#i am just. really excited. both as a fan and a nerd LMFAO my only other concert ever was to kpop (skz) and i don't even like skz & kpop
astrxealis · 1 year
good morning in around 12 hours from now i am having my second concert ever but also this is to my favorite band so i am fucking hyped as hell
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Uh, I'm running out of ideas for how to introduce these things...
Anyways, Any Sport in a Storm!
May my Huntlow dreams come true
From denial to acceptance in record time, impressive!
Also, tape? My dude, I know nothing about sewing, and even I can tell that's some clown shit
"Consider this a test" consider my foot in your ass, Phil
The way Raine looked back at Hunter...now I'm curious about their previous relationship
Also, not liking the way Terra is leading Raine around...
Good to see Darius again, if only because of Keston John's voice😍
Ooh, Golden Guard lore! Seems like it's a legacy position, which makes sense
Hunter desperately seeking approval and validation while Darius is clearly sick of his shit
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" That's gonna come back later
Shortened title again? Not sure if they're making more time for longer episodes or putting off having to change the title sequence again...
Hell yeah, more Willow working out!
You got this, Willow!
Oh, shit! That's her dads! I bet that's how they met!
Where did her new glasses come from, though?
Also, lol at "Eye of the Liger"
Ah, so it was an errant locker
I also love how they both knew that Willow could save them
Important information, Gus
Oh, the way Luz fluffs Willow's hair❤❤❤ (Yes, I multiship, what of it?)
Azura Book Club real?!...Wait, I knew that already, I saw the promos lol
"I am so excited to hear the next words coming out of your mouth" Bruh, stop giving me Willuz fuel /hj
Hyping up badass Willow so far, so I'm definitely loving it
I wonder if Gus carries around confetti now, as well, thanks to Luz
I think I saw a comment about it elsewhere, but the whole club fair premise is so anime, and it's great
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This show really likes to say "Ages 6-11," doesn't it?
Uh oh, here comes Boscha
Luz is nerding out so much here, I love her
Hermosa ❤❤❤
Hey, I'm allowed some Lumity marking
The author of Azura? Luz seems confused
Human or demon? Interesting...
Also, lol at Boscha wanting attention
Love the way they just excitedly run off
"You guys aren't cute! I still have more friends than you!" Quality, not quantity, Boscha. You're just jealous you don't have an awesome girlfriend
Oh, this is gonna go swimmingly for golden boy /s
Great job selling your cult, buddy
Oh, hey, it's Barcus!
"Banish card" lmfao the disrespect
Oh no, critical thought that runs counter to his indoctrination! His one weakness!
(Also, good on you, Jerbo)
Bruh just get off her tail wtf
So we finally have a name for abomination professor: Professor Hermonculous!
This guy's kind of a dick, huh
Well, Willow, you're about to find one, at least
Scary, then sweet. Classic Willow
Very enthusiastic handshake
Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams...First rule of lies: keep it simple
"Fly doobie" not in a TV-Y7 show
That all sounds...intense
"I don't feel sick" has the same energy as "I'm not putting anything down," change my mind
Aw, Gus is looking out for Willow❤
I'm also glad to see that, yes, Amity is just as dorky as Luz
Canceled? Oh, no!
The fruits of the recruitment drive
...not the best first impression
Oh, no, are we in for a crisis of confidence for Willow?
"Half a witch" Hmmmmmmmm
Oh, never mind, Willow is persistent
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Loving that face
Ooh, Skara's smart, too! That one post of mine still holds up!
"Now I'm only scarred emotionally!"
I actually really like how Gus and Hunter bounce off of each other, surprisingly
And Willow is an effective leader and good at recognizing where everyone's strengths lie
Now we have context for that one screenshot
The chase is on!
The bird phone just flying into the window lmfao
Looks like Darius' Me Time is being interrupted once again
Game on!
Okay, yeah, Gus and Hunter camaraderie is good, actually
Even got the Gatorade dunk
I'd knock "Emerald Entrails," but it seems rather fitting for the Boiling Isles
Luz and Amity are gonna see that group selfie and have...a reaction
Damn, Viney, that's cold
Oh, here's actual betrayal
Dammit, blondie, you had a good thing going and you fucked it up
Also, way to show your hand so abruptly
So Darius sent the scouts, huh?
Prime usage of Steve
Man, Hunter is really just describing all kinds of awful shit with zero self awareness or introspection. Apparently critical thought is just not a thing in the Emperor's Coven
Ah, there's the crisis of confidence
"Can you?"
(Let me just take another opportunity to praise Keston John's voice acting. So good)
Oh I don't like that about the palismen
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices" Why is this such a mood?
The way they're still bringing up theories while chasing that author, holy shit they're such nerds ❤
Tiny Nose?! Tinella Nosa?!?!
And Mattholomule? Who else is in on this?!
Bro Amity is the only person on the Isles buying the Azura books I fucking
Yeah, punch 'im! And may this be his last appearance
Mmm, yes, casually rest your head on Amity's shoulder. I mean, sorry about that whole thing, but at least y'all can be cute together
Those Penstagram posts are 💯💯💯
Well, valiant attempts, but Darius is a coven head, after all
I was gonna say something else, but we're still on that previous point
Starting to get Horde Prime flashbacks
Better late than never on doing the right thing, I guess
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A small blush, I'm sure this won't be totally overanalyzed and possibly blown out of proportion /j
(That said, my Huntlow brainrot will take what it can get)
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Huh, well then, Darius, I guess you get this:
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I did not have "Darius as a good mentor figure" on my nonexistent Bingo card, I am pleasantly surprised
They gon write fanfiction together this just keeps getting better
"I am really digging those outfits" Damn, Luz, be more bisexual, why don't you
Their reactions to Hunter remind me of the end of Hooty's Moving Hassle (God, that seems like a different show entirely at this point)
Well, that was a nice, light episode! Drama! Flair! Facepaint! But nothing too plot heavy or angsty.
I think the Flyer Derby plotline stood on its own quite solidly, and it was definitely apparent that it was the main attraction here. Some more development and confidence building for Willow, and Hunter got a brief taste of actually being a kid for once.
Also, I feel the Lumity part managed to avoid overshadowing the episode, unlike in Through the Looking Glass Ruins. Their interactions were cute and sweet, yet casual and understated. Clearly girlfriends, but not too in-your-face about it, and the storyline was cute enough, even if it did have Tibbles.
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vixenfur · 6 years
Tag at least 5 people you love and give a few words on why!
Since there was so much BS in the fandom today, time to share some love! :)
- @zeta-jane is an absolute godsend of a friend. They are sassy, funny, talkative, energetic and so full of amazing ideas!!! Zeta is always there for me when I need someone to lean on. They’re such a kind friend and they will not hesitate, baitch to fight people who hurt me- probably because they know I’d do the same for them! They’re such good company both online and IRL, and I am blessed to have met them! I am even more blessed to be writing City of Dust and Shadows with them, which has become the longest fic either of us has ever written! We may or may not surpass it with our future collabs, however ;) They are just the coolest person ever and they deserve all the love in the world. I adore them so much!!! TUT 
- @mikayu-chan is such a got damn SWEETHEART. They are trying to see the positive side of things, especially after so much fandom drama in the past, and I’m so so proud of them for trying their hardest to live their best life. They have it way too hard and I want to give them a big ole hug and many days of fun!!! They always make me laugh and we have a great time on calls! I’m glad that we see eye-to-eye on so many things and that we continue to teach each other new things all the time!! They are really an irreplaceable friend and such a joy to talk with, to write with, and to laugh with. I love you Chan
- @crazyloststar deserves the entire world and more!!!! oMg I cannot express how much I love Alex!!!!! Alex is just a big bundle of happiness and fun and she makes me so so so so so so so happy. I love calling with her and talking, I love writing with her and everything else!! We always have so much fun, I swear I can’t talk to her without laughing my ass off at least once XD we’re always DJDJDHDHDHDJD’ing at each other because we just can’t find the right words to express how hard we’re agreeing with each other/laughing omfg. I adore her and I cant WAIT to cosplay KimiYoi and RyuuTenn with her hopefully at next year’s Yaoi Con WOOT WOOT :D!!!!
- @yuudefensesquad is sUCH A GOOD BEAN who deals with SO MUCH and she just needs a big ole hug and lots of Yuuchan i stg. Caydence is such a funny funky lil nugget and I protecc her with my life okay. Her art? Flawless. Her shitposts? FUCKIN HILARIOUS. Her meta? Super engaging and intriguing! Her bravery? ABOVE US ALL LOL. She is just awesome and I’m glad I forcefully adopted her into my lil family of mikayuu nerds bc it just wouldn’t be the same without her. Caydence ily never stop being you. A lot of shit challenges her irl and everywhere else, but she still keeps her head up and man I really respect her.
- @mikaisatop is MY FRICKIN RIGHT HAND MAN. My SOULMATE. SARAHHH I ADORE YOU. You might be busy rn but I love you so much girl ;__; even though she’s busy I always bother her bc I want her to know I wouldn’t ever forget about her!! I’m so happy we got to collab so much and will continue doing so!! Winter’s Waltz is so much fun to write and I’m so happy she is writing it with me anyways despite such a busy schedule. If it weren’t for Sarah we wouldn’t have so much good MikaYuu content and I applaud her for it!!
- @6lilystrings9 IS JUST THE BOMB DOT FUCKIN COM. Lily and I didn’t super duper connect until more recently but omg talking with her is just a freakin BLAST. We always get so hype with each other, even over each other’s fandoms that we aren’t even in!!! Something about the energy in her pulls out the energy in me and we just get GOING lmao. She is so very talented and amazing and a fascinating person all around! I’m so glad we got to hang a bit at KatsuCon in 2017 but I hope we can do that again in the future! I miss her all the time!
- @weirdfairytales is the MAN. THE MYTH. THE LEGEND. Anna is just the biggest definition of a meme I can think of and I LOVE her for it. I’m so glad that we met way back when MikaYuuHell Skype existed and that she thought of the masterpiece that is Cherry Boy one wild night. I’m so glad we continued to be great friends and talk about so many things. I love when our messages get super long cause we just have so many things to say XD Cosplaying Victuuri with her at Katsu was so lit, and I can’t express how much I love her Victuuri fic too!!!
- @hannaadi88 is such. a. sweetheart. I can’t say it enough. Hanna does so much and gets so little I stfg yall need to APPRECIATE HER MORE. Her writing is STUNNING and the projects she makes for this fandom are just outstanding!!! From gift exchanges (I SAID ONS REMIX BEFORE IM SORRY i was wrong XD) to 365 Days of Mika and Yuu, she has put in so much for us constantly! She has also granted us with the lovely fic Scented, and not to mention one of my favorite fics of ALL TIME, Eye of Horus- the Ancient Egypt take on Unwritten!!! And she named it that without knowing my first tattoo is literally the eye of horus! XD I was shook lmfao and I still am. Meeting Hanna was amazing and the day I spent with her and @ihavetobenkyou (who is also a-freaking-MAZING and a big bundle of goodness!!!!!!) is one I’ll never forget. She’s so chill and just gives off this ‘wise’ aura idk why but I just look up to Hanna so much. No matter what she writes I will always support her and you all should too!!!
- @just-another-dream-about-yuu is ONE OF MY FAVORITE HUMANS TO EVER HUMAN. Julia omfg I cannot express how much I love you. TwT Julia is not only one of the most talented artists I have ever seen, but she is so sweet and fun and so full of energy and excitement!! She’s super busy with adulting so she’s not around in the fandom a whole lot but I always make sure to include her bc I won’t let her leave XD JULIA YOU CANNOT ESCAPE…. lmfao I will always drag you back… I won’t ever forget the day I got a twitter notification that someone drew me Unwritten fanart and the croaking sound I made was insane LMAO my friend who was with me was like WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED XD I was so excited!!! I still adore every piece of fanart she’s given me and I always will. Thank you, Julia, for bringing my imagination to life so many times, for showing me what you saw when you read my writing. It means more than I can say.
- @coleglend is the most underappreciated person in this fandom I swear. Or, who was in this fandom- Cole is off doing other things besides OnS, but regardless, she is so very amazing and beyond talented. I can’t even express how beautiful her art is and the emotions each piece sparks in me. Even her new Marvel artworks are just breathtaking and I truly admire them!!! I don’t know anyone who can make such detailed, visually engaging art- everything she creates belongs in a museum I swear. I want to print them and frame them for my walls!!! I look at her art all the time!!! Now that I’ve established how gorgeous her art is, talk about Cole as a person! She’s so sweet and kind and I love seeing her little posts on Instagram and such, even though I can’t understand most of them, I like seeing that she’s with friends and having a good time.
- @linnpuzzle is one of the coolest most amazing people in this fandom!!! Her art is STUNNING and as she knows, I will drop everything to commission her and buy her merch because I just am addicted to her gorgeous art!!! I am so honored to have some of her art as part of my collection of OnS things and I am forever going to treasure the commissions I’ve purchased from her!! Besides being a great artist, I love talking with Linn, too! I’m so glad we have things in common outside of MikaYuu, like Voltron and Kyo Kara Maoh :D Linn is truly too good for this world and she deserves everything okokok.
- @zilleniose-chu is truly an ICON of this fandom. We don’t talk alot outside of business stuff lolol but they are just freakin amazing!!! I adore their art so much- I always have, ever since I first saw their page!!- and I LOVE their AU’s and headcanons!! They are full of such great ideas and humor and they can share those ideas through really stunning and captivating artwork
- @absolute-exclusivity IS AN AMAZIN. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BEAN OH MY GOODNESS i cANT TELL YOU ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE LYSIA. AAAAAAAAHHHH THIS GIRL IS GONNA SPEND MY BIRTHDAY WITH ME OUT IN LONDON LESSGO GIRL!!! I’m so excited you have NO IDEA. Lysia is so so so energetic and cute and overall such an amazing friend!! She’s so caring and always willing to listen even when things are busy for her!! She’s full of hilarious, tragic, and heart-pounding ideas and AU’s. We always get lit together talking about fics and headcanons and I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world. I can’t wait to meet her and I can’t wait to collab with her and Zeta soon, too!!
- @rindartist is absolutely one of my favorite artists of ALL TIME no doubt about it. Rin is so amazing, always making so many beautiful artworks of MikaYuu, and now of other lovely series aswelll! I may not be into GBF but her art of it is just lovely and I suggest everyone to commission Rin if they have the means!!
- @p0isonpez is someone I’ve only seen from afar but I absolutely love her art and posts!! I am so happy to see someone new in the fandom sharing such lovely things and interacting with the rest of us!! you seem so friendly and kind and I hope we can talk more sometime! :D
- @temesasu is such a sweetheart!! We’re just starting to talk a little more, but I am soso happy!! They are such an amazing cosplayer and their ONS cosplayers bring such a big smile to my face. They are beautiful and able to make themselves look like so many different characters!!! They are so talented with makeup, I am in awe!! :D And they are so kind and fun to talk to, and I hope we talk more! Thank you for sharing your cosplays with us, you are amazing! Don’t stop!
- @seraph-star is such a good precious person who makes endless good content!! Omg, their edits are just so awesome!! they always have me bouncing my head along, or completely enraptured and breathless, or laughing!! They are so good at evoking different emotions through video editing and as a very casual video editor myself, I am so impressed with their work!! I also love their memes and art and everything else that they share!!!
- @angeru-artist is a precious PRECIOUS ANGEL who deserves the entire world!!!! Omg, Angeru makes such amazing art, with such expressive characters and cute little attributes!!! I love it when I see their art and I’m so glad that we share a few fandoms together rather than just one. Angeru is really bighearted and she goes through way too much hard times, and I wish I could just take her away to somewhere better!!! One day my friend we will forget about the world and just have fun!!
- @maqui-chan iS ONE OF THE BEST ARTISTS I’VE EVER KNOWN OMFG. her art is iconic and unforgettable!!!! Maqui’s art has always been one of my favorites of all time and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve commissioned her LOL!! I JUST LOVE HER ART SO MUCH OKAY!?? ITS SO GOOD GO LOOK AT ALL OF HER GLORIOUS CREATIONS! she is so talented and she can create anything, from angst to smut to humor, leave it to Maqui to create amazing things!! And omg Maqui ignited the fire in all of our ShuuNaru hearts amiright!??? GOD her art inspired me so much to the point to where I wrote a ShuuNaru fic and it was so much fun!!! Maqui, thank you for drawing so many awesome things and creating so much for the fandom!! Even if you’ve mostly fallen out of it, your creations are always going to be treasured by me and many other people- you’ve impacted people way more than you know! Thank you for always making me laugh on twitter aswell XD you’re amazing and ily!!! 
OK OK I;M OUT OF STEAM I’VE BEEN TYPING THIS FOREVER OK i could go ON AND ON about even MORE people in this fandom but that would take me literal ages LMAO
TO EVERYONE ELSE, WHO I DIDN’T MENTION BC MY BRAIN IS JUMBLED AND I AM EXHAUSTED: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. DONT STOP CREATING. THE FANDOM IS A FLAMING GARBAGE HEAP SOMETIMES LIKE IT WAS TODAY. But DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU from having a good time, doing what you love, and creating things that you are proud to share!!! And if your heart leads you elsewhere, to a different brand new fandom, I hope you always remember the people you inspired with your work!! I hope you forget the bad memories and always treasure the good ones. I hope that we can be friends and/or that I can continue supporting you no matter where we all end up in the years to come. And if you decide to support me too, I give you my biggest, most heartfelt thanks.
No matter how ridiculous this fandom can get and how much stupid discourse can dampen the mood and disappoint me, I will never let it stop me from loving MikaYuu and OnS and what I do. I will never let it stop me from writing all that my crazy little heart wants. I will continue to write until my passion dies, and when that day comes I will probably cry as I say goodbye and resort to watching from the sidelines as everyone else carries on. I will never forget the fun I had here. These past 3 years have been so impactful already, and I know the future ones will continue to be- with the old friends, with the new friends, and with friends to be made!!
Let’s spread love more often rather than hate. I encourage anyone who feels inclined to make posts (maybe not as long as mine if you dont want XDD) talking about your favorite creators and friends in the fandom, too! Or, if that seems too corny to you, just continue to draw, write, edit, and cosplay! Continue to make people laugh and smile and cry and swoon! Continue to support creators by leaving comments and kudos, by liking and reblogging, by following and commissioning, and sharing and crediting their work wherever you can! Continue to make a difference!
I love you all so much!
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percybitchshelley · 8 years
i got tagged by @vityanikiforov to do this
aaand i’m supposed to tag 9 people but i don’t have (m)any friends here so i’ll tag @prousts @seafeel @razkholnikov @viggobrotensen @iscarriot @oldmanhawke and @trainingskates (or @ttongchan.. whichever u prefer) bc i know some of u but i’d also like to get to know some of u too
and i guess the rules are to tag 9 people you’d like to know better?? so.. yeah
1. how old are you? 21, but i’m turning 22 in a few weeks (feb 9!!) 
2. current job/dream job? right now i’m not really working, since i’m a student, but i do work part-time at my university’s writing center as a tutor. i mostly just sit in this windowless room and try to do homework but sometimes a freshman or two come in and i help them with their papers and whatnot. but for the most part i’m just... doing schoolwork... like... literally... all the time lmfao. and as far as a dream job goes?? i’d really love to be a professor of english... when i was younger i really wanted to be a writer, but as i’ve grown up i’ve realized that while i’m not bad at creating characters and thinking of ideas for stories, i’m absolutely terrible at actually putting them together, like, i can barely write a piece of fan fiction - i have a fic FROM 2013 that STILL isn’t finished. so if i ever actually committed to writing ~A Novel~ it’d probably take the rest of my life. but!! i’m puh-RETTY good at talking ABOUT things OTHER PEOPLE did, whether it’s how/why they’re great or how/why i hate them. plus, i’m just good at school and i want to be able to keep reading things and discussing them with people who appreciate them a similar amount. i’m just a nerd and idk i’d like to keep being a nerd even if a lot of academia sucks lol.
3. what are you talented at? i guess i kind of answered this a little bit in the last question, but i guess i’m pretty good at analyzing shit... idk... i really don’t like questions like this because honestly i feel like i’m really dumb and bad at most things.. and i KNOW that that’s not true, like, objectively speaking, but...... yeah. i’ve always been really good at writing, and just really good with words in general (though I don’t FEEL like i am). i guess i’m also pretty good at empathizing with others?? people always like to talk to me about things, at least, and i’ve been told by my friends that i give really good advice, esp relationship advice, which is really ironic considering i haven’t even held hands with a boy since i was 4 years old lmao. i’m also just fuckin funny, IMO.
4. what is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? I MEAN.. AGAIN.. I’VE KIND OF ALREADY ANSWERED THIS.... the Ultimate Goal is to be a cat lady english professor with an office and house full of books and framed portraits of shelley and keats on her walls... but... currently The Goal is to get into a Good PhD Program so the Ultimate Goal can be achieved- i submitted applications abt a month ago so now i’m just waiting. but one big goal i finished was completing my history major last semester!! that was an accomplishment
5. what is your aesthetic? honestly......... i don’t know... it’s like a combination of like. anything soft and floral or striped, that vine of the dog dancing to africa by toto, and those like. lisa frank illustrations with marxist captions
6. do you collect anything? postcards!! anytime i go anywhere i have to get at least one or two postcards. i also have a habit of buying different versions of the same poets’ works; for example, i have like... at least 6 different collected poems by shelley?? recently i started collecting lipsticks too.. but that’s about it
7. what is a topic you are always up to talk about? this should be really easy but i’m drawing a blank omg.. tbh.... just... ships that i’m into?? my best friend and i started talking because we both really hated the same ship so. i mean. that should say a lot about me i think. but i’m a hoe for talking astrology, especially (again) if it’s related to a relationship i’m invested in lmao. i also really like to talk about the romantic hoes since that’s, like, my ~area of research~ and... yeah. i’m always down to talk about fics i’m writing or thinking about, too, or even my OCs who i’ll probably never write about. also, if i really don’t like something, it’s really easy for me to go on circular rants about why it sucks and why no one should like it because i’m salty af. but.. other than that... idk i don’t feel like a very exciting person to talk to tbh
8. what’s a pet peeve of yours? the only one i can really think of rn is really dumb omg.. it makes me sound like such a killjoy.. but... i really hate it when people sing along to smth in the car?? LIKE... idk... unless we’re both going to sing along, i don’t want to hear someone in the backseat singing along under their breath but just loud enough that i can’t NOT hear them?? it just.. is so irritating omg i’m sorry if you love to sing along to things in the car i promise it doesn’t make me hate people
9. good advice to give? just.. eat a cookie every once in a while. have a drink. take five minutes to sit and just... chill. stop taking everything so seriously.... please
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