#i am so ready for the show to disappoint me lol
bokettochild · 3 months
Just saw the update!
So, first thoughts!
Gremlin Legend and Sky is something I am LIVING for. Sky's little look of approval as he stands between Wars and Legend after that little move is sending me!
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(Wild is not impressed)
I also really love that JoJo played with Warriors' cape/scarf being capable of doing that, which is a major risk btw, but I love that we see it's potential now!
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Like, Legend's timing is perfect (and I love that this confirms the Legend v. Wars dynamic we all love) especially considering Hyrule was literally talking about the same thing and you'd THINK Captain-War-Hero over here would be more cautious because of it (although the fact this implies Legend doesn't trigger Warriors danger sense is GREAT for the fluff fic writers like me!)
Time and Wars looking like disappointed parents though is brilliant
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(Warriors with messy hair is so funny to me, help)
The continued portrayal of Time being too harsh with the boys, all tense after what happened to Twilight, that's great. i'm glad the consequences of past events are following them, it really makes this all feel linear!
I also am ALL HERE for the boys finding their differences! Warriors and Wild both admitting to being new to dungeon crawling and the monsters involved is a great thing we've all been playing with in fics, but making it cannon feels like validation :)
Also, Warriors being defensive of that, and maybe a bit prickly about their judgement, I think it shows a lot of him. he's got his pride,a although he's learned to tame it. He's feeling a bit miffed to realize how different he is, but doesn't want them seeing him as lesser as well (although they never would). I can also hear him using a clipped military sort of tone when speaking here. It's just the way his words are selected and strung together that makes it seem he's being very to the point, direct, and cold in his tone, which really sells the whole difference between a soldier and the "average nobody" that the rest of them were (ironic, since he's trying to act like the difference isn't a big deal but only further accentuates it this way).
Twilight being pleased that Epona is fine and just enjoying a meal made me grin so big though. He's all worried for his girl but she is, quite literally, happy as a horse over there LOL
Also, this bit:
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recognition for Sky's right-handedness, my beloved! (JoJo is giving us all the easter eggs!)
The fact that the passage is too small to let them all fight though is a brilliant way of preventing some of our heavy hitters and more skilled heroes from being able to do anything though!
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I like how that gives us the chance to see Time one-shot the foe and also gives him the impression that the rest are maybe not skilled enough to do this alone. WE all know they are, but they're a handicap to each other right now, and it's only further cementing in his mind that they're not ready for all this, which will make his overbearing speech and the judgement he casts on them in combat all the more an issue.
I mean, we all know the hero's shade was like that, but JoJo has shown Time acting this way from the start
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(Deep Shadows P.2)
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So I guess we're in for more of that now, and most likely someone (probably Legend, as it's usually him, or Wind, who is very aware of judgement from teh rest) is definitely going to have to call him on it soon, maybe in the dungeon. Will that lead to some bonding with Time where he has to admit he cares and worries about them as though they're his own? I hope so!
Anyways, all this to say, we really are seeing how much they struggle to work together, so hopefully this dungoen will teach them all how to do that better, as Time mentioned earlier
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(Dawn p.8)
Now, to finish it off!I would like to thank JoJo for giving us so many beautiful shots of Twi this time around. I'll admit it now, he's pretty darn fine <3
That said, I'm loving the Legend content too! i hope we get to see some more starring moments from him going forwards, what with him being the dungeon veteran and all! It's great seeing his childish/playful side these last few updates, but I'm really craving some veteran Legend right now >:)
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orshii · 1 month
Highway to Cloud Nine
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🏍️ Pairing: biker! Kim Hongjoong x mechanic! female reader 🏍️ Word count: 12,8 k 🏍️ Warnings: cursing, mentions of alcohol use, smoking, shotgun, cheating (not by Hongjoong), angst, suggestive 🏍️Trope: Brother's best friend
🏍️ Summary: The car service you run with your brother, Jongho, is rather challenging, especially in his absence when you must manage everything on your own. Kim Hongjoong, your brother’s best friend, needs urgent repairs for his bike only complicating everything more for you, however, some tension also arises between the two of you as you notice a shift in your dynamic.
San, who is your ex, only makes everything more complicated when he reappears in your life. You’re faced with two choices now: you navigate your life the way you want it or you let the fear of disappointing your brother consume you.
🏍️ A/N: Hello there! Here I am again because suddenly I became obsessed with biker Hongjoong and I can't get over it. Nice! And I just love the brother's best friend trope. This story popped up in my mind in like 15 minutes and I don't know when I was able to write this much only in two days, lol. So yeah, I hope I managed to convert what I wanted, (sorry Sannie), and I hope you enjoy hehet! (this Hongjoong is so HOT I want to be the MC.) Byee! (divider)
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The loud banging on the door coming from the garage under our flat disturbed my evening as I watched a TV show, tired of the day full of chaos. I stood up annoyed, thinking who was coming at this hour when we were closed for the day. I went to the stairs that led down to the car service we ran with my brother Jongho, who was away for a trip with his girlfriend. We named our service, Limitless and it has been almost ten years since we led this business. I grew up with cars and bikes and fell in love with fixing the machines and just admiring some expensive collections that some rich people owned. I already finished college and until I found what I wanted to do for a living, I decided I was going to help my brother out for a while as he was capable of overworking himself. I convinced him to get some rest because he needed a little break from the nonstop work in the garage. Our parents were long gone out of our lives. Our mom died and our dad was nowhere to be seen since then. We remained alone and Jongho took care of me since then. And I couldn't be more grateful for him, so this is why I told him I could manage the garage for a few days and he didn't need to worry about a thing. It was hard managing alone but I needed to do this for my beloved brother because he deserved a break.
I went downstairs as it led to the garage, the familiar smell of oil and steel hit my nose and the banging on the garage door did not stop.
"Coming!" I said annoyed by the loud noise.
I unlocked the door and saw a frustrated Kim Hongjoong standing in front of the garage. His biker helmet in his hands, his dark red hair falling onto his forehead a little wet from sweating, his undercut barely in sight. He was wearing his black leather jacket a white T-shirt under it, his pumped-up chest on the sight, paired with black skinny jeans that were ripped on the knees. As I saw it was him, I rolled my eyes annoyed, because I hated this guy. He was a walking red flag with his red hair that screamed he was a bad guy from far away. He was Jongho's best friend and he was a daily guest in our service. He always annoyed the shit out of me and he seemed he did not like me as much as I didn't like him.
"We are closed Hongjoong, what do you want?" I asked still holding the door, ready to slam it into his face.
"Where is Jongho? He didn't answer my calls." He asked running his fingers through his wet hair.
"He is on a trip with his girlfriend so don't disturb him." I deadpanned as I was ready to slam the door. But Hongjoong's hands prevented it.
"When is he coming back?" He seemed desperate.
"Tomorrow night."
"Fuck!" He shouted out loud stressed as he buried his face into his hands.
I sighed annoyed. I did not start to pity him; I was just curious. "Why?"
"Something happened with my bike and I have an important race tonight. I pushed my bike all the way here because it won't start no matter what I do. But now I'm fucked." His gaze bored into mine as he sighed.
I looked behind him, where his big dark red motorbike was standing waiting for a hand to repair it. "It doesn't get fuel?"
"I don’t know, I'm not a mechanic." He said looking over his shoulders at his beloved bike. "But I really need it for tonight."
I sighed for the thousandth time this evening. "Bring it in. I can fix it." I mumbled annoyed. Yes, I might have pitied Hongjoong, because he seemed so desperate and it seemed it was really important for him. Fixing cars—and bikes apparently—was my job and I just couldn't resist my passion, which helped me through tough times. Fixing cars helped me organize my thoughts and to even not think at all. So, I offered my help.
Hongjoong seemed quite surprised at that as he raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?"
"Come before I change my mind."
Hongjoong did as told and pushed the bike into the garage as I lifted the door up. His bike was a shade of dark red, with some black colors appearing on the sharp features, the lamp on the front was sharp and it looked like sharp eyes, which reminded me of Hongjoong’s eyes.  I prepared some tools I needed to fix the bike. As I analyzed it a little and tried to start the engine, I already knew what was the problem and it wasn't that big of a deal. The fuel just couldn't reach the engine, because a part of the engine was slacked and it didn't let the fuel flow into the engine. I felt Hongjoong's gaze on me the whole time as I crouched down next to the bike so I could repair it.
"Can I help you with something?" He asked a little embarrassed as he scratched the back of his nape.
"No, just sit and let me work." I deadpanned as I looked up at him as he was standing next to me.
So, he sat down and silence fell over us. I was curious so I asked. "So, again those illegal races? I thought you stopped."
"I need money." He stated.
"For what?"
"It's none of your business."
I scoffed as I tried to screw a clamp into its place. "Okay, big boy."
"Can you just do your work?" His voice came out frustrated.
I stopped, as I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe this guy. "I'm making a favor for you, so shut the fuck up!" I started to get angry.
He laughed. "Oh sorry, princess for disturbing you." His voice sounded sarcastic and annoyed.
I really tried to stay calm, it was in both of our favor. "Don't call me a princess!"
"Don't be mad, princess." He always did this, to annoy my shit out and today was not the day when I let him do it.
So, I stopped what I did and stood up with a scoff. "You know what? Go fuck yourself and your bike. It's not my business as you told me. The door is that way." I pointed towards the door as I dropped the spanner on the dusty concrete floor and turned away to leave him there. I just lost my patience and was under pressure the whole day, he needed to step over it, because he didn’t care.
Then he grabbed my wrist and whirled me around to look into his eyes. He was hovering over me with a deadly stare, his lips in a thin line, his red hair messy. "No, you fucking get that spanner and fix my bike, because I need it!" His face was close to mine, I felt his heavy breathing on my cheeks.
"Fix it yourself, the tools are there." I pointed at the ground towards his bike.
"Stop this shitty attitude of yours, Y/N! I really need to win this race tonight, please!" He seemed like he was near dropping to his knees and begging for me.
"Oh, you can say such things as well like, please? I'm surprised" I said as I pushed him away from my face, with my hands on his chest. I needed to show him, that he couldn't just control me and to be unrespectable with me. I couldn’t let that, I fixed his beloved bike so he was going to disappear as quickly as I wanted because I did not want to see his face.
And when I finished his bike and started the engine, it lighted up and it was ready to race for whatever reason it needed to. When Hongjoong left he mumbled something that sounded like a thank you and that he was going to arrange the price with Jongho. Like my brother fixed it…
Then I went upstairs, the quiet of our flat reminding me of how tired I was from working all day. So, after a short shower, I collapsed into my bed, trying to compose myself for another tiring day without Jongho as I fell asleep finally, an annoying face with red hair popped up in my dream that turned out to be a nightmare.
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It was the middle of the night when I got a call. I groaned in frustration as I hated it when I couldn't get my well-deserved beauty sleep. It was still dark outside as my room was in complete darkness, my phone on the nightstand the only light in it. I reached for my phone; I just couldn't imagine what was so important that couldn't wait until the morning. When I grabbed my phone, it lit my face and I squinted my eyes from the sudden brightness, couldn't even read who was calling me, I just answered.
"Y/N! Thank God you picked up!" Comes a familiar and annoying voice from the phone.
I looked at my phone to check the time and I grew more annoyed when I saw that Hongjoong's name was looking back at me. "Hongjoong, it's 3 in the morning what the hell do you want?"
"I know, I'm sorry. But I think I need a little help." His voice seemed a little sheepish. Like he was embarrassed for calling me—as he should be.
"What the hell happened now?"
"I crashed with my bike…I need help in carrying it away…Please, I swear I'mma pay you back, but the police can't find me, I'mma be in big trouble if they do."
I squeezed the bridge of my nose in frustration as I shot my eyes closed. "Where are you?"
He mumbled something about being next to a factory on the edge of the city and thanked me at least a thousand times. I sat up with a groan, I couldn't believe myself, why couldn't I just say no to him? I was even surprised by myself. Then I sat up in the black Jeep we bought with Jongho together, the trailer hanging from behind as I was on the way to save Hongjoong's ass, the second time in like 10 hours—he was going to pay for this for the rest of his life I'm going to make sure about it.
When I was reaching Hongjoong's location my eyes averted around the surroundings, trying to find him. It seemed it rained a few hours before because the asphalt was wet and slippery. Then suddenly he appeared in front of my car and I almost hit him, I stepped on the brakes quickly and cursed. The sight in front of me was like in the movies. Hongjoong was standing on the road, the car's lights illuminating his face, some shadows lurking on it, making his features sharper, where some blood was flowing down from his temple. His red hair was damp I assumed from the rain, it was sticking to his forehead, some red wet drops flowing down his face that came from the red dye, mixing with his blood. He was wearing blue jeans that were ripped but not intentionally as his knees were bloody as well. On top, he was wearing a colorful shirt unbuttoned and a white T-shirt under it. I saw his bike which was lying on the ground crushed. It was a miracle it didn't catch on fire.
"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I stepped out of my car.
"What the hell happened Joong?" I walked towards him, as his expression told me nothing.
"The road was a little slippery from the rain and the police came after the race ended. I needed to get away from there quickly. And this happened." He pointed at his motorbike which was nothing like a few hours before.
"Oh my God Joong…" I ran my hands through my face frustrated, the sleepiness long gone from my eyes.
"Let's just get this shit away from here." He walked towards his bike in pieces, almost mourning his beloved bike.
Then we somehow managed to lift the bike to the trailer, collecting the broken pieces from the ground, and with that I drove back to our car service with Hongjoong sitting on the passenger seat.
“Did you at least win the race?” I broke the deafening silence in the car as I looked at the road ahead.
“Of course I did.” He leaned back against the headboard and looked out the window looking sad.  
When I parked in the garage, it was already 5 in the morning. Hongjoong sighed as we both stepped out of the car and he sat on the old couch that was pushed against the wall, serving perfectly when we needed a little break from work. I closed the garage door and sat next to him, my head on the back of the couch as I closed my eyes with a sigh.
"Don't tell anything to your brother, please." I heard Hongjoong's tired voice from my side. "He is going to fucking kill me."
"I bet," I said with my eyes still closed. Then silence and I opened my eyes to look at Hongjoong whose eyes were already on me. His eyes were sharp and looked at me a little angry.
"Okay, I won't tell him anything." I lifted my hands giving up. "But what about the bike?"
He sighed as he leaned forward supporting his head on his arms. "I have no fucking idea." He buried his face into his hands, he seemed a little panicked. I just looked at his figure that seemed lost and little now, and there it was again. The feeling I hated so much. I just wanted to help him again, and I truly hated this feeling.
"I can't believe myself," I mumbled to myself as I sighed. Hongjoong looked up at me with a confused look. "Jongho is coming back tomorrow night…I guess we can fix that shit until he arrives."
I had never seen Hongjoong this surprised as his eyebrows disappeared from how high they were. "Seriously?"
"Yes, but I'm gonna need your help too."
He set up straight as he turned towards me on the couch. "I'm here, whatever you need, princess." He smirked as he leaned closer to me. I rolled my eyes and stood up waking to a cabinet where we held the first-aid kit.
"But first put yourself together, because you look like shit." I threw the box towards him and he caught it immediately, looking down at it with a frown as he opened it. He looked up at me with child-like eyes. Then I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.
"You are seriously like a child," I stated as I sat next to him growing more annoyed as he just didn't know what to do with the thing, I just gave him.
Kim Hongjoong then pouted—I say it again pouted at me—as I grabbed the box from his hands and took the cotton from it with the alcoholic liquid—at least this is going to hurt. His face was full of blood strings that flew from the wound on his temple, his lips were also cut somehow just like his right cheek. I reached the cotton with the liquid towards his temple, where a serious-looking wound was. "Did you drive without your helmet or how did you manage to do this?" He hissed when the cotton touched his temple.
"Nah, the visor of my helmet broke when I crashed and it cut me. I didn't even notice…" He mumbled as he grabbed my wrist, trying to prevent me from touching the cotton to his skin again.
"Stop, it's going to infect you if you won't let me do it," I stated as Hongjoong was looking at my concentrating face from close. Then his lips were the next, the bottom of it cut as the blood was already dry. He parted his thin lips when I traced the cotton slowly on his lips. He hissed at that again but grabbed my waist squeezing it as the liquid stung his lip. I looked up into his eyes and I saw something unusual of Hongjoong. It was something like caring and something I couldn't recognize. I couldn’t read much into it, because he came back to his senses and let my waist as he took the cotton from my hand and started to trace the cotton on his face looking at the little mirror from the box. I was stunned for a moment; I couldn’t process what just happened but I just let it go. It was Kim Hongjoong after all, and he made my next day miserable.
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We didn't even sleep as we worked from there, trying to put the puzzles of the motorbike together. It seemed like a mission impossible; the bike was almost a dead duck. But there wasn't something I couldn’t fix, at least if it came to fixing machines. Fixing my problems, however, was beyond my capability. Just as the next problem came in line. We managed to put the pieces of the bike together somehow, working on it without stopping, only when we were too hungry to even lift something. But the engine was completely gone. And it needed a replacement. Was there anywhere you could find a brand-new engine in just a few hours? 
Sadly, there was. And it was my ex-boyfriend's workshop, where he sold parts of motorbikes and cars. He was my only way of finding a new engine in a few hours, for this specific motorbike and it sounded like the worst of my nightmares. Asking for a favor from my ex whom I broke up with six months ago was shit. I didn’t want to do it, but it was already midday and Jongho was coming back at night.
My ex-boyfriend was Choi San. We were in a happy relationship, we really did. I thought we were going to be together for good. I already imagined my life with him, marrying him and having kids. I loved him, truly. But six months ago, it turned out he cheated on me. And it hurt. It broke me, I didn't even recognize myself back then. My worst nightmare came to life, which was not knowing San by my side anymore. He was the pillar I needed in my life to keep going. But when that pillar collapses into ashes, what was the reason to keep going with life?
I even considered letting it go and just forgetting about what happened and letting San come back to me because I didn't want him out of my life. But my brother was by my side the whole time and helped me through it, he hit some sanity into me—not literally—and talked me off of going back to him. San was Jongho's best friend. It was difficult for him too, having to choose between us, but he chose me. I knew Jongho was hurt by losing a friend, especially since he had warned me from the start that he didn't want to be forced to pick sides if we ever fought. In the end, he had to, and I felt guilty about it. I never imagined that San and I might break up one day. 
He didn't even have a normal explanation. He just said it happened he was drunk and he can't go back in time to undo it. It was so disappointing hearing those words from him and more heartbreaking when I broke up with him but still loved him. It was already six months ago but I couldn't state that I didn't love him anymore. So, this was the reason it was hard for me to call him. But it needed to be done.
"It's Choi San's workshop, what can I do for you?" I heard his voice and I hoped it wouldn't make me feel anything, but it certainly made my heart beat faster. I was leaning against the receptionist's table in the garage, and Hongjoong sitting on the couch as he was smoking a cigarette.
"Hey, San. I'm Y/N. I need a favor from you." I said to the phone without any emotions.
"Oh, Y/N, hi. It's a surprise hearing from you." His voice was low and sweet like the San I knew from the beginning. "How are you?"
"I'm fine, I just need a favor it's important."
"Okay…what can I help you with?"
"I need a Honda CBR engine as soon as possible," I stated.
"How much is as soon as possible?"
"Like…right now?"
"Mhmm…" He hummed at that. "I don't know babe, what are you going to give me in exchange?"
My heart was beating faster as I grew angrier. "Money? What else could I give you San? Please don't make it harder, I just want to do business with you nothing else."
I saw as Hongjoong snapped his head up as he was still smoking his cigarette. I just averted my gaze from him as I rolled my eyes.
"Okay, okay relax babe. I'mma need at least an hour to bring it to you." San said through the phone as I ignored him calling me like that on purpose, I just wanted to get over it as soon as possible but I felt a little scared because of seeing him again after a long time.
"Thank you," I said before ending the call abruptly.
"The new engine is gonna be here in an hour. I think we can fix it until Jongho arrives." I said looking at Hongjoong a little frustrated from the call.
Hongjoong just nodded and he just stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray, but I saw on his face something was bothering him.
One hour later as promised San came into the garage with the engine on his blue truck. "It's good to see you, Y/N." He welcomed me sweetly as he walked to the rear of the car and opened the door so we could lift the engine off. I hated seeing him but it made my stomach twist without me wanting it. He hadn't really changed since I last saw him, his hair was still black, his muscles were still pumped, and he was wearing a black sleeveless top paired with beige oversized pants and his working black gloves. He was the same yet, everything changed between us.
Hongjoong helped him lift the engine out of the car, and together they carried it into the garage. As they stood next to the bike, Hongjoong and San made small talk about what had happened to it. They knew each other well—we were all part of the same friend group—but San had stopped showing up when we invited him, for obvious reasons. Hongjoong was the only one who still kept in touch with him. Watching them chat, I couldn’t help but think, What the hell? We don’t have time for chit-chat. 
"Okay, we don't have time for chatting, thank you San I'm going to send you the money." I stood in front of them folding my arms as they both looked at me surprised, I was there.
"Chill, babe I was just curious about what happened to Hongjoong." San walked closer to me and placed his hands on my waist, leaving a sweet kiss on my cheeks. I hated him so much; I could've punched him in the face. "You look good, Y/N, I hope to see you again." He whispered into my ears as goosebumps ran through my body, but it was because of the disgust I felt towards him. Yet, I couldn't do anything just stand there and let him kiss me and brush my cheeks after. I wanted to throw up. Then for my luck, he disappeared after shaking hands with Hongjoong.
I was just standing there a little stunned. I hated myself for letting him crawl into my head again. I hated him for behaving like nothing bad happened between us. And I hated Hongjoong for witnessing all of that.
"Is he still bothering you?" Hongjoong asked sheepishly as he looked at me.
"It's none of your business, yeah? Let's finish this up, 'cause I'm tired." I started without any emotions. Hongjoong was the last person I wanted to talk to about my feelings towards San. Everyone knew the story of ours, but the details were a mystery for everyone. He had secrets. So, did I.
With that, we worked all day to somehow put that engine in its place, without saying any words to each other, because I just wanted to finish this and be alone a little. I started to feel overwhelmed and the only solution for this was being alone on my own and somehow organizing my thoughts, or letting them drown me. It was whatever.
Then we finally finished and I collapsed on the couch when we heard the bike's engine fire alive. I was kind of proud of myself, I never really fixed motorbikes, my knowledge stopped at cars but I assumed they were similar so I had no problem in doing it.
"Thank you so much Y/N," Hongjoong said as he was sitting on his bike the helmet on already, a few strings of his red hair falling onto his forehead. "I really own you one…or two. I'mma pay you back I promise." He said as he closed the visor on his helmet. I just couldn’t say anything as I just watched him rolling out of the garage, the sound of the bike hearable even when he was long gone. The tiredness hit me at that moment as I was barely capable of going upstairs after closing the garage and collapsed into my soft bed like somebody just knocked me out.
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Jongho returned and I was so glad to know him by my side again. Managing Limitless without him was tough but I knew I would do it again if it meant him resting a little. And I thought it was time for a little partying for myself as well after this tiring week. My best friend called me and told me her boyfriend, Seonghwa was holding a party at his house, as the end of summer was near. So, I accepted the invitation gladly because I really needed a break from everything.
I quickly got ready for the party, dressed up in my black leather jacket a white top under it, with a black skirt and black boots, along with some silver accessories and I made a black eyeshadow as makeup. I was quite satisfied with my appearance when I heard a honk coming from my best friend's car, as he said she was going to pick me up so I could drink.
When we arrived at Seonghwa's house, it was already full of people that I knew from college or from Limitless as the majority of the city came to us to repair their machines. It was great for our finances, which we definitely needed. We were heading straight to the drinks as we walked through the people somehow the music throbbing loudly in my heart, almost deafening. The living room was lit with different colors, making the dancing people disappear into the mixture of colors.
After pouring some drinks for ourselves we walked back to the backyard, where our friends were sitting. They were sitting next to a table with only a few seats available. Everyone was there, my brother, and his girlfriend who was sitting next to him leaning on his shoulder. Seonghwa, my best friend's boyfriend as she sat straight into his lap without thinking. And there was Wooyoung, my other best friend who was a goofy person, we always bickered or made fun of the others together. Then there was Mingi and Yunho, the boyfriends as they had been together for almost five years. I always envied their relationship because it was so honest and just looking at them made my heart beat with happiness. They beamed happiness all the time. And there was Hongjoong, wearing his usual biker jacket, his red hair now pulled back a few strings on his forehead only. Our eyes met and I quickly averted my eyes off him as I sat next to Wooyoung hugging him comfortably.
We haven’t met with Hongjoong since I fixed his bike, he just sent me the money for the service and the engine and that was all. I wondered if he told Jongho what happened.
Then lastly San was the only one who was missing from our friend circle and yes it was my fault, I did feel guilty, but it wasn't only my fault. He played a part in it as well, everyone started to hate him after what he did with me. They wanted to apologize to San, and they waited for an apology from him as well, but he simply never showed up when they invited him and slowly, they just let him go.
As the night got deeper and chillier, a lot of drinks came to our table as well, and we just chatted with the others, not bothering to dance inside. The host was with us the whole time as well, not even caring what was happening inside his house. It was a habit of ours as we went to house parties. We just needed a table to sit at and a few drinks and the night was gone with us having fun and bickering around. The alcohol slowly started to get up into my mind and I started to feel a little drunk, but it was a good drunk. I just felt happy being around my friends.
When we got bored of sitting in one place everyone seemed to disappear. The couples needed their own time as well—disgusting—and I found myself on the backyard bench alone as I looked up at the sky, where the moon was shining back at me in its full form in a shade of light blue. It was mesmerizing, I could look up at it for hours as I sipped from my drink occasionally, my legs pulled up to my chest. I didn't even notice how much time passed by as I was wandering around my thoughts when someone sat next to me. I looked to my side when I saw Hongjoong sitting next to me, the last person I was thinking about. Then I just ignored him and sipped from my drink looking up at the sky again. His gaze followed mine.
"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He started looking up at the sky.
"I know," I mumbled a little annoyed.
Then he didn't say anything and just pulled out his cigarette from his pocket and lit one up. He reached the pack towards me offering me one as I shook my head. He just shrugged and pocketed the rest of the cigarettes with the lighter. He leaned back on the bench and sighed as I looked at him, his eyes were closed facing the sky. The moon lit up his features, the shadows lurking on his face, making it look more intimidating, sharper. His eyelashes touched his face, the cigarette between his thin lips as he inhaled it, then exhaled it and it into the chilly air, as it flew up towards the blue moon.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He broke the silence as he opened his eyes and met mine that were already on him. I quickly narrowed my gaze away from him as I got caught.
I just shrugged. "Drinking, thinking about life."
"What are you drinking?" He asked taking the alcohol from my hands as he sipped from it without my permission. He squinted at the taste of it as I watched him struggle. "Ew, how can you drink this?" He handed back the glass.
"It's like water for me, dude," I said sipping from it again.
I saw as he furrowed his brows. "Dude?" He gasped as he acted surprised his hands on his heart.
"So, we are friends now?" He asked.
"No, dude, we are not."
"What a shame, you have no idea what you're missing out on," he said with a slight giggle. He seemed drunk too. 
"Trust me I do know." I looked at him with a knowing smile. "Is your bike working still?" I asked him curious.
"Yes, it's better than before. I won already a few races with it." He said proudly. It was obvious how passionate he was about his bike and racing.
 "Why do you race?” I asked suddenly.
"I fell in love with bikes a long time ago, and when I discovered racing, I just couldn’t stop. Also, I need the money too.” He said his gaze on his hands.
"Will you tell me why? Or it’s still not my business?” I looked at him tilting my head.
His gaze remained averted as he said sincerely, “My mom needs it. The company she worked for let her go due to having too many employees. I want to support her until she finds a new job."
"That's really kind of you," I said sincerely. I would never have guessed that he needed the money for such reasons, rather than trouble with the law or something like that.
He just nodded as a comfortable silence fell on us. That I would've never imagined besides Kim Hongjoong.
"Do you want to shotgun?" He broke the silence again as I looked at him frowning. He seemed serious with his unserious question.
"Yeah, why not?" I answered and it surprised the both of us. I was just drunk and I was curious how his lips felt against mine.
Hongjoong chuckled at that, not waiting for agreement as an answer. He studied me thoughtfully, as if unsure whether I was serious. "Are you scared or something?" I teased, raising my eyebrows. 
"Not at all." Then I watched as he reached the cigarette between his fingers to his lips that slightly parted and inhaled the toxic smoke deeply, as it went straight into his lungs. Then he quickly leaned forward and cupped one side of my face under my jaw as his lips were almost touching mine. My heart rate was as high as the sky as I looked straight into his eyes when the smoke came out from his lips as he exhaled it straight into my parted mouth, his lips brushing against mine slightly.
At that moment I felt like my heart might just stop. Might just say “Hello I'm moving out because I can't handle this guy.” Something was weird in my chest, something that I couldn't name, couldn't compare. The smoke was long gone as I inhaled it deeply into my lungs as it disappeared there. But Hongjoong did not pull away and neither did I. We were just frozen as we were still looking into each other's eyes like we were locked there into a framed picture. Then Hongjoong's eyes narrowed from my eyes to my still parted lips as I breathed out, a barely visible smoke coming out. I saw in his eyes he was thinking about his next move a lot as he tried to close the distance between our lips and I just couldn't insist. Just until this weird bubble of ours exploded.
"Hongjoong." I heard a familiar voice coming from Hongjoong's side. It was my brother and I just wanted to dig myself deep into the soil. I wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment. Jongho approached us with a smile, his focus solely on Hongjoong. "Oh, you're not alone—sorry for interrupting," he said, lifting his hands in a gesture of apology. But as he took in the scene, he noticed me sitting next to Hongjoong. His expression shifted as he recognized me, his sister who had already played this game with him. I felt ashamed. Embarrassed. Jongho's smile just vanished, like it was never there. "You've got to be kidding me." He scoffed and then turned away from us walking towards the house madly.
"Fuck," I said standing up from the bench, where a frustrated Hongjoong was still sitting like he didn't know what to do.
"Go tell him that there's nothing between us and nothing ever will be," Hongjoong said his voice going quiet at the end. I won't say it didn't hurt. It did, but it was nothing compared to what I felt because of Jongho. Because he was disappointed in me again. My plan was not to make his life harder than it is. But I always failed and failed.
I chased after him, stumbling through a sea of unfamiliar and familiar faces, desperately trying to locate Jongho in the crowd. I felt like I was in a dark and all-the-time-changing maze. Then I went out the front door and I just saw Jongho heading towards his car.
"Jongho!" I screamed his name to stop. He did not stop.
"Jongho, please hear me out! It's not what it looks like!" I shouted after him, my voice breaking slightly.
Then he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me with a furious expression his brows furrowed. "Don't tell me it's nothing when you just can't do other things than fucking with my best friends. So, when they are going to break your heart, I have to fucking choose between you or them. I'm sick. I'm sick of your games, Y/N.
I thought after San you learned your lesson, but I guess you are just into this shit of getting together with my best friends so in the end they are going to fucking disappear from my life for good after breaking your heart. I had enough of this shit. I won't repeat this scenario again…" Meanwhile, he spoke I was just frozen in place as tears rolled down my cheeks. I wanted to say a lot of things to him, to scream at him, Hongjoong meant nothing to me. But words just couldn't leave my mouth they were stuck in there, almost not letting me breathe.
"There's…there's nothing between Hongjoong and I, Jongho. I swear to God there's nothing." My voice came out weak as I somehow managed to let those words out that hurt like hell but history simply just couldn’t repeat itself.
He just looked at me like he couldn't believe me anymore but seemed like he accepted it for now. "Let's just go home." He sighed as he said.
I just nodded and sat in the back seat of his car as Jongho went back to get his girlfriend as well. The way home was silent as the only noise was the night radio that was playing some romantic melodies and my eyes averted in front where Jongho was holding his girlfriend's hands on the gear stick as they looked at each other sweetly for a moment. A few tears just flew down my cheeks because I thought I was never going to experience love that is not only one-sided. Love that is on the same level as mine. A partner in crime who calms you down in this cruel world. Love, love, love. I couldn't believe in experiencing true love for the rest of my life. I just simply gave up and signed up for the dark side.
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            Since that night, Jongho's behavior wasn’t the same. He was cold and barely talked to me. I couldn't blame him, because I truly deserved the silent treatment. Hongjoong did the same. He hadn't even come to Limitless since then and pretended like he wasn't about to kiss me that night. It was shit and I just wanted to forget it. Everything was good a few weeks ago. But Hongjoong needed to appear at my door to help him, then I needed to call my ex-boyfriend.
It seemed he took it as a sign that I might let him back. Because he was constantly annoying me, calling me at night drunk and telling me he was still loving me and shit. If he would've said this four months ago, I would've let him come back to me without any thought. But now it was different and I didn't even want to hear from him. Yes, I was scared a few weeks ago when I called him, because I was terrified, I might feel something for him still. I have to admit perhaps a part of me will always love him, it's the curse of a first love. But talking to him and even meeting with him, kind of led me to the conclusion that I was ready to let him go for good. It was for the better.
I was in the garage, sweeping the dusty concrete floor, ready to close Limitless for the night, when I heard a car's engine sound that stopped, then a knock on the garage door. I sighed again as I was the only one home for the night. I opened the door and I saw Choi San standing in the door with a flower bucket in his hands.
"San?" I was so confused, what the hell did he want from me?
"Hey, babe, brought you some flowers." He said casually leaving the flowers in my hands, as he stepped closer to me pecking my cheeks and letting himself inside. I was just too stunned by his actions; I scoffed in disbelief turning towards him where he plopped down on the couch.
"San what are you doing?"
"I came to see you. Is that a problem?" He asked like there wasn't a single problem with it.
"Yes! It is, what the hell are you thinking right now? I called you to do me a favor and now we are back together? Are you delusional?" I asked him getting more and more angry as I threw the flowers from my hands at the floor.
He looked down at the flowers and he seemed hurt at that. He stood up and started to walk slowly towards me. His expression changed entirely; it became serious like no one was allowed to speak to him like that. "I know you still love me, Y/N." His fingertips traced through my cheeks, looking almost psychotically at me.
"No, I don't love you anymore! Just get the fuck out of here I don't want to see you San!" My voice raised as I pointed towards the door putting a little distance between us.
He tilted his head to the side still looking at me. He looked like a tiger that was going to hunt you down in a blink of an eye. He started to step closer to me as I stepped back. We played this game until I was pushed against the wall, his broad figure hovering over me. That was the moment I felt terrified. I was caged in between his arms; I had no way out of there.
"Stop lying to yourself and come back to me, babe." His fingertips were tracing down my neck, then up to my lips, my cheeks, like I was an art in a museum and I was allowed to be touched. My body started to tremble.
"San, please just go away!" I sounded desperate like I would've done anything for him to leave.
"What if I don’t want to, my love?" He smiled at me with an evil smile I just couldn't think anymore.
"Get your hands off her, San!" A familiar voice came from behind San when all I saw was him being dragged away from me, as I finally was able to breathe. I saw Hongjoong's figure as he held San by the collar of his shirt. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Hongjoong hissed through his teeth.
"It's none of your fucking business, Hongjoong. What? Did you two fuck? Does Jongho know?" San sneered his only intent to provoke. The words struck a nerve in Hongjoong, and before I knew it, he landed a punch squarely on San's face, nearly knocking him to the ground.
"Fuck you, San. You're a fucking nobody. Why can't you just leave Y/N alone? Hasn't she suffered enough because of you?" Hongjoong spat, pointing at me as if I were just an object, devoid of emotions. But his words hit home, and I was taken aback by how much he seemed to understand my feelings. 
San just spat blood on the floor as he lurked forward and sent Hongjoong to the floor and he started to punch him. But Hongjoong was quick and prevented San from hitting him more in the face and quickly turned them around, so now Hongjoong was on top, hitting San in the face with his full power. "You fucking bastard, Jongho trusted you but you betrayed him. What is wrong with you? I don't recognize you anymore." Hongjoong mumbled in between hitting San, then he just held down San's arms strongly and looked down at him with a furious expression. Then San taking advantage of this, tried to hit Hongjoong again, but he dodged quickly.
"You guys left me alone, I knew I wasn't welcomed there, so I didn't go." San gritted through his bloody teeth as he dodged one of Hongjoong's hits.
 I knew the fight wasn't just about me. They were friends as well, but San became so arrogant everyone started to leave him.
Along the way, everything happened so quickly I couldn't react in time. When I realized what was happening, I went next to them and yelled as much as I could. "Stop fighting for fuck's sake!" I pleaded. "Please, Hongjoong…" My voice became softer as I placed a hand on his shoulder. His fist hung in the air, but he froze, glancing up at me. The skin around his left eye was already reddening, a cut had opened on his right brow, and blood began to trickle down, matching the wound on his lower lip. I just couldn’t look at San's face because I knew he was covered in blood just like Hongjoong's fist that was full of San's blood.
Hongjoong stood up and lifted San. "Get the fuck out of here and I don't want to hear from you again!" Hongjoong stated to his once best friend as San just left without any words, but I saw in his face a burning desire for revenge in his eyes. And I knew it wasn't the last time we saw him.
"Are you okay?" Hongjoong then suddenly cupped my face, his sweet scent embracing me. My body was still shaking, I just couldn't believe that was the man I loved so deeply. San showed a new side of him and I just couldn't recognize him anymore.
I breathed out slowly as I closed my eyes for a second, taking in the warmth of Hongjoong's hands. "Yeah…" I whispered as I held his hands to push him away. I walked to the closet again, like we were at the beginning, and took the first aid kit. Hongjoong was just looking at me the whole time and when I signaled him to sit down on the couch, he obeyed without a word. He leaned down on the way to take his black cap from the ground that he lost between fighting with San, he wore the cap backward, pushing his red hair back from his forehead. He was wearing a black and white T-shirt with grey sweatpants and white sneakers. He sat down and I followed him as I opened the box. History repeats itself.
We were quiet the whole time as I traced the cotton with the liquid on his eyebrows as he just stared into my eyes the whole time not even hissing from the pain. Then I went down to his thin rosy lips the blood already dried.
"You always take such good care of me..." Hongjoong whispered, his gaze locked on mine, his red hair damp and clinging to his forehead.
"Because you need to be taken care of. You're like a child," I teased, a small smile forming on my lips as he pouted slightly in response. 
Then I looked down at his hands and lifted it between us as I traced the cotton on his bloody knuckles as well. The air between us was thick and the tension was growing higher and higher.      
Hongjoong looked down at our hands and without any thought he took the cotton from my hands, putting it down, then his hands traveled to my waist and lifted me to straddle his lap. My body felt hot and as I looked into his eyes, I felt woozy like I was drunk suddenly. I couldn't think clearly, my hands were on his shoulders and the eye contact was so deep I found myself in Hongjoong's mind and him in mine. Then I bit my lips because I felt so nervous I felt like it was the first time someone ever touched me. His eyes averted to my lips then his hands on my waist that pulled me closer to him left burning flames behind, making my body catch on fire from the sudden desire I felt. Then he leaned his forehead against mine as we both breathed heavily. Both our desires were blocked by an important reason. We both closed our eyes taking the other's presence in.
"We can't do this Joong," I whispered as my lips almost brushed his.
"I know," His lips were even closer as he almost whispered it into my mouth.
We breathed heavily against each other's lips, our chests moving in synchrony, our eyes taking in the other as we both saw the burning desire in each other's eyes. I fought so hard against this feeling, and so did Hongjoong. But…
"Fuck it!" He said as his lips crashed against mine suddenly and the air from my lungs was suddenly knocked out as I started to move my lips against his. It was rushed, harsh, teeth and tongue tangling with each other, as his hands traveled down my thighs, tracing them slowly as they went back to my ass, as he pushed me closer to himself.
My breath caught in my throat as he groaned, sinking his teeth into my already bruised lips from the rough kisses. My sanity just left my body and I gave in to the desire I felt towards him. But then…something hit me in the gut a feeling that was called guilt. And I pushed Hongjoong away my hands on his chest.
"Let's stop, please. I can't do this." Suddenly my eyes watered from the emotions that were bombarding my already breaking walls. I knew I wanted him, but I just couldn’t. The thought of seeing the disappointment in Jongho's eyes again held me back.
"Y/N…" He whispered as he leaned his head against mine.
"No, Hongjoong. I don't want to run through the same road once again…" I said as I stood up from his lap, it felt like I left a part of me with him.
He stood up too and took my hands into his. "I want you, Y/N. You have no idea how much..." His voice seemed desperate and honest.
"You were the one who told me to tell Jongho that there's nothing between us and never will be," I said, pulling my hands away from his. "And you were right—there is nothing, and there never will be. We both knew it; we just didn’t want to admit it." 
"Jongho would understand it." Hongjoong seemed hopeful, but I long lost my hope along the way.
"No, he wouldn't. He is just afraid he might lose another friend because of me. And he is right. It might be that just desire speaks from you…" I looked down at my hands, not daring to look into his sharp eyes that changed all of a sudden.
"How the hell do you know what I feel when I didn't even have the chance to tell you?" Hongjoong stepped closer to me and lifted my head holding my chin. "Look at me and tell me you don't feel anything towards me and I'm walking out of that door." He stated as my eyes locked with his. I wanted to cry so bad, he couldn't say that, he couldn't just tell me to choose between him and my brother. I just looked at him as my eyes watered.
"Or do you still love that fucker who hurt you?" His expression turned furious as his fingers around my chin tightened.
I simply couldn't say anything, I tried, I tried to say anything, to say no I hated San with my whole heart, and yes, I felt something whenever I looked at him. I felt my stomach twist and like my heart wanted to stop all the time. But I just couldn't say anything, I went silent as he read my eyes that probably didn't say the things that I wanted to tell him, because he scoffed, his eyes dark with fury as he looked into mine one last time. "You're a fucking coward." Then, he turned and slammed the door shut.
Those words pierced right into my heart, reopening the cracks that had just begun to heal. My heart shattered again into pieces of hopelessness because he was right. I was a coward.
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I felt like I was a robot that was programmed to do some things. My feelings were long gone and I wasn't myself these past days. Jongho was still kind of ignoring me, we were working together but the communication was shallow between us. Hongjoong was in the garage a lot recently. It turned out he was working in the garage, helping for Jongho, so I didn't have to help that much. It seemed like they both wanted to close me out and it hurt. So much I couldn't even think. Hongjoong didn't even look at me whenever I was in the garage like I didn't even exist. So, I just let it go, I figured they didn't need me in their life as their friendship was so much more important than me. I accepted it, I let them be and I started to deal with my own problems. For example, studying. My dream was always to be a doctor after my mother died from a cruel disease. But as our father left us, Limitless was left for us to handle. So, I left my dreams behind and started to work in the garage. Working on cars is a lot like being a doctor. As a car mechanic, I diagnose and fix problems with vehicles, much like a doctor diagnosing and treating diseases. It's about diagnosing the issue, repairing the damage, and putting everything back together. 
I started to go to a class that trained nurses. I had to start somewhere and I liked it. Jongho didn't even know about it. I started to question his behavior. We didn't even speak with Hongjoong yet he still closed me out like I wasn't even his beloved sister.
Weeks later I had enough of Jongho ignoring me so I had to speak with him. I went downstairs on a Friday night when I saw Jongho and Hongjoong fixing a black Maserati, that was lifted to the air.
I approached them. "Jongho, can we talk?" He looked surprised by the voice coming from behind. He was wearing a blue overall, his chubby cheeks a little smashed with oil. Then I narrowed my eyes at Hongjoong who was wearing the same blue overall with a black T-shirt, his face full of black patches, the usual black cap on his head turned backward.
"Yeah, give me five minutes." His hands were behind the car's tire as he was searching for something behind.
I just nodded and sat on the couch to wait for him. I just wanted to tell him that to stop this childish behavior because I won't steal his best friend, and it was supposed to be clear for now.
As I was sitting on the couch lost in my thoughts, I felt as if someone had come into the garage. I lifted my head and it was San. My heart started to beat fast as my body shivered remembering the last time I saw San. His face seemed normal; it didn't seem like he came to get some revenge because of what happened. His face screamed that he felt guilty about it.
"Y/N, can we talk?" He asked as he didn't even dare to come close to me.
Two heads peeped out under the car hearing the voice of someone. When Hongjoong saw who was it, he quickly swooped forward and pushed San against the wall grabbing the collar of his shirt. "How the fuck do you dare to come back here?" He hissed through his teeth his face close to San's.
"Fuck off you dog!" San pushed him away by the chest. Then I quickly slipped between them facing San.
"What do you want San?" My voice came out straightforward not even trembling for a second.
"I want to talk to you and apologize, please Y/N." His eyes were soft and he seemed desperate.
"What the hell is happening here?" Jongho's voice came from behind as he wiped his hands with a used cloth.
San's gaze locked with Jongho's. The once best friends were now at the same place and I felt like I shouldn't be there. "I just want to talk with Y/N, that's all," San said his voice low and determined as his gaze never left Jongho's.
"She’s not going with you!" Jongho stated firmly.
"That’s not up to you," San retorted flatly.
"She won’t go with you," Hongjoong’s voice cut in sharply.
"Stop talking like I'm not fucking here," I snapped, glaring at the three of them. "You all need to sort this out because you're acting like children. It's pathetic." I pointed at them, my frustration growing. "Let’s go, San!" I grabbed his hands and tugged him away.
"Y/N! Don't you fucking dare to go with him!" To my surprise, it was Hongjoong's voice. I stopped in my tracks at that.
"Or what? What are you going to do?" I looked at him questioningly. "Are you going to beat him again?" Jongho's brows furrowed at that.
Hongjoong looked speechless. "That is what I thought," Then I turned to leave him there with Jongho so he could explain what he did.
I sat in San's car and told him to take me away from there. I was just so mad at my brother, at Hongjoong, I couldn't even look at their faces anymore.
San took me to a random park, we didn't even have any connection with the place. He could've taken me to the place that was our favorite to go together, but he didn't. The reason was because we both sought closure and it needed a new place. So, we sat down on a bench and we talked about how we felt. He asked for an apology from me and I accepted it because there was no point in tiring the other out. We both needed to move on and this talk helped us go through it. It wasn't good when we broke up and it affected our friends too. I wanted San back in our friend group because he deserved to be there. And I knew the others wanted him to come back as well. Lastly, I hugged San and we both agreed on a distanced friendship. As I prepared to step out of his car, parked in front of Limitless, I noted that it was already late into the night. I suggested to San to talk with Jongho and even Hongjoong because their friendship needed fixing—these guys could fix any cars and bikes but they couldn't fix their friendship…
After talking with San, I headed upstairs, passing by a concerned Hongjoong who scanned me with his eyes, checking for any signs of injury. Then I encountered a furious Jongho, who I assumed was aware of the confrontation between San and Hongjoong. I chose to ignore both of them, closing the door behind me with a weary sigh. 
After speaking with San my head was a little clearer as I finally felt like I could think clearly and analyze the emotions I felt. My feelings towards San were deep but I could find the bottom of it, it was clear to me now that it had an ending. We just weren't meant to be and it had to happen like this. We can learn even from the heartbreaks; it makes us stronger and more experienced if we get into a new relationship.
Then Hongjoong came into my mind and I wanted to face the fact I did feel something for him, I couldn't deny that. It's hard to say but these emotions towards Hongjoong were deeper than what I felt for San, it almost felt endless, like it had no bottom. And I would've never imagined one day I'm going to say something like this.
But I might have fallen for Kim Hongjoong.
After what felt like an eternity, being drowned in my thoughts, I heard a low knock on my door as I was sitting in my bed and Jongho's head peeped into my room.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," He sat down on my bed and started to adjust the sheets carefully avoiding my eyes.
"Hongjoong told me some things…" He started. "Why didn't you tell me about San?" His brown eyes met mine.
"There was no point, Hongjoong was there at the right time, it happened and that's all. You ignored me anyway so…" I shrugged.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I was just so frustrated at the thought we have to go through the same road as half a month ago." His eyes were sincere and emotional.
"I get it, seriously. But after you saw we didn't even talk with Hongjoong you still ignored me. Why?"
He just shrugged. "I still thought something was happening behind my back…even though you didn't show it in front of me, I just felt it."
Guilt crept up my body. "Actually—" I wanted to tell him. No more secrets.
"I know. Hongjoong told me everything." He didn’t let me say anything.
My heart started to race I analyzed his face, searching for some signs of anger. But there was none. "Aren't you like…mad?"
He sighed as he ran his fingers through his brown hair. "No, I—Look I'm not mad, Y/N, I never was. I just wanted to protect you from another heartbreak. I just wanted to act like your big brother who protects you from anything…" He looked down at his hands, he looked so small like this.
"Jongho…" I reached for his hands and took it into mine. "I know you want to protect me; you really did our whole life and I am so grateful for that. But…you can't save me from the feelings I feel and the heartbreaks that are written for me. And I know that your friends are in this story and that is also a sensitive topic. But I didn't mean to fall in love with both of your best friends." Tears welled up in my eyes as this sentence sounded too deep and fragile. "I—I never said you had to choose between me and your friends and I would never ask you that. I would be glad if San would come back to our friend group like in the old days. It would be weird but it's not like I can't be in the same place with him.
"Okay, not anymore…but we talked and we are fine now. At least we can tolerate each other."
Jongho seemed like he was proud of me for being so collected.
"I'm going to talk with San, I promise," he said earnestly. "And about Hongjoong… I won’t get in your way. If you two have feelings for each other, then I shouldn’t stop you just because I’m afraid of losing you and my friends." Jongho spoke with a vulnerability that made his eyes well up, revealing his emotional struggle. 
"You won't lose us. We are always going to be by your side, this way or another but you can't get rid of us." I pulled him closer as I hugged him strongly.
"I would never want to. I love you!" Jongho whispered as the room slowly embraced in darkness.
"I love you too, and thank you!"
"You should talk to him."
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He has an important race and he was so stressed when he left. I didn't want to admit it but I think he needs you." Jongho said as his lips curved up a little as I stood up. I quickly walked towards my closet to get my black leather jacket as I was wearing black ripped jeans with a black top.
I hugged Jongho one last time before I stepped out of my room to run to my car and get to Hongjoong before he started the race.     
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When I arrived at the location Jongho told me the race was going to be held, it was full of people. It was at the top of a huge parking lot in the heart of the city, where they could easily run speeding races. I was amused by how they held something illegal in this part of the city. We were late into the night already as the city lights were shining from up above. Colorful and upgraded cars were parked, and people looking at them like they were a work of art as I passed by them. Then there was a part where only motorbikes were and after parking my car, I walked towards it as I took my surroundings in. The music was beating through my heart as I walked past a car that had installed subwoofers. Everything was strange for me but I always wanted to come to races like these, it had a quite good atmosphere, and everyone seemed excited for the upcoming race.
I reached the motorbikes, there were a few types of bikes standing. They were so beautifully shaped and the colors highlighted its sharp features. I was searching for Hongjoong's red Honda in the eternity of bikes. I looked around, my eyes narrowing through the people who passed by me when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I saw Hongjoong in front of me as he led us to a quieter place, which was the end of the parking lot.
He stopped and turned to face me. "What are you doing here?" He looked stressed like he didn't know where his head was. "You have to get away from here, it's dangerous here Y/N!" He snapped his head from the crowd back to me, looking like a maniac with his wide pupils and eyes nearly completely black. He wore ripped blue jeans and a leather jacket, his red hair disheveled from frequent, stressed attempts to comb it through.
"I came to watch you race and I wanted to talk to you." I stepped closer to him. I needed to calm him down.
He froze at that. "About what?"
"About us."
The crowd was cheering loudly when he said. "I have to go." He looked behind me at the crowd and then back at me like he didn't know what to do.
"Then go!" I nudged him.
He still wasn't himself as he just nodded his lips in a thin line. I stepped closer to him and looked up at him my eyes beaming sincerity. I brushed a red hair string away from his forehead as I whispered close to his lips. "Win this for me." Then I leaned closer to his face and left a sealing kiss on his parted lips. This seemed to bring back Hongjoong to the real world because his eyes were now full of sincere emotions and the burning desire that almost lit his eyes up.
"I will." Then he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to his body, his other hand cupping one side of my face as he crushed our lips into a quick chaste kiss, as he kissed me passionately telling me everything, he couldn't with it. Then he slightly pulled away leaving one little peck on my lips as he leaned his forehead against mine.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N…the things I said…" He whispered against my lips.
"Go, Hongjoong!" I chuckled and pushed him by his chest as he didn't want to release me.
"Okay," He left one last kiss on my mouth. "Wait for me, I have a race to win for my princess." He smiled at me, and there was the Hongjoong that finally didn't seem lost. He was full of life and that made my heart full with fuel that is never going to run out.
I stood beside the starting line, watching as Hongjoong pulled up on his dark red bike. His black helmet was on, but I could still feel his intense gaze piercing through it as he twisted the throttle, preparing to race against the competitor beside him. Then the guy in the middle counted back and all I saw was smoke that came from their tires. Whoever was faster won. It seemed like the guy was faster than Hongjoong at first and my heart was racing along with Hongjoong as I prayed for him to win this. Then it seemed this was all the guy could pull out from his bike because Hongjoong flew through the finish line in a blink of an eye.
 I saw as he stopped and bumped his fist into the air. I smiled he looked so cool from far away. As Hongjoong turned to come back to me on his bike, red and blue lights started to blind the people who were standing on the roof of a parking lot. The police were here.
I started to look around because I lost Hongjoong as the crowd started to run haphazardly panicking not to be caught by the police. Then a familiar bike pulled next to me and I felt relieved as Hongjoong offered his hand with a helmet. I saw his sharp eyes as he lifted the visor of his helmet, the red and blue lights dancing on his face.
"Come on, princess," He mumbled through his helmet. I accepted his inviting hand and took the helmet as I settled behind him on the bike. Hongjoong took my hand and pulled me close to his back as I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his shoulder. I smiled even though we probably needed to get away from there as soon as we could. But it was an adventure just as everything with Hongjoong. I knew if he was there with me, life just couldn't be boring.
Hongjoong rolled through the people carefully and when we managed to get out of the parking lot where I saw the police caught a few people, we finally speeded through the highway. The city lights faded into one thin line as we passed by the big buildings. I never felt this free, I suddenly understood why was Hongjoong so passionate about biking. It gave you the free will, the power to just disappear between the city lights. As we speeded through the highway, I raised one of my hands into the chilly air and chuckled. I just felt so happy the world just stopped for a moment and it was just only us; Hongjoong, the bike, and me. I looked up at the sky, where one side of it was black as the night and the other side was a shade of orange as the sun just started to rise. It was so beautiful.
When Hongjoong stopped at a parking lot as we passed some mountains and drove through some windings the view was more beautiful. Mesmerizing if I may say so. It's hard to describe something like this. We were in the middle of a mountain and at the edge of it all I could see were clouds. The city was covered in white clouds, the sky still painted bright yellow and orange, with a little hint of red that reminded me of Hongjoong's hair. It was like we were three meters above the sky.
We were still sitting on Hongjoong's bike both of us were just mesmerized by the view, only bothered to take off the helmet as we switched places and Hongjoong hugged me from behind, his head on top of mine as I leaned against his chest, his legs were balancing the both of us on the bike. We were sitting there in a comfortable silence as we took in the view in from of us, melting into each other’s presence. Hongjoong nudged me to get off the bike, helping me dismount before stepping off himself. He took my hands in his, lifting them to his mouth to place a gentle kiss on my knuckles. 
"Forgive me for being an asshole. I just—after our kiss…but to be honest way before that…I just couldn't get you out of my mind." He stated sincerely as his eyes sparkled with hope. "When I saw, what San was doing to you, I could have killed him right there. But even after everything, you still went with him yesterday. I'm not going to pretend it didn’t hurt, but I guess I deserved it..." He looked down at our hands, gently tracing my knuckles with his fingers.
"I needed closure, Joong. I couldn’t move on until everything with San was cleared up. That’s why I needed to talk with him. It’s done now." Hongjoong lifted his head, a sense of relief evident on his face. "And about Jongho…" 
"I talked with him, I told everything to him, about the fight with San, about our kiss afterward, that I have feelings for you, I told everything and he understood it." He seemed desperate, afraid of me stepping back again because of my brother.
"I talked with him too. He told me to go to your race because you needed me." I smiled sheepishly looking at our hands. Suddenly I felt as my cheeks started to blush.
 "He was right. My mind was a mess. I wasn’t sure if I could win this." He admitted.
"Did you like it?" He asked with a beaming smile, his perfect-white teeth showing. 
"Very much," I said feeling excited as I smiled. "But it was better riding with you through the city."
"Yeah?" He stepped closer to me as he hovered over me, his hands on my waist as he turned me to lean against his bike that was standing still. "Do you want to repeat it?" He asked as he leaned down his lips brushing slightly against mine.
"Definitely," I started looking up at him with sparkling eyes.
"Anything for my princess." His lips curled up as I rolled my eyes at the nickname, but I didn't have the time to complain as his lips were on mine in no time. It felt so good and so right. The passion I felt towards Hongjoong was beyond the universe. His lips moved against mine as I wrapped my hands around his neck, my fingers traveling up on his nape into his red strings as I brushed my fingers through it. He deepened the kiss by cupping one side of my face into his hand and lifting my head so he had better access. Sudden fireworks erupted in my chest, the burning desire igniting and exploding within my heart. Then his hands traveled down to my thighs as he traced his hands through them, then to the back of my thighs as he slowly lifted me to his bike so I was at the same height level as him. I wrapped my legs around his torso as his lips still moved against mine. I couldn't breathe anymore but I just couldn't stop because it was addicting kissing him, I felt like I never wanted to stop because if I did, I might disappear. It didn't feel real. He groaned lowly when his tongue got free access into my mouth, discovering every inch of my mouth. His hands were on my waist holding me still, afraid of falling off his bike. When he finally pulled away, after what felt like an eternity but still wasn’t long enough, he rested his forehead against mine and whispered. 
"Let me take care of you now. Let me give you what you deserve."             
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(Ateez masterlist)
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myysaints · 1 year
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LANDO NORRIS x f!reader
⌗︙・ summary — in which lando starts flirting with a (not-so-)random girl on the internet.
genre — social media au, fc hannah kae
notes — kinda disappointing finish to yesterday's gp :( but to make up for that here's something simple & cute !!! churned this one out in one day bc by god i love that little frog man with my whole heart. tbh this is just a shameless self insert ..... also rewrote history a tad bit by making lando finish on the podium at monaco because why not LOL hope u enjoyyyy xx
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Liked by bambiyn, pierregasly, danielricciardo, and 1,724,882 others
lando.jpg  Monaco, I’m ready for ya.
view all 884,281 comments
bambiyn  and i’m ready for u !!!!!!!
bambiyn  talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular…
bambiyn  why am i sweating rn
bambiyn  goddamn
bambiyn  my fav driver everyone !!!!!!
bambiyn  my dms (and legs) r open btw 😁😁
       Liked by lando.jpg yourbestfriend  Y/N OH MY GOD…. THERE ARE CHILDREN ON THIS APP… bambiyn  …ok… and? user  yo wtf lando liked????
danielricciardo  Lando I love you but not as much as that girl in the comments
bambiyn  ok i feel called out danielricciardo  Oh, hey there! bambiyn HIIII!!!!!
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bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by landonorris, yourbestfriend, danielricciardo, and 72,001 others
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Liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, and 34,129 others
bambiyn  yeah ok so monaco’s kinda cool
view all 2,914 comments
user  marry me
user  didn’t know angels existed until i saw you 😩
user  mother is in monaco!!!!
yourbestfriend  “kinda cool” … says the girl who freaked out literally every 5 steps we took because “oh my god look at that car”
bambiyn  the cars here are sick okay idk what u want from me !
landonorris  only kinda?
bambiyn  maybe if u finish on the podium on sunday… then it’d be cooler user  LMFAOOOOO y/n never misses
landonorris  But welcome to Monaco 🙃
bambiyn  thank uuuuu!!! user  girlie hit him with the five u’s GET UP Y/N
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bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by yourbestfriend, landonorris, pierregasly, and 101,368 others
landonorris reacted with ❤️
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Liked by bambiyn, yourbestfriend, and 4,973 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by Anon ❤️ Looks like things are heating up in Monaco for Lando Norris! He was spotted last night on a dinner date with a mystery woman. A source close to the McLaren driver tells us that he is “very very content” in his new relationship, and is “excited to take on this weekend with her by his side”. As for who Lando’s secret lover is, we have it on good authority that, though she is a public figure, she is nowhere near her beau’s status of fame. Follow for more updates on all things wag-related 🏎
view all 1,584 comments
user  arms…. hand placement…. RAHGRFGAHFRH
user  god i wish that were me 😩
user  someone check up on bambiyn… ik shes heartbroken rn
bambiyn  my world is literally collapsing as i type this
bambiyn  damn 💔
bambiyn  so that’s how it be then 😭😭
yourbestfriend  heartbreak. betrayal.
bambiyn  like damn i really thought i was the one 😔 user  LMFAOOO girl ur hilarious
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bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by yourbestfriend, mclaren, francisca.cgomes, and 114,819 others
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, yourbestfriend, and 2,284,119 others
🏷  landonorris, lando.jpg
bambiyn  thanks people magazine for finally letting me post my man. happy 5 months to my prince charming!! ♡ ૮꒰•༝  •。꒱ა xx
view all 1,138,004 comments
landonorris  Best 5 months of my life
landonorris  You make my heart hurt silly
landonorris  my forever girl
danielricciardo  You’re too good for him Y/N!!!
bambiyn  ikr… user  get off your high horse smh youre nothing special he’ll dump u in a week landonorris  Yk I can read your comments right? Don’t be a fucking prick in my girl’s comment section. user  “my girl’s comment section” im gonna go feral
user  hey god it’s me again…
georgerussell63   Great meeting you Y/N! You two make a great couple 👍
landonorris  Mate what is with you and typing like youre 50 years old
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Liked by bambiyn, carlossainz55, danielricciardo, and 5,216,802 others
🏷  bambiyn
landonorris   5 marvellous months with the missus ❤️ To my sweetheart, I love you dummy. I love you and your weird little keyboard face things. i love the little hop you do whenever you see something you like. The way you always smell like cotton candy and clouds and vanilla and cookies. How you laugh at all my jokes even when theyre kinda shit. The fact you still don’t know how to drive stick shift (drives me crazy but anyways). Thank you for being mine baby, here’s to a million more 5 months with you 🥂
view all 2,475,900 comments
danielricciardo   aww thanks babe
landonorris  💀💀 danielricciardo  But on a serious note, I’m so happy for you guys. You got a good thing going bro 👊 landonorris  Sure do mate
bambiyn  a million kisses for u when u get home (´꒳`)♡
landonorris  eagerly looking forward landonorris  (❤ω❤) landonorris  Did i do it right bambiyn  YESSSS !!!! proud of u baby hehe ur so cute landonorris  >:)
user  we still don’t know what that crazy night was abt lol
bambiyn  omg yeah thank u for reminding me !
bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by landonorris, yourbestfriend, danielricciardo, and 1,994,012 others
landonorris reacted with 😳
You have [1] unread message.
[4:21 PM] vroom vroom baby: I saw your recent insta story.... 😉😉
[4:22 PM] dummy ❤️: mmhmmmmm
[4:22 PM] dummy ❤️: and what about it…?
[4:24 PM] vroom vroom baby: nothing it was
[4:24 PM] vroom vroom baby: It was perfect
[4:25 PM] vroom vroom baby: Just…
[4:25 PM] dummy ❤️: justttt?
[4:27 PM] vroom vroom baby: Just that I was thinking
[4:27 PM] vroom vroom baby: Maybe
[4:27 PM] vroom vroom baby: If u wanted ofc
[4:28 PM] vroom vroom baby: We could
[4:28 PM] vroom vroom baby: Maybe
[4:29 PM] vroom vroom baby: recreate it…
[4:29 PM] vroom vroom baby: ?
[4:31 PM] dummy ❤️: is this ur way of asking me to come over
[4:25 PM] dummy ❤️: 🥺
[4:31 PM] vroom vroom baby: no….
[4:33 PM] vroom vroom baby: ok yes
[4:36 PM] dummy ❤️: i’ll be over in 5 !!!
[4:33 PM] vroom vroom baby: See you soon gorgeous
[4:36 PM] dummy ❤️: tsch
[4:36 PM] dummy ❤️: you spoil me
[4:38 PM] vroom vroom baby: Just speaking the facts 💯
© myysaints
1K notes · View notes
polyo-nym-y · 4 months
Desserts, Served.
[Bon Appétit Pt.2]
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Alastor x Female Reader
[What to expect/Warnings: NSFW MDNI!!Blood, begging, P in V, you get restrained by his tendrils, soft ending, dirty talk, idk its tame for how I write Alastor LOL]
[Part 1 Here]
[Link to full drawing here]
Hello! Oh my goodness I am just utterly speechless by the positivity within this little horny community!
Thank you to everyone who liked my first post and who commented wanting a part two. This is for you guys <3 I’m sorry it took FOREVER to finish but I was nervous about disappointing lol.
But I needed to get this posted cause I have SO much planned for the future >:3
You watched as his long fingers hook under each suspender, slowly slinking them off his shoulders. He sent a toothy grin down to your disheveled form. As if the red of his eyes were literal hell-fire, you felt his gaze rake over your body, heat quickly following wherever they went. “What do you say, darling, are you ready for dessert?” His voice was low and heavy, the sound settling in your ears but you were unable to process what he exactly said. Your own rapid heart rate was all you could focus on as you tried to calm yourself down from the overdose of dopamine you just experienced.
A chuckle rattled from him as he reached a hand out, talons holding your chin to direct your gaze at him. His ears twitched as he cocked his head to the side, staring into your wide and glossy gaze. “Hello~? Still with me? I don’t recall eating that tongue of yours.”
Your head was foggy from your release and eyes too focused on how beautiful he looked right now. The room was dark save for the soft lighting of a lamp on a far table. His eyes glowing ethereally and his smile softening around the edges.
Alastor leaned, pressing his hips further against you. The feeling of his clothed hard-on against your exposed flesh was more than enough to wake you from your dreamy state. Glancing down trying to see him pressed into you. “W-What?”
“I asked you a question.” Pinching your chin his claws dug in slightly, trying to get your eyes back up to his. “It’s not a proper meal without dessert, you know.” He hummed a tune you didn’t recognize as he leaned back and away from you. “But if you’re full-“ He physically withdrew himself from you, reusing the same manipulation tactic he used earlier.
Just as he hoped, it brought panic to your eyes. Once again the idea of losing his touch rocked you to your core, literally. Suddenly realizing how cold and empty you felt without him and his addicting touch. The exhaustion you once felt melted away as you pushed yourself up from resting on your elbows. You lurched forward, fingers yanking Alastor in by his shirt. Crashing your lips into his you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him into you, ensuring he couldn’t back away any further.
He watched with wide eyes for only a moment before he quickly melted into the kiss. One arm wrapped around your waist to press you flush to his chest. His other hand came to hold you by the back of your neck with a firm pressure.
His half-lidded gaze never left you as he swiped his tongue over your lips, asking entrance. To his dismay, however, you instead pulled away from him. His long fingers tightening at your neck as you struggled to pull your lips from his, his own hunger and greed showing.
You slowly slipped your eyes open to find him already staring at you. Having leaned away from his lips just enough to ghost words across them. “I’ll never count a meal as satisfying until I’m feeling stuffed.” You could feel his grin grow as he narrowed his eyes on you. “And I’m famished.”
Once again you felt the air around you grow heavy. Static began to prick at your skin as it buzzed in your ears. The lamp flickered in the background as the entire room grew darker. “Oh, Mon Cher…” his words were so heavily filtered you could barely hear him, the static began to rise further. His claws danced from the back of your neck as his hand nestled to your front. His large palm gripping you by your throat as he pressed his forehead against yours. “I'm going to fuck you stupid.” Instantly, blood rushed to your cheeks. He dropped the innuendos and the shock from it had you frozen like a deer in headlights.
You felt him tighten his grip around your throat, lips parting to gasp air instinctively. The room grew dark, too dark, as the space was completely shrouded in shadows. The only presence was Alastor, his glowing gaze seeming brighter than before. His little antlers began to grow above you. Perhaps, you thought, you were indulging him too much.
Fear flooded your senses as he drew himself up from you, stature taller than before. Suddenly, you were being thrown down against the desk by your throat. Body tensing as you braced for a hard impact of wood and vintage radio equipment. Your hands flew to grip his wrist as you were thrown back. But the pain you expected never came as instead a plush softness enveloped you. You blinked, darting your gaze around as the shadows withdrew, allowing light back in.
The sound of a zipper and a rattling laugh snapped your attention back to Alastor. He loomed over where you laid on the edge of a soft surface. “Oh ho! You should’ve seen yourself just now!” His shoulders bounced, his genuine laughter had you squeezing your thighs together. “Fear looks good on you, my dear.” He’d coo over you.
Confused, you glance away from him as you begin to crawl backwards, you turn your attention to the room. Realizing you were no longer in his radio tower. Instead, you were resting on a soft bed in a familiar room, your room. “Wha-” You turned back to Alastor squinting up at him. “Oh, fuck you! You think you’re so funny?” You tried to keep the playful squint but you couldn’t stop the smile that wanted to form.
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, eyes glued to the open zipper as he untucked his shirt. The bed dipped as he stalked closer, his knee settling on the mattress. “I know I’m funny, darling.” You had just barely caught a glimpse of his dark happy trail before you came face to face with Alastor, who had crawled over to you. One black palm settled flush against your chest. A devious smirk returning to his features as he pushed you back down on your back.
A huff of air left your lungs as you were knocked down. Eyes scanning over his face as he situated himself above you. As you felt his hands pry your legs open at your knees, you let out a scoff. “Tch yeah…funny-looking..” you would taunt under your breath.
He quirked a brow at you as he sat on his knees between your legs. “Ha. Ha.” One of his hands worked on removing his bow tie whilst the other flicked the bite he left on your inner thigh. Chuckling when you flinched and yelped in reaction, the wound still raw and tender.
Your gaze lingered lower as he began popping the first few buttons of his shirt open. “You know? Maybe I should eat that naughty tongue of yours.” When your gaze snapped back up his bones cracked, antlers reaching out like dead tree limbs. He fell onto his palms as his large body caged you against the bed.
A nervous smile crossed your expression as that similar fear rose in you. But it wasn’t typical fear, no, this feeling was something raw and instinctual. The fear a prey would feel when cornered by a predator, with a sprinkle of lustful anticipation. Your body tensed under him as one hand grabbed your jaw, fingers that somehow grew longer squish your cheeks forward. “You’d miss it.” You’d mumble out with your lips being forced to purse.
“I don’t know, my dear, you can still moan without one~“ releasing your face, his hand trailed down between your breasts and settling on the softness of your stomach.
Your breath caught in your throat as you heard it before you realized what he was doing. Goosebumps littered your skin at the sound of ripping fabric. “Alastor!-“ a gasp of his name left you. He tore your nightgown straight down the middle and sliced the remains of your underwear that clung around your waist.
“I would, however, miss that.” His eyes fell from yours and followed down the dip of your breasts.
Just as quickly as you went to cover your exposed chest did his shadow-y tendrils appear. Multiple jutted out from his back as they wormed their way towards you, slipping around your wrists and tangling all the way down your elbows. You fought against them at first but they were stronger than you, as they yanked your arms above your head pressing them into the bed. Your back arches as you weakly struggle against his hold, mostly just testing him. But your body freezes as you feel something hot and hard smack against your pubis area.
One hand holds his exposed cock at the base where it pokes out from above his pants. A toothy grin as he watches you jolt with each smack of his swollen tip against the hood of your clit. The mere sight of him had your arousal re-awakening, needy cunt clenching around nothing.
“C’mon.” He slowly pumped his cock, spreading the precum that eagerly dripped from his tip. “Be a good girl and tell me what you want.”
Your jaw clenched at his vulgar request as you felt your whole body flush. Though your eyes never left the monster he held against you, swallowing nervously as your lips parted slowly. You found it difficult to ask for something so depraved. Not to mention you were growing more nervous at the realization that when his body grew larger, everything grew.
He saw your hesitation, and usually he’d take time to enjoy your dismay and embarrassment. But right now? He needed you completely and he was done stalling.
Lazily he rubbed his cock up and down your slit, mixing his pre-cum with your slick. When he saw your face contort he moved with more intention, his cock twitching in his hand as he rubbed against your clit slowly.
“Please..” you pleaded meekly as your eyes rose to meet his. The look he sent down to you sent a tingling feeling through your body. There was such a deep hunger in them that you were certain he was just as desperate for this as you were. The thought of The Radio Demon nearing a breaking point to have you? That had a small smirk forming across your face. You felt him twitch and throb against you as soon as you smiled.
“Alastor, Please.” His grin strained as he watched a cocky glint appear in your eyes. “You said you’d fuck me stupid. Aren’t you a man of your word?” You stretched as much as you could as you rolled your hips up against him. “Or is the scary Radio Demon a-“
A growl interrupted your taunting, a choking gasp leaving you. Without warning he thrusted into you with his hands shifting to grip your hips. Thankfully, you were thoroughly lubricated. However, you were not prepared for the burning stretch you felt as his thick member fought against your tight walls. Tears welled in your eyes from the overwhelming feeling and you were shocked to see he wasn’t even halfway in.
Trailing claws scratched down your tense thighs as his hands cupped under your knees. In one quick movement he had your knees pressed against your chest, ass lifting from the bed slightly. With this movement alone you felt him slip in just a little more, were you panting? “To think I ever planned on being gentle. You don’t want gentle, do you?” His glowing red gaze flickered as darkness flooded them. The air in the room began to tingle and prick at your skin as his filter grew heavier once again. Something that you were noticing indicated a strong surge of emotions coming from Alastor. As if what he felt was so heavy it practically oozed from him, sticking to your skin. You tried to control your breathing but he was making it difficult in more ways than one.
Tears slipped down the sides of your face as you tried to blink away the blur they caused. Trying to focus on Alastor who loomed above you like a monster. Body unnaturally large, grin spread tightly across his face and his dark eyes spun with red dials at their center. That confidence to poke the bear melted away quickly as you tugged at the tendrils around your arms. But they only responded by pressing your hands into the bed further. Your lips parted to try and frantically babble some weak reply. But any words you planned on saying were distorted into a yelp-like scream. With a sudden snap of his hips he buried his ungodly length into you, sinking to the hilt. Through bleary vision you saw the shape of him pushing up your stomach from where it reached deep inside of you. For the first time in your afterlife you thanked God you were dead, knowing well that Alastor did not intend on going easy on you.
Just as you thought, he did not give you the luxury to adjust. His claws dug into your skin where he held your legs. All you felt was the intense fullness, unaware of the small cuts his hands left as blood slowly began to drip down onto your chest. Gritting his teeth he fought against your tight hole to wrench himself out before snapping back into you. The force of it involuntarily rips a moan from you as your eyes roll back before slipping closed altogether.
Like a well trained dog your eyes snapped back open, missing their momentary rest already. Your obedience won, however, as you instantly looked up to him at the sound of your name. A sweet staticky purr rumbling from him as he spoke. “Eyes on me, Mon Cher, I want to witness your descent into madness.”
Your heart fluttered and he sucked in sharply as he felt you clench around him. How did he manage to be so alluring whilst being so demonically horrid? Perhaps that was a fault on your part and your questionable desires.
“Hm~? You like that?” His voice, the air, your body and his body on yours, everything felt heavy and hot. The heat of it all coated your skin in sweat as you felt your thoughts literally melt away into pathetic puddles. Panting, trying to will your body to grow accustomed to his size, you couldn’t do anything but look up at him with pleading eyes. “The thought of me corrupting you? Ruining you?” You felt warmth slither under your back as more tendrils worked their way to you. Pushing your lower half up from the bed completely as he contorted you. He shifted, sitting up on his knees as he buried himself deep inside you. The lifted angle had you seeing stars, swearing that he’d pierce through your womb completely.
You choked, spittle running over your lips as he rutted into you. He started a deep and focused pace. Laughing sadistically at the sounds of your choked out moans and the squelching of your cunt. Tendrils replaced the hold under your knees as they held your legs open wide for him. Talons now free to rake up your body as he enjoyed your quivering response.
“P-Please-“ you wheezed out between gasping breaths. “T-Too much-“ despite your pleas, you both felt how eagerly your walls twitched around him. Your cunt had a firm grip on him, making it difficult to even pull out for a shallow thrust. Even with the slower pace you felt that coil begin to twist in your stomach.
“What do you mean, darling? Did you not say you wanted to be stuffed?” You bit your bottom lip, trying to hold in the cry you wanted to let out. Your own hubris has come to bite you in the ass, like it often does. All you could do is whine, meekly shaking your head. “You poor little thing. Have you gone stupid already? Because despite what that mouth says- down here?” Another deep thrust rocks your whole body but he doesn’t pull back. Grinding his hips down into yours so roughly you swore your bones were bruising. “Down here is begging for the exact opposite.”
“F-Fuck- please-” Somehow he managed to grind right into your sweet spot. His breathing became ragged above you as he felt his last little bit of restraint leave him. A static hiss left him as he drew his hips back only to drive his cock roughly back in. Frantics pleas tumbled from you as you were begging for your second release.
“Say it-” his thrusts were hard and fast as he fucked into your cunt, chasing his own pleasure. “Say my name- fuck,” his filter dropped as your ears were blessed with his raw voice. At some point more and more tendrils leaked from him as they wrapped around you, their warm grip flexing with every thrust.
He had you completely bound by his tendrils, forced to be nothing but a hole for his cock. His hands were so tight on you and right now he could care less if it hurt. Alastor watched you wheeze under him as he grew frantic and sloppy with his thrusts. As one of the shadows slithered between your bodies to lovingly rub against your clit, you felt your orgasm come to its cusp. You screeched his name like a dying animal as every muscle in your body tensed. His thrusts became shallow and deep as your cunt spasmed around him. Your second rush of dopamine settled over your body in waves as he continued fucking you through your orgasm.
His hips stuttered as he panted out a laugh and brought a hand down to grab your face. Keeping your head still as he bore into your fucked-dumb eyes, watching them widen as he reached his peak with a grunt. Your legs spasmed and a deep warmth flooded your abdomen as he pumped his cum into you. Your release tipped into overstimulation as he didnt stop fucking into you even after cumming. “My sweet girl.” A long moment passed before he finally slowed his assault. Coming to a full stop once he saw your eyes fully glaze over as he knew he was losing you again. His chest rose and fell rapidly as each tendril slowly left your body, gently lowering you back onto the bed. “Youre my sweet girl, right?” He wanted to see if you were still listening.
You blinked through tears as you watched his body shrink back to its original size, albeit still large compared to you. You nodded up to him slowly and winced when he removed his claws from where they dug shallow cuts into you. His smile was soft as he slipped himself out from you. He couldn't stop his eyes snapping down to watch his seed seep from your lips.
A silence fell between you as you laid there trying to lower your heart rate. Your eyes watched him as he cleaned himself up before tending to you. His touch was much gentler on you as he scooped you up to tuck you under your blankets. As your mind began to clear you began to worry- was your deal just for one night? “Alastor?”
He hummed a response as he looked you over. He saw that familiar fear, the fear of him leaving. An amused sigh left him as he settled into the bed beside you. “Hush now, dear, you need to get some rest.” He snapped his fingers to turn the lights off before pulling you into his chest. “Afterall, I intend on sharing many more meals with you.”
You felt him bury his lips into the top of your head as your anxiety melted away. Within the dark you wore a soft smile as you let your eyes close. “I’ll hold you to that.” All you felt was comfort and warmth as you let yourself drift to sleep to the sound of Alastors heart.
[Tags for those who asked for PT. 2 <3: @saturn-alone @lustylita @karmakillz @saint-altruist ]
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candycandy00 · 10 months
The Doll House - A Toji x Reader Fanfic Part 3
You’re in love with Toji, even after finding out he trains sex dolls at the Doll House. Taking a chance, you sell yourself to the Doll House so he can be your trainer, and you bet him that you can make him fall for you by the end of the training.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Toji’s. I’m not sure how many parts it will have. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored! I’m keeping the same tag list as Geto’s part. If you’d like to be removed, please let me know!
Note: Consider these parts AU’s within an AU. So you might see Geto with a different doll from the reader in his part, but just consider this an alternate timeline lol.
There will be one more part after this! I thought about just doing one big long part 3 but when I got into it, I realized the story flows better this way.
Smut. 18+. Short Fem Reader. Cock drunk reader. Age difference (Reader is 20, Toji is 38). Size difference kink. Rough sex. Use of aphrodisiacs. Divider by @benkeibear!
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A few days later, you wake up to Toji’s voice speaking somewhat harshly. You spot him across the room, holding his phone to his ear. 
“This is short fucking notice!” he says, his eyes narrowed angrily. A pause, then, “Alright! Fuck it, I’ll pick him up myself! …Am I still on the list? You know what I mean, the list of people they’ll let pick him up at school! They don’t just let any rando show up and grab a kid! … Yeah you do that. Okay. Later.”
You raise up in bed and he looks over at you as he drops his phone onto the dresser. “Sorry about that. Looks like you’re gonna meet Megumi after all. My uncle has something to do today.”
“Really? That’s great!” You can’t suppress the excitement in your voice. You  get to see Toji in “dad mode”. The thought has you giddy. 
He gives you a flat stare. “You’re gonna be disappointed. That kid isn’t cute at all. He’s a sarcastic, rude little brat.”
Despite his words, you could sense a feeling of affection that Toji seemed to be trying to hide. “He sounds like his father,” you say teasingly. 
Toji frowns, feigning offense. “Excuse me? Do I have to put you in your place? I can probably borrow a belt from Nanami.”
You laugh, pulling the covers off yourself, showing him your nude body. “You don’t have a belt?”
“Not like his,” Toji says, crawling onto the bed. “His are all Italian leather. You’ve seen my wardrobe. It’s ninety percent sweatpants.”
“You look good in sweatpants,” you say as he climbs on top of you, kissing your face and neck. “What about picking up Megumi?” you ask. 
He doesn’t bother looking up, his face buried in your chest. “School lets out at three. We have a few hours to kill.”
All at once he rolls over onto his back, pulling you on top of him. The way he can just sling you around turns you on so much. He’s so much bigger than you, so much stronger. The fact that he could easily break you in half, but instead is surprisingly gentle with you, makes your skin tingle with delight. It’s like you’ve tamed a great beast. 
He’s lying flat on his back, and he puts his hands behind his head in a relaxed pose. “I gotta conserve my energy if I’m gonna be taking care of a kid today,” he says with a grin. “Why don’t you do all the work?”
You get to your knees, straddling him. You bend down to kiss his lips. “Such a lazy trainer,” you say, sliding your hands down his soft cotton T-shirt, finding the bottom hem and then pushing the fabric up to reveal his muscled abdomen. You pull the front of his sweatpants down far enough to free his cock, already hard and ready for you. 
As you scoot back down a bit, you lock eyes with Toji as you lean forward and run your tongue over his dick, letting your saliva drip all over it, getting it nice and wet. Then you straighten up, get in position, and sink down onto him. You don’t go all the way down at first, only halfway. Toji groans and gives you an exasperated look. 
“You teasing me now?” 
You smile as you move your hips in a circular motion. “I don’t know what you mean,” you say playfully. “Is my big strong trainer feeling frustrated? Does he want to be buried all the way inside my wet little pussy?”
His eyes are gleaming as he looks up at you, his hands finally moving from behind his head to grip your waist. It would be so easy for him to pull your body down, completely shoving himself into you. He doesn’t, but the thought that he could at any moment, his strong hands firm on your skin, thrills you. 
“I can hold back if you can,” he finally says, a smirk on his face. “But I know this needy little cunt is hungry for my cock. You’ll never be satisfied until I’m all the way in.”
He’s right of course, but you feel like teasing him a bit more. You roll your hips, making shallow thrusts, as you use one hand to play with your nipple, the other moving down to rub your clit. You moan, arching your back, giving Toji an incredible view. You’re trying to goad him into pulling you down, holding your hips in place while he fucks up into you so hard you cry. Glancing down at him through half-closed eyes, you can see the unbridled desire on his face. He wants to absolutely rail you, that much is obvious. 
But he’s holding back, waiting for you to be the one who gives in first. So it becomes a game to see whose desire wins out. You want to be stuffed full of him so badly, but you stay at the halfway point, moving slowly, touching yourself, watching the way his eyes rake over your form. 
“Toji… Toji!”
His name is delicious on your lips as your eyes close, your head tossed back. His cock is twitching inside you, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He’s close to giving in, but so are you. Several more minutes of this, and your legs are weak, shaky, aching to collapse. Just when you’ve decided you can’t wait any longer, Toji’s grip tightens and he yanks you down, plunging his entire length into you. 
For a moment, you see stars. His tip has crashed against your cervix, leaving you gasping. Toji grins beneath you as he thrusts up once, going so deep, tears spring to your eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asks. “My little doll gettin more than she bargained for?”
You clench tightly around him, drawing a grunt from his mouth. Your hands are on his stomach, feeling the taut muscles under his skin. “S-so deep…Toji!” 
He waits, not moving, just watching you. Then, you begin riding him, moving up and down, moaning each time you slide all the way back down, relishing the way he fills you so completely. His large hands glide up from your hips to grope your breasts as you bounce on his cock, crying out his name like a mantra. 
After some time passes, maybe a few minutes, maybe an eternity, you climax with a loud wail of ecstasy. You slam your body all the way down, taking him as deeply as possible, and clamp onto him. You look down at him with dazed eyes. “Please shoot your cum inside me,” you say in your sweetest voice. “My womb is thirsty.”
Toji rises up suddenly, now holding you firmly in his lap as he presses into you, burying his face in your neck. He kisses the warm flesh there first, then bites it, his teeth not breaking the skin but grazing across your neck hard enough to leave a mark. It surprises you, but the animalistic way he growls as he does it sends you to a higher plane of existence. Almost simultaneously, he cums directly into your deepest place, coating your insides. 
Your arms are wrapped tightly around him, as if you can meld into him if you hold him close enough. You’ve never loved him more. 
Later in the day, Toji leaves the house to go pick up Megumi at school. You’re so excited that you can’t sit still. You move from the kitchen to the dining hall to the common room, occasionally running into other trainers or dolls. And when Toji finally returns, there’s an adorable little boy with unruly black hair trailing behind him. 
You meet them in the welcome room. Toji is carrying a dark blue backpack in one hand, and with the other he lightly pulls the boy forward. “This is Megumi,” he says, then he gestures toward you. “Megumi, this is-“
“Your sex slave, I know,” the boy says. He wears a somewhat sour expression as he glares at Toji. 
Toji sighs. “See? I told you this little brat isn’t cute at all.”  As he says it, Toji lays one large hand on the boy’s head and ruffles his hair. Megumi jerks away and starts trying to smooth it back down, but it was already messy to start with, so he isn’t having much luck. You can’t help smiling at their interaction. 
Stepping forward, you grin down at Megumi. “I’m your dad’s friend. We’ve known each other for a long time now. We met at the convenience store.”
The boy looks at you suspiciously, as if he doesn’t entirely believe you. “But you’re still his sex slave,” he says matter-of-factly. 
Toji frowns. “Please stop saying that. You don’t even know what that means.”
A smug grin appears on Megumi’s cute face. “Yes I do! It means she has to do whatever you say! And you make her kiss you! And… do other stuff!”
Toji bends down to face him. “What other stuff?”
Megumi’s face reddens, and you feel certain that the boy only has an extremely vague idea of what that other stuff might be. Thank goodness. “W-well, I’m not gonna say it out loud! I’m a gentleman!”
You can’t suppress a laugh as you watch them. You step closer to Toji and put an arm around his waist. “I can promise you, Megumi, your dad and I are friends. He doesn’t make me do anything. I hope you and I can be friends too.”
Megumi stares at you, and you notice that he has Toji’s eyes. “Why bother? You’ll be gone by the next time I come here. Then there’ll be another girl here.”
You know he’s just a child, and what he’s saying is probably true, but those words cut you deeper than he could imagine. Still, you kept your friendly smile plastered on your face. 
Toji put a firm hand on Megumi’s shoulder and ushered him down the hall. “Don’t be rude, Megumi. You’re never gonna have any friends if this is how you talk to people.”
You heard Megumi’s voice responding, but they had already went into one of the unused rooms so you couldn’t make out what he said. 
Toji walks into the dining hall at dinner time and does a sweep over the room to make sure all the dolls are dressed and nothing obscene is going on. He told the other trainers that Megumi would be here, and they’re normally good at keeping things decent when the kid is around, but Toji still likes to make sure. 
Everyone appears to be on their best behavior. None of the dolls are naked or have tails sticking out of their asses, and Sukuna never brings his doll to the dining hall so Toji doesn’t have to worry about him. 
Once everything is clear, Toji goes to get Megumi from the room he’d left him in to play video games, as well as his doll, so they can all three eat together. He doesn’t really get why his doll wanted to meet and spend time with Megumi. In Toji’s experience, most women are turned off by the fact that he has a kid. A son is just walking baggage to them. And the few that do take an interest in Megumi quickly lose that interest after meeting him. Megumi has a prickly personality, probably because of the way he’s being raised. Toji is acutely aware that he’s to blame for that. Shuffling the kid around to different relatives can’t be good for him. 
But despite Megumi’s hurtful comments earlier, the doll still wants the three of them to have dinner together. So when they all walk in together, Toji groans when Megumi immediately runs over to Nanami’s table and sits with him. Nanami’s doll, sitting in her own seat instead of Nanami’s lap, seems amused as Megumi begins chatting with the other trainer. Toji usually doesn’t mind that Megumi speaks more to Nanami over dinner than he does to Toji in a year, but just this once, he hoped the boy would sit with him. If only for his doll’s sake. 
Toji gives her an apologetic look as she takes a seat, but she smiles and shrugs. “It’s no big deal. If he likes sitting with Nanami, let him.”
Toji fixes plates for himself and his doll, then watches as Nanami goes with Megumi to the food table and fixes the boy a plate. Toji often wonders why Nanami doesn’t just settle down and start a family. The man is a natural born father. Hell, sometimes he even thinks about asking if Nanami wants to adopt Megumi. The kid would be far better off that way. 
During dinner, Gojo walks over to chat with Megumi, who always pretends to find Gojo annoying. Toji can tell, though: Megumi likes Gojo a lot. Probably because the white haired trainer acts like a big dumb kid half the time. Geto and even Choso go over to briefly talk with Toji’s son. He’s never said anything to them about it, but Toji is extremely grateful that they treat Megumi so well. Sukuna, at the very least, doesn’t complain about Megumi’s presence. 
At some point Toji glances at his doll, who is watching Megumi with a warm expression on her face. He nudges her playfully with his elbow. “What are you so happy about?” 
She looks up at him. “I was just thinking he looks a lot like you. I can’t help picturing you as a kid. I bet you were cute.”
Toji snorts. “Me? Cute? Never. I was a mean little shit.”
She gives him a pouty look. “Whaaat? But you’re cute even now!”
“And you need to get your eyes checked,” he says with a laugh. 
His doll is quiet for a moment, then her face looks serious for once. “I wish I knew more about you,” she says, her eyes lowered to her plate, where she absently stirs some mashed potatoes with a fork. “I don’t want to pry too much, and I don’t want to stir up any painful memories… But if there are any good memories, any happy stories you can share… I’d love to hear about them sometime.”
He looks away from her, to his own plate as he stabs a piece of steak. “I’ll think about it,” he says as he begins chewing. 
Later that night, Toji’s doll steps out of the room to grab a snack in the kitchen. When several minutes pass without her returning, he goes looking for her. On the way to the kitchen, he stops outside the room Megumi is using. He hears voices, so he cracks the door open and silently looks inside. His doll is sitting on the edge of the bed beside Megumi, playing a game with him. Their backs are to the door, and they’re focused on the game on the screen in front of them, so they don’t notice Toji at the door. 
“Oh, come on!” his doll says. “That’s not fair!”
“It’s part of the game,” Megumi replies smugly, “of course it’s fair.”
“How are you so good at this?”
“I play this a lot. It’s the only game here.”
“Really? Your dad needs to get you some new games.”
Megumi snorts the same way Toji did at dinner. “I’ve told him that before. He doesn’t listen, or he doesn’t care.”
“I can bring a few of my old games here and leave them,” she says. 
Megumi’s head turns slightly toward her. “Okay. Thanks.”
There’s silence for a moment, then Megumi speaks again. “I feel sorry for you. Having to do whatever that guy says.”
It hasn’t escaped Toji’s notice that Megumi very rarely calls him dad. It’s always “that guy” or “old man”. 
The doll doesn’t seem fazed. “I told you already. Your dad and I are friends. And I’ll tell you a little secret: I’m in love with him.”
Megumi pauses the game and looks directly at her. “Are you joking? Why would you love him?”
Toji feels his heart beating faster for some reason. Megumi just straight up asked the question he’d been wondering about for weeks now. He supposes kids can get away with being so direct. 
“At first, I just thought he was handsome and cool,” she says, turning slightly to face Megumi. “He came into the store where I worked a lot. And he was fun to talk to. But then one night a bad man came into the store and tried to hurt me. Your dad saved my life. And when I was scared and didn’t know what to do, he stayed with me and made sure I was okay. He showed me so much kindness, even though he didn’t really know me that well.”
Megumi stares at her for a moment, then looks back toward the tv and unpauses the game. “I still think he’s a loser,” the boy mutters. 
Toji figures he deserves that. He hasn’t been much of a father to Megumi. 
The doll is looking at the tv as well, the controller gripped tightly in her small hands. “I don’t know enough about the relationship between you two to comment on it. It’s not my place to say you’re wrong or you’re right. But to me, your father is a great man.”
Megumi glances at her again, this time his face looking slightly uncertain. After the match is over, with Megumi winning again, the boy gets up and goes to turn the PlayStation off. He looks back at the doll and says, so quietly that Toji barely hears him, “I hope you’re still here next time.”
Toji steps out of sight before Megumi can spot him, continuing down the hall and leaving the door slightly cracked. In the kitchen, he grabs a bottle of water and a bag of chips, just to have something to bring back in case his doll beats him back to his room. 
As he leaves the kitchen, he bumps into the owner, who stops him in the hallway. 
“Oh, Fushiguro, I wanted to talk to you.”
“What’s up?” he asks, cracking open the water bottle. 
“It’s about your doll,” the owner says in a smooth voice. “We have a potential buyer. He’d like to meet with her this week.”
Toji’s entire body freezes in place, the water bottle inches from his open mouth. He blinks, then slowly lowers his hand. “Already?” he asks. 
The owner gives him a strange look. “It’s been four weeks. That’s when we usually start interviewing buyers. …Is everything alright?”
Toji nods. “Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine. I guess I just lost track of time.”
The owner is still looking at him as if he might be sick. “Take care of yourself,” she says before disappearing down the hall. 
Toji heads back to his room, suddenly feeling irritated. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene @lzaj19 @lyn-lotte @missthatgirl @peachedtv
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lottiecrabie · 11 months
patrick bateman smut? hey. Hi. um. Patrick bateman smut pls? heyyy queen lol American psycho smut when hahaha (please)
sorry for the last prank guys i was in a mischievous mood (when am i not)
the basement is drenched in a red, soft light. over the lamp, a lacy shawl lays, orchestrating some moody, spooky vibe. a tired witch hangs from the door. on each stair, a small plastic pumpkin stares at them. through the floor, the resounding thumps of feet jumping up and up, as well as the on-key pop music, echoes your heartbeat. thump. thump. thump. matty stares at you like a predator.
there’s something glinting in his teeth, a sort of edge to the shape of them. his striped suit fits him perfectly. his hair is slicked back. he’s all proper, if not for the blood splattered over his face, and that ax. his chest rises with his deep, quick breaths. his eyes darken.
‘sorry,’ you try to say, though your lips crack up and it doesn’t sound very honest. in your hands, an open packet of fake blood stains your palms.
matty arches an eyebrow. there’s danger in just that. ‘are you?’
‘it fits your costume.’ matty hums lowly, taking a step towards you. that prey instinct in you, half stress and half desire, takes a step pack. your grin slackens on your mouth. he takes another. ‘it was just a joke.’
your legs hit the back of the beat-up couch. you stumble on it, catching yourself on the dusty pillows. he towers over you, maniacal twinkle in his eyes. the gentle caress of your face, stroking down your cheek, surprises you. like you expected something to toughen, to hurt.
‘are you gonna make it up to me?’ he whispers. you nod fervently. ‘yeah?’ he pouts, condescending. ‘how?’ you’re robbed of words. he knows this.
he grabs the bottle of blood, holding two weapons in each hand. you expect it when the blood hits you straight in the chest, trickling down. you gasp still, cold and wet and dirty. he grins, a little proud, and there’s something sick in you that preens at that.
‘you’re gonna let it stain like that?’ he says, and suddenly you’re pulling out of your pink dress. you’re in nothing but your underwear; the blood drips down your breasts, droplets falling on your stomach and lap.
matty makes a low noise, kneeling down and catching a breast in his mouth. his hand paints the other, spreading the blood just to lick it all up. he bites meanly at your nipples, prickle of pleasure-pain blooming. you moan, head thrown back on the pillows.
his mouth is bloody when he lets your tits go, grinning up at you. ‘d’you want me, sweetheart?’ he says, and he again knows. ‘like this?’ he looks down to himself, the twisted image he’s showing off.
you bite your lip. he tugs it out, blood smearing on your mouth. you lick it off, nervous. his hand parts your legs, hot and decided between your thighs. you shiver, spreading them for him, giving him the answer in ways that aren’t so concrete, so embarrassing.
you ready for a tough, callused finger at the center of your underwear. shake just from the sheer need of it. instead, matty raises his fake ax, grazing the cold metal on the inside of your thigh, just to push the wooden handle against your core. you jump, gasping, moaning from the contact.
‘grind.’ he’s fatalistic. your hips follow order, rolling and bucking against the ax, hot shame dripping with ecstasy. you dig your nails into the couch, moaning and mewling at the pleasure, at the wood, at the dark look on his face as he watches you.
his head bends down, revering, kissing up your goosebumps-thighs. the blood from his lips follow, a lick of blood to mark you, to own you.
you draw in a hot breath, shaking, feeling that sick pleasure build in you.
‘you’re a naughty girl,’ matty whispers against you, and you vaguely shake your head at that. ‘you think you deserve to come?’
‘please.’ matty snorts. he throws the ax away, unimportant now that it’s out of his hands, out of your thighs. you make a moan of disappointment, rocking against nothing uselessly. he laughs at that.
he stands up, pushing you back on the couch until you’re lying for him. his hand tugs your panties off, thrown beyond the world that means something too. you’re open and naked and vulnerable, and he’s kneeling above you, fully clothed and bloody. there’s something unhinged about the knowledge, the sight. something that mixes with the lust, taints it.
matty unbuttons his pants and draws out his hard cock, but that’s as far as he’s willing to undress. he strokes it once, twice. arches an eyebrow. ‘i don’t know if you’re ready for me.’
‘i am,’ you nod, desperate. your legs spread open for him, a traitorous squelching noise following. ‘fuck, i need you.’
‘you’re so fucking dirty.’ he tuts, reaching to the floor. you try to look over, curious. ‘would let me have you anywhere, as anyone, right? even this.’
matty springs back up with the bottle. he splashes the remainder of it over your body, fingerpainting it over your belly, your thighs, your wet cunt. you gasp as he brushes your sensitive clit, not giving you what you need still. he takes a red hand to his cock, pumping it once, twice, then enters you.
you gasp, clutching his hip as it snaps into you, over and over, a brutal tempo that has your mind deliriously spinning out of your ears. you moan and cry and curse, and all he does his breathe heavily in your ear, laughing every time his name slips out.
a hand covers your throat, owning and strong. you shake under him. he’s delighted, so fucking amused as he presses into your neck until thoughts fly away. your lips hang open, the sound of his name dried out.
‘this is how we treat bad girls like you, isn’t it?’ you try to nod or say yes, but his cock fucking into you and his hand choking you are all too much to make anything coherent. you claw at his skin, vengeful. matty tsks. ‘not that it fucking works. you like it too much.’
you laugh, rolling your eyes back. matty presses a free hand to your clit, rubbing away. ‘gonna brat out all the time now, is that it? so you can get fucked filthy like you want?’
to give you a chance, he releases your throat, blood rushing back to your head in one overwhelming wave of euphoria. your fingertips tingle as you gasp for each mouthful of air, grinning slackly. matty smiles in your neck, biting there.
‘gonna say sorry, brat?’
matty hums. ‘why don’t i believe you?’ he pinches your clit, making you clench around him.
you pout, crying, ‘i’msorryi’msorryi’msorry.’
his dark eyes are ruthless. ‘why don’t you beg for mercy?’
everything is too intense. tears fill up your eyes as you grip him between shaky hands, moaning and screaming. ‘please, matty. i need— fuck, it’s too—‘ you throb around him. his thrusts are mercilessly, snapping incessantly. his work at your clit is diligent, knowing just how to get you dumb and wrecked. ‘god—‘
‘there’s no god here.’
‘matty.’ he twitches inside of you. you blink up at him, eyes wetting with euphoria. ‘matty. matty. matty. please. matty.’
tears stream down your face. he groans, bending down to lick some, fucking harder just to pull some more pathetic cries out of you. his hand presses into your cheeks. ‘you’re so fucking pretty when you’re ruined.’ he grins. ‘i love it when you cry.’ somehow, this has another strike of euphoria hit you.
‘i’m—‘ you feel the taste of ecstasy on your lips. you can’t hold on any longer. ‘matty, i need to—‘
‘come, angel.’ with a scream, you fall apart on his cock, washed away on his dirty couch.
he follows behind soon after, pulling out and stroking himself until ropes of cum hit your bloody tits. he pants above you, staring down at the mess of your body hungrily.
a hand strokes through the blood and cum, painting your skin like an artist. matty brings his hand over your mouth, lingering just far enough that you have to tilt your head up to lick it off his palm. ‘there’s my good girl,’ matty whispers. you smile up at him, proud. dirty hand strokes your hair. that same beating danger shines in his eyes as he peers down at you. ‘catch your breath and then you can clean my cock too.’
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kakiastro · 3 months
Late Night Random New Moon Cancer Thoughts
The moon is currently happening in my 12h… so bear with me as I’m about ramble and drop some late piscean thoughts😭
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With Pluto being in Aquarius, There’s going to be many more celebrity downfalls. The most respected and well beloved will lose the public favor.
Theres a reason for this and its not one y’all ready to hear but you’re going to lol
Pluto Aqua is showing us that no one is better than the other. NO ONE. we all got karma that’s been passed down from several lives. I’m going to tell you something, some of you were probably toxic celebrities yourself in your past lives, mhmm. Check that 12h, moon and Lilith 🧐
Celebrities should never be put on a pedestal, actually no one shouldn’t be put on one. You’ll forever be disappointed. This isn’t just for celebrities, this is for the people in your personal life as well.
You’re not perfect
They’re not perfect
They have life mission
So do you
Some celebrities let their ego get the best of them but hell I know regular every day people who did as well.
Some celebrities are truly awful people but hell, some of your family members are as well.
You see what I mean? When you start viewing people as people, you view point on life and humanity change.
I’ve always felt celebs are “subconscious reflection on what’s happening in the Conscious” but that’s just me.
I don’t worship celebrities , I study them because they are stars and reflect the stars. You feel me?
Pluto Aqua is showing us, “see, everyone has dark skeletons in the closet, including you, your family, your friends, you partner” nobody is safe from these Plutonian parks hunny! some maybe more nefarious than others but oh baby they’re there.
Now am I saying you can’t appreciate someone for their work? No, of course appreciate it if it made your soul feel something, just don’t worship the artist.
This is also another reason why I don’t get too deep in conspiracy theories because the stars don’t lie. Conspiracy theories is another way of putting celebs on a pedestal, they become infamous then lol. Now do I to still read them from time to time? Absolutely, humor me😉😅
Anyways I’m off for the night but these are just my personal thoughts so don’t get your titties all twisted in my comment section😅
Happy New Moon Cancer yall!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
This needs to stop
I really contemplated if to put these words down, but I am so angry and disappointed and sad at this point that I felt I had to vent.
Disappointed. I think that's the key word for what I am feeling right now.
I understand that people are upset/angry/enraged by the shit that followed JM's release of his first solo album Face. I understand because I am enraged as well.
I have no doubt in my mind that he was wronged.
He succeeded beyond anyone's dreams and probably kind of ruined certain dreams some of these people had of their own.
But to take that anger and to turn it on the one person that supported and supports JM beyond any of us is infuriating to me.
Turning on JK?
Because of what? A shithead called Scooter Braun, who has his own personal agenda and history shows us has zero real interest or care in the actual artists he is pushing?
Do people forget who JK is?
Do they need a reminder course here?
I guess I will have to give them one.
JK is JM's favourite person in the whole world.
And a full masterlist to show it:
JK is JM's number 1 fan and showing it to us whenever he just can, with or without the company's permission.
JK is one of the most artistic and creative people there are.
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Suga about JK
And maybe read what one of the stylists working on the Seven concept had to say about JK and the concept.
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JK's concept. He came ready to the table. He knew what he wanted to show, what message he wanted to send.
He was given option, other concepts, other ideas, and he chose what he chose.
JK didn't steal JM's ideas. He didn't utilize them for the lack of coming up with original ideas of his own. Don't believe me, believe JK's talent, his artistry.
JK CHOSE this. This is what he wanted us to see.
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It's not about copying. It's about showing us who inspires him.
It's about showing us, not only telling us, who his catalyst is.
He CHOSE the EXACT same leather pants that JM wore.
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Do you see the scribble at the bottom of the jeans?
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JK CHOSE the jeans with the mud.
He did not copy or plagiarize.
He took artistic liberty to mirror JM's photoshoot to an extent.
Sending us all I'd say more than one message.
First one is what I mentioned above. JM is his inspiration.
Second is connecting himself to JM, to Face, to Like crazy.
Perhaps his way of showing us he's that person that stood by JM's side when he was struggling. The one that tread mud with him. The one that tried to wake him up, save him, but JM wasn't ready for that just yet at the time. The one that let JM embrace him while trying to escape reality.
And instead of seeing what JK is trying to tell us, his fans, Jikookers as well, are turning on him?
Making JK out to be someone that doesn't have an original idea and goes and steals JM's is disrespectful to both JK and JM, btw.
This coming from people that supposedly love and know JM and JK?
JM is a 27 strong willed young man. And evidently, JM has no issues with JK of late.
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JK is a 25 yo creative artistic young man, who adores and admires and lives for JM, and would NEVER steal something from JM, never take something of JM's and pass it on as his own.
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Do they not understand that JM is joking when he calls JK his copycat? Has been for years now.
Did they not see the joy and love in his eyes when JK said "I'm hyung's copycat"?
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He knows that JK looks up to him.
He knows that JK is inspired by him.
He lives for that.
And to go and to make it into something ugly it's just so infuriating.
JM was wronged. We can agree on that. The COMPANY could have and should have done better.
Not the other members.
Not JK.
I get the anger and frustration. But do we take it out on the one person that did right by JM? Do we take it out on the one person JM loves more than anything? The person that JM will stand by and support and root for to succeed? How is that loving JM?
Since when did two wrongs make a right?
Don't go around saying you won't support JK's single.
Support him all while continuing to support JM's songs.
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slaaverin · 17 days
Hey Slavv
you’re video edit was wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us
I just wondered what you thought about the episode as a whole? Did the baby conversation make you take pause? I hope they are able to stay together despite not being able to be parents in the future.
Ohh thank you so much 💜
This question is quite hard for me to answer properly.
First of all, I really loved it. I had a very peculiar and quite strong reaction to it. I'll try to put it in words the best I can.
I'll start with a simple thing: in my 7 years of being a jikooker, that is all I ever wanted to see from them.
Being relaxed, happy, joyous, authentic, confortable.
So this felt like some kind of apoteose. Everything came full circle. For them & for me.
When you think about it, nothing really happened in this episode, they were doing the most mundane things, but there was this vibe of the most comfort, the most warmth, the most quiet and simple love, that my heart was deeply touched by it and after it hit me I really had no words to describe the feeling I had. It's deep stuff lol
Somehow they always exceed my expectations. I'm not those people who say "I expect nothing so I won't get disappointed". No, I expect things. But not because I want them to do certain stuff, more because I feel I know them sufficiently, and some of their patterns, and I see them within the love umbrella, so it gets easier and easier to predict what they might do or not. How crazy this is that they check absolutely all the boxes everytime and confirm every theory? I'm trying to stay sane of mind over here but no they want me to be the most delulu lol
Of course the ambiance really helped the episode to feel dream-like. And we know how much Japan means to them. JK must have said 384737 times how much he loved it and how happy he was.
Nothing was hanging on their shoulders anymore, no burdens, and I think that's why they were able to enjoy it this much.
It's quite insane when you think about it how fluid this all was. Like nothing felt out of place, conversation flowed easily, they are on the same wavelength about everything, they spoke openly, they had fun and let their inner child play, everything felt SO EASY. Their dynamic is just perfect, no hiccups, it just fits, jives, it clicks.
Now I am wondering how the hell they are not already a human representation of the Cosmic couple because if there is supposed to be a next level to this relationship I can't even imagine what that would look like. How much better can it get? It's so full of love already. Anyway I digress
About the child talk, firstly I was expecting this talk in Sapporo indeed. It was obvious they would at least mention it. So when I saw the scene I was already prepared mentally.
It doesn't make me worry about jikook because I think that if at some point they will want a child, they'll get to have one. Jimin or Jungkook can firstly adopt as a single parent (a bill has been passed about this in Korea recently) and then raise the child together unofficially. Or they can use a surrogate mother from overseas or something. You know they are filthy rich so I think if they REALLY want to, they would find a way.
But JK isn't ready about it yet lmao leave this man alone for now 😂
When and if it is the right time for the both of them there will be solutions so I'm not worried. This moment was really cute 🥰
Who knows what the future holds for them. Many years before we would have never expected to see them even shirtless, we would have not believed we would see their dynamic up this close in a show like this.
Things can evolve quickly. Who knows how things will develop with BTS as well, for how long will they remain a group?
It's true they are getting old, in "idol age".
Who knows how the country will evolve too?
I trust Jimin&Jungkook to make decisions about their future that will benefit them and their relationship. Maybe it will involve a child, maybe not. But I personally don't think they would break up because of this. You can see how precious their relationship is for them.
But only time will tell if I'm right.
Anyway, I could go over all the scenes of this episode and talk about it for hours.
I know this was an ephemeral dream for them this trip, like a time capsule, a bubble of normalcy, where everything is and means suddenly more. There was nothing and everything they needed at the same time. Ahh, so beautiful 🥺
I wish their lives were all the time like this, but it is what it is, they had to come down from the cloud, and face their duty, then it will be their schedule, and things will go back to regular program.
But for now I don't mind losing myself in the dream with them, and float, and pretend everything is the way they want it to be.
"All for your happiness" Jimin said
If they are happy, I am happy.
Let's enjoy those next 2 eps, I think we're in for other surprises.
Thank you for your ask 💜
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gretavanfleetposts · 2 years
Make Her Happy
Author's Note: I took way too much melatonin last night and, as I laid there on my death bed this morning, I finally wrote it, Josh unable to make your date so he sends Jake instead, because I love silly little unrealistic situations. This is also unedited because I still can hardly see straight lol like it was A LOT of melatonin. I took it and 20 minutes later realized what I had done and said…fuck. Anyways, idk, enjoy
Content Warnings: fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), dirty talk, overstimulation, penetrative sex (18+ minors do not interact), swearing
Word Count: 6k
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You'd spent over an hour preparing Josh's favorite pasta for date night, setting up plates meticulously with pretty napkins folded beside them, drinks already poured as the night grew later and you grew even more antsy for his arrival. You'd hardly had a moment to yourselves with the new album coming out. Josh had been busy and when he wasn't busy, he was exhausted. But he'd promised you a date night and you were going to make the most of it while you still had him under your fingers, frilly blue lingerie tucked away under your clothing and all.
You were giddy with excitement when you heard the doorbell, though Josh didn't usually use the bell. You didn't care though, and as you plated the last of the pasta on his end of the table, nice and hot and ready to be enjoyed, you skipped over to the door to greet your boyfriend.
And, given all of the work you had put into the evening, given all of the excitement you'd felt, even given the way you'd held off on touching yourself last night in favor of letting Josh be the one to get you off, it was entirely understandable that when you flung the door open, your reaction was what is was.
"Oh, you're not Josh."
Jake's face immediately fell from a wide grin to that of a displeased grimace.
"Good to see you, too," he said sarcastically as he pushed past you into your house to shirk off his coat and chelsea boots. "Josh got caught up with his voice coach," he explained as he moved.
You sighed, your disappointment easily showing through your demeanor. You weren't surprised, really. He'd been canceling a lot lately. You understood, of course. Well, you tried anyway. You tried to be the loving, supportive girlfriend no matter what.
Still, it sucked to miss another night with him.
"Guess I'll just put this in Tupperware then," you murmured as you moved to collect the dishes from the dining table.
But Jake stopped you with a quick grab of your wrist as he pried a plate from your hand and set it back down on the table.
"Well hey, now, I haven't eaten," he protested, his look turning into that of a wounded puppy the longer you gave him the glare you'd been sending him.
"It's for Josh," you explained, picking the plate back up again. "He's been talking about it all week, I'll just save it."
But Jake took the plate from your hands once again.
"Well he sent me to…fill in. So by that rule, you have to share."
"What do you mean 'fill in'?" you asked cautiously, your hesitation growing as that look in his eyes did, a look that somehow suggested he was up to something. The twins were up to something. That was never good.
"He knows he's been very hit or miss lately," he shrugged. "He didn't want to stand you up again. 'Make her happy,' he said."
You scoffed at him despite the way he almost looked like he genuinely wanted to eat dinner with you.
"That's ridiculous, I am happy."
"Yes, thank you," you said a bit more sternly before adding, for good measure, "I don't need a filler."
You'd eat alone, like you did every other night he'd had to cancel. You'd put on the TV and knit or read a book alone, too. And then you'd go to bed alone and let your vibrator do the work you really wanted Josh to do. It was fine. You understood.
"So you're going to let all of this work go to waste yet again? How many times has he done this this month?"
You didn't answer, mostly because Jake didn't need to hear it, didn't need the satisfaction that no, you really didn't want to spend another night alone. But God, you didn't. You wanted someone to eat with you, someone to curl up on the couch with you, someone to touch you. No, not someone. You wanted Josh.
You sighed as you dropped your gaze to your feet. "I know he's busy. It'll be better once the album is out."
"Such an understanding girlfriend," he answered in a mocking tone, earning an eye roll from you.
"Okay well if he really sent you, why didn't he text me first to at least ask?"
For all you knew, Josh had let Jake know he'd be late and Jake had decided to swoop in and save the day. Not that you really thought he'd do that but still.
"Have you checked your phone?"
"Of course I've-" you started before realizing your phone had been charging in another room while dinner had been cooked. You hadn't in fact checked it in a while though you weren't entirely sure it had made any noise either in that time.
Holding up a finger to Jake silently, you retreated from the room to find your phone, sitting there on its charger with 100% battery and a single text from Josh that you had clearly missed.
"Can't make it tonight. I'm sorry, love. Let Jake keep you company tonight. And then I'll make it up to you. I promise."
Surely that didn't mean…
No, why would it? It was ridiculous to think Josh meant anything other than let Jake have dinner with you. Were you really that desperate that you hoped there was another meaning?
You met Jake in the other room where he still stood, only now with a wide, smug grin plastered across his face as you gave him a conceding look without ever admitting you had in fact gotten a text from Josh.
"Fine. But dinner only," you relented. "Then you can go home and I can go to bed."
With my vibrator, you finished the sentence silently.
You were pent up, to say the least. But you could fake a date with Jake for an hour or two. Surely you could.
"Dinner only," he agreed with a smile that suggested it would not just be dinner only.
Okay, maybe you couldn't.
Admittedly, you'd hoped that by the time dinner was finished, he would excuse himself for the night. But he didn't, and after helping you stack dishes into the sink to be washed some other time, he took your hands in his and pulled you into him with a hum, a makeshift song for you to dance to in the kitchen. And any other night, you might have twirled with your boyfriend's brother in your kitchen, might have even giggled when he accidentally stepped on your toes, but you were aching for a moment alone to relieve yourself of the tension that had been building in your body when you had thought you'd be spending the night with Josh. And his hands.
"Jake, I don't want to dance," you groaned as you resisted his attempts like a spoiled child not getting what she wanted.
"Oh come on, this cannot be all you do on date night with him," Jake pushed back, refusing to let your wrists drop from his hands.
"It's not, I just-" you started but he cut you off with a shake of his head.
"Okay well, if it's not then you have to do with me whatever you'd do with him. I'm the substitute tonight. His orders were don't let the date fall through."
You ignored the feeling that sprang up deep inside your stomach at the implication that Jake would do whatever it is you usually did with Josh.
"Since when do you listen to him anyway?" you groaned again, still tugging helplessly at your wrists.
Was Jake strong? Oh god, stop thinking.
"Since I was sent to make his girlfriend's night not shit," he corrected you in a stern voice that almost sounded frustrated but more than anything, sounded adamant.
And you couldn't help but sigh and stop the struggle you were putting up as your shoulders fell.
So you weren't getting a moment alone. Not for a while, at least. That's okay. You'd waited a few days to get off with Josh already, what was a few more hours?
God. Hours.
"Okay, okay, fine," you relented, not doing much to hide your disappointment although Jake seemed satisfied as he gave you a soft, "Good," and let your hands fall.
"Now what do you usually do after dinner?"
Well, that was a bit tricky.
We usually do what I've been wanting to do all night.
You couldn't say that though.
"Well, usually we…" you started, trailing off and hoping he'd find the rest of the sentence in the silence. But clearly, he didn't. Or maybe he just wanted to hear you say it out loud. That was probably it, the smug bastard.
"I'm listening," he said as he cocked an eyebrow.
"Usually we…ya know…" you started and trailed off yet again, lifting your shoulders to mimic the way your eyebrows moved in insinuation.
He made a face back, covering the amused look he had in his eyes. "God, on a full stomach?"
"I don't need your judgment," you snapped back, your mood declining the longer you were denied an orgasm.
"Alright, alright," he backtracked, "and then what after?"
You shrugged. "And then sometimes we watch a movie, sometimes we just talk, sometimes we play a game. Just depends on…stuff."
You knew what you meant by stuff and it seemed he knew what you meant by stuff too because he nodded and suddenly the stark amusement was back, flooding his stupid, beautiful face just like it did his twin, though on much rarer occasion.
"Okay well, I'm more of a sex before dinner type of guy but I guess we can switch the order. Movie first though, you don't eat pasta before running a marathon."
Surely he was kidding. Although, it didn't really seem like he was kidding. Still, the stunned silence on your face earned a laugh from him, utterly pleased with himself as it were, and he dragged you into the living room, choosing to ignore your silence to keep the night going as best he could.
Silence was probably better than the disgustingly horny thoughts that suddenly filled your mind at the thought of Jake filling his brother's role in that way. His hands holding your hips, his mouth against your skin, his cock-
No, silence was definitely better.
"What movie?" Jake's voice shook you from your string of filthy thoughts as he flipped through Netflix titles carelessly, remote in hand.
"Um, it was Josh's night to pick so I guess that means you get to pick," you answered meekly as you found the corner of the couch and snuggled up with the pillow, trying to be discrete as you squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to put yourself out of your misery, even just a little bit.
"Fair enough," he answered in a low voice, navigating to one of his favorite movies, a documentary about pirates that thankfully was only an hour long.
You could suffer for another hour.
But as the opening credits came rolling across the screen, he pulled a blanket from his corner of the couch and gestured you over to him with a wave of his hand.
"Come on, I won't bite."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his choice of words.
"I'm not entirely sure I believe that."
He gave you a laugh back as he lifted the blanket for your approaching body and let it settle over top of you, pulling you into his side easily with one arm.
"Well, I guess if date night usually includes biting," he mused, turning his eyes back to the screen.
"Sometimes it does," you shrugged against him as you got cozy.
Maybe it wouldn't be an hour of suffering. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all. Although, the heat from his skin left you almost dizzy as you curled up next to him.
Pirates. Just focus on the pirates.
"I am sorry he's not here," Jake's voice caught your attention again. "And I know he is too."
You already knew Josh was likely beside himself over the fact that he had missed yet another date. And you weren't angry. Sexually frustrated? Sure. But not angry.
"It's okay," you sighed. "Thank you for coming. I do appreciate it."
"Yeah, of course."
When the movie ended an hour later, Jake shut the TV off, leaving you both alone in silence and now, in the dark, leaving to think back to Josh's text about Jake keeping you company and then Jake's more forward comments about pasta and marathons.
"I'm gonna go clean up from dinner," you said as you cleared your throat and pried yourself away from Jake's body heat to stand and head toward the kitchen. But Jake stood after you.
"I can do that," he offered in a soft tone, adding after a much huskier, "Later."
You were almost afraid to ask.
He nodded with a thin smile on his lips and eyes that drooped a little more toward the bedroom-y end of the spectrum. Not that he didn't almost always have 'fuck me' eyes. That was a trait the three brothers shared.
"Yes, after you're asleep."
After I'm asleep. Are you planning on soothing me to sleep, Jake?
"Didn't realize you were planning on staying that long," was all you said back, trying desperately to shove the thought of your aching center from your mind and act like you were perfectly fine, nothing was wrong, you weren't hoping Josh was letting you do what Jake looked like he was planning on doing regardless.
"Well, I think we've missed one crucial part of the night," he gave you a shrug back. So nonchalant. But then his eyes turned a little bit darker and you saw every intention behind them. "And I don't plan to miss out on any part of date night."
You weren't sure if the scoff you meant to give him had happened out loud or in your head.
"You're not serious."
"I am very serious," he nodded. "Josh said-"
"There's no way he meant-"
"You want to read that text again?"
You were silent for a pause, knowing his text was inconspicuous and you were likely just looking for any green light to act on your more horny of feelings, before you gave him a shake of your head.
"Okay but surely that's not what he meant. I mean, I'm not going to have sex with you, Jake. I can't have sex with you."
You weren't entirely sure you were saying it for him though surely that didn't hurt.
"Why not?" was all he asked back.
You were incredulous at the question. "Why not? Why not? Do you hear yourself right now?"
"You wanna call him and ask?"
"No, I'm not going to call him and ask!"
Finally Jake rolled his eyes and pulled his phone from his pocket, clicking around a few moments before handing it to you, outstretched with a text exchange between him and his twin open on the screen.
"Missing our date again. Can't make it out of the studio. I hate the idea of her there alone, eating the pasta I asked for by herself yet again."
"Want me to go eat it for you?"
"Will you? I just don't want to disappoint her again. I don't want her to be alone."
"Yeah, I'll fill in"
"I'm giving you permission to give her the whole date experience, just this once. Just please make her happy."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I've seen the way you look at her. I'm not an idiot. Just this once."
As you finished reading through the text messages, you couldn't deny the feeling of anticipation building again the way it had when you'd heard the knock on the door earlier in the night, thinking it was Josh.
You and Josh hadn't touched each other in a while, hadn't really found a moment between the busy schedule of being in a band and the exhaustion that seemed to follow him those days. And you really were desperate for the touch of another person, although it was hardly desperation that would lead you into Jake's arms.
You watched as he put his phone back in his pocket and stood with a waiting look, waiting for either a quiet yes or a very loud no, probably.
He could take care of you. Maybe not as well as Josh can but, guitar fingers, and all…
"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this," you sighed as you shook your head, really stunned that it was happening at all, feeling even more riled up now that you knew it wouldn't just be you and your vibrator yet again.
But Jake wasn't stunned though, rather, he was pleased, and you eyed him carefully as a wide smile spread across his lips.
"Is that a yes? Are you gonna let me make you happy?"
You took a deep breath, a very deep breath, before you finally nodded, moisture already pooling between your legs quite shamelessly.
"That's…that's a yes."
It seemed impossible that his smile could grow even wider, but grow it did at your consent.
"Well shit now I'm nervous," he mused as he stepped toward you and took your waist in his hands to pull you into him without so much as letting you warm up to the idea.
But you gave him an eye roll knowing he was full of shit and hoping it hid your own nerves.
"No you're not," you answered back in a voice much closer to a whisper despite your best efforts not to let the nerves show in your voice.
"No, I'm not," he repeated with a devilish grin, and suddenly your heart was practically leaping out of your chest. "This isn't going to be very Josh-like," he said again, lifting one hand to your neck to let his thumb push your jaw up and angle your face toward him.
"I wouldn't expect it to be," you said in a whisper back, your voice already failing you, it seemed.
"I just need you to do one thing for me."
"What's that?"
"Let yourself relax," he smiled, probably smug due to the way you were practically melting in his hands already. "It'll be easier for me to make you feel good if you do."
You felt a knot form in your throat at his words, 'make you feel good', and you gulped it down.
"I don't know if I can," you admitted, your eyes locked to his as your breathing came faster in the background.
"Just breathe. I'm just here to make you happy," he smiled again as he dipped his face low to press his lips to your collarbone, earning a sharp gasp and the opposite of his order to breathe as he did so.
The feeling was immediate, the need, the pure ache. You wanted him to touch you, you wanted more, you wanted his hands and his lips all over your body. You needed him to help you come.
"I'll go slow, I promise," he assured you as he pulled you by the waist harder into his body, his lips growing feverish as they kissed along your skin up the side of your neck and along your jaw. "Ease you into it," he mumbled.
God, I don't want to go slow. Please don't make me go slow.
Your body practically cried out for him, for his touch. It was entirely different than Josh's. He felt entirely different than Josh. But it was breathtaking nonetheless, made all the better by the feeling that it was something you weren't supposed to have, like a deep sin that made your mouth water.
"What if I don't want you to go slow?" you breathed out in between the movements of his lips scrambling every coherent thought in your brain and he pulled back with a smile on his lips and a chuckle on his tongue.
"Then I'll go as fast as you want me, baby."
With that, he delved his hands into your hair and brought your face to his, kissing you hard and practically short-circuiting your brain in the process.
Oh god, he was good at that.
Never breaking the kiss, his hands searched blindly along the path to your bedroom, saving you from bumping into a few things along the way, before his hands finally got busy stripping you of your clothes when you reached the destination.
You might have been embarrassed, too, being seen by your boyfriend's twin naked for the first time, if it hadn't been for the desperation you'd been feeling for days now drawing you to him and his touch without shame. And once your clothes were happily scattered along your bedroom floor, he connected your lips yet again and backed you up against the nearest wall where your head hit with a thud, the pain absolutely nothing compared to the electric pleasure it sent jolting through your body.
There, with you against the wall, he silently sank to his knees, lifting your leg gently up over his shoulder as he came eye-level with your heat.
Fuck, yes, put your mouth on me. A tongue is so much better than a toy.
You were afraid to look down at him, afraid you'd remember it was Jake there instead of Josh and suddenly freak out before you got what it was you wanted. So instead, you fixed your eyes to the wall opposite you and didn't dare stop him as he dove between your legs, flicking his tongue across your aching, throbbing clit.
"Oh fuck," you gasped, your hands immediately moving to grab at his hair.
It was harder to grab than Josh's but just as easy to pull.
Your hips sought friction along his face as he ate you with fervency, his tongue taking turns flicking your clit and rolling it on the tip of his tongue and delving into you to taste you better.
And Jake's tongue was good but Josh's tongue was better. But when it came to fingers though, it was the exact opposite, evident in the almost pornographic moan that slurred from your lips as Jake prodded a finger into you and began to pump while his lips wrapped around your clit to suck.
"Holy shit, that feels good, don't stop," you breathed out like it was A singular word as your leg still up around his shoulder clamped down tighter, drawing him closer to you and keeping him there.
He only hummed against you, lapping at your clit like he was starved as he continued to curl his finger to brush against your g-spot like he'd had no trouble finding it, soon adding another finger to the mix as he worked to relieve you of the tension that had wound so tightly over the course of, well, the last month really.
You shamelessly ground against his face, writhing against the wall, making sounds louder than you would have thought in his hands. You'd be embarrassed when he came up for air but for now, your focus was tunneling in on one thing and one thing only, the thing you'd been needing since before he'd set foot in your home: the orgasm about to tear through your body and release itself on his tongue.
The wet sound of his tongue lapping at your center was obscene but it only spurred forward your pleasure as the first waves of your orgasm began to roll through you and an ungodly noise escaped your lips like a cry.
God, it felt good to come undone at someone else's hands other than your own, especially Jake's very skilled ones.
He worked you through it diligently, lapping it up until you were so sensitive, your hands pushed his face away and you squirmed against the wall. But Jake didn't stop his movements, didn't even slow them.
"Oh god, Jake, please, too much," you pleaded with him as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.
He seemed almost to press his lips harder against you, seemed to suck your clit harder as you writhe and struggled to see straight, struggled to stand straight.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," you whispered as your vision began to go blurry, and suddenly overstimulation threatened to turn into another orgasm, a little more dull but still breathtakingly pleasurable as it approached out of almost nowhere.
He kept going to push you through it despite your body trying to retreat from the feeling. And with your fingers unable to find any purchase against the smooth wall, you held onto his head for dear life to keep your legs from buckling.
And then the second one hit you, taking every bit of air from your lungs as it did. You were pretty sure you were hurting him, too, with the way you grabbed at his hair and pulled, but you didn't really care and he didn't seem to care because he worked you through it with his fingers, licking around the sensitive bundle of nerves instead of directly over it as his fingers curled and grazed that spot with a slower rhythm until he stopped altogether and stood to his feet, catching you against him before your legs had the opportunity to give out.
"Those fucking noises," he whispered into you hair as he gave you a minute to breathe and regain your strength.
Only a minute though.
With his hands in your hair again, he pulled your head back to look at him, taking in the way your face flushed and the drained look you were already wearing with a pleased smile.
"I need you to stand for me, okay? Just a little longer," he asked in a soft voice that could have killed you, really. Like he was pleading with you to be good for him just a little longer.
And God, did you want to be good for him just a little bit longer.
With a nod of agreement, he walked you back toward the bed.
"Good, turn around and put your hands on the bed."
You did as you were told even though your legs were absolutely shaking and you weren't entirely sure how long you'd be able to maintain the position.
But then you felt the heat of his skin behind you, the rock hard feeling of his erection pressed against the back of your leg, and you no longer cared about the burn. It didn't even register in your mind.
"Tell me if I'm too rough, okay?" he asked in a whisper against your ear as he leaned over you one last time.
Please be too rough.
"Yes, sir," you whispered back, something you'd never said in bed before since Josh wasn't really the type but something Jake seemed to utterly enjoy judging by the way his cock twitched against your thigh.
"Ooh, I like that," he answered, a smile palpable in his voice as he straightened.
From behind you, you heard the work of him pulling a condom out of somewhere, probably his wallet in his discarded jeans, and you waited as patiently as you were capable of for him to wrap it around himself and line himself up with your entrance. Not that patient, truthfully, as you stood there practically presenting yourself to him, pushing back against nothing until finally it was him there.
"Such a good girl, falling in line for me so easily," he dropped his sweeter demeanor in favor of one a little bit cocky for your taste.
Not that you weren't falling in line very easily for him.
But every thought in your head flooded out the window as he pushed into you, one long, languid thrust to the hilt that had you moaning at the feeling, the strength of your arms being tested under the weight of dizzying pleasure.
"I think you secretly wanted this the moment I showed up. I think you like being a little slut," he grunted as he withdrew and gave you another sharp thrust.
"Yes, fuck, I wanted it," you admitted. Really anything just to spur him on.
"What was that?" he asked in a growl, his hands grabbing your hips and holding you down on his cock as you clenched around him.
"I wanted it, sir," you corrected yourself in the sweetest voice you could manage.
It seemed to please.
"There it is," he muttered as he rewarded you instantly with a threatening pace.
It was wholly different than being with Josh, the way he spoke, the way his teeth clenched as he fucked you like he was trying not to spill inside of you already. He was a lot rougher although there was still something gentle in the way his hands wrapped around your hips and guided you back to meet his thrusts, even if his words were far from gentle.
"Fuck, you are tight," he mumbled to himself before raising his voice to speak to you again. "I wanna hear you. I wanna hear you beg for my cock. Beg me for more."
He really didn't have to ask twice.
"Please, Jake, more, keep going. Your cock feels so fucking good inside of me but I need more. I need it harder," you begged, practically sobbed, totally unaware that you had called him Jake and not sir.
But he had caught it.
"Fuck, that was almost perfect, baby," he said with a frustrated tone as he halted his movements suddenly, begrudgingly.
"Fuck! No, I meant sir, please, sir, don't stop," you begged as you realized your mistake, your hips wiggling to try and do the work yourself, to try and coax him back into fucking you.
"You're gonna have to do better than that," he answered, breathing already labored despite the fact that he was still very much in control of the situation.
You were doing the work yourself, pushing your hips back onto his, but there wasn't much power behind it and it left you wanting more, desperate to come again even though you had twice before.
"Please, sir, fuck me harder, please," you tried again, saying anything you could think of that might have ignited some mercy in him. "I need to feel your cock filling me up, I need to come all over it, sir."
And finally, he lifted you into a stand by your hair, just to whisper into your ear, "See? That's how you get what you fucking want," before dropping you back down onto the mattress and thrusting into you so hard that you had no time to regain your stance as he fucked you face first into the mattress, using it as an opportunity to get better leverage to push into you.
You were fairly certain you were leaving the planet, fairly certain you were ascending to something higher, practically drunk on his cock and his words, his fucking words. And the flow of obscenities and unholy noises on your tongue came freely, uninhibited as he fucked you into an almost mindless state.
"Is this what you want, you little slut? You want me to fuck you into the mattress like this?"
"Yes, sir, just like that, just like that." It was broken sobs more than words as your eyes began to water.
Josh didn't fuck you like this and while you didn't need it to be a regular thing, it felt good to be had like this after the frustration of not seeing your boyfriend yet again. It felt good to be taken care of.
It felt good to just be railed, really.
His hand splayed flat on your back between your shoulder blades, keeping you pressed into the mattress, which was probably a good thing as it muffled your cries, and with your legs shaking and your ass still presented to him, he angled up to hit your g-spot better, harder, doing most of the work now to keep you standing.
You were going to come, it wasn't really a choice. It was going to tear through you without any mercy if he kept doing what he was doing and saying what he was saying.
"You gonna remember the way this feels? You gonna remember how it felt being drunk on my cock when you're alone with your fingers inside of you and a toy pressed to your needy little clit?"
I'm going to think about it almost every day.
You couldn't even form words as your eyes began to roll and pleasure began to take over.
"Yeah, I think you are," he grunted in smug satisfaction.
"Sir, I'm gonna come," you sobbed suddenly, not entirely sure if you'd need permission but not wanting to risk it just in case.
You desperately needed to come around him, you needed it more than you needed air in your lungs.
"Not unless you ask fucking nicely, you're not," he growled, hips still snapping hard up into yours, even as his rhythm began to falter.
It was hard to form words but you did your best to find something that would satisfy him. The truth, as it turned out.
"Please, sir, can I come? Can I please come on your cock, sir? I want it so badly, so fucking badly," you begged as you cried through the pleasure.
"Well shit," was all he said for a second as he pounded into you like he was going to come himself.
But then finally, he seemed to regain himself and he tangled his hand in your hair to pull you back onto his cock with even more force.
"Come for me, baby, come all over my cock. Make a mess of it."
It was all you needed to come screaming his name into the mattress as he released inside of you with an unholy sound that you'd remember until the day you died.
His movements were choppy that time as he worked you through it, milking himself at the same time before he finally pulled out and left you standing there, legs like jello as he took a step back to admire his work.
"Now that's a fucking sight," he whispered to himself.
And then he was there helping you stand and carrying you to the bathroom to clean you up.
"I didn't break you, did I?" he asked as he set you down in the bathroom and began wiping you off with warm water.
"No, no, I'm-I'm good," you answered, voice still just as shaky as your legs.
It made him laugh.
"Little bit rougher-"
"Little bit rougher than-yeah," you nodded, absolutely out of breath.
A lot rougher than Josh.
"Let me get you to bed," he said finally as he finished with you and himself, helping you back to the bed you'd come from.
"There's no part of date night that I missed, is there?" he asked as he tucked you snugly beneath the covers, into the warmth of relief from the tension, finally.
"Well, Josh usually stays with me," you gave a light smile and he laughed again before nodding.
"Of course," he whispered as he climbed into bed next to you, keeping a bit of distance between you but not arguing when you practically burrowed into his side.
Just for the night.
"I know this is never happening again," he started after a beat of silence, "but for what it's worth, I'll be thinking about it for a very long time."
It was your turn to laugh and though you agreed, you didn't admit it.
"Thank you, Jake," was all you said. "Thank you for a good date night."
When you woke, it was Josh next to you instead of his twin. And in the sleepy haze of early morning, you stared up at him, the beautiful boy sleeping peacefully, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself as you drifted back to sleep.
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lyrakanefanatic · 4 months
tig couple hcs part 1: max and xander
• they literally complete each other. xander, although he doesn’t show it, has always been a bit insecure when it comes to dating and didnt know if there was anyone right for him, until he met max 💗
• max told her parents about them dating a few months after they started, but they met like 6-7 months later. xander took it extremely seriously surprisingly, and showed up to her parents house with a suit and a bouquet of tulips (maxs favourite) (oh, and he got a smaller bundle of yellow roses for maxs mom because they represent friendship and/or family 🤭)
• xander loves isaac (max’s brother) and they get along really well
• karaoke nights are ICONIC with these two and they sing the best duets. you bet they’re eating up shallow and every hamilton song to have ever existed
• whenever they have movie nights they make the famous candy salads, and do that tiktok trend thing where they pretend that the candy salad was actually supposed to be a salad to make themselves seem healthy. here’s an example if you don’t know what i mean:
• “xander, are you ready to try this super healthy salad?”
• “you bet i am! i can’t wait to dig in— OH MY GOD!!! ITS ALL CANDY!!”
• “this is disgusting!! but… we can’t waste it.”
• “you’re right max. there are starving children! let’s try this”
• *while they’re eating* “this is NOT the healthy all greens salad we wanted xan 😪”
• “yeah, im SO disappointed.” (while they’re throwing handfuls of nerds gummy clusters onto their mouths)
• although avery and libby were the first people max told about her and xander dating, nash was the first person xander told about him and max dating.
• jk. nash found out because he walked in on him and max kissing and then xander told everyone in fear that nash would first. 💀
• they have SO. MANY. inside jokes it’s not even funny. sometimes at hawthorne family dinners, max will pick up a napkin or something and say some weird dumb statement to xander and they’ll both burst out laughing and get shot dirty looks by the laughlins and every older hawthorne that lives at hawthorne house
• max actually didn’t really like xander at first (although she found him attractive) because she was worried for avery, and when she had first got to the hawthorne house, she used to wander the halls just looking around, like the curious cat she is. one day, xander sees her wandering and pops up in front of her, and max, who was taken by surprise, pulls her fist back and punched him right in the throat. he was wheezing on the ground for 5 minutes straight. (she apologized so many times)
• at their wedding, xander mentioned this ⬆️⬆️ story in his vows with a cheesy line, like: “maxine liu, when I first met you, you took my breath away. literally. you punched me in the throat.” and made everybody there laugh (at the after party, nash made him explain the whole story)
• max snores and is a terrible sleeper, but thankfully xander falls asleep really quickly, so by the time she’s got her book away and is creating so much noise that it sounds like an elephant orchestra has taken residence in her mouth, xander’s already asleep
• they wear custom made matching hoodies. xanders says “when unsure, ask for max’s opinion” and max’s hoodie just says “max”.
• ⬆️ doesn’t really work the best when they’re not together LOL
• xander has woken up to max’s giggles at 3 am when she’s reading and the enemies become loversss 🤭🤭
• they eat enough food combined at thanksgiving dinner to make all of texas starve
• on the rare occasions that xander visits maxs house, he always takes seconds and thirds at dinner because he just loves her moms cooking so much
• when xander heard her swear for the first time, he was so taken aback that he just stared at her like this for 2 minutes straight:
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sillygoose067 · 5 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: LOL I found this pic and it seemed so fitting for this chapter, don’t judge.
The next afternoon, Minho called you, asking if you and Charles wanted to join them for some fried chicken and beer. Charles, having experienced Korean fried chicken once before and enjoyed the absolute party it provided his tastebuds, readily agreed. 
You were getting ready to go when Charles stopped you. “Chéri, I’m not sure which hoodie I should wear”, he frowned. He didn’t want to seem unfashionable in front of literal world-famous idols, but he didn’t want to seem too forthcoming and go to chicken and beer overdressed. 
“Charles, how many times do I have to tell you that they literally don’t give a shit what you wear. They’re so enamored to be in your presence that they could care less if you went in your pajamas.”
He pouted at you and gave you sad eyes. Sighing, you point at a light brown, cappuccino-colored hoodie that complemented his eyes and read “Life’s a game. Play your cards right” on the back.
“So you are saying that you guys were on a survival show, which was aired on live television, and your damn CEO had the audacity to eliminate Felix and Minho?”, gasped a slightly buzzed Charles. The introduction of Soju had misled him to drink one too many glasses of the flavored alcohol. 
“Yeah! And when I confronted him later on a reality TV show episode we were on, he looked me in the eye and said ‘I just thought you weren’t very good back then’! I almost had a stroke from the amount of disappointment I was overcome with! On TV!”, hiccuped and equally drunk Felix. 
“Wow, you guys must hate your boss…”, replied Charles, staring off into a corner. 
“Yeah, we do”, echoed 3racha and Seungmin. “He writes the shittiest songs and then expects us to actually perform them”.
“I can relate”, said Charles sullenly. “My company is such shit with tactics, I seldom listen to them anymore. And don’t get me wrong, I love my teammate Carlos’, he’s one of my closest friends at the moment…” “ But I really hate it when my engineers tell me to let him pass me and then he gets the podium” Tears of frustration begin to fall from his eyes. “I know that people think that I have it easy because I’ve been born and brought up in Monaco, and have an amazing family, and all the females always fall for me— But sometimes I just want people to understand that I am also human and that I also want to win in more than just fans’ hearts, y’know?”, he looks up at the members of Stray Kids looking back at him empathetically. 
“Yeah man, we know. The number of people whom I grew up with at the company leaving, committing to other companies, or just debuting while I was still a trainee and the same age as them…” “ Not the best time for me. Sat there wondering what I was doing wrong and if I was wrong to have left everything behind in Australia”, consoled Chan. 
You intertwined your fingers with Charles’. “I know that it feels like nothing is going your way, but remember why you started racing in the first place, and then, you’ll have a reason to continue pushing through.”
You hear a very drunk Minho whoop. “And that’s why we love Y/n she came into our lives right when we were all down and felt like we would never be able to achieve our dreams, and she showed us the way. If anything,” his head lolls in your direction and his eyes give you a pointed look. “She’s an official member of our group. I just wish we could tell the world that”. He pouts and there are tears in his eyes now. “But stupid PD-nim won’t ever let us, because, ‘she’s a girl and you’re a boy group’”, he mimics in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes. 
You manage to get Charles in and out of the taxi, hauling him up the stairs to the floor to your hotel room. “C’mon big guy”, you heave. “Give some help here. I’m like, half your body mass!”
Charles just mumbles something incoherently.
You’re able to get him into the hotel room. Panting, you dump him on the bed and rush to close the door behind you. You turn and sigh, hands on your hips. “WOW an angel! Am I in heaven?”, Charles is muttering now, staring at you. Assessing that he’s not in any condition to get himself dressed, you attempt to lift his hoodie. As soon as your fingers reach the lower hem, you feel him weakly push you, an offended look on his face. Oh no! Did I do something wrong? Does he feel insecure around me? Your thoughts are suffocating. 
“Stop trying to grope me, lady! You may look like an angel… but I have a girlfriend already, and she’s really pretty, and sweet, and caring.”
Your heart warms with pride. Even drunk, your boyfriend is loyal to you and he knows that he’s taken. Raising your eyebrow, you straighten your posture with your arms crossed across your chest. “Really? Tell me more about this girlfriend of yours.”
Charles’ face brightens immediately and your eyes soften. “She has the most beautiful long, dark, thick hair, and the most gorgeous brown eyes I could stare into all day, especially when the sun filters through them… Ohhhh it’s like they glow… Her skin is so smooth and a beautiful light tan, reminds me of perfectly made hot chocolate… and she’s so funny… and she hates superficial people… and she is so passionate about everything she does… and lights up every room she steps into… And to be honest”, his excited voice drops to a whisper as if he’s telling you a secret. “To be honest, I think I’m in love with her.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you stifle a sob. “Yeah?”, you whisper back to him. Then you flick his forehead. “I’m your girlfriend, you dummy.”
His eyes widen comically and you take this chance to finally get him changed. 
Before getting into bed next to him, you find him passed out. “I think I’m in love with you too.” And then you too, are out like a light. 
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silverstzrs · 10 months
His Universe pt2
Angst,mention of accident,broken limp,driving late in the middle of the night, drinking and driving
Oneshot of Gojo Satoru x reader
WC: 1.7 k
It's your birthday today, you had hoped to wake up next to your boyfriend, Satoru, but upon waking up you find the other side of your shared bed empty. You thought he may have woken to surprise you with breakfast.
You took a quick shower and dressed up on a simple yet elegant black dress, it compliments your curves too you hope that Satoru would be head over heels with the silt of the side of the dress showing off your thighs.
You head towards the kitchen hoping you'd see Satoru, but he wasn't present, you looked around for him, but it felt like finding a needle in hay, calling for his name to get no response. " toru? are you there?" you kept calling to again no response.
Feeling defeated, you went back to the kitchen assuming he left you alone for your special day. You can't help but feel disappointed, you wanted to spend the whole day with him, you even took a day off from work, just for him to disappear. Sighing you opened the refrigerator to get milk to pair with your cereal, closing the refrigerator, you see a new sticky note on it,
"Sorry sunshine, I have to get to work its urgent ly :) -toru" was written on it, Satoru and you would often leave sticky notes for each other on the refrigerator door so it was not surprising to you, but you can't help but wonder what's so important he would leave you alone on your birthday. You can't help but think he may have forgotten, alike last year.
After having breakfast, it was 11 am ish has you picked up your phone, looking at the texts you've been getting. Texts from Suguru, Shoko, Nanami was sent to you, but you've not seen one from your lover, Satoru. You think he was too busy, so you pushed away the thought of him forgetting, you shouldn't jump to conclusions.
You ended up replying to those texts, which ended in you accepting Suguru and Shoko's invite for lunch, it's been a long while since the group had hung out so you couldn't decline. You wanted to invite Satoru but he ended up not responding to your text, well he never opens his phone during work, so you got ready and met with the pair.
You've go to the address of a sushi place that Shoko had recommended, Suguru already arrived waiting for you and Shoko. "Hey Y/N! happy birthday!" he said giving you a fist bump.
Returning the act, bumping his hand you say thanks, Shoko arrived a few minutes later due to traffic, funny because ironically, she would always be the early one in the past.
A young waiter came to sit the three of you, but Suguru declined thinking his best friend would also join, Satoru, "Satoru is busy today, he cant join" you stated letting the young man sit the three of you down. After the kind waiter leaves you three Shoko asked you
"What's so busy that Satoru has to do to leave you alone on this special day?"
You decided not to respond to that question has you truly didnt know, you decide to change the topics and the duo, Shoko and Suguru insisted to buy you a gift after lunch, "Oh cmon, its your special day its not like we do this everyday" Shoko argued after you constantly declining, but you give in to the two, promising them.
You and Shoko left your cars in the parking lot of the sushi place, getting into Suguru's car to head to the mall. During the car ride, they kept talking small talk, but your mind is just wondering if Satoru had eaten or went back home, so you checked your phone, 2 new texts from "toru <3"
You look down to see the conversation on your Samsung flip phone which Satoru had given you the month prior.
YOU: Hey bb, can u join lunch with me? -11:34 am
YOU: With Suguru and Shoko lol -11:34 am
Toru <3: Ahh I am sorry princess
Toru <3: Did you have fun? -1:03 pm
YOU: Yep <3 - a minute ago
5:19 pm. The trio is now saying their goodbyes to one another after Suguru sends you and Shoko back at the sushi restaurants to pick up your cars. Your hands holding a new jacket the both had chipped in to get you, a smile on your face has you bid them farewell before driving back home to you and Satoru's shared home.
You hoped to see him showering you with kisses cuddles and affection, but he wasnt there, when you had reached home, it was already 5:49 pm, you shower and change out of your dress and getting into his shirt because you forgot where you had last put your t shirt.
You ended up waiting for him, to no response, it was already 11pm something.On normal days, he would come home late around this time, you would also wait for him, but today is your birthday, yet you didnt see a inch of him at all.
He didnt even say Happy Birthday? You stormed off, some would say you were overreacting, but you felt like he doesnt care at all, you put on a sexy sparkely navy blue dress, black high boots to match and walked out the door with your car keys.
Where were you going extactly? the club. Why? no idea, it was 12 am when you reached the club, your birthday offically over but there was still a huge crowd in the club. You partied, told the bartender to make you drinks throughout the night, you acted like a madlad screaming and dancing, but no one judged cause everyone was drunk.
When the bartender kicked you out, it was 1 AM you were half sober, not sober enough to drive but to think, you picked up your phone to call Satoru but you saw the 21 missed calls from the contact and you remembered he forgot your birthday,so instead of calling Satoru back to pick you up, your mad at him. So u drove, big mistake.
"Do you know where is Y/N?"Satoru called Suguru, thinking he was with him due to the lunch prior,
"Wdym? we all went home," He stated half awake, it was 12 am when Satoru had spammed called Suguru,forcing the poor man to call back"Its late uk, wdym she is not home?"he yawned
"She is not here!" Satoru explained with panic plastered on his face "I checked around the house 100 times"
Its no suprise he would be worried, you always come home at 10, and you would tell him if your staying out later, knowing once he blew a hole in the wall in a restaurant when it was 10:01 to look for you.
"Just look again, I needa sleep," Suguru stated muting his phone leaving Satoru with no answers
"Fuck..." Satoru mumbled getting his car keys preparing to leave before his phone rang again, he thought it may be Suguru, but oh how wrong he was, the caller was not Suguru but the hospital,
Honking noises, red and blue lights and blood on your hands was the last thing you heard or saw before ultimately nothingness,
"Its 50/50" the doctor said, working the night shift for the ER he had seen many cases of DUI, car crashes and more, but he cant help but feel pity for Satoru, the man was sobbing, not wanting to leave the hospital, not wanting to leave his universe behind, not wanting to leave you behind.
He sat on the outside of your room door, asking about your wellbeing everytime a doctor walks out, at first the doctors would respond, after him asking more, they ingored him, leaving Satoru clueless. He was sat alone, your family members and friends were sleeping at the time so it wasnt a shocker.
He didnt know what to do, he was the strongest wasnt he? Why, couldnt he help you? His will to live? What will he do without you? Why is he so powerless now?
When he was finally able to reach your side, he saw the heartbeat monitor beating so slightly, much lower than average heartbeat amounts, your face as pale as snow, one of your hands bandaged, another connected to IVs, in hospital attire.
"She is in a coma," a doctor explained to Satoru has he sat behind your bed, with tears filling his eyes full. "We estimate her waking up in a week, she was found drinking, she is charged with DUI"
Satorus eyes widened in shock, drinking and driving?... Why didnt u call him to pick you up? Why did you even drink? "I'll pay for it.." his voice was still shaky, but he is glad you would wake up.
Your family members and friends visted your unconcess body, crying, sobbing and when Suguru got told of the situation he came too. Satoru didnt leave your room at all, he didnt want to leave you, he didnt talk to anyone though, just sitting there soul-less.
Suguru saw your weakened state and saw your boyfriend Satoru, he had dark black circles under his blue eyes, his hand holding yours softly, not wanting to let go but not wanting to disconnect the IVs
"I'm sorry," Suguru apologised, he didnt know you would do this on your birthday of all days so it was a suprise to him, he really didnt know,
"Its alright" Satoru said, not his glare not leaving your face, he knew you wouldnt want him to be mad at Suguru anyways, you hate it when they fight, "you didnt know."
A week passes by, Satoru stayed by your side most of the time, the rest of the time was Shoko and Suguru begging for him to go home and rest which he did. He couldnt sleep well without your touch and he wants you back, now. When you woke up, unfimillar faces were everywhere,
Whose everyone?
Where are you?
Why is there a man holding your hand?
"Who are you?" you called out to the man holding and carressing your hand softly, you faced the rest of the people "Who is everyone?" You had lost your memories.
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karatekels · 1 year
- Would you like CK OR KK3 Terry?
I would like Cobra Kai Terry, please! The Silver Daddy in all his glory! 😭
- if there's any particular scenario or bit of dialogue you have in mind that can help me paint a picture a bit more (anything you want or don't want to see!)
Nothing in particular. But I got the idea of Terry's beloved having a size kink from scenes in Cobra Kai. I noticed that Terry seemed to stretch to full height like a cobra ready to strike! I have a feeling he knew it would intimidate others (during the tournament, especially). I always found that really hot instead of frightening. I wondered how Terry would react to his beloved feeling this way and figured he'd be delighted by it. Haha.
Original Prompt: (by anonymous)
Can you write a story where [CK] Terry Silver's beloved has a size kink? I don't mean just his *ahem* package but also his overall height, broad shoulders, and strength. Silver is massive! And, I think he'd get a kick out of knowing his beloved isn't intimidated when he stretches to full height but instead is incredibly turned on.
I’m happy to write this for you anon! I was inspired by the scene where Terry and Daniel fight in Stingray’s apartment, since that’s the scene I watch for…inspiration when writing these. Terry stepping on Daniel definitely awakened something in me lol. Enjoy!
As I Am
“You thought you could get him to turn on me?”
You’d swear that that was Terry’s voice, but he had gone out earlier that day, and said he would likely be gone for a couple of hours. You follow the sound down one of the many hallways in Terry’s house, trying to figure out what you’d heard.
“Actions have consequences, Mr. LaRusso.” There it was again: Terry’s voice. You see a door cracked open further down the hall, and open it. The lights automatically come on, and you see two walls completely covered by small monitors. This must be one of the security rooms for the house.
“Look, I’m not here for trouble, okay? I’m not in the war. I surrender, if that’s what you want to hear… the valley is yours.”
You know you shouldn’t pry, especially when it came to Terry and Daniel LaRusso – he’d told you to stay out of it, for your safety, and you’d agreed – but couldn’t stop your curiosity from getting the better of you. You hit the space bar on the keyboard to bring the system out of sleep mode, and enter the security code that Terry had trusted you with.
The cameras detecting motion light up, narrowing down your options, and you quickly find the one you’re looking for: Terry, impeccably dressed in all black, his silver hair tied back and looking every bit the sexy villain you adored, standing at a distance from Daniel LaRusso, looking small and…skittish.
“The valley?” Terry asks incredulously, shaking his head as though disappointed. “It never ceases to amaze me how small your mind is.” He gestures emphatically with his large, beautiful hands, hands that you always loved to look at, whether he was playing the piano for you or running them along your body, teasing you until…
You blink, turning your focus to the screen once more, and watching Terry slowly walking towards LaRusso.
“I don’t give a shit about your valley. I’ve got much bigger plans.”
“Well, leave me out of them,” Daniel says dismissively, moving to walk around Terry and leave.
Terry follows the movement, leaning his body to subtly block Daniel, seeming to fill the space suddenly, playing with his hands nonchalantly. His eyes are locked on Daniel the whole time, a smile playing at his lips. The way Terry moved was hypnotic; he radiated strength at all times, but the way he moved was so slow, so easy, so measured… he was in total control of himself at all times, and it seriously turned you on. You lick your lips subconsciously, finding yourself moving closer to the screen.
“It’s remarkable how easy it was to disrupt your marriage.”
Daniel drops the box he’s holding to the ground, his face starting to show anger. Terry always knew just how to push the other man’s buttons; he knew how to push everyone’s buttons, really, but LaRusso seemed to be a favourite of his ever since he resumed running Cobra Kai. You really didn’t care about the fight or the history or who would win the karate war, as long as it meant Terry would keep wearing that gi, coming home sweaty and delicious…
“You opened the door and let me just waltz right in.” he says, chuckling all the while. His cockiness, his laughter, everything about him was like he had been designed just to drive you wild.
“Imagine how easy it’s gonna be,” he continues, moving even closer to Daniel, dwarfing him with his size, “to wrap Cobra Kai gis… around both your kids.”
This is the last straw for LaRusso, and he shoves Terry back before swinging at him, managing to land a hit to his face. There is a brief moment of panic that floods through you as you worry your love has been hurt, but then Terry laughs, encouraging Daniel, and you remember who you’re engaged to. You can tell that he’s getting riled up; your man loved a fight and, remembering how desperate he had been to take you the moment he got home after fights in the past, you find yourself responding in kind. Terry didn’t like you to see him being violent; he’d only hurt people in front of you a handful of times during your relationship, and only because he was protecting you from a scumbag.
He’d said it was because he didn’t want you to get upset or scared, but looking at him now, wrapping his arms around LaRusso’s and holding him steady before headbutting him, sending the man flying with a broken nose, all you wanted was to throw yourself at him. He was so elegant, moving with such speed and strength for his age, his high kick sent your stomach flipping into knots. Terry stands over LaRusso, cold rage simmering within him as he accuses him of getting in his way for months, only to surrender when he was losing. Well, that’s not how Terry did things, you knew.
While LaRusso gets a couple more hits in on him, Terry sees the punch coming, striking out like a cobra with a leg and getting the man right in the shoulder, setting him up to grab his arm and send his elbow into his rotator cuff, dislocating his shoulder. Shouldn’t you be more upset by this? you wonder to yourself, watching LaRusso go down to the ground, Terry panting over him. He steps on LaRusso’s shoulder with a black boot, and you feel another flood of arousal wash over you, seeing how dominant your man was as he snaps the man’s shoulder back into place with his foot, threatening him and showing him mercy all the while before leaving the room, wherever it was.
You shut the lights off, fleeing the room for the nearest bathroom, not wanting to come apart and have one of the staff find you. Bracing yourself against the sink, you take a look at your reflection, noting your flushed cheeks and dark eyes shining with lust, chest heaving. Another few minutes of watching Terry like that and you think you may have come without him even touching you. You had to have him just like that, using all of his size and strength and taking you, not holding anything back.
But how could you get away with it when you weren’t supposed to have seen what you just witnessed?
--- Terry’s POV ---
You were nowhere to be found when Terry arrived home an hour or so later; upon questioning the staff a maid said that you were in the bedroom getting ready for dinner tonight. A bit strange, he thought, but not unheard of; sometimes you liked getting all dolled up just to stay with him in the house, and he was more than okay with it. He moved into one of the studies on the main floor, pouring himself a stiff drink and sitting in his favourite armchair, sipping it slowly while he pondered everything going on with LaRusso.
Awhile later, Terry hears the sound of your heels on the marble floor approaching him, and turns, finding you in the door way in a very low-cut black bodycon dress that hit the middle of your thighs, wearing stockings and black heels, your hair flowing past your shoulders and your face glowing with subtle makeup that accentuated your naturally beautiful features.
He feels his cock stir against his thigh.
“Y/N…darling, you look incredible. What’s the occasion?” he asks, half-joking, as this was over-the-top for one of your “fun night in” looks; not that he minded, he thinks to himself, eyes taking in your cleavage hungrily. Your own gaze roams his body before you look up at him with a coy smile.
“Oh, nothing!” you chirp, seeming almost giddy. “I’ve just been thinking about you all day. C’mon, dinner’s ready.” You turn and walk down the hallway to the kitchen, your hips swaying very intentionally. Minx, he thinks to himself, watching you walk away, but he knows he should be grateful that a stunning younger woman such as yourself wanted him as badly as he wanted you. Still, he thought, making his way to the dining room, you were clearly up to something. He’d give you until after dinner before dragging the answer out of you.
Someone from the kitchen staff clears your plates away, leaving you with your glass of red and Terry with his whiskey. You hadn’t cracked yet, but you were showing all the signs, your eyes flitting to him nervously and then away. Were you having an affair? He thought it unlikely, but then, he’d been betrayed numerous times before.
“What’s troubling you, my dear?” he asks, trying for the non-confrontational approach first. Your eyes snap to his nervously, a light blush forming across your cheeks.
“Nothing is wrong, honey,” you say, your voice an octave higher than usual. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, you look like a deer in the headlights, and you’ve been acting more and more nervous as the night has gone on. Please tell me, sweetheart, and I’ll fix the issue, I promise.”
You take a deep, calming breath, and Terry imperceptibly tenses his body, preparing for the worst.
“Please don’t get mad, okay? I thought I heard your voice and followed it and I went into the security room and… and I saw you fighting Daniel LaRusso,” you confess, worrying your lower lip between your teeth, brow furrowed in concern.
Terry stills, chewing the bite of food in his mouth thoroughly as he thinks this over. Compared to what he had been imagining you were going to tell him, this was nothing, and he is immediately relieved. Still, the only way for you to have seen what had happened in that apartment was if someone had abandoned their post in the security room, allowing you to slip inside. He would go see to it immediately that the culprit was identified and fired; if they were shirking their security duties, that put you at risk, and that was unacceptable.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that, my love,” he apologizes, sincerity ringing in his tone. He didn’t want to alarm you; he was so careful to keep his violent tendencies away from you. You were so small and sweet, so delicate… he’d never forgive himself for frightening you. “I’m completely fine, and please believe me when I say I never want you to see me like that.”
Rather than looking relieved at his words, or even still scared and distrusting of him – he’d really wailed on LaRusso today – you seem a bit put out. Tilting his head, he surveys you, staring at you until you feel his gaze on you and look up to lock eyes with him. He silently implores you to tell him what’s going on with you, and he sees you struggle for a long moment as you consider what to say. After what feels like ages, you look up across the table at him with determination.
“Watching you kick LaRusso’s ass was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Well, that certainly wasn’t what he had expected, Terry thinks, but feels something primal within himself stretch to its full height, glowing with pride. Polishing off his drink, he surveys you over the rim of his glass, and sees your eyes fixed on his hand around his glass. Setting the glass down, he runs a finger around the rim, watching your eyes follow as they darkened with lust. Had watching him fight given you a fascination with his hands? Only one way to find out.
Moving slowly, precisely, Terry gets out of his seat, walking around the table and coming to the side of your chair. Reaching down, he grabs the back of your seat, one hand on either side of your hips, and spins the chair in a sharp movement so that you’re facing him. Your blush is working its way down your neck, the way it did when you got really turned on. Interesting… Keeping his arms on either side of you, keeping you trapped by his large body, he leans down to whisper in your ear.
“So you liked what you saw, did you?” he murmurs in a husky voice that has your blood rushing in your ears. He hears your sharp intake of breath, feeling you nod vigorously into the crook between his neck and shoulder. He smiles to himself before taking your earlobe in between his lips, nibbling it gently, and you shiver against him. “What did you like, baby girl? You know I’ll do anything to please you; you just have to ask…”
--- Reader’s POV ---
You swallow heavily before you can bring yourself to speak. “I…fuck, Terry, I liked it all. You were so intimidating and dominant and imposing and it was just so sexy to see you fully…you… I know that you’re always doing little things like walking slower or hunching down a bit to seem smaller, and that’s really sweet, but seeing you let that all go and just go for it was…well, I nearly came just from watching you fight through the monitor.”
Terry’s hands come around your upper arms suddenly, and he lifts you out of your chair and to your feet in a fluid movement that takes you by surprise. He trails one hand down your body to wrap around your waist, the other reaching up to cradle your face; he could hold your head in one hand so easily…
“And you thought you would just dress yourself up like a pretty little doll and get what you wanted, hmm?” he asks quietly, his hand moving to tangle in your hair, making you moan at the slight sting as he tugs on your locks. “You want me to throw my weight around, lovely? Throw you around? Your wish is my command.”
He lifts you into his arms again with ease, wrapping your legs around his waist tightly, his hands holding you by your upper thighs, fingers toying with the bare skin under your dress where your stockings ended. You whimper, and he silences you, kissing you fiercely, moving to the nearest wall and slamming you against it hard, pinning you to it with his body. You kiss him back with just as much passion, squeezing your thighs around him and feeling his large hands squeeze you in return. He holds you steady with one hand, releasing his cock from his trousers with the other before bunching your dress up past your hips, pushing your panties to the side, and lowering you onto his cock with ease.
You groan as he enters you so suddenly; wet as you were for him – you had been since you had seen him through the security monitors – Terry was still huge, and always stretched you until you thought he would break you in half. Keeping you supported with one hand underneath you, he fucks you hard against the wall, his other hand reaching between you to play with your clit and help your body relax and adjust to fit him. The rough stone wall is raking your bare back and your ass as you bounce up and down on his cock, undoubtedly leaving scrapes, and the sensation heightens your pleasure and before long, he’s got you moaning wantonly, loud enough for anyone on the property to hear.
“Oh fuck Terry, yes!” you cry out in ecstasy, letting him have his way with you as he pumps you up and down on his cock, feeling like he’s somehow everywhere at once, on you and in you and it’s better than you could have imagined. You don’t think you could ever get enough of this man.
“Is this what you wanted, baby girl?” Terry growls, panting hotly against your neck and making your eyes roll back into your head. “You needed a reminder of who you belong to, huh? You needed my cock to fuck this tight little pussy, didn’t you?”
“God yes, Terry, I need your big cock – fuck, it’s so good! I’m so close!” you wail, trying to roll your hips as he fucked you to get some friction on your clit. He pulls out of you suddenly and you actually whine at the loss of him inside you. Looking up at him in desperation as he sets you on the ground, you take the moment to appreciate how incredibly hot it is, having this Adonis of a man all to yourself.
“You need to pace yourself, little one. I’ve got plans for you tonight.”
Without another word, he tosses you over his shoulder, making sure your pussy and dripping thighs are exposed, and you squirm against his broad shoulder at the thought of someone seeing you like this. Terry chuckles, and you know that he has guessed your thoughts, his hand moving even further up your thighs as he carries you towards the bedroom. You clench your legs together tightly in response, to trap his hand in retribution for all the teasing, and his fingers merely grip your flesh more firmly, making you whimper.
Kicking open the door to the bedroom, he tosses you onto the bed before kicking off his shoes and removing his jacket. He tugs his pants down the rest of the way, stepping out of them, and moves to unbutton his shirt, but you scramble off the bed towards him, reaching for him.
“Please let me?” you beg, and he gives you an amused sigh, sitting on the edge of the bed and letting you take the reins. You unbutton his shirt slowly from the top down, kissing every inch of his chest as it is revealed to you. Pushing the shirt from his shoulders, you run your hands all over him, savouring the feel of strong muscles under soft skin. Drinking him in with his eyes, you take a (reluctant) step back, reaching behind you to unzip your dress and tug it down your body, letting it pool on the floor at your feet, leaving you in your sexiest pair of black lace underwear, a garter belt holding up your stockings, and your heels.
Even when he’s sitting on the bed, Terry towers over you, and you can’t keep from launching yourself at him, straddling his lap and kissing every bit of him you could reach. Digging your nails into his muscular back and tracing patterns across his pectorals with your tongue, Terry hisses in approval, his hands gripping your butt and pulling you against him even tighter, spreading your legs wider against his hips, opening you up to him.
Kneading your ass with his hands, he guides your hips up and down, grinding your center against his hard cock, and you throw your head back, reaching back to grip his knees for support. Wasn’t a lap dance intended to please the recipient? you wonder as your underwear creates the perfect friction against your clit, making you moan.
“Such an eager little thing for me, aren’t you Y/N?” Terry croons as you grind desperately on his lap. You nod furiously, unable to form words, your wailing taking on a higher pitch as his mouth closes around one of your nipples, tongue swirling around you as he sucks hard. You try to arch your back away from him, feeling overstimulated, but he holds you fast, one hand travelling up your spine and keeping your back where he wants it.
“Oh, there’s no getting away from me now, darling,” he purrs around your breast, the vibrations sending heat through your veins. “You’re going to take all of me with this tight little body of yours.”
He keeps you against his cock and you stay put, behaving, and his hands move down your body to your feet hanging off the edge of the bed, removing your heels one by one before returning his hands to your waist, lifting you up to stand between his legs. He pins you in place with his eyes, his hands teasing the tender flesh of your hips in small circles. You worry your knees may give out.
“If you want to keep these,” his fingers toy with your underwear, “you’d better get them off now, or I will rip them off of you. Keep everything else on,” he orders, and you reach down to undo the garter belt from your stockings with trembling fingers, tugging your underwear down before refastening everything.
“Good girl,” Terry praises, taking your hips in hand once more and spinning you so your back is to him. He lifts you up with ease, still sitting on the bed, and pulls you onto his lap backwards, keeping your legs spread to either side of his knees.
“Knees on the bed, baby,” he commands, and you hasten to do so, spreading yourself open. He lifts you up, bending you forward slightly, and guides you back onto his cock, leaning you back against his chest and thrusting up into you from behind. He keeps one hand wrapped around your waist to keep you still, his hips thrusting slow and deep, and his other hand slides up your body to wrap around your neck, squeezing gently. You’re feeling so deliciously full, and used, that all you can do is take it, take everything Terry is doing to you.
“Open your eyes baby girl, and watch yourself,” he demands, his voice hoarse in your ear, and you force your eyes open, noticing for the first time that Terry has positioned you both to be in clear view of the floor-length mirror in your bedroom. “Watch that tight cunt take my big cock like it was meant to.”
You feel like you’re on the verge of passing out from everything, his words taking you right to the edge, but fight to keep your eyes open, watching your slack-jawed reflection stretched around Terry’s massive body, his massive cock thrusting into you, locking eyes with your tear-filled ones, the look on his face nearly having you coming on his cock.
“You’re close, love, I can feel it,” he moans in your ear, his hand trailing from your neck down your body. “Let go for me, darling. I want to feel that pretty pussy milk my cock as you come for me.”
His hand reaches your clit, his talented fingers bringing you to the peak with ease as you shatter, your whole body seeming to clench around his cock like it was trying to keep him inside you. Terry maintains his torturously slow, deep thrusts, holding you down and fucking you through your orgasm as you scream until your voice is hoarse. Eventually your pussy relaxes around his cock once more, and you whimper at every pump of his hips, feeling completely spent.
But Terry isn’t through with you yet, lifting you off his cock reluctantly to flip you around, laying you down on the bed on your back before entering you again, helping you lock your legs around him as your body struggles to do it on its own. He leans down, bracing his body on either side of you to keep from crushing you, completely caging you in. He rests his forehead on yours, eyes staring into you with lust and devotion and pouring that passion into a kiss that has your toes curling.
“You know I love watching your pretty face as I fill you up, Y/N,” he moans against your lips, holding your hips in a bruising grip as he lifts you up to an angle that lets him fuck you even deeper.
“Fuck baby, you’re so much… so good,” you groan out in between gasps as his thrusts physically take your breath away. Your speech is slurred, you’re completely cock-drunk, and you feel a second orgasm growing within you.
“I should have known you would want to take all of me, just as I am, just like this,” Terry growls, punctuating every word with a pump of his hips. “You were made for me, my little succubus.”
He leans back, keeping your hips in position, arced up off the bed, looking down your body to your face, a mask of ecstasy. You made such delicious sounds when you were losing your mind to pleasure. Reaching down, he lays a large, warm hand over your abdomen, pressing on it gently, and he groans at the sensation, though the noise is drowned out as you positively shriek as this makes his cock stroke your G-spot with every movement.
“I can feel my cock stretching you out, baby,” he hisses, speeding up as he gets close. He grabs one of your wrists, pulling it away from the sheets you’ve clenched in your fist in desperation, and lays it on your stomach as well. Your eyes widen in shock, your jaw falling open as you feel his cock through your body. A shudder goes through your whole body, and Terry feels it too; you’re both so wrapped up in one another that you’re practically one.
“Shit baby, that’s so fucking hot – you feel huge inside me” you whimper, pressing down more firmly on your abdomen; his cock feels the increased pressure, and his eyes roll back. “I can’t take much more, Terry. Pump me full, please!”
Terry removes your legs from their death grip around his waist, lifting them up to his shoulders and leaning over you, pressing you almost in half as he quickens his pace. You reach down between you, playing with your clit frantically, and Terry growls in approval, staring down at you with hungry eyes.
“That’s right baby, get yourself off around my cock again. I want you to squeeze every last drop out of me!”
His words seem to set you off more than anything else, and you come hard again with a wail, Terry’s hand replacing your own and working at your clit to draw out your orgasm, his other hand somehow managing to grab both of yours and pinning them above your head, stopping you from moving his hand away from your pussy; your pleasure only ended when he was satisfied. Your tears roll down your cheeks as you whine incoherently, completely overstimulated, and it’s only when Terry sees you start to fade that he finally lets go, coming deep inside you with a roar.
His movements slow, and then stop completely, as you both fight to catch your breath, sweating and satisfied. He releases your wrists, his hands moving to either side of you as he lifts his weight off of you, his cock slipping out of you as he rolls onto his back beside you, pulling you into an embrace on top of him.
“Terry…” you gasp out his name, your body spasming uncontrollably. “Oh my God, Terry!” you wail, feeling little aftershocks of your orgasm wrack your body. He wraps his arms around you protectively, stroking your hair soothingly.
“It’s okay, love, I’ve got you. It’ll pass in a minute or two; your body is just in a bit of shock from how intense everything was,” he explains, and you nod, feeling safe in his arms as you ride out the feeling. Eventually, your body stops shuddering and you relax, leaning up to kiss him softly on the mouth, looking down at him with adoration.
“You were…that was incredible,” you breathe, unable to find the words to adequately explain the best sex you’d ever had. He laughs, the sound rumbling in his chest, stroking your cheek fondly as he looks up at you with an expression of pure love.
“Maybe next time I have to deal with Danny Boy, you come along, hmm?”
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…I had a great deal of fun writing this. Hope you all enjoy!
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sgiandubh · 10 months
"He's actually paying those PR people? Whatever for? A drunk wombat would be better at the task." I LOL'd because my god have we been asking this very question of both Sam and Cait for years. They're PR is actually the worst. It's honestly hard to believe at times. Absolutely zero idea who either of them are trying to reach. The recalibrating after that VF disaster sent Cait into hiding, I'm not sure she's done another print interview since Belfast promo ended and if the Sam articles are going to continue on this way, he can quit too. Boring.
Dear Quit Anon,
I am flattered I managed to bring a smile or even a LOL, but I am not particularly glad about it. Unlike droves of people who think this PR shitshow is sad, I actually find it mystifying.
You are right. Goddess C went into occultation after that cursed VF interview. There are clear reasons, I think, for that. Also, please take into account the fact that, despite the illusions peddled by some fuckwits in this fandom, there are many things we simply do not know (nor should we, most probably).
As for S, I guess that ever since she went totally MIA (as I said, make-up and fash-un promo don't really compensate), he is overexposing himself. On purpose. Perhaps to protect her (I think so). Certainly to hide something. Since this is no way in hell about being gay (I will die on that hill and I know I am right), the only thing he could hide is well... I don't really need to draw it, do I?
Smoke and mirrors is always a risky strategy. S simply hasn't got what it takes to play that game long term, probably for the same reasons he was never a serious shortlist candidate for Bond. At this point in time, he'd mechanically go with whatever merde du jour is thrown by his imbecile PR on the table. Still, it's high time he'd seriously pull himself together. He can do better, as I wrote in a comment: he can do NYT and he did it very well, recently. And I was glad to see that. But Metro is just disappointing, clueless and tasteless. And it's padding up a press portfolio with amiable, meaningless bullshit that goes nowhere. Or at least nowhere near he wants to be or see himself in, let's say, five years from now.
OL is going to end. It has to. It's been both a blessing and a curse, I said that before. Then, it will be high time to end the fucking Truman Show. He (abstractly) knows that, he keeps hinting about it. “I’m ready for new challenges, but also nervous about what it’s like in the real world” - for some reason, I found this phrase very telling. But I doubt he internalized what probably still feels like a safely remote occurrence, right now.
What are his real projects? For the moment, zero. Directing? I'd love to see it, but he's got no real credentials for that. Bond? I mean, publicly gushing and insisting is not going to manifest it. He needs a real movie, a good one to break that glass ceiling. Is he going to get it? I hope so. But his personal brand awareness is still low. The PR clowns should stop talking to us, in here: we are already here and not going anywhere. All of us: antis, mommies, shippers, fencers, haters, trolls. They should talk to the people who have no clue who S is, and do it differently. He should step out of his comfort zone, ditch the leeches and refuse to discuss his personal life, for a while. There, I said it.
What are her real projects? For the moment, not much. Sure, we have The Cut, where I gather her part is minimalistic, to be kind. We also have The Amateur, of which very little is known at the moment. However, if I am correct, she is not one of the leads. Enough said. And beyond that? Crickets.
Make no mistake. The real litmus test is not now. The real litmus test is 2025. And then we'll see. And I'll still be here, taking weeping Anons because I don't know who said I don't know what I don't know where. Mark me.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
omg askbox is open again ^_^ as your local childe lover i would like just. anything with smut with him & childhood friend fem reader !!
- mielle
Childe x fem!reader. Smut.
a/n: Hello! Thank you for being patient. Anyways, I love writing Childe. He makes my brain go brrrrrr like Scara does lol. Here is the pitch and I hope you enjoy. Tagging @kichikichiko @xxventiswindblumexx
You had grown up together with Childe. You even travelled with him when he did stuff for the Fatui. He wanted it that way. He knew he was strong enough to always protect you, and you were more than happy to follow him.
Childe knew you had feelings for him, and he had feelings for you as well. He'd made it more than clear that he had feelings for you, but he has never opened the window to making anything official.
And that was purely because he likes seeing you get flustered if he sweet talked you. Who could blame him wanting to enjoy that as much as he possibly could?
But now he was getting impatient.
Childe was ready to stop playing this game with you.
Sparring was like foreplay to Childe. Having sparring matches with you was one of his favorite things to do with you.
You were so strong and used to way the moved. You never gave him an inch. The more you evaded, the more turned on he became. He also loves sweet talking you just to see you get flustered and make some kind of mistake, and give him a opening.
And today, Childe was laying on his charm extra think.
"Your hips had some extra sway that time. It was a nice view for me," he chuckled, watching you fumble a bit.
"Childe, please, you are making it hard to me to concentrate," you stammered, dancing away at the last minute from his grabby hands.
"What's wrong, girlie? You had so much pep in your step before. Does hearing my voice make you that flustered?" He countered, taunting you just to see you blush.
Your eyes widened when his bow dematerialized. "What's wrong? Are you tired? Our sparring matches usually last longer than this. I didn't hurt you on accident, did I? There isn't even a clear winner," you said, immediately concerned. But you were also suspicious. In a good way. In a way that made your heart pound.
Childe never dematerialized his weapon randomly. That showed how much he trusted you.
He continued to walk towards you. "Oh, but I already am the winner. I'm about to take the spar winning point."
"What do you mean?" You asked, starting to back up.
"The final point to be scored is you. I didn't think you were that dense. But it's cute, I like it."
"Do you even hear yourself, right now. You can't be being serious." You could barely hear yourself talk over the sound of your heart thudding in your chest.
"You were so disappointed when we stopped sparring. I am starting to think you want me to sweet talk to you when we spar." He came closer.
You could do nothing but stare at him, flabbergasted. You were already starting to feel wet when you were sparring with him. But now you felt wetter.
"You can barely hold it together." Childe came closer still.
You felt your back hit the wall.
"Gotcha, now you are all mine, girlie. I hope you are ready. Are you ready for me to fuck you like you always fantasized about?" Childe caged you against the wall with his hands on either side of her head.
Your cheeks had never felt so flushed. "How did you know I did that?" You asked, feeling breathless that he was this close to you in an intimate way.
"How could I not? I hear you when you think I am asleep and not around. I hear you every time. And I love the skirt are wearing by the way. It's always been my favorite one. You wore it for me didn't you?" Childe practically purred, pushing your skirt up.
Your body quivered with anticipation. "I thought you would like it," you said, butterflies fluttering through your stomach when you finally could bring your eyes to meet his.
Childe squeezed your thigh and pushed your panties aside. He was always one cut right to the case. You moaned when he pushed two fingers inside of you.
"You are already so wet for me," Childe marveled, hooking his fingers. "I don't even have to prepare you much."
You shook your head, moving your hips into his fingers. "Please Childe, just fuck me." You pleaded, squirming against him.
"Like I was ever going to deny you that," Childe boasted. You helped him peel your panties off.
He chuckled when you helped him take his cock out of his pants. "So needy, but I like that." Groping one of your breasts, he lifted you with to wrap your legs around him.
You gasped in pleasure when he pushed his cock inside of you all at once, hitting your sweet spot instantly. Your legs tightened around him, making him groan.
Childe drove himself home relentlessly, making a bulge appear in your stomach. He stared, transfixed at it while he admired how his cock pumped in and out of you.
Each thrust made you moan louder than the last time. Childe feed off of that, determined to make you cum stronger than you ever had before he claimed you.
More less, he was fucking you up the wall.
When he felt your walls start clamping around his cock, he kissed you, his tongue domineering in your mouth.
When he felt your release soaking his cock, your curling and writhing in pleasure, Childe opted to pull out instead, cumming in your skirt and your thighs. Another show of dominance.
You clung to him, panting in time with him. He nuzzled your neck before he set you down. "Don't worry, my girlie. I'll be sure to drag out the foreplay next time until you beg me to fuck you."
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