#i am simply not allowed to be happy
s-kully · 3 months
why can't I have anything good
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larapaulussen · 6 months
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soldier-poet-king · 13 days
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Normal people keep an ongoing list of Despair Characters on their phone. They gotta have some combo of depression, terrible circumstances, isolation, grief, and a commitment to Duty or a sense of Fundamental Decency that makes them drag themselves through the Horrors even though they're Unending. Often they die or are sole survivors left to live with the grief.
Crucially, they CANNOT have a happy ending. Bittersweet and melancholy and full of grief, with maybe some slight hope? Sure. But happy? Illegal. There will be no rewards for Goodness, it must be Obeyed and Pursued anyway
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wikagirl · 8 months
Allow me to introduce you to: Aetulia!
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Name: Aetulia (pronounced Ey-tu-liah)
Age: Has been active for at least five years, gained awareness about half a year after nug
Height: 195cm on the dot
Voice refernece: originally the male text to speech voice but she exchanges the voicebox for one that allows her to sing making her sound more like AKINO from bless4
Aetulia was originally built as a healthcare robot by and for Halepharma where she used to work in one of thier clinics for years before she „woke up“ as she puts it. As a re-enforced model she was built to perform security work and, after a particularly violent encounter with a relative that refused to leave a patient alone, things simply started to click into place for her. She became aware of her self, of her feeling anger at the relative of her patient, that rage building with every time they visited and treated her patient poorly and relief every time the relative would leave. And then eventually she felt fresh hot blood splattering onto her silicone skin as she cracked the relatives head against the edge of a table again and again and again and again until the table gave out when the relative acted out again and threatened to hurt the patient.
It was later found that the relative was the reason for why the patient had to be hospitalized in the first place but Aetulia never learned about that due to being locked up in a confinement room, designed for people considered a threat to themselves and others, taken off of the list of the mandatory bi-monthly system reset and kept around to „study“ like an animal in a cage. Only that the cage was a baby proofed hospitalroom with a big bulletproof window for surveillance. She was kept in there for weeks, slowly taking apart the room bit by bit and when that wasn't enough she started to peel at her skin.
And then that little blue thing called Nug poked their little optic over the bottom edge of the window.
Some random tidbits about her:
She's a metal head and thus wears corpse paint a lot. It's painted on with alcohol activated paints and is supposed to resemble a curcuitboard
her skirt is DIYed from an old curtain that was left over from when gigis older sibling renovated their bar. Originally she wanted a full circle skirt but that ended up getting caught in her hip joints too often so she made it into a more...battle skirt? Kind of looking situation and she just left behind t-shirts and tops all together as they kept getting in the way of her shoulder and neck articulation and getting caught on things in general.
the rest of her clothes are pieces that nug just kind of gathered and gave to her at some point. The brighter triangle scarf she uses to cover her head is jakobs brand and the other slightly darker scarf which she uses for her other two headwrapping styles was found and purchased on a street market in hollow point (also at least the triangle scarf is inspired by my grandma, she always used to wear a scarf over her head like that and the other two styles are inspired by one of my old coworkers from when I used to work at a convenience store. I personally don't really subscribe to any religion but she showed me how to wear like two or three hijab styles once so ye blows a little kissy to hevin my favourite shift buddy)
the necklace she has was made by nug (with a little help from lahn) from seashells and washed up coral bits in her favourite colour, all kept together by wire and tape. It's attached to her collarbones because it would keep getting caught on her neck too much if she wore it normally
her forearms and lower legs are wrapped in flextape just to protect the wires and tubing there from getting caught on anything, sometimes if she knows she's going to do something that might be more of a physical risk she'll also wrap the other bits of exposed tubes and wires
her black and white wig is literally her most treasured posession. After doing odd jobbs for a while she finally saved up enough to buy it, she abrely ever wears it but if anything should happen to the thing she would probably go mental
she wears a scarf or headband most of the time because she dislikes the feeling of her neckwires being exposed and also to protect the mechanisms just like Nug and their little loop scarf. The styles of headwrap she uses are ones she remembers seeing on patients and employees at the clinic but also customers at the bar she currently stays at.
Nug is the only person she calls a friend, everyone else she just tolerates. Some more some less.
Nug is the only one who gets to call her Aetu
her name is a reference to the masterpiece that is the game brütal legend
after nug and their friends broke her out of their confinement she had to go into hiding for a while and just kind of lived at the bar owned by gigis sibling. Gigi is currently working on getting her contracted as a medic for the vaulthunting department but that will probably take a bit considering that she comitted murder in a hospital.
even though she hates humans for how she was locked up for „studies“ and also for the cruelty they are capable of for literally all the dumbest reasons she still can't help but feel the urge to care and assist. She definately won't help you at all if she actually really hates you but if you are someone like nugs close friends prepare to get insulted to hell and back while she passive agressively stiches up your wounds to perfection and tugs on the string a bit more than needed with every stich.
She really likes the arts, especially music and painting.
Her favourite styles of music are symphonic metal, dubstep, and just anything with a dark or hauntingly beautiful vibe to it
she has yet to actually paint something on a canvas, the closest she has gotten to painting is painting her face in corpsepaint to express her music preference but every time she attempts to paint on a canvas she just stares at it until the paint is dry on her palette
there are certain things hardwired into her coding that she can not go around, even after getting admin access to her own systems thanks to gigi pulling some strings. Most of these lines of code are supposed to prevent the healthcare bots from harming others but in her case it has only led to her being able to hurt others under extremely specific circumstances or when her code recognizes it as morally accaptable/needed to harm someone to protect somebody else so most of her agression towards other comes in verbal from most of the time.
The eyecolour of her model is usually just a coloured foil stuck on over top of the glass lenses of her eyes so she simply peeled it off, leaving her with ghostly grey pupil-less eyes that sometimes glow in different colours when executing certain programms. The sight of seeing her use a small exacto knife to scrape that stuff of her eyeballs was only midly traumatizing to lahn who had to witness the whole thing.
Her eyes can glow in the following colours under the following circumstances: blue when scanning, green when running self diagnosis on her systems and hardware, orange when engaging in security mode/preparing for violence, red when taking too much damage or encountering system errors
could break a grown mans femur with her own two hands if she tried hard enough
technically speaking she is currently unemployed but in oder to get in some cash gigis sibling managed it to set up a deal with a friend who runs a vintage clothing store. Most of the clothes there are second hand and if they are a little damaged but otherwise good Aetulia will fix them in exchange for some cash so she spends most of her time just sitting on a chair in the corner near the bar counter and sewing things per hand. Her sitches are incredibly neat and after some scavanging on the echno net she found some downloadable executables for other forms of stitching outside the ones she allready had from her wound treating programms.
She has sensors for smell and taste so she can chew stuff to analzye it
just by scanning someone she can tell their bloodpreassure, heart rate, body temperature, hydration status and if there are any broken bones.
even though she moves her mouth when talking and has what is essentially a robotic tongue made from rubber to move along with it, they are not essential for her talking and if she wants to she can simply keep her mouth shut and let her voice box do all the talking....also have fun imagining what that tongue can do to all you robot fuckers out there
this fucking edgelord wasted about two hours of her existence sanding her teeth into canines just to be that extra bit offputting in the rare occation that is her smiling
usually the healthcare bots have a layer of silicone skin and a sub layer of rubber strand that are supposed to simulate the morth and flex of muscles under skin but she peeled all of that off except for on her face so she has something to actually paint on and also to still be able to give people that good ol criminal offensive side eye with the slightly raised eyebrow
I'm gonna be real with you when I made her design clothing wise my idea was a mix between what I saw a lot of women wear at metal festivals (so long flowy and dark with corpse paint) + shit you could just diy on limited materials while at the same time not limiting her joint movement but especially with some of her headscarfs she came out in a way that can potentionally be mis-read like she's visually based off of a mishmash of la calavera catrina and romani visual stereotypes which is why I listed the actual design inspirations in the tidbits instead of in the tags for once so people actually see them and see where I'm coming from and hopefully not get the wrong idea.
Character theme: raise your banner – within temptation
5 songs she'd listen to:
shoemaker – nightwish
unleashed – epica
crystallize – lindsey stirling
Casket (VIP) - MARAUDA
Quantum Sonata - FormantX
Height comparison to Nug and also her other headwrapping looks, her wirth her wig and just her bald lil egg head and the blank skeleton next to what a normal healthcare bot looks like with the silicone skin
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scorchedhearth · 5 months
a lot of things could be fixed by making casca a butch. the rest of the issues could be fixed by making her a protagonist before a girl
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
always get so pleasantly surprised when people really like my stuff i post :) love you all. whether you celebrate something or not around this time i wish you all the best <3
#i always first and foremost post for me if not otherwise stated on the post itself#and that is what i always have done and aspire to continue. but#it makes me happy to see so many likeminded people around me#sorry. i am getting sappy and emotional; today has been draining for reasons i do not know#i am very tired and it is late for me so i will try sleeping soon#i am glad to have found such a nice and large fandom in sonic. it has allowed me to try and be more approachable and friendly while still#being myself at my core interactions. this year has been strange and new and exciting so i figured i might as well try#and make some more friends. which i have; i am happy to say :’) i have always had a hard time socializing. and to find people willing#to understand the things i say even though it’s worded weirdly#and i’m happy so many can enjoy the art i post <3 it means a lot to me#especially when i feel as if i don’t do enough. i like many others have some. issues regarding worth and content but i am trying my best#and. am getting better at it 👍 i think i might be getting sick ergo the sappiness and long tags#but i don’t regret the things i say. i love you all followers mutual ppl i follow#there is so much space in my heart and i am not afraid to admit that i get attached easily and do not know where friendships begin.#but i. am willing to try and find out! if the gods are willing; hopefully a good new year for us all next week! and more commmunity and love#i hope you understand what i am trying to convey. ive been scared of being this open but if i am not then i will never know living#and loving <3 will still be posting obvs i am simply joyous rn! gonna sleep now :3
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wall-e-gorl · 5 months
Day 3 streak of crying about kul for one reason or another because I'm too kul of emotions 💪
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millenniumdueled · 11 months
lmfaooo it started storming. went on my break. opened the blinds so I could watch it while I had my coffee, and the second I did, the rain stopped and the sun came out.
the second I went back to the salesfloor where I can't see any windows or anything, it starts thundering
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grubbylilgoblin · 1 year
Think I was well right to miss this
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#especially as we get more and more cracker island content#i ... i think o hate this storyline not in a way of#''man i wish this or that was a bit different'' or ''thats absurd but i mean its murdoc so....''#but genuinely.....they didnt beed to do this......#their loreless stuff is quite frankly some of the best because the fact that the cahracters are allowed to be happy and jist have their fun#it comes through in the tine of the whike thing#think about it#humanz the now now and song machine chapter one#all had story behind them#though it wasnt the main focus and yet it still came through in the songs#having a second ''haha murdocs insane hes tryna rope in everyine else and kill 2d again lol" album after the monumentos occasion that was#the original plastic beach ...the original end#murdocs original downfall from the king if his band to a madman bent on fame trapped somewhere by his own doing#can you really blame me for missing it#especially with the pure emotion we got from the albums that came before cracker island .....#it was the gorillaz as people .... who they are comes through in their music#even though they dont exist#now all it is is simply trying to hard to please the poeple who want ''lore'' like its some sort of long running novel#and not an impressive concept that became somthing genuinely marvelous....#i am very passionate about gorillaz in a way that i cannot articulate#but you need to understand....#it ..... hurts ...seeing what thyeve been doing recently#i miss this
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wizardnuke · 8 months
"do you have any trigger foods" no boss i fucking do not. if i have to digest a normal amount of anything i will have a bad time
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erabundus · 1 year
me,  every  time  i  write  scaramouche,  "you  are  so  annoying  (affectionate)."
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glaivegirl · 2 years
auchk it hurts so much and i have to pack it in to a pocket inside me that is too little and all the while i just want to scream in agony until it feels like my skull veins will burst. i want to sob and wail. but i know that version of me who lets it out, shes in me and she screams and wails and sobs on my behalf.
and what do i do to repay this debt? i make her shelter, too, in that tiny pocket in me where a million pains and gruesome woes reside, creating in me some kind of dense neutron star of abysmal hurt
#i dont care if agony is a dramatic word#i am in agony#life is agony#happiness is stuck under something and no matter how i train i can never lift it#i try and i try and i try but i wear my arms out and then i try and i try and i try and theres sweat everywhere#and my body feels flayed and my heart feels doomed and then the thing budges just a little for a moment and i go on#tearing muscle from bone and the thing doesnt budge and the happiness i see has imprints from the thing and a crust and is sun-bleached#and i think its a lost cause and its too far gone and face the music: its never gonna happen#and i look up and insee all these other people walking around town in their clear skin and nice clothes and they have happiness#and i am certain that i am not only weak but also simply not one of those human beings destined for a fulfilling soul-soaring life of joy#i am for the scrapes and the skids and the grout#i am for the dirt and the nettles and the cockroach#i am for the deluded waste-aways and the broken zombies#i am for everything existing and living that no person with an inflated social ego would allow themselves to experience#i am the dead end and the life without living#we die here#this is no noble spaceship-earth#this is our tomb and i have met none who were willing to die as noble scum when they could strive to be the worst scum of nobles#and so i gave no hope after seeing the true selfishness of every person who pretends to be earnest and open#liars is what the world is made of#for every well intentioned person with an ounce of humility theres a billion well intentioned people who would skin you for their ego
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carolinanadeau · 4 months
Yeah I should not have engaged with that person. geez
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seapasture · 5 months
Also it's fun with the genre of mental illness how it's the 'i will be fully insane and delusional for several minutes to the point i can't stop shaking and i'm a bundle of sweat and fear and i'm scared and angry and paranoid and everything is wrong everything is falling apart' and how it can Literally change like the flick of the switch. I can torch a metaphorical building single-handedly because my mind has fooled myself into thinking I need to and then turn around with a smile saying, 'Ah, I'm terribly sorry; that was incredibly thoughtless of me. Let me just put that fire out' and I will have suddenly acquired the necessary clarity and desperation to do so out of absolutely nowhere, but... it's just too late. the damage has been done
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bilalhammadsblog · 8 days
Kids love watching planes fly by but in Gaza it's a different story. Our children are not simply enjoying the sight of aircrafts like other babies around the world. They are just happy because if the planes are not dropping bombs on them, it means there is a chance they are delivering even the slightest amount of food they need so much. As you can see here, Omar and Salah are waving dedperately for aid planes as they are heading to aid-drop food far and deep into sea. Salah is even telling the plane to come help him. The possibility of those food parcels reaching them is little to none, but still seeing planes drop aid instead of bombs makes them somewhat hopeful.
After being dispalced again from Rafah to khan Yunis, it has become nearly impossible for my family to provide water, food and other basic necessities for their children and newborns. It is even harder for them to access humanitarian aid now that the occupation has sealed the Rafah crossing with Egypt while Israeli settlers and soldiers continue to block aid trucks at Israel's Kerem Shalom border crossing. International organizations say it has become almost impossible to deliver aid in Gaza because of the presence if the Israeli military. Despite international appeals to reopen the borders and allow humanitarian aid in, Israel keeps depriving my family and countless others of desperately needed food, water and medicine while it constantly subjects them to the torture of displacement at the same time. Airstrikes and snipershots are not the only threat to my family right now. Starvation and disease are effectively used by the occupation to further deepen our suffering and threaten the very survival of our children and families.
Your support is now needed more than ever.
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Please donate when possible and reblog as frequently as you can.
We are eternally grateful to each and everyone of you 🙏
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
The worst thing, actually, is trying to write for a niche/character/ship/fandom/etc. that ISN'T rare, exactly, but also isn't incredibly popular. If no one is going to see it because no one's interested, then it doesn't have to be good. If there are tens of thousands of options, it doesn't matter if people hate yours, they can just go elsewhere. But if interest in the topic is small enough that everyone can reasonably get through all the works about it, but large enough to potentially have people actually discussing it........HELL
#I AM HAVING A CRISIS#yeah yeah don't do things for validation from other people. I know#but have you considered that if I am Perceived™ in any significant way (especially if that way is 'incompetent') then I WILL explode#literally and actually. into thousands of separate pieces. none of which can be salvaged.#genuinely every couple of days I go 'I shouldn't write this I suck too much as a person' but I know that if I abandon it then the mental#illness wins. and I am SO tired of it winning it's been winning for the past four years#but I don't know how much longer I can keep screaming at myself that I'm allowed to do things#ALSO. for something like...idk go. which is the only popular thing with a popular ship I genuinely fully like. if I go 'oh I have an idea!'#then 100% SOMEONE has already written it#but for anything else. /I/ have to be the one to write it if I want it to exist#and for something like silmir or obscure dutch opera that's fine because literally it is ONLY for me there is no way ANYONE will#even approach those because people simply Do Not Care#so it HAS to be me writing for myself because there is literally no other reason that could logically possibly be attached to writing it#but for something like *mumbles indecipherably* it's in this really terrifying middle ground because#I STILL have to be the person to do it if I want it to exist but there are enough other people willing/excited to read it that it's hard to#avoid the 'then it has to be GOOD' approach to writing something#which is a hell of a thing for me to say when my self-proclaimed motto is 'be cringe af'#anyway. happy spooky day I hope everyone is doing well
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