#i am giffing as i'm watching so i have no clue what happens next
oyeixcher · 4 months
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First as Yok in Not Me ↳ Episode 2
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melbatron5000 · 5 months
The Big Damn Kiss
Buckle up, my fellow Good Omens Ineffable Mystery Puzzlers, Crackpotters, and Assorted Brainrotters, because I learned something HUGE yesterday.
This will be a bit of a long post, because I want to show you exactly how I got where I am. I want you to understand. I want to put all the naysayers to bed (ha! But I'm still gonna try), and settle this once and for all.
I know (almost) exactly what Crowley gave to Aziraphale during the kiss.
Okay? Okay. Thanks. Shall we begin?
Firstly, whether you believe me or not, I am 100% certain that Crowley did, indeed, give something to Aziraphale in his mouth during The Kiss. I've covered that in the link previous. Okay? Okay.
I did not know what it was. I've now heard theories that it was a bullet (nope), a ball bearing (nope), hellfire (nope), and no one, NO ONE has suggested what I see. (If you have, hello! Talk to me!)
Here's our first foreshadowing Clue:
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And here's our next foreshadowing Clue:
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And the next:
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And our last Clue:
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With me so far? Well, that first GIF is a bit off, I couldn't find one of Crowley actually spitting out the flies. But he does. When Beelzebub first drags him to Hell, he actually goes "Pleaugh!" and spits out four or five flies. Edit: Found it!
Moving right along, we come to Crowley in Heaven with Muriel, looking at the trial. We learn two important things here:
One, Gabriel doesn't have a desk.
Two, Muriel does. Where they keep the records. And it's a bit lonely. Every few hundred years, someone comes and asks for something. Muriel can't access the sensitive ones, you have to be pretty high up. A throne, dominion, or higher. Like, maybe Supreme Archangel?
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So if Gabriel doesn't have a desk, whose desk is he at when he's getting ready to leave Heaven? Of course I can't find a damn picture of Gabriel at the desk, but it's Muriel's. Where they keep the RECORDS.
Gabriel puts his memory into the fly, then gets on the elevator to go to Earth.
Now, when Gabriel opens the fly with his memories inside, we find out that it's a container. Bigger on the inside. You can put thing(S) in it. The bit we see of him remembering is shot in two parts, one where he's flying down a red tunnel, one where he's flying down a blue. If you slow this scene down and watch, you can see that he is NOT looking at just his own memories. There is more going on here, more that he was not present for. @embracing-the-ineffable put up a great meta about that here. Go look!
Now I figured Gabriel must have taken something else. Something important. Something useful. Something he meant to give to Aziraphale, except he forgot.
I also figured he must have left whatever it was in the fly when he took his memories out. Crowley must have realized while watching the trial footage that Gabriel also grabbed something else. I don't know when Crowley grabs the fly, but he does. And that is what he gives to Aziraphale in the kiss. Why? Well.
I had no idea what Gabriel took until I started working on the chiastic structure of season 2. I'm not done with that analysis yet, but let me show you one thing that I have found so far:
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(The numbers are just to try and help me navigate the story and its events without time stamps)
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My note #357 of what happens isn't quite right, but when I saw the only two times Aziraphale says "I forgive you" are towards the beginning of Season 2 and towards the end, I realized I had something.
Rephrase line 357: Crowley's kiss is forgiven IN EXCHANGE FOR RECORDS.
(Not that I think Crowley's kiss needs to be forgiven. It's just what Aziraphale says, and had to say at that moment, because the Metatron was listening in.)
What does Heaven in Good Omens remind us of most of all?
A big corporate entity. And what do powerful people do when they get fired from a big corporate entity? They download all their emails while they're cleaning out their desks. Damning emails. Emails that can be used to black mail or even destroy big corporate entities. Or, ya know, maybe they swipe some sensitive RECORDS?
Oh yes.
Records that Gabriel meant to give to Aziraphale, but he forgot. Records that Crowley realized Gabriel had put in the fly. The fly that Crowley grabbed once Gabriel had his memory out. The fly that he gave to Aziraphale when he kissed him. The fly that no longer held Gabriel's memory, but did still contain those damning records.
Here's Aziraphale reading the records:
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Here's Aziraphale being horrified and outraged by what he's reading:
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And here's Aziraphale realizing he has got some GOOD DIRT on Heaven. Maybe enough to bring them down:
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That's it folks. I have no idea what the records actually say, and maybe we're not meant to know until season 3, but whatever it is, it's GOOD.
That's my story, and by God Herself, I'm sticking to it.
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terpernoctem · 9 months
well hi there
i think it's high time we bring the personal posts back, what do you think? yeah let's do this
not really sure how—
happy new year, i guess, for a start!
2024. *insert paul rudd gif* (you know the one) (i could do it, really) (insert it, i mean) (after all, this is the internet) (but i don't want to) (so just picture it in your mind's eye and pretend you can do telepathy) (perhaps you can) (thrilling, innit?)
it's the fucking year 2024, you guys. who can believe this. how??????
i don't know about you but i never even thought of 2024 before.
more than that—it's like, i never thought of myself growing past the age of, let's say 22.
i remember being a kid, like in high school, vaguely trying to shape out the contours of the person i wanted to be. i remember applying for law degrees. but it was so unserious—i don't even think i ever gave it serious thought. they said pick something to do and i was, and honestly still am, shit at science (which was, the big thing back then) and too lazy to think of anything else. in retrospect, maybe i would have liked that. law, i mean. maybe it would have given me some kind of purpose.
maybe my nervous break down would have happened two years earlier.
in senior year, i was briefly crushing on a guy who wanted to be a vet (at least that's what i imagined it was what he wanted to be—it's not like we ever talked about it so maybe i made it up completely). i visited paris that summer right before senior year (i was traveling alone with my mum for the first time) and i remember thinking like "oh yes, i will definitely come and live here, i guess" (and do what? watch that dude become a vet? bet.) and i could picture it, for like 5 seconds, but it was like watching something from above. i wasn't actually picturing myself living this life. it's like, i was a character in a movie.
meanwhile i didn't have the faintest idea what i would be doing with my life.
and i still don't! yayy
i kid you not
more than an entire decade went by and i still have got no clue what i want to be. worse: i honestly believe that i'm useless at most things.
last night i got a rejection email for a ny internship i applied to 3 months ago. it's not that i was surprised, but still. i think i still have these delusions that my life hasn't quite started, and that there's this great big thing that's going to come up and change everything for the better.
in a way, i think the reason why i took the last job i had is somewhere along these lines. such big hopes.
and all for what?
i'm writing these lines on my parents' couch. since november, i'm back in my teenage bedroom—the one where i brought the only boy i've ever loved all these years ago. it looks nothing like it did back then and yet, it's full of ghosts, no matter how thoroughly i cleanse it. everything in this town, everything on this island haunts me. my old life in europe feels like a distant dream.
pros: free food. not constantly worrying about my aging parents. cons: i'm never alone. but it's strangely okay. (i guess a decade of acute loneliness would do that.)
and yes, haunting aside, where else would i be? my mum has asked me a couple times: "what are you doing here, rotting away with your old parents? why don't you go and keep living your life?"
and boy oh boy, wouldn't you like to know? i sure would.
stay tuned, it's going to be a packed year—i'm (finally) going to get my driver's license in the next few months (never got to get around it before) and potentially, a sense of self.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
tagged by @gillianthecat and why not?
NAME: Call my Francis. Or Here. Or... Dork. I don't care.
SIGN: Aquarius. No idea if it fits me, have never cared, never will care.
HEIGHT: 5'11"
TIME: 2:10 pm currently and still just cool enough that I can leave the window open, yaaay
BIRTHDAY: January and, frankly, the biggest deal of my birthday is going out to dinner and the other people working in the classroom always make sure there's something. But it's mostly about dinner.
FAVOURITE ARTIST/BAND: Currently? Dan the Bard and Arne Parrot are stuck in my head because Ren Faire.
LAST MOVIE: Shrek the Musical. Yes. I love it. No, you can't change my mind.
LAST SHOW: Just finished Love Mechanics, also watched 21 Days Theory and On Cloud Nine today. No clue WTF OC9 is doing but, eh, I'm here.
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: 2011 or so for Homestuck. Yep. That's how I started here, y'all. Made it while I was working at a zoo on a slow day and sitting in front of a computer with nothing to do and the rest is history.
WHAT I POST: BL analysis, gifs, screaming, fandom, criticism and occasional food posts and the rarer just generalize 'hey, I am a human!' posts about either things I do or my job in special education.
OTHER BLOGS: Yes but they're all Homestuck and dead.
DO I GET ASKS: Shockingly commonly and I love every single one of them and all of you.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-7 hours. I keep myself to very specific schedule most of the time and am incapable of sleeping past 6 am no matter what I do
WHAT I'M WEARING: Blue gym shorts and a shirt that says 'May the fleece baa with ewe' based on The Death Sheep of Hell song by Tom Smith and because I love a good pun.
DREAM JOB: Pretty much what I do, tbh? I work as a 1:1 aide in special education and I love it so much. It's absolutely ideal. The only thing better would 1:1 educational aide and nanny but my unwillingness to get a driver's license kinda removes that from my list of possibilities.
DREAM TRIP: At this point, it'd be going to a little BL tour of countries but I'd have to go with someone so... probably never gonna happen. But I'd love to do a whole trip with someone who could force me out of my comfort zone because otherwise I'd just, like, lurk in front of shops and flee if anyone spoke to me and never actually see anything.
Realistically? I'm hoping to get to St Louis with a group of friends next summer to go to the zoo and City Museum.
FAVOURITE SONGS (and quotes from them, just for some spice): Uh. Dear lord.
Let's just go with Sheep Marketing Ploy thanks to my shirt.
"Way down in the fiery lake, Lucifer had a lot at steak, But he wanted some lamb chops instead, and Shari Lewis wasn't dead, So he kidnapped some virgin wool, grabbed its soul and began to pull, But he never thought that the lamb he'd caught Would rebel and then conquer and rule."
lol I know @absolutebl already did this but I also posted the song with the most puns in a single song I know so I'm gonna tag them anyway.
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whosscruffylooking · 4 years
The Purest Things-A New Home
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
a/n: this is a repost considering it didn’t show up in any of the tags yesterday. have i mentioned how much i despise tumblr sometimes :) again, i want to give a special shoutout to @avengersbau for giving me a second set of eyes on this one.
word count: 2k
warnings: canon-typical violence and descriptions of injury.
The Purest Things Masterlist
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gif is not mine! credit goes to @hqtchner
au! october 2007
Bookend: “It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
"I am SSA Hotchner. Welcome to the team Agent Y/L/N," his voice reminds you of the transatlantic accents of Hollywood stars of old. The kind you used to hear in the old black and white movies you would watch as a child.
"It's an honor to be here sir," you stare directly into his brown, soulfully deep eyes.
"J.J., get us started, please," SSA Hotchner suggests.
Sitting down, you look to the screen that displays the frightful footage of bombs detonating in various locations.
"Yesterday, an 81-year-old woman was severely injured when a bomb exploded in the toilet of a women's restroom," J.J. informs.
"Interesting spot to hide a bomb," Agent Prentiss sneers.
Jennifer flips through the slides and shows another bombsight located in a subway station, "Last year a similar bomb that had been attached to a phone box detonated. No outstanding injuries were reported. However, the bombs' similar makeup alerted detectives to dig into other bombings throughout the years. They have positively identified attacks over the past twelve years as perpetrated by the same bomber."
Spencer adds, "His M.O. is similar to George Peter Metesky, better known as the Mad Bomber. He terrorized New York City over a period of 16 years. He planted bombs in theaters, subway stations, libraries, and offices. They were left in phone booths, storage lockers and restrooms."
"Do you think we are looking at a copycat?" Derek questions.
"If we are, we need to stop him soon," declared David.
"He's escalating-becoming bolder and more vicious," you say, scanning the report.
"Tell Boston we can be there by 9:30," Hotch notifies J.J...
"It seems like he's a textbook paranoid schizophrenic. People suffering from this disorder may think that other people are regulating them or plotting against them. They tend to be reclusive, antisocial, and obsessed Hwith hatred for their presumed enemies," you twist a loose string from your shirt around your finger, unwind it, then repeat the process.
It's a nervous tick you developed over the years that has worn down numerous tops before achieving their intended lifespan. You glance at Agent Hotchner, seeking a sign of approval. His eyes meet yours, and he poignantly nods.
Did I say too much? No. Don’t overthink this. They can probably smell fear.
"In his letters left at the bombsights, he uses words like 'broad' and 'chick' to signify women," Dr. Reid chimes in.
"Do you think the unsub is motivated by hostility towards women? "
"It's possible," he continues, "These speech patterns age him significantly, however. Phrases such as these were mainly used in the 30's, 40's, and 50's."
Agent Hotchner begins to delegate tasks before the jet lands, "Morgan and Reid, I want you to head to the bombsights and see if you can't work out the motive. J.J. and Prentiss talk to the victim's families, determine our victimology. Y/L/N, Rossi, and I will head to the precinct and familiarize ourselves with the lay of the land and see if we can't formulate a geographical profile."
At the precinct, you observe Agent Hotchner's ability to singlehandedly transition an entire police force's obligation to under his jurisdiction.
"Captain Moreno, this is SSA David Rossi and SSA Y/F/N Y/L/N," the Unit Chief introduces you.
The captain tilts his head at you, "Aren't you a little young to be in the FBI? How old are you anyway?"
You nail him with a you're-full-of-crap look. 
Everyone gets to be young once; your turn is over, old man.
Choosing to take the high road, you say, "I'd like to get my hands on the bombers handwritten notes. There has to be something in those letters that can give us a clue into the who, what, when, and where of this case."
Skeptical of your request, he narrows his eyes and looks to David and Agent Hotchner.
"You hear her," Dave exclaims, "Lead the way!"
Your enigmatic smirk no doubt gives away the great pleasure Dave's gibe brings you.
"Agent Hotchner," you hand him your preliminary geographical profile. With his arms crossed, he intimidatingly peers into your research.
Don't burn a hole in my paperwork; I worked hard on that.
He is impressed by your work, taking in your comprehensive outline of proof that details the unsubs point of origin. For someone so young, your attention to detail puts even his most observant profilers to shame. "How did you come to this conclusion?"
"My family is from Chicago. When I was little, I used to read through my grandfather's old newspapers that he collected throughout the 1950's. On the jet, I knew some of the phrasings that Dr. Reid was using sounded familiar, so I cross-referenced it with some of the particular articles I remember from my childhood and found his wording to be exact iterations of the Chicago Crier."
Without taking his eyes off of the paperwork, he commends you, "Impressive use of your prior knowledge. Often, the information drilled into us through education is lackluster compared to that of real-world experience."
You turn to walk back to your makeshift desk when he calls out to you, "And Y/L/N, call me Hotch."
Your shoulders relax from the tension you hadn't even realized you'd been clinging onto, "Alright. Hotch."
You immediately regretted your decision. In pursuit of the unsub, you had wandered off down an abandoned subway tunnel and cornered him.
"Harold Watts, FBI. Gently place the remote detonator on the ground," You shout. Grappling to keep your gun from slipping between your clammy palms, you grip the weapon tighter.
Ordinary people's first days of work are uneventful; they're given a series of mundane tasks at most. Me? Of course, my first day involves being secluded in a subway tunnel facing down a man decked from head to toe in explosives and wires.
"D-don't come any closer. I have my finger on the trigger! I'm not afraid to die, and I will not hesitate to take you up in flames with me," he stammers.
The stampede of footsteps, no doubt from your colleagues and half of the Boston police force, resonate through the echo chamber you're standing in. Watts spooks and loses his balance. You begin shouting for the people behind you to stand down.
"The tracks are live, one wrong step, and we all blow up. I repeat, stand down!"
Turning your attention back to Watts, you attempt to soothe his irrationality. You slowly return your gun to its holster, raising your hands up in surrender. Hotch yells something unintelligible from behind you, but your focus is on the unsub and trying to prevent any more casualties.
"Harold, let's just talk this through for a couple of minutes. My men behind me will leave us alone. It's you and me now. Before this, you never wanted to hurt yourself. You wanted to be heard. All of your life you felt like you were forced into the shadows, and you began to fester there in your pain and rage."
He tenses up; you have his attention now.
"Those girls who teased you and ripped your masculinity from you needed to be taught a lesson. But you didn't just stop there; you decided to do all women a favor and demonstrate to them the kind of pain they could cause, hoping to prevent them from making the same mistakes. In fact, you helped me to see what I can do better. I never want to make someone feel the way you did."
"Y-you learned that...f-from me?" Harold quietly sobs.
You nod, "Yes! Yes, Harold. And you can still be heard, but not if you die today. I could be your greatest advocate. If we walk out of here right now, think of how famous you could be. Harold, you will never be stuck in the shadows again."
It is crucial to your survival and your teams that you are brave just long enough to analyze the situation and keep your self-control. Panic won't do anyone any good right now.
Your mouth dries as you await Harold's next move. Suddenly, he hunches over, extending the hand gripping the detonator. Pausing for a moment to be sure he isn't making any drastic moves, you promptly hurry to his side and gently pull it from his clutch.
As the police officers and your colleagues rush to your aid, Harold looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Make me famous," he murmurs with a grin that churns your stomach.
Hotch ushers you away from the unsub, backing you up against the wall of the tunnel, "You actively defied my orders."
Searching every inch of his face for an accurate reading of his emotions, you are unsure of how to respond.
"I'd like to think it won't happen again," his eyes studying you just as intently.
You swallow hard, aware of the lump in your throat and take a deep breath, "You have my word, Agent Hotchner."
"Good," he affirms, eventually freeing his hold on your arm.
You let out a shaky sigh of relief and relax your spinning head against the wall.
Opening your eyes, you observe your new team tieing up all loose ends. They're safe. You are safe. Despite this first day not being as mundane as others, you wouldn't have it any other way. This feeling is what you signed up for, and it's already fulfilling you in ways you couldn't fathom before stepping inside the BAU office this morning.
Aboard the jet, you tuck your legs underneath you and open up a book to read.
A cup of steaming hot coffee appears on the table in front of you.
Hotch sits across from you with a similar cup and offers you a subtle smile, "Impressive work out there today. I'm sorry your first day of work couldn't be more eventful."
A joke? I didn't take him as the joking kind.
Rolling your eyes, you put on a disappointed tone, "God...if you guys drag your feet like this every day, I might have to consider a transfer."
In a more serious nature, he asks, "How are you feeling?"
"Alright, I guess. You were right, you know, no amount of studying or lectures can truly prepare you for what it's like when you're staring into the eyes of a killer. I've learned the negotiation techniques and memorized the textbook 'put the gun down' speech, but all of that flies out the window when you're in the moment."
"You will find that improvisation at times is the key to success in this job. Just know that this team is a family. You will never face this alone or be at a loss for anything. Your career is in its infancy, but I can tell you have a long and triumphant journey ahead of you. We will do whatever we can to ensure that you are at home here and can use this team as an opportunity to refine your abilities. All I ask in return is that you work with us, not against us. You have nothing to prove. They see your resourcefulness. So do I. You are one of us now."
Some gazes are the promise of protection; his is all that and more. The words "at home" resonate in your mind. You've spent your whole life searching for a home, and here it is, its doors being opened to you. After a lifetime of running from place to place, perhaps this is where you can finally settle down.
"Get some rest," Hotch whispers to you. And with that, you lean your head against the chilled window and shut your eyes.
Tag List 🏷
@chellybear98​ @destiny-tsukino​ @wanniiieeee​ @sweetiecake180 @vampiracontessa @weexinling​ @spaghetti-dad187 @hothskies @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @mac99martin​ @clairedragonessbaker @cecemariee7302​ @halloweenwithreid @megans-txmblr @theoldestguard @purpledragonturtles​ @chazubagi @frogrrylovebot @agentaaronhotass​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @mcntsee @ssagube @softhetixx @kenzies-mr-j @peachyotps @cat11-2 @prettylittlemoonlight @ravenmoore14 @gubs-boobs @spencerreidsoulmate @totalmess191 @hopelesslylosttheway @britishspidey @kyliesalvatore
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Clueless" *Part 13*
Okay so this is 10 pages in my google doc right, and I swear I don't-- I don't know if I have more than one more chapter left in me from here guys! I might divide this one--- Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. This is gonna be slightly short, but then I'm IMMEDIATELY putting up another chapter, also slightly short. But it all leads to the finale, that will have to go up tomorrow. Cool? Cool.
Also- Warning SOME smutty smut? Awkward smut. LuLz.
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(let's pretend/assume the girl in the gif is the reader yeah?)
Tag List
Part 12
Part 14
You both quickly undressed each other, kissing each other all over one another’s bodies. You hadn’t had a lot of sex, and you were guessing Josh hadn’t either guessing on his response to your question about this. But you suppose you were both going to do your best.
“I um, am I hurting you?” Josh asked while he nibbled down the sides of your neck.
“What? No I’m fine babe, keep going,” You muttered, trying to stay in it.
“Look at this sloppy cabron,” You saw an image of Rafael standing in the middle of your bedroom. “He has no clue what he’s doing. You know you’d much rather have me nibbling on you, carino,”
“Shut up,” you growled.
“What?” Josh looked at you confused.
“What? Nothing baby, I’m sorry,”
Josh shrugged and continued, taking one finger and jamming it in your opening.
“Ow!!!” You screamed. It was so jarring and clinical, like a tampon being shoved up there too fast.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry babe, I thought-- I thought girls liked that,” It was dark but you could hear the blush in his voice.
“Baby you…” You half smiled, taking his hand and guiding it slowly around your opening. “You have to go slow, soft,”
“Oh. Right, yeah no of course,” He nervously chuckled, mimicking your movements. He continued to slowly circle your opening, slowly inching inside you. You closed your eyes and moaned softly, enjoying the sensation.
“Look at those stubs,” You heard Rafael’s voice again. “My long loving fingers wouldn’t be so rough with you,”
“Go away,” You muttered, trying to focus on Josh’s fingers inside you.
“What?” Josh stopped mid-circle inside you.
“I-I said, Go...faster,” You lied.
“Oh, Ok….can I, can I go inside you?” Josh asked softly.
“Yes, baby you don’t have to ask,” You were sort of getting annoyed now; You hadn’t had sex with tons of people, but you knew how to be sexier than this.
“See he’s a child! Asking, pleading, fumbling in the dark. You need a man who knows how to take care of you, amante,” Rafael’s voice sounded like it was right in your ear.
“Josh, let’s just agree right now to everything. Anything you wanna do to me, do it. If I don’t like it, trust me I’ll let you know, okay?”
“Okay!” He seemed more excited, now plunging into you deeply and pumping fast. Now this was more like it.
“Oh yes, yes right there…” You moaned, which encouraged him more.
“Yeah baby, you like that?” Josh asked in a sultry voice.
“Mmmm yes,” You moaned, glancing at the foot of your bed. Rafael’s image was standing there, smirking. You couldn’t help it, you tried to fight it. You shut your eyes tight and focused on the pleasure. It was getting more and more intense.
“Yes, oh baby deeper,” You moaned. Josh obliged, plunging harder and faster inside you.
“Yes….oh god Rafa right there….”
Your eyes shot open, a hand went over your mouth. Luckily, Josh was so into his own pleasure and you had whispered low enough that he had no idea what had just happened. But you did. You laid there, knowing full well now that you wished this was Rafael. You shut your eyes and just let yourself imagine it was him, you couldn’t fight it anymore.
Soon you were moaning and screaming, mentally concentrating on not saying ANY words, just moans trying to convince Josh you were enjoying him inside you. You were still getting there when you felt Josh’s legs vibrating.
“Baby…” He moaned. “I’m gonna… should I…?”
“Yes please don’t get me pregnant,” You said, more rude than you intended. He was so lost in his orgasm he didn’t notice, but immediately pulled out and ejaculated all over your sheets.
“Wow, that was amazing…” He fell back against you, sighing in relief. You however, were still waiting on your own orgasm.
“I um, I have to-- wash off,” You lied, climbing out of the bed. He nodded, still out of breath. You went inside the bathroom and locked the door. You sat against the door and spread your legs, inserting your own fingers and pumping them in and out of you.
“Yes, baby. That’s it…” Now you heard Rafael’s voice again. “I’m right here, I’m inside you…”
You moved your fingers faster, imaging Rafael’s lips all over you. “You smell so good carino, god I love it when you’re wet for me,” You bit your lip in pleasure, now bucking against your own fingers. “I love you so much, Y/N,” You could hear him purr. “Now, go for me…”
You felt the waves of an orgasm crash against you, your fingers now slowing their pace, you slumped against the door in relief. The pleasure was immense from just imagining Rafael being there, you couldn’t imagine what it would be like to actually have him. But.. you would never know.
The pleasure from your “session” was suddenly overridden by a surge of grief. Grief of what had just transpired not even an hour ago. You finally had him, you had him in your mouth. His hands all over you, it was like you could still feel them. That’s why it was so easy to replicate the feeling while pleasuring yourself. You knew what they felt like now. But...that’s all it was. You knew that was the most you’d ever get from him, a kiss goodbye. You were not about to just forget your principles and your feelings about being hidden away like a dirty secret. No matter how pleasurable his lips were.
Why couldn’t he just... man up? Why was he so afraid? Were you that awful? Was he that ashamed of you? Why didn’t he love you enough?
He had said the words, he said them out loud! You repeated them over and over, but the more you did the more you remembered the tone. As if he was saying:
“You’re lucky I’m saying this at all, how can you be walking away from ME? The great Rafael Barba.”
Josh would never talk to you like that, he was so soft and so kind. So wonderful. Why couldn’t...Why couldn’t Rafael be that…?
All of a sudden, you realized you were crying. You were crying softly, but quickly grew louder the more you thought about Rafael. He would be so smug if he knew that he got in your head, just like he said he had. He would be giddy with victory knowing that he was on your mind the entire time. You grabbed a towel off your towel rack and sobbed into it, trying to tell yourself to calm down. Trying to remind yourself that there was a beautiful, amazing man right in the next room. Not a snarky asshole. Josh made you feel safe and loved, not like some dark curse. You composed yourself and went back into the room, where unfortunately for you Josh had turned on the lights.
“Oh my god...baby are you okay?” He jumped out of the bed and ran over to you, immediately taking you in his arms and cuddling you. See, how could you want Rafael over this?
“Yeah, I’m just-- I’m tired,” You lied, nodding your head. “Can we just...take a nap?”
“Of course, whatever you want,” He took you back to bed and spooned you, stroking your hair.
“You were wonderful, Y/N. I’ve never had it so good,” He whispered. You felt half confused, half guilty. You hadn’t really done anything, except imagine another guy.
….I’m glad, Josh,” You smiled, snuggling into him, hoping he would just fall asleep and not push it any further. He did.
Later, you and Josh walked into the living room to get something to eat. You were greeted with Ariel sitting on the couch flipping through channels.
“OOOOOOoooohhh!!!!” She teased. “And what were YOU two doing?”
“....Studying,” Josh smirked.
“Uh huh, studying each other’s bodies,” Ariel smirked back.
“Ariel!” You walked over and smacked her playfully.
“Y/N we’re all adults here, if you can’t discuss sex freely you’re going to have a very hard time in adulthood,”
“Hey Ariel, give her a break,” Josh came up behind you and kissed your head. “I totally get it,”
“Awww, it’s like watching two care bears copulate,” Ariel said mockingly.
“Ha Ha,” You rolled your eyes as you walked to the kitchen.
--Meanwhile in the living room---
“So you two had fun?” Ariel wiggled her eyebrows.
“...Yeah,” Josh nodded slightly.
“What’s that look?”
“I don’t know, she said some weird stuff,” He shrugged.
“Like what?” She asked quizzically.
“I...I don’t know, lots of mumbles,”
“Maybe you were so good she started talking in tongues,” She laughed.
“Oh yeah, totally that’s it,”
“Hey do you wanna continue our conversation tomorrow? I really want to try this bistro that Y/N won’t go with me to,” Ariel asked, glancing at the kitchen where you were.
“I don’t know, something about how they cook their food. Animal cruelty, or MSG or some crap like that, I tune out when she rambles,” She rolled her eyes.
“You’re so mean!” He lightly poked her. “Yeah, sounds good,” He paused, looking in the kitchen. “....Do you think it’s weird, us hanging out without her?”
“What? No, it’s totally innocent,” She waved her hands dismissively.
“....Then why haven't we told her?” Josh asked her seriously. They both looked at each other for a long moment.
“Hey Ariel what happened to the pizza that was in here?” You suddenly came walking into the living room, interrupting their conversation.
“Oh I...I think I ate it while I was high the other day,” She blushed.
“ARIEL,” You looked at her horrified. “You can’t smoke weed in your mom’s house!!”
“Relax, Debbie Do Good, I smoke on the deck,” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh good so the neighbor’s can call the cops,” You crossed your arms.
“Josh maybe you should take her back in there and ‘chill her out’ some more,” She made crude actions with her hands.
“Actually I should be getting back, you know to ACTUALLY study,” He started to get up and walk out. “Although I don’t know how much it will help, not like Barba is ever going to give me that internship,”
“Do you want me to go rough him up for you Joshie?” Ariel laughed in a patronizing tone.
“No, thank you Ari,” He teased back. “I’ll call you later baby,” He kissed your cheek and walked out the door.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Always for you.
Guzmán x Reader
Request by @cosmomariii : hello! sorry if I'm bothering you. could I request a one-shot with Guzman where him and the reader are a really strong couple and he's so in love with her that he tells her his plans for their relationship in the future? maybe in a fancy date or something, idk. btw I LOVE your writing and your ideas are amazing! :)
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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You could’ve stayed like this forever if life didn’t call you to commitments. Guzmán lay back against the stone balcony floor as you lay between his legs with your head on his chest. He’d been pointing out different parts of the morning sunrise that made it impossible to want anything more than to stay exactly here. You’d been dating for a little over two years now and even you had surprised yourself with how stable everything had been. This was Guzmán we were talking about! He was practically known for having the easy ability to break hearts. But, somehow, along the way, he’d found yours and had never found a reason to let go. He never looked for one. It felt like you gave him purpose and he gave you reason. You gave him hope and he gave you a home. And piece by piece you’d built up a relationship that you could never see yourself losing. He was all good qualities in a heart wrapped into one beautiful boy.
“We really need to go,” You mumble, swirling patterns on his legs underneath the hem of his shorts.
He’d woken you up early to watch the sunrise before school started and you couldn’t possibly say no.
“I’m sure they won’t miss us at school,” He comments quietly, fingers threading through your hair that was splayed at the side of your head.
“What happened to being motivated?” You laugh, pushing yourself up so you could turn around and face him.
“I found other motivations,” He smirks, pulling you in and pressing a long, sleepy kiss to your lips, “But I do still need to graduate.”
“Then let’s get up, sleepy head.”
You stand and take the chance to stretch out your knotted muscles from the night, jumping as Guzman’s arms wrap around your torso and his chin settles on your shoulder.
“How about date night tonight? I’ll take you somewhere special.”
“You don’t have to Guzmán, I thought we said we’d just stay in again.”
“I’ll pick the place and meet you at yours,” He kisses the side of your neck before heading in back to his room.
Your heart still fluttered at little moments like that. How could it not? He had a power over you that no long-term could ever put out. You could see yourself simply falling deeper and deeper in love.
It was strange really. You knew you were only young. Seventeen was no age to be certain of much. But it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a possibility. And, sometimes, in certain ways and in certain crossing paths - you’ll meet someone that you were meant to meet. And you can be content with that. You don’t have to fear the doubt of other people or the opinions that didn’t belong to each other.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Guzmán sticks his head round from the en-suite of his room, toothbrush sticking out of his nose and his bare shoulder giving you a slight glimpse at his naked torso.
“Nothing,” You smile and walk over as he hands over your toothbrush too.
You spent more and more time here nowadays. It no longer felt strange when you’d pass his mum in the kitchen on an early morning. In fact, it had become a regular occurrence for you to be up earlier than Guzmán and he’d find you chatting away with his mother about anything and everything when he came downstairs. He loved that you got on so well with her, it made things so easy. He even got on with your family and practically become a big brother to your younger siblings. Your little sister loved using him for all of her latest ideas and science experiments and your little brother used him for any advice or questions he needed answering. It melted your heart every time you saw them together.
“You sure they need us at school today?” Guzmán pouts, leaning against the counter as he waits for you to finish getting ready too.
“We’re the best people at that place,” You joke, “Come on, we have a test fourth period as well and we never got round to revising last night.”
“There were more important matters at hand,” He squeezes your hips as he follows after you back into his bedroom, his chuckle ghosting over your skin.
- - - - - -
“Morning Samu,” Guzmán smiles as the two of you walk hand in hand into first period.
“Morning,” Samu frowns a little, “Why do you look so happy this morning?”
Ander laughs, “(Y/n) stayed the night.”
The boys laugh as the two of you sit down and Guzmán settles his arm over the back of your chair.
“Is there a problem boys?” He cocks a brow, “Come on, say your worst.”
“Nothing, nothing,” Samuel laughs, sitting down on the table across from where Omar and Ander sat.
“He’s just cuffed, that’s all,” Ander mumbles and the boys all laugh.
“And you’re not, Ander?” You quip, wiggling your brows as you look between him and Omar.
Guzmán laughs outwardly, glancing at you like you’d just said the funniest thing he’d heard. It was something he’d always listed as a quality he loved about you, you welcomed his friends and treated them like they were your own too. You weren’t weird about him spending time with the boys and never minded when he’d promised to spend the evening with Ander before you’d suggested plans. You could be one of the boys as well as his girlfriend. And he never knew that he’d find someone who balanced that so well.
Class begins and you become distracted quickly by Guzman’s arm around you, his fingertips brushing delicately across the top of your back.
“Guzmán,” You say quietly, “Stop distracting me. We both said we can’t afford to not graduate again.”
He laughs a little, dipping his head close to you as he responds, “You distracted me first, darling.”
“What’s gotten into you today?” You shake your head, “You’re like a boy with his first love.”
“Maybe I am,” He mutters, pecking your lips gently before turning back to listen to the rest of the class.
- - - - - -
You find yourself sat in the test, thanking yourself for making sure you’d been over some of the content with Guzmán that morning. You inputted your answers into the screen and kept stealing glances over at him to make sure he was doing the same.
He pokes his head around the side of his screen at looks at you with a smirk, “Thank you.”
You’d practically given him the answers - telling him everything he’d need to know as you were on your way to school that morning. It wasn’t that he couldn’t get away with it. But you knew he was so determined to graduate with you this year, both of you being held back, that he couldn’t possibly slip up yet.
He nods to gesture towards the book you had on the table to which you frown but instantly expect a typical Guzmán move - leaving little notes for you wherever he found the opportunity.
‘You left your book in my locker and I couldn’t resist. How does a Guzmán-special date sound for tonight? Dress code: finest attire.’
You glance up with a smile in his direction. A Guzmán-special, as he’d adequately named over the years, meant a date where you had no idea what you’d be doing, where you’d be going or what to bring if you needed anything. It had included the time he’d taken you to a water park, the time he took you for a walk on the beach, the time he attempted to cook a four course meal and many more.
You turn the page of your book and find another note on the next page.
‘Again, couldn’t resist. You look beautiful today.’
With that, the bell to signal the end of class and the end of the test sounds. Everyone filters out as you wait for Guzmán to collect his things and hand in an extra paper he’d done for the teacher - you were pleasantly surprised by how motivated he’d been recently.
“Right, you’re in track practise for the rest of the day and I’m going to head to the pool,” Guzmán comments, linking his hand with yours instantly, “So I’ll see you at the end of the day. I’ll meet you by your locker.”
“Yeah, okay,” You nod, reaching your lockers as you grab your gym bag and he does the same, “Can you at least give me a clue about tonight?”
“I told you - finest attire,” He shrugs, “Isn’t that enough?”
“What does finest attire mean?”
“Darling, you could wear a bin bag. You look fine in anything.”
“Now you’re just being corny,” You scoff as he closes your locker door and hands you the key.
“Is that so bad?” He shoots you a wink, walking ahead of you and turning to face you so he was walking backwards, “I’m full of surprises, (Y/n).”
“Just please don’t nearly burn down the house like last time,” You groan, following him through to the changing rooms.
“I promise - no attempts at cooking. I’ll see you later.”
You depart with a quick kiss as you go about the afternoon’s activities for the rest of the school day.
- - - - - -
When you’ve finished practice, you’re just about to walk back to the changing rooms when you catch someone sat on the grass.
“Guzmán? What are you doing?” You half laugh, diverting to walk over to him.
“I finished training early so I thought I’d come and watch your practice. You look good out there,” He stands up from the grass and brushes off his trousers, “I didn’t want to distract you.”
“You’re so cute,” You chuckle, “But I’m a red, sweaty mess after running that much so I’m sorry.”
“Hm, I hadn’t noticed,” He jokes, pulling out your water bottle and handing it to you with a smile, “Any talk about scholarships?”
“Yeah, they were saying that a few top universities would definitely give bursaries at least for sports excellence. So I might look into a few.”
That was one thing about Guzmán. He absolutely loved asking you about your future - like the thought of your success made everything so exciting to him. He’d always belittle his own and you had to make sure he didn’t do it too much as you encouraged him more than ever to have a little faith in himself.
Guzmán carries your gym bag for you in his free hand as you try to encourage him not to. It normally ends up with him swinging the bag above his head and you using your field techniques from high jump to grab it from him. He couldn’t really dispute after that.
And, as you’re walking through the sunny grounds of the school, you find yourself revelling in your own feelings of what perfection could be. A caring, conscientious, protective boyfriend who wanted nothing but the best for you somehow fell right at the top of whatever category you were in. And Guzmán checked all of the boxes with ease.
- - - - - -
At seven thirty, Guzmán comes into your house to pick you up for your date. He’d told you to be ready for eight but he always liked coming round a little earlier to spend a bit of time with the family.
You could already hear your siblings running to greet him and knew instantly that your sister would be showing off the new rocket she’d made at school. As you got ready, all you could imagine was him crouching down to their height and chatting away with any conversation they created, all whilst asking how your Mums job was going and complimenting your Dads new car.
Guzmán is talking to your brother about something when you start walking down the stairs. Instantly, he whispers to both of them and they turn to watch you.
“There she is,” He smiles, standing up with a bashful smile on his face as though it was the first time he’d seen you ready for a date.
He’s dressed in his best suit, a dark teal colour, and he’s paired it with the watch you bought him for Valentines Day. You wore a red velvet dress he’d mentioned loving when you bought it and a necklace that he’d bought you for Christmas. Both so alike in your reasons for your outfits, of course.
“I’ll have her home by midnight,” Guzmán confirms to your parents, knowing they’d lost interest in curfew quickly after they’d realised how much Guzmán cared for you, “Be good, kids.”
Guzmán links your arm with his and holds open the door, and the car door, as the two of you start to journey to wherever he’d chosen for this evening.
- - - - - -
You found yourself at what felt like the fanciest restaurant in the city, situated on a table on the cosy rooftop seating - surrounded by other couples alike and enough candles and heaters to defy the chill of the slight breeze outside.
“You look so beautiful,” He beams as the two of you sit opposite each other on the small table.
“You’ve never been so bad yourself, Guzmán,” You laugh, picking up your menu, “I don’t even know half of the stuff on this.”
“Can I say something?” He cuts in quickly, “And then we can figure out this menu together.”
You set it back down and look at him and only him - your eyes focused on every single feature, every freckle, every line from his smiles.
“I know we’re only young, and we’re hardly through much of our lives yet. But I don’t think hearts really run on a schedule like that. There’s no certain age when things happen, when they’re supposed to fall into place and when you’re meant to know that you’ve found something right. I see how Ander is with Omar and I know he’s found one of those people in him - someone who makes his heart stop searching, despite everything else they’ve been through. And I see your parents and I know it took them a little longer to find that person but they’ve found it now. I see my parents and question whether they ever found that at all,” He continues and the mention of his family hits your heart strings instantly.
You reach over and take his hand in your own like it’s instinct.
“But you, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), you seem to make everything else slow down. You make everything just pause for a little bit and seem just that little bit simpler. You’ve been with me through so much and it still baffles me that we’re so young with so much behind us already. We have so much future ahead of us and I’m so excited to see you succeed. I see your brother and sister and I can’t wait for us to have that for our own family, little mini-mes with my freckles, your hair, your heart. I know you hate when I get all corny because I make you cry. But I want to be the guy to make you cry like that always, and for those tears to always remind you of how loved you truly are.”
“Fuck, Guzmán,” You mutter, patting at the tears under your eyes, “You’re going to make me look like a mess.”
He laughs and shakes his head as he does, squeezing your hand.
“How are you so good at that?” You mutter, trying to shake off any more tears from coming through.
“Whatever future we have, I want you in mine - always.”
((((I’m sorry that this is the fluffiest thing ever but we move))))
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belovedkingx · 5 years
BTS Reaction | walking in on them masturbating
Namjoon -
Seokjin had asked you to tell Namjoon that dinner was ready, you were starving. You rushed towards his room, ready to eat. You remembered the last time you told namjoon the food was done, he made everyone wait on him for 30 minutes and that was not happening again, not on your watch. Without thinking, you opened the door and gasped, Namjoon whipped his head in your direction while covering himself with a pillow. "Oh my god, Namjoon I-I'm sorry, I should've... umm knocked," Namjoon smirked at that fact that you were stuttering and the fact that you were staring at the pillow that was covering his throbbing member. "Like what you see?" he said once he removed the pillow. You stood there with your mouth agape, feeling yourself getting wetter by the second. You nodded in response to his question.
"Then come and sit on daddy's cock, babygirl."
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Seokjin -
You woke up with the sun shining in the room. With sleepy eyes, you looked to the left and noticed that Seokjin was gone. "Maybe he's making breakfast," you thought. As you got up you heard a low noise but dismissed it due to your tired state. You made your way to the bathroom but before opening the door you heard a moan and knew exactly what was happening. You smirked, not feeling sleepy like you were 2 seconds ago. You open the door to see your boyfriend sitting there on the edge of the tub, his hand pumping himself while his eyes were shut tight, not seeing nor hearing you come in. His eyes shoot open, feeling startled when he felt your hands on his thighs. "Want some help?" He nods as a response while you got on your knees. When you replaced his hand with yours, pumping him faster he moaned out at the contact.
"Ooh fuck, yes right there, baby."​
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Yoongi -
You had been gone for 2 weeks and Yoongi has been sending you sweet texts messages every morning, saying how much he misses you and how he couldn't wait for you to come home. You had told him that you would be back in two days even though you were already back, you only told him that cause you wanted to surprise him. You opened the front door quietly, leaving your suitcase and the door and kicking off your shoes. He told you he would be at home working all day so you headed in the direction of his office. As soon as you cracked the door you see him sitting in his chair with his head laid back. when you got closer you heard him moan your name as he pumped himself, which turned you on beyond belief. "Miss me?" You walked over to him then kneeled in front of him, moving his hands aside to grip his member, flicking your tongue over the slit.
“Y/N, fuck, please don’t tease me."​
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Jimin -
You came home late so you thought that Jimin would be asleep by now. You opened the front door, trying to be careful not to wake him up. You were hanging up your coat when suddenly you hear your name being called out loud. You thought Jimin must have heard you come home and called you, you made your way down the hall towards your shared room and opened the door to see Jimin's head thrown back in pleasure as he hissed lightly, hand gripping his hard cock. He moans out your name once again, having no clue that you were actually standing in the doorway watching him. "Yes," you said smirking, making yourself known. His head shoots up in surprise, he then sits up, still holding his cock in one hand as he uses his index finger on his other hand to tell you to come to him.
"Can you help me out babygirl?"
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Hoseok -
The alarm jolts you out of your peaceful sleep as it reads 6:30 AM. You groan turning it off, unhappy to have to be up so early to wake up your roommate Hoseok. He had been late for work a few times due to his alarm not waking him up so naturally, he asked you to be his extra alarm for the next couple of days. You hopped out of bed, rushing out of your room towards Hoseok's, knocking to make sure he wasn't already up and getting dressed, you didn't get a response so you opened the door, fully expecting him to be knocked out and snoring. Instead, he was completely naked with one hand stroking his member and the other holding his phone. As you hear moans coming from his earphones you realize that he didn't hear you enter because he didn’t stop what he was doing. You stood there for a moment shocked before deciding to just leave until you heard him moan your name, you looked back at him as he continued his action, still not noticing you. You walked over, crawling on top of him, he got startled and immediately pulled out the earphones then noticed that you eyeing his swollen cock.
"I think your mouth would be way better than my hand," he said with a smirk as he brushes his fingers through your hair.
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Jungkook -
After returning home from a long run you decided to take a quick shower, change and get breakfast started for you and Jungkook, seeing as it was 8:47 AM. You went to the laundry room to get a towel and some clean clothes before heading down the hall into your room. As soon as you got into the room you immediately noticed that the bed was empty, then you heard the shower running, realizing he beat you to it. You thought you should just go ahead and cook while he showers so you decided to go in and ask him what he wanted for breakfast. As you walked in you heard a groan followed by a ‘Fuck’, thinking he hurt himself. "Babe, are you okay?" Jungkook sounded startled as he said your name. "Oh Y\n, I'm- I," He pauses for a moment before pulling back the green Jungle Print Shower Curtains, revealing his glistening body and harden member in hand. 
" Y\n Please, I need you to help me.”
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Taehyung -
You were on a week trip with your family and your friend taehyung had offered to babysit your cat while you were gone. You ended up coming home a day early and texted Him that you would be home today but he never texted you back. When you had finally made it home, you opened the front door to see taehyung on the couch with his eyes closed, pumping his cock. as he’d gently moaned your name. "So this is why you didn't text me back," you said with a smirk causing him to jump and cover himself with a pillow. Taehyung watches as you make your way towards him, taking a seat on the couch next to him as you moved the pillow. You gripped his cock and pumped him a few times while he put his hand on the back of your head, pulling you into a kiss. 
"Fuck, I just want to fuck you so deep and hard until you are screaming out my name."​
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Thank you for reading!! 🙌❤✨ (Gifs are not mine)
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verobatto · 6 years
"Don't do stupid things"
Destiel meta (14x11 spoiler)
Is not new that Castiel and Dean take care of each other, but I just wanted to talk about what we could expect from the next episodes.
I wrote my first part of this meta about 14x11 here
Let's start...
Sam represents Dean's conscious and reason
I've mentioned this in one of my metas about Mint Condition, here I talked about how this episode could represents Dean's mind
So, I put Sam there as the reasoning, bc he is that. And this was showed me in this quote here...
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Gif credit @jensenackles-daily
If Dean thinks it too much, is a crazy thing to do... He doesn't want to, but he must to, as I repeated in my first meta about this episode.
And Sam loves him so much, that he decides to be there, and supports him, with his heart broken.
And now... If Sam is his reasoning, what represents Castiel for Dean?
Castiel is everything what Dean wishes. His heart.
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Castiel is all the things Dean wishes for himself. He is his FAITH, his LOVE, his INNOCENCE, the part of Dean that keeps fighting for his dreams. He is vital to him.
Because Castiel is always reminding him that he is worth it. That he is NOT PASS SAVING. At all. Because Castiel loves him more than anything. And Castiel protects the Big Protector. As he protects humanity.
And as I pointed before, Dean wishes and hopes were alive again when Castiel came back from death. He felt so alive, that he KNOWS NOW WHAT HE WANTS. He was about to embrace it and give the big step to self acceptance and self love. He was about to, maybe, confess his love. But he couldn't, bc he was blocked by Michael, and we know what this Archangel represents...
That's why Castiel won't let Dean "do stupid things", bc Castiel is what Dean really wants.
And I truly believe this time Castiel will rescue Dean, not just because they are calling back to season 4 and 5, and we had the rescue in Hell, but because the rich symbolism about that. Bc Dean trying to fight against himself (Healing!Dean vs Toxic! Dean) and choosing being locked, inside a box that represents REPRESSION, the only one that can reach the depth of his feelings is Castiel. And also bc all the clues the writers had left so far, not mention CAS stealing the "decoder ring".
A little of spec and spoiler.
We are all excited for the two incoming episodes, with famous "turning point" and the reintroduction of John Winchester.
I just wanted to point a couple of ideas I had, maybe you already read my mini meta about what do I think this turning point is... If you didn't, here is the post.
So after this, we will have John and a young version of Cast (watching his trenchcoat, it looks like s4/5 Castiel). And I had this theory too about that in that "reality AKA wish granted" maybe Dean never went to Hell and Castiel never rescued him, but idk, maybe is just Castiel and Zachariah traveling in time. We'll see...
Leaving the babbling by a side, I want to share with you two pics from the 300th episode that caught my attention, and is directly related with the conclusion of this meta.
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This one here, we have a safe (reminding us again about "locked things" and, if I'm not wrong, the picture I see on the safe door or a man fishing, remember the granted wish Jack asked to Dean when he was about to die? Yes... Go fishing, and he brought to the conversation something that never happened, but Jack readed in Dean, that that was a wish in Dean's heart. He would like to go fishing with his dad.
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But also reminds us this...
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So... A wish granted and a dream... Is John really what Dean wishes?
But the pic of the dream/wish/desire is in the door of the safe... Not inside the safe if you get the idea here... Quiting dreams and wishes for duty.
And if you see to the left, we have a picture on the wall, and yes: that's a mommy. Another "thing" related to be locked, and with death.
Now... Let's see the other one...
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Look at the candles... The lights are placed in their hearts... Do you see it? Is bc they will be talking, with their hearts open? Solving things? But it also looks like swords... Isn't? Broken hearts trying to fix things... Is so symbolic that I'm screaming... We need this so badly bc we need Dean solving his dad issues, winning the battle against toxicity, against that Patriarchy heritage, that GUILT HERITAGE as I pointed here in this mini meta. And he needs, he really needs TO CHOOSE CASTIEL OVER JOHN WINCHESTER.
Time for forgiveness
Remember this book in "Optimism" episode?
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Where Harper gave this book about a known Righteous General, McCook (the episode starts with the camera showing us McCook's statue) is a blantant representation of John Winchester. Harper (Dean mirror) gave Jack (CAS mirror) this "John Winchester" book. They scape from the monster (representing Toxic!Dean) and when they are running away, Jack left the book on a bench. Left the book behind... That's the exchange Dean Winchester needs to do now...
He needs to left John Winchester behind, forgive him, and choose Castiel. Choose to be happy. Choose self love and acceptance.
And I'm so excited to see this happen...
To conclude...
Sam and Castiel are the two more important persons in Dean's life, Sam representing his reasoning and Castiel his heart.
The safe and coffin are two more reminding of Dean's bad choice of self repression, leaving all his dreams and wishes behind (Castiel and happiness).
John Winchester is one big impediment for Dean to break free from his emotional prison, for all the toxic heritage that his father represents.
Dean needs to choose, make the exchange, between John and Castiel.
The title of "Optimism" give us hopes about what is coming.
Ok I hope you like it! I will tag some friends for the discussion...
@agusvedder @emblue-sparks @magnificent-winged-beast @cheerstofandomfamily @mrsaquaman187 @whyjm @lykanyouko @evvvissticante
Buenos Aires January 29th 2019 11:59 AM
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franeridart · 7 years
This might be too much to ask but I broke my laptop and only have access to mobile and I'm dying to know what I'm actually missing but I can't check would you be able to describe it? Sorry I know this is annoying ignore it if it's too much trouble
It’s not annoying so don’t worry about it, but my posts should all be visible, now? At least my app doesn’t give me the option to request a review anymore… if you can’t see them still they’re all (aside from the one I posted earlier) backed up on my wordpress blog! You can see them from there without me needing to describe them~
Anon said:Franeri-san what dimensions do you usually use for your canvas? When I draw I end up making the canvas too small, so when i zoom in to make details it becomes pixelated. But I also don’t need my canvas too big because I won’t be able to proportion it;; it’s a visual thing… Ah I’m rambling sorry
I use a 6000pxx5000px with a 4px brush, usually, but I really rarely use it all, mostly it’s just like, corners of the whole thing. I tend to draw a lot of things on the same canvas before switching to a new one - that said, personally I can’t draw properly if I don’t zoom in above 100% (usually I work at 150% or 200%, more for details) so I’m really not the right person to ask this haha
Anon said:I saw that profanity is now being blocked more heavily by safe search so our good, good but foul mouthed Baku may be the reason your stuff is hidden. You’ve probably already heard this but I thought I’d let you know~
Rip so I heard orz though let’s not give our Baku all the fault here, I swear a lot by myself too haha I’m my own ruin, seems like - thank you for taking your time to share the info, anyway!!
Anon said:I’m really happy about your blog not being censored seriously. CAUSE YOU MAKE WONDERFUL DRAWINGS THAT FILL MY HEART AND I WAS STARTING TO PANICK. Keep up the good work~. 🖤
And I’m really happy you can properly see my blog, you sweet sweet cute and adorable anon!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Hello! First, I love your art and your headcanons and stories! I am in love with bakushima half because of you, you beautiful tart. Second, about Bakugo’s laugh, holy crikey, of course he’s loud and explosive. The boy is a ball of stress and anger and when he laughs for real, it’s rare and takes effort. But like, can you just imagine when his explodo-kill mask cracks his face turns red because he doesn’t want to laugh. But THEN he barks out a laugh and everybody’s stunned and then he just SNORTS
YES!!!!!!! Oh my god yes that’s an hc I have he definitely, definitely snorts when he tries to hold back his laughter it’s so effin adorable I die every day a lot bless that kid
Anon said:Who tops of in your opinion in Bakushima?👀
Maybe either, maybe neither, depends on many things but mostly on how I don’t ever ask myself this question for any of my ships so I got no answer for it at all ever - instead we should ask ourselves the important questions, like who opens the water bottles between them (Kirishima when Bakugou’s palms get too sweaty and Bakugou’s forever resentful about it), who kicks when they sleep and who always ends up sleeping on the floor because of it (Bakugou’s the restless sleeper, poor Kirishima), who takes way too damn long in the bathroom goddamnit Kirishima get out of there already I swear to go——-
Anon said:your blog makes me really happy just keep doing you you’re like the best thing
Thank you so much holy smokes!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:wait wait wait wait! is Bakugou the one teaching Shark Kirishima sign language?? then does that mean Kirishima learned to sign ‘I love you’ from Bakugou!? (Q/)////(\Q)
They’re learning together!! They have an online dictionary and follow online courses, so Kirishima kind of looked it up for himself at first - he was signing it as love instead of really like thoug, which made Bakugou indecently flustered so in the end, yes, he was the one to teach him how to properly sign it :D
Anon said:Will you still be updating this blog?
Sure will! The wordpress one is just a backup thing!
Anon said:wait so question: in the mer au, does kiri know jsl from before? because the way he reacted to bakugou first attempting to sign at him looked like he recognized it but you said they both had to learn? does he react like that because he recognizes it as bakugou actively trying to communicate? (btw this au is So Good i love how kaminari is just “why are you like this” at kiri but his Gay Ass cant be swayed)
I’m glad you like it!!!!! And nope Kiri didn’t know jsl from before, but mers do have something similar to a sign language (there’s deaf and mute merpeople too, after all) so he recognized it as Bakugou going “I want to talk to you and this is the best way to” - also, he’d never seen a tablet before and Bakugou was showing him an explosion on it to make him understand and instead he went “what is this SORCERY” and got excited about a gif. Good, pure kid. I had no clue how to add that in the comic in a fast way tho so let’s leave it at him being happy they found a possible way to communicate haha
Anon said:Hi Fran!!! Hace you reas the theoriws aboyo kiri o kaminari Boeing traitors? Si you know where they came up? I’m lil bit lost even tho I’m up with the man lmao ALSO pls more maki-chan
So pretty much at some point in the middle of a meeting Present Mic mentioned how there probably was a traitor between them that kept on feeding the villains infos about UA, and the fandom of course got interested in that!! Who could it be? They started thinking it through and for some reason the theories that ended up being more popular are about it being either Kaminari, Kirishima or Hagakure - I don’t think any of these are true, but if you google search “kaminari traitor theory” or the same with the other two names you should easily find the posts explaining the theories and where they come from, if you’re interested!
Anon said:omg fran i haven’t watched/read bnha but still solely bc of your art i am IN LOVE with kirishima. he’s such a pure being I feel like crying every time i see him??? like i just watched the first opening of the anime and you bet i watched the 5 seconds kirishima gets over and over. like all the bnha kids seem great. i am somehow extremely motivated to read bnha now thanks to your art. BUT OH MY GOD KIRISHIMA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHAT EVEN
You picked the best fave you could ever pick, anon!!! Kirishima is the BESTEST boy, purest and brightest and energetic and actual sunshine and also super strong and resilient and kind of an ass now and again but in a good way he’s GREAT I’m IN LOVE with him good job your intuition is perfect
Anon said:I love all your art, but especially all your self indulgent stuff bc first off HELLS YEAH DO THE STUFF THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and another is it feels like self indulgent stuff for me but I’m not the one making the thing… So like… It’s Good™ BUT YEAH ANYWAYS I LOVE YOUR ART AND YOU AND YOUR ART MAKES ME HAPPY TBH I HOPE YOU’RE HAVING A LOVELY DAY
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH also this is super nice to know because sometimes being self-indulgent is all I can manage to do haha r i p but at least now I’ll know you, for one, will like it!!! That’s nice!!!!!!
Anon said:If you were ever bored and wanted to do more of your mershark au thing I wouldn’t be mad at all ! 😝 your art is so cute and easily recognizable and I really enjoy it! Stay beautiful lovely Fran!
!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really, really think I will!!!!!!!! :D
Anon said:I bet if denki tried to do the “if i jump at ______ they will most certainly catch me” with bakugou, bakugou would just let him fall
Oh my god no Bakugou’s reflexes and instincts are too fast and automatic the actual reaction at seeing someone run and jump at him would be without thinking trying to explodo-kill them don’t jump at him Kaminariiiii
Anon said: What to you think of a school dance bnha concept thing???
I read a bakushima about it once and I DIED so actually A++++ great perfect amazing concept I love it
Anon said:I gotta know,what do you think of the “Dabi is Todoroki Shouto’s brother” theory? i personally feel like that 1’s the most likely theory to become a legit thing but im curious
I talked about this on my main just the other day!! And added something about it earlier through another ask! But generally I think it’s believable, and I wouldn’t mind it being true :D
Anon said:But, what are your feelings about this chapters? And Kirishima? God, I love him even more and want him to be happy, but Im also dying to know what happened to him in his past!!
I CRIED I love that boy so much I swear it’s getting ridiculous I’m so so proud of him and how far he’s come and I just want him to be happy??? I do want to know his past tho!!! I’ve just been asking for this for, like, eight months!! I hope next one will be the one I’ll finally learn about my child tbh ;–;
Anon said:Fran you should totally do bnha and haikyuu calendars
………………..boi that sounds like a lot of work, anon. Like, it’s an interesting idea, but also my lazy ass is telling me no way no what the heck go to sleep instead r i p
Anon said:Have you ever thought of an eraser mic fusion?
I’ve drawn it already!!
Anon said:fran i?? i love the way you draw smiles?? idk i was just going through your art and i realized that holy SHIT i really love the way you draw smiles. like each smile is different and has its own specialty. esp bakugo’s smile I LOVE HOW YOU DRAW HIS SMILE!! like usually it’s not really noticeable but then there’s that slight quirk of his mouth (see what i did there?) and it’s so perfect. idk dude i just REALLY LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW SMILES
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE ASK I DON’T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you????? so much??????? I’m glad you like them cause honestly I love drawing people smiling and laughing, it makes my heart smile too~
Anon said:Theres a bnhaStuck blog in the works ;)
That’s? Nice! I guess!! I hope whoever’s working on it will have fun with it!!
Anon said:Fran this last BNHA chapter hurt so bad. And then I saw your mer-Kiri and it cheered me up!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad I could cheer you up cause honestly I felt that pain a whole damn lot too ;A; let’s hope Kiri won’t have to suffer much more in this arc #sob
Anon said:im crying fran, my hard bby kiri in the latest chap,,, my baby boi, i know that i wanted to know more abt him but,, keep my baby safe pls oh goodness gracious… (and as usual ur bootiful art keeps me alive)
I mean nearly all the character arcs we got are damn sad so it was obvious Kiri’s was going to be too, but still ;A; don’t make him suffer too bad Hori I beg u ;A;
THANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:!!!!!!FRAN!!!!!! YOUR MER!KIRI AU!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I’m glad you enjoy it!!!!!! 
Anon said:I love your work 😍. You are the only one who makes comics About my favourite ships. I check your web everyday If you post something new. My fav ships are I.waoi, bok.uroo and bak.ushima. Love your work 🙂
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!! holy smokes!!!!!
Anon said:Do you have an OC for Boku no Hero Academy?
The closest things to bnha ocs I have are the fusions, right now, but there’s a couple of asks in my inbox about a bkkr kid… soon……..
Anon said:Quick question, I want to read haikyuu, I’ve watched the anime already and I was wondering how close the anime follows the manga, like how bnha is basically identical, is it the same? Or is there a bit of difference *^*
I’m SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO ANSWER - I bet you already found your answer elsewhere, but anyway the anime is pretty much exactly the same as the manga!!
Anon said:Back on the topic of hq!!! I find it funny how people ask about bok.uroo so much as if you dont like them anymore when they’re literally still your header, like if you didn’t care for them they’d think you’d change it to bakushima or something
I’ve literally thought about changing my header so often but then I look at it and I’m like….. my kids………… I can’t do this………………. not yet…………………. same for my icon tbh haha I love them too much rip
Anon said:Okay but what if Kirishima makes a really stupid pun and Bakugou just turns away with a curse and he’s just covering his mouth and quietly giggling into his hand because even he can’t believe he found that funny, and that is SHAMEFUL. And Sero in the distance is just looking at him, all disappointed. Quietly judging the fact that Kirishima and Bakugou are practically meant for one another.
You wanna know the best thing the absolute best thing? My very first bnha comic was something eerily similar to the first part of this ask! Only Bakugou was the one to accidentally make a pun - I’d link it but honestly my style was ridiculous back then so not happening, just know that I’m 100% sure that post is the reason why I keep on drawing bnha comics about puns, my very first post set the path for all the others to come hah a curse I don’t actually mind
Anon said:are you planning on starting another series? like the bokuroteru tattoo shop au you did (it was real dandy and rad) it was what made me find your blog, so i was wondering if you have any future plans for anything similar. i really like your blog lots, i hope you have a nice day!
Right now I don’t actually have any idea orderly enought to make a proper series out of it, rip - maybe in the future, tho! That one comic was fun to make, after all!! And thank you!!!!!!!!
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fansplaining · 7 years
Hi guys! I recently marathoned Black Sails and i loved it! the only thing I'm sad about is that i didn't watch it in real time... I don't care if my ship is cannon, but I found that seeing it all at once means i know what happened to everyone, and I'm having a hard time shutting it off. I want to be into it, bc there are so many characters and ships i like in BS, but i don't know how to make the story feel open for exploration. any ideas or thoughts on how to incept myself into BS fandom?
Hello! Of course Elizabeth is answering this. This is a GREAT ASK, thank you, and not just because the entry point to this question is Black Sails ⚓⚓⚓. 
Tumblr media
(I’ll have you know this is one of, like, three gifs of Flint smiling in the entire series. I also googled “Black Sails happy” and…no one looked happy.)
OK so it seems like there are a few things going on here. Apologies for taking what’s ostensibly about one show and turning it into something broader, but I think it gets at fundamental questions of fannish engagement, so I’M GOING IN.
1) Watching/reading a series all at once 
Flourish and I talk about this one a lot, because we (and many others) have observed that younger/newer Harry Potter fans approach characters and plot elements VERY differently than we do, and we chalk a lot of this up to reading the books as a complete text versus reading it with miserable long gaps in which to turn over every freakin detail only to have 75% of it jossed when the next book came out. In 2002 I legit read this one page of Dumbledore dialogue in GoF 100 times thinking there was a clue that was just…under…the surface.
I think that with some texts and with some fans, the serialized nature of TV and book series are the way in—we climb into those gaps and lingering there, waiting and obsessively turning things over and imagining all the branching possibilities, all the future reveals, all the resolutions, is part of the pleasure. I sure as hell wouldn’t have fallen for Sherlock if I hadn’t shown up to poke at the gaping emotional wound between s2 and s3. (Frankly if you showed me all four seasons at once I’m not sure I’d even like the show—my lingering emotional loyalty was the only thing that kept me saying anything nice about s4.) 
If I had not watched Black Sails all in one go it would have been LITERAL TORTURE FOR ME. I had to pause for a week while traveling and I started to read fic that actually spoiled parts of the fourth season WHOOPS. :-/// But I can also understand how watching it all in one go wouldn’t give you enough space. But then, we watched the same way and I am deep in it, plotting out fic and everything. So maybe… 
2) A complete text can stay with you but might not give you a way in
This happens to me with books *all the time*. I’ll read something that shakes me—I’ve often used the metaphor “knocks your world off its axis” when describing a really great book, like it can be the subtlest tilt and you’ll feel like everything’s changed. I think it’s pretty normal for texts to stay with you? If they’re good or if they touch you in some specific way? Especially if you’re fannish and really feel the media you’re consuming.
But one thing I often find about books is they’re more…complete. Even when television shows end properly, rather than being cancelled, they might stretch for longer than what was initially planned, for example, so it doesn’t feel like the arc of the plot was as carefully constructed—often it can’t be, especially with long-running American shows (and of course with classic episodic television, say, a monster-of-the-week show, it’s not even structurally designed to have the same sort of ~ABCDE structure as a novel might). 
Black Sails is not one of those shows—they knew they were bringing the story to a close, and the entire show rests on carefully-plotted narrative arcs. (Not to mention there was an actual ~canonical endpoint for all the Treasure Island characters, ie where the book begins (like, sort of). I mean, there were also canonical endpoints for Jack, Anne, Vane, Blackbeard, Hornigold, and every other historical figure, but…)
Over the years I’ve joined fandoms for WIPs as well as finished products, and often for me fandom’s been a way of trying to mend the wounds of a media property I found incomplete, either narratively (with bad writing) or literally (like, when a show ends abruptly). I think for some fans, this is a crucial piece—they say that when they find something too complete, there’s nothing to mend. 
3) Different modes of fannish engagement
So here’s another thing I’ve observed—different friends have different definitions of “fandom.” So people are like, “Oh yeah, I’m in the fandom, I love that show!” And I find out that means they enjoy the show and livetweet it and look at some gifs and that’s that. Which is totally fandom! And then there’s me, nodding nervously as I debate mentioning that, “Oh yeah, I’m in the fandom, I love that show!” for me means “THIS IS THE ONLY THING I WANT TO THINK ABOUT, HELP ME, I AM DROWNING.” It’s funny, sometimes I think about archetypal nerdboy fandom and its dick-measuring fact recitation, and then I think about all the times I tried to read the room to see if it was safe to let another person know how much I thought about something I loved, how much I felt about it. Even in totally fannish spaces, I still hesitate. :-/
There have been some things in the past few years that I’ve really enjoyed and toyed with checking out fandoms for, but what I’ve come to realize over the years is for me, it needs to be like falling in love. I think for some people, interest and obsession grows, and for others, you fall in head-first. And for others still, it depends on the thing. 
I understand this ask might have been specifically looking for resources or suggestions and while I’d just say if you’re not feeling it in this way, that’s cool, there are lots of different ways to fan, and you can keep thinking about something even if you aren’t drawn to, say, create transformative works about it? But maybe I should say something about Black Sails in particular…
4) Black Sails-specific: unreliable narrators and transformative works
If anyone hasn’t finished Black Sails, stop reading here, I’ll keep it vague but there’s only so much I can do. This is one thing that’s especially interesting to me about this ask: while I’m going on about how final and precisely plotted it all was, it’s not…that final. Because the entire point of the show is about narrative, right? Who gets to write them, who gets to own them, how they can be manipulated, how they shape “civilization.” Characters constantly talk—and constantly show—how both Flint and Silver (and, like, most of the characters, from Max to Thomas to Vane to Woodes Rogers) are these masterful shapers of narrative. Flint is the victim of clashing narratives: what’s actually happened to him, what he tells the world he’s doing, what he’s actually doing (note that explosive scene when Miranda calls him on this, ahhh I love Miranda). But the show’s choice to shift to Silver’s narration to wrap up events is a really fascinating one: the man who works so hard to obscure his past, laying out the narratives of the future. Should we believe him? 
I recommend this interview with creators Johnathan Steinberg and Robert Levine—the Flint section at the start is really delightful if you’re into artists being super into open-interpretation of their work. “Do we have a sense of what we imagine is happening?” Steinberg says when asked if we should believe Silver’s speech to Madi. “Yes, but if I was someone else, I wouldn’t want to watch it with my interpretation coloring it.” They talk about how this is essentially a transformative work (they don’t use that term)—a certain decision “made sense as a way to both acknowledge the book and spin it.”
So this is like the literal opposite of, say, JK Rowling, who seems intent on letting us know every freakin detail of canon and post-canon and seems genuinely unhappy at the idea that people will interpret things in ways that “aren’t true.” (At least in interviews I’ve seen/read of hers in the past few years.) Steinberg and Levine seem to be the ultimate “open to interpretation” guys, which really is like this big blank slate for fandom building on and playing with this world they’ve created. That being said, if oppositional fandom is your cup of tea—if you love fic and fandom as a corrective, as a way of wrestling a creator over the text—then the, “Go for it, interpret however you want” thing is probably not super appealing. 
This is the first time in my entire fandom life, going on two decades now, that I have simultaneously been really satisfied with a show’s ending and still wanted to write and read fic. And that seems…weird to me? So I don’t think it’s that weird that it wouldn’t work for someone. TL;DR: I’d just say if it happens, it happens. But it’s OK to love something and not find a way into the fandom. But if that changes for you, I’ll be there. :-)
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