#i am in a losing position hehhehe
revitalizationrat · 2 months
For the ReviSplinter AU: Are we ever gonna see the babies... well... not as babies? All grown up?
Ah- yes, yes absolutely! I actually plan to divide ReviSplinter au into 2 categories: the turtle tots part and turtle teens part,
(Maybe later even some comics with fully grown, adult turtles?)
Both will be going in parallel to each other, If I have any idea for a teen shenanigans, then I'll draw it. If I want to come back to some turtle tots ideas, then so be it
(But first I must think of the designs for the older turtles c:<)
Also if you have any ideas or what you're curious about, feel free to ask,
I'm freestyling this whole idea, so all your sugestions are always welcome :> <33
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the19thduckpotato · 4 years
The Ties That Bind Part 5 (MHA fanfic)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
In which there is more Tsukauchi and concerns  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Izuku breathed deeply, rolling over and hugging his pillow, waking up slowly. He sighed softly, opening his eyes and yawning, blinking the sleep away. Mmm... I must have been out for a while... where's All Might? He lifted his head and rolled, looking around.
Toshinori was slumped in the chair, one hand still propping up his head.  He snored softly, his bangs fluttered with his breathing.
Izuku smiled, laying his head back on the pillow. He rested for a bit more, just watching the bangs flutter. The events of the night seemed far away for now. He looked at the hand connected to the machines, and wondered if he could take them off, quickly concluding that, No, that would be a Bad Idea to attempt and wrinkling his nose at the fact that he thought it. Instead, he started wondering when someone would come in to check on him. He imagined some professional, busy nurse he didn't know bustling in and spoiling the quiet of the moment. Ehhh... maybe not worth it. He felt good again, One for All having been able to finish its work. Looking at his still-bandaged ankles, he wiggled them, giggling softly. All better! After a moment, he looked back over to the quietly snoring Toshinori. Waited a minute. Nothing happening. ...I'm bored. He sighed. "Hhhmmhmmm...." Plopped his face in the pillow. Then moved it back to its original position, because pillows are hard to breathe through. ...I wonder if the machine would argue if I got up this time.... He eyed the spot beside Toshinori that he tried to take earlier, and the phone sitting in the chair beside his mentor. There's games on that... but it would totally be wrong to sneak into that just for fun, I'd lose his trust completely. He huffed a disappointed sigh. I still can't believe how cool he was with me knowing the access code, that was... nice. I wonder if he thought I was spying on him? You were though?? Oh. ...That's fair. ...Then I'm very happy that he was okay with me spying on him. Well-- he waffled about the exact word to use. ...Watching? I mean he did unlock it in front of me... a lot... surely, since he knew I was there, it wasn't spying... I just watched. For security purposes, in case of emergencies. He nodded firmly. Yes, emergencies... which does not mean playing WordMoles when you're bored. "...Hrrmph." He made a flat, grumpy face. (Like this. è__é ) ...I'm still moving over there, he decided. It's better than sitting here. And I mean, I can... right? He won't be mad at me... nah. It's just moving, like, two feet. He carefully slipped off the hospital bed, placing his feet gingerly on the floor, feeling, like he always did, a tiny bit like he was taking his first steps. Well, my first steps in a while, anyway. He settled himself beside Toshinori's leg on the floor, eyeing the phone. Nope! Nope. He shook his head. Not gonna do it. He sighed softly, leaning his head lightly against Toshinori's knee, feeling the seam of the fabric press against his cheek. He waited. Bo.o.o.o..o.r..r.e..d.d.d....
With an ungainly snort, Toshi sat up and blinked owlishly.  "Good m-m-yawn-morning, kiddo."  He brushed back unruly blond wisps of hair.  "How ya feeling?" 
”Gyeep!” Izuku gave a tiny squeak, jumping with surprise at Toshinori’s sudden awakening and noise. “G..oo...d—“ he tried to avoid it, but ended up catching the yawn. He blinked and shook his head, then resettled himself, turning and looking up at Toshinori, still leaning on him. “Better! Like, actually completely!” He gave a small, hopeful smile. Pleeeeeease will they let me go now...? I wanna go home. —I! Uh. The dorms! To the dorms. I mean.
Toshi scratched at the back of his head as he yawned again.  "Anyone come by to check on you?" Anyone notice I fell asleep on watch?  Sigh... He got to his feet and peered at Izuku.  "Tell ya what, I'll see if I can find someone and get you discharged already.  Sound good?"  He held a hand out to help Izuku up.
Izuku blinked confusedly, staring off into space for a moment as he realized that he’d have no way of knowing if anyone came to check on him until very recently. The thought freaked him out just a little. “Ah. I have... no idea?” He refocused on Toshi. “Not in the last few minutes, anyway.” Reaching out his hand, he took Toshinori’s and stood up carefully, smiling. Hmm. Bit shaky... I’m gonna have to eat soon. Ooh! Maybe I can talk him into taking me out to eat? He reconsidered quickly. Or maybe not... he seemed pretty shaken up last I saw him... he probably wants to go home. Yeah. Home is better. —I mean the dor.... The corners of his eyes crinkled a tiny bit more, and he gave a small sigh, giving in. Ohh... whatever. Home works.
"All right.  Stay put.  I'll be right back."  Toshi gave an awkward but cheerful wave as he stepped backwards and out the door.
Izuku’s eyes widened, and he stood on his tiptoes and opened his mouth slightly just as Toshinori walked out the door. “heY WAIT! You forgot your... phone....” He sighed. “Aaand... too late.” He plopped down in the chair and picked it up, turning it on the lockscreen just to see the clock and the weather, mumbling, “Well, I hope he doesn’t need this.”
As if prompted by being picked up, the phone began to buzz; All Might began cheerfully bellowing that A phone call is here! ...but at a surprisingly low volume.  Truthful Tsukauchi flashed across the screen as All Might continued to whisper-roar his pre-recorded announcement.
Izuku's eyes widened, and his mouth made itself into a little circle when the phone started ringing, but he didn't squeak again. An amused (and slightly perplexed) smile crossed his face at the change in ringtone, then turned soft when he realized. He must have done it for me, so I wouldn't be startled awake if a call came. He bit his lip and stared at the phone for one more ring. ...Should I answer it? I should, probably. Don't just let the call be lost.... He pressed Answer and held the phone to his ear. wait WHAT DO I SAY Impossibly, a slightly-fake but polite smile appeared on his face, and he adopted a fair imitation of the the Phone Voice and phrases he'd heard his mother use. "Hi, you've reached All Might's phone. Can I take a message?" He could have sworn sweat beads were collecting on his forehead. H e l p  m e . . . .
A stunned pause at the other end. Then:  "...Midoriya?"
Izuku gave a very awkward, panicked laugh. "Ahahahahahh... ...hi?" His eyes flicked back and forth as if searching for help. Alas, the room was as empty as it was a minute ago, with no help in sight. He made a weird croaky nervous noise in his throat. Then hoped very hard that Tsukauchi didn't hear him. Tsuka... OH NO, I didn't even remember his name!! Ackkkjjfhsgsdfsdfsfvs..... His brain reduced to incoherent sounds of chaos, he slid down farther into the chair, scrunching up like a turtle and grimacing, wide-eyed.
Tsukauchi bit back a laugh then cleared his throat.  "Hello Midoriya," he replied cheerfully.  "Is All Might there?"
"Ah!" Izuku perked up, gaining new direction now that he had a question to answer. "No." He paused. "I mean, yes... I mean-- no!" He smacked himself in the forehead, and was sure that one was audible through the phone. He sighed, rolling his eyes at himself. "He just stepped out for a minute." Is he going to wonder why All Might didn't have his phone with him? "And... left his phone. ...Hehheh." Well that doesn't help, now you sound guilty, like you stole it! He's gonna think you stole All Might's phone, that's why he sounded so surpri-- He caught himself, realizing how silly that all sounded, and groaned internally at his brain. Oh, please shut up....
"But he's ok, I trust?"  Tsukauchi found himself more amused by the minute.  I wonder what All Might would think of this.
"Oh! Yeah," Izuku reassured him. "He's fine." I think. He scrunched his nose, realizing that he'd said something that wasn't resolved or answered yet, trying to recall what it was.... Oh right! He leaned back in the chair and swung his legs a bit, more at ease now that he had something to say, and continued brightly, "So what were you calling about?" He tilted his head curiously. "I can tell him later."
Tsukauchi's mind whirred a moment.  Surely he didn't go back to the other room....no.  Not All Might. "His assistant, are you?"  He couldn't stop the chuckle now.  "I admire the effort but I can't speak to you about police matters.  You understand."  A smile colored his voice now.  "Truth be told, I believe I could trust you with the information.  You're a good kid."
"Huh...?" His assistant? Why would I be...? Oh, it was a joke. He continued listening as Tsukauchi finished, then smiled, laughing softly. "Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence." He bit his lip, wondering if he should ask. Should I even be wondering? This isn't my fight, it's not my place to drag it up.... But you were a part of it, his mind whispered. You were the reason. He closed his eyes. Maybe he won't even be able to tell me. So I can ask, and then I'll have done all I can do, and that's... that's the end of it. A nauseous, tense feeling grew in his middle. ...Do I really want to know? "Uhm." It came out soft as a whisper.
"Something's on your mind.  ...last night?"
"Well, I mean." Izuku shrugged, his tone now matter-of-fact. "Yeah." What else? "I don't know if you can tell me... and... it's a little bit hard to remember right now...." I can't seem to connect to it... can't seem to feel what I did before... is this repressing memories? Am I doing that without knowing it? Am I losing that time--? "But..." He gripped a hand tightly around his foot, curled up with knees to his chest. One more shaky breath.... What am I doing? How can I say this, what kind of lack of faith in-- Then, softly.... "...Did they live?" A sick feeling settled in his stomach. Once the words left his mouth, he wished he could take them back.
"All Might didn't tell you?  That's odd..."  His mind whirred again, offering up theories before belated realizing that he didn't answer Izuku. "My apologies!  They are both expected to make a full recovery, one sooner than the other."  He almost added a personal thought then decided against it.  "So don't worry yourself about them.  They got off better than expected."
Tsukauchi's tone held none of the heaviness of death in it. Izuku had let out a tiny sigh of relief by the first syllable, his posture relaxing as he listened to the rest of what Tsukauchi had to say. "That's good," he said softly, a small smile on his face. "Why one sooner than the other?" He kept his tone quiet and calm, hoping that Tsukauchi would take him seriously. "How bad is it, if I may ask?"
"Midoriya--ah, Izuku?  May I call you that?"  His tone reflecting a respect given as well as a respect asked for.
Izuku stiffened a little, making a Nope face. Ahhh... I don't know if I like that. But you're so close to All Might... and if I'm close to him... do I have to let you? How can I say no, that'd be so rude-- He knew the pause of him not answering was telling in itself, though, and it grew longer with every instant he waited. "A-ahh," he started shakily. I don't even know what to call you, that's-- That's perfect! There was the answer to his predicament. "Well what do I call you, sir?" He laughed the question out awkwardly. Okay, maybe not perfect... but maybe I can get out without answering.
"Tsukauchi is fine.  Or if you prefer, Officer Naomasa.  That way we're on a first name basis.  But the 'officer' part has to stay, just so we don't seem too familiar with each other.  That could lead to...ah, complications."  This could also help me explain to you why what happened did, he thought to himself.  "Does that seem fair to you?”
Izuku swallowed nervously, the hand that held the phone shaking a little. "...Officer Naomasa." He tried it out. "I think I could do that, sir." He huffed a bit more breathy, slightly-frightened laughter. "I don't think I could call anyone by just their first name, anyway. It would feel kinda weird." Except Toshinori, you mean. Ohh...  shut up, that doesn't count. And I barely do that even in my head. So.
"All right, Officer Naomasa it is.  Is Izuku all right?" Was he stalling so he didn't have to speak of the night's events, either?  Tsukauchi winced.  It had been a messy and disturbing business.
Izuku froze, not wanting to say yes. Knowing that if he did, Tsukauchi would immediately be able to tell that he was lying. Whether his quirk worked over the phone or not, Izuku was just That Bad At It. I thought I could squeak by... but... oh no, oh no, what do I do?? I can't say no now! Why do I even care?? It's just a name! But it's so personal... only Mom n All Might call me that.... Well, and now I can have one more person who calls me that. His brain did a 180° turn from "not for you, Mister" to "okay, you belong here." Extended family, sort of...? He smiled, liking the idea. "...Okay." His voice was soft and vulnerable, hoping that Tsukauchi would pick up on how big of an allowance that was for him. As if it matters, a nasty thought hissed at him. As if you could allow him something. That's so stupid, he has way more authority than you! It matters because it's my name. I got given it, and I get to choose who uses it. And I choose to let him. Izuku nodded to himself firmly, decided now.
The other end was quiet for a moment.  Then: "Excellent.  Thank you for this honor.  I promise to do everything in my power to be respectful of this knowledge and of our newly forged connection, hero."   Tsukauchi shifted the phone to his other ear.  "Now remind me what you were asking."
Izuku ducked his head shyly, smiling. "Ah. Uhm." He wrinkled his eyebrows in thought, the smile persisting for longer than expected. Wow, I must be really happy, then. Okay. "Oh right!" He sat up straighter, alert, smile disappearing. "What's their condition? The two villains, I mean. Has the hospital told you much, or...?"
"Recovering.  I hope they think upon the error of their ways and become better citizens after this."  Since they got a second chance at life.  Tsukauchi pressed his mouth into a thin line.
I... that's not what I meant, but.... "Thank you." Okay, I guess a runthrough of their injuries was too much to ask, after all, hah. Not that I really wanted one, but... "recovering" isn't much information. Does he not want to tell me? Is it that bad? Nnnhh.... His thoughts turned to anyone else involved in the situation, doing a safety check all round. No civilians, no police hurt after they took the villains, I'm sure... that leaves.... "Did you... did he...." Izuku sighed, making a leap of faith on his new... bond of sorts with Tsukauchi. Boy I hope I can trust you with this request.... "Okay, don't tell him I said this, but... how is he? All Might." Izuku furrowed his eyebrows. "He won't... talk to me. He just kinda... watches. Granted, I haven't been the best listener... okay, I haven't even asked, not properly." He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, suddenly realizing how badly he'd done. "I... I'm kind of afraid to ask. Open wounds, and all that." He curled up again, resting his arm on his knees and his head on his arm. All Might... please be okay.
Tsukauchi sighed, a heavy sound.  A "I dont want to tell you" sound.  A "It's not my place to tell you" sound. A "I dont want to ruin your idol for you" sound. "Izuku, how do I..."  He ran a hand through his hair, looking about for any sign of All Might, somewhat aware of how strange the current situation was.  "Ok, I'm going to take a guess at this.  I've worked with a lot of heroes and I've seen this happen before.  Just...dont take my word for it 100%.  Each case is a little different." How to begin... All Might...forgive me...
A soft, "I'm listening."
"All right.  Let's start with a quick example--just now, when we exchanged permission to use each other's names.  Seems a simple thing.  But now we--or I'd like to think we have--a small bond.  We have a seed of trust we share and we'd welcome the chance to nurture it.   To see if it endures.  The more it grows, the more likely we are to continue to nurture it. "Now you and All Might.  Would you say the two of you share a similar bond of trust?"
"Ahhh, yeah." Izuku furrowed his brows again, puzzled. Is he gonna say that he doesn't wanna tell me? That he wants to nurture the bond of trust he has with All Might? But this won't be bad for him... I just wanna help, and I may not even be able to... do anything.... He shook his head. No, that's not it. He was starting to tell me earlier. He must still be going. He continued listening, hoping he hadn't missed any important bits while he was thinking.
Tsukauchi grinned.  "Yeah.  I'd wager it's more than just a simple name trade.  I wager it's a whole lot more.  And that it's more than just trust. "See, here's the thing, Izuku.  Heroes are admired for what they do for us.  But we take granted what they give up for us.  In order to protect us.  Villains will search for any vulnerability, any crack in a hero's defense, to get an advantage over the hero. "I'm going to ask a difficult question and I dont expect you to answer it.  Just think about it.  Ready?  What would you do if someone threatened your mother?"
"...I don't know." Izuku was quiet, thinking about what he could do. About what he couldn't let himself do. Trying to draw a line. "Take them down fast, I guess." (And ignored the part about not being expected to answer.)
"I don't know--it's a true answer.  It's a position no one ever wants to find themselves in.  How much is too much?  How much do I value this bond I have with this person? "And sometimes, in order to not put others in danger, to not have to make those hard choices, to not be in that awful position... heroes make a difficult choice and cut themselves off from people at large.  Oh, they're still interact with fans and the people they save.  But it can never go beyond that; a hero can't afford to let a bond be the break in their defense. "Multiply that feeling by the thousands and you get All Might.  With me so far?" Tsukauchi bit the side of his lip, treading carefully with his words.  He still valued his own bond with All Might.
"...Yeah." Izuku's voice was down to a half-whisper. "I know All Might did that." He swallowed hard. "And then I came and messed it all up." There was a tinge of humor in his words, but not much. "...I didn't mean for this to happen." His voice was a horrified whisper. "I swear." I wanted the opposite... please, no, I don't want anyone to die because of me! Not even if they're trying to kill me, it's just-- it's not worth it, I-- they're alive, life means so much-- And they're still alive, he reminded himself. No one died. They could have. He knew that. But they didn't. All Might stopped himself. Which is more than I could have done. Izuku squeezed his eyes tight, promising himself that he would never-- could never allow himself to get angry when he fought for his closest loved ones. Never. He shuddered. I'm not allowed. I wouldn't stop.
"Izuku.  Listen." Tsukauchi gave a half smile.  He knew he was one of a fortunate few.  And Izuku moreso than him.  Did he feel a tinge of jealousy?  Hard not to, you were talking about the All Might. "Heroes decide to guard their most precious bonds in the way that they choose.  With All Might being --having been--the most well known hero in the world, he had to take that to extreme measures.  There's certain guidelines even I follow so that I can protect my bond with him." Tsukauchi chuckled softly.  "Sidenote, you understand I'll need to speak with All Might about his phone after this." "But the part I need you to hear is this:  yours is the most precious bond." Tsukauchi paused a moment to let that sink in as he collected the rest of his words.
"Huh?" Izuku accidentally started to answer the side note before Tsukauchi was finished talking. "What, that I answered his pho--?" O-O "...Ah. Hm." ...Are you sure about that? Like... that sounds a little fishy... you've been his best friend for, like... a long time. That is a sweet sentiment, though, thank you. "I... um. Thank you." He ducked his head again shyly. Where was I? I was saying something, gotta keep the moment moving, I don't know how to respond to that, someone come in and save me please.... Izuku’s thoughts turned into an antsy singsong, his fingers tapping nervously. "Should I... not have answered his phone? What if it was an emergency?" He titled his head, changing the subject.
Tsukauchi chuckled as he scanned the hallway for that familiar burst of blond again.  "No, I mean about him keeping his phone with him.  And maybe changing the passcode.  Sorry, Izuku.  There's information on that device you're currently holding that's worth a lot of money in the wrong hands. "I won't mention this call, if that's what's worrying you.  And with him being retired, emergencies aren't quite as common any more (might explain his carelessness...) "At the end of the day, it's still his phone.  I wouldn't be comfortable with someone answering mine without my knowledge.  ...but I'm glad to be having this conversation with you, truth be told.  Fair?"
Izuku scrunched puzzledly. "You don't need a passcode if the phone is already ringing." Do you? Did he? Did I put it in and forget, I THINK I would have remembered.... "And... yeah. Fair." He smiled sadly, a bit disappointed to lose his "phone privileges". That he kind of stole. But maybe I can watch for the passcode again... ...nah. All Might would be watching me. And if Tsukauchi.. er, Officer Naomasa told him not to let me... sigh "You can mention this call if you want to, I mean, I'll probably say that you called. Just... not... all of it." He ducked his head, blushing a little. "If that's okay."
"How about I finish saying my piece before you so readily say thst?" Tsukauchi smirked. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, All Might has been so very careful all these years.  And for those same amount of years, he's been alone.  And letting so very few in.  For their protection. "He...lost someone once."  Sorry, Izuku, I cant say any more than that.  That's definitely out of bounds for me.  "He built his walls.  He--"  No, definitely can't mention that battle, either.  "--events happened and he closed himself off even more.  For his own reasons, of which the most paramount has always been to protect us. "Self imposed isolation is still isolation.  It's a lonely and depressing business.  No one deserves that, especially not the Symbol of Peace.  So Izuku, I have to say, you've had a remarkable effect on him this past year."
Well that just makes me even more curious. Izuku kept his mouth shut, however. There are just some things you don’t ask. He’ll tell me when and if he’s ready to. “Thank you.” He closed his eyes, a tiny smile growing bigger. That’s all I’ve really wanted to do for him. To be there. To be good to him. ...For him. ...Can I still be? Even if my presence pushed him to... this?
"I guess what I'm trying to say is...well..." Tsukauchi's mouth twisted in frustration.  "I'm not excusing what happened, not blindly.  But I understand why it happened.  Your bond is infinitely precious to him and he....reacted." That's putting it so mildly that even mayonnaise is insulted. A pause, heavy.  "Do you....remember it?"
“....A little.” He squeezed his eyes shut. “I’m trying not to now. Just not right now. I’m probably not the one that’s supposed to be freaking out right now, huh.”
There was a tap at the door as Tsukauchi replied on the other end: "Well, no one should be freaking out.  It's over and done with.  If you can't remember, don't force yourself to."
“Uh-hh.” Izuku twisted around to face the door. “Someone’s at the door.”
Toshinori poked his head in.  "Doctor to--"  He covered his mouth to quiet himself as the doctor peeked in as well. Then Toshi frowned in comical confusion:  "...wait a second..." The phone chirped:  "All Might?  Is he there?"
“Yup!” Izuku smiled brightly at Toshinori. “Found him!” He blinked, rethinking. “Well, he found me...” He motioned in the air to illustrate his point, regardless of whether the person he was actually talking to could see it or not.
Toshi squinted, pat his pockets, squinted more, strode across the room, slender fingers  sliding the phone from Izuku's grasp-- "Thank you--" --then motioned to the doctor as he stepped back out of the room to speak with his friend.
Izuku stiffened just the smallest bit at the phone being taken from his hand, making a noise that was a bit startled, a bit betrayed, and a bit annoyed. The mix of which came out sounding rather like petulance. Fortunately, Toshinori didn’t seem to hear it, or at least didn’t seem to react to it as he slipped out the door to talk to Tsukauchi. Leaving Izuku alone. With a strange doctor. “Uhhhh.” He stiffened further, staring at the doctor with wide eyes. “Hhhhhi.”
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