#i am a little bit insane
ohemgeeejay · 1 year
2k3 Shredder and why he fucking terrifies me 💀
I’m having some intense ass 2k3 tmnt brain rot rn, and I need to talk about this Shredder. This bitch is horrifying. Note that I am only about half way through s3, and this is my first time ever watching the show in full, so there is a lot I haven’t seen yet. All of my knowledge and opinions are based off of the first 3 seasons.
Onto the why!
First of all, this mf has been an intergalactic war criminal for hundreds of years. Based on all the shit we see going on across this universe, you gotta have done something pretty damn horrific to become a war criminal. Like this lil’ freak can easily be considered a terrorist. Even if we disregard that, he’s still the leader of a gang that borders on being a cult.
He has killed so many people? Using people as a broader term for any intelligent, sentient life forms- so humans, Utrom, etc. We don’t have a kill count or anything, but he’s probably directly killed over 100, and indirectly killed thousands more. Thousands may seem like an unrealistically high estimate, but when you really think about it, it’s not. Saying he’s indirectly responsible for 1000 deaths is a generous underestimation. Think about it, all the people his Foot Clan goons have killed, all the gang wars and violence he has incited, all the buildings he had destroyed, livelihoods of innocent people he completely demolished, and everyone who died for him. Not to mention how any and every person who died in the Triceraton/Federation invasion of earth only died because of a millennia long chain reaction resulting from this evil little flesh sack stranding the Utrom on Earth.
Even without all the actual deaths he caused, the things he is shown to be willing to do to others are nightmare fuel. He has no morals whatsoever, no compassion for any living thing other than himself; there is no line he is not willing to cross. He brutally killed Hamato Yoshi, he was willing to leave the turtles & co. locked in a fridge, in a burning building, with a gas leak, and a bomb ready to go off. He inflicts life altering injuries on his “employees” to punish them for not accomplishing his impossible goals. He regularly threatens death on those he views as lesser, and is perfectly content to go through with it.
A perfect example of his sadism is Baxter Stockman. Stockman was just your average corrupt, greedy tech CEO. Shreddy-boy saw the chance to exploit that, recruiting Stockman to be his robotics guy. Every time Stockman failed to do what Shredder demanded of him, he lost a part of his body. He was dismembered and tortured and taken apart like a fucking LEGO set. I mean, he got so mutilated he was literally nothing but a brain, a spinal chord, and an eyeball in a tank. Shredder destroyed every part of Stockman that wasn’t useful to him, which was everything but a genius brain. With all of his body gone, Stockman didn’t have the choice to leave the Foot, he physically couldn’t leave the Foot because he would die. If he ever dared to stop serving the Shredder, he would inevitably die, whether the Shredder ordered it or not.
Which segues into my next point, his manipulation. The way this ugly ass quishy tissue blob manipulates everyone around him is sickening. The way he treats Karai, someone who sees him as her father, is nothing other than abusive. He lies so easily. He almost convinced Leonardo to join him by pretending to be some benevolent ninjutsu master. He views every life other than his own as expendable, and he sees himself as a being above death, a god above God.
Which brings me to my final point. THIS MF JUST WILL NOT DIE. Every single time the turtles seem to have defeated him, every time it seems like he’s finally dead, THIS BITCH JUST COMES BACK. The mental anguish and paranoia that would cause anybody once it happens over and over again is enough to land you in a psych ward for eternity. And it seems like every time he returns he returns more powerful, more evil, and less human than ever before.
So yeah. 2k3 Shredder fucking petrifies me and I am not at all ashamed to admit that. It’s a pretty reasonable fear imo.
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shyrule · 2 years
thinking about this concept again (it was the og plot of the mask fucking collapses fic)
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hinamie · 2 months
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surprise it's yuri!!!in 2024
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googiesita · 1 year
holy shit i just made a 2k words 22 pages rimworld word for the artfight references with almost more than 8 characters i think i died
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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sobbing at how happy they all look
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divorcedfiddleford · 10 months
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happy fiddleford friday it's still friday here it counts shut up. (images described in alt text)
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I’d like to propose a performance of Hamlet in which the audience is addressed, looked at, and treated as if they were there but ONLY by characters who have gone mad.
in Act 2, when Hamlet’s pretending to go mad, while in the presence of Polonius and others, he sort of pretends to look at the audience, but always glancing over, looking sort of in the wrong direction, putting on a show for the only eyes he thinks are watching. When he’s alone and doing his soliloquies, it’s clear that he’s talking to himself, even though we’re listening in.
And it continues this way until Act 3 Scene 4, when Hamlet runs Polonius through with the sword. For a moment after the deed is done, there’s a shocked silence on the stage. As Hamlet goes to examine the body, he falters, slightly, as he becomes aware of just how many eyes are on him. And slowly; he looks at us, and through the rest of the scene his attention is torn between the audience and his mother, until the ghost appears (perhaps in the audience as well) and he’s… sort of put back on track. But from then on, all his soliloquies, asides, he begins to talk to us, in the audience.
And we notice the change, sure, but we don’t really get what it means, not until Ophelia goes mad, and while onstage she begins to give audience members flowers, to talk to them as the others call her crazy. And at that point most of us can make the connection.
From then until the play is over, Hamlet can’t fully ignore us. Every other character will, and does (besides maybe the gravediggers if you wanted to include anyone else), but we’re ever present in his sight. As he dies, we’re the ones he refers to when he says ‘you that look pale and tremble at this chance, that are but mutes or audience to this act’
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taiso · 25 days
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jarvis cocker (pulp) trading card from melody maker magazine (1995)
scanned from my personal collection ^^
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dustykneed · 2 months
Picture this; Bones holding Joanna, rocking her to sleep and the part in Beautiful Boy where it’s like “The monster's gone, He's on the run, And your daddy's here” is playing. :,)
Fatherhood gives you certain... skills. Coincidentally, this is also how Jim finds out that Bones sings.
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me-sploh-rada-imas · 1 month
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oh he's down bad [x]
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browncesario · 6 months
hey sorry we narratively nullified your boyfriend. yeah he was a controversial yet long intended culmination of an impossible romance arc that allowed for balance between joy and tragedy but it turns out if you just decide there aren't any rules the tragedy part could've apparently just fucked off. it was actually by far the best choice we could make, but yeah there's another one of him living in a shed in his best friend's garden now. so sorry.
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revolutionarywig · 3 months
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I think i can do a pretty good robespierre signature forgery
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shyrule · 2 years
me when vampire wars: very cool and slay. i’m a fan.
me when wars is the victim: 😈
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human-encounters-diary · 10 months
Day 16
As the human and I did not share any duties during this particular cycle, I decided now might be a fitting time to inform the Vitrichl about the aforementioned book, which could possibly grant a further insight into Terrans.
Despite the quite serious circumstances we are currently in, I was able to secure a time frame to initiate a conversation regarding this topic.
I repeated the information V-7 had been able to conjure on this as well as other stories and reports on humans.
"There seems to be one…obstacle, though: The book‘s last documented location is in system Skė-51-33, which does not seem to be even remotely near our current route.", I eludicated.
The Vitrichl seemed to consider the information given, keeping in mind the reason the SIIR Noxos usually avoids this particular system: its unfriendly and occasionally aggressive nature.
Concluding, I was able to convince the Vitrichl through the benefits this book could provide in the task of studying humans, causing the Vitrichl to eludicate that changing the route was currently not possible, but as soon as the chance was offered to us, we would make a short detour through this system to retrieve said book, given that the book was still located there.
In the meantime, I was tasked with retrieving as much possible information on this particular and other sources about humans.
Our arrival on Fendaar is imminent, as we are nearing the planet‘s atmosphere. Further reports will follow.
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itsalwaysforyou · 4 months
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rowanoftheunknown · 2 months
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“I hope I’ll find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years, and that I’ll be able to put myself together again. I hope the echoes of pain will fade, and memories of sorrow will die, and that you’ll visit me here some day…”
“And I hope you have a happy ending of your own.”
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