#i am honoured:D
Hullo Hullo! As it is clear that you are the undoubted expert on aesthetically pleasing pictures of our favourite detective and his actor Jeremy Brett, I am referring to you for help. As you might have noticed, there is currently a tournament going on to determine the hottest vintage old manTM. For some reason, I find myself emotionally attached to the victory or at least the successful competition of said favourite detective. At the moment, @hotvintagepoll is accepting propaganda for the hot men to be included in the next round. Would you, as the expert that you are, hand in the most unnecessarily handsome pictures of Mr Brett you can find (rules say they must be from before the 70s), acting as ambassador on behalf of all the Granada fans? We shall all be most devoted to you!
Aka es wär mega nett wenn du kurz Zeit dafür hast dieses alberne Projekt zu unterstützen aber wenn du da nicht so drin bist oder aus irgend welchen Gründen es nicht passt ist das natürlich komplett okay❤️❤️ hoffe du hast nen schönen Tag:)
Ahahahaha this made my day!! :D I must confess it flattered me extremely that you called me "the undoubted expert on aesthetically pleasing pictures of [...] Jeremy Brett", although I'm sure I don't deserve the honour. XD
Unsurprisingly, I find myself quite invested in this poll too, so I will gladly try and do my best to help Jeremy win! :D As an asexual AND a faceblind person, someone must be EXTREMELY pretty to make me notice (lol) so I hope I will be able to select the must unnecessarily handsome pictures ever! XD
(*gasp* Jemand spricht Deutsch mit mir? On my internet? :D Natürlich mache ich mit, dazu ist man doch ist man doch auf tumblr, um über alte Männer zu fangirlen! XD)
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