#i am not saying that crime doesnt happen or dont protect yourself.
mouseratz · 1 year
anyway so yeah if you are falling for the idea of the suburban security camera you're falling for the shit the cops and other fascists are selling you. it is kind of that deep. like, it doesn't make you one on its own, but it's a big part of their worldview; it preys on racist fears and prioritizes property over human lives, and they have good reason to want you to act this way. these kinds of beliefs build the groundwork for them to thrive, if that makes sense.
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bepoets · 4 years
Review for Trish’s Dream Fic
Trish ( @couragedontdesertme  ) said she’d write an epilogue of the elsarik dream Fic if I made a Formal Review of the elsarik dream fic. So here we are.
Please note review should be taken VERY LIGHTLY this is more or less me re-reading the Fic and loudly yelling about things with too many exclamation points. Enjoy Trish.
First of all imagine my fucking surprise I didn’t even know you had gotten work done on the dream fic???? Here I was thinking the link you sent me was the next chapter of city of ice and then I click on it and it saYS DREAM FIC???? E X C U S E M E oh my goodness
The first section is just so entirely domestic and beautiful and you can tell how lived in and content they are in their life as roommates. ALARIK (listen my phone autocorrects ALARIK to be in all caps and I’m too lazy to fix it so y’all are gonna have to deal with reading ALARIK’s name as if I’m yelling it every time I type it) anyway ALARIK just bringing her the chocolate croissants she loves so dearly and Elsa curling up with a book and him fretting and worrying over her being there alone all day and later... it’s just SO DOMESTIC. it’s such a small short moment but it’s so domestic and a perfect opposite of the PAIN THAT HAPPENS AFTER!!! And we al know I LOVE READING PAIN
The fact that ALARIK was only home late because he was doing tutoring to earn more money to by Elsa A PRESENT????? Shut up no one speak to me that’s true love but also PAINFUL the guilt he must feel oh my god
Elsa...stops struggling... because she doesn’t want ,,,, ALARIK ,,,, to get hurt. Because she cares for his safety more than her own because he has protected her and he is her friend and she loves him I am going to SCREAM
The fact that you use the phrase ~marching her out of the warmth of the room~ when she just used her magic to like cover the walls in frost makes my Heart burst cause idk if it was intentional or not but I just love the thought that this room has become Home to her it’s become safe and beautiful and lovely and WARM because it is full of love and friendship and companionship rather than the cold loneliness of say her ice palace of her locked room as a child. I like to think Elsa could have covered the room entirely in ice and snow and frost and it would still feel warm to her because of the love that’s developed there thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Ugh fuck hans
I have literally no words other than fuck hans for any section with hans in it I DONT even want to RECOGNIZE THAT HE EXISTS !!! Making Elsa feel like she’s nothing I am going to punch him in the eye
~ALARIK weeps over smushed chocolate croissant. End scene~
I know that it’s such a heartbreaking sad ending for that first chapter but also I really can’t stop laughing about him crying over a stepped on croissant since I know that your like planning note for that last scene was literally just some variant of ALARIK cried over a smushed croissant and that’s just such a funny IMAGE TO ME EVEN THOUGH ITS SAD
I just like to imagine ALARIK cradling the chocolate croissant in his arms like a bébé as he sobs
I’m fucking S A D
ALARIK having like NO MONEY and just thinking about that the money he has was going to go to a gift for Elsa and the guard LAUGHING AT HIM LIKE THATS IT THATS ALL YOU HAVE?? Like shut UP HES TRYING TO SAVE HIS BELOVED
ALARIK is so fucking DEVOTED I’m going to run through a goddamn wall I cannot cope. Willing to sell the clothes off his back have you ever seen an idiot more iN LOVE
ALARIK just going willingly cause he has no fight left in him and he just wants to see Elsa even if it means he gets imprisoned too oh my GOD
ALARIK wanting to hold her hands when her hands are what are chained up and seen as dangerous and what ~make her a witch~ the absolute love and power that holds.
“I promised to keep you safe” the pain I feel oh mY GOD
“They’ll KILL you” they’re really out here trying to protect each other at all costs oh my god nothing matters more to the other than keeping the other safe and for that I want to cry and love them and also I want to ram their heads into the wall because wHY WONT THEY JUST PROTECT ESCH OTHER TOGETHER
the P A R A L L E L of ALARIK stilling and no longer struggling when the guards threaten Elsa’s death in the same way that Elsa stilled and stopped struggling when they threatened ALARIK’s death oh my god that broke me right there
U g h hans fuck that guy
A N N A !!!!!!!!
When I first read this,,, I DONT know why??? But for some reason??? I didn’t think Anna would be in it???? Which like thinking back on that it makes no sense of COURSE Anna would be in the FIC why would I ever think otherwise. But anyway I was so surprised when she showed up I literally gasped and went ANNA??? Out loud because I was so shocked
ALARIK really is just so bad under pressure who thought this was a good idea
AG FOR SHORT wink wink nudge nudge cough cough
I’ll be thinking about ALARIK shouting alfafa geranium on my death bed let us never forget
“No harm, no foul” is literally the most fucking Anna line I’ve ever heard. She absolutely would say that to someone who was being question for a crime she’d be like “it’s not biggy”
Why is it that when hans says “BUT ANNA!!!” I hear it like he’s wining like a petulant child I read it like “bUT annNNAAAAA” ugh I hate him
“Don’t scream” *ALARIK’s inner monologue* “this ,, is the story of how I died”
My dumbass really went “why are none of the children named neta” before remembering that is the child of Anna and Kristoff and these...are the children of Anna ,,, and .... ugh please don’t make me say his name
I would die for these kids though I love them and I want to protect them at all costs 
Johannes at 5 (and a half!!!!) being a fine soldier GOOD FOR HIM
Isak owns my entire heart from the moment he started fake crying for his mother what a star performer a true Actor he’s too good
Arendellian Royal Guards, are they guards? Or are they simply baby sitters? The world may never know
JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the babies being named JOAN!!! Hang in there Joan!!!!!!!!! That made me cry oh my god J O A N
Bébé Isak lookout supreme with his big eyeballs and smile and goofy lil salute I love him
The fact that Elsa says she felt stupid for being lured into a false sense of security means she felt secure and safe for literally the first time since she was a child when she was with ALARIK and I cannot properly articulate how much that made me cry I love that so much that has to mean sO MUCH TO HER oh my god
Brave little boy with his mother’s determination saying “be brave. That’s what mama said to tell you” oh my GOD THESE CHILDREN HAVE MY WHOLE HEART OH MY GOD
A rooster crow for the signal COUKD they be more obvious I love these kids they’re ridiculous they are truly the children of Anna
Elsa!!! Chose!! To be!!! Brave!!!
Queue another one of my shocked and delightfully surprised screams as I shouted KRISTOFF????? Because blonde dude driving a reindeer cart
Let’s get you somewhere safe I’m going to cry THEYRE finally together again and they can keep each other safe together as. They. Should.
They are cuddling and my heart is exploding oh my god ALARIK seems so surprised like you big dumb idiot you’re both in love with each other it’s a mutual thing get with the program
*queue another gasp* there’s only one bed?????
Yea I saw it coming yea I was just as shocked even so yea I got very excited about it wHAT DID YOU EXPECT
They’re cUDDLING and he went to move away and she DOESNT WANT HIM TO they could’ve been sharing a bed THIS WHOLE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY
ALARIK laying all the credit on kristoff and the kids when he’s kind of the one that steamrolled the whole plan into happening because he’s the one who showed up ALARIK please give yourself more credit
“You came back” “of course I came back... I couldnt ...” “why?” And then ALARIK refusing to meet her eyes has me absolutely weeping this is the kind of shit I THRIVE ON this is truly a gift to us all everyone say thank you Trish for these three bits of dialogue I will be thinking about them for all my days
Yeah I do lose my shit anytime Elsa is the one to make the first move you go girl you go
THE SPICE VENDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing in all my favorites I am going to cry thank you Trish I love Darius
I had been observing you two and just assumed!!!!! You would assume right mr spice vendor sir if they WERENT so stupid for so long it’s okay we understand
He literally got to finally kiss the woman he’s in love with for the first time last night and now they’re getting married poor boy is going to get WHIPLASH from how fast things are progressing but it’s okay im sure he is happy
Elsa’s little vows of just needing each other and keeping each other safe and keeping company and not needing gold or silver ugh TRUE LOVE
And ALARIK hopelessly devoted to her being like I PROMISE
“just you being there no matter what is enough” peak romance true love the devotion the dedication I’m a wreck
~end review~
Okay where is my epilogue please and thank you
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dathen · 5 years
TMA 158 liveblog dump
this is gonna be incoherent and long as heck and idk how they didn’t ban my twitter from all the spam
ft. excessive yelling about how much I want to kill peter lukas and me being whipped around by the plot twists like a chew toy with a hyperactive dog
looks at cast list oh god oh fuck oh christ
skjdjd why did alex read BERT!! three times as loud as the rest of the names that was cute am I just frantically latching onto anything to calm me down?? yes
me yesterday: I hope they mention Tim! me now: PETER LUKAS GET THAT NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH I WILL KILL YOU
“what’s that in your hands” “it’s a leitner!” “and the blood on it?” “that’s leitner too!” WHY IS THIS SHOW SO FUCKING FUNNY when i’m about to pass out from suspense
LETTING THE CHANGELING FREE TO HUNT JON JUST TO KEEP HIM AWAY?? taunting martin with “oh you can still leave to help them :)” ?? MY BLOOD IS BOILING 
so much for protecting the institute!!!! bastard!!! motherfucker!!!!!
also my heart is suddenly wrapped in warm cozy blankets to hear jon daisy and basira are reunited but I need to know how they got separated in the first place
jon’s little high-pitched “now?? I guess??” is so cute everything he does is cute uwu
I’m reveling in hearing martin talk but part of me is in “soon I may never hear from him again” mode and it’s making it ROUGH
OOOO WE KNEW YOU COULD SEE EVERYTHING FROM THE PANOPTICON I love being right *remembers I’m afraid martin will be lost forever* ..but not all the time
also peter freeing the changeling to hunt Jon shoots down my theory that all of this is to bait him down here, which also makes me certain that he didn’t leave the statement I’m also pretty certain martin didn’t either which means...
“I brought a knife” has the same air as “I have a pipe” which means someone other than (though possibly including) jonah is gonna get stabbed HOPEFULLY PETER LET MARTIN STAB PETER
me: don’t make martin a murderer he’s so soft it would make him sad uwu :(( also me: LET 👏  MARTIN 👏  MURDER 👏  LUKAS
why was there static when jon says “we don’t have time for this” hmmmm
aaaaa daisy sticking up for jon’s idea I’m :’)
I AM IN WHIPLASH elias really is possessed I AM SAD...... I wasn’t able to join in on all the jokes bc I KNEW I’d be sad if the theory turned out to be true GLLGHHGLL...
so gertrude planning to burn down the institute was a DISTRACTION?? for murdering jonah’s body in the panopticon??
“do you really care about any of them? or is that worry simply an old reflex?” there are so many old fuckers I need to eviscerate
jon gets his second fuck!!!!!
well jon gets no fucks but you know what I mean!!!
are julia and trevor just murdering their way through the institute??? jesus CHRIST
I’m about to straight up pass out I’m so glad I worked from home today so I didn’t have to listen while driving
jon: don’t I get a gun?? :( basira: you don’t know how to fire one! jon, whiny: you never taught me!! basira: you never asked!! HE’S SO PETULANT ITS SO CUTE fjdjjdjdj
jon not wanting to leave basira and daisy behind out of fear they’ll die holding the others off :((( jonathan “I’m not losing you too” sims always making me sad ALSO I AM TERRIFIED FOR DAISY AND BASIRA
“promise me” this is only the third time I’ve cried while listening but BOY IS THE CRYING HAPPENING  
they’re gonna find her later and save her with the power of love right????
I can’t even properly appreciate how hot feral daisy is this is a crime  
MARTIN SNARK ON PETER LUKAS TIME?? is our seasonly martin smackdown gonna be on PETER LUKAS is life REALLY THIS GOOD TO ME??
oh no the knife clattering to the floor I’ve seen return of the jedi I know how this goes
“oh I’m sure it is! but that’s not what it is about, is it?” oh no martin is being Hot again I didn’t ask for this
me @ me when daisy is feral and martin is being commanding and sarcastic 
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I SAW IT COMING in fact yesterday I predicted the last few eps would be saving martin from the Lonely but THAT DOESNT MEAN I AM ANY LESS DISTRESSED
all of yesterday’s horny elias jokes were so on point elias is in maximum horny mode
“what is this place?” “that’s a complicated—“ “it’s the Panopticon” elias:
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“yeah you’ll 100% die if you go in to save mar—“ “how do I do it” NOT A FUCKING SECOND OF HESITATION I AM SCREAMING FOR A THOUSAND YEARS 
“are you scared, Jon?” “..Yes.” “Perfect” this was maximum vulnerable Jon an maximum horny elias and I am having such whiplash and I’m pretty sure my heart forgot how to beat half an hour ago 
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zaritarazi · 5 years
Please tell us about the mixen baby!!!!!
okay first of all FIRST of all idk why but i love giving legends kids like. either very out there names or really old fashioned ones. like i am ADAMANT that the zarlie kid is named zelda and i also have an atomwave finds a baby post where they name the infant jupiter. maybe i’m cursed or maybe i’m juST TOO POWERFUL
anyway Their Baby is An Accident. like yeah okay you had a lot of unprotected sex what did you EXPECT but mick was also like well she already HAS ese so. problem solved. she doesnt need to have another baby. this is not how that works but mick was Raised Catholic and was married to a man for 20+ years it is HARD being a bisexual when you are ALSO kind of an idiot
how does amaya have esi and then also more babies? she shares time on the ship and in Zambesi time couriers solve everything everyone's there it’s FINE
the following things happen which is that first nate is like WAIT IS MICK KNOCKING PEOPLE UP NOW?? IS THERE A WAITING LIST?? and mick is like no, and NO, and if your mom comes around here trying to steal my sperm for later use i’m going to mcfreaking lose it, and nate is like I CANT HELP WHO MY MOTHER IS!!! YOU KNOW THAT!!! YOU KNOW THAT. 
second thing is nate is like optimally, this is the best baby we could have with esi also being tied for best baby, as she is currently the only baby. we all know amaya’s offscreen husband. what a great guy. we love him so. anyway
THIRD, i truly love mr nancy from american gods and he shows up sometimes bc amaya is his MOST FAVORITE totem bearer and these are his grandnieces, nevermind the fact that he’s like immortal amaya is just like yeah this is my uncle nancy you guys know him. he’s great! he brought presents for my tarantulas
like was he there for esi? sure yeah she gets an ancient blessing all that blah blah he’s not actually really here for the baby he’s here bc he loves wild drama and amaya’s offscreen husband is just not the kind of guy that brings the drama! but this time! this time it’s gonna be nothing but spiders, bay bee
esi means sunday’s child, which means that mixen baby would likely be named ami, saturday’s child, i know they could have her any day of the week but also they’re on a time ship so while esi was ACTUALLY born on a sunday, amaya is like well it COULD be a saturday. so we’ll name her ami. and mick has NO concern over the matter he’s like listen you list the tasks i do them you name the baby i sign my name on the certificate. not because he’s not involved or doesn’t want a child but because he’s like, this is a DISASTER have you MET me you people trust me with a CHILD are you INSANE like that’s gonna take some time for him to work through
also now that esi is like 3 or 4ish traveling with her mama all the time that means kuasa and mari are also fine and just imagine adult kuasa showing up bc she ran out of chips and just like wait am i gonna have an aunt now? holy fuck. a baby aunt. and then amaya is like it’s mick’s
also esi carries around a stuffed rancho named popcorn and sometimes she’ll accidentally like leave him on the chair or on the floor and someone will walk in and just FLIP OUT and then be like oh it’s just. it’s just esi’s horrible toy
follow the dot heywood logic if amaya is nate’s true love that means any baby she has is also nates, by default, its like nate and amaya AND amaya’s offscreen husband made a baby, this counts, this COUNTS, and then following that logic if mick is ALSO nate’s true love and mick and amaya are having a baby, well that’s just scientifically also a grandbaby, you can’t argue with science,,,,
fuckin dot just ignoring nate for esi as all italian american mothers do when they FINALLY get grandchildren and nate like... huh. i’m not sure what to do with my life anymore and dot, offscreen, “make more babies”
dot: so is mick getting people pregnant now? is there a waiting list? nate did you put yourself on the waiting listnate: im TRYING
also the team wasn’t there for pregnant amaya round 1 so what they didnt realize is she STILL insists on doing EVERYTHING like this is her second kid and mick is pretty big so it’s a large bump and she’s just waddling around making sure everything’s in order making plans protecting time and ava is like you know there are no rules about pregnancy and time travel but- and the legends like nope you confirmed it time to gET IT STARTED BIG TIME and ava like what have i done what have i done
the BIGGEST most important thing though is mick loves amaya with all his heart and like. you know he’s been having tea parties with esi since day 1 minute 1. amaya is like you’re essentially a distant team dad so i dont know what you’re worried about and mick like this team is NOT a point in my favor
but he’d do anything for the mother of his child and he says very soft things to her when no one else can hear but DONT TELL ANYONE. come on esi let’s go learn how to crime
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First off i just want to explain that it doesnt matter what i remember from what happened in Okmulgee.
It doesn't matter if i remember if it was 2008 Or 2009 or dor some reason i decide it was 2007
Because the people that can do somethine about it, know what year and what day and who was there and what happened.
That also applies to the times people were at my house in New Mexico.
Sometimes i remember better times than others. Sometimes i remember new things and sometimes I remember old things to better define situations or people's actions.
In All, I don't really want to remember.
The time I would want to remember is in front of you so i can beat the shit out of you and kick you in your sensitive places. Or thank you for what you did to protect me and my daughter.
Further more ANYONE doing anything ILLEGAL should KNOW i am NOT a cop and I cannot and will not be able to sway the minds of the ones to prosecute.
R was being super nice and I knew that was why and so to stop him in his tracks, i explained that I can't do anything about what hes done or what they decided. And ge understands.
He was for reals all about trying to get out of trouble by being nice and they just breathed down him like they meant it and said "you're gonna be punished"
Now. Jesse Stewart is different. Because hes been in trouble so many times and what he's done is against me. But all it is is an interest from the police in how I feel, Because i dont talk about how i see people. Ultimately, in the end. It doesn't matter how i feel. They will decide what to do. Its not my job
But what bothers me is David went to prison for 8 years and got out on good behavior. He was sentenced to 20 for murdering two babies.
What i feel is that if he deserves 20 years and he most certainly did, then he should have gotten 40 years and so he could have served the 20 that he deserved, bare minimum.
And so if anyone is asking me, in reference to what they did to me, please believe me, you will get the maximum. Because David did not change, he did not become a better person and i rather him had the death penalty, now in 2019, that is what I believe.
So anyone offending me illegally, don't ask me for anything. They already know and i don't have to say it.
Anyone else, i always ask, "what do the victims families say?"
Because I have murdered people and i got a second chance and i took it and i did very very very well and it was the very sad mom of the victim that gave me her pity. But I have made sure to be a good person.
So i be looking at a lot of people that been ih my house that are the same or worse or up and down and argue and are fucking crazy and not in a funny way.
Nothing is up to me, because all y'all would be dead.
That said don't think you're getting away with something because i don't remember. Because people know. And they're still watching you.
They can press charges on your DNA at the time of the crime and statue of limitations doesn't run out. And because i have special circumstances such as amnesia, I have extended statute of limitations. And children have until after they turn 18.
So shut the fuck up.
***If you're too stupid to figure out that I dont need to change but i can want your ass dead when your bitch ass violated me and/or my kid. Look at yourself. Is your stupid ass dead? I can want you dead all day but I aint killed you, now have I?
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray.....
1. http://www.fifthdimensionalnetwork.com/contact/ 2. Mark Fleener​​ there is no way for me to really be certain. Its not hard to understand. Hypothetically anyone could think they were the only one really here. It seems I must have had moments before when I thought this before five years ago but I didnt though. There's something similar though. You can only be sure for yourself. 3. Guy Bergeron​​ Anything or everything. There is something always there. Its really bad, actually. I consider myself to have an entity attachment, which I learned about mostly in this wonderful group. Thanks for asking, I guess. 4. I do befriend the thing that's always there, but it does stuff to attack me. It produces boredom and depression and other bad feelings. Again, I consider it an entity attachment. It's always there. It says it does stuff to attack me because it cannot be that I think it is not real here. People are supposed to think its real here for it to be able to be what it intends. 5. o request healing (having already joined the Dnet by setting up your individual sphere), please Contact Us and send an email request to Keith Laidler. You will need to provide your name, town or city, email address (or phone number) – along with a full description of your physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms and conditions. It is important to state clearly what you would like to achieve as an end-result of this healing intervention. There is no charge for this work which is provided as an act of Spiritual service to members of the Dnet. 6. Please help me get rid of an entity attachment i have had for many years after I said it was not real here in 2014. I am writing another message after I sent one short one because I saw that I was supposed to include more information, such as my city and etc. I am in Midlothian, VA presently. I stay with my sister. I originally was diagnosed with scizophrenia in like 2009 after being diagnosed with psychosis in winter 2008. My current problems started gradually after I said it was not real here, ie this reality, in 2014. I consider it an awakening. I said what I was hearing in my mind was real and that this reality is not what is said. I said people were not mentally ill because what they hear in the mind is real talking if they hear voices and etc. After I decided this, years later I have this entity attachment attacking me very bad. It makes me depressed and bored and feel really awful. It tries to make me look bad in my face also, making a look of eye bags and things like this. The thing told me it attacks me so that I cannot "be" because it is making it (the thing) not able to be that I say this reality is not real or the true reality. What is true is always true. There cannot be where some are rich and some are poor, things like this. Some cannot suffer as others prosper and thrive. I say this reality is not real or true for this and many other things. That is why the entity attacks me. Please help. I dont know if you need more information. I have been visualizing the sphere of protection some but I forgot to think of it as much the past few days. But please help. Sincerely, Marla Rose Luster 7. Thank you for your message We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible 8. How do you know you arent the only person really here? I think Im the only person really present in my form. When I first got this idea I felt so horrible about it. But eventually I found out this is what is happening. It explains why what I hear in my mind doesnt match this reality. I hear people talking in my mind, but not my immediate family usually. I heard they cannot talk to me in my mind as much because they are supposed to be the same here as would be in the mind. But I think certain things would not exist if people were really present. I dont think jail or the police would exist. Nor any crime. There cannot be something other than yourself, ie other than myself. People would not steal because I would not and things like this. I do agree with Jacob Reid that schizophrenia is really something to do with a person to benefit. Its really something to support someone because they are alone, I think. But there are some things that happen bad like depression and things. I experience something trying to bother and attack me. The thing says it does the attacking because it (the thing) cannot be that I think this reality is not real here. 9. I wish the false reality or simulation or dream to end. Jail, the police, homelessness: things are very bad here. Luckily, this is not what would really be, not what people would really make. 10. I hope this is something I can post here, what I am about to post. ... How do you know you arent the only person really here? I think Im the only person really present in my form in the whole world. When I first got this idea I felt so horrible about it. But eventually I found out this is what is happening. It explains why what I hear in my mind doesnt match this reality. I hear people talking in my mind, but not my immediate family usually. I heard they (my immediate family) cannot talk to me in my mind as much because they are supposed to be the same here as they would be in the mind. But I think certain things would not exist if people were really present. I dont think jail or the police would exist. Nor any crime. There cannot be something other than yourself, ie other than myself. People would not steal because I would not, generally speaking, and things like this. I do agree with Jacob Reid that schizophrenia is really something to do with a person to benefit. Its really something to support someone because they are alone, I think. But there are some things that happen bad like depression and things, not just "the voices". I experience something trying to bother and attack me. The thing says it does the attacking because it (the thing) cannot be that I think this reality is not real here. 11. No. Im saying you are not present in your body. Your body is here but the presence of the person is not. 12. No. Im saying you are not present in your body. Your body is here but the presence of the person is not. Then additionally Im saying something manipulates what you say and do to make it not like how I would be or like what I would say or do. 13. The art and music and etc are things that would suggest people would be here, so you are right about that. But they are just an illusion, I would say. Food and other things, too, that people would make. People's bodies are an illusion somehow as well, I would say. 14. I would say the animals and trees and etc would be the same nature as people. They are things that reflect the truth about how people would be. As would art and music and etc. But even as a few things are good for people to be able to exist, Im saying they are not really present still. Animals' occurrence or nature is manipulated about how they would be here. People's presence here is manipulated too by something. Im saying this is a false reality, highly manipulated from how things would really be. Thanks for commenting. 15. I hope for change very much. I hope that jail and things of this reality such as homelessness are able to be ended. I think this group and others could end some practices around so called mental illness. That is a very exciting possibility to me. Also, I dont consider my crazy to hear voices. I think its something really there talking. It is unfortunate when it comes to my experience something is attacking me. I dont think medicine is really the answer but I do take medicine now. I dont really wish to, however. I hope alternatives to medicine become more the practice some day. I have contacted a thing called 5-dimensional network asking for help to remove the thing I feel is attacking me. But voices I think are really evidence of telepathy or could be a biproduct of there being what I consider a false reality here. 16. I hope for change very much. I hope that jail and things of this reality such as homelessness are able to be ended. I think this group and others could end some practices around so called mental illness. That is a very exciting possibility to me. Also, I dont consider myself crazy to hear voices. I think its something really there talking. It is unfortunate when it comes to my experience that there is something attacking me. I dont think medicine is really the answer but I do take medicine now. I dont really wish to, however. I hope alternatives to medicine become more the practice some day. I have contacted a thing called 5-dimensional network asking for help to remove the thing I feel is attacking me. But voices I think are really evidence of telepathy or could be a biproduct of there being what I consider a false reality here. 17. Fwd: Re: fw: New submission from Contact K [email protected] Wed 11/6/2019 4:14 AM Junk Email To: [email protected]; Marla, I just cleared your attachment, balanced your energy and gave you healing to a deep level. I gave you more energy as well and will drip feed you more over the next few weeks or so but you can stop it anytime you want just by telling your higher self to prevent it. The attachments draw off some of your core energy and it can take a long time for you to replace it so this is a short cut. Your energy looks much nicer now and you will feel much better after a nights sleep. I am also giving you protection and again you can stop that anytime you want just by saying to yourself to stop it. I also checked your home which was also awful so I cleared that as well. Its tough enduring what you have been through and it takes time to come to terms with it having been removed. So feel free to contact me anytime about anything. Keith > SUBJECT: New submission from Contact > > NAME > > Marla Rose Luster > > EMAIL > > [email protected] > > MESSAGE > > Please help me get rid of an entity attachment i have had for many > years after I said it was not real here in 2014. I am writing another > message after I sent one short one because I saw that I was supposed > to include more information, such as my city and etc. I am in > Midlothian, VA presently. I stay with my sister. I originally was > diagnosed with scizophrenia in like 2009 after being diagnosed with > psychosis in winter 2008. My current problems started gradually after > I said it was not real here, ie this reality, in 2014. I consider it > an awakening. I said what I was hearing in my mind was real and that > this reality is not what is said. I said people were not mentally ill > because what they hear in the mind is real talking if they hear voices > and etc.. After I decided this, years later I have this entity > attachment attacking me very bad. It makes me depressed and bored and > feel really awful. It tries to make me look bad in my face also, > making a look of eye bags and things like this. The thing told me it > attacks me so that I cannot "be" because it is making it (the thing) > not able to be that I say this reality is not real or the true > reality. What is true is always true. There cannot be where some are > rich and some are poor, things like this. Some cannot suffer as others > prosper and thrive. I say this reality is not real or true for this > and many other things. That is why the entity attacks me. Please help. > I dont know if you need more information. I have been visualizing the > sphere of protection some but I forgot to think of it as much the past > few days. > > But please help. > > Sincerely, > > Marla Rose Luster > 18. I don't see any difference in regard to the entity attachment. But thank you for doing the clearing and protection. But the entity is still there. I did hear the thing say last night that it was asked to leave. Perhaps it will still be able to be removed at some point. 19. I don't see any difference in regard to the entity attachment. But thank you for doing the clearing and protection. But the entity is still there. I did hear the thing say last night that it was asked to leave. Perhaps it will still be affected and will leave at some point. 20. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4gwvASHX6p/?hl=en
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howsit-going-toend · 7 years
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Pt. 5
A Kwon Jiyong x Reader AU series featuring Kim Jiwon and Choi Seunghyun
Genre: Crime/Mafia/ANGST
Warnings: Swearing/Violence
Word count: 4,000+ (There’s A LOT going on here....)
Summary: You joined the police force years ago to help clean up the streets of Seoul and rid the city of organized crime. You’ve seen some shit. You’re surely prepared for anything…but how are you supposed to feel when the big bad crime boss you’ve been after turns out to be a familiar (to say the least) face?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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The police force prepares you to handle and respond to just about anything; to be a master of balancing action/reaction in any scenario under limitless amounts of pressure. When you wear that badge, you should be ready to tackle whatever is thrown at you no matter what. In the four years you’d held your position, you’ve proven your capabilities through and through.
But the look on Jiwon’s face rendered you almost catatonic.
It was the look a child gives to a parent upon catching them stuffing their face with cookies that the child had left out for Santa Claus. It placed a massive weight on your chest that you would have done anything and gone anywhere to remove. You just sat there staring back at him, knowing it was impossible to take back the last three minutes. Your silence was enough of an answer for him.
His face left yours for no more than a second to recall the mixed company. There was an undeniable shift in the room’s tension as he offered Chief Kim a polite nod. “I apologize. Don’t let me interrupt.” His expression had softened. But it was a smile of his that you knew all too well. You knew exactly what he was thinking when he heard that name, and it ridded your heart with a massive amount of guilt to see him smile through it.
“Jiwon…” You began.
“Here.” He offered the paper bag out to you. “I got you breakfast from the food court. Let me know if you don’t like it and I’ll get you something else.” You couldn’t bring yourself to play along and respond.
The forced smile remained on his face as he bowed to Chief Kim before exiting the room once again. You continued to stare at the door, speechless, until your superior cleared his throat, returning to his own unanswered question.
You squeezed your eyes shut before looking back to him. “I’m sorry about that.” You muttered. “I know that it wasn’t on record anywhere in the basement. That’s because I saw him face to face…he was there when I was hurt…he gave the man the orders.” Your gaze fell to your right leg as you said those words.
Chief Kim shifted in his seat. “This is the first I’m hearing about this.”
“I know.” You paused, still unable to maintain eye contact as your heart and brain continued to wage their war against one another. “But it’s true.”
“You…know him?” He stated it as a fact more so than an actual question.
He sighed at your lack of response. “Y/N. I know I don’t need to remind you of the protocol that comes into play here. Personal connections to a case like this…it shouldn’t be allowed.” Your eyes shot up to meet his before he continued. “I don’t want to remove you from your position in this. Your qualifications and passion exceed damn near everyone, and you are a fantastic detective.” His stern look bore into you. “But I will not hesitate to shut this whole thing down.”
You shook your head. “No. No, Chief, I assure you I can do this. I’m just still shook up from what happened… I will get over it. I promise you.”
The look on his face oozed skepticism. You took a deep breath. “Yes I knew him… Once. That was a long time ago…Clearly, he is a different person.”
He took a minute to silently mull over your words before nodding his head. “All right…I do want to see where you take this case. I know what you are capable of, Y/N.” He paused for emphasis. “But the second I see this becoming an issue, I am putting an end to it. That goes for Seunghyun too. Do you understand?”
You returned a firm nod with zero hesitation.
Speaking to your superior helped reignite your desire to succeed. You silently reminded yourself to shake every ounce of emotion off and maintain your professional demeanor. At least on the surface. Despite how desperately you may wish otherwise, you know that you can’t change the past. You had a job to do and there was no time to waste on your feelings.
After all, you now had someone else’s to worry about.
The amount of anxiety that stayed bundled in your chest when Jiwon reentered the room was ungodly. The room was absolutely silent aside from your IV pump’s beeping and the sound his shoes made as they scuffed against the linoleum flooring. Once he took his place in the metal folding chair beside your bed, he grabbed your left hand and held it without a word. He didn’t even look at you. You watched him intently, feeling sweat slowly begin to bead at your hairline. The weight on your chest felt heavier and heavier as the minutes passed by.
He might as well have been screaming at you. Anything but this…aren’t YOU the one that got shot? What the hell do you have to feel guilty about right now? You had all intentions of telling him. You were going to…eventually.
“Aren’t you hungry?”
He uttered the words monotonously as he stared down at your fingers. It wasn’t what you’d wanted to hear but it was something. You sighed and nudged the untouched paper bag full of food.
“Yeah. I’ll eat some in a minute.” You offered a small smile despite the fact that he still hadn’t looked at you. He nodded his head slightly before silence fell on the room once again, putting a fast end to his attempt at a normal conversation.
The truth was, Jiwon never actually met Jiyong. Ever. There was a lot about you and Jiyong that he never even knew. Whether it was due to pent up insecurities, or jealousy…he knew enough to start countless fights. Even though you never really believed you did anything wrong or gave him any real reason to be mad at you, you apologized again and again, until it was all brought to an end years ago. It was Jiwon’s decision that Jiyong’s name was never to be spoken between the two of you ever again. Today, of course, had broken all of that.
He brought his left hand up to his lips, which he kissed before gently lowering it to your right knee. His thumb slowly moved back and forth. You felt yourself relax slightly at the affectionate gesture, holding onto the hope that that subject had actually been left in the past, for good. His eyes lingered on your right leg protectively.
“So…that’s what he’s been doing all these years.”
Your warm expression fell. You should have known better.
Your responding silence made him look up at you and hold your hand a little tighter. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to get us into this again… We finished that conversation a long time ago.” He forced a small grin that you did your best to match. Three years ago actually, but who’s counting?
“I just can’t believe this.” He let out a sigh and shook his head, bringing his eyes back to your leg. “That son of a bitch…”
Discomfort began to fill your chest again as you readjusted your hand in his. You didn’t know how he expected you to reply to any of this. Your mind had been filled with so much confusion; you were proud of yourself for even remembering how to blink. He muttered something to himself, but the room’s dead silence made it impossible for you to not hear him.
“He’ll get his soon...”
Your eyes widened reflexively. Without taking another second to think up an actual response, your face contorted into a wince. “Aish.”
Jiwon removed his left hand from its position with raised eyebrows. “Are you o-?”
You cut him off. “Will you get the nurse? I…I think this pain medication has worn off.”
One week later
“And so, ya know, that’s why I wanted to meet with you in person today. I wanted to be sure you heard it from me first.” Dongjoo folded his hands together. The young man said the words with enthusiasm but his eyes never stopped shifting anxiously between the two men seated across from him.
Jiyong said nothing. He merely tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, as if trying to convince himself that this really was the same man he’s known for years. The same man who, in the beginning, had appeared on his hands and knees quivering before Jiyong and begged like a dog for “just one more day.” Who had gladly “organized” thousands and thousands of dollars into his little tobacco shop at the drop of a hat, because he feared the name, G Dragon. Who’d answered any and every cop or government worker that grew the least bit suspicious, reading all his lines without missing a cue. There’s no way this was the same man who had just so confidently informed Jiyong that he’s decided to move his business to America, and would no longer require his men to “look after” him and his store.
After entertaining the thought for a minute, Jiyong raised his eyebrows in amusement and returned his gaze to the grill. Dongjoo’s smile faltered slightly. His eyes darted back to Jiyong’s partner, silently begging him to say something. Taehee offered no assistance, only staring back at the man with the same mute expression he’d been sporting all night. A small smile found its way to Jiyong’s face as he grabbed a set of tongs to rotate the beef. The loud sizzle it made helped to disguise the audible gulp from his, now former, business associate.
Jiyong continued to stare at the meat with watchful eyes as he brought his elbow to rest on the table, allowing the hand holding the tongs to support his chin. Dongjoo watched him closely, feeling the nervous sweat begin to bead at his forehead. A chill ran down his spine as Jiyong blinked before locking eyes with him once again; that same smile painted across his face.
“Well, that’s too bad.” Jiyong finally said, casually. “I’ve got to say, I’m a little disappointed.” He pointed the tongs at Dongjoo in a playful manner. “America doesn’t deserve your good business.”
Dongjoo burst out in an exaggerated laugh, making it clear he’d been holding his breath. “Oh come on now.”
“No, no, honestly.” Jiyong raised his eyebrows and nodded his head. “You come on; no one runs a tobacco shop over there like you do. No question.”
Dongjoo shrugged his shoulders and laughed again, visibly relaxing. “You’re making me blush. Enough, enough.”
“I think that’s ready.” Taehee interrupted and nodded to the beef.
“Oh here let me cut it.” Dongjoo began to reach for the scissors beside the grill, before Jiyong beat him to it.
“Oh no, please, allow me.” He grabbed the tool with his free hand. “This calls for a celebration. The least I can do is serve you some quality barbecue.” He grabbed the beef with the tongs and carefully eyeballed where to slice it.
“America…now that’s exciting.” He said with his eyes on the grill, lining up the scissors into position. “How’s the Mrs. feel about that?” Slice.
Dongjoo flinched at the sound, while furrowing his eyebrows at the unexpected personal question. “Oh uh.” Slice. “She’s ready for the change I think.” Slice. He laughed lightly.
“You think?” Slice. “Oh, you better know. Don’t want any issues being caused in the marriage because of this. Moving to another country is no small step.” Slice. “What about your daughter?”
Dongjoo laughed nervously once again. Slice. “She’s, uh, she’s excited.” Slice. “She’s only five so, you know, she doesn’t really have much of an opinion.” Slice. He reached up to scratch the back of his head uncomfortably. They’d never discussed his family before.
Jiyong smiled wider. “Ah, kids.” Slice. “They just go with whatever you say.” He looked up at Dongjoo and served him a few strips of beef. “They trust you.”
Dongjoo did an awful job at disguising his discomfort. He hesitated in bowing his head to accept the serving, and quickly averted his eyes to his plate. But Jiyong wasn’t done.
“When do you leave?”
Dongjoo looked up with his chopsticks still in his mouth, having just taken his first bite. “Huh?”
Jiyong was placing a few strips of beef on Taehee’s plate; he looked up to make brief eye contact with his partner before turning back to the nervous gentleman across from him. “I said when do you leave? For America?”
“Oh, ha…ha, in about a month.”
Jiyong raised his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, well why don’t we just ride this thing out for another month then?” He asked before taking a bite of his own serving. His eyes didn’t leave Dongjoo, who began to shift in his seat as he stared back down at his plate.
“I don’t, uh…you know, with moving and everything that goes into it, I won’t be really doing much business and just-.”
Jiyong cut off his word vomit with a laugh, waving his hand with a full mouth. “I’m fucking with you. Do what you gotta do.”
“Oh.” Dongjoo chuckled out of relief once again. “Thank you. I-… I appreciate that.”
The rest of the dinner didn’t get any more comfortable than that. Jiyong continued to eyeball Dongjoo, who continuously blotted the sweat on his forehead, which he insisted was due to his angle from the grill. Taehee continued to stare blankly between the two of them, only mildly confused, until they all got up to leave. Jiyong held the door open, and as Taehee passed, he grabbed him by the shoulder and muttered something under his breath. Taehee looked at his boss for just a moment, before nodding and walking outside.
Dongjoo walked a little too eagerly in the direction of his car, parked on the opposite side of the building. As he began to walk through the narrow alleyway to get there, he turned to bid a quick goodbye to the two men. “Thank you for everything, gentlemen. I wish you nothing but the best.” He made a hasty bow, which Jiyong and Taehee returned, before turning on his heels.
Just as he’d taken a single step towards the safety of his vehicle, he heard Jiyong’s voice once again. But this time it was closer. He turned around to see the crime boss walking towards him at a leisurely pace. “Now, now. What kind of a goodbye is that? We’ve been through a lot together, you and me. You’ve got to give me more respect than that, right?” As he arrived before him, Jiyong reached his right hand out with an honorable grin.
Dongjoo’s face flashed with worry before quickly covering it back up. “Oh, I’m sorry, GD. I just don’t want the wife to worry, you know? Of course, of course. I surely didn’t mean any disrespect.” He reached a clammy hand out to make contact with Jiyong’s. “No hard feelings?” He asked with a hopeful smile.
Just as Jiyong let out a small chuckle, Dongjoo’s eyes flashed to Taehee. He was standing behind Jiyong, far back by the alleyway entrance, with his back turned to both of them. It took him less than a second for Dongjoo to understand what was about to happen.
As he locked eyes with Jiyong, who was holding his now quivering hand with a firm grip, he had no time to think before his skull swung forward to collide with his own.
Dongjoo released the hand he’d use to shake Jiyong’s as he flung his head back in pain. “Fuck!” His vision was blurred while he tried to look forward, seeing four Jiyong’s coming towards him, each with darkened expressions and their right fists reeled back.
His nose shattered the minute Jiyong made contact, sending Dongjoo’s body immediately to the alley ground. His hands flew to his face as if trying to manually preserve whatever features that remained intact. He coughed and spat out dark blood that had rushed in from his nostrils. Jiyong stalked towards him slowly, like a lion playing with its dinner. Dongjoo’s vision was even hazier now, but his fight-or-flight instincts had kicked in full force, giving him the strength to turn over onto his stomach.
Just as he attempted to bring his arms and legs in to hoist himself up, Jiyong lowered his boot to the man’s ear, putting in just enough pressure to push his head against the pavement. Dongjoo let out a piercing groan. Placing more of his weight into that leg, Jiyong leaned down to get a little closer to his face. As Dongjoo’s exasperated breathing and whimpering for mercy got louder, Jiyong shushed him.
“You know… I expected more from you.” His tone was menacing. “I considered you a friend, really.” Dongjoo cried out, too terrified to even attempt to move. “America? Yeah, buddy?” Jiyong chuckled. “You and I both know that’s fucking bullshit. I just gave you chance after chance and you just continued to lie right to my fucking face.” Jiyong leaned forward and spat on the ground right by the man’s broken nose. “You want to know something? You really think the Yang brothers are going to protect you better than we can? That’s a riot. What did they tell you about me, huh? Who do you think we’ve been protecting you from? Huh?” Dongjoo only sobbed more, his body shaking as the “please, please, please”’s and “I’m so sorry”’s continued to flow from his mouth just as quickly as the blood ran from his nose. Jiyong sighed in frustration. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill you. No, that wouldn’t be right to do to a family man. Just know that I will never forget about this.” He lifted his boot and allowed the man to hoist himself up to his knees. Dongjoo coughed violently, simultaneously gasping for the air he’d been hoarding in his lungs.
Jiyong dug into his pocket and threw a handkerchief on the ground in front of him, along with some cash. Dongjoo flinched, recoiling his arms across his face before looking down to see the stitched piece of cloth and the paper bills. Trembling, he looked up to lock eyes with Jiyong, whose dark expression hadn’t changed for a second.
“Wipe yourself off and get that nose looked at. Don’t you go home to your wife and kid and let them see this pathetic sight.” Dongjoo only cried in response, to which Jiyong let out a sigh. “What? What are you still doing here? Go.”
He didn’t have to tell him twice. Dongjoo picked up the money, the handkerchief, and himself up off the ground and stumbled his bodyweight in the direction of the far parking lot. Jiyong waited for the sound of his whimpers to fade and be replaced by the sound of an engine before turning back towards Taehee. He approached the man and placed his hand on his shoulder once again. “All right. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
“Jesus, he did all that just now?”
Taehee nodded at his partner before taking another swig of the beer in his hand.
“Damn, he’s really not playing around these days...” Wonhae replied, ensuring to keep his voice down, knowing that Jiyong wasn’t far down from them at the bar.
Five men: Gyechul, Taehee, Wonhae, Gwangbok, and Jiyong, all sat side by side. The place was a favorite spot of theirs, which they frequently visited after a long day. It was old, secluded in the outer edges of Seoul, and run by people they knew like family. No other bar could be safer for clientele such as themselves.
“Weeell, we all know fucking why.”
Taehee and Wonhae looked over at their partner on their end of the bar, Gyechul, who’d already had his fair share of alcohol for the night. He was staring up at the little box television set with his mouth agape, intently watching the news. “Look! Look look look, there she is now. Pfffft.” He mumbled and pointed up towards the screen. The local news was broadcasting a story about a cop who’d been shot in a “gang related incident” and had “barely made it out alive.”
Gyechul let out a chuckle, muffled through his teeth. “Hey, look everyone we’re in a gang.”
Taehee spoke up in a firm tone. “Gyechul. Enough…Be smart.”
The man turned from the TV to laugh in Taehee’s direction mockingly. “Be smart…pfffft. If I was smart that night I woulda jus killed that cop…but noooo I was following orders.” He waved his hands in the air as he lazily dragged out each word.
“You’re not fucking killing anyone.”
Taehee closed his eyes in a wince, knowing this was bound to happen. He turned to the right to see their boss staring across the bar right through the three of them to Gyechul. Everyone went quiet.
Gyechul chuckled again. “Pffff, whatever you say boss. You see this?!” He pointed to the TV which now showed an old mugshot of his, displaying him as a wanted criminal. “Now we have this to deal with…the fucking news is after me.” He slurred.
“There would have been even worse news if I let you have ‘cop killer’ thrown on your record. I did you a fucking favor.” Jiyong said coldly, silently refusing to look at the TV.
Gyechul stared his boss down. “Ya know what? Fuck you GD. Fuck you and your favors.” He mumbled with his finger pointed in Jiyong’s direction. He pushed himself up into a standing position, slightly swaying back and forth. Jiyong closed his eyes and took a deep, annoyed, breath.
“Gyechul, stop. All right? Let’s get you some water.” Taehee attempted to intervene again.
“Hey, hey, I’m fine all right? It’s him who’s got the fucking problem.” He pointed at Jiyong again before letting out a drunken laugh. He then dramatically gasped and stared out into space. “P-p-put the gun down! This-this is my final warning! … Bang! AH!!” He flailed his arms in the air, falling against the bar while gripping his leg, and bursting out laughing. Jiyong wasn’t the slightest bit amused. The second he stood up, so did the other three men.
“GD, it’s ok. He’s just drunk. He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s saying. We’ll take him somewhere to chill out.” Taehee and Gwangbok attempted to alleviate the situation while Wonhae grabbed his out of line partner by the shoulders.
“What? Do you think I look fucking worried?” Jiyong spat.
“Touchyyyyy.” Gyechul mused, poking his head around Wonhae’s to continue talking at Jiyong. “Ya know, I’ve never seen you like this over someone. Especially a fucking cop. What’s up with that?! Huh?” He yelled belligerently. Jiyong said nothing. He just stared at the bar while the other men continued to try to calm things down. But Gyechul wouldn’t listen. “You know…it’s almost like she’s that girl.”
Jiyong looked right at him.
“Gyechul, shut the fuck up!” Taehee yelled while Wonhae attempted to smack the man to shut up. But he persisted.
“Noooo, come on, you guys know the girl I mean. The one we all fucking know about but no one ever says anything about because GD will freak the fuck out on them.” He narrowed his eyes at Jiyong, who looked ready for slaughter. “It’s her isn’t it?” He chuckled. “She’s the only one that’ll make you so fucking soft like that.” He pointed to the TV. “Oh but…..” He grinned. “She doesn’t make all of you fucking soft.” He sneered before groping himself mockingly.
Jiyong was on his side of the bar in seconds, with his hands gripping his collar. Jiyong has always been a very stoic person, but right in that moment there was a raging fire in his eyes. The other three men nearly tackled them both to stop whatever was about to happen.
Taehee grabbed Jiyong and pulled him back while the other two men pulled Hyechul away. Jiyong’s chest heaved as he took a deep breath to steady himself. He took a second to close his eyes while he waited for Hyechul’s drunken slurs to pipe down. When they finally did, and it looked like their night at the bar had finally ended, Jiyong got up to leave.
“Hyechul.” He announced.
“Yeaah?” The man turned his head, barely able to maintain eye contact.
“You watch yourself.”
After arriving back at his private home, having had enough bullshit for one night, Jiyong poured him and Taehee both a glass of whiskey. Amongst his four major partners, Taehee was by far his closest and most trusted. He knew better than to push any further, in regards to Jiyong’s feelings, than just one simple question.
“You ok?”
“Yeah.” Jiyong muttered, taking a pull from his glass.
Taehee nodded his head and paused for a minute to sip from his own. “Well… How about some music?”
Jiyong grinned and pointed at him before springing up and pacing towards his record collection. “Yes. What’re you feeling?”
Jiyong was suddenly as giddy as a child. He stuck his hands in his pants pockets, sticking his tongue out slightly and narrowing his eyes as he looked closely at every title. As he began to feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices, Hyechul’s words from earlier made his mind wander back.
He gently began to flip through one of the older stacks of records he’d gotten from his parents’ house. He smiled sadly as he browsed through classic American tunes from Dion, to Chuck Berry, Frankie Valli, and even the Righteous Brothers. Every album had unique memories attached, but they all had one thing in common.
As he flipped past a Frank Sinatra vinyl, a small 45 popped out and nearly hit the floor. Upon saving it and flipping the cover over, a small gasp escaped his lips. It was a 7” Elvis Presley record with “Love Me Tender” and “Any Way You Want Me.” He wasted no time in putting it on and letting one of his most cherished memories return to him.
“Man, I love Elvis.” Taehee chimed in as the song began.
“Me too.” Jiyong smiled as he swayed in place, staring at the cover. A warmth filled his chest as he read the small words that had been handwritten on the front in white marker.
Love me tender, love me true. All my dreams, fulfilled
For my darling, I love you. And I always will
As he traced his fingers around the small heart that had been drawn by the last word, he was hit with an insane idea. In one second, he’d wiped the smile from his face and restored his stoic demeanor to look at Taehee.
“We’re not going over business right now, but I need you to do something for me.”
Taehee sat up straight and alert.
“Get me the address for Jungbu Police Station.”
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ruslanalekseev · 4 years
Was Hiruzen a Good Hokage?
No. As many people have already pointed out, Hiruzen was very indecisive, and he always did what his advisors told him to. Which wouldnt be that bad, if not the fact that almost every single one of their decisions were suggested to them by Danzo.
Hiruzen might have had good intentions, but good intentions wont do you much good, if:You orchestrate the massacre of one of the founding clans in your village. You dont react to bullying towards the villages probably most valuable shinobi.You cant even bring yourself to killing one of the greatest criminals from your village
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What if a gay person was elected as the POTUS?
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The only president to remain a bachelor, Buchanan's personal life has attracted great historical interest. Buchanan had a close and intimate relationship with William Rufus King, an Alabama politician. Buchanan and King lived together in a Washington boardinghouse for many years, from 1834 until King's departure for France in 1844.
King referred to the relationship as a "communion", and the two attended social functions together. Contemporaries also noted the closeness. Andrew Jackson called King "Miss Nancy" and prominent Democrat Aaron V.
Brown referred to King as Buchanan's "better half", "wife" and "Aunt Fancy"
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It is not a big information for you. But for facebook it is a priceless piece of information. Since it they know now that you ar going to the movie they will project all the ads that is pertaining to movie going.
. Hence facebook achieves a greater accuracy of targeted ads. And hence 19Billion dollars.
Also facebook knows everything about you except your messages to your intimate people. Now that they bought whatsapp they literally know everything about you to sell you out when the time comes.
Will Joe Biden be worse than Trump?
Worse at what? I guess it depends on what you value and what you place importance on. If youre a Republican partisan it doesnt matter what Biden does itll be worse than Trump.
If youre a Democrat partisan it doesnt matter what Biden does because itll be better than Trump. If youre an independent youll recognize that all Presidents have pluses and minuses. Theyll do things at annoy you and things youll applaud.
I didnt vote for Trump in 16 and hes done things I despise and things I applaud. I didnt vote for Obama either time and he did thinks I liked and things I hated
Do many Chinese people hate Fujianese people?
I don't know where did you get this view.
In college, I had a roommate coming from Fujian who is an authentic, courteous, helpful person with lots of computer's knowledge. Every time our computers occur in problems, our first thought is to seek for his help not to go maintenance store straightly because of its expensive charge. There are a few Fujianese.
as far as I'm concerned, They all good person through conversation and cooperation. But, I can't say Fujianese all good people since I had met all good Fujianese. In working with people, The significant thing We need to do is giving our sincere heart to them.
Similarly, you will be rewarded for your sowing.
How old should a kid be before seeing Deadpool?
FWIW, the airline cut is devoid of *all* sexual content (to the point of blurring out the slight glimpse of butt-crack visible in the opening credits, as well as losing the Stan Lee cameo), but I dont believe they removed *any* of the violence or swearing.
What a country!As for child-appropriateness, it depends on the child. I was OK with my kid seeing the airline cut because he never swears and he doesnt like gory violence (it wasnt too gruesome on my 5 phone screen).
Other kids his age may not be able to handle this material. Heck, I know adults who wouldnt do so well with this material
How can we stop people from throwing garbage in the empty plots?
Please know that if people throw biodegradable garbage only in an empty plot after removing all plastics and dry wastes, you are actually replenishing the ground.
This will improve vegetation of the plot.The second approach is to promote home composting and community composting. This can happen only if there is source segregation.
Third approach is to penalize through a law.Instal leaves composter in the entrance of the plot and encourage people to deposit the dried leaves into it. Many aesthetically good looking composters are available.
The process is very simple and no stink involved.Be creative and you will have many more options. Cheers.
Could we derive energy from gravity in space?
You mean free flowing gravity? Yes.
Look at a grandfather clock and see the weights it has to keep it going. Except for dams most of the ways are small but all together make up huge amounts. You could use the same clock system method with a much larger counter weight and just by hand moving it back up daily to the top would generate constant power.
In other words you could produce huge amounts of potential power by a little daily hand labor.Now you got me wondering if there is a natural limit it this because it is not being done or that people are just lazy in not doing this
How will the GOP change if Trump loses to Biden?
I dont think they will change at all, at least in the short term.
Trumps presidency has done one useful thing - exposed the corrupt innards of the Democratic party, and the Republicans, with or without Trump, are going to want to follow through on things, especially when the Durham report comes out. Trump has also shown how to do things economically, such that even Biden wants to plagiarize him. Theres been absolutely nothing wrong with his policies.
They were working great prior to the pandemic and theres no reason to think they wont work again when things finally get back to normal
Who is the best teacher for sociology for the UPSC optional preparation in Delhi?
Hello there .I am a Civil engineer , who did not have any prior knowledge about sociology .
I was an expressive person and with the suggestions of friends , I chose sociology as my optional .I went to Pranay Aggarwal Sir and that was the best decision I made . Reasons :-He took classes in small batches with led me to focus more on the subject .
He is very interactive which makes sociology come out very naturally from oneself .He is very helpful and extremely accepting of different ideas which gave me confidence and started loving the subject . His notes are all encompassing and I can vouch for it
Why was Paul Manafort sent to prison?
This just reported by NY Times:Banker Accused of Arranging $16 Million in Loans to Manafort to Gain High-Level Trump PostA banker in Chicago has been changed with trying to buy an appointment as Treasury Secretary. He arranged $16 million in loans to Paul Mafort. I dont know if the prosecutors knew about that alleged crime when Manafort was sent to prison.
This news certainly speaks to what kind of person Manafort is. It continues to astound me how corrupt Trump is that he picks people like Manafort. How can Trump voters have been so clueless to have voted for this narcissistic(oops, I better restrain myself).
Why was the Roman Empire so successful?
the roman empire was successful in its government form.it probably had the most advanced government in ancient times, a republic which represent each of the classes in society.
Outsiders or barbarians could also aspire to gain citizenship if they work hard enough, slaves could gain or buy their freedom. This makes roman empire have a equal opportunity system similar to the american dream.But things slowly deteriorated once ceasar become dictator for life, or sulla and marius trying to monopolize power through using the military triumphs.
It lead to rise of emperors and rulers not acccountable to the public, and right to rule slowly degenerate into hereditary succession or military coup.
Did the music of led Zeppelin change your life?
As does every song does, some more than others. The Rain Song played while I was enjoying the company of a young lady I met on Manhattan Beach as I was coming out the ocean, exhausted from surfing for 5 hours. I collapsed on my board and was laying there taking in the scene when this beautiful blonde girl with curly hair, piercing blue eyes, and a body of a Black girl, blocked the sun, looked down and said are you ok?
. That was the beginning of summer of 91 and we had fun. Especially the night we spent in a motel on the beach, listening to led Zeppelin
Who is the most under appreciated American president?
Adams greatest war president in our nations history.When almost everyone in the young country wanted war with France egged on by that snake Jefferson. Adams held back, he understood war was not necessary would be destructive and would cripple the country for decades, he also well understood his stand would likely cost him his reelection but he stood firm.
The country did not go to war but he did loose his office. Such a shame the country remembers the man who did his most noble service as a citizen under an English king and not the man who formed the nation after the Revolutionary War
Why did you leave Hinduism for Islam?
People group or regroup into religion for rudimentary security reasons, not due to any love for a religion.
Any person who understands the first alphabet of any religion will know the purpose of religion is to help and serve the society he or she lives selflessly, particularly those who donu2019t follow his/her beliefs and faith has to be served, loved and cared.If someone thinks that his/her religious group is better than the other, it discredit the fundamental first alphabet of the religion. Islam, Hinduism or any religion in the world, if it is practiced by grouping and subgrouping its practioners, it is deplorably divisive for the society and in general human welfare
In WW2 during the Battle of France, why did it take so long for France to surrender?
Why didn't France surrender earlier?
France waited so that the English could be evacuated from Dunkirk. They held the German back while the small boats could get in and get the boys home.
Then they had a resistance to organise not easy when you have a whole lot of tanks running over your toes. Finally, the Italians decided to pop in for a late entry in the game of conquest so they had them to send packing. Then they surrendered.
That is to say the French Government surrendered, the French people on the other hand fought on.If you have ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, you see just how ferocious the French can be in their taunting of opponents.
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
M/M Original Mafia RP & Mafia 2 (the game)
THE MAFIA FANATIC IS BACK YA’LL! CLASSES ARE OVER AND ITS COLD AS HELL SO I RATHER SIT INSIDE AND WRITE!! Time zone: Pacific Time. If RPing smut, are you of legal age in your country?: Yes, 23 What characters do you have/play?: A 24 male character. What characters would you like to play against?: Another original older male character who’s in their 30’s, to early 50’s. (Who is protective over his younger partner? I love this dynamic of “No one messes with that kid on my watch”.). They done have to be in the same branch of familia, mafia if you don’t choose them to be. Hell they could even be an undercover cop, or a rival enforcer I haven’t don’t those one before! I would like a partner with experience, (and usually someone 20+ age). This is heavy more in depth writing, so if your more on the lighter side. This may not be for you. Preferred rp medium: Email, and only Email since it is what I am most comfortable with, I can access it on my phone and reply much easily. Contact information: [email protected] I have written this with more than a couple partners but it still remains unfinished or abandoned stories for this RP since it’s created prompt. They either disappeared into the void or some times loss of interest happens over time. Eh, no big deal just keep moving forward haha! In all honestly I just want to finish and finally bury this story! Plot: A 24-year-old marine, a victim of human trafficking as past high-class prostitute is the new recruit in the Italian Mafia. He’s on the run from his pervious owner, needs protection, money and his freedom from his owner trying to reclaim him. Luckily the Don of the Italian mafia sees he’s useful. Even if the new kid will never become a made man in the family because he’s Spanish, the Don can see greatness in this young man who has the potential to rise in the ranks quickly. The new guy gets paired with an old hand, who meet each other again after a near deadly one night stand. The marine finds himself a bit smitten and enraptured with the older man who’s a living legend in the family. They work well together, and have saves one another’s ass more than once. The old pro doesn’t want to admit the kids got an unbreakable will to survive and good with a gun, better with a knife but instead just secretly becomes very possessive, if not a little infatuated over his young charge.  There’s a tenacity to new guy that the older man can’t help but admire. How someone can go through so much yet still rise to one’s feet the way the kid does and still keep fighting. He’ll make sure nobody else forces the kid to relive the past from which he’s escaped. Now things have a chance to change for good with each other at their back. While the new guy works on his own secret motives hiding something he knows from the rest of the family that could give the Don an advantage that could shake the crime world. *Important: You do get a bit burnt out or frustrated when partners only give back two paragraphs compared to your eight-ten paragraph reply. (I’ve learn to lessen my length of replies and dial it back haha). Mafia 2 What characters do you have/play?: A male OC or Vito Scaletta What characters would you like to play against?: Vito Scaletta or an another male oc. I’ll just be so happy someone else wants to do a Mafia 2 RP! I’m undecided which one of us will play Vito Scaletta but that can be decided when we talk. As well as the other characters from the game or original characters you would like to add in also.  Plot will be following the game of course, or if you’d like even post game dealing with the aftermath. (spoilers) I want to see a sad Vito crushed by the loss of Joe, trying to not resent against Leo Galante.  Additional notes: - This mafia RP will be dark and gritty/dark as FUCK with all that beautiful crime world fucked up goodness with dangerous and powerful criminals. - I want a long term partner! (PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE THE TYPE TO DISAPPEAR WITHOUT A SINGLE WORD). At least say goodbye! -Good character chemistry between our character’s ALSO THE BEAUTIFUL power struggle! -I am looking for M/M for the main paring for this RP. With other multi-pairings on the side. We can definitely double and have other relationships in the background. -I stick to 3rd person, past tense, in paragraph/novella style.(I once had someone ask me what “Paragraph writing” was…I couldn’t answer them because I felt that my brain broken in half) - I love well rounded characters and their development, Please have a character with a personality! - I really like to use face claims or don’t mind it if you want to include a picture with your character. Just for the love of god don’t send me anime character references! -I love talking in OOC, its fun to pitch ideas back and forth as well as brainstorm with my partners. -I am highly responsive when it comes to letting partners know if I need more time to work on my replies or if I’ll be busy. I also just love discussing characters and plot outside of the story! Brainstorming creative ideas is something of a talent haha. - I’m the type to give equal effort or even more so for my partners. I will write even 20-something long replies if you give me long and detailed responses in return. I will always be creative with my writing and try to make it very interactive for your character(s). So I expect the same effort back. -let the characters grow and develop, never let them stagnate or never learn from anything, Let them evolve. So none of that plot convince, it’s so boring.  -I won’t nitpick grammar, basic spelling and sentences will do just fine, I’m not a perfectionist and am here to have fun writing. -I love writing smut, if the setting is appropriate. But plot will be the main focus. ALTHOUGH I LOVE ME SOME SEXUAL TENSION AND POWER STRUGGLE BETWEEN THE TWO! - No limits to violence/language/etc. Since this is going to be in the world of a gritty mafia so expect dark themes. What I don’t want: - Half-assed writing.I’ve been RPing more than five years, I work on and edit a lot of stories for scripts classes so I can tell when something is rushed. Please come with at least some standard of your writing.  - THE LACK OF CHEMISTRY BETWEEN OUR CHARACTERS, JESUS DONT FORCE THINGS IF THE FLOW DOESNT WORK. Not everyone can be friends and that’s okay! - Supernatural elements randomly thrown into the story because I did not sign up for that shit. (Also honestly, not too big of a fan on it sorry!!). -A Boring RP with no effort. -All smut - SEME/UKE or Submissive/Dominate stereotypical pairings, (get that away from me).  - To be the one holding up my end of the RP Please for the love of god, GIVE THE STORY PLOT TWISTS!!! - Unimaginative plot lines - The “emotionless” character trait. Its boring, uninteresting, and not at all fun to interact with.  -Sending 4 lines of mostly dialog after I send you 5 to 10 paragraphs, Come on now…Have some depth or details to your writing. Show not tell! Kinks/what I’m okay with: Suit & tie, uniform, light bondage, toys, edging, dubcon, noncon, legal age gap, Spanking, voyeurism, praising. (Maybe a daddy-kink if you fancy it and A/B/O, but if your not one for it then that’s fine. (ask away if you want to include things). Limits: Scat, vore, vomit, bathroom stuff (not into the water sports), underage (no brainer), furries, feet, fisting, talking animals (this isn’t a disney movie), sounding and diaper/infantile. Just please don’t message me with; “Heeeeey do you want to RP???” No? I’m here looking for baking recipes Duh. Hahaha! Or “Hey I saw your ad and think we should be friends!”. No??? Who are you? I don’t know you, and coming at me like that makes me anxious to respond. It just feels so awkward on my end.  And finally if you come asking about this RP and your under 18 but your hoping for a chance because you REALLy like the prompt, my answer isnope!  Your name, introduction about yourself is simple and perfect! :) Along with the character you have to play and plot ideas you might have in mind is just fine! Also include which RP you wish to write for since I’ve posted a lot of ads on here and it gets confusing for me keeping track. I don’t know what someone is referring to when they messaged me; “I liked your RP plot!”…THAT’S GREAT! WHICH ONE?! BECAUSE I HAVE NO CLUES TO THE ONE YOU WANNA DO FRIEND!  I know my ad sounds and looks intimidating or has a serious tone, I’m just trying to put into words what I’m looking for in a writing partner and type of RP I’d enjoy having. I’m really quiet the opposite haha. I’m a really goofy person who gets over excited about stories and get over eager with plot ideas. So if it sounds Interesting or want to talk more about plot and characters, please message me!  P.S. If any of you are non-english speakers or bilingual please do not hesitate to shoot me a reply. I’ve had plenty of partners who were non-native english speakers! :D
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marlaluster · 5 years
Emptying the cliptray.....
1. I don't see any difference in regard to the entity attachment. But thank you for doing the clearing and protection. But the entity is still there. I did hear the thing say last night that it was asked to leave. Perhaps it will still be affected and will leave at some point. 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4gwvASHX6p/?hl=en 3. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4jyXQzHWbQ/?hl=en 4. I hope this is something I can post here, what I am about to post. ... How do you know you arent the only person really here? I think Im the only person really present in my form in the whole world. When I first got this idea I felt so horrible about it. But eventually I found out this is what is happening. It explains why what I hear in my mind doesnt match this reality. I hear people talking in my mind, but not my immediate family usually. I heard they (my immediate family) cannot talk to me in my mind as much because they are supposed to be the same here as they would be in the mind. But I think certain things would not exist if people were really present. I dont think jail or the police would exist. Nor any crime. There cannot be something other than yourself, ie other than myself. People would not steal because I would not, generally speaking, and things like this. I do agree with Jacob Reid that schizophrenia is really something to do with a person to benefit. Its really something to support someone because they are alone, I think. But there are some things that happen bad like depression and things, not just "the voices". I experience something trying to bother and attack me. The thing says it does the attacking because it (the thing) cannot be that I think this reality is not real here. 5. I dont believe in mental illness. I would say all illnesses are illusions as part of a false reality and would not really exist in a true reality. 6. K [email protected] Thu 11/7/2019 11:37 AM Inbox To: marla ([email protected]); You don’t know me but it is very rare that I fail although some do need several goes because there are more things going on. I did find something else this time and I have cleared that. Let me know what happens. 7. "That is a huge loss for me," 8. I need more good in my life. This question I feel is very relevant to myself. I think life is meant to be enjoyed. 9. https://www.aol.com/article/entertainment/2019/11/08/matt-damon-reveals-how-ben-affleck-is-doing-after-relapse/23856304/ 10. Onward and upward. Matt Damon shared a positive update on his best friend Ben Affleck after the Triple Frontier star broke his sobriety at a Halloween party. “He’s looking great and he’s doing great,” the Ford v Ferrari star, 49, told Entertainment Tonight in a recent interview. “We’ve been working together on a screenplay [for The Last Duel]. He’s doing great.” Damon and Affleck, 47, grew up 11. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/08/australia/australia-bushfires-nsw-intl-hnk-scli/index.html 12. Images posted to social media show ominous bright orange skies and thick smoke wafting across roads and towns throughout the region. As of 5:30 p.m. local time Friday (1:30 a.m. ET) there were 96 fires across the state, with 57 burning out of control, according to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS). 13. (CNN)A series of "unprecedented" bushfires are raging through Australia's southeastern state of New South Wales, with more than 1,000 firefighters battling 17 emergency-level blazes and strong winds expected into the night. 14. "That person is so not allowed to go on that I dont know what to do," the devil said. 15. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4poT4CH3Aj/?hl=en 16. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4py7Y4lNna/?hl=en 17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-7667971/FKA-Twigs-learn-unmesh-ex-Robert-Pattinson-following-split.html 18. https://www.instagram.com/p/B4r7KggAcEH/?hl=en 19. "Him im trying and I can't do it," the devil said of Adam Levine's Instagram page. 20. "I'm beginning to see an end to my reach," the devil said. "Soon I won't be able to be," the devil said.
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