#so charming and breezy and delightful
ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hi there! Please, I'm struggling to remember where did we first hear Michael being called a "welsh seduction machine" and David a "soft scottish hipster gigolo". I really wanna know! Do you?
Hello! Well, by no means do I want to take credit if this isn't the case, but I actually started using those tags here on Tumblr four years ago (the tag for Michael in June 2019 and the tag for David in August 2019). After watching GO season 1, I got into Michael first, and so #welsh seduction machine came pretty readily as a tag, though I couldn't say for certain that I was the first one ever to call him that.
(Michael did once mention in an interview when asked about something untrue yet hilarious that he'd read about himself, that he'd read that he was going to name his hypothetical daughter "Sexma"--a.k.a., "Sexma Sheen." Not exactly the same thing, of course, but the closest I think I've come across.)
It took me a little bit longer to become a fan of David's--not because there is anything wrong with him, but because I was so enchanted by Michael from the start and mainlined his filmography first. Once the DT spell was cast, though, I specifically remember trying to think of a way to describe David that would also work as a hashtag, and so #soft scottish hipster gigolo was born. (I also have several other newer tags for David, which can be found in this post.)
What's really surprised me is how both of these tags have suddenly taken off over the last few months/since GO 2 came out. I used to only ever see #welsh seduction machine and #soft scottish hipster gigolo in my saved tags (which aren't even saved anymore because Tumblr glitched out a few months ago and pretty much wiped them out), but now I've been seeing those tags under "Popular Tags," which is absolutely wild. I'm glad folks are enjoying them, though, and it is rather lovely to see my 'children' go out and thrive in the world, as it were.
I hope this helps to answer your question. Again, if anyone knows of any instances of those tags/nicknames that predate my own use, please do feel free to comment on this post and let me know!
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shortpplfedup · 5 months
We Are Episodes 1-5: Just guys being dudes I guess
Well I didn't think this was the show that would bring me back to writing anything, but low stakes and baby steps I guess. As with most of the BL I've enjoyed lately, I originally had absolutely zero intention of watching this. A 4-couple 16-ep hangout BL from New Siwaj? Nothing in there I need. Then this photo emerged from the set stills...
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...and suddenly I was listening. Not terribly attentively mind you, but my curiosity was piqued enough to give her a try. So I did, and 5 weeks in I've decided she can stay for now.
I wanna be clear: there is nothing happening in this show. This isn't a good or interesting show. This is all about guys being dudes, hanging out with their friends, making new friends, and liking each other. Occasionally some of them talk about Art. But the vibes are...intriguing is far too strong a word. It's fun. It's cute. The characters are cutouts but clearly drawn (that is definitely one of New's strengths, I always know who his characters are and they rarely surprise or confuse me). The situations they put them in are pure undiluted tropery, but it works somehow? The cast has a lot of charm, that helps. Aou is playing probably my favourite character of his ever. Satang is making aegyo work for him shockingly well. Winny is giving something inexplicably fun as a surly art student. Poom is a goofy delight. Godji is here being hilarious. Every character is somehow pitched perfectly for the vibe. I am endeared. Each of our 4 couples is playing in their own genre of romantic comedy, but it all pulls together and not apart for me because of the breezy vibe of the whole. It ain't much, but it feels like everybody was having fun making this, and I'm really responding to that right now.
Our trope troupe, in no particular order.
Chain and Pun
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Let's start with the friends to lovers couple, because there isn't much happening here yet (methinks the reshoots have pushed their story back near the end). There are all indications that both are somewhat aware of how they might feel. Pun is kinda chaotic and dumb like a fox methinks. Chain is endeared. 1.5/4 hearts
Tan and Fang
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Next up we have the loud and quiet pair. Fang mostly keeps himself to himself and Tan is LITERALLY incapable of doing that. Motormouthing a mile a minute, telling all his business, calling friend gatherings together to announce that he likes somebody (not that they're dating, just that he likes them). He's annoying. And Fang is endeared by that. Him agreeing to date Tan seems a little out of nowhere but there isn't any pretence or secrecy to Tan. What you see is exactly what you get, and Fang seems to like what he sees. 2.5/4 hearts.
Toey and Q
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Our third couple are our grumpy/sunshine couple. Normally this level of cutesy would drive me straight up a wall, but I think what's saving it for me is that nobody's really denying their feelings here. Q grumbles, but Toey has him completely wrapped around his little finger, and they both kinda know it. I'm pretty sure these two would actually burn down the world for each other if it was required. 3.5/4 hearts.
Phum and Peem
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Our enemies to lovers couple. Up until this week I did not understand what they hell they were doing with these two, but it's clicked into place now: you think Phum is taking advantage, but Peem wouldn't be doing a single solitary fuck of this if he didn't want to. He started this out by kicking that man in the nuts, he ain't scared. Once Peem's curiosity overrode his pisstivity, it was only a matter of time. Watching him wait this entire episode for Phum to kiss him, then slowly realize he was gonna have to be the one to do it himself was...*snort* 2.5/4 hearts.
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Part 2 of Billy hates Health
"Who THE FUCK put a fucking dildo in my locker ??"
Hargrove's voice is booming in the school hallway. It's between angry and .. what is it, amused ? Why is it fucking amused ?
Billy's turning away from the locker to scan the faces of those who happen to be around. People have heard the question. There are faint gasps and surprised giggles spreading across the hallway. Harrington pretends to be digging in his own locker searching for a book, although he's dying to see Billy's face right now. How pissed is he exactly? Or better yet, how embarrassed ? He can't look now though, not that fast at least, or he'll betray himself right away.
Some guys are gathering around Hargrove to take a look, and Tommy is of course the first one to put his nose inside Billy's locker
He's whistling
"Looks like you got yourself a secret admirer, man."
Carol is snickering and all the guys start laughing and whooping loudly, girls just hiding shocked giggles in their palms.
Steve thinks it's safe to watch the show unfold now. However, he quickly becomes disappointed.
Because that's definitely not the result he wished for.
Hargrove doesn't look embarrassed at all, what the hell. The motherfucker is grinning, like life has just got so much more interesting. He takes out a box with an average-size skin coloured dildo and raises it above his head for everyone to get a better view.
"Oh look, there's a bow wrapped around it!" Carol, Tina, Vicky and other girls are close to being hysterical now
"Didn't know this school had welcome gifts for newcomers. Not bad, Hawkins High, not bad at all."
"Why would anyone .. how would you even use it ..?" Carol's curious, for fuck's sake, Carol is blushing but Hargrove just looks entertained
"You're asking very good questions. Let me just .."
Billy bends and whispers something in Carol's ear while she covers her mouth in utter delight, eyes getting bigger and more illuminated
"Easy, bro!" Tommy is playfully shoving him away
"That's my girlfriend. Hands off." Carol looks intrigued and excited and not like she minds Billy whispering obscenities to her
"Sorry, man. My bad." Hargrove raises his hands in the air as if apologizing. He's still holding the box in one hand and throwing the other one around Tommy's shoulder, talking low so that only he and his significant other can hear him
"Maybe you and Carol can have some fun with that thing? I bet you can't get something like that around Hawkins. Someone must've put real effort into it."
Carol scrunches her nose in eager disgust, and Tommy looks interested but shakes his head, laughing
Billy looks around until his eyes lock with Steve's.
"Yo Harrington! Any idea how it got into my locker, man?"
Steve is shrugging his shoulders, lips curved in a mocking smile
Harrington can see that Billy wants to say some more but restrains himself
"I'll just keep it here in case anyone needs it .. for some fun and games."
There's a teacher turning the corner and walking towards the loud gathering of teens
The crowd disperses, Hargrove bangs his locker closed, people still laughing and joking about the whole thing
Nancy comes back from the bathroom
"What happened here?" She takes Steve by the hand.
"Ugh, nothing. That new guy just wants attention, as always."
"Let's get to class."
"Sure." Steve kisses his girlfriend's cheek.
"You seen it, man? The fucking sex toy??" Tommy is going to talk about it for a week.
Nancy speeds up and Steve has to follow.
Damn it. Fucking damn it! That is not the outcome Steve was hoping to achieve. He wanted to see Hargrove's face turn red, wanted others to make a couple of nasty jokes. It seems he can't really make people dislike Hargrove cause they already love him so much. Even Tommy, his best friend since forever, is not immune to Hargrove's charm. The way Billy was easy about the whole thing, the way he's easy about a lot of things? Breezy and carefree, the way he can laugh anything off, and people will laugh with him. And still there's like an iron wall inside him, that hidden strength, he never caves.
Why is he not ashamed? Why is he not afraid?
What the fuck is his secret? And what the fuck is his problem ??
Steve is not listening to Nancy. He's not listening to the teacher during the class. His mind is busy with more important stuff.
So yeah, it was Harrington. He put a sex toy in Billy's locker. The whole affair needed some preparation, of course. Effort was definitely applied. At the weekend Steve drove to fucking Indianapolis for that. He found a sex shop, put his sunglasses on, got inside, grabbed the first dildo he saw, paid for it in cash and drove back to Hawkins with a wildly beating heart. Then on Monday he stayed late after classes, and picked Hargrove's locker. Looked around inside it. Nothing special, just books. A picture of the ocean waves rolling on the vast sandy beach stuck to the door. Must be California or wherever this asshole is from.
He stuffed the dildo in Hargrove's locker with a bright red bow wrapped around the box. Valentine's Day is too far away. Surprise, bitch, October Valentine's.
No but seriously the motherfucking ass bitch. Why is he so fucking annoying, so annoyingly calm?
So the plan didn't work. Okay. Maybe it was stupid from the beginning. But Steve? Steve would totally be pissed if he found a gift like that. Tommy would launch a whole investigation, sniff out and crucify the joker. All guys would be furious, like .. whatever would they need a dildo for? Is there an implication hidden in there?
But that jackass Hargrove didn't bat an eye. Cool like a cucumber. Yeah it all started with the giant cucumber he had given Harrington during that memorable health class, when Steve felt the underlying agenda, a probable insult like Hargrove was fucking with him.
Hence the dildo. Maybe Billy can stick it up his ass and unwind a bit. Leave Harrington alone.
Shit. It all played out not like Steve wanted it to. A weekend wasted. And he blew off a date with Nancy, for that.
Well, no, wait, wait. Not really. Every failed attempt is an experience, right? Now Steve knows that if he wants to bring that arrogant dick down a notch, no big harm done, he has to strike on a different level. Deeper.
Steve's gonna make him embarrassed. He's gonna make him fucking humble. He might just have come up with another way to do it. Another plan.
He can sense there's something wrong with Hargrove. Something .. something Steve has never come across face to face before, it's in the way he taunts Steve, in the way he looks, no, stares at him. There's a secret, there's a problem, and Steve's gonna take advantage of that.
Why does he want to do it? Steve just hates to be the used to be the most popular guy. Yeah, he's got a girlfriend now, a serious one. Relationship material. Well, maybe too serious, really like .. he likes her, loves her probably, but he's been trying to make her loosen up a bit, you know? Try something different other than sweet and romantic and missionary. Shake her down for some fun. All in vain. Anyways, that's not the point here. So yeah, Steve's in a relationship, and Tommy has told him many times that he's walking a slippery slope of becoming pussy-whipped, but he's still fucking King of Hawkins High and he doesn't want some Californian self-entitled hotshot, the fucking pleb coming to his town and all of a sudden stealing the crown? All girls' eyes are on that ass, drooling to get a ride in the flashy blue car. All guys want to be his best friend. Tommy has been following him around like a bitch on a leash. He's doing good at school, he's superb at basketball.
Stupid fuck.
Harrington is not ready to let go of his title that easily. He still wants to be crowned prom king at the end of school year. He doesn't want to lose to that piece of trash who thinks he's the hottest shit.
Also, you know what, Steve would actually be absolutely fine with this new pain in the ass called Hargrove, if he minded his own business. The thing is, he doesn't. He comes at Steve, he thinks he can take the fucking liberty of making obnoxious remarks, stick his nose into Steve's business, fucking push him around during practice like Harrington's some kind of loser? Hargrove's been doing it since day fucking one, who the hell does he think he is?
Steve's not mean. Well, he's not the meanest, really. He never bites first. The freak Byers? He deserved his camera to be broken. The creep was taking pictures of them, of his girl, in the middle of the night, without them even knowing it. What should Steve have done? Should he have patted him on the shoulder, great photos, man, real artistic shit, wow, do you mind taking a couple while we are actually making love?
Steve only bites when he gets bitten.
There is something else, too.
On top of everything, deep down, he hates the fact that whenever he's lucky enough to have seldom sexy time with Nancy, Hargrove's always somehow at the back of his mind. Fuck knows how and why he got there. But he's there. Every fucking time, and Steve absolutely hates it.
So he sets the new plan in motion.
It's really simple.
Next time they are in the showers, Harrington throws a glance at Billy. Doesn't say anything, throws another one. When Hargrove looks back, Steve averts his eyes. It's a matter of milliseconds.
Next day when they have basketball practice and Hargrove starts his usual dance, Steve pushes him back like he usually does, only gentler. Just a tiny bit, a whiff of less force, but Hargrove notices. It throws him off his game, like an unexpected stumble, and Steve is sensing it, like a hound.
In the showers he looks at him again, a second longer than the previous time.
Confusion is written all over Hargrove's face under his usual asshole expression.
Steve can feel it in his gut that Hargrove, despite being smart, has taken the bait, hook line and sinker.
Maybe, just maybe Steve has an idea what Hargrove's secret is, and he can make it work in his, King Steve's, favour.
Now all he has to do is wait for the right moment, keeping the interest up in the meantime. The moment when Billy slips, gets too greedy, and takes a big bite, Steve will hook him fast and reel him in.
Watch him choke on it.
Not for everyone's amusement, but exclusively for his own.
He will make this asshole humbled.
Parts of this and this season 1 Steve vs Billy
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mcufanfics · 2 months
Unexpected Chemistry - Doctor Strange (fanfic)! ⚠️ warning! Smut/18+ scenes!
It was a breezy afternoon when you decided to visit your favorite spiritual shop, a hidden gem tucked away in the heart of the city. The shop was filled with the scent of incense and the soft glow of candlelight, with ambient music creating a tranquil atmosphere. As you perused the crystals and tarot cards, your attention was suddenly drawn to a tall man browsing through the same section.
His presence was commanding, his aura almost tangible. With sharp features, intense blue eyes, and an air of confidence, he stood out among the eclectic mix of patrons. You couldn’t help but stare a bit longer than socially acceptable, captivated by his enigmatic demeanor. To your surprise, he noticed. His eyes met yours, and a small, knowing smile played on his lips. Feeling caught, you quickly averted your gaze, pretending to be engrossed in a book about chakras.
Moments later, you heard his voice, smooth and confident, “Finding anything interesting?”
You looked up, your heart skipping a beat. “Oh, um, just browsing. How about you?”
“I’m always interested in expanding my knowledge,” he replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I’m Stephen, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you introduced yourself, feeling a strange connection. There was something magnetic about him that made you want to keep talking. After a few moments of small talk, you mustered up the courage to ask, “Would you like to grab a coffee with me? There’s a nice café not far from here.”
His smile broadened. “I’d love that.”
You both decided to meet outside the shop a few hours later, and after parting ways, you couldn’t shake off the excitement bubbling inside you. When the time came, you found him waiting, looking even more striking in the evening light. Together, you walked to the café, and as you sat down, the conversation flowed effortlessly.
Stephen was charming and flirtatious, his wit sharp and engaging. He had a way of making you feel at ease while simultaneously setting your heart racing. You found yourself laughing more than you had in a long time, sharing stories and learning about each other’s lives. He talked about his journey from being a renowned surgeon to discovering the mystical arts.
“So, what got you interested in spiritual shops?” he asked, genuinely curious.
You smiled, feeling comfortable opening up. “I’ve always been drawn to the metaphysical. There’s something calming about connecting with the spiritual side of things. It helps balance my everyday life, especially working at the pet shop.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “There’s a lot of wisdom in ancient practices. They teach us to look beyond the obvious, to understand the deeper layers of reality.”
You were fascinated by his perspective. “You sound like you’ve had quite the journey yourself. What led you to... this?” You gestured vaguely, unsure how to describe his aura of mystery.
Stephen chuckled softly. “A series of unfortunate events, as they say. I was a neurosurgeon, arrogant and obsessed with my work, until a car accident changed everything. My hands were ruined, and I searched the world for healing. That’s when I found Kamar-Taj and learned about the mystic arts. It opened my eyes to a reality far beyond what I had ever imagined.”
His story was both tragic and inspiring. “That’s incredible. It must have taken a lot of strength to go through that.”
He looked at you with a warmth that made your heart flutter. “It did. But I found a new purpose. And meeting people like you makes it all worth it.”
After a delightful time at the café, he looked at you with a warmth that made your heart race. “How about we have a real date in three days? There’s an Italian restaurant I think you’d love,” he proposed.
You nodded eagerly, “I’d like that.”
Three days passed in a blur of anticipation. You went about your routine at the pet shop, but your thoughts kept drifting back to Stephen. You replayed your conversations in your mind, each memory making you smile. When the evening of the date arrived, you dressed carefully, wanting to look your best. Stephen was waiting outside the restaurant, looking dapper and sophisticated in a tailored suit.
Dinner was a magical experience. The restaurant was cozy and intimate, with soft lighting and the aroma of delicious Italian dishes filling the air. Stephen pulled out your chair for you, his gentlemanly manners making you feel special.
As you browsed the menu, he leaned in slightly, his voice low and teasing. “What looks good to you?”
You glanced up, meeting his eyes. “Everything. I can’t decide.”
He chuckled. “How about we share a few dishes? That way, we get to try more.”
You agreed, and soon, the table was filled with a variety of plates, each one more delicious than the last. Over dinner, the conversation deepened.
“So, Y/N,” Stephen said, his gaze intense yet playful, “what’s something about you that most people don’t know?”
You thought for a moment, enjoying the way his attention never wavered from you. “I have a secret passion for painting. It’s something I do to relax, but I’ve never shown my work to anyone.”
His eyebrows lifted in surprise. “A hidden artist. I’d love to see your paintings sometime.”
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks. “Maybe someday. What about you, Stephen? Any hidden talents?”
He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well, aside from bending the fabric of reality, I’m quite skilled at close-up magic. Want to see a trick?”
You nodded eagerly. He puts his hand in his pocket and pulled out a deck of cards, performing an intricate sleight of hand that left you both amazed and amused.
“Impressive,” you said, genuinely awed. “You must be fun at parties.”
He laughed. “I try. It’s all about keeping people entertained.”
As the evening came to a close, he insisted on walking you home. The streets were quiet, and the moon cast a soft glow over everything. You talked about your favorite books, movies, and places you’d like to visit someday.
Outside your apartment, he reached out for a hug. His embrace was warm and comforting, his arms wrapping around you in a way that made you feel safe. As you looked into each other’s eyes, still holding each other, he leaned in and kissed you gently. It was a tender, lingering kiss that left you breathless and wanting more.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he murmured, his lips brushing your ear before he turned and walked away.
You watched him go, your heart fluttering, and then made your way inside. Sleep came easily that night, filled with dreams of him.
The next day was like any other, until you returned home from work. As you settled on the couch to watch TV, a familiar swirling light caught your eye. Stephen stepped through a portal, his eyes intense and filled with a longing that mirrored your own.
Stephen's gaze locked onto yours, a mixture of relief and desire igniting the air between you. He sauntered over to the couch, his voice a deep, velvety rumble.
“Can we talk?”
You look at him surprised
“yes of course”
He takes a seat next to you, his eyes never leaving yours. He takes a moment, gathering his thoughts before speaking.
“I... I can't stop thinking about you.”
He says, his confession hanging in the air.
You can't help smiling as you look at him
“The same honestly”
Stephen's heart skips a beat as you smile. He leans a little closer, his gaze fixated on you, his voice filled with a touch of vulnerability.
“I've been trying to tell myself it's a terrible idea, that I shouldn't let my feelings for you grow.”
Without saying anything or any warning he leans in and kisses you.
The moment their lips meet, time seems to stand still. Stephen's hand finds its way to your cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with a barely restrained passion. As he deepens the kiss, all the doubts and hesitation that had weighed on him disappear. He pulls you closer, as if he can't get enough of you.
His grip on you tightens the moment he hears you moan. The sound sends a jolt of electricity through him, his mind and body on fire with desire. He deepens the kiss, his tongue gently exploring your mouth, tasting, claiming. He can't get enough of you, his hands roving over your body, needing to feel every inch of you.
His dominance takes over as he gently pushes you back onto the couch, his body covering yours. His hands wander over your curves, his lips exploring your neck, leaving a trail of hot, open-mouthed kisses down your skin. He growls, the sound deep and possessive as he hovers over you, his eyes darkened with desire.
Your arms wraps around his shoulders and neck slowly and his lips continue their downward path, his breath hot against your skin. His hands find the hem of your shirt, slowly peeling it off, revealing more and more of your skin to him. The sight of you, laid out beneath him, is driving him wild. He can barely contain himself, his body screaming for more, to claim you fully.
Once your shirt is removed, Stephen pauses to take in the sight of you beneath him, his breath catching in his throat. His eyes roam over your exposed skin, his gaze filled with hunger. He leans in, his lips finding your collarbone as his hands gently run down your sides, savoring the feel of your body against him. He kisses a path down your chest, his tongue teasing and tasting, leaving a trail of kisses in its wake.
You gasp as fingers find that sweet spot between your legs, his touch sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through you. He kisses you deeply, capturing your gasp with his mouth as his fingers move in a slow, deliberate rhythm. He groans into the kiss, feeling the way you respond to his touch, the way your body arches against him.
His finger slides into you, eliciting a moan from you. He begins moving his finger in and out, setting a rhythm that makes your breath come in quick gasps. His eyes are dark and intense, watching your every reaction.
Stephen watches you closely, a satisfied grin on his face as he hears your soft moans. He adds another finger, stretching you slowly, his pace and pressure increasing. He leans in, his breath hot against your ear as he whispers,
“That's it, let me hear you.”
He grins as he feels you nearing the brink of ecstasy, but instead of letting you fall over that precipice, he suddenly stops, pulling his fingers away. You let out a whine of protest, but he captures it with a kiss, his lips claiming yours in a possessive, dominant display.
He catches your hand before it reaches his most sensitive area. He intertwines his fingers with yours, pinning it in place against the couch. His gaze is intense, the look in his eyes commanding.
“No, not yet.”
He hovers over you, his body pressing down on yours, his lips finding your ear as he whispers,
“This is about you.”
You nod with a hint of disappointment but still you couldn't really complain,
He stands up to pull you up and lead you to the bedroom, he pushes you gently to your back on the bed.
Stephen's eyes roam over you as he stands before you, his gaze molten hot with desire. He strips off his clothes, revealing his toned, lean body. His skin is marked with the faint traces of old injuries and the scars left behind from past battles.
He crawls onto the bed, his body covering yours as he hovers over you, the press of his skin against your making your heart race, your breathing to quicken.
Stephen takes his time as his lips move down your body, leaving a trail of hot, open-moutheds against your skin. You gasp as he licks your clit, the brief moment of pleasure sending a wave of heat through you.
The feel of his tongue on your sensitive flesh, the pressure, the slight bite of his teeth, makes you bite your lip to keep from crying out. Stephen moves his way up your body, his lips leaving hot, wet kisses as he goes. He stops, his lips hovering over yours, his breaths coming in short pants.
His body is a solid weight against you as he positions himself between your legs. He looks down at you, eyes darkened with desire, his breath hot. You feel the press of his length against your entrance, and you shiver in anticipation.
Stephen shudders at the feel of your touch, the gentle caress like a match to the fire that's burning within him. He adjusts his position slightly, pressing the tip of his length against your entrance. His eyes meet yours, his breathing a little ragged as he speaks, his voice rough with lust
You nod gently and he looks into your eyes, making sure you're okay, and then slowly, carefully, he starts to push himself inside you.
Stephen lets out a low growl as he sinks further into you, your gasp and moans igniting something primal within him. He struggles to control himself, wanting to go slow, to take his time. But the feeling of you around him is making it difficult.
He starts to move, slow and deep, each thrust drawing a moan from your lips. He watches you, every expression, every sound you make, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and possession. His arms shake as he holds himself above you, the need to take you, to claim you, almost overwhelming him.
The feeling of your hand on his arms, the way you gasp and moan as he moves inside you, drives him wild. He wants to hear more, wants to make you cry out his name. He changes his angle slightly, increasing the pace a little, and the sound that escapes you makes him groan deeply.
Stephen's control snaps at the sound of your small whines and moans. His thrusts becomes deeper, rougher, his pace increasing, his body covering yours completely. He pins your wrists above your head, the gesture dominant, possessive. He growls in your ear.
His grip on your wrists tightens, the feeling of you beneath him making him lose what little control he has left. The sound of your gasps and moans, the way you breath quickens, the way you respond to him drives him wild. He pounds into you harder, deeper.
He keeps up the relentless pace, taking you with a primal need. He can feel you trembling, the way you whine, moan and gasp for breath, and it drives him mad.
“That's it, good girl”
His words sends shivers down your body and he notices the effect his words have on you, the way you shiver. He smirks, his eyes dark and intense as he looks down at you.
“You like that, don't you? You like it when I take control”
His pace increases, his thrusts getting rougher, his grip on your wrists never wavering.
As you whine and moan for him, he moves his other hand down to your abdomen, pressing down hard against the mattress. The pressure makes your body arch up against him, and he lets out a low, guttural growl of approval. His eyes rake over you, taking in the sight of you trembling beneath him, his hand holding you down, and his possessive need for you increases tenfold.
Stephen can feel your body tensing beneath him, signalling that you're close. The way your moans and gasps get louder as he presses your abdomen down, tells him all he needs to know. He grins, his own breathing ragged and ragged with need. He keeps up the pace and pressure, his eyes dark and locked with yours, wanting to push you over the edge.
His eyes narrow at your words, a low, possessive growl rumbling in his chest. You can feel his grip tightening, his hold on you becoming fiercer as he feels your body beginning to come undone.*
“Yes, that's it. Come for me,”
He demands, his voice deep and commanding
Stephen watches as you come undone beneath him, the sound of your long drawn-out moan and the feeling of your entrence twitching, drive him to the edge. He holds on just a little longer, savoring the sight of you quivering and shaking, the sound of your voice saying his name, his own body on the brink of exploding. He gasps, his eyes dark and intense,
“Good girl”
Now he can't hold back any longer. With a final hard thrust, he lets go, his body shuddering and tensing as he spills himself inside you. He groans deeply, his arms giving out as he collapses on top of you. He's panting, his breaths coming in shuddering gasps, his chest heaving with the effort. His body is slick with sweat, and he rolls onto his side, pulling you close against him.
He pulls you against his chest, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other gently tracing lazy patterns on your skin. His breathing is ragged, his heart racing, still reeling from the intensity of their encounter. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his lips gently brushing against your sensitive skin, placing soft kisses. He says nothing, simply enjoying the feeling of having you in his arms, close to him.
The next morning, you woke up in each other’s arms. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over you both. You spent a lazy morning cuddling, showering together, making coffee, and enjoying the simple pleasure of each other’s company.
As he prepared to leave, Stephen kissed you deeply. “I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
With a smile, you watched him step through a portal, disappearing from view. Your heart was full, knowing that this was just the beginning of something incredible.
Part 2 coming soon!
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thisworldisablackhole · 2 months
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Clairo Charm
There are a few different interpretations that come to mind when I think of the word "charm". The ability to delight or arouse another person with a smile and a pleasant demeanor is a fairly innocent and innate quality that many people possess, but on the other hand, this quality can also be harnessed for ill intent—lulling one into a false sense of security before administering a poison. In the case of Claire Cottrill's third album, both are proven to be true. Now, I don't mean to say that Charm itself is a lie sold under false pretenses, more so that it's inviting analog world (a corduroy couch in the warm glow of sunlight, if you will) harbors an undercurrent that is surprisingly challenging, and sometimes dissonant in nature. It's delightful as it is deceptive. No, this is not a continuation of Sling, as the opening track "Nomad" might suggest with it's soft keys, strings and whisper sweet vocal melodies. Nor is it exactly the groovin' summer bop that first single "Sexy to Someone" lead me to imagine. There are elements much stranger, more experimental, and borderline psychedelic at play here.
Conceptually, there is nothing insidious about Charm. It is very much an innocent attempt to capture the electric pulse between two people in various stages of romance. Meaningful glances, gradual obsession, the ever distracting potency of closeness and brushed skin. Cottrill muses on courtship and heartbreak as her band drifts down stream on a shag carpet riverboat equipped with vintage synthesizers, mellotrons, wurlitzers, vibraphones, flutes, saxophones, you name it. Cottrill pulls from the same lush arrangement of instruments that accompanied her on Sling, and then fuses them with the breezy bedroom pop ethos of Immunity in an effort to bridge the gap in her repertoire and discover something truly hers in the space between. It's within this symphony of wacky instruments where the oddly off kilter and clashing harmonies lie dormant, waiting in the reeds to turn our peaceful boat ride on it's head. Just the slightest shifting of pitch during the chorus of third track "Second Nature" was enough to shake me of my wits and send me scrambling to prepare myself for what I would later encounter in the more otherworldly tracks like "Juna", "Echo", and "Glory of the Snow".
Not all of these tracks are so far out, man, but Clairo threw enough curveballs into this record to successfully subvert my expectations. I had to meet her in the middle in order to gain some enjoyment out of this project, and I'm still not sure how much of that enjoyment is just self imposed stockholm syndrome from desperately trying to find the common thread that strings these songs together. Psychedelic folk, jazz, soft rock, soul, there's just a lot going on, and it doesn't always work perfectly. Ultimately, no amount of funky instruments and hippy dippy antics can save a boring song structure. There is a fine line between meditative and repetitive, and some of these tracks do end up falling into the latter category. Cottrill's vocal performance also leaves a lot to be desired. Largely absent are the heart wrenching and bitter sweet vocal melodies of yore, and in their place is something much more aloof and less present, as if Cottrill is trailing off in a daydream. Maybe it's on brand for the vibe of the album, but it doesn't really help the songs shine like they could, and the result is a record that feels best suited for performing menial tasks around the house.
As much as a part of me wishes this album was just Sling-but-better, I do respect Clairo for trying something new and swinging for the bleachers here. I would just caution everyone to drop your expectations at the door if you want to gain anything from the experience of Charm. It's the definition of a grower, and I don't think I'm anywhere close to discovering all of it's secrets yet.
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agentnico · 5 months
The Fall Guy (2024) review
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Reynolds is Free Guy. Gosling is Fall Guy. These Ryans are just such guys!!
Plot: After leaving the business one year earlier, battle-scarred stuntman Colt Seavers springs back into action when the star of a big studio movie suddenly disappears. As the mystery surrounding the missing actor deepens, Colt soon finds himself ensnared in a sinister plot that pushes him to the edge of a fall more dangerous than any stunt.
Ryan Gosling needs to do more comedies. Whether he’s the charming womaniser in Crazy, Stupid, Love, a bumbling private eye in The Nice Guys, a Wall Street snob in The Big Short or finding his inner Kenergy in Barbie, the dude’s got jokes. Not taking away anything from his stoic tortured turns in Drive and Blade Runner 2049, but I’m really enjoying this current Gosling trend of embracing the funny guy persona, as he’s easily a bonafide comedic star. His new studio vehicle The Fall Guy is yet another breezy, light-hearted entertainment given life by Gosling and co-star’s Emily Blunt’s wry comic timing.
Coming to us from director David Leitch, who’s had great success with action films the likes of John Wick and Bullet Train, he delivers here a true love-letter to the craft of stuntmen, with the crazy risks they take and how much work goes behind creating that spectacular action shot that is then seemlessly enjoyed by audiences on the big screen. And there are truly some incredible stunts showcased throughout this movie, and most of it being fully practical with only the smallest amount of CGI used. Its top notch action, with flawless camera work and some great cinematography that pays respect and also pokes fun at certain filmmaking techniques and cliches with a certain memorable sequence involving a very well choreographed split-screen scene. This boosted by a great soundtrack that includes a solid dose of Taylor Swift, I mean it’s perfect early summer blockbuster fun.
The plot is suitably nonsense (as fitting given its 1980s TV origins). Don't think too hard about it. If you ponder questions such as: what about the other witnesses? Can you recover from a broken back to that extent in 18 months? Would he have reported a crime that he was being framed for? When he goes through real windscreens, falls long distances onto hard surfaces, etc., how does he not break any bones? And so on.... well, it will spoil your fun. You can really easily knit-pick the hell out of this movie, but I’m sorry, I’m too busy listening to Ryan Gosling throwing one liners like “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him” multiple times to care for any logic or narrative prowess.
Speaking of Gosling, him and Blunt are the primary reason to see The Fall Guy. These two are both hilarious with their timing and delivery, however more-so they share this incredible chemistry that reminded me a lot of romantic comedies of the early 2000s, and it was truly delightful seeing a real rom-com that’s actually good in 2024! Honestly, even in moments of no dialogue, just when they're looking at each other, you'll know well enough they’re holding back so hard to not just snog the living skin off one another. Like these two want to bang. People were freaking over Glen Powell and Sydney Sweeney last year, well they can move over as Gosling and Blunt are now the new power couple! My apologies to their real life partners John Krasinski and Eva Mendes.
Look, The Fall Guy is in no way a masterpiece, but it’s super enjoyable and such a delightful watch where everyone is having a fantastic time. Shout out to other cast members Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hannah Waddingham and Winston Duke all on top form. If you want an easy watch and a perfect date movie - you know what to do. As for me, I just really need Ryan Gosling to play a cool, down-bad simp every year in order to live.
Overall score: 7/10
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twistedapple · 9 months
Hello the 30 questions meme for Nuria - can you answer #1, #4 and #30?
Hello, thank you for your message!
The Ask Meme is here.
What was your Tav's place of birth and raising like?
This will be addressed in my fic, A Tale of Brimstone and Storm, however I've already mentioned some points regarding Nuria.
She's from Calimshan, born and raised in Calimport from an Air Genasi mother and a half Air Elemental father (who's himself the progeny of a Djinni and another Air Genasi). I wouldn't say she has a sad past, but some things that could be rather shocking have been normalised for her because of her mother's own position in Calishite society - Ashemmi already worked as a spy, and basically readied her daughter to keep the family business up, if you will. It implies questionable things by our IRL standards, however. For example, Nuria started learning the trade while passing for an apprentice at the Festhall of Eternal Delight - the biggest "temple" to Sharess in Faerûn. There, she learned to entertain with clever conversations, dances, by playing instruments and singing, learning how to play games... And well, there's also the sexual aspect. At 15, the average Calishite girl is getting married - at 15, someone had already paid a large sum for Nuria's maidenhead. She doesn't feel ashamed by that however, because to her, all of that represents tools in her arsenal.
When her parents left for the Elemental Plane of Air, she decided to add another option to her abilities, and became an assassin on top of her spying abilities.
Her upbringing means she lives outside of Calishite society, however it is not exactly a problem for her. Calishite society acknowledges power based on how one displays it, and Nuria's jobs pay well. Besides, the only way for a woman to have some sort of equality in Calimshan is to live outside of its society, so Nuria is far from being the only woman with hm criminal tendencies. Calimshan's underworld has always been thriving, and one can't expect anyless from a country more akin to snake pit than a cozy cottage.
4. What hobbies does your Tav have? How did they acquire these interests?
Bouncing on the previous reply, some of Nuria's hobbies have been picked when she worked at the Festhall of Eternal Delight. She greatly enjoys music and enjoys playing kanun and singing. I'd describe her voice as soft and breezy - I compare it to Marilyn Monroe and Jessica Alba, both in the way she talks and sings. There's a charming, sing-song lilt when she talks - whether it's something she does on purpose or not, that's another question entirely.
She also took to dancing, because it's a fantastic way to express oneself and let the music live through one's body. This is the sort of impression I have in mind for her: hearing the music and getting into the rhythm. Her dancing skills are also applied in the way she moves when she fights: she's light-footed, flexible and graceful.
Her last hobby is related to her work under Vizer Shahrokh, in Palace Ward. She took to horseriding quite quickly and is a good rider in her own right. She owns a moody grey mare named Banu.
30. What are your Tav's intentions/goals after the end of the game?
Asking for spoilers, aren't we? Her goals will remain the same as they were at the beginning - the events of Baldur's Gate 3 are basically an interruption of her plans. But it ends up being a lucky interruption for her, as it provides her with an opportunity to push for her goals more easily afterwards.
I'm afraid I can't say more than that about her goals without spoilering the second half of my fic plans lol
Thank you again for your questions!
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thesinglesjukebox · 10 months
We're a bit excited to be back, if you couldn't tell...
Crystal Leww: NewJeans is a culmination of Min Hee Jin's career-long exploration of the many versions of girlhood and what it means. "Super Shy" is girlhood in 2023, which is to say, it's mostly just vibes -- uwu charm lyrics, wispy singing, and a dance made for Tiktok dancing with your homies. It is one of my least favorite NewJeans songs because it's so non-specific and made for viral meme repeatability than the embarrassingly sincere, sometimes wistful, heart-swooping songs about crushes that I love more from NewJeans but still, non-specific NewJeans still goes off in the club and that's good enough for me.  [7]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Every NewJeans song (except for the League of Legends one) is an expertly constructed rush of joy, but "Super Shy" is perhaps the most complete demonstration of why their formula works. The production and songwriting -- here handled by Frankie Scoca and Erica De Casier, two key figures in the "dancing alone in your room" space -- are great, obviously. But they're great in a very precise, measured way -- every aspect of "Super Shy" plays to the particular strengths of its performers. The skittering drums and dreamy synths come in and out of focus but the vocals are always given center stage, the simplicity of the melody and the unfussiness of the vocal performances making the crush pop lyrics seem at once artificial and deeply real. The appeal of NewJeans -- for me at least -- is in that strange crux: the fun that they're having is found exactly in the effort they're putting in. [9]
Anna Katrina Lockwood: Probably the slightest of NewJeans' singles thus far, "Super Shy" is nonetheless a delight. A fizzing little bundle of feelings, this may also be the most distinctively teenage song in NewJeans' catalog, which is appropriate -- they are indeed still teenagers, a truth I feel is still relevant to acknowledge. The push-and-pull of the drum'n'bass underpinnings balance a batch of diaphanous vocals, even more subtle than the vocal performances customary for NewJeans to date. The melodies are simple and relatively consistent, in contrast to the beat, which never settles -- it skitters, then thuds, bounces, disappears, phases back in, pulses -- always in motion. This is a very brief song, aside from just being a minimalist composition, and its pace goes some way to disguising its length, but not all the way. Given the teenage crush subject matter of "Super Shy", not to mention NewJeans' oeuvre as a whole, it feels almost poetically unsatisfying -- much like the vast majority of my teenage crushes, there's a lot of excitement without a complete payoff. Still, a very charming song.  [7]
Michael Hong: NewJeans watch their crush from afar. And yet it feels close. The group might have positioned themselves at the forefront of K-pop's current infatuation with club beats, but it's the low-key nature of their music, the minimalistic simplicity, that's so captivating. They're easy: "find a lil' spot, just sit and talk," the idea enough to render them giddy. "I'm all nervous cause you're on my mind all the time," they hum in a low buzz on the chorus, close to the rapid flutter of the drum 'n' bass production -- something so thrilling about divulging a crush that it makes you wish you had the courage to voice it to the object of your affection. [8]
Leah Isobel: On "Super Shy," NewJeans approach courtship as if it's a game of hopscotch. There's no fear of failure as there might be on songwriter Erika de Casier's version of this concept. Instead there's just bouncy, breezy momentum, sourced from their confidence and collective joy. As the girls trade off lines it becomes less about the one-to-one specificity of an individual relationship and more about the sweetness of connection itself, how the dances and rituals and games are evidence of the vast history and scope of human love, how each relationship is really the individual, internal universe reminding us of its congruity with the universe outside. We are all both the lover and the loved, all special, all super shy. [9]
Nortey Dowuona: Erika De Casier gave this team a very well crafted pop record that could never get the push or interest that it could done by a girl group of five. They're all good singers, but mostly indistinguishable from each other, blurring into a bright lilt that just fades behind the club kicks and only sparks to life on the line, "you don't even know my name, do ya?" It's the only stand out lyric, a deeply felt one at least due to the emphasis put on it, and the low bass synths just pops up and down, leaving the drums to move the song forward. They can only get so far, even chopping the vocals behind the only distinct lyric but leaving off with very little impression that the only one to have is that Erika de Casier gave this team a very well crafted pop record that could... [5]
Oliver Maier: The deft, reserved feel of NewJeans' second EP has been largely - probably correctly - attributed to Erika de Casier, who maybe relished the opportunity to condense her introverted RnB into sugary pop morsels. "Super Shy" has emerged as the consensus favourite and it's not hard to see why, between its zeitgesty DnB beat and nuclear earworm hook. It's not perfect: the verses are a bit incidental and it's just too short. But the way each member's voice cartwheels over another's with every successive chorus loop is magic. [9]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: This is all about the bubbling, butterflies-in-your-stomach space between "I'm super shy" and "Wait a minute while I make you mine." NewJeans punctuates it with the energy of five Powerpuff Girls on a mission to make their crush notice them. Super shy as in very shy, yes--but more so super shy, as in superheroes of shyness.  [9]
Andrew Karpan: Cool and iconically bouncy, it's a song about the ethereal placelessness of a crush, articulating a kind of online-era yearning that places the NewJeans crew in the present as much as any other literally bubbling club-lite touch. [9]
Kat Stevens: Hits the same buttons (Sweetness and Slaps) as T2's "Heartbroken".  [8]
Ian Mathers: I don't know what it says, about current trends in pop or about the amount of attention I've been paying, that this is a lot closer to the first PinkPantheress album than I would have guessed. Crossing my fingers that I'm not pulling a guy who has only seen Boss Baby about this. [7]
Alex Ostroff: If you had said even yesterday that I would be rating "Boy's a Liar Pt. 2" higher than "Super Shy" [spoilers!] I would have told you that you were crazy. But, weirdly, PinkPantheress' chorus has the ebullient bubbling fizzy burst of joy in the vocals that a song about a brand-new crush demands. "Super Shy" is an earworm, and the melody is everything I could possibly want, but NewJeans' delivery remains at the same level of enthusiasm throughout. I've had it on loop for the past 15 minutes and I could absolutely listen to it forever but every time we come back around to the chorus, I can't help but want the song to EXPLODE into emotions that match the subject. The closest it ever gets is circa "You don't even know my name, do you?" -- the group taking pleasure not in the feeling itself but in the safety of anonymity, the simple pleasure of a crush that makes you feel warm and makes you smile for a passing moment but which you know will never go anywhere, because you won't even say hi to them. Maybe that was inevitable for a song about being Super Shy, but I want them (and the song) to make that leap. [7]
Rachel Saywitz: I learned the entirety of the "Super Shy" dance a few months ago at an NYC studio I've been frequenting for the past year and a half. For weeks, I practiced waacking on the 7 train and went over complex step sequences in my apartment hallway in the dead of night. I'm not a great dancer, and K-pop choreography is often too advanced for my wobbly body to handle. But I saw something I could maybe replicate with "Super Shy": in the intricate poise of NewJeans' movements, the communal joy of their performances, that deceptively simple cheeriness. NewJeans reminds me of the times I used to practice T-ara's "Roly Poly" shuffle, The Wonder Girls' "Nobody" sway, Sana of Twice's "shy shy shy" part from "Cheer Up," almost every 2NE1 single. I think that's what makes the song sound so fresh, despite its obvious Jersey Club influences, its soft, plain vocal tones and innocent melodies, a trademark of co-writer Erika de Casier. There's no larger story that "Super Shy" ties into, no mind bending concept other than the pure thought of crushing on someone. I can embody that.  [9]
Alfred Soto: You could dance to "Super Shy" -- I could dance to "Super Shy" -- but the drums 'n' bass loop reflects the hum of a person struggling to get outside herself (think Everything But the Girl's run of mid '90s albums). The track is almost strong enough to support a conversation about the differences between shyness and introversion.  [6]
Katherine St Asaph: The drum-and-bass loop is super au courant but also super polite, meant less for the dance floor than one's interior headspace. And the headspace this song has in mind is curated and chill: no build, no tension, no dramatics, no end to repetition, just safe unchanging reverie. Which is pretty and all, but "Super Shy" is supposed to be a song about a crush, and this is not what a crush feels like. (For me, at least. Must be nice.) [6]
Jonathan Bradley: A drum-and-bass beat shrunk down small enough to fit inside a locket, a shimmery little keepsake to be tucked away close to your chest and swooned over in lost private moments. Even in the song's its final moments, when the rhythm picks up with an insistent pulse, the synths retain their smeared pastel sheen. It's shyness not as coquetry but seclusion: a pretty little song to keep on your nightstand next to a scrapbook and a compact mirror. [8]
Brad Shoup: I love drum'n'bass because it's as versatile as potatoes, able to soundtrack both speed-fueled mania and chaste lil crushes. Here, the drums are like home fries: tiny and crisp. "Super Shy" has the kind of massive hook that extends grace to everything around it: the perfunctory, rattled-off rap feels like the rehearsal for a heist. In fact, all the parts where NewJeans seem to be talking to someone else, rather than plotting around them, are less interesting to me. Dozens of listens on, the crush stuff seems like a fig leaf for the joy of devising the perfect scheme. [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: A song that peeks its head out from around a corner and then disappears down the street before you know what's happening, chasing a skittering beat that dissolves into finger snaps when the mood strikes. By the time you get to the corner there's nothing but a shimmer in the air. [6]
Joshua Lu: NewJeans's brand of easy listening music remains refreshing, but "Super Shy" feels like they're establishing a formula for the first time. The staccato percussion and the frantic vocals sound like they were imported from "Ditto" and then just laid over a different instrumental, this time some glacial muzak like you're on hold for the chicest insurance agency of all time. These sounds do combine nicely, but it can't help but feel undercooked, especially with the short runtime that stops the song from going anywhere truly interesting. [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: The genius of NewJeans began with "Ditto," when they flattened a Baltimore club beat into a wistful portrait of holiday gratitude: less a grandiose fireworks show than sparklers in a backyard. It transcended its modish, bedroom-pop approach to dance music because it wasn't strictly referential -- it toyed with musical conventions to capture the complex emotions of anyone too in their head. "Super Shy" is similar, adopting glossy drum 'n' bass as a conduit for crushing hard, fast, and with no plans for action. The secret is in the beat switch to Jersey club-isms, arriving right as "You don't even know my name, do ya?" provides the most sublime hook of the year. It's both a question and a proclamation, a sign of yearning and relief: if this crush remains a crush, then I can't get hurt, right? I heard "Super Shy" in the club the night it came out, but it's a song ultimately befitting daydreams -- the stuttering beat provides all the pleasure you need, no movement needed. Its antiseptic sheen isn't some utopian future, but the blissfully static present. [9]
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taangerinetiger82 · 6 days
Your Guide to the Hottest Prints in Summer Dresses This Season
As the golden sun climbs higher and the days grow longer, the quintessential summer wardrobe beckons with its promise of airy comfort and effortless style. At Taangerine Tiger, we understand the essence of summer aesthetics and are delighted to unveil our stunning collection of printed summer dresses that blend classic charm with contemporary fashion. From beachside strolls to brunches in the city, our curated range offers something special for every occasion. Here’s your guide to embracing the warm weather with style and vivacity!
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The Magic of Linen: Maxi and Long Dresses
Linen, a perennial favorite for summer, holds a place of honor in our collection. Our linen maxi dresses are not just about comfort; they offer a timeless elegance that will keep you looking chic no matter the heat. The natural breathability of linen makes these dresses a perfect ally against the summer swelter. From floral motifs to abstract prints, each piece promises a unique flair that won't go unnoticed.
For those who prefer a shorter style, our long linen dresses provide the same cool comfort with a slightly more formal edge, making them ideal for summer weddings or evening events where sophistication is key.
Casual and Chic: Beach and Brunch Dresses
Our beach dresses for women are designed to make you feel as breezy as the seaside air. Lightweight fabrics, swaying silhouettes, and vibrant prints capture the joyous spirit of summer. Whether you're lounging on the sand or exploring a coastal town, these dresses ensure you do so in style.
Transitioning from morning mimosas to afternoon outings, our brunch dresses embody casual elegance. With playful prints and soft, flowing fabrics, these dresses strike the perfect balance between comfort and style, making them an excellent choice for social gatherings or a day out in the city.
Versatility at Its Best: Linen Jumpsuits and Shorts
For those who venture beyond dresses, our collection extends to linen jumpsuits for women and linen shorts. These pieces are all about versatility and ease. The jumpsuits, with their one-piece convenience, are a modern twist on summer dressing, ideal for those who want to mix up their style. Pair them with sandals for a relaxed look, or elevate them with heels for an evening out.
Our linen shorts are another essential for a summer wardrobe. Pair them with a flower print crop top for a youthful, fresh look that's perfect for hot days. Whether you’re heading to a picnic or just spending the day out, these shorts offer both comfort and style.
Special Occasions: Wedding Guest Dresses
Summer also brings a calendar filled with special occasions. Our wedding guest dresses are carefully crafted to ensure you look your best without overshadowing the bride. Opt for our floral dresses or choose a light, airy linen dress that complements the festive nature of a summer wedding.
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Experience the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home with Taangerine Tiger’s online store. Browse our extensive collection of summer dresses, linen jumpsuits, and more to find your perfect summer wardrobe. Each piece reflects our commitment to quality and style, ensuring that you enjoy the best of summer fashion with ease.
Embrace the season with Taangerine Tiger’s exclusive collection of printed summer dresses and more. Visit our website today to explore our full range and find the pieces that speak to your summer spirit. Click below to begin your journey to a stylish summer!
Explore Our Summer Collection
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traveller-chori · 17 days
Best 5 luxury hotels in Udaipur Hello everyone, this blog is about best 5 luxury hotels in Udaipur. A beautiful town in Rajasthan situated in heart of Aravali along some beautiful lakes. Here you will get full details about best 5 luxury hotels in Udaipur. In this blog we will tell you about the five best luxury hotels in Udaipur for honeymoon couples as well as family travelers where you can relax and enjoy your vacation with some scenic view. You can enjoy a lot of activities in the hotels like indoor games, swimming pool, gym etc. 1 Taj Lake Palace Udaipur Taj Lake Palace is built with marble and features majestic architecture. It has breathtaking views of the City Palace, Aravalli and Machla Magra hills, and Jag Mandir. Rooms come with butler service.aj Lake Palace boasts rooms with beautifully carved wooden furniture and luxurious silk fabrics. Offering garden or lake views, each room has a flat-screen TV and DVD player. The private bathroom comes with a bathtub, Forest Essential toiletries and shower.
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2 Lake Pichola Hotel In beautiful city of Rajasthan, Lake Pichola Hotel offers a perfect getaway for travelers. Located on the peaceful island of Bramhapuri on the banks of Pichola lake in Udaipur, the heritage hotel is equipped with modern facilities, experienced professionals and gives immense value for money. Lake Pichola Hotel offers complete range of new age amenities for a luxuriously comfortable stay. Each hotel room is stylized with the charm and grace of traditionalist architecture and fixtures, Rajputana style furnishing, making it one of the finest hotel in Udaipur near lake.
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3 SWAROOP VILAS - LAKE FACING BOUTIQUE HOTEL If you want to experience the rich culture and breathtaking beauty of Udaipur while enjoying the par excellence service of Hotel Swaroop Vilas. With the charming old city to its one side and the ravishing modern delights of Udaipur to its other, Swaroop Vilas’s unique location offers accessibility and convenience like none other.
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4 Jagat Niwas Haveli Udaipur Jagat Niwas Palace is a beautiful haveli with its charm and aesthetics intact, situated in the heart of the most romantic city of Rajasthan. Nestled in the fertile valley on the breezy, eastern banks of the famous Lake Pichola, Jagat Niwas Palace is a heritage boutique hotel and is highly acclaimed for its location and for the stunning view that it provides.
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5 Hotel Panorama Haveli Udaipur Hotel Panorama Haveli is not so far from Lake Pichola. Hotel provides rooms with balcony . The Panorama Haveli Udaipur offers a daily continental breakfast for guests, served in the restaurant. Panoramas roof top restaurant will pamper you with European delicacies. 
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Hope this blog about best 5 luxury hotels in udaipur will be helpful for you. Have a nice day!!
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luxurybeautyreviews · 2 months
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shivanesboutique-blog · 3 months
The Role of Silk Sarees in Indian Festivals and Celebrations
Indian celebrations are a delight to behold with their bright tapestry. Every festival comes alive with colour, customs, and, of course, gorgeous clothing, from the loud sounds of Diwali to the calm hymns of Durga Puja. Silk sarees, an evergreen fabric woven with history, elegance, and a hint of grandeur, are the focal point of many beautiful festivals. 
A Journey Through Time: Silk Sarees and Their History 
India's history of silk sarees can be traced back thousands of years. According to legend, silk weaving started in China and travelled to India. Indian craftsmen picked up the skill fast and incorporated their own distinctive designs and methods. Every area of India, from the colourful Kancheepuram of the south to the complex Banarasis of the north, evolved its own unique silk saree culture. 
A Silk Saree for Every Celebration 
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The sheer diversity of silk sarees ensures that there's a perfect choice for every festival. From the beautiful weaves of tussar silk materials to the delicate charm of organza silk sarees, each type offers a unique look and feel. 
Kancheepuram Sarees for Diwali: Known for their beautiful zari borders and detailed designs, Kancheepuram silk sarees are a popular choice for Diwali, the festival of lights. These sarees, often created with gold or silver threads, shimmer under the diyas and create a truly stunning display. 
Organza Silk Sarees for Dussehra: Vijayadashami, or Dussehra, is a festival that honours the victory of good over evil. Organza silk sarees woven in shades of red, orange, and yellow are symbolic of the festival's vibrant colours and spirit. The opulent drape of the organza silk sarees and these colours are perfect for the festive and elegant vibe. 
The Grace of Silk Materials for Durga Pooja: A ten-day celebration honouring the goddess Durga, Durga Puja is a time for introspection and devotion. During this time, silk cotton materials and sarees are often chosen because of their breezy feel and silky texture. Perfect for the atmosphere of devotion, the soft sheen of the silk and the cosy feel of the cotton combine to produce a sense of quiet beauty. 
The Allure of Silk: Why it's the Perfect Festive Fabric 
So, what makes silk sarees perfect for Indian festivals and their celebrations? Here are some reasons why: 
Luxurious Feel: Silk is unmatched in its ability to feel soft and silky against the skin. It drapes exquisitely, complementing all body shapes. 
Stunning Shine: The natural shine of the silk's fabric adds a touch of luxury and grandeur, making it perfect for festive occasions where you want to stand out. 
Versatility of Designs: From traditional weaves with detailed motifs to contemporary designs with bold prints, silk sarees offer something for every woman’s taste. 
Symbolism and Significance: Silk sarees often feature auspicious designs and prints like flowers, paisleys, and mango designs, adding cultural significance to festive attire. 
Finding Your Perfect Silk Saree: A Treasure Trove Awaits 
With so many different types of silk sarees to choose from, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming. Here are some tips you can use to make your choice: 
Consider the Occasion: Grand festivals call for lavish sarees, while smaller gatherings might be better suited for lighter silk cotton or other material collections. 
Pick as Per Your Personal Style: Do you prefer traditional or contemporary saree prints? Choose a saree that suits your personality and preference. 
Comfort is Key: While silk looks stunning, choose a fabric weight that feels comfortable to wear as per the occasion and its duration. 
Celebrate Tradition and Create Memories with Shivane’s Boutique Searching for the perfect type of saree for your festive look? When it comes to silk sarees, ready-made collections, or material collections, Shivane's Boutique is the ideal destination for all your ethnic clothing needs. Make individual festive outfits with our wide range of exquisite patterns and colours to stand out from the crowd. Come visit us and take a look at our selections to start planning your next festive outfit.
For more: The Role of Silk Sarees in Indian Festivals and Celebrations
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psdesignwrk · 4 months
Unlocking Sarasota Architecture: A Regional Style
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Nestled between the sparkling waters of the Gulf Coast and the verdant embrace of Florida's interior, Sarasota boasts a sunshine-soaked disposition and a cultural heritage unlike any other. This vibrant city, long a haven for artists and eccentrics, has fostered a unique architectural style that reflects its carefree spirit and rich history. Welcome to the world of Sarasota architecture, a delightful blend of form, function, and Floridian flair.
A Legacy Crafted in Concrete and Glass
Sarasota Architecture isn't easily defined by a single look. It's a captivating tapestry woven from influences as diverse as the Sarasota School art movement, Mid-century Modern design principles, and the ever-present need to adapt to the sub-tropical climate.
Pioneers of Light and Space: The Sarasota School
In the 1920s and 30s, a group of visionary architects, now known as the Sarasota School, emerged. Faced with the harsh realities of Florida's hot, humid climate, these architects, like Paul Rudolph and Ralph Twitchell, championed a new approach. Their creations emphasized open floor plans, natural light, and cross-ventilation, all seamlessly integrated with the surrounding landscape. Think expansive walls of glass, overhanging eaves for shade, and indoor-outdoor living spaces. These elements became the hallmarks of Sarasota Architecture, a style that continues to inspire architects in Sarasota, FL  today.
Mid-century Modern Marvels
Following World War II, Sarasota embraced the optimistic spirit of the Mid-century Modern era. Architects like Carl Abbott and Jack West created sleek, low-slung residences that embodied the "indoor-outdoor" philosophy. Think clean lines, geometric shapes, and pops of color – a perfect reflection of the carefree Florida lifestyle.
A Symphony of Style
Sarasota Architecture is more than just a collection of styles; it's a philosophy. It's about creating spaces that harmonize with the environment, celebrate natural light, and embrace the joy of living. From the iconic Ringling Museum with its Venetian Gothic Revival grandeur to the playful whimsy of Lido Shores bungalows, Sarasota's architectural landscape is a delightful surprise around every corner.
Unlocking the Magic: A Guide for Modern Sarasota
Whether you're an architecture aficionado or simply someone who appreciates the finer things in life, Sarasota offers a treasure trove to explore. Here are a few tips to help you unlock the magic of Sarasota Architecture:
Take a Docent-Led Tour: Immerse yourself in the history and details with a guided tour offered by various organizations.
Explore Architectural Districts: Discover hidden gems and iconic landmarks by strolling through neighborhoods like Lido Shores or Laurel Park.
Seek Inspiration for Your Own Oasis: If you're considering a home renovation or building a new residence, consider consulting bold architects in Sarasota. Architects Sarasota, FL like those at PS Design Workshop can help you translate the principles of Sarasota Architecture into a space that reflects your unique style and embraces the Sunshine State's charm.
So, come explore the captivating world of Sarasota Architecture. Let the light-filled interiors, breezy terraces, and connection to the outdoors inspire you. With its rich heritage and forward-thinking approach, Sarasota Architecture is a testament to the city's enduring love affair with sunshine, style, and the art of living well.
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kaarimarket · 4 months
Your Guide to Summer Dresses for Every Occasion
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Summers have arrived and it's time to freshen up your wardrobe with the most effortlessly stylish summer dresses. Whether you're gearing up for brunch with friends, a cozy date night, a busy day at work, or a laid-back outing, we've got you covered with a range of versatile dress options to match every mood and occasion. Bid farewell to wardrobe woes and embrace effortless elegance as we delve into the perfect summer dresses for all your seasonal escapades.
Brunch with the Crew:
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On a bright sunny morning, a table filled with delicious treats, and your best pals by your side. Opt for a flowy Floral Maxi Dress or a playful sundress in vibrant hues for this laid-back yet trendy occasion. Embrace lightweight fabrics like cotton or linen to stay cool and comfortable while you indulge in avocado toast and mimosas. Complete your brunch look with a straw hat, oversized sunglasses, and comfy sandals for a touch of casual elegance.
Date Night Delight:
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Whether it's a candlelit dinner or a moonlit stroll along the beach, make a lasting impression with a stunning summer dress that exudes romance and allure. Opt for a sleek midi dress in a flattering silhouette, adorned with delicate lace details or subtle cutouts for added charm. Soft Pastel Shades or classic neutrals like blush pink or ivory are perfect for creating a dreamy, feminine look. Pair your dress with strappy heels, dainty jewelry, and a swipe of rosy lipstick for a mesmerizing ensemble that will captivate your date's heart.
Office Chic:
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Who says you can't stay cool and professional during the sweltering summer months? Elevate your work wardrobe with sophisticated yet breathable dresses that effortlessly transition from the boardroom to happy hour. Opt for Tailored Sheath Dresses or polished shirt dresses in lightweight fabrics like chiffon or crepe. Stick to timeless patterns such as pinstripes or subtle florals for a refined touch.
Everyday Elegance:
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For those days when you're running errands, meeting friends for coffee, or simply enjoying a stroll in the park, embrace effortless elegance with versatile Summer Dresses that offer comfort without compromising style. Reach for easy-to-wear shirt dresses, breezy wrap dresses, or relaxed fit-and-flare styles that provide freedom of movement and breathability. Opt for Cheerful Prints, bold colors, or playful patterns to inject personality into your everyday look.
With the right selection of summer dresses, you can conquer every moment of the season in style. Whether you're brunching with friends, enjoying a romantic date night, tackling a busy day at the office, or simply embracing Everyday adventures, let your wardrobe reflect your mood and personality with versatile dress options that are as fashionable as they are functional. So go ahead, soak up the sun, feel the breeze on your skin, and sizzle all season long in the perfect summer dress for every occasion. Shop our exclusive collection of summer dresses at kaarimarket.com
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fragrancesandfashion · 5 months
How does Strawberry Perfume make the perfect summer fragrance? 
Involve Yourself in the Irresistible Fragrance of Strawberry Perfume
Embrace the essence of summer with Strawberry perfume from Fragrances&Fashion.
Elevate your summer style with a spritz of this delightful fragrance, whether you're lounging by the beach or attending a rooftop party.
Pair it with your favorite summer fashion ensemble to make a bold statement and leave a lasting impression.
Pick from a complete range of Essences for summer, including Strawberry Perfume, and find the perfect aroma to accompany your summer activities.
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As the sun-kissed days of summer arrive, our senses long for fragrances that capture the essence of this vibrant season.
**Among the many scents that bring back memories of sun-drenched fields and lazy afternoons, none are more summery than the sweet, succulent aroma of strawberries. 
In this blog, we will look at what makes strawberry perfume the ideal scent companion for the warmer months, highlighting its freshness, sweetness, and obvious attraction.
Basking in the Delightful Aroma of Strawberry Perfume:
The Refreshing Burst of Sweetness: 
The essence of strawberry perfume is a cool rush of sweetness that instantly lifts emotions and stimulates the senses.
Strawberry perfume captures the essence of freshly picked berries, conjuring up images of sun-ripened fruit baskets and leisurely picnics in the park.
Strawberry fragrance, whether enjoyed alone or combined with other complementary notes, adds a delightful touch of charm and pleasure to any summer day.
The Juicy Sensation of Summer: 
One of strawberry perfume's finest features is its capacity to evoke the sensation of biting into a perfectly ripe strawberry, with its juices oozing with each tender bite.
Every whiff of strawberry perfume transports the wearer to rows of juicy, crimson berries that are just begging to be picked and enjoyed in sun-drenched strawberry fields.
This juicy summertime sensation in a bottle gives everything a breath of fresh air and energy, which is why strawberry perfume is a beloved partner for sunny outings and breezy nights.
The Playful Elegance of Strawberry Notes: 
Strawberry perfume has a youthful, playful charm, but it also has an elegance and sophistication that works well for any setting.
Strawberry notes, whether combined with a light, floral bouquet or with deeper, muskier undertones, add a touch of whimsical sophistication to any fragrance composition.
Strawberry perfume seamlessly transitions from day to night, wrapping the wearer in an overlay of timeless attraction and understated elegance.
The versatility of Strawberry Perfume: 
This fragrance's ability to adapt to a broad range of tastes and preferences is one of its best features.
Whether you prefer a subtle hint of strawberries woven into a delicate floral bouquet or a bold and fruity fragrance that grabs attention, there is a strawberry perfume for every style and personality.
Strawberry perfume is appealing to anyone who wants to embrace the spirit of summer because it can elicit feelings of joy, nostalgia, and warmth, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background.
Embracing the Spirit of Summer with Strawberry Perfume:
Strawberry perfume captures the essence of summer in a bottle, with a delectable combination of sweetness, freshness, and elegance that is ideal for the season.
Let the lovely scent of strawberry perfume carry you away to a world of carefree bliss and timeless beauty, whether you're relaxing by the pool, exploring sun-drenched landscapes, or just enjoying the warmth of the sun.
So, embrace the spirit of summer with strawberry perfume and enjoy the season in style, one spritz at a time.
Elevate Your Summer Scent: Strawberry Perfume From Fragrances and Fashion:
As the weather warms and the days grow longer, it's time to infuse your wardrobe with the vibrant spirit of summer. Just as fashion trends change with the seasons, so do fragrance preferences, with strawberry perfume emerging as a timeless favorite for the warmer months. 
Strawberry perfume from Fragrances and Fashion captures the essence of summer in a bottle, providing a delightful sensory experience that complements any fashion ensemble.
So, whether you are channeling beachside chic or city sophistication, do not forget to finish your summer look with a spritz of strawberry perfume and make a lasting impression wherever you go.
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event1212 · 5 months
Creating Memorable Events with Easy Breezy Bash Co.
It can be exhilarating and difficult to plan an event. From weddings to corporate gatherings, every detail counts in making the occasion memorable. That's where Easy Breezy Bash Co. steps in, offering Milwaukee and Chicago's finest event rentals to elevate any gathering. Easy Breezy Bash Co. is the place to go for all your event needs, offering a wide selection of special event tables and chairs, picture booths, floral walls, neon signs, furniture, and decor.
Setting the Scene with Centerpiece Rentals
The ambience of an event often hinges on the small details, and centerpieces play a crucial role in tying everything together. Whether you're aiming for a rustic charm or a modern chic vibe, Centerpiece rentals can set the tone for your event. At Easy Breezy Bash Co., you can find an array of centrepiece rentals to suit any theme or aesthetic.
Imagine elegant floral arrangements adorning each table, creating a romantic atmosphere for a wedding reception. Or perhaps sleek and minimalist centerpieces for a corporate gala, exuding sophistication and style. With Easy Breezy Bash Co.'s centrepiece rentals, you can effortlessly elevate your event's decor and leave a lasting impression on your guests.
Adding Sweetness with Candy Cart Rentals
Who can resist the allure of a candy cart filled with delectable treats? Candy carts have become a popular addition to events of all kinds, adding a touch of whimsy and nostalgia. Whether you're hosting a birthday party, baby shower, or corporate event, a Candy cart rental from Easy Breezy Bash Co. is sure to delight guests of all ages.
Picture a charming candy cart adorned with colourful ribbons and overflowing with an assortment of candies and sweets. It not only serves as a fun and interactive element but also doubles as a unique decorative piece. Guests can help themselves with their favourite treats, creating sweet memories that will last long after the event is over.
The Easy Breezy Bash Co. Experience
At Easy Breezy Bash Co., we understand the importance of creating unforgettable experiences for our clients and their guests. That's why we take pride in offering top-quality event rentals that are not only stylish but also functional. From elegant tables and chairs to eye-catching decor items, every piece in our collection is carefully curated to ensure maximum impact.
With our convenient online booking system and dedicated customer service team, planning your event with Easy Breezy Bash Co. is a breeze. Whether you're planning a large celebration or a little get-together, we can assist you in realizing your idea. So why settle for ordinary when you can make your event extraordinary with Easy Breezy Bash Co.?
When it comes to event rentals in Milwaukee and Chicago, Easy Breezy Bash Co. is the name to trust. With our extensive selection of special event tables and chairs, photo booths, flower walls, neon signs, furniture, and decor, we have everything you need to create a memorable occasion. Whether you're planning a wedding, party, corporate event, or any other special gathering, let Easy Breezy Bash Co. handle the specifics so that you can concentrate on savoring the occasion. Visit easybreezybashco.com to learn more and start planning your event today!
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