#i am shooketh. basically.
daddymus-mamatron · 3 months
just read an amazing SG fic and once again I wanna say; thank you older fic writers 🙏🙏🙏
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dragonanon · 10 months
Me: “Okay we’re at work right now, we need to focus you little shit.”
My brain: “Sure thing!….BUUUUT real quick, what if we made ANOTHER TADC OC, but this one has ADD and Depression like us and has a very expressive face we can use to make meme edits?? Oh and she’s cat based too!”
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grislyintentions · 2 years
She always had a way of dissolving all weariness and ache from his mind. To let each breath feel pristine, as if her presence alone becomes this purifying strength to the air itself. They would be found in one of their many hidden abodes through Inazuma, tucked underneath the protective, glimmering shadow of the Sacred Sakura's offshoots.
Thoma truly felt as if he was swimming in an ocean of bliss. His head settled back, comfortably tucked upon Ei's lap, her attentive gave being a balm that further staves off the aches gained from another busy day. "You've been magical, you know? Always figuring a way to get me back at my fullest." Even now, one of his hands were settled on top of her's that rest upon his besting chest. Tender, delicate strokes being made as he peers up towards her with a sense of contentment.
They've not only endured, and bravely fought for the ever changing tide of progress.
"I appreciate you, Ei."
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"Such a charmer," She chides him in a tone that is decidedly fond in nature, betraying the quiet joy that she feels when she registers his words. "You are being silly." Nevertheless, her remaining hand finds his face and gingerly caresses his cheek in a soft sweeping motion. Ei is glad to be able to reinvigorate her companion. She tells him so. Were anyone to pass by in a stroke of coincidence, they would be greeted to a peculiar sight of intimacy and familiarity in the way she holds him. The very thought of the cool and aloof Raiden Shogun being capable of showing anyone warmth, let alone affection, seemed like a tall tale told by the fanciful. But, against all odds, here she remains. Undeniably present. "I appreciate you too, Thoma. Very much so." She removes the hand she'd used to caress his cheek, in favour of pressing a kiss to her own fingers and then lightly rests them against Thoma's own lips. Childish? Perhaps. But she can think of no better way to convey her sentiments.
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consistentsquash · 3 months
Famous Boy should be adapted for Netflix instead of the garbage DTS scripts. I am shooketh. Not my favorite driver, not my favorite F1 team, but idc because this is inarguably one of the best fics ever written. Talent with a T. Thank you for your services to F1 fandom aka prompting this fic ;-;
Hiya! :D
Super happy you got to experience Eldritcher <3 They are one of my fav writers ever and it makes me extra happy whenever somebody finds their work because of me.
A Famous Boy is beautiful, literary, haunting, epic in the epic sense. It makes you root for everybody. If you don't love Max Verstappen, read that fic. It's going to make you love him. If you love Max Verstappen, read that fic because you are just going to love him more. Also everybody else. It's really a masterpiece in sensitive characterizations. You are going to cry and you are going to go back because it's just poignant and hopeful. A perfect storm Coming of Age fic. It's got that unique vibe going on where you are feeling everything you have felt before in your life + some extra new feels.
“Didn’t know you were gay.” Gay was Elton John. Gay was Lewis Hamilton’s fashion sense. “Just a bit of a fruit,” he corrected Carlos.
Also my favorite Queer fic of all time. Gender, orientation, everything is really wholesome and poignant. Hard to describe actually. The build up is super sneaky because it starts out as this classic coming of age trope before going into some genrefuckery + genderfuckery. Really unique.
Not good for reading canon blind but if you are into F1 and if you want to experience something new and unique, this fic is for you.
Also my prompt was pretty basic. The epic part is 100% because of the author's skill.
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Make Shin Suffer for 35 Minutes!
Full disclosure: I like Guide. He is a good actor, but I like him aesthetically because he is beauty and grace, and I am desperately in love with his face, so my thoughts on Bake Me Please have always been biased meaning . . .
I loved the Bake Me Please special episode!
Shin is still a Black Brooder and a jerk.
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And Guy is still fine and the obvious better choice.
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But Shin is very much in love with his Blue Boy Peach and has started incorporating Peach's color into his wardrobe.
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However, on the day he is finally able to see Peach due to Peach's busy schedule, our Black Brooder decides to wear pink! Because he is very much in love with Peach, and Peach picked this shirt for him.
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But Blue Boy Peach doesn't give one eff and tells Shin to change back into his normal black then abruptly leaves.
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Shin is worried Peach no longer loves him, but Atom assures Shin that Peach is very much in love with him, so much in fact that it makes Atom sick to his stomach.
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But the entire friend group does suggest that perhaps Shin's boring ass personality is to blame for Peach's distance since Shin tends to bore them to death every single damn day.
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So Shin sits on that honest truth, and with some convincing from his friends, he decides to surprise Peach.
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He asks Peach if he is doing something on the 17th, which happens to be Shin's birthday, and Peach replies that day is a very important day.
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Now, Shin is all kinds of excited as he bakes a Torta Caprese highlighted by the blue background for his Blue Boy.
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But Peach doesn't show up claiming to be somewhere else celebrating someone else since Shin said he didn't want to do anything for his birthday, so we flashback to the boys asking what Peach wants to give Shin for his birthday, and he states he wants to sleep with Shin.
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The entire table is shooketh by this way-too-much-information truth!
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But what Peach means is he wants to sleep with Shin every night in their bed in their home as in he wants to move in with Shin. Once Atom fully recovers from the scary thought of someone wanting to have sex with Shin, he immediately questions his friend's sanity by reminding him that Shin is, well, Shin, and who the hell would want to willingly live with Shin? (remember that his brother had a crush on Shin, so Atom is definitely holding grudges, and I love it)
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Then, Atom proceeds to list all of Shin's shitty quality WITH supporting examples.
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And tries one more time to help his friend see the light before he ends up married to this man with a mortgage, a kid, and a dog named Ruffles. *shudders at the thought*
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But Peach is Peach and double downs on his BIG feelings for Shin, so the guys decide to help Peach be less weak for that jerk and devise a plan to make Shin suffer for reasons that I think are totally valid since they just want to see Shin in pain which who wouldn't?, but they do this under the guise of forcing Shin to see how much he wants Peach around.
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But the problem is Peach is ready to cave the second Shin texts him.
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The guys know how to handle this and take Peach's phone away and threaten him to stay strong so they can all reap the benefits of watching Shin possibly cry.
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It's a constant battle, but the boys remain steadfast in their goal of making Shin pay for all the shit he put them (AND ME) through for six episodes.
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But I do appreciate that Peach recognized how fine Shin looked in that pink!
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Finally, the big day is here, and Shin is peak Sad Boy energy and probably listening to Drake's "In My Feelings" on repeat, so, of course, the fam is ecstatic and very pleased that their plan to make Shin lay on the floor in the fetal position worked in Peach's favor!
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But they pull one more stunt and decide to change the writing on Peach's cake to say "I'll give you a good time tonight" instead of "I want to live together" which would have matched Shin's cake.
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Basically, they are doing the Lord's work!
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And everybody wins including my light x dark duo!
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But especially the audience because we deserved to see Shin miserable for 35 minutes, and we also deserved to see Shin lift Peach on that counter, and . . . eff it! Just enjoy the visual.
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And I'll enjoy my Oab x Guy crumb.
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I needed this, and I deserved it!
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iamnotmereally · 4 days
But also Achilles and Patroclus have made me start thinking about how circumstances influence our personality so much again (yes it happens often?)
On what is basically the first time Achilles reaches out to Patroclus (first of many..) Achilles says he never lies, but Patroclus have had to before and continues to lie when he feels necessary (understandably so, not a criticism more than loving him I understand him sm) and though he respects Achilles for not lying, he realises that the reason he doesn't have that naivety of choosing to not lie, it's because he has been situations he had to lie before.
Further, when Achilles realises how Patroclus kills someone and realises that it's because he was defending himself, he says he can't imagine what he would have done because no one has demanded anything from him before (despite them both being princes, Patroclus was clearly in a more dire situation) which leads me to whether Achilles would have been this personality with strong morals and ideals (simply saying he is often sure if himself as in, he knows what he wants? If that makes sense) if he did not live in the circumstances he lived in?
This is a stupid line of thought especially because it's obvious but I often forget this. Our morality might simply boil down to whether or not you have been in a certain situation where you have had to make a choice. One who lives a life where there are no difficult choices is good by default whether or not he is capable or willing to do horrible things when situation demands it. Because he simply has not done anything yet and a person isn't a criminal because he has a will and potential to be.
This is mind blowing to me always, I go through this exact string of thoughts many times (each time I think about any characters morality) and is always shooketh because then who am I even.
Welcome to my daily existential crisis <3
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Actually that false mama au reminded me of a thinky thought I had ages ago that I was meant to write up but the concept was like Damien mewtwo meets false twins au where he may be genetically related and after the building burns down and he was also able to escape with them he essentially goes right human you got them out ill let you leave unharmed but I am taking my kin and Delia basically looks at this huge mewtwo who could be unstable and probably is very powerful and is absolutely ready to square the fuck up telling him to give her kids BACK and that she's not going to allow some creature shes never seen before claim relation and take them from her. Delia about to throw hands. And Damien just shooketh startled bamboozled as she squares up on him taking Ash and Indigo (maybe a treat peach who knows) out his arms and starting to stubbornly march away with them because my babies thank you very much. Before moving to follow because okay now he's intrigued by her and also he does want to keep an eye on the babies as they may be related to him so actual kin and also wow that woman was gonna throw hands with me huh, I'm gonna follow. Mewtwo Damien gets threatened and goes oh that one
Ya know, Damien would absoluetly be that man XD
I guessed before that Delia being a Mewtwo would probably be a Kangaskhan but i love the thought instead that she's a Nidoqueen just like her starter. So either a Psychic/poison or Psychic/ground wich would be funnier against Damien
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Wierd helluva boss AU I just thoguth of (it's consuming me)
Basically, everything is the same, very canon compliant, but during the fire Blitzø lost an eye, specifically the one on the scarred side of his face
Now, he would be less effective with guns, since from what I heard once you lose an eye your depth perception goes to fuck itself and I'm pretty sure it's important for shooting and aiming guns, but if I'm wrong correct me
Now, he could go either of 3 directions:
(my favorite) He wears a sick-ass eyepatch 24/7, only ever taking it off to wash his face. Even Loona doesn't know he's disabled in the eye department. Everyone just assumed he was doing it for the vibes. Now, the outing of his disability could go two routes in this scenario • The Stolitz route Basically goes kinda like Crooked, they argue a bit, Blitzø has low self worth, Stolas says something, and Blitzø goes "because this is who I am!" or some bullshit and pulls of his eyepatch, to reveal that there's nothing behind it • The IMP route Moxxie: Umm, Sir, why are you wearing that eyepatch all the time? wouldn't it be better for fighting if you took it off? Blitzø: Oh I WISH! *pulls of eyepatch to reveal empty eye socket* Moxxie: *shooketh*
2. Protethic eye
Basically, just an eye, to put in his eyesocket to make him seem normal.
In this case, it goes like this
Blitzø: *misses target* Goddamn it, this would be easier without my eye issues!
Moxxie: Sir, may I suggest some glasses?
Blitzø: Aprecciate the thought Moxxie, but this shit won't be fixed by glasses! *pulls out prostethic eye mid-battle*
Moxxie: What the fuck-
3. Just plain ol' empty eye socket
No covering it up. Nothing. Just empty eye.
That woud make for a fun scene i ep. 7 tho, so even though it's my least fav it's still a fun idea to consider
Also, consider:
If Stolas found out about his disability, he would definetely ask for a fully functional prostethic eye along with a crystal. Like, Oz already makes limb protethics, and really advanced ones at that, so he probably has some kind of working robo-eyes for astronomical prices on the factory tape.
And, smol bonus, if Ozzie gave Stolas that eye for Blitz, he would totally have the eye do cool-ass tricks, like change colors or see super good or like be contected to a database like in Iron Man.
That would definetely make Full Moon much more interesting, and maybe help Blitz understand what's going on, since Stolas just giving him the crystal could be understood as trying to get rid of him, but ordering him a custom fucking actually working prostethic eye?*Not so much
So yeah, do whatever you want with this AU, just wanted to get this man outta my system, may edit screenshots/draw him without that eye
Anyway bye bye!
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theflagscene · 9 months
Okay, so I haven’t been able to write anything substantial or even worth editing since April of 2023, which is why I never finished any of my ongoing fics or added the last few chapters to Do I Ever Cross Your Mind. I thought it was just really bad writers block brought in by mental fog due to my breakdown that I had suffered at the end of 2022, but I was later diagnosed with anhedonia in mid 2023 which for those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s the inability to feel pleasure or joy in your life or relationships and hobbies. Basically it makes sad depressed bitches also bored bitches, very very bored bitches.
That being said, my therapist and psychiatrist have both told me that anything that I find myself getting hyped over, that I should lean into as much as I can. Which has been Last Twilight and The Sign, and to a somewhat lesser extent Cherry Magic and DFF.
So I have, I’ve been unapologetically obsessing and bothering my significant others and family members with that obsession. See after the end of episode five of The Sign, it was weird but I sort of got the urge to write a bit so I’ve been jotting stuff down here and there but it’s nothing solid, just shit that popped into my head on occasion when thinking about the show.
So why do I now, after *counts on fingers* almost nine months! Nine! Do I have an entire fic in my head expanding on Phaya and Tharn’s first night together!? I mean, I know I’m a shameless smut peddler - I used to be at least - but this is just a weird feeling after not being able to write for so long. To actually want to sit down and write something, and something smutty as well!
I am shooketh.
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🌹 🏵️ 🪷 💐 🫶
OH MY GOD NONNY A WHOLE BOUQUET!!!! Bless you darling I can smell the flowers from here giving my brain the lil serotonin boost it needed 🥹
Okay okay whew now we have to try not to rant (it never works….I always rant):
🌹: Plot
Honestly, I think this all comes down to having a few lil nuggets of ideas or scenes decades in advance that I get so excited about I literally construct the plotline around them. So I get to weave in all these flash forwards/flash backs knowing that moment is coming, and when we finally get there there’s such a moment of payoff for me.
🏵️: Sim Style
Sim style?! Nonny I am shooketh! Mostly because compared to other folks on Tumblr I don’t really feel like I have a simstyle? Other than makeup (which I cannot do IRL or in the sims) I’m probably the least comfortable making sims more than I am doing anything else in the game (like out of all CAS, build, and gameplay elements). I don’t use a lot of skin details or CC presets so I often worry they can look a little “blah” in comparison. But I am happy you love them 🥺
🪷: Editing Style/Aesthetics
Yessss! I love this one! So fun fact about me I will basically go watch a film just for the cinematography. Like a well shot, stunning aesthetic does more for me than much else and can honestly carry a weak plot. I think alot of my own love for simblr comes from seeing that same eye for detail and aesthetics carry into a hobby I’ve always loved (simming since ‘02 baby) so I’m honored you count me in that number 💕
💐: World-Building
So honestly this one is never seen in total because we just get sprinkles of it throughout the posts, but the actual, physical act of building out a sims world might be one of the things that takes me the longest. I’m so incredibly picky about whether or not a build “fits” on the lot and the surroundings that I end up spending hours editing anything I download. It’s one of the most daunting things for the next gen, even though I’ve been working on it since the 1910s.
And is the 🫶🏼 just for love because a 🫶🏼 right back at you my dearest one.
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robotics-human · 9 months
Before the quotes im gonna tell you my role on the team. Drive coach and I are co-captains, I was the swerve driver last season and am also the CAD lead.
Build season quotes:
“Shook, shooketh, shooken, shakenth, shaken” -basically the whole team trying to grammar
“Do you wanna see mine and drive coach’s dm?” -programmer
“No no no no no we don’t need to see that!” -drive coach (replying to programmer”
*coughs repeatedly* “pneumonia!” -drive coach
“Stop dreaming about titanium, if ur gonna dream, dream about carbon fiber” -yours truly to programmer
“Telescoping arms do NOT work like plastic lightsabers” -me 😁
“I mean it’s probably not that fun to build a baby guillotine like that, but you could.” -me, to our entire CAD team
“Tape doesn’t make things cease to have mass.” -me
“Mmmm Yeah it does” -pit crew lead (replying)
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thelikesoffinn · 9 months
My Steam Year in a Review is there and honestly? August to November are basically all Baldur's Gate 3.
Am I surprised? No, not quite.
What surprised me is that, apparently, I've been playing an ungodly amount of hours this year and I'm toeing the line between proud and seriously shooketh.
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lunapwrites · 2 years
So a few posts ago, I mentioned that I was going to be dipping a toe into studying runes, partially because I enjoy writing them into my work and partially because I am a basic bitch that loves me some shiny rocks and witchy shit. All my supplies came in over the weekend, and I've been poking around at the guidebook and trying to follow what it says is the best method of getting a sense of what a rune represents, aka: pick one and put it in your pocket for the day. So I have, quite literally, been pulling one almost at random out of a bag (and by "almost" I mean I feel around blindly choose the one that feels correct? I have no better way to describe it than that.)
Well, needless to say that I am on day 3 of doing this and so far we are 3/3 for leaving me shooketh.
Day 1: Fehu. Incidentally happened to be the day that my family had pushed their Thanksgiving dinner to. So, that one was a little on the nose. But surely that couldn't happen TWICE, right?
Day 2: Raidho. I became possessed by a spirit of productivity and suddenly knew exactly how I wanted to start doing a deep reorganize of my entire house, and in a simple and sustainable way. Also managed to get a bunch of post-holiday chores done which I had NOT had the energy to deal with all weekend. So... that's two. No way it could be three, though. Absolutely none.
Day 3: Hagalaz. I was alarmed when I drew this one, not gonna lie. But turns out that the partner just decided that today's the day to start talking about Plans For 2023, which will be An Adjustment to say the least. 3/3, runes deadass reading my life for filth.
Can't wait to keep digging into these. :D
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skzoologist · 10 months
I spent the entire weekend at the hello82 ATEEZ pop-up in my city and omg, there were so many ppl,,,I talked to staff a lot these last few days and apparently ppl started lining up around 7 am to me further up in line,,,,(for reference, staff arrive at 11 am and the pop up doesn't open until noon),,,,they sold out in 2 and a half hrs Friday, 2 hrs Saturday, and 1 and a half hrs Sunday,,,,the amt of dedication some of these ppl have scares me, esp since it was 43°F (6°C) in the morning 😭😭
I'm still in shock over just how much has happened over the weekend, starting from the countdown live Thursday night before the MV and album dropped 💀
I ended up buying a signed album (BY MY BIAS NONETHELESS?? LIKE HELLO?? WHAT- 😃) and a pop up exclusive vinyl (I ALMOST did not get to buy it cuz they sell things out so fast even tho I was 9th or 10th in line) :D
THE POPUP AND HELLO82 EXCLUSIVE DIGIPACKS SOLD SO FAST?? Esp today, the Digipacks were out of stock by the 4th person in line,,,,all 4 of the first ppl in line bought 4 Digipacks EACH and I was walking around Sunday at the venue (being kinda nosy) to see what ppl got, and one of them had bought 1 of each version PLUS a signed album 😭 and Saturday, I watched a person walk out with like, one of each item (vinyl, at least 1 of each of the 3 versions of the album, and I think like 2-4 Digipacks and a signed, or if not, 3 signed versions of the albums 😭😭), and staff was nervous that their bag was going to break even thought they separated their stuff into 2 bags already 😭
I also spoke with someone in line who was in line all 3 days and they said they didn't sell out as fast on Friday because everyone was being careful to make sure more ppl could get the chance to buy something, but it seems they ran out of stock so quickly on Saturday and Sunday because some ppl up at the front bought up to the max limit, leaving the others with no chance of getting them which sucked 😭😭
I went thru so much gas this weekend for the pop up and the Cupsleeve events that went on in my area,,,,I started the weekend with a tank that was 7/8th of the way full, and now I'm down to 1/6 💀
But it was a fun weekend and I'm happy with everything I got, kinda wish some of the ppl up at the front of the line thought a bit more ab the ppl at the back when purchasing tho,,,cuz apparently they were there all 3 days and maxed out the purchases of at least 1 thing each day ;-;
- 🐹
Oh my god, excuse my language, but holy fucking shit. As a small lil european country living person, this sounds insane to me. Standing in line for what, like 5 hours? In nearly freezing temperatures? What now? 😀
Yea, lately it's been crazy with all the stuff happening, and I feel like only more will happen, you know? It's a scary thought lol
OMG, CONGRATS! 💜 Now why do I feel like you will make those your family heirlooms tho-
Yeah, okay, no, people buying several things and basically buying the whole stock up? Excuse me? 💀 The more I read, the more I see just how lucky you got to get all your stuff, what the hell, I'm shooketh 💀💀💀 (as far as I know, there are no such events in our country, so this really blows me away)
Also yea, it's sad that people selfishly buy them all up and don't leave enough for the others. Maybe the purchases per person could be even more limited, but then again, I don't know much of these events so I'll shut up instead before someone tries to eat me alive lol. And hey, if you had a fun and nice weekend, then that's all that matters! Hope it was a nice break from the stress in your life.
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gonzobabygirl · 1 year
I am shooketh the fuck up by how awesome today has been. I basically actually got to come out fully as an ABDL to some friends!
So, I have had a couple friends who knew about my ABDL side. One is my girlfriend, who I'll just call "J" for now. J has know me for years. We kinda stumbled into realizing we both have little sides. She's still learning to explore hers but by bit, but is leaning into it and finding a lot of happiness!
J and I have a mutual friend I'm calling "B" in our group chat. "B" has known I'm a little, and even floated the idea of having a day where we just hang out padded and do little space stuff together! She hasn't indulged in little space in a while, but I knew she had in the past.
I've been dancing around the fact that they're both littles and don't know it for fucking months. I finally broke down today, told both we have mutual little friends, and asked if they're down to start a littles group chat. They said yes and now we have a certified "SmolSquad"! We're already planning out fun little space days together!!! 🤩 So, all three of us can finally be a bit more "out" and breath, which is just so fucking nice. But it gets better!!!
I've been kinda dating again, and it turns out the girl in dating has known about my little side all along. I realized she might have found out from my FetLife and I kinda poked it vaguely today. She told me she knows, and is fine with it. It's not her cup of tea, but she's just... Chill. Fine. So... Yeah!!! I've been super paranoid about her finding out accidentally, but... Now I can just relax and be me 😁
SO. BASICALLY, as of today I'm no longer a closeted secret babygirl! I have little friends! It feels so nice to just be able to be me!!!
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itsmimi16 · 1 year
The Textbooks • Louis Partridge
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“Mia can you please get the chemistry textbooks from upstairs” Miss Smith says, pulling me out of my day dream.
“Sure” I answer getting up. I walk out and start making my way upstairs, relieved that I could finally leave for a bit. That lessons so boring.
I knock on the door of the class room and stand there awkwardly until the teacher pays attention to me. “Yes?” The teacher says
“Umm…can I please borrow the chemistry textbooks” why was I sent, I’m too awkward for this.
At this point everyone in the class was looking at me. They was all in my year, so that made it ten times worse. “Of course lovely, they’re at the back behind Hannah”
I nod and walk to the back of the class “ Hi Hannah” she gives a small wave and goes back to paying attention to the teacher (don’t hate on Hannah, she’s just trying to learn.)
I try picking up the books but they’re really heavy “Ummm…Miss?” I say awkwardly.
Suddenly all eyes are on me once more. “Yes my lovely one” ew
“Can someone help me please? The books are too heavy” 😬
“Of course. Louis can you help her please.” Oh god. Not Louis.
“Yes miss” he says unenthusiastically. I hear some of his friends snigger, so I pick up some books and walk out the class room with Louis hot on my heals.
I may have implied that I don’t like Louis. Unfortunately, it’s the complete opposite. I really like Louis and I’m pretty sure he knows.
We walk down the stairs in silence. I look at him “So…how have u been” I strike up a conversation. (Jesus Christ what’s wrong with me)
He looks back at me and gives me a funny look “Ummmm…I’ve been fine”
We continue walking, but before we get to my class he stops me and says “Why”
“Why what” I reply. Wtf did I do now.
“Why do you play with my feelings”
Play with his feelings? Say what.
Honestly I try not to talk to him, he doesn’t like me anyway. “I’ve basically never said more than a sentence to you. What makes you think I’m playing with your feelings?”
“All of your friends and mine keep saying you like me, but I see the looks of disgust you give me when you see me in the corridors. Those are definitely not the looks of liking someone” those looks he’s talking about, are the looks I give when I’m trying to make it seem like I don’t like someone. To hide my true feelings.
“I…I don’t mean to…it’s to hide my feelings. Cause the truth is…I like you a lot, I know it sounds stupid but it’s true.” I continue rambling, not even I understand or remember half the things I’m saying.
He stops me and lift my chin “Well as it turns out I like you too” (anyone get the reference? 😏)
“You do?” I look at him in shock. (I am shooketh)
“Yes I do. Now let’s take these books down before someone comes looking for you. We’ll talk later.”
I am still shooketh but follow him silently.
“Sorry it took a us so long Miss” he says as he walks into the room (ie my chemistry class) “we had some trouble getting these, but they’re here now.”
I walk in behind him and set the books down with a sheepish expression on my face.
“That’s alright, it hasn’t been that long” my teacher says to him “and Thank you for your help, you may go back to class now.”
“No problem miss” he replies as he start to head towards the door “I’ll talk to you later” he whispers.
I nod and head to my sit. I can feel my cheeks burning. Wtf has just happened.
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