#i am still gonna have to ask for clarification even if you put a /j on it in that instance....
thiefking · 1 year
i am still pleased and amazed at the amount of people on my tone indicator parantheticals post who AREN'T being weird and aggro, but i will say. while i got tired of the aggro ones the moment the first one showed up i have also grown tired of the "this is just tumblr tags/congrats you just reinvented tumblr tags" observation. it has been made many times, i can never tell if it's a teasing joke or if they're seriously like "umm dumbass this is the same thing" (because of course they are not paired with any indication of intent, such as a word encased in a pair of parentheses, because for some reason being overfamiliar with strangers on the internet has become very normalized, and they just expect that if they say things to people they have never met that the person they say that to will be able to tell whether they are kidding or trying to insult them, which is highly variable per person) and either way it's like...
i mean. yeah. on tumblr, that is the same thing as what you could use the tags for
but tumblr isn't a messaging app
even its in-built dms do not have tags
if you are using discord if you type a # it would prompt you to pick a channel you are referring to
The Primary Location You Would Use Tone Indicators Is In Conversation With Others And Tumblr Is Technically A Blogging Platform
also a bunch of people are like "ummm or you could just put it in the SENTENCE like a NORMAL PERSON" and first of all shut up. secondly nowhere in the post did i say that i specifically would rather someone use random parantheticals instead of just stating their intent in the actual sentence, i said i would prefer parantheticals over highly abbreviated tone tags. obviously i would prefer people just say properly what they mean, that is literally what i do when i have a genuine question to ask, i don't do "what do you mean (genuine) (sincere question) (confused)" i say "sorry i'm a little confused, what do you mean by xyz?". literally did not fucking say that i think parantheticals would be better than just saying what you actually mean to begin with IN the initial question. however THIRDLY sometimes you just fucking have adhd or the conversation is fast and you don't think to phrase it carefully. and in that situation you might realize after you already sent the message that it's ambiguous what you meant or if you were sincere, so you send like "(JOKE)" or "genuine question" or if you make a reference "(you know like xyz meme/show/game)" immediately afterwards so people know and can respond appropriately. and i would so much rather see people spell the fucking thing out instead of saying /j or /gen or god forbid /ref (WHAT!!! ARE YOU FUCKING REFERENCING!!! YOU CAN'T JUST SAY IT'S A REFERENCE AND LEAVE IT AT THAT THAT DOESN'T HELP!!! WHY IS THAT EVEN A TONE TAG!!! YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN ME ANY CONTEXT FOR IT, THIS IS NOT A TONE TO INDICATE, IT DOESN'T INDICATE ANYTHING, I COULD PROBABLY TELL FROM THE PHRASING TO BEGIN WITH THAT IT WAS SOME KIND OF REFERENCE ANYWAY, YOU HAVE GIVEN ME ZERO INFORMATION AAUUAUAAAAGGGGHHH the fucking autistic person who would not be able to tell that you were making a reference without the tag would probably also not be able to tell what the goddamn joke was supposed to be! i AM that autistic person sometimes!!! you cannot just /ref your way out of that if you are ACTUALLY TRYING to HELP AUTISTIC PEOPLE then make it clear you can be ASKED TO CLARIFY THINGS and then SUCK IT UP AND EXPLAIN THE JOKE EVEN IF IT MAKES IT LESS FUNNY!!! and this is entirely specific to Me who has never once wanted someone to use tone tags even when i do ask for clarification on something, but if you don't want to ruin your joke by explaining it and i already Understood that it was a joke, the /ref and or /j you put on it is actually. equivalent. to explaining the joke and ruining it...... because in this scenario i knew it was a joke already...)
ahem. anyway. i think the people who say "ummm orrr you could just bake it into the sentence :/" do not realize they are the ones being stupid while calling me stupid. because of the fact that they cannot read the post, where i don't say even once that i don't agree with them, because i am talking about something else, which is that if you gave me a choice between tone tags or tone parantheticals i would choose parantheticals
conversely i'm NOT tired of the elcor comparison, even a little bit, even though that one was also made a thousand times. i actually like that one a lot. i never played mass effect or anything i just think that's funny and cool. entire species that has autism... so beautiful ♡
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clockworkouroboros · 5 years
I’m in a The Amazing Devil Discord server and have been going wild with crazy insane theories about just about everything, drawing connections that probably don’t actually exist, and generally losing my mind over both Love Run and The Horror and the Wild. That being said, I do have a theory about THatW that, if it’s not true, at least merits me a tinfoil hat, I think. Just be warned, this post will be long, and yes, I will include receipts.
So here’s this theory and Joey, if you read this, just know that I’m impressed either at how much thought was put into this, or the sheer number of coincidences that make this work if it wasn’t planned. It’s turned me into a conspiracy theorist for the past four days or so? And it’s severely affected the amount of sleep I’ve been getting.
My basic theory here is that Joey and Madeleine aren’t singing as themselves throughout this album, they’re playing characters, and those characters are old gods. Joey is the Wild, Madeleine is Time. (Alternatively, she’s Horror, fitting with the album title, but as she’s never explicitly referred to as such, I’m not insisting on that point.)
Now, where am I getting this silly idea from? None other than the title track, of course, in which Joey sings, “witness me, old man, I am the Wild, and Madeleine sings, “And I am Time itself.” And yes, they are both capitalized like that in the lyrics.
So they explicitly refer to themselves as such. But Emily, you might be saying (or not, depending on how much you care), that’s one song! This is hardly an album’s worth of proof! Sure, they might be gods in this song, but what about the other eight? To which I say, hoo boy, I’m just getting started.
Before I continue, I’d like to add something about how their characters are depicted throughout the album: Joey is more cheerful, Madeleine is not. (see: Wild Blue Yonder, Marbles, Battle Cries.) Joey is whimsical, Madeleine is practical. (See Battle Cries especially, but you can also see this in Wild Blue Yonder.) Madeleine is referred to multiple times as being stronger than Joey, and appears to assume a more protective role over Joey’s childlike. This fits in with my theory, by the way, in a roundabout sort of way that involves some squinting. Joey is the Wild, which is...well, wild. Think of little kids: cheerful, whimsical, in need of protection. Madeleine is Time. She knows what has been, what is, and what will be. Of course she’s going to be more mature, practical, and pessimistic.
And why is this important? Well, it’s kind of how I’m tying together a lot of the rest of the album. (Not all of it; Farewell Wanderlust is a notable outlier in many ways, and some of my connections are tenuous at best, but we’re going to ignore that and pretend it’s all rock-solid. Rockrose-solid. I’m sorry, I’m very tired.) I’m ignoring The Rockrose and the Thistle a little bit in this post, not because I dislike it (it’s gorgeous), but because it’s stubbornly eluding my attempts to tie it into anything other than Elsa’s Song, which isn’t even part of this album.
The vast majority of what you need to know about these two characters is in The Horror and the Wild (the song), so I’m gonna copy/paste some lyrics, and go through them. (Actually, the copy/pasting is nonexistent, these lyrics are imprinted on my brain at this point. That being said, if there are errors, lmk and I will edit the post and fix them!)
So we’ve got Madeleine starting, singing about Joey, with “You were raised by wolves and voices, every night I hear them howling deep beneath your bed, they said it all comes down to you.” Aside from the fact that I have no clue why “it all” comes down to Joey, or anything with that last bit, maybe a few more late nights with a tinfoil hat will do the trick. That being said, the first line of the song references childhood specifically in relation to Joey. Notice also how wolves are referenced in Wild Blue Yonder (“we don’t know what’s out there/could be wolves”) and That Unwanted Animal (“‘What’s the time, Mr. Wolf,’ but you, you’re blind, you bleat, you bear your claws”). The whole “howling” thing and “deep beneath your bed” both pop up in That Unwanted Animal, too: “and on the wind it howls,” for one. And for the other, there’s “you [presumably Joey] make the bed up silent on the floor so no one hears us,” later followed later in the song by “and the door below us splinters, and the creature creeps inside.”
Following this, Joey sings about Madeleine: “you’re the daughter of silent watching stones, you watch the stars hurl all their fundaments, in wonderment at you and yours, forever asking more.” First of all, I’m gonna say that this is Joey’s point of view; later on, Madeleine will refute the daughter thing (“I’m not a drunkard, a daughter, a preacher”.) Anyway, “silent watching stones” could reference Wild Blue Yonder: “every stone you threw, I stood on to better see the view.” The view being the stars hurling all their fundaments?
(Incidentally, I knew vaguely what “fundament” meant, but I looked it up to make sure I had it right, and learned that, among its other meanings, “fundament” can mean “butt.” But I don’t think that’s what Joey had in mind with this. I just think y’all should appreciate it.)
Anyway, we’ve also got in Battle Cries, “With you I could summon the gods and the stars, make them dance out the plays that we wrote from the heart, and we’d laugh at the ghosts of our fears,” with Madeleine singing, “Come on, love, please don’t start, sing your notes play your part,” and then the part that gets me every time: M: “we were gods,” J: “we were kids.” Which is a whole other can of worms involving their personalities, which I’ve already briefly outlined. My point is the whole “gods and the stars” bit.
I could (and have, on Discord) done a full, in-depth analysis of this track, and I don’t want to go all over it again, but “I promise you, they’ll sing of every Time you passed your fingers through my hair and called me child, witness me, old man, I am the Wild” has both Time and Wild as proper nouns in the lyrics, plus reinforces Time’s view of the Wild as a child. No clue who the old man is, though.
In verse two, Madeleine sings, “you [Joey] are the son of every dressing-up box, and I am Time itself, I slow and let you play, I steal the hours, and turn the night into day.” Again, this reinforces Joey’s childlike aspects (which will later be hinted at in That Unwanted Animal, with the “god-child,” who’s clearly Joey), but also shows, as in the refrain, the fact that Time has a sense of protectiveness over the Wild, at least sometimes.
That being said, although I’ve obviously referenced other songs, I still have mostly focused on the title track. So. I’m going to go through some of the other songs real quick.
The songs on the album (again, excepting Rockrose, because my attempts to tie it in have been frustrating and not gone anywhere, Mr. Batey please explain) can be grouped into categories: songs outright referencing gods (THatW, Farewell Wanderlust, That Unwanted Animal, Battle Cries), songs about their relationship, (arguably all of them, although Welly Boots is a bit confusing), and songs that refuse to allow me to classify them (Rockrose).
I would argue that this entire album is about the relationship of two old gods, but I’m not quite sure what the chronology is of the album, because it seems like it can’t be straightforward. (Farewell Wanderlust, although its placement makes sense in the setup of the album, doesn’t make sense in the chronology of this theory.) Another important note in some way is that every song on the album, with the exception of Farewell Wanderlust, is about being there for someone, or steadfastness in some capacity, while Farewell Wanderlust is about abandonment. It’s an outlier in a lot of ways. (Though not as many ways as frickin Rockrose.)
I have been talking about this at great length (and almost incessantly) on Discord, so unless you want this post to get even longer, I’m going to run by some lyrics real quick to try and show a little bit my thought process.
- “He watches her get dressed as though she’s hurtling through time” (Fair)
- “And she is stronger than he has ever been, he knows” (Fair) versus “Without you, I’m stronger, I’m no longer filled with wonder. How wrong you were” (Wild Blue Yonder, Welly Boots)
- J: “Place your hand in mine” M: “Hold the hand of the god-child, they said, as he falls from the sky” (That Unwanted Animal)
- “I’m the saint of the paint that was left in the pot, I’m your angel ellipsis, your devil of dots” (Farewell Wanderlust)
- “the fluttering of all your wings” (The Horror and the Wild) versus “when you think about him, my wings start to flap” (Farewell Wanderlust)
- “come, devil, come, she sang, call out my name. Let’s take this outside, ‘cos we’re one and the same. Our gods have abandoned us, left us, instead, take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead” (Farewell Wanderlust)
There are even more lyrics, and I’m going to be completely honest with you, I’ve gone totally insane with all of this, but this post is way too long already, so just let me know if you want any clarification or something.
Tldr: The Amazing Devil’s album The Horror and the Wild is about two old gods, one being Time, and the other being the Wild, or the god-child. The album is primarily about their relationship and steadfastness they show each other, even in tumultuous circumstances.
Now go excuse me while I attempt to take off this tinfoil hat that appears to be stuck on my head.
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gweyson · 6 years
how much would u hate me if i asked u to do every single uncommon question for an oc of ur choice?
the absolute madman he actually did it
im gonna put this under the cut sdjkfhsdjfsjkl also im answering for pascal because. Thats My Boy
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
he’s gotten really good at it since he had to start hiding from murder robots... but even before then he was never a super fidgety person so he could sit very still !
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
he’s good at pretending everything’s fine when it’s all actually Rather Shit so. yeah pretty easy
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
thinking mostly.... sometimes he’ll talk to someone and drift off from there but it depends on who’s on lookout or how quiet the group has to stay
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
he tries to remain suspicious of people he meets but at heart he’s too trusting for his own good tbh.... he does try to hold off on trusting stangers these days but hes still a little soft
5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
yeah pretty easy. like it’s easy enough to get him to trust you in the first place but once you do something to fuck that up then good luck getting it back lmao
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
laws arent really. a thing anymore djkfhdljk but when they were he’d like... say laws are immovable and very needed and then do stuff that completely contradicted that view
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
cooking !! it reminds him of when he used to help his mum out with houseowrk/cooking. he. doesnt really like the feeling because it reminds him that he has no idea if his family is actually still alive or not :(
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
“stop playing in the dirt”
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
he doesnt swear heaps but he does enough that it’s not super shocking whenever he does. he sweras more the angrier/more agitated he gets
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
he’d regularly lie to his mum just so he could get out of the house and go to parties lol. he’s not super haunted by it or anything (& he was a pretty good kid otherwise so he figures he was allowed at least this one not great thing)
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
he’ll try to play along until he can figure stuff out but if he cant he’ll just go “what tf is happening”
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
either gets someone to scratch it or uses like. a ruler or smth
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
he thinks he looks best in green but it’s... not his best colour
14. What animal do they fear most?
big dogs... scarey :(
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
he usually just says whatever comes to his mind tbh. idk how to properly descrive it but like... the way he talks makes him sound smart but not arrogant about it yknow. like you hear him talk and youre like “yeah this is a guy who knows what hes doing”
16. What makes their stomach turn?
not much tbh?? like before everything turned Awful he was studying forensic entomology so like. hes got a bit of an iron stomach lmao. the smell of rotting meat maybe
17. Are they easily embarrassed?
not really? if he does get embarrassed he’s pretty decent at hiding it
18. What embarrasses them?
when he’s the centre of attention in a big group and he can feel everyone staring at him and his face goes all red and aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA
19. What is their favorite number?
7 !!
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
he’d go on a really long tangent about it and possibly not even answer the question at hand tbh
21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
to not die, mostly
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
he’ll become pretty aloof and just. not wanna talk. he’ll avoid the target of jealousy a bit as well oops
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
he’ll do everything in his power to one-up whatever’s making him envious. it rarely works
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
he is comfortable talking about it !! really the only thing that ever stops him talking about it is if someone else is uncomfortable with it
25. What are their thoughts on marriage? 
he likes the idea ! if he does get married though he wants to do it wayyyyy in the future he’s not ready to settle down
26. What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
before everything went shit he preferred driving, now he walks everywhere
27. What causes them to feel dread?
robots. or when astrid is pissed
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
he says he’d prefer an unpleasant truth but when it actually comes time to deal with it he doesnt go too great lol
29. Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
he tries... whether he succeeds is another question 
30. Who do they most regret meeting? 
[redacted for spoilers]
31. Who are they the most glad to have met? 
astrid !! as much as he loves everyine else in the group she’s the only one who could realistically protect him if something were to go wrong. shes just more secure
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
not really ??
33. Could they be considered lazy? 
nah not really !! he’s always been a hard worker
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
it follows him around for a loooooong time. whether it goes away or just fades into background noise really depends on the situation but it’s not easy for him
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
he always tries to be supportive !! unless it’s something like. morally disgusting then No but he tries to support his friends even if he thinks whateber theyre talking about is kinda dumb
36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
he just kinda waits it out !! when the world was Not Shit his friends would be regularly trying to set him up with people so he never had to work super hard for it :’)
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
i cant remember the name for it but he does the thing where like. he’ll associate thing a with thing b by finding something that connects them togehter? like a syllable in thing a sounds like thing b so. yeah. im good at explaining
38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
either when astrid helped him bust out of the factory he was trapped working in or just miscellaneous memories of his mum & siblings
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? 
he tends to ignore people’s flaws which can lead to issues
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
he tries to be self critical but he’s not really self critical enough for it to make a solid difference. usually he has to be told what he’s doing before he consciously realises it
41. How do they feel about children? 
he likes them !! he was the oldest of a lot of siblings so he knows how to handle them & he’s pretty good with them
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
his end goal is to stop robots killing everything & for everything to go back to normal so id say he wants that pretty fuckin bad
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
“hey pascal are you into--” “yes”
QUESTIONS FOR CREATORS (I wasnt sure if you wanted me to do these ones too so. shrug emoji)
A) Why are you excited about this character?
i made him for my comic which. i will start one day fdklgjdlkjgd..... also hes just fun to develop ! i gave him a bunch of traits i rlly like and also i made him like bugs a lot so. i am biased
B) What inspired you to create them?
uh. needed characters for the comic hehe.....i cant remember the exact process i went thru when making him?? i wanted someone who was close to astrid/who she could trust, plus i had the idea for a backstory (i think. like i said i cant remember my exact process)
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
not really, i came up with the concept before i actually made his character
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
he’s always had the same appearance !! even though i should probably change it a little because he looks different every time i try drawing him but shhhhh
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
hes someone i would think is super cool but then. would never actually talk to jkdsfhsdjkhfsdjk. he’d be nice to my face but i’m....not sure what he’d genuinely think of me oops
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
THATS MY FACKING BOY BABEYEYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also excited bc i have angst planned ^____^
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
he’s too gullible and willing to trust strangers. he should know better but he’s too much of an optimist for his own good !!
H) What trait do you admire most?
he’s always able to put on a happy face when he’s feeling awful because he doesnt want anyone to worry & he doesnt wanna bring anyone down !! he’s always thinking ahout everyone else before himself
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
i dont know what this means..... yes??
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
uhh technically not ?? in his original concept he was gonna be in a poly relationship with 2 others but i cut the other members of the relationship. not because of pascal it’s because i thought the group would get too big and like. they value stealth and sneakiness. plus it’s harder for big groups to travel undetected
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bangtan-only · 7 years
BTS Highlight Reel Theory
I am piled with homework and taunted with lack of sleep. So this is gonna be a short and sweet theory  (I will update this once i have more time & sleep)
Here we go: The girls act as parallel/foil/triggers to the BTS members and their fate.
Jin The girl drops the diary. Seems familiar? Remember the HYYH note Jin wrote ? Jin writes a diary and this triggers him to think of his past.
The bar states: I will not let you get trapped.
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Some moments (The most beautiful moment in life) become more vivid with passage of time. Yesterday’s many encounters and goodbye exist for this moment. Every alley and crossroad i walked through (troubles and issue in i need you and run and temptation in bst) were all meant to lead me to this very place.(Death) That kind of moment is what i mean.
He reminisces his past due to the diary and finally the bar lifted, he is willing to put down his memories and head for the nether worlds peacefully.
> Jin is therefore trying to find back the moment he had with his friends but just keeps the memories in his heart;
 I wish to go back to the summer sea. 
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Suga The girl takes away his lighter. This signifys that Suga should stop “smoking” his way through life. He should not be living aimlessly. Y.K = Yoon Ki Min ( start anew/afresh with different but similar name) She then lifts a lollipop. Familiar ? Jungkook lollipop in BST.
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Suga can stop living aimlessly but he is still running away from reality, he merely replaces getting addicted to cigarette to candy.
He has always been like this. 1. Getting Jimin to run away from reality by blindfolding him.
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2. Giving jungkook lollipop to run away from reality. > If you can’t face reality, he cannot love himself, he is guilty towards his friends and thus explains his dull and looking down poster; Don’t get close, you will be unhappy.
J-hope (My heart hurts okay ) The girl reminds him of his mother. Appearance wise- she wishes him birthday but she is being a hypocrite. 1. She beckons Jimin to come > She left hoseok for Jimin, like how his mother left him
2. She wishes him birthday but left him there, at first happy and now sorrow
3. Chocolate bar is related to demian > they left him something he didn’t want But if she can shine, it’s okay.
Even your mother don’t love you. Will you be able to love yourself ?
Namjoon The girl triggers him at similar place where he was with taehyung in run. Same like her, taehyung run/walk away from him. ( Reflection theory : liar & hyyh note: he held tae for Jin to punch him) So he only watches taehyung from behind, he knew everything that’s going on. But with the lollipop symbol, he too is guilty of running away from harsh reality.
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Jimin He was always in a “Lie” He believes his never good enough. He masked himself in the shadow of J-hope explains the unit poster; J-hope shines because Jimin is the darkness. You cannot shine without darkness.
Jimin don’t love himself.
Taehyung The girl is the mirror of him. Supermarket context (Bts for you) Rebellious; Social Stigma He helps her because he didn’t want her to commit a crime, because he knew the stigma that comes with being a criminal. If he love himself, he would not be worried of the social stigma but he couldn’t therefore, he regrets. If i haven’t make that decision. Would Namjoon not have left him alone?
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Jungkook The girl was his support. or rather substitute for Yoongi.
He was agitated, frustrated of his legs but the girl taught him to stop, accept himself.
His unit photo with Yoongi he was upset, yet in his solo poster he was cheerful as it was that day he followed his heart, he accepts reality and himself. 
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Summary: It’s about getting over their past, go on with their separate ways,  learn to accept their flaws.
“Every path we take lead to us standing where we are.”
Just one day they would reunite together; till death do they part; from death do they reunite.
A/n: I wanted to write a short one but look what happen. i am pathetic. *cries with my theories*
Just want to ask, if i do my theories by video (It’s more time efficient for me i believe and clearer too) would yall prefer it? or nah?
 Feel free to share your thoughts for seek clarification. 
Do not bash me because this is just my interpretation.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 02.08.17 lb
fiesty wife isn’t scared of billu and his tactics anymore. 🙄🙄🙄
ohhhhhhhhhhh boy. shivaay was so inspired by rudy’s little handcuffs waala mishap that he got these installed at his headboard too. 😳😳😳
god, please don’t ever get them removed. this could make for some verrrrrrrrrrrry kinky sex. 😏😏😏
literally me right now: 
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did he drop the key on purpose???? either way, this man has fucking lost his marbles. 😟😟😟
oh boyyyyyyyyy. angry, grabby!kara. 😬😬😬
ok good. glad you cleared that up, om. now she can leave in peace. 😑😑😑
the editing and transition in scenes is hella abrupt and giving me whiplash bruh. 😖😖😖
honestly rudra, what will it take for you to leave the girl alone???? 😒😒😒
lol om’s like “good, i was just pretending to care about your problems anyway. like i always do.” 
whut, om doesn’t like sugar? great. there goes my dream of a being happily married to him. i can’t marry a fucking freak who doesn’t like sugar. 😟😟😟
rudra: log shaadi kyun karte hai? om: yeh toh tujhe pata hona chahiye. tune toh do do kiye hai. ek nashe mein ASLI, aur ab ek majboori mein nakli. 
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bs misogyny waala bonding. fuck you idiots. 😑😑😑
this fucking idiot and his fucking aloo puri plan. honestly. 🙄🙄🙄
snort. good that shivaay knows that when it comes to picking between the two, devar squad always picks bhaabi. apni aukaat yaad rakh, billu. 😆😆😆
billu’s sooooooooo matter of fact now that he knows how things stand. this is his businessman of the year side. 😐😐😐
oh yes, my girl is free! FLY ANIKA, FLYYYYYYYYY. 🕊🕊🕊
.... so do they just keeeep weed around the house in case they need to interrogate stubborn wives or........ 🤔🤔🤔
who am i kidding, he obviously took some from omki’s stash. you CANNOT convince me that om doesn’t 420 blaze it.  🚬 🚬 🚬 
lmao she’s gonna fuckkkkkkkkk. himm. upppppppp. 😈😈😈
"i also don’t want to hurt you, anika.”
pretending aside, i’d have given him extra hell for losing the fucking key. like seriously. fuck him. 😤😤😤
side eyeing him majorly for blaming her “zidd” for “making him do this”. fucking creep. 😠😠😠
ok feeling the feelz for him fussing over her bruises. ugh i hate himmmmmmm for making me love him. FUCK MY STUPID HEART FOR OVERRIDING MY SMART BRAIN. 😫😫😫
aaaaaaaaand, i have officially started crying. the flashbacks did me in. god, what an awful day that was. 😪😪😪
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“kyun hua yeh sab?” 😥😥😥
oh god my heart. my poor broken heart. the way he asked that. 😭😭😭
“TUMHE mujhpe bharosa nahi tha. kuch baat thi, toh baat karni thi mujhse. koshish toh karti.”
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. 😢😢😢
don’t think i didn’t notice anika being distracted and just staring at his mouth, not paying attn to a single angsty thing he was saying. 😏😏😏
sudden switch to comedy. oufffffff. 😣😣😣
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oh idiot billu. stupidly smug fucking idiot. 😗😗😗
..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaand....
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yup. high as a fucking kite. fucking idiot. 🙄🙄🙄
looks like a good couple bonding experience though. 😆😆😆
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lmao, this is surbhi laughing for real at nakuul being a dork. so fucking cute. 😂😂😂
oh god. naach gaana. fwding. 
.... is this real or the hallucinations of billu’s drugged out mind? 🤔🤔🤔
ok real. i think. god, don’t make me go back and watch the fucking song and dance. 😒😒😒
i’m just assuming it’s real for now. 
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aw man. my heart. they missed each other sooooooo much. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
siiiiiiiiigh, look at his open and earnest expression when he’s asking her. 
“sab kuch sahi tha. hum kitne khush the... main tumse shaadi karne waala tha... uske baad hum live happily ever after hone waale the. tumhaari hindi picturon mein dikhate hai na?” 
oh my heart. i caaaaaaaaan’t. 😭😭😭😭😭
i hate that nakuul makes his “drunk/high” voice so high pitched. like... his shivaay voice is deeper than his actual voice, and this is just tooooo high pitched. he’s currently squealing “kyunnnnnn” at a frequency only bats can hear. 😣😣😣
ohhhhhhhhhh boy. part 1 of the truth is out. 😬😬😬
oh ho, KASAM waala nonsense. since when does SHIVAAY believe in KASAMs? 🤔🤔🤔
billllu, tum NAHIIII sambhaaal paoge. ouff. just... man why can’t you just be like a normal stoner and get the munchies. no, you have to be the PARANOID type of stoner. 😒😒😒
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i regret this. i regret this so much. take me back to 3 seconds ago, when i didn’t know the sach. 😐😐😐
yup. she broke him. like those cats when you put something on their foreheads and they just... 
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oh noooooooooo. ho gaya shuru nakuul ki ghatiya acting. i fully knew he’d be doing this in this scene and ruining it for me. goddddddd, why??? and how can he be good at CRYING (the toughest part of acting) and so bad at the voice modulation and dialogue. ouffffffff. 😑😑😑
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“aapki khushi ke liye main aapki kya, puri duniya ki nafrat seh sakti hoon.” “MERI KHUSHI TUMHARE SAATH HAI, ANIKA! MERI KHUSHI TUMHARE SAATH HAI! TUM JAANTI HO NA YEH???” 
... why is she telling him all this now though? in confidence that he’ll forget coz he’s high? but he’s the kind who remembers. he remembered after the #shiTia party. he didn’t really forget anything after the berries in the jungle either. soooooo...... 😕😕😕
oh boy. he’s fixating on the khoon now. 😶😶😶
bruh, why can’t you think of a positive? YOU GET ONE MORE OF YOUR FAVOURITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD: A BROTHER!!!!!! 😊😊😊
“sab ko pata tha. sivaiii mere. sab ko pata tha.” 
yuuuuuuuuup. 😐😐😐
oh wow, he’s now remembering the daimaa convo and things are clicking. see anika? still remembers things when high. your reveal strategy is so... weird and random. 😕😕😕
... aaaand his guilt has kicked in. this is a LOT of feelings for a man to handle SOBER, let alone high. 😬😬😬
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aw. he’s apologizing. siiiigh. this is the one time that SHE should be the one apologizing though. he wasn’t reaaaallly at fault. other than of being a hot headed asshole. but she knew that about him and used it and instigated him to the max. 😒😒😒
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... he fell asleep, didn’t he? 😒😒😒
..... yup. that some dank weed, bro. 
how did she carry him from the pool to the bed? please show us that!!!!!!!!!!! 😧😧😧 
is anika wonder woman in disguise? 🤔🤔🤔
at least cuddle with himmmm, girl. come onnnnnn. 😙😙😙
meanwhile idhar bulbul is in a crisis of her own. 😔😔😔
is bhavya even fucking listening???? all signs point to no. 😒😒😒
... you never really talked about anything though? i mean, not to defend him, but how would his misunderstandings magically disappearing without any clarification? 😕😕😕
i’m not really digging this bhavya’s new style of denim jackets over kurtas. i like the concept, but the jackets chosen are all so wrong and ill-fitting! 😫😫😫
except tia. she got a good one. tia + dobin 4eva! 💘💘💘
lmao wait whut... has jhanvi locked herself inside a cupboard???? 😐😐😐
lololol svetlana’s exasperation on having to put up with jhanvi’s crazy. 😂😂😂 imagine. svetlana is like 98% cray cray herself. even she can’t take this. 
has jhanvi just... moved to svetlana’s???? 
really om????? after what you said, you expect her to still be around here? you’re such a daft prick, is2g. 🙄🙄🙄
really? they can’t eat without their girls??????? 🤔🤔🤔
lmaooooooo svetlana and jhanvi are getting massages together. MAN I LOVE SVETLANA SHE SEEMS LIKE THE COOLEST FUCKING GIRLFRIEND TO HAVE. 😍😍😍
um... WAIT WHAT? 😧😧😧
oh pfffffffffffffft. 😑😑😑
today’s surety that this is a tejLana plan to drive J mad: 92% 
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time for bs alpha male posturing and pretending that all iz well. 🙄🙄🙄
great. he doesn’t remember. wants to do the whole drama again. ouff billllllllllllu. tangggggg aa gayi hoon main tumse. daffffaaaa ho. 😣😣😣
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