#i am constantly thinking about THEM.
daenerys-targaryen · 7 months
do you ever think about the line of strong women you come from.
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kxllerblond · 1 year
constantly hilarious to me that clark's ship with @notanicepcrson is like....pretty standard like a very typical clark relationship partner. like oh you're a werewolf?? but also like you daylight as a stunt driver?? oh oh and also like part of this notorious criminal organization that robs banks?? oh ok but also before that you were this fucking rampaging mad man killing an ungodly amount of the russian mafia in florida?? cool cool anyway let's make out.
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ruporas · 30 days
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trigunned the hades or hadesed the trigun (id in alt)
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cherries-and-knives · 6 months
Another one of the Peeta moments that rot in my brain constantly is the scene in catching fire when Katniss and Finnick get stuck with the Jabberjays.
Peeta had his hands pressed against the force field, trying so so hard to be there for her and wanting so badly to protect her. And when it finally ended he held her, and rocked her, and let her hide her face in his arms, and protected her for as long as she needed him to and…..that’s just so ughhhh….so heartbreakingly sweet.
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owlito · 1 year
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My sunflower 🌻
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Were starving for Barnaby x Howdy father...were starving for it/hj
here is some food child.... you're safe now....
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jajatoc · 2 months
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Back at it again! Part 1 | Part 2
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One-sided radiostatic is exponentially funnier if its actually Alastor who's unrequited. Like, Al fully thought he and Vox had a QPR-poly situation where Vox can go out and fuck other people(because its not like Alastor is going to)but at the end of the day Vox still comes home to him. And then Vox started dating Val and that felt like an emotional betrayal but when he tried to confront Vox on his cheating, Vox was just like "Why are you so fucking jealous?? You're acting like we're dating and I got a mistress. You're my boss who I talk to once every few weeks, why do you care about my personal life so much?" And Alastor does that thing people do when they get embarrassed about misunderstanding a situation and goes "HAHA UR SO RIGHT!!!! WE'RE NOT DATING THAT'D BE CRAZY" and then immediately kicked him out and went crying to Rosie
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seagull-scribbles · 11 months
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“Ain’t turtles supposed to be endangered?”
“Only the ones who can’t do this!”
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a year or so later.
companion to this piece
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haunted-xander · 9 months
tbh one of, if not my absolute favorite part about ffxiv, is the small little moments/sections where nothing super big or like. Plot Important happens, but that give both the characters and us, the players, some much appreciated down-time to just. Feel things. And to process what's happened and what's going on or to just. Let us exist, in the moment. In a much more grounded and human way than when there's Big And Important Things happening.
The biggest(imo) and earliest example of this is right after the Waking Sands get raided in ARR, and WoL turns to the church for guidance. The entire section of us helping them gather and bury our fallen comrades, and especially bringing Noraxia home to Little Solace so she can be laid to rest in her homeland, by her own people and in their own cultural ways, was so so important to me.
Because it wasn't just replacable allies cast aside for shock value anymore, it was real. These deaths were real and meant something. I got to actually process what just happened, and I got to watch Banana go through it right with me. And not only did it make it feel real, it also gave me a sense of closure. These people, these friends, are dead, but they also got to be treated with the respect they deserve and laid to rest properly.
And that, more than anything else, made me want to save the world. It's grounded and grounding. This world, and these people, meant something to me, the player.
And there's tons of stuff like that throughout the game, especially in shadowbringers and endwalker.
In shb we have, for example, Lyna venting her anger and frustration after the sin eater attack in Lakeland. She's on her knees yelling on the verge of tears while punching the ground, so furious at her helplessness and powerlessness, at everyone having come so far yet set back because some megalomaniacal tyrant deemed it so.
In ew we have Urianger being approached by Moenbryda's parents, who confront him about not confiding in them about his grief. When Bloewyda starts to scold him, he of course reacts guiltily, believing they blame him, only for him to be completely caught off guard when she instead goes in to hug him, telling him he should have let them grieve with him. And he just. Breaks down. He's been holding these feelings, this grief inside him all this time, and now that he is not only told it's okay to let it out, but by her very own parents at that, he just can't keep it in anymore. He cries for Moenbryda, right then and there, being held lovingly by her family.
And the thing is, these scenes aren't necessary, strictly speaking. The plot at large could go on without them, the events that happen around them are not changed by these moments in any way.
But still, they are so so important, to the world, to the characters, to the players. Everything feels real and impactful now, every death means something, every tragedy, every person, feels real.
And that, to me, is what makes this story so special.
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Furina: I just think that a musical number would really add a lot to this trial right now
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roobylavender · 2 months
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beyond its perfect encapsulation of bruce and talia’s wistful, tragic dynamic, i really love this page for its subtle depiction of how the roles between them have significantly shifted. it’s no longer a heartbroken, principled talia making decisions for (son of the demon) or lecturing a petulant bruce (no man’s land) to remember that he has responsibilities to people other than himself. he’s the one who makes the decision here, who mirrors her steadfast sense of responsibility and duty to the world, who ends their sabbatical with an affectionate kiss because he’s in a better position now than he ever was before to understand the way they balance their worlds with each other. they’re not meant to be “together” in the most literal sense of the word, unyielding to the rest of the world, constant. but they’re together in the sense that they share the same vision for themselves. trysts are meaningful because they’re an expression of circumstances unchanged. i cannot love you while holding you close but i cherish every moment with you and walk away knowing that we will repeatedly gravitate back to this place and time in our lives because it is also where we are meant to be
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Name twinsies!
(Based on the community consensus about LWJ's grey horse's name)
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tizniz · 2 months
al and i were talking about our precious babies buck/eddie/tommy and i said how i wanted to write them more (outside of sex) and she said “they’re on a date and one of them is late and kisses the other two before sitting down” and i wrote this little moment that i need to share:
Tommy is late because his shift ran over.
He cups Buck’s cheek, so soft and gentle, tipping his head back and kisses him, “Hi, sweetheart.”
Buck giggles, because Tommy (and Eddie) does this to him — has him fluttery and giggly and happy, “Hi.”
And Eddie isn’t big with PDA, but he’s finding himself enjoying it more with Buck and Tommy. And then Tommy turns his attention to him, rests a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, thumb brushing along his jaw as he leans in, “And hello to you, handsome.”
Eddie feels himself flush (because he’s learning to accept compliments) as he tilts his head back to accept the kiss. He doesn’t think about others looking and staring anymore. He just lets himself be kissed by his one boyfriend while his other holds his hand on Buck’s lap. And it feels right and good.
SMALL EDIT: ....yeaaaah I'm probably going to end up writing this as a bigger thing / write more of these three. Oops.
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smithsibsceo · 10 months
thinking about stobin in the direct aftermath of starcourt. thinking about them getting dropped off at the buckleys by claudia and dustin (the harrington house is too big, too lonely, too full of shadows that neither of them are ready to sit amongst). robins parents fluttering around them, scared to leave them alone for one second lest their daughter disappear again for days. steve trying his best to be polite and grateful but if hes being honest everythings all blurry now and he's not sure if the drugs are still in his system but everything seems to be spinning around him, slightly. robin who notices this and leads them both gently up to her room, helping steve up the stairs. she gets him an icepack for his bruises and a cuddle for the injuries she can't fix. they bath together, nearly fall asleep amongst the bubbles. guide each other out of it and into some pyjamas of sorts (robin in some sleeping shorts and an old t shirt from when she first joined high school and steve in a hawkins high marching band shirt and a pair of mr buckleys sweatpants). steve making some offhand comment about how much he likes robins room. robins heart swelling up to twice its size because wow, it feels so good to be loved, even if its indirectly. crawling into robin's twin sized bed together, pressed up against each other and craving for their warmth. fingers tangled in the others hair. whispers of promises, reassurance. robins little tiny garfield alarm clock ticking beside them, giving the silence something to live with. and then finally, finally, the eventual breakdown. horrible, wracking, silent sobs as they hold each other. shaking bodies, quivering lips. pressed so tight up against each other that it hurts, but its still not enough. because they nearly died. but they didnt. theyre alive. and now they have to live just to prove that they can.
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