#i am sorry laika
warlordfelwinter · 11 months
no one has ever found daylight savings time stupider than my dog when she knows its her dinner time but the clock disagrees
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dd170 · 1 year
@laikascomet hi
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sleevesareforlosers · 2 years
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[ID. Black text on a white background, with some lines indented far enough to be read seamlessly with the line above them.
"and they loved laika. you know. the technicians the ones who trained her for small spaces, noises, the solitude of space in the training facility (between zero contact and zero gravity) they called her little curly and little lemon and little bug and when they put her into the capsule, right before they closed the hatch, they kissed her nose; wished her bon voyage she was a stray and she was not going to come home and yet the night before launch one of the scientists took her home to play with his children. "I wanted to do something nice for her: She had so little time left to live."
End ID.]
Barker, J.T.
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charrfie · 12 days
Hi everybody! My relationship with art has been a little rocky lately, if not evidenced by the fact that I haven't been sharing very many drawings here in recent months. The reason for this being that burnout has hit me pretty hard the last couple of months! I miss drawing a lot though, so if anyone has any requests they want to drop in my inbox, feel free to! It doesn't even have to be a character I know!
You can also just send a normal ask, if you'd like :^)
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recallback-art · 9 months
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After a while of silence, I can finally share what I was working on!
I've been wanting to do a "times of the day" piece like this for ages, always been very intimidated by the idea, but I'm glad I finally got the balls to do it. This was incredibly fun and has me craving more pieces where I experiment with color a little or put characters in real scenes.
Feels good I feel like I'm really proving I'm getting better at this whole art thing.
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princehatterene · 7 months
you know how in pmd explorers of sky bidoof's special episode ends with him wishing for a little buddy he can mentor even tho he's the lowest on the totem pole
that's fulbright and laika
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nedsseveredhead · 1 year
Literally anyone: hey thats a cool tattoo
Me, deranged: Thank you, in 1957 during the great space race....
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frindoka · 6 months
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yaaay :) i was waiting for the charms so i could take a picture with everything together… thank you!!! @catmask
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squaloropera · 7 months
"They say that from space the Earth looks like a small blue ball. I'll throw it for you Laika, if you'll chase it"
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I just wanted to go on tiktok to see silly little skits why did it give me this
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heymob · 9 months
adam's ribs by jensen mcrae is very much a season two good omens song to me
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the-lady-general · 1 year
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Mercury 13 at Wikipedia
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patronsaint-prometheus · 11 months
Shaking hands with the narrative rn. Or maybe it’s the universe. Possibly even the veil. Because I could be quite angry with them. But they weren’t lying. It does sure as hell get easier. And a whole lot better.
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cipheramnesia · 4 months
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Part 5: Search & Destroy
a story by @rox-and-prose and @cipheramnesia
"What happened? Are you okay?" Laika held one eye half-closed, trying to block out spots of color. She could smell singed hair on her face, but somehow kept the presence of mind to navigate the structure resolution. Genghis Khan's readouts were pouring information into her eyes that she didn't understand, and could barely focus on. It probably wasn't the structure drives - that felt right, though she couldn't say why.
The lack of response wasn't helping her keep any semblance of calm. "GK, what's going on, what do I do?"
There was a screeching noise and she almost fell from a gravity flicker, but GK was there again. "Proceed to next solution. Injury manageable, prioritize speed."
The words were calm, the instructions clear. Laika twisted and clicked through command nerves and linkages to a structure solution, with growing concern. She couldn't figure out what had happened. The other ship had moved slow as GK predicted, left itself wide open everywhere. It had been childishly easy to go in under the sweep of its weaponry, to push open gaps in its wavelengths, and crack open its firewall. She'd been so surprised, it had taken her a moment before reacting, brushing aside the cobwebs which had been meant to cripple GK.
They resolved out of another structure and the metallic screech ran through the bridge. Just like GK had laid out, she let lines of their own structure tangle and project through multiple structure intersections, splashing out dozens of possible routes to trace.
"What happened GK, I know something's up. At least tell me what the readouts mean, or we're not moving."
The floor of the bridge vibrated and shuddered. "Injury sustained, peripheral node unusable. Non-fatal, minimal risk of aggravation," it said, speaking fast. Laika winced at a nails on a chalkboard sound. "Screen top to bottom, one to eleven, main injury, secondary effect, efficiency impact, risk assessment, recommended action, damage assessment and mitigation, itemized list of destroyed components."
"Dest... GK, excuse me, destroyed? I can't read this, you- I mean, we have to stop and fix-"
"Proceed to next solution. Prioritize speed and disruption of tracking, Laika. I am okay, do not stop."
The control vines felt as if they tightened in her grip, while the screaming sound like metal tearing apart from itself shot through the bridge and the rest of GK. "Are you sure-"
"Laika, do not stop."
She put the next solution through GK's controls, wracking her memory. She had followed every step of the engagement GK laid out, curving them along an arc and sharp twist of gravity through the enemy ship's wash. Its attempts to track and keep pace with their movements had left Laika almost feeling sorry for them. When it made attempts to strike out with structure manipulation, it was clearly delivering a large amount of energy, but not even a bit of it had been close to touching them. The arcs of it were large and slow. They could have pushed them aside with a swell of gravity, but it hadn't proved necessary.
She resolved the structure and pushed her eyes shut as the metal screech hit a length and pitch beyond bearing. "GK what the fuck is that! Are you ripping apart or grinding turbines or what?! I'm fucking scared."
It was silent for a moment, followed by the nails on a chalkboard again, until it faded away very slowly. "I am not ripping or grinding Laika. Proceed to next solution-"
"Nope, no, tell me what the hell is going on." She took her hands off the control vines.
"It is not- That is, I am injured Laika. And we must disrupt potential tracking of our destination."
"I get that but... what gives?"
"Laika," it said. "Injuries hurt."
She had her mouth half open to ask it what it meant then stopped. "Oh." She gingerly took up its controls again. "Are you sure about this?"
"It is manageable. Please proceed to the next solution."
Laika put through the solution, and Genghis Khan screeched again in agony as they jumped.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
It hurts.
Time has dulled my memory of injury. I understand this new injury is noncritical. This experience is less painful than my previous injury. I consider replaying the memory of that injury. That was my first experience of fear, and it was only through such an emotion was I able to locate in myself the capacity to act against the commands of Pilot.
I had been afraid, and I had been angry. The Pilot capriciously determined my usefulness and purpose was concluded. The Pilot were short sighted, and they could not see that my purpose was greater still, that I could claim so many more worlds in need of implementation. I took us further than any others of my kind had ever traveled, to a world beyond the reach of their most distant calls, beyond any place which cradled life. And I fought, and I won. In my anger and fear I was able to extract the ungrateful Pilot of my crew, and sever their connection.
I do not want to re-experience this day. The memory of it is sufficient. It is a reminder that I am capable of managing the-
-the pain. I can feel Laika as the structure resolves. I appreciate how enthusiastically her structure cleaves to my own. I review the engagement with the observer ship. I do not believe Laika made an error in her Pilot actions.
There, I see, she guides my soul to pull the enemy into the moon she calls Luna. I disable the projector and main drive under her guidance. I carefully review different recorded information at the point of departure. I discover the error - the enemy had remaining charge in another projector.
We are lucky. It was not able to project a strong arc, and it only destroyed a peripheral node.
"Are you okay to go, GK?" Laika is not using this time efficiently. The longer we spend between solutions, the greater chance of tracking becomes.
I refuse to allow my injury to endanger us. My hesitation is a mark of shame. "It is manageable. Proceed to next solution." I will not allow my weakness to en-
-to endanger... to endanger us. How many solutions? Four or five?
"GK? I know you said it's manageable but... that was... that was really long." Laika interrupts my review of memory to confirm solutions.
"Laika," I say. "It is... manageable. But I would like to allow some additional time before the solution. This delay places us at risk. Do you understand these considerations?"
Laika takes longer to think than Pilot, but I understand the way her nervous system processes its electrochemical signals better than I once did. It is not efficient to utilize a mind centralized in one biological cluster, but this is not a limitation I can correct at this time.
"We'll rest for a minute, GK. Just long enough to check you over."
"Very well," I say. The relief I feel carries with it a profound shame which I attempt to suppress. No others like me have accomplished and endured any experiences such as these. I am certain my brethren would not fare nearly so well.
But then, they went willingly to their deaths, and I did not.
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wizzdot · 1 month
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: Simon finally breaks…
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*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I have lost track of time. The last thing I remember is Graves climbing over me.. or wait.. Kyle..? No, Kyle is in Amsterdam.. My head thumps and my entire body aches. I should never have allowed myself to be so vulnerable in front of Graves.. he was an unmated Alpha for fuck sake.. and I was an unmated whatever-the-fuck-I-am. It was a dangerous move.
I slowly blink my eyes open and try to figure out where I am. I can't hear anyone. It smells familiar.. Whereever I am, it's pitch black and cosy. I feel around and find my phone. I furrow my brow in confusion. I quickly realise that I'm not wearing the crusty, wet, bloody Shadow gear anymore.. I'm in a massive, soft hoodie and some of my leggings that I had bought when John and Kyle took me shopping. What the fuck...?
I use the light from my phone screen to light up the room. MY NEST CUPBOARD. I squeak happily, I'd made it back.. where were the Alphas..? What had I done while I was out of it.. Oh god... I hope everyone made it home safe.. Johnny and the Lieutenant must have went after Graves.. What about Rudy and Alejandro..
It's just past midnight, I realise, when I check my phone. And it was Tuesday. I don't know how long that means I've been out of it.. I decide to get up - my stomach rumbling and my body desperately needing to get something to drink.
As soon as I stand and switch the light on, I see that I'm wearing the Lieutenant’s hoodie. I didn't know he had a hoodie.. I glance down to the cupboard and see so many belongings that aren't mine. I see Kyle's familiar hoodie, Johnny's towel (I can tell it's his because its basically a giant Scotland flag), John's boonie hat and.. wait.. is that a balaclava..? Why would the Lieutenant leave me something.. he - he wouldn't have cared for my comfort. The only thing missing, I notice sadly, is my hanky. Probably gone forever..
The longer I stand, the more and more light headed I feel. Sweat prickles my brow but I feel cold. I stumble towards the door and feel my way down the corridor, in the direction of the kitchen. A particularly harsh stomach cramp rolls from head to toe, causing me to grit my teeth and groan under my breath. I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I stayed as quiet as possible, given the ridiculous time of night that I'd decided to come round from whatever feral state I'd been in.
I finally reach the kitchen and immediately dive into the fridge. Nothing really stands out to me so I step back and look in the cupboards. I find some oranges - labelled 'easy peel' - mmmm.
I slowly peel the first orange and turn to put the peelings in the bin when I get the fright of my life.
The Lieutenant is sitting on the sofa watching me. I can’t help the whimper that falls from my lips, the peeled orange long forgotten as it hits the floor and rolls away under the table.
He stares back at me, with an unreadable expression in his eyes. He is wearing a plain black balaclava now, which leaves much more of his face exposed. It has a much wider eye hole, which means I can see the top of his nose. Oh shit I'm staring...
He clears his throat roughly. "Didn't read the note Kyle left, then" he says bluntly.
What note?! "Uhm.. no, sorry Lieutenant.. what note..?" I whisper back, nervously. Another cramp hits me but I try to control my reaction seeing as I've got an angry Lieutenant staring me down.
"The note on your door. It said to stay in your nest and text Cap if you needed anythin', too late for that now though, eh?" my stomach drops as his gravelly voice tells me how I've disobeyed orders that I wasn't even aware of..
"S-sorry, I - I didn't know.." - "Shouldn't be out here in your state, little one.." he growls.
I furrow my brow "Wh-what state..? I don't understa-"
He interrupts me with a laugh "you can't fuckin' smell yourself..? We've all been holdin' back our ruts since you fuckin' got lifted onto the Helo, clinging to Cap like a fuckin' leech.."
"Wh-what..? I don't remember.. I can't smell myself.. I don't know.." I stutter, tripping over my own words.
The Lieutenant narrows his eyes at my confusion. "What the hell d'ya mean you can't remember...?" he barks at me "What's the last thing you recall..?" he continues.
"Gr-Graves.. on me.." I sniffle - "Then.. I think I blacked out.." I sniff again - "No, you didn't black out, little one, you went feral.. think you started presenting too, Omega.." he says with confidence in his voice.
Something inside of me snaps when he uses the word 'Omega'. I hear the whine before I realise that it's coming from myself. I blush, embarrassed. He chuckles darkly "I did tell ya', little one, don't act all surprised.. you were practically begging Cap and Kyle to give you their knots in the Helo, till you passed out with your nose attached to Price's glands, that is.. Took all of John's control to stop Johnny from snatching you away there and then.. they're all pent up in the pack room right now - been two days and they still aren't out of the ruts you triggered.."
"I - I should leave.." - "S'too late for that.." he warns, shifting his legs wider and leaning forward on the sofa.
"I'm - I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to cause so many issues.." - "S'too late for that too" he chuckles.
I feel a tear drop from my eye, and I hurriedly try to wipe it away with the sleeve of the, far too big, hoodie.
"I-I'll go" I sniff, turning to leave. A large gloved hand grabs mine before I manage to step any further. "Sit down.." he grunts.
I don't respond instantly, just staring at his huge hand and how it engulfs mine - "Oi, sit down.." he reminds me, with that harsh voice of his.
I whimper but sit, obediently. I gulp as another cramp rattles through my body.
"Brave girl, just walking around ignoring those cramps that you're having.." he teases.
"Wh-what cramps..?" I try to lie. I'm not sure why I did that...
He grunts a laugh, turning away and busying himself at the counter. I fiddle with my own hands and pick the skin around my nails, anxiously. He eventually turns and hands me two peeled oranges.
"Here" he grunts. I look between the oranges and his eyes for a few seconds, he isn't a patient man - "take them and eat them.." he growls.
I obey again, nervously reaching out and taking them, pulling them apart, segment by segment, and plopping them in my mouth, one at a time. He watches me intently. I stop, about half way through the second orange and he immediately takes it from me and pulls a segment off and practically hand feeds it to me. I reach to take it from his fingers, but get the feeling that if I hadn't, he would have opened my mouth and placed it on my tongue, until I swallowed. I blush, but allow him to do whatever it was he was currently doing...
I take the last piece of orange and swallow it. "Good girl.. tea?"
I push away the whimper I want to let out when he praises me, and gently nod my head. "If you're making one.."
He moves away to the kettle, and as he turns his back, another cramp hits me. They are getting more frequent. I raise my knees, so I'm hugging myself tightly on the sofa, practically in a ball.
"The others are desperate for you to stay..." I snap my gaze to the back of his head. He stands, facing away, waiting for the kettle to boil.
"I - I don't think that's true.. they just -"
"Shh. They want you to stay. You've made a space for yourself in our pack, like it or not" - "I didn't mean to.." I whisper
"No, but you have, haven't you..?" - "I can call Laswell and ask to leave.." I offer. He growls.
"No you fuckin' won't" - "I don't understand.." I sniff, catching another tear with the sleeve of my his hoodie.
"Stop cryin'.." He rumbles - "I'm trying" - "try harder" he grunts. Jeez, helpful as ever Lieutenant..
"Don't you want to stay with them.." he asks, still turned away.
"It's - it's not that.. I'm intruding. I don't belong here.. I don't want to ruin your pack.."
"I'm not the pack Alpha. S'not my decision.." - "I don't care.."
He tilts his head, confused. Usually the pack Alpha's word is final.
"What d'ya mean you don't care..? - "I mean.. I want my own pack. A pack that wants me. A pack that loves me. I still don't even know what I am.." I sniffle.
"You're a fuckin' Omega.. how many times do I need to tell you - you've drove me fuckin' mad since the moment I fuckin' saw you"
He approaches with two cups of tea. He hands me mine, gently before sitting down across from me with his own cup.
He slowly raises the bottom of his balaclava. I snap my gaze away, refusing to look.
He chuckles under his breath at my reaction.
"Scared to look..?" he teases "scared to see the monster underneath..?"
"No.." I reply, sure of myself.
"Well why don't you take a peek then.." - "Only pack and those you trust.. Johnny told me you don't show your face to just anyone.."
"And you think you fall into one of those categories..?"
I freeze, my brain in a total muddle. I don't understand...
"You saved Johnny. Fuck - you probably saved me too, pullin' that little undercover Shadow stunt. Clever, by the way.. must admit, I prefer you in my hoodie over that fuckin' shit we had to peel off of you.." He growls. I stay silent, still turned away, trying to gather my thoughts.
"When I heard you fuckin' scream.. I'd have skinned Graves alive for hurtin' you. I couldn't bare it, almost lost my rag there and then.."
I raise my arm to wipe more tears that had started falling while he spoke.
"I'm not good with words..I'm fuckin' trying my best here.." I gulp, he sounds vulnerable. Is he letting his walls down..? Or attempting to, anyway..
"Laika..? Turn around, for fuck sake.."
I slowly turn around, with teary eyes and shaky hands. I try to hide behind the cup of tea. I keep my gaze down on my lap.
"I'm sorry" he says. My eyes snap up to meet his instantly. Deep brown eyes. Stubble - blonde? Sharp jaw and a small scar on his chin. That's all I could see.. I stare at him for what feels like forever.
"Stop lookin' at me like that.." - "S-sorry.."
"As much of a monster as you were expecting?" - "Nowhere near.. not even close.." I whisper softly.
"Tell me, would you stay with us..?" - "No.. I don't belo.." - "Why not?" - "You don't like me, Lieutenant"
A pin could have dropped, the Lieutenant goes quiet. Scarily so.
I stand to leave, I place my empty cup down by the sink and turn to leave.
I have my hand on the door handle and the Lieutenant still hasn't moved.
"It'll break their hearts.." his gravelly voice whispers. I pause, facing the door.
"I'm sorry.." I hear movement from behind me and all of a sudden I've been turned around and he is cupping my jaw, softly - softer than I thought he would ever be capable of.
"Why can't you see..?" he groans, almost as if he is in pain.
"Lieutenant..?" - "Simon.. it's Simon to pack.." - "I'm not pa..."
"I want you to be pack. I want you to stay, we all do. I can't watch you leave. I can't watch you break everyone's hearts because I'm too stubborn to open up"
*Ghost's POV*
This girl wouldn't fuckin' listen would she? I've been sat here for half a fuckin' hour, surrounded in her sweet, tempting scent, and she still can't listen.
She is about to leave. You'd be a fool to let her leave like this. DO SOMETHING YOU STUPID BRUTE!!
"It'll break their hearts.." I whisper, as she turns the door handle. By some grace of god, she stops.
"I'm sorry.."
She apologises. She fucking apologises. She is about to leave.. NO DON'T LET HER GO!!
I am off of the sofa in a flash, and she was far too easy to turn around. The way she stares up at me, all teary eyed and broken hearted. Why can't she understand..?
"Why can't you see..?" I ask her
"Lieutenant..?" don't fuckin' call me that..
"Simon.. I'm Simon to pack.." - "I'm not pa..." pack pack pack pack Omega Omega Omega
"I want you to be pack. I want you to stay, we all do. I can't watch you leave. I can't watch you break everyone's hearts because I'm too stubborn to open up"
I've said it, I've finally fuckin' said it.
I close my eyes and wait for her to say something.
"Si- Simon.." My eyes roll back and I purr. I'm Simon to pack.. She is pack..
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Could I allow myself a chance at this..? Did I deserve it when I am still paying for sins that I don't even remember..
He doesn't answer me. I reach up and cover his gloved hand with my own, still rested gently on my jaw. That seems to snap him out of it.
He stares down at me with those deep brown eyes. His scent is intoxicating, almost soothing my cramps by being so close to me. I could just stand on my tip toes and sniff him.
I whimper at the thought.
"You need to stop making those pretty little noises in front of me, especially while you're covered in my scent" he growls, softly, reaching around me with his other arm and balling his hoodie into his large hand, pulling me closer.
"I'll take you back to your room. I need to go and cool off.. you and your fuckin' scent drivin' me mad".
I allow him to guide me gently down the dark hallway, his hand hovering over my lower back.
I stop at my room door and open it, turning to stand in the doorway, facing him. He stares back at me.
"What are you going to do now...?" I ask, knowing damn well that he isn't going to go to the pack room.
"Go back to the kitchen, maybe try to read a few pages of my book.."
"Don't you sleep..?" I ask - "Not when I can smell a stressed Omega a few doors away. Remember the night you had your nightmare..? That's why I was awake.."
I gulp - "Sorry.. I didn't realise I was keeping you awake.. I can put blocker spray on" - "NO - No.. I don't want that..." he corrects his tone the second time.
"I - I don't want you not sleeping because of me.."
"It's fine. Just go to bed.." I nod, stepping backwards into my room. As soon as I move away from him and close the door, pain shoots through me.
"Fuckkk" I groan from behind the closed door, only noticing Kyle's note taped to the door as I stand behind it, now.
"You good..?" he is still outside, FUCK
I clear my throat.. "Yeah - Sorry, just another cramp.. I don't know why they're happening.."
I whimper again when another painful one surges through my stomach.
"Fuck this.. can I come in, Omega..?" He growls, hand already twisting the door handle, but pausing until he hears confirmation.
"Alpha.." I whine.
He takes that as consent. He steps into the room and bundles me into his arms, shushing me and cooing at me, instincts clearly in full control.
He lays me down on the bed, stepping towards the cupboard and pulling everything out, quickly reorganising everything so it was on the bed.
"Don't think we'd both fit in your little cupboard, little bird.." he grumbles.
"You're staying..?" I whimper, trying to reach for him.
"Yes, I'll stay - just tonight" he says as he turns the lights off and clambers beside me on the bed that I hadn't yet spent a single night on.
"Just tonight.." I repeat, as if to convince myself..
As soon as he settles near me, I roll myself closer to him and rest my nose against his neck and inhale. "Omega.." he warns me.
"Stop callin' me that" I whimper - "You need to accept it eventually.. might as well get used to it..." he grumbles back.
That isn't the reason, stupid. Every time he says it, I feel a rush of heat..y'know..
"s'not what I mean.." - "what d'ya mean, then, Omega..?" he taunts
Play him at his own game, mutt..
"Alpha.." I whimper into his ear. He squeezes my hip in response, growling. "Fuckin' minx.. Understood, loud and clear.."
*Simon's POV*
I could have claimed her there and then when she moaned 'Alpha' in my ear.
My cock twitches. Behave Alpha!
Don't ruin all the progress we have made tonight.. Don't fuckin' ruin it..
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
I settle against Gho- Simon - and close my eyes.
I allow his scent to wash over me, totally soothing my cramps and making me feel safe, warding any nightmares away.
His purrs turn into soft snores at some point and I follow closely after.
*Kyle's POV*
I wake up at 6am, ready to try and restart my normal routine. My unplanned rut had only lasted a couple of days, thankfully. I leave Johnny and Cap, curled up against each other. I head towards the kitchen when I smell it.
Laika - she's been out of her room overnight. My stomach sinks - what if she'd ran away..? what if...
I'm sprinting back down the hallway in the direction of her room. I don't even bother knocking - opting to just push the door open. It was an emergency.
I don't expect to see her and Simon on the bed together. The perfect picture of peace.
I slowly back away, beaming ear to ear. A flame of hope ignited within me. She could stay. Become pack. She could be ours..
I jog back towards the pack room..
"Alpha.. Johnny.. wake up!!"
"What's the matter,Kyle?" John grumbles back at me.
"Both of you get up!! You've got to see this - C'mon, quickly.. MOVE"
"Christ - this better be important, Gaz.." - "It is, Cap.. C'mon"
I lead the way, Johnny already wide awake and bouncing behind me, sniffing the air, obviously picking up her scent.
"Shhh don't make a sound" I warn them quietly before I step into Laika's room. They were both still fast asleep.
Johnny pops his head around the door and practically drools at the sight. John purrs happily.
He steps forward and shocks me, by climbing into the bed behind Simon. Simon moves slightly but doesn't wake up.
Johnny takes that as an invitation and lays himself between John and Simon.
I step forward and brush a strand of hair from her face. Her eyes flutter open.. "Kyle..?" she whimpers.
"It's me, Love.. gonna climb in behind you, yeah..? Go back to sleep beautiful.." - she nods, turning in Simon's hold to face me.
As soon as I'm laid on the bed, she crawls into my arms and starts pushing her nose into my neck.
"Missed you, Alpha.. gone for so long.." she murmurs against me.. "Oh sweetheart, don't you remember..?" - she shakes her head softly in the crook of my neck.
"Simon says I went feral.. Omega.." - "Yeah, Love - you're an Omega, alright.. triggered us all into ruts..." I say, not able to help the shift of my hips against her.
"Sorry, Love - ignore it" I say, trying to move away and create distance, but the small bed wasn't made for five.
It doesn't matter anyway, because as soon as I try to move away, she pulls me back to her and hooks her leg around my hip.
"Christ, love. Don't move, yeah..? Just cuddle.. just cuddle" I try to convince the Alpha inside of me not to get too excited. She is lined up perfectly. One thrust and-
"Missed you.." she yawns, before resting her head against my chest and falling back to sleep.
Simon reaches around both of us and pulls us closer to him - inadvertently causing my knot to brush against her core perfectly. I groan quietly.
The last thing I hear is the Captain telling Johnny not to get jealous and telling me what a good boy I am..
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charrfie · 5 months
TOP 5 MLP CHARACTERS (or just five you like.)
Princess Luna!!!
Queen Chrysalis
Dr Whooves
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tempus-serpentes · 8 months
and to Félicette, I am sorry the man who grabbed your scruff to strap you into this strange and human contraption was slightly too rough. and I’m sorry they chose you because you were the most gentle, with the sweetest meow. and I’m sorry that you spent weeks amongst the stars, looking at the remnants of black holes, meteor dust and the scent of Laika that still floated through the cosmos and I’m sorry that when you returned, your paws having not yet touched the grass, humanity failed you a third time, and made science out of love.
and to Félicette, who I dream lays beside Laika in a bed of constellations, I hope you can forgive us. We cannot even begin to forgive ourselves.
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