#i am angrier every day about the way we treat and / or ignore animals As A Society
the shelter i volunteer at sends out notices when an animal passes away or is scheduled to be put down, and I genuinely respect and appreciate the transparency, but also… fuck, they’re so jarring.
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exo-x-o-l-o-v-e · 6 years
Strawberries & Cigarettes Pt. 1
Chanyeol x male!reader
Genre: Fluff, a bit of angst
I was always captivated by his smile. From the first moment I saw him his smile had this way of making me forget everything else and just get lost in the moment.
I fell in love with his smile in our second year of middle school. I saw him during lunch one day as I was walking to where my friend, Namjoon, and I usually sat.
His friend accidentally bumped into me, the guy apologized and I was telling him it was okay when he ran up yelling happily and swung his arm over smaller boy’s shoulders. My heart stopped the second I looked at him. His smile was wide and goofy but he radiated such pure happiness that it dazed me. My mind got hazy and the next thing I knew the boy in front of me grumbled an apology about him, who he referred to as “Chanyeol”, and walked off with said boy trailing after him like a hyperactive puppy.
Much to my shitty luck, Namjoon witnessed the entire thing. “Who was that?” Namjoon asked with an obviously fake casual tone. I shrugged as I replied, “No clue, the guy just bumped into me.”.
“I meant the one you were gawking at.” he said with a shit eating grin.
“Fuck off, I wasn’t staring.” I responded and started to eat.
“You were definitely staring, lover boy. Come on, what’s his name?” he pressed on as he continued to eat too.
“You’re such a dick. His friend called him ‘Chanyeol’ or something, I don't know.” I answered, hoping that Namjoon wouldn’t see my cheeks getting hot.
He tried to start teasing me again but he accidentally knocked his drink off the table.
“Really!” He sighed in exasperation.
He had a weird knack for destroying anything and everything he came in contact with, so a couple people snickered at Namjoon's usual clumsiness, as I went to go get the cleaning supplies with a sigh of relief.
From that day forward I always looked for that kid with the bright smile. I even swallowed my pride and asked a couple classmates about him. I learned his name was Park Chanyeol, he was in class 2-C, he liked singing and playing guitar, he was trying to start a band, and he was either described as really cool and friendly or loud and obnoxious. Namjoon gave me endless shit once he found out I asked our classmates about Chanyeol and noticed I would go out of my way just to be able to look at him from afar.
The more I watched him from afar the more I began to notice everything else about his appearance. He had these really cute elf-like ears that poked out (despite his attempt at hiding them under his long hair), he was a little taller than some of our classmates, still had his babyfat, and had really nice dark eyes that sparkled with life.
I didn’t know why I wanted to see him all the time or why his smile made my heart race or what I was feeling, but all I knew was I wanted him to keep smiling.
Eventually Namjoon started trying to talk me into going up to him and introducing myself, which obviously I didn’t do. What was I supposed to say? We had only kinda met once when his friend bumped into me a month or two ago. It was far too late to introduce myself to him now.
“I don’t want to study, Joon!” I groaned as he pulled me along by my hand towards the library.
“Your mom isn't going to let us hang out after school if you continue to suck at math!” Namjoon scolded me.
“We can't all be in the top 1% like you, dork.” I said back with a smile just to see him get more annoyed. But someone interrupted him before he could respond.
“Faggots!” we heard some guy yell.
Namjoon must have felt me stiffen with anger, he held my hand softer, and we continued walking.
“Why don’t you leave, perverts!” another guy, probably the first boy’s friend, shouted.
We continued ignoring them. We were use to it at this point, it still made us angry, but we were okay at ignoring it. People said stuff like that all the time. People acted like this towards us because I’m gay. I came out last year, and because Joon was still friends with me afterwards he was made fun of too.
“Yah! Didn’t you hear us, fags?” the first guy yelled at us again, his voice getting closer.
My free hand balled into a tight fist, I was getting angrier by the second, but Namjoon kept walking away from the guys following us. He was the more even tempered of us two, he stayed calm and cool when people did this, while I tended to get angry or cry.
“Do you want to die, homo?” his friend grabbed my shoulder hard and jerked me back.
I yanked my hand out of Namjoon’s grasp as I threw my fist at that boy’s face. My punch hit him with so much unexpected force that he fell to the ground. There was a flash of shock on both of their faces, Namjoon instantly was by my side, his arm in front of me protectively. The boy still standing stalked towards me, his arm pulled back as he prepared to throw a punch. Namjoon jumped in front of me, taking the hit intended for me before pushing him down. The one I had punched got to his feet and everything became a blur of punches and trying to protect each other. Somehow the guy I decked got me on the ground, he kept hitting my face over and over, until he was thrown off of me. I looked to my left expecting to see my best friend but instead there stood Park Chanyeol yelling at the guy to get lost. He knelt down next to me with that stunning smile aimed at me and his hand outstretched towards me. My heart skipped a beat then dropped. Where was Namjoon? Was he hurt?
“Joon!” I yelled past him panicked as he helped me up.
I may have been dying for the chance to talk to Chanyeol, but my best friend and his well being was always my top priority.
“He’s alright, Kyungsoo is helping him right now.” Chanyeol said in a soft, comforting tone.
“Is he hurt!? Oh my god this is all my fault.” I said still shaken with worry.
“(Y/N)! Are you okay? Oh my god I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to you but that guy-” Namjoon rambled as he ran to me.
“Joon, forget about that! Look at you! I’m so so sorry! It’s all my fault! I’m so sorry, Joon!” I gently prodded the bruise already starting to form near the side of his eye, guilt resting in my stomach.
“It’s not your fault, it’s those guys fault. And don’t worry about me. What about you! Your cheek is bleeding.” He said gently wiping my cheek with his jacket sleeve.
“It’s sweet you two aren’t ashamed of your relationship.” Kyungsoo said, both of us freezing in shock at his words.
“You’re a cute couple.” Chanyeol added happily.
“We're not together! We're just friends, like brothers!” Namjoon explained flustered, our hands quickly retracting from each other's faces.
“Oh I’m sorry, we just assumed.” Kyungsoo apologized politely.
“But aren’t you two gay? Everyone says you’re gay.” Chanyeol blurted out, his head cocked to the side in confusion. Kyungsoo tried to subtly elbow him in the side, but he yelped in pain.
“Uh I’m not, technically. Everyone thinks we’re together but we’re not.” Namjoon responded, scratching behind his ear.
“I’m gay, but yeah, we’re not dating.” I said with an awkward chuckle. Chanyeol perked up a little.
“Really? Alright, cool.” He smiled at us.
There was an awkward pause, but Namjoon came in to save the day as always.
“Hey, we gotta go clean up these cuts and stuff, but thanks for your help. It meant alot.” Namjoon told them, his cool charismatic grin making an appearance as well.
“We just don’t like how people treat gays badly, so it was nothing.” Kyungsoo responded, I could tell he wasn’t use to socializing like this but was trying really hard to show his sincerity.
We nodded with smiles, getting our bags off the ground, and beginning to walk to my house. Namjoon once again taking my hand in his.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Namjoon asked me.
“Yeah I am, I’m more worried about you though-” I was saying when we were interrupted yet again.
“Hey, hang out with us from now on!” we heard Chanyeol happily scream behind us.
“We’re like 5 meters away. Why is he yelling so loud?” Namjoon asked rhetorically in slight annoyance.
“No idea, but I do admire his enthusiasm.” I responded with a small smile.
“He’s like an anime character. Loud, kinda dumb, and he has a shy dork who has a crush on him but is too scared to do shit but stalk him. He’s basically Naruto, but with yoda ears.” Joon said matter-of-factly, pulling the tips of his ears so they stuck out more. I knew he was trying to bait me but I couldn’t stop myself.
“Yah! He’s not stupid! He was just confused! And I don’t stalk him! I just like his smile. And his ears are like elf ears not like Yoda’s you dick!” I shot back, my cheeks starting to get warmer.
We continued our back and forth banter until we got back to my house. I got an ice pack ready, while Namjoon got the first aid kit in the bathroom. I went to Namjoon, we talked and laughed about whatever came up, and I gently pressed the ice pack to the now dark purple bruise on his left eye. The rubbing alcohol stung the cut on my cheek, and soon Namjoon was putting the bandage over the wound.
“We’re sitting with them tomorrow.” he said out of nowhere. I could tell by his set expression it would be useless arguing with him.
The next day was no different than any other day for us. That is until lunch when Joon dragged me towards Kyungsoo and Chanyeol.
“You bitch.” I whisper yelled at him.
“If you’re not gonna take the lead then I’m doing it for you. And they did help us out yesterday.” he whispered back.
“Hey, we saved you seats.” Kyungsoo greeted us happily.
“You guys came! I was worried you wouldn’t sit with us!” Chanyeol laughed, his wide smile making my heart flutter.
“Thanks Kyungsoo, and you shouldn’t worry. Especially after yesterday.” Namjoon responded to both boys, setting his tray down.
“Yeah, man. Why wouldn’t we hang out with you guys.” I added, beginning to eat.
Soon we became close friends with Chanyeol and Kyungsoo. At first we just ate together at lunch then we gradually started to hang out after school and eventually we hung out every day.
At first it kinda baffled me that Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were best friends at first. Kyungsoo was quiet, more thoughtful, and definitely more introverted than Chanyeol who was known to be loud and energetic. But the more we got to know them the more we saw how similar and compatible they were.
Kyungsoo loved anime, enjoyed cooking, and he was an amazing singer. Chanyeol loved anime too, he danced, and loved playing guitar and piano. Both of them didn’t like school, but Kyungsoo made them study and get at least decent grades. In their free time they learned songs together. Kyungsoo would sing while Chanyeol played piano or guitar. Kyungsoo wanted to become a singer, and Chanyeol wanted to become an artist as well. I learned he didn't know what he wanted to do specifically, all he knew was that wanted to work in the music industry alongside Kyungsoo.
Becoming friends with them was the best and the worst thing at the time. I got two new amazing friends that I enjoyed being around. I got to know more about Chanyeol, and spend a lot of time with him, but that also meant my complicated feelings for him increased and I had to try harder and harder to hide them.
We were at my house studying one day. We had an exam soon so we decided to study together in preparation for it. Two hours in Chanyeol began complaining, draping himself over Kyungsoo, who ignored him. This was a common occurrence. Chanyeol was very affectionate with Kyungsoo and enjoyed picking on him. He almost always was making some sort of contact with Kyungsoo, whether it was having his arm draped over the other’s shoulder or leaning on him or occasionally holding his hand in private.
Namjoon shot me a sympathetic look. I just tried focusing on my notes and textbook, but that stabbing pain in my heart stayed. I knew Chanyeol was straight but that didn’t stop me from feeling sad and jealous when he was affectionate with Kyungsoo. I tried to ignore the heartache, but it never went away. Every Time I saw him touch Kyungsoo I wondered what it would be like if he wrapped his arm around me or how his hand would feel in mine. I knew I liked boys, but this was the first time I wanted to hold someone’s hand and go on a date with them.
“Yah! (Y/N)! You’re getting bored with studying too, right? We should definitely take a break.” he said energetically, his toothy grin making me weak.
“We should.” I instantly gave into him, as usual.
“You’re just trying to get out of studying, stupid.” Kyungsoo said irritated with Chanyeol, flicking the edge of his ear.
“Soo, don’t be that way.” he cooed in response, rubbing the now red tip of his ear.
My stomach turned seeing how gently he always talked to and treated the smaller boy no matter how rough or mean he was to him.
“It’s not that late, maybe we can go get some snacks.” Namjoon suggested, turning their attention away from each other to him.
I gave him a look to silently thank him. We began packing our supplies away, and getting ready to leave. Namjoon patted me on the back, from the look in his eyes I knew he was gonna try to talk to me about this later. Then we all headed out of my room.
“You haven’t played Pokemon Gold or Silver?!” I shouted incredulously, wiping the crumbs away from the sides of my lips.
“I just haven’t! Is it that bad I haven’t!” Chanyeol shot back, opening another red bean paste bun.
“Yeah! It's the best! You're gonna play it. It's my duty as your friend to make sure you play this masterpiece.” I said firmly, taking another bite of my bun.
“Masterpiece? The character you play is like 10 pixels.” Joon teased me.
He lightly hit my bun into my face as I went to take a bite. The three boys began to laugh, I pushed Namjoon lightly, trying to clean off as much as I could.
“You shouldn't do that, Namjoon.” Kyungsoo gently scolded Namjoon, I was about to say thank you and send Joon a smug look when he continued with a heart shaped smile, “You shouldn't waste food like that.”
“Kyungsoo… I trusted you… How could you betray me like this!” I cried in mock sadness.
“Trusting me was your fault! Anyways I gotta head home now.” He said through laughter.
Chanyeol began to groan and beg him to stay out with us longer. Namjoon and I were laughing at how childish he looked, practically on his knees begging Kyungsoo who was fuming.
“I gotta go too. My dad wants me home early tonight.” Namjoon said suddenly.
“Oh, alright. Let's go then.” I responded, beginning to put my last red bean paste bun in my bag for later.
“No! It's fine! You and Chanyeol can stay out longer!” He said with a smile, but his eyes were screaming at me.
“Yeah! Chanyeol! Why don't we hang out longer?” I asked nervously, finally understanding what Namjoon was trying to do.
My hands were getting kinda moist, I felt scared but also hopeful and excited. Just the thought of spending time alone with Chanyeol made my heart go crazy.
“Definitely! At least I have one friend that cherishes me!” Chanyeol cheered as he threw his arm around my shoulders.
My heart started beating faster than it ever did before, my face felt so hot like it was on fire, and my hands began to get incredibly clammy.
I couldn't even utter a single word when we separated from Namjoon and Kyungsoo. It felt as if my brain short circuited, all I could focus on was how nice it felt to have his arm around me. He was warm and comforting, and, oh god, when he turned smiling at me. I had never felt this type of happiness before. Sure I felt really happy when I was with Namjoon, or when my parents told me that they still supported and loved me when I came out. But it was something about his smile, his arm around me, and just his presence that felt so exhilarating.
It felt like I was in a drama or a shoujo manga. We went to an arcade, played games til we ran out of coins, then we went to a park and talked about anything and everything. The whole time his smile and attention were directed at only me. It made me feel special like the protagonists in romance mangas.
We were sitting shoulder to shoulder on a park bench.
“What’s it like?” Chanyeol said vaguely. Much to my confusion.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“To be gay?” he elaborated.
“It’s no different than being straight except some people are cruel because of it.” I answered him, fidgeting with the sides of my pant legs.
“How do you know?” he questioned naively.
“I don't really know. I just kinda noticed I didn't see girls the way other guys did. That I didn't have those feelings towards girls.” I explained as best as I could.
“Do you have feelings for Namjoon?” he asked turning towards me instantaneously.
For once there was no smile on his face, his expression somber and stern.
“No, I don't. I've never had feelings for Namjoon like that.” I answered honestly, looking him directly in the eyes.
“Do you have feelings for someone else then?” he questioned me further.
“I… Well.. I… I do have feelings for a guy.” my voice wavered as I responded.
“Who?” He snapped at me.
It wasn't like him to act this way. Chanyeol was usually goofy and hyper, not serious and assertive.
Panic suddenly seized my heart. I stumbled over my own incomprehensible words. I tried avoiding his gaze, gripping my pant leg so hard my knuckles turned white. I felt a smoldering knot form in my throat, I didn't want to tell him. It hurt so much just thinking about how disgusted he'll be if I told him how I felt. The thought of him looking at me the way others did at school and saying the awful things they said terrified me to the core.
“Tell me!” Chanyeol demanded, the volume of his voice making me flinch.
That's when tears began to pour down my face.
“It's you! I like you!” I yelled back through my tears.
Suddenly he grabbed the sides of my face and his lips were on mine. As quickly as it happened it ended, and I was pulled into an embrace.
“I think… I… I like… like you a lot.” He stuttered out, burying his face in the crook of my neck.
“I'm gay too.” He confessed softly, then I felt tears wet my neck and shoulder.
I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back, and comforted him as he continued to cry. I murmured words of reassurance as I stroked his hair trying to soothe him.
“From the moment I saw your smile I thought you were the most amazing person ever. You took my breath away. I can't really explain it, but your smile makes my heart go wild. Then when I got to know you my feelings for you got stronger. I want to go on dates with you and hold your hand and take care of you. Chanyeol, I like you so much. Everything about you is amazing.” I mumbled, pressing kisses to his head in between words.
On that cold night, underneath the moon, I held him until he calmed down and I wiped away his tears. No words were spoken as we got up and began to walk to home together. He merely slipped his hand into mine. His tight grip said all the words that were left unspoken that night.
Neither of us uttered a word until we got to the front door of my house.
I turned to face him trying to figure out what I should say when he kissed me again. My heart fluttered feeling his lips press so gently against my own.
“I'll see you tomorrow.” He said with a blush, walking away. Leaving me with an equally red blush and a warm feeling in my soul.
A/N: Part 2 is coming soon! This fic was inspired by and named after Troye Sivan’s song on the Love, Simon soundtrack. I highly recommend it!
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fawndlymade · 7 years
Cat Got Your Tongue?
Written for a tumblr prompt "Things said through your teeth".
Blake had been dreading this day since the day she had enrolled at Beacon Academy. The day when her teammates found out about her true heritage. She had never expected them to take it well (especially when one was on the same team as Weiss Schnee of all people.)
But this.
She had never expected this.
Sure, she had been grateful at first when Yang had brushed it off with an ease that still astounded her. But the longer it went on, the angrier Blake got. Cat pun after pun after pun. Yang always putting tuna fish sandwiches in front of her, or glasses of milk. Leaving little rubber mice around the dorm. Dusting various objects with catnip and dangling bits of yarn in front of her.
The more it happened, the hotter the ball of rage burned in Blake’s chest, threatening to consume her. And while she’d never admit it out loud… The more it hurt. Like she was the butt of the joke that everyone found funny but her. Yang always seemed to get a kick out of it, and even Ruby and Weiss had gotten a few laughs out of a nicely timed ’cat got your tongue, Blake?’
The final straw came one morning when Blake had been rummaging around in the closet for her bow. She had taken to leaving it off while lounging about the dorm, but she had plans to go out into town today and still wasn’t completely comfortable without it while in public. And then a bright red dot had entered her vision, flicking back and forth in front of her. Startled, Blake had automatically tried to swipe at it, only to hear the roaring laughter of her partner and her two teammates. Her friends.
“You missed, Blakey~” Yang chuckled, jiggling the laser pointer in her hands. “C'mon, you can get it~ Just a bit to the…. Left. Blake..?” She pocketed the laser pointer, nearly flinching back at the venom in Blake’s gaze. “A-are you okay, Blake?”
Blake lifted her head to meet Yang’s inquiring stare, her eyes burning with tears that she refused to let fall. “I’m not an animal,” she hissed through her teeth, hands balled up at her sides. “Just because I’m a faunus doesn’t mean you can treat me like one, Yang!”
The blonde stepped back, purple eyes wide in surprise. “Blake, I didn’t mean it like- I didn’t think-”
Blake scowled, wiping furiously at her eyes. “I thought you were different. I thought all of you were different!” She glanced at her other two teammates; Weiss had an apologetic look on her face, while Ruby looked ready to cry. “I might as well just call you Cardin Winchester!”
Yang reeled back as if slapped. “Blake, wait, just hold on!” the brawler pleaded. “I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t think you’d-”
“You didn’t think, obviously!” the faunus snarled, teeth bared and amber eyes narrowed to the point that her pupils were only small slivers. She shoved her way past her frozen partner, slamming the door shut behind her and cutting off the blonde’s cry of “wait!”
She needed to get out of the dorm for a bit. Away from her so called friends so that she could calm down. Ignoring the heavy footsteps behind her, Blake ran.
And ran.
And ran.
Once the red had left her vision Blake slowed to a stop, panting slowly from the long run. She could no longer hear Yang following her either. As she lifted her head up, Blake took in the signs and various shops around her. She must have used her flash step to get all the way out here, because somehow Blake had wound up on one of the main drags in the city of Vale. Uncertain of what to do and unwilling to go back to the dorms just yet, Blake decided to meander through the city and kill time until she had to face the inevitable showdown.
Deep in her musings of what to do, it wasn’t long before Blake found herself on the shadier side of the city. And of course, a lone faunus wandering into seedy territory was too easy to not take advantage of. The brunette’s ears perked up as soon as she heard the catcalls from a small group of male humans walking down the street towards her.
“Hey there pussycat!”
“Here kitty, kitty! Why dontcha come over this way? I got some cream for you right here!”
“Dayum, I wouldn’t mind being your scratching post!”
Freezing in place, Blake automatically reached up to feel for her bow. Only, it wasn’t there. She had left it back in the dorm in her haste to get away from Yang. A spike of fear shot down her spine, and she quickly turned heel to walk back the way she came. The jeers followed her, taunting her. Just like every time she had gone out as a child without her bow to keep her ears hidden from sight. It was humans like these fine fellows that reminded her of why she kept her heritage hidden.
A hand on her shoulder stopped her. “I bet you’re a real animal in bed, how about you come back to my place and we can- Urk!”
Golden flames caught Blake’s attention as the hand on her shoulder was forcibly removed. A very angry looking Yang was gripping the man’s wrist in a rather tight looking hold. Red eyes were narrowed in obvious disgust at the man who was whimpering in her grasp.
“I think you should apologize to my friend here and be on your merry way. Don’t you?” Yang said, her voice low. She punctuated the end of her sentence with a small squeeze, and Blake swore she could hear bones grinding together.
“Agh, fuck- stop- okay! We’re sorry! Just let go!”
“Yang, enough.” Blake whispered. A wave of exhaustion washed over her and she wrapped her arms around herself in an effort to quell her nerves.
The blonde immediately let go of the man, who scampered over to his friends. She turned to her partner, the crimson slowly bleeding away from her eyes as concerned purple took over. “Are you okay?” she asked, doing a quick scan over Blake. “Did they hurt you?”
“No more than you did,” Blake replied wryly. She almost cringed at the hurt on Yang’s face, regretting her words instantly. “I’m sor-”
“Don’t. I deserved that.” Blake found herself drawn into a tight hug, Yang’s arms winding around her to hold her in place. She could hear the blonde sniffling into her shoulder. “God, I’m so sorry Blake. I wasn’t… I was just trying to lighten things up. I never meant to let it get that far, I was just joking around. I never wanted to- to hurt you!”
The last vestiges of Blake’s anger faded away as Yang’s tears began to dampen her shirt. As much as she wanted to stay mad at Yang, the feline found herself unable to hold onto her anger in the face of Yang’s obvious regret and distress. She patted Yang’s back awkwardly. “I know you didn’t mean to.”
“Is this what you go through? What all faunus go through? God, Blake, if I had known- I can’t believe those guys said all of that stuff to you!” Blake shivered as she felt the brawler’s body heat up against her.
“It doesn’t usually happen so obviously out in the open like this… But yes,” she said, voice quiet. “There’s a reason I didn’t tell you or the team when we first met. People like those men. People like Cardin and Weiss before she came around. People like-” she stopped herself, but Yang caught on, shoving herself away from Blake.
“People like me.” The loathing in Yang’s voice had Blake shaking her head.
“No.” Blake grabbed Yang’s hands in her own, running her fingers over rough hands. Rough and calloused, but also warm and caring and nurturing. Just like the blonde herself. “You were never malicious in what you were saying. That’s the difference between you and Cardin. You just… Need to watch your words. I’m not an animal, Yang. I may have cat ears, but I am not a pet.”
“I know, I promise! No more cat jokes!” Yang swore fervently. “I swear, Blake. I don’t want to ever hurt you again. I lo-” she cut herself off, and Blake was rather confused to see Yang’s face turn pink. Clearing her throat, Yang continued, “is there any way I can make it up to you?” she asked earnestly.
Thinking about it (and taking just long enough for Yang to begin to sweat) Blake finally nodded, giving Yang a serious look and delighting in the nervous gulp it got her. “You’re going to.. take me out for dinner next week.”
“I- What?”
Blake gave the dumbfounded blonde a small smile, turning to start the long trek back to Beacon. “You heard me. Next week after class. And make sure the place has seafood, got it?”
“O-okay!” Yang jogged after her partner, reaching forward to grab the girl’s arm gently. Amber eyes looked up into purple ones, puzzled as they both came to a stop. “And Blake? Thank you..”
“Forgiving me. I really am sorry, I won’t do it again.”
Feeling the weight in her chest completely disappear, Blake couldn’t help but give Yang an amused smirk. “Well, I guess the only thing left to say is… A-paw-logy accepted.”
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