#i am drawing a pic for the ask rip me
en-chi-la-da · 2 years
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grabs ur shoulders OH ANON IM GLAD YOU ASKED :)
i like it as a ship, i don’t mind it at all! one of my FAVE trial moments is in trial 3 when gundham gets confused about the uhhhhhhhibuki’s body thing and chiaki is like “oh you want me to explain it to you right? because you dont understand what im saying right? :o” and gundham says “an even bigger jerk?! IMPOSSIBLE!!! >:(” and then he continues to speak gibberish @ her while she’s trying to explain it, their own mini rebuttal showdown lmao AND THEN hajime has to consent with sonia’s statement to prove that chiaki is right before he just rebuttal showdowns with hajime (”’does that mean you have a rebuttal?’... hmph, thats a good line.”) omg i love him :’)
uh anyways there’s also that little part in chapter one where chiaki helps look under the lodge with him. “oh these two are silly :)” was one of my first thoughts when i was getting through sdr2 for the first time
she also has that thing with thinking animals are wierd/they make her uncomfortable SOOO gundham would be The Guy for her to talk to about getting more comfortable with them (like how in her third fte her and hajime go to the ranch and she pets the cow AND like with pekos first fte hajime suggests she go talk to gundham about her own problem with animals RAISES BROWS)
sonia x gundham x hajime x chiaki poly i love any combo of those four tbfh!!!!! im a fan!!! call me a parrot how im polly wanting some crackers!! <3 double anyways this got too long, have this little doodle anon thank you for your question :)
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iraprince · 1 year
Absolutely love the Infodump on Cookie she's so good. however!! I remember you made a trio of characters for this game and were torn about which one to play, then decided the other two could be his attendants.
How are those two, what are they up to?? Have you done much with them in the game so far? (And even if not, wanna give us some tastey information about 'em?)
oooh yes! those two are sir velvet the unsmiling (it/she), and damned-if-i-do/dandy (he/they). let's pull up their art (esp now that i have crispy clean new scans!!! i think i have only ever posted this art as shitty phone pics prior to this)
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ANYWAY. it turns out that even though attendants are a built-in part of the noble sweetheart playbook (cookie's title) and you're SUPPOSED to be using them... for me in practice, when i'm actually playing the game, i just keep totally forgetting lmfao!!!! :') rping with my other party members and chasing quests and stuff is so engaging that my brain is totally booked with just being cookie, let alone two additional npcs, so sadly dandy and velvet have not gotten a ton of screentime in the current campaign
BUT that really just makes me eager to one day play them properly in a different campaign, whether that's them each taking their turn as player characters like was originally intended, or when i'm GMing a campaign of my own (i'm trying to write up something for my friends, but i have no idea when it's actually gonna happen bc i'm so busy rip... but when i do, cookie and her attendants will def be npcs)
i honestly don't have MUCH i can say abt them, bc since i haven't played them much i also havent developed them much... i suppose i can give summaries tho!
in terms of vibes velvet is very much like, "guy who is brooding so hard that it stops being mysterious or having any gravity at all and is mostly just making people wonder if she's like? okay?????" like there is only so long you can spend with your back to the rest of the group clenching your fist and muttering to yourself before people just start kind of glossing over it and being like "oh haha that's CLASSIC sir velvet the unsmiling!!!"... mix this with a heady dose of "[nasal voice] UM, you forgot to collect the homework" and somehow you have created a creature ideal for wrangling cookie's effusive elaborate scatterbrained whims, somehow, most of the time. velvet is really similar to a different Brooding Goth Knight character i have wherein my formula is "make a character who looks extremely fucking sicknasty badass, then never ever ever stop making fun of them ever"
dandy is cookie's quartermaster, and so unlike velvet (who's usually assumed to be traveling around with cookie, even if i am constantly forgetting to roleplay that it's doing that) he mostly chills at chateau gorgeous looking after his liege's affairs and making sure the ppl who live there are fed + sheltered + generally taken care of. they are pretty much velvet's exact opposite in terms of temperament; EVERYTHING gets velvet's hackles up, NOTHING phases dandy. i need to be careful bc i am starting to arbitrarily ship them just from typing this. anyway, dandy is largely non-verbal; they're able to speak if really necessary, but they would just rather not, and if there's really no way around it they'd rather just sidle over to cookie and whisper it to her, and then let her communicate whatever they want to say to the rest of the group on their behalf; if cookie's not around, you're just gonna have to figure out how to communicate w him otherwise. which always works out fine bc dandy is very patient and used to getting along in silence!
that's about all i've got rn... i will def post it here if i come up with or draw anything else that's fun tho :) ty for the ask!
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fanofthelamb · 2 months
Hey just wanted to say about the most recent comic, I hope you dont feel bad or shame about it!! Its very lovely and I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise.
hehe ty,,,,,, this ask has been on my mind for a while tbh. it makes me feel so nice <3 so here's some sketches, new and old!!!!!!!!! ill throw it all under a cut so ppl dont drown in all the pics. enjoy anon!!!!!!! (sketch dump the squeakquel!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i made these like 3 weeks ago but i only really posted a cropped version w/ just the giant kallamr squid , featuring @aychama and @paintpaintpaintman lambs :D
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i've been sitting on them bc i wasnt entirely sure about how everyone felt about each other, and while i still am not I feel like everyone likes each other at least!!!
i also wanted to draw people's lambs reliving a bunch of my childhood memories, but i felt the idea wouldn't be accepted because i don't know how many people would related to em. these sketches are new since all i had was a jpeg of thumbnails, but they are @paintpaintpaintman , @spiderin-space , and my lambs!! the first pic is just them enjoying some honeysuckles, trying to buy some candy at the weekend market, and visiting kids in better looking neighborhoods than they lived in AHHSASHHSA i dont think i care to complete this but it is really fun drawing the lambs being lambs.
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a sketch of heket nd leshy i appearantly NEVER posted because i wasnt happy with how leshy turned out. a shame, really.
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i also wanted to draw all the cultists in different outfits, but it turns out i really was not interested in finishing it at the time. i do think valefar and narinder turned out kinda cute tho !!!!!!!
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some motherfuckers WAY too happy to see a corpse (i still think its hilarious when my whole cult gathers around a corpse and makes googoo eyes at it what is their problem LMAOOOOO)
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i ended up changing how i draw the 3 wives so the wifestack is no longer relevant (also there's 2 more that werent existing when this was drawn) but i still look at it sometimes. i think we should stack every wife on top of each other.
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and the last one is part of me figuring out how i wanted the lamb. ive always known i wanted them JACKED i just cant decide how ripped i want this lil bastard. i think the current lamb is a good fit for me personally.
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anyway that's doodlestack jr,,,,,,,,,,,,, SORRY FOR THE PINGS TO EVERYONE I PINGED I LOVE U GUYS LMFAO <33333333333 and everyone else CHECK OUT EVERYONE I PINGED THEY ALL MAKE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ecopunkfox · 1 year
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My whole garden! The first pic is the actual dirt (clay) area we get in front of the AC unit, where we’ve planted blueberries, blackberries, and a few different flowers. We’re not supposed to plant in the other grass space unless we fence in our backyard, which we can’t afford to do to the HOA’s standards. The last picture is the opposite side, behind the black mesh-covered shelves are the snap peas, and you can see some of the plants lined up along the fence there. There’s also a few containers behind the bench, where I keep lettuces so they don’t get burnt.
I stood in the same spot for all three pictures, and it was about 10:30 am (the sun rises on the other side of the building). I wanted to give an idea of the space I’m working with - it’s pretty packed! When I have more space in a future home, plants will be much further distanced lmao. Packing in so much to a small area = more work for me.
I let good weeds grow up through the bricks and rip out the invasive grasses. I also rip out the grass from the lawn when I see it growing up over the clover (don’t tell the HOA lol). There’s a noticeable difference between my grass area and the ones bordering me, and you can see it starting to affect their yards as the clover thrives :3 the yard people this year don’t mow as often as the ones before did, so good stuff has an opportunity to get established :3 it also seems like he mows at a higher setting (like, distance from the ground setting) because a lot of clover makes it through a mowing.
Both of the neighbors yards are almost fully empty, lol. Just concrete slabs. The ones on the blackberry side have two grills and sometimes have parties out there at night, but the ones on the other side literally never use it, it’s just full of trash. Ive considered asking if I can plant some stuff over there but idk. The college kid seems fine but idk his dad and don’t wanna draw too much attention to myself and get into trouble with the HOA. They already hate me
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chthonicgodling · 1 year
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[back] / you are at🍇PART: ONE🍇 / [next]
 AND NOW presenting!!! THE first ever appearance, at long last, after many years of irrelevance and several weeks of stupid buildup— the FATHER of one Miss Pasithea— the one and only—
*****as in, sure but not really actually lol. THAT IS, our Olympians cameo here and there & he is NOT one of those who have ever ACTUALLY made an appearance before. BUT in exploring Pasi & her family internally I’ve finally made the executive decision to finalize up exactly where she came from, and since mythologically THIS?!!! was one of the options?!!!! I saw the chance, grabbed it, then IMMEDIATELY spiraled into a rabbit hole that no one asked for
AND SOOOOO first things first before I loop back around to PasI, it’s the design reveal!!! plus closeup & then my notes to self since these two drawings were the first I got done in this whole collection to use as reference for myself lmao
Indeed I have been accumulating a bunch of snippets to conceptualize the vision I have of Elysium!Di as he relates to our actual characters and those all come next!! little doodles and comics!! for now, two things, most importantly, to attach to this intro pic ;
1. in this OC’verse, PLEASE do not forget that HERE Olympians exist to be mean and terrible and are all assholes all of the time, as this is a venue for chthonic gods only 🥰  are the mythological olympian gods nuanced and morally gray characters yes!! Am *I* interested in exploring that at all here NOOO not in the SLIGHTEST go someplace else for that. and so this WILL be biased and skewed ty 💕💕💕
2. as a straightedge weirdo myself, the mythological aspect of Dionysus that interests me is less so “party wine god” (tho valid) and more of a…. “god of insanity madness RIP pentheus” vibe so uh…. please keep that in the back of your mind as well 
and so without further adieu it is now 🍇🍷🍇Dionysus week(s)?🍇🍇🍷 
stay tuned for more coming up! this version & the elysiumverse (whats that?? clicky) etc etc belong to me n the gang weeeooo-
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salubriousbean · 4 months
salutations and bonvenon! thanks for dropping by, I am the salubrious bean. I suck at interacting with people so if I seem weird maybe that's why. Also yea I usually mostly type how I speak stuff irl
"Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
my pinterest account: https://pin.it/1NNV9VU3T
star wars rp blog with a clone trooper oc, go check it out! : @ct-7045 🫡
writing ask game thing! (with Screw!) ✨ (trying something new, send in something if it pleases ya!)
25 follower "celebration" thing! 🫶🏼🤟🏼
The 495th Division!
fandoms I am in: STAR WARS, EPIC: The Musical, LOTR, about every Brandon Sanderson book, Urinetown (the musical), also been revisiting my childhood with Roald Dahl recently, Moon Knight, Bluey!, Curious George? (one of my fave childhood shows), Gravity Falls, Ranger's Apprentice/Brotherband Chronicles, Carmen Sandiego (2019), Wild Kratts, Octonauts, Amphibia, other assorted fandoms
While asks/messages are always welcome (I love asks! send 'em in!), please keep them appropriate. I will do my best not to follow/interact with any NotSFW & explicit, etc. blogs. I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone (like minors) and I'll do my best to keep it that way! I'd rather not say my age but I will say that I always feel older than I actually am (and a lot of the time I'm reminded of my actual age and am like what the actual heck how am I still x years old)(so yeah mentally I feel a lot older).
A post/reblog chain I found if you're having a bad day: https://www.tumblr.com/fiddlepickdouglas/644601820180840448/in-case-anyone-is-having-a-bad-night?source=share
other stuff under the cut so this post isn't too kriffing long:
I like getting tagged in things so feel free to tag me in (appropriate ofc) things (like those get-to-know-you reblog things or those picrew things)
Apparently I really like the words "thing" and "things" hehe
Yea also I'd love to post more of my art but 1) I don't always have access to a device where I can upload the pictures of my art, since I'm a traditional artist (but would really really love to get into digital art), and the device I use for tumblr won't let me upload a pic for some reason, and 2) I have wack schedule so I don't always have time to draw and then I stay up late to draw anyways so maybe that's not very good but whatever
✨MY PERSONAL TAGS✨ (I added colors bc I was bored) (they're all at the bottom of this post so you can click on them) (yea they are kinda redundant) (i just wanted tags that were uniquely mine) :
art: #salubriousbean art
writing: #salubriousbean writes
answering asks: #salubriousbean answers
posts I had in my queue: #salubriousbean queue (my queue is very random and extremely backed up oops)
polls: #salubriousbean poll
tags I might use again?:
music rambling: #salubriousbean talks about music
rambling posts about other stuff: #salubriousbean rambles
things I declare Salubrious (which in this case means I really really really love it): #IT HAS BEEN DECLARED SALUBRIOUS
25 followers: #salubriousbean 25 follower celebration
talking about the Star Wars series The Acolyte: #salubriousbean talks about the Acolyte
other/random: #salubriousbean random
huh, pretty self-explanatory tags I guess, I'll try an tag all of the posts I make
i use star wars swears but not actual real life ones 👍 those might be in reblogs tho so sorry bout that
when I use omg it equals "oh my grapes" or "oh my goodness"
other information about me: music nerd, I play piano and double bass. I also dance but that doesn't mean I have balance lol. I'm in my second year of pointe. also I like hoarding the cardboard tab thingies you rip off of tissue boxes. I also like trying to balance those Cadbury chocolate eggs so they're standing up.
languages I am currently learning: ASL (American Sign Language), Esperanto (on Duolingo), and Italian (also on Duolingo)
lol the capitalization on literally everything original except my writing is so wack, sorry but also not sorry. also sometimes I forget to tag all my original posts and then they disappear into the void so I'll try and tag all of them with one of my tags at least.
I'll edit this masterpost as needed.
God is good. May the Force be with you. Always.
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aaronbbqd · 5 months
Hello hello !! Welcome to my updated :: B L O G B I O ~ x3
(These pics might change, just gimme a bit xD)
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Im AaronBBQ !! You could call me Aaron if you’d like, or BBQ ! Im that enby digital//traditional artist with the burnt watermelon sona—
Im Nonbinary (wheres my masc enby pals at ??), Pansexual, Ambiamorous (Inbetween of Polyamory and Monogamy), and hella HELLA greysexual (not asexual, greysexual).
(Man, im love love loving these colors. .)
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On this blog you can expect to see things with the following TW//CW’s ::
Blood🩸, Scars (Self harm, or other) 🔪, Basic human indecency (/hj) 🧠, Abuse (not glorified AT. ALL) 💥, Unhealthy relationships 💔, Gore 🫀, Mental illness(es) (portrayed with proper research) 🫂, and all the nasty things that go along with those !!
By making this type of content, i am FULLY. AWARE, of the audience that i might gather. I do not condone or glorify anything negative that i may portray with my OC’s, Backstories, Fanfiction, or other forms of creative output. When i make this content, the intent behind it is pure, i make it to cope and feel better about the interactions that i have been through, and i wouldnt want ANYONE to go out there and think that what i draw is ok to commit in real life. What i draw is purely fiction.
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Now that-thats outta the way. . lets get onto the fun stuff !! SOME (not all) FANDOMS//COMMUNITIES IM IN (in varying degrees of saneness) ::
UT!AU’s (is this even a question ??)
Scene/emo (i dress like this irl! !!)
Visual novels (throw anything at me ill like it)
Yandere boys (i love a man thats obsessed)
Gore (believe it/not theres a community for that)
Furry (no i dont own a fursuit-)
MLP (infection. Au.)
Good omens (i deserve fluff too >:()
Big bang theory
Squishmallows (yes i play the roblox game)
Homestuck (not the biggest homestuckie tho-)
Obey me! (I go ravenous for these men-)
Death note
Will wood
Academics (i like school :))
Im aware that the creators of some of these communities may not be the best. But, i choose to support the CREATION not the CREATOR. Don’t send hate to me P L S- (xD)
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Now, lets get to the M E A T. 🥩 (whats wrong with me-)
Some of my boundaries (if youd like to be moots or msg me) ::
I dont share my location online (not even state. Dont ask.)
I dont share any personal info
I dont give out money, or favors, for anyone
I dont talk anything sexual on this blog (may be a separate blog in the future)
I dont give out free commissions (c’mon guys the price is so low-)
I dont talk about my past experiences, but i am always open to vents
I dont share my face//body online
I dont vent on this blog (again, may be a separate blog in the future)
Dont repost my art without credit !!
Feel free to ask me to draw anything in my drawing suggestions ! (Keep it SFW, gore is fine)
Any blog you see the name “AaronBBQ” on, is either not mine, or inactive. And yes, im doing fine. Are you ?
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Some projects im working on ::
(MAIN) Wicked Love ᥫ᭡ -a visual novel, regarding a trans guy falling in love with someone at his high school, little to his knowledge theres someone from the next school stalking him.. waiting to finally reveal themself— (OOOH ANTICIPATION~)
Strange odds -a story about an alien crashing to earth to escape his violent and crazy planet, soon befriending a human and becoming space explorers—
BBQ Lovely -a girl that caught a violent sickness, forced to be experimented on to find a cure. Soon the experiments become more than just testing medications— (also, my sona)
Under!cult -a man was given a second chance at life after suicide, causing him to be at the grim reapers bidding, soon going insane and ripping away from the reaper, only to be left in a void, trying to piece together his world again— (its kinda stemmed from undertale)
If youd like to hear more, shoot me a message !! :)
(These stories include more details, but, for the risk of rambling, i have only given the jist~ of each one.)
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For examples of my art, scroll through my Tumblr !!
PRICES (kaching!~)
Banners: $15
Full body: $10
Headshots: $5
Emojis: $2
Additional character: +$1
You must :: pay me 50% before I start and the rest afterwards
I don't draw :: Sexual content, Mecha
My T.A.T:: 1h-1 day
I am willing to negotiate on pricing
All comms are done digitally
If using my art for commercial use : include 👏 credit 👏
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(Hehe, if you got this far, GIMME A FOLLOW >:3)
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i-have-had-worse · 6 months
Some stuff about my oc
Official her name is Marrionette
She/they pronouns
I do want to say she is not a self insert (surprisingly)
She is based of a stringed puppet/ball joint doll she used to have strings on her but ripped them out because jax keeped making her do things with them
Everything in her design has some kind of meaning
Her outfit is based of of contortionists outfits
When she walks she makes a sound like wood clanking together but she has sneaked up and scared people almost deathly silently (much to jax's dismay)
She injoys pranking much like jax but more light hearted like sometimes she crosses a line but she always apologized
She came a month after pomni
She actually likes being in the circus to some degree and secretly does not wanna leave
Speaking of being based off of a stringed puppet she sometimes does or says things she would never say but does not know how to explain to the others about it she dscribed it to ragathas as "invisible strings make me do things" but despite trying to explain to ragatha it seems she never 100% could under
She hates talking about what her feelings or faults she would rather continue like nothing happened ragatha keeps trying to get her to open up and the more she asks or pushes the more Marrionette thinks something bad would happen if she did
She enjoys canines presence to some degree like how he is old fashioned with some of his metaphors
She would consider herself friends with jax because she makes plenty of jokes and jabs back at him but jax hates her because she ruines his jokes most of the time and that gets his fur ruffled
Her outfit is a part of her body
When she hangs out with gangle she is asked by her to pose as an art doll so she can draw it better also she can draw but not as good as gangle
Marrionette is one of the few people that zooble talks to beside maybe gangle and they are good friends (sometimes they exchange arms and wear them)
She thinks kinger is very funny even though he does not do it on purpose and she will give him her pillows to make his fort and listen to him rant about anything he wants
Marrionette is one of the few people ragatha will go to express her feelings to and will be comforted by
Bubble and Marrionette will play go fish, war, black jack ,.chess amd checkers(even though bubble will cheat or think they are playing a different game)
I will post more lists some of them are gonna have some more less tame things about her but I am cooking up another pic of her!
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combatfaerie · 1 year
Ficlet: Pick Your Dick
Title: Pick Your Dick
Word count: 853
Rating: Teen (nothing explicit, but... well, it's about dick pics and sex toys)
Characters: Liv Morgan/Rhea Ripley (and a Damian Priest cameo)
Prompt:: Asking permission to send a dick pic.
Tagged: @wrestleprompts
"Liv. There you are."
The voice makes Liv glow like the sun and she doesn't bother trying to hide it anymore. She's always been intrigued by accents, but especially Australian ones. The Iconics' high pitches reminded her of citrus fruit: tart but sweet and lively. Rhea's is more like caramel somehow, thicker and darker, drawing out vowels like a tongue licking a path up her spine. "Here I am," she beams, scooting forward on the equipment trunk so Rhea can stand between her legs.
Just like Rhea's voice lingers on vowels, her lips take their time when she kisses Liv, teasing the corners of her mouth before she stands back. "Good. Can I send you a dick pic?"
Liv blinks so quickly her false lashes nearly get tangled. "Whose?" she blurts.
Rhea just grins. “Mine. Bought a few new toys on the weekend. I didn't want to bring them all along this time because Priest warned me that airport security here is a bitch," she adds with a roll of her eyes, "but next Monday should be fine."
"Sure." Liv figures she has plenty of time to delete the picture before anyone else may see it, but she still doesn't expect Rhea to pull her phone out of her pocket and send anything right away. "You could just show me on your phone," she points out as she watches Rhea scroll through her gallery.
"Where's the fun in that?" Rhea's pout is big enough that Liv can see the boundary between black lipstick and pink skin, and she darts in for a quick kiss. Rhea's ring persona is hot as hell, but Liv also loves when all that darkness is stripped away, except for her dyed hair. When Liv's phone dings, Rhea grins and tucks her own phone away, resting her hands on Liv's thighs. "Let me know which ones you like the best."
Liv takes a quick look around to make sure no one's watching before she opens the message, and at first she thinks Rhea must have sent the wrong photo. Everything looks tall and wide and bright—until she zooms in and sees a few more realistic dildos in flesh tones with delicately sculpted veins. "That's... a lot," she squeaks.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" Damian's voice is far too close and his shadow dims Liv's phone screen. "Ah. Rip's dicks." He reaches over and casually tilts Liv's hands so the photo is in landscape mode, not portrait. "That's better. I was wondering where your Dragon was." Then he loops an arm around Liv's shoulders and adds, "I got it for her when she won the NXT Women's Title."
"Stop acting like you're so generous," Rhea laughs, fingers toying with Liv's fishnet. "It was probably going to be my Christmas present and you just improvised."
Damian presses his free hand to his chest in mock shock. "Good dicks are... difficult to find, you know," he says, winking at Rhea and nudging Liv's shoulder. "I wasn't going to let a good sale go to waste. And don't act like I didn't get you something for Christmas too." Then he leans closer to the screen. "Hey. Where's the one that that looked like a rocket pop or whatever? It was red, white and blue...."
Liv bites down on her lower lip to keep herself from saying anything. She loved bomb pops as a kid and still has a weakness for anything that changes the colour of her tongue. Knowing Rhea had a dildo in the same colour scheme means she'll never look at the frozen treat section quite the same way. "You had more?" she asks, quickly lowering her phone to her lap when some cameramen walk by. There are more dildos in the picture than she's owned in her entire life.
Rhea's grin is slow and wicked as she presses a kiss to Liv's cheek. "Of course." Glancing over at Damian, she tilts the phone up again and adds, "The rocket pop one broke, and the company doesn't make that style anymore."
"You broke it? Damn." Damian lets out a low whistle of appreciation. "Good job, Rips. That must have taken some doing."
Rhea's only reply is a smile as she taps Liv's phone with a nail, careful not to touch the screen and swipe away from the photo. "It did. So, Liv, which ones should I bring next Monday?"
Liv's cheeks are almost painfully hot as she points to a couple, and she's shocked into silence when Damian points at a third. "You'll have fun with that one. Night, ladies." He nods to Liv and bumps fists when Rhea before continuing on his way.
As Rhea gets out her phone again, making a note about which ones Liv chose, Liv grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her into a kiss that smears their lipstick together into a muddle of a colour. "When you get home, send me pics of you wearing them," she asks, running fingers down Rhea's neck, "and then I'll narrow it down to one?"
"As long as I get one of you in the new fishnets."
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a1li-ens · 2 years
hiii ^-^ what's your favorite slow damage route been so far? Also, what song is stuck in ur head and... If you were an ice cream flavor, what kind would you be?
THESE R FUN QUESTIONS im going to answer the slow damage one last because i just realized i typed half an essay.
⭐song in my head rn: honestly my neighbor is playing deafening shitty edm or something while washing his car so my brain only has room for one song at a time BUT before that was ningen mitai ne by kitani tatsuya!! go listen to it i have listened at least 500 times in 6 months.
⭐ice cream flavor - THIS IS HARD i have little concept of the self . maybe the pink/blue bubblegum flavor?? i am also pink and blue and focus on colour before anything else such as taste. I like eating pistachio and strawberry though but they are all nice!!
⭐fav route in slow damage: DEFINITELY FUJIEDA!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HIS ROUTE IS SO BEAUTIFUL 😭 it's easily the best one from a plot standpoint as well like probably my fav vn route in general, I am going to avoid crying about literally the whole plot in this ask but the whole setup with the cardboard box and the other routes info!!! SO COOL AND AMAZING!!
and OBVIOUSLY I am crushed and scrunched up from the towa backstory stuff in his route WHO WOULDNT BE!!! THEY ARE SO PERFECT FOR EACHOTHER 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 (I am emotional to the point I am struggling to be coherent) just two broken dudes living together as a married couple but they don't even think they are dating,……. Oh my god like legitimately they will be engaged before they are boyfriends. I think their wedding cake should have two bunnies on top tears are welling up in my eyes I might draw this today.
ANYWAY it's perfect and beautiful. Even I admit Fuji looks so fugly as a lawyer. And I hate that dumb penis CG quota filling out of character SA scene well at least towa liked it even if I don't. BUT tbh the contrast between 3/10 ugly lawyer Fuji and 10/10 nice looking Fuji makes him better actually ❤️ but he is so well written even if he stayed ugly I would love him I am just lucky he is cute LMFAOO 🥰
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OH YEAH .. I RLY LIKE FUJI BAD END AS WELL.. my fav out of those as well . besides towa looking great with his big smiley face it was really fun and thrilling in a scary way!!! u know those pics of like a mob boss sitting on a chair doing talking about crimes with a trophy wife next to them. thats what i think would be happening after this with fuji maybe ill draw that. (tangentially i was hoping madarames BE would have a cg like that with towa im a bit disappointed it didnt ! )
my next fav route was Reis!! i feel like ive written too much but do yall want other route thoughts. i like this game so much 🥺
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myvintagespace · 2 years
Ask tag game :)
Thank u my beloved friend! @yourneighborhoodvoid
Name: Valentina Maria
Sign: It's Libra. I was born during a full moon... pretty cool, I think!
Height: around 5’0”
Time: 11:20 am, in this moment I'm typing :-)
Birthday: October 16th, 1997.
Fav band: Tears for Fears and Kajagoogoo. Lately I've been listening Depeche Mode too, a lot!
Movie last seen: Wildwitch, I liked it, even it was a bit cheesy though. But I loved how it shows what the real witches are and were in the past: Guardians of Nature and Animals!
Last Show: Stranger Things (I don't like TV series that much, I prefer to watch old anime or cartoons. But ST has this special 80s vibes I can't resist to!
When you made the blog: Last summer, in 2021!
What I post: Everything which is nostalgic, kidcore, rainbowcore, many many toys, my own drawings and sometimes, my thoughts. And all my original lofi pics of sicilian liminal spaces! Sometimes I also like to post witchy things, halloween related posts and 80s music etc. I love my blog so much <3
Last thing I googled: October 16th (I wasn't sure about how to write it in english correctly lol)
Do I get asks: Not so much, except for my friend @yourneighborhoodvoid which sends me lots of lovely messages and asks! But please feel free to ask me everything you want, I'm always searching for friends! <3
Followers: 2.091 ... I'ts a HUGE number for me, thank you everyone! Remember that you can also follow me on IG: et_artista_spaziale, YT: 1997kid and @1997vintagekiddd on Pinterest. I also have a shop on Ebay.it which's named Fiabefatate.
Instruments: I played bass guitar for a huge amount of time during my teen years. I also played the electric and acoustic guitar, even tried the drum. But my fav instrument is the Lyre harp. I have two lyre harps, they have 7 and 16 strings. I also play the Tin whistle, Ocarina and another flute. And if it's not enough, I also own a Kalimba. So many instrument but zero talent, hahaha! I generally play these little instrument for when I go to the forests or woods, as an offer to the Spirits of Nature or to practice my religion (I identify as a little green witch).
What I'm wearing: An old Dream Theater's T-shirt and a pair of ripped leggins (I wear comfortable for when I go out with the bicycle, I don't care too much about my outfit lol!)
Dream job: I changed them a lot. So many dreams, but no skills to manifest them. I'd like to be an illustrator for children, a Toys-market owner or a vintage-market owner, or maybe a librarian, or maybe a farmer, or a full-time witch, why not? Hehe, so many distant dreams. But returning , to reality, I'm planning to study something about bakery and become a pastry chef, I would loooove to make sculptures or tiny miniatures with sugar pastes.
Dream trip: Ireland without doubt, and all the Northern countries of the world. Also I'd like to live forever in Verbania, an Italian little city full of green and mountains. It's also close to Switzerland.
Nationality: Italian.
Fav song: It's Head over Heels (combined with the Intro/Outro of Broken) by Tears for Fears, lately I've also listened a lot to Hang on Now by Kajagoogoo. It's cheesy and magic, just how I like it to be, lol.
I tag: @edgy-artkid @cc-cowboys @polly-woggy
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zoekrystall · 7 months
On a different note I made a retrospring bc only tumblr got asks and drew an icon for it at the end of last month. I really need to draw more I barely do it nowadays while child me went wild. Prob bc doodling in school just felt different jsk.
Ig meet the oc, prior insert, that I got since forever where my username everywhere comes from. Zoe's design never changed really and no thoughts behind it tbh. Ibis paint x says it took ~4 ½ hours and yes I drew it w my finger bc I don't got a drawing tablet (had one that I never used ages ago and now can't find parts of it rip). I'm really glad I finally found outhow the fuck I wanna draw eyes. I saw such shapes a lot lately and oughh I love em.
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Originally a sonic oc (right one from a drawfee santa exchange ages ago, sadly the links don't work anymore idk if the artist is still called eirress who made it bc mine dipped). Love her and reg in that universe do I put the most thought in reg backstory and whatnot. As human pretty much just a representative of my accounts. She had so many fucking redesign in this universe. V much evil adjacent. Wolf even tho looks more like a fox but I didn't want to draw the snout like the official ones and puffy tail superiority so here we are. Still obsessed w how huge the tail is on the right like yes.
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Literally the only thing that changed reg the human design is the hair palette and me not being sure if I really want those pink lines so that was always a yes/no thing. Plus eyes more now like by sonic w being more magenta than purple (drawing from ages ago when I doodled a lot in school). Tbh hair is still kinda "whatever I dig rn" esp when I recreate her in picrews.
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Made one for iz once ages ago too
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Came a long way for sure look at these old ass drawings. The amy hung in our school class (like what first or second grade) which was v sweet from our teacher 🥺. Istfg I got accused of tracing as a child a fuck ton when I didn't even knew how to do that on paper and by some like here am I just like you can't be serious sjksk. Most I did is have a pic next to me and trying to recreate it like those two (a lot w fanart which I will never share bc duh) which I can imagine a lot did.
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alixdelcourt · 3 years
Hello hello againnn, tysm for yesterday’s request, I love your writing!<3 I have a new idea I just thought of, tamaki + mha guys/girls (of your choice and if you write fruity fics too) with a reader who draws a lot? And maybe they get caught or they see a sketch of them? If it isn’t so much to ask for- ty!!!
MHA boys x reader who draws a lot
Some fluff and sweetness to brighten your day (I hope so)
Ft : Tamaki, Izuku and Denki
(First pic credits : Peachimis on TikTok)
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It’s a beautiful day. The weather is fine: clear blue sky and warm sun. You and Tamaki are strolling in a parc, admiring the nature around and the ambient calm. Your boyfriend carries a wicker basket for you, holding your lunch and stuff in. When you two got hungry, you just settle under a big tree, unwrapping a blanket and having lunch in the branches’ shade. This was the kind of perfect dates that makes you so in love with Tamaki. He’s quiet, and like peaceful time, just like you. Birds of a feather flock together, isn’t it ?
Tamaki’s reading, comfortably leaning against the trunk, and you are scribbling some sketches in your sketchbook. Drawing is a passion, and you can’t help but try to picture whatever’s near you. This sketchbook is your private garden, and Tamaki respects it. He never presses you to show him what you had drawn, he just knows that if you want to, you would come up to him, asking for his opinion about it.
And today, you want to show him the picture of a cute bird who was perched just above your head. You wanted to know if it’s resembling to the model or not. You need an outside look.
“Tamaki ?”
He raised his nose from his book to look at you.
“Yes, (y/n) ?”
“Could you take a look at something ?”
“Of course, honey”
You hand you sketchbook to him, but when he took it from you, a wind blow turned the pages, loosing the small bird’s sketch. And Tamaki came face to face with… himself. It was him, on the drawing. His purple hair, his elf ears, his thin hands… But he was pictured as an angel. It was… really well done, and absolutely lovely.
You quickly shut and take back your sketchbook, brick red colored cheeks. But it was too late. He saw it. And he was hard blushing as well. You were embarrassed. You felt obligated to apologize:
“ I am sorry… Just forget about this… You should never have seen that. It’s bum, anyway… I am sor-”
You can’t continue, because Tamaki arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you to his embrace. He’s still blushing, and can’t hold your gaze, but he wasn’t mad. Not at all. He was softly smiling, burying his nose in your hair. This drawing was the most precious confession you made for him. Even if it wasn’t on purpose.
“It’s not bum. It’s perfect. I love it.”
And before you could add anything else,
“I love you, (y/n).”
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Izuku Midoriya is sick again, and stuck in the infirmary. He had a hard time training when he did push too much on himself, and he needs to rest for a few days. You went to check on him with some friends, and poor baby was so anxious about skipping school and having trouble caching up what he missed.
You have a huge crush on Izuku, and in order to help him, and maybe score some points to him, you decided to take double notes in class, writing down in a new notebook, just like those used by Izuku himself. You’ll give to him after school, so you’re not obliged to lend him your messy notes, and he’ll be able to catch up studying in the infirmary. It was a bit hard to order and organize your note taking, but you want it to be well presented for him.
You struggle at the beginning, but get used quickly to write faster in order to double note on your book and his. Even Aizawa noticed and asked what were you doing. He lowkey congrats you for your “team spirit”. You did it all day long, in every class. You can be pride of yourself, it was a great idea.
But you didn’t notice. You didn’t pay attention to your bad habits. You’re an airhead, having trouble concentrating, and you need to focus your mind on something and keep your hands busy with some repetitive moves. Like fold and unfold the corner of the pages, clicking your pen, or just randomly scribbling on your pages’ edges. Little doodles that you don’t even look at. Oblivious drawings of what’s in your head.
Shiny smiling on, you head to the infirmary immediately after the bell ringing. Recovery Girl let you visit Izuku, who was better than yesterday.
“Izuku-kun ! How are you today ? Better ?”
“Yes, thank you for caring, (y/n)”
You took the notebook out of your bag, and give it to him. His name was beautifully calligraphed on it. He blushed a bit, looking at you for some explanations.
“I did this for you ! So you can study like us, even if you are not taking classes. It’s yours, you can keep it ! But since you’re not coming back tomorrow, Recovery Girl told me, I’ll come in the morning to get it back and to take note for you again. Does it sound okay for you ?”
After long minutes of embarrassed and grateful thanks from Izuku, you left him alone to study and rest.
The next day, as promised, you picked his notebook from his nightstand, since he was asleep, and nearly arrived late to your class. You sit at your desk and prepare yourself to take notes. When you open Izuku’s notebook, a fold paper drops from it. Your name was on it, so you unfold it. You freeze, eyes and mouth wide open, skin turning to a scarlet tone. Matching the redness of the heart that was drawn on the paper. A big bright red heart. With Izuku signature. A few moments later, still red, you have to concentrate if you don’t want to miss what Ectoplasm was explaining. Mathematics always give you headache, so you need to concentrate. It was then that you noticed what Izuku probably noticed as well. Little sketches of him. Everywhere. Him in his hero costume, in his school uniform, in school sportswear, smiling, winking, sticking his tongue out, with random little stars and tiny hearts everywhere.
RIP you. And RIP him as well. He wasn’t asleep this morning, he was all flustered and shy. Was your sketches some kind of flirting ? Even if he likes you as well, he just doesn’t know how to deal with this. But nor do you. Poor crushing babies. Good luck.
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Denki is playful. No doubt on that. He’s such a flirt with everyone. It’s his personality. He can’t help it. But when he is in love, it gets worse. You won’t say that he was embarrassing you, but you were confused every  time he smiles or winks at you when you two are in class. In the dorms, he would randomly touch your hair, compliment your food, want to sit next to you on the couch… More than with the other girls. You like all those small attentions, but it makes you feel… insecure. Maybe paranoid. Definitely awkward. He gets flirtier and flirtier every day. Like he was waiting for something. But what ?
He was waiting for you to fall in love, and maybe confess to him afterwards. Even if it seems strange, he’s too shy to do it himself. Everyone is used to him being a tease, but how would you react if he started being romantic ? He’s afraid that you may reject him. Poor baby, don’t please, you would break his heart.
But he’s done waiting. You divert all his attention, he can’t think about anything else than you. So he decided to do something. He’ll let you know about his feelings, but not directly , so you none of you would be embarrassed if it doesn’t work. If you don’t like him, you will just ignore it, and he will be fixed. At least, he has to give it a try.
So, an evening, while everyone was in the common space of the dorm, he sneaked in your room, with a little chocolate box and a letter. A long letter explaining everything. His feelings, the fact that he can’t face you and would die collapsing if he ever tries to, and that you’re not obliged to answer. His heart was speed racing in his chest, and it nearly stopped when he noticed your desk board. There was plenty of little drawings pinned on it, from memo’s notes to random papers full of sketches.
Dozens of little Pikachus staring and smiling at him, or at everyone who would sit on the chair. So you. You were surrounded by drawings of the little electric mouse. He approached in order to ogle the details, and he saw it. Some mention of his name. Little “Denki” written here and there. He imagined you, daydreaming and nibbling the tip of your pencil, like you do in class or when you study, and thinking of him. This thought filled him with the courage he was lacking to tell you about his feelings. He just dropped what he was holding, before running to the common space. No time to waste. He already waited too long.
You were sitting on a high stool near the counter, chatting with others and watching Bakugou cooking. Like everyone, you turned your head when you heard quick footsteps arriving. Why was Denki running ?
“(Y/N) !”
You raised an eyebrow, and before you could answer, he pressed his lips against yours and kissed you with all the love he feels towards you. You don’t remember what happened next because your mind just… stopped working.
“What was that for ?”
“The pikachus”
Mina and Denki voices brought you back, before fainting again when you heard the word Pikachu.
Heeeere :) Hope you'll enjoy it. Let me know if you want me to change or to fix anything, and feel free to request anything else.
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gotnofucks · 3 years
To Sin in Love
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Pairing: Lucifer x Reader x Sam Wilson
Summary: You’re forced to choose between the man who owns your heart and the one who owns your soul.
Words: 3.5k
Warning: Smut, language, mentions of hell and demons, 18+ ONLY
A/N: You can imagine Lucifer to look like however you please. I have no specific one in mind.  Special shoutout to my babe @donutloverxo​ for beta reading this hot mess and just being my rock.
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Hell seemed to breath fresher when his face appeared before you. Swimming in the dark surface of the water from where you spied on him, a smile tugged at your lips. He was exiting the gym, t-shirt damp with sweat and you wished you could smell his musk. The way he walked with purpose towards his destination had you imagining how he’d walked towards you with a predatory look in his eyes.
For months you’d spied on this gorgeous man from miles under the surface and yet feeling so close to him. His grief had called out to you, drawn you into his aura of pain and regret. As a demon, you didn’t feel pity, but Sam Wilson had you feeling more than that. He had you falling in love.
So engrossed were you in looking at him, you didn’t notice your master enter until his warmth met your back. A large scaly hand came around you, holding you close. You leaned back into him, resting your head on his massive chest. Those who said the Devil didn’t have a heart lied, you could hear it beating under your ear, strong and assuring.
“I’ve seen you torture sinners without a frown, and yet here you’re melting for a mere mortal. I taught you better than that my sweet.” Lucifer whispered in your ear, pressing soft kisses along your neck. You moaned, titling your head to give him better access.
“Master” You breathily whispered, “you aren’t being fair.”
Lucifer chuckled, his hands wandering until they cupped your tits and squeezed, the very best of sin from the lord of sinners. You turned your face to look at him, admiring the beauty that had once been in heaven. Hell was worth every bit of pain if you only got to see him this close and feel his hands over your body.
“I am not being fair? I find you lusting after this mortal man while you very well know you belong to me. Why must you hurt me so, my sweet?”
Raising a hand to his face, you caressed it, savoring the tickle of his stubble against your palm. Your Lord was the most gorgeous being you’d ever seen, and yet your immortal heart cried out for Sam Wilson.
“Have you ever wanted to repent Master?” You asked softly, leaning in to kiss his lips. Lucifer groaned in your mouth, turning you around so you straddled him, his arms around you.
“I am the Devil, my sweet, Hell is my repentance. I watered the ground of my kingdom from the blood that seeped from my torn wings. Ascending to Heaven is no more my fantasy, especially not with you in my arms.”
Tears glittered in your eyes, a heat burning in your core that rivaled the very inferno you were born in. Pulling your master close, you kissed his eyes in reverence before whispering against his lips. “He makes me want to repent My Lord. I look at him and I taste absolution.”
Lucifer kissed you, his tongue slithering in your mouth and tangling with yours in a dance as ancient as him. His hands found your ass, squeezing you closer and grinding against the soft mound that lay between your legs.
“And what about me, my sweet? What do you want to do when you look at me?” He asked, his sharp fangs biting into your lips until you bled in his mouth. You shared the taste of your blood with him, finding peace in this place of sorrows where he ruled with a cruel smirk. Why would someone prefer Heaven over the freedom that Hell offered? Would anyone want to be high above if they knew how beautiful your master was, carrying a piece of that heaven into Hell itself with his presence?
“You make me want to kneel Master. I look at you and I want to worship you.” You said, love for him evident in your eyes. “You own my devotion My Lord, and he owns my heart.”
Fingers that were stained with your blood traced your cheek softly, his deep eyes that had seen eons pass by look at you with adoration. You were your master’s favorite, his most treasured demon. Nobody touched you but him, his possessiveness ripping apart every being that ever laid eyes on you. But he would never hurt Sam, he would never draw the blood of a man who owned so much of you.
“I fear you’ll forget me my sweet. If I let you free to go to him, would you ever come back?” Lucifer asked, holding your gaze steady with his. A tear forged a river down your face, his fingers quickly wiping it away.
“Master, you only need to ask, and I will stay. I was born for you, and if you shall please, I’ll die here at your feet.” You promised him. “But I cannot stop yearning for him. He is mine as I am yours.”
He looked at you for a long time before picking you up with him, carrying you over to your bed that had only ever had him as a companion. Lowering himself over your body, he striped you of your garb, touching your body with almost as much devotion as you did to him. He eased into you, the heat of your union steaming the air that rang with your soft whimpers.
“If he ever hurt you, I’ll torture him myself.” Lucifer vowed, capturing your lips that were stretched into a beaming smile. You allowed yourself to merge into one with your master once more, for you doubted you’d feel him like this again. The world was cruel like that, forcing you to chose between the one who owned your soul and the one who owned your heart.
“You wouldn’t have to master. You trained me well.” You said, arching your back as he hit the special spot inside you. “He will cherish me as you have done, I know it to be true.”
Lucifer nodded, visibly struggling with letting you go. His hips thrust wildly, lips murmuring in an ancient language of how you were his light in darkness before you both shattered together, falling into sinful bliss for the last time together. Covered in his spent and heat, you hid your tears in his neck. Even in hell, love was pure and never a sin.
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Sam said that you’d been created specially to lead him into temptation and damn him. You would only smile and kiss him, never telling him how true his words were. Only, he would never be sent to your home. Sam Wilson did not belong in the fiery fires of Hell, no matter how deliciously they had burnt.
“You should be ashamed of yourself Mr. Wilson” You joked, cupping his face and leaning close to steal a kiss. “Leaving your training in the middle to fornicate with your girlfriend. Where is your sense of propriety?”
Sam laughed, pushing you onto your back on the couch, catching your giggles in his eager mouth. “You shouldn’t have sent me those pics darling. You know I am addicted to you.”
Your eyes twinkled in love for him, pulling him over you excitedly. Your relationship with him had been nothing short of a dream, his presence in your life completing you. When Lucifer had let you out on Earth, you’d wondered for one fearful moment if Sam would ever love you like you did to him. But it seemed his ageless soul had searched yours for just as long, for you clicked from the moment you met.
You’d been looking for him, navigating the crowded land of the mortals when Sam literally flew by you. His wings outstretched, Redwing hovering a few above, he chased after a man with vengeance in his eyes. Seeing him like that, you were convinced he had to be some sort of an angel for never had you felt so alive as you did then, breathing the same air as him.
As you saw him disappear, you ran after him, heart beating with excitement at finally meeting the man who’d owned you without even knowing you exist. Turning the corner, you saw him on the ground, grappling with the other man for a small pendrive. You had not planned to step in but seeing your man grunt in pain when he was punched, you launched into the battle with a cry, pouncing on the bastard who dare hurt your love.
“Die you dickface!” You screamed, pulling on his hair and delivering a kick into his side. He cried out, struggling in your hold. His mortal strength was laughably unmatched to yours and with a flick of your fingers, you twisted his wrist until you heard a crack. One conk to the head and he’d be down on his way to Hell where your Master would greet him, knowing how to deal with such asswipes.
“Hey! Hey, come off. I have orders not to kill!” Sam said, and then he touched you. He wrapped a hand around your arm and pulled you away, dragging you into himself and off the target he was chasing. The moment you felt his touch, tingles shot up and down your spine, liquid fire curling in your veins until you burnt only for him. The target lay forgotten on the ground, clutching his broken wrist as you and Sam gazed at each other.
His mouth parted slightly, fingers still digging into your flesh. You could see his eyes widen and then dilate, a similar heat simmering in them. He gulped, reluctantly releasing you from his hold but not moving away, trying not to blink as if afraid you’d disappear the moment he did.
“Have we met before?” He asked softly, tilting his head to the side. The brown in his eyes melted like chocolate, and you wanted to step closer to feel his touch again. You’d never met and yet you seemed to recognize each other. Something older than human memories had etched your face in his heart.
You shook your head, stray hair dancing beside your face as you did so. He blinked, shaking himself from his trance before lowering down to pick up the pendrive and calling in backup to arrest the target. His eyes kept drifting back to yours, confused and curious.
“Who are you?” He asked. You told him your name, shivering when it passed from his lips like a love chant. “You got strength in those arms. CIA?”
His voice was deep, and you wanted to know how it would sound right beside your ear, out of breath.
“I don’t work for the government. They don’t handle power well.” You said. Sam smiled at your words, looking around as three agents approached him, cuffing the target and patting his back.
“My name is Sam Wilson.” He said, offering you a hand that you eagerly shook. “Would you care for a cup of coffee? I may know a team of people who handle power just fine.”
“Hey, where’d you go?” Sam asked, his lips trailing down from your shoulder to your neckline. You come back to the present, catching the back of his neck and allowing him access to your breast, moaning when he sucked them from over your clothes. You’d been brought together by fate, of that you were sure, never parting ways since the day you met.
“Was thinking about you.” You replied, shimming out of your shirt and salivating at his naked torso. He was beautiful, his body glowing in the sunlight that peaked in like a voyeur through the blinds to witness your tryst.
“What about me?” He asked, smoothening his hands over you. Your skin heated under his touch, a desperate craving in your core to be filled by him overpowering your senses. You moaned his name and asked him to take you, quietly sobbing when you felt his tongue against your moist center.
“Sam, please. I feel empty.” You cried, hips raising as a finger eased into your channel and rubbed against your spongy walls. He smirked against you, sucking on your clit and tasting your juices that he said were like his own communion. No wonder he fell for a demon, uttering the filthiest things from those lips that made you quiver.
“Tell me, what were you thinking of.” He prompted, teasing you further. You writhed under him, holding his head with your thighs, and clutching the edge of the couch. He was grinning at your desire, loving as you made a mess for him. You cursed, eyes closing as you gave into his ministrations, coming apart into his mouth and crying out his name.
His slight beard that had taken him months to grow left a delicious burn on your skin, and soon his lips met yours, his breath carrying your scent. You lifted your hips eagerly to his, begging him with your eyes to take you, to own your body and make you his again. Greedily kissing you, he entered you with a practiced thrust, moaning at how snug you were. When Sam fucked you, he lost himself in your body to find his soul.
“Look at me.” You said, forcing his lust blown gaze to yours. He panted hard, grabbing your hips for support as he pushed into you, your bodies merging together like perfect puzzle pieces. You wondered again how this utterly beautiful man could be yours, how a damned soul like yours could belong to one as bright as his.
“What were you thinking of darling?” He asked again, biting your shoulder to leave a mark.
“About how much I love you.” You finally said, surprising him by flipping him over and taking the reins. You rode him out, taking him deeper and deeper until you were sure he was in your womb, feeling right at home. “I have loved you since before we met, believe it or not.”
Sam took your hand that rested on his chest and placed a sweet kiss on it, laying back as you lazily fucked him into a pile of gooey mess.
“I believe you baby” He said, pulling you into a soft kiss. “I feel like I’ve loved you my whole life.”
Tears gathered in your eyes, your hips moving faster as his words registered in your heart. Your love was complete and reciprocated, your life finding its meaning in him. Oh, how you loved him and his gap-toothed smile. His eyes that lit up when you danced together and played pranks on his friends.
“You are my heart Sam Wilson” You whispered in your ancient language, surrendering to him and the pleasure of your body.
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Your dream suddenly turned hot, and it was then you realized you were back home. The room you had spent centuries in was still the same, your stuff kept together like a shrine to your memories. You wandered in, touching everything as nostalgia welled in your heart. Reaching your bed, you smoothed out the creases in the velvet sheets, smiling at the smell of your master there.
“Welcome home, my sweet.”
There he was, as regal and beautiful as ever. Looking at him, you knew he was meant to rule hell, for someone like him could never be happy serving at the feet of another.
“Master” You said breathlessly, wanting to crawl on your knees to him. But before you could, he flew to you and took you in his arms, his wings opening wide and curling around your body, enveloping you. A sob lodged in your throat, for you had never thought you’d ever feel him again. You met his eyes that seemed misty like yours and when he kissed your forehead, you let a tear escape.
“Oh, my sweet, how I’ve missed you. Hell seemed to have lost its fire without you. My hearth seems cold in your absence.” Lucifer said, nuzzling his nose in your neck. You held him close, running a hand through his hair that had grown longer.
He pulled away to kiss both your cheeks, his beautiful visage soothing the burn in your heart you didn’t know you have. Fate has been cruel, separating you from one man you love to be with the other. You raised your head up to receive his lips, but that kiss didn’t come.
“No, my sweet,” He sadly said, stroking your face gently, “You and I both you we can never share that intimacy again.”
Your heart broke at the rejection, a frown crumbing your face into one of despair that Lucifer was quick to kiss away.
“Oh no, that is not what I meant.” He assured. “I have loved you since you were born. If I am the soul of Hell, you are its heart. But now your heart belongs to someone else, does it not? Nobody knows better than the Devil that you must not abandon that which you seek. My need for freedom led me here, and you need for love led you to the man who could return it the way you deserve. Do not sully that by presenting yourself to me, not when I would love you just as much without the succor of your body.”
It was then you realized, standing in the palace of the damned with the Devil, that love came in various ways. Here was your master, who loved you deep enough to let you go, defying all nature that had made him a villain. He was greedy and jealous, the sinner whose pride led him to fall. But that fallen angel had raised you here, had loved you as purely as god did to his children. How harshly had the world judged this being, and how strongly have you loved him, that you didn’t want to leave.
“Master” You begged, clutching his collar and holding on tight. “Do not let me go. You still own me, as does he. Can I not belong to the both of you, equally?”
Lucifer smiled, a content look in his gaze. He sat down on the ground, taking you into his lap and rocking you like a babe. “My sweet, you will always belong to me. Love is infinite, and you can divide it between people and yet it wouldn’t lessen. But I summoned you back here to give you a boon, for I see far into your future.”
You stared at him in confusion, hugging him tight. He smelled like the dirt of graveyard after rain, death and rebirth combined into one. He took a section of your hair, running a hand through it until the few strands in there turned gray. Your heart beat faster, a new vulnerability coursing in your blood that had you feeling fear for the first time in your life.
“Master, what have you done?” You asked.
“That man you love lives a limited life my sweet. I promised you to not damn him into this place of tortures, and if I cannot bring him in as a demon, I must make you a mortal like him. Grow old together, find your happiness. When the time shall come for your body to retire, the fates shall merge you as one and see where to deliver you.”
A storm of emotions rushed through your heart, longing and pain and love and sin. You leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth, feeling his presence settle in your bones.
“And you master? Would I ever see you again?” You asked, voice cracking. Lucifer smiled, removing the black ring from his finger and pressing it in your palm. He rested his forehead on yours, lips curved in a small smile.
“I will stay down here and try to repent my sweet, so that one day I may join you too. If there ever was someone who could redeem the Devil, it is you.” He whispered.
You laid in his arms, cocooned in his presence until you woke up in your bed next morning cuddled up to Sam, clutching the ring Lucifer had given you.
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Sam had always been pretty, but today he was just beautiful. His eyes sparkled like precious gems, a reassuring metal hand on his shoulder telling him to keep it together. He couldn’t believe it but when he held your hand, it felt real. A black ring sat on his hand, a matching one in yours.
“Could you both wait until the reception is over to eye fuck each other?” Bucky joked, but he kissed your cheek and hugged you, pushing you into your now husband.
“I have waited a lifetime to be his, I guess I will be okay with a few more hours.” You said to Bucky, but your eyes were trained on your man. He was yours, wearing your mark. You both were together in spirit and body, and your love seemed to have tripled in size.
“We have forever to go darling, don’t we?” Sam said, kissing you softly.
You nodded, entwining your hands and running a finger over his ring. You had a forever, and you would wait a forever more for the other part of your soul.
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atempause-art · 2 years
atem | czech | they/them | 25+ | asks and dms open
Local cryptid with fucked up gender horrible at social interaction. I live in a cave, slide a drawing out for you to see and then crawl back inside again
Largely oc artist, fanarts are very rare.
atempause-art is main art blog
cyborg-typing is where i cry over my attempts to write i don’t write anymore rip
complaining-singularity is where i reblog dumb stuff i find funny
outside of tumblr you can find me toyhouse and playing subeta, both with the username atempause
#clocktalks is a tag i use on this blog to just post rants or so
#oc: [name] are specific tags for my ocs
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
Celeste somehow manages to balance on the top of the chair and puts her feet on the seat part, it’s a challenge now to find a chair she can’t sit on (she likes to feel tall even though she’s already the tallest of the class, excluding Yasuhiro because. he’s a grown man)
Asahina manspreads too much, like she looks like she’s doing the splits while sitting
Sayaka always sits close to a wall and she’ll lean back until her chair is leaning against it. It calms her down, but sometimes she forgets when she’s not against a wall and will just fall (Leon also leans, but definitely not as much)
Togami always holds his arms behind the back of his chair. It’s just a stim he does, but he’s convinced the class that it’s some fancy etiquette. Most of the time people think someone snapped and tied Togami to a chair when they see it for the first time
Ibuki sits with no caution, the way she falls in that beach pic??? that’s just how she sits down, full lean into freefall. She breaks a lot of chairs
Peko relaxes her whole body and it always looks like she’s sleeping. She models it after a cat, where she can jump up at any threat, but she ends up actually falling asleep a lot (honestly she has insomnia but she refuses to admit it, so she’s constantly tired)
I don’t know a lot about these guys but I’d like to try;
Kaito sits with his legs up on the armrests. It looks so uncomfortable but he likes it so. the other students are just concerned but letting it happen.
And the mechanic man will sit under the chair. Nobody knows how he does it because he’s so tall, but he will fit under any chair and hang out
Oh and Mikan picks at chairs, she will disassociate and just rip off pieces of fabric or plastic. It scares the shit out of Monokuma - queer eye anon
god okay I couldn’t find the comic it made me think of, but I imagine the first time Makoto sees Celeste sit Like That™️, he accidentally walks in on her and Kyoko and hears Kyoko just very casually ask “are you sitting up there because you want to feel closer to god?”
you know the one with the cat on the counter?? and the artist mentions that it was something that happened between with them and their roommate?? yeah that one!!
anyway he is obviously confused and concerned but slowly comes to realize that oh no. this is literally just how everybody in his class performs normal everyday behaviors. (That being said, he definitely crosses his legs while sitting ❤️)
*pats hina gently* this gal can fit so many adhd
she probably leans forward and puts her hands on the seat of whatever chair she’s in!!! she looks like an excited little kid!! She puts so much energy into everything she does, even literally just sitting down!!!
SAYAKA LEANING AGAINST THE WALL IS VERY POG and I am also a fan of her rocking back and forth!! Just the little movements that are calming!!
and being against the wall itself is so nice!! There’s something about the angle !! Like almost laying down, but still being alert and participating in active conversation is probably very soothing for her!!
Sayaka 🤝 Leon
Everybody laughing at them when they inevitably fall off their fucking chairs after leaning too far back without a wall behind them
my suspicion is that it would be either Nagito & Kokichi, or Sayaka, Leon, & Kaz, or Jill, or actually you know what there are quite a few very good candidates HSBSMDN
in any case he gets ROYALLY pissed off and threatens whoever did it with “YOU’LL BE HEARING FROM MY LAWYER-” which he never actually follows through on obviously
god how many times has she been called into Jin’s office just for him to audibly sigh like “Mioda this is the fifth piece of school property you’ve broken this month just by sitting in it.”
that man is so tired somebody save him
but anyway that’s also how she sits on people’s laps??? like romantic or platonic, if someone is “*grabby hands* come here ❤️” while sitting, she straight up fucking flops down onto their lap without remorse and kills them on the spot HSKSHDN
[*dying Chihiro noises in the background*]
oh god actually speaking of Chihiro
they kneel. they just kneel on the chair ❤️
like she is tired and stressed so she rests her eyes sometimes, or people will just assume she’s sleeping with her eyes open, maybe
For example, Kokichi has, on more than one occasion, nearly gotten his wrist broken for attempting to draw on Pekoyama’s face while believing her to be asleep ❤️
Shuichi: um. Kaito. Are you….okay???
Kaito, sitting in the most ungodly position possible: yeah dude ofc why what’s wrong
important to note tho that Momota IS willing to sit normally but only if it’s because he’s trapped Shuichi with a hug, meaning Saihara is now sitting on his lap 😳💓💖💖💖
Shuichi rarely ever initiates stuff like that but GOD does he melt into it
he just likes the floor :)
but he’ll also sit on a table/counter if one is available!!! literally anything to Not Sit On the Seat Part of a Chair™️
Hajime: why do u literally sit UNDER the chair
Kaz: h-
Gundham: because as my paramour, he wishes to be closer to my domain
and Kaz is just actually it’s because I’m neurodivergent as fuck but….u know what yeah man sure :)
like she just sits there staring off into space with a vaguely terrified, wide-eyed expression, and the only things mobile about her body are her hands, which are simultaneously casually and viciously causing irreparable damage to school property…..absolute queen shit ✨
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