#over putting in the work to help an already existing dog who needs it
the shelter i volunteer at sends out notices when an animal passes away or is scheduled to be put down, and I genuinely respect and appreciate the transparency, but also… fuck, they’re so jarring.
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justwinginglife · 1 month
im begging on my knees for Soshiro contents. Soshiro Hoshina, the vice captain of third division and a skilled swordsman is freaking jealous on a small sized plushie when his s/o is cooing and gives kisses the plush version of himself.
Now he's trying to get his s/o's attention and tried get rid the little menance.
Plushie Hell
Soshiro didn't mind when you put up a poster of him on your wall. When you'd first bought it, he was real smug and teased you endlessly about how obsessed you were with him, but secretly, he was happy about the idea that you'd hang it up in your apartment where everyone who visited could see. They'd all know you were proud of your boyfriend, proud enough to put him on display. And, if he was honest, he looked really good in the poster. He liked to walk by it and be reminded of all the hard work he'd put into his physique. He was also encouraged by the fact that he'd made enough of a difference in the Defense Force to warrant making posters of him.
In fact, lately he'd begun to get popular rather quickly among the masses. It was hard not to draw attention as one of the only sword wielders in the Defense Force. And to make Vice Captain so young at that, he was quite the impressive man. So there were posters of him, but there were also figures and plushies, and one day you couldn't help but buy a plushie of him. It was radiating cuteness from atop its shelf and you knew the moment you entered the store and spotted it that you weren't leaving without it.
Again, Soshiro almost never minded anything you did, so when you first bought the plushie, he just found it endearing. It just further proved your love for him; you wanted to support him in any way that you could. And when he had late nights at work, or had to go away on joint missions with other divisions, he found it adorable that you'd cuddle the plushie to sleep and pretend it was him.
But then, when he would slide into bed with you in the middle of the night, you'd shoo him away, saying that you were already cuddling Soshiro and the bed wasn't big enough for two Soshiro's. Of course, you were half asleep and only teasing, but he had pouted the rest of the night about it.
And whenever he'd steal kisses from you, you would immediately kiss the plushie as well, "so he doesn't feel jealous," and Soshiro would demand to know why you cared if a plushie was jealous but not if he was jealous. You'd simply tease him for being jealous of an inanimate object and he'd drop the subject, embarrassed.
Eventually, he lost his mind when you turned down a dinner date with him because you were still watching a movie with plushie Soshiro. He had tried walking back and forth in front of the TV, even going so far as to flex while he did it so that maybe you'd get distracted by him but you kept cuddling the damn plushie and watching what glimpses of the movie you could see. When he finally just turned the TV off, you claimed that you'd been meaning to take a nap anyway and you drifted off with the plushie in your arms.
That day, as he watched you all snuggled up with the plushie instead of him, he finally decided it had to go. The only question was how would he do it?
He thought about getting a dog and feeding the plushie to it as a chew toy but then there was the possibility you might pay more attention to the dog than him. Then he thought about "accidentally" washing it with his laundry and when its stitches split and its insides tumbled out he'd have no choice but to toss it out. He might even try to comfort you, say he'd buy you another and then just never do it. Or remind you that you didn't need another because you had the real deal. And your poster. He made a mental note to remind you that the poster existed, you'd been neglecting it after you got the plushie.
At least when you had the poster, you'd make comments about how good he looked and then you'd kiss him all over to show him just how attractive you found him. Now you just kissed the stupid doll.
He knew he was overreacting, he knew he was being dumb, he knew he was being immature. But he also knew that he couldn't handle a single second more with that thing in the house, sapping up all your love and affection.
He wondered if you saw a fresh mound of dirt in the backyard if you'd instantly assume he'd buried it. Would you go dig it up? Would you want it back that bad? Would you just buy another one? Would you even know he had anything to do with it? You hadn't even been paying that much attention to him lately; he thought you might not even notice if he acted out of the ordinary.
The next day, he went to work, still plotting his revenge in his mind. Okonogi noticed him crumpling up pieces of paper, clicking his pen incessantly, and just generally being more cranky than he'd ever been, and she made him spill the beans. After she teased him for a bit, she finally told him to just be honest with you and be an adult about it. He had conceded at the time, admitting to her that she was right and he knew there were better ways of dealing with his frustration. But that was then.
When he got home that night, before he could even open the door, his mind flooded with thoughts of what he'd find when he entered his home. Would you be singing to the plushie as you cooked it dinner? Maybe you'd let it watch you bathe. Maybe you were already asleep, cozied up to it like you always were. All rationality left his body and he thought he might just yank the plushie from your arms and drown it in a vat of bleach.
He almost broke the doorknob trying to rush inside, ready to commit plushie murder.
But you were there waiting for him in the front entrance, welcoming him home with a sweet smile and dinner already laid out for him.
He turned to look behind him in case you'd left the plushie near the door and were talking to it instead. When he realized you meant him, he cautiously looked around, trying to spot it. It was nowhere in sight. He made the excuse that he needed to change out of his work clothes so he gave you a quick peck on the lips and then rushed (as subtly as he could) to the bedroom to see if it was occupying its usual spot on the bed. It wasn't. It was nowhere to be found.
He met you in the dining room to have the first real meal you'd had together in weeks, and while he tried to enjoy it, all he could think was where was the damn plushie?
After several minutes of eating dinner quietly, you finally broke the silence. At first, you just let out a slight giggle but then it erupted into full-blown laughter. You had one hand clutching your side and one hand steadying yourself on the table so you didn't fall out of your chair laughing.
He raised an eyebrow at you. "What? What is it?"
"It's not here," You said, still laughing.
"What's not?" He asked innocently, picking at his food.
"You thought I wasn't going to notice that you searched the entire house before you came to have dinner with me? And that your eyes keep darting around even while we're eating?"
He almost choked on his food. He really didn't think you'd notice. "So... so where is it then?"
"I gave it away as a gift," You grinned, full of amusement as you watched the confusion contort his face.
"What? Why?"
"You talk in your sleep. I know you hated that thing." You teased, wiggling your eyebrows at him and nudging him playfully.
He flushed bright red. "Ah shit, you didn't have to go and get rid of it just for me."
"Actually I bought it for my friend's daughter's birthday. She has quite the crush on you. I just thought I'd have some fun with it and mess with your head before I gave it away." You winked at him.
His jaw dropped. "You... you were messing with me? You little shit."
You bowed dramatically. "That would be me. Besides, I've got my man and I've got my man's poster, what would I need a plushie for? But I will say, you gave me way more of a reaction than I thought you would and eventually it just became too much fun fucking with you. So really, I'd say it was your fault for being so reactive." You stuck your tongue out at him.
He rolled his eyes at you. "Just for that, I'm getting a Mina plushie."
Your eyes widened. "You wouldn't."
He shrugged nonchalantly, but you could tell he was trying not to laugh.
"Soshiro Fucking Hoshina. Don't you fucking dare."
And there was that smirk he had been holding back. "I'm just saying, payback's a bitch. You owe me an apology and a lot of quality time to make up for my psychological trauma."
Oh the little bastard. Then a thought crossed your mind and a mischievous smile spread across your face. You suddenly sank down onto your knees and positioned yourself in between his legs.
He gulped as you looked up at him with devious eyes.
"Oh if only there was some way I could make it up to you..." Your hands worked their way up his calves and eventually settled themselves on his thighs, giving them a light squeeze.
"All is forgiven, all is forgiven!" He blurted out suddenly.
You laughed, nuzzling up against his pants with your nose. "No Mina plushie?"
"Fuck no. Now get in the bedroom, you little tease."
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n-agiz · 1 year
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EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI HCSㅤfluff + angst + smut [ fem! reader ] cws masturbation (m) + dacryphilia + big dick toji obv ! MDNI
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EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who simply refuses to leave your life. you're broken up, and he knows it, but that doesn't mean you have to suddenly forget about each other’s existence and pretend that what you had never happened. he still shows up at your doorstep late at night without any prior warning, a smug smirk on his face when he asks if you're doing anything, knowing damn well that you'll let him come in regardless of your answer. you allow him to do as he pleases, come when he wants and leave when he sees fit, but still tell yourself that you are the one in control of the situation, that if you decide so, toji will have to permanently get lost — that being the only excuse that lets you still have your ex in your life without any guilt.
EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who still acts just as jealous and protective as he once was even if you continuously remind him he shouldn't feel that way towards you anymore. he still happily gives you the so called "scary dog privilege" whenever you two go out, looking all tough and rough beside you and scaring away any potential suitors of yours with a simple look. sometimes that's nice, the feeling of being able to relax without worrying about being annoyed a welcomed one, but other times he goes a bit overboard, treating you like you're still his and overstepping any boundaries you put in place just so he can feel better about himself. you always fight with him over it, telling toji that he's way out of line and simply storming off before the whole situation turns into a bigger mess than it needs to be — but then he comes back to you, apologizing and promising he will work on it and although you don't want to believe him, you always do.
EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who, despite all the stress and headaches he gives you, can still be a good friend. he listens to you when you're down, gives you a shoulder to cry on and truthfully worries about you, no seconds intentions hidden behind his gaze in those moments, pure concern the only thing crossing it. he cares about you, always has, even if most of the time he doesn't know how to show it properly, and that was the only reason why he took you wanting to break up with him so easily — because if you think you'll be better apart, if that will make you happier, than he has no choice but to comply.
EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who lays in bed late at night, alone, thinking about you. those are the moments when he misses you most, when the empty spot in his bed that you once occupied feels cold and when your random sleepy rambles don't fill up the space. he starts thinking about you, thinking about how good you would feel between his arms, and sometimes, just sometimes, his minds ends up drifting elsewhere, ending up landing on thoughts of your pussy, of how tight and warm it felt around his heavy cock, and how much he misses it in that moment. he lets his eyes slide close, lips parting in a deep sigh as he palms himself through his boxers, feeling his erection form. he imagines you, sitting on top of him, hands propped on his stomach as you lower yourself on his dick, complaining about how big it is, how the stretch burns but still never considering slowing down, determined to fit all of him inside you. he always thought you looked the cutest like that, with tears brimming the corners of your eyes when you finally felt him completely fill you up, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix perfectly.
"that feels good?" toji would ask, tone gruff but eyes filled with complete adoration, thumbs drawing slow circles on your thighs, trying to help you relax in any way he could. he loved how you would nod at him, lowering yourself to kiss him so he couldn't see just how flustered you already were. thinking about that, about how beautiful you were and about how much he loved you — then and even still now — made toji's cock ache, the thick length twitching between his fingers as he hissed, trying not to cum so early, wanting to savour whatever memories he still had of you to the fullest, wondering if someday he would be able to make some new ones with you.
EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who, by accident, still says you're his girlfriend sometimes. when someone asks who the pretty girl on his lockscreen is, the one that he's looking at all too tenderly on a photo that seems to have been perfectly timed, he says it's his girlfriend, only realizing a second too late that such title doesn't belong to you anymore but feeling too embarrassed to correct himself. or when old ladies see you two on the street and decide to comment on how you make a cute couple, he never denies it, simply nodding and saying a thank you before you admit you're not actually dating — those times the lie always being intentional and not a small mistake.
EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who, on a late night, when you two had too much to drink and were laying in your living room's floor suddenly felt like crying. he's couldn’t recall ever feeling so overwhelmed by sadness or longing before, at least not at that level, but he suddenly remembered all your late night talks, how intimate they were and how much comfort they brought him, and he just missed them a tad too much.
"are you crying?" you asked uncertain, knowing that you were slightly drunk but definitely not enough to start seeing things.
"'m not" he mumbled in the least convincing manner anyone could, swiping his fingers over his warm cheeks and looking away from you, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from letting things go any further.
but then you hugged him — you didn't ask what was wrong, didn't force him to confess anything and didn't put the spotlight on him — you just hugged him, trying to comfort him even if you didn't know exactly what had upset him, and toji swore he hadn't felt as much at home like he did in that moment since you two broke up, confirming once more that you were the one for him, the one he should be with, and that being apart from you felt like slow torture, each day slightly more painful than the last.
EX BOYFRIEND! TOJI who decides to finally sit down and talk with you about how he feels. he doesn't want to be selfish, or to make you pity him in any way, but he is hurting, and he feels like the only thing that might make his anguish a little lighter is admitting his feelings to you.
it's clumsy, the way he speaks, and it shows how unprepared and nervous and full on inexperienced he is at this — but you understand him, understand his message and worst off all get what he feels because you are also in a similar boat. you thought your time had passed, which was why you broke up, you explained once toji had told you everything he wanted to get off his chest, but you had been wondering for months if you had made the right decision, and his confession was the only proof you needed to know you hadn’t, and that if anything, you couldn’t have been any more wrong.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
This is going to be interesting fr, like how much differently do your Theodore treat the reader if they were childhood friends
Yesss, but like imagine Theodore being a platonic yandere for his childhood bestie Y/n. He knows you inside out and knows every struggle you've been through, all your secrets, even the ones you've never disclosed to him (yes, he was outside your window on October 12th, 2008 when you didnt come to school because you were "sick" as you had told him but had actually started your period).
Imagine just how overprotective he is, and he's so mean about it too. Its in his nature. He's glaring at you as you tell him that he had no right to beat up your date just because that man had his arm around your waist because you were okay with it. Ofc he just rolls his eyes and tells you that you're too stupid to know what guys are actually like, that you dont know about the "locker room talk" and he's just trying to keep you safe from pervs but ofc youre too "dense" to see it. You could've thought that he might be doing it because he's interested in you like that, but no, he violently cringes at the mere suggestion of your friends that you two fight like a married couple, not to mention how he treats you more like a sibling than your own. Bullying you constantly, messing up your hair, putting you in headlocks as often as he could, kicking the back of your knees to watch you flop on the ground, anything he could do to annoy you.
But he's also very helpful, yknow? He pretends like he couldnt give a rats ass about your existence but will just scoff and yank your assignment from your hands and complete it. Working on your college essay? He reads it, insults you at how stupid it is, then write one for you in one sitting, actually writing about your personal experiences that moves the admission officers to fucking tears at the pure raw emotion it draws out of them. About to leave for a date and you ripped your dress? Signs to you that this is just universe telling you to ditch the guy but then one look at your sad face and he's pulling out an emergency needle kit from his pocket and sewing it up. He'll think of another way to end your date <3
Theodore is also very possessive of you. Even as kids, he would throw sand in other kids eyes just so that theyre too busy crying to approach you and try to play with you. In highschool, he's already built like a transformer and with him having this mean look on his face, people definitely hesitated to approach you, especially when you have this brooding man standing behind you, intimidating everyone who dared to step within 5 feet of you. Now that you two are adults, and Theo is still working as a spy, he would use his skills to take out people that become a little to important to you.
I feel like Theo isn't an animal person, he is definitely not a people person, but he also doesn't care much for pets and it's not even cause his work doesn't allow him to care for pets properly but I still think that he would get a dog trained specifically to keep you out of danger. Or more particularly, keep you in home and bark (and bite/mutilate) anyone who is not him. So if you got a date, make sure he's not picking you up from home.
Definitely definitely finds a way to make you move in with him, if not live next to him. Of course, he has a different place where he keeps his work stuff and gear hidden, but he needs to live with you for his own sanity. And even though he has trackers hidden all over your clothes and belongings, he still likes to ask you where you are, what you're upto, etc, just to see if you'd lie to him. And if you do, be prepared for a very pissed off Theo who is just huffing and puffing all day because how dare you not trust him, your best friend???? Offensive.
But also, when he finds out that someone, anyone made you cry, or even is causing you to stress out, guess who's pulling out their murder gloves?
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terabyteturtle · 9 months
hey!!! Can I have Jin Kazama x Pregnant wife (who happens to be a model) Reader headcanons. An idea I have is what if they have to keep the pregnancy a secret from Kazuya due to a fear of harm??? Make it fluff with a bit of angst
Jin Kazama x Pregnant Model Wife Headcanons
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Once again, I apologize for taking so long! I tried my best to encapsulate everything you put in the request. Hopefully, it's what you wanted!
- It takes him a while to process the fact that you're pregnant. When you first break the news to him, he's just in shock. He experiences so many emotions at once that his mind just stops working. You better have a chair ready because Jin will need to sit down and process everything for a few moments.
- Once it sets in, he becomes angry with himself. He took every precaution to prevent this from happening, and yet somehow, it still did. It's his fault. It has to be. Jin blames himself for burdening you with a child potentially capable of mass destruction, and although he's tried to separate you from his family feud, you're bound to get dragged into it anyway, and it's all because of him.
- The fact that you're a model only makes matters worse. You already get a ton of publicity and exposure on a daily basis, but now that you're pregnant, that'll increase tenfold. With help from Lee and Lars, you and Jin have managed to keep both your relationship AND your marriage a secret so far. However, with a child on the way, it'll be impossible to keep that secret any longer. People will ask questions about the father's identity, and it's only a matter of time before the paparazzi find out the truth.
- Upon realizing this, Jin launches into full-on panic mode. As soon as he's revealed as the father of your child, his face is going to be all over the media. And Kazuya will be the first one to see it. Jin isn't entirely sure what his father would do, but he has his suspicions. He can only imagine the sheer horror of G Corp soldiers busting down your door, hunting you down like hound dogs trying to take you and the kid. If those suspicions are correct, then you'll likely be forced into hiding until the war is over. As long as Kazuya retains his powerful position, there's no telling how much danger you'll be in.
- Additionally, the people closest to him are sure to freak out. Xiaoyu and Hwoarang would panic, and he already knows Lars won't take kindly to it. He's not sure how Lee or Alisa would react, and that uncertainty only makes him more nervous. Jin knows that he should tell his loved ones before they find out through the media, but the mere thought of mentioning it makes his heart skip a beat.
- To top it all off, Jin's main mission is to exterminate his bloodline once and for all. The fact that you are now pregnant is pretty much the opposite of what he wanted.
- His course of action was to take Kazuya's life, then take his own. He was ready to sacrifice himself so that the Devil Gene would no longer exist. As much as he loved the people closest to him, as much as he adored and cherished every moment with you, he knew deep down that the world would be better off without people like him.
- But now, this complicates everything. He doesn't want to take his own life and leave you to raise the kid by yourself. Sure, friends and loved ones might help you out, but at the end of the day, you're going to have a lot of responsibility on your hands. Additionally, Jin knows how it feels to have grown up without a proper father figure, and he'd seen how difficult it was for his mother. He knows how it feels to have lost a parent, and no matter how much time passes, it will always hurt. Does he really want his child to witness those same struggles? To feel the same pain? Does he really want to leave you behind, after everything you've been through?
- Beneath that cold, edgy exterior, there's a soft spot in his heart that truly wants to settle down with you, but he doesn't believe it'll be possible.
- As he tries to solve his dilemma, a million questions race through his mind. Like, what if the kid has the Devil Gene? Will he have to kill his own child? But it's not just his child; it's your child too, and he can't bear to imagine the pain you'd feel if that were to happen.
- But then, what if the kid doesn't have the Devil Gene? What if they turn out to be a normal kid? In that case, he'd care for them and love them until the end.
- But that's when a thought strikes him.
- Why does it matter whether they have the Devil Gene or not? They're still human, after all. They still deserve love and compassion and nurturing. Just because they have the Devil Gene doesn't mean they're inherently evil; they still deserve a chance. Hell, Jin himself has it, and although he's done some terrible things, he's trying his hardest to atone for them.
- Maybe Jin could help teach them how to control it. Not that he really has control over it himself, but that's okay. Maybe they could learn together. Maybe that could be their way to bond.
- That's when he starts to realize how happy this truly makes him. He loves you more than life itself, and the fact that he's going to have a child with you is one of the greatest blessings life can give him. Being a father will come with a lot of responsibility, but Jin is willing to bear it and do the best he can for his kid. He realizes that he is willing to undergo the trials and tribulations that loom ahead, and he will fight to the ends of the Earth to keep you both safe.
- Jin will try and convince you to take a break from modeling and lay low for a while, as any publicity will become more dangerous as time passes on. You think it would be suspicious to just drop off the face of the Earth, which is why you let your agency know beforehand that you're going to be taking a hiatus for personal matters.
- As the baby starts growing and it becomes progressively obvious that you're pregnant, you will be heavily discouraged from going outside at all. For the baby's safety as well as your own, it's best that you refrain from going out in public where the paparazzi are bound to catch you.
- Naturally, Jin becomes very protective over both of you. He starts treating you like a glass vase because he's scared of hurting you somehow. He also gets slightly paranoid around the others and sticks by your side to make sure nothing happens to you.
- He still blames himself a lot for everything that's happening, and he's sorry that you can't just have a normal pregnancy. You have to reassure him that no one's at fault for this, and you're just as willing to fight for the baby as he is. If you have to break away from your normal life to keep them safe, then so be it. It'll all be worth it in the end.
- With a lot of encouragement from you, Jin confides in his friends, starting with Lee, who is happy to help you guys out. As the CEO of a well-known company, he can try to pull some strings and get the press to leave you alone. While it's no guarantee that they'll be gone completely, Lee will try his best to hold them off for a little while. He'll also give you a secret place to stay, stocked with plenty of food and water.
- Lars almost freaks out but manages to keep himself composed. He congratulates both of you and agrees to help you out in whatever way possible. If there's anything you need, be it more food, more water, or just more paper towels, he and Alisa will go out shopping and get it for you.
- Alisa and Xiaoyu are super excited and happy for you. Although the circumstances are not ideal, they still want to make sure that you enjoy yourself and celebrate your pregnancy. In fact, they've already started planning your baby shower.
- Hwoarang also ends up being super supportive. Though he makes himself out to be a tough guy, he has a big soft spot for babies. Rest assured, he will fight tooth and nail to keep this kid safe. Also, Hwoarang has officially proclaimed himself the child's godfather, and there is nothing you or Jin can do about it.
- If Jin's stressed out, you let him lay down and press his ear to your belly. Listening to the baby and being physically close to you has become the most calming feeling in the world to him.
- If Jin doesn't know what to do in certain situations, he'll stop and ask himself what Jun would do. He loves his mother deeply and thinks very highly of her. She was a loving and nurturing woman, so when it comes to taking care of you, he tries his best to emulate that kindness. Jun was a wonderful parent, as well as an excellent role model. When the baby arrives and he officially becomes a parent, Jin deeply hopes he'll turn out to be half as good as she was.
- He will constantly ask you if there's something he can do better. From this point forward, Jin will always be questioning whether or not he's doing the right thing. Your input is valuable to him, and if there's any advice or guidance you have to give, he'd greatly appreciate it.
- At the end of the day, Jin wants to be the best father he can be. Your child's happiness, as well as your own, mean the world to him. No one can take either of you away from him, and Angel have mercy on those who dare try.
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I can see the inconsistency of Felix character is because he actually a character for there "Fans demand" :
Sooo you prefer 2D-Catnoir/Felix rather than our angel Adrien ? Here Felix ! He official debut in "Felix" ! He is Adrien cousin and a big jerk ! Hate him just like how I hate him too !
Wh- What ? You like him ? Fuck ! So you feel he is more competent that our pure evulz bitch teenagers ? Fine ! Here's Felix who manage to trick Gabriel in "Gabriel Agreste" ! Now He is as dangerous as Gabe
Oh Fuck ! You still like him and feel he is more "relevant" than our angel Adrien and my sweetie Marinette ? Here's I present YOU Felix join Miracuclass as "Dog Hero" and then sell all the Miraclouses to Gabe ! He is Evil ! EVil ! EVIIIIL !
What ? You asking me why he want Peacock Miraculous so much ?! Here I present you Felix as Argos ! He wiped humanity out-of-spite and try to create the Utopia for his own freedom ! He is misanthrope !
What A second ? Why... You... STILL.... EXPECTED... CHLOE... TO BE REDEEMED.... why she already... has many traits... to be put in "Complete Monster" territory ? Why YOU keep want her to be redeem like Zuzu and Pacifica just because having shitty parents ? FINE ! Here's Felix to be our Zuzu ! He is tragic little peacock... has tragic backstory.... shitty dad... and a handsome teenager.... pretty much like Zuzu right ? Now shut up and Go simp on him and Feligami already !
Proper redemption arc ? Who hell need redemption arc as long as he is "tragic and handsome" ? Don't worry... we will make Kagami as "senti" out-of-nowhere aside she wear different ring as excuse and a "horny possessive girl" who still can't move on from Adrien and make her Simp felix because he smell and looks like Adrien RIIIIIIIIIIIGHHT LOL
Honestly, it is pretty hilarious that Felix was meant to be seen as the actual character who went through a serious redemption arc compared to Chloe, when the writers pretty much speedran through every major part of it in time for the finale.
Like, say what you will about Chloe and whether or not you think she deserved to be redeemed, but at least the arc leading to her betrayal was spread across three seasons. Felix's redemption arc only lasted three episodes.
Because of the poor pacing, this is the character journey Felix goes through during the latter half of Season 5.
Emotion: "I'm going to wipe out all of humanity and create a better world! Wait, you think I'm insane for erasing your friends and family from existance while essentially committing mass genocide? WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"
Pretension: "Even though I've spent almost no time with you, I think I'm falling in love with you because you may be a Sentimonster person with strict parents like me. Of course, I don't love you enough to break my new moral code against using Sentimonsters or even answering for my betrayal of Ladybug."
Representation: "I'm finally going to do something to help Ladybug because her arch-enemy is getting in the way with my week-old relationship, and that moral code against Sentimonsters? I don't want to use Sentimonsters to fight, but using Sentimonsters to put on a play to convey information I could easily tell Ladybug myself, since my new girlfriend conviently learned her identity over ten episodes ago? Perfectly okay. And since I have a personal stake by wanting to protect both my cousin and girlfriend, surely, this means I'll get to play a big part in the season finale instead of just letting Ladybug do all the work, right?"
Conformation and Re-Creation:
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pigeonwhumps · 2 months
BBU masterlist
General contents: pet whump, dehumanisation, amnesia, PTSD
(I've also put disabled whumpee under some of the links – this is a disability that isn't PTSD or I'd have it for all of them!)
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Bug and Company
Bug's 18 when they're handed over to BetterPets by their foster parents, going through various owners and sets of training before being freed for good. This is their life, and that of those they've touched.
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled characters, recovery whump, caretaker new whumper, mutual caretaking
Finding Safety
After being kidnapped, dumped at WRU, and shipped to the USA, Cass isn't having a good time. And then Tyrone takes him to be his ring-fighting Guard Dog, alongside Aaliyah, a Romantic he already owns. Now he's definitely not having a good time, and nor is Aaliyah. After losing everything, they need to build their lives again, but with Aaliyah not remembering her past and Cass unable to reach his, it's a challenge, even with assistance.
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled characters, recovery whump, caretaker new whumper, different caretaker *actually* new whumper, mutual caretaking
Pets of the Silver Screen
In the silent film era and the early days of the WRU, young pet number 95, real name Eloise, is bought by film producer Hayes Fletcher to star in his productions. A few years later, he hires Agatha from Foster Montgomery to be her stunt double (read: to scar in scenes where it's necessary, because Eloise is too valuable), and the two young woman strike up a somewhat unwilling friendship.
Over a decade of working on- and off-screen later, it's the roaring twenties, pet liberation is starting to grow, and they're more than ready to leave. Enter Ira Waterhouse – a woman who's had just about enough of the pet industry and is willing to take in two runaways. But WRU is expanding, and running a newly-acquired safehouse in London's docklands isn't a piece of cake. Especially when the two former pets Ira's running it with are a) famous, b) wanted for burning down a film studio, and c) even more traumatised than she originally assumed...
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled character, historical whump, recovery whump, mutual caretaking
Anita and her grandmother Indira are thrown into the world of pet ownership when Theo, a profoundly deaf unwanted box boy, is mistakenly delivered to the animal shelter Anita works at.
Meanwhile, 785, Theo's bonded, is now struggling to survive Eleanor alone.
As long as she's useful, anyway.
When 785 is refurbished and sold, meeting a defiant illegal pet named Cass along the way, she ends up living alongside a Pet who seems to know her far too well. Meanwhile, Theo discovers that the person he cares about most in the world barely remembers his existence, and Anita is in way over her head.
Contains: lady whump, multiple whumpees, disabled characters, recovery whump, caretaker new whumper, whumpee turned caretaker, mutual caretaking
Ceci talks to Bless about going outside.
Contains: recovery whump, caretaker new whumper
Do you think Guard Dog designated pets should be legally required to wear an auditory identifier in public?
Opinion piece on a proposed law feat. Ade Olayinke vs David Cooper: "Guard Dog class pets will have to wear an auditory device such as a bell collar or proximity alarm at all times whilst in public spaces."
Cry for help
Melanie finds an abandoned pet on a street corner.
Contains: disabled characters, whumpee turned caretaker
Artwork and graphics
Pet Paper and Liberation magazine covers
WRU recruitment brochures
WRU pet wrapping service
Promotional cereal box
WRU x Happy Meal McDonald's advert
Bring Your Pets to Work Day
Petblr dashboard
Fanwork for @octopus-reactivated's Pet Paper – layout for @cowboy-anon's article 9 Essentials for a Hassle-Free Vacation with your Pet
Rent-A-Pet advert
BBU Community Days 2023
BBU Community Days 2024
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unholy-reids · 1 year
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Summary: Spencer’s life spirals out of control when his dilaudid addiction collides with Gideon’s departure, but he has you to look after him. (Based on Season 3 Episode 3 and previous episodes depicting Gideon’s resignation as well as Reid’s drug addiction.)
Warning: So many… Mentions of drug use and unaliving, some fluff, snappy behavior, vulnerability, idk man, just don’t click if you’re a sensitive to those topics.
Also if you or someone you know has a drug problem or thoughts about not existing anymore, don't hesitate to call any of the hotlines, Help is available, don't forget you matter. ♥️
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
WC: 2.5k
dividers by @cafekitsune &lt;3
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I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me.
You must be frightened, I apologize for that. I never meant to cause you any pain. But then I also never envisioned writing this letter. I've searched for a satisfactory explanation for what I'm doing, all I've come up with is: a profiler needs to have solid footing. I- I don't think I do anymore. The world confuses me. The cruelty, indifference, tragedy.
When my dear friend Sarah was murdered, it tore a hole in me, and I truly believed the way to handle the pain was to get back to our work as quickly as possible. Get on to helping somebody else. I thought I could handle Sarah's murder, work through it…
…I no longer trust myself in the field. And without that, I have nothing.
And that was the last domino. The death of that girl. Hotch being suspended over something that was my fault. I said at the beginning of this letter, that I knew it would be you to come up here. I'm so sorry the explanation couldn't be better, Spencer. 
And I am so sorry that it doesn't make more sense, but I've already told you, I just don't understand any of it anymore.
I'm sorry.
I guess I'm just looking for it again. For the belief I had back in college. The belief I had when I first met Sarah and it all seemed so right.
The belief in happy endings.
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The letter was devastating, Spencer felt alone, the one man in his life that was like a father to him disappeared without a trace, just like Spencer’s dad, Gideon left a letter, even if it didn’t make sense at the time. Hotch was still suspended, and the entire team was now under scrutiny by Strauss and a board of higher ups, but the cases never stopped coming in, the team was on their way to another case, Spencer was by himself on one side of the jet, looking over the file JJ had given him earlier this morning, Prentiss, Morgan,  JJ, and you were all briefing each other on the current case you had to work on, the bastard was killing people based on their phobias. 
Atop the file Reid was rereading Gideon’s letter, trying to make sense of it, flashbacks of Gideon’s empty cabin and finding the letter addressed to him were vivid in his mind, the craving for dilaudid was coursing through his veins, he could feel himself itch. “Hey,” Your soft voice interrupted causing him to shift in his seat and put away the letter, “Are you okay?” You knew it was a dumb question to ask, but you were genuinely curious to pick at his brain and find out how he really felt, silent Reid was very uncommon, he was your friend and you cared, even though you saw him as much, much, more. Reid gave you a dim smile. “I’m fine,” taking your bottom lip in between your teeth, you reached over to touch his hand, his big brown puppy dog eyes looked at yours and you could see the pain and confusion behind them. 
“You don’t have to go through this alone, Reid.” You offered, his brows knit together, “I don’t need you to profile me y/n, it won’t end well, and you can’t possibly know what I’m  going through.” He snapped, it made your heart hurt slightly, but you backed off, your crush on the beautiful genius grew each day you got to know him, and seeing him this broken just didn’t sit well with you, or anyone on the team. “Don’t push him, let him come to you,” JJ said, when you sat back down, she was the only one who knew about your feelings for Reid, you wondered if the rest of the team knew, not that you cared. 
“I know, it’s just sad to see him that way, he’s closed himself off to all of us,” You glanced back at Spencer, who went back to reading the letter Gideon left him shamelessly leaving the file wide open in front of him. 
Upon arrival and working the case, there were little words shared between boy wonder and yourself unless it had to do with the case, being the only ones without assignment, Prentiss sent you both to speak to the family of the unsub, just to see what you could dig up working as a team, you drove while Spencer rode next to you, several times you looked over to him, his red rimmed eyes from lack of sleep and crying was carving a hole around your soul, you cleared your throat. “Spence,” You began. “I know I’m new to the team, and I have absolutely no words to make you feel better, if I could remove the pain however, I would, don’t be afraid to take some time—.” 
He looked at you, cutting you off, “Are you saying I can’t do my job?” 
“No! No, God no, you’re the smartest person I ever met, if there’s anyone who can do this job with his eyes closed is you, I just want you to know that you can trust me, with anything, and if you need time to heal, it’s okay…” 
He looked far ahead, not wanting to look at you. “I also had Gideon, look at how that turned out.” He snapped back. You tried your best to not let your emotions get the best of you. “I’m just saying you’re not alone Spence,” You looked over at him, he was already staring at you, and even if it was for a few seconds, it made your heart thump loudly in your ears, “The team’s here for you, I’m here for you.” He gave you the same dim smile as you approached your destination, stepping out of the vehicle you watched him fix his holster, it made you smile, only Reid could look completely helpless and handsome at the same time. 
After interviewing the unsub’s wife you picked up your cell phone to call the rest of the team. “His wife just informed us that her family owns property, if the unsub’s practice has been shut down maybe this is where he carries out the murders.” With this new information, Prentiss ordered the both of you to stay put, within three hours you received a phone call from the Prentiss letting you know the case had ended in tragedy, he’d taken the coward way out, instead of facing justice for what he’d done, you informed the family of what Dr. Stanley had done and with profuse condolences you headed back to the jet, that was waiting to fly to Quantico, you left Spencer alone for the time being, donning on your headphones and trying your best to enjoy the flight after such an outcome. 
From the corner of your eye you noticed Spencer looking at you, then looking away, but he said nothing, even when you were safely indoors at the BAU, Spencer was quiet, distant, no random statistics, no random book quotes, he was mute. When it was time to go home, Spencer was the only one who left without saying good night, you watched his tall figure walk away and disappear into the elevator, Morgan was quick to sit on your desk and look at you inquisitively. “So, pretty girl, when are you gonna tell him?” You knew exactly what he was talking about, your eyes darted to his face, he sported a boyish grin. “How did you—” 
“I ain’t a profiler for nothin’ so, when are you gonna tell him?” He asked again. 
“Spencer needs a break, I can’t just bombard him with my feelings, when what he needs is a friend.” You confided, Morgan shook his head. “You want to support him right?” He asked, you nodded. “Why are you still sitting behind that desk then?” You smiled at the man and stood up, grabbing your bag and a few files. “Good luck y/n,” You heard Morgan behind you, shaking your head you got into the elevator and straight to your car, driving towards Spencer’s apartment. You were hesitant at first, but you pushed yourself up the stairs and stood in front of his door, knocking lightly you realized the door was open, which was odd for Spencer, with immediate concern you drew your weapon and decided to investigate. “Spence?” No answer, venturing further into the apartment, you noticed his bag and his gun neatly on the sofa. “Spencer?” You called out again, silence. 
Approaching his room, you carefully pushed in the door, finding Spencer sitting on the floor with his back leaning onto the bed and a needle in his hand, upon noticing you, he looked up, a sad expression on his face, it was clear he’d already taken the drug, you put away your gun and knelt beside him, normally you were able to contain your emotions, compartmentalize them well, but seeing him like this just devastated you, you held him close, as you both cried in silence, with his own help you were able to put him to bed, when you were about to turn around and head to his living room, a weak hand held your arm. “Stay… Please?” He asked, without a doubt you got into bed with him allowing him to be the little spoon as you nursed his high, you didn’t want to reprimand him, but you knew this had to stop, or else this brilliant man was going to fade into addiction.
You held him, and no words were spoken between the two, you ran your fingers through his brown locks until the dilaudid made him fall asleep, taking advantage of this, you were able to get off his bed and take a look around his place, it was messy, dusty and it was clear he hadn’t been picking up after himself, sitting on his couch you allowed yourself to cry, and made yourself a promise then and there to take care of him and help him, backing up what you told him with actions instead of simply words. While Spencer slept, you checked his fridge and it was absolutely abysmal, now you were a woman on a mission, you headed to his local supermarket and got him fruits, veggies, snacks and other goodies, plus all you needed to make him a soup, once you got back upstairs you'd occasionally check on him only to find him still asleep, since Prentiss was left in charge of the team while Hotch was suspended, you called her and made sure that Spencer as well as yourself, had at least two weeks off at the BAU she approved even if you didn't explain why both of you needed the same time off. You set yourself a goal of helping Spencer detox, he would never accept treatment from a facility, that would mean he had to accept the fact that he had an addiction to begin with, Spencer might be a genius but he was prideful. 
As you moved around the kitchen the smells were intertwining with each other and you felt his presence, turning around you found Spencer, leaning in the kitchen doorway, watching you cook.  “I heard your phone call, I can’t take two weeks off,” He began, his eyes resting on you. “I’m not letting you poison yourself anymore Reid.” You held a ladle in your hands as he stared you up and down. “You can’t just come here and act like you want to fix me, y/n.”
You continued to stir the soup and adding the noodles to it, covering it and turning around to face him, as you spoke you slowly came closer to him. “I’m not trying to fix you Spencer, I’m trying to bring back the man who tells me the origin of Halloween, I’m trying to resurrect the Reid I met a year ago, the one that didn’t need drugs to help him cope, I want my friend back,” You were now looking up at him, staring into his eyes. “Gideon left, and I understand you’re upset but you need to remember that out of the rest of the team, the only person he left a reason, a letter, possibly an explanation, was you Spence, now please… Let me help you,” sweat pooled on Spencer’s forehead, taking his hand you took him to the bathroom. “Shower, clean up, by the time you’re finished the soup will be ready,” His brows knit together, finally understanding that you were really here for him. 
Midway into the bathroom, he turned on his heel, “Thank you, y/n.” He said softly as the door closed behind him, Expelling a sigh, you looked around the apartment again, pinpointing where to start cleaning, You began with his books, putting them all in alphabetical order as he would like it, dusting as you went on, this wouldn’t be easy, but with love, books, soup, and patience, you were well on your way to restoring the honorable Dr. Spencer Reid. 
A/N: If you guys would like a second part to this, please, please, please let me know. I don't bite! Suggestions, Replies, Reblogs, and likes are all welcome.
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Do you have any bsd headcannons you'd like to share? (literally anything, I just love learning about other peoples hcs)
chuuya's hat is so old (bc it keeps getting passed from person to person and he brings it with him everywhere obviously) and WORN OUT but he has no idea how to fix it. he treats it like his child but it's inevitable that the material will deteriorate over time, so he's been trying to convince himself to go to a hatter for ages and can't swallow his pride. he drunkenly told it to hirotsu once night while they were drinking, and hirotsu just sighed and got it fixed for him that night while chuuya was passed out. they never spoke about it.
dazai has met several women who actually did say yes to a double suicide. the majority didn't mean it and just wanted to toy with him, but ran when they realized he was serious. a few actually did mean it. he pulled strings and invited them to a romantic date, except that he sent therapists there instead of him, basically playing matchmaker. all those women are now doing better but ask him about it and he'll act dumb and say he knows nothing about it.
fyodor needs glasses. his eyesight definitely sucks and the hours he spends at a computer don't help. however, he manipulates himself into thinking that he's actually fine when he's not. nikolai also has shitty eyesight bc of his dull eye and the other one he's probably abused looking at the birds in the sky and thus the sun. they are literally the blind leading the blind. nikolai places his portal 2 meters from where he meant to put it and fyodor says "good job". it's incredible how they're feared terrorists.
sigma gets tired wearing heels all day. he wants memory foam but doesn't know it exists. give him his goddamn memory foam. anyways one of his employees saw him holding his feet in pain and offered him orthopedic shoe inserts. he hasn't been the same since. would give them a raise if he knew how.
tachihara used to get acne from having his bandage on his nose all day. so, he's developed an incredibly rigid skin care routine. his face is soft as hell. cheeks are smoother than you'd think.
kouyou made it her first demand as executive to raid her favourite shop where she gets all her kiminos and accessories. hirotsu led the black lizard battalion into the shop and the workers were so fucking confused. stole expensive silk fabrics and clothing of the highest quality because she doesn't settle for less, and in the process has gotten hirotsu more into fashion. they go shopping together.
speaking of shopping, kajii only goes thrifting. have you seen his clothes?? they're not his size and torn as hell but they're so damn cheap he can't resist. his sandals are so goddamn iconic. yeah he's blowing you up but his dogs are OUT like a mf psychopath. i maybe love him a little too much.
ivan has greasy hair. while doing his surgery thing wtv tf that was, fyodor was continually grossed out (ironic aint it). pushkin was then ordered to help ivan wash his hair and they died just a little bit. neither knew what the difference between shampoo and conditioner is, and they struggled with it for a long time. eventually when they came back for fyodor to do the surgery, ivan's hair smelled like flowers and was braided cutely because they gave up and went to a salon where the people working there fell a little in love with his hair and went overboard. pushkin's hair (if you can call it that...) was also in a little bowtie. they enjoyed their little adventure just a little bit. just a little ofc.
odasaku has no idea how to cook curry. he loves it and fears doing it wrong, so he just buys it from the same place over and over. considered asking for the recipe but never did because why change what is already perfection. dazai however is convinced oda has housewife abilities and can cook like a god. he never knew the truth.
fitzgerald can't do math. he pretends he's good at converting currencies but in his head it just doesn't add up. 20 000 yen? that's like.... 5 freedom eagles obviously. no biggie *throws a bunch of american dollars at the workers and just takes the item and leaves* he also doesn't give tips when it prompts on the machine, and instead prefers sliding a crisp bill to them directly. cried a little when his favourite shop told him they ran out of an item he wanted and they didn't budge after he slid them a stack of 100s (he has no idea how many were in the stack)
fitzgerald also owns an airline but he doesn't manage it personally ofc. his only interaction with it is that they provide him and the guild with a private jet to travel to japan. lovecraft did not get on. he swam??? who knows, but he did not get on that plane. lucy got sick and louisa freaked out every time there was turbulence. mark was snoring loudly the entire way and steinbeck had his nose pressed on the window looking outside the entire time the lil cutie.
agatha has the super power of drinking tea while it is still piping hot. she never burns her tongue and never complained about its temperature, except when it's too cold. the water was literally boiling once (her subordinates wanted to find out how hot she can go) and she gulped it all down without a single contortion of her face. incredible.
shirase doesn't understand english and keeps trying to learn it but every time he thinks he's getting the hang of it, someone throws cockney slang at him and he gives up.
adam finally figured out how to blow a bubble of gum, but keeps swallowing it. one day, it clogged his internal system (he's not supposed to be eating obvi) and he's been afraid of it ever since. thinks it's possessed by evil spirits his android brain can't understand. i also hc that he recharges thru solar panels integrated onto his skin and for this reason he goes to the beach to 'tan' often. HE'S SO PALE people get a little concerned for him when they see him not apply sunscreen and just lay down for hours at a time. one lady actually told him he could get skin cancer and he opened his eyes "ackshually 🤓👆" then began reciting every fact known to man about skin cancer. rip that lady
verlaine and rimbaud complain about france all the time. "fuck france i fucking hate the french this country goddamn sucks" then as soon as someone else says anything bad about it they give them death glares and threaten death for disrespecting their country.
wells has memorized a whole lot of things about quantum theory from her days studying to be an engineer because it was her favourite class. she cannot handle mechanical or civil engineering topics and physically ascends at the mention of anything to do with dynamics. i also think she's been hit on a lot while wearing disguises; she tells them she's actually a woman, they freak out, then she sends them back in time. this time, they do not approach her and thus she doesn't have to deal with the awkward rejection and doesn't even remember it.
jules verne has made little dolls and pretended that they were his friends and invented scenarios in which they hung out. i will not elaborate on this.
albatross sometimes interrupts conversations in order to listen to the engine of a vehicle passing by. tries to track them down, too. he'll be the type of guy to ogle at your car without making eye contact with you while you're still in the car. and when i say ogle, i mean ogle. checks out motorcycles more often than women.
the flags bully lippmann sometimes when he acts in a really cheesy scene. he's coming to hang out with them and they're all giggling and chuckling at him stupidly. albatross walks up to him, tucks his hair behind his ear and whispers whatever cheesy thing was said in a low voice before bursting out laughing (he usually starts laughing before he can even finish the sentence). pianoman slides it slickly into conversations, and doc 'fufu's at random moments when looking at him and he suddenly remembers the scene. iceman has not watched the movie and chuuya couldn't care less.
the first time he tried to take the train, ranpo loudly exclaimed and yelled at every turn and stop of the train. he went during rush hour too and got his entire body smooshed into the strangers next to him. he squealed when someone accidentally (accidentally) grabbed his ass in the crowded traincar, then asked loudly who did that. dramatic as hell. got his pockets picked and knew who did it, but couldn't do anything about it. he felt awful and slumped his way back home and collapsed into yosano's arms with a groan. this was the only time she'd ever willingly bought him a bunch of sweets and let him eat them in peace while he ranted to her about the atrocities
kenji is more notorious on the streets than he knows. he got recognized by some huge 200cm tall man built like a goddamn tank with tattoos all over his body who wanted to fight him. kenji was so flattered that he knew his name that he thanked him and burly dude was like. wtf. anyways they got beef ramen together afterwards bonded over cows and are now besties. he's told the agency about it but they think that by "friend" he means someone else his age.
tanizaki ran into kajii once at his favourite thrift shop. he recognized him and ran out freaked never to return. for this reason he had to keep wearing his same stanky ahh uwu girl clothes that don't fit and hasn't had a style update. actually, when doing his research for how to infiltrate the mafia, tachihara found out that there have been a lot of sightings of known dangerous ability users in the thrift store, and that's why he wears the same shirt as tanizaki.
tachihara dreads the hunting dogs meetings because they make him feel like the only sane one there. his back has become so chiseled from carrying teruko around all the time, and once - jouno thought it would be funny - he tripped on a wire laying down on the ground and almost dropped her. he had to use his ability to pick her up from the belt of the uniform to prevent her from faceplanting, and she looked like she was about to explode. he had to let her beat him up a little then she hopped back on his shoulders and nothing changed. he questions his life choices often
jouno can't handle cinnamon or ginger scents, they overwhelm him and he goes into a fucking sensory overload coma. odor orgasm. sinus sex. teruko got sick once and tachi made her the strongest herbal and ginger tea you've ever seen (learnt it from his brother rip the goat) and he collapsed on the ground with a moan. woke up a half hour layer with no clue wth just happened. tecchou eventually heard about it, placed a hand on his shoulder and said "it happens to the best of us" while nodding solemnly then never elaborated.
yeah fukuchi and fukuzawa used to steal food when they were younger but imagine them figuring out milestones together. "dude my armpits are itchy where is this hair coming from :(" "genichiro i don't need to know about that *scratches at his armpit subtly*" i think they were very goofy about it
speaking of puberty elise once freaked mori out by saying she got her period. dude was like. wtf. you're an ability. how tf. she insisted he got her a bunch of tampons n pads and chocolate and heating pads and the works, then once he (the underlings he made go do the shopping threatening their lives if they ever told a soul) bought everything, she looked at his confused and asked why he bought those things. she's an ability how could she have a period? mori cried a little that night.
bram is a swiftie for no reason other than i think it's funny. alternatively, i believe he listens to reggae for no reason other than i think it's goddamn FUNNY.
kunikida's old students sometimes run into him on the street and recognize him. they immediately straighten their backs, nod at him and quickly walk away in the most respectful way because they don't want to ruin his schedule. he nearly tears up from happiness every time.
natsume goes through 5-6 "here, kitty kitty!"s in a day when he's just vibing around. people try to feed him grass blades. people get WAY too comfortable rubbing his stomach. once, a girl saw him on her way back from school and started scratching a random spot behind his ears and he folded so quickly and just melted on the sidewalk. he wont admit it but he has that weak spot in human form too (i want to pet him so badly this is self indulgent ok). the girl was actually gin btw. she's an animal whisperer i dont know why i dont know how but she is.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
Black Peter pt 3
After my last letter, you may have assumed that the case was entirely concluded with the arrest of John Hopley Neligan by Inspector Hopkins, however it was not so!
You don't say!
"Stanley Hopkins's methods do not commend themselves to me. I am disappointed in Stanley Hopkins. I had hoped for better things from him."
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Oh, Stanley Hopkins. And you were doing so well. Alas, alack!
“What, then, is the alternative?” “The line of investigation which I have myself been pursuing."
Is this the thing where he was stabbing a pig corpse with a spear? I'm not sure that will stand up in court. But also he was saying that he couldn't do it in a single thrust, so I'm guessing that means that someone must have shot Captain Carey with a harpoon gun, rather than stabbing him with the harpoon, especially to stick him to the wall like that. They could have shot him from a distance away. Or he shot himself and this is all an accident.
We literally only have one named suspect at this point, though, and he can't have done it because he's already been arrested for it.
"‘Sumner, Shipping Agent, Ratcliff Highway. Send three men on, to arrive ten to-morrow morning.—Basil.’"
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OK, so yes, this has to do with the stuff he was doing before.
The young detective was in high spirits at his success.
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“It seems to me to have only one drawback, Hopkins, and that is that it is intrinsically impossible. Have you tried to drive a harpoon through a body? No? Tut, tut, my dear sir..."
Yeah, Stan. How could you have gone through this entire case and not attempted to stab a pig with a spear? Shoddy police work. Buffoonery. Utter clown show.
The precursors here of the modern forensics you see being performed on crime shows to this day. Literally down to using pigs because they're the closest equivalent to human flesh available.
But yeah, Stanley. Go stab a pig. It will also help you take out the anger you undoubtedly feel right now.
"My friend Watson could tell you that I spent a whole morning in that exercise."
This makes it sound like Watson was watching him do it. Which... different kind of date, I've got to say. Watson would probably do it, though.
His hopes and his ambitions were all crumbling about him. But he would not abandon his position without a struggle.
Come on, Stanley. You're better than this. Don't risk putting an innocent man in jail.
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The first who entered was a little ribston-pippin of a man, with ruddy cheeks and fluffy white side-whiskers.
OMG it's Father Christmas! Was this his response to Carey's daughter's Christmas wish. Full service Santa Claus to the rescue.
I'm not sure if this is a first, but it feels like it: a character being compared to fruit rather than an animal. (A pippin is an apple). This is honestly kind of an adorable description, so I automatically don't think it's the guilty party. But he's great. Love him. Perfect character, no notes.
The second man was a long, dried-up creature, with lank hair and sallow cheeks.
Are these guys going to get progressively more unpleasant descriptions? Or is it going to be more the good, the bad, and the just right. Goldilocks and the Three Sailors.
The third applicant was a man of remarkable appearance. A fierce bull-dog face was framed in a tangle of hair and beard, and two bold dark eyes gleamed behind the cover of thick, tufted, overhung eyebrows.
Clearly a criminal. Although usually 'bull-dog' is reserved as a descriptor for police officers. Is this guy related to Lestrade?
Seems kind of mean that Holmes lured them all in with promise of a job, though. Rude. While they're busy running after an opportunity that doesn't even exist, other positions are being filled. They need to make a living, Sherlock.
Holmes leaned over his shoulder and passed both hands over his neck.
Did Holmes just come up behind the guy and put his arms over his shoulders? Really? That's such a weird way to do this. How do you even get handcuffs on a guy that way? Wouldn't it have been easier to do that from further down?
“I must really apologize, Hopkins,” said Sherlock Holmes; “I fear that the scrambled eggs are cold."
Cardinal offence. Cold scrambled eggs are practically a declaration of war.
“I make no complaint of being man-handled in this fashion..."
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"You say I murdered Peter Carey; I say I killed Peter Carey, and there's all the difference."
There is a distinction, that's why there are different words for it and everything.
"I knew Black Peter, and when he pulled out his knife I whipped a harpoon through him sharp, for I knew that it was him or me."
Self defence. Well, I'm fine with that. Seems pretty cut and dried. He had a knife. Really, he did only have himself to blame.
"Peter Carey was master of the Sea Unicorn..."
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"So far as I know, the man's name was never mentioned, and on the second night he disappeared as if he had never been."
Seems a likely story.
"Only one man knew what had happened to him, and that was me, for with my own eyes I saw the skipper tip up his heels and put him over the rail in the middle watch of a dark night, two days before we sighted the Shetland lights."
I mean, technically that's two men: you and the murderer. Unless the Skipper was a woman... which I'm pretty sure they weren't because it was Captain Carey, so... two people knew what had happened to him. Three including the dead guy, who probably doesn't count as he was dead, but he knew while it was going on. So... not to be pedantic or something, but really 'Only one living man knows' or 'Only three men knew'... Not that I'm pedantic at all.
"I guessed that he had done the deed for the sake of what was in that tin box, and that he could afford now to pay me well for keeping my mouth shut."
Oh no. Like, rule number one of being in a murder mystery, my dude. Don't do blackmail. It's the most direct path to death in these things. The second rule is never say out loud something that indicates you might have seen something but 'just need to check' before you tell anyone. Either way, you're dead.
This guy actually survived, but he did become the culprit, so... blackmail. Never worth it.
Though I think we're all agreed that he did the world a favour.
“Now I'll tell you the queerest part of the whole story."
You mean that wasn't the part where you admitted you didn't mind being tied up and manhandled by three other men? Seriously?
"For my part I walked ten miles, got a train at Tunbridge Wells, and so reached London, and no one the wiser."
I have questions. For instance, earlier Cairns says 'I stood there, with his blood splashing round me...' And he doesn't mention cleaning himself up at any point. Did he miraculously not get any of the 'splashing' blood on him, or was he just exaggerating the gore (although it was stated earlier to be a very gruesome crime scene) or did everyone just ignore him on the train covered in blood because this is the British public transport system and it's none of their business?
"I say again that if I killed Black Peter the law should give me thanks, for I saved them the price of a hempen rope.”
I mean... this is once again the old 'if you kill a killer the number of killers in the world stays the same' thing. You'd have to kill more than one murderer to actually save them any rope, if they hang you. At the moment they're just even. And given that they wouldn't have caught Carey anyway, they're technically down if they do hang you.
"This room is not well adapted for a cell, and Mr. Patrick Cairns occupies too large a proportion of our carpet.”
The reduction of carpet space is, of course, the main reason why keeping a prisoner in your sitting room is a bad idea.
"I was convinced that the initials ‘P.C.’ upon the pouch were a coincidence, and not those of Peter Carey, since he seldom smoked, and no pipe was found in his cabin."
I did forget about the initials on the pouch. Even though I remembered the pouch because I thought Carey didn't seem like the kind of man to share his tobacco.
"If it were a seaman, it could only be a seaman who had been with him on the Sea Unicorn."
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"I spent three days in wiring to Dundee, and at the end of that time I had ascertained the names of the crew of the Sea Unicorn in 1883."
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Every. Time.
I therefore spent some days in the East-end, devised an Arctic expedition.
Hey! You know what creatures you might see on an Arctic expedition?
Do you know?
Do you?
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What? What did you think I was going to say?
“You must obtain the release of young Neligan as soon as possible,” said Holmes. “I confess that I think you owe him some apology."
Do they make cards that say 'Sorry I imprisoned you for a crime you did not commit?' Also... when did gift baskets become a thing?
"If you want me for the trial, my address and that of Watson will be somewhere in Norway—I'll send particulars later.”
Are they... actually going on the Arctic expedition? Are they taking Mr Lancaster of the apple cheeks? Are they going to explore the fjords?
Did you really organise an actual Arctic expedition? Are you going to pretend to be Captain Basil the whole time?
(Also, does Watson still have his practice, or did he just give that to the guy who lived next door?)
I believe I have read The Norwood Builder, which is coming next, because I recognise the title. We shall see how much I actually remember. Probably not a lot, going by what I've remembered of the ones I know I've read so far.
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seven-thewanderer · 1 month
I realize now I forgot to give some updates about other characters of my Strayed! AU…
Like firstly (what I think is probably most important): Moon isn’t there for a good amount of the AU
After what went on with New Moon/Nexus, I didn’t really want to have New Moon (despite how much I liked them at the start), but I also wanted to have OG Moon (because of how silly they kinda are), but I didn’t want to go the Nexus route to get OG Moon back…
So I kinda just put Moon in a coma? So yeah in my AU once Moon & KC separate, Moon’s just in a coma from then until basically a year later, as Moon’s body basically shut down, and Monty’s trying to help, but things keep being thrown at him so he can’t do much to help, and eventually they just decide to make him a new body, transfer his code there, and it worked eventually! Like… probably 3 days later XD (which is then why he has his hunger)
Second thing: There is no Stitchwraith (since Stitchwraiths were apparently rare, there was like only 13? And I didn’t wanna have Bloodmoon secretly working for both Brainsick and Stitchwraith somehow at the same time
Third thing: There’s probably no Puppet… cus I don’t really want canon puppet in my AU, nor can I make a puppet design, and plus she’s rare anyways :P
Fourth thing: I made a new design for Earth!!
Since the last design I wasn’t sure if it was her first-design or new-design (it’s now her first), I kinda was won over by the Chubby Earth side of the fandom, so I made this!
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(she still has a bow it’s just holding her ponytail together)
But yeah this is like… her 3rd design (the new body after figuring out the Creator’s a jerk) (she probably asks Monty to help with it - since I’m pretty sure they’d already be dating at this point - and it’s not like she could ask Solar, who doesn’t exist here, or Moon, who is in a coma and she doesn’t know well yet)
But yeah her second body (made by the Creator) probably is thinner like the canon one (cus that’s probably what the Creator wanted, but she herself didn’t exactly want that but was like ‘oh well, Father knows best :3’)
Fourthly: Frank (Forkface) - still needs a new name btw - may actually exist in my AU, since Frank (canon) found out there was a small amount of Negativity Embodiments like himself, so imma still have one :3 I may also make Francis & Fran too!! (im not sure what to do for them, but Francis may embody a Dog Plushie, idk for Fran yet [I had this idea that she just casually found a real Chameleon body and was like ‘oh well nobody’s using this’ and embodied it, a bit of her energy leaking out of parts that would’ve been like… decayed? Idk? But I didn’t really wanna draw a dead Chameleon… cus I like chameleons… and I didn’t wanna have to search up a ref for that… so that idea’s currently scrapped for now]) (also if I do make Francis a dog plush, he would squeak a lot, in replacement probably of his sniffles)
Finally (Fifthly): The Creator’s not a brain.
…but idk what he would be instead XD (but the Nice Creator - Sven I think - said a Brain Creator was new/rare, and most were robots - except for him since he was human - but I wanna do something else)
But ye I think that’s everything? Idk I have to leave it here anyways it’s a Sunday
[Not an Edit but quick addition I almost forgot: because of the whole FNAF Canon lore discovery with the Crying Child possibly being named Cassidy, I am using that for the CC in my Strayed!AU cus y’all are not getting me to name him Evan. E v e r.]
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Christmas Cookies
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Prompt 1: Doing some Christmas baking, Male reader who loves to bake and has a quirk that helps them measure anything (they work in fashion), hinted distant family: Closed, Fatgum|Taishiro Toyomitsu
I like the thought that Taishiro can cook but has zero patience to bake lol, so his s/o does the baking
edit: hinted smut at the end
*does a little tumblr dance*
Fatgum|Taishiro Toyomitsu (My beloved <3)
Sugar, check
Butter, check
Uhhhhhh.. Y/n stops mid reading as he tries to think over what exactly he was missing.
Everything seemed to be here. Everything he needed to make chewy sugar cookies and then some- “OH!!” Y/n shouts as it clicks, quickly putting down the unstirred bowl of raw cookie dough.
 He was forgetting molasses.
See this year, Y/n was planning to make not just gingerbread cookies but also a gingerbread house! After all it was a family tradition he enjoyed and well….It would also be his and Taishiro’s 2 year anniversary as a couple. Y/n felt his cheeks warm up at the pleasant memories and what it meant to make and decorate a gingerbread house together meant to him.
As in his family when single couples made one it showed that they were serious, a show of what could be their future together. It was silly and honestly a dated tradition. But if there was one thing he looked fondly on, it was helping his dad make one for his mother and getting the chance to make a mini dog house to match. 
Half the time both of them burnt the cookie sheet and his mom would come rushing in thinking they set something on fire.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Y/n grabbed his phone and checked the time. Most stores were closing around this time and Taishiro should be coming home in 5 minutes. 
Maybe if he could make it if he ran out now. With that plane y/n was just about to shrug on his coat and shoes when the sound of  Taishiro opening the door echoed from down the hall.
“y/n! I got your text but uh..I didn’t exactly know which king of molasses to get?”
 Taishiro calls out mumbling the last part as he makes his way further into the apartment getting hit with the smell of warm vanilla. Y/n perks and rushes to him for a hug which taishiro gladly gave with one arm. “Tai-kun you are a lifesaver! Also welcome home~” y/n sighs out
Chuckling taishiro shuffled you both further into the living room, y/n finally letting go after calming down. He loves that taishiro has that effect on him. Y/n takes the back peeking into it seeing multiple bottles of molasses. Thinking that you’re well distracted sorting through those, Taishiro creeps into the kitchen following his nose.
Taishiro took in the sort of mess that was the kitchen. Y/n wasn’t the type to just leave a mess while he was cooking, so what was there was just extra dough and used equipment on standby.  Glancing back seeing his little chef heading his way still going through the bag, taishiro quickly snags a bit of the already mixed cookie dough.
“Ah! Taishiro Toyomitsu! Get out of here if you’re gonna snack on raw cookie dough!” Y/n huffs putting the bag on the counter to go and nudge him out. This man. “Waaah but Y/n it’s not like I’ll get sick from a little~” Taishiro whines playfully while watching you like a sad puppy.  Y/n sniffs unmoved, after all this isn’t the first time he did this.
“Sweetheart this batch is for your ducklings. I have something else for us.” he explains after a few more minutes of hearing Taishiro whine as you stir and shape the cookies. Taishiro shrinks and moves to wrap his arms around him laying his head on top of y/n. “Heh , off you’re still sweaty from work.” y/n mumbles half serious, didn’t really mind.
“Oh yeah? You didn’t have too but I’m sure the boys will love it…”
Y/n nudges the now empty bowl into the since and turns around to give him a kiss. “Mm of course I do. But for us, I’m thinking of a gingerbread house?” Y/n asks, picking at Taishiro’s shirt unsure. Taishiro thinks for a second, remembering a long while back y/n mentioning this to him. He blushes at the thought of his sweetheart willing to do this with him.
Quickly Taishiro lifts y/n up and onto the counter “stay right here.” He says quickly putting the cookies into the preheated oven and swiftly coming back to you. Making himself home between y/n’s legs, who chuckles sliding his arms over his shoulders. “Mm happy that I asked?~”
Taishiro nods nuzzling y/n neck and placing soft kisses there tugging the ends of his shirt. “I just love when you want to share these types of things with me. Gets me all warm and needy.”
I love him. Anyway, I’m so hyped for christmas (quarantine really got me hopefully only another month) and this one was definitely self indulgent to kick off this whole holiday prompt thing.
I should say most will be unedited, just to keep it chill. so sorry for any mistakes lol
Edit: Lmao can you tell when in this timeline I made this?
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ur-local-demon1 · 4 months
Uhm so, I wrote this Amanene fankids ficlet to de-stress about my exams and also cuz I'm sick and I needed to do something simple to occupy myself. I'm sharing it because "the human connection will make me feel like a human again- what?"
Fic under Keep Reading. If this does well, I might post it to AO3
For the first time since their second child was born, Nene finally got a whole day with the house and bed to herself. Meanwhile, Amane owed Tsubaki a daddy-daughter date - albeit, with Tsugumi in tow - that was long overdue. However, before they could do that, Amane had to explain that they needed to make a quick stop to get groceries to acquire the food that kept them alive along with other products that made them not stink. It was still a difficult concept for Tsubaki to grasp but as long as she got a strawberry icecream for her troubles, everything was fine.
So here they were; Amane was walking through the aisles, and crossing things off the list. While Tsubaki was sitting in the cart’s baby seat, kicking her feet and looking around curiously, Tsugumi was strapped to his father’s back, sleeping soundly as he was being rocked by all the walking around. Unlike his older sister, Tsugumi was a calm newborn who didn’t act up too much and loved his beauty sleep; much to Amane and Nene’s relief. They got through the list pretty quickly, but reached the dreaded item, as per Kou’s request. Amane steeled himself and headed into the toy aisle. As he tried to choose a good gift for his niece/granddaughter  - Kou and Sousuke’s daughter, Ageha - he could see in his peripheral vision his own child’s eyes move to every single toy on the shelf. 
“... Baba?” 
Oh for the love of- “Yes, sweetie?” he said, forcing his voice to remain neutral. Tsubaki pointed towards a doll Amane could have sworn she already had. 
“Can I have this pleeeassseee?” She asked, giving him her best puppy dog eyes that had a track record of making her poor father break on multiple occasions. 
“I don’t know, is it on the list?” He asked rhetorically. Tsubaki, being only five years old at the time, just stared at him and shrugged. Amane smiled affectionately and ruffled her hair. “It’s not, baby. We’re only buying something for your cousin. Uncle Kou and Sousuke are coming over next week.” He reminded her while he kept looking through the toys in front of him. Tsubaki seemed to think long and hard about something. 
“Why can’t I have things that aren’t on the list?” She asked. 
“Cuz we only buy things that are on the list.” Amane responded immediately, remembering the long lecture he and Nene got from all the 3 grandparents for ‘spoiling Tsubaki too much’ after they had helped them sell the thousands of toys that she had grown bored of in the span of two weeks.
“It’s not like the earth would blow up if we bought something that wasn’t on the list…” Tsubaki mumbled under her breath. 
“Who says it couldn’t?” Amane reasoned. Tsubaki stared at him confusedly. 
“It could do that?” She asked. 
“I mean, it exists because of an explosion, so… Maybe?” Amane was multi-tasking; he worked on distracting Tsubaki while also trying to choose between two purple barbies. He eventually put them both down when he remembered the last conversation he had with Kou a few days ago where he told him that after years of purple being her favourite color, Ageha woke up one day and suddenly decided that it was the worst thing to ever exist. 
Tsubaki looked like she was struggling to understand what her dad meant by that. “... What?” 
“The big bang, sweetie.” He clarified, finally turning to face Tsubaki as he had found a gift: a pair of turquoise fairy wings. “There was an explosion a billion years ago and it made the earth. Well, I’ll explain that better when you’re older.” 
Tsubaki tilted her head to the side. “Did you see that happen?” 
“Of course not!” Amane exclaimed. “Hold on- how old do you think I am?” It was in moments like that that Amane was grateful that Tsubaki still struggled to count over one hundred.
“Seventy eight! Mommy said so!” She recalled proudly. Amane paled and hurried to mentally calculate if Tsubaki and Nene were wrong or if he really was a decrepit old man. 
…“...I’m physically thirty two.” He muttered before walking away and going back to explaining the big bang to a toddler, which was much easier than thinking about the fact that you were physically forty six years younger than you were supposed to be.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings - Ep 5
Probably I should wait to do this but lbr I'm not watching that episode again lol. I am far too invested in Sand to watch it. Yep, I have become that person and while I actually enjoy all these characters I would see them all burn (metaphorically please no people roasts in this show) if it meant that Sand would get out mostly unscathed.
Alas, this is not shaping up to be that show. I said I will defend Sand's wrongs and that includes sticking around a dude who is not going to give him what he wants but damn, I do wish he loved himself more.
But let's get to it.
(Quick disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect an accurate interpretation of these characters or the show itself. In case that wasn't glaringly obvious)
Characters (From Most to Least Fave atm)
Sand. Oh my darling dumbass. I feel like he thought that Ray could be a bright shining thing in his life and now he's been smacked with cold hard reality courtesy of Boston. He thinks he's building his walls up but unfortunately I've seen the trailer so I know he's not, he's just papering them over and telling himself that's good enough (you need stronger materials hon). He compared Ray to a dog this ep but honestly he is starting to remind me of one, and not in the good way. That said, he is my ride or die for better or worse and so while I hate this for him eventually kicked dogs do stop coming back so I will wait for that day (well, they either stop coming back or they turn on the person kicking them).
I get now what First meant when he said that Sand has to deal with his feelings on his own. I mean I already got it but we're seeing it put in to practice here. Because Ray doesn't owe Sand anything, he's never made promises, Sand got ahead of himself and now he's gotta deal with reality on his own. Them's the breaks. And I think we all know the best thing for him would be to take a couple steps back until he can move past this thing (and I don't even think it would take that long tbh - Sand's got too much on his plate to be indulging in pesky feelings like this and if he was out of Ray's orbit I don't actually think it would be difficult for him to remember that. He just gets swept up because Ray is kind of a whirlwind and he makes it easy to forget that real life exists. But it does, and Sand's real life is a lot different from Ray's and involves a lot more pragmatism and compartmentalization).
Aside from that, I was so happy to get a Sand episode my goodness. I cheered aloud when I heard him start to narrate lol. And I do think that both the debt collectors and his dad are gonna come up again - I can't help but assume one of our main cast shares that father. My gut feeling is Top but I've seen around that it could be Boston because politician daddy and if so I would be here for it. I would also be highkey amused if it's Ray but I do not think the show will go there. Mew is another good possibility but as I am still hoping that the show will let them make out at some point and I doubt that will happen if they are blood related I am choosing to believe that's not the case.
I do like that the show is doing the work with him. Am I frustrated that I already know he's gonna keep letting this thing with Ray go on until it destroys him? Yes. But I also see where it's coming from. If Sand starts to really see what's going on with Ray re: alcohol, I think he'll slip into caretaker mode and feel he *can't* walk away, and he feels that way because he's already taking care of his mom, paying off her debts and working nonstop so that he can do that while also going to school. His life has set him up to be weak to someone like Ray, it's not entirely on him being stupid, and at least I have that as a consolation for when he inevitably makes me want to shake some sense into his beautiful dumb head.
Lastly, the way he yelled at Boston and Nick to go to Nick's room (and the fact that they *did*! And Boston's "oh shit" face. Even the sullen little eyeroll while he did as told was funny - Sand effectively reduced him to a kid again and he knew it) cracked me up. Reminded me of Mew telling Ray to lie in bed and think of what he did last episode. My SandMew feelings are intensifying I need those two to meet and maybe hook up okay show thank you (I know they won't hook up but I can dream).
Boston. Yes, Boston. My guy really out here doing the most to cause drama again and I still love him for it. This time there is no real goal except destruction and Boston being all caught up in his feelings about Top and Mew and I'm that Lady Gaga meme. You keep on doing the most darling because you are really the only reason any shit is getting done, even if the shit that is getting done is breaking everything in sight.
And also, it has to be said, he wasn't wrong about anything he said. I mean, he was awful about how he revealed things and the way he escalated the situation was absolutely bananas but he wasn't wrong.
I still see him and Ray as very similar. In this ep they both decided to love the one they're with (figure of speech don't get excited I see no love there my guys) since they can't be with the ones they want, with varying degrees of success. Until Boston decided to piss in the sandbox, that is.
Ray. I feel like this might come as a shock since I clearly don't like him much and because I love Sand to the point that I just want him out of the way of all these dumbasses, but. I also can't stress enough that Ray hasn't done anything wrong. I don't love how he keeps pushing his way past every boundary that Sand tries to put down but Sand is also very much showing him every place to push to make him give in. And yes Ray is definitely intentionally using Sand to try to move on from Mew but well, as far as he knows this is all just fun anyway. no pressure and no commitment. And right up until the end of this episode Sand was deliberately letting him think that (yes I love him but I don't think I've quite reached the point where I'm not seeing how he's contributing to his own misery. He's doing it both by not walking away and by letting Ray think he doesn't give a shit. You can't be surprised when the guy you've told to his face doesn't mean much to you assumes that that's the case).
Plus he's been up front about how he sees Sand. I want to be mad at him for it because I hate seeing Sand cry, but Ray has been very clear at every given opportunity that he does not see Sand as a possible romantic partner. He will fuck him, he will follow him around and beg for his attention, but he will not date him. Yeah, his nervous denials in front of Boston stung because Sand let himself think that wasn't the case (and because in hindsight he has to realize that Ray was so adamant because he was afraid Boston would relay this back to Mew - that was an instinctive, kneejerk no don't tell my lover I'm cheating response and Sand has to have realized that with some time to think. And what's worse, it's not the first time he's reacted that way), but he's never said otherwise. If Sand can't handle it it's on him to take the steps necessary to make it not a problem.
And now that I've said all that I reserve the right to be furious when Ray continues to use Sand knowing that he is in deeper than Ray himself is. Because while his feelings are not Ray's responsibility, deliberately toying with someone you KNOW wants more from you is shitty.
Since he was all tangled up in Sand's stuff this ep there's not much else to say about him really.
Well, yes. There is one thing. I am surer than ever he is going to get behind the wheel drunk and he's going to hurt some- no. He's going to hurt Sand. Because you don't have these two together bringing up dangerous driving this much and have it not come back to hurt everyone later. Mark my words, the First Kanaphan character in a hospital bed universe is getting a new member (if the morgue doesn't collect him first I wish I were joking I hate myself). Also the way his face flickered lightning fast from gut punched before he wiped it off when Sand said he didn't trust Ray with his life was excellent, kudos to Khaotung for that one.
Top. Look at this man getting exactly what he wants this ep. He was more fun on the whole last episode reading everyone to filth but he's still reaping the benefits of it and I can't really say I hate that for him. Also I can't really get enough of his unimpressed reaction to Boston doing literally anything. Boston could be out here doing the best of works and Top would just be like "loser" and I respect that.
Things are gonna go to shit for him very fast so I hope he enjoys his moment of winning.
Mew. MEW what are you DOING. I can't tell if his whole "oh wow we just saw a bunch of guys who want Top but Top was focused only on me" thing was in his own head or if Top deliberately took him 'round to all his hookups so that Mew can see how much he's changed, but either way, no my dude. Stop.
I keep thinking to what he told Top in the first episode. If I sleep with you, I'm going to be so obsessed. And I think we're gonna see that happening next ep.
But frankly he's mostly here because of that preview. You're really going to get Lasik surgery for this dude? MEW I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU WHERE'S MY TYRA GIF.
Nick. Pretty much the same as above. Nick, do not start trying to tone up and wearing Dad Chic to try to get Boston to love you. Top barely pulls the golf dad look off, you are much better as you are. The hell my dude. I was literally so annoyed by this the entire episode that I had a hard time paying attention to his scenes. So I guess I will have to watch those again. You also made your roommate send your fuck buddy to your room like a naughty child like Nick if you can't actually handle it when Boston does this shit you are not on the level I thought you were. Seriously disappointed in you (but not that disappointed because as I said, Sand sending them both to Nick's room was peak hilarity for me).
Relationships (Fave to Least Fave atm)
Sand and Nick. They are lovely, and I still have hope that they make out a little once things go really pear shaped. I just like every interaction they have, honestly and I'd be happy to see more.
Boston and Mew. These two fucking fascinate me. There is so much animosity there, and only Boston's is mostly up front. They both have so much disdain for the way the other chooses to live their life. and it just feels so deeply personal that I figure that there has to be a fuckton of projection going down on both sides.
And now I'm gonna step outside the characters and say that it makes perfect sense to me that this war is breaking open over a dude that now they've both slept with, especially when you think about their differing attitudes towards sex and how derisive they both are of the opposite view. Of course this thing with Top is now a competition for both of them - whoever Top chooses to be with in the end will be the one who was right, after all.
And this is why I suspect that even after he finds out about Top and Boston, Mew won't leave. Because he's gotta win at all costs, even if he doesn't even really like the person he's with (although I still think he'll sleep with Ray for real at some point, that doesn't necessarily mean he'll let go of Top).
TopMew. I dunno, I actually thought they were sweet this ep. It's all gonna go to hell in a handbasket because Toto can't stop biting (yes this a Wizard of Oz reference and yes Boston is Toto) but I do genuinely enjoy them onscreen. *shrugs* I don't know maybe I'm just weird. Also I'm really looking forward to this implosion and the sweeter they are now the worse it'll be later. Mess, mess, mess!
And someone else pointed this out but it is interesting that all of Mew and Top's dates have elements of hiding/obfuscating (someone let me know who so I can link it, it was good). In the first one they are literally hunting each other, the second they can't hear (but I do think it's relevant that they choose to listen to the same song. Or well. Mew does), and in the third they can't see each other. And my own thought to add to that is that in every last one Mew is the one who gives himself away or changes or shifts.
But remember that in laser tag Mew was the one who shot. He might be blinded now but he's getting Lasik next ep (still hate that for him and if I don't joke about it this will just turn into a rant about not changing anything about yourself for a dude so).
I am wondering though if Top is going to tell Mew about what happened with Boston after the confrontation on Mew's birthday. Because he has to know that Mew is edging closer to the truth here, and Ray isn't just gonna give up because Mew hits him once (oh it'll set him back and as I said, probably send him haring after Sand to play the blame game, but Ray ain't giving up, both I think from genuine concern and because he will (maybe rightly) assume this will leave Mew vulnerable enough he'll consider Ray an option (to be clear, I don't think that this bit will be something he is consciously aware of or plans it just feels right to me)).
I still think that Mew has clocked enough weird interactions that he suspects something is up with Boston, and that is why he called him this ep. And I further think that he laid his nerves on so thick deliberately. I just don't think that him calling Boston to toy with him negates having actual feelings for Top. I think both can be true.
BostonNick. They had me in a chokehold last ep but as I said I'm not a fan of NIck Single White Femaling Top to be more appealing to Boston. Number one, Top's fashion sucks. Number two, Top's fashion sucks.
I wanted Nick to be more unhinged than this. I am disappointed that he's not.
That said, on a scale of "I can see it" to "dear god get it away from me", I still ship it more than
SandRay. Well they weren't kidding when they said that this is gonna be the angsty, dramatic one. I do still have hope that their angst isn't all about Ray being in love with Mew though. What can I say, I'm like Sand in a lot of ways, including my stupid, unsinkable hope that the clear writing on the wall will change if I just give it enough time.
I just feel like there are more interesting, far more relationship breaking ways to go with them. Like sure, Ray's in love with Mew, he's gonna wreck shit for that specific reason. But he's also kind of a dick about Sand's entire existence? Like he just can't stop being a spoiled rotten little rich boy for two seconds, can he? Don't think I missed all of his little digs about literally every step of the "let's spend a day living how Sand lives" experience. Because I did not.
I was also genuinely surprised that Ray asked about Sand's dreams, mostly because he's shown less than zero interest in Sand as a person unless it'll get him into his bed (or his hand down his pants). I mean I was happy he did because I wanted to know, but it seemed out of left field for me.
Ray's problems with alcohol would be an interesting direction to take things. Because that's another huge issue, and one I think Sand has only just cottoned on to (oh not that Ray drinks too much - he clocked that way back - but just how very very bad it actually is). Is he gonna stick his nose in? I feel like he might.
What does give me hope that at least some of this is planned is that we are getting the Mew Problem so early. That it will continue to be one I have no doubt - I've said it before and I'll say it again, Ray will let go of that crush only if someone pries him away from it finger by finger - but surely that can't be it, not when we're getting so many other ways that these two don't work?
I also think that Sand's tendency to turtle is going to cause problems, although I understand him far more than Ray (in case it wasn't obvious). Personally the reason he frustrates me so much is I wouldn't just turtle away from any of it, I'd reel back so hard and so far that you'd never find me again, haha. So Sand's continued return to the same things that hurt him frustrates me beyond belief.
I think he should have just asked his questions. I get why he didn't, why he retreated into "you don't owe me anything and I have no right to ask" rather than hear it directly from Ray that all Boston said was true. Of course he doesn't need to hear it, Ray's reaction was enough, but also it might have done them both good to have Ray say it. I said it already, but in some ways Sand is doing this to himself, and not just by sticking around when everyone knows he should not.
I also wonder how much his ex trauma is playing into his withdrawal here. Because when Nick was saying that he feels like nothing compared to Top, Sand's response was "I know how that feels" (probably not an exact quote, but you get it). He's already played this game before and lost. I can see why he might try to just take himself out of it the second time around.
That said, the way I need that ex to show up real time and not just in flashbacks is insane. I need them to show up and I need for all those feelings Sand's clearly just shoved down to come bubbling back up and make everything worse. Please let the ex show up at the worst possible time. Please please please I'm begging. 🙏🙏🙏
I wonder how long this attempt to keep boundaries with Ray is going to last. Not long, is my guess.
In Conclusion
All these bitches are messy, some in a more fun way for me personally than others.
Yo is the best character in this entire show and I will hear no arguments.
And where are the lesbians?
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sunny6677 · 1 year
Spooky Month: The Dating Sim
Part 27
(I'm mainly just doing this because it's fun to watch, but this is basically a spooky month interactive thing/poll which is kinda like a dating sim. Of course, only the adult characters can be your love interests. So do take that in mind.)
(BTW Carmen and Richard are love interests since as far as I know, they're just overly strict parents with the way Pelo treats them. But if they are confirmed to actually be abusive or just bad parents toward Roy in general, I will remove them from being love interests.)
Caught between two thoughts of what to do, the only words that came out of you were meaningless sputters of gibberish. You could feel Pump gaze at you with an arched brow from below.
"..uhhh.. what?" Pump said, confused.
You then shook your head, and cleared your throat. Apologizing for what you did, you explained that you knew the man because you had talked to him before at a mall. You then sighed, and turned to the man. You explained that you were babysitting Skid, pointing directly to Skid so he would know who you were talking about.
"..oh." The man simply said, sounding unphased. The conversation was becoming a little.. awkward. So you quickly asked about him working as a person who sold hot dogs. The man's lips were curled into a blank frown, his eyes glistening with exhaustion. He then answered in the same monotone voice, "..I let two kids steal something from the store I worked at because I'm tired of existing."
...you gulped. That wasnt the answer you were really expecting.
You then nervously looked away. A flicker of worry sparked within you at his words. You awkwardly said that you hoped his new job would go well at least. You then asked how the doll you had bought for him had been doing.
He paused, and blinked. "..I put it on my bed so I could see the point in sleeping."
You gulped again. You weren't expecting that answer either.
You then sighed, and said that you weren't sure what could be done about the way he felt, but that you were sure things would get better. And that however sad he felt, it was okay to need help. Internally, you thought about giving him your number so you could help him if he needed it, but you didn't want to seem too pushy. The man had merely said in a blank tone, "..thanks."
You then decided to ask his name, not wanting to ask for his number so you didn't seem too personal already despitebarely knowing him.
"...Rick." He stated.
Rick, huh? That was a nice name.
You then began to state your name with a soft smile. Though as you did, you felt your pants(or skirt if you present more femininely, whichever you prefer) being tugged on from below. Looking down, you saw Skid innocently staring up at you. "Uh.. can we get hot-dogs now?"
You blinked, realizing how long you must have been talking for. You then awkwardly chuckled, and apologized to Skid quickly, before looking back at Rick. You then asked for three hot-dogs. In turn, Rick blankly said with the same frown, "..okay."
He then turned around, and quickly began to rummage through the bottom of the stand, presumably to make hot-dogs. You stood there for about a few seconds, before Rick eventually pulled out three tasty looking hot-dogs that gave off a pleasant and warm scent. You smiled, and handed over the needed payment. You took the three hot-dogs, and handed the two other ones to Skid and Pump. The two kids looked up at you, and grinned eagerly. "Yay!" They cheered.
As you handed them the hot-dogs, the two kids began to quickly chomp into them despite how clearly hot they were. You felt a slight bead of sweat on your face, wondering how they were managing to withstand such temperatures. Yet even so, you shrugged. You felt the warmth of your hot-dog beneath your fingers, smiling softly in gentle gratitude. You looked back at Rick, and thanked him for the hot-dogs. You said that if you would try talking to him more the next time you saw him because you were babysitting both Skid and Pump right now.
Rick, in response, said: "...okay."
You swiftly turned around, and ushered the two kids to follow you to the movie theater. Skid and Pump said in cheerful unison, "Okay!". You began to walk in the direction of the movie theater, taking small bites out of your hot-dog. It was warm, and the flavors practically exploded in your mouth. The sausage was incredible, the ketchup and mustard on it was almost perfect with the way it had tasted. And Skid and Pump trailed behind you as you began to walk away.
As you walked away though, you heard what sounded like unintelligible yelling from a man that didn't like Rick. Yet even as you got farther and farther away, you heard what sounded like small something falling to the ground. You only guessed it was small since it didn't sound heavy, it sounded almost like a penny dropping onto a plastic surface. You then heard him blankly say, "..I quit."
...despite your surprise at how quickly he must have quitted his job, you kept walking anyway.
You were at the movie theater by now, and a part of you felt a twinge of excitement. You would see Radford! The man you had fixed the projectors for. He seemed like such a cheerful individual that you couldn't really wait to be able to talk to him again. The movie theater building still looked about the same, the yellow light glowing from the windows. The sun was still shining from on high, and you had finished your hot dog by now. The only question was what movie was it that they wanted to see? You could only imagine they'd probably pick once they got inside.
The building was looming over you. Both Skid and Pump were bouncing and giggling about the sidewalk as you continued to lead them closer to the building. You laughed softly at their antics. You were certain with the way Skid had behaved, Lila must have been a really good mom. You began to get closer to the entrance. And once you were finally at the door, you clenched your hand around the door handle, tightening your grip. You could hear Skid and Pump giggling in excitement from behind you.
You slowly opened the door, the virtual light greeting you through the cracks, and increasing as it kept opening. You were about to take a step inside, but then.. your body stiffened. Despite the bright light, you could clearly see that there were two figures and one smaller one standing right in front of you. Two of them were adults, and one seemed to be a teenage boy. The teenager was most likely about 13-15, and the two adults seemed like they must have either been in their late twenties or early thirties with how they appeared.
One of the taller figures was a woman, it seemed. With long warm brown hair, and half-lidded eyes, and long lashes that gave off a sense of authority. She was wearing a gold necklace around her neck, with a dark brown dress and high heels. She was unusually curvaceous, but.. you shook those thoughts away, not wanting to think such thoughts of a woman you had just seen. A part of you felt your face flush from the way she looked. You felt yourself wanting to look into her eyes forever.
The other figure was a male one. He had glasses, and a cigarette was hanging out of his mouth. He was wearing a yellow shirt, and his hair was a light brown color. He looked to be wearing black pants, and even also looked to be wearing a tie around his neck. His eyes also gave off a sense of superiority and irritation. You felt your face flush up again, wondering just what sort of effect these two people had on you.
Finally, the smaller one was what you could have only guessed to be their son probably. He had similar but shorter hair, having the same hair color as the woman. His eyes looked annoyed, and even somewhat angry. He was wearing a big orange sweater with yellow stripes, and it seemed almost a little too big on him. He was wearing black pants and black shoes, with a blue hat tightly sat around his head.
You felt yourself go silent for a moment. The woman then spoke up, and only then did you realize how close to them you were. Her voice sounded like it had a British accent. She sounded almost like a queen with the way she spoke. "Ugh.. would you mind getting out of the way, you plebian?"
You blinked, feeling your heart sink. You.. werent really expecting that. A part of you felt anxiety begin to writhe from deep inside you. But also a slight sense of irritation.
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againstacecilia · 1 year
Hey everyone. Back to explain my hiatus again. I'll put it under the cut with a tw for pet loss.
Anyone who has a pet knows that you end up loving them more than it feels possible to love something. 13 years ago, my grandma's dog had a litter of puppies and we kept one for my sister and another one that just ended up bonding with our family and we couldn't let him go. In 2015, I took that little dude to college after I moved off campus and he's been with me and my husband ever since. His name is Sherman.
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About 6 months ago, we had to take him to the emergency vet after he temporarily lost use of his back legs. He was diagnosed with something called intervertebral disc disease, fairly common in older dogs. We started him on a medication and a supplement and it worked really well for a while. Then, mid-January, he had his first seizure. It was horrible and fairly traumatic, but he was seizure-free for 2 months after and we hoped it was a one-off thing. Unfortunately, a couple weeks ago he had another one and then a third before we could get him into his vet. We've had him on anti-seizure medications since then. Earlier this year, he also started showing signs of canine cognitive dysfunction (or doggy dementia) and we started a new medication for that as well. We think the last two seizures pushed the doggy dementia further along than it was and, with the seizures under control, his mental struggles have increased exponentially. He's constantly pacing, whining, and barking, and showing a lot of other signs of just being confused and scared. The anti-seizure medication makes it even harder for him to use his back legs which means he's having problems accomplishing daily tasks. His dementia also culminates in something called sundowner syndrome, which means that his nights and days are getting a little flipped and he's constantly stressed and scared at night.
After an extensive talk with his vet, and a lot of tears and soul searching between my husband and me, we've set an appointment to help him over the rainbow bridge this coming Tuesday.
I'm not sure I've ever known grief this strong. For the last 8 years, he's been my constant companion. Without needing to be trained he also stepped into the role of my emotional support animal. Laying on my chest during panic attacks, waking me up out of nightmares, and being a soothing presence while I worked through whatever traumas I was ready to face, he also kept me company during the summers that my husband was across the country coaching at a summer camp in Maine. I keep trying to rationalize that there are still some bright spots and worrying that we're doing this too early. But I look into his eyes and there's none of the life there that you used to be. He's still existing, yes, he's still eating and drinking and every once in awhile will cuddle with me on the couch after work, but he isn't living. He can't go on walks anymore, we can't take him on trips to his favorite places or to see his favorite people because his body can't handle long stretches in the car.
I'm beyond heartbroken. I haven't known an adult life without this little guy and I'm terrified of the first day I get home from work and the house is silent. I'm dreading the moment he closes his eyes and I know they'll never open again. And I don't think, even in my most hormonal teenage years, that I've cried so much so many days in a row. I know we're doing the best for him. I know this is the biggest act of love we could provide for him and he deserves to not be scared or in pain anymore. I just wish we had a couple more years with him. Even just a couple more days of the happy pup that he used to be. But, young or old, I'll love him forever and I want to make sure that he doesn't suffer any longer than he already has.
I'll be back. I know I've been gone for so long at this point already but I will be back. If you have pets, please hug them so close for me. Please love them with everything you have because whether you have them for a year or 13 years, it's never enough. I'm so lucky to have had this perfect dog and to have been unconditionally loved by something- someone- so loving and pure. If you pray, or believe in some sort of vibes, please send them to me and to Sherman. Please wish him safe journeys over the rainbow bridge.
Love y'all. 💖
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