#i am furry seb at the moment
ill-procastinato · 4 months
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Which Seb are you? 🫵🏻
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gotnofucks · 3 years
What do you think Lee or other Seb and Chris characters would be like with a tall, slim and very uncurvy woman? Like only a couple of inches shorter than them, and she never feels feminine enough or sexy enough for them?
We'll start this by establishing that every person is pretty regardless of their body type. Tall, short, chubby or skinny, different complexion and smooth or furry.
As a short girl, this is for my tall skinny sisters who have a difficult time loving themselves:
Warning: sometimes dark themes, allusions to smut, possessiveness, body image issues, breeding kink, 18+ ONLY
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Steve Rogers: The Avengers Charity ball was a big event and though Steve hated the public attention, he's excited to do this with you. You've been dating a few months and coming out in public was something Steve was looking forward to.
He had decorated your neck with marks to show the world who you belonged to. The territorial captain was itching to claim you in front of the world when you told him you'd rather not go.
"What?" He asked, "Why not?"
You bit your lip, shifting on your feet as you looked at him.
"It's nothing...just don't feel like it" You mumbled.
"Is it because we're going to fast? You don't wanna tell the world about us?" Steve asked and you frantically shook your head.
"No, Stevie." You took a deep breath. "It's just...you're Captain America. The people expect you to be with a womanly woman, someone who complements you. I am...me. Tall, not large enough boobs, my ass is skinny and -"
You would have went on had Steve not pulled you in by your waist and crushed your mouth to his. You kissed back, running your hand through his soft hair before he pulled back, panting.
"Are you kidding me? You're listing everything I love about you. I don't have to bend down to kiss you, you breasts feel perfect in my hands and that ass? Baby, that ass is so perfect if people knew the thoughts I get when I see it, they'll douse me with holy water. Captain America doesn't need a womanly woman to compliment him. You’re not my arm candy, I am yours because you’re the perfect one. You get me?"
Choked up with tears you nod, letting him tuck your head in his neck.
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Bucky Barnes: He's been looking at you for weeks, just the way you've been looking at him. During training, he makes sure to stay behind you, correcting your posture by putting his hands on you.
For someone who'd lived more than a century, Bucky Barnes had no patience anymore and he promptly sat down his ass in front of you, making you stop mid-chew.
"Why haven't you asked me out on a date yet?" He asked you, the red Henley he wore stretching across his broad chest. You swallowed quickly, sputtering.
"Sargent?" You squeaked, unprepared to be accosted like this.
"I want you, you want me. We've practically been eye fucking each other for months. Why haven't you asked me out yet?" He snapped.
You bite your lip before wetting them with your tongue, unsure how to say this.
"You...you don't wanna go out with some other agent? Maybe Shally?" You asked and winced when he scowled at you. "I'm only saying this 'cause she has you know, a better body. She's...prettier?"
In this moment you realised how scared Bucky's enemies may feel on the battlefield because the expression on his face had you terrified. And turned on.
"You fucking with me doll? I don't want her. I love your body. You're almost my height, think of how easy 69-ing would be! You're perfect in every way. The way you kick those men's asses in the gym...fuck I always need a cold shower after that."
Your mouth dropped open and a small smile lit your face.
"So, you don't mind me being strong and lean and not... feminine?" You asked tentatively and Bucky smirked.
"Come into the bedroom with me and I'll show you how feminine you can be" He challenged.
Really, who were you to say no to him.
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Ransom Drysdale: Heels. He got you fucking 6-inch heels. You were nearly his height, already being taunted by your friends for this. And he got you heels.
"Ransom, take them back. You know I don't do heels." You say and he scoffs, pushing them back at you.
"Like shit you don't do them. I want to see you in them, and wear that lingerie I got you." He orders and you frown.
"No Ransom, I just - I don't like them." You said and he turned away from his phone to raise an eyebrow at you.
"I've seen you eyeing that flimsy scarp of fabric for weeks in the mall. You like it, now wear it for me so I can admire it on you." He said.
You finger the delicate material of the bra and panty and wondered how amazing it would feel against your skin. But then you looked at the small size and squeezed your eyes shut. There was a reason you insisted Ransom turn off the lights when you fucked.
"I like them. Just...not on me" You whispered. A finger pulled your chin up and you met Ransom's blue eyes, his gorgeous face peering into you like you were the dumbest person he knew.
"The fuck?" He asked, a warning growl in his tone that had you rubbing your legs.
"Ransom...I'm...not made for these. These heels, I'll be taller than you. I don't have the body to make this gorgeous lingerie come to life. You...I don't want you to see me like that." You say, almost tearing up.
Ransom looked livid for a moment before he gently stood you up, shushing your protests as he one by one stripped you naked. You looked down, ashamed of yourself as he forced you into the tall heels, his head now below yours.
"Look at me" He rasped and you obeyed. His eyes went from your head to down, appreciatively over your breasts and flat stomach and then to the vee between your thighs.
"You're perfect." He said, head dipping only a little to suck a nipple in his mouth. "Perfect figure, perfect face, perfect height. You're the only perfect thing I have in my fucked up life."
You put your hands on his shoulder to stable your wobbling feet, and he held you close.
"Wear this lingerie. I want to tear it off your body with my teeth. And the lights stay on today."
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Lee Bodecker: You pushed down on your skirt again, hiding your thin legs the best you could. The demure and pretty girls in the neighborhood snickered as you passed by them, their necklines supporting a beautiful cleavage.
You walked into your home and quickly got to making the dinner. While you didn't look like a normal lady, you were one. You could cook and clean and your daddy hoped that would be enough to get you married and off his hands.
You got dressed for you knew there would be guests tonight and tied your apron around your narrow waist, serving the food on the table for your father and the Sheriff. He came in his uniform, the hat set down on the table and eyes that followed you.
It was no surprise when he cornered you later after your father was drunk and passed out. His hardness dug into you, sweet breath on your face and nose rubbing against yours.
"Where you been all day sweetheart?" He asked, hands groping you like they'd done a thousand times before. You whimpered, tilting your head to allow him access to your neck.
"Shopping for the dinner. Daddy doesn't like stale food." You say and Lee bites you.
"What've I told you about calling him daddy in front of me? I'm the only daddy ya need." He scolded. You waited for his kiss, lips puckered when he stilled. His hands were on your breasts and he paused, reaching inside despite your protests to pull out the rolled up cloth inside.
"What the fuck is this?" He angrily asked and you hid your face in embarrassment. You were tired of having small breasts, tired of not being as pretty as others.
"Just..I wanted more meat on me." You said sullenly and Lee twisted his face in a scowl, pulling you forward with your hair.
"You're not doing this shit again. You want big fucking breasts then ask me to put a baby in you and I will. You want more meat on your body then I'll fuck a child in you right now. You get me?" He snarled and you nodded, clinging to him.
"I...I am sorry. I wanted to be pretty for you." You sob and Lee pulls you closer, taking your hands and pressing them in his belly.
"Sweetheart, you are fuckin' gorgeous. My pretty girl. Daddy's best girl. You don't need more meat. I already got enough for both of us. Kay?" He asked and kissed you deep.
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Andy Barber: You hid your insecurities well. Andy didn't give you a reason to have many. He loved you, you knew that. But sometimes, you wondered if he'd have preferred a more bountiful booty to hold at night.
When you tried to eat a little extra than your stomach permitted and puked the next day, he sat you down and asked point blank what was wrong. It was difficult to lie to him, not only because he was a great lawyer but because Andy knew you too well to not know when you're hiding something.
"I wanted to gain some weight I suppose." You said. Andy titled his head, eyes going over your body before he frowned.
"But you're perfect" He said, as if confused. "You can't overeat baby. Talk to me, what's wrong?"
You bit your lip. Dating Andy was daunting. He was someone who had lines of woman waiting to warm his bed. You were surprised when he asked you out, you of all the other softer women. You, your flat figure of the other hourglass ones.
He was an alpha, he was the master. He would have looked so good next to a timid, tiny girl who would easily fold into his body for warmth. And yet, here he was with you.
"I have long legs" You blurted and didn't look at him. "I am taller than almost all women here, I don't have a plump ass you can bounce quarters off and definitely not a chest that is spilling out. I don't know Andy, I...I am not enough I guess."
You wanted to cry after admitting this and maybe you would have had Andy not knelt before you and cupped your face to kiss you deeply.
"Oh honey, you silly thing. You're more than enough. Absolutely stunning." He whispered. He trailed his hands up from your ankle to your thighs and you stifled a moan.
"Your legs are long, and I love them. So much length to run my tongue on" He continued. "You ass may not bounce quarters, but it bounces my balls well when I'm fucking your from behind. And your breasts better not be spilling anywhere, they are mine. The only thing they need to spill is either my seed or the milk that'll be in there after I breed you. You understand?"
Heat rose up from your chest to your neck and ears, eyes watering with love and desire. You put your long legs on Andy's shoulder and hugged him with your thighs, asking him softly to show you his praises again.
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gainerstories · 4 years
Fatter Exchange Student: Chapter 4
This is a community story with each chapter authored by a different writer in the gaining community. This chapter is penned by feederfiction.
Read prior chapters here.
“Okay, how do I look?” asked Sebastian, walking into the living room.
Before him, lazing across the couch was Bleecker, clad only in a pair of gym shorts that looked like they might have been snug 40 pounds ago but were now positively tortured, his thighs looked set to burst out of them at the slightest movement. The past month had been rather fortuitous for the roommates, as their eating competitions became nightly events. Bleecker had added some serious mass to his already soft frame, and it was rare to see him in a shirt these days, especially as they cranked up the heat during the icy winter months. In fact, the only time he wore a shirt was either to class or to practice.
The jock had grown an even thicker belly in the months since Sebastian moved in, and it was now etched with some added stretch marks that most of his apparel failed to conceal. His outdated wardrobe only drew attention to his budding love handles and softer chest. Every small movement would cause the fabric to ride up the curve of his belly and settle around his belly button while displaying his happy trail proudly.
Bleecker looked up upon hearing Sebastian’s question, his mouth full with a meatball sub. He held up a sauce stained finger and chewed while taking in the image of his roommate. Sebastian had certainly not been spared from the thousands of excess calories he had been shoving down his throat daily. Based on the style and fit, the outfit he was wearing had to be something he brought from Greece. It was apparent that Sebastian had still not purchased any new winter clothes and opted for a white linen button up with the sleeves rolled up. This was paired with some vertical striped blue and white swim pants, with boat shoes.
Bleecker thought his roommate looked like a Greek model, but a plus sized one. Sebastian’s belly bulged out against the shirt, creating small holes between the lower few buttons displaying his furry torso. The hem also flared out slightly over his wider muffin top. He had left the top buttons undone in the typical Greek fashion, revealing his hairy chest. But what caught Bleecker’s eye was the way his roommates' dark, erect nipples were so visible against the white fabric.
His thighs looked stuffed inside his pants, and, with a twirl of his finger, Bleecker instructed Sebastian to turn around to show off his thick shelf of an ass. It wobbled as he turned back around, and Sebastian was ready to hear what Bleecker thought. With a mighty swallow, the underdressed jock stood up, his body jiggling, and grinned.
“Bro, you look awesome. Felix has gotta be the luckiest guy on campus to have you for the night. Damn.” Bleecker answered, using his clean hand to fistbump Sebastian.
“Yes, well, as you said it is our third date and so…” Sebastian trailed off, seemingly nervous.
“Seb, don’t worry about anything. I’m gonna head out tonight and hang with some friends at Kappa Tau, and stay at Brandon’s,” he said with a wink. “So you two love birds can enjoy yourselves here. Now, I left lube and condoms in your nightstand and if you guys get hungry, there’s leftover pizza and a fresh tub of ice cream. I remember last time you brought him over you nearly cleaned us out, so I stocked up this time”
“Bleecker, you’re the best friend I could have. I’m so glad I’m here, and that I get to share this with you!” Sebastian said, before heading to the door.
He attempted to put his phone and wallet in his pockets but found that they were flush tight against his thighs, far too tight to squeeze anything into. Deciding to carry them, he walked the short distance to La Barriga, the Mexican restaurant he had agreed to meet Felix at. Felix stood out on the curb, absorbed in his phone as Sebastian approached. Sebastian got a good look at him before Felix was aware of his presence.
A pair of dark jeans rolled up above a pair of Doc Marten’s gave the definite hipster vibe, especially with the faded white band tee he was wearing beneath a leather jacket. Felix was using his belly to support his forearm as he read from his phone, which had pushed a solid two inches of pale flab to ooze out from under the tee. He had trimmed his beard down slightly for their date and with his head bent forward like this, Sebastian could see a ring of fat around his jawline, as his double chin was pressed into prominence. Walking up casually, Sebastian extended an arm around Felix’s lower back and grabbed a cheeky handful of side flesh as he pulled him in for a kiss. Felix was surprised by the younger Greek man’s confidence but leaned in to it, reaching up a hand to flick one of his prominent nipples, eliciting a gasp from Sebastian.
“Now let's get some food and beer in us before we get too excited, yeah?” Felix asked with a smile.
The two gorged themselves on quesadillas, burritos and all manner of Mexican delicacies as they discussed more about history and philosophy. The conversation flowed as easily as the beer did, and several hours later, they found themselves stumbling back to Sebastian’s place. He fumbled around for his keys as Felix kissed his neck from behind, and ran a hand over his bloated middle, bringing up a deep belch that just made them laugh more. Finally making their way inside, Felix shed his jacket and gave a deep sigh as he seemed to exhale and expand, his already bloated potbelly seeming to strain the cotton prison of his shirt.
“Sebastian, you’re the best. I can really be myself with you man.” He said with a relaxed grin.
Sebastian wandered into the kitchen, pulling out the ice cream and setting it on the bench, raising an eyebrow at Felix.
“I am so glad to hear Felix, but I hope you have room for dessert! I have such a sweet tooth” He purred.
“Of course I do! I’ll eat anything if it’s coming from a handsome guy like you” Felix replied, his voice taking on a deeper, sexier growl, as he pushed Sebastian back up against the kitchen counter.
Their bloated bellies mashed together, as they craned their necks forward to allow their lips to meet, the mingling flavours of cheese, grease and beer being swirled around by their tongues. Things were escalating as Felix reached a hand around to grab at Sebastian’s fattened ass, now pressed into the countertop as they heard a loud ripping noise emanate from Sebastian’s rear. His shorts had split right down the crack, stunning them both. There was a pause before they began laughing. Sebastian gradually rubbed Felix’s belly slowly, as the TA made his way to the couch, dropping down with a noticeable droop in the cushion.
Sebastian grabbed the semi melted ice cream and brought it over to his date. He then shuffled out of his pants which were now ruined, leaving him in just his tight black briefs, from which at least an inch of crack was visible. Felix leaned back and held his arms out as Sebastian sat on his lap, their thick thighs rubbing against each other as Sebastian shoveled ice cream into his date’s mouth. Before long, Felix was panting as his stomach bulged with fullness, his beard had dribbles of ice cream running down it and his moustache was smeared with chocolate flavoured dairy. Sebastian leaned in for a kiss and licked it all up smiling.
“Now I get to taste a milk moustache. I like it,” he said, as he continued feeding Felix.
The next morning, Sebastian blinked as the harsh sunlight hit him square in the face. Shielding his face with his hands he looked around himself and stifled a laugh. He and Felix had fallen asleep in their underwear on the couch, with Sebastian laying on Felix’s furry belly as the pudgy TA snored lightly, the corners of his mouth lifted in contentment.
Managing to stand without waking his older lover, Sebastian wandered to the kitchen, yawning and scratching his belly. Despite being stuffed full less than eight hours ago, his stomach was now begging for more food. After several minutes of attempting to quietly make himself a bowl of cereal and a coffee, he felt a pair of arms reach around his hips and rest on his belly at the same time he felt a kiss being planted on his neck.
“Morning handsome” Felix growled in his low morning voice.
“Morning you” replied Sebastian, turning around, his belly bumping in Felix’s, as the two made out, their hands exploring each other’s body and budding curves.
Their brief kiss was interrupted by the sound of keys jingling in the bowl in the hallway. Sebastian pushed Felix away, his face going red as he realised the two were standing in the kitchen in their underwear, at full mast. Bleecker rounded the corner and paused, the unexpected sight making him freeze.
“Bleecker I assume?” Felix asked, casually strolling over and shaking his hand. “Felix”.
“Er yeah, sorry I can go” He said, flinging his thumb over his shoulder in a signal that he was going to leave.
“Or perhaps, he could join us?” Asked Felix, turning to Sebastian and raising an eyebrow.
The exchange student locked eyes with his roommate, and between them was a moment where they knew what the other was going to say.
To receive early access to Fatter Exchange Student and other exclusive stories check out the Gainer Stories Patreon. 
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chaossmagic · 3 years
Prompt: Rosie the cat
Waking up in Aaron’s arms again was a feeling Robert would never, ever forget. It wasn’t something he’d ever thought he would get to experience again, after everything that had happened and all the history between them.
And yet here he was, wrapped in the thick fleece duvet on their bed at the Mill, the one he’d once insisted Aaron buy for the colder months despite his protests that it was too expensive, with Aaron snoring gently next to him and having just had the best sleep he’d had in...years. Years.
He’d still tossed and turned, still woke from bad dreams several times, but each time Aaron had stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead, his deep voice a soothing murmur in his hear as he’d lulled him back to sleep. He wasn’t alone anymore. Despite feeling damaged and broken, Aaron still loved and wanted him, and didn’t care that he wasn’t the same anymore as he had been. 
But that didn’t explain why, when Robert opened his eyes in the early morning and stirred awake, he found himself staring into a pair of round blue eyes, intently watching him. 
“Um-” he started, but Aaron’s gruff voice spoke over him from the other side of the bed.
“Rosie, stop starin’,” he said, patting at the sleek blue-grey cat who had curled up between them. “S’not nice. Robert’s my - he’s Robert, okay? We need to look after him, he’s special to me an’ Seb.”
Robert was momentarily stunned by Aaron’s words. “I am?”
Aaron propped himself up on one elbow, a frown on his face. “Course you are, I love you.”
“I love you too,” Robert said back, his throat feeling thick with emotions he couldn’t find the words for at that moment. The cat - Rosie - mewled, and moved from her position to curl up against Robert’s chest, rubbing her soft head against his chin and licking the exposed skin of his throat. Her warm furry body, with its rumbling purrs, was soothing, and he reached out to gently stroke her, the softness of her fur surprising him. The constant itch of anxiety that buzzed just below his skin eased somewhat, slowing his heart rate down. It was as if she knew he was scared, he was on edge, that he was different because of what prison had done to his brain.
“She showed up one day as a stray,” Aaron said, rubbing Rosie behind her ears. “She was just a kitten. Seb left some milk out for her and she kept coming back. She had no collar or microchip, so we kept her.”
“Sounds like something a Dingle would do,” Robert joked with a smile. 
“It’s what a Sugden-Dingle would do,” Aaron countered. “We’ve never been without her since. And you won’t be either, now, because you’re where you belong, at home, our home.”
“Well, thanks for bringing me,” Robert said, a watery smile on his face and tears shining in his eyes. “Home.”
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bucket-bill · 4 years
I wanna know bucket-bill’s opinions! Tell me your favorite LITG lis and why you love them. Idk why but I feel like you have a lot of good opinions.🤔
Congratulations @mchamster, you are my first ask I have ever received and thank you for the kind compliment. I will certainly share with your my favourite LITG lis. I will start with S3 and work my way backwards - after all, this tumblr name is inspired from a S3 li. If you are interested in my opinions, please continue reading!
Also, please let me know if you still think I have good opinions after reading my list. I started with my four favorite LITG LIs based on their romance-ability, but I can certainly expand on my other favourite islanders which are Chelsea, Lottie, Seb, Tim, Jen if anyone cares. Levi has grown on me too.
Bill - Yes, Bill is probably the most controversial favourite on this list but hear me out. I think S3 did all the LIs dirty as we did not get anywhere near the same type of development as S2. However, Bill stuck out the most to me as he seemed the most unique of the bunch. Of the S3 cast, I was immediately attracted to Bill the most and despite him liking to argue for the sake of arguing, I actually enjoy the banter will Bill. Heck, with how weird S3 MC was, he was down for anything, whether it was MC licking his bucket face or MC trying to do a sexy dance with the tent pole. You do see a glimpse of growth from him throughout S3 - in the hot air balloon date, he admits to you that he actually ate a peach, despite telling MC that that they were just furry fruit. And since this happened in S3 where there was little to no character development, you must respect that he did that for the sake of MC and if that isn’t romance S3 level, I don’t know what is. Plus, he does pull off the bucket head look - a very difficult look if you ask me!
Bobby - Yes, I am in love with Bobby. Did I agree with everything he did? Absolutely not. But Bobby was loyal and in real life, that is what I value most. Bobby really tries to maintain the peace in the group (minus Operation Nope, which I did not support, but we all have our flaws) and he uses his humor to be friend every other islander in the villa. Bobby is a sweetheart and to be honest, I have still not successfully completed a S2 route that has not ended with Bobby, because he is the one guy who never appears to waiver from MC. Yes, people find his route boring and maybe his gem scenes aren’t as “fiery” as other LIs, but Bobby appears to always put MC first with his steamy scenes and if that isn’t ding, I don’t know what else is.
Henrik - Thanks to @mchamster‘s litg matchmaking services, I was matched with Henrik and the hashtag for the new ship #buckrik was created. I am currently making my way through a Henrik playthrough and it might actually be the first playthrough I finish in S2 that I don’t end with Bobby. Henrik’s laid back personality cracks me up - I can’t help but smile when MC is on their first date with him and if you ask if there is something in his eye, he says something along the lines of “just the image of a beautiful woman ... HEYOOO!”. I mean, how can you not like Henrik? He doesn’t take live too seriously and I think he would be a romantic but non-needy boyfriend. For someone like MC, he would help them relax and just enjoy life and just imagine the outdoor adventures they would have together ... plus their beautiful babies. Henrik is quickly becoming a second favourite and I would love the man to get more respect than he currently receives. 
Jake - I mean, who doesn’t love Jake? I wanted to throw my phone against the wall every time I thought we were having a moment but instead he runs off sheepishly. But he was definitely worth the wait. Jake is a total sweetheart and you can tell that he is smitten with MC since day one. Yes, he struggles to verbalize his feelings to MC and it takes him nearly the entire season to do so, but Jake is the perfect gentleman. He was the first person to stand up for MC when Cherrygate happened. Plus, let’s be real, Jake look likes a Greek God, and yes, that certainly helps his case. Plus think of the amazing cooking dates and kitchen sex you two would have.
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Find the Word
Thanks for the tag @dotr-rose-love! I was given the words drink, flower, soft and bone. I’m using the first drafts of the four parts of The Mastery that I’ve done so far (which is almost 400K), so there’s quite a few for each word. Therefore, under the cut they go! :)
I’m going to tag some people who’ve appeared on my ‘latest notes’ feed this past month: @lxpinwrites, @ariannastewart, @silentlylostwriter and @what-is-this-blog-about. Have the words mild, grow, house and/or eat appeared in any of your recent/current WIPs?
DRINK (I am prone to over-hydrating so always mention drinks haha):
“Surely you have servants who’ll get you a warm drink and a few biscuits for your pet?”
“Please, I insist you must have something to drink. Personally, I think it is too early for an alcoholic beverage, but I have juice, water and the like.”
He indicated for me to put my drink down before grasping my hands, “That’s why you’re so important.”
“No.” Sebastian went quiet, fully focused on the bubbles in his drink.
Phineas had given me three books, so, after grabbing a drink, I pulled one out of my rucksack.
“Hey, I don’t personally drink,” He said, putting his hands up, “I don’t condone it either."
I didn’t drink last night- even if I liked alcohol, a certain someone’s glare was enough of a deterrent to sit on the other side of the compartment.
Since it was only the two of us, the teacher left for a few minutes to fetch herself a drink.
“No, he wasn’t.” She said, finally sitting down. I’d gotten into my dorm. She'd followed and declined when I offered her something to drink.
Sebastian took a while to take a drink from his cup, but responded, “That’d imply he was logical.”
Miriam had been watching the two bicker as if observing a tennis match. She grabbed her drink at that point, spluttering as she swallowed wrong. The two looked at her in panic before dropping the conversation.
Martha nodded, taking a sip of her drink, “This is why I didn’t want to come now. I can’t think straight.”
“He’ll be in his eighties by now, so even if he is, he wouldn’t have much longer to live.” Uncle August answered, turning the kettle on after realising he hadn’t made himself a drink.
“I know,” Matthias smiled, stirring his drink, “When are we meeting your partner, Alex?”
“Hmm?” Rylan mumbled, “My father said that coffee is unhealthy and addictive. To wake yourself up early in the morning, you should drink hot water. I wanted at least a little flavouring, so I infused some tea leaves in. Try it.”
He laughed once, “But you don’t drink, and otherwise it’ll go to waste.”
“Let me get you a drink. Do you want to come into the dining room?”
August smiled, “If we weren’t teetotal, I’d say let’s drink to that. But we’re going to have to make do with tea.”
“Dad, what is the point of drinking tea when you have so much milk in it that you lose the taste of the actual tea? Just drink warm milk.”
“Ah, my apologies, but he only takes in interns when he requests for them. He hasn’t at the moment. Since you’ve come all this way, would you like a drink?”
There was silence before one relative piped up, “I’ll drink to that.”
“Have a drink while you’re here. I’m a little bit out of the way so save your time and energy.” 
“Thanks, Alex,” He took a long sip of his drink, “I’m so nervous though.”
Miriam snorted, “Don’t make me laugh when I’m about to drink.”
“She’s taking over, as we suspected,” He muttered, pouring himself a strong drink of alcohol, “And she’s basically told Dimitri and I that only one of us can lead the Meeting and she’s picked me.”
The three of us were in the ‘roundabout room’ of the hospital. In the middle was a hexagonal flower box with some odd-colour foliage and around it were five different hallways. There were seven different floors, and we were on the bottom one.
The town looked quaint from the station, but I couldn’t pronounce its name due to not having a Phinean accent. Compared to Natli and Mindeya, it was homely looking with its flower boxes and sign pointing to a vegetable market.
He dropped me off in front of a large house before taking the horses back to his own place. It seemed more grandiose than the properties surrounding it since there were flower baskets coming out of literally every window, but it was the same size. Even the Donegall house, which was also in the centre of the city, was obviously not the property of any old person.
“Ah, but that is the beauty of flowers. She can make her room look pretty with them even though she hates the recipient. And flowers have a lot of meaning. One flower may both mean ‘I love you’ and ‘fuck you’.”
“You work in a flower shop but don’t know your flowers, silly boy. Is Miriam tall and pretty?”
“At the flower shows they have in Natli, her family decide on the winners. She picks second place now she’s the Secondary Master. She doesn’t like the idea of picking just on which she thinks are the nicest so researches quite a bit to make sure she’s actually making the best decision.”
“He’d have stepped up by now if that was the case. It’s been over a decade and a half since I was born.” If looks could kill, I’d be dead by now. Her voice, however, was low and soft.
Father stuck his hand out, and I was surprised about how smooth the skin was. He was only thirty-nine but his face was aged, looking way older than Dimitri’s forty-two-year-old one. But the back of his hand was soft and looked well moisturised.
"Roman says he's a Tibetan Mastiff, they're soft and protective despite their deceptive build. But cute doggies aren't a priority right now. Have you got Miriam and Caspian's scents?"
I laughed, then consciously realised he hadn't moved his hands. I hadn't put on my jacket yet so I could feel how warm and soft they were.
"Well, I'm not moving until someone from the shop floor drags me off," I said, lavishing in the beds comfiness. My one at Natli was hard although the pillows were ridiculously soft, I had to stick blankets underneath for some comfort.
Her hair was near enough white and she also had the same piercing grey eyes which her son didn't possess. She had a soft face although that was shrouded by her current expression.
I couldn't think of any way to describe the voice other than silk. While tinged with age, it was soft and smooth.
She appeared as a mixed woman, with tied back brown locks and a soft but unvirtuous expression. Roman stared as she did so.
Cyrus was interested in all types of vehicles but always had a soft spot for motorbikes. I never paid enough attention to learn anything about the specifics.
Roman nodded, beginning to catch his breath, “Luka wants my Grand Master gone at least. From what she has said, he seems to have a soft spot for Miriam, but I think it is to do with-”
This was one of the rare times he’d smile genuinely. He hid the fact he had these guys most of the time so he didn’t look like a soft-hearted man due to being a pet lover. Deep down, any furry animal was his weakness.
“You have really soft knees, Kadir.” (A/N: The character who says this is drunk, I don’t have a weird knee fetish)
“What? No!” Uncle August had a soft voice but it broke then, “He’s been doing as well as he can be, making the treacherous journey he currently is.”
I’d held Matthias and Octavia plenty of times when they were younger, so I knew how to hold her. Juliana noted it, “You’re so soft-handed, but what’s the frown for, buddy?”
“Well, why are you surprised?” His voice was uncomfortably soft, “The more experience you get, the harder the challenge is. It’s how the world works Meline, not just me.”
Rylan’s voice was surprisingly soft and soothing, and there was a brief smile on his face when I looked at him. There was actual warmth in his expression compared to the other two people in the room.
“Carlos clearly has a soft spot for you too,” Phineas said, “But then again, he seems to have one for everybody bar backstabbers.”
Seb and Uncle Jonathon were almost identical apart from age and build. Their confident but laid-back demeanour was also scarily similar. But his eyes were the same soft deep brown as August’s.
“Did he give Andrei something soft and warm to lie in? I don’t think that’s fucking likely.”
Khristoph and I swapped positions and it became clear they had almost identical faces. Soft brown eyes, long thin eyebrows and a childish look of wonder around them.
Since I was still on the floor, he went onto his knees and kissed me. It was slow, soft and exactly what I needed at that moment.
Uncle Jonathon let his curls go wild but they didn’t reach further than the top of his neck. Grandfather’s, however, were in line with his elbows, the same length as mine. They were maintained well though, and looser than any of ours. His eyes were a soft but deep brown, although they were almost shut due to his frowning.
“Considering you’re the mother of the victim, are you really in the best position to do this?” The judge asked. His voice was soft rather than Winona’s jabbing.
“Vanska,” He responded, voice soft, “Where are we?”
He looked to the door which Roman left through before turning to me, “I was in here when you were watching him. There’s still a soft spot for him in your heart, isn’t there?”
We were looking at each other again when a voice arose. It wasn’t Lawrence’s high, shrill voice, nor Roman’s soft and warm tone or Vesna’s staccato tone. This one was animalistic and growling.
Myles and Jonathon headed over to the blanket, the former looking at Miriam and the latter at Andrei. He had a soft, paternal look to him before a shadow appeared over him.
“Ludwig is surprisingly quite soft as a paternal figure. For some reason I preferred him to Martha.”
“Oh, Miriam.” She gave me her soft hazel-eyed look, “We’ll be able to make something out of this. You won’t have to live like your mother and uncle did.”
Dad was soft, but that was one thing he rarely said, “I love you too.”
Dimitri was a man with rough edges but he had soft spots for dogs and children. After all, he owned more pets than some shelters and had taken Miriam in. 
I rolled over, making a soft grunting noise.
Despite his rough appearance and supposed bluntness, Gino had a soft, tinkly laugh.
“Well, my Dad is Grand Master Schwarz. He’s a bit soft from first glance but uses his brain, not brawns. My uncle is Grand Master Ivanov. He’s the opposite.”
Her daughter had a soft and cute face in comparison to her mother’s harsher one, “Oh, alright, what’s the change?”
“Oh, okay. I know this was yours and Miriam’s discussion, but I’ll step in. Why don’t you talk with Nina and let her take charge while you work on understanding the lingo and working on your soft skills? I know a guy who lived in Anthonia who could help you.” 
“If I had a bone in my body that was sensitive, I’d have a problem.” She said.
He'd put his hands on my shoulders so I bit down onto his forearm as hard as I could. It went deep, his bone almost visible and it was bleeding heavily. He yelped in response.
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mad-at-alan · 2 years
after a crazy night here is my crazy dream:
i’m in my car, i pull up to the 2323 marshallfield house. O and C are out in front, they look the same as they did in high school. i knew it was weird when C had his long blond bob. i don’t know what i was doing maybe just walking by?
me and C recently mended our troubled past in the real world and i’ve been feeling very at peace with that.
as i walked i wasn’t sure if i would say hi, my hand went up but quickly back down because it felt somehow wrong that i was even approaching them. he countered that with a very warm hello and we hugged. we pulled away. arms still linked and he noticed my braces, saying how nice i looks and that it’s great how im finally doing what i always said i’d do.
O was just kinda standing there taking this all in. i turned. it was hard to look at him straight on, i was nervous and confused. what am i doing here?
in today’s land i’ve learned to appreciate when pathed are crossed. taking advantage of the moment because some things may never be the same again. at least i’ll know i did whatever i could by showing my best self in every moment.
O says hello, a polite short interaction ensued. he proceeds to return to inside his home. i ask C to watch my car. i follow O inside.
everything is the same as when i left it, couches, ottoman, tv, dining table, skateboards.. even waffle was there. i hadn’t seen waffle in so long. him and blazer were playing, just fucking around like old brothers.
O sits on the couch, i sit at the edge with him.
towards the end of our relationship, we didn’t talk very much. mostly because we didn’t know how or what to say that could mend all this damage we’ve created. that’s how i felt anyway.
now, i think we were just thinking too big. trying to save whatever we had left by diving straight in in a panic. forgetting that we were supposed to have a sound life raft or at least putting on our oxygen mask first before trying to help anyone. we both went down.
we were taking it in. being in the same room again. having the opportunity to have even a chance at making this right. we didn’t speak, only studied each other’s body language. hoping by doing that the words would just come flowing out.
he stands. walks to the kitchen. waffle comes to say hello.
“i’ve missed u so much! how have u been doing my prince?”
he purrs and rubs against my legs, rolls on the floor exposing his furry tummy for me to pet and give my love. he’s been happy. i’ve missed him so..
O peeks his head around the corner as he always did and watches all of this. he smiles
in a way i felt like i was talking to both of them. sometimes is easier to talk to such an angelic being, rather than trying to force a conversation, and that’s what he was. waffles been gone since about 2018. oh i’ve missed him so.
O comes to sit once more. now we’re both giving waffle the business. he’s so happy, his mom and dad r here again.
me and O look at each other.
“im really glad i get the see u again” i say
“im sorry it’s been like thi-” he stops me
he’s now hunched over, elbows to his knees at the edge of the couch
“i’ve been thinking.. and u know where that gets me” he laughs
“ i know things now that i didn’t know then. i didn’t know i had so much growing to do. my outside grew so fast that my inside never even had the chance.. so many new challenges have been thrown at me, i just thought i was supposed to take them all. on the surface it felt like that was my growing journey. i learned so many new things, i thought i was the best way i could have been. i know now what i have to do.
you’ve showed me things about myself just by watching you grow. you are different. this feels different. you make me feel different…”
there’s a knock at the door.
it’s Sebs.
just got out from school and walked himself home like a big boy.
i’m out of the way in the kitchen, i’m not sure he’s supposed to know i’m here..
S goes to his room and lays down to rest.
O comes into the kitchen and goes towards the fridge.
having this same after school routine i know he’s making S a snack. i get a bowl down. cereal is a great snack.
O smiles and chuckles. surprised and happy that i just happen to remember the little things. we always did make a great team.
knowing that O can handle fixing the cereal, i go to fetch S. he’s laying in bed in a funky position as always, doesn’t have his blanket on of course. it’s on the floor as it’s fallen off. i pick it up and drape it over him, it just barely fits. he’s getting big..
i sit next to him and start to tuck, give him a big hug and kiss him on the head. he stays sleep.
i say “ i love you Sebs” then close the door
i come out to the living area, O is know where in site. i go out front.
my car is gone
i call C
he said he thought we’d be a while so that he went back to his house, i don’t mind.
one of the reasons we were all good friends is because of how close we were. small school quarters and small neighborhood ment we were all hanging out and in each others space often.
O opens the front door
“hey!” he says to grab my attention
he walks towards me
i am now looking up at him the same way i’d looked up at him for many years
“i thought you had left”
“i won’t leave without saying goodbye O”
we smile
“guess who i just talked to?” he says with a smile
J is his family member i’ve always gotten along with. we would hang out at family functions, always disappearing together, to go on a store run or to show me something of hers in her room.
“no way”
“ i told her you were here, she wanted to talk with u.. but i didn’t know where u were”
thinks like that happen, it just wasn’t the right time i guess. the universe had different plans for me.
C is back with my car, i hear the beep* beeep*
me and O are standing together now, we hug.
i’ve missed him so much. i’ve missed all of this…. everything happened so fast. you truly don’t know what u have until it’s all gone. until there’s no way of going back to where it was all at peace.
no worries of ever leaving eachother. no worries of not having eachother around. everything changed so fast. in an instant, we were no longer in love. in an instant we were two completely different people. in an instant we couldn’t even remember why were together in the first place.
did we actually even love eachother? or were we just damaged children not wanting to be alone.
well we were children. we got together when i was 16. to answer your question, yes i did love u. i loved you the only way i knew how. i do know now that i had no clue how or what love was. was it trying to find a mate that could take care of me? was it finding a mate and giving my body to satisfy him sexually and in turn he would give me all i wanted?
i was damaged. damaged in a way that formed my whole being. from only having memories of only playing and learning from my sister… wanting to be held by my mom and having my dad make it somehow a sexual game. remembering being at my nanas all the time while my parents worked or went out late at night. being afraid of my dad because he’d always yell at us to “ stop fucking around.”him pinching us so hard to the point of bruises for us to leave them alone. not realizing that’s the true reason why i don’t like PDA or why i feel so uncomfortable at restaurants…
you were my first real boyfriend. in the beginning i really did try for u. i did what i thought i was supposed to do.
have hard rough sex whenever we had the house to ourselves. touching u under the table whenever we went out. realizing now that that’s all learned behavior for a kid. we were just kids. we were just kids O..
in an instant everything changed. i don’t regret any of it. it’s made me into the woman i am today. it’s hard and it makes me sad realizing all this madness was happening right under our noses.
i’m so grateful to be able to still have my life and to continue to grow for the better in this lifetime. for everything you’ve done for me, i am grateful.
i really hope you’re out there being your best self and not letting anyone get in your way.
thanks for visiting my dream O, til next time..
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thegameison97 · 7 years
Former Avenger Turned Actress: Part 10 // The Thanksgiving Blessing
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A/N: Hello! *waves*
So, here’s more of “Former Avenger Turned Actress”! 🎉
NOTE: X-Men related stuff is featured in this chapter. I don’t really know much about X-Men because I haven’t watched any of the movies, so forgive me if anything isn’t accurate. I mean, I have read a bit of X-Men fanfiction and have done a tiny bit of research, but not enough to where I’m an expert. But you do remember that Charles Xavier is Y/N’s adoptive father (look back through part 7), and I thought it was about time for him to make an appearance (along with some other surprise MARVEL characters).
And also, I’m so sorry it’s taken me FOREVER to publish another part for this story. What’s it been? Almost a year? ☺️
Anyway, here’s a bit of a Thanksgiving-ish themed part! 😁 (Perfect timing, right? 😉)
Enjoy! 😘
Former Avenger Turned Actress Master-Post
2 months later, Mark & Sarah’s wedding…
“You happy for your Mummy and Daddy?” Y/N cooed to Mark and Sarah’s eight month old daughter, Isabella, as she held her in her arms. The little girl herself giggled back in response as Y/N tickled underneath her chin while they sat at a table, watching as Mark and Sarah slow danced.
“She is just adorable.” Wanda grinned from where she sat across from Y/N and Isabella.
“Getting any ideas, Wanda?” Gen raised an eyebrow, nudging Wanda in the side as she sat next to her.
“Pft, no.” Wanda rolled her eyes. “My life is way too zaneprázdnený for that.”
“Zanepr– what?” Gen questioned, tilting her head slightly.
“Busy.” She clarified. “Sorry, I slip back into Slovak sometimes without realizing.”
“Oh.” Gen nodded slowly before turning her head slightly to look back at Y/N as she continued to make faces at Isabella. “Someone else might be getting ideas, though.”
“What was that, Gen?” Y/N asked, glancing Gen and Wanda’s way.
“Oh nothing.” Gen quickly waved her off just as Jared, Sebastian and Osric made their way back to the table with drinks in their hands.
“The champagne cavalry has arrived.” Osric announced with a grin, sitting down next to Wanda before handing her one of the glasses of champagne he held.
“Thank you, miláčik (darling).” Wanda smiled at him, pecking him on the cheek.
“Oh, the Osanda feels are too much.” Jared groaned over-dramatically, plopping down in his seat on the other side of Gen before sliding her a glass of champagne.
“Can you really have too much of a good thing, though?” Sebastian questioned, sitting down next to Y/N before shooting a wink at Wanda and making her giggle.
“I don’t know, Balthienna. You tell me.” Jensen said as he walked up to the table, making Y/N laugh at the mention of her and Sebastian’s tv ship name. He then looked and smiled at Y/N as she held Isabella. “Why don’t I take her for a bit?”
“You sure?” Y/N raised an eyebrow as Isabella began reaching for Jensen.
“Yeah.” He waved off as he took Isabella into his arms, smiling at said little girl. “Hey there, sweetheart.”
Y/N smiled at the two before turning back to face where Sebastian was sitting next to her. She took a quick sip of her champagne before setting the glass back down on the table. “Care to dance, Seb?”
“I would love to, darling.” He smirked at her, downing what was left of his champagne before taking Y/N’s hand as they then made their way out to the dance floor where a few other couples were dancing.
“So…” Sebastian began as he gave Y/N a little twirl, her long red and floral print dress twirling with her before Sebastian brought her back towards him and wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “We have a few more scenes to shoot come Monday and Tuesday.”
“We do.” Y/N nodded in agreement as one of her hands slid down his arm to grab his hand and intertwine their fingers as they continued to dance. “Then it’s off to New York.”
“Yes, yes.” Sebastian smiled slightly as they swayed a little. “Thanksgiving dinner with superheroes.”
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh.
Back over at the table, Gen watched Y/N throw her head back in laughter as she and Sebastian danced.
Gen sighed as she watched the duo, smiling as she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. “Those two are adorable.”
“Babe, we’re adorable.” Jared defended.
Gen just rolled her eyes playfully. “True, but it’s still nice to admire other people’s adorability from time-to-time.”
“Like this little cutie.” Jensen chuckled as he held Isabella up in the air, making her giggle as he tickled her sides.
“Come on, I want to hold her.” Wanda grinned, motioning for Jensen to hand her the little girl.
“You’re just getting all sorts of attention tonight.” Osric teased as Wanda took Isabella into her arms, said little girl staring in awe as little tendrils of Wanda’s red magic swirled up around her before erupting into tiny little sparkles. Isabella giggled, clapping in response.
“Okay, that was pretty cool.” Jared admitted, both his and Gen’s eyes slightly wide.
Osric grinned. “That’s my girl.”
Later that evening…
“Thank you so much for coming.” Sarah smiled, hugging Y/N as they stood out front where people saying goodbye before heading home.
“It was no problem. We had a great time.” Y/N smiled back as they pulled away from each other. “And again, congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Sarah giggled, not being able to wipe the smile off her face.
“Ready to go, darling?” Sebastian enquired, walking up to them after having said goodbye to Mark.
“I think so.” Y/N nodded, looking inside her clutch purse to be sure she hadn’t forgotten her phone before looking back up. “Be sure to tell Mark I said bye and we’ll see him again when he gets back up to Vancouver for filming.”
“Of course.” Sarah smiled with a bod, waving goodbye to the couple as they walked off towards their car.
“Wanda and Osric seemed to run out of there pretty quickly.” Sebastian stated as they both got in the car, Sebastian starting it up.
“Yeah.” Y/N nodded as she buckled her seatbelt before they began driving down the road. “Wanda pulled me aside and said something came up and she had to get back to New York tonight.”
“Hope everything’s alright.” He commented as he put on the turn signal.
“Classified mission stuff I shouldn’t really talk about.” Y/N shrugged. “I don’t really even know much of it myself.”
Sebastian just nodded slowly. “Well, we’ll be seeing all of them again soon enough anyway.”
Y/N nodded, smiling. “You know, this’ll be the first actual holiday where you yourself will get to see how it actually goes with the team.”
“Can’t wait.” He chuckled, as they turned on to the street where his house was.
“Oh, I wouldn’t speak so soon, mon amour (my love).” Y/N winked at Sebastian as he pulled into the driveway. “Hopefully this year no one will have to watch Clint actually shoot the turkey with an arrow.”
“What?” He asked, surprised as turned the car off before turning to look at Y/N.
“Yeah, holidays with the team can get weird.” Y/N nodded as she opened the car door. “Sometime I’ll have to tell the story of Loki and the incident with the dancing Christmas trees.”
With that Y/N got out of the car, shutting the door behind her and leaving Sebastian to sit there and wonder about what she just said.
“…What have I gotten myself into?” He muttered to himself after a moment before just shaking his head, taking the keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car himself to join Y/N as she waited for him at the front door.
5 Days later, Thanksgiving, New York City, New York, Avengers Tower…
“Do you ever get tired of people only talking to you when they need your help?” Sebastian question as he, Y/N and Balthazar all stood in the elevator as they headed up to the main lounge floor of Avengers Tower.
“No, Mr. Roché.” JARVIS replied, answering what seemed to be Sebastian’s 100th question since he and Y/N had entered the elevator, their furry Golden Retriever in tow.
“Are you sure?” Sebastian tilted his head slightly.
“I aim to serve, Mr. Roché.” The AI responded.
Y/N giggled, shaking her head at the interaction.
“What do you think, Balthazar?” Y/N asked, reaching down slightly and scratching behind one of the dog’s ears. “Do you think Sebby’s asking too many questions?”
“Ruff!” The dog barked in response, his tail thumping against the floor of the elevator.
Sebastian just rolled his eyes at the two just before the elevator doors slid open, letting them walk out into the hallway that lead to the main lounge area.
“I am Groot.”
A tiny voice sounded from behind them, making them spin around only to be met the sight of a tiny little baby tree humanoid creature as it stood alone in the middle of the hallway.
Y/N gasped before squealing in excitement. “Groot!”
“I am Groot!” The little creature shouted back just as excited before running at Y/N and latching onto her leg.
“What… in the hell… is that?” Sebastian questioned slowly, eyes wide as he stared down at the little creature as it climbed its way up Y/N’s body to perch on her shoulder.
“Seb, this is Groot.” Y/N introduced with a grin on her face. “He’s part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
Sebastian squinted in confusion. “The Who of the What?”
“They’re an intergalactic crime fighting team.” Y/N clarified. “They don’t come to Earth much. In fact, they haven’t been to Earth in a few years. Not a lot of people keep up with what they do, so that’s why they’re not talked about a whole bunch. I mean, come on, they work in space. A place very few people have ventured.”
“Okay, fair enough.” He nodded slowly.
“I am Groot.” The little creature extended his little hand out, the branch like structure extending itself towards Sebastian.
“I’m Sebastian.” Sebastian cautiously stuck one finger out at Groot, the little creature wrapping a few tiny little branches around his outstretched finger and shaking it.
“I am Groot.” The little tree creature nodded once before retracting his branched hand and hopping down off of Y/N’s shoulder and onto the floor before taking off running down the hallway with Balthazar running and barking after him.
“Groot doesn’t talk much.” Y/N explained, looping her arm through Sebastian’s as they began walking down the hallway. “And ‘I am Groot.’ is pretty much all he says.”
“How did you people even meet a group like them?” Sebastian wondered out loud.
“A story for a different day, my dear.” Y/N grinned. “Now, I should warn you: the Guardians… they’re a bit… different. And only one of them is human.”
“Darling, I just spoke with a little talking tree.” Sebastian chuckled. “I think I’ll be okay.”
“If you say so.” Y/N giggled.
“I do not understand the phrase ‘Gobble till you wobble.’.” Drax stated as he stood next to the kitchen counter, Natasha, Steve and Peter Quill all preparing the turkey to go into the oven. “Why would anyone put themselves through the misery of eating too much?”
“Drax, if you don’t stop, I will put this Turkey over your head.” Peter sighed.
“Why would you do that? That does–”
“You know what? Forget it.” Peter said, cutting Drax off just as Groot came running into the room with a Golden Retriever chasing after him as it barked while wagging its tail.
“Balthazar?” Wanda mumbled as her eyes followed the dog and Groot as they ran around the large couch Tony, Pepper, Bruce and Bucky were all sitting on.
“Who’s dog is that?” Gamora questioned from where she sat next to Wanda at the dining table.
“If he’s here, then that means…” Wanda trailed off just as a pair of familiar people entered the room.
“Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!” Y/N exclaimed happily.
“Y/N/N!” Pepper grinned as she stood up from the couch.
“Peps, I didn’t know you were gonna be here.” Y/N smiled as she met Pepper halfway before giving her a hug.
“Plans with my sister fell through. So, I’m here.” She explained, smiling back as they pulled away from each other. She then turned her attention towards Sebastian, giving him a kind smile. “And you must be the Sebastian I’ve been hearing so much about. I’m Pepper, Tony’s girlfriend.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” Sebastian returned the smile, shaking her hand.
She nodded. “Likewise.”
“Um, excuse me.” Peter’s voice sounded.
Leaving Sebastian to talk with with Pepper, said woman bringing him over to the couch to converse with Tony, Bruce and Bucky, Y/N turned her head and grinned before rushing over and throwing her arms around Peter’s neck. “Peter ‘Star-Lord’ Quill! Oh, it’s so good to see you. God, it’s been forever.”
He chuckled, pulling away from her. “It really has been too long. Everyone’s been filling us in on stuff that’s happened since we’ve been gone. I’m sorry to hear about you losing your powers.”
“Nothing to worry about.” Y/N waved him off. “It hasn’t been that bad. Hard to adjust to at first, but I’ve managed.”
“I’ve heard, Miss TV Star.” He smirked before nodding his head, indicating to where he saw Sebastian talking with Tony and everyone over by the sofa. “That your boyfriend over there?”
“Obviously.” She grinned, glancing over at Sebastian before looking back to Peter. “Where’s Rocket?”
“Fur-ball’s shooting arrows with Clint a few floors down.” He rolled his eyes. “Oh, and I think Pietro is their moving target they’re trying hit.”
“Well, that can’t go badly at all.” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully before looking to the dining table. “Gamora!”
Gamora smiled, standing up as Y/N walked over to where she and Wanda were.
“It’s good to finally see you again, friend.” Gamora said with sincerity as she hugged Y/N tightly.
“It’s good to see you, too. Really.” Y/N replied as they pulled away from each other. “Mantis isn’t with you guys?”
“No.” Gamora shook her head. “She decided to stay on Xandar for a while.”
“Oh, well, hopefully I can see her again sometime. Sooner rather than later.” Y/N responded before glancing around and then turning her attention to Wanda. “Where are Thor and Loki?”
“Thor is spending Thanksgiving with Jane and her family.” She replied. “And Loki decided to go up to Asgard and spend the day with Odin and Frigga.”
“Aww, and he thinks he doesn’t have a heart.” Y/N smirked at the thought of Loki spending the day with his parents. She then turned her head towards Gamora again. “I’m gonna go say hi to Drax, Nat and Steve. You should definitely go say hi to my boyfriend, Gamora. He hasn’t actually met extraterrestrials before. Well, at least not until Groot greeted us in the hall. I’m sure Seb will love you and all your green gorgeousness.”
“Oh.” Gamora nodded before a wide grin spread across her face. “Ooh, then this’ll be fun.”
“Go get him, girl.” Y/N grinned at her before turning back around and making her way over into where the kitchen was. “Drax. Nat. Steve.”
“Y/N!” Drax smiled wide before wrapping Y/N up in his arms and almost crushing her in a hug. “It has been too long.”
“Definitely too long, big guy.” She mumbled as she tapped him on the shoulder, signaling for him to set her back on the floor. Thankfully he did, letting her regain full oxygen to her lungs. “Is there anything I can help with? Thanksgiving isn’t exactly a small feat.”
“You could start with the pies.” Nat chimed in, her arm almost elbow deep inside the turkey. “All the stuff is already laid out.”
“Yes, boss.” Y/N gave her a mock salute before walking past her and touching Steve on the arm in greeting as she passed him. She glanced up for a moment to peek into the main part of the lounge and saw something kinda odd. It looked like Tony, Bruce, Pepper, Bucky and Sebastian were all kinda huddled together talking in hushed tones. And before Y/N could question anything, Bucky parted from them and walked over to where Steve was.
“Dude, come here for a second.” He whispered to Steve, said man setting down the whisk he had been holding before following after his best friend as they made their way back to the small gathering by the sofa.
Y/N tilted her head for a moment as she examined the curious scene but then shrugged and went back to making the pie crust. However, she didn’t get very far before a blue and silver blur rushed into the room and swept her off her feet.
“Pietro!” Y/N squealed before erupting into laughter as the speedster ran the two of them around the edges of the room. Groot and Balthazar started chasing after them, Groot riding atop Balthazar’s head.
“It is so good to see you again, Princessa!” Pietro grinned as he finally came to a stop back right where he had swept Y/N off her feet, Balthazar and Groot skidding to a stop right behind them.
Y/N giggled as Pietro set her back down on the floor right next to where the beginnings of the pie were. “Thanks, Piet. That’s quite the greeting, I will admit.”
“Always the best for you, Princessa.” Pietro winked st her before speeding over to where everyone was talking by the sofa.
Y/N just sighed, smiling as she shook her head before going back to making the pie crust.
“I am Groot.”
Y/N glanced down and saw Groot and Balthazar sitting on the floor by her feet. “Sorry, guys. Not until later.”
“I am Groot.” The little tree creature nodded once before he patted the top of Balthazar’s head, said dog turning back around before racing out of the room to run down the hall.
“Happy Thanksgiving, Y/N/N.” Clint greeted as he entered the room.
“What he said.” Rocket chimed in, said raccoon following behind Clint.
“Clint. Rocket.” Y/N nodded at them in greeting before turning her attention back to making the pies.
As Rocket hopped up onto the counter to observe Y/N’s work, Clint then went and made his way over to the group of people chatting by the sofa. “Hey, guys. What’s going on? This looks kinda weird.”
“Yeah, we know.” Tony replied quietly, rolling his eyes before clapping Sebastian on the shoulder. “We gotta take this guy on a little trip.”
“Where?” Clint squinted his eyes in confusion. “And why are we whispering?”
“Westchester.” Pietro told him. “And we are whispering because we do not want Y/N to hear.”
“Why?” Clint questioned.
“Oh, just shut up.” Bucky rolled his eyes before looking to Sebastian and Tony. “Pepper, Bruce, Steve, the Guardians and I will all stay here so as not to draw too much attention.”
“Sounds good.” Tony nodded. “Come on then, Speedy, Hawk and Sebastian. Looks like we’re going on a little outing.”
Putting the pumpkin pie filling into the crust as she and Natasha continued to work over in the kitchen area, Y/N just shook her head as Rocket was throwing cranberries at Peter while Drax was laughing at him.
Y/N then glanced over when she heard a slight commotion.
“We’ll be back later!” Tony announced as he basically shoved Sebastian ahead of him.
“Where the hell are you guys going?” Natasha tilted her head as she watched the men.
“We’ll be back in like two… three hours, tops.” Clint told her as he and Pietro followed after Tony and Sebastian.
Y/N opened up her mouth to say something but didn’t get the chance to talk before the four men were already out of the room.
“What the hell was that about?” Gamora muttered to Wanda, said woman shrugging like she had no idea.
“That was weird.” Y/N commented, staring at the doorway through which they had left the room before turning back to work on the pie again. “Then again, they’ve always been kinda weird. I’m sure the won’t hurt Sebastian too badly… Probably.”
Hangar Bay…
“We can’t take more than three hours or else she’ll really get suspicious more than she probably already is.” Tony said as he, Sebastian, Clint and Pietro entered the hangar bay where they kept the Quinjet.
“We get to ride in that?” Sebastian enquired, pointing to the semi-small aircraft as it sat there, waiting to be flown.
“Yep.” Clint nodded in confirmation as pressed a button, the Quinjet’s ramp lowering. “And if you’re really nice, I might even let you help steer the thing.”
“Is that even legal?” Sebastian questioned as they all walked up the ramp. “It’s not like I know how to fly one of these things.”
“Don’t think so.” Clint shrugged as he sat down in one of the pilot seats. “But It sure is fun.”
“Well, color me intrigued.” Sebastian commented, gazing over all the controls and buttons up front.
“Take a seat.” Tony motioned for Sebastian to sit down in the other pilot seat next to Clint. “It’ll only take us maybe fifteen minutes by Quinjet to get there.”
“Maybe I’ll get a rematch with that knockoff Quicksilver.” Pietro crossed his arms as he sat down across from Tony. “I mean, I can understand having the same last name. Lots of people meet someone with the same last name as theirs. But the same superhero alias? That’s just a copycat.”
“Oh, let’s not start this again.” Clint groaned, raising the ramp as he started up the Quinjet.
“What exactly is he talking about?” Sebastian questioned before his eyes went slightly wide as Clint took off into the Manhattan skyline. “Woah.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool for your first time.” Clint admitted as he began to steer the jet up into the sky. “And Pietro was just talking about another speedster just like him. They kinda have a rivalry going on. Don’t even ask how it started. We’ll be here all day.”
“Fair enough.” Sebastian chuckled before directing his gaze to look out the window at all the passing buildings as they made their way out of the city and towards none other than Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Or in other words…
The X-Mansion.
Inside, X-Mansion, Corridor…
“Where are Raven and Hank?” Erik asked, having just arrived for the impending Thanksgiving feast.
“They’re in the kitchen.” Charles answered as he and Erik walked down the corridor. “Raven kicked me out of the kitchen because I kept trying taste everything. So now she’s recruited Hank to help her.”
Erik nodded, not being able to help the slight smirk that crossed his face. His and Charles’s attention was then brought to the large window they were walking past. It let you see out onto the large manicured lawn of the X-Mansion. But, that was not what caught their eye. What got their attention was the not-so inconspicuous Avengers Quinjet that was landing in the center of the lawn. “What are they doing here? Do you think Y/N decided to drop in for a visit.”
“No. Y/N isn’t with them.” Charles shook his head as he stepped up to the window, using his Telepathy to try and discern what the impromptu visit was for. “However, someone else is.”
“Who?” Erik asked, tilting his head slightly as he stepped up next to Charles.
Charles closed his eyes for a moment, trying to focus. It was only a moment more before a small smile came over his features and he turned to Erik. “If you’ll excuse me, I believe I have a visitor.”
Erik stood there for a moment, watching his good friend walk down the corridor and disappear around the corner before he himself then just shook his head and turned the opposite direction and continued on the way he had been going with Charles.
Outside, Lawn…
“Now, don’t let him scare you.” Clint chimed in as he, Sebastian, Tony and Pietro walked down the ramp of the Quinjet and onto the lawn of the X-Men. “'Cause you you know, he can be good at that.”
“I think I’ll be okay… Probably.” Sebastian responded indeed as he took a step forward towards the giant X-Mansion.
It was kinda just now occurring to Sebastian that this was the place Y/N had grown up most of her life. In other words, her childhood home.
“Now or never.” Sebastian muttered to himself before he began walking towards the mansion again just as a set of doors opened, revealing Charles Xavier to be standing there like he had been waiting for Sebastian to arrive.
“Sebastian.” Charles gave him a kind smile in greeting. “It’s good to finally meet you in person.”
“Likewise.” Sebastian nodded, shaking Charles’s outstretched hand. “Suppose it is better than the couple of times I’ve seen Y/N speak to you over Skype.”
“It is.” Charles agreed before motioning for Sebastian to walk inside. “Walk with me?”
“Of course.” Sebastian nodded before following Charles inside.
“So, what do you think?” Tony questioned, crossing his arms while he and Clint stood by the Quinjet as they watched the doors that Charles and Sebastian had walked through close.
“…I think it’ll be good.” Clint said, nodding to himself. “Sebastian’s a good man.”
“Yes, yes, that is all very nice.” Pietro rushed up in between Tony and Clint, putting his arms around their shoulders. “Now, I’m gonna go find that younger, less good looking version of me.”
“Play nice!” Tony called after Pietro, said speedster already all the way across the grounds to go and no doubt cause trouble. “Yeah, like that’ll happen.”
Inside, X-Mansion, Corridor…
“Really, it is quite good that you’re here.” Charles spoke as he and Sebastian walked side-by-side along the corridor. “I’ve been trying to get Y/N to bring you here so I could meet you.”
“Yes, life has been particularly busy as of late.” Sebastian replied as he and Charles came upon a set of wooden double doors.
“So I’ve seen.” Charles nodded in understanding as he pushed the doors to his study open. “Why don’t you tell me what brings you here, Sebastian.”
“Shouldn’t you already know?” Sebastian questioned as Charles rounded the large mahogany desk in the bookshelf-lined room.
“I might be a Telepath, but it is more fun for me to watch people tell me things for themselves.” He replied, motioning for Sebastian to sit down across from him. “Please, sit.”
“I guess I can understand that sentiment.” Sebastian shrugged as he took a seat on the other side of Charles’s desk.
“Yes, well, it does get somewhat quiet around here during the holidays. So, I take the opportunity when I can get it.” Charles told him as he sat across from Sebastian. “Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of your unexpected visit?”
“Well…” Sebastian trailed off, trying to pick out the right words. “I suppose, to put it as simply as I can, I’d like to know if you’re okay with me asking Y/N to marry me.”
Charles smiled slightly before he picked up a picture frame from his desk and turned it around to show Sebastian. “This was Y/N when she was eighteen, right before she went off to university. I hated taking this picture because it would be a reminder that she wasn’t my little girl anymore.”
Sebastian peered closer at the picture, examining Y/N from when she was younger. Her long (H/C) was cascading in waves down her back as she grinned at the camera while she sat on top of one of her packed suitcases.
“Y/N has been in my life since she was seven years old.” Charles’s voice broke Sebastian out of his own thoughts. “I never married, so Y/N was my top priority. She always will be.”
“I can understand that.” Sebastian nodded as he watched Charles place the picture frame back where it had been before standing up from the desk and walking to a set of glass doors that opened up onto a balcony that overlooked the massive lawn of the X-Mansion.
“When Y/N contacted me and told me about losing her powers last year, I was worried for her.” Charles continued as Sebastian stood up from the desk to come and join him out on the balcony. “I told her that maybe she should come back here and stay with me again for a while. Do you know what she told me?”
“What did she tell you?” Sebastian asked curiously before looking back out at the lawn and watching as both Quicksilvers raced around.
“She wanted to make her own way in life.” Charles answered. “I mean, after she had gone off to be with the Avengers, it’s like she had gained something she never could’ve had here with the X-Men. That’s not to say she completely rejected us. Not at all. She just found a better outlet for herself. A better way to use the ability that had been forced upon her years beforehand. Anyway, after that had been taken away from her, she wanted to try something new. She wanted to figure it out for herself. That opportunity arose when she met your friend Jared. And now I get to see her be happy while fighting fake monsters on tv.”
“It is a unique experience.” Sebastian admitted, wondering if Charles was going to answer his question.
Charles smirked internally, knowing just exactly what him not answering the question was doing to Sebastian. He didn’t need Telepathy for that.
“You know, after I brought Y/N to live with me, and to make everything legal, her last name was changed to Xavier for a while. But then she changed it back to Y/L/N after she turned eighteen.” Charles informed him. “That was fine. I didn’t mind. If I had been her, I probably would’ve done the same. She’ll always be my Y/N. I mean, she is the most important person in my life to me. And… I believe you are becoming that for hers.”
“That really means a lot to hear.” Sebastian told Charles, glancing at him. “Truly.”
“I’m glad.” Charles nodded, glancing at Sebastian. “That’s why my answer is yes. And I appreciate you asking me.”
“You’re welcome.” He nodded, shaking Charles hand once more before both of them turned back towards the lawn just in time to see Peter Maximoff stop and extend his leg and trip Pietro, making Clint and Tony burst out laughing as they watched.
“Cheater!” Pietro shouted.
Charles rolled his eyes before looking back to Sebastian. “Shall I show you out? I could introduce you to a few friends on our way.”
“Lead the way.” Sebastian nodded, motioning for Charles to go first.
New York City, New York, Inside, Avengers Tower, Lounge…
“How’s it coming?” Natasha asked as Y/N was bent over, looking into the oven.
“Looks good.” Y/N replied, standing back up straight and closing the oven door. “Pies should be done in like ten minutes. Seems like the last thing to come out of the oven will be the turkey.”
“I feel bad for Jane and her family.” Peter Quill commented from where he sat at the dining table by Wanda, Gamora, Rocket and Drax. “They’d have to get like three turkeys. One for them and two for Thor.”
“I wish I could object.” Steve chuckled as he stirred the mashed potatoes. “But that’s actually pretty accurate.”
“What’s accurate?” Clint asked as he entered the room.
“Thor eating two turkeys every Thanksgiving.” Bucky responded as he brought out the pumpkin pie from the fridge to set it on the kitchen island.
“He gives a whole new meaning to the term 'Goldie Locks’.” Tony pointed out as he and Sebastian entered the lounge, Pietro rushing right past them before swiping the pumpkin pie off the kitchen island and bringing it to place on the dining table in front of Drax and Rocket. Little Groot emerged from behind the giant bowl of cranberry sauce to stare in awe at the yummy looking pie.
“Ruff!” Balthazar barked from where he sat under the table on top of Wanda’s feet.
“Don’t worry, buddy. I made you a blueberry and unseasoned turkey pie.” Y/N called to her dog from where she stood in the kitchens “There’s no sugar, so it’s good for you.”
Sebastian chuckled as he walked over to stand next to Y/N, kissing her on the temple before peering over her shoulder at the dressing/stuffing she was making. “Everything smells delicious, ma chérie.”
Y/N couldn’t help but grin at the close proximity Sebastian was standing next to her. Even after almost a year of dating, he still managed to make her feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
It wasn’t until a while later as everyone was sitting around the dining table; Balthazar enjoying his dog-safe blueberry and unseasoned turkey pie, and little Groot walking across the table and taking a tiny bite of something off everyone’s plates, that Sebastian realized just exactly how much he was sure of what he wanted to ask Y/N in the next month or so.
“Happy Thanksgiving, mon amour.” Y/N whispered as she leaned over, pecking Sebastian on the cheek before she was drawn into another conversation with Bruce and Tony.
Sebastian smiled at her before turning back to his plate that little Groot has just grabbed a cranberry from.
Yeah, he was definitely sure.
A/N: There ya go! 😁
This didn’t turn out exactly how I had originally planned, and I’m sorry if it wasn’t that great. BUT, I still hope you enjoyed it a little. 🙂
I’m really happy that Sebastian is wanting to marry Y/N. 💕 I hope you are, too! ❤️
Anyway, I hope to work on the next chapter soon. But, you all know what today it is.
Until next time! 😘
💋 Love always, ~Maddy
F.A.T.A. Tags: @ann-onymous01 / @steve-rogers-fanfics / @adidabach / @iamnotsaneatall
Forever Tags: @crazysocklovingfangirl / @smoothdogsgirl / @anonymousbambi / @growningupgeek / @duquesarosa / @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked / @avengingthesupernatural / @totallysupernaturaloneshots / @helloangelicaaaaa / @paddy1219 / @shamvictoria11 / @mora-firestone / @nerdysandwichqueen / @wificrazymisfit / @gabriels-trix / @evyiione / @boredoutofmymindstuff / @castiels-tardis-sound / @tricksters-captain / @magpiegirl80 / @riversong-sam / @dont-hate-relate-pls / @your-not-invisible-to-me / @natasha-cole
{Let me know if you would like to be tagged in future parts of this story or if you would like to be added to my forever tags.}
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thorne93 · 7 years
Lost and Found (Part 13- FINAL)
Prompt: Imagine finding a lost dog, but it’s not just anyone’s lost dog. Who will show up at your door to claim the pup?
Warnings: Maybe language…and…crying? Idk
Word Count: 1656
Note: My precious doggie went missing on 6/10 and no one has spotted her or turned her in to the local shelters or anything. I miss her so much, but it inspired this fic. Texts are in italics. Thanks to my darling beta @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​
Tags: @amarvelouswritings​ @blackwidow-romanoff​ @cocosierra94​ @firstgal34​ @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @sebstan01 @camigt1999 @elleatrixlestrange​ @bittersweetunicorm @moonlightimagination​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @capandbuck
A week passed since he showed up at your door. You won’t lie, you wanted to call him, to tell him to come back. To tell him you missed him. But why? What good would it do? He clearly didn’t know what he he wanted. So you wallowed. You continued down your wicked spiral into despair and heartbreak, not even trying to stay above the waves of torment that crashed over you.
At the end of that week, Ida had texted you, asking to meet in Central Park on a certain bridge to hang out.
“No,” you responded, no where near ready to leave the house.
“Just do it. Get out of the house, mopey.”
You would’ve fought harder but you honestly didn’t feel like it.
You arrived at twilight on the bridge, not noticing at first that soft white fairy lights were lining the walkway, the edge of the bridge and the handrails. Small lanterns were placed there as well. You assumed some dude was trying to romance his girlfriend. Half of you felt bitter, the other half was really happy for the girl.
You waited and waited. Twenty minutes went by and you had texted Ida twice. She responded once, saying she was on her way. At the thirty minute mark you huffed and told her via text that you were leaving. Right as you turned to walk away though, a particular song started nearby by a live orchestra. Although, you couldn’t exactly pinpoint the location of the sound, you knew it was a large symphony orchestra.
You’d heard this song a hundred times. You’d made Sebastian sit through the movie with you about five times since he’d moved in and you often played it in the car or at work, belting out to it. It wasn’t hard to figure out that it was your favorite song. It was unmistakable - Evermore, from Beauty and the Beast. You would know it anywhere.
“I was the one who had it all, I was the master of my fate,” Sebastian suddenly started singing as he came up on the bridge.
“Sebastian?” you breathed, wondering what was going on.
He merely grinned at you and continued singing. “I never needed anybody in my life. I learned the truth too late.” He was slowly making his way to you, emotion evident in his eyes as he continued singing. Tears started to prick your eyes. You weren’t sure what you were feeling in that moment, but you didn’t want to go anywhere else.
“I’ll never shake away the pain. I close my eyes but she’s still there. I let her steal into my melancholy heart, it’s more than I can bear.”
The first bittersweet tear started to fall and you laughed at yourself, wiping it with your sleeve.
“Now I know she’ll never leave me, even as she runs away,” he sang and you slowly realized he was singing this song from him to you. He didn’t pick it because it was your favorite song…He picked it because it’s how he felt. “She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me, move me, come what may. Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door, I’ll fool myself, she’ll walk right in and be with me for evermore.”
By now, he’d closed half the distance between you two.
“I rage against the trials of love, I curse the fading of the light. Though she’s already flown so far beyond my reach, she’s never out of sight.”
A few more strides and he would be inches from you. Your heart was beating so fast as you struggled to breathe properly.
“Now I know she’ll never leave me, even as she fades from view. She will still inspire me, be a part of everything I do.”
Two more strides.
“Wasting in my lonely tower, waiting by an open door, I’ll fool myself, she’ll walk right in.”
He was here. In front of you. Arm’s length away, his voice had grown softer.
“And as the long, long nights begin, I’ll think of all that might have been, waiting here for evermore.”
The music faded as his eyes held so much emotion. Hope, happiness, pleading, sorrow, torment, life…love.
He handed you a long stemmed red rose, your favorite flower, and he remembered.
“Sebastian…” you started, laughing and crying, not sure what you were feeling.
“Y/N,” he started, making it clear that it was his turn to talk. “I meant it. Every word. I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you. I never should’ve left you. That was cruel of me. I said I was doing it for you but the truth was I was doing it for myself. I never thought I’d need anyone…But I need you. I miss you. I love you. I’ve been in love with you and whether you accept my apology and take me as I am, you will always be a part of me. I see your face everywhere I go. I’m inspired by you every day. I waited and waited and waited for you to call or text or come on set or come to my house. When you never did, I realized just what I had done. I was a coward, hoping you would make the first move, but why would you? I hurt you, I know that. But I’m not running any more.” He took a small break and you noticed he was shaking. “Y/N, not being next to you was torture. I miss you so fucking much. Please, forgive me.”
You frowned at him for a split second before throwing your arms around his neck and your lips crashing on his in a passionate, bruising kiss. His hands immediately curved around your back, holding you tighter to him, as if he let go, you’d escape his grasp yet again. The sheer feeling of his touch, his lips on you was the most freeing feeling you’d ever felt.
“Thank you,” he breathed once you pulled apart, foreheads resting against each other.
It was then that you realized people were clapping, cheering, and recording. You giggled at the event as you nuzzled his nose.
“So, you recruited Ida?” you wondered with a slight smirk.
“I had to have a partner in crime.”
“So, you’re the villain to my hero?” you asked mischievously.
“Something like that,” he noted as his nose crinkled.
“Was all that stuff about Spinee true?”
“Yeah, actually, it is. He’s not doing well without you. I think…we’re just going to have to move back in together, you know, for his sake.”
“Oh of course, I can’t stand you, so, I’m doing it for him.”
“Yeah, well I’m not the one who leaves dirty socks on the floor.”
You smirked and laughed. “It’s my house, you asshat, I’ll leave dirty whatever and wherever I want to.”
“That shit isn’t gonna fly. We split all this shit 50-50 or no deal.”
“Really? No deal?”
“Get over yourself, Sebastian,” you teased, nudging him.
The next day, you had texted Ida, chastising her for tricking you. When she asked if it worked, you sent her a pic of Seb making coffee, then put your phone away.
“I noticed all your posters of me are gone…” he commented softly as he turned and leaned against the counter.
“Yeah, it was too hard to look at them so…”
“Hey, that’s okay. I get it.”
“I smashed the mug you gave me,” you admitted with guilt gnawing at your tongue..
“Hey, it’s just a mug. I’ll buy you a thousand more if you want them,” he said as you walked up and put your arms around his waist, hugging him close to you.
Chris and Ida asked to go out on a double date within the next few weeks and you obliged. It was a really fun night now that everyone was on the same page.
Within just a few weeks though, Sebastian’s stuff didn’t all fit in your apartment, so you two agreed to find something more suitable for your needs. You began apartment hunting together and finally found something that had a big enough master bathroom, master bedroom, 2 extra rooms, one for your office and the other for Seb, and a perfect kitchen and living room.
The day you signed the new lease agreement and got your stuff moved in, Seb asked you in your bedroom where he said he had a surprise for you.
“If this is you in the Winter Soldier outfit, I am so down for that,” you said with a laugh as you walked into the room, but something caught your eye and it wasn’t your sexy boyfriend.
It was the furry companion he had next to him. It was an black lab.
“I got her for you,” he said sweetly. “You’ve mentioned more than once that you missed having a dog and I think it’s only fair you have one of your own. Besides, Spinee needs a friend.”
“Seb,” you said as tears trickled down your face. You ran to him and hugged and kissed him before dropping down to pet the dog.
“Oh, my gosh. What’s her name?” you asked as you looked up at him excitedly.
He laughed. “She’s your dog, babe. You name her whatever you want.”
“Shit, I’m bad with names…What about…Chuffy?”
He threw his head back and laughed, clapping.
“That’s perfect.”
“I thought so too.”
And so, it turns out, it wasn’t Spinee who was lost. It was Sebastian, and through trials of love and heartbreak, you found him. In a way, you’d been lost too, never knowing what true love felt like, but Sebastian had returned the favor, finding that within you too. While you hoped it never happened again, you knew, that if either one of you were ever lost, the fates would inevitably put you in each other’s paths to find each other.
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3peasabroad · 7 years
A Memorable 18 hrs of Running
Last Friday evening, I left for a run on my usual route. Within the first half mile I had already been crowed, mowed and baud at. I also had caught the attention of half a dozen children who all screamed a variation of "Hello/how are you/see you, Mazungu". All standard stuff, when all of a sudden something very different occurred. As the base of the trap music playing in my headphones dropped, a bearded, medium sized monkey popped out of the brush and began running on all fours down the road. Keys and Krates, "Keep it 100" was the backdrop to this OG's* parade. I froze up and stared at the furry creature in confusion. I imagined a Curious George type of zookeeper to jump out of the brush a few seconds later in pursuit of the animal. However, I reminded myself that I'm in East Africa, and that this was most likely (99% positive) a wild monkey. After the little guy had jumped back into the brush, I became surprised at how shocked I was to see a free monkey. This is the way it ought to be anyhow--monkeys enjoying the "Pearl of Africa" in harmony with humans, not caged up for display in some crowded zoo. Locals on both sides of the road noticed my shocked expression, and began to laugh hysterically. Touché. It was a gentle reminder that I am still very much a foreigner in this part of the world. A mile and a half later, the excitement continued. As I began to ascend the side of a mountain, I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye closing in on me. I gave a wave to encourage the shadow to catch up and run with me. Quickly, I noticed that the runner was closing in very quickly. He screamed "Run, muzungu, run!".. I had a challenger. Ironically, the lyrics playing into my headphones were "I want to dance, I want to dance, dance, dance with you". I thought "Let's dance, bro." As he closed the gap, I began to accelerate to match his pace. We sprinted side by side, hopping over ruts and dodging school children. Unsure if I could hold his pace for much longer, I checked his feet to see if he was wearing shoes. Many of the people who have run alongside Jordan and I have either been bare foot or in sandals. And if this homie was sprinting up this broken glass and gravel covered climb barefoot, then he deserved the title of Honey Badger (reference YouTube). Thankfully for my ego, the challenger was wearing sneakers. After matching each other for roughly one hundred meters, my home-slice verred to the side, pulled a U-ie and jogged down the descent. I slowed to a stop, paused my music, put my hands on my knees and took a moment to catch my breath. Then I finished the climb. After reaching the top, I began my descent towards home. While passing the market place at the bottom of the climb I heard someone over the music in my headphones yelling "aye, aye". I looked in the direction of the sound. It was the sprinter. He waved and pointed, and said "That's my bro!" I smiled in his direction and gave him a thumbs up. On the way back, I past the area where I saw the OG monkey. In front of the wooded area where the monkey had leaped from, a young women was now taking a picture of who I presumed to be her children and husband. Once she saw me, she giggled and bolted up the road with her camera. She opened up a sizable gap. I put in a dig and sprinted up to her, and when I made the bridge, I looked over and smiled. She broke out into a hysterical laughter and veered to the side before running back to her family. That moment reminded me of a time when I was younger and would chase my mom in the park. When I would catch her, she would scream and laugh, and then give me a big hug. "Hey Mama" by Kanye began playing shortly after this thought. As I approached home, I was able to capture the setting sun (photo attached). When I got back, I stuck my head into the house, and called out for Calebu, who had wanted to run earlier with me. From the threshold, I could see him totally zoned into the TV watching "Despicable Me 2". I can't blame him, and I didn't want to interrupt, so I let him be. The next morning, Calebu sat down next to me on the couch. I put down the book I was reading and we started talking about random stuff, when he broke off on a tangent and exclaimed that "We didn't run yesterday." This 4 year olds face was distraught when he said those words. I explained to him that I had called for him yesterday but he didn't hear me, and he replied, "We run today?" I responded, "How about right now?" He lit up and jumped off of the couch. We went outside, slid our sandals on and ran towards the road. We passed Ashar and Blessy, and I asked them if they wanted to join. Without a word in response, they began running for the road. The 4 of us, all still in our PJs, ran up the mountain side. We reached the top of the road and these kiddos dive bombed back down. Their short legs pivoting off the ground at absurd rates, leaving me in the dust. We reached the house, and I asked Calebu if he wanted to go again and he gave me a huge smile of contentment, opened his eyes wide and swayed his head side to side in exhaustion. Ashar and Blessy had other ideas, and sprinted up the climb for another lap around the neighborhood. These are the sorts of moments have made my experience in Uganda what it's been--memorable. *= acronym for original gangster -Seb
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EPISODE 1 (Part 1) - “I'll be sharpening my knife just in case” - Eddie
im gay
The Cheshire Cat is back again
Ok it is only like 15 minutes into the game so I don't have anything to say but I love you Jay! So I am making a confessional <3
Im y'all putting me on a tribe with Jaiden who I have not talked to for months and who is in general probably the messiest org player you will find on the planet. I'm in vermont right now in at an inn with shitty service so I'm definitely ready to be booted out of this thing pretty quickly. But I'll be sharpening my knife just in case I can somehow make it a swap.
This season I'm going to write actually decent confessionals. At least I hope! This tribe is pretty lit and the people are so nice!  I obviously haven't had a lot of time  to get to know everyone but I cant wait! I really think this is going to be a great season!
I'm actually pretty content with the tribe I got placed on, because I only know Eddie. I could probably use that to my advantage but I don't know if he likes me so... good luck to me. I like playing in games where I know very few people but I am definitely a little worried about Keyonjay being on the other tribe because he will probably go out before I ever swap onto the same tribe as him, and that lowkey sucks. I'm also SUPER concerned about Ting Ting because I hear she's a huge threat and she and Seamus are like, dating IRL or something so hmm. Gonna keep that on my radar.
Five minutes in and I already hate my tribe, there isn't really anyone I can put my trust in, we better not lose the first immunity challenge, I'm not leaving first again...
um I hope i am okay in this game idk these people too well and I just hope i can stay a while I fucking hate not knowing the cast before but whatever can i just say I love Jay and that is all.
Our tribe is really talkative... which is horrible for me bc im not asdfghjkl. Oh well we have a lot of comp beasts on out tribe so we should be good.
I've never done this in a game before but let me do a little cast assessment. First let's start with my tribe, Namtso! Jared and I have a lil history in games where I always always always get him out somehow someway. Who knows if he'll trust me! I LOVE KENDALL, nuff said. I have no idea who all the others are but I hope I can make friends with them and have them not vote me off n stuff. In Kailash, I already have Carson added but idk them that well. I love Chrissa and I hope we both make merge or swap on a tribe together and be besties. Dani can go! I love Elena I hope we can acc work together earlier this time than I did in Pompeii. I'm not sure about Seb, he literally just evicted me as hoh in another game rofl. Everyone else idk but I hate that I know more ppl on this tribe than my own tribe. I guess I gotta get talking huh? The last tribe with the unreadable buff has Matt and Trysten. Matt's my fellow furry and Trysten is also semi-furry so I hope they can survive. As for Jaiden, FUCK him I hope he gets out before I even have to deal with his ass. And again idk everyone else.
Two confessionals in one night? Not surprising. I was really excited to have a non-messy tribe but for some reason, I'm put with two fellow normal people and four confirmed freaks. I don't even know who Johnny is yet but he's literally looped in with those weirdos until further notice. Let's do a quick cast assessment of my tribe, which I forgot its name already because ? flops only. EDDIE - Y'all really did this to me, huh? Eddie hasn't spoken to me since BEFORE October because that's the furthest our chat history even goes. It's me sending messages and him not responding and it's literally the most disappointing thing ever because now I have to work with him in order to exterminate the furries and dildo freaks of this tribe. He's a nice guy and I will only allow him to stick around premerge because he is also a huge threat and a bigger backstabber than I am. JAIDEN - flop JOHNNY - He is not here yet but I think he'll be cool to talk to later on I guess, because we're the same age but he seems more "put together" and like he has legitimate goals in his life. But he's also a college student so I don't expect him to be around much, so I just want to work with him until there is no more need for him if he truly is an inactive person. JULIA - Honestly? She's fucking annoying already lmao SORRY IF UR READING THIS but she talks about dildos and getting fucked in the ass by furries and it's just like... calm down. It's day one and she's already said about 500 things and it's 500 things too much. Definitely bottom of the tribe so far lmao. MATT - He IS loud and cocky and I think he's going to try really really hard to be the Tyson-esque villain this season, so he's also my least favorite because he is not going to be genuine or good at this game. He could go. TING TING -  She's sweet so far but she's really hard to talk to because her answers are so short and they can end a conversation in a second. I feel like she's the only person I like at the moment and that sucks so much because damn, she's not easy to talk to. I'm hoping that we have to go to tribal council first though and pump some of those strategic juices into the tribe because I feel like she'll open right up if that's the case. TRYSTEN - Okay I immediately want him to be first boot because he's the most annoying but in subtle ways. He's like "SOMEONE ALREADY THINKS IM AN ALT" and like well, maybe because you're so adamant that you aren't??? Like shut up. And he's saying that Dani is his sister or something in his cast intro and literally no one cares, but you're just a freak thats putting a huge target on their back for no reason. Anyways...enjoy being the only person to get 21st place in this series :o FLOP! So yeah, there's my cast assessment for this tribe. Hopefully I can fall into an alliance and not get first boot from this horrific tribe, but it could probably be worse on the other side. Wish me luck, and tell the VL to suck my left nut! xoxo
I really like my tribe a lot. I have a really good feeling about Nicholas, that he could be a strong ally down the road. Kendall is hilarious, I'm vibing with her pretty well. I've had a short conversation with Amanda. Ace is a fucking amazing artist, and newlyf is cool even though I don't even know their real first name and they haven't messaged me back lol. I like everybody so far and I'm making a conscious effort to get to know everybody unlike in my other games where I would wait for people to come to me. Maybe it's the power of the meesh avatar, but I really hope my social game is better this time around. Y'all wrong for making this the first challenge tho @hosts.
So I just wanna make a SHORT rant on how I feel about my tribemates. Eddie: Eddie my fellow Gorlley. You're cool and I hope we do get to work together moving forward here. Jaiden: Bruh, you're funny and you also seem cool af. Let's pray my opinion on you doesn't change Johnny: Why u no active? Julia: I really feel like you might become one of my best friends here. You're really cool to talk to Matt: You sexy monster you. *winks* Ting Ting: Just like Julia, you really might become one of my best friends here. Trysten: Stop lying about being an angel, I can see right into your soul.
So I really wasn't gonna do the day one alliance thing, but Kendall proposed we go into an alliance and ofc I'm gonna say yes. haha. I do actually like her a lot so that's good. She pulled in Ace, and I wanted to pull in Nicholas because I feel like me and him gel pretty well. Hopefully people see Kendall as the figurehead because my whole strategy was to fly UTR but things change like that in this game. Basically, I just wanna make friends with everybody so I'm not the target regardless, do well in the challenges, and not overthink things like I usually do.
I'm talking to Ally in PC and I swear I'm getting Mega vibes from her. I swear if Ally is Mega....
Hello. It's me. I've been wondering after all these years, if you'd like to me. To go over everything.... Yeah that's all I know, I mean sure I could look up the lyrics on Google but I am far too lazy. No wait I also know HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE It has been ten billion years since my last confessional/game, which may seem mathematically impossible because I've only played survivor for one year but shut up because this is my confessional... bitch. Any who, I am back with two percent more evil and one percent more effectiveness. No longer will I be a drifter, just sort of hanging back and waiting for anyone to pick me up and drag me along, I will be the leader!!!!!!!! Despite having about zero charisma and even less interpersonal skills. But my mommy says I am special so there. Anyway I have made an alliance with people. Ew gross I know. But it has to be done. I've made a group of people who were speficially selected because of their incompetence in some areas. Ace the Squabit:  I've played with Ace in Pompeii, we aligned for a short period of time before Drew voted him out. He is incredibly intelligent but he isn't particularly social. Creating a bond with him shouldn't be too difficult because of this fact. Keyonjay Dixon: Aside from having a bitchin' name, Keyonjay has one of the rare characteristics of getting my sense of humor. He isn't very connected to the community so I don't have to worry about any pregame alliances he may have made. In a previous game, he stated to have "played for someone else," time will tell if he will repeat this mistake. And last but not least we have, Nicholas: I don't know him very well and I don't have as much control over him as I do the others. Which frightens me... but I think we get along just fine. I've recommended Survivor seasons to him because he hasn't seen the show so maybe that will bring a bond of some sort. As for the other tribe members, Amanda seems pretty chill and Newlyf is fucking hilarious. I'd like to avoid getting them out if I can. Jared on the other hand... I don't particularly care. He is so boring and has terrible spelling, two of the worst qualities. He called me a psycho in a PM to Ace, which is mildly amusing because I don't think he knows how far it really goes. He doesn't trust Ace, he doesn't like me, he was barely on for the first half of the game. Jared serves no use to me or anyone in my cult... sorry alliance lol auto correct. Anyway I will update when I get more information but until then... HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I really wanna trust these people, but I really cant. I literally have one ally and it's already almost day 2. Well, one ally is better than none I guess. I just really wanna win immunity. I'm not taking the risk of going to tribal council.
Basically Ting Ting is a queen and I'm  planning on making her my Sam of this game and I've pretty much let her know that. Although idk if she finds it sketchy that after once hour I said that but I honestly don't have as much time as a thought as I would so I need to leech myself to a strategically gifted iconic queen that will carry me through the beginning stages of the game into the merge. I honestly haven't decided if I'm going to stay loyal to Ting or not. But if I do vote her out it wouldn't be until the final 5 which is about the time that I probably should've cut Sam in bangladesh but I didn't cause I'm an emotionally human being. By that time though I'll probably have become way too close with Ting to cut her and I will probably make the same mistake I did in Bangladesh which is not taking out the clear jury threat and the person who will obviously win the game at the end. But that won't matter to me as long as I get to have fun bathing in the blood from all the other people who's demise I will cause. I'm going to busy these first rounds of the game but once things slow down and I settle into my city life I should be able to really get into it. I don't need other people knowing that though. Right now I'm just gonna play the sort of active, sort of inactive number for who ever is running the tribe (which will probably be ting which is why I decided to leech myself onto her). I believe Jaiden will try to run the tribe but he and I mean... he can think he is. But I will make sure Ting Ting knows all about his ruthless gameplay and the erratic and messy way he plays. She can do all the work rope in the numbers and I'll just be her little yes man. Whatever gets me to the swap tbh. Either way, I want to keep Jaiden on the outs while making him believe he's the leader. If I have it my he will be first boot, but if not I will coddle him and make him feel like I'm close with him right until I put the knife in his back which I'm hoping will he sooner rather than later, especially on a tribe with such small numbers. Idk how well that will work but it's worth a shot. I also have been talking to Roxy a bit and also matt. Im gonna go to them tomorrow on my drive home from vermont and be like "hey guys!!! Im a busy man!!!! Sorry couldn't talk to you last night!!!! And then talk to them all the way on the ride home and build up some type of bond or whatever.... Jaiden not being around tomorrow should make it even worse on him? Either way, I'm going to do a faceplant into Ting Tings ass. I have no shame in kissing someones ass just to get myself further in this game. That's what this is all about amiright? I'm honestly ready to be first boot, but if I'm not this should be fun.
I should be scared of the Pokemon Camp Community but I'm not really. Its true they are a force and nobody could stand against them if they are all together but I doubt half of them would make merge. Kendall and I are already planning on taking out Jared if we ever lose cuz he said he doesnt trust me and called Kendall a psycho (which is true in a good way~) Dani and Trysten might seem like a threat to others in tribe stage due to Trystan's bio I guess? I dunno. As for Seb idk why yall casted him cuz he's probably most likely 75% chance going to strike out and be removed anyway so nobody should worry about him.
So. It's been a day and someone has already asked to work with me. #Dani. I dont know where this is going to go i know I'm not committing myself to anything this drastic on day one. I guess it's nice to know I have one option! Dani seems really nice! So who knows
If we don't win this fucking reward challenge I will be PISSED, I busted my ass in that stupid ass unicorn game and pretended to enjoy that shit so other people would do it.
Honestly, I feel like I did good on this first challenge. I still trying to figure out who on my tribe would be the best for me to make an alliance with. In a sense, I am somewhat apprehensive because of Lazio and its endless tribe swaps....eh, time to snoop around.
0 notes