#i am obviously doing super great
starbuck · 5 months
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Real Emotional Labor Hours
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velvetvexations · 7 days
I've never interacted with them but was blocked by one of the super hot hyper dark transfem-identity-related kink blogs. And to find out on the first of June????? This is transmisogyny. :(
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
watched the musical demon show (don't wanna name it so this post isn't in the tags) at the behest of an IRL friend and i can already tell this is going to be a piece of media where i absolutely cannot stop thinking about it, not because i really love the show as-is, but because it has so many individual components i really like and find incredibly fun or compelling, and i'm so frustrated that it doesn't come together for me
i think the main thing i can say about it as a show, setting aside some of the insensitive choices that were made that i really don't feel qualified to tackle or talk about, is that the entire thing sort of gives off this vibe of someone really excited to show you every single oc they made in high school and college and i very genuinely mean that in both the best and worst ways possible
there are some good hooks for season two though so i will absolutely give them that
#the vibe is just like... they are just soooo excited to get all their ideas out that it becomes... messy and badly paced#like there are so many moments that are cool or fun or emotional in a vaccuum but they don't connect fully y'know#because this arc or character was JUST introduced so there isn't proper build up. everything moves too quick#and it's frustrating because you can TELL that the people making this show love their ideas and characters#and i more than get thta! i am also someone with a lotta ocs i love to blab about#but i think they have been working with them so long that they#a. assume we are already just as attached to them as they are without always doing that work#b. assume we've seen all the supplemental material which. i have not#and i don't think that a professional show is the type of thing where there should be a barrier of entry that involves like#podcasts and comics and twitter threads and IC instagram posts about characters to do that emotional/lore legwork y'know#i love lore and supplemental stuff obviously but this should still be like#a satisfying experience for me a person who saw the pilot however many years ago and then has not interacted with the show or fandom since#idk man stuff felt rushed and messy and i wish i liked it more#it needed more slow moments i think. the two scenes where the group all drinks together (minus one awful joke in the bar scene) are like#the best in the show to me becase i actually believe these guys are FRIENDS. i wanna see them hang out more!#i wanna see them actually really grow to like each other organically!!! i wanna see them build connections and grow better slowly!!!#songs absolutely slap though. soundtrack is probably gonna be in my spotify unwrapped 2024#i love me a musical and that inspiration is on its sleeve which i love#also imo the humor isn't great usually. it's very juvenile imo and sometime that works but it often doesn't#(for me at least humor is obviously SUPER subjective)#also tonally they have this 'have your cake and eat it too' issue which bugs me. it's exemplified by the v's (one in particular)#actually i could go on a whole rant about the v's if anyone is interested because god i have some Thoughts#and i think my issues with the v's (namely one v) encapsulates many issues i have with the show#despite all this rambling i actually did enjoy a lot of my time with it. i just don't think it was well-written if that makes sense
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apathyfairy · 6 months
you are either a girl who is miserable and sad on her birthday or a girl who loves her birthday and there is no in beetween and neither group will ever understand the other
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magentagalaxies · 1 month
girl help how do i prioritize (not actually asking for advice just ranting). i have a performance tomorrow that's technically part of my final but also the Events of the last week on campus it's technically optional. but that being said i really want to be memorized for that performance and put the time in to make it really good bc even if it isn't graded it's still an opportunity for me to test out new aubrey material (and i'm definitely gonna film it and send it to bellini). i have to turn in a "final" for my independent study which is just my way to get credit for the buddy cole doc, but that final is editing a ten minute piece out of my tour footage and because of the Events i think i will get more grace if it's not a great edit but i need to turn something in by wednesday. i have a final for my history class that's just a presentation and i've already made the powerpoint and researched so i'm confident i can improvise (it's fairly low stakes) BUT i still have to do a quiz for my history class that was due last week but i somehow missed and i haven't been able to get to it bc stressed about finals and also the Events but since it was assigned before the Events i don't think i'll get the same grace as post-Events assignments, and this quiz is worth like 10% of my grade so i need to turn something in like even tho i currently have an A in that class and Cs get degrees i still don't know what grade i'll get on my final so better safe than get a zero on the quiz but i have no motivation since it's not a final like the rest of my stuff (even if the aubrey thing is lowkey not graded??? even before the Events that class had a unique grading system so i already know i've got an A in that class regardless this is just like an optional showcase). and i also have a zoom with bruce tomorrow for the buddy cole doc which i'm very excited for but also will have to plan around the amount of hours in the day i have left to get things done lmao
anyway it's wild being in finals week bc half of me is like "i just wanna go hoooome alreadyyyy" but the other half is like "holy fuck there is too much to do i need an extra week to get it all done"
but anyway less than a week from today i'm gonna be done with my penultimate semester of college (graduating in december!!!) and i have literally zero plans for the months of may and june rn so like. i know i'm going to get incredibly bored super quickly but like one of my favorite inspirational quotes is that tumblr post that was like "in two weeks you will have different problems" and yeah that sure is true
#i remember some people on that post being like ''that's not comforting the problems are endless''#but i saw that quote for the first time when i was like 12 days away from my production of other girls and SUPER stressed#so i was like. yeah that's actually a great thought i'm still gonna have to do things in 2 weeks but it won't be what i'm working on rn#anyway i am also obviously grateful for most of the things making me busy of course#bc like. my finals are literally performing my favorite new aubrey monologue i've written in the past few months#and i have to rewatch a bunch of scott tour footage for the independent study video#and like i remember just a year ago getting to zoom with bruce was such an event it would be the most important part of my day#and all i could talk about for weeks leading up to it#and obviously i'm still super excited to get to talk to bruce the only negative thing is how busy i am with everything else#and having to do time-management factoring in my classes alongside the zoom#also when i refer to the Events that has to do with like the protests happening on campus etc.#like my college has been in the news lately for some shit#and like. yes it's a very important issue and it's really altered the climate on campus and added to everyone's anxieties#however i do NOT want to talk about it. like i support the cause but for the sake of my own mental health i will only talk about it as much#as referring to it vaguely like i did in the post.#anyway i should sleep i have a 10am class tomorrow that i might have to present my final in
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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dimitri literally is completely suicidal in this game right to the end
is nobody going to actually help this man i mean he literally just said there is nobody he more desires to end than himself and then says he must thank their adversary for letting him kill a phantom of himself
is nobody going to help him
not even after this being one of many instances of him being utterly suicidal
i mean he’s very vocal about it
is nobody... gonna... help him...
#Three Hopes#Dimitri#literally like ??? i get that there's only so much time for writing and stuff#but with the amount of times he says suicidal things you'd think they'd have room to like#stick something in there where someone gets super worried#especially after chapter eight I mean you'd think with how strong his support system is#that ppl would be like whoaaaaaaaaaa back up what did you say#BUT NO NOPE NOBODY EVEN SITS HIM DOWN AND TALKS TO HIM and I don't even blame the characters#I blame it on being a poor writing choice bc the characters SHOULD and ABSOLUTELY WOULD#but the writers for some reason just decided not to include it which is kinda lame#he obviously needs a lot more than just a support system alone#as someone who has been in the same mental place and said the same kind of shit just as often#he needs a lot more than just good friends bc good friends are great but that alone doesn't cure the problem#ngl he's the most openly suicidal character probably in the FE franchise and it's a huge shame that#they didn't bother writing in people actually trying to do something about it bc when it comes to#how severe Dimi's mental illness is they did a good job with that esp in AM#but they don't rly have ppl properly helping him through it and you can do that without needing modern therapy#I mean if Rodrigue heard him talking like this you better BELIEVE he would not let it go and would talk to Dimi#it's a shame they basically just left out all the blatant worry and care that everyone would have had
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elytrafemme · 10 months
call the hairdresser and call the mediator because the way i'm splitting to the fucking ends right now
#babes i'm so sorry about it i'm SO sorry about it but i don't think we can blame this one on the period craziness anymore#i've not even been that mentally ill lately but my friend said we like can't hang out before he goes back to school#AND my sister doesn't want to hang out tn and i'm genuinely like? i'm going to break my fucking phone#like okay i'll just kill myself. whatever. i'm becoming super fucking toxic it's really bad#obviously i don't say this shit this is internal i'm not gonna push for anything that's super fucked#but like. ohhhh my God the rage i'm feeling right now. i need to kill someone#literally why am i like this. no explanation no anything i'm just like this? who fucked me over though like what happened#what's my tragic backstory i've got nothing i'm literally just crazy#he's not even answering my fucking texts anymore like tell me to die. pussy. do it. do it! fuck w me right now#and i was so nice i literally was like. hey no worries how's your summer been what's been going on!#i'm watching more youtube within the last 10 minutes of checking my phone i've almost thrown up and thrown it twice#do you think people try to fuck me over. do you think that's a thing. like they're testing me#if you showed me some of my old online friends right now the way i would rip them into pieces#my girlfriend's been pissed lately too like it's my two best friends riding for me and nobody else#oh he replied fucking great. shooting myself in the head i'm so manic pixie for this i'm so fixing him right now#i'm not he's got a girlfriend. but like. whatever. could've been me & i think about that when i'm mad#i do not like him but me and her are literally the exact same she's just prettier and smarter and i'm more of a good person#not right now though. i need to loop someone gets hurt from mean girls until i'm fucking normal#neg#vent#suicide tw
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pinejay · 11 months
thinking abt how on our trip to sweden every time i tried to take pictures of my mom she would suddenly move her arms vertically to her sides, curl up her fists, and stand with her feet straight together when a second ago she would be standing naturally. like i kept saying "wtf why r u posing like a ken doll again!" and she would be like "i don't know!!" until eventually she said "i don't know how to pose and look natural!" so was like "well me neither, why don't u just memorize a few poses like i do??" and realized wow that is the least normal thing ever. that is so not normal
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sn4kebites · 1 year
jackman is such a good album. 24 minutes long and every track is so good and so raw. i do not take like most of anthony fantanos opinions seriously anyways but the low score on this one especially was such a bad take.
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the writer in me does not approve of the way vampire diaries ended, but god my tears disagree
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boneless-mika · 1 year
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I have never seen a thumbnail that manages to so effectively mock both autistic and trans people at the same time. I think maybe the worst part it's very likely this is unintentional (so I'm not hating on the creator, I just think they didn't fuly think through how this would be interpreted), I don't watch transphobic or ableist content, the reason this was recommended to me I think is that I watched a few minutes of a Sad Boyz episode where they talk about The Good Doctor
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kodokugumon · 1 year
Okay I'm gonna say it. Are you guys ready. Nightheart wishes he had what breezepelt has
#my posts#my very professional opinion that nightheart is just breezepelt w/ worst writing and less of a reason to act the way he does#also I feel like nightheart's storyline should have been sparkpelt's bc she literally looked like firestar but girl#also also I find it funny that nightheart rejected his name bc he didn't want to be compared to firestar anymore#and bramblestar literally went ''okay. have a new name but I'm putting ur great grandfather's warrior suffix in it''#tbh I don't even know how I would fix nightheart's storyline bc like. so many of the cats in thunderclan are related to firestar lmao#I guess what I would do is make it less about only firestar and about the legacy of the entire family#like so much of his family was involved in super important prophecies or did amazing things#obviously firestar and his prophecy#bramblestar and squirrelflight (technically squirrelflight was not part of the prophecy but she did help find the new lake territories)#jayfeather lionblaze and dovewing all shared a prophecy as well#oh also leafpool found the moonpool!! how could I forget#and bristlefrost!!!! remember she sacrificed herself to stop ashfur and succeeded#so like I think nightheart would instead have massive anxiety about living up to his family's accomplishments#or scared that he might be part of some prophecy down the road when he doesn't want that kind of weight on him#and when he tries to confide in his sister about it she doesn't share that fear/anxiety and actually thinks its super cool!!#idk idk this is just 1 am ramblings for me at this point idk where the name change would fit into this
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Its SO upsetting how often the bad guys don't get to have a lasting turnaround. You see it with random side characters, but c'mon guys. Just let them go to prison for a little while and have them come back. I promise you do not have to kill a character off, or base the character off a real life person, thus narrowing their chances of a return even thinner, while building up the possibility of a comeback. This franchise has cursed me with such lovable characters I'll never see again, and my heart can't keep at it like this.
I'm gonna have to just take that suddenly-dropped-off-a-cliff-storyline into my own hands. Gotta pick up all the slack. They're too good at giving tender, heart wrenching moments to characters we'll never see again. Way too good.
Not sure if you know the streamer Crystal, but her reaction to the ending of 3 was the most extreme I've ever seen. She was full on breakdown sobbing, and even the chat was asking if she was okay. RGG look at the hearts you're breaking out here 🙃 Also, your posts about Mine and that ending are beautiful, and you could talk about it a million times. It'll never get old.
the most egregious- pardon the pun- execution of this trope in rgg games is aoki's death.
like legitimately, his death did not need to happen. the past antagonists you could make a decent point for why their deaths were justified (ryuji's probably being the goofiest ngl) but aoki's felt as though rgg was just checking off a to-do list.
i don't really watch rgg content creators, but if someone could send me a clip of that i'd be down to watch: always a fan of watching people be emo over Y3's ending
and speaking of, thank you i have strong enough mental illness that all i can do is talk about that scene over and over again :)
#snap chats#the worst part is im only partially joking about being mentally ill#like i just think of that one directioner fan being a super fan until they took medication and then they were normal#pretty sure if i did the same I Too would have shut up four months ago but to our benefit/dismay medicine's hard to get so <3#i am simply a dog chasing its tail and by that i mean i will simply talk about mine and y3's ending until i die#or until my mental illness latches onto something else idk#but yeah it sucks dick how rgg does so many great and emotional scenes#but like. we never get to fully see that pay off with characters like mine or aoki#like i want to see them have to face the consequences of their actions- ESPECIALLY mine#mine makes me the most deranged Obviously but i just want to know how daigo would react and treat him#we only get a semblance of how daigo felt after Y3 via the rggo story but its not enough#i want daigo to be upset with mine i want mine to HAVE to work things through with daigo#because unfortunately i dont think daigo would just cut mine off i think he still would try to figure out what the fuck was going on#idk i just need something to happen to mine that crushes him and has him rethink his ways a bit#'crushes' yk like. something beside the pavement---#i wouldnt want him to totally change tho. i like him deranged but just channel that deranged behavior to their benefit#brb thinking about mine saying he wouldnt be acting up if daigo didnt get shot again jesus christ i think of that line every day#OK I HAVE TO GO DO A COMM RN ACTUALLY I'LL BE MENTALLY ILL LATER BYYYE FEEL FREE TO SEND ASKS AND ENABLE ME
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dailyoyo · 1 month
all that said. despite so much of this stuff being heavily future-based. i find og jsr more fun to actually Play LMAO
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gregmarriage · 3 months
do you suppose when my dad had three daughters, he’d guess that two of them would get married to men and give him a ton of grandkids, and the other one would sit in her room, dykely and autistically
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rubys-domain · 7 months
the mood of the day is watching videos on nostalgic girly media from my childhood to Feel Something
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i actually had a good time with my boyfriend yesterday#but spending time with him feels like escapism tbh#the second we have to go back to our own lives i feel like the really sad reality i live in just slaps me in the face again#it's not like we do anything special when we get together either. we literally just hang out#so the way that everything feels so incredibly different with vs without him to the point where it gives me whiplash...#does feel a touch concerning#i mean my mental health hasn't been in great shape for literal years at this point so why am i surprised#and all the little media things i consume are just temporary distractions to sustain me until i get to meet up with him again#which is the true distraction that brings me a modicum of happiness. of which i have next to none of otherwise.#when i'm with him i start to feel like “hey; maybe things aren't so bad and i can actually do something with my life”#but the second he leaves my brain goes right back to “nvm life's true nature is suffering and i'll never amount to anything ever”#he's a great boyfriend. literally the best boyfriend ever. i'm just extremely mentally unhealthy#and i feel bad about that because i feel like i could never do anything that would even begin to repay him for everything he's done for me#but he always says that i actually have and i just can't accept that as fact#since i'm mentioning him right now anyway i want to brag about him a little bit#i introduced him to one of my uncles for the first time yesterday. and of course he approved immediately#literally everyone i've ever introduced him to likes him. and i'm just over here like. well obviously <3#i lucked out super hard in the romance department what can i say#it only cost me literally every single other place in my life where luck could be applied but shh it's fine#anyway i'm probably gonna change up my blog theme again soon#i just need to figure out header and icon and all that
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