#i am also a yuri and yaoi ship appreciator
otame · 1 year
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(Also, Endou in REC is married to Natsumi, and they have a healthy relationship, so thats a plus.)
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danganronpa96 · 5 months
Chapter 5 was a wild ride and it was so good! The trial constantly had me guessing. I am relieved Saiki survived but the cost was just as damaging to my soul. This fic has made me ship Hayasaka/Kurumada so hard (and this chapter also made me ship L and Brian a little oops lol). I love your characterization of these characters.
The artwork for this chapter was also incredible! I can tell you and Rexx worked really hard on it! I'm looking forward to chapter 6 once you feel ready to work on it some more!
(I don't really have any questions I just wanted a moment to gush about your work because I am too shy to come off anon haha)
Thank you so much!! ^^
This time I really tried making them explore a whole bunch of different avenues in terms of the killer just to make the truth that much harder to accept when they got there. Also because no L = everything is now emotionally complicated /j
(In fact basically everyone was suspected at least once except Latte (and Moony) lol)
It was also interesting having a case where two people were involved, but neither knew who the other was (unlike in case 2 where Yuri knew Kaidou had killed Retsuko before messing with the crime).
Honestly it’s been nice being able to share one of my favourite pairings with you all in the fic, and seeing a lot of you come to like it as well ^^ even if I turned it into tragic yaoi hell for my own suffering
I appreciate the comment about the art as well! I’ve been really inspired by the art in Project Sekai, and I wanted each CG to have the same feeling I get from looking at any of the cool ass cards (so it has definitely inspired my shading/lighting technique going forward) 💪
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coolfire333 · 6 hours
Actually one more rant about a Specific Unnamed Fandom: starting to think some of you guys are a little bit sexist tbh (obviously not aimed at my mutuals or blogs I follow, just something I've seen in passing)
I know there's like triple the amount of male characters than there are women but I feel like I'm actually in the trenches fighting for (female character) some days and the worst part is said character is like literally integral to the plot. Like guys does anyone else want to talk about her. I love the men too but Please.
I also am super attached to minor female background character #3 so I understand the struggle of having to enjoy measly slivers of content of your fave but my god does anyone else appreciate the main women of this franchise. Or any female characters in the story at all. It is so dark in here.
ALSO the double standards when it comes to ships...!! It's all like "ooo enemies to lovers so good the toxic yaoi hits hard" (which ok that's true and valid) but I swear I feel like I'm going to get drawn and quartered by the masses for admitting I like a doomed yuri ship. Like be serious you guys, if these two characters were men this would be one of the most popular pairings in the series, I swear to god you'd be all over it like flies.
I think the reason people really don't like it is that they see it (and any questionably healthy/unhealthy ship involving a woman) as inherently victimizing of that woman and then they rush to be like "oh no it's bad just trust me I am a Feminist". Like if a man can make stupid romance decisions because Evil Enemy Man Is Hot and that's somehow ok then literally what is the difference??
Also also it is so funny to me because I look at an adjacent fandom and one of the most popular ships there is ALSO doomed/toxic enemies-to-lovers yuri, which really tells me that a lot of people's discomfort with my ship might come from a place of "oh noooo we must protect this pure sweet woman from Ms. Evil uwu" instead of a general "eh I don't like this ship", which imo is incredibly sexist and glosses over so much in order to put my fave girl on a little perfect pedestal. Like you guys she's kind and sweet to other characters but she's also kinda evil too if you think about it, literally nobody here is without evil!
If I had to wager a guess too, the fandom I'm speaking about from experience is mostly male while the fandom that likes (toxic yuri ship) has a larger female audience (and also more women characters in general) so uhhh...idk it's kinda telling to me...
Also shoutout to the people making really good genderswaps of the male characters because from what I've seen that also comes from a place of genuine female appreciation. Like ok make them weird women yeah!! I like that :)
Maybe I'm just talking around in circles but idk I swear the double standards are real. Let me post about doomed yuri without fear. Look at me when I talk about female characters in the fandom. It's ok to ship a m/f ship or even, god forbid, a f/f ship. Take my hand. Expand your mind to female characters more. It's good for you.
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annetteblog · 4 years
I spent January 1 watching YoI and it’s the best way to start a new year, I guess
So, yes, after all these years I finally watched Yuri on Ice. The biggest thanks to all people, who recommended me to do it, because it was amazing :) 
Now, beware of my incoherent rambling about the characters, the plot, figure skating, Victuri (Victuuri?), LGBTQ+ representation, and Russia, just because I need this 🙃
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First of all, I had never thought that one day I would end up having a crush on a Russian man, but here I am, having crush on a Russian 2D man. Victor Nikiforov, how dare you steal my heart like this! He’s some kind of a damn Russian Apollo... So I perfectly understand Yuri’s gay panic in the first couple of episodes 🤣 dude, I feel you.....
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What I specifically liked about the characters, it’s their growth. They were not frozen, but gradually developed to become more mature towards the end. Victor becoming less selfish, more compassionate and empathic; Yuri becoming mentally stronger and more confident. And Yurio... he’s such a lovely pirozhochek!!! :D Really, this “I-am-strong-and-independent-grown-up” kid with his love to pirozhki is just 🥰 But yes, he also mentally grew.
For me as a Russian, it was a pleasure to see normal Russian characters in a foreign show. They were talented and nice, wow, that really happened!!! Honestly, I’m so sick of this “bad-drinking-vodka-prison-tatoos-nucklear-weapon-terrible-accent” narrative (I watched Tenet the other day, and I was literally sitting like this 😐 the entire film; they forgot to add a bear for the full picture). And normal Cyrillic! Not perfect or 100% correct, but at least it was readable and understandable, not just a classic American movie with a Russian text, which looks like this - зжэщгардгрвъ шщыралойцы фвзпролдрппппп (yes, I just hit my keyboard). The same applies to the athletes from other countries. Kazakhstan!! Otabek!!!! 
I also needed to pause one of the episodes just to scream at this
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Aeroflot (rus - Аэрофлот) is a Russian airline. And yeah, it sucks 😄
But seriously, you can clearly see that they did their research, cared for details and payed attention to things, and I, as a foreign viewer, really appreciated this. I really hope, that one beautiful day shows’ producers start to make characters from different cultures, who are just... you know... ordinary normal people? and not just a bunch of stereotypes?? or necessarily devilish evil just because they are from another country??? 
And now, the ship! 
I’m not really familiar with a lot of anime, and definitely not familiar with genres like yaoi, although I’ve heard about its stereotypes and certain common patterns. Here, however, it was a pleasure to see a same-sex relationship, which was not just a cool fetish for some young straight girls (nothing against young straight girls), but like... an actual relationship? Plus the creators successfully embedded it into the main plot, without shifting the central focus of the show and abandoning the actual sport competitions. 
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I really enjoyed the delicate approach to the relationship’s development. Considering the characters’ own path of progress, the relationship they formed were equal and mature. Also their care and clear tenderness towards each other were speaking louder than words.
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Sidenote. I had never realized how much I needed a Russian non-straight character in my life until, well, yesterday. Thankfully, I had the Internet since I was around 11, so I spent my teenage years watching a lot of American/ West-European tv-series. LGBTQ+ representation was not something out of the ordinary, it was not a taboo; and it mattered to me, a young girl, who tried to figure out what the F was going on with my own self. But I had never seen a Russian LGBTQ+ fictional character on the screen. Ever. Honestly, I had never payed attention to this fact. Normally I don’t really care about a person’s nationality, so I couldn’t even think that having some queer character, who is Russian, would be somehow important to me. As it turned out yesterday, it was actually important. And, I guess, one of the deeply personal reasons why I liked YoI, was the fact of seeing someone from my own country and my own culture, who was non-straight and being just fine and perfect the way he was. Even though I’m not a struggling young girl anymore. 
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Okay, back to the tale, before I become a teary mess again. 
Their relationship was heartwarming to watch. Although there were clearly some sexual undertones, it didn’t end up being just some sexy gay boys. It was definitely about the growth of love, firstly fragile but becoming stronger and more affectionate with time. Their bond became psychologically equal; and they do complement each other, being codependent in the best sense. And it was beautiful. 
However, from what I quickly gathered while reading a few comments, some people still claimed that there was not enough clarity in terms of their relationship?? I have to disagree with this completely. Excuse me, but you don’t exchange matching golden rings in a church with your friend to wear it on your ring finger. You definitely don’t passionately kiss it seconds before an important performance. And you don’t cry your eyes out if your friend suggests you to end your partnership. If you do, I have some news for you, dear 🤡
I honestly can’t figure out what kind of a bigger clarity some people want. If the same plot was shown between a man and a woman, you would get the message from the episode 1. Or at least from that episode, where they were naked making out i mean...... practicing some moves?? wtf it was, honestly, I was too busy laughing 😆 However, seriously, what do you need? Is this really necessary to show an R-rated sex scene for some people just to get it? Lame. 
Sure, YoI was not perfect. Some bits with figure skating were off, and there was some obvious magic going on in terms of homophobia, more specifically - its absence. I mean, I’m not an expert in LGBTQ+ rights in Japan (although I know it’s not  that great), but if a Russian figure skater came out or just had some kind of (publicly known) unidentified close relationship with a same-sex partner, their successful career would be over. And not just Russian, I guess, any figure skater would face similar problems. It’s a very conservative sport. 
But, actually, I was grateful that they showed it the way they did. Fairytale-ish. A show doesn’t have to be realistic to be great. It’s enough if it warms our hearts and gives hope to the brighter future. The real world may be cruel and unjust, but we all need kind and reassuring stories to keep us going. And such story about caring relationship and love is the great example of this. 
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Lovely, funny, refreshing, and heartwarming. 
Or, just quoting Victor
vkusno!!! (c) 
I will definitely rewatch it at some points in my life.
and now excuse me, I need to fall into the rabbit hole of fanfiction, haha stupid me
This moment was 
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chili-aux · 3 years
Im honestly so done with aot fandom wars really. I now let people spew whatever shit they want. It gets toxic in the end. I started hating so many characters because of this irritating fandom till I realized that a bunch of teenagers dont have the right to steal my love for this story away from me. Theyre so ridiculous really it looks like a bunch of kids decided to watch AOT and miss the point entirely. Yams wrote a beautiful story that gets more interesting when you reread it. I wasnt even aware of shipping wars till I finished the manga only to realize its hellfire here. I just assumed oh Erwin loved Marry but chose the corps how sad. Shadis had a thing for Carla. Bittersweet. Oh Ymir and Historia loved each other. Tragic. Reiner is a historia simp great. Oh Levi and Hanji are closeted lovers who just cant accept they're into each other. And thats it. But I went online just to see wow manga discussions yaaay and I ran into middle school children shipping Levi with Eren/Mikasa I mean are you ok? Are you not unhinged? Do you need therapy? Seriously guys wtf? Levi/Erwin? WTF? They're literally brothers wtf? Hange/Moblit, WTF? Are you even aware of the concept of friendship and loyalty that runs in the army? Do you think everyone in the army is in love with each other wtf is this logic Im sorry Im so done with this fandom. AOT deserved better fans who'd appreciate the story and its depth. Apart from a few plotholes that made no sense. (Especially hanji's useless fking death, dude she could've lived ok its so unfair. Anyways) I also can't stand it when people start making Yuri and Yaoi ships of two clearly straight characters. I don't mind if you ship characters within a show that have some sort of legitimacy FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL. But literally changing everything about characters just so they can fit your idea of a stupid ship is pathetic. A character is so much more than someone you ship with someone. Grow tf really.
hi anon, thank you for sharing! i am tired too. i honestly cannot wait for the time i will get over this anime, but if that time comes, i will still ship levihan and probably continue making fanfics about them. at this moment though, I still hyper-fixate on this ship.
I agreed with some of your points, like that with a bunch of kiddos ruining our experience cuz damn, I've seen it a lot after I joined the fandom but I just stayed on my place and blocked a lot of them for peace of mind. And really, at first, I don't have any ship in aot not until i rewatched it for the 2nd time, that's when I have noticed levihan's bond then boom, I'm riding this ship forever. But when I dove through aottwt, I discovered that eren-levi and those ships that involved a veteran and a 104th member exist, damn I just wanna cringe so hard (or i did cringe hard) cuz why? that's fukcing illegal, my brain can't even comprehend why some people ship those characters who obviously treat each other in canon in a parental-child way.
and hange's death? so true! it's just useless when falco will have the ability to turn into a titan and fly by the later chapters -_- they're just one day away from the end of the rumbling but... fck I'm sad again.
however, i do not agree with some of your points.
disclaimer: I'm not mad anon!
eruri and mobuhan aren't illegal. people can ship them cuz of the exact reason that you said - the concept of friendship and loyalty that runs in the army. i admit I cannot see levi/erwin and hange/moblit in a romantic relationship too like how you perceived it, they're just more like superior-subordinate for me that I can't affiliate their relationship to bud in something that will surpass that. but the loyalty and friendship between those characters, i think, are enough for other people to ship them. why? because there aren't any spoken rules in shipping so we don't have the right to dictate what they ship (proshippers aren't included. stop.)
and babe, what's wrong with yuri and yaoi ships?? aot characters' genders aren't mentioned in the source material (though i see hange as nonbinary cuz of the searches that i made before when i kept on seeing gender wars that always involved hange.)
the case is, there's this term called 'projecting'. people are often doing this in the fictional characters that they love - projecting their identity or what they headcanon about this certain character that, whether we like it or not, often diverge away from the source material. i believed that there's no harm in doing so. they see erwin as gay? let them. they see nanaba as nonbinary? let them. they see levi as pansexual? let them. they ship mikasasha? let them. they ship ererei(erenxreiner)? let them.
it's pride month babe. and even if it's not pride month, people can ship yaoi and yuri. people can project their identities that they cannot express in real life to their favorite characters. and you can't stop them from doing so no matter what. that is their decision and we don't have a say on that. it's not pathetic nor dumb.
but yes, do not reduce any character to ship material. that's downright stupid. and as anon said, grow the fuck up.
thank you for sharing still. and as I've said, I'm not mad! i just want to clear some things that i don't share the same sentiment with you.
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askgundamwingfans · 3 years
This concludes the answers so far for the first set of AskGWFan Questions. If you have anything you wanna ask the group, use the ask function on tumblr or send me a dm!
What's a character/ship you've learned to appreciate? What made you change your mind?
Relena x Dorothy. Both as characters and as a ship. Part of this is that I hadn't seen all of the series at the time I first did fandom, but I had seen Endless Waltz, and that was the extent to which I had known Dorothy. She doesn't even interact with Relena in EW!! I had no impression of her (besides whomst??), and I honestly don't even remember if Relena ever appeared in fics I read since a lot of them were AUs anyway. However, after seeing the series and MISS RELENA and all of Dorothy's... Dorothy, I think she's got some great cult appeal!! And my mind really changed on both when I saw the whole series properly. I'm not sure I would have been on board with them at the time since I was less discerning about how female characters often get developed poorly, but I don't regret that I experienced Relena and Dorothy fully at a time where I could appreciate them.
I eventually started to appreciate Relena more, she grows up a lot by the end, even if she definitely should not be handling the responsibility she has...
Honestly breaking outside of the typical ships by reading more fics broadened my horizons. Writers I loved ventured into non-typical and I found myself enjoying the exploration. I think over time it had less to do with the ship and more to do with the characters as the fandom aged.
I've been reading a lot more yaoi since interacting with the larger fandom. I've always loved non-traditional gender roles in romance stories, and I don't know why it took me so long to try yaoi? I've read some yuri but never in Gundam Wing. Interacting with the yaoi community has opened up a lot more characterization of the pilots for me, which have always played the role of "tough, emotionless boys" in my headcanons.
Howard. He’s amazing and hilarious and as I get older I’m more and more like, is this the only sane character? I used to just be like “who is this weird guy?” and now I’m like “why isn’t there more Howard?”
What characters/ships do you think got some negative flack? How has the GW fandom's attitudes towards those characters/ships changed?
The scientists hahahahahaahah. I think for the most part unless you are in a niche group, the scientists are generally seen as child abusers to varying degrees. Tsubarov? Everyone still hates him but acknowledge he has a flair for the dramatique. Camp villain appreciation I guess. Relena was definitely shat on, being at the unfortunate intersection of romantic rival and 'annoying' female lead. Again, as someone whose canon experience was informed by Endless Waltz more than the anime, I don't remember if I had any opinions on her at all. However, I think people have admitted where they were wrong (whether owning up to bashing, or speaking up about fandom broadly).
Well besides the obvious Relena, one character that got so much hate and bashing in 1xR circles was Sylvia. I remember one of the first things I checked when I got back into fandom was Sylvia's role in the show and was surprised to see how little she actually does?? She's literally in one episode but was constantly dragged into 1xR stories to be a romantic rival for Relena. Pretty much the same role Relena took on in a lot of 1x2 stories. I guess we just got away with it because she was a minor character. It was just interesting to me that 1xR fans gave some girl the same treatment that 1x2 fans did to Relena. I think that realization helped me put aside the Relena bashing and move on from it. If I don't see Sylvia as an evil character anymore, why would Relena bashers? And I was really happy to find that I was right. As the fandom moved away from romance-centric plots to look at self growth and politics, less characters became target for fandom hate/bashing, and we moved on.
Well, back in the olden days Relena and Wufei were probably the ones who got it worst. Dorothy. Hilde. Zechs. Treize. Heck, even reasonably popular characters like Duo and Quatre had their own "defense" societies against some of the fanon surrounding them. But fans have grown up over the years and portrayals of the characters and various ships have too. (2x5 for instance has gone from a total rare pair to one of the top GW ships on AO3 which I find a fascinating trajectory.) Have we evolved into a perfect utopia? No, and there will probably always be complaints about how a given character or ship is popularly portrayed. I certainly have my bugbears, just like anyone else might. But it's a long time since I've opened up a fic and seen character bashing of the sort that was common c. 2001. People might not be shy about sharing their opinions on their own blogs, but picking fights on other people's content? Flame wars? Not so much these days. The GW fandom might be smaller, but we're also closer-knit. Fandom is about having fun; finding the pockets that bring you enjoyment and finding ways to filter out the rest, and I think we mostly get that (or we're just too old and tired to have much fight left in in us lol).
Well, very early Relena and Duo battles made me nervous of the fandom back in the day, but I think those mainly came from places within ourselves that we can see now don’t need to be at odds. I love them both and I am glad to see the fandom embrace them both on their own merits. I think it’s easy to be anti- when you are younger and appreciative when you are older (and I totally understand how people could be anti! No judgements. I just love everyone and want everyone to be happy. Except Zechs. He has some SERIOUS explaining to do.)
Oh, Relena *definitely* had a lot of negative flack. I'm glad most of us seem to have mellowed out about the poor girl. It's hard to hate a kid when one is in their 30's, lol
Relena of course, but also 3x4 was seen as the “lesser” ship back in my day and there wasn’t much depth or enthusiasm by many other fans.
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ineedglasses · 5 years
Wow, I scrolled through the VK tag today and the discussion is getting heated with accusations being thrown around.
I saw some posts that I wanted to respond to but I decided to just state my thoughts in one big post. 
**Warning: I know not everyone will agree with my opinions, but lets keep the discussion civil. most of us are adults after all. 
Some members of this fandom have expressed their doubts that Ren and Ai are lesbians that are in love with each other and maintain that they are just very close siblings. That is what I would hope, that they are simply close siblings. However, Hino is making it very hard to not suspect their relationship. The way she portrays them makes them seem more like a couple than regular siblings.
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(Btw: Thanks a lot to zekiship for providing raws, I really appreciate you taking the time and $ to do this)
The shojo ai vibes are very strong in these images. Let’s be real, how many of us hold our siblings like that, gaze at them like that, and bring our lips so close like that?
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 If we showed these images to random people that don’t read the manga, I’m sure most of them would guess they are a romantic couple instead of siblings. Also Hino keeps talking about “desire”, which in the context of this manga mostly refers to a romantic and/or sexual desire. Obviously, Hino has not explicitly stated that Ren and Ai are a yuri couple, but she definitely seems to be implying that. TBH, if she is gonna be dancing around the edges like this, she might as well just be straightforward and explicitly state they are a yuri couple. I would applaud her for having the balls to do that in a mainstream shojo manga.
Another post stated that people in this fandom ship guys together but flip out when its a lesbian couple and basically insinuated that people who disapprove of RenAi are lesbophobes. I am gonna proceed on the assumption its in response to my prev. post speaking out against RenAi. 
The first part of that statement certainly does not apply to me, I don’t particularly ship any couple, hetero or yaoi or yuri in this series. I think there are many potential shojo ai couples Hino could have explored that I would have found more interesting, like Yori x Yuki or Yuki x Maria etc. Even if RenAi was a hetero couple, I would still find their relationship problematic. In conclusion, this has NOTHING to do with them being lesbians or not, and its honestly quite offensive to accuse people of being homophobic without any sound basis. I mean, there might be ppl out there that are against RenAi b/c they homophobic, but I think the majority of ppl against RenAi feel that way b/c of other reasons, and not anything to do with their sexual orientation.
There are MANY reasons why I don’t like RenAi that other ppl have already stated. My biggest one is that Ai literally raised Ren from the time she was a baby - she was basically a second mom b/c Yuki was too busy. How do you go from burping a baby to lusting after her when she grows up? That boggles my mind...Also, Ai was already like 70 years old when Ren was born, it seems like she never bothered making any meaningful connections with people before Ren came along. That’s kinda weird and very sad, her whole world just revolves around Ren. IMO, in any romantic relationship, you cannot let your life be consumed by your partner, you need to have a life of your own. I don’t like how she literally stalks Ren around all day and spying on her with binoculars. Like girl, you need to get a life of your own. Go meet some eligible bachelors or bachelorettes or go on a vacation or go help Yuki and Zero out with work. And this goes both ways!!! Ren, Ai literally raised you and changed your diapers! It seems like in the world of VK, only the Kurans and Zero are “good” so if Ren and Ai look for romantic partners or friends they can only look within their family b/c apparently everyone else in the world (ex. the other purebloods and lesser vampires) are “evil” and not worth interacting with. 
Then there were replies to that post discussing the incest component of RenAi and how ppl are being hypocritical by supporting Yume but being against RenAi. Let me get this out of the way: I DON’T support Yume or HarukaxJuri etc. (sorry Yume shippers, incest just isn’t my cup of tea, but on the other hand I am not a Zeki either; I’m one of the few ppl in this fandom that simply doesn’t care for either of the main couples) In my prev. post I simply stated Hino’s justification for the incest among the Kurans (its to keep the lineage clean etc.), just stating the author’s explanation does not mean I support it. My main issue is that she keeps harping on the incest factor at the expense of the plot. Someone said that VK is supposed to be a dark manga so that’s why the incest is there...TBH I’ve read manga with much darker themes so if Hino is doing this to explore the darkness of the human/vampire soul or whatever, its not working so well. If she wanted to talk about dark stuff, there are themes other than incest that she can expound on, such as the hierarchical nature of vampire society and the predation of young children for their blood etc. 
As others have commented, it seems Hino is just trying to force the original love triangle to some conclusion through Ren and Ai. I think Hino needs to stop spending so many pages on Ren and Ai’s relationship, whether it be platonic or not, and actually work on her plot. Like what will happen to Kaname as he lives out the rest of his life as a human? Did Yuki and Zero ever come to some peace agreement with the other purebloods? etc.
Anyway, for ppl reading this, if there are things I said that you don’t agree with, don’t take it too personally and get all upset. I’m sure we all got bigger fish to fry like paying bills and taking finals  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’m only still reading VKM b/c I started VK in middle school and I like getting closure lol. Also, I know its too much to expect, but I want to see if Rukain or Shima had any kids and what happened to Takuma etc.
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moonlit-maiden · 5 years
Hi. You wrote this on a post "Now, gay couples are the norm to the point where I hardly see any straight pairings, honestly (different issue for another time though, the fetisization of gay fan couples)." Can you explain, please? Because my experience is quite the opposite, where m/m pairings are frown upon (for being gay fetish or male worshipping) but the straight and f/f ones are celebrated. Don't you think it depends on the fandom? I would love to read your thoughts on this topic. Thanks.
Sure, not a problem! I’m always down for a discussion. :)
You make a fair point; the particulars of a fandom may change what is “the norm”. Now, full disclosure, I am in almost exclusively anime and manga-based fandoms. I have never been into a fandom of a Western-based media such as shows, movie franchises and books. However, I do see things crop up and discussed about Western media fandoms so I like to think I’m not totally out of the loop.
What I’ve noticed from my experience is this; m/m relationships are overwhelmingly popular and viewed positively. In Japan, there is a term for female fans who enjoy consumption of m/m media; fujoshi. I’ve used it a few times. It’s also meant as an insult, not a compliment, From my understanding, the term came about because these female fans (which cover a large swath of age ranged, from teens to grown middle-aged women) would be quite rabid about their m/m pairings. This rabid preference would also show up in non m/m, also know as yaoi or BL (boy love), anime shows and manga fandoms. I have seen this behavior in many fans of Western media fandom, though unlike in Japan, both males and females may act like this (though it is still overwhelmingly female). Growing up, most of the most popular ships in various fandoms I was a part of or tangentially touched (such as Harry Potter) were m/m. Sometimes their popularity outweighed the canon couples. I’ve also seen (and still see) the common practice of taking an established straight male character and pairing them with another male character who may or may not be straight. By doing this, the canon girlfriend also tends to be vilified which... I do not condone at ALL.
Meanwhile, I’ve seen a big reduction in m/f pair in fanfiction. Whether canon, fanon or even OC/canon, it’s decreased quite a bit over the last... 5??? ish??? years. Strides in LGBT rights in the West and gay relationships becoming less taboo I feel is the cause of this. This is my speculation though! I feel m/f fanfiction is almost silently disapproved. The reason I feel this way is due to something I’ve experienced. I tend to write m/f fanfiction. Usually an OC and a male canon character (I, on principle, never separate canon pair no matter the orientation). In the late 00s, I was frequently updating a fanfiction I was writing for a manga series called Tsubasa by CLAMP. When I first started uploading, there was almost no m/f fanfictions. It was overwhelmingly KuoFai, the uber popular m/m fan ship of the series. However, after several months, as my story became popular, I noticed a sharp uptick in m/f stories for the fandom. When I was forced to stop writing due to real life things taking my attention, then was a sharp downturn soon afterwards. I feel my continuously uploading a m/f-centric story gave courage to others to try their hand too. This wasn’t to say the m/m fics stop (far from it) but it’s a curious phenomena. In addition, I’ve seen MANY posts of people in various fandoms and even of people in the writblr sphere on here blatently state they find m/f ships/relationships boring at best, abusive at worst (dunno where the “abusive” thing is coming from what that is a minority thankfully). So in my experience, m/f ships seems to be looked down upon in fandom.
As for f/f, I almost never see it. f/f (aka yuri) is pretty rare on its own within the anime and manga fandoms. Its fans are primarily male and a couple of male friends of mine who are yuri fans have told me the community tends to keep quiet as they are often seen by female fans of a fandom as “creepy” when most of the time it’s simply an appreciation of the relationship. It’s within the f/f sphere that the concern for fetishzation of lesbian and bi women is a more prominent issue. Meanwhile in the m/m sphere, it’s almost never talked about when there are many cases of fetishzation. A double standard I guess.
Again, this is based on my experience, which is overwhelmingly in the anime and manga community. It may very well be a bit different in Western media fandoms but I personally don’t think so if ships like Drarry, JohnLock and Wincest are still strong despite the fandoms being older.
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feudalinuyasha · 7 years
Anime List
Bullet points are the newly added animes.
Italics are Titles
BOLD is for finished, currently watching, and Next.
Inuyasha -my life
Avatar- The Last Airbender -if you count that as anime
The Legend of Kora-if you count this as anime as well
Ouran Highschool Host Club -SO MAD THERE IS NO SEASON 2
B Gata H Kei- WHAT IS UP WITH THESE ANIMES NOT HAVING A SEASON 2, interesting plot btw lmao
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama -sooooooo cute thought it was pretty well executed story
Fruits Basket - very cute and the characters were very well written and developed. although i didn’t really care the lack of plot, i didn’t really care for the main character at all
Aria the Scarlet Ammo- wasn’t my favorite but i loved the main character, he was actually the only character i liked
Amnesia-was pretty good but i was confused like 80% of time
Arcana Famigila- Thought this was a pretty creative plot and I really liked the story line and the characters were rad, I really didn’t know how much i like it until it was over and then I was empty inside)
KamiSama Kiss-LOVED LOVED LOVED, currently waiting on season 3 and I wasn’t sure if I should put this in the finished list or currently watching
Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi -my first yaoi anime and I loved it, it was very cute
The K Project- wasn’t sure if this went in finished animes or not because I finished season 1 but I heard there was going to be a season 3. Tbh I thought I was going to hate this but I turned out LOVING IT
Say I Love You- This anime was damn cute and very satisfying to say the least! I loved it 10/10
Hiiro no Kakera (Tamayori Princess)- This one was one of those animes that  I started off hating and ended up loving. It was a little too cheesy for my taste and some of the animation sucked. I also think that the series was not long for what they’re were trying to accomplish at the end because of the lack of development everything seemed rushed. But overall I did enjoy it.
Beyond The Boundary- Really like it, thought it was very well put together for being of of the shorter series
Special A-Very much liked this anime, very funny and entertaining
Itazura Na Kiss-  Okay this anime I liked it at first but it really just turned me off with the amount of like verbal and then physical abuse the main protagonist received by her significant other. I understand where the writer was trying to go with this idea of like the male lead having a tough exterior but then end up being a softy but I think she just overdid it. I really want to love this anime but I can’t and honestly, I couldn’t focus on the story line much becasue I was always thinking about why the main protagonist received so much abuse from an anime that’s not that serious of a drama. And also I don’t appreciate how fast it went along, but ya know its not my story, so you do you Kaoru Tada.
Dance With Devils- I liked it, didn’t have any complaints, was just a typical anime for me tbh nothing special
Monthly Girls Nnozaki Kun- Omg I was so mad about this anime because it really had so much potential to be a good romance story and it literally just went nowhere. NOWHERE. And becasue of that it was pretty boring to me; I found myself hoping that something would actually happen and create some kind of plot 24/7.
Akagami-no-Shirayuki-hime- Very cute, I loved it. I really like the main character.
Seven Deadly Sins- I wasn’t really into this at first but as I got to know the characters more I found I really loved it. The story itself is okay but the characters really are the selling point for this anime.
Vampire Knights- Okay I am going to try and push my bitterness aside about the couple in this anime, though i heard that in the manga my ship is cannon. I like the concept, but main characters who are treated like they need to be protected and nurtured like a child always upset me and that kinda ruined this one for me.
Green Green- It was cute. I think it needed to be developed more, like it shouldn’t have been a short series. Lots of potential to be a lot better. Very short and sweet.
Kiss Him, Not Me -I wasn’t feeling it at first but I warmed up to it. I wish the main character would focus on the romance more though, that’s what I was there for lol.
Mayo Chiki- hmm I really like the main character in this one, he was a cute and simple boy next door but other than that there wasn’t anything that stood out about it. It was very average to me. But still it wasn’t bad, nice and short and sweet.
Yuri!!! On Ice- Idk why I waited so long to watch this even know everyone said it was awesome. I absolutely adored it, it was very cute and I like the relationship between Yuri and Victor. 
Masume Kun No Revenge- I actually watched this before Mayo Chiki but forgot to add it to the list. I actually was really into this one, Im a fan of the animation. The plot is whatever for me but what really got me was the characters, overall it was pretty good.
`CURRENTLY WATCHING (longer animes, who knows when I’ll finish):
Bleach-Not my fave anime but i’m already 100 episodes in and theres no stopping me from finishing…Literally haven’t even watched a new episode in like months but I gonna finish it sooner or later. I don’t think I’ll ever get around to finishing bleach tbh lol
Naruto Shippuden- I’ve been watching this for a long time but i made the mistake of watching the dub and i don’t feeling like making that big of a switch to sub so i have to wait and i am probably not gonna finish for like 5 years) And also i’m currently caught up with Gaiden so i guess theres no point in watching anymore but i’m gonna watch anyways. but this is one of my fave animes of all time
FairyTail- Caught Up and waiting for new episodes, omg my heart is breaking bc i didnt even realize how much i was invested in this show and im sad i have to wait for more episodes and also one of my fave animes
Sword Art Online- Kirito is such a QT awh, I’m all caught up btw
Noragami- I’m liking it, it can be a  little slow at times but overall I enjoy it
One Piece- I must say this is really good for not having any real romance, which is something I love in anime. Awesome plot, and I love the characters, though there is something lacking in character development but idk what yet, but it probably doesn’t matter because I’ve barley made a dent in the series.
A LOT. I’m watching all the ones everyone suggested so it might be a while til I get to whatever you recommended last time.
A lot of these are romantic/school/slice of life animes so if you like that kinda stuff I recommenced looking into some of these. Also when it comes to action or fantasy ones I watch, I usually like those to be longer and have very well developed plots that’s why I don’t watch a lot of those because a lot of them are very short lived series.
Might start Hunter X Hunter upon recommendation and am going to force myself to finish Bleach and One Piece. Also might try to delve into Full Metal Brotherhood as well since I’ve heard multiple times that it was great. Still while doing this  I want to watch another short series. Thats a lot to watch lol wish me luck. 
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two-dent · 7 years
It's about time that I finally put this post on here; I've been wanting to accept commissions for a very long time and nowadays, I feel like I should really go ahead and open them up! Thank you for taking the time to read this post and/or consider if you're here. I really do appreciate it! Examples of my art may be viewed in both my DeviantArt gallery and on this blog before commissioning. You may also contact me, and I’d be happy to send you examples of my artwork that I haven’t posted.
Please feel free to continue reading for more information below the cut!
Do not attempt to commission for me to draw anything that applies to the list of what I will not draw (the list is below and is very clear). Any attempt to do so will be denied, no question.
I am allowed to deny any commissions that I deem to be out of my comfort zone/too difficult. I do not want to be paid for something that I don't feel like I am capable of accomplishing well. Please do respect this if I decide that your idea is too difficult for my current skill level!
Keep in mind that my wait time is anywhere between one and four weeks ONCE I accept your commission. I am a busy person as I am in college now and there is no telling how much time I have off from my college work at any given moment in advance.
Do not try to talk me into lowering my prices. My prices are my decision and set as what I see fit and if there is ever a change in them, it'll be on my part only.
If commissions are closed, that means I am not accepting them. If I receive any commission requests while my profile clearly states that they are closed, they will all be ignored.
I will not begin your commission until I receive the full payment. Once I receive your payment in full, I'll begin sketching. The sketch will then be sent to you in order for you to confirm that there are no mistakes and once you confirm, I'll begin lining and coloring (although this does depend on which type of commission you choose).
I only accept payment in USD ($) through PayPal and in some instances, P.O. Box (I will only give you my P.O. Box address AFTER I accept your commission).
What I WILL draw:
Digital Art and Traditional Art
Fanart of Anime/Manga/Video Game Characters
What I WILL NOT draw:
NSFW/Sexual themes of any sort
Anything that could be considered offensive in any way
Yaoi/Yuri (Please respect this; I have no issue with those who like this, it's just out of my comfort zone to draw it)
Furries/Anthro (This doesn’t include video game characters, etc. Only Fursonas)
To commission me, please send me a message OR email at [email protected] that contains all of the following:
Type of commission (from list above), plus any listed upgrades you'd like.
Whether you want it to be digital art or traditional art.
What you want me to draw (detailed description please).
*ANY REFERENCE IMAGES YOU HAVE* This is important! I cannot draw an OC of yours without any reference images!
Your PayPal address (so that I can send you your invoice).
Any other specifications
If you choose traditional art, I can laminate and mail your commission to you at an additional fee in order to pay for shipping costs!
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ceruleanpunch · 8 years
001: hibike! euphonium? ☺️
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: kumiko (she is my curly fry haired daughter)
Least Favorite character: normally I’d say the teacher guy (because his hair annoys me to no end and also the fact that people use reina’s crush on him to invalidate any possibilities of kumirei) but because of recent events in my life, shuichi 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): kumirei was the only one I’m super hyped about, but I like the chemistry between the quiet second year girl (also in brass) and the super extra girl with the hairbow (as extra and overly dramatic as she was that girl had so much subtext w different characters imo, not just this but also the upperclassman she white knighted for constantly, and maybe clarinet girl?) 
Character I find most attractive: hmmmmmm I wouldn’t say attractive but I think kumiko’s design is pretty cool! 
Character I would marry: asuka 
Character I would be best friends with: probably either kumiko or the quiet second year girl 
a random thought: none of the girls are straight  
An unpopular opinion: unfortunately this is all queerbaiting because kyoani knows that’s what gets them attention (coughfreecough). I’d love to say that they’re just trying to do what they can within borders of code, but then you have to look at other production studios like studio trigger (referencing kill la kill and kiznaiver) or mappa (obv talking about yuri!!! on ice), who both have been very explicit in showing a gay romance (NOT just for straight viewers) and still been aired normally. until kyoani steps up to at least those levels, I’m not calling it anything but queerbaiting, even if it’s tasteful and I appreciate it far greater than most yuri/yaoi (explicit fanservice for a straight audience)
my canon OTP: I mean if it’s really actually canon like people are saying, asukumi is a much better outcome than kumiko with that guy
Non-canon OTP: kumireiiiiiiii 
most badass character: asuka
pairing I am not a fan of: reina/that teacher, kumiko/shuichi
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I’ve felt pretty good about the characters up to the point I’m at (ep 3 of season 2, I need to finish at some point I know)? All of them act pretty realistically 
favourite friendship: kumiko and midori and hazuki
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: adopt kumiko I guess? 
thank you for the ask!!! reminded me I need to actually finally finish this series 0o0 
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Im honestly so done with aot fandom wars really. I now let people spew whatever shit they want. It gets toxic in the end. I started hating so many characters because of this irritating fandom till I realized that a bunch of teenagers dont have the right to steal my love for this story away from me. Theyre so ridiculous really it looks like a bunch of kids decided to watch AOT and miss the point entirely. Yams wrote a beautiful story that gets more interesting when you reread it. I wasnt even aware of shipping wars till I finished the manga only to realize its hellfire here. I just assumed oh Erwin loved Marry but chose the corps how sad. Shadis had a thing for Carla. Bittersweet. Oh Ymir and Historia loved each other. Tragic. Reiner is a historia simp great. Oh Levi and Hanji are closeted lovers who just cant accept they're into each other. And thats it. But I went online just to see wow manga discussions yaaay and I ran into middle school children shipping Levi with Eren/Mikasa I mean are you ok? Are you not unhinged? Do you need therapy? Seriously guys wtf? Levi/Erwin? WTF? They're literally brothers wtf? Hange/Moblit, WTF? Are you even aware of the concept of friendship and loyalty that runs in the army? Do you think everyone in the army is in love with each other wtf is this logic Im sorry Im so done with this fandom. AOT deserved better fans who'd appreciate the story and its depth. Apart from a few plotholes that made no sense. (Especially hanji's useless fking death, dude she could've lived ok its so unfair. Anyways) I also can't stand it when people start making Yuri and Yaoi ships of two clearly straight characters. I don't mind if you ship characters within a show that have some sort of legitimacy FROM THE SOURCE MATERIAL. But literally changing everything about characters just so they can fit your idea of a stupid ship is pathetic. A character is so much more than someone you ship with someone. Grow tf really.
Anyways, I just wanted to rant really. Im so sick of this fandom and the toxicity it holds. And sadly its just growing.
Hi anon,
Feel free to rant about it here haha. Given what's been happening recently and yeah even before that, I have seen a lot of toxic parts of this fandom. Stuff which make me wonder if people actually have lives outside the fandom because the amount of effort people go to just to be angry is just amazing.
There are parts I don't agree with though. Personally, I just think that people can ship whatever they want, they can hc whatever they want, they can write whatever they want, they can draw whatever they want.
Like I'm not a fan of other ships in AOT, as much as I am of Levihan but what just irks me about the overall fandom is this need to police everything and this need to push preferences on other people.
Fiction is powerful. Fiction can be a reflection of reality but a lot of people like to use their own strict preferences as some means of putting themselves in a higher plain of moral existence. Lmao, news flash, the best determinant of how 'moral' someone is is for one, how they treat others and how they navigate morally gray situations.
A person’s fandom preferences is not a good indicator of their moral compass.
And I just hate this general need to attack Levihan and the Levihan fans just because one has other preferences, attack peoples favorite tropes or hcs just one has different 'favorites.'
Let's just stay in our own backyards and just enjoy our own food??
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kuuderekun · 6 years
My Life as a Shipper
I’m not sure I can accurately name this post since it’s not an attempt to comprehensively go over every ship I’ve ever shipped.  I just wanna share some things.  And this won’t exactly be chronological either.   Some of this reminiscing is about Fan Fiction I did read, but plenty is also more about stuff I imagined, that I would have written myself if I wasn’t so lazy. It may surprise my followers (if any exist) to learn that my earliest ships were all Het, I’ve been a Yuri shipper for a long time now, but not quite from the start.  And to a certain extent I’ve never abandoned my Het shipping, I am still ultimately a Cis-Het Male after all. Early on I did a lot of imagining myself into shows having storylines with the female characters I was attracted to. My first real ship was shipping Dawn and Spike from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It’s weird looking back on that now since it’s not the kind of thing I’m likely to ship today at all.  But I have fond memories of exploring now long dead Dawn themed fan fiction sites, where I mostly got into stories about this ship but did read others.  And for context you should know I’m exactly the same age as Michelle Trachtenberg, so I wasn’t seeing Dawn as the little girl of the show, she was rather the only character I could come close to seeing myself in.  But I shipped with Spike not because I had any attraction to James Marsters, but because she canonically had a crush on Spike and so I wanted her to get what she wanted. The early Het Ships I shipped that I still care about are the Zelda ones interestingly enough.  I was a big Link and Malon shipper, which included Link/Marin and Link/Romani and also Link/Cremia.  I read an old Zelda Universe article called The Girl with the Red Hair: Malon + Link, which I really liked, and it still exists. https://zeldauniverse.net/2010/11/28/the-girl-with-the-red-hair/ I think that’s a reposting however, because it’s dated to 2010 and I’m confident I’d read this before Twilight Princess came out.  Because as we were learning more about it I felt like it was confirming the theory of that article, TP Link must descend from the Hero of Time and Malon.   YouTube videos about Malon theorizing seem to be when on her as a love interest mostly just indirectly repeating that article but then adding the TP element. The Fan Fiction I was into back then, on both the Dawn subject and the Zelda subject, included a lot of angst.  I was into scenarios about triangles and jealousy and unrequited love.  Some of them even got pretty Dark.  I think I would have become a Non-Monogamous shipper sooner if I’d simply learned of that being an option sooner.  But make no mistake, my current desire for everyone being happy in the end stories doesn’t mean I don’t see the appeal of melodrama.  A number of Dawn fics were between seasons 5 and 6 or between episodes of season 6. I was also interested in the idea of stories about a post Majora’s Mask Link having his dark side drawn out by the Fierce Deity Mask. It’s hard to say where my Femslash interest truly began.  When I was into Dawn fics I read some Femslash ones about her, some with Buffy, some with Faith, possibly one with Tara.  But they weren’t what I actively shipped. Noir was my introduction to Yuri.  I first stumbled upon that show by surfing my family's On Demand service and seeing it on Anime Network On Demand, where episode 9, the second part of a two parter, was the earliest episode currently up.  Watching that episode was the first time I ever saw 2D Girls Kiss.  And as I continued the show I got really into Chloe and her unrequited feelings for Kirika.  However it took awhile strangely for me to realise Kirika and Mireille were also canon, I still had some heteronormativity to get over.  I remember that the first time I saw the word Yuri was on Noir’s IMDB forum, someone had posted a thread called “Noir Yuri Pics” or something and I originally assumed it must mean something more specific then just gay. Around then was also when I started actually reading DC Comics, and Stephanie Brown became my favorite Comic Book character, and it didn’t take long for me to start shipping her with Cassandra Cain.  But another niche Het Ship I supported was Tim Drake and Darla Aquista.  I also like Linkara supported the controversial Donna Troy and Terry Long relationship.  There an old fansite I really liked that is no gone called Donna Troy Woman and Hero. I’ve also engaged in some Pokemon shipping over the years.  More so game characters though, filling in the blank slate that is Leaf.  Anime wise that I like May and Dawn way more than Misty makes me pretty controversial.  My imagination always treated Lass as a single character rather than a class.  A Fille Fatale who flirts with both Red and Leaf.  Basically there were little if any existing fanfics I found to serve my tastes there.  I did enjoy a series on FanFiction.Net about Leaf and Dawn. I was also someone who’s interest in the Twilight ignited Vampire craze lead me to research the Pre-Dracula stuff, which lead to me reading and really liking Carmilla.  Because of Paul Feval that Vampire interest lead into and overlapped with my French Pulp Fiction interest which allowed me to learn about Eugenie Danglars and Louise d’Armilly. The Vampire craze also lead me to The Vampire Diaries, where I found another of my top Het Ships, Jeremy and Anna, played by Stephen R McQueen and Malese Jow.  That ship was prominent in my early Tumblr activity. Then came the era of Pretty Little Liars being my favourite TV show, I became a strong Sparia shipper and looked into other ships as well. Back to Zelda.  Prior to Skyward Sword I quite liked how Nintendo was mostly avoiding making Link and Zelda a couple.  But then Hyrule Warriors comes along implying they’re always destined to fall in love and I was quite annoyed.  So I’ve always had hostility towards Link/Zelda shipping.  However the Skyward Sword Prequel Manga included in the Hyrule Historia (which I saw glimpses of before I properly got to read it) kinda won me over on it.  Though that’s technically Link and Hylia. Zelda is one franchise where my Het Shipping is still strong.  But I have became a supporter of Zelda Femslash.  For both Skyward Sword and Hyrule Warriors I like to ship Zelda with Impa, and for Twilight Princess I like Zelda/Midna, and I see Ashe as a Lesbian on principle.  I also now support the theory that Cremia actually had feelings for Anju in Majora’s Mask. I developed an interest in various Tolkien and Silmarillion related Femslash ships.  Like Nienor Niniel and Nellas, as well as viewing Nessa, Haleth and Ter-Telperien as Lesbians. I started a FInal Fantasy Femslash tumblr that I’ve mostly let die since my interests there are limited.  I ultimately view Terra Branford as Asexuel and yet I still crave material about her and Celes.  I also strongly support Agrias and Ovelia from Final Fantasy Tactics. Since getting much more actively into Anime starting in 2014 there are a lot of ships I’ve become supporters of, from Magical Girls to Cute Girls Doing Cute Things to the better Harems, and the occasional specifically Yuri show/OVA.  But I’ve supported some Het stuff too and even learned to appreciate Yaoi and Traps.  But strangely nothing I’ve found in the last year and a half has really compelled me the way my old ships did.  Though perhaps they just need time, again I haven’t been rewatching stuff as much as I used to. However recently learning about SaGa Frontier thanks to Yahweasel has made me a supporter of the Femslash potential it provides.
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s-hadow-chan · 7 years
Moving blogs + a reflection essay
tl;dr -- I’m moving my main blog. Because lots of my views on life have changed, my life has changed, and obviously my tastes in fandoms have changed. I’ll put the URL here later once I’ve made it. To see how I got to this position and where I am now, keep reading ^w^
Note: This is just my own opinion as to how I’ve seen Tumblr over the past few years. 
Well, it’s the start of a New Year. I haven’t been active much in 2017 but I’ll try and be active this year. Thanks to all the people who’ve helped and supported me this year and the following people who have made my life on Tumblr : *a list of people I rarely talk to anymore*
....Is what I would have said perhaps a year or two ago. I’m still glad I’ve joined this site and had conversations with some KnB fanatics like I was. However, I haven’t talked to them in a year. The only people I usually talk to on this site are basically nonexistent. I mean my friends from high school technically, but I talk to them irl during classes and lunch. The truth is that I have not been active on Tumblr for the past year. And my activity on the site was starting to wane in 2016 as well when I accidentally deleted my main blog last year when I was actually trying to delete a side blog I was working on. But that’s besides the fact as to why I’m moving. I’ve changed quite a bit since 2014 when I first joined Tumblr. My views of the world have changed, my life has changed, even the tiniest things such as my fandom tastes have changed. Because of this change, I’m moving to a new blog. Since you’ve decided to keep reading, I’m going to write a long detailed essay about the three things that have changed with me: my taste, my views on the world, and my life in 2014. You have the complete freedom to click out anytime ^w^
The fourteen-year-old me has a different shit taste in anime than the shit taste I have in anime now. Obviously, no one person can stay the same. If you’ve reblogged the little posts I’ve reblogged from other blogs (try saying that five times lol) notice how there’s barely any Hetalia or Kuroko no Basket or Haikyuu for that matter. Even when I’ve been active for the past few days, it’s been more positive posts, memes, and occasional anime of Hero Aca and such. So really if you want to know what I’m into at the moment, it’s Honeyworks, Hero Aca, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April), food, study things, any Makoto Shinkai film (doesn’t have to be Your Name but it can be) and always memes. And getting off from the high of finishing Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches, I’ll be looking for that too. Also, notice the decline in squealing yaoi fangirl that used to squeal in the tags section about two dudes cross-dressing. Ah, yes. The Hetalia days of where I’d ship APH America with everyone and just had a huge obsession with APH America. The title of my blog (on mobile anyway) is still a quote from the dub haha.  To be fair, that squealing, yaoi fangirl did have a brief revival when Yuri on Ice was still airing. I still have a soft spot for the anime as it was very good (and still is, Phichit will forever be an angel) and I absolutely LOVE Makkachin still. But for the most part, I have mostly lost the whole yaoi fangirl that I once was in Freshman year of high school who still loved shipping countries together. Why I deviated from Hetalia is another post unto itself.
I mentioned how I haven’t been posting a lot of kurobas lately. Yes my interest has waned in the show, but I still appreciate what it’s done for me in my high school years. I still have a quote from Aida Riko back in the earlier chapters of the manga hanging on my wall as I work on homework: “I want you to have a big concrete objective and the will to achieve it.” I won’t deny, KnB really helped me set the mentality I needed to tackle high school -- to keep pushing myself to become a better person. Whether I fulfilled that expectation or not is debatable. But as always, the inspirational quotes of KnB will undoubtedly carry me onto college too.
Now don’t get triggered when I say that Tumblr can really take leftist ideology to the extreme. It’s definitely right to treat everybody equally no matter their skin color, gender, sexuality, shape, size, disability, etc. Basically, everyone deserves to be treated equally. That’d definitely fine and it’s the right way to live life after all. However, it first hit me in Junior year that Tumblr was getting annoying. The whole “the straights are terrible” and “white men should burn in hell” preaching gave Tumblr the black and white views of the world without any grays (or greys however you spell it) in between. Now I’m a straight CIS female. I’ve got good friends who are asexual, bi, lesbian, etc. I will say this, but I doubt it will be heard by the screams of hate against a straight CIS gender like myself: I DON’T CARE WHAT YOUR DAMN SEXUALITY OR GENDER OR COLOR OR WHATEVER IS AS LONG AS YOU ARE A NICE PERSON! If you are a trans, gay Hispanic (an example, not pointing you out) who treats other people terribly, that means I will flip you off and beat your ass (to some extent of this statement). Not all straight people are bad and not all gays are good and it goes for every demographic that exists ever.
Though it may seem that I am blaming all of Tumblr for acting this way, I am. But I can’t forget that I too, once had a black and white view of the world. As a fourteen-year-old who was very much shielded from the world because of a private Catholic school with conservative parents who are very well off, I had an inkling of what the rest of the world was like. And I feel like the people on Tumblr were just as uneducated about the world as I was. By no means do I know everything about the world now. A seventeen-year-old who hasn’t even finished high school will never know how the me from four years from now feels. I am just saying that my opinion from leaning so far left a damn tree would break has become more moderate. This website made me think: gosh being straight and CIS is uncool and being a normal functional being with no anxiety or depression isn’t normal too. I need to be bi and genderfluid! That was stupid thinking. Right now, I’m completely fine with being a straight, CIS female with no mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety who will gladly respect your pronouns.
Now life is really crazy. It was crazy in 2016, and it was crazy in 2017 too. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that I’m from Las Vegas, Nevada now did I? Times have changed man. I don’t think I would have said that when I was 10 on a website lol. But yeah if you’ve somehow been scrolling this far down I commend your efforts. And I’m sure you’re getting really strained rn. So get some water, take a break, I’m sorry if you can’t get to a laptop or computer right now. Don’t read this in one go. If you’ve returned or decided to read straight on through welcome back or good for you respectively. Now I’ll repeat that again. Yes, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. Right where Stephen Paddock decided to shoot from the 37th floor of Mandalay Bay onto the Route 91 Harvest Festival where over 500 people were wounded and 50 people were killed and where three students from my school were at on Sunday night (they were unharmed physically I believe). I found this out when I was tucked in bed at home, far from the strip checking my friend’s snapchats before I fell asleep. For the largest mass shooting in modern US history to take place in an area where my family would take our extended family to dinner or where we once had a New Years Eve celebration at the Vdara, is sickening. My cousins and I used to go to Mandalay Bay and hang out at the pool and stay the night because it was Spring break back when we were in middle school. My mom’s 40th birthday was at the Mandalay Bay. It’s terrible. I know how those people in Orlando and Colorado and everywhere else in the world feel when a mass shooting happens and completely disrupts your life. I’ve barely even been to the strip this year. The fact that a terror attack happened in my own backyard is beyond words. It makes me angry that some bastard decided to fuck up the lives of everyone in my city by ruining a good time at a concert. It makes me sad when I read a Washington Post later about a group of girls who went to a Lutheran school were affected by this event mentally and some even physically by this event. And that in turns makes me pissed off that some dude ruined the lives of teenage girls exactly like me, who were worried about the SAT and ACT and AP Classes and college. Fuck him.
So that’s my feelings on the shooting a few months late. But remember that I live in Las Vegas. You can’t just forget a mass shooting that happened in the city you live in. I’d mention how people would disagree with me that other events on the strip have happened such as a robbing at the Bellagio (it’s always the Bellagio man! That’s my fave part of the strip with the dancing waters and the seasonal garden inside like man they don’t deserve that) and etc. but feel free to disagree with me when you submit an ask dear anon.
Now on a somewhat lighter note, high school will forever be stressful. Going to the best high school in the state is stressful when all your friends have a nonstop grind to be one of the valedictorians (apparently you can have more than one?? I had no idea until I went to high school). Though I am nowhere near becoming a valedictorian, I still have plans to graduate with high honors ( wearing white for graduation) because half of the people graduating will wear white because it’s a magnet school dammit we’re kinda smart. AP classes have been part of my workload since Sophomore year which is right when I deleted my blog, but I managed to keep my activity up somewhat. Junior year slumped in my activity big time. APUSH is hard you guys. That’s it. I believe I posted a reflection at the start of 2017 detailing a bit more of this. But the difference this year is that I’m a senior in high school. That means college and scholarships. As I’ve mentioned before, I live in Nevada. I either stay in Las Vegas and attend the university there or I head up to Reno, which is like a 6-hour drive from home or just an hour flight. That means living in a dorm away from everything I’ve known. And that includes my boyfriend.
The biggest change in my life between Freshman year and now is that I’m taken! And honestly, it was the biggest fucking plot twist of 2016 (and the largest failed segway of 2018 thus far). I’m dating the largest weeb at my school ever and I’m happy dammit. Most of the time. I’ve learned a lot from being in a relationship like how to shut the fuck up and listen and appreciate more in life. By no means was my relationship perfect either. We’ve had a lot of fights. I’ve mentioned this in my reflection of 2016 at the start of last year so the rundown is that we’ve been together a year and a half now. I’m in a healthy relationship. Then college comes in and says hi. Now my boyfriend has decided to go to the university here in Las Vegas. I’m still very unsure as to where I want to go next. After all, the decision as to where to continue my education lies with me and I’m running out of time (I’m procrastinating on the decision right now lol). Four years ago, I had dreams of going out of state to either a UC school or the United States Airforce Academy in Colorado, until I learned that school outside of my state is expensive so I decided to stay within the confines of Nevada. 
And honestly, that’s where I’m at right now. Thanks for reading this long ass rant. I spent an hour or two typing this up. I just have a lot of feelings haha. I hope everyone has the best year ever. If this is after I’ve posted my new URL, go follow me there. But for now, thanks for all the support thus far and especially for reading this long ass rant. See you!
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