#i am so grateful for everyone who enjoys my MS/DT content as well
ingravinoveritas · 2 months
Happy Good Omens S2 Anniversary!! 🤍🖤
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Ahh, thank you so much, and Happy GO 2 anniversary to you, too! ❤️
It's so strange to think of what was happening one year ago. I was one day away from moving into a new apartment, and GO 2 was the last thing I watched in my old place, where I'd lived for 15 years. My life packed in boxes, world in upheaval, and there was season two as an oasis of calm in the midst of it all.
What made it even more special was getting to watch the season with @thetardisisblueandroseistoo with both of us on the phone at the same time. I didn't have anyone to watch GO season 1 with, or to really share in the fandom with right afterward in 2019, so for both of us to be reacting in real time--the tears, the laughter, and oh, the moments of silence--was such an incredible experience. To feel like I wasn't alone, and that someone else "got it" and had those feelings in tandem meant so much to me, and still does now.
It was also incredible to see the fandom spring to life following the release of season 2, and the new burst of energy and creativity that came along with it. (I regrettably missed out on a lot at least on Facebook, as my FB was hacked two days after season 2 came out, and I only just got it back now, after a year. But I digress...) I've loved seeing the fans from all the different iterations (OG book fans, radio show fans, TV season 1 fans, TV season 2 fans, etc.) commingle and share our collective joy and sorrow at what the Husbands have gone through, and the emotions brought so captivatingly to life thanks to the gorgeous, searing chemistry between Michael and David.
And now here we are awaiting season three and the bittersweet conclusion of our story. Bittersweet not because of whatever the plot itself may be, but because it will be the moment we finally say goodbye to Aziraphale and Crowley. They won't be on our screens, but they will still live on--in the South Downs and in our hearts, in the work we create to honor what this series has given us.
A part of me is looking forward to it and dreading it in equal measure, and yet I know my life will be forever better because of Good Omens and the friends I've made in the fandom. I was in such a different place mentally when I found the show in 2019, and I am so, so grateful that GO came along when I needed it the most. I can't wait to see how the story ends, and to see all the stories we'll keep telling long after.
To the world... 🥂
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hello, new followers!
Had a flurry of new folks start following in the last day or two, so welcome! I'm happy to have all of you here and I appreciate you following my blog. A few helpful things to know:
- Anons are temporarily turned off because I started getting flooded after GO 2 came out and became overwhelmed. Also dealing with some stressful RL stuff at the moment, so I've decided to keep Anons off a bit longer to preserve my sanity.
- A little bit about me: I first got into Good Omens/Michael/David in 2019 when season 1 was released, and have been immersed in all things GO ever since. I am a writer and have been writing fanfic for the better part of 25+ years. (Here is my AO3.) I can't draw to save my life, but writing and analysis is definitely a passion of mine (and you can find much of that in my #discourse tag).
- I use #ineffable husbands for all of my posts related to Aziraphale/Crowley, and #ineffable lovers for my posts related to Michael/David (specifically, shipping them).
- I sometimes address controversial topics on my blog, but I will never shy away from or refuse to publish Asks featuring opinions that are different from mine. I am happy to have folks disagree with me, so long as the discussion remains civil and free from personal attacks.
- You are welcome to send in Asks logged in, and/or my DMs are always open. I'm happy to chat with folks and answer any questions you have (time permitting, as I sometimes get busy with RL stuff/traveling for my work as a professional speaker).
...And I think that about covers it! Again, my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has sent me such lovely messages and Asks/Anons and said kind words about my blog. You have made continuing to run this worthwhile, and I'm so grateful. Looking forward to sharing fun posts and thoughts on all things GO/Michael/David with you in the coming year ahead!
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
achioteandlime replied to your post "It never ceases to amaze me that despite…"
I’ve found that rpf acceptance among the most skeptical fans is only a matter of time and being presented with the mountain of facts in the last 5 years. I love @ingravinoveritas blog because she’s put a lot of effort in keeping record of the evolving nature of their relationship and boy am I invested in their story. She’s also super respectful and honest with her thoughts so, it’s anyone’s choice to take what they want from the information available and draw their own conclusions freely 😌
@achioteandlime Aww, thank you so much for this! ❤️ I so appreciate that you feel this way about my blog and posts, as that is exactly what I've always aimed to do: Present information and let people draw their own conclusions. I never would've imagined in 2019 that this would continue on for five years (or that I would have the number of followers that I do now). I'm just glad that my ridiculous posts and somewhat fastidious (to the point of absurdity) tagging system have been so helpful to people, and that folks feel so comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions on my blog. Very grateful to have you here!
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ingravinoveritas · 11 months
Hello, my lovelies. I have returned from my trip but am feeling a bit under the weather (congested nose/phlegm-y throat, but no Covid, as I self-tested and it came back negative). I see all of your wonderful Asks waiting in my inbox and I promise that I will do my very best to start answering them soon/addressing some of the fandom incidents of the past week. Thank you all for being so patient and bearing with me as I settle back in! ❤️
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hi there! Please, I'm struggling to remember where did we first hear Michael being called a "welsh seduction machine" and David a "soft scottish hipster gigolo". I really wanna know! Do you?
Hello! Well, by no means do I want to take credit if this isn't the case, but I actually started using those tags here on Tumblr four years ago (the tag for Michael in June 2019 and the tag for David in August 2019). After watching GO season 1, I got into Michael first, and so #welsh seduction machine came pretty readily as a tag, though I couldn't say for certain that I was the first one ever to call him that.
(Michael did once mention in an interview when asked about something untrue yet hilarious that he'd read about himself, that he'd read that he was going to name his hypothetical daughter "Sexma"--a.k.a., "Sexma Sheen." Not exactly the same thing, of course, but the closest I think I've come across.)
It took me a little bit longer to become a fan of David's--not because there is anything wrong with him, but because I was so enchanted by Michael from the start and mainlined his filmography first. Once the DT spell was cast, though, I specifically remember trying to think of a way to describe David that would also work as a hashtag, and so #soft scottish hipster gigolo was born. (I also have several other newer tags for David, which can be found in this post.)
What's really surprised me is how both of these tags have suddenly taken off over the last few months/since GO 2 came out. I used to only ever see #welsh seduction machine and #soft scottish hipster gigolo in my saved tags (which aren't even saved anymore because Tumblr glitched out a few months ago and pretty much wiped them out), but now I've been seeing those tags under "Popular Tags," which is absolutely wild. I'm glad folks are enjoying them, though, and it is rather lovely to see my 'children' go out and thrive in the world, as it were.
I hope this helps to answer your question. Again, if anyone knows of any instances of those tags/nicknames that predate my own use, please do feel free to comment on this post and let me know!
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Just in case no one has told you this recently Amy: You’re fucking amazing, beautiful, eloquent, and sensible. I relish everything you post. Thanks for running this blog. ❤️
Aww...thank you so much, Anon--this is so sweet! I know you sent this message this past Thursday (I believe it was), and I read it just before I left for work but haven't had the chance to respond because this weekend was so crazy because I'm getting ready to go on another work trip tomorrow (to Cali and Utah).
But I actually had a tough day at work on Thursday and thinking of your message truly did help to bolster my spirits during the hardest part of it. I so love that folks enjoy my blog this much and seem to come to me with all sorts of questions (three/almost four just about Georgia's Valentine's Day post today alone). All I've ever tried to do is just write about my thoughts and be helpful to people who ask me things, so I'm very happy that I seem to be succeeding there.
So thank you for this, Anon, because it really was quite unexpected and has honestly made a lovely Valentine's Day present as well. It's absolutely my pleasure to run this blog knowing I have made such wonderful friends through it and have supporters like you (both the folks who interact with me on a regular basis and the quiet lurkers).
My heartfelt thanks to you all, and I look forward to answering more Anons once I've arrived at my destination tomorrow!
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Thanks so much for sharing the personal story today! It makes me feel better about not having had sex with my boyfriend yet even though we’ve been together for a while. We are intimate in so many other ways though…physically and intellectually. But for some reason, others don’t seem to think that qualifies…and it has always made me insecure. But in my heart I know I’m not ready to have penetrative sex just yet. I’m so glad people are normalizing other forms of intimacy too…though sex definitely sounds great (and lord knows I love reading it!). I think that’s a reason why I love Michael and David and their connection so much because I can see the easy intimacy that exists between them and it’s so rare to find something like that. Anyway, sorry to ramble, hope you have a great day and thanks a ton for your posts!!
Aww, you’re very welcome, Anon! (This is referring to this post, for those who might’ve missed it.)
I am so happy to hear that something I wrote unrelated to Michael/David was so helpful to someone! You are totally right on, too, that there are numerous other forms of intimacy, and those very often do not at all involve having penetrative sex. I think people tend to conflate sex and intimacy, as if they’re the same thing, but they’re not. It’s entirely possible for two people to have sex without ever being intimate--that is, without letting someone into your deeper heart spaces.
Being naked with someone physically and having that “end objective” of sex does not at all equate to being intimate with someone, and that applies whether we are talking about a one-night stand or a years-long relationship. My professor was married to his ex-wife for many years and they had/have two kids together, but very obviously, that is not necessarily an indicator of a strong or lasting relationship. 
Intimacy is the key. And what you said is exactly what I realized, too, after having that encounter with him. That such a level of intimacy is rare, and that’s what has always drawn me to Michael and David, because they do have that easy intimacy and closeness between them. The very fact that it is rare but then comes so easily to them is what makes it so wonderful--that you can see how it grew from when they first started filming GO in 2017 to over the course of the press tour and then even more so during lockdown/Staged and into the present day. We of course have no way to know for sure whether Michael and David have gotten physical (though I believe they have), but the presence of that powerful intimacy and connection is exactly what makes it seem so possible.
So yes, experiencing that for myself with my professor was extraordinary, and it was like having a light go off, to know that this was what I was responding to between Michael and David and had been unconsciously wanting for so long. I encourage you to keep following your heart and doing what is right for you, because that is what matters most. And in the end, it is so, so worth it to wait if it’s with the right person. (Better no partner than the wrong partner, I always say.)
I appreciate your kind words so much, Anon, and you did not ramble at all. Thank you for writing in! xx
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Happy birthday ❤️ I love seeing your thoughts on my dash, you make me feel like I’m less alone in the world as a massive Michael/David fan and fuel my fantasies with your hot 🥵 takes ❤️‍🔥 I hope your birthday is great and you get “what ever it is you like best” cheers - from Jul
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Aw, well thank you so much! (Also, I got your other ask regarding the dream you have, and it unfortunately has been buried under a bunch of other asks/Anons, but I promise I will answer it!)
This is so lovely, though, and I’m very happy to hear that my blog has helped to fuel your fantasies! I can also guarantee that you are far, far from alone in being a Michael/David fan, as there are so many of us who do ship them and thoroughly enjoy their friendship/relationship/polyamorous throuple arrangement. I truly do love the community that has developed on here, and that so many people have found a place of belonging in it, and it is one of the things for which I will always be grateful.
So do stay tuned for lots more hot Michael/David takes, as I don’t think I will be running out of inspiration anytime soon (because they keep feeding us so well). Thank you again for these lovely birthday wishes! 💗
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Eres maravillosa
Me siento segura aquí
gracias por todo, querida
(Translation below, for my non-Spanish speaking followers:)
You're wonderful
I feel safe here
thanks for everything dear
Aww...muchas gracias, Anon! This is really lovely, and such a nice message to receive after the attacks that have come my way this past week. I am so glad to know that you feel safe on my blog! I’ve had other people say this to me as well, and I’m not really sure what it is I have done to make people feel so safe here, but I am happy that is the case.
We are all fans of the same actors/characters, of the same show, and I suppose I just keep hoping people will remember that, remember what it is that brought us all together in the first place. Also, that having discussions about “taboo” topics and difficult discourse doesn’t make someone a “bad” fan, but instead offers us the opportunity to understand each other more, if we are willing to listen.
So thank you for this, Anon, and te mando mucho amor/sending you lots of love!
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Hey! I scrolled through your throuple tag because it had me intrigued and you mentioned wanting to say more about it here, so I was wondering if you already did this post, because I'd love to read it. :D
Hi, Anon! Well, I’ll tell you what happened. A few weeks ago, I started answering that other Anon that I mentioned (who wrote an excellent analysis of Georgia’s “other wife” post on Michael’s birthday), and the day I was writing my response, my hard drive (for lack of a better phrase) shit the bed. I had been backing up my response on Word, but I didn’t think to send the file to myself, and while I was able to get a new hard drive quickly, I had also hoped to recover my data as soon as possible, but have as of yet been unsuccessful. So what I wrote is now sitting on a semi-defunct SanDisk 256GB refurb hard drive that apparently can’t have its data recovered because it’s not compatible with the data recovery machine (at least, according to the guy I took it to).
On top of all that, I am somewhat buried in Anons, as I received three yesterday, on top of the six or seven I got in the days before that, and that’s on top of the ones from Michael’s birthday. I’ve also been trying to work on a new Michael/David fic (👀), which has meant staying away from answering Anons so I don’t get sucked in and distracted.
So yes, I absolutely am planning to answer that Anon/write that post, but all of the above (and other RL commitments) have done a bit of a number on me. I have maybe one or two Anons I’d like to answer before that one, but I promise it will be answered soon...
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Not a question but a thank you. I feel that you put into words so precisely what I deep down think about Michael and David but cannot express in a way that makes sense and it brings me so much joy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
Aww, Anon. Thank you! Your message came in just as I was responding to a not-so-nice Anon yesterday, and this is absolutely lovely and makes my whole day. Sometimes I feel like I struggle to articulate what it is I’m trying to say, not because I can’t articulate it, but because I’m afraid of it being misunderstood. I’ve certainly gotten my share of hater anons on here, too, but the support of amazing people like you and my other regular followers has helped me to keep going. And still I occasionally wonder whether half of what I write makes sense or resonates with people...so it means a tremendous amount to me to know that it does, and it is. So here is a very big and warm hug from me to you, and my heartfelt thanks again for this wonderful message! xx
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Oh good luck with the writing then, you got this and I can't wait to read it! 💛
Ahh, thank you so much! Once this fic is done, I have at least one other Michael/David WIP, and I’ve recently gotten an idea for a new multi-chapter Aziraphale/Crowley human AU (I’ve never written them as human before, or a multi-chapter fic, so that will be something very new on several fronts).
I truly do appreciate the support and encouragement, Anon, and you have no idea how much it helps. I’ll post that current fic on here as soon as it’s done!
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ingravinoveritas · 4 years
I should just get drunk and finish writing all my WIPs at once, then edit them when I’m sober.
It worked for Hemingway, didn’t it? Well...
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