ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hi there! Please, I'm struggling to remember where did we first hear Michael being called a "welsh seduction machine" and David a "soft scottish hipster gigolo". I really wanna know! Do you?
Hello! Well, by no means do I want to take credit if this isn't the case, but I actually started using those tags here on Tumblr four years ago (the tag for Michael in June 2019 and the tag for David in August 2019). After watching GO season 1, I got into Michael first, and so #welsh seduction machine came pretty readily as a tag, though I couldn't say for certain that I was the first one ever to call him that.
(Michael did once mention in an interview when asked about something untrue yet hilarious that he'd read about himself, that he'd read that he was going to name his hypothetical daughter "Sexma"--a.k.a., "Sexma Sheen." Not exactly the same thing, of course, but the closest I think I've come across.)
It took me a little bit longer to become a fan of David's--not because there is anything wrong with him, but because I was so enchanted by Michael from the start and mainlined his filmography first. Once the DT spell was cast, though, I specifically remember trying to think of a way to describe David that would also work as a hashtag, and so #soft scottish hipster gigolo was born. (I also have several other newer tags for David, which can be found in this post.)
What's really surprised me is how both of these tags have suddenly taken off over the last few months/since GO 2 came out. I used to only ever see #welsh seduction machine and #soft scottish hipster gigolo in my saved tags (which aren't even saved anymore because Tumblr glitched out a few months ago and pretty much wiped them out), but now I've been seeing those tags under "Popular Tags," which is absolutely wild. I'm glad folks are enjoying them, though, and it is rather lovely to see my 'children' go out and thrive in the world, as it were.
I hope this helps to answer your question. Again, if anyone knows of any instances of those tags/nicknames that predate my own use, please do feel free to comment on this post and let me know!
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waitedforgarridebs · 7 years
Ok not so much of a headcanon here, but sharing a thought. I was thinking of how John dreamt of Moriarty saying that one guy has got more stamina but is "much less caring in the afterglow", like one is a perk, and the other a downside, which to me means John enjoys it hard, but becomes a serial cuddler afterwards. And Sherlock will love that. There you go! :D
I blacked out after “John enjoys it hard” and had to re-read the entire thing, holy fuuuuuck, Marce!!
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antisocial-otaku · 7 years
🌺Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile 🌺
Ahhh Thank you, Marce, dear! You made my day. You’re wonderful too ;)
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🌺Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile 🌺
I’ve been feeling really down lately, as you know, and this means so much to me. Thank you
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garkgatiss · 7 years
@marcespot replied to your post: like literally if the second part of this meta...
It’s ok Amy, dont feel the need to give it a warning. All of us who appreciate your insight and all that research and effort will already be grateful for the sheer fact that you shared it with us! I’m sure I’ll enjoy the read <3
thank you marce :’) <3
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brilliantorinsane · 8 years
Below the cut is a brief fanfic based on these posts by marcespot (warnings for gore and discussions of contemplated of suicide in the linked posts): x x x and x
You don’t have to read the posts for the fic to make sense, but they will add context. Plus you should just read them anyway, because they’re great meta :) The fic is set immediately after TLD (Sherlock is still looking at the “miss me” paper and John was just shot), and assumes that John was shot with a gun, not a tranquilizer. No character deaths, though!
I almost didn’t post this, because it is only my second, weak attempt at fanfiction; but I figured I might as well. But if you decide to read it, be prepared for bad writing and (most likely) multiple physical and medical impossibilities ;)
Warnings for gore and contemplated suicide below the cut.
Sherlock stares at the paper, uncomprehending. “Miss Me?” Slowly his mind begins moving … She is real. Faith. I didn’t hallucinate her. But … She wasn’t Faith. And she is connected to Moriarty?? Or did she just appropriate the words to frighten him? But who IS she?? His mind gradually picking up speed, Sherlock rapidly cycles through images of everyone he has seen these past few days, searching for any hint of her existence, any proof that she isn’t a construct of his drugged consciousness: fake-Faith, real-Faith, the hospital staff, his mind is racing now, fixating on face after face: Culverton’s staff, the cereal advertisers, John’s therapist, Norbury–he pulls up short. John’s therapist. He pulls back the image, setting it alongside fake-Faith, looking from different angles trying to conjure a clear picture from his drug-addled memories. It’s her, he is sure of it–almost. Different eye color, hair, stance, accent–but the essential features are the same. How did I miss it?? Wait–what’s today? Friday. Time? 12:30. Oh God, no. Friday, 12:30. John is there now. If John is hurt because I was too full of drugs to see through a costume … He shoves the thought fiercely aside, but he is already running.
                                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Drive as fast as you can!” Sherlock shoves money at the cab driver—he isn’t sure how much, but it’s far more than will compensate for the short drive—"a life might depend on it!” God, don’t let that be true. Apparently pleased with the money, the driver moves at a reckless pace. Sherlock couldn’t be more grateful. During the brief, interminably long drive, he tries to steady himself, searching his mind palace for something, anything that would give him a clue as what was going on. He draws a blank, but it helps pass the time—and as the cab draws up to the house he is out the door before the car has properly stopped.
He stumbles slightly, but catches himself and charges to the door—locked. I can’t knock and wait at the door while she does whatever she wishes. I could break in, but that would also cause delay and alert her to my presence … The windows, all around the therapy room. I can break through those in an instant. Having lost mere seconds considering his options, he charges around the side of the house, barreling towards the windows of the therapy room—and  everything grinds to a sickening halt. John. 
John is lying face up on the red carpet, the right side of his face towards the window. He is alone. He is screaming. And he is pressing the barrel of a gun against his right temple.
Sherlock is moving again, covering the space between himself and the window in an instant. It takes everything in him not to burst through the glass, or at least pound on it; but some still-functioning corner of his mind tells him that he mustn’t startle John; a shock might cause the finger already curled around the trigger to jerk and …
“John!” He speaks loudly, struggling to simulate a semblance of calm. The glass is too thick for any coherent speech to carry through, but if I can just get John to hear my voice, to turn and look at me … John turns his head, and his eyes fix on Sherlock, and—no … No. Sherlock had implicitly assumed that things couldn’t be worse than that first sight of John had implied. He was wrong. He has never so sickeningly hated being wrong. 
The right side of John’s face is a mess of blood. The bullet hit the top of the cheekbone, fragments flew up and destroyed John’s eye. He will never see from it again. The deductions appear without discernible mental processing; Sherlock is passively struck by them, and they are like a physical blow. He will never see from his left eye again. Please let that be the only consequence. Please. Sherlock vaguely registers the sickeningly large stain in on the deep red carpet, the stain he had’t observed in his first frenzy at the sight of the gun.
A strangled sound escapes from Sherlock, but a small comfort mingles unexpectedly with the horror: this isn’t suicide; not really. Someone else–almost certainly the therapist, the woman I failed to recognize–shot him. He’d never have made such a clumsy job of it himself. So he doesn’t want to die and he is still alive. That’s good; that’s good. But if he is contemplating finishing the job, he must think he has no chance of survival, and he is a doctor, he would know … No, no, stop that; there is was no way John is thinking clearly right now, and besides he wouldn’t have known that someone would find him in time. (How could not have known? Doesn’t he understand that I will always, always find him?)
As these thoughts dash through his mind, Sherlock keeps his eyes fixed on John—just make sure he keeps looking, don’t let him look away—although he isn’t sure John is seeing him properly; his eyes seem glazed and unfocused. At the same time he pulls out his phone and dials 911, holding the phone up towards the glass as he explains to the stranger on the line what had happened—how is it possible that saying it out loud makes it so much worse when the whole nightmare is lying in front of me, when my John is writhing in pain because I wasn’t paying attention when it mattered most—willing John to understand that help is on the way, that he just needs to wait and bear it for a few moments more. Put the gun down, John, put it down!! Don’t you understand? Help is coming, it’s coming … Okay, just keep looking at me then, just don’t look away! “Three minutes,” says the stranger, and Sherlock stuffs the phone back in his pocket, holding up three fingers against the glass, still hoping that somehow John will get the message, help is almost here; but next moment he panics—what if he thinks its a countdown, that I’m giving him permission to shoot, nodding my approval?? Keeping those three fingers extended, Sherlock opens his remaining fingers, pressed both palms and his forehead against the glass, and starts talking again, loudly.
He isn’t sure whether he is talking more for John or himself—I can hardly tell the difference—but although he knows the words won’t carry through the glass with any clarity, he hopes his voice might comfort John, reach him beneath that wrenching pain.
“John, listen to me, you can’t do this. Your life is not not your own—you cannot take it from Molly, and Lestrade, and Mrs. Hudson, and Rosie, and . . . and me. John, you know you can’t do this! You know it better than anyone because I did it to you. And that was unforgivable, and I understand that—more in this moment than I ever have—but the only excuse I give myself is that I didn’t know. I thought I was just a pastime for you, a fascinating anomaly—I thought if I just convinced you that I was a fake you’d be fine until I got back; a bit bored and aimless, but fine. But you know, John. You know because you’ve felt it yourself, and you know because you’ve seen me—seen me leap into the fire for you and kill for you and die for you. You know perfectly well that if you shoot yourself you are shooting me, too, only it’s worse for me, because I have to die and keep on living in death. You know this, John!” But he doesn’t know all of it. “But there’s even more than that, John. You can’t do this because even though you know how bad it was for you, you don’t know yet that it would be even worse for me. Because by some miracle of forbearance you care for me as your best friend, and mourned for me more than I had any right to be mourned. But that’s nothing to what this would do to me because . . . because . . .” Can I say it? He won’t even hear me, so why is still so hard? But if I can’t say it now, I’ll never have the courage. And maybe I’ll never have another chance . . . “because I love you, John! I love you, I love you, I love you, John!” Oh! I never imagined it would feel so good to say it aloud! “John, I love you!”
Up until this moment John’s hazy, unfocused gaze has been turned in Sherlock’s direction. Now his eye closes, and he turns his face away, gun still pressed to his temple.
In that moment Sherlock loses all vestige of control. He pounds his palms against the glass with a force that will leave them painfully bruised; he screams “JOHN!” and it is more a sound than a name—and John lowers the gun from his temple, and the hand clutching the gun falls heavily to the floor. 
Sherlock collapses to his knees, slumping against the glass, vision clouding over. But only for a moment. The gun. It’s still in his hand. Too close. He could still . . .
Sherlock is up again, running again. I can’t break the window near John and risk glass flying into his wound; but there is another window around the corner, leading into another room. He flies around the corner and spots the window. There’s a heavy curtain drawn across the window, which will contain the glass and increase injury. No matter.  He flings himself into the window, grunting at the impact with the thick glass; but it shatters. His heavy coat protects most of his body, but blood seeps from his face and hands. He doesn’t notice apart from a slight sting in his left eye. He smiles faintly as he untangles himself from the curtain. Just like John.
Then he’s back in the room, tearing the gun from John’s hand as desperately as he once tore explosives from John’s chest, and he is tossing the gun across the room, as far as possible, replacing the cold handle of the gun with his own warm, living, bleeding hands. He’s not moving, he’s unconscious, oh please, no—he has a pulse. He’s alive. Alive.
When the paramedics arrive on site moments later, they find Sherlock on the floor, shaking violently, curled around his John’s living hand. Terrified to touch anything else for fear of making things worse, gathering every ounce of warmth from this single proof of life, this one allowed point of contact.
                                           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
After a brief and disastrous attempt to pull him away, the paramedics allow Sherlock to ride with John in the ambulance. All Sherlock’s wounds are superficial, anyway. He never for an instant releases John’s hand, and he cringes at every jolt of the car. He speaks quietly, continually:
“You have to wake up, John. I know it hurts, and it’s okay if you can’t wake up right now. But you’re going to have to wake up sometime, okay? I have to tell you something. I told you earlier, but you couldn’t hear me because of the glass, and by the time I got inside you were already asleep. But I’m going to keep telling you. Is that alright? I love you, John. I won’t stop saying it until you wake up and hear me. I love you John, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you . . .”
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thepineapplering · 7 years
marcespot replied to your post: Ah, remember when everyone was happy to see water...
En serio, no recuerdo desde hace cuanto tiempo venías advirtiéndonos del agua before it even became a thing in this fandom.
Marce, I knew nothing, not the half of it, I had no idea. I knew water was a lot of stuff: bad stuff, clever stuff, evil stuff... but this... in s4... is just pain
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1895locktva · 3 years
The Lost Special
[John's TAB meta]
The last thing John sees is the Baker Street room, in a domestic delicacy of happiness, slowly fading into black. The next images are confused, startled; A light breeze blows against his face as the shadow of a fluttering coat runs beside him – so, so familiar.
A female voice narrates from far somewhere, the words getting more and more confused, too confused for him to discern. There's a pause where everything goes into complete darkness – and then a very clear, strong light.
The first thing he felt was pain. A dull pain, a numbness in the left side of her face. His head ached like hell, and the harsh light forced his eyelids closed and sensitive. Where was he? Where is the comforting peace of Baker Street, the familiar feel of a rush through London' streets? John didn't like it here. It looked painful, cloudy and real.
Then he hears the muffled beeps of a machine, a sound he was too familiar with not to recognize. He was in a hospital. Why was he in a hospital?
The second thing he feels is a gentle pressure against his hand. Gentle, yet firm, like a habit of an action long repeated, no longer deliberate. He moves his fingers slightly, almost a twitch, his body too lethargic to do anything more composed. The pressure remains undisturbed.
John tries to open his eyes, and immediately regrets it when the sting of the bright light blinds him. He lets out an involuntary little moan that he can't contain. The pressure immediately, unconsciously, increases a little – soothing, reassuring.
He had come out of that well, hadn't he? They took him to an ambulance and gave him a quick checkup. It didn't look too bad – he had been released within a few minutes with a awful blanket over his shoulders. How he got out he doesn't remember – it doesn't matter. Sherlock got him out of there. Sherlock arrived in time.
— Sherlock?
John only realizes he has spoken out loud when the pressure on his hand withdraws violently, with a hard jerk. It's back in a second, but now with a strong shudder that quickly turns into a more worrisome tremor. He forces himself to open his eyes again.
His vision takes a while to adjust, but something was still off – that numbness on the left side of his face now throbs at a specific spot. The surroundings were a sickly white and the drums of the machine were now slightly altered – he was right, a hospital after all. The stretcher was slightly to the right of the door, and beside the frame a very familiar-looking armchair held a slightly dusty violin.
He would recognize that violin anywhere.
[to continue]
Sooo I recently read the metas about TFP being John's TAB and him being hospitalized for a gunshot wound to his left eye and this whole theory makes so much sense that I needed to write the reunion of these two idiots (and make Sherlock suffer a little with intense feelings, of course)
Guys, English is not my first language, so some sentences and expressions might not make as much sense as they would in Portuguese. Sorry and please, correct something wrong
I'm going to tag a few people who inspired me, please let me know if any of you don't want to be tagged: @inevitably-johnlocked , @221beautifulmorning , @marcespot
Please, feel free to leave suggestions. In fact I'm terribly out of ideas on how to continue, so suggestions are more than welcome!
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victorianpining · 3 years
I feel like this is a not so subtle hint to read some meta sghsjhdgsagj
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sofini · 5 years
Hello everybody!
This video was born by an idea of @s-mess9717 and me for our Instagram page @221gingernuts (follow us there if you like!), but the realisation of it it’s all @s-mess9717’s work (she’s amazing). Inspired by a Twitter post by @omfandrew, we asked our followers on Instagram to comment with Sherlock quotes, but replacing one word with "dick". The response was so large and the result so funny, that we simply HAD to bring these "doctored" quotes to life. So we owe a big thank you to everyone who follows our Instagram page @221gingernuts (which turns 3 years old today) and to everyone who commented!
We really hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do! Lots of love from us 💕
I tag you guys, watch it if you like :) @the-7-percent-solution @anotherwellkeptsecret @pornhubsherlock @inevitably-johnlocked ed @the-fortunate-series @marcespot @jenna221b @its-sherlock-once-things s @no-life-without-gay-ships @swimmingfeelsinajohnlockianpool @investigating-crimes @nessanarmolanya @a-studyinsherlock @benaddictedgirl irl @sherlockjohnandmycroft croft @sherlockmeta ind @mrs-mob-johnlocked hnlocked @tisnotmydivison ison @shff @johnlockmuseum @asherlockstudy y @iamtryingtobehappylunatic @its-always-you–john-watson @shjwmoming @teaandforeshadowing @worriesconstantly @twotwentyonebbakerstreet @keepsherlockright t @221bdeductionist t @skulls-and-tea @kimbiablue e @mikabee @johnlockprn n @spoonbyname @theleakedproblem @tworidiculousmen @violet-vernet @thatjohnlock ck @im-sherlock-ed ock-ed @one-thousand-splendid-stars did-stars @johnlockfanficrec lockfanficrec @johnlockfanfictionrequest-blog ecs @bbcjohnlock lock @bbcjohn hn @addignisherlock ock @thatsmutlock @signoftjlc tjlc @sherlockprettydamngayholmes @benedictjohnlockpants @mirrorlocked @love-in-mind-palace ind-palace @sherlockreloaded @sherlock-addict t @imaginelock k @sherlock @sherlockology
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housmania · 5 years
TJLC Review: March-May 2019
Welcome back to the TJLC Review! Questions, comments, and additions are welcome; please check the About page (below) first.
FAQ   Jan/Feb 2019   Nov/Dec 2018   Oct 2018   Aug/Sept 2018   All Issues
Fandom News
The Game is Now released a video featuring Moriarty and new posters. It’s also opening a new bar, which led to some analyses:
Pictures of the mind palace bar, by @shelleysprometheus​
On the inspirations for the mind palace bar, by @devoursjohnlock
Three Patch Podcast released episodes on morality, non-Sherlock fun, and partying.
Sherlock and John’s blogs have been deactivated, but @sherlock has preserved them on Tumblr here and here.
Longer Meta
On rumors about dancing, by @keagan-ashleigh​
On the significance of pink, by @thelevelsman​
On John’s ASiP and TBB blog posts, by @thepersianslipper​
On confessions in HLV, by @sherlock-overflow-error​
On Sherlock’s vows, by @ebaeschnbliah​, with additions by @devoursjohnlock​
On Eurus’s song, by @finalproblem​
On the hiker in THoB, by @ebaeschnbliah​ and @sarahthecoat​
On the Blue Danube in TSOT, by @tendergingergirl, with additions by @ebaeschnbliah​
On the reasons for backlash against TJLC, by@thedoubteriswise
On chain symbolism, by @gosherlocked​, @i-believe-n-sherlock-holmes​, @221brainstorming​,
On Lestrade as a Sherlock mirror in TST, by @raggedyblue​ with additions by @i-believe-n-sherlock-holmes​
On early interviews and five-act structure, by @lesbianlondongrammar​
Mini Meta
On visual metaphors in TLD, by @devoursjohnlock
On queercoded characters’ behavior in TAB, by @watsons-tin-box
On Sherlock and John as heart and brain, by @thejohnlockoutlet
On doctored footage in TST, by @messedupsockindex
On Mycroft’s portraits, by @devoursjohnlock
On the green kitchen, by @thedoubteriswise and @garkgatiss
On fake explanations, by @the-sign-of-two with additions by @impossibleleaf
On angel tropes, by @redvanillabee
On vengeful apparitions, by @messedupsockindex
On Sherlock’s face in the pool scene, by @you-keep-me-right29
Moffat’s notes on John in ASiB, qtd. by @garkgatiss
On staring on the window, by @ferm-acid
On censorship, TAB, and S4, by @shinka
Meta on the Original Stories and Adaptations
On “Bohemia”, by @artemisastarte​
Holmes’s views on marriage and love, by @acdhw​
On The Stark Munro Letters and infatuation, by @materialofonebeing​
On ACD’s image in Memoirs and Adventures, by @acdhw​
On scientific knowledge at the time, by @artemisastarte​
On Holmes’s appearance, by @materialofonebeing​
Celebrating Granada Watson and Hardwicke’s role, by @astronbookfilms
On Holmes and Watson’s dates, by @sherloki1854​
On The Secret of Sherlock Holmes and Twelfth Night, by @nimwallace​, with additions by @may-shepard​, @gloriascott93, and @devoursjohnlock​
On a play that made Holmes/Watson canon, by @waitedforgarridebs​ with additions by @strampunch​
Sherlock Cast & Creators
Arwel Wyn Jones gave an interview about the wallpaper in the show. He also talked about what happened to the S4 skull painting.
Benedict Cumberbatch won a BAFTA for his role in Patrick Melrose. He’s also been cast in a new period drama, 1917.
Martin Freeman is getting a BAFTA career retrospective.
Did you write some cool stuff that I missed? Drop me a message and I’ll stick it in next month’s review. Check out the About page first.
Tags under the cut.  If you would like to be tagged or would like me to stop tagging you, please let me know.
@loudest-subtext-in-tv @hudders-and-hiddles @inevitably-johnlocked @shag-me-senseless-watson @warmth-and-constancy @jenna221b @marcespot @keagan-ashleigh @whtboutdeductions @tjlcisthenewsexy @devoursjohnlock @bluebluenova @euphoriccalliope @roadswewalk @heimishtheidealhusband @the-7-percent-solution @tendergingergirl @sagestreet @ebaeschnbliah @221bloodnun @garkgatiss @marcelock @gosherlocked @sarahthecoat @watsonshoneybee @victorianfantasywatson @raggedyblue @may-shepard @meta-lock @bbcatemysoul @artemisastarte @green-violin-bow @alexxphoenix42 @argoniumcloud @sherlocks-dimples @midnightcat167 @artfulkindoforder @violet-vernet @wibblywobblybowtie @appliedcontext @angel-loving-star @88thparallel @waitedforgarridebs @thegeyison@holmesianscholar @myladylyssa @a-ship-in-every-port @on-baker-street @mollydobby @thelevelsman @messedupsockindex @possiblyimbiassed @finalproblem​ @thepersianslipper​ @featuresofinterest​ @materialofonebeing​ @watsons-tin-box​ @thejohnlockoutlet​
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waitedforgarridebs · 7 years
Tumblr media
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twocandles · 8 years
marcespot replied to your post “tfw you could write meta but at this point everyone else has already...”
But it's been less than 24 hours since it aired, dont be so hard on yourself. It's impossible to see everything there is to see without quite a number of re-watches first. That's just how this show works. And even then, we dont have the whole picture yet, we need eps 2 and 3 to work on all the literary devices together ;) Stay positive! <3
Thank you. <3 As I just wrote I find tumblr really awful in terms of discussions and unfortunately I’m a “glass half-empty” sort of person so I always lean towards negativity first. I took a little break and yeah, I’ll probably try to scream into the void again but sometimes it’s just really hard not to get frustrated around here. 
Haha yeah, I hope ep 2 and 3 shed some light on the mess we’re currently in and I hope things will make more sense afterwards. 
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88thparallel · 7 years
Do you really believe that mofftiss know what they're doing? I mean, I hope so... but sometimes I can't believe it.
It really is a hard idea to stick to, Nonny, I totally get it.
Here are the things that help me keep the hope alive (settle in, folks, I’m about to go on a tangent):
First, S1 & S2 (and I’d argue at least some of S3) were so well done, crafted with such care by everyone involved. Gatiss and Moffat are such fanboys it is ridiculous, and I don’t think we should forget that we fell in love with this show and these characters in the first place thanks to them.
Second, I personally think it’s par for the course for show runners to keep fans in the dark. I know Mofftiss are sometimes arseholes in how they go about it, but they obviously need to keep the element of surprise (especially if they’re doing something that is truly groundbreaking and never-before-seen-on-tv like they claimed they were ::cough:: Johnlock ::cough::). They can’t tell us what they have planned, and this is not unique to these writers, this show, or the BBC. 
Third, I think that the show is following a five-act structure. We’ve witnessed the good times, and now this is the crisis/conflict stage, after this comes resolution/happy ending. Read more about how this is a 5 act show here in @toxicsemicolon‘s most recent meta.
Fourth, there are too many coincidental loose ends that can’t possibly be accidents, like in HLV -- Molly tells Sherlock after he is shot: “It’s not like it is in the movies. There’s not a great big spurt of blood and you go flying backwards.” Yet that is literally exactly what happens to Mary when she is shot in T6T (the very next episode). Why would they do that unless they want to raise red flags for the viewers. It was almost comical how overblown Mary’s bullet wound was, and that was on purpose. So... why?
Same thing with the skull painting. The same painting has been a prominent mainstay of the flat at 221b for 3 seasons/series and suddenly in S4, it glows and changes colors and sometimes is completely black. Why? Mofftiss claims that it’s budget constraints with the original painting’s artist, but in the same exact series they were able to afford to film two helicopter scenes and rent an Aston Martin? I don’t buy it. There’s a reason.
We’re lucky to have a fandom full of brilliant people who like to pull at those threads and unravel the nonsense. Check out the blogs of @inevitably-johnlocked, @monikakrasnorada @mrskolesouniverse @raggedyblue @sarahthecoat @fellshish @heimishtheidealhusband @may-shepard @toxicsemicolon @marcespot @marcelock @jenna221b @tjlcisthenewsexy @consultingidiots @shylockgnomes @patiencegrenade @possiblyimbiassed @ghislainem70 @ebaeschnbliah and @sagestreet (and I’m forgetting tons, my apologies!) for some great insights and discussions. 
Ever since I discovered meta I’ve been sure that there is something more meaningful coming. 
If nothing else, there are too many coincidences to be accidental. Just a few  examples (I could go on for days... don’t tempt me)
In TLD, Culverton Smith says (of getting away with murder) “You don’t build a beach if you want to hide a pebble; you just find a beach!” and then in the very next episode, Mycroft tells Sherlock about Eurus while flashing back to a beach covered in pebbles (which they shipped in for that scene) and then holding a pebble, which he drops onto the beach. Read more in @finalproblem‘s amazing meta here.
In TFP, the patience grenade explosion in 221b was powerful enough to blow John and Sherlock out a window (and according to Mark Gatiss, “boop they’re fine” cuz they bounced off the thin awning of Speedy’s cafe, which must also heal burns and scrapes and bruises but whatever), but it didn’t burn paper or half the things in the flat. It DID, however, destroy John’s chair. The chair that they replaced it with? John’s chair from TAB. From Sherlock’s 1800s mind palace. Arwel Wynn Jones has confirmed this.
This tale from Sherlocked Con of a discussion with Wanda Ventham from @fleurdebee legitimately haunts me.
Comments from the cast and crew that don’t make sense yet... including Louise Brealey’s tweet about Chekov’s gun
Speaking of which, you should read all of @toxicsemicolon‘s other astoundingly brilliant meta including Poetry or Truth? 
Set designer Arwel Wynn Jones has trolled us (or given us clues?) many times, namely referring to elephants (”the elephant in the room”), but also the skull painting (more skull fuckery here).
Here’s a solid list of questions that @snycock came up with for Sherlocked UK that either prove that the whole cast and crew went through some sort of collective insanity for TFP, or there’s something more coming and things don’t make sense for a reason (which is what I think)
“The Lost Special”
“Mirrors” (where one character stands in for another in a scene, like Molly for John, or Culverton for John, etc.)
Imagery of both burning/fire and drowning/water
Check out my tags for more meta, it’s incredible what this fandom discovers. Most of my meta is tagged under #hope for s5 #what fresh fuckery is this #I believe in mofftiss 
Ok, I’m starting to get incoherent and my browser just crashed all my tabs so I’ll leave it at that. The meta rabbit hole is deep and wide and curvy and I could probably fill a book filled with just links to other people’s brilliant findings.
I guess the main takeaway I want to leave you with is this:
I don't think two men who cared so much about this show for so long would chuck it into the toilet for no reason. The same brilliant minds that gave us villains like Moriarty, Culverton Smith, and Magnussen suddenly giving us an improbable two-dimensional psychopath in Eurus makes no sense. TFP itself makes no sense in about 100 different ways. And I don’t think any of that was an accident.
More is coming. When the Garridebs story is finally free of copyright, we’ll get our resolution. I don’t know which theory I believe but there are so many... that Eurus shot John and TFP is his dying hallucination, that Sherlock is still in his mind palace (possibly since HLV, or even earlier), that the whole thing is us seeing events through John’s blog (which was commissioned by the BBC yet often conflicts with canon), alibi theory... who knows. I’m happy to point you toward more meta, but I think the blogs I mentioned above and some of the links should start you on your way. Once the evidence starts to stack up, it’s clear... we don’t have the whole picture yet. 
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[Inspired by this post by @hudders-and-hiddles, @rominatrix and @marcespot]
When it happens, it's only chaste. It's sweet and slow and tender. Sherlock goes rigid in his arms that he had wound around his waist. He's standing on his tiptoes. Their noses brush lightly, and John parts his lips just a little, taking Sherlock's bottom lip between his own, sucking, nibbling, biting gently.
He can hear Sherlock gasp into the kiss, and his lips curl into a smile, enough to make Sherlock feel it but not enough to break the kiss. Sherlock kisses him so gently and slowly, almost too afraid, almost too carefully, so John lifts his hands to Sherlock's face and cups his cheeks, cradling his face in his hands.
He dares to sneak his tongue out eventually. They both meet hesitantly at first, merely brushing against each other, but then the kiss grows more sensual, more passionate, more fervid. Sherlock’s fingers dig into John’s shirt as if desperately searching for something stable, something solid, something to hold on to. John reaches for his hands and intertwines their fingers. 
They dive into another small kiss, and another one, and one more, brushing their lips together just barely, however, not ready to part quite yet. When they finally do, though, John leaves his eyes closed, still tasting Sherlock on his tongue, still revelling in the moment they just shared. He must look almost painful because when he looks up eventually, he sees an all too familiar expression. Sherlock is smiling down at him; that lovely, sheepish, genuine smile that makes his lips curl up playfully, that makes his eyes crinkle and his cheeks dimple. 
John loves this one more than any of his other smiles, but it also reminds him of the time they stood on the tarmac with Sherlock almost flying off to his death and making one last stupid joke to see John smile again. He remembers the way his eyes watered back then and sees they’re not completely dry now either, despite the amusement that lies in them as well; in the dark pupils and the kaleidoscope irises. He sees relief in Sherlock’s eyes, too, now, having finally reached for what they both wanted. Nobody will take this from them again. John will make sure of that. He’ll make sure Sherlock’s smiles aren’t forced or tinged with sadness like they have been so often when miscommunication was still a regular occurrence between them. But not anymore. Now his face is glowing and John wants to savour every bit of it.
Overwhelmed by how much he loves this man, he squeezes his hands tightly, grins up at him and leans in for another kiss. He can taste Sherlock’s smile. It’s even sweeter than it looks.
@love-in-mind-palace , @gelos , @ggaypilot , @oscarw , @johnandsherlocks , @waitedforgarridebs
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savagecatlady · 7 years
POP Sherlock Exhibit Part 2!
I know I promised that I would update on the first post in two weeks a loooooooonnnnng time ago, but here I am updating it after a month and a half, so sorry about that.
If you haven’t seen the first part of the post, here’s the link: Part 1
This part of the post will add in more things such as the artifacts from the exhibit I forgot to take pictures for the first time I was there, as well as the Arthur Conan Doyle Collection room! :D
Introduction to the TV/Film adaption section:
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Just a little history.
Granada Series Adaptation
As I mentioned last time, I forgot to take pictures for the Granada Series, but! I took a second trip there and took more pictures! So here we go:
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Very iconic picture:
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(^^ I think the second picture is from the later version?)
Two pictures of Holmes by himself:
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*whispers* I’m straight for Jeremy Brett ;)
RDJ Poster for American Library Association
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Yes, I was confused too until I read the description:
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Italian Poster for the Seven Percent Solution
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Theatre Programmes
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(Here’s two that I’ve posted last time, just to keep it here to have the post organized):
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Also there was this:
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??? I... uh... I don’t know how to feel about this???
Our beloved BBC Sherlock Manga Series
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Interesting to see all the different versions of covers. Besides the first one on the left, I’ve never seen the others.
(Sorry that I forgot to take a picture of the info, but I assume that we all know enough about BBC Sherlock series)
Arthur Conan Doyle’s Letter
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If you couldn’t read the words on the paper:
“In this letter to his editor of the Strand Magazine, Conan Doyle expressed the belief that ‘Holmes must preserve his dignity’ if he were to appear in an advertisement. Since that time Holmes has appeared in several hundred advertisements for a wide variety of products. In terms of preserving his dignity in the process, the results have been mixed.”
*cough* mixed in deed *cough*
Here’s ACD’s letter in MANUSCRIPT:
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Simply gorgeous and graceful handwriting. <3
The next update is on the Arthur Conan Doyle special collection, keep an eye out if you are interested. Let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged for updates!
@addignisherlock @attic-salt-holmes @granada-brett-crumbs@holmesianscholar @love-in-mind-palace @watsonshoneybee@jvhnlck @the-junkie-and-his-doctor @fellshish @sherlock@artfulkindoforder @astudyincanon @sherlocks-final-resolve-is-love@the-7-percent-solution @221booksinthetardis @221b-johnlocked-x@tremendousdetectivetheorist @ghostbees @inevitably-johnlocked@marcespot @consultingdads @tjlcisthenewsexy @violincameos@asherlockstudy @limarie87 @jeremyholmes @simpleanddestructivechemistry @going-to-my-mind--palace @disaronnus 
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