grips stops you. You watch him with hooded eyelids as he moans and groans into your sloppy wetness. He inserts a finger to your surprise, then a second as he continues to work on your clit trying to rile an orgasm from you.
Your bundle of nerves starts to pulse and you know you’re close to coming. His fingers pump in and out of you at a relentless pace, his tongue working on you like a professional and you feel yourself tipping over the edge when he pushes you further into his mouth.
“Oh fuck—“ your voice is strained and whiny as you feel yourself come undone. He finally lets go of your hips and you ride out your high on tongue slowly, your whole body shaking from the intensity.
Jungkook looks up at you, satisfied with his work before he rushes to place a kiss on your lips. You kiss him back, palming him through his pants feeling him harden as you stroke him gently.
“Fuck I need to be inside of you,” he says breaking the kiss. You fumble with his belt and zipper, hurrying to push down the material. He springs free and he grabs his beautiful dick giving it a few strokes before lining it up with your entrance. “I don’t have any condoms—“ “It’s fine Kook,” you reassure him, “Just please fuck me already.”
He pushes into you without another warning, bottoming out all too quickly. He lets out a loud grunt as he hits the hilt, grabbing one of your thighs up to get him even deeper. Your body shakes as you still haven’t recovered from your orgasm and you feel him all too well. He’s filled you up completely and he wastes no time in moving, finding a steady pace for the both of you.
His hips snap against yours as the both of you fight to stay quiet in the tiny bathroom. You press your pelvis out to met his thrusts each time and you wrap your hands around his neck to hold his face close to you. His eyes meet yours and he’s burning a hole into you. You’re doing the same, unable to look away.
“How are you always so fucking tight?” He muses, slamming his hand behind you against the mirror to hold him steady.
“O-only for you K-Kookie,” you stutter out feeling another high coming in close. Jungkook’s pace picks up and he’s slamming into you, both of you now unaware of how loud the two of you actually are. His hand meets between your bodies rubbing at your clit vigorously. “Ah—Jungkook, I can’t,” it’s all too sensitive.
“Yes you can baby, I know you can. Do it for me,” you don’t know how he’s making coherent sentences but it only makes you want to orgasm again even further. Despite how uncomfortable the position is, as Jungkook continues to rub you, your high is right over the hill if only—
“Oh fuck—fuck,” Jungkook says, “I’m gonna come, come with me baby, come with—ah!”
You both reach your highs at the same time with strangled screams and curses. Jungkook pumps his hot and wet cum into you fucking himself down from his orgasm. Jungkook’s lips find yours and you sigh into his kiss, feeling more content than you had ever before. Jungkook goes limp inside of you, exhausted and drained. You continue to kiss each other until you decide to pull away slowly a string a saliva connecting the two of you.
“Ew!” You say in disgust as Jungkook lets out a glorious giggle. Of course he’d fucking giggle at a string of spit.
Jungkook leans against your forehead and you keep his head tucked between your hands. You give each other a smile knowing this time, you won’t have to leave each other after this, or so you’d hope. He pulls out of you, stuffing his sticky dick back into his pants.
“Y/N,” he says and you let out a ‘hm?’ “I want you to know… I’m a good person,” he continues and he closes his eyes as if he’s shy at what he’s saying.
“Of course I know that Kook,” you look at him with concern. Why would he say that? You caress his face gently and he looks at you with sad eyes—lonely eyes.
“I just hate how we had to meet,” he mutters, “I hated our circumstances… I don’t know I—“ he stops, “I just don’t want to you think I’m a bad person for what I did.”
You know what he’s talking about. The cheating. You hated the word. Possibly because it confronted what you were actually doing with him. Now, you guess, you weren’t anymore. Doesn’t make it any better.
“Jungkook nobody is perfect,” you tell him, “I don’t think you’re a bad person at all. In fact, you’re one of the most caring people I’ve met. You honestly care too much about what people think about you,” you try to laugh to lighten him up.
He gives you a small smile, “I know… I just don’t want you to hate me.”
“I could never hate you Kook,” you smile, “I promise.”
He gives you one last smile before kissing you again.
“Come on,” he breaks away, “Let’s go home.”
However, at this point, you weren’t sure what ‘home’ exactly meant.
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stonecoldjerseyfox · 4 years
Jersey on my mind (part 32)
From the front door of the building to the elevator there were fifteen steps. Fifteen steps that passed a counter and an orienteering board over the more than ten floor Brooklyn building. 
Just as every morning, Mila counted the steps. It had become a habit, just as she, before entering the elevator, began to unbutton her jacket. Inside the elevator she let out a lioness-que yawn as she parked herself against the back wall. Thankfully it had been a calm morning. Jim was already gone when her alarm yelled at her to ‘get her ass out of the bed’. Juri was already awake and parked in front of the tv, watching Clifford the Big Red Dog in his pajamas, which meant that Mila could take a shower before preparing his breakfast. While Juri ate his oatmeal with honey under a blanket on the couch, eyes glued to the tv screen and the happy, big red monster dog, Mila got dressed. Forty-five minutes later she dropped Juri at daycare, kissed him on the cheek and hurried off to work.  
The elevator stops with a soft thud and she steps out on the ninth floor and heads for the glass doors to the clinic. She’s let in by the receptionists and is welcomed by the constant scent of fresh cut flowers on the reception desk.
”Good morning, Saif. Morning Vanessa.” Mila greets the always happy receptionist couple, lovebirds in real life, behind the counter as she passes through the empty reception. 
The dressing room is empty when she enters. Mila removes her workwear, the slightly fancier than nurses-scrubs in a sophisticated shade of grey, from her locker. She leaves the white coat on its hook (it’s way too formal) and drops the bright pink Adidas trainers on the floor with a thud before starting to undress. They switch between the grey scrubs and plain white every other week; head dentist and dental practice owner Said Kadeem thought it would be a ‘edgy, yet fun way to brand themselves as a fun clinic’. In reality he just couldn’t decide which color he thought looked best. It’s the same with his morning-, lunch- and afternoon coffee; with or without milk? He can stand in front of the machine for hours it seems, with his forehead wrinkled together in concentration to make his mind up. 
I’d die for a cup of plain, as black as fucking possible-coffee right now, Mila thinks as she pulls the grey pants over her hot pink thongs, reminding herself to do the laundry when she gets home. Putting milk into a cup of coffee is a crime if anything. She steps into the trainers and pulls the top over her head. She gives herself a last look in the mirror and adjusts her ponytail, before leaving the changing room, entering the break room. It’s not a luxurious clinic; no celebrity clients wearing bigger than their face-sunglasses or heavy politicians with a tail of bodyguards, but it’s one of the best private dental clinics in the area, which makes the staff spaces and benefits really generous. 
Gotta get some luxury treatment for making it through university with a toddler at home, Mila thinks to herself and steers toward the coffee machine. She greets her colleagues, who are already parked at the table with coffee mugs in front of them, everybody except Lauryn, who’s entire face is hidden behind a huge Starbucks blonde vanilla latte with extra vanilla and coffee plus caramel.
”Rough night?” Mila asks. 
”Never turn thirty.” Lauryn Cassidy groans and puts down the ginormous drink on the table. The bags under her eyes scream ’we need to rest you fucker’. ”Why am I even here today?”
”You’re thirty and responsible.” Kristian Shaffer responds. ”I’m impressed.”
Lauryn groans again.
”I liked myself better two days ago, when I was twenty-nine and carefree.” 
”Remind me to take the day off after my thirtieth birthday then.” Sarah Preston says and pours a pack of raw brown sugar into her coffee mug. 
”Gosh, I’m glad I’ve been there, done that.” Riley Palmer sighs and leans back into his chair. He puts his hands behind his head and flexes his biceps. ”Trust me, thirty is the new twenty.”
”My god such bullcrap!” sterile nurse Ava Cooper rolls her eyes at Riley’s remark. ”It’s almost as bad as that ugly ’carpe diem’ tattoo.”
”What?” Riley looks at Ava, then at his biceps, where ’carpe diem’ is imprinted on his skin with black ink, in a barely readable font. ”What’s wrong with that? It’s inspiring. Like, a mental note that-”
”Ey, we know what it means.” Mila interrupts him. ”And it’s ugly.”
Riley doesn’t get a chance to reply. Kadeem enters the room and a glued-on, convivial atmosphere settles across the table in the blink of an eye. It’s for the best not to quarrel in front of the boss. 
”Preston-” Kadeem announces and points with his whole arm at Sarah. “Hallie Reynolds called and cancelled Phillips’ appointment this afternoon.” 
”Is Phillip the one with the ears?” Lauryn looks at Aaisha to get answers, but the angelic Aaisha only bursts into a muffled giggle.
”No, that’s Lennox. You know, Dumbo.”
”Christ sake, Riley, stop giving my patients names.” Sarah gives Riley the evil eye and slaps him on his upper arm.
”Sergeyevna, you’re on your own this morning, I need to borrow Aaisha for some drilling.”
Mila and Aaisha look at each other. Kadeem loves his job, but most of all he loves a good drilling. Well, there goes that calm morning; making eye contact over the patients, joking around, singing along to the radio and Aaisha’s regular 11 am stretch, combined with: ”I’m gonna go down to the juice bar, you want anything?”
”Fine.” Mila replies to her superior in white. 
”And please, tone down that bluntness today, will you?” Kadeem pleats. ”We can’t have more body builders leaving the clinic crying. Everyone is bad at dental health and everybody knows it, you don’t have to tell them.”
”I thought that was my job?” 
”Our job is to dig around their mouths, smile and tell them to floss properly. And charge for doing so.” Kadeem turns to the coffee machine, which is the start of his first, dreadful choice of the day; milk, or no milk. ”Frankly, I don’t know how you seem to get them to come back every 6 months.”
”Really?” Kristian puts his head to his side and grins at her. ”Thought it was your radiant, bubbly personality?”
“Nope, that’s Cooper and Cassidy.” Kadeem says, without taking his eyes off the coffee machine. “Sergeyevna is like me. It’s in our culture.”
Yeah, the much well known, yet tremendously rare Moscow-Russian and Shiraz-Iranian-culture. Mila smiles a little. As soon as it became clear to Kadeem during her first interview that she was a relatively fresh immigrant, he became overjoyed and felt an almost unreasonable bond with her. Sure, they are both honest and forthright, but that’s more likely a personal trait. Otherwise they are like night and day. But she likes him, he’s a good boss. And his wife makes a hell of a baklava, not to speak of the kletcha.
As the clock strikes nine they simultaneously leave the break room and heads for their offices and treatment rooms. Mila turns on the lights, cranks up the radio and looks out of the window with her cup of coffee steadily in her hand. Another workday. She puts the mug down at the counter as she hears steps approaching. In the next moment, Vanessa appears in the door, followed by her first patient of the morning, Mr. Hardin.
“Mr. Hardin, nice to see you again.” Mila gives her patient a bright smile and takes his hand, gives it a firm shake. “How are you doing?” 
She makes a gesture to offer him to sit down in the actually quite comfy dentist chair. She has taken quite a few naps in them after her lunch break since she started working at the clinic.
“Same old, same old.” The man with thinning hair sits down and shrugs at her. “At least I got the health.”
“I’m glad to hear.” Mila replies. “How’s Irene? Must be busy times now?” 
“Yeah she’s got her ass full- sorry.”
“No worries. I bet.” Mila takes a seat in her rolling, saddle chair and rolls up to the computer, where she starts to fill in the patient file. ’Hardin, Mark. Regular checkup. Tartar removal’. Same old, same old. “So, just a checkup today.”
“Correct.” mr. Hardin says. ”How’s the kid? Juri, wasn’t it?”
“Yup, indeed.” Mila replies as she takes two pale blue rubber gloves from its box. “He’s doing well.”
“Is he walking yet?”
”More like running.” Mila focuses on the framed photography on the wall, picturing a tropical beach with clear blue turquoise water. Holy crap, he’s growing up so fast, she thinks as she pulls the gloves over her hands. “He’s been on the run for awhile now. Just as I was apparently.” 
“They grow fast.” Mr. Hardin shakes his head, as if he can’t believe the basic biology of humans, and leans back in the chair. “But you’re young and healthy. That’s good. This virus, huh?”
“Yeah it’s really strange- Scoot, please.” Mila instructs her patient before continuing to check the tray on her cart, making sure all of her tools are in place. “Great.”
“Both New York Presbyterian and Mount Sinai West are soon overrun. I mean, if that doesn’t sound serious I don’t know what does. Irene’s working double shifts at Langone here in Brooklyn and they still seem to get more and more deaths each day. I think the death toll was, about 70 yesterday, and that’s just Langone. Must be like, 300 in New York alone.”
“Mhm, it’s horrible.” Mila replies monotonously, while scrolling through the x-ray of Mr. Hardin’s lower row of teeth from his appointment the year prior. She’s been trying her best to live life as normal as possible despite the deadly virus. Life has to continue, somehow. “Do you have any issues with sensitivity? Pain?”
“No, just tartar. Like, a lot. Irene found these small pieces in the sink-“
“We’ll fix that today.” Mila says quickly and gives her patient a radiant smile. She doesn’t need, or want, to hear what poor Irene Hardin found in the sink. She’s got a pretty good clue. “You’ve quit smoking yet?”
She turns and looks at Mr. Hardin, who’s shoulder goes up to his ears. He transforms from his regular, very accountant-self (because that’s what he is) to an ashamed puppy in the clinical chair. Mila shakes her head at him, smacking with her tongue. Mila turns to the radio and increases the volume of Angus Young’s voice wailin “You’ve been thunderstruck” to the more than famous guitar tapping. 
”Ah. This is why I like going here.” Mr. Hardin says with a smile and points at the radio. ”I listen to NYC Rock in the car, every day.”
“Okay mr. Hardin, let’s rock and roll.” Mila pulls the sterile face mask over her nose. It smells clinical and plastic. She grabs the probe and the mirror and smiles with her eyes at mr. Hardin from underneath the mask. 
She starts to work. It’s a regular day. Not too hot, not too cold. The sun is shining into the office and Angus Young continues to blast out that they’ve been struck by thunder, about a billion times. The only thing that looks like its’ been struck by something is her patient's teeth. What on god’s earth is he doing during the nights? Chewing bricks?
”Mr. Hardin, are you tense?” Mila asks. 
”Howch do choo do chiiit?!” Mr. Hardin manages to utter, with both wide eyes and wide open mouth. ”Schee, chish isch wchy I gcho cher! Ycho are likche a cheraphchist-”
Mila sighs and removes the tools from his mouth. 
”No, Mr. Hardin. You grind your teeth, bad. They look awful. Stop it or you won’t have teeth left.”
”Oh.” He replies and swallows, then bursts into a smile again. ”But you see, this is why I go to you and not that crappy Family smile clinic down in Brownsville, that Irene goes to. Honesty, blunt honesty. I like that.”
”Good to know.” Mila says and signs at him to open his mouth again, to let her continue working on that tartar. ”Not everybody does. I once made one of those body builder’s cry because I scolded him for not brushing his teeth right.” 
Yeah she was pretty hard on that poor guy, but honestly, his gums looked like minced meat. Mr. Hardin smiles as best as he can with his mouth wide open.
The next song is by The Hellacopters, which makes her smile once again underneath the mask. She saw them perform, one of their last appearances, with Darya a couple of years ago. But suddenly, in the middle of ”-hey boy, you understand. Say your prayers, or you'll be damned-” the song’s interrupted by the breaking news-jingle. 
”We’re interrupting with some disturbing news from downtown Manhattan, where chaos has erupted outside Mount Sinai’s hospital.” 
Mila pauses in a movement and glances at the radio. 
”Police have been called to the morgue where the-”newscaster seems to be groping for words, as if he himself does not believe what to say. “The dead seem to have woken up.”
It is only thanks to the slightly sticky gloves, which hug around the tools, that Mila doesn’t drop them in Mr. Hardin's mouth, at that proclamation.
”Police began firing shots as the bodies- patients, began to attack civilians and medical staff.”
Mila returns to the tartar, but she can’t focus entirely on Mr. Hardin’s hardcore tartar infestation, even though it’s an astonishing collection; if Aaisha hadn’t been asked to help Kadeem out, she’d been sitting on the opposite side of Mila, and her big brown eyes would have been bigger than usual by excitement. It’s surely a dentist thing only, being excited by tartar. Mila tries her best to stay focused, but her mind drifts off to the radio and the rise of the living dead, where the ’on the spot’-broadcaster now interviews a doctor from Mount Sinai. 
“-at least ten former patients, declared dead during the week, escaped the morgue and attacked people on the street. Dr. Berkowitz, head of ICU, can you explain what just happened?” 
”I don’t know.”
“Were the patients in a coma?”
”Dr. Berkowitz, did you or any of your staff, by any chance, make a mistake?”
”No, as I said, they were deceased. Dead.”
”You’re sure?”
”Yes, ofcourse.”
Mr. Hardin makes a gesture with his hand and Mila removes the tools from his mouth. 
”Turn up the volume.” He says and rises on his elbows. 
Mila obeys, reaches for the radio and turns the volume wheel up a notch. 
“How do you explain the situation, then?” the interviewer asks, now louder than before. He sounds more and more irritated, or afraid, Mila can’t really know the difference. “Dead patients suddenly... awakes?”
“I can’t.”
“I’m sorry, Dr. Berkowitz, we have to- We get disturbing breaking news from Weill Cornell Medical Center that- what!?” The interviewer exclaims, as if he can’t comprehend what he’s hearing from the third party in his ear. ”Okay, ehrm- we get news that a similar incident occurs right now at Weill Cornell. I repeat, Weill Cornell. Police have been dispatched to the spot and civilians on the street have taken shelter in nearby shops and restaurants. It’s been confirmed that eight- no, nine, people have been injured and a woman has deceased, by severe blood loss. I repeat, one woman is dead and lying in the street. According to eyewitnesses- Neil, you sure about that?” The interviewer asks. “Sorry. Eye witnesses claim that the woman, and I’m sorry about this, is being eaten by the deceased. If you’re in the neighborhood, do not go outside, I repeat; do not-”
Both Mila and Mr. Hardin stare at the radio under complete dead silence. The tools are frozen in her hands and her heart beats hard inside the grey scrubs. 
“I gotta-” Mr. Hardin swallows. “I- I need to call Irene.”
“Yeah..” Mila replies. A rush of sickness runs over her. Is the room suddenly swaying, or is she just, overwhelmed? Is this real? She casts a glance at Mr. Hardin, who climbs out of the leaned back chair, still with the pale blue plastic sheet around his neck. “Yeah, go ahead.”
He leaves the room. Mila hears him talk on his phone outside the door. Should she call someone? Her mind wanders to Juri and mama first. With trembling hands Mila picks up the phone from her pocket, unlocks it and goes into the messages. She changes the alphabet to cyrillic starts dictating a text message to mama. In order not to worry her beloved mama more than necessary, she simply writes: ‘Good morning mamochka. How are you today? Love you.’ 
She presses ‘send’ and then finds her way to the contacts, where she quickly finds ‘Jim’. Signals are heard. She spins in her chair, faces the window. He picks up the phone at the fourth dial. 
“Cricket.” Jim greets her. His warm, amazing smile is felt through the phone and instantly calms her soul. 
“Thank goodness.” Mila sighs and massages her forehead. “Hi.”
Jim chuckles on the other end. She can see him clearly in front of her. Black suit and white shirt. He’s just had a haircut and said bye bye to the ponytail. Tall, handsome beyond comparison. Probably with his tenth cup of coffee of the day in his hand. It’s a miracle he can keep his cool with that much caffeine in his system. 
“Hi.” He replies softly. “What a pleasant surprise. Does milady want to hire a personal security guard?”
She can’t help but smile like an idiot. 
“I can offer a very favorable package price.” Jim continues. “Annually. How about ... ten years? Initially.”
“Yeah, I’ll think about it.”
Through the phone, she can really picture how one of Jim’s eyebrows starts to go up, towards his forehead. Usually she plays along with his shenanigans and jokes, but she can’t. Not now. 
“You’re on speaker or something?” He asks. 
“No. No, sorry. I’m not.” Mila replies and sighs. “Have you heard?”
“Nope. Or, depends on what I’ve missed. What's the talk of the town?”
“You’re nearby a tv or a computer?”
“I’m in the office. Hold on.” Jim starts tapping on the computer. Mila hears the rustle of the buttons in the background. “Oh. That’s-” Jim pauses and reads. “All of them died of the virus?”
“I’d say it was a mistake by the hospital, if not- but...” he pauses. “‘New York Times reports that it’s more than twenty patients. Could be more.’ What the-”
“What’s happening?” Mila asks, can’t conceal her feel of discomfort. 
“Dunno.” Jim says. “Hey, I can get off work by-” he pauses, as to looking at his watch. “I’ll pick Juri up earlier, in about two hours. I’m sure he’s fine but, just in case. We’ll fix dinner.”
What have I done to deserve this guy, Mila thinks inside her head. 
“I love you.”
“You love me for my incredible mashed potatoes.” Jim grins through the phone. “Love you Cricket. It’s gonna be fine.”
Taglist: @lonewolf471 @twdeadfanfic
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oikoik · 4 years
the color of a bruise (part two)
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warnings; cursing, pretty vanilla so far tbh
word count; 1626
a/n; can I please just say how much I love Ennoshita,, like he seriously doesn’t get enough love and support
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(8:34pm, Karasuno Headquarters, Daichi's Office)
"She isn't cut out for this."
"It's not like she has much of a choice."
"The girl never asked for this lifestyle, she did what she thought was right. You can't punish her for that, Sawamura."
The tension in room was palpable. Daichi stood with his shoulders leaned against the wall. His sharp gaze was on where Ennoshita stood across his desk. The two held their silent pissing contest until Daichi let out a dejected sigh.
"Yes, but that Good Samaritan act just landed her a one way ticket into this mess."
Ennoshita's reoccurring concern was cut short when another voice spoke in to reason. "If Daichi didn't find her, you know they would have…" Suga was sat in one of the chairs by the desk, his long legs crossed and a look of genuine speculation etched into the soft wrinkles of his forehead. "Besides, she saved two of our recruits, we owe her for that much... And we might as well use any of her abilities since she’ll be with us for awhile."
"But what does she even have to offer? All we know is that she can aim a can of fucking mace, it's practical to assume she has no real training,"Ennoshita's hands came to rub across his jaw, the uncertainty of the situation as a whole left him on edge. If there was one thing Ennoshita didn't like, it was unidentified liabilities.
"We'll figure it out as we go, but I'm not leaving her to be killed by them. She saved two of ours, so now we save her."
Daichi spoke with such a firmness that Ennoshita knew, even if he wanted to rebuttal the claim, the use of furthering the debate would be useless. He made his decision.
It was huge. So much larger than any house you had ever stepped foot into before. Your brain didn't allow you to gawk, however. It was far too focused on the adrenaline still pumping through your veins as the account of the previous hour circulated through your memory like a broken tape.
A job, a job, a job.. Maybe they need something fixed? What the hell could you fix?... No.. Maybe a secretary! You can type! But what use would they have for secretary?.. Shit! What did they want from you?
You were scattered, your mind a jumbled mess of paranoid delusions and worst case scenarios. This wasn't good, no. But you had to keep a level head if it were to take a turn for the worse.
You cast a watchful glance towards the boy who stood at the corner of the couch. From where you sat you could see that he was in fact one of the boys you had stumbled upon that fateful night. Under proper lighting, he looked cute. His freckled face and kind eyes made you feel a bit more at ease the longer you were forced to wait. You had tried to subtly get his attention through gestures, fearful to make any noise in the otherwise silent mansion, but his eyes remained glued to the floor in an unblinking stare.
That effort had been abandoned after your fourth attempt. You closed your eyes, willing the entire house to vanish when you opened them again. If you had any such abilities, they were clearly against you tonight. When you had reopened your eyes, you nearly yelped at the new additions to the room.
Sat on the pristine white sofa across from you sat a man with neatly style silver hair. Beside him was another man of larger stature and dark eyes. He watched you with a searching stare. You were so caught in keeping your guard up that your heart skipped a beat when the silver-haired man spoke,
"Relax, we aren't going to hurt you."
The dark-haired fellow softened his gaze as he rested his elbows atop his knees. "What's your name? Your full name."
"Y/N L/N." You cringed at the sound of your own voice. It sounded broken and afraid--and while that may be the case, you'd prefer to not have your captors be aware of your current state.
"Okay, Y/N, tell me what you're thinking."
The scoff you let out was second nature. Were you the only one who realized how batshit insane this whole thing was? Most likely. "I think this is a sick game you're playing. Saying you won't hurt me just to build up my trust, and then when I least expect it, you'll have me begging for a life that was never promised." Somehow, despite the racing heart inside your ribcage, you looked up to make eye contact with the brunet.
What shocked you was that despite the chiseled features of his jaw and muscular frame, his eyes were soft as they looked at you. "I can assure you, we have no intention of bringing you any harm. I am a man of my word, and if you would like, I can explain everything in detail."
"I just want to go home."
"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Miss L/N."
Your heart nearly exploded in your chest. You hadn't noticed the third person enter. He was of average height and build, with dark ebony hair combed neatly away from his forehead. His features were colder, more serious than the other two. You didn't like the way he looked at you as if you were the cause for all his troubles.
But then again, maybe you were.
With wide eyes, you stared at the men on the couch as panic thrummed in your veins. The brunet leaned closer towards you, the palm of his hand was opened as if he were gesturing for a wild animal to calm down. "Relax, I can explain what's going to happen, but you need to settle down first."
Although oppositions nested in your brain, you willed yourself to find any last shreds of composure. You prayed they failed to notice the tremor of your hands as you clutched them tightly in your lap. You gave a small nod.
"My name is Daichi. These are my associates, Suga and Ennoshita. We work in a… taboo field of business. The two boys you had met a few night ago, Hinata and Yamaguchi, also work for me. Does this make sense so far?"
You gave him an uncertain glance, but nodded nonetheless.
"The man that had cornered Hinata and Yamaguchi works for a different… business, and he had real intent to do harm to them. Thankfully, though, you acted with bravery and helped them escape. However…" He paused.
You didn't like the way he paused. Your eyes searched his features for any giveaways. The rationale in your brain told you to dig deeper, demand to know why he was so hesitant about telling you these things, what any of this has to do with you. But your tongue was glued in your mouth, and what came out was the voice of someone defeated, "However?..."
"Because of your actions, you now have a target over your head as well."
In that moment, your heart seemingly ceased to beat. The breath in your lungs dissipated and your mind went white as the words sank in. "What- what the hell does that mean?" You feared you already knew the answer.
"It means, whether you want to believe it or not, you're wanted by one of the most powerful gangs in Japan."
You weren't sure who had said it. Most likely Ennoshita, but your mind was only able to make out two words; wanted and gangs.
Your eyes burned. It took a moment before you realized tears were falling down your cheeks. You didn't rub them away, you didn't try to hide. You merely felt. Felt the coolness of them as they rolled like rain down a window. Felt the hole in your chest become a gaping void. Felt as your world seemingly fell apart.
It was weak, a plea for help, for stability or support. It came from the deepest parts of you, and it was pathetic, "What have I done?..."
Daichi stood from where he sat to kneel in front of your slouched figure. His hands were large, they could easily grab onto you and put you out of whatever misery was coming your way, but instead, they were gentle as his calloused fingers laid atop your own. "I gave you my word that your safety is in the hands of me and my men. You saved two of mine, so now we will save you. Deal?"
When you managed to meet his gaze, you found warmth in the browns of his eyes, a deep level of comfort you never expected had you nodding solemnly.
You notice out of the corner of your eyes that the boy from earlier had reappeared. When he left, you never noticed. But now, his eyes finally looked at you. In them, you saw the same glimpses of sympathy etched into his features. You were quick to look away.
"Yamaguchi is going to take you to your room. You'll be staying here until it's safe for you to return home. I'll send someone to your apartment for clothes in the morning. Go get some rest. We’ll discuss everything else in the morning."
Being told you would have a bed to sleep in was easily the best news you had received all day. You didn't pay any attention to the vast interior of the mansion or hallways as you trailed behind Yamaguchi. You didn't take in any details of the room as you entered, either. Your body merely floated from one place to the next until you were asleep on a mattress that was far too soft for a place so cold.
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